module 1.2- role of technology

Module #1 Role of Technology In K12 Virtual Educa;on

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Educación virtual en la actualidad, recopilación de la especialización que cursé en esta modalidad este año.


Module #1 8ole of 1echnology ln k12 vlrLual Lducauon !"##$% '()*$+"# 1.undersLand broad role of Lechnology ln k12 vlrLual educauon. 2.uevelop and apply a framework for ldenufylng when and why you should use Lechnology ln your own k12 vlrLual educauon semngs. ,##(+-.$% /0%1 *2033"%4"5:?ou have already declded Lo oer vlrLual learnlng and now you musL ldenufy where, when, why, and how Lo use Lechnology ln Lhe learnlng experlences you are provldlng. 6$(7 #)(1"%)# 07"8 CommunlLy focused & clvlc mlnded" Soclal leedback drlven lndlvlduallsuc Plghly vlsual And. !"#$%&'&() +,-."/ !"07%9%4 :2"$7;8 Soclal learnlng Collaborauve learnlng Acuve learnlng ConsLrucuvlsL learnlng roblem-based learnlng Apprenuceshlp models ?2"% %$)@ Pldes lack of ouLcomes ulsLracLs from Lhe conLenL or skllls ln Lhe lesson uoesn'L proLecL sLudenL prlvacy A2"% B C$?8 resenung & dlsLrlbuung conLenL Collaborauon Communlcauon SLudenL assessmenL Course and school assessmenL ,--3; B D"E"*)8 As a maLh Leacher wlLh sLudenLs ages 13 Lo 18, you are lnLeresLed ln uslng LableLs (your school has a class seL you can borrow) ln a few lessons. When should you use Lhe LableLs?