modulations of the diurnal cycle of coastal rainfall over

Modulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Coastal Rainfall over South China Caused by the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation XINGCHAO CHEN,FUQING ZHANG, AND JAMES H. RUPPERT JR. Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, and Center for Advanced Data Assimilation and Predictability Techniques, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (Manuscript received 14 November 2018, in final form 18 January 2019) ABSTRACT The influence of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) on the diurnal cycle of coastal rainfall over south China during the mei-yu (heavy rainfall) season is investigated using the OLR-based Madden– Julian oscillation index (OMI), satellite rainfall data, and atmospheric reanalysis. Results show that the mei- yu season coastal rainfall is enhanced during the BSISO phase 1 (convectively active phase over the western Indian Ocean), with 25% greater rainfall than the climatological regional mean. Rainfall is suppressed during the BSISO phases 4 and 5 (convectively active phase in the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea), with negative rainfall anomalies of 39% and 46%, respectively. During phase 1, the rainfall enhancement is mostly over the inland region during the afternoon, while there is little diurnal variability of the rainfall anomaly offshore. During phases 4 and 5, the rainfall suppression is considerably stronger over the offshore region in the morning, whereas stronger rainfall suppression occurs inland during the afternoon. In phase 8, positive rainfall anomalies are found over the offshore region with a peak from the morning to the early afternoon, whereas negative rainfall anomalies are found over the inland region with the strongest suppression in the late afternoon. Analysis of phase composites and horizontal moisture advection shows that the diurnal variation of rainfall anomalies over the south China coastal area during different BSISO phases can be interpreted as the interaction between the large-scale anomalous moisture advection and the local land and sea breeze circulations. 1. Introduction The south China coastal area (SCCA) is one of the big- gest population and economic centers in the world, and is a region of abundant rainfall throughout the warm season (Zhou et al. 2008; Xu et al. 2009; Zheng et al. 2016). Ex- treme rainfall occurs frequently in this region, leading to severe flooding, numerous deaths, and major economic losses every year (Chen et al. 2014; Luo et al. 2017). This region receives most of its annual rainfall during the mei-yu (presummer rainy) season (May through June), which is the early stage of the East Asian summer monsoon. The physical mechanisms governing the mei-yu seasonal rainfall are complex. The initiation, development, and propagation of rainfall are influenced by processes across multiple scales, including the intraseasonally varying large-scale monsoonal flow (e.g., Chen et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2017; Du and Chen 2018), synoptic-scale disturbances (e.g., Huang et al. 2018; Zhang and Meng 2018), the land–sea breeze (e.g., X. Chen et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2018; Du and Rotunno 2018), coastal orography (e.g., Luo et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014), cold pool dynamics (e.g., Chen et al. 2016), and climatological effects of urbanization (e.g., Li et al. 2011; S. Chen et al. 2015). Understanding and nu- merically forecasting rainfall in this region is therefore es- pecially challenging. This study seeks to understand the interaction between the diurnal cycle and intraseasonal variability during the mei-yu season. During the mei-yu season, rainfall over the SCCA exhibits a strong diurnal cycle. In the climatological mean, there is a narrow primary rainfall peak in the af- ternoon over the inland region and a broad secondary peak in the morning over the offshore region (X. Chen et al. 2015; Jiang et al. 2017; also shown in Fig. 1). Pre- vious studies show that this diurnal cycle is largely controlled by the land–sea breeze circulation (Chen et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2018). The afternoon rainfall peak over the inland region is caused by the daytime inland penetration of the sea breeze and solar heating effects, whereas the morning offshore rainfall peak is caused by Corresponding author: Fuqing Zhang, [email protected] 1APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL. 2089 DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0786.1 Ó 2019 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (

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Modulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Coastal Rainfall over South ChinaCaused by the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation


Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, and Center for Advanced Data Assimilation

and Predictability Techniques, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

(Manuscript received 14 November 2018, in final form 18 January 2019)


The influence of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) on the diurnal cycle of coastal rainfall

over south China during the mei-yu (heavy rainfall) season is investigated using the OLR-based Madden–

Julian oscillation index (OMI), satellite rainfall data, and atmospheric reanalysis. Results show that the mei-

yu season coastal rainfall is enhanced during the BSISO phase 1 (convectively active phase over the western

Indian Ocean), with 25% greater rainfall than the climatological regional mean. Rainfall is suppressed during

the BSISOphases 4 and 5 (convectively active phase in theBay of Bengal and SouthChina Sea), with negative

rainfall anomalies of 39% and 46%, respectively. During phase 1, the rainfall enhancement is mostly over the

inland region during the afternoon, while there is little diurnal variability of the rainfall anomaly offshore.

During phases 4 and 5, the rainfall suppression is considerably stronger over the offshore region in the

morning, whereas stronger rainfall suppression occurs inland during the afternoon. In phase 8, positive

rainfall anomalies are found over the offshore region with a peak from the morning to the early afternoon,

whereas negative rainfall anomalies are found over the inland regionwith the strongest suppression in the late

afternoon.Analysis of phase composites and horizontalmoisture advection shows that the diurnal variation of

rainfall anomalies over the south China coastal area during different BSISO phases can be interpreted as the

interaction between the large-scale anomalous moisture advection and the local land and sea breeze


1. Introduction

The south China coastal area (SCCA) is one of the big-

gest population and economic centers in the world, and is a

region of abundant rainfall throughout the warm season

(Zhou et al. 2008; Xu et al. 2009; Zheng et al. 2016). Ex-

treme rainfall occurs frequently in this region, leading to

severe flooding, numerous deaths, and major economic

losses every year (Chen et al. 2014; Luo et al. 2017). This

region receives most of its annual rainfall during themei-yu

(presummer rainy) season (May through June), which is the

early stage of the East Asian summer monsoon. The

physical mechanisms governing themei-yu seasonal rainfall

are complex. The initiation, development, and propagation

of rainfall are influenced by processes acrossmultiple scales,

including the intraseasonally varying large-scale monsoonal

flow (e.g., Chen et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2014; Chen et al.

2017; Du and Chen 2018), synoptic-scale disturbances (e.g.,

Huang et al. 2018; Zhang and Meng 2018), the land–sea

breeze (e.g.,X.Chenet al. 2015;Chenet al. 2017;Chenet al.

2018; Du and Rotunno 2018), coastal orography (e.g., Luo

et al. 2013;Wang et al. 2014), cold pool dynamics (e.g., Chen

et al. 2016), and climatological effects of urbanization (e.g.,

Li et al. 2011; S. Chen et al. 2015). Understanding and nu-

merically forecasting rainfall in this region is therefore es-

pecially challenging. This study seeks to understand the

interaction between the diurnal cycle and intraseasonal

variability during the mei-yu season.

During the mei-yu season, rainfall over the SCCA

exhibits a strong diurnal cycle. In the climatological

mean, there is a narrow primary rainfall peak in the af-

ternoon over the inland region and a broad secondary

peak in the morning over the offshore region (X. Chen

et al. 2015; Jiang et al. 2017; also shown in Fig. 1). Pre-

vious studies show that this diurnal cycle is largely

controlled by the land–sea breeze circulation (Chen

et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2018). The afternoon rainfall peak

over the inland region is caused by the daytime inland

penetration of the sea breeze and solar heating effects,

whereas the morning offshore rainfall peak is caused byCorresponding author: Fuqing Zhang, [email protected]

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2089

DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0786.1

� 2019 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS CopyrightPolicy (

the low-level convergence between the nocturnal land

breeze and onshore monsoonal winds (Chen et al. 2016).

Similar diurnal land–sea breeze signatures of precipitation

can also be found over Hainan Island in the South China

Sea (Zhu et al. 2017) and along the windward (west) coast

of Taiwan (Kerns et al. 2010; Ruppert et al. 2013).

This mei-yu season diurnal rainfall depends on the

moisture provided to the region by the background

monsoonal southwesterly flow. This monsoonal flow is

not steady, however, and instead exhibits pronounced

intraseasonal variability, which in turn explains the

strong intraseasonal variability evident in precipitation

from long-term ground-based radar observations (Chen

et al. 2014). Using a regional model with diurnally cyclic-

in-time lateral boundary conditions, Chen et al. (2017,

hereafter C17) demonstrated that the intraseasonal

variations of the rainfall diurnal cycle over the SCCA is

closely related to the variations of the low-level mon-

soonal wind speed and moisture content. Their results

show that the intensity of the mei-yu season coastal

rainfall is especially sensitive to the moisture content of

the monsoonal flow around 1.5-km altitude (;850hPa).

They found that under low wind speed conditions the

diurnal cycle of rainfall over the SCCA is characterized

by prominent morning and afternoon rainfall peaks

caused by the land–sea breeze, as described above.When

the large-scale monsoonal wind speed is increased,

however, the diurnally recurring rainfall produced by the

land–sea breeze is suppressed as mechanically forced

rainfall becomes more important. Under these high wind

speed conditions, rainfall over the SCCA is concentrated

along the coastline, with only one peak in the afternoon.

However, with the idealized model setup, the intra-

seasonal oscillations of the rainfall diurnal cycle over the

SCCA were not investigated in C17.

As a primary mode of climate variability on intra-

seasonal time scales (30–60 days), the boreal summer in-

traseasonal oscillation (BSISO) has considerable impacts

FIG. 1. (a) Spatial distributions of the daily mean rainfall during the south China mei-yu season (May–June) from

1998 to 2017 based on CMORPH. The black box shows the south China coastal area (SCCA), here and in sub-

sequent figures. (b) Orography over the SCCA. The 20-yr averaged diurnal cycles of mei-yu season rainfall over the

(c) whole SCCA, (d) offshore, and (e) inland regions.


on the East Asian summer monsoon (e.g., Ding and

Chan 2005; Zhou and Chan 2005; Lau et al. 2012; Chi

et al. 2015). Distinct from its eastward-propagating

boreal winter counterpart, commonly known as the

Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO; Madden and Julian

1971, 1972), the BSISO exhibits both northward and

eastward propagation, sometimes also with westward-

propagating and standing components (Wang and Rui

1990; Zhu and Wang 1993; Wang and Xie 1997). Many

previous studies have investigated the impacts of the

BSISO on precipitation over the SCCA. Most of them

have found that the BSISO is a major source of intra-

seasonal rainfall variability over the region during

the warm season. For example, using surface rain gauge

observations, Zhang et al. (2009) showed that the

BSISO influences the summer rainfall over the SCCA

through both remote (energy propagation of the Rossby

wave) and local (northward shift of the anomalous

meridional circulation) dynamical mechanisms. Xu and

Rutledge (2018) demonstrated that the atmospheric

circulation and rainfall amount over the SCCA are sig-

nificantly different between the suppressed and active

BSISO periods. Using high-resolution rain gauge–based

rainfall datasets, Hsu et al. (2016) showed that the ex-

treme rainfall over the SCCA is closely related to the

northwestward propagating BSISO signals. Ren et al.

(2018) found that the probability of extreme rainfall

over the SCCA increases notably during the BSISO

active phases because of the intensified low-level con-

vergence and moisture transport.

Previous studies have exclusively focused on the im-

pacts of the BSISO on the daily mean rainfall over the

SCCA. Much less attention has been paid to the scale

interactions between the BSISO and the coastal rainfall

on the diurnal time scale. Scale interaction is defined

here as the process through which the large-scale low-

frequency variability influences the regional-scale high-

frequency variability of the climate system and vice

versa (Slingo et al. 2003; Rauniyar and Walsh 2011). In

this study, we examine how the BSISO modulates the

mei-yu season rainfall over the SCCA on the diurnal

time scale. The related physical mechanisms are ana-

lyzed using BSISO phase composite analysis.

2. Data and methods

The definition of the SCCA invoked here covers most

of the south China coastline (208–24.58N and 1118–1188E), as shown in Figs. 1a and 1b. This definition of

SCCA is bigger than that in C17. The region is centered

on coastal plains, with the coastline to the south and

moderate-height (400–1000m) mountains to the north

(Fig. 1b). The mei-yu season over the SCCA usually

begins in early May and ends in late June. Different

studies have invoked different definitions of the mei-yu

season (Ding and Chan 2005); however, it is defined as

May through June in the present study, consistent with

Xu et al. (2009) and X. Chen et al. (2015). All statistical

analyses conducted for this study are performed for

the mei-yu seasons from 1998 to 2017. NOAA CPC

morphing technique (CMORPH) global precipitation

analyses (Joyce et al. 2004) are used in this study to in-

vestigate the rainfall variability. CMORPH uses pre-

cipitation estimates derived from low-orbiter satellite

microwave observations, which are horizontally trans-

lated by assuming propagation information from geo-

stationary satellite IR observations. The spatial and

temporal resolutions of CMORPH are 0.072778 (8 km at

the equator) and 30min. Chen et al. (2018) compared

different satellite rainfall estimates to the surface rain

gauge observations. Their results show that CMORPH

analyses can realistically capture the diurnal features of

rainfall over the SCCA, while an underestimation of the

morning rainfall near the coastline can be found in the

dataset. In addition, CMORPH provides more spatial

detail of rainfall than other satellite rainfall analyses

(e.g., the Tropical RainfallMeasuringMission) due to its

higher spatial resolution. The ERA-Interim (ERA-I)

reanalysis (Dee et al. 2011) at 0.758 3 0.758 spatial res-olution is used for calculating the low-level moisture

advection and composite analysis, which utilizes 6-hourly

horizontal winds, vertical velocity, temperature, and

specific humidity. One should note that the diurnal var-

iation of winds and moisture derived from reanalysis

data is not always accurate, because the diurnal meso-

scale circulations may not be adequately resolved in the

current-generation reanalysis data assimilation system

with rather coarse horizontal grid spacing and the use

of a hydrostatic dynamical core. Further, the temporal

resolution of the reanalysis data (usually 4 times per day)

may not be sufficient to study the full extent of the di-

urnal cycles. We therefore primarily rely upon this re-

analysis dataset to assess intraseasonal patterns. The

study also uses the daily outgoing longwave radiation

(OLR) Climate Data Record (CDR) data derived from

High-Resolution Infrared Sounder radiance observa-

tions onboard the NOAA TIROS-N series and MetOp

satellites (Lee et al. 2007) to investigate the propagating

features of the BSISO during the mei-yu season. The

spatial resolution of the OLR CDR data is 18.The BSISO phase is determined by the OLR MJO

index (OMI) developed by Kiladis et al. (2014). Wang

et al. (2018) compared four widely used intraseasonal

oscillation indices. They demonstrated that OMI effec-

tively captures both northward and eastward propaga-

tion of the BSISO to a greater degree than the other ISO

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2091

indices they examined. A strong BSISO event is defined

here when the amplitude of the OMI index exceeds 1.0

(Kiladis et al. 2014), which results in a total of 734 days,

with the remaining 486 days being in the weak phase of

the BSISO. Only the strong BSISO events are consid-

ered in the study. Each event is broken into phases 1–8.

Over the study period, the total numbers of days falling

into each of the BSISO phases 1–8 are 60, 79, 136, 93, 74,

97, 110, and 85 days, respectively. Daily (and hourly)

anomalies of rainfall, OLR, and other atmospheric

variables are calculated by subtracting the daily (and

hourly) climatological mean of the 20 mei-yu seasons

from the original data (e.g., the daily rainfall anomaly on

1 May 1998 is the rainfall on that date minus the 20-yr

mean rainfall on 1 May, and likewise for a given hour of

the day). This allows the seasonal transition signal as-

sociated with the BSISO (Chi et al. 2015) to be removed.

Phase composites are made according to the OMI index

for phases 1–8.

In C17, the moisture advection around 850 hPa

(;1.5km) is found to be crucial to the rainfall intensity

over the SCCA during the mei-yu season. Anomalous

horizontal moisture advection (MADV) associated with

the BSISO is decomposed here by separating each vari-

able into a basic state and an anomalous component as-

sociated with the BSISO:



›x2 y0






›x2 y






›x2 y0



�, (1)

where u and y denote zonal and meridional background

mean winds, respectively; u0 and y0 indicate the zonal

and meridional anomalous winds associated with the

BSISO. Similarly, q and q0 are the backgroundmean and

the BSISO anomalous specific humidity, respectively.

Term 1 on the right-hand side (RHS) of Eq. (1) is the

advection of the background mean moisture by the

BSISO anomalous wind. Term 2 indicates the advection

of the BSISO anomalous moisture by the background

mean wind. Term 3 is the advection of the BSISO

anomalous moisture by the BSISO anomalous wind.

The influences of the BSISO on the SCCA rainfall and

MADV will be discussed in section 5.

3. Diurnal cycle of the mei-yu season coastalrainfall over south China

Figure 1a displays the spatial distribution of the daily

mean total precipitation during the 1998–2017 mei-yu

seasons. The SCCA subset region is shown by the black

box. Two major rainfall centers can be seen over the

SCCA during the mei-yu season, with one center located

on the windward (southwestern) slope of northern moun-

tainous area and the other center located offshore parallel

to the coastline. Another smaller rainfall center can be

found on the inland side of the southwest coast in the

SCCA, which is closely related to the orographic lifting

effects of the coastal terrain (Wang et al. 2014). The spatial

distribution of the mei-yu season rainfall over the SCCA is

consistent with the 3-yr ground-based radar observations

(X. Chen et al. 2015). The diurnal cycle of mei-yu season

hourly rainfall averaged over the SCCA is shown in Fig. 1c.

A prominent afternoon rainfall peak can be found around

1500 LST (local standard time). The diurnal pattern is

similar to the ground-based radar observations (X. Chen

et al. 2015), while the morning rainfall is a little bit weaker

than the radar observations (radar observations also

show a weak secondary peak around 0900 LST) because

CMORPH tends to underestimate the morning rainfall

associated with the land breeze (Chen et al. 2018). This

difference may also be partially induced by the different

observational lengths of CMORPH and ground-based ra-

dar observations. The diurnal cycles of rainfall averaged

separately over the offshore and inland regions of the

SCCAare shown inFigs. 1d and 1e. These panels show that

rainfall over the offshore region begins to increase from

evening (after 2100LST) and reaches apeaknear 0900LST

(Fig. 1d). On the other hand, the afternoon rainfall peak of

the SCCA is largely due to the inland precipitation. The

rainfall over the inland region increases very slightly from

0300 to 0900 LST, and increases more rapidly from 0900

LST to the narrow peak at 1600 LST (Fig. 1e).

The mei-yu season rainfall over the SCCA is sensitive

to the strength and moisture content of the prevailing

low-level monsoonal wind around 850hPa (C17).

Figure 2a displays the mean horizontal winds at 850hPa

during the mei-yu season. The southerly monsoonal

wind transports moisture from the South China Sea to

the SCCA, and provides a favorable environment for

heavy rainfall. The diurnal variations of 10-m pertur-

bation winds and 2-m perturbation temperature are

shown in Figs. 2b and 2c. Figure 2b shows the differences

between 0800 and 2000 LST, which is the developing

period of the offshore morning rainfall peak (Fig. 1d).

Figure 2c shows the differences between 1400 and 0800

LST, which corresponds to the establishing period of the

inland afternoon rainfall peak (Fig. 1e). Because the

heat capacity of land is smaller than that of ocean,

stronger diurnal variations of surface temperature occur

over the inland region. As a result, the land breeze de-

velops from evening to morning (Fig. 2b), and the sea

breeze establishes from morning to afternoon (Fig. 2c).

The land breeze is much stronger over the offshore re-

gion while the sea breeze is stronger over the inland


region. These features are consistent with the idealized

simulations in C17 and Chen et al. (2016).

Figure 3 shows the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the

SCCA during the mei-yu season. Consistent with Fig. 1d,

the offshore rainfall begins to increase from 2100 LST

and reaches its peak around 0900 LST. The nocturnal

offshore rainfall line is parallel to the coast and exhibits

an offshore direction of propagation from the evening

to morning due to the development of the land breeze

and the propagation of inertia–gravity waves (Du and

Rotunno 2018). A weaker nocturnal rainfall center can

also be found over the windward slopes of the inland

northern mountains (Fig. 1b) during this period, which

owes to the inertial oscillation of the ageostrophic wind

in the boundary layer (X. Chen et al. 2015). Specifically,

the inertial oscillation leads to enhanced southwesterly

flow overnight, which enhances lift along the windward

slopes of these inland northern mountains. From noon

(1200 LST) to the early afternoon (1500 LST), the off-

shore rainfall line decays gradually. On the other hand,

inland precipitation increases and reaches its maximum

intensity around 1500–1800 LST. The afternoon inland

rainfall is induced by the solar heating effects, inland

penetration of the sea-breeze front, and inland propa-

gation of inertia–gravity waves (Chen et al. 2016; Du and

Rotunno 2018). The inland rainfall decays from late af-

ternoon (1800 LST) to evening (2100 LST). In general,

the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the SCCA is closely

related to the diurnal variations of the local land–sea

breeze circulation during the mei-yu season.

4. Propagation of the BSISO

Figure 4 shows the BSISO phase composites of the

OLR and 500-hPa wind anomalies averaged over the

1998–2017 mei-yu seasons. In addition to eastward

propagation, the BSISO also exhibits clear northward

propagation during the mei-yu season. In phase 1, the

convectively active phase of the BSISO is located over

the tropical western Indian Ocean. Convection from

southern India to the South China Sea is suppressed

in this phase. At the same time, convective activity over

the SCCA and the adjacent ocean area is enhanced due

to the northward propagation of the previous BSISO

event. An anomalous cyclone is situated near the SCCA

at 500hPa, which may be induced by the strengthened

convective latent heating over the region and/or the

northeastward-propagating Rossby wave train (Hung

et al. 2014). From phases 2 to 4, the convectively active

phase of the BSISO propagates from the western Indian

Ocean to the Bay of Bengal and Indochina, while the

convectively suppressed phase shifts northward and

eastward. In phases 4 and 5, the convectively suppressed

phase of the BSISO reaches the SCCA and its adjacent

ocean area. Correspondingly, an anomalous anticyclone

appears near the SCCA at 500 hPa (in phase 5). The

convectively active phase of the BSISO is located over

the South China Sea in phase 5. From phases 5 to 2,

the convectively active phase propagates northward

from the tropics into the middle latitudes as a new

active phase simultaneously develops over the western

Indian Ocean.

The northward propagation of the BSISO averaged

along the 1118–1188E (the SCCA) longitude band is

shown in Fig. 5 through anomalous vertical velocity and

meridional wind fields. In phase 1, anomalous down-

ward motion associated with the BSISO convectively

suppressed phase is situated around 108N. This down-

ward motion induces divergence in the lower tropo-

sphere (below 1.5 km) and enhanced low-level southerly

FIG. 2. (a) Themeanwind speed (color shading) and wind (arrow) fields at 850 hPa for 20mei-yu seasons (1998–2017) fromERA-I. The

10-m wind vector (arrow) and 2-m surface temperature differences between (b) 0800 and 2000 LST (08002 2000 LST) and (c) 1400 and

0800 LST (1400 2 0800 LST).

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2093

wind from the South China Sea to the SCCA. The

convectively suppressed phase of the BSISO weakens

and propagates northward from phases 1 to 5. It reaches

the SCCA in phase 5. In phase 5, anomalous upward

motion associated with the BSISO convectively active

phase is situated between 108 and 208N. This upward

motion induces convergence in the lower troposphere

and weakens the low-level southerly wind from the

South China Sea to the SCCA. Similar to the con-

vectively suppressed phase, the BSISO convectively

active phase weakens and propagates northward from

phases 5 to 1, and reaches the SCCA in phase 1.

5. Influences of the BSISO on the coastal rainfalldiurnal cycle

In correspondence with the northeastward propaga-

tion of the BSISO, rainfall over the SCCA is consider-

ably enhanced during phase 1, and is considerably

reduced during phases 4 and 5 (Fig. 6). The daily rainfall

FIG. 3. Diurnal variations of hourly rainfall averaged over 1998–2017 mei-yu seasons.


anomalies averaged over the SCCA are 1.83, 22.86,

and23.38mmday21 during phases 1, 4, and 5, which are

approximately 25%, 39%, and 46%of the climatological

mean magnitude of the mei-yu season rainfall over the

SCCA (7.26mmday21). The rainfall anomalies in other

BSISO phases are all below 9% of the mean in magni-

tude. The daily-averaged anomalous horizontal winds at

850hPa for each BSISO phases are also shown in Fig. 6.

In phase 1, an anomalous anticyclone can be found over

the central South China Sea, which corresponds with the

suppressed convective activity over the region (Fig. 5).

The southwesterly wind over the SCCA is strengthened

during this phase. Also, the BSISO enhances the west-

erly wind from Indochina to the SCCA. In phase 2, the

anomalous low-level wind pattern is similar to phase 1,

while the southerly flow component is increased and the

rainfall is slightly reduced. From phases 3 to 5, the

anomalous winds over the SCCA turn from southerly to

easterly. In phase 5, a clear dry phase can be found over

the SCCA with convective activity enhanced in the

South China Sea. At the same time, an anomalous cy-

clone is situated over the South China Sea, with anom-

alous easterly flow over the SCCA. The suppression of

rainfall over the SCCA gradually weakens from phases 6

to 8, while the low-level wind over the SCCA turns from

easterly to northerly. In phase 8, rainfall over the SCCA

inland region is suppressed while rainfall over the SCCA

offshore region is enhanced.

Figure 7 displays the diurnal variation of rainfall

anomalies over the SCCA during each BSISO phase.

We find that the diurnally varying patterns of rainfall

anomalies are closely related to the low-level anomalous

winds. During phases 1 and 2, when there is anomalous

southwesterly flow in the SCCA, a preferential rainfall

enhancement can be found in the afternoon. However,

when easterly anomalous wind dominates over the

FIG. 4. Composites of OLR (color shading) and 500-hPa wind (arrow) anomalies for BSISO phases 1–8 during

1998–2017 mei-yu seasons. The letters A and C stand for anticyclone and cyclone, respectively.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2095

SCCA in phases 4 to 5, stronger rainfall suppression

can be found from the morning to the afternoon. The

anomalous rainfall during the transition phases 3, 6, and

7 show little diurnal variability. In phase 8, the SCCA is

impacted by anomalous northerly wind (Fig. 6). The

rainfall over the SCCA is notably enhanced around 1200

LST during this phase.

The diurnal variations of rainfall anomalies over the

SCCA offshore and inland regions are shown separately

in Figs. 8 and 9. We find that the afternoon peak of the

positive rainfall anomalies during phases 1 and 2 is

largely due to the rainfall anomalies over the inland

region, which is characterized by a prominent afternoon

enhancement (Fig. 9). However, the rainfall anomalies

FIG. 5. Composites of meridional wind (color shading) and vertical velocity (black contours) anomalies averaged

over the 1118–1188E (the SCCA) longitude band during 1998–2017 mei-yu seasons. The positive vertical velocity

anomalies are shown in solid contours, and the negative vertical velocity anomalies are shown in dashed contours.

The contour interval is 0.01m s21. The bold black lines denote the latitude bands of the SCCA (208 and 24.58N).


over the offshore region show little diurnal variability in

comparison to the inland region (Fig. 8). During phases

4 and 5, the stronger morning-to-afternoon rainfall

suppression over the SCCA is due to the rainfall anom-

alies over both the offshore and the inland regions. The

rainfall suppression is stronger in the morning over the

offshore region (Fig. 8) and is stronger during the af-

ternoon over the inland region (Fig. 9). In phase 8, the

noon rainfall positive peak is largely due to the rainfall

enhancement from the morning to the afternoon in the

offshore region (Fig. 8). Rainfall anomalies during pha-

ses 3, 6, and 7 show weaker diurnal variability over both

the offshore and inland regions, except for an anoma-

lous rainfall minimum that can be found in the evening

during phase 7. The rest of this study will focus on the

diurnal cycle of anomalous rainfall during the following

three phases: phase 1 (the SCCA convectively active

phase with stronger inland afternoon rainfall enhance-

ment), phase 5 (the SCCA convectively suppressed phase

with a stronger morning rainfall suppression over the

FIG. 6. Composites of rainfall (color shading) and 850-hPa wind (arrow) anomalies for BSISO phases 1–8 during

1998–2017 mei-yu seasons. The letters A and C stand for anticyclone and cyclone, respectively.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2097

offshore region and a stronger afternoon rainfall sup-

pression over the inland region), and phase 8 (the

SCCA convective transition phase with a notable off-

shore rainfall enhancement from the morning to the


Figure 10 shows the diurnal variations of the spatial

distributions of anomalous rainfall during phase 1. From

the night to the early morning (0000–0300 LST), an

inland positive anomalous rainfall center can be found

on the windward slope of the northern mountainous

area of the SCCA, which corresponds to the enhanced

nocturnal orographic rainfall associated with the inertial

oscillation. The offshore rainfall associated with the land

breeze does not show clear enhancement or suppression

during this time period. The nocturnal inland positive

anomalous rainfall center disappears after 0600 LST.

FIG. 7. Diurnal variations of rainfall anomalies over the SCCA for BSISO phases 1–8. The blue dashed lines show

the daily mean rainfall anomalies for each BSISO phase.


At 0900 LST, negative rainfall anomalies prevail over

the western offshore region while positive rainfall

anomalies occur over the eastern offshore region. From

noon to the afternoon (1200–1500 LST), a strong en-

hancement of rainfall can be found over the SCCA in-

land region. However, the anomalous rainfall over the

offshore region is very weak with values between 20.2

and 0.2mmh21. The enhanced rainfall over the inland

region weakens from the late afternoon (1800 LST) to

the evening (2100LST). In general, the inland anomalous

rainfall shows a clear diurnal cycle with a prominent en-

hancement during the early afternoon in phase 1. How-

ever, the anomalous rainfall over the offshore region is

weaker and shows little diurnal cycle in this phase.

In phase 5, a clear suppression of the offshore rainfall

can be found from the night to the morning (0000–0900

LST), with an area-averaged rainfall minimum around

20.22mmh21 around 0900 LST (Fig. 11). Comparison

FIG. 8. As in Fig. 7, but for the offshore region in the SCCA.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2099

between the evolutions of the offshore negative rainfall

anomalies with the development of the nocturnal pre-

cipitation caused by the land breeze in Fig. 3 indicates

that the land breeze induced offshore rainfall is sup-

pressed during this phase. From noon to the afternoon

(1200–1800 LST), the inland rainfall is also suppressed

dramatically, with the mean inland rainfall anomaly

reaching 20.23mmh21 at 1500 LST. This indicates that

the afternoon rainfall induced by the sea breeze

penetration and solar heating effects is also suppressed

in this phase. The negative inland rainfall anomalies

decay from the late afternoon to the evening (1800–2100

LST; Fig. 11).

During phase 8, the land breeze related offshore

rainfall is enhanced notably. Positive offshore rainfall

anomalies can be noted from the night to the morning

(0000–0900 LST; Fig. 12). In addition, the positive

rainfall anomalies exhibit a clear offshore propagation

FIG. 9. As in Fig. 7, but for the inland region in the SCCA.


(southeastward) from noon to the afternoon (1200–1800

LST). This propagating rainfall feature peaks around

midday and weakens in the afternoon, which explains

the near-noon peak in the diurnal rainfall anomaly in the

offshore average for phase 8 (Fig. 8). This indicates that

the land breeze related rainfall is stronger and has a

longer lifetime during phase 8. In the afternoon (1500–

1800 LST), on the other hand, the precipitation is no-

tably suppressed over the inland region. The anomalous

rainfall signals over both the inland and the offshore

regions weaken further in the evening (2100 LST).

The impacts of the BSISO on the low-level horizontal

moisture advection are quantified next (see section 2 for

details on the calculation). Figure 13 displays the daily

mean MADV and wind anomalies at 850 hPa during

phases 1, 5 and 8. The relative contributions of terms 1–3

on the RHS of Eq. (1) to the MADV averaged over the

SCCA offshore and inland regions during these three

phases are shown in Fig. 14. In phase 1, the daily mean

MADV over the SCCA offshore region is around 1.5 31029 kg (kg s)21 (Figs. 13a and 14a), while the MADV

over the SCCA inland region is much stronger with

FIG. 10. Composite diurnal cycle of hourly rainfall anomalies for BSISO phase 1.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2101

around 6.5 3 1029 kg (kg s)21 (Figs. 13a and 14b). The

overall positive MADV indicates that the anomalous

moisture advection associated with the BSISO trans-

ports relatively moister air to the SCCA during this

phase, which promotes enhanced rainfall over the

SCCA (Figs. 6 and 7). The strong positive MADV over

the inland region specifically enhances the afternoon

precipitation associated with the daytime sea breeze

penetration and solar heating effects (Figs. 9 and 10).

Both the advection of the backgroundmeanmoisture by

the BSISO anomalous wind and the advection of BSISO

anomalous moisture by the background mean wind

contribute to the positive inland MADV during the af-

ternoon (Fig. 14b). The background mean atmospheric

humidity is higher on the west side of the SCCA than

that over the SCCA inland region. Hence, the anoma-

lous westerly wind transports moisture from the west to

the SCCA inland region (Figs. 13a). In addition, the

mean southerly wind during the mei-yu season trans-

ports BSISO anomalous moisture from the SCCA off-

shore region to the inland region. Similarly, the positive

MADVover the SCCAoffshore region is also due to the

FIG. 11. As in Fig. 10, but for BSISO phase 5.


advection of the background mean moisture by the

BSISO anomalous wind and the advection of the BSISO

anomalous moisture by the background mean wind,

while both terms are smaller when compared to their

counterparts over the inland region (Fig. 14a).

During phase 5, both the SCCA offshore and inland

regions are characterized by negativeMADV (Fig. 13b).

The negative anomalous moisture advection over the

SCCA induces a suppression of the land-breeze related

nocturnal rainfall and a suppression of the daytime in-

land rainfall associated with sea-breeze penetration and

solar heating effects (Figs. 8, 9, and 11). The advec-

tion of the background mean moisture by the BSISO

anomalous wind leads to the offshore negative MADV

(Fig. 14c). The anomalous easterly wind transports rel-

atively drier air from the west Pacific to the SCCA off-

shore region and weakens precipitation over the area.

The negative MADV over the SCCA inland region is

contributed both by the advection of the background

mean moisture by the BSISO anomalous wind and

the advection of the BSISO anomalous moisture by

the background mean wind (Fig. 14d). In addition to the

FIG. 12. As in Fig. 10, but for BSISO phase 8.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2103

transportation of relatively drier air from the west Pa-

cific by the anomalous easterly flow (Fig. 13b), the

background mean southerly wind also transport the

BSISO anomalous direr air from ocean to the inland

region (Figs. 2a and 11).

In phase 8, the averaged MADV over the SCCA

offshore region is positive (Figs. 13c and 14e), which

corresponds to an enhanced offshore propagating rain-

fall feature frommidnight to early afternoon (Figs. 8 and

12). This indicates that the positive anomalous mois-

ture advection associated with the BSISO promotes

enhanced and longer-lasting land-breeze-related pre-

cipitation during phase 8. The advection of the back-

ground mean moisture by the BSISO anomalous wind is

the major contributor to the positive offshore MADV.

Over the inland region, the averagedMADV is negative

during this phase (Fig. 14f). As a result, negative rainfall

anomalies can be found over the SCCA inland region,

with the suppression stronger in the afternoon around

1800LST (Fig. 12). This negative inlandMADV is largely

due to the advection of the backgroundmeanmoisture by

the BSISO anomalous wind. This indicates that the

BSISO anomalous northerly wind transports drier air

from farther inland to the SCCA region.

To summarize the findings, the diurnal cycle of total

rainfall over the SCCA offshore and inland regions during

different BSISO phases is shown in Fig. 15. One should

note that the differences of the total rainfall diurnal cycles

between different BSISO phases include not only the im-

pacts of the BSISO but also the impacts of the seasonal

transitions, because the BSISO is closely related to the

onset of the summer monsoon over the SCCA (e.g., Chi

et al. 2015). Figure 15 shows several clear notable distinc-

tions in the diurnal rainfall timing and intensity between

different BSISO phases. For example, the inland afternoon

rainfall peak (Fig. 15a) is enhanced dramatically in phase 1

(;0.7mmh21) relative to the mei-yu seasonal mean

(;0.5mmh21), which is consistent with the diurnal cycle of

inland rainfall anomalies during phase 1 as shown in Fig. 9.

In phases 4 and 5, both the offshore morning rainfall peak

and the inland afternoon rainfall peak are suppressed no-

tably (Figs. 15a and 15b). These features are similar to the

diurnal variations of the rainfall anomalies shown in Figs. 8

and 9. In phase 8, the offshore rainfall peak is enhanced and

peaks later when compared to the mei-yu seasonal mean.

The stronger and later peak reflects stronger and longer-

lasting offshore-propagating rainfall associated with the

land breeze, as noted above (Figs. 10 and 15a). On the

other hand, inland rainfall is suppressed from early after-

noon to evening in this phase (Figs. 9 and 15b).

6. Summary and discussion

In this study, we analyzed the modulations of the

coastal mei-yu season (May–June) rainfall diurnal cycle

over south China due to the boreal summer intra-

seasonal oscillation (BSISO), using 20-yr CMORPH

rainfall observations, OLR data, and ERA-Interim re-

analysis from 1998 to 2017. During the mei-yu season,

the south China coastal area (SCCA) receives most of its

annual rainfall and the majority of its extreme rainfall

events, and is associated with a local rainfall maximum

over the East Asian continent. Southwesterly mon-

soonal wind transports moisture from the South China

Sea and Indochina to the SCCA and induces strong

precipitation over the region. The diurnal cycle caused

by the thermally forced land–sea breeze circulation is a

dominant mode of rainfall variability in the mei-yu sea-

son, causing offshore rainfall in themorning in connection

FIG. 13. Total anomalous horizontal moisture advection (color

shading) and 850-hPa wind anomalies (arrow) for BSISO phases

(a) 1, (b) 5, and (c) 8.


with the land breeze, and inland rainfall in the afternoon

due to the sea breeze and solar heating.

The BSISO is a northeastward-propagating feature in

East Asia that strongly modulates rainfall on intra-

seasonal time scales during the mei-yu season through

its modulation of the strength of the southwesterly

flow and the meridional distribution of moisture. The

northward propagation of the BSISO across the South

China Sea and into China causes rainfall anomalies of up

to 46% in magnitude relative to the mei-yu seasonal

mean, which manifest in distinct manners depending

the phase of the BSISO. In phase 1 of the BSISO, the

rainfall enhancement over the SCCA inland region

manifests in a prominent afternoon peak, which corre-

sponds to a strengthening of the sea-breeze-related in-

land rainfall; however, the diurnal cycle of the positive

rainfall anomalies offshore have much weaker diurnal

variability. In phase 5, the inland negative rainfall anom-

alies have a minimum in the afternoon, while the offshore

negative rainfall anomalies are characterized by a morn-

ing minimum. The rainfall in phase 8 is notably enhanced

over the offshore region from the morning to the after-

noon, which owes to a strengthened and longer-lasting

offshore propagating rainfall feature associated with the

FIG. 14. The total intraseasonal horizontal moisture advection (MADV) and the three contributing terms—1)

the advection of the background mean moisture by the BSISO anomalous wind; 2) the advection of the BSISO

anomalous moisture by the background mean wind; and 3) the advection of the BSISO anomalous moisture by the

BSISO anomalous wind—on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) for BSISO phases (top) 1, (middle) 5, and (bottom) 8

averaged over the (left) offshore and (right) inland regions of the SCCA.

1 APRIL 2019 CHEN ET AL . 2105

land breeze. Analysis of the horizontal moisture advection

at 850hPa indicates that the diurnal cycle of rainfall

anomalies during each BSISO phase can be understood

through the influence of the BSISO on the low-level

moisture distribution and flow.

Themajority of the analysis in this study has been based

on a combination of in situ rainfall observations and global

reanalysis products. Given the inherent limitations of re-

analysis products at fine spatiotemporal scales, future

convection-permitting model analysis and sensitivity ex-

periments would be valuable to further investigate the

interactions between the local thermally forced diurnal

cycle and the large-scale anomalous flows associated with

the BSISO. In addition, coastal terrain has considerable

impacts on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the SCCA

(Chen et al. 2016). It also would be valuable to study the

orographic effects on the coastal rainfall diurnal cycles

during different BSISO phases in the future. Future re-

search is needed to further extend the current study to

other coastal regions across Southeast Asia, whose rainfall

diurnal cycles are closely related to the land–sea breeze

circulation (e.g., Park et al. 2011; Qian et al. 2013; Wang

and Sobel 2017). Because of differences in ambient wind

direction and strength, coastal orography, and inland sur-

face properties, among other factors, the modulations of

coastal rainfall diurnal cycle caused by BSISO may differ

across different coastal regions.

The diurnal cycle of rainfall is of major importance for

climate at longer time scales because of its strong in-

fluence on the daily-mean radiative and water budgets

and surface temperature (Bechtold et al. 2004). Although

most general circulation models (GCMs) can reasonably

predict the monthly (or even weekly) mean rainfall, it is

still a big challenge for most GCMs to correctly simulate

the rainfall diurnal cycle (Dai et al. 1999; Lin et al. 2000;

Noda et al. 2012; Chen and Wang 2016). Studies like the

current paper should help us better understand the dy-

namic connections between the regional diurnal cycle and

low-frequency variability, and may therefore provide a

useful benchmark for evaluating GCMs.

Acknowledgments. This study is partially supported

by NSF Grants AGS-1305798 and 1712290, and the DOE

subcontract to Penn State through the Pacific Northwest

National Laboratory. Computing is partly performed at

the Texas Advanced Computer Center. An animation of

Fig. 4 can be downloaded from

500hpa_anomaly.gif. The authors thank the three anony-

mous reviewers for their detailed and valuable suggestions.


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