modern agriculture volume 1 issue 2


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Modern Agriculture's January 2014 issue. Modern Agriculture Magazine highlights the vegetable, dairy, poultry. and berry commodities of British Columbian agriculture by providing key insights, research, and industry relevant information with a large and targeted distribution.


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Dear readers,

Thank you for embracing our first issue with open arms. The feedback we received has been remarkable, and if it weren’t for our readers,

sponsors, and supporters who put their heart and soul into the industry, Modern Agriculture Magazine would not have made it to the second issue.

We have once again teamed up with members of our community to present engaging content revolving around technology, research, and news related to our industry. We’ve included pieces on the future of agricultural land, hydroponic vegetable production, the state of hazelnut production around the world, research on the Cherry Fruitworm, and various other engaging topics that will help inform our readers and the agriculture industry as a whole.

We believe providing information on various sectors of British Columbian agriculture will help farmers and agriculture enthusiasts gain insight and form educated opinions in an effort to increase our community’s depth of knowledge.

Many have realized the potential for agriculture, especially in the last few years. As our population grows and more of our citizens need to be fed, the agriculture industry will be looked at to provide solutions and improvements. Staying up-to-date on information will help us form new ideas while increasing awareness organically.

Enjoy our second issue, we hope our content inspires you to share your knowledge with as many others as possible.












MBMS Media

Reuben Mann

Harwind BassiAmir Maan

Gurtaj Sandhu

PO Box 13003 Highstreet POV2T 0C4

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Haley Arjen, Tom Baumann, Aman BringBradley Breedveld, Emily Carmichael,

Thom O’ Dell, Miranda ElsbyStephen Eng, Kristine Ferris,

Eric Gerbrandt, Kaitlyn Gisler, Dieter GeesingPaul Goerzen, Mike Hanna

Dr. Lenore Newman, Kate Petrusa, Jillian Robbins, Jason Smith

Aapo Skogster, Greg Welfing, Mike Welte

Modern Agriculture Magazine is published quarterly by MBMS Media. No part of this publication may be used without written permission from the publisher.


Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions. If, however, an error comes to your attention, please accept our sincere apologies and notify us. Modern Agriculture receives unsolicited materials (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. Modern Agriculture, and its affiliates and assignees, may use, reproduce, publish, republish, distribute, store, and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. This statement does not apply to materials and/or pitches submitted by freelance writers, photographers, or illustrators in accordance with known

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Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease caused by the fungal-like pathogen Plasmodiophora...07


The farmyard and veterinarian’s office will be getting a friendly face-lift for anyone who has... 32



When people look at hydroponic vegetable greenhouses, they see high tech agriculture at...08BC HAZELNUTSHazelnuts, also known as filberts, have a long history in BC as a commercial crop with value...12


If you’ve not been before, the hamlet of Milner is a beautiful place. Milner is a small area in the... 30




British Columbia farmers are using their livestock manure and off-farm organic wastes... 34




Thirteen years ago my dad had an urge to try something different. During the previous 15...17


The cherry fruitworm (CFW), known scientifically as Grapholita packardi, is an occasional pest of... 40


The high production of good quality hens can be directly and absolutely attributed to the quality...18IN A HUNGRY WORLDThe recent debate over the future of BC’s Agriculture Land Reserve might seem to be...20


Have you ever walked into a store, saw the price of blueberries, and thought to yourself, “Wow...” 38


As a University-based agricultural researcher, I have the opportunity to observe the industry... 46

This aggressive fly is native to South East Asia, with reports of observation in the Hawaiian ... 44

BATTLING AN INVASIVE ALIENSOMETHING OLD SOMETHING NEWThe popular term “sustainable” is widely used to describe agriculture today. Not only is it used...23

ISSUE FEATURE:UFV’S AGRICULTURE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEIn 2013, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark asked the Ministers of Advanced Education and... 26

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FARMGATE SALESMore than $199 million dollars is accounted for in annual BC greenhouse farmgate sales. Not too shabby, greenhouse indus-try, not too shabby at all.

IMPORTANT PRODUCEThe distribution of green-house vegetable produc-tion is 36% tomatoes, 12% english cucumbers, 44% bell peppers, and 8% ac-

counts for all the others.

HOW MANY PER ACRE?The average number of plants grown per acre in greenhouses varies: 10,000 for tomatoes, 6,000 for cucumbers, and 14,000 for

bell peppers.

IS IT EFFICIENT?In order to grow all of the produce grown in BC greenhouses in outdoor fields, you would need something 5 times the size

of Stanley Park.



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Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease caused by the fungal-like pathogen Plas-modiophora brassicae. As the name suggests, this pathogen attacks the root systems of plants in the Brassica family (mustards, cabbage, Broccoli, cauliflow-er, brussels sprouts, etc). Once the roots are infected, they swell and produce club-like galls. These infected roots are incapable of taking up water or nutri-

ents from the soil. For this reason, the first noticeable above ground symptoms are stunt-ing and wilting. These symptoms are often mistaken for heat stress during times of hot weather. Proper diagnosis can be made by pulling up the plant to check for galls. The plant will continue to decline over the course of the season and will not mature properly.

The pathogen can survive in the soil as a special type of spore called a resting spore for up to 20 years, which makes it almost impossible to eradicate once present. The severi-ty of the infection increases in acidic soils (below pH 6.5), soils that are water saturated, and warm soils (above 20oC). The spores can only move short distances within the soil so the primary method of the disease spreading is with soil movement. All practices that decrease soil movement are the primary method of reducing spread of clubroot. Following low tillage and equipment sanitation techniques have been shown to be effective methods of limiting the spread of clubroot. Equipment sanitation means cleaning all the soil off of tractors and equipment when moving between fields.

What else can a grower do who has clubroot in his fields?

Long Crop rotation. Although the spores can last for a long time in the soil, crop rotations of 4 or more years have been shown to reduce the severity of infections in cole crops. During years where cole crops are not planted, make

sure to control all mustard weeds as they are a host of clubroot.

Plant resistant varieties and clean transplants. Resistant varieties are avail-able in many markets for cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. When planting transplants, make sure you are not introducing the disease into your

field by using infected transplants.

Fungicides. There are some fungicides like Allegro 500F registered for use on clubroot in cole crops; their high cost has made them economically unsuit-

able for use in many situations.

Lime. Adding lime to the field to raise the pH to over 7 has been tried in many areas with inconsistent results. Again, the cost of this technique has made it

unreasonable for many situations.






by: Greg Welfing


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When people look at hydroponic vegetable greenhouses, they see high tech agriculture at its best. Although still relying on good old sunshine, greenhouse growers are able to manage their climate through temperature

and humidity controls as well as precision fertigation systems, CO2 level control and the use of biological control agents. Just like conventional agriculture, greenhouse production starts from the ground up. Healthy roots from the beginning of the season to the end will ultimately determine the success of a crop. The term “hydroponic” refers to the culture of plants in a nutri-ent solution without soil. In greenhouses, the plants are grown in a substate that provides a medium for root growth; it is not relied upon for nutrient transfer by the plant. Although growers could grow in anything (sand, gravel, peat moss), consistency from the beginning of the season to the end, is incredibly im-portant. Consistency from one slab to the other, along with its ability to provide water, air, and cation exchange are really the key components when selecting a media to grow in. Other fac-tors include product handling, disposal, cost and availability.

The basic hydroponic systems of greenhouses consist of the irrigation system, which supply each plant with the exact same amount of water through pressure compensated drippers, the media, and the drainage retention system (either metal gutters or poly strips and ditches). The water is fed through the drip system with fertilizer and goes into the slab, which is basically a sausage shaped bag filled with the media of choice. Extra wa-ter is fed into the system so that every plant has enough, and the extra water still containing fertilizer is collected and reused.

Historically, growers in BC have relied upon sawdust as their

main media choice. Sawdust is a fairly stable media, is relatively inert, is (or was) abundant in BC, and most importantly, cheap. In the summer or fall, growers would bring in loads of sawdust, fill the sausage shaped bags by hand, and then stored them outside until they were ready to be brought into the green-house at crop change. At the beginning of the season, sawdust has a nice open structure to provide good aeration and control in watering. The water flows through the media, and by limiting water, growers can quickly dry the bag out and steer the plants in the direction they want them to grow. This is an especially important characteristic in growing tomatoes and peppers, as light levels in January and February are not condusive to plants naturally wanting to make fruit. With the low amount of light, cool air temperatures, and high humidities, the plants want to grow slow make large leaves. By stressing the plant through drying out the slab, a grower is able to force the plant into a generative state that will result in early season flowers and fruit set. This early season steering will dictate how the plant grows for the rest of the year so it is essential that a grower achieves his goal. Sawdust does have a tendancy to break down over the course of a season, which is a bit of a limitation, and grow-ers need to be aware. As sawdust ages, the cellulose will break down due to microbial and mechanical activity in the root zone and the air content will decrease, making it more difficult for the roots to remain healthy. The decreasing air content and thus higher water content, limits the steering growers want and can take a slab days to a week to dry out, compared to just a few hours at the beginning of the season. This can affect late season flower setting and fruit finishing. Unfortunately, sawdust availability has become somewhat precarious, especially in ob-taining the desired fir or yellow cedar, as many local mills have closed over the past ten years.



by: Bradley BreedveldHydroponic Vegetable Production - What are the media options?

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As the hands of growers have been forced due to the lack of sawdust in the market, the industry has looked at a number of other options with most set-tling on coco or coir slabs. Coco is a by-product of the coconut industry in coun-tries such as Sri Lanka and India which have an abundant supply. Unfortunately the development of coco slabs has been a bit of a rocky road over the past 10 or so years. However, through experience and an understanding of coco’s traits, the industry has settled on specific quali-ty characteristics. Before proceeding into a discussion on these characteristics, it is important to understand how coco slabs are packaged. Coco is brought in as pre-filled bags (similar to sawdust), but these slabs are rectangular in shape and are compressed so to take up less space in containers when coming from overseas. When water is added to the slabs, they quickly hydrate and form the desired shape of the slab (for example 100cm long x 15cm wide x 8cm high). A nice fea-ture of coco is that the slabs are flat on the top so the plants don’t lean or fall off (which could impact watering uniformity in the small transplant block). Planting holes and drainage holes are precut at the factory resulting in less labour and quick preparation of slabs.

The early days of coco use saw suppliers harvesting coco from old piles of husks in Sri Lanka. Although this material looked fine, after compression the slabs would not expand when hydrated and therefore would not have the air capacity expect-ed. Since then, suppliers have learned that coco should not be more than a couple years old, and also should not be kept in storage for more than a year or two. Although coco expansion is an easy

quality to see visually, the most import-ant feature cannot be seen beforehand so growers and suppliers have had to work on predetermined quality specifica-tions. As with sawdust, fresh coco husks will break down during the season as it is composed of cellulose. If aged properly, the coco fiber will become lignified, which is critical in having consistency from the beginning to end of the season. In addi-tion, lignified coco fiber will affect water droplet surface tension. The coco fibers spread a water droplet over its surface area, making it available to more root hairs. Coco slabs can be produced us-ing different grades of material (such as crush, fiber, or fine material) so manufac-turers can customize air content, water content, and growing conditions for spe-cific crops.

Another predetermined factor with huge implications is the EC and the makeup of the EC in the slabs. Since coco planta-tions grow on the coast, they feed heav-ily on salt water and may be exposed to salt water. The result of this is coco slabs high in EC, composed mainly of sodium or chlorides which are harmful to plants. Growers have learned that in order for early rooting, it is important to purchase slabs that are either washed with water to lower the EC, or better yet, buffered to remove the salts. Buffering is the process where the coco is laid out and washed with a low EC solution of calcium or potassium nitrate. Both of these are stronger cations and will cause the coco to release the salts to be flushed out and bind to calcium or potassium instead. Even if a grower is purchasing washed slabs, it is always a good idea to water with low EC Cal Nit to flush out any salts.

Coco must be planned for since it is shipped from far overseas,.Due to the red colour of the fine coco particles and the initial salt leach, there are some en-vironmental concerns when using coco, especially in Ontario. British Columbia, however, is not part of that discussion. The cost of coco is fairly low and disposal is easy as it can be spread onto land or used in soil or compost mixes.

In Europe and eastern Canada, rockwool continues to be the main substrate in use. Rockwool is basalt rock that is su-per heated and then spun to product long fibers (picture cotton candy). The resulting product is similar to insulation with fibers being laid down either hori-zontally or vertically to tailor for water/air content or longevity of the slab (one year or multi-year). These large blocks of material are then cut into slabs with a wetting and firming agent being add-ed before the slabs are wrapped. The big advantage of rockwool is that it is a factory type product with the consisten-cy of each slab being identical. With no variability between slabs or within slabs, growers are able to steer and maximize all their available tools.

Rockwool has been used sporadically in BC for the past 20 years. Despite the high quality nature of the product, cost and disposal are the main limitations to more usage. Rockwool is not able to be compressed, so despite the material vol-ume being the same as coco, it takes up 2-3 times as much space in a container, and therefore comes with a much higher shipping cost. Generally the cost of rock-wool is twice that of coco. Disposal is an-other issue with rockwool. Because the product will not break down on its own, it


LEFT: Close up of Coco Fiber RIGHT: Dutch Greenhouse Irrigation System


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must be shipped to a landfill with a high cost. Rockwool has been put on fields in the past, but it must be ground up. Some of the rockwool can still get caught up in hay bales and other ag crops. Rock-wool can be purchased as multi year slabs which would help reduce the overall cost, however, due to disease and virus pressure year-to-year, most growers would not be willing to take such a risk. In Ontario there is much more rockwool in use than BC and this is due to recy-cling programs in place and the proximity to its production. Despite rockwool being a more consistent product, it generally has a higher water and lower air content than coco. This makes that early season steering a little more difficult, giving coco an early season advantage.

One area that we do see rockwool used in BC is for plant propagation. Rock-wool in this capacity is very consistent, easy to handle by watering and spacing equipment, and sturdy enough to handle shipping across Canada and the US. Be-cause small differences at an early stage are so critical in producing an even crop of plants for transplant, the risk is still too great to deviate from rockwool.

Perlite, biochar, zealite, and vermicu-lite are all soil mixing additives that have been tried by commercial growers as well. The main limitations of these all are cost related as they must be used for multiple years in order to pay off. Like

rockwool, they can be steam sterilized to kill plant pathogens. However, it is difficult to guarantee killing diseases and viruses, particularly those which can be trouble-some to control.

There are a few more details to be aware of as well when making a decision on media.

Recirculation systems are used to con-serve water and fertilizer in a green-house. The extra drain is collected in poly lined ditches or gutters and then steril-ized before being mixed with fresh water and fertilizer. Although sawdust is nice and clean early on, coco can produce a red colour drain the first few weeks that cannot be sterilized with UV filtration. Rockwool overdrain can be collected fair-ly quickly and used, adding another factor to consider when assessing cost.

Soil microbes are an important part of greenhouse systems. Because all the media described above are sterile to begin with, beneficial microbes are of-ten added early on to colonize the root-zone and suppress the establishment of pathogens. Both coco and sawdust are organic and will easily support these mi-crobes, however rockwool tends to be a bit more difficult in establishing and maintaining early on. As the crop ages and the roots penetrate to more areas of the slab, it is much easier for them to develop and reproduce.

Rootzone drenching of pesticides can be a quick and effective way to control some pests in the greenhouse. Now these products are limited to those with highly systemic activity, but they are extremely valuable products. Because rockwool is inert with no CEC, it will not bind up any pesticides, therefore whatever is added to the rootzone is available to the plant right away. With coco and sawdust, any rootzone drenches must be managed to ensure the pesticide is taken up by the plant and not trapped by the organic media. Adding pesticides to organic me-dia as a drench when the plant is not ac-tive (evening) or when the media is dry, will result in poor uptake and efficacy of the product. Some strategies to maxi-mize plant uptake in these organic mix-es include adding them early in the day when the plants are active, doing it on the second or third watering of the day, and adding an extra delay after this cycle to ensure the pesticide is taken up and not flushed out of the system.

As you can see, there are many things to consider when choosing a media for greenhouse use. The common denom-inator in all this? Profitability. A grower knows his style, his crop and his cost/profit model and will make the best de-cision based on these factors. Healthy plants equal healthy production and with a good input costing model, there’s a healthy bottom line for the grower.


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Hazelnuts, also known as filberts, have a long history in BC as a commercial crop with value, partly because there are few places in the world as well suited for their production. Co-rylus avellana, the species of commerce, can

produce a superior quality high-protein food crop from a new planting beginning in just three to five years. This is much earlier than most other nuts, and trees remain pro-ductive for many decades. Today, demand for hazelnuts exceeds supply both locally and globally. Despite high de-mands, hazelnut production in BC has encountered a dif-ficult challenge in the last decade, and current research in the field offers hope and new promise for the future!

Commercial production of hazelnuts in BC dates to the 1930’s, and by 2000, there were over 800 acres of hazel-nut trees in the Fraser Valley producing over 300 tons of nuts per year. Unfortunately, eastern filbert blight (EFB) arrived soon thereafter. EFB is caused by a fungus (An-isograma anomala) native to eastern North America. It arrived in Oregon in the 1970’s, and made it’s way to BC in2003.

A quarantine preventing importation of hazelnut trees (except in tissue culture) to British Columbia was put in to effect. Critics argued that the disease was already here and the border should be opened, but introductions of more of the hundreds of strains of blight (currently only one is known to be found on the west coast) could allow it to become even more virulent. In addition, a supply of

new, blight-resistant, varieties is now available, so it’s pru-dent to continue the quarantine to slow the evolution and spread of the disease.

Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis has had a large hazelnut breeding program for over forty years. With substantial research funding from growers, they ap-ply classic selective breeding to produce superior trees. Thousands of seedlings from select crosses are screened for vigor, disease and pest resistance, flavor, yield and so on. Most are discarded and a few superior trees are grown on for larger scale trials. Those that pass muster by growers are released as named selections, including Jefferson and Yamhill, now available in BC.

The past ten years has seen the release of many new hazelnut varieties selected for EFB resistance, nut qual-ity, and pollen characteristics. Some new varieties can produce almost double the yield per acre of the old stan-dard Barcelona. By creating new varieties with high resis-tance to EFB, the OSU breeding program has rescued the hazelnut industry in Oregon, which is now growing by about 3000 acres per year!

Hazelnut farmers, the BC Hazelnut Grower’s Association (BCHGA), the Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF) and Nature Tech Nursery are partnering to evaluate six of the new varieties at six locations in the lower Mainland and Gulf Islands of BC, with sites planted over the past two years. We will measure timing of flowering, pollen

BCHAZELNUTSby: Haley Arjen and Thom O’Dell

What does the latest research on hazelnuts mean for local farmers?


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shed and nut production, as well as the harvest date for the next several years. BC growers will soon have local data to inform their decisions about planting new variet-ies. There will be a session on hazelnuts, including more information about the hazelnut variety trial, at the Pacific Agriculture Show taking place in Abbotsford in January, 2014.

Hazelnuts are a relatively low labour and input crop with good opportunities for intercropping during orchard es-tablishment. By its seventh year, an acre of orchard can produce two tons or more per year of tasty nuts. Rich in oil and protein, the nuts are incredibly versatile for add-ing value (nut butter, dry-roasted nuts, candy, nutritional

supplements, skin cream… and more!). With a local facility set up for processing organically produced nuts, an ad-ditional premium can more easily be realized by organic farmers. Growing nuts to get farm tax status on a small acreage is attractive and achievable for part-time or re-tired farmers.

EFB may have knocked back the industry but the long term support by growers for research has paid big div-idends with disease-resistant, high-yielding varieties. Since they can be grown in only a few parts of the world, and demand is exceeding supply, BC farmers would do well to consider diversifying with hazelnuts.



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BC CHICKENSApproximately 331 chicken farms in BC produce near-ly 155 million kilograms of meat, generating $351 mil-lion in farm cash receipts.

BC TURKEYSBC’s turkey producers generate approximately $94.8 million in econom-ic output, of which $31.8 million can be considered

contribution to GDP.

BC FARMSThere are nearly 53 hatch-ing egg farms in British Co-lumbia producing about 8.7 million dozen eggs and generating $44.4 million in

farm cash receipts.

TABLE EGGSThere are approximately 136 table egg farms in BC producing about 70 million dozen eggs and generating about $128 million in farm

cash receipts.



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Thirteen years ago my dad had an urge to try some-thing different. During the previous 15 years, my parents farmed vegetables, pigs, and raspberries. After visiting a Free Range poultry operation near Victoria, my father decided to go back to his livestock roots and start Free

Range poultry.

Our pasture raised poultry operation started with 50 chickens (ap-prox. 200kgs) under a tarped shelter in the field being sold mainly to family and friends. The first goal was to raise them in their nat-ural habitat - outside on pasture. The birds graze and forage for bugs, grubs, grass, leaves and seeds. They also have access to a vegetarian grain diet with no additives or animal by-products. The second goal was to grow the chickens and turkeys closer to full-size. Our chicken roasters range from 6lbs to 8lbs and turkey hens from 20lbs to 25lbs. Sales quickly grew, and today, we manage 20,000 kilograms of chicken quota and 15,000 kilograms of turkey quota which are raised during an eight month growing season on a seven acre farm. Turkeys are available fresh for Thanksgiving and Christ-mas and chickens are available fresh five times during the summer months. We do not raise birds over the winter months.

Our birds are sold direct from our on-farm store, through small meat markets, and at selected farmers markets. 90% of chicken is sold on-farm and 10% at farmers markets. 60% of turkeys are sold to meat markets, 30% on-farm and 10% at farmers markets.

Growing poultry outdoors has its challenges. Coyotes, hawks, owls and eagles like our chickens and turkeys. The flight predators do not like our other large animals in the fields and coyotes do not like electricity. The perimeter fence around the farm has an electric wire that discourages coyotes and if one of our two llamas or two donkeys is in the pasture with the poultry, the hawks and owls keep their distance. Flashy tape also helps confuse curious eagles.

The other big challenge to all direct market livestock producers is processing. Processing costs are similar to the costs to feed chick-ens, so it is important to have a good relationship with an inspected processing facility. It also means the farmer must develop a mar-ket for all parts of their birds – not just the parts in highest demand. We are adding a kitchen facility to diversify our products.

We serve a small niche market. Our success and future growth de-pends on how well we meet the expectations of the market. We are constantly evolving with new products. We provide samples on

our sales days and a web presence that encourages new custom-ers. All our customers have a story about why they have chosen to drive out for pasture raised poultry, grown the same way and with the same great taste as their farming ancestors. Many of our new customers come after tasting our poultry at a friend’s house. As well, our customers are encouraged to visit us on the farm during our growing season and go “walking with the turkeys.” It is a mutual relationship and we continue to grow in our understanding of our market with each customer interaction.

PASTURERAISEDby: Jillian Roberts




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The high production of good qual-ity eggs by a flock of hens can be directly and absolutely attributed to the quality of the pullets entering that lay facility. Following these three simple and basic management points will serve to produce a high quality pullet and ensure long term success in the laying facility.

Weigh pullets in order to take real management action.

It is universally agreed that the body weight of pullets needs to be on target and highly uniform. When individual birds in a flock are similar in weight to each other, the physio-logical response to light stimulation is consistent and the flock is easier to manage. The process of weigh-ing pullets is important in order to achieve this goal. Measuring the weight of a flock of pullets, wheth-er reared on the floor or in cages, needs to be done in a manner such that real management action can be taken based on the bird weight data.

By weighing groups of birds from specific areas of the barn, an aver-age weight of the birds in the differ-ent areas of the pullet barn can be achieved. Below is actual data from a 10 week Lohmann flock. Instead of simply averaging the overall flock weight of the birds in the cages, av-erages were calculated based on the position of the cages. This method of weighing and reporting reveals the uniformity of the weights in the barn against a parameter which can be managed.

In cases where birds are lighter on a certain level, perhaps water supply is an issue. When birds are lighter on the return of the feed line verses the outbound, a manager could consider stacking the feedings to improve ac-cess to feed by the birds at the end of the feed line. If birds are lighter at the inlet or the exhaust side or at one end of the barn it is possible that they are cold and having to spend additional energy on staying warm as opposed to growing.

The overall goal of weighing birds in this way is to provide the manager with information to actually manage the flock. Collecting good data will enable better management of the pullet barn and help ensure success during lay.

Support persistency of lay and high quality eggs through good early nutrition.

Pullets require a low level of calci-um, laying hens require a high level of calcium, and the exact timing of when feed needs to be switched from a pullet feed to a pre-lay or lay-ing feed is critically important. Birds actively laying eggs need to be fed a properly balanced laying feed. In ad-dition to the genetic companies rec-ommendations when to switch feed types, there are two other factors to consider when determining this feed change.

A hen day egg production rate of 5% actually means that 5% of your flock is laying at 100% egg produc-tion. That small population of birds absolutely requires a layer feed and feeding a pre-layer or a pullet feed at this time can severely limit the ability of those birds to maintain high pro-duction of high quality eggs. A flock of hens should be consuming a layer feed at the time of any measurable egg production.

The timing of a feed change must be coordinated with the feed inven-tory in mind. Although a layer feed might be delivered to a feed bin at 16 weeks of age, there may be suf-ficient pullet feed inventory already present in the bin delaying when the birds actually consume the feed by a few days or even a week. Early in lay, production can increase by 5% per day (meaning another 5% of the chickens in a flock are now lay-ing at 100% egg production). Every day that hens are laying eggs on the

MaximumEgg ProductionManaging all stages of the flock for maximum production

Paul Goerzen, M.Sc. - BC Regional Sales Manager, Hi-Pro Feeds

Average Bird Weights – at various sites in the barn

ALL 0.876


Bottom 0.885

Second 0.843

Third 0.888

Top 0.890


Return 0.855

Middle 0.881

Outbound 0.900


Fan 0.800

Middle 0.795

Inlet 0.813

EndSouth 0.880

North 0.876


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wrong feed is another day that flock is being put at risk for long term shell problems and lower persistency of lay.

Understanding the ovulatory cycle enables application of smarter lighting programs.

A real understanding of how light impacts the reproductive function of a chicken is necessary for smart management decisions. A chicken’s brain perceives day length as light energy directly through the skull. The day length is important as it sym-bols spring time. When a chicken is old enough (about 16-17 weeks), of sufficient size (1.3 kg depending on strain), and healthy it will respond to increases in the day length by devel-oping an ovary and oviduct.

An ovary is like a cluster of yolky grapes of different sizes from very small to the size of a normal yolk. The yolk itself is the female egg (or gamete) and when the brain deter-mines it’s time to start laying eggs, and the ovary is fully formed, they communicate back and forth and ovulation occurs (the yolk is dropped into the oviduct to start the process of forming an egg). Shortly after that egg is laid, if the conditions are right, that same hen will ovulate again and start the process of producing another egg. Each egg is laid a lit-tle bit later in the day until the last egg in a sequence of eggs is laid so late in the day that the brain does not signal the ovary to ovulate. The hen takes a day off and does not lay an egg. When a hen takes one day off a month, we say she is laying at 97% (29 eggs in 30 days). If the day length is reduced, the brain will per-ceive this as summer ending and may not signal the ovary to ovulate.

The interaction between the nat-ural day-length and the artificial day-length is important when man-aging for quality egg production. In summer months when the natural outdoor day-length is 17-18 hours, the timing of the barn lights must be coordinated with the timing of

the natural light. If the barn lights come on at 2 AM and off at 7 PM, and the barn is not absolutely light tight, the actual day-length that the birds experience will be closer to 19 hours in the summer. This may not be enough of a differential between day and night for the chickens to

have a healthy ovulatory cycle. The brain and the ovary may not commu-nicate optimally and more skip days may result.

Further, in the fall when the natural day length decreases, the birds will experience a reduction in day-length, which would also re-duce the potential for egg production. Al-though delaying the “light on” signal closer to the natural sun rise will result in fewer of the eggs being collect-ed during an early egg collection, overall the egg production will be

greater and the birds reproductively healthier.

SummaryThe smart and deliberate weighing

of pullets, the correct and careful timing of a feed change prior to the start of lay, and a real understanding of the reproductive process of a hen are three simple and effective man-agement tools. Modern egg layers produce high quality and nutritious food. The three management tools detailed here will serve to maximize this process and will further ensure the overall success of the egg facil-ity.

Collecting good data will enable better management …



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The recent debate over the future of BC’s Agricultural Land Reserve might seem to be only an issue of local importance. But there is a

larger conversation of global land loss that is beginning to emerge. At a time when it is suggested that we need to double world food production, every meeting I attend paints the same picture of prime production lands disappearing to urban development. At a recent conference, we shared information about housing encroach-ing on The Netherland’s “green heart” zone, on the failure of Toronto’s green belt to prevent sprawl, and on the liquidation of Seoul, South Korea’s vibrant suburban farm zones. Each of these pieces can be dismissed as unimportant, but we have little infor-mation on the larger picture; just how much of the world’s best farmland is being lost? In this context it would be wise to avoid rash choices in British Colum-bia. In particular, the farmland of the lower mainland is incredibly valu-able; it is only 0.2 percent of Can-ada’s arable land, but returns 4.5 percent of Canada’s total farm gate receipts. The lucky overlap of excel-lent soil, mild climate, and abundant water give us perfect conditions to grow food for the expanding Van-

couver population, and also to boost trade through exports. Our limited land base also makes us innovative; we are experts in farming intensively as well as adopting technologies such as greenhouse production.

However, we also know that farm-ing in our region could be improved. The land base is becoming fragment-ed through subdivision, and studies elsewhere have shown that when plots become too small they are no longer economically viable. Also, we must maintain a critical mass of farming in our prime growing areas in order to maintain the infrastructure of suppliers and distributers need-ed to support our farmers. There is also a strong need to connect young farmers with available land; too much prime land, particularly near Vancou-ver, is sitting idle while young farmers struggle to find a place to farm.

In my opinion, the time has come to freeze exclusions from the ALR in high production zones, and shift urban development into the moun-tain valleys surrounding our region. Though some people have agreed with me and some people have dis-agreed strongly, we need to start having the discussion now. The Lower Mainland in particular is going to get very crowded, very fast. The very ge-

ography that makes the region beau-tiful also greatly constrains it. The Canadian portion of what is known as the Fraser Valley Lowlands has only about 2500 square kilometers of non-mountainous land available for development, which is only about as third as much land as greater Toron-to, and about two and a half times the area of Hong Kong. The paving of the entire Valley from Hope to the ocean is inevitable unless we start planning now to maintain open green space; my opinion is that strengthen-ing our farming industry is an excel-lent start.

Agriculture feeds the lower main-land, provides thousands of jobs, and millions of dollars to the region. In the last 40 years the region has lost roughly 7% of its farmland; if land loss had continued at the rates present before the formation of the ALR, it is very likely that 80% would be gone. For an individual working in a very difficult industry, selling farm-land to a developer offers a consid-erable one-time payoff; the problem is this decision is being made all over the world, one farm at a time, every day. We don’t know what is being lost globally, or whether we are ap-proaching a point where production won’t meet demand. It is a good time to be cautious.



by: Dr. Lenore Newman


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The popular term “sustainable” is widely used to describe ag-riculture today. Not only is it used to describe agriculture, but we find it used to discuss

other aspects of today’s society such as sustainable living, sustainable forest practices, and sustainable fisheries. Without a doubt, any think-tank , policy, production and/or marketing group on agriculture somehow incorporates some ideas around sustainability into the dis-cussion. Even though it is a popular and widely used term, the meaning of it at times is vague and not consistent. It is, however, one of the most important con-cepts that “Modern Agriculture” needs to understand and embrace in order that the growing world population, estimated to be 9 Billion by 2050, continues to be fed.

So, what do we mean to say when we use the term “sustainable agriculture?” Are the moadern methods of agriculture today sustainable or do we need to go back to more traditional methods? What defines sustainability? Who defines sus-tainability? In AGRI 371 - Sustainable, Ho-listic Agriculture, offered at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), I ask the stu-dents the following question on the first day: What does the term sustainable , holistic agriculture mean to you? Some students have an opinion, some do not, but suffice it to say that not every view-point is the same.

If we were to ask the consumer of our agricultural products for a definition, sus-tainable might be interpreted as produce grown with no sprays, pesticide-free, or grown organically. They may also believe that sustainable agriculture produces food that is safe and that it is able to pro-vide food security for the growing world population.

In the academic and scientific communi-ty, the agricultural schools are redefining agricultural thinking from the one-di-mensional focus on the plants and ani-mals such as agronomics or genetics to a more holistic concept called Agroecol-ogy. Agroecology can be defined as the study of agriculture that recognizes that the communities of plants and animals in the environment have been modified by people to produce food, fibre, fuel, and other products for human consumption and processing.

To the farmer, the idea of sustainability may mean choosing agronomic practic-es that optimize the productivity of the crop or animal. It may also be interpreted as choosing an agricultural venture that maximizes profit.


Going back to AGRI 371, I have tried to in-still upon the students, who are our future agrologists, that there can be more than one practical model of agriculture that is sustainable, but in order to validate them, there needs to be a consistent set of principles that define sustainability.

The fundamental idea of sustainable ag-riculture is, in fact, an old concept. In the classic 1911 agricultural book, “Farmers of Forty Centuries” by F.H.King, which stimu-lated the thinking of British and American Schools of Agriculture at the time. The author records his amazement as to how the farmers of China, Korea, and Japan were able to conserve and use the nat-ural resources available to them at the time to feed the population for over forty centuries. The “Farmers of Forty Cen-turies” understood the “ways” to make

agriculture sustainable for over forty centuries without the use of man-made fertilizers or chemicals.

An example of “something new” in sus-tainable agriculture would be the use of man-made “organic pesticides” in main-stream conventional agricultural opera-tions.

A good approach to understanding and practicing sustainability would be to look at it from three different recognized con-cepts: Environmental Sustainability, Eco-nomic Sustainability, Social Sustainability.


Economic sustainability recognizes the needs of the farmer to earn a living so he must be able to receive a fair price for his product. Economic sustainability also looks at production efficiencies that maximize profits. Farming as an indus-try will remain sustainable so long as the farming operation can generate enough production and money to support itself.

The social aspect of sustainability is rec-ognizing that agriculture should enhance the quality of life of farmers and society as a whole.

The idea of sustainability is as much a philosophy as it is a practical approach to agriculture. With the three concepts (en-vironmental, economic, and social) that define Sustainable Agriculture, the mod-ern science of Agroecology must con-tinue to provide holistic solutions to the timeless lessons of traditional agriculture in order for the future of agriculture to remain sustainable.

SOMETHING OLDSOMETHING NEW by: Stephen Eng, Sessional Instructor at UFV



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Keep track of all your field and crop details by entering all of your operations and observations: planting, fertilizing, manure, pest control, irrigation, tillage, harvest, GPS waypoints, image and field maps, soil test, weather and others.

Manage your farm from anywhere. You can turn your wireless device into a field and crop management tool that revolutionizes how, where and when you man-age your farm data.

Plant your crops based on the most profitable scenario. You can set up financial plans for your business with Field Manager PRO on your desktop computer. By entering fixed and variable costs, and estimating your projected yield and com-modity price, you can analyze different crop plans and run crop projections.


courtesy of Farm Credit Canada

Crop and field record management has come a long way in the last number of years, according to Marko Maksymytz, owner of Zemac Farms in Taber, Alberta.

“In the old days, everything was done on a piece of paper and everything had to be faxed,” Mar-ko said. “And, you always seemed to be scram-bling to find everyone’s day timer to make sure your records were correct.”

With the huge technological advances over the past decade and the increasing focus on trace-ability, the manual recording process Marko describes is rapidly being replaced with just-in-time, precise electronic data collection for all aspects of the farm.

Marko said that software like Farm Credit Canada’s Field Manager PRO is helping pro-ducers up their game when it comes to tracking information.

“You know what fertilizer was put on and how much. You know when you’ve irrigated the land and you know when you’ve sprayed the chemi-cal. You know which day you’ve dug the pota-toes and you know which truck they go in when they go to the processor.”

With Field Manager PRO software, and the new FM PRO Mobile app for your Apple or Android device, you can make sure your operation is operating as efficiently as possible in a wide variety of areas – wherever you are.

Field Manager PRO 360Introduced in 2012, Field Manager PRO 360 includes all the field and crop record management tools mentioned above and also provides aerial images of your fields. The software’s built-in Geographic Information System (GIS) capability enables producers to take a more comprehensive look at their operations using satellite imag-


“We encourage growers to try this system and to use it for managing their operations,” said Glen Kroeker, Di-rector of FCC Management Software. “It’s an excellent record keeping system to meet all traceability require-ments, but it’s also a very strong management tool. It’s much more than just a program to track field records.”

If you’d like to learn more about Field Manager PRO, or check out FCC’s accounting software, AgExpert Analyst, call 1-800-667-7893 or visit





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In 2013, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark asked the Ministers of Advanced Education and Agri-culture (Amrik Virk and Pat Pimm) to work with UFV toward estab-

lishment of a Centre of Excellence in Agriculture. Having just moved from one campus to another within Chilli-wack, the new location and lots more space provided a prime opportunity to start big. After extensive consul-tation with industry, governments, and partner institutions, as well as a fundraising campaign that resulted in generous donations from various sources, UFV was able to plan and finally build modern facilities for both the Animal Science and the Plant Sci-ence disciplines. The planned move-in date was set for January 2014.

We are extremely delighted to have a few world firsts in those facilities. The buildings themselves incorporate the features of the future, and welcome the visitor with a large interior foyer, where data from the greenhouses and barns is displayed for observers to take in what is currently happening at a glance.

From there to the right, a visitor will enter the barns, which also house the boilers and compressors for the greenhouse facilities. The heat-

ed side of the barn, which will house animals such as swine and chickens, will showcase handling and care of those animals, with a cold barn adja-cent providing for other livestock that thrive in different conditions. A floor heating system will provide the heat and is easy to regulate. The facilities include plenty of storage for equip-ment, animal care materials, scales, and feeding supplies.

From the foyer to the left, a visitor will go along a bright corridor to the greenhouse facilities. This novel con-cept greenhouse with a height of ap-proximately 12 meters was custom- designed and built by BW Global of Aldergrove. It is covered by poly-carbonate sheeting that is specially designed for maximum light trans-parency and light diffusion within the growing compartments. The green-house will stay closed and with the most sustainable energy savings technology will handle heating and cooling as well as air exchange by re-versible fans that go both directions. The uses are too numerous to list here, but note that positive or neg-ative pressure can be built up inside the growing bays. Humidity and heat/cooling will also be managed by a high-pressure vapour system, which by itself is novel. A computer system

by local company Argus completes the picture, with sensors through-out the greenhouse. As we will use this greenhouse for teaching and re-search purposes, we have managed to have a tremendous amount of sensors that measure outside and inside conditions with emphasis on energy savings. The system will man-age air composition, heat, cooling, ventilation, relative humidity, light and so much more, giving us full control of the environment and making it possi-ble to simulate night and day.

One other greenhouse, covered by light-diffusing polyethylene, is already built and with its wide construction, we are able to use it for teaching as well as research for more cool loving plants. We can also heat it with two unit heaters. We are in discussions on two other brand-new concept greenhouses for this centre. These will likely be added in 2014/15.

We will also have an outdoor crop area designated for demonstration and research plots that will showcase on a small scale what work goes on in research and demonstration part-nerships that we have with industry, which we conduct where it counts the most, right in producers’ fields! In addition to this field facility, we

UFV’S AGRICULTURE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEby Tom Baumann, UFV Agriculture Department Coordinator, Director Pacific Berry Berry Resource Centre

PHOTOS COURTESY OF SANDEEP SANDHU, E-mail: [email protected]


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are working with School District 33 in Chilliwack on a five-acre property under the lead of Sardis Secondary School and in collaboration with High Road Academy to expand their re-spective schools’ vibrant agriculture programs. This is a great opportuni-ty to get students exposed to farm experience, research, and summer work. The idea is to eventually have students engaged in the study of ag-riculture from Grade One to the PhD level.

The barn, as well as the greenhouses, are rigged to collect water for irriga-tion purposes with a few large un-derground reserve tanks, and heat exchange for geothermal heating. We are looking at a composting and digester system in phase two that will help us to process all campus organ-ic matter (including the Culinary Arts program’s organic matter), as well as that ideal combination between ani-mal manure and plant matter.

Our new facilities AND our combi-nation of animal and plant science is what makes our programming so strong. This combination also helped with us being designated an Agricul-ture Centre of Excellence.

In order to develop our centre of excellence, we have reached out to many institutions and amongst oth-ers are working with UBC and Okana-gan College. Industry has taken to this model and we are currently engaged in a lot of research, mainly in the ar-

eas of food production and food se-curity. By working closely with geog-raphy, biology, and trades programs within our university we strengthen the applicability of what we do, which further aids local industry.

We are looking at the big picture, which is to support industry the best we can, provide the resources to help B.C. industry to be a world lead-er in agriculture and food production, and make sure industry will always have qualified industry specialists, management, and workers. The five overarching elements in our teach-ing, applied research and technology transfer are from a study by agricul-ture management consultant Darrel Toma, commissioned in BC in 2013:

1. Agri-business & Technology — agri-business training including mar-keting, management, quality assur-ance, food safety management, and skilled labor development. It must link to trends in mobility, e-commerce, and bundled technologies

2. Food Ingredients and Value Added Foods — based on regional products. Foods for nutrition and for health — based on dairy, poultry, berries, wines and other regional products

3. Sustainable Production Practices — in sustainable production for fruit and vegetable crops, poultry and livestock-processing, community and farm co-location for joint economic, social, and environmental goals

4. Skilled Labor and Industry Prac-tice change — in productivity im-provement, robotics and automation for creating solutions to scarce labor supply problems. Related areas in-clude: mobility applications/analyt-ics, technology bundling, equipment and machinery

5. Rural Entrepreneurship & Tourism — including marketing, management, customer service, foods, wine and related beverages, and small- scale ventures.

To that end, the new Agriculture Cen-tre of Excellence will provide facilities, specialists, and qualified employees, and be a strong advocate for agri-culture throughout BC. It is quite the task, especially with so many compet-ing production models. However, for starters, the berry, nursery, green-house and hazelnut industries have already made their interest known and are working with us on specific projects. Watch here and elsewhere for updates on a regular basis. There will be an open house in spring where we will feature our modern facilities and plans for Phase Two.

Remember: everyone needs to eat every day, and the food gets made by very industrious people. Let’s all work together to keep the food com-ing and make sure that future gen-erations will be able to enjoy locally grown fresh and processed foods in Super Agricultural British Columbia.


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CANADIAN DAIRYIndustry Overview

DAIRY IMPORTSDairy imports increased to 146,997 tonnes and $677.3 million. That’s a 1% increase in both volume and value from last year.

DAIRY EXPORTSThe export of dairy prod-ucts saw an 11% decrease to 80,807 tonnes. That’s a decrease of 6% in one year, leaving a value of

$237.5 million.

DAIRY TRADE BALANCEThe Canadian dairy trade balance remains at a defi-cit of $440 million, repre-senting an increase of 5% from last year’s deficit of

$418 million.

WHAT’S SHIPPING?Though Canada is not a major exporter of dairy, our dairy exports include cheese, ice cream, whey products, and milk protein



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If you’ve not been before, the hamlet of Milner is a beautiful place. Milner is a small area in the heart of Langley with rolling green hills and large forest groves. The landscape is dotted with multi-coloured barns and a smattering of livestock against the green hills.

While naturally picturesque, this land is also stamped with the vast experience of several generations of farm-ers. It is here that fourth-generation dairy farmer, David Davis, lives and farms.

In 1870, David’s great-grandfather Henry purchased 121 acres in Milner and started a dairy farm. David’s grand-father, uncle, and father have since run the dairy opera-tion continuously since Henry began. David’s father Hugh, though retired, still lives on their land in Milner today, and fondly remembers the farm as a very diverse operation growing up. Before the 1960’s, the Davis farmstead in-cluded broilers and layer chickens, a couple of pigs, veg-etables crops like potatoes and turnips, an orchard, and a cistern for collecting rain water. When Hugh began farming in 1966 with 15 cows, he, like many farmers at the time, began to focus more squarely on the dairy opera-tion, and included less diversity as a consequence.

Since then, the Davis farm has grown steadily. Today, Da-vid’s farm operation is significantly larger than in 1966, with 210 cows and 24 automated milking units. A milking parlour runs 12 hours a day, and these productive cows together produce 5000 liters of milk per day. Just one of David’s cows can produce 35 liters per day - that’s just

shy of nine 4 liter plastic jugs of milk you would find at the grocery store!

Like most things in large-scale farming, this kind of pro-ductivity depends on the number of efficiencies present throughout the operation. According to David and Hugh, one of the most important efficiencies for their farm, and for the dairy industry at large, has been a high success rate in breeding cows through artificial insemination (AI). In order to produce milk, cows must be impregnated and produce a calf. AI has a very high success rate for breed-ing cows, especially if you consider that in the early 1950’s farmers bred their cows literally by hand. The first year the Davis’ used AI, they bred 20 out of 21 cows, an aston-ishing statistic that inspired a change right away.

While David needs to keep up with current developments in farm technology, he is keenly aware of the limits to development. He never loses sight of the decades of hard work by farmers before him who made our efficient food production systems the way they are today. David knows firsthand that protecting farmland is essential to our communities. Farmland literally produces essential sustenance for the human body, food, while at the same time forging natural and unique relationships between people who live nearby.

And now, more than ever, David knows the value of how important farmland is - because it is slowly disappear-ing. Milner is very close to the City of Langley, a region of


by: Kate Petrusa

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the Fraser Valley growing rapidly from an influx of peo-ple moving to the area. In response to this movement of people, there are a number of housing developments surrounding Milner. Today, the Davis’ dairy is within one mile of 600 homes, and over then next 10 years, more dwellings will be built within the same radius to accom-modate 40,000 new people. “We’ve lost so many family farms. Twenty years ago there used to be 3000 milk pro-ducers, now there’s 600 in the Fraser Valley.” It addition to the loss of viable farmland for farmers, these housing developments affect farmers who stay on through the their construction. The new neighbours don’t always un-derstand the established practices of dairy farming, like the smell of manure, or the sounds that tractors make.

“We have to protect farms. We have to feed ourselves. We can’t give that up. Every time I get a chance, I like to save farmland because we aren’t making it anymore. We need to preserve farmland and we need to invest in it. We have to value our food more. We have to know where we’ve been, where we are going and where we are going in the future.”

As a father of five children, a councilor for the Township of Langley, and of course, a dairy farmer, David is a pas-sionate, and busy man. His work is carried forward be-cause the work of his forefathers and the generations of farmers in Milner. This legacy provides an intimate knowl-edge of where farming comes from, and where it’s been. David’s task - as well as all of ours - in our contemporary times, is to help direct where farming is going, and ought to go for its long term vitality. As a city councilor, David is balancing the success of his farm, and the farms around him, with the needs of his new neighbours and an in-creasingly urban Langley. So next time you find yourself on Glover Road, or in the heart of Langley, watch out for Milner’s green hills and old farmsteads, and remember how they have served and continue to sustain us.



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The farmyard and veterinarian’s office will be getting a friendly face-lift for anyone who has a fear of needles. Needle-free (NF) devices, a technology that sounds more futuristic than it actually is, has slowly been infiltrating the Ca-

nadian livestock sector. It has been used in the military and for mass human vaccinations since the 1940s.

Pulse NeedleFree Systems, an international company that develops NF devices for both the human and animal health industries, has three livestock products available for veterinarians and farmers: the Pulse 50 Micro Dose Injection System (dose range of 0.1 ml to 0.5 ml), Pulse 250 (0.5 ml to 2.5 ml) and Pulse 500 (1.0 ml to 5.0 ml). For cattle and swine farmers, the Pulse 250 and 500 are the most popular because they can handle larger doses. NF works has nothing to do with sorcery but the source—even if you do wonder where the customary needle has vanished. Pulse’s NF systems are powered with com-pressed air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen, according to their website, and pressure is applied with a pneumatic amplifier. Pressure can surge from 120 PSI to 12,000 PSI, depending on the animal. This pressure propels a pre-determined dose of medication through the handpiece (which is triggered on contact with the animal) and into the subcutaneous or intramuscular layer of skin. Adjusting the pressure affects how deep the vaccination will be in-jected. The point at which the vaccination enters through the skin is one-seventh the size of an 18-gauge needle—or smaller than a strand of hair. Yet, as Dr. Kim Ominski,

a cattle forage production system researcher with the University of Manitoba discovered, this small, penetrating stream of vaccine can have astounding results.

Dr. Ominski and Mitch Rey, a graduate student of the Uni-versity of Manitoba, launched and led a NF study using a Pulse device in 2011. “We used two commercial cow-calf operations,” says Dr. Ominski, “and we just ran them through the chute as a producer would do. We tried to do everything as close to production practices as normal.”

The study was done to compare the immune response of NF and NS methods. After vaccinating spring born calves at two months of age and a second set of fall born calves in February, not only did the Pulse system still work in cold Manitoba weather—they used nitrogen in the winter since liquid carbon dioxide needs heat to expand into a gas. The immune responses were identical between both systems.

Where NS technology cannot compare with NF is the method of delivery. The mechanized pressure means each vaccine is delivered equally, at the correct layer, and all with improved vaccine dispersal.

“You are not using needles in this system,” reiterates Dr. Ominski, “so from [the Verified Beef Production Program] perspective it is a great advantage in meat quality. There is no possibility of a broken piece of needle in a cut of meat.”




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Moreover, blood-born disease trans-mission is eliminated and proper needle disposal is no longer an issue. Dr. Ominski did cite vaccine residue as a potential concern for farmers as well as an increase in skin irritation.

“On about 10-30% of the animals we did see some vaccine residue at the surface [but] the antibody response was the same.”

The NF vaccinated cattle did show greater skin irritation in response to the treatment than the usual NS sys-tem, but Dr. Ominski says a further trial would be required to see how long the reaction would persist. She also counters that “when you give a vaccine, the presence of skin irrita-tion helps stimulate the immune re-sponse.”

A definite question for anyone con-sidering NF devices is the cost. “There are a couple of systems out in the market place and the few I have looked at range somewhere between $2,500-$3000 dollars,” says Dr. Om-inski.

Stuart Webb, the technical and mar-keting representative for Pulse Nee-dleFree in Canada, also based out of Manitoba, states that the price pays off in the long run:

“We have made the calculation on the price of needles and the price of syringes and over four to five years it does actually work out to be cheap-er. It’s just hard to convince the farm-er when he can buy a plastic syringe for two or three dollars.”

Which poses the question: is anyone buying it?

Webb answers with confidence:

“Brazil and Argentina are booming for us at the moment. A lot of vac-cinating companies sell [farmers] the vaccines and send a crew along to vaccinate the cattle. The vaccine companies are buying our [injectors] and using it on [the] farm.”

What is slowing the uptake on Cana-dian soil isn’t the technology (that’s sharper than ever), but the animals which use it. Webb acknowledges

that in Manitoba the largest com-plaint for farmers are the numbers, which don’t compare to the herd siz-es in Brazil or Argentina. “If [farmers] only vaccinate ten to twenty head at a time they say it’s not worth the trouble to set the sys-tem up. Having the hydraulic system you have quite a lot of product tied up…and depending on the length of your hose you can have anything from ten to twelve shots…in the line.”

Dr. Ominski also mentions that she thinks a NF system is best suited to farms that vaccinate multiple groups of animals throughout the year. But all said and studied, Webb is en-thused for the future of Pulse’s NF devices in Canada:

“It is definitely coming. The technol-ogy is really fascinating and I enjoy learning more about it. I see it taking off in the long term.”



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British Columbia farmers are using their livestock manure and off-farm organic wastes (like your lawn clippings) to produce renewable, clean energy for everyone’s use. This may sound like the idiom ‘making silk out of a sow’s ear,’ and although it’s pretty close, it isn’t the pig’s ear that is produc-

ing the power.

Matt Dickson of the BC Agricultural Research Development Corpora-tion is the program manager of the Renewable Agri-energy Initiative. In 2007 they launched the Anaerobic Digester Initiative Advisory Com-mittee (ADIAC) for British Columbia farmers:

“The idea…was we had several farmers interested in building a di-gester but not really knowing who to talk to about the regulations…and policy,” says Dickson of ADIAC, “so we decided to form a group and tried to pull together someone from each of the associations and organizations that the farmer would need to speak with.”

ADIAC hasn’t been meeting for a little over three years but Dickson says all the information is up online and he is only an email or phone call away.

How anaerobic digestion works is by using naturally occurring bacte-ria to breakdown carbon rich material, like manure, in a sealed oxy-gen-free environment. This air-tight facility means odours are reduced by a whopping 99% because if the facility smells, biogas is being lost, and consequently, money. The resulting biogas from the decomposi-tion is a carbon neutral gas composed of 55-75% methane and 25-45% carbon dioxide, as explained on the BC Farm Biogas website. The captured biogas is then fed into a boiler to make heat, or can power a generator to produce electricity. It can also be modified further into biomethane—a renewable substitute for natural gas.

Digestate, the only by-product of an anaerobic digester, comes in two forms: liquid (fertilizer) or solids (bedding for animals). Farmers spread the fertilizer onto their fields with the viability of weed seeds reduced by 70%. The solids also save farmers thousands of dollars in bedding costs.

The biggest challenge for digesters in B.C all boils down to “straight and pure economics.” Dickson notes Ontario and Germany as world leaders currently using this technology. Their success comes from the fact that farmers are reimbursed for the costs to produce the ener-gy. Dickson says the numbers have recently changed, but in Ontario

farmers were getting paid 16 to 25 cents a kilowatt-hour and in Germany prices vary from 24 to 26 euro cents. In comparison, the going rate in B.C is approximately 8 cents per kilowatt hour.

Dickson’s formula for figuring out the approximate cost for a di-gestion system is as follows:

“It is very rough but a rule of thumb is [to take] the energy pro-duction capacity [of the digester] and multiply that by 5,000 dollars. Systems can range from one million to what-do-you-want depending on its size and all the bells and whistles.”

What motivates people to participate in buying digested ener-gy? It takes some faith and foresight. Digested energy, or Cow-power—as the program is called—cannot be separated from the regular power grid, so customers are paying more with no guarantee they are using captured biogas to light and heat their homes. What they are doing is funding the future of on-farm anaerobic digesters.

And Dickson is setting goals:

“Our goal for Cowpower is to support fifty digesters on fifty farms. If you want local sustainability, local agriculture, clean water, clean air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions you have to support it,” says Dickson, “and one way is through the Cowpower program.”

by: Kaitlyn Gisler


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Land. They’re not making any more of it. And in the verdant Fraser Valley, there’s a lot of competing demand from dif-ferent agricultural sectors for what farmland there is. The

demand drives up prices of the land. For a dairy farm to be profitable, farmers have to use the land as efficiently as possible when growing forage crops to feed their cows.

“Land here is expensive. The farmers have to maximize outputs and minimize inputs and utilize what they have on hand in order to be efficient,” says Gerry. “That means using manure as effi-ciently as possible, and reducing our reliance on chemical fertil-izers. The better job farmers can do with their forage crops, the better a cow on their farm will do.”

Gerry DeGroot knows the Fraser Valley like only a local can, and wants to see all local dairy farmers succeed. He’s been in the feed industry for more than 25 years and has educational back-ground about the business and science of agriculture. His cus-tomers are his neighbours, and their fields are his laboratories.

After working in the industry for more than a quarter century, he started Dairy Crop Solutions in 2010 and now devotes his time solely to his company. Dairy Crop Solutions specializes in pro-viding the best forage seed blends for the Fraser Valley region, forage inoculants to help with fermentation, and the agronomic expertise to help farmers maximize yields and quality in forage crop production.

Gerry doesn’t just help farmers by selling them seeds, but also consults on management, giving them advice on when to cut and chop according to moisture and other variables. In a way, Dairy-Crop Solutions serves as the “R&D” (research and development) arm of the local farmer’s operation, because sometimes what works on one farm doesn’t necessarily work on another.

“I am always consulting with other agronomists to see what’s working and what’s not, and staying on top of new technology and developments,” he says. “For example, we’re starting to do things now at the bacterial level in soil, adding ‘biologicals’ to help digest manure availability in the soil.”

Gerry notes, “In the feed business, you see the results all year. You analyze the harvested crops and measure if they were too wet, too dry, or perfect. What I’m working toward with my clients is the maximum milk per acre, as opposed to milk per ton of si-lage. They need to use the land they have as best as they can to maximize their volume and quality.”

In addition to forage seed, forage innoculants, corn seed, fertiliz-er, and Gerry’s agronomic expertise and experience in the feed business, Dairy Crop can also supply farmers with Grober milk replacer.

Contact Gerry DeGroot at [email protected] or 604-819-4139. You can also check out





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BC BLUEBERRIESBC produces roughly 95% of the Canadian blueber-ries. That‘s 18 million kilo-grams a year! 3500 hec-tares are farmed by over

450 families.

BC CRANBERRIESAlmost all of BC’s cranber-ries are grown for the pro-cessing market. Only ~5% are sold as fresh berries. BC produces 26 million kilograms of cranberries.

BC RASPBERRIESOver 98% of BC’s cranber-ries are grown near Ab-botsford. Production var-ies yearly, ranging from as low as 11 million to as high

as 20 million kilograms.

BC STRAWBERRIESBC accounts for about 1/4th of the Canadian pro-duction of strawberries. That’s over 3 million kg of strawberries worth $6 mil-

lion dollars!


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Have you ever walked into a store, saw the price for a pound of blueberries, and thought to yourself, “Wow… I wish I was getting that much a pound for my blueberries!” I’m sure you have. How can the price be so high in

the store, yet you receive less than half that amount? The more you think about it, the more you realize that there must be a few more steps in the chain or process involved in getting the berries to the marketplace and making the consumer aware that they are available and good for you. Once the fruit gets to the packing facilities it must be sorted for soft fruit and off-color fruit, go through a met-al detector, gets packaged and cooled or frozen. All of the equipment and labour needed to operate the ma-chinery to get the blueberries through these steps costs money. When soft berries are discarded and the color sorter ejects green and red berries, these berries are what is called “shrink” and comes off the total pounds the packer gets to sell to their buyer. If the amount of

fruit that doesn’t meet the grade is higher than normal, the grower may be docked and the shipment may get downgraded. These costs could be in the area of 40 to 50 cents per pound that the packer has to incur before trying to sell the product. Some packers use brokers to sell their fruit, who then charge a percentage for selling the product on top of the costs already incurred.

Then there are the shipping costs that could be over a dollar per pound depending on where it is going and how it is travelling in North America (where majority of our product is sold). Very little of our total harvest volume travels overseas.

Finally, the retail store puts their mark-up on the product. This could range anywhere from 30-100% depending on their current promotions. There are many different costs the stores must absorb as well.

All of these things add up to the prices you see in the retail stores for blueberries.



What Determines Blueberry Pricing In Retail Stores?

by Jason Smith

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The price that growers receive for their fruit from the packer is determined by a number of factors. Blueberries are sold in a world market and are a supply-management product. The higher the supply, the lower the price, and the

lower the supply, the higher the price. The BC crop this past season was overlapped with Michigan’s, New Jer-sey’s, and our neighbours directly to the south of us. This could mean a higher starting price, but when the main harvest is in full swing, there will be lots of fruit on the market. This will lead to a rapid decrease of the price for the fruit.

The second thing that affects grower price is the amount of product from last year’s crop that is still in cold stor-age. The amount in cold storage is currently about 30% higher than it was last year at this point. This sets the bottom price for the fresh market. This is the reason we want to sell as much product as fresh as possible so we have a lower carry over in storage going into the next season.

Another factor affecting grower price is the exchange rate. The higher our dollar is compared to the US dollar, the less we will get for our fruit.

As you can see, the price paid by the packer to the grower is really out of their control. It is determined by all of the above factors and can change a lot in a couple of years. In the end, the consumer deter-mines the price, not the packer!


The Contributing FactorsTo Grower Pricing


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The cherry fruitworm (CFW), known scien-tifically as Grapholita packardi, is an oc-casional pest of cherries in the interior of British Columbia. It has recently become a cause for concern as it poses a threat

to our Fraser Valley blueberries. In the Midwest and northeastern United States, fruitworms are the major Lepidopteron pest that directly targets blue-berry fruit. Cherry fruitworm infestations have oc-curred on one farm in Abbotsford since 2010, caus-ing significant damage to fruit in some years.

Cherry fruitworm has one generation per year in blueberries. In Michigan, adult moths emerge in the spring during bloom and early fruit set. Egg laying typically occurs in early June and in the two weeks following 100% petal fall. Single eggs are laid on the calyx end of the fruit and hatch 3-5 days after-wards. The larvae feed within green berries, creat-ing large amounts of frass and webbing, rendering the berries unmarketable.

Once the larvae enter the fruit to feed, they are protected from sprays. This means that insecticide applications must target either the eggs or newly hatched larvae. Knowing the timing of egg hatch is

critical in order to successfully time an insecticide application. Pheromone trapping for CFW enables monitoring of the male moth’s flight, which can then be used to predict timing of egg laying and hatch. During bloom in the Midwest and Northeastern U.S., moth flight is monitored with commercial cherry fruitworm pheromone lures. In 2011, area-wide sur-veillance for CFW was carried out on 28 farms in the Fraser Valley with sticky wingtraps baited with commercial cherry fruitworm lures. Trap catches were low and sporadic, even in the Abbotsford field where extensive fruit damage had occurred. This suggested that either the pheromone itself was not attractive to our population of male CFW, or that the timing of pheromone trapping activities did not coincide with male moth flight.

The objectives of our study were to compare the attractiveness of 4 different commercially available pheromone lures to adult male CFW and to moni-tor flight phenology. Eric LaGasa at the Washington State Department of Agriculture found that traps baited with false codling moth and European grape berry moth lures had a noticeable bycatch of CFW. This information was used to select the phero-mones for the study. The lures used were as follows:

Adult Grapholita packardi

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by: Emily Carmichael and Kristine FerrisE.S. Cropconsult Ltd.


false codling moth (Thaumatotib-ia leucotreta), European grape berry moth (Eupoecillia ambigu-ella); cherry fruitworm (Grapholi-ta packardi), and a control.

Pheromone traps were set up from May 11 to July 27, 2012 in the Abbotsford blueberry field with a known infestation of CFW. Sticky wingtraps were baited with one of the four commercial pheromone lures. Treatments were replicated 8 times. The traps were checked weekly, and lures were replaced every four weeks.

The results showed that the false

codling moth lures attracted sig-nificantly more male CFW moths than all the other lure types. The maximum weekly CFW catch for a single false codling moth trap was 76 males. The maximum week-ly trap catch for a single trap in any of the other treatments was 2 males. Male CFW moths were caught in false codling moth traps in all weeks of trapping from May 11 to July 27. Trapping indicated three peaks in adult CFW flight: May 25-June 1, June 15-22, and June 29-July 6. These results suggest that the period of CFW flight in our re-

gion is similar to that in Michigan, with flight beginning in early May and continuing into early July. Based on the flight phenology ob-served in this study, the window for insecticide applications at the research site was likely within the first 3 weeks of June.

Area-wide surveillance trapping for cherry fruitworm was contin-ued during the summer of 2013 and results of this work will be compiled in early 2014.

Funding for this study was provided by the BC Blueberry Council. E.S. Cropconsult would like to thank Tracy Hueppelsheuser from

the BC Ministry of Agriculture for her input on this project.

Cherry fruitworm larva on blueberry Prematurely ripe blueberry due to cherry fruitworm feeding

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Proper tank-mixing can: 1) minimise cost – each application has a cost in labour, fuel and wear on the spray unit; and 2) make best use of suit-able spray weather provide synergism - some herbicides enhance the performance of others, providing better weed control than when ei-ther herbicide is used alone, or when used in separate applications.

Prior to mixing any chemi-cals it is recommended to perform a small scale trial either by mixing the chem-icals together in a small jar

or within a pail to ensure that the products are compatible. It is also recommended that prior to mixing applications of any spray materials, the sprayer be thoroughly cleaned to ensure that residues from previ-ous applications are not remaining in the spray tank.

By following these procedures, com-patible products can generally be mixed within the spray tank without incidence.

The WALES method of tank mixing chemicals:


Step 1: Fill the spray tank until it is approximately half full

Step 2: Pre-dissolve and mix wettable powders, wa-ter dispersible granules, water soluble packages, and other powdered materials. Use a separate pail for

each product

Step 3: With the agitator operating, first add pre-dis-solved water soluble packages, then with the filling hose, rinse any remaining powder through the filling screen, rinse the pail, and add rinsate into the sprayer

Step 4: With the agitator still in operation, repeat step 3 with all the other pre-dissolved powder products

Step 5: Measure and add liquid products (not the emulsified concentrates) into the spray solution

Step 6: Measure and add emulsified concentrates into the spray solution

Step 7: Fill the spray tank close to the final desired vol-ume

Step 8: If required, add any necessary surfactants into the solution

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SWD RESEARCHby: Miranda Elsby


This aggressive fly is native to South East Asia, with reports of observation in the Hawaiian Islands in the 1980’s. The pest then

made its jump to mainland North America in 2008, being seen in Cal-ifornia and making its way north to British Columbia. It is now well es-tablished in both lower mainland BC and the Okanagan, being spread mainly by the transport of infested fruit. The berry and stone fruit grow-ers in the area are now fighting an invasive imported pest, introduced to their crops by the very fruit they compete with in the marketplace.

This challenging pest is closely related to the household fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Its 2.0-3.5mm body is usually tan to dark brown in colour, with darker bands running across the abdomen. Both males and females have bright red eyes, a key ID fea-

ture when scouting for this pest. The males have the characteristic black spots near their wingtips, coining the name “Spotted Wing Drosophi-la”. Females have no spots on their wings, and are most readily identified by their large serrated ovipositor, which also happens to be their great-est weapon against BC’s fruit crops.

The laying of eggs within ripening fruit is what causes the greatest econom-ic loss for growers. Flies overwinter as adults in the field, and upon emer-gence in the spring, the female fly is able to use its large, saw-like ovipos-itor to puncture the skin of ripening fruit, laying its eggs inside. This is where SWD differs from its relative, the household fruit fly, which has a smaller ovipositor and is more at-tracted to rotting or soft fruit for egg deposition, versus a commer-cially valuable ripening crop. Once the eggs have hatched, larval stag-

es begin feeding on the inside of the fruit, causing softening and collapse, greatly limiting the grower in fresh fruit market opportunities. These openings in the fruit are also an in-vitation for disease, including brown rot and botrytis, both especially im-portant threats during times of high humidity and precipitation.

Current monitoring programs for this pest have shown the greatest suc-cess with simple apple cider vinegar traps. However, fruit processors are finding larval stages in the crops even before adults show presence in traps, so this information is limit-ed and unsatisfactory to growers. BC trapping has shown that adult fly activity is year round, with low points between February and May when the insect is in a non-produc-tive state. While adult monitoring is not the most accurate, it is the easi-est method when compared to visual

The spotted wing drosophila has been in North America since 2008.

The Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), scientific name Drosophila suzukii, is the newest fly pest to British Columbia fruit growers.

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inspection for infestation, as it is very difficult to inspect fruit for the tiny oviposition puncture marks. Collapsed or soft fruit can be indicative of feeding larvae, and can be tested for presence using sugar or salt extraction meth-ods. The fruit can be lightly crushed, covered in a sugar or salt solution, and allowed to sit while any larvae pres-ent float to the top. However, this method is only helpful in confirming the presence of immature stages, and does not aid in damage prevention. Early seasonal detection of adult fly activity is imperative in minimizing yield loss, which will hopefully become easier and more reliable as research provides growers with management tools.

Research efforts in regards to the biology of this pest were undertaken immediately upon its discovery in the area. Current projects at Agriculture and Agri-Food Can-ada in Agassiz include seasonal tracking of the ovarian development of female flies, as well as investigation into possible natural predators. Ag Canada’s Summerland scientists also have ongoing projects addressing patholo-gy, insecticide resistance, and population dynamics of this insect. To track ovarian development, wild female flies are collected from outdoor apple cider vinegar traps, as well as reared artificially, and then dissected in order to determine ovary size and diapause progression, a period during which physiological activity is diminished. By track-ing the gradual shutdown of the reproductive organs, sci-entists hope to better understand reproductive timing and seasonal diapause in outdoor populations. Natural predators of this pest, or parasitoids, are also being in-vestigated. There have been a few beneficial parasitoids of SWD found in BC, but further research hopes to dis-

cover more, specifically those targeting pupal stages of the fly. By identifying such parasitoids, growers would be armed with the knowledge of a natural enemy in the field, possibly aiding in the suppression of SWD in their crops. As with most difficult agricultural pests, it is important to apply an encompassing management program, with both cultural and chemical controls being utilized. Suppression of this pest is best accomplished with a diligent monitor-ing program, ideally beginning very early in the growing season. As soon as SWD has been found in the area near a ripening crop, insecticide sprays should be initiat-ed, being careful to alternate chemical groups to avoid an evolved insect resistance. Blackberries and other wild fruit crops around the perimeter of a field can serve as alternate hosts, and should be monitored carefully for SWD presence, or removed if possible. Any grass be-tween rows should be kept mown, especially during har-vest when dropped fruit can attract flies. To further re-move other unwanted attractants of the flies, culled fruit should be buried at no less than 12 inches or solarized in plastic bags, ensuring the death of any developing SWD larvae in the collected fruit. Additionally, crops should be picked completely clean after harvest, coupled with a post-harvest spray application, leaving no opportuni-ties for the flies to continue breeding in the field or over-winter. Emergency registered insecticides for this past season included Malathion 85E and 25W, Ripcord 400EC (cypermethrin), Delegate WG (spinetoram), Entrust 80W (spinosad), and Pyganic EC (pyrethrins).

Two SWD larvae can be seen in the infected strawberry. This also occurs in many other British Columbia crops.


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As a university-based agricultural re-searcher, I have the opportunity to observe the industry from the pe-riphery, not quite as a by-stander, but with more distance than the produc-

ers themselves. I should start by saying that I don’t believe my observations are unique or revolution-ary. I will describe them, nonetheless, because I think they are currently relevant to the agricultural industry in the Fraser Valley. My experience being primarily in the Fraser Valley berry industry, I will provide examples from this sector, but I believe these observations can be applied to other sectors and regions. Moreover, I think that this perspective should provide motivation for the work agricultural researchers like me endeavour to undertake, and the outcomes we aim to achieve, in collaboration with our industry partners.

As any process-market cranberry, raspberry or blueberry producer can tell you, watching fluctuat-ing prices in agricultural commodities can be scary. The ability to pay for the cost of production, let alone the home mortgage, is a seemingly constant source of stress. Compounding the issue, there is no single crop or product that will perpetually pro-vide sufficient returns on investment in any partic-ular production region. As a result, agriculture is always changing, as is the producer.

The trend toward globalization continues at an un-relenting pace, and the commoditization of agricul-tural products places greater and greater strain on the viability of Canadian agricultural production. In response to the pressures of decreasing margins in the face of increased competition and financial

risk, producers are faced with a paradox. This par-adox in agri-business is that there is an economic incentive to specialize and continually grow in size, but stability of income, and the ability to weather the rolling sea of agricultural commodity prices, is founded upon diversification. In other words, to be profitable, farm businesses tend to focus on doing one thing and “going big”, which exposes them to the greater degree of risk that comes with large-scale investment in a relatively undiversified system of production. This principle seems to apply equally to individual agri-businesses and whole production regions.

As in the finance world, diversification is understood as a way to “hedge one’s bets” and obtain a consis-tent, long-term return on investment. Conversely, speculating on future prices by investing heavily in a single commodity has the potential for either mas-sive profits or devastating losses. In looking to the future, the wise entrepreneur tries to choose a set of investments that will bear an acceptable blend of stability and the potential to provide a significant return. Understanding risk as both a phenomenon of short-term volatility as well as the chance of reaching one’s goals over the long-term provides a fundamental piece of input for the decision-mak-ing process. In this light, I propose that developing different production “options” is a key to fostering a robust agricultural economy, providing a solution to the paradox of specialization versus diversification. These options could include using a range of crops or perhaps just several varieties of the same crop. For example, raspberry producers can extend their season by growing several different June-bear-ing varieties followed by fall-bearing varieties that

DEVELOPINGby: Eric Gerbrandt, Pacific Berry Resource Centre


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capture higher prices. Likewise, a process-market blueberry producer may consider planting a less-known crop, such as black currants or goji berry to investigate future market op-portunities. Or, these options could mean employing unique production methods or diversifying marketing opportunities through fresh, processed or value-added products. High-tun-nel production of a wide range of crops is a prime example of the advanced horticultural techniques available to the grow-er, making it possible to take advantage of earlier or later product of superior quality in some cases. Another common illustration is provided by the farmer’s market approach to mixed agricultural production, where a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as value-added products, are made and sold at one location.

No one can consistently predict the future, but I believe that one can be prepared for the future through investment in production options. I think these options should be the focus for researchers and their industry partners: novel crops, dif-ferent varieties, superior management strategies and new marketing opportunities. Rarely are these options developed over a short time frame, and most require years of investiga-tion. This investigation starts by asking questions, trying out new ideas, tinkering with standard methods and improving upon the status quo. Though the degree of specialization and size of agri-businesses will continue to increase, developing diversity through creation of production options is an import-ant long-term investment.

To all of the producers currently working with us towards this goal, thank you!



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How to Prune:


How and when to prune blueberry bushes are very common questions that come up during the winter months. The answer to the ‘when’ question is the easiest. The best time to prune blueberries is when the plants are fully dormant. In the Fraser Valley this is normally from November through February. Pruning the plants at this time causes the least amount of stress to the plants and should be the only time large scale pruning is done. Pruning right after harvest while the plants are still active can lead to increased

winter damage and loss of productivity. Pruning is required to maintain the vigour and productivity of the bush as well as to ensure good fruit size and quality for the following year. If done properly, the practice of pruning can also be a disease management tool and harvest aid. The ‘how’ to prune blueberries question is a little more difficult to answer, but here are a few guidelines that can assist you while doing your annual pruning:

Observe the bush before starting pruning. Visualize how the plant should look after pruning. A mature bush should have 8-10 canes of various ages (1-5 years) left after pruning.

Remove any dead or diseased canes. Cankers and Bacterial Blight are two diseases that can be minimized with good pruning practices.

Young wood (1-2 years old) is the most productive. Prune out any canes that are older than 6 years old. These will be the largest and thickest canes with grey wood and peeling bark.

Prune the bush for upright growth. Remove canes that grow laterally out into the aisle. This allows easier harvesting by machines.

Remove any twiggy growth and excessive growth in the center of the bush. Having a bush that is open in the center allows for better light penetration as well as better air movement. This allows for better spray penetration as well as reduced fungal disease pressure. Having fruit on the outside of the bush also makes for easier hand harvesting.

Remove any short stubby growth at the base of the plant. A narrow plant base allows for a narrower gap between catch plates and less fruit loss while machine harvesting.







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by: Aapo Skogster

Farm tractors and skid steers are popular, readily available and relatively in-expensive machines. How-ever, these reasons alone

may not make them the most effec-tive or profitable machine for every job on the farm.

Compact Articulated Wheel Load-ers (CAWL) are proving more effi-cient than tractors and skid steers especially for feeding/cleaning inside barns, loading conveyors/hoppers/mixers and loading/unloading trans-port vehicles. CAWLs can totally re-place a tractor or skid steer but have also found a niche working alongside more traditional farm machinery. Despite being a mainstay on farms in Europe for many years, CAWLs have been underrated and little noticed by Canadian farmers. CAWL manufac-turers recently have invested in the Canadian farm market making their products, parts, and services avail-able locally. Now, Canadian farm-ers can finally reap the benefits of CAWLs.

Observations/Classifications of two main groups of CAWL (specs are general and approximate):• Mixed Use CAWL, bucket size ¼ yard to ½ yard, weight 1500-5500 lbs, with a hydr. flow of 8 to 19 gal., HP 20 to 50.• Industrial Size CAWL, bucket size ¾ yard to 1 ¼ yard, weight of 7000-10000 lbs, with a hydr. flow of 30 to 40 gal., HP 60 to 80.

Modern farms strive for efficien-cy and profit. Careful evaluation of modern hydraulic equipment design and performance can show that the tractor PTO or the skid steer push and spin machine may no longer be the best choice.

When analyzing machine types and brands, especially machines new to the farm, the process should in-volve extensive research, and on-site demos and tests arranged with the local CAWL dealer.

The two main types of CAWL are: • Hoflader type CAWL, where the driver’s seat is mounted on the rear chassis (most common)• Front seat driven CAWL, where the driver sits on the front chassis

Some main components / features of CAWL to consider and evaluate are:• Rigid articulation joint vs. oscillation joint• GVW unladen and max GVW laden• How easy to transport, from job to job• Versatility, year round, job limita-tions

Canadian farmers are especially attracted to the speed, visibility, lift capacities (ratio to machine weight) and low ground compression of CAWLs. CAWLs are proving them-selves and local farmers are realizing why these machines are hugely pop-ular in Europe. Contact the manufac-turers and/or dealers listed if you’re interested in seeing how these ex-citing, versatile CAWLs can help your farm to grow its bottom line.


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