moderatoring notes revised for bos mun 2013

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Moderatoring Notes REVISED for BOS MUN 2013


BOS MUN 2013 Moderator Noes

Scope of the Rules: At BOS MUN very delegate is expected to understand and follow the rules detailed in the Conference Guide.

Language: English will be the working language of the BOS MUN committee. If a delegate wishes to address a committee in a language other than English, he must provide a translation. If there is a time limit on speeches, the translation as well as the original speech will count against the speakers time.

Attire: All delegates are expected to wear professional business attire during committee sessions.

Conduct: Delegates are expected to maintain decorum during the BOS MUN committee sessions. This includes respecting staff decisions at all times, being recognized before addressing the committee, standing when addressing the committee, and refraining from the use of undiplomatic language.

Topics for Debate: A committees topics for debate will be established by the Secretariat and communicated to the Member States prior to the opening of the conference.

Functions of the Chair: The Chair shall open and close each committee session, enforce these rules, recognize speakers, put questions to a vote, and announce decisions. The Chair has the right to act at his own discretion to ensure the smooth operation of the committee. To this end, he has ultimate authority over the committees proceedings and the maintenance of order therein. The Chair has the power to entertain, deny, or question the propriety of any motion. This being said, a delegate may motion to appeal the Chairs ruling on a discretionary matter. The appealing member speaks first in favor of overturning the Chairs decision. The Chair then speaks in defense of his ruling. Two-thirds of the committee must vote in favor of this motion to overrule the Chairs decision.

When To Use the Gavel: To open/close formal debate (Tap two to three times).

To regain decorum in the debate (Tap lightly numerous times).

When a speaker has a minute left (Tap once lightly).

When the speaker has run out of time (Tap once again).--------------------------------

Time: 9 am on Thursday March 8th, 2013NUSHAFREEN: (SALMAN as Time Keeper)Everyone is in the primary assembly hall.

Welcome to the BOS MUN special session of the United Nations Development Program in Karachi on March 8th, 2013. The topic under consideration is the all-important and crucial issue of secondary education that impacts every individual on this earth. We hope you find this a productive session.

The Chair will now take a roll call. Please raise your placards and say present when the Chair calls your name. (Take roll call and tick on sheet)

The Chair will now entertain a motion to set the time available to the speakers. All that is needed is a simple majority vote. The Chair recommends approximately 2 minutes. (Ask to Raise Placards) (Requires 2/3 majority so count 36 countries placards)The Chair will now entertain a motion to set speakers list. This requires a simple majority vote. (Ask to Raise Placards).

The Chair is now setting the speakers list. Please raise your placards if you wish to speak, and The Chair will recognize the speakers. (Random years; Alina writing on board - all country names have to be put on it and crossed off once they have spoken).

We will take a motion to open formal debate. This requires a simple majority to pass. All those in favor (Ask to Raise Placards)

The formal session is now open.

The chair recognizes the delegate from (say country)

(When finished) The Chair thanks the honorable delegate from (state country) for his/her insightful/perceptive/substantive remarks.

If a delegate is running late then: The Chair thanks the honorable delegate from .... but his/her time has now elapsed. We will move on with the speakers list. The chair will now like to recognize the delegate from....The Chair will now adjourn/suspend/defer the meeting for the purpose of break. This requires a simple majority vote. (Ask to raise placards) (Gavel)

Time: 10:45 am

DANIEL: (MOHAMMAD as Time Keeper)The Chair will now resume formal debate. This requires a simple majority vote (Ask to Raise Placards) (Gavel)

The Chair recognizes the delegate from (say country)

(When finished) The Chair thanks the honorable/admirable/commendable (etc.) delegate from (State country) for his/her insightful/perceptive/substantive remarks.

If a delegate is running late then: The Chair thanks the honorable delegate from .... but his/her time has now elapsed. We will move on with the speakers list. The Chair will now like to recognize the delegate from....

The Chair will now resume formal debate with the second speeches from the delegates. The chair asks all delegates to speak for approximately 2 minutes.

The Chair will recognize the delegates in the order of the previously set speakers list.

The chair recognizes the delegate from (say country)

(When finished) The Chair thanks the honorable/admirable/commendable (etc.) delegate from (State country) for his/her insightful/perceptive/substantive remarks.Lunch break at 12:15 pm.Time: 12:40

(after Lunch - when ALL formal debate speeches have all been concluded)

The chair will now entertain a motion to suspends debate as it is important for delegates, to go into caucus to discuss working papers on green energy and create a framework for the draft resolution. This requires a simple majority - please raise your placards (raise placards).

The chair asks all the delegates to make their way to the gym, where caucus will be in session.

Gym (Roaming around, observing delegates working on working papers and offering personal opinion, listening to delegates proposals, making judgements)

Moderated Caucus for Working Papers in session at 1:40 pm.

Session will now resume, request delegates to return to the primary assembly hall from there the upper and lower patio.

In Hall, when seated:

The Chair will recognize the motion for moderated caucus for the purpose of discussing the various working papers that have come out of a truly productive caucus before break. This requires a simple majority vote (raise placards)

The Chair will first request one of the sponsors of each of the working papers to come up and read their working paper to the committee.

The chair requests the sponsor for working paper number 1 to come up and read it out.

The chair thanks the delegate.

The chair now recognizes a sponsor for working paper number 2 to come up.....(and so on)....

The Chair now recommends one minute to be set for speakers time, please raise placards if you agree, a simple majority is required.

Those who wish to speak, please raise your placards (Random 15 to 20 selections, active delegates in caucus).

The Chair recognizes the first delegate from ..

Thank you for your time, the chair recognizes the next delegate from .

(When all 15-20 people have spoken)

Moderated caucus is now adjourned. This requires a simple majority vote (gavel);

Time: 2:10 pm Caucus for Draft Resolution

The Chair will now entertain a motion to suspend debate and move into caucus as we believe it is important that the delegates have time to negotiate draft resolutions based on the excellent working paper ideas you have gathered. This requires a simple majority vote. Please raise your placards.

If the delegates can line up we will head up to the gym.

Time: 2:50 pmAnnouncement: The Chair will now suspend caucus; and delegates will receive the 1/2 draft resolutions to the delegates. A large version of these drafts will be put on one of the stands/whiteboards.

Group photograph will take place in a moment.

TOOBA: (AZAN as Time Keeper)Time: Either 1:45 pm on Thursday or 8:00 am on Friday Morning.

(If it starts on the Friday then you must first say -)

Welcome to the second day of the BOS MUN special session of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization in Karachi on March 9th, 2013. The topic under consideration is the all-important and crucial issue of secondary education, that impacts every individual on this earth. The chair appreciates the hard work that member states have put into formulating draft resolutions yesterday. We hope today proves to be another productive session for you.

First we will have two video presentations as well as witnesses who are here to testify on the urgency of this debate. We ask for your special care and attention to these testimonies as these people have come together here today specially to enhance the strength of your commitment and the quality of your final agreements.

Time 8:05 am.

We will first see a video on ?.

Now we hope the delegates found that insightful.

Next I would like to invite the following witnesses to come testify:

a) First of all we have John Peters, a UNESCO official here to share his thoughts on secondary education.

My thanks to John Peters for his heart felt words.

b) Next we have ?.

We thank ? for his insightful comments.

c) Now we have ?.

Thank you ?.

d) Next we have ?.

We thank ? for his thoughts.

e) Finally we would like to invite ?.

We thank ? for her comments and recognize all our witnesses for coming here today for this special session of UNDP (ask for a round of applause).

Just before formal debate starts we would like to show you another short video regarding ?.

I hope that these videos and witness presentations have been informative and enlightening.

The Chair will now take a roll call of member states present. Please raise your placards and say present when the Chair calls your name. (Take roll call and tick on sheet).

The Chair will recognize the sponsors of draft resolution 1; you have 5 minutes to present your draft resolution. (Probably 2 draft resolutions)

Thank you for your substantive presentation

We will now recognize the sponsors of the 2nd draft resolution and invite them to the floor.

Thank you sponsors for your hard work.

We will now take substantive questions aimed at the draft resolutions from the delegates at the hall. (Random Classes - about 5-7 questions maximum).

Recognize individual countries by their raised placards and give different active members a chance to participate.

ALINA AGHA: (HAIDER as Time Keeper)Time: 9:15 am.

Moderated Caucus on Draft Resolution

The Chair will now recognize the motion for moderated caucus for the purpose of discussing the draft resolutions, this requires a simple majority vote (Raise Placards)

The Chair recommends one minute for the speaker, please raise placards if you agree, a simple majority is required.

Those who wish to speak, please raise your placards (Random 15 selections, active delegates in caucus).

The Chair recognizes the first delegate from .

Thank you for your time, the chair recognizes the next delegate from

(After they all have spoken Moderated Caucus is over)

(Unlikely - we will probably make the changes right there and then).

The chair will now recognize the motion for un-moderated caucus

When all returned and seated the chair will now rotate.

Time: 10:10 am

The Chair will entertain a motion to suspend debate for morning break. This requires a simple majority. All those in favor, please raise your placards.

Time: 10:30 am

The chair will now entertain a motion to resume debate. This requires a simple majority. All those in favor please raise your placards.

Motion to Close Debate and move towards a vote on the compound draft resolution number 3. This requires a two thirds majority in favor of closing debate. All those in favor please raise your placards. (Count 36 placards)

Vote Call on Resolution:

The Chair will now entertain a motion to move towards an immediate vote on draft resolution #3. Each member state has one vote. You have the right to vote yes, no or abstain. Yes means that you agree with the resolution. No means that you do not agree with the resolution and will not consider it binding upon your country. Abstain means that you have reservations about the resolution but are willing to let it pass if the majority agrees.

Now the chair will call out the name of each member state in alphabetical order - when your countrys name is called please raise your placard and state your stance. My co chair will write the names on the whiteboard - along with the final result. While our timekeeper will also keep a running tally.

State the formal complete name of the country one by one (slowly)

giving time to the writer to put in their vote....

So with a final count of ... yeses and .... noes and .... abstains draft resolution number three is now formally recognized as the final resolution by this special session of UNDP on March 9th, 2013 in Karachi. We will take your resolution for presentation to the Security Council for review and to the UN Secretary General the Honorable Ban Ki Mon for approval.

We thank all the delegates for their hard work these past two day and declare this special session of UNDP to be now officially adjourned.

(Formally bang your gavel three times).

Formal Introduction for Closing Ceremonies Speaker by ?. End of Conference

Sponsors and Signatories

Sponsor is one of the writers of a draft resolution and there is no requirement for a minimum number of sponsors for a working paper or draft resolution.

Signatory is a country that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor so signs it. A working paper requires 10 percent of the countries to sign off on it for discussion purposes (i.e. at least 6 signatories). A draft resolution requires 20 percent of countries to sign off on (i.e. at least 10-12 signatories).

Points and Motions To Remember

Point of Order: A point of order is used when a member wishes to draw attention to a possible procedural error made by a member or the Chair. This point must be raised at the time of the incident. The Chair must rule immediately on the matter.

Point of Parliamentary Procedure: A point of parliamentary procedure is an inquiry to the chair regarding these rules.

Point of Information: A point of information is a question to a speaker. When the speaker yields to points of information, the Chair shall recognize in turn those members of the committee who have questions, as time allows. Once recognized by the Chair, the member shall rise and ask one concise question directed to the speaker. The member then returns to his seat and the speaker answers the question. Only the speakers response will be counted against his time limit. If the speaker needs the question clarified, he shall ask the Chair, and the Chair shall have the member clarify his question. At no time shall the member asking the question and the speaker enter into dialogue.

Point of Personal Privilege: At any time a member experiences personal discomfort which impairs his or her ability to participate in the proceedings, he may rise to a point of personal privilege. The Chair will attempt to relieve the cause for discomfort.

Motion to Close Debate: If at any time a member wishes to end debate and move directly into voting procedure on that topic, he may make a motion to close debate. It requires a two-thirds vote to pass. If this motion passes, all debate on the topic ends and all resolutions and amendments on that topic are brought to a vote.

Motion for Moderated Caucus: The committee may choose to depart from the speakers list and have the Chair call on countries at his discretion. This motion requires a simple majority to pass. The Chair should set a time limit

for such speeches and may allot a total time for the moderated caucus. He may ask the delegate making the motion to recommend such time limits.

Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus: During debate a member may motion to caucus. The delegate making the motion must specify the length of the caucus. The time limit is subject to the Chairs approval and will not exceed forty minutes. The motion will be put to an immediate vote. This requires a simple majority to pass89