module information for international exchange students ... · 01-64 -0002-vl econometrics prof. dr....

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 1 Module Information for International Exchange Students – Department of Law and Economics In this document you will find detailed information on the modules and courses offered to international exchange students by the Department of Law and Economics of Technische Universität Darmstadt during the summer semester 2018. Exchange students are enrolled in one of the following study programmes in the Department of Law and Economics: Business and Economics Industrial Engineering Information Management Please keep the following information in mind: International exchange students can choose from all modules and courses which can be found on the attached list. Furthermore, they can attend courses in other departments of Technische Universität Darmstadt in the field of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Humanities. Exchange students receive a specified number of credit points for successfully completed modules that can be transferred back to their home university. One credit point (CP) at Technische Universität Darmstadt equals one ECTS credit point (1 CP = 1 ECTS). Most of the courses in the Department of Law and Economics are taught in German. However, a limited number of courses are offered in English. Please see the attached list for more details on the teaching language (E = English, G = German). In case of obligations at the home university, international exchange students are allowed to arrange special examination dates for the modules on the attached list. Please consult the Advisor for International Affairs of the Department of Law and Economics Ms. Svea Hensel to apply for special exam arrangements, e.g. oral exams in English language. Contact: Ms. Svea Hensel Advisor for International Affairs Department of Law and Economics Building S1|03 Room 86 Hochschulstraße 1 64289 Darmstadt Tel.: +49 (0) 6151-16 575 95 Fax: +49 (0) 6151-16 575 85 E-Mail: [email protected]

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Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 1

Module Information for International Exchange Students – Department of Law and Economics

In this document you will find detailed information on the modules and courses offered to international exchange students by the Department of Law and Economics of Technische Universität Darmstadt during the summer semester 2018.

Exchange students are enrolled in one of the following study programmes in the Department of Law and Economics:

Business and Economics Industrial Engineering Information Management

Please keep the following information in mind:

International exchange students can choose from all modules and courses which can be found on the attached list. Furthermore, they can attend courses in other departments of Technische Universität Darmstadt in the field of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Humanities.

Exchange students receive a specified number of credit points for successfully completed modules that can be transferred back to their home university. One credit point (CP) at Technische Universität Darmstadt equals one ECTS credit point (1 CP = 1 ECTS).

Most of the courses in the Department of Law and Economics are taught in German. However, a limited number of courses are offered in English. Please see the attached list for more details on the teaching language (E = English, G = German).

In case of obligations at the home university, international exchange students are allowed to arrange special examination dates for the modules on the attached list. Please consult the Advisor for International Affairs of the Department of Law and Economics Ms. Svea Hensel to apply for special exam arrangements, e.g. oral exams in English language.

Contact: Ms. Svea Hensel Advisor for International Affairs Department of Law and Economics Building S1|03 Room 86 Hochschulstraße 1 64289 Darmstadt Tel.: +49 (0) 6151-16 575 95 Fax: +49 (0) 6151-16 575 85 E-Mail: [email protected]

Modules for International Exchange Students SoSe 2018

vl = Lecture, ue = Practical Course, vu = Lecture and Practice

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 2

Modul-nummer Module Number

Modulname Module Name


Studienniveau Academic Level

Lehrveranstaltungs-nummer Course Number

Name der Lehrveranstaltung Course Title

Dozent_in Lecturer

Sprache Language G=German E=English

01-11-2U01 Production and Supply Chain Management

6 Bachelor 01-11-0002-ue

Production and Supply Chain Management

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Glock G

01-11-0002-vl Production and Supply Chain Management

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Glock G

01-12-2U01 Management 5 Bachelor 01-12-0001-vl Management Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert G

01-14-2U03 Cost Accounting 5 Bachelor 01-14-0002-vl Cost Accounting Prof. Dr. Anette von Ahsen G

01-15-2U01 IT Project Management 5 Bachelor 01-15-0003-vl IT Project Management Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Buxmann


01-17-2U02 Marketing 5 Bachelor 01-17-0002-vl Marketing Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Stock-Homburg


01-19-2U02 Introduction to Project Management 5 Bachelor 01-19-5100-vu Introduction to Project Management Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Pfnür G

01-20-2U02 Electronic Commerce 6 Bachelor 01-20-5101-ue Electronic Commerce

Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian


01-20-5101-vl Electronic Commerce Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian


01-41-2U01 Basic Principles of Patent and Copyright Law

5 Bachelor 01-41-0002-vl Basic Principles of Patent and Copyright Law

Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly G

01-62-1U01 Microeconomics I 6 Bachelor 01-62-0003-vl Microeconomics I Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch E

01-62-0003-ue Microeconomics I Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch E

01-62-2U02 International Economics 5 Bachelor 01-62-0001-vl International Economics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch G

01-63-2U01 Economic and Financial Policy 5 Bachelor 01-63-0002-vl Economic and Financial Policy Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart


01-64-2U01 Statistics II 6 Bachelor 01-64-0001-ue Statistics II Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger G

01-64-0001-vl Statistics II Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger G

01-64-2U02 Econometrics 6 Bachelor 01-64-0002-ue Econometrics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger G

01-64-0002-vl Econometrics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger G

01-12-2G03 Logistic and Transport Management in Practice

5 Master 01-12-0M01-vu

Logistic and Transport Management in Practice

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert G

01-12-0M02-ue Logistic and Transport Management in Practice

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert G

Modul-nummer Module Number

Modulname Module Name


Studien-niveau Academic Level

Lehrveranstaltungs-nummer Course number

Name der Lehrveranstaltung Course Title

Dozent_in Lecturer

Sprache Language G=German E=English

vl = Lecture, ue = Practical Course, vu = Lecture and Practice Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 3

01-12-2G05 Intermodal Transport Service 5 Master 01-12-2M03-vl Intermodal Transport Service Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert G

01-13-2G01 Model Building and Analysis 5 Master 01-13-0006-vl Model Building and Analysis Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Simon Emde G

01-14-2G07 Financial Statements Analysis and Financial Control

5 Master 01-14-0004-vl Financial Statements Analysis and Financial Control

Dr. Jörg Mayer G

01-16-2G04 Corporate Finance III (Mergers, Acquisitions and Empirical Research)

5 Master 01-16-0005-vl Corporate Finance III (Mergers, Acquisitions and Empirical Research)

Dr. Sascha Kolaric, Dr. Florian Kiesel


01-17-2G03 Innovation and Marketing Management 5 Master 01-17-0007-vl

Innovation and Marketing Management

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Stock-Homburg E

01-17-2G04 Organizing Human Resource Management

5 Master 01-17-0008-vl Organizing Human Resource Management

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Stock-Homburg


01-18-2G03 Enterprise-/Process Modelling 6 Master 01-18-5100-ue Enterprise-/Process Modelling

Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian G

01-18-5100-vl Enterprise-/Process Modelling Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian G

01-18-2G04 Enterprise Architecture Management 6 Master 01-18-6100-ue Enterprise Architecture Management

Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian G

01-18-6100-vl Enterprise Architecture Management Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian G

01-19-2G06 Project Management II 5 Master 01-19-0003-vl Project Management II Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock G

01-19-2G05 Project Finance 5 Master 01-19-0004-vl Project Finance Dr. Hans-Georg Napp G

01-19-2G03 Real Estate Management II 5 Master 01-19-0006-vl Real Estate Management II Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Pfnür G

01-19-2G04 Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

5 Master 01-19-0009-vl Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

Dr. Bettina Hornung E

01-20-2G02 Social Network Analysis 5 Master 01-20-6101-vl Social Network Analysis Dr. Nadine Ostern G

01-22-2G02 Technology Management 5 Master 01-22-2M03-vl Technology Management Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock E

01-22-2G03 Innovative Behaviour – The Human Side of Innovation

5 Master 01-22-2M04-vl Innovative Behaviour – The Human Side of Innovation

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock G

01-25-2G02 Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers

5 Master 01-25-2M01-vl Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange E

01-27-2G02 Entrepreneurial Finance 5 Master 01-27-1M01-vl Entrepreneurial Finance Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carolin Bock E

Modul-nummer Module Number

Modulname Module Name


Studien-niveau Academic Level

Lehrveranstaltungs-nummer Course number

Name der Lehrveranstaltung Course Title

Dozent_in Lecturer

Sprache Language G=German E=English

vl = Lecture, ue = Practical Course, vu = Lecture and Practice Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 4

01-44-2G02 European Law 6 Master 01-44-0003-ue European Law Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid G

01-44-0003-vl European Law Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid G

01-62-2G03 Urban Economics 5 Master 01-62-0006-vl Urban Economics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch G

01-62-2G04 Entrepreneurship 5 Master 01-62-0007-vl Entrepreneurship Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch E

01-63-2G03 Social Policy 5 Master 01-63-2M01-vl Social Policy Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart


01-63-2G04 Political Economics 5 Master 01-63-2M02-vl Political Economics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart


Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 5

Bachelor Level

Production and Supply Chain Management ....................................................................... 7

Management ..................................................................................................................... 8

Cost Accounting ................................................................................................................ 9

IT Project Management ....................................................................................................10

Marketing ........................................................................................................................11

Introduction to Project Management ................................................................................12

Electronic Commerce .......................................................................................................13

Basic Principles of Patent and Copyright Law ...................................................................14

Microeconomics I .............................................................................................................15

International Economics ...................................................................................................16

Economic and Financial Policy .........................................................................................17

Statistics II .......................................................................................................................19

Econometrics ...................................................................................................................20

Master Level

Logistic and Transport Management in Practice ...............................................................21

Intermodal Transport Service ...........................................................................................22

Model Building and Analysis ............................................................................................23

Financial Statements Analysis and Financial Control ........................................................24

Corporate Finance III (Mergers, Acquisitions and Empirical Research) .............................25

Innovation and Marketing Management ...........................................................................26

Organizing Human Resource Management .......................................................................27

Enterprise-/Process Modelling ..........................................................................................28

Enterprise Architecture Management ...............................................................................29

Real Estate Management II ...............................................................................................30

Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation ................................................31

Project Finance ................................................................................................................32

Project Management II .....................................................................................................33

Social Network Analysis ...................................................................................................34

Technology Management .................................................................................................35

Innovative Behaviour – The Human Side of Innovation ....................................................36

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 6

Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers .............................................................37

Entrepreneurial Finance ...................................................................................................38

European Law ..................................................................................................................39

Urban Economics .............................................................................................................40

Entrepreneurship .............................................................................................................41

Social Policy .....................................................................................................................42

Political Economics ..........................................................................................................43

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 7

Bachelor Level

Module Title Production and Supply Chain Management

Module No. 01-11-2U01

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Glock

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-11-0002-ue Production and Supply Chain Management Practical course 1 01-11-0002-vl Production and Supply Chain Management Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Introduction (basics, production and supply chain types, modelling, planning), • Strategic and tactical planning (planning concepts, design of production systems and supply

chains), • Mid-term operational planning (forecasting, aggregate production planning, master planning), • Short-term operational planning (material requirements planning, lot-sizing, job release and

scheduling, inventory management)

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Domschke, W., Drexl, A.: Einführung in Operations Research. • Domschke et al.: Übungen und Fallbeispiele zum Operations Research • Domschke, W., Scholl, A.: Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre • Domschke, W., Scholl, A., Voss, S.: Produktionsplanung: Ablauforganisatorische Aspekte • Dyckhoff, H.: Grundzüge der Produktionswirtschaft. Einführung in die Theorie betrieblicher

Wertschöpfung • Dyckhoff, H., Spengler, T.: Produktionswirtschaft: Eine Einführung für Wirtschaftsingenieure • Günther, H.-O., Tempelmeier, H.: Produktion und Logistik • Hansmann, K.-W.: Industrielles Management • Kistner, K.-P., Steven, M.: Betriebswirtschaftslehre im Grundstudium 1 • Schneeweiß, C.: Einführung in die Produktionswirtschaft • Stadtler, H., Kilger, C.: Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning • Tempelmeier, H.: Material-Logistik • Zäpfel, G.: Grundzüge des Produktions- und Logistikmanagements

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 8

Module Title Management

Module No. 01-12-2U01

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-12-0001-vl Management Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Students will be taught in the field of management. In addition, students will be taught in the usage of management instruments and methods. They will learn how to use the instruments in the broad field of business management. In marketing students will learn about basics, strategic basics, and perspectives of marketing. Furthermore, they will learn about the institutional perspective of Marketing.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hungenberg, H., Wulf, T.: Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung

Marketing: Compulsory reading:

• Homburg, Ch. (2012), Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements: Einführung in Strategie, In-strumente, Umsetzung und Unternehmensführung, 3. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Kap. 1, Abschnitt, Kap. 6

Further reading:

• Esch, F.-R., Herrmann, A., Sattler, H. (2011), Marketing: Eine managementorientierte Einfüh-rung, 3. Auflage, München. Homburg, Ch. (2012), Marketingmanagement: Strategie – Instrumente – Umsetzung – Unter-nehmensführung, 4. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

• Homburg, Ch. (2010), Übungsbuch Marketingmanagement, 1. Auflage, Wiesbaden. Homburg, Ch., Stock-Homburg, R. (2012), Der kundenorientierte Mitarbeiter, Bewerten, be-geistern, bewegen, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

• Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2011), Principles of Marketing, 14. Auflage, Upper Saddle River. Meffert, H., Bruhn, M. (2009), Dienstleistungsmarketing: Grundlagen – Konzepte – Methoden, 6. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 9

Module Title Cost Accounting

Module No. 01-14-2U03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 105 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer apl. Prof. Dr. Anette Ahsen

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-14-0002-vu Cost Accounting Lecture and practice 3

Teaching Contents • Fundamentals of cost accounting • Cost-type accounting • Cost-centre accounting • Cost-unit accounting • Operating income statement • Direct costing • Standard cost accounting • Breakeven analysis

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Coenenberg, A.G.: Kostenrechnung und Kostenanalyse • Schultz, V.: Basiswissen Rechnungswesen: Buchführung, Bilanzierung, Kostenrechnung • Däumler, K.D., Grabe, J.: Kostenrechnung 1: Grundlagen • Eisele, W.: Technik des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens: Buchführung und Bilanzierung,

Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Sonderbilanzen • Gabele, E., Fischer, P.: Kosten- und Erlösrechnung • Götzinger, M.K., Michael, H.: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung: eine Einführung • Quick, R., Wurl, H.-J.: Doppelte Buchführung

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 10

Module Title IT Project Management

Module No. 01-15-2U01

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Buxmann

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-15-0003-vl IT Project Management (Lecture) Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Definition of the terms Project and Management • Project Management: Tasks and Methods • Reference Models for IT Projects • Organization of IT Projects • Project Controlling • Reports from Practice • Project Portfolio Management in the context of Information Management • Realization of an IT project in a team of students in cooperation with enterprises

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Burghardt, M.: Einführung in Projektmanagement - Definition, Planung, Kontrolle, Abschluss • Fiedler, R.: Controlling von Projekten: Projektplanung, Projektsteuerung, Projektkontrolle • Kezsbom, D. S., Edward, K. A.: Dynamic Project Management • Klose, B.: Projektabwicklung • Litke, H.-D.: Projektmanagement: Methoden, Techniken, Verhaltensweisen • Patzak von, G., Rattay, G.: Projektmanagement Project Management Institute: An Introduction

to the Project Management Body of Knowledge • Rinza, P.: Projektmanagement - Planung, Überwachung und Steuerung von technischen und

nichttechnischen Vorhaben • Steinbuch von, P. A.: Projektorganisation und Projektmanagement • Wisocky, R., Beck, R., Crane, D.: Effective Project Management

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 11

Module Title Marketing

Module No. 01-17-2U02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicolas Andy Zacharias

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-17-0002-vl Marketing Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Students will be taught in the field of management. In addition, students will be taught in the usage of management instruments and methods. They will learn how to use the instruments in the broad field of business management. In marketing students will learn about basics, strategic basics, and perspectives of marketing. Furthermore, they will learn about the institutional perspective of marketing.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Homburg, Ch. (2012), Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements: Einführung in Strategie, In-

strumente, Umsetzung und Unternehmensführung, 3. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Kapitel. 1, Abschnitt, Kap. 6 - 14.

• Esch, F.-R., Herrmann, A., Sattler, H. (2011), Marketing: Eine managementorientierte Einfüh-rung, 3. Auflage, München.

• Homburg, Ch. (2012), Marketingmanagement: Strategie – Instrumente – Umsetzung – Unter-nehmensführung, 4. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

• Homburg, Ch. (2010), Übungsbuch Marketingmanagement, 1. Auflage, Wiesbaden. • Homburg, Ch., Stock-Homburg, R. (2012), Der kundenorientierte Mitarbeiter, Bewerten, be-

geistern, bewegen, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden. • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2011), Principles of Marketing, 14. Auflage, Upper Saddle River. • Meffert, H., Bruhn, M. (2009), Dienstleistungsmarketing: Grundlagen – Konzepte – Methoden,

6. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 12

Module Title Introduction to Project Management

Module No. 01-19-2U02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Pfnür

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-19-5100-vu Introduction to Project Management

Lecture and practice 2

Teaching Contents • Conceptual fundamentals • Project organization • Project structure planning • Volume and cost estimation • Time, cost and capacity planning • Project monitoring/controlling • Project risk management

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Burghardt, M. (2008): Projektmanagement. Leitfaden für die Planung, Überwachung und Steu-

erung von Projekten (8., überarb. und erw. Aufl.). Erlangen: Publicis Corp. Publ. • Kerzner, H. (2006): Project Management - A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and

Controlling (9. Aufl.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. • Madaus, B. (2000): Handbuch Projektmanagement (6., überarb. und erw. Aufl.). Stuttgart:


Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 13

Module Title Electronic Commerce

Module No. 01-20-2U02

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-20-5101-ue Electronic Commerce Practical course


01-20-5101-vl Electronic Commerce Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Technical and economic foundations of digital products and services, value chain for digital products, digitization and digital transformation strategies, revenue models and conversion funnel optimization for digital business models, personalization and recommender systems, social networks/user-generated content, search engine optimization and search engine marketing, disruptive technologies

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hanson, W.; Kalyanam, K.: Internet Marketing and E-Commerce, Thomson Learning,3. Ed.,

Stamford (Conn.). • Shapiro, C.; Varian, H. R.: Information Rules. Harvard Business School Press. • Laudon, K. C.; Traver, C. G. (2004): E-Commerce: Business. Technology. Society. Prentice Hall,

Boston, 2004 • Dellarocas, C. (2003): The Digitization of Word of Mouth: Promise and Challenges of Online

Feedback Mechanisms. Management Science, 49 (10), 1407-1424. • Berg, J.; Dickhaut, J.; McCabe K. (1995): Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History. Games and

Economic Behavior, 10 (1), 122-142. • Hendershott, T.: Electronic Trading in Financial Markets. • Skiera, B.; Spann, M.; Walz, U. (2005): Erlösquellen und Preismodelle für den Business-to-

Consumer Bereich im Internet. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47, 285-294. • Hinz, O.; Eckert, J.; Skiera, B.: Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon: An Empirical Analysis.

Journal of Management Information Systems, forthcoming.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 14

Module Title Basic Principles of Patent and Copyright Law

Module No. 01-41-2U01

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-41-0002-vl Basic Principles of Patent and Copyright Law

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Introduction • Overview on the Intellectual Property Rights • Literature • General Right of Privacy • “The right of the own picture” • Protection of the Name • The work of the author • The author • The Content of the Copyright I + II • Limitations of the Copyright Law • Marketing companies • The Copyright Law in legal matters • Publishing contracts • International Copyright Law • Theory of the Industrial Property Rights • Object of protection and provisions of protection of a patent • The inventor • The creation of a patent • Content and limitations of a patent • Infringements of right

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 15

Module Title Microeconomics I

Module No. 01-62-1U01

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-62-0003-ue Microeconomics I Practical course


01-62-0003-vl Microeconomics I Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Consumer behaviour: utility maximization • Firm behaviour: profit maximization • Market equilibrium • Externalities • Public goods • Other forms of market intervention

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Varian, H.: Grundzüge der Mikroökonomie • Pindyck, R. S., Rubinfeld, D. L.: Mikroökonomie • Mankiw, N. G.: Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 16

Module Title International Economics

Module No. 01-62-2U02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-62-0001-vl International Economics Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Balance of payments • Determinants of exchange rates • Exchange rates in the open economy • Exchange rate regimes • Theory of optimum currency areas • Theories of international trade (Ricardo model, Heckscher-Ohlin model) • Trade policy

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of economics • Microeconomics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. (2011): Internationale Wirtschaft. München: Pearson.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 17

Module Title Economic and Financial Policy

Module No. 01-63-2U01

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-63-0002-vl Economic and Financial Policy Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Objectives of taxation (the German tax system in international comparison, normative criteria of taxation), Transfers (social welfare, child allowances, housing allowances, negative income tax), Subsidies (design, extent and structure of subsidies, welfare effects on the example of import equalization levy in Europe, strategies for subsidy reduction), Stabilization policy (basics, stabilization policy as a state task), Public debt: the Maastricht criteria and coordinated macro policy at EU level, Theory of federalism (Tiebout (preference, subsidiarity), voting by foot), Ruinous tax competition (harmonization vs. tax competition, harmonization of indirect and direct taxes, impact of tax competition), Federalism reform: efficient state organization at several levels, perfect mapping, FJOC (task allocation, spillovers (positive and negative externalities), state-building in equilibrium, the EU as a loose association of states or a union?)

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of economics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Bäcker, Gerhard, et al. (2003): Sozialpolitik und soziale Lage in Deutschland, Regelsätze für die

Hilfe zum Lebensunterhalt nach Bundesländern in Euro, Juli 2003 bis Juni 2004, verfügbar:

• Bäcker, Gerhard, et al. (2000): Sozialpolitik und soziale Lage in Deutschland, Band 1 (3. Aufl.).Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

• Bäcker, Gerhard, et al. (2000): Sozialpolitik und soziale Lage in Deutschland, Bd. 2: Gesundheit und Gesundheitssystem: Familie, Alter, Soziale Dienste (3. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

• Bizer, Kilian; Sesselmeier, Werner (2003): Coordinated Macroeconomic Policy in the E(M)U?, Paper presented at the Irish Economic Association Seventeenth Annual Conference, Limerick, 25. –27. April 2003.

• Blanchard, Olivier; Illing, Gerhard (2004): Makroökonomie, Pearson Studium. München. • Blankart, C. B. (1996): "Braucht Europa mehr zentralstaatliche Koordination? Einige Bemer-

kungen zu Hans-Werner Sinn", in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 76. Jg., S. 87-91. • Boss, Alfred; Rosenschon, Astrid (2002): Subventionen in Deutschland: Quantifizierung und fi-

nanzpolitische Bewertung, Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge 392/393, August 2002. • Feld, Lars P. (2000): Steuerwettbewerb und seine Auswirkungen auf Allokation und Distributi-

on. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. • Frey, Bruno S. (1997): Ein neuer Förderalismus für Europa: Die Idee der FOCJ. Tübingen:

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 18

Mohr Siebeck. • Kaltenborn, Bruno et al (2003).: Arbeitsmarkteffekte eines Freibetrags bei den Sozialabgaben.

München, Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag. • Kaltenborn, Bruno (2003): Abgaben und Sozialtransfers in Deutschland. München, Mering:

Rainer Hampp Verlag. • Kaltenborn, Bruno (2001): Kombilöhne in Deutschland –Eine systematische Übersicht, IAB-

Werkstattbericht, Nr. 14. Nürnberg. • Lampert, Heinz; Althammer, Jörg (2001): Lehrbuch der Sozialpolitik. Berlin: Springer. • Neubäumer, R.; Sesselmeier, W. (2003): Arbeitsteilung zwischen der europäischen und der na-

tionalen Ebene, aus: Zukunftsprobleme der europäischen Wirtschaftsverfassung. Berlin: Dunck-er & Humblot.

• Sesselmeier, W. / Klopfleisch, R.; Setzer, M. (1996): Mehr Beschäftigung durch eine Negative Einkommensteuer. FfM: Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften.

• Sonderheft DIW, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 3/2003, Föderalismusreform aus ökonomischer Sicht.

• Tiebout (1956): A pure theory of local expenditures, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 64, No. 5, 416 –424.

• Tomann, H. (1997): Stabilitätspolitik. Springer. • Wellisch, Dietmar (1999): Finanzwissenschaft, Bd. 1: Rechtfertigung der Staatstätigkeit. Mün-

chen: Vahlen. • Wellisch, Dietmar (1999): Finanzwissenschaft, Bd. 2: Theorie der Besteuerung. München: Vah-

len. • Zameck, Walburga von (1996): Finanzwissenschaft: Grundlagen der Stabilisierungspolitik.

München. Oldenbourg.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 19

Module Title Statistics II

Module No. 01-64-2U01

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-64-0001-ue Statistics II Practical course


01-64-0001-vl Statistics II Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Index numbers • Seasonal adjustment • Multivariate statistics • Regression analysis • Analysis of variance • Factor analysis • Cluster analysis • Discriminant analysis

Admission Requirements (recommended) Mathematics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Bamberg, G., Baur, F., Krapp, M.: Statistik • Fahrmeir L. et al.: Statistik: Der Weg zur Datenanalyse • Handl, A.: Multivariate Analysemethoden

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 20

Module Title Econometrics

Module No. 01-64-2U02

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Bachelor

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jens Krüger

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-64-0002-ue Econometrics Practical course


01-64-0002-vl Econometrics Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Multiple linear regression, Assumptions, Least-squares estimation (OLS), Properties of the estimator, Hypothesis tests, Model specification and specification testing with empirical applications, Outlier diagnosis, Testing for a structural break, Multicollinearity, Generalized least-squares estimation (GLS), Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation, Introduction to time series analysis (stationary stochastic processes, unit roots, cointegration), Introduction to microeconometrics (maximum-likelihood estimation, logit/probit models, Poisson regression)

Admission Requirements (recommended) Statistics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Greene, W.H.: Econometric Analysis • Heij, C. et al.: Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 21

Master Level

Module Title Logistic and Transport Management in Practice

Module No. 01-12-2G03

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week


Logistic and Transport Management in Practice

Lecture and practice 2


Tutorial Logistics and Transportation Manager

Practical course 2

Teaching Contents The courses are held by business representatives who give students insights into the practical problems of logistics and transport. The courses are accompanied by a case study in which students develop solutions to current issues in practice.

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Management • Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Pfohl, H.-Chr.: Logistiksysteme. Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen. 8., neu bearbeitete und

aktualisierte Auflage. Berlin u.a.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 22

Module Title Intermodal Transport Service

Module No. 01-12-2G05

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Elbert

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week


Intermodal Transport Service Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Provision of basic transport and logistics systems solving skills to logistical problems and issues. At the macro level, the edges and nodes of the considered systems are presented. Following this introduction, the traffic carried by road, rail, water and air are considered systematically in terms of their specific characteristics and requirements. Additionally, transshipment concepts as well as various loading units are presented. In addition to the types of networks nodes in macro logistic systems, operational concepts and business models, services as well as strategies of the actors involved are analyzed. Intermodal transport and intercontinental networks are presented and reinforced against the background of current and future challenges. Guest lectures by leading business representatives involved in international transport chains procure the practical relevance of the topic. A case study provides an in-depth insight into transportation management and complements the theoretical knowledge.

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of business administration • Management • Operations research

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Pfohl, H.-Chr.: Logistiksysteme. Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen. 8., neu bearbeitete und ak-

tualisierte Auflage. Berlin u.a. 2009. • Aberle, G.: Transportwirtschaft: Einzelwirtschaftliche und gesamtwirtschaftliche Grundlagen.

5., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. München, 2009.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 23

Module Title Model Building and Analysis

Module No. 01-13-2G01

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summersemester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Dr. rer. pol. Gabriela Mayer

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-13-0006-vl Model Building and Analysis Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Basics of planning • Model-based planning • Problem recognition and target formation • Identification of alternatives • Prediction, benchmarking techniques

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Statistics • Econometrics • Operations research (Simplex-Algorithm)

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Davidson, R., MacKinnon, J.G.: Econometric Theory and Methods • Klein, R., Scholl, A.: Planung und Entscheidung

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 24

Module Title Financial Statements Analysis and Financial Control

Module No. 01-14-2G07

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Reiner Quick

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-14-0004-vl Financial Statements Analysis

and Financial Control Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • The annual financial statements as database for statement analysis • Adaption of the balance sheet • Analysis of the financial situation and profitability • Performance measurement systems (part “Bilanzanalyse”) • Fundamentals • Harvard Balanced Scorecard • Key success factor-oriented Balanced Scorecard • Balanced Scorecard and risk management • Value based management • Corporate management (part “Bilanzcontrolling”)

Admission Requirements (recommended) Financial accounting

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Küting, K., Weber, C.-P.: Die Bilanzanalyse • Baetge, J., Kirsch, H.-J., Thiele, S.: Bilanzanalyse • Reichmann, T.: Controlling mit Kennzahlen und Managementberichten • Horvat, P.: Controlling • Kaplan, R., Norton, D.: Balanced Scorecard • Gladen, W.: Performance Measurement

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 25

Module Title Corporate Finance III (Mergers, Acquisitions and Empirical Research)

Module No. 01-16-2G04

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Schiereck

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-16-0005-vl Corporate Finance III (Mergers, Acquisitions and Empirical Research)

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents In this lecture, the interplay of strategic management decisions, corporate finance, and corporate governance is demonstrated from two aspects in terms of content, namely, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and capital structures. In terms of empirical methodology, the standard event study is ex-plained by different examples. In the first part, M&As are illustrated from the perspective of market for corporate control, which starts with an analysis of takeover motives, extended by the valuation meth-ods used for corporate appraisals, and ending with the discussion of different finance and governance structures in M&As. In the second part, on the premises of an efficient market, the event study meth-odology is exhibited in different forms, which is the most widely used method for assessing the success of M&As. In the third part, a discussion of corporate capital structures in consideration of taxes, insol-vency costs, and incentive problems extends the Bachelor lecture Investment and Finance (I&F) in var-ious ways.

Learning Targets During the lecture, students can gain institutional, methodological, theoretical, and empirical insights into one of the most important fields of corporate finance.

• Institutionally, students learn about key market participants and market structure metrics for global M&As;

• Methodologically, students learn company evaluation procedures and their practical applica-tions, as well as the event study methodology for empirical corporate finance;

• Theoretically, students learn the knowledge of market for corporate control, which is classified into basic approaches of economic theory (in particular the information-economic theory) with the status quo of empirical research.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Basics in corporate finance

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Berk, DeMarzo: Corporate Finance

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 26

Module Title Innovation and Marketing Management

Module No. 01-17-2G03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Every 2. semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Stock-Homburg

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-17-0007-vl Innovation and Marketing Management

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Fundamentals and differences of B2B- and B2C-marketing • Relevance and foundations of innovation management • Customer-oriented innovation management process • Customer-oriented design elements of innovation management • Pricing • Sales

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 27

Module Title Organizing Human Resource Management

Module No. 01-17-2G04

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Stock-Homburg

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-17-0008-vl Organizing Human Resource Management

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Closer perspective on employee flow systems (personnel planning, recruiting, development and

lay-off) • Closer perspective on reward systems (personnel appraisal, compensation), new challenges for

HR management

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of business administration • Marketing • Human resources management

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only exchange programme Reading

• Stock-Homburg, Ruth (2013): Personalmanagement: Theorien – Konzepte – Instrumente, Wiesbaden, 3. Auflage

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 28

Module Title Enterprise-/Process Modelling

Module No. 01-18-2G03

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 135 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-18-5100-ue Enterprise-/Process Modelling

Practical course 1

01-18-5100-vl Enterprise-/Process Modelling

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Analysis and design of intra- and intercompany business processes • Service-oriented architectures and software as a service • Modelling as a method of describing information systems • Modelling of processes in general as well as business processes • Object oriented modelling techniques • Evaluating the quality of models

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Buxmann, P., Diefenbach, H., Hess, Th.: Die Softwareindustrie: Ökonomische Prinzipien, Stra-

tegien, Perspektiven • Mertens, P. et al.: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik • Stahlknecht, P., Hasenkamp, U.: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 29

Module Title Enterprise Architecture Management

Module No. 01-18-2G04

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-18-6100-ue Enterprise Architecture

Management Practical course 2

01-18-6100-vl Enterprise Architecture Management

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Definition and models of enterprise architecture management • Modelling enterprise architectures • Management of enterprise architectures • Management of IT infrastructures and technology • Assessment and governance of enterprise architectures • Strategic applications of enterprise architecture management • Operational applications of enterprise architecture management

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Introduction to information systems • Enterprise-/process modelling

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Buxmann, P., Diefenbach, H., Hess, T.: Die Softwareindustrie. Ökonomische Prinzipien, Strate-

gien, Perspektiven • Buxmann, P.: Informationsmanagement in vernetzten Unternehmen • Buxmann, P., Miklitz, T.: IT-Standardisierung und -Integration bei M&A-Projekten • Krcmar, H.: Informationsmanagement • Voß, S., Gutenschwager, K.: Informationsmanagement • Wollnik, M. "Ein Referenzmodell des Informationsmanagements“, Information Management

(3:3), 1988, S. 34-43 Unternehmensarchitektur-Management ] • Keller, W.: IT-Unternehmensarchitektur: Von der Geschäftsstrategie zur optimalen IT-

Unterstützung, dpunkt.verlag • Hanschke, I.: Enterprise Architecture Management: Einfach und effektiv – Ein praktischer Leit-

faden für die Einführung von EAM, Hanser Verlag • Hanschke, I.: Strategisches Management der IT-Landschaft: Ein praktischer Leitfaden für das

Enterprise Architecture Management, Hanser Verlag • Schmidt, C. : Management komplexer IT-Architekturen: Empirische Analyse am Beispiel der in-

ternationalen Finanzindustrie, Gabler

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 30

Module Title Real Estate Management II

Module No. 01-19-2G03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruc-tion German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Pfnür

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-19-0006-vl Real Estate Management II

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Real Estate Development • Real Estate Investment • Real Estate Finance and Capital Markets

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Pfnür, A.: Modernes Immobilienmanagement • Pfnür, A.: Betriebliche Immobilienökonomie

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 31

Module Title Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

Module No. 01-19-2G04

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Dr. Bettina Hornung

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-19-0009-vl Project Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Risk management • Quality management • Stakeholder management • Communication management • Scope management • Requirements engineering • Configuration management

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of business administration • Successful participation in a seminar in business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 32

Module Title Project Finance

Module No. 01-19-2G05

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Dr. Hans-Georg Napp

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-19-0004-vl Project Finance Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Public Private Partnerships • Investment and financing • Project financing • Traffic infrastructure

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of business administration • Successful participation in a seminar in business administration

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Weber, Alfen, Maser: Projektfinanzierung und PPP – Praktische Anleitung für PPP und andere

Projektfinanzierungen • Wolf, Hill, Pfaue: Strukturierte Finanzierungen: Projektfinanzierung. Buy-out-Finanzierung. As-

set-Backed-Strukturen • Riebeling: Eigenkapitalbeteiligungen an projektfinanzierten PPP-Projekten im deutschen Hoch-

bau – Perspektiven von Finanzintermediären • Pfnür, Schetter, Schöbener: Risikomanagement bei Public Private Partnerships

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 33

Module Title Project Management II

Module No. 01-19-2G06

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-19-0003-vl Project Management II Lecture 2

Teaching Contents With increasing projectification of businesses not only the management of single projects gains importance. Even more the holistic management of project landscapes (programmes and project portfolios) becomes a key competence. Strategic Project Management creates the conditions for a successful individual project management by introduction of structures and processes for selection, orientation, design, control and adjustment of projects in a portfolio. Important topics within this lecture are the project-oriented enterprise and the portfolio process (structuring, resource management, control, value capturing). Besides, important roles in multiproject management and the function of project management offices are discussed.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration I & II recommended

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Klein/Scholl (2004): Planung und Entscheidung, Vahlen, München. • Laux (2007): Entscheidungstheorie, 7., überarb. und erw. Aufl., Springer, Berlin [u.a.]. • Eisenführ et al. (2010): Rationales Entscheiden, 5., überarb. und erw. Aufl., Springer, Berlin


Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 34

Module Title Social Network Analysis

Module No. 01-20-2G02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Buxmann

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week 01-20-6101-vl Social Network Analysis Lecture 2

Teaching Contents The objective is to provide a selective primer on social network theory in the area of management information systems. Social network research is somewhat unique in that it asks questions not only about characteristics of people or organizations, or even about characteristics of relations among people or organizations, but about the pattern or structure of these relations. That requires both different theories and different research methods. Therefore this course is a hybrid of concepts and methods. For the theoretical concepts and mechanisms, we will draw mostly on literature in economics, information systems research, sociology and organization research since this is where much of the theory and best research has originated. For the methods, we will draw on literature in computer science and graph theory and focus on basic quantitative tools and use freeware/shareware software tools for simple data analysis problems, e. g. analyzing friendship networks based on data similar to Facebook data.

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Electronic markets • Economics I

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Scott, J.: Social Network Analysis: A Handbook, 2nd ed. London, U.K.: Sage. • Marsden, P. V. (1990): Network Data and Measurement. Annual Review of Sociology 16, 435-

463. • Granovetter, M. S. (1985): Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embed-

dedness. American Journal of Sociology 91, 481-510. • Granovetter, M.S. (1973): The Strength of Weak Ties. American Journal of Sociology 78, 1360-

1380. • Molitor, D.; Hinz, O.; Wegmann: The Interplay between Psychometric and Sociometric Data

and the Willingness to Adopt New Products. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), forthcom-ing.

• Hinz, O.; Spann, M.(2008): The Impact of Information Diffusion on Bidding Behavior in Secret Reserve Price Auctions. Information Systems Research, 19 (3), 351-368.

• Hinz, O.; Spann, M. (2010): Managing Information Diffusion in Name-Your-Own-Price Auc-tions, Decision Support Systems.49 (4), 474-485.

• Turban, E.; Aronson, J.E.; Liang, T.-P.; Sharda, R.: Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.

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Module Title Technology Management

Module No. 01-22-2G02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-22-2M03-vl Technology Management

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents Technology is a substantial driver for innovation and therefore it is a potential source of competitive advantage. In times of converging technologies, shorter life cycles of technology and increasing internationalization of research and development, Technology Management – the systematic early identification, development and utilization of technologies – becomes highly important. After decades of “independent” research and development with generous budgets, but without efficiency control, a smooth integration of research and development into the corporate strategy is nowadays indispensable. Based on these requirements, some of the most important theories and tools of Technology Management are introduced and explained in this lecture. It covers the topics technology life cycle, technology trend analysis, technology portfolios and technology foresight, technology roadmaps, scenario analysis, as well as protection, utilization and transfer of technological knowledge.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hauschildt, J. & Salomo, S. (2011): Innovationsmanagement, 5. Aufl. Vahlen Verlag. • Tidd/Bessant (2013): Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organiza-

tional Change.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 36

Module Title Innovative Behaviour – The Human Side of Innovation

Module No. 01-22-2G03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-22-2M04-vl Innovative Behaviour – The Human Side of Innovation

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents This lecture covers informal and individual aspects of innovation. The overcoming of innovation barriers and the implementation of innovations in a business or a market requires creativity and strong commitment of individual persons. Especially informal factors of the corporate culture, collaboration and leadership are of great importance aside from formal structures and processes. Therefore, in the class the nature of innovation initiatives as well as barriers are fathomed and different role models of innovators (promotors, champions, boundary spanners, etc.) are introduced. Furthermore, organizational and management related vectors on individual creativity are covered, which are of great importance, especially in early innovation stages. Finally, the cooperation of cross-functional innovation teams will be focussed.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Principles of business administration I & II recommended

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hauschildt, J. & Salomo, S. (2011): Innovationsmanagement, 5. Aufl. Vahlen Verlag. • Tidd/Bessant (2013): Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organiza-

tional Change.

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Module Title Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers

Module No. 01-25-2G02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-25-2M01-vl Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers

Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Service management • Strategic positioning • Growth strategies • Internationalization • Tasks in supply chain management • Supplier selection • Alliance management (vertical & horizontal) • Innovation management

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Principles of business administration • Management • Introduction to operations research

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Pfohl, H.-Chr.: Logistiksysteme. Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen. 8., neu bearbeitete und ak-

tualisierte Auflage. Berlin u.a. 2009. • Aberle, G.: Transportwirtschaft: Einzelwirtschaftliche und gesamtwirtschaftliche Grundlagen.

5., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. München, 2009. Additional material will be announced in class.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 38

Module Title Entrepreneurial Finance

Module No. 01-27-2G02

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Every semester

Language of Instruction English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carolin Bock

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-27-1M01-vl Entrepreneurial Finance Lecture 2

Teaching Contents In the course, special attention is put on sources of financing which are relevant in different develop-ment stages of start-ups. Students get an overview of different sources of funding available for young companies. This part also provides a broad overview of the private equity industry including both early stage venture capital funds and buyout funds. Further, the business model of private equity firms and the relationship between an equity investor and an entrepreneurial firm are analyzed in more detail. Based on a general understanding of the private equity industry, the refinancing and investment pro-cess of a private equity firm will be discussed intensively.

Learning targets Students gain in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts and methods important in the field of financ-ing young companies. Within the course, both young ventures as well as established entrepreneurial firms are considered. Three main objectives of the course are: - to understand challenges of financing entrepreneurial firms, - to analyze the suitability of different sources of financing for entrepreneurial firms and to know their strengths and weaknesses, - to analyze tools and techniques of finance for entrepreneurial firms in early and later development stages, thereby focussing on private capital markets with an emphasis on venture capital and private equity

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Timmons, J./ Spinelli, S. (2007): New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century,

Boston. • Amis, D. / Stevenson, H. (2001): Winning Angels, London • Scherlis, D. R. / Sahlman, W. A. (1989): A Method for Valuing High-Risk, Long-Term Invest-

ments - The "Venture Capital Method", Harvard Business School, Boston.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 39

Module Title European Law

Module No. 01-44-2G02

Credit Points 6 CP

Workload 180 h

Self-study 150 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-44-0003-ue European Law Practical course 1 01-44-0003-vl European Law Lecture 1

Teaching Contents "European Union law" seeks to lay down the foundations for European company law, as well as to wid-en the perspective of company law (macro perspective). Therefore, "European Union law" consists of three sub-modules named "(European) legal basics", implementation and enforcement of European Union law (enforcement) right and duty to inform.

Admission Requirements (recommended) Consultation with the lecturer

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • • Streinz, Europarecht, 9. Aufl. 2012.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 40

Module Title Urban Economics

Module No. 01-62-2G03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-62-0006-vl Urban Economics Lecture 2

Teaching Contents This course explains why cities exist and what causes them to grow or shrink. It examines the market forces that shape cities and the role of government in determining land-use patterns. It looks at the urban transportation system, and it explains the unique features of the housing market and examines the effects of government housing policies.

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Microeconomics and macroeconomics • Statistics • Econometrics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Brakman, S., Garretsen, H. & C. van Marrewijk (2009): The New Introduction to Geo-

graphical Economics. • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Feenstra, R.: Advanced International Trade • O'Sullivan, A. (2008): Urban Economics. McGraw Hill-Irwin.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 41

Module Title Entrepreneurship

Module No. 01-62-2G04

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German and English

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-62-0007-vl Entrepreneurship Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Theories and empirical methods in entrepreneurship research • Characteristics of founders • Financing ventures • Success factors and reasons for failure of newly-founded companies

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Microeconomics and macroeconomics • Statistics • Econometrics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Brakman, S., Garretsen, H. & C. van Marrewijk (2009):The New Introduction to Geograph-

ical Economics. • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Feenstra, R.: Advanced International Trade • O'Sullivan, A. (2008): Urban Economics. McGraw Hill-Irwin.

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 42

Module Title Social Policy

Module No. 01-63-2G03

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-63-2M01-vl Social Policy Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Equity and efficiency • Redistribution • Insurance markets • Pension policies • Unemployment insurance • Health care policy

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Microeconomics and macroeconomics • Econometrics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hindriks. J., Myles, G. D. (2013): Intermediate Public Economics. 2nd edition, MIT Press • Grüner; H. P. (2007): Wirtschaftspolitik, Springer-Verlag, 3. Auflage. • Mueller, D. C. (2003): Public Choice III. Cambridge University Press, 3 Auflage. • Persson, T. and G. Tabellini (2002): Political economics, explaining economic policy,MIT Press. • Weimann, J. (2004). Wirtschaftspolitik. Allokation und kollektive Entscheidung. Springer-

Verlag, 3. Auflage. • Breyer, F. und W. Buchholz (2008): Ökonomie des Sozialstaats. Springer-Verlag, 2. Auflage

Technische Universität Darmstadt | Department of Law and Economics | April 2018 43

Module Title Political Economics

Module No. 01-63-2G04

Credit Points 5 CP

Workload 150 h

Self-study 120 h

Duration 1 Semester

Cycle Summer semester

Language of Instruction German

Level Master

Lecturer Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart

Courses of the Module

Course No. Course Title Course Type Contact Hours per Week

01-63-2M02-vl Political Economics Lecture 2

Teaching Contents • Median voter theory • Probabilistic voting • Interest groups • Rent-seeking models • Legislative bargaining • Economic policy reforms • Political economy of pensions

Admission Requirements (recommended) • Microeconomics and macroeconomics • Econometrics

Type of Examination Module examination: oral/written exam

Applicability of the Module Only for exchange programme

Reading • Hindriks. J., Myles, G. D. (2013): Intermediate Public Economics. 2nd edition, MIT Press • Grüner; H. P. (2007): Wirtschaftspolitik, Springer-Verlag, 3. Auflage. • Mueller, D. C. (2003): Public Choice III. Cambridge University Press, 3 Auflage. • Persson, T. and G. Tabellini (2002): Political economics, explaining economic policy, MIT Press. • Weimann, J. (2004). Wirtschaftspolitik. Allokation und kollektive Entscheidung. Springer-

Verlag, 3. Auflage. • Breyer, F. und W. Buchholz (2008): Ökonomie des Sozialstaats. Springer-Verlag, 2. Auflage