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  • 8/16/2019 Module 1 Step 5


     Module 1 P a t 5: Build Y o  r Tribe

  • 8/16/2019 Module 1 Step 5


    Table of C  tents 

    • Your Environment• Importance of Your Tribe

    • The Do’s and Don’ts ofBuilding your Tribe

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  • 8/16/2019 Module 1 Step 5


    Y o  r Env  i  ment 

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     As we jump into the second module of the Unstoppable Confidence for an Unstoppable Career

    program, we will begin to transition into outer confidence and how that affects our inner confidence,

    how were perceived by others, and how to attract the success we want! However before we

    transition into the next topic, we do have one more step left in building the inner confidence.

    So far we have talked about reverse engineering, the most important part, where we relearn

    ourselves and get back to the root of us, the ability to release past doubts and beliefs so that you

    can successfully move forward, and rebuilding our mindset to see the positive through journaling,

    words of affirmations, and of course mirror talk.

    It is crucial to build our inner self love and confidence before we jump into involving others and the

    outer confidence! Remember as a society we are often exposed to the results but very rarely are

    we exposed to the journey and mud we need to get through in order to obtain those results! The

    results which are happiness, success, confidence, romance, health, and beautiful relationships with


    Working through our inner self helps us stomp through the mud in order to build the true definition

    of confidence. Once we learn how to control our thoughts and become self motivating, we will

    create the clarity needed to move forward and build our dream life! This means building our dream

    career, relationships, romance, health and overall;

    LIFEThis is realistic! Building your dream life through your confidence and clarity can be done!

    Unfortunately the majority of people think it’s a fantasy. A fantasy to live a life that you 100% enjoy.

    But in fact, it is not a fantasy, it is something that can be done if you want it bad enough and are

    willing to work towards both inner and outer change!

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    You are becoming more aware of yourself and understanding who you are! The fastest way to

    success is redefining your true needs and wants, and building the confidence to go after them! You

    are well on your way and have spent time working on your inner confidence that is between you

    and you! The commercial below is the perfect example of that! It symbolizes the concept of you vs.

    you and shows that your are the only one that can truly take yourself to the next step, to fight

    yourself when you’re getting in your own way, and to push yourself beyond limits that you may have

    created in you!

    Click below

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    Now that you have gotten used to this new idea of inner confidence and self love between yourself,

    we can implement the final step to inner confidence! A step that can be difficult as it may feel

    indirectly related to you, however it is directly related to you! The final step is your environment and

    how to build your surrounding tribe! A tribe of positivity, loyalty, kindness, and progression.

    By now it is no secret that many of your doubts and limiting beliefs come from your surrounding

    circumstances which includes the people that have come into your life. It has been proven that yourpeers, family, and friends can in fact diminish your self esteem and break your confidence. Especially

    with your loved ones who mean the most to you. We tend to put more weight in their words and

    thoughts and often believe everything they say even when it pertains to us.

    Ironically today, as I create this module for you, I had two different coaching sessions with two six

    year old boys. Each of them on two different unrelated encounters told me “No, they can’t do it,”

    when I asked them to try something….I asked them, “Why,” and both of them said, “because it’shard!” Of course I gave them a little confidence power talk but this is a perfect example of how their

    surroundings, whether it’s parenting, others kids, or teachers, have gotten into their little six year old

    minds creating limiting beliefs!

    Up until you were in your twenties you didn’t have much say or choice in your surroundings. You

    were probably too young to make a change or understand that the environment that you were in was

    in deed affecting your developmental process. You may have been in a surrounding environment thatwas hurtful, abusive, or negative. Due to you being younger you had no control who came into your

    life, how you were parented, whats friends were around you through your childhood, how teachers

    treated you, and what environment you lived in.

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    These above factors all had a huge influence on your confidence which is why some people are

    naturally more confident than others; because of the environment they were in during their

    upbringing. We as adults are a reflection of our past childhood and environment. The fastest way

    to understanding someone in their adult years is to talk with them about how they were raised, who

    and what they were surrounded by, and what pivotal experiences occurred before they were 18-21

    years of age!

    You are now at an age were you have the ability to create your environment and pick and choose

    who should be a part of your surroundings. Although this is difficult, it is incredibly crucial! As the

    great Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with!” Who you

    have in your life now affects your confidence, happiness, success, and of course your overall life!

     As you get older it is important that you get to know your strengths and weaknesses and build your

    tribe accordingly to better fit you. Your tribe should not only make you feel great but it should makeyou better! If you are lacking in confidence than you want to surround yourself with confident

    people who are going to make you feel great! If you’re trying to build a business than you definitely

    want to surround yourself with people who have a built a business!

    The people you hang out with and the environment you put yourself in is a direct reflection of you

    and your success. You will manifest the qualities and characteristics of the people around you if

    you don’t choose wisely and think about “Why” they are in your life or “Why” you put yourself incertain environments.

    It will be hard as mentioned earlier because often times it’s our closest friends and family that are

    doing the most harm. So how do we create that distance without destroying the ties or family

    bonds? Or in some cases do we need to break the family ties completely?

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    With this simple practice I want you to make a list of qualities you need and want in your friends

    and tribe. I want you to pretend you are building your ideal friend. What qualities would they have?

    How would they act? How would they treat others?

     Practice #1 Y o  r Ideal Tribe


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    Do’s and D  ’ts of Tribe Building!

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    1. Have a strong sense of what it is you need from your tribe. What are you struggling with and who will beable to balance that struggle for you?

    2. People that are honest but compassionate. Meaning people who will tell you the truth but in a kind andprogressive manner!

    3. Honesty with purpose. Friends who will tell you the truth so you can genuinely be better and grow fromit. If there’s no solution or progression behind their comment it’s not needed!

    4. Positivity! People who will see the bright side of things opposed to focusing on the negative.

    5. Continuously Developing- Those who are constantly growing are constantly moving forward! You want tobe around these people!

    6.  A supportive tribe who will be there for you when you’re feeling down or not at your best.

    7.  A diverse tribe with people who have different skills, views, and ideas on life.

    8. People who believe in you and want to see you succeed! (This is always the case)

    9.  A tribe that doesn’t talk poorly about other tribes or people!

    10. A tribe who understands the concept of an equal relationship. Both parties give, both parties receive!Essentially you fill each others buckets!

     Must HAVES When Building Y o  r Tribe

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    Tribe Ti e  50% of the tribe who are one

    step ahead and are whereyou want to go!

    50% of the tribe who are at

    the same level, wanting to

    grow and need support andsomeone to relate to through

    the process.

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     Practice #2 Re-evaluate!This practice may be a bit difficult for you as we are going to currently reexamine your current


    Take the top 10 people in your life who you spend the most time with. This can be friends,

    family, or colleagues.

    Write their names down in the far left column and begin to evaluate their role in your life. Do

    they make you better? If so write down how or do they bring you down? If so, how? This is

    something you truly need to think about so you can begin to build a tribe that is loyal, kind, andsupportive.

     After you write down which category each person falls under and why, I want you to rate the

    overall relationship between 1-10 (10 being a must have in your tribe, 1 being a dismissal from

    your tribe). Consider how much you need them in your life when you rate them. For example is

    this person a relative that lives with you or just someone you see occasionally?

     After you are done, evaluate your responses for the 10 people. What category carries the

    majority of your friends? What’s the average of the tribe scores? (Add them all up and divide

    them by 10 for your average).

    Refer to practice #2 template

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     Practice #2 Re-evaluate!NAME

















    For Example: Sam Yes, Sam is always

    kind and continuously

    teaches me about

    various business tips

    and strategies. He

    pushes me to better in

    my career.

    10- Sam is a must in

    my tribe!


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