modern trends in managing quality


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��  There is no option for Quality in Aviation Industry  There is no option for Quality in Aviation Industry 


It·s unthinkable for players to aim for anything less thanIt·s unthinkable for players to aim for anything less thanperfection in what they doperfection in what they do

�� It is not the province of a specialist but theIt is not the province of a specialist but the

responsibility of every one.responsibility of every one.

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Definition of QualityDefinition of Quality

�� Quality refers to the reliability of performance,Quality refers to the reliability of performance,durability, timeliness, appearance, integrity,durability, timeliness, appearance, integrity,

purity and individuality of an output (product orpurity and individuality of an output (product orservice).service).

� Quality of a product or service is the ability to

conform to requirements and satisfy the needs andexpectations of the customer

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Factors that Impact on overallFactors that Impact on overall


�� the operational facility the operational facility --physical condition, building physical condition, building 


�� tools and equipmentstools and equipments

�� input materialsinput materials

�� the organization's staff (workers and management).the organization's staff (workers and management).

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Steps for Maintaining QualitySteps for Maintaining Quality

�� Maintain certain standards, such as withMaintain certain standards, such as with

interchangeable replacement parts with service levers.interchangeable replacement parts with service levers.

�� Meet customer specifications.Meet customer specifications.

�� Meet legal requirements.Meet legal requirements.

�� Find defective products that can rework.Find defective products that can rework.

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Steps for Maintaining Quality Cont·dSteps for Maintaining Quality Cont·d

�� Identify inferior services.Identify inferior services.

�� Find problems in the production & delivery process.Find problems in the production & delivery process.

�� Grade products or services .Grade products or services .

�� Provide performance information on individualProvide performance information on individual

 workers and departments. workers and departments.

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Modern Techniques of ManagingModern Techniques of Managing

QualityQualityZeroZero ²  ² Defect ProgrammeDefect Programme

��  Attempts to create a positive attitude towards Attempts to create a positive attitude towards

the prevention of low quality.the prevention of low quality.

��  To heighten everyone·s awareness of quality by  To heighten everyone·s awareness of quality by making everyone aware of his or her potentialmaking everyone aware of his or her potential

impact on quality.impact on quality.

�� Naturally leads to more attention to, andNaturally leads to more attention to, and

concern for accuracy.concern for accuracy.

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Characteristics of Zero DefectCharacteristics of Zero Defect

ProgrammeProgramme�� Extensive communication regarding the importance of Extensive communication regarding the importance of 

quality quality--signs posters for contests, etc.signs posters for contests, etc.

�� Organization wide recognitionOrganization wide recognition--publicly granting rewardpublicly granting rewardcertificate and plaques for highcertificate and plaques for high--quality work.quality work.

�� Problem identification by employeesProblem identification by employees-- employees pointemployees point

out areas where they think quality can be improved.out areas where they think quality can be improved.

�� Employee goal setting Employee goal setting--employees participate in setting employees participate in setting quality goals.quality goals.

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Quality Circle Approach.Quality Circle Approach.

��  A quality circle consists of a supervisors from A quality circle consists of a supervisors from various units. various units.

�� Members meet periodically to discuss & solveMembers meet periodically to discuss & solvequality problems and identify ways of improving quality problems and identify ways of improving quality.quality.

�� Meetings are normally held once or twice perMeetings are normally held once or twice per

month and last for few hours.month and last for few hours.�� Specialize training relating to quality is given toSpecialize training relating to quality is given to


��  The circle as needed may call upon staff expert. The circle as needed may call upon staff expert.

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Employee InvolvementEmployee Involvement

��  The key to the prevention of quality problems is The key to the prevention of quality problems is

employee involvement.employee involvement.

��  The following 10 guidelines facilitate building  The following 10 guidelines facilitate building 

quality job habits among employees:quality job habits among employees:

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Implementation GuidelinesImplementation Guidelines

�� Guideline 1:Guideline 1: Start new employees off right, MakeStart new employees off right, Make

sure the new employee understands that high quality issure the new employee understands that high quality is

expected, Set the quality standards high, and make sureexpected, Set the quality standards high, and make sure

they are clearly communicated.they are clearly communicated.

�� Guideline 2:Guideline 2: K eep employee relation on anK eep employee relation on an

individual basis. Talk with the employees individually.individual basis. Talk with the employees individually. Tell them what they are doing that is good and what Tell them what they are doing that is good and what

they are doing that is so good with regards to quality.they are doing that is so good with regards to quality.

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Implementation Guidelines Cont·dImplementation Guidelines Cont·d

�� Guideline 3:Guideline 3: Don·t setting for less thanDon·t setting for less thandesired. Don·t accept inferior work or reward andesired. Don·t accept inferior work or reward anemployee for it. Find cause of inferior work, andemployee for it. Find cause of inferior work, and

take the necessary corrective action.take the necessary corrective action.

�� Guideline 4:Guideline 4: Communicate the value of topCommunicate the value of top

quality. Explain why high quality is necessary.quality. Explain why high quality is necessary.Get down to naira and kobo. Explain theGet down to naira and kobo. Explain thepotential costs of inferior quality.potential costs of inferior quality.

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Implementation Guidelines Cont·dImplementation Guidelines Cont·d

�� Guideline 5:Guideline 5: Perform through inspection.Perform through inspection.

Careful inspections help ensure high quality. ThisCareful inspections help ensure high quality. This

is another way for the supervisor to set theis another way for the supervisor to set the

example. A careful inspection should not only example. A careful inspection should not only 

find quality problems but also locate their causes.find quality problems but also locate their causes.

�� Guideline 6:Guideline 6: encourage suggestions. Actively encourage suggestions. Actively 

solicit suggestions from the employees.solicit suggestions from the employees.

Implement and give credit for good suggestions.Implement and give credit for good suggestions.

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Implementation Guidelines Cont·dImplementation Guidelines Cont·d

�� Guideline 7:Guideline 7: learn from the past. Investigatelearn from the past. Investigatethe areas that have historically cause quality the areas that have historically cause quality problem. How could these problems have beenproblem. How could these problems have been

prevented? What can be done to prevent theseprevented? What can be done to prevent theseproblems from recurring?problems from recurring?

�� Guideline 8:Guideline 8: solicit the help of othersolicit the help of other

departments and supervisions, use individualdepartments and supervisions, use individualaccountability, and Implement systems that makeaccountability, and Implement systems that makeclear the quality responsibilities of each individualclear the quality responsibilities of each individualemployee.employee.

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Implementation Guidelines Cont·dImplementation Guidelines Cont·d

�� Guideline 9:Guideline 9: assign individual responsibility assign individual responsibility 

 whenever possible. Use individual accountability. whenever possible. Use individual accountability.

Implement systems that make clear the quality Implement systems that make clear the quality 

responsibility of each employee.responsibility of each employee.

�� Guideline 10:Guideline 10: set the example. If the supervisorset the example. If the supervisor

strives for high quality in everything that he or shestrives for high quality in everything that he or she

does, so will the employees On the other hand if adoes, so will the employees On the other hand if a

supervisor performs certain activities sloppily, sosupervisor performs certain activities sloppily, so

 will the employees. will the employees.

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Strategy for Implementing EmployeeStrategy for Implementing Employee

Involvement ProgrammeInvolvement Programme

�� Develop an Implementation Strategy.Develop an Implementation Strategy.

�� Strategy should match practices with Organization'sStrategy should match practices with Organization's


�� Readiness AssessmentReadiness Assessment to identify:to identify: ²  ² barriers to implementation of E.I. and the associatedbarriers to implementation of E.I. and the associated

practices, andpractices, and

 ²  ² the present climate or culture. Such information can helpthe present climate or culture. Such information can helpdecisiondecision--makers to make choices about the practices thatmakers to make choices about the practices that

best fit the ability of the organization to adapt to fit the ability of the organization to adapt to them.

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Strategy of Implementation Cont·dStrategy of Implementation Cont·d

�� CommunicationCommunication of specific goals for employee involvement set by of specific goals for employee involvement set by management. Support is demonstrated through such means as policy management. Support is demonstrated through such means as policy statements, rewards, sharing work statements, rewards, sharing work--related information and publicizing related information and publicizing efforts and accomplishments in employee newsletters.efforts and accomplishments in employee newsletters.

��  Training Training to enable managers and employees alike to learn the skillsto enable managers and employees alike to learn the skillsrequired for E.I. practices. eg training in group leadership, providing required for E.I. practices. eg training in group leadership, providing feedback, and problemfeedback, and problem--solving.solving.

�� E valuation of the program features and effectsE valuation of the program features and effects include formalinclude formalmeasurement of target results and monitoring the implementation andmeasurement of target results and monitoring the implementation andsupport of employee participation in planning, problem solving andsupport of employee participation in planning, problem solving anddecisiondecision--making.making.

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How to StartHow to Start

�� Conduct an assessment of the organization's existing Conduct an assessment of the organization's existing attitudes, structures, culture, systems and barriers toattitudes, structures, culture, systems and barriers tothe desired change;the desired change;

�� Develop a vision statement for the future;Develop a vision statement for the future;

�� Involve management in the design of the E.I.,Involve management in the design of the E.I.,

strategy to increase ownership;strategy to increase ownership;

�� Develop a formal policy on the role of EmployeeDevelop a formal policy on the role of EmployeeInvolvement (E.I.), and specific goals and objectives;Involvement (E.I.), and specific goals and objectives;

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How to Start Cont·dHow to Start Cont·d

�� Publish the E.I., policy, goals and objectives;Publish the E.I., policy, goals and objectives;

�� C

ommunicate the above to employees at allC

ommunicate the above to employees at allorganizational levels;organizational levels;

�� Implement E.I., strategies that will fit theImplement E.I., strategies that will fit theability of the employees and management toability of the employees and management to

adapt to them;adapt to them;

�� Provide facilitators, quality advisors, and otherProvide facilitators, quality advisors, and other

change agents to support the group structures;change agents to support the group structures;

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How to Start Cont·dHow to Start Cont·d

��  Train employees in problem solving, group Train employees in problem solving, group

skills and other skills needed to identify skills and other skills needed to identify 

problems, make decisions and problemproblems, make decisions and problem--solve.solve.

�� Evaluate the E.I. strategies to determine thatEvaluate the E.I. strategies to determine that

the program:the program:

 ²  ² methods are working;methods are working;

 ²  ² is implemented as intended;is implemented as intended;

 ²  ² is producing the results as producing the results as expected.

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Constraints to ImplementingConstraints to Implementing

Employee Involvement ProgrammeEmployee Involvement Programme

�� Fundamental conflict between the traditionalFundamental conflict between the traditional

organization structures and systems and thoseorganization structures and systems and thoserequired to support employee participationrequired to support employee participation

�� Many of today's managers still resist any systemMany of today's managers still resist any system

they see to be a threat to their authority andthey see to be a threat to their authority and

their traditional roles.their traditional roles.

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Facts About Managing QualityFacts About Managing Quality

��  The philosophy of quality management is The philosophy of quality management is

customercustomer--oriented. All members of a quality oriented. All members of a quality organization strive to systematically manage theorganization strive to systematically manage the

improvement of the organization through theimprovement of the organization through the

ongoing participation of all employees inongoing participation of all employees in

problem solving efforts across functional andproblem solving efforts across functional andhierarchical boundaries.hierarchical boundaries.

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Facts About Managing QualityFacts About Managing Quality


�� Managing Quality incorporates the concepts of Managing Quality incorporates the concepts of 

product quality, process control, quality product quality, process control, quality assurance, and quality improvement.assurance, and quality improvement.

Consequently, it is the control of allConsequently, it is the control of all

transformation processes of an organization totransformation processes of an organization to

better satisfy customer needs in the mostbetter satisfy customer needs in the mosteconomical way.economical way.

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Facts About Managing QualityFacts About Managing Quality


�� Quality management is based on internal or self Quality management is based on internal or self--control, which is embedded in each unit of thecontrol, which is embedded in each unit of the

 work system (technology and people). Pushing  work system (technology and people). Pushing problem solving and decisionproblem solving and decision--making down inmaking down inthe organization allows people who do the work the organization allows people who do the work to both measure and take corrective action into both measure and take corrective action inorder to deliver a service that meets the needs of order to deliver a service that meets the needs of their customer.their customer.

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��  The Most widely used and generally accepted The Most widely used and generally accepted

system of managing quality globally is throughsystem of managing quality globally is throughParticipative Management Participative Management 

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Quality is a Journey,Quality is a Journey,

not a Destinationnot a Destination

 Thank you for Thank you for
