module 1 – employee performance introduction · module 1 – employee performance 7 show slide 9:...

MODULE 1 – EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 1 WELCOME TO THE PROGRAMME Introduce selves and the programme. Make sure all the housekeeping issues are dealt with including safety. Tell participants about the timekeeping and breaks. Run through the origins of the programme and its purpose. It’s good practice to have a member of senior management introduce the programme to show how important it is. Make sure that this is no more than 5 minutes, OR in your own words describe how many managers currently use best practice but now the law has advanced to make best practice compulsory. Observe the following key points: Get there early to iron out any audio-visual glitches » Make sure everyone can see the screen » Start punctually – practice what you preach about timekeeping » Run the home page of the DVD while people are gathering » Make sure the Reference Book is at every place » Check basics such as sound, pens and flip-chart » Test play the DVD for light and visibility. » Say something like: This programme is like the yellow box that you find drawn on the junctions of main roads. What does a yellow box signify? It signifies that we must not enter unless we have an exit. But what happened before this box became law? Well sometimes there was mayhem but you know, even then there were good drivers who stayed back and who left the junction clear when necessary. Then the law came in and made observation of the boxes compulsory. In other words they made us all do what good drivers had been doing for years. It’s the same with People Management - The Legal Framework (PMLF). PMLF is a set of good management practices which have found their way into the laws of the land. They make us all do what good managers have been doing for years. INTRODUCTION TRAINER NOTE Talk to the group about the style of the delivery of the programme. Make the following key points: This is your programme » It’s interactive – participants should get involved as much as they can » You get out what you put in » Participate » If you disagree, say so » Try to relate the examples to your own work situation. »

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ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe



introduce selves and the programme. Make sure all the housekeeping issues are dealt with including safety. tell participants about the timekeeping and breaks. run through the origins of the programme and its purpose. it’s good practice to have a member of senior management introduce the programme to show how important it is. Make sure that this is no more than 5 minutes, or in your own words describe how many managers currently use best practice but now the law has advanced to make best practice compulsory.

observe the following key points:

Get there early to iron out any audio-visual glitches »

Make sure everyone can see the screen »

start punctually – practice what you preach about timekeeping »

run the home page of the dVd while people are gathering »

Make sure the reference Book is at every place »

Check basics such as sound, pens and flip-chart »

test play the dVd for light and visibility. »

say something like:

this programme is like the yellow box that you find drawn on the junctions of main roads. What does a yellow box signify? it signifies that we must not enter unless we have an exit. But what happened before this box became law? Well sometimes there was mayhem but you know, even then there were good drivers who stayed back and who left the junction clear when necessary. then the law came in and made observation of the boxes compulsory. in other words they made us all do what good drivers had been doing for years. it’s the same with People Management - the Legal Framework (PMLF). PMLF is a set of good management practices which have found their way into the laws of the land. they make us all do what good managers have been doing for years.


traIner note

talk to the group about the style of the delivery of the programme.

Make the following key points:

this is your programme »

it’s interactive – participants should get involved as much as they can »

You get out what you put in »

Participate »

if you disagree, say so »

try to relate the examples to your own work situation. »


the purpose of this module is to demonstrate the important role played by human resource policies such as induction, probation management and employee performance/review in fostering high standards. it also demonstrates how performance deficiencies can be rectified on an informal basis through counselling and if counselling fails through the proper operation of the disciplinary Procedure. the purpose of the disciplinary Procedure is to help the employee to achieve the necessary improvements and to prevent any recurrence.


10.15 to 12.30


introduce the module as per this guide and communicate your expectations of the participants. Follow the steps in the dVd and use the Leader’s Guide to steer the group through the interactive phases. explain the learning objectives and the legal framework. refer as appropriate to the reference Book to allow for interaction and to make notes.


reference Book »

dVd »

eMPLoYee PerForManCe












ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe



show slide 1:

show slide 2:

say something like:You’ll note how emma said that this module was in two parts. they both relate to the management of our employees’ performance, which is a key responsibility of managers.

traIner note

introduce the structure of each module, i.e.

each module starts by outlining its Learning objectives. »

the Legal Framework which underpins the module is then detailed. »

the step-by-step section outlines what we as managers should do to ensure best »practice in our people management role and enable us to operate the Hr policies and procedures which are the basis of the modules.

each module concludes with a short recap. »

You should tell them that the same structure will apply in all of the modules for ease of learning.

eMPLoYee PerForManCe

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 3:

show slide 4:

say something like:

Good performance rarely happens on its own. it has to be managed. so this module will show us how to instill the performance first and then what to do if it is not sustained.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 5:

say something like:these are three key tools that allow us to create and foster the performance that we need in our staff. it’s about:

setting correct expectations at induction »

assessing suitability during probation and »

Managing and giving ongoing guidance and feedback to staff on their »performance.

You will also know how these elements link to the disciplinary Procedure. in the event of an employee being disciplined for poor performance, you will have to show that he/she was informed of the standards required, given an opportunity to improve and told the consequences of not improving.

show slide 6:

say something like:You will also be able to describe how employee Counselling and the disciplinary Procedure can address poor performance.

employee counselling is a pre-disciplinary stage, while the disciplinary Procedure is the formal procedure for dealing with poor performance.

You need to understand the purpose of the disciplinary Procedure, its stages, how it operates and your role under the Procedure.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 7:

show slide 8:

say something like:

the legislation underpinning our approach to employee performance is the unfair dismissals acts, which protects employees from unfair dismissal. once an employee of the Health service has 12 months service they are covered by the acts. We must inform employees of the standards expected of them and must deal with any shortfalls through the proper use of procedures.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 9:

say something like:

in the case of a dismissal remember that the onus is on the employer to show that it was fair. to do this he/she must demonstrate two elements which led to the final action of dismissal. so my question is “what must the employer demonstrate so that a dismissal can be deemed to be fair?”

traIner note

Legally what is required is that there are:substantial grounds and »Procedural fairness »

show and read slide 10:

say something like:

substantial grounds, on its own is not enough, you must follow procedural fairness. Procedural fairness equally is not good enough without substantial grounds.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 11:

Make the following key points:

substantial grounds includes:

Capability – includes the ability to attend for work »

Competence – to do the job to the required standards »

Conduct – includes serious breach of employer rules »

redundancy – no work or reduced work for which the employee was hired or »the work is being carried out in a different manner

other – a professional body has struck a person off its register. »

show slide 12:

say something like:

What do you think constitutes procedural fairness? What kind of things must be in place? What does this mean for us as managers? discuss with the group.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 13:

show and read slide 14:

traIner note

Line Managers need to know that employers must follow fair procedures, i.e. follow the disciplinary Procedure. in the event of disciplinary action being taken against an employee, it is important that you can demonstrate that the employee knew what was expected and warned about consequences if he/she did not meet those expectations.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe



show slide 15:

say something like:

now that we have looked at the legal framework of managing poor performance,

let’s return and look at how Hr policies can help you foster good performance.

show slide 16:

Make the following key points:

remember it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees perform to a high level. employees’ performance includes:

their capability to do their job e.g. their attendance at work »

their competence carry out the duties of job satisfactorily and »

their conduct in the workplace. »

say something like:

the first policy we will look at is induction

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 17:

say something like: While there may be an organisational induction programme, you should draw »up an induction checklist which focuses on your department and the required standards within it it’s the first chance you get to have an open discussion on standards of »performance with the new employee.

show and read slide 18:

show slide 19: steve Playlet Charge nurse steve encounters problems, not least low staff morale, due to lack of proper induction. He decides to set aside time to plan an induction checklist.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 20:

say something like:

some managers might say that they don’t have time to do what steve is doing. What would you say to them? discuss with the group.

run the induction Benefits activity.

Please take a minute to write down the benefits you, specifically in your role as a manager, gain from a good induction process.

traIner note

discuss with the participants. What you are trying to elicit is:

induction sets a keynote for performance »

new employees need to know conditions of employment and the standards »of performance and conduct expected of them

a thorough induction settles them into their new workplace and establishes »your “habit” of discussing performance expected

it is useful for you as a Line Manager to draw up an induction checklist that »focuses on your department.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 21:

say something like:

now we turn to probation. Probation is about asking questions and getting answers. in workplace probation, you as the manager are asking questions regarding the suitability of the employee and the employee is learning and adapting to the job. this process should not be ignored or treated lightly. it’s the last phase of the recruitment


Make the following key points: Probation is about establishing the employees’ suitability for continued »employment i.e. “to see if the fit is there”You decide if they are suitable for a permanent job »

You do this by monitoring performance constantly »

show and read slide 22:

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 23:

show and read slide 24:

show slide 25:

say something like:

What did Breda do wrong?

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


Make the following key points:

no regular meetings with Mary to discuss her progress and point out her »shortcomings

no effort to establish whether or not Mary could achieve the necessary »improvements before her probation ended

no notification to the Hr department that there was a problem. »

say something like:

What are the consequences of her actions? discuss.

Make the following key points:

Breda does not feel that Mary is really cut out for the job and wishes she could »get someone more suitable

this situation could have been avoided if Breda had been more vigilant during »the probationary period.

show slide 26:

Make the following key points:Managers should not regard probation as a mere formality

automatically certifying new employees for permanency without proper »assessment during probation is a serious neglect of a manager’s role

Performance feedback during the probationary period will be more intensive »than at any other time in the normal employment relationship

You must ensure that you use the probationary period fully for its intended »purpose

Failure to manage this period properly can result in a mismatch between an »employee and the duties of the post to which they were recruited.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


say something like:

We will now move onto Performance Management. the question i’m posing to you is “do you want to know what your boss thinks about your performance?” “do your employees want to know what you think about their performances?” discuss.

show slide 27:

traIner note

While the above slide is still showing, comment on the following or bring it out in the discussion. Performance management allows you to ensure that each individual is working to achieve the goals set by your department, which in turn should support the goals of your organisation. it establishes a shared understanding about what is to be achieved and plays a key role in maintaining morale, motivation and commitment. Most employees are anxious to know if they are meeting the required standards and Performance review Meetings give you the opportunity to give formal recognition for a job well done.

Performance management is a continuous process, not a once-off event. You should hold Performance review Meetings with employees on a regular basis, ideally either twice a year or on a quarterly basis, to give feedback on their performance and discuss opportunities for career development.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 28:

say something like:

What does the existence of notes from the previous meeting prove to the staff member? – answer is commitment to the process and professionalism.

show and read slide 29:

say something like:

don’t forget that this is a reiteration of praise given at the time of the event. don’t wait until a formal meeting takes place to recognise good work.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 30:

observe the following key points:

Be honest »

Clearly state (and get agreement on) areas where your expectations are not »being met.

show and read slide 31:

observe the following key points:

Be crystal clear in what you want »

Gain their commitment to the goals. »

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 32:

show and read slide 33:

Make the following key points:

it’s an interview and needs participation »

don’t be afraid of silence – give them time to think. »

traIner note

Make it clear to the participants that they are a vital source of information and the performance review meeting is a chance for them to talk with the employee about the employee’s career plans and ambitions.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 34:

say something like:

as we said at the outset taking notes and keeping them on file shows a commitment to the process.

show slide 35:

Make the following key points:

Performance management is ongoing »

remember that the performance review meeting is not about alerting an »employee about shortcomings for the first time

any such concerns should be dealt with promptly at the time they come to your »attention and appropriate action taken.

TAkE A cOFFEE brEAk 11.15 TO 11.30

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


hOw TO AddrEss shOrTcOMiNGs iN PErFOrMANcE

show slide 36:

Make the following key points:

You may find that the performance of an employee falls below the required standards expected. the first step in addressing these shortcomings is through employee counselling. the aim of this is to improve employee performance without having to resort to the formal disciplinary Procedure, i.e. it is pre-disciplinary. this is a one-to-one meeting with your employee.

during this meeting you should tell your employee:

Why it’s taking place »

How exactly they are falling short in their performance »

the improvements required »

the timescale for making the improvements and »

the consequences of failing to improve. »

Listen to their responses and take them on board. Very often problems can be nipped in the bud at this stage without having to invoke the disciplinary Procedure.

Counselling in this context is not about attempting to resolve personal or health problems that require professional help such as alcoholism. if these issues arise encourage the employee to seek appropriate assistance, e.g. through the employee assistance Programme.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 37:

show and read slide 38:

show and read slide 39:

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 40:

show and read slide 41:

show and read slide 42:

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 43:

show and read slide 44:

Make the following key points:

if the required improvements don’t happen the matter should be progressed »through the disciplinary Procedure

if this occurs, it is important to have written documentation to show that a »counselling meeting was held.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 45:

say something like:

What do we mean when we say that a team has great discipline? remember that discipline, the word, comes from disciple. disciples are followers. so discipline is about ensuring that people follow the agreed ways.

show and read slide 46:

run the disciplinary activity.

Brainstorm with your partner what type of issues might lead to disciplinary action. discuss through open floor means.

say something like:

Let’s see if what you said concurs with what our next slide has to say about this? Make the point that this list is not exhaustive.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 47:

say something like:

there are four stages to the disciplinary Procedure. does anyone know what these are? discuss.

show and read slide 48:

say something like:

What must happen before a decision is taken at any of these stages? the answer is, of course, a hearing. remember what we said about having fair procedures?

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 49:

Make the following key points:

Before a disciplinary action is considered, get all the facts »

Hold a hearing under the disciplinary Procedure »

Put the allegations to the employee and give them a chance to answer »

Be clear about the limits of your authority »

discuss your role under the disciplinary Procedure with your Human resources »department if necessary, i.e. are you going to give the case against the employee or are you a decision maker under one of the stages? You must be in possession of all the facts when undertaking your role

the opportunity for an employee to be heard is an important legal principle »

remember it is vital not to pre-empt the outcome of the hearing. »

show and read slide 50:

say something like:

this slide shows how to follow natural justice by informing staff member of the complaint against them and giving them a chance to respond and make representations before a decision is reached.

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show slide 51: jean Playlet, segment 1

run the disciplinary Meeting activity.

ask participants to watch the next video segments and to make mental notes of the good management practice in operating the disciplinary Procedure that is going on in the segment.

show slide 52: jean Playlet, segment 2

admissions officer jean is in trouble about her unsatisfactory timekeeping, and is called to a formal hearing. jean blames the traffic and occasionally missing buses. a colleague speaks on her behalf.

jean’s explanation is not considered satisfactory. she is giving an oral Warning, and told that her time-keeping will be closely monitored over the next six months.

ModuLe 1 – eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 53:

Make the following key points:

in summary:

the purpose of the disciplinary hearing is to allow the employee to respond to »the complaints before deciding on disciplinary action do not pre-empt the outcome of the hearing »

Many outcomes are possible »

Make the employee aware of the potential outcome of the meeting so that they »can know the seriousness of the meeting the final decision can only be made when the employee has had the »opportunity to state his/her case and plead any mitigating circumstances.

show and read slide 54:

ModuLe 1– eMPLoYee PerForManCe


show and read slide 55:

TAkE LuNch brEAk FrOM 12.30 TO 13.30