modoc- crandall spring bed! spring 3—» cloth in · tunnel resume worlc to-day. wood.—large...

THE EVENING NEWS. GOLD HILL, WBDHE8DAY. 31. 1873 •TOCI IBPOHT. luroaras daxlt »t outii, * oo.] *·. »«< V stock. imr :M. Call.t Ootimf LAST 1T1KTMM. 1570 Meadow Valley.. 030 Raymond lily 150 Inreka Con 3—» Phoenix Pioche I Waah'n Creole 5401 Alp*. * Panaca. 110 American Flag.. 150 AdameHIU 4>·. Haut 180! Bowery 15 Chapman 30 Spring Moan ta. 17* Iogomar 901 Pioche Wwl loo Sllrer Peak 790 Star Con 900, Belmont. 3001 Chief of the Hill 450) Newark 100 Loalae S50· Marlon 810 Chtet <Ra»t Kx.>. SolKentacky 515, Hernie· 50 Pioche Pbenlx... «OO'Rt· Patch 300 El Dorvlo South ltojjoa. King Con.. «O.K. K. Con 10 Careka «». V.).. 0001 Independent 100; BelleToe 40 Cedarbe re 140 Ida EUmc'e lSOiRed Jacket (Id'o) got Maboeany M0 Golden Chariot.. 310 Havace 1551 Belcher USOl Baltimore Con .J * aoaaixo. lBIOphlr M l km Id & Carry. MS lav are 18»!cboUar-Potoet.. SAO Hale Nortroe». BOIOowa Point... SSO-Tellow Jacket... 410 Implre Mill #901 Imperial Ken tack TO Alpha 8751 Belcher 1*45| Confidence 195;Orerman 70 Sierra Nevada... 300'Daney 100 Szcbeener '5· ·» tlx 1J< MX, 7Sc| 9\ t *1 S B0e " *1 50c I 13· 2 h5| 2 b I 50c «X u alO> *.'< b30 45c Hi IS* MPI 10 . n*| IS « «X 1M.SI 88 13X' S3X I I. »)] M 51 ! ttl . ! . ?x; 1—-*1 « 15i »| 66 ux ·» 55c «X »X VA U 7% «Se S »s eoc 40c 35c 1 50c IX 35c 5 ix 40c *c 50c 4 13 »X 17 10X 3X 5 MX 3K IX 4X 4X -30 SX «X 6*. 131 85 bo 13X 87 12 « W Kil 4? i 137 (7 50 130 7SX J S* 11 bWlO\ b30 I » M M es SX i.'ii Vil 75! » * 60|Sm. Belcher AO. Jatlm 390 Cod. Virginia .. Mil Back·?· IIS ! Caledonia .... JP60 C»n... 170 Arieona & l'tah 110; Bacon TO' B4»t t B«lch«r. 310 SUr«r HiU .. .. lonljvuc· J88 Knickerbocker.. 90 Bclip·» SaOlRock I»!»nd ....| 1 140| N»w York Con .. I 1H «00,Occidental ' 1JS0 American Flat.. I S 1J1 T»l«r I 1\ «ojtfoodvllle ,*» , Franklin 100 Ko«»u!h j lOCMOrtg. GoM Util.. lia'Sec. Rock Ulandj 1| Tennessee « « » 21 5* W| TnsATHicAi..—Our theatre goers, it «*, aro Co enjoy a rare treat uext Monday night, on which occasion the •tar actress, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, mikes I her appearance at Piper's Opera IIoa«e. She will be supported by the following sterling performer*: J. C. McCuilum. Messrs. Edmonds, Hag· J garth. Liston, Leroy, Ilea, Belasco, Coghlll. Earle, Miss Klla Wilton, Mrs. Frank Ilea, Miss Fannie Gibson, Mrs. Kate Armstrong and Miss Au· gusta Sampson. The opening piece will probably be ·· Elizabeth," Mrs. J Bowers appearing in the title role. The box sheet will open for the tale of season tickets on Thursday. Friday, and on Saturday for the ac- commodation of those who desire re- I aerved seats for tingle nights. Ou nc- » ··' »>— -·*»» SiuMirrml III aecurltig the t'a moue actress, Mrs. liow- er« and her large and brilliant sup- port. manager Piper will be com- pelled to charge tllty cents extra for reserved seats. The engagement of the company U only for one week. We venture to say our people have not been favored for many a day with •uch downright soul-satisfying dra- matic entertainments as will be pre- sented at the Opera House next week. Mat Fkshvai..—The Virginia Turn Vereln Seciety are making extensive preparations for the grand May Festi- val, which tskes place at Hildebrand's Pleasure Garden on Sunday and Mon- day, May 35th and 26tli. grand concert will be given by the orchestra, under the charge of Prof. Winkler. There will also be singing and gym- nastic exercises by the Turn Vereln. An address will be delivered by the President of the Society. On Suirday afternoon and evening there will be dancing. The prizes will lie distribu- ted on Tuesday. The entertainment promises to be an unusually enjoyable one. The Germans carry out practi- cally the Latin motto, " Dunt v/efiaut ricamu» "—" As we journey through life, let us live by the way." Omaha Lottery.—The following telegram from Omaha was received by Mr. Searle*. last evening: Omaha. May 20th.—W. A. Searles: Omaha Lottery progressing. Ticket So. 80.777. draw·» tlr-t prize, $70.000. City and State officials are managing tike drawing. Universal satisfaction. Blackmailers put to shame. J. W. Miner. Editor Republican. In this connection we are requested to state that the publUhed list of the drawing will be forwarded to this place without delay as soon as printed and will arrive hero in about 10 days. Runaway Accident.—Last evening while Mr. Ilanifan, of the firm of Hur- ley & Hanifan, was driving past the Piute House with a two horse delivery team, the horses became frightened and ran down Main street at the top of their speed. Mr. llauiftn was thrown out of the wagon and in falling had one of his ankles badly sprained, besides sustaining several bruises on various portions of his body. The team and wagon were uninjured. Mr. Hanifan will probably be laid up for several days. Drowsed.—A grandchild of an aged couple by the name of Crane, residing In Dayton, was drowned yesterday morning, under the following circum- stances : It seems that the little girl who was about Ave years of age. had left the house to play early lit the morning, and not returning, search was made for her at about 9 o'clock, when her remains were discovered in the race leading from the Carson river to Bird sail's Mill. It was thought that the child had accidentally fallen iuto the water while playing by the race. Foot Hack.—J. W. Collins of Vir- ginia City and Mr. Gilpin of Silver City, have entered Into an agreement to run a foot race, single dash of 100 yards, for a puree of fiOO. The race will take place on the Divide next Saturday. Two hundred dollars of the stake money has already been de- posited at the Palace Saloon, Virginia City. * Delinquent List.—The delinquent lilt In the matter of the last assess- ment of the Empire Mining Company, is officially published in our advertis- ing columnsto-da . Making tue Grand Roowds.—Dur- 1 lug oar every day round* in search of " unconslderate trifles," we encounter all sort· of people and have abundant opportunity to study human nature while engaged in looking up curiosi- ties. monstrosities or whatever else may be worthy o( a place in the local columns of the paper. Quid novi aece- <lit ? which, being translated Into Eng- lish, means " What's the news ?" is a question propounded to us a thousand times a day, and which we. In turn, in- flict upon all ot our acquaintances. People eucountering a reporter on the street, by day or night will notioe that he always wears an anxious cast of countenance not begotten particu- larly of hunger or thirst, although for Intelligence. " Watchman tell us of the night," is the constant burden of Ills prayer. But we are wandering from that of which we intended to Apeak. Last evening, at Virginia, we met with a young lady from Gold IIIII, who for once managed to smooth the wrinkles out of our careworn countenance. Of all the vivacious people we ever met in our travels she was certainly the chici, and for an hour she kept all the people in the house where she was stopping In one constant uproar of laughter with her mirth-provoking sallies. During the course of her conversation she made some grave charges against lier young gentlemen acquaintance* in Gold Hill, the truthfulness of which we aro very much Inclined to question. Among other grievances, she stated that gal- huts from Slippery Gulch do not take their girls to Fltzmler's for oystenp af- ter the theater is over. One young man who took her out buggy riding weut a considerable distance out of the way to avoid paying toll. We suspect that he took the long route for the purpose of enjoying her dellghttul conversation. Takort Shootisq.—!· Mttonai Guard ot Virginia City are making some excellent preparations for their annual target «hooting. Tliey have constructed a bulkhead 111 the vicinity of the toll-road tunnel, to support the target and prevent any danger to people paving the place while the shooting is in progress. The company have also built a comfortable home to shoot from, its dimensions being 14x18. Whatever the Nationals undertake to do they always do well. Naval Acadbut. Congressman Kendall has appointed A. C. Ellis, ltobert M. Clark and W. W. Ilobart a committee to examine applicants for cadetshlp to All vacancy at Naval Academy. Those of our youog men who desire to compete for the appoint- ment will do well to brush up a little In the common English branches, es- pecially iu orthography and arith- metic. Cakson Mist.—The total amount of mixed bullion, geld and silver, receiv- ed at the Carson Mint yesterday, says the Ap/wii, was 1.377 pounds, eeut In for melting and assaying. Six bars of Crown Point bullion were shipped by train* going east last night, way-billed for the Bank of London and San Fran- cisco (Limited) London, England- worth $13,000. Dust Den·.—John I. Ginn, wife snd her mother (Mrs. Muaier,) passed through Gold Hill on the morning train, en route for Carson with the ro- mains of their child. The funeral was to take place this forenoon from the Episcopal Church in Carson. Condition op Du. Ham..—Yester- jiy Dr. Uall appeared to bo getting tloug tinely, and was thought to be nut of danger. To-day, however, ho has met with another relapse which will retard his recovery several days. Cah Track Matbwal.—This morn- ing 100 rails, (small dze) weighing in all 11.7G0 pounds, were received at the railroad depot. Gold Hill. The Iron will be u«ed In the construction of a track in the Overman mlno. Assessing. Deputy Bob Gracey, passed down through Gold Hill this morning, carrying under his arm a mammoth assessment book and wear- ing a hostile look, lie evideutaly means business. Starting Up.—Yesterday the pump was set to work in No. 1 shaft of the Sutro Tunnel. The men employed In the machine shop at the mouth of the tunnel resume worlc to-day. Wood.—Large quantities of wood from Washoe, continue to arrive in Gold Hill, the same being brought over the grade by teams. 5InA-ti.Es.—A majority of the Vir- ginia City youngsters are down with the measles. Pioche Items. We get the following from tbo lie- cord of the 18th Inst: The Brooklyn mine is one of the latest developments of the district, and as it is attracting considerable atten- tion at the present time, we yesterday paid it a visit, to report upon It from personal observation. It Is situated about a mile east of Main street, and a short distance east of the Bowery hoist- ing works. The main shaft was begun by a partr ot practical miners the first of last November. When the shaft was down 78 feet, they drifted 33 feet to the north, but without finding a ledge ; they then drifted southward 25 feet, and cut a vein of good ore IS inches wide. The vein was then fol- lowed 25 or 30 feet to the west, widen- ing considerably in this drift, from which some very rich ore was extract- ed. A "winze was then started down on the ledge from the bottom of the shaft, which had been sunk 13 feet when we visited it yesterday. The ore body at the bottom of the winze Is four feet wide, strong, and both walls are as smooth and well defined as any walls we ever examined, the dip from where the vein was first struck to the bottom being at an Inclination of about 3ti degrees, and very regular. The ores are all of the chloride class, not a tracing of lead having been found In a number of nssays. Five assays were taken of ore at different places In the winze from top to bottom, not one of which showed less than >100 of sliver to the ton. The strike of the ledge Is easterly and westerly, the dip to the south, and the formation Is quartzite. The vein is still improving as depth is attained. On these facts the reader can forms his opinion as to the Brook- lyn. Twenty miners were discharged yes- terday and the day before from th« American Flag mine. We don't know what it raean> but have a very decided opinion that It Is a stock-jobbing scheme to run down the price of Flag stock, for that mine never presented such vast bodies of rich or» as at thi present time. Three hundred and twenty-five dol lars was the amount realized Irom th« lecture delivered .by Colonel Sutnnei on the 15tb for the purpose of starting a library for the Catholic Sundaj School. WESTERNJISPATCHES [traoiAL rn* oold hill dailt xnrs.] MODOC- WAR! FROM VREKA, CAL. Cm·. Haakraack ku a Fight with •he BHiklit-· ·4 KIIM Captera af Sqaawa aad FappfMn. Yhkka, May 21.—On Monday, Capt. Hasbro nek's command overtook the Modoc· near Falrchlld'i. The lavages made a stand amongst the hills, aud a lively fight ensued. The Modocs were driven off with a loss of five killed and ten squaws and papooses captured. The Modocs were last seen on the Tlcknor road, making for the wooded mountains about Butte and Antelope creeks, evidently hoping to reach the Pitt river country. Captains Hasbrouck and Perry are in hot pursuit. Only a few troops are In the lava bed. It Is reported that all tlie Modocs are out of there. FROM SAN FRANCISCO Raaaiag lac*— Rarllcallatal Fair— Mr·. ·(· Viaila Ika MarStrtr Ramll—The fiarrfaa-Hablaian Om-I.ikeral Srfarai Parly. Sa* Francisco, May 21—1 r. A running race for $1,000 Is arranged to come off at Agricultural Park early In July. Th« iinrtiiMiiturmi Fair was a flnan· clal failure. The deficit Is about $600. Mrs. Page, of Vallejo. whose hue- band shot and wounded her and killed himself, paid a visit to the condemned murderor, Russell, In the County Jail. The husband'* suicide and attompted murder was on account of his wife and Russell. The Oakland Gordon-Robinson case Is again before the public., Robinson having written letter· to the young girl Gordon and threatening to get even with her father, drew a revolver on him in his own house. The people of Oakland are greatly Incensed at Robinson. The Liberal Reform Party held a meeting last night. About 40 were present. An Executive Committee will report a place of orgnnlzatlon next Friday. Gold, 1172s"; greenbacks, 85,^388. SECOND DISPATCH PI··· far m Dwrlri·· Sklp-Gnibrs· alrmeai Mail far Macllta aad I'tapranlM. San Fhancisco, May 21.—3 r. m.— The originators of the plan to have a receiving ship lor this harbor on which to place boys who might go to the In- dustrial School, Intend to prosecute their purpose vigorously, and ask Con- gress next session to give them the use of some condemned vessel at Mare Island, to be auctioned here, ns a school ship. Michael Reddy was to-day arrested for the embezzlement of six thousand dollars from Michael Kenny. There U another scandalous story about an officer of the Saranac. Lieut. Wilson was sued by Marshall R. S. Shattuck for damages for the seduo- tlon of his wife. It Is reported be com- promised the matter lor $450 and left for the East to avoid the scandal. Lieut. Wilson Is generally regarded particularly fast. WiirrR IIrkcltks Powdrr. 'l'liie blasting powder has lately been Intro- duced for use In the mines In this vi- cinity with great success, and has worked an entire revolution by fur- nishing strong explosive lull 25 per cent, less than any heretofore used. The XX Hercules Is the strongest powder In use for hard rock blasting, for boulders and for use In water. The So. 2 Is equally effective for all medi- um hard rock, and much superior to any other powder of that class. They are both readily exploded with the. common exploding cap when properly adjusted to the fuse. It calculated that the Introduction of this powder will be a saving of $23,000 per annum on the Comstock lode alone, myl tf Nsw Gau.ery.~J. . Sutterley, the pioneer photographer of Nevada, Informs us that he will open one of the finest photographio galle- ries in the State in ten or fifteen days. Tho gallery will be on the ground floor, and will therefore not necessi- tate a tedious, up stairs, lung-tearing trip to attain it. The location Is on C street, opposite Frederick's jewelry store, a few doors south of Curry & Co.'s aution store. All the latest im- provements In the art will be found there, the gallery manned with the best operators on the coast, and work done at greatly reduced prices. Citi- zens of Carson should avail themselves of the opportunity now ottered, as the gallery at Carson will be closed when Sutterley opens in this city. myl2 td Moiitimrr's Conkksbiom.—Jas. R. Myers, the well-known newspaper carrier, has received a consignment of the above work, just published from the Sacramento liecord office, and to- day has commenced canvassing tor their sale in Oold lllll and Virginia, he being the exclusive agent. It Is a very Interesting record of the life and career In crime of Charles Fllnn alias Mortimer, the Sacramento murderer, executed In that city last week, com- piled trom a full confession written by himself. The book finds « ready sale, as all desire to read the revelations of thirty years of crime by so noted a criminal. War to thb Knikk.—Wolf, of the Arm of Relnstein & Co., clothing mer· chants. Main street.Gold lllll, Is on the war-path again, and Is creating a great commotion among the denizens of the lava beds of Slippery Gulch. Ile has taken up a strong position behind those immense piles or fashionable clothing to be seen on Relnsteln's A Co's coun- ters, and intends to hold hit position at all hazards. There Is danger, bow- ever. ot bis being robbed of his fortlfl- cations at the goods are offered at such astonishingly low prices that every- body U anxious to purchase. · Cocons and colda are often over- looked. A continuance for any length of time causes Irritation of tlie lungs or some chronic throat disease. Brown's Bronchial Troches are an effectual cough remedy. · EASTERN DISPATCHES. (ancui. «old mu sielt im] 0 M EST I IHTILLIOIIIOI. Link trkwlar1· liplariif IiH'· tUa-Pla»·. Washington, May 21— Lieutenant Wheeler'· exploration party will leave In a few day*. The operations con. templated are the exploration and sur- reys west of the 100th meridian during the Held season of 1873. Tblt Includes portions of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. The expedition will be divided Into four main field parties, one of which will be again subdivided, and four astrouoralcal pur. ties. They will operate In nearly par- allel lines iroui north to south, cutting most of th· old routes of travel and travoliug the area ot the backboue of the continent. The Pelarle u4 Death mf Cm ft. Ball —Slatenral mf the Steward. New York, May 21.—John Heron, Steward of the Polaris, makes the fol- lowing statement concerning the sick- ness of Capt. Hall : Capt. Hall had good health up to the time of return- ing from his sledge expedition. He was not sick wheu he came ou board, but complained soon atterwards and said that the heat of tbo cabin effected him. 1 asked what he would have aud was auxloua to get htm something nlco. He didn't care about anything but a cup of coffee, and didn't drink eveu that. He was sick a fortnight and talked very little. He was per- fectly delirious during the last few days. I think he was paralyzed in one side. There was nothing sudden In his death. He was nttended by Dr. Bessell's and Mr. Morton, who did everything » tiieir power to ane- viate his sufferings. Ills death made us nil feel very sad. Captain Ty- son speaking ot Capt. Hall's death, says Hall was sick 15 days. He was Insensible when he died. He started from the ship on a sled expedition uortbward October 10th, and was ab- sent 14 days. He returned October 21th. and died November Sth. He was burled oit the 11th. His grave bore south, southeast, and about five paces distant from the Observatory In Polaris Bay, which was In latitude 31:38, longitude 01:64. On shore we erected a board over bis grave wltb an Inscription, giving his name, age tlfty years, date of death and command of North Polar Expedition. All hands ejxegMlie^ook^ttendei^^ SPRING GOODS! SPRING GOOD8 I SPRING COOD8 ! JUST ARRIVED! rrUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND BEST «elected Stock of MEN'8 AND BOTS· CLOTHING, HATS AND GAPS. BOOT3 AND SHOES, Erer Introduced loto tht· Market. CONK AND INSPECT IT. SUITS OF ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES AT ALL PRICES! At the Leadl·· Clothlsc I· the Coaatr. REINSTEIN & CO.. ···4*· Black, OtM Hill. »pl tm NEW YORK CLOTHING ... .AJfD ... DRY GOODS STORE MAIN 8TREKT, GOLD HILL, (Opposite New· Office.) HENRY MORRIS, PROPRIETOR. Selling Ont Below Cost, Tbo Entire Stock of Ooodi, comlitlDf of CLOTHING, BltOT.H AND NIIOBS, » . AND CAPS, Gent· Farnlahlaa Good», Kte. DR Y GOODS, <·' f>r··· «ad Fancr Geedi, Also, tub finest stock of ladies·, Ml»»eiand Children·' Boot· and Shoe·, Hotlerjr, Underwear, etc., AT LESS THAN COST PRICES FOR CASH. IVCall and examine before pnrctaatlni else- where. I1ENKY MOltKIS. m)rt) 1m WALLER'S CLOTHING BAZAR, In Dr. Hall'· New Building. MAW STREET GOLD niLL. M. F. WALLER CALLS PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO hi· extensive, well-aolected stock of SPRING AND SOMMEE GOODS ....cox»htc«o or.... DRESS AND BUSINESS SOTS, BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TA LISES, Eté., which he offer· AT NEW YORK PRICE8! tVCall and examine before pnrchaalnc elee where. »yao tf —SAN FRANCISCO CLOTHING STORE J. BARNERT, Iaptrtfr aad Dealer la Cut·· lit Rwlr-aU· C L 0 HI , Ganta' Para tabla· Gaada, Baya· Clathla* Spring: and Summer Goodi NOW ARRIVING. Uteit Stjlea Data, Trunk·, TallM·, Blanket· Remember the place—8ooth Catraat^VIfitala Nevada, firtt door aoath of Bank of Californie mylB tf Bkckless.—Kcnd what Morris of the New York Clothing Store, opposite the Gold IIii.i. News office, has tosny in advertising -ubout selling goods. He has got a splendid stock of clothing and dry goods of all descriptions, ladies dress and fancy goods, hosiery, underwear, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and a great variety of other desirable goods for everybody,-end be- ing obliged to close out the same, to· f;«ther with the store tixtures and ease, he offers everything for sale at less than cost price, reckless as to loss as long as he turns his goods into cash. He heeds not the corns of other dealers, but jmt goes it reckless of conse- quences. · I International Cioar Store.-At this popular establishment In the Interna- tional Hotel, C street, Virginia, can be found the finest assortment of genuine Havana cigars, meerschaum pipes, cigar helders, fancy cigar cases, cut- lery, etc., at wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable cash prices. Also all the most approval brands of manu- factured tobacco, Scotch snuff and other goods pertaining to a first class cigar and tobacco store. Saloons and general dealers supplied. ra'25· Goods Akhivrd.—M. F. Waller's splendid stock of Spring and Summer clothing has arrived and Is now open for inspection by the public. Ho can furnish persons with anything they want In the line of dress and business suits, boys' clothing, furnishing goods, hats, boots, shoes, trunks, etc., at as- toulsmngiy low prices. uive miu u call, anuiee what a transformation he can make In your personal appcarance after fitting you out with one ol hU elegant and fashionable suits. * Raffi.e fou a Fin Gold Watch.— genuine hunting cased gold watch, the movements of Swiss manufacture, a good time keeper and in perfect run- ning order, is up for. rafflo at the Co- lumbus Brewery, a few doors north ol the tews olHcu. There are on It 125 chances at $1 a piece, and the winner will get at lea-t f 100 In value tor the Investment of $1. Who will be the lucky man ? * Cam. on Hiouins.—For blank books, stationery, school books, periodicals, magazines or anything In that line, call on Hlgglne. For pictures, picture frames and other artistic desirables in that way call on Ulgglns. For muaio Moks, sheet music, musical Instru- ments—In fact, for almost anything, and at the cheapest possible cash rate», call on K. L. Ulgglns, No. 54 South C street, Virginia. · It lm stood the test of half a cen- tury. and has not been found wanting. Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Is the acknowledged cure for all lung troubles, from tlio Incipient cold to confirmed consumption. Do not rest an hour until the disease Is expelled from the system. Dit. Abokn, Oculist, Aurlst, Ca- tarrh, Throat and Lting Physician, and operating Surgeon for chronic disease*. OIHces, laboratory and residence, 213 Geary street. San Francisco. jal8 3m THE BABCOCK SELF-ACTING FIRE ENGINE .V*7A^ FOR CITIES, TOWN'S AND VILLAGES TT IS THE BEST AND CIIBAPEST FIRE 1 En fine tn the world, and comes within tho financial abilities of ever; place. It more effective than the «team Are engine, became It la instantaneously ready and throwa a very powerful stream of carbonic add gas aad water reran; length of lime. These engine· are substantial!; made, with two planished copper tanks or generators—70 to 200 pallons—to each ; are tested to 400 pounds hydrostatic pressure to the square Inch, and are fornlshed with flrat-class doable-action force pumps and tools throughout. THE SELF ACTING FIRE ENGINE la no longer an experiment. About flft; of them ara now In use. The; are simple In construction, perfectl; tafc, always read; for Instant nse, and have man; times the extinguishing capaclt; of the beat hand engines, and render an expensive system ot water works or reservoir» unneces »ar;. Endorsed after actual use b; Thlrt; Fire Departments. Send for their " Record." II Stationary Babcock Tank | For Mills, Factories. Botela. Churches. Thea- tres, Public Halls. Colleges, Houses, Stores and Warerooms, Is a SINGLE or DOUBLE CYLIN- DER ofan; desired capacit;, with hose to reach an; hlght or length of structure : can be kept In the basement or an; other convenient place, kkadt Ton iNaTANT use. thus combining In construction and extinguishing capacit; all the principles of tho ongine without the running gear. The gas will work efficiently through ISO to SOO feat of hose. . These TANKS are connected, as on the Engine, and from them an iron pipe, l or Inches In diametar, can bo carried to Jill parte of tha hnlldlnir. having on each floor a hoso con nectlon. With this arrangement tho whole power of the Engine tan bo brought Into use In Lisa iiai.r a ximutb. Thus earh store, block, dwelling, etca and each floor of the same, at a small cost, will havo as much protection as would be furnished h; a first-class steamer standing permanently on the premises. See advertisement In another column relative to the Portable Babcock and Hook amd Ladder Trucks. RICHARD R. IKWIXf * CO., (/eneral Aaanta far Pacific Coaat. For Sale b; W. B. MURDOCK, LOCAL AGENT. OflHee m HarraU'e Dnek Store, Virginia. my!5 lm C. Ha CLARK & CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, X,XQT70:RS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE ALSO CROCKERY AND TIN WARE, LIME, PLASTER, IIair and Cement, Etc. SOLE AGENTS FOR PIONEER BORAX COMPANY. No. 186 South C Street, VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA, m yd lm OKHTLKMElt'8 CL0THI.1C, ETf. $ I 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 worthor, PINE CUSTOM-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTH IN 6! ; · I 1 \ T* Bl 90LI> AT * BANNER BROTHERS! C«r. C awl Ttrltr streets· Tlrilala, AT TBI FOLLOWIBO SACRIFICIAL PRICES : · $40 BLACK ORES* $U1T$ FOR $30 ....AT . . BANNER BR0THER8 *30 BUSINESS SUITS FOR «23 ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS 933 CASSLUBRE NUITS FOR $30 ....AT.... BANNER BROTHER8 t 1 930 CAM19IERB SUITS FOB $131 ....AT... BANNER BROTHERS 918 CAS8IMBRB SUITS FOR 919 * ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS J 3 ' 1 1 f ' 933 BLACK DRESS COATS FOB 933 | ....AT... BANNER BROTHERS 933 BLACK DRESS COATS FOR 930 ....AT.... BANNKR BROTHERS «10 BLACK DREW COATS FOR 913 | ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS! 910 BLACK DRBSfl PANT» FOR 97 | ....AT.... . Bi 98 FRENCH CASSLUBRE PANTS ftr 96 | ....AT.... BANNER BBOTHEHS 97 FRENCH CASSI.MER PANTS fer 93 ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS 90 FRENCH CASSIMKRE PANTS far 94 | ....AT.... RANNER BROTHERS 98 SILK VELVET VESTS FOR 93 ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS 90 FINE SILK TESTS FOR ·* | ... AT.... · BANNER BROTHERS | 90 HATS FOR S3 BO ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS 94 HATS FOR 92 BO ....AT.... BANNER BROTBERS | - «2 BO HATS FOR $1 BO ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS Gray and Whit· Vaderwear at 90 e«iti ....AT.... BANNER BROTHERS EXTRA FIXE WHITE SHIRTS .1 f 1 50 ....AT ... BANNER BROTHERS FURNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, TRUNKS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. At lb. umi proportionate LOW PRICES! NSW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE I Take Adraalag· «C (hi. Oppertaailr AMD roft BARGAINS! GREAT BARGAINS! CALL OK ANN ER BR08. Corner C aad Taylor St*, VIRGINIA. NEV. myltt MrsCBlUNtOCS." REST FOR JHE WEARY ! IB GREATEST REFRESHMENT AND the aweeteet contentment found In U)· Crandall Patent SPRING BED! Of all other* sow offered to the publie. No one la went of a rood bed •hould bll to call at Ka. 39 Rerik C atrcel, Tlrglala City. And examine the CBANIALL PATENT SPRING BHD! 08 SELF-SUPPORTING 8PRINOS KLAwTIC and kven, WITH COMPACT MATTRESS AMD BOLSTER FBKE FiiO.H VKRMIttl ( (airaattt re lue* the ftprlace ta repair far Tea Year· I Thla U the only bod offered to the public on tbeie term·. There ire now In u»e In thla State about Are hundred of theoe bed·, and the Srat complaint hu yet to be made. Roll and tnmblo a* iron plcaae, The Crandall Bed will (fire you aaae. If the bed but* do you bite. Buy a Crandall Bed for iplte. ALSO DEALEB IN UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE Of every description, BEDDING· CL'RI.KD UA1R >a4 WOOL. SPRING tOCNGES MADE TO OBDBB, nd all kind· of repairing done at the thorteit poMlble notice. uon'i rorgei iu« piece— J. CORNWELL, MANUFACTURER, W·. 39 IVarih C Mrtel, Virglala Cil y mj5 If JEWELER ..'..AND.... 8TATION ER. UNDERSIGNED KEEPS CON· 1 eunUy ou hand aLargt Aaaort- m«atof BOLD AND SILVER WATCHE8. Dlui.a4·, Chat·., I.«4lr.< (.la, IImtc Ball···. Viager Mia··. G*U Ptai, (haraaa, I.ecbeu, Nifkl» Ma|i, Mllver Kcu, IfNUdM, etc., tu. BLANK B00KS & STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CLOCKS FROM $2 SO TO S20 WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY Re- paired with Neatners and Dlapalcb. AU work warranted. AGENT for all the Sacramento and Sao Pranclaen DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS. All th· Latent Eartern Periodical» and Man- tine· constantly on band at low rrlcn. Or- llvered In an; part of town. 8. W. CHUBBUCK, POSTOFFICK. GOLD HILL. myH tl ^ Sole Agency for Nevada, & 2k WALTHAM, ELGIN —ANI>— CALIFORNIA WATCHES. M. M. FREDRICK, se SOUTH C 8TREET, VIRGINIA* my71m 0. T. BABBKB. V. 0. GALLATIN. HARDWARE, MILL AND MINING GOODS! O. T.BARBER & CO. MAIN 8TKBET, GOLD IIILL. TO MILLMEN, MINING SUPERINTENDENTS AND MECHANICS ^ FULL A8PORTMENT Or BRASS AND 8TEAM GOODS. MECHANICS' & MINERS' TOOLS TINWARE, STOVE8, CAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, And all other «Imllir food· appertaining a Flrat-clw· Hardware Store, for «le *t the VERY LOWEST C'Aftn KATKS. myttm Q. T. BARBER A CO. METROPOLITAN BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Tirilal* CHr· GREAT BAHGAINS SÉ1 LARGEST AND MOSTffl "SI i- Compte Stock of J Gem·'. Ludlr»' nn4 OilMre·'· BOOT· AND HHOKM Inthl· city PRICES LOW. Remember the place—No. 11 North C atTMt, ne»rlr opposite the Poetofflce. C. A. NOI.TEMEIRR. »p9m Virgin!», Nevada. G. HAI8T, CIVIL EHBIIIEER AMD SURVEYOR, 6*4 Heath C (treat, Viral·!· ©ttr. Opposite Odd Fellow»' Block. ORDERS' IN GOLD niLL CAN BE LEFT with SAMUEL HYATT, M Mercer * Tucker'» Store. mjlO tf J. N. FLINT, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS RutSBKCi. comer ol and Wa»hinrten •treet», Virginia City. Office In Conntj Court Home. Omci Hoc*»—9 a. M. to 4 r. Saturday. Depnty, CHARLES RAWBON. »p8P lw P. MAN80N, M. orf PhynirUm and Saifem. OFFICE-JnTMri'» B'lldlnar. » luln, Mala •tn»tifl«U ITIIL.

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Post on 28-Jul-2020




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Page 1: MODOC- Crandall SPRING BED! Spring 3—» CLOTH IN · tunnel resume worlc to-day. Wood.—Large quantities of wood from Washoe, continue to arrive in Gold Hill, the same being brought




luroaras daxlt »t outii, * oo.]

*·. »«< V stock. imr :M. Call.t Ootimf


1570 Meadow Valley.. 030 Raymond lily 150 Inreka Con

3—» Phoenix Pioche I Waah'n Creole

5401 Alp*. * Panaca.

110 American Flag.. 150 AdameHIU 4>·. Haut 180! Bowery 15 Chapman 30 Spring Moan ta. 17* Iogomar 901 Pioche Wwl loo Sllrer Peak 790 Star Con 900, Belmont. 3001 Chief of the Hill

450) Newark 100 Loalae S50· Marlon 810 Chtet <Ra»t Kx.>. SolKentacky

515, Hernie· 50 Pioche Pbenlx... «OO'Rt· Patch 300 El Dorvlo South ltojjoa. King Con.. «O.K. K. Con 10 Careka «». V.)..

0001 Independent 100; BelleToe 40 Cedar be re 140 Ida EUmc'e lSOiRed Jacket (Id'o) got Maboeany M0 Golden Chariot.. 310 Havace 1551 Belcher USOl Baltimore Con .J * aoaaixo.

lBIOphlr M l km Id & Carry. MS lav are 18»!cboUar-Potoet.. SAO Hale Nortroe». BOIOowa Point... SSO-Tellow Jacket... 410 Implre Mill #901 Imperial

Ken tack TO Alpha

8751 Belcher 1*45| Confidence 195;Orerman 70 Sierra Nevada...

300'Daney 100 Szcbeener

'5· ·» tlx 1J< b»

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60|Sm. Belcher AO. Jatlm

390 Cod. Virginia .. Mil Back·?· IIS ! Caledonia ....

JP60 C»n... 170 Arieona & l'tah

110; Bacon TO' B4»t t B«lch«r.

310 SUr«r HiU .. ..

lonljvuc· J88 Knickerbocker.. 90 Bclip·» SaOlRock I»!»nd ....| 1

140| N»w York Con .. I 1H «00,Occidental


1JS0 American Flat.. I S

1J1 T»l«r I 1\ «ojtfoodvllle ,*» , Franklin 100 Ko«»u!h j lOCMOrtg. GoM Util.. lia'Sec. Rock Ulandj 1| Tennessee


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TnsATHicAi..—Our theatre goers, it

«*, aro Co enjoy a rare treat uext

Monday night, on which occasion the

•tar actress, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, mikes I

her appearance at Piper's Opera IIoa«e. She will be supported by the following sterling performer*: J. C. McCuilum. Messrs. Edmonds, Hag· J garth. Liston, Leroy, Ilea, Belasco,

Coghlll. Earle, Miss Klla Wilton, Mrs. Frank Ilea, Miss Fannie Gibson, Mrs. Kate Armstrong and Miss Au·

gusta Sampson. The opening piece will probably be

·· Elizabeth," Mrs. J Bowers appearing in the title role.

The box sheet will b« open for the

tale of season tickets on Thursday. Friday, and on Saturday for the ac- commodation of those who desire re- I

aerved seats for tingle nights. Ou nc- » ··' »>— -·*»» SiuMirrml III

aecurltig the t'a moue actress, Mrs. liow-

er« and her large and brilliant sup-

port. manager Piper will be com-

pelled to charge tllty cents extra for reserved seats. The engagement of

the company U only for one week. We venture to say our people have not

been favored for many a day with

•uch downright soul-satisfying dra-

matic entertainments as will be pre-

sented at the Opera House next week.

Mat Fkshvai..—The Virginia Turn

Vereln Seciety are making extensive

preparations for the grand May Festi-

val, which tskes place at Hildebrand's

Pleasure Garden on Sunday and Mon-

day, May 35th and 26tli. grand concert will be given by the orchestra, under the charge of Prof. Winkler.

There will also be singing and gym- nastic exercises by the Turn Vereln.

An address will be delivered by the

President of the Society. On Suirday afternoon and evening there will be

dancing. The prizes will lie distribu- ted on Tuesday. The entertainment

promises to be an unusually enjoyable one. The Germans carry out practi- cally the Latin motto,

" Dunt v/efiaut

ricamu» "—" As we journey through life, let us live by the way."

Omaha Lottery.—The following

telegram from Omaha was received by

Mr. Searle*. last evening:

Omaha. May 20th.—W. A. Searles:

Omaha Lottery progressing. Ticket

So. 80.777. draw·» tlr-t prize, $70.000. City and State officials are managing tike drawing. Universal satisfaction.

Blackmailers put to shame. J. W. Miner.

Editor Republican. In this connection we are requested

to state that the publUhed list of the

drawing will be forwarded to this

place without delay as soon as printed

and will arrive hero in about 10 days.

Runaway Accident.—Last evening

while Mr. Ilanifan, of the firm of Hur-

ley & Hanifan, was driving past the

Piute House with a two horse delivery

team, the horses became frightened and ran down Main street at the top of their speed. Mr. llauiftn was

thrown out of the wagon and in falling had one of his ankles badly sprained, besides sustaining several bruises on

various portions of his body. The

team and wagon were uninjured. Mr.

Hanifan will probably be laid up for

several days.

Drowsed.—A grandchild of an aged

couple by the name of Crane, residing

In Dayton, was drowned yesterday

morning, under the following circum-

stances : It seems that the little girl

who was about Ave years of age. had

left the house to play early lit the

morning, and not returning, search

was made for her at about 9 o'clock,

when her remains were discovered in

the race leading from the Carson river

to Bird sail's Mill. It was thought that

the child had accidentally fallen iuto

the water while playing by the race.

Foot Hack.—J. W. Collins of Vir-

ginia City and Mr. Gilpin of Silver

City, have entered Into an agreement to run a foot race, single dash of 100

yards, for a puree of fiOO. The race

will take place on the Divide next Saturday. Two hundred dollars of

the stake money has already been de-

posited at the Palace Saloon, Virginia City.


Delinquent List.—The delinquent lilt In the matter of the last assess-

ment of the Empire Mining Company, is officially published in our advertis-

ing columnsto-da .

Making tue Grand Roowds.—Dur- 1

lug oar every day round* in search of " unconslderate trifles," we encounter all sort· of people and have abundant

opportunity to study human nature

while engaged in looking up curiosi- ties. monstrosities or whatever else

may be worthy o( a place in the local

columns of the paper. Quid novi aece- <lit ? which, being translated Into Eng- lish, means " What's the news ?" is a

question propounded to us a thousand times a day, and which we. In turn, in- flict upon all ot our acquaintances. People eucountering a reporter on

the street, by day or night will notioe that he always wears an anxious cast of countenance not begotten particu- larly of hunger or thirst, although for Intelligence.

" Watchman tell us of the night," is the constant burden of Ills prayer. But we are wandering from that of which we intended to

Apeak. Last evening, at Virginia, we met with a young lady from Gold IIIII, who for once managed to smooth the wrinkles out of our careworn

countenance. Of all the vivacious

people we ever met in our travels she was certainly the chici, and for an hour she kept all the people in the house where she was stopping In one constant uproar of laughter with her mirth-provoking sallies. During the course of her conversation she made

some grave charges against lier young gentlemen acquaintance* in Gold Hill, the truthfulness of which we aro very much Inclined to question. Among other grievances, she stated that gal- huts from Slippery Gulch do not take their girls to Fltzmler's for oystenp af- ter the theater is over. One young man who took her out buggy riding weut a considerable distance out of the

way to avoid paying toll. We suspect that he took the long route for the

purpose of enjoying her dellghttul conversation.

Takort Shootisq.—!· Mttonai

Guard ot Virginia City are making some excellent preparations for their

annual target «hooting. Tliey have constructed a bulkhead 111 the vicinity of the toll-road tunnel, to support the

target and prevent any danger to

people paving the place while the

shooting is in progress. The company have also built a comfortable home to

shoot from, its dimensions being 14x18. Whatever the Nationals undertake to do they always do well.

Naval Acadbut. — Congressman Kendall has appointed A. C. Ellis, ltobert M. Clark and W. W. Ilobart a

committee to examine applicants for cadetshlp to All vacancy at Naval

Academy. Those of our youog men who desire to compete for the appoint- ment will do well to brush up a little

In the common English branches, es- pecially iu orthography and arith-


Cakson Mist.—The total amount of

mixed bullion, geld and silver, receiv- ed at the Carson Mint yesterday, says the Ap/wii, was 1.377 pounds, eeut In for melting and assaying. Six bars of

Crown Point bullion were shipped by train* going east last night, way-billed for the Bank of London and San Fran-

cisco (Limited) London, England- worth $13,000.

Dust Den·.—John I. Ginn, wife

snd her mother (Mrs. Muaier,) passed

through Gold Hill on the morning train, en route for Carson with the ro-

mains of their child. The funeral was

to take place this forenoon from the

Episcopal Church in Carson.

Condition op Du. Ham..—Yester-

jiy Dr. Uall appeared to bo getting tloug tinely, and was thought to be

nut of danger. To-day, however, ho

has met with another relapse which will retard his recovery several days.

Cah Track Matbwal.—This morn-

ing 100 rails, (small dze) weighing in all 11.7G0 pounds, were received at

the railroad depot. Gold Hill. The

Iron will be u«ed In the construction of a track in the Overman mlno.

Assessing. — Deputy Bob Gracey,

passed down through Gold Hill this

morning, carrying under his arm a

mammoth assessment book and wear-

ing a hostile look, lie evideutaly means business.

Starting Up.—Yesterday the pump was set to work in No. 1 shaft of the

Sutro Tunnel. The men employed In the machine shop at the mouth of the tunnel resume worlc to-day.

Wood.—Large quantities of wood

from Washoe, continue to arrive in

Gold Hill, the same being brought over the grade by teams.

5InA-ti.Es.—A majority of the Vir-

ginia City youngsters are down with

the measles.

Pioche Items.

We get the following from tbo lie-

cord of the 18th Inst:

The Brooklyn mine is one of the

latest developments of the district, and

as it is attracting considerable atten-

tion at the present time, we yesterday paid it a visit, to report upon It from

personal observation. It Is situated

about a mile east of Main street, and a

short distance east of the Bowery hoist-

ing works. The main shaft was begun

by a partr ot practical miners the first

of last November. When the shaft

was down 78 feet, they drifted 33 feet

to the north, but without finding a

ledge ; they then drifted southward 25

feet, and cut a vein of good ore IS

inches wide. The vein was then fol-

lowed 25 or 30 feet to the west, widen-

ing considerably in this drift, from

which some very rich ore was extract-

ed. A "winze was then started down

on the ledge from the bottom of the

shaft, which had been sunk 13 feet

when we visited it yesterday. The

ore body at the bottom of the winze Is

four feet wide, strong, and both walls

are as smooth and well defined as any walls we ever examined, the dip from

where the vein was first struck to the

bottom being at an Inclination of about

3ti degrees, and very regular. The

ores are all of the chloride class, not a

tracing of lead having been found In a

number of nssays. Five assays were

taken of ore at different places In the

winze from top to bottom, not one of

which showed less than >100 of sliver

to the ton. The strike of the ledge Is

easterly and westerly, the dip to the

south, and the formation Is quartzite. The vein is still improving as depth


attained. On these facts the reader

can forms his opinion as to the Brook-

lyn. Twenty miners were discharged yes-

terday and the day before from th«

American Flag mine. We don't know

what it raean> but have a very decided

opinion that It Is a stock-jobbing scheme to run down the price

of Flag

stock, for that mine never presented such vast bodies of rich

or» as at thi

present time. Three hundred and twenty-five


lars was the amount realized Irom th«

lecture delivered .by Colonel Sutnnei

on the 15tb for the purpose of starting a library for the Catholic Sundaj School.

WESTERNJISPATCHES [traoiAL rn* oold hill dailt xnrs.]


Cm·. Haakraack ku a Fight with •he BHiklit-· ·4 KIIM

Captera af Sqaawa aad FappfMn.

Yhkka, May 21.—On Monday, Capt. Hasbro nek's command overtook the

Modoc· near Falrchlld'i. The lavages made a stand amongst the hills, aud a

lively fight ensued. The Modocs were

driven off with a loss of five killed and ten squaws and papooses captured. The Modocs were last seen on the

Tlcknor road, making for the wooded

mountains about Butte and Antelope creeks, evidently hoping to reach the

Pitt river country. Captains Hasbrouck and Perry are

in hot pursuit. Only a few troops are In the lava

bed. It Is reported that all tlie Modocs are out of there.


Raaaiag lac*— Rarllcallatal Fair— Mr·. ·(· Viaila Ika MarStrtr Ramll—The fiarrfaa-Hablaian Om-I.ikeral Srfarai Parly.

Sa* Francisco, May 21—1 r. A running race for $1,000 Is arranged to come off at Agricultural Park early In July. Th« iinrtiiMiiturmi Fair was a flnan·

clal failure. The deficit Is about $600.

Mrs. Page, of Vallejo. whose hue-

band shot and wounded her and killed

himself, paid a visit to the condemned murderor, Russell, In the County Jail.

The husband'* suicide and attompted murder was on account of his wife and


The Oakland Gordon-Robinson case

Is again before the public., Robinson

having written letter· to the young

girl Gordon and threatening to get even with her father, drew a revolver

on him in his own house. The people of Oakland are greatly Incensed at Robinson.

The Liberal Reform Party held a

meeting last night. About 40 were

present. An Executive Committee

will report a place of orgnnlzatlon next Friday. Gold, 1172s"; greenbacks, 85,^388.


PI··· far m Dwrlri·· Sklp-Gnibrs· alrmeai — Mail far Macllta aad


San Fhancisco, May 21.—3 r. m.—

The originators of the plan to have a

receiving ship lor this harbor on which to place boys who might go to the In-

dustrial School, Intend to prosecute their purpose vigorously, and ask Con-

gress next session to give them the use

of some condemned vessel at Mare

Island, to be auctioned here, ns a

school ship. Michael Reddy was to-day arrested

for the embezzlement of six thousand

dollars from Michael Kenny. There U another scandalous story

about an officer of the Saranac. Lieut.

Wilson was sued by Marshall R. S.

Shattuck for damages for the seduo-

tlon of his wife. It Is reported be com-

promised the matter lor $450 and left for the East to avoid the scandal.

Lieut. Wilson Is generally regarded a·

particularly fast.

WiirrR IIrkcltks Powdrr. — 'l'liie

blasting powder has lately been Intro-

duced for use In the mines In this vi-

cinity with great success, and has

worked an entire revolution by fur-

nishing strong explosive lull 25 per cent, less than any heretofore used.

The XX Hercules Is the strongest powder In use for hard rock blasting, for boulders and for use In water. The

So. 2 Is equally effective for all medi- um hard rock, and much superior to any other powder of that class. They are both readily exploded with the.

common exploding cap when properly adjusted to the fuse. It l« calculated that the Introduction of this powder will be a saving of $23,000 per annum on the Comstock lode alone, myl tf

Nsw Gau.ery.~J. .

Sutterley, the pioneer photographer of

Nevada, Informs us that he will open one of the finest photographio galle- ries in the State in ten or fifteen days. Tho gallery will be on the ground floor, and will therefore not necessi- tate a tedious, up stairs, lung-tearing trip to attain it. The location Is on C

street, opposite Frederick's jewelry store, a few doors south of Curry & Co.'s aution store. All the latest im-

provements In the art will be found there, the gallery manned with the

best operators on the coast, and work

done at greatly reduced prices. Citi- zens of Carson should avail themselves

of the opportunity now ottered, as the gallery at Carson will be closed when Sutterley opens in this city. myl2 td

Moiitimrr's Conkksbiom.—Jas. R.

Myers, the well-known newspaper

carrier, has received a consignment of the above work, just published from the Sacramento liecord office, and to-

day has commenced canvassing tor

their sale in Oold lllll and Virginia, he being the exclusive agent. It Is a

very Interesting record of the life and career In crime of Charles Fllnn alias Mortimer, the Sacramento murderer, executed In that city last week, com- piled trom a full confession written by himself. The book finds « ready sale, as all desire to read the revelations of

thirty years of crime by so noted a criminal.

War to thb Knikk.—Wolf, of the

Arm of Relnstein & Co., clothing mer· chants. Main street.Gold lllll, Is on the war-path again, and Is creating a great commotion among the denizens of the lava beds of Slippery Gulch. Ile has taken up a strong position behind those immense piles or fashionable clothing to be seen on Relnsteln's A Co's coun-

ters, and intends to hold hit position at all hazards. There Is danger, bow- ever. ot bis being robbed of his fortlfl- cations at the goods are offered at such astonishingly low prices that every- body U anxious to purchase.


Cocons and colda are often over-

looked. A continuance for any length of time causes Irritation of tlie lungs or some chronic throat disease.

Brown's Bronchial Troches are an

effectual cough remedy. ·

EASTERN DISPATCHES. (ancui. «old mu sielt im]


Link trkwlar1· liplariif IiH'· tUa-Pla»·.

Washington, May 21— Lieutenant

Wheeler'· exploration party will leave In a few day*. The operations con.

templated are the exploration and sur- reys west of the 100th meridian during the Held season of 1873. Tblt Includes

portions of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. The expedition will be divided Into four main field

parties, one of which will be again subdivided, and four astrouoralcal pur. ties. They will operate In nearly par- allel lines iroui north to south, cutting most of th· old routes of travel and

travoliug the area ot the backboue of

the continent. The Pelarle u4 Death mf Cm ft. Ball

—Slatenral mf the Steward.

New York, May 21.—John Heron, Steward of the Polaris, makes the fol-

lowing statement concerning the sick- ness of Capt. Hall : Capt. Hall had

good health up to the time of return-

ing from his sledge expedition. He

was not sick wheu he came ou board,

but complained soon atterwards and said that the heat of tbo cabin effected

him. 1 asked what he would have

aud was auxloua to get htm something nlco. He didn't care about anything but a cup of coffee, and didn't drink

eveu that. He was sick a fortnight and talked very little. He was per-

fectly delirious during the last few

days. I think he was paralyzed in one side. There was nothing sudden In his death. He was nttended by Dr. Bessell's and Mr. Morton, who did

everything » tiieir power to ane-

viate his sufferings. Ills death made

us nil feel very sad. Captain Ty- son speaking ot Capt. Hall's death,

says Hall was sick 15 days. He was

Insensible when he died. He started

from the ship on a sled expedition uortbward October 10th, and was ab-

sent 14 days. He returned October

21th. and died November Sth.

He was burled oit the 11th. His grave bore south, southeast, and about five

paces distant from the Observatory In

Polaris Bay, which was In latitude

31:38, longitude 01:64. On shore we

erected a board over bis grave wltb

an Inscription, giving his name, age

tlfty years, date of death and command

of North Polar Expedition. All hands

ejxegMlie^ook^ttendei^^ SPRING GOODS!







Erer Introduced loto tht· Market.



At the Leadl·· Clothlsc I· the



···4*· Black, OtM Hill. »pl tm


... .AJfD ...


(Opposite New· Office.)


Selling Ont Below Cost, Tbo Entire Stock of Ooodi, comlitlDf of



Gent· Farnlahlaa Good», Kte.

DR Y GOODS, <·' f>r··· «ad Fancr Geedi,

Also, tub finest stock of ladies·,

Ml»»eiand Children·' Boot· and Shoe·, Hotlerjr, Underwear, etc.,


IVCall and examine before pnrctaatlni else- where. I1ENKY MOltKIS.

m)rt) 1m


CLOTHING BAZAR, In Dr. Hall'· New Building.




hi· extensive, well-aolected stock of

SPRING AND SOMMEE GOODS ....cox»htc«o or....






Eté., which he offer·


tVCall and examine before pnrchaalnc elee where. »yao tf


J. BARNERT, Iaptrtfr aad Dealer la Cut·· lit


C L 0 HI , Ganta' Para tabla· Gaada, Baya· Clathla*

Spring: and Summer Goodi NOW ARRIVING.

Uteit Stjlea Data, Trunk·, TallM·, Blanket·

Remember the place—8ooth Catraat^VIfitala Nevada, firtt door aoath of Bank of Californie

mylB tf

Bkckless.—Kcnd what Morris of the New York Clothing Store, opposite the Gold IIii.i. News office, has tosny in advertising -ubout selling goods. He has got a splendid stock of clothing and dry goods of all descriptions, ladies dress and fancy goods, hosiery, underwear, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and a great variety of other desirable goods for everybody,-end be- ing obliged to close out the same, to·

f;«ther with the store tixtures and

ease, he offers everything for sale at less than cost price, reckless as to loss as long as he turns his goods into cash. He heeds not the corns of other dealers, but jmt goes it reckless of conse-

quences. ·


International Cioar Store.-At this

popular establishment In the Interna- tional Hotel, C street, Virginia, can be found the finest assortment of genuine Havana cigars, meerschaum pipes, cigar helders, fancy cigar cases, cut- lery, etc., at wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable cash prices. Also all the most approval brands of manu- factured tobacco, Scotch snuff and other goods pertaining to a first class

cigar and tobacco store. Saloons and

general dealers supplied. ra'25·

Goods Akhivrd.—M. F. Waller's

splendid stock of Spring and Summer clothing has arrived and Is now open for inspection by the public. Ho can

furnish persons with anything they want In the line of dress and business

suits, boys' clothing, furnishing goods, hats, boots, shoes, trunks, etc., at as-

toulsmngiy low prices. uive miu u

call, anuiee what a transformation he

can make In your personal appcarance after fitting you out with one ol hU elegant and fashionable suits.


Raffi.e fou a Fin Gold Watch.—

genuine hunting cased gold watch, the movements of Swiss manufacture, a good time keeper and in perfect run- ning order, is up for. rafflo at the Co- lumbus Brewery, a few doors north ol the tews olHcu. There are on It 125

chances at $1 a piece, and the winner will get at lea-t f 100 In value tor the Investment of $1. Who will be the

lucky man ? *

Cam. on Hiouins.—For blank books,

stationery, school books, periodicals, magazines or anything In that line, call on Hlgglne. For pictures, picture frames and other artistic desirables in that way call on Ulgglns. For muaio

Moks, sheet music, musical Instru-

ments—In fact, for almost anything, and at the cheapest possible cash rate», call on K. L. Ulgglns, No. 54 South C street, Virginia.


It lm stood the test of half a cen-

tury. and has not been found wanting. Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Is the acknowledged cure for all lung troubles, from tlio Incipient cold to

confirmed consumption. Do not rest

an hour until the disease Is expelled from the system.

Dit. Abokn, Oculist, Aurlst, Ca-

tarrh, Throat and Lting Physician, and operating Surgeon for chronic disease*. OIHces, laboratory and residence, 213

Geary street. San Francisco. jal8 3m






1 En fine tn the world, and comes within tho financial abilities of ever; place.

It 1· more effective than the «team Are engine, became It la instantaneously ready and throwa a very powerful stream of carbonic add gas aad water reran; length of lime. These engine· are substantial!; made, with

two planished copper tanks or generators—70 to 200 pallons—to each ; are tested to 400 pounds hydrostatic pressure to the square Inch, and are fornlshed with flrat-class doable-action force

pumps and tools throughout.


longer an experiment. About flft; of them ara now In use. The; are simple In construction,

perfectl; tafc, always read; for Instant nse, and

have man; times the extinguishing capaclt; of the beat hand engines, and render an expensive system ot water works or reservoir» unneces »ar;. Endorsed after actual use b; Thlrt; Fire

Departments. Send for their " Record."


Stationary Babcock Tank | For Mills, Factories. Botela. Churches. Thea-

tres, Public Halls. Colleges, Houses, Stores and Warerooms, Is a SINGLE or DOUBLE CYLIN-

DER of an; desired capacit;, with hose to reach an; hlght or length of structure : can be kept In the basement or an; other convenient place, kkadt Ton iNaTANT use. thus combining In construction and extinguishing capacit; all the

principles of tho ongine without the running gear. The gas will work efficiently through ISO to SOO feat of hose. .

These TANKS are connected, as on the Engine, and from them an iron pipe, l or Inches In diametar, can bo carried to Jill parte of

tha hnlldlnir. having on each floor a hoso con nectlon. With this arrangement tho whole

power of the Engine tan bo brought Into use

In Lisa iiai.r a ximutb. Thus earh store, block, dwelling, etca and each floor of the same, at a small cost, will havo as much protection as would be furnished h; a first-class steamer

standing permanently on the premises.

See advertisement In another column relative to the Portable Babcock and

Hook amd Ladder Trucks.

RICHARD R. IKWIXf * CO., (/eneral Aaanta far Pacific Coaat.

For Sale b;


OflHee m HarraU'e Dnek Store, Virginia. my!5 lm

C. Ha CLARK & CO.,








IIair and Cement, Etc.



No. 186 South C Street, VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA,

m yd lm


$ I 0 0,0 0 0 0 0



Spring and Summer


· I 1


T* Bl 90LI> AT *

BANNER BROTHERS! C«r. C awl Ttrltr streets· Tlrilala,



$40 BLACK ORES* $U1T$ FOR $30

....AT . .








t 1

930 CAM19IERB SUITS FOB $131 ....AT...






1 1 f '

933 BLACK DRESS COATS FOB 933 | ....AT...





«10 BLACK DREW COATS FOR 913 | ....AT....


910 BLACK DRBSfl PANT» FOR 97 | ....AT.... .


98 FRENCH CASSLUBRE PANTS ftr 96 | ....AT....





90 FRENCH CASSIMKRE PANTS far 94 | ....AT....





90 FINE SILK TESTS FOR ·* | ... AT.... ·








- «2 BO HATS FOR $1 BO



Gray and Whit· Vaderwear at 90 e«iti




....AT ...





At lb. umi proportionate



Take Adraalag· «C (hi. Oppertaailr

AMD roft




Corner C aad Taylor St*, VIRGINIA. NEV.



REST FOR JHE WEARY ! IB GREATEST REFRESHMENT AND the aweeteet contentment I· found In U)·

Crandall Patent

SPRING BED! Of all other* sow offered to the publie.

No one la went of a rood bed •hould bll to call at

Ka. 39 Rerik C atrcel, Tlrglala City.

And examine the



KLAwTIC and kven,


( (airaattt re lue* the ftprlace ta repair far Tea Year· I

Thla U the only bod offered to the public on tbeie term·. There ire now In u»e In thla State about Are hundred of theoe bed·, and the Srat complaint hu yet to be made.

Roll and tnmblo a* iron plcaae, The Crandall Bed will (fire you aaae. If the bed but* do you bite. Buy a Crandall Bed for iplte.


UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE Of every description,


SPRING tOCNGES MADE TO OBDBB, nd all kind· of repairing done at the thorteit poMlble notice.

uon'i rorgei iu« piece—


W·. 39 IVarih C Mrtel, Virglala Cil y mj5 If

JEWELER ..'..AND....


UNDERSIGNED KEEPS CON· 1 eunUy ou hand aLargt Aaaort- m«atof


Dlui.a4·, Chat·., I.«4lr.< (.la,

IImtc Ball···. Viager Mia··.

G*U Ptai, (haraaa, I.ecbeu,

Nifkl» Ma|i, Mllver Kcu,

IfNUdM, etc., tu.




paired with Neatners and Dlapalcb. AU work warranted.

AGENT for all the Sacramento and Sao Pranclaen DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS. All th· Latent Eartern Periodical» and Man- tine· constantly on band at low rrlcn. Or-

llvered In an; part of town.


myH tl ^

Sole Agency for Nevada,



















And all other «Imllir food· appertaining a

Flrat-clw· Hardware Store, for «le *t the


myttm Q. T. BARBER A CO.


Tirilal* CHr·


SÉ1 LARGEST AND MOSTffl "SI i- Compte Stock of J

Gem·'. Ludlr»' nn4 OilMre·'· BOOT· AND HHOKM

Inthl· city PRICES LOW.

Remember the place—No. 11 North C atTMt, ne»rlr opposite the Poetofflce.

C. A. NOI.TEMEIRR. »p9m Virgin!», Nevada.


6*4 Heath C (treat, Viral·!· ©ttr.

Opposite Odd Fellow»' Block.


with SAMUEL HYATT, M Mercer * Tucker'» Store. mjlO tf



RutSBKCi. comer ol and Wa»hinrten •treet», Virginia City. Office In Conntj Court Home. Omci Hoc*»—9 a. M. to 4 r. Saturday. Depnty, CHARLES RAWBON. »p8P lw

P. MAN80N, M. orf PhynirUm and Saifem.

OFFICE-JnTMri'» B'lldlnar. » luln, Mala •tn»tifl«U ITIIL.