module 4 know your employment rights. learning outcomes 4.1 identified safety hazards and explained...

Download Module 4 Know your Employment Rights. Learning outcomes  4.1 Identified safety hazards and explained appropriate precautions to address them  4.2 Identified

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Module 4 Know your Employment Rights Slide 2 Learning outcomes 4.1 Identified safety hazards and explained appropriate precautions to address them 4.2 Identified a range of appropriate safety equipment for given tasks 4.3 Identified and understand a range of safety signage 4.4 Researched and familiarised yourself with key employment legislation Slide 3 Safety Hazards Across Europe, 18 to 24- year-olds are at least 50% more likely to be hurt at work than older people. Young people are also more likely to suffer from an occupational illness Slide 4 Light-hearted Health & Safety video w_bL5ucmBI (Video to be added and similar video sourced for Spain, Poland & Germany) Slide 5 Safety equipment and safety signage Slide 6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) video imyZHV34t0 (Video to be added and similar video sourced for Spain, Poland & Germany) Slide 7 Employment Legislation Employee or Worker Contract Annual Leave Pay Work Hours Redundancy Dismissal Family Related Leave Absence/Sickness Ending Employment Agency Workers Self Employed Slide 8 Learning outcomes 4.1 Identified safety hazards and explained appropriate precautions to address them 4.2 Identified a range of appropriate safety equipment for given tasks 4.3 Identified and understand a range of safety signage 4.4 Researched and familiarised yourself with key employment legislation