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Page 1: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional
Page 2: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional process which may be used for many different topics in a variety of subjects

Teaching and Learning Strategy is a particular procedure for teaching a specific topic or lesson

(Bell, 1978)

Page 3: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Pola pembelajaran khusus yang direncanakanuntuk mencapai tujuan belajar tertentu.

Sesungguhnya disusun untuk mengarahkanbelajar, dimana guru membantu siswa untukmemperoleh informsi, ide, ketrampilan, nilaicara berfikir dan mengekspresikan dirinya.

Pola interaksi siswa dengan guru di dalamkelas yang mencakup strategi, pendekatan, metode, bahan ajar, media, teknikpembelajaran dan evaluasi yang diterapkandalam pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajardi kelas.


Page 4: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Models represent the broadest level of instructional practices and present a philosophical orientation to instruction.

Models are used to select and to structure teaching strategies, methods, skills, and student activities for a particular instructional emphasis.

Page 5: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Within each model several strategies can be used. Strategies determine the approach a teacher may take to achieve learning objectives. Strategies can be classed as direct, indirect, interactive, experiential, or independent.

Page 6: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Methods are used by teachers to create learning environments and to specify the nature of the activity in which the teacher and learner will be involved during the lesson. While particular methods are often associated with certain strategies, some methods may be found within a variety of strategies.

Page 7: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Skills are the most specific instructional behaviour. These include such techniques as questioning, discussing, direction-giving, explaining, and demonstrating. They also include such actions as planning, structuring, focusing, and managing.

Page 8: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional
Page 9: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional
Page 10: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Rasional teoritik yang logis yang disusun olehpara pengembangnya

Landasan tentang apa dan bagaimana siswabelajar (tujuan pembelajaran yang akandicapai)

Tingkah laku mengajar yang diperlukan agar model tersebut dapat diimplementasikandengan berhasil

Lingkungan pembelajaran yang diperlukanagar tujuan pembelajaran itu dapat tercapai

Page 11: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional


menyatakan aksi atau langkah-langkahimplementasi model

The Social System

Aturan yang berkaitan dengan peran guru dansiswa serta hal-hal yang mendukungnya

Priciples of Reaction

Bagimana guru memandang siswa danbagaimana merespon apa siswa kerjakan.

Page 12: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Support system

Page 13: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional


Behavioral models, yang menekankan pada aspekperubahan prilaku dalam belajar. Dalam kelompokini terdapat model-model pembelajaranContingency Management, Self Control ThoughOperant Methods, Training Model, Stress Reduction,Desensitization dan Assertiveness Training.

Social Interaction, yang menekankan padahubungan individu terhadap masyarakat atauorang lain. Model-model pembelajaran yangtermasuk dalam kelompok ini adalah GroupInvestigations, Role Playing, Jurisprudential Inquiry,Laboratory Training, Social Simulation dan SocialInquiry.

Page 14: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional


Personal Source, yang penekanannya padaperkembangan individu yakni bagaimana individumembangun konsep dan mengorganisasikan realitasyang unik. Dalam kelompok ini terdapat beberapamodel pembelajaran Nondirective Teaching, Synectivs, Awareness Training dan Classroom Meeting Model.

Information Processing, yang penekanannya padaberfikir ptoduktif, menggunakan ketrampilanintelektual umum yang semuanya berasal dariakademik. Dalam kelompok ini terdapat model-model pembelajaran Concept Attaintment, Inductive Thinking, Inquiry Training, Memory Model, Cognitive Growth, Biological Science Inquiry Model dan Advance Organizer.

Page 15: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

• Sorting an ordering (rangking) students for job criteria and future

• Textbook oriented• Teacher-centre• Student passive

learning• Paper and pencil• Chalk and talk• One way


• Real world• Applicable• Contextual• Student strategy

as starting point

• Student centre• Active participants• Reinvention• Problem Solving• Inquiry• Investigative• Explorative• Two way


• Abstract• Realy-made• Strictly body of

knowledge• Immutable truth• Uncquistionable



t Th


Student needs (interest, ability, etc.)

Page 16: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Pr i nci pl es of Mat hemat i cs Teachi ng & Learni ng

• Actively involve students

• Learning is developmental.

• Build on previous learning

• Communications is integral

• Good questions facilitate learning

• Manipulative aid learning

• Metacognition affects learning

• Teacher attitudes are vital

• Experiences influence anxiety

• Gender aptitudes are equal

• Retention can improve

6/2/2010 Jarnawi Afgani

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6/2/2010 Jarnawi Afgani

Meaningful Learning/

problem solving

Knowledges and skills



During Instruction After Instruction

Typical learning retention curve

Page 18: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Direct Object in Learning Mathematics

Teaching /Learning Models


Expository modelAdvanced Organizer modelDiscovery modelGame ModelIndividualized modelSpiral Model

Indirect Objects in Learning Math.

Theorem ProvingProblem SolvingTransfer of learningLearning how to learnIntellectual developmentWorking IndividuallyWorking GroupPositive Attitudes

Theorem proving modelProblem Solving ModelLaboratory ModelInquiry modelGroup Processes modelComputer-augmented model

Teaching /Learning Models

Page 19: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Fakta berupa konversi-konversi yang diungkap dengan simbol tertentu. Misal simbol bilangan “3” secara umum dipahami sebagai bilangan “tiga”

Konsep adalah ide abstrak yang dapat digunakan untuk menggolongkan sekumpulan objek. Apakah objek tertentu merupakan contoh atau bukan contoh konsep.

Page 20: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Definisi adalah ungkapan yang membatasi suatukonsep. Dengan definisi orang dapat membuatilustrasi, gambar atau lambang. Dari konsep yang didefinisikan, sehingga menjadi jelas apa yang dimaksud.

Definisi ada dua macam, definisi analitis dan definisigenetik.

Definisi analitis adalah definisi yang menyebutkangenus proksimum (genus terdekat) dan diferensiaspesifika (pembeda khusus)

Definisi genetik adalah definisi yang menyebutkanbagaimana konsep itu terbentuk atau terjadi

Page 21: Models for Teaching and Learning Mathematics - · Teaching and Learning model is a generalized instructional

Operasi adalah pengerjaan hitung, pengerjaanaljabar dan pengerjaan matematika yang lainnya.

Prinsip adalah objek matematika yang kompleks. Prinsip dapat terdiri dari beberapafakta, beberapa konsep yang dikaitkan olehsuatu relasi atau operasi. Contohnya aksioma, teorema, sifat, dll.