modul solar pmr perak - paper 1 (section a - graphic materials)

Pre Exercises KEY WORDS FOR GRAPHIC MATERIALS AND SHORT TEXTS ENGLISH BAHASA MALAYSIA 1. Increase Meningkat 2. Decrease/decline Menurun 3. Ascending Menaik 4. Descending Menurun 5. Most Paling banyak 6. Least Paling kurang 7. Maximum Maksimum 8. Minimum Minimum 9. Average Purata 10. Purpose Tujuan 11. Objective Objektif 12. Aim Matlamat 13. Because Sebab 14. Tells/ explains Nyatakan 15. Correct/ incorrect Betul/salah 16. Statements Kenyataan 17. Most probably Kemungkinan besar 18. Should/must/can Harus/mesti/boleh 19. Except Kecuali 20. Best Terbaik 21. True Benar 22. False Salah 23. Main Utama 24. Decline sharply Menurun dengan mendadak 25. Decline gradually Menurun secara beransur-ansur 1

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Page 1: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Pre Exercises


ENGLISH BAHASA MALAYSIA1. Increase Meningkat2. Decrease/decline Menurun3. Ascending Menaik4. Descending Menurun5. Most Paling banyak6. Least Paling kurang7. Maximum Maksimum8. Minimum Minimum9. Average Purata10.Purpose Tujuan11.Objective Objektif12.Aim Matlamat13.Because Sebab14.Tells/ explains Nyatakan15.Correct/ incorrect Betul/salah16.Statements Kenyataan17.Most probably Kemungkinan besar18.Should/must/can Harus/mesti/boleh

19. Except Kecuali 20. Best Terbaik 21. True Benar 22. False Salah 23. Main Utama 24. Decline sharply Menurun dengan mendadak 25. Decline gradually Menurun secara beransur-ansur


Page 2: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)


SECTION A(Graphic Materials and Short texts or Stimuli)

Question 1Study the picture below and answer the question that follows.

This equipment is usually used by a A doctor C lawyer B dentist D engineer

Question 2Read the newspaper headline and answer the question that follows.

According to the headline, the police caught the thief A as he left the shop B while he was at the shop C at the entrance of the shop D when he was going to the shop


Police catch thiefred-handed in shop

Page 3: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 3

Study the advertisement below and answer the question below.

The film “The Crazy Bunch”A. is shown in the morning and afternoon.B. is produced by Harrison and Company.C. has Chinese and Malay subtitles.D. has won the best picture award.

Question 4Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

How long is the talk?A. one hourB. two hoursC. three hoursD. four hours

Page 4: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 5

Read the advertisement below and answer the question that follows.

If Sam finishes work at 6.30 pm, which movies can he watch?A. Crocodile Dundee and The Sound of MusicB. Raise the Red Lantern and Peking Opera HouseC. The Sound of Music and The Phantom of the OperaD. The Phantom of the Opera and Raise the Red Lantern (PMR 2006)

Questions 6 - 7

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

6. To whom is the reminder directed?A. The public.B. Hotel guests.C. The pool attendants.D. Children more than 12 years old.

Dates MoviesSept. 22 The Sound of Music (12pm, 3pm, shows)Sept. 23 The Phantom of the Opera (2pm, 9pm shows)Sept. 24 Peking Opera House (11am, 1pm, 4pm shows)Sept. 25 Crocodile Dundee (1pm, 3pm, 6pm shows)Sept. 26 Raise the Red Lantern (3pm, 7pm shows)ADMISSION FREE


Featuring some of the greatest movies from America, China and Australia, thisFestival highlights box office movies that have captured audiences world-wide.

So, why wait? Visit the festival today!

REMINDERThe hotel wishes to remind all guests that

children below the age of 12 using the poolmust be accompanied by their parents.

Pool attendants cannot take overthe responsibility of the parents

Safety starts at home!Thank youCinta Sayang Hotel Management

Page 5: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

7. What is the responsibility of the parents in the reminder?A. Parents must always observe their children who are below 12.B. Parents must not let their children below 12 to use the pool.C. Parents must supervise their children below 12 when at the pool.D. Parents must remind their children not to use the pool.

Question 8

Read the banner below and answer the question that follows.

The banner ___________ people to visit Malacca.A. encouragesB. requestsC. remindsD. orders

Question 9

Read the poster below and answer the question that follows.

The poster tells us toA. turn off lights when in the roomB. save electricity when in the roomC. leave the room to save electricityD. save electricity by turning off the lights when not in the room

COME VISIT HISTORICAL MALACCAYou will be attracted by its beauty!

Save Electricity

Please turn off all lightswhen you leave the room.

Page 6: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 10

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

The notice above is to remind the residentsA. to stay indoorsB. to make repairsC. not to do washingD. to be prepared for inconvenience

Question 11

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

The phrase Do your part in the above notice means, we must beA. careful.B. helpful.C. grateful. D. hardworking (PMR 2005)


Water supply will be cut from 12 noon to 6 pm on 20 Juneto facilitate water tank cleaning. We regret the inconveniencecaused.

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Question 12

From the sign in the picture, we know that A. the paint has not dried yet.B. the bench is damp with water.C. the bench needs a coat of wet paint.D. we must be careful when we sit on that bench.

Question 13

Study the picture below and answer the question that follows.

For what occasion would you buy this cake?

A. Teachers’ Day celebrationB. Wedding anniversaryC. Mother’s Day partyD. Father’s birthday (PMR 2006)

Page 8: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 14

Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.

The sign tells us that

A. anybody can use the facilities at the hotel.B. only those staying at the hotel can use the facilities.C. guests at the hotel are not allowed to use the facilities.D. the facilities are for those working in the hotel.

Question 15

Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

The purpose of this message is to

A. suggestB. inviteC. informD. request

Dear Tasha, Siti and I are going to the library this weekend to do some research for our History project. Would you like to come along?


Not For Public Use

Facilities are only for Hotel Guests

Page 9: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 16

Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

Who should Mawi telephone to repair the taps?

A. A doctorB. A mechanicC. A plumberD. A carpenter

Question 17

Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

Dear Jill, Dollah is down with dengue fever and isadmitted to the hospital. Lim visited him just now.Ain and I are visiting him this evening.Would you like to come along? Please do letme know if you wish to join us. Zahid

Who is accompanying Zahid to the hospital?

A. AinB. JillC. LimD. Dollah

Dear Sir,The shower in my bathroom does not function.The tap in my kitchen is leaking. Mawi

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Page 11: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 18

Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.

When customers see the sign, they mustA pay at the cashier.B eat first and pay later.C pay when food is served.D pay when ordering the food.

Question 19

Look at the picture below and answer the question that follows.

This sign is most probably warning truck drivers thatA the roof is too low for trucks.B there are many truck accidents.C their trucks are still under repair.D. their trucks are good.



Page 12: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 20

Read the newspaper headline below and answer the question that follows.

The newspaper headline tells us about theA number of landslide victims.B location of the landslide.C cause of the landslide.D result of the landslide.

Question 21Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows.

By saying no inkling, the woman is saying that sheA is not happy.B shows no interest.C has no knowledge.D disagrees with the man.

Question 22



Page 13: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Study the label below and answer the question that follows.

The label shows the A. price of the coffee.B. weight of the packet.C. expiry date of the coffee.

D. production date of the coffee.

Question 23Study the speech bubble below and answer the question that follows.

The above means that the staff will A go home after lunch.B finish work after lunch.C return after their lunch break.

D. resume work at night

Question 24


4-IN-1Best before :


Will be back after lunch


Page 14: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Study the picture below and answer the question that follows.

These tools are used by aA hairdresserB plumberC cobblerD butcher

Question 25

Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.


Page 15: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Visitors cannot enter if they areA formally dressed.B wearing slippers.C members.

D. without their handbags.

Question 26

Read the advertisement below and answer the question that follows.

The product advertised above curesA toothache.B sore throat.C bad breath.D cold sore.

Question 27

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.




Page 16: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

The word inflammable meansA hot.B heavy.C tears easily.D burns easily.

Question 28

According to the message, why do you think the son is in Kota Bahru?

A. Studying in a college

B. Studying tennis in Kota Bahru

C. Studying in a residential school.


Dear son,

Congratulations on your success in the Inter-state Tennis Tournament. I alwaysknew you had it in you. We, your Mum and I, wish we had been able to watchyou in action. Kota Bahru is not exactly next door. All the best for the SPM.

Your loving father,


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D. Studying in a primary school.

Question 29

Study the chart below and answer the question that follows.

Book-buying habits of Form 3 students





What book do Form 3 students spend the least on? A. Science.B. English.C. History.


Page 18: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

D. Mathematics. (PMR 2006)

Question 30

Study the table below and answer the question that follows.


What is Malaysia’s main import?A. FurnitureB. PetroleumC. ChemicalsD. Processed foods (PMR 2005)

Question 31

Read the table below and answer the question that follows.

Prices of Vegetables

Items Fajar Billion Minat Econ-SaveChillies RM2.60 RM2.80 RM2.00 RM2.40Onions RM1.70 RM1.90 RM1.20 RM1.50Tomatoes RM3.80 RM3.50 RM2.80 RM3.00Garlic RM2.70 RM2.50 RM2.10 RM2.90

Which supermarket sells all the items at the cheapest price?A. Econ-SaveB. FajarC. BillionD. Minat

Question 32

Read the diary entries below and answer the question that follows

PRODUCT VALUE RM millionChemicals 160Furniture 115Petroleum 170Processed Foods 80


1 May 2007Went for a movie with friend. Bought a new pair of shoes.

8 May 2007Baked a cake. Went to the cinema.

15 May 2007Finish my homework. Watched an English movie.

22 May 2007Did some gardening. Enjoyed some TV movies.

Page 19: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

The diary entries shows that the writer’s hobby is most probablyA. bakingB. shoppingC. doing homeworkD. watching movies

Question 33

Study the graph below and answer the question that follows.

Types of TV Programmes Watched by Boys of Form 3 At Termidzi





Which is the most popular type of programme watched?A. Documentary.B. Romance.C. Comedy.D. Thriller.

Question 34

Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.


Page 20: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Which of the following activities is the least done by the students?A. Shopping.B. Group study.C. Watching movies. D. Homework.

Question 35

Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.

Problems Faced by Teenagers in SMK Ijok



Parental Pressure


Emotional Stress15%

Too Active5%

Peer Pressure40%

The most serious problem faced by teenagers isA. problems related to moneyB. pressure from their friendsC. having too much homeworkD. pressure from their parents

Question 36

Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.


Things Students of SMK Gunung Semanggol Like to Do

Group Study15%

Watching Movies


Outdoor Games

25%Research in Library15%

Homework 30%


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TV Programmes Prefered by Students of Form 2 Ibnu Majah


Sports and Games




From the pie chart, we can conclude that students of Form 2 Ibnu Majah like to watchA. sports and gamesB. comediesC. dramasD. movies

Question 37

Which of the following statements is true?A. Pak Bahar caught the most number of fish in January.B. Pak Bahar’s catch increased from January to April.C. Pak Bahar’s worst catch was in May and October.D. Pak Bahar’s best catch was in June and July.


Page 22: Modul SOLAR PMR PERAK - Paper 1 (Section A - Graphic Materials)

Question 38

Read the list below and answer the question that follows.

1st June 8th June 15th June 22nd JuneLong Beans 60 sen 80 sen 70 sen 65 senCarrots 90 sen RM1.05 75 sen RM1.20Tomatoes 80 sen 90 sen RM1.00 RM1.10Cabbage 50 sen 45 sen 75 sen 90 sen

On 15th June, the price was the same forA. carrots and cabbageB. tomatoes and cabbageC. long beans and carrotsD. long beans and tomatoes

Question 39

Study the road sign below and answer the question that follows.

From the road sign, drivers will know that

A. Mersing is nearer than Kota Tinggi.B. Pasir Gudang is the nearest town.C. Kota Tinggi is the furthest town.D. Desaru is further than Mersing.

Question 40


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People are warned to be cautious in case of

A. corrosionB. explosionC. erosionD. eruption