module two: identifying and releasing energetic...

Module Two: Identifying and Releasing Energetic Misalignments

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Module Two: Identifying and Releasing Energetic Misalignments

What Are “Energetic Misalignments?”

We manifest whatever aligns to our vibrational state of


When you are 100% aligned to your intention at the level of circumstance, action, thought and emotion, it manifests.

Never Argue With Reality!

If your intention hasn’t manifested, it’s because you are not yet vibrationally aligned to it

at one level or another!!!

You are already aligned to your intention at the level of your Soul, or Higher Self.

(We checked on this by asking about whether our intention was aligned to our highest path and purpose.)

Money Intuition helps us discern how to vibrationally align to our intention at the levels of circumstance, action, thought, and emotion, so that it manifests.

“Energetic misalignments” are the frequencies contained within our current vibrational state that need to be shifted so that our intention may manifest.

Please note: There is nothing “wrong” with you, ever.

In this module, we are examining energetic

misalignments to your intention at the level of thought and emotion.

Dowsing Charts

• Always read through a chart with attention and focus at least five times before you use it in your dowsing practice. The more familiar you are with a chart, the more effective it is.

• Make sure you understand the concepts contained within a chart … remember, we have to understand what we’re asking about!

Dowsing Charts

• Once you are familiar with the chart, you arrive at your answer by asking:

• “Is the answer contained in Column 1? Column 2? Column 3? Etc.” Continue until you receive a positive response.

• “Is the answer contained in Row 1? Row 2? Etc.” Continue until you receive a positive response.

Dowsing Charts

• You now have the correct column and row identified. Now you can dowse through each of the options within that box to find your answer!

• You may find that, as your dowsing practice deepends, you will create charts of your own! This is particularly helpful for topics you ask about frequently.

Dowsing Protocols for Energetic Misalignments at the Mental/Emotional Level

(Listen first, dowse later!)

Dowsing Questions• Are there any energetic misalignments to my

financial intention of [restate your intention] within my mental or emotional state?

• How many energetic misalignments are there for me to uncover and clear at this time so that I may manifest my financial intention? (Five maximum) Is there more than one? Is there two? Is there three? Etc.

Dowsing Questions

• For each misalignment:• What is the energetic statement of this

misalignment? (Use chart)• Is it held at the mental level? At the emotional

level?• Is it a belief? Is it a pattern? Is it a program?• At what chakra is it held?

Dowsing Question Cardinal Rule #1

Know what you are asking!

Definitions• Belief: Something you were told by

society, your parents, teachers, etc.• A conclusion you have come to based on

your personal experience. • Beliefs shape our reality – the Universe

cannot argue with our beliefs.

Definitions• Pattern: A habit of thought or emotion that

recurs. A pattern is repeated simply because it is your unconscious habit.

• Usually imitated from others.

Definitions• Program: A mechanism of thought or

emotion that has served you in the past as a coping or survival mechanism.

• Often created during childhood or under difficult circumstances when the program was beneficial.

Definitions• Chakras: Seven energy centers located within

your physical body.• Chakra #1 (Root)• Location: Base of spine• Tribal chakra, connection to society, family, and

the planet, governs primal survival instincts.

Definitions• Chakra #2 (Sacral)• Location: Sacrum, two inches below belly

button• Sexuality, money, building, creation and

manifesting at the level of physical matter.

Definitions• Chakra #3 (Ego)• Location: Solar plexus, at base of rib cage• Assertion of our will in this physical

lifetime, self-esteem, moving forward towards our goals, individuality.

Definitions• Chakra #4 (Heart)• Location: Center of sternum at heart-level.• Self-love, loving relationships, self-

acceptance, deservingness and connection with the Divine through Love.

Definitions• Chakra #5 (Throat)• Location: Larynx.• Communication, speech, listening, writing,

singing, authenticity and authentic self- expression, speaking and living our personal Truth.

Definitions• Chakra #6 (Third Eye)• Location: Center of forehead.• Knowing our Soul’s purpose and highest

path. Intuition and understanding of our Divine Truth. Intelligence and insight.

Definitions• Chakra #7 (Crown)• Location: Top of head.• Empowerment, availability of choice,

claiming of our right to free will, freedom, connection to Divine Power.

Dowsing Questions

• For each misalignment:• What is the energetic statement of this

misalignment?• Is it held at the mental level? At the emotional

level?• Is it a belief? Is it a pattern? Is it a program?• At what chakra is it held?

Example:• Are there any energetic misalignments to my

financial intention of [restate your intention] within my mental or emotional state? YES.

• How many energetic misalignments are there for me to uncover and clear at this time so that I may manifest my financial intention? Is there more than one? NO.

• Is there just one? YES.


• What is the energetic statement of this misalignment? Is it in Column 1? NO.

• Is it in Column 2? YES.• Is it in Row 1? NO. Is it in Row 2? NO. Is

it in Row 3? NO. Is it in Row 4? NO. Is it in Row 5? YES.


• Is it “Waste not, want not?” NO.• Is it “What you have, hold?” YES.• Is it held at the mental level? NO.• At the emotional level? YES.• Is it held at chakra #1? YES.

Example:• The first energetic misalignment to the financial

statement is “What you have, hold”, at the first chakra emotional level.

• Interpretation: This person may cling to concepts of security, may be reluctant to let go of objects from the past that link to family or social history, may feel that keeping money in the bank is necessary for survival.


• “What you have, hold” is a concept of lack. Without releasing the old, nothing new can manifest itself. Money may be sufficient, but stagnant.

• This person may be well-served to purge objects from the past and/or allow himself to spend money that’s been held for a “rainy day.”

Your personal interpretation is

always subjective and correct!

Your Higher Self is assisting you … it is not interested in giving you riddles,

puzzles, or misleading you.

You will recognize what you discover.


• We don’t need to know “why” or “how” these energetic misalignments were created.

• The mind will want to analyze … it’s not necessary.

• What IS necessary is taking ownership of what’s misaligned as OUR creation of our experience.


• Request spiritual assistance to clear and realign patterns.

• Take an action that embodies the clearing of the misalignment.

• Let it go ... You’ll find that you don’t remember what you’ve effectively “cleared.”

Clearing Request“Creator of All Beings, Divine Angels and Archangels, my

team of Spirit Guides and my Higher Self …Please clear within my vibrational state of Being the

[belief/pattern/program] of [state it] held at the [mental/emotional] level of the [name it] chakra. Realign this energetic misalignment to my financial intention of [state it] so that it may manifest itself into my experience.

And so it is, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Clearing Action

• Take an action that literally signifies the clearing of the misalignment.

• Example “What you have, hold.”• Action: Let go of money by investing or

spending, or let go of something that’s been kept as a “security.”

Clearing Action• This action is again, entirely subjective.• There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do this …

what matters is your intent.• This action WILL make you feel at least slightly

uncomfortable and will be something NEW and different from your regular routine.

• New action creates a new vibrational state and attracts new results.

Do not clear more than five misalignments in one week!

This is a highly powerful way of shifting energy. It is important,

and may create new results quickly. However, it is often only

the beginning of our work.

What To Expect• Once you’ve identified, cleared and taken action

on the energetic misalignment, you may experience some dissonance.

• Your current circumstances are a perfect reflection of your vibrational state. You’ve now changed your vibrational state.

• Therefore, you’re at energetic odds with your circumstances.

What To Expect• You may find yourself physically or emotionally

uncomfortable.• You may experience an inflow of new creativity

and ideas.• You may experience some relationship hiccups

as the people in your life adjust to your new state.

• You may experience nothing … that’s okay, too.

What To Expect

• All of this simply means the clearing is working.

• New results are just around the corner!• You may want to run new ideas through

the exercises from Module 1.

Money Intuition

Take action on the answers you
