model spasial untuk mitigasi bencana dengan ilwiss 3-4

SPATIAL MULTI-CRITERIA EVALUATION (SMCE) WITH ILWIS FOR LANDSLIDE MITIGATION IN SUMEDANG by Indrian Rizka Amalia G051110051 MSc In IT for Natural Resources Management Graduate School-Bogor Agricultural University 2011

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Page 1: Model Spasial Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Dengan ILWISS 3-4



byIndrian Rizka Amalia


MSc In IT for Natural Resources ManagementGraduate School-Bogor Agricultural University


Page 2: Model Spasial Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Dengan ILWISS 3-4

What is the Objective ? to classify potential area of landslides

Where is the Location ? Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia

What is ILWIS ? ILWIS (Integrated Land Water

Information System), an open source program released by

ITC , Netherlands. This application is powerful to do spatial analysis, such as SMCA

Page 3: Model Spasial Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Dengan ILWISS 3-4

Data 1.Soil Map = soil permeability2.Geology Map = types of rock3.Land Use Map = types of land use4.Slope Map = percentages of land

slope5.River Map

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Import data from directory 2Open ILWISS 3.4 1

Map/Data displayed3

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Create Geographic System 3

Inserted in map 4

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This is the result… 5

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Insert a SKOR_ attribute6

All of vector maps attribute are SKOR_ except Contour Map

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All of vector maps are changed into raster except Contour Map

All of vector maps must have the same georeferences

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Before rasterization

After rasterization

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Converting Contour Map DEM Map8

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This is the result of DEM Map…9

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Converting DEM Map Slope Map

DFDX = filtering into horizontal directionDFDY = filtering into vertical direction


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To calculate Slope Map in percentages, type on the command line of the main window


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Create Domain of Slope Map based on slope criteria12

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Inserting Domain into Slope Map 13

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This is the result of Slicing_Slope Map…14

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Buffering river about 100 m15

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SMCA Process:1.Identification of the main goal.2.Identification of a hierarchy of sub goals3.Identification of criteria or effects, which measure the performance of the sub goals.4.Creating and filling a criteria tree, which represents the hierarchy of the main goal, any sub goals, and the criteria. 5.Identification of alternatives to be evaluated.6.Assignment of input maps to criteria for each alternative.7.Determination of a standardization method per criterion.8.Weighing of criteria in the criteria tree.9.Calculation of the Composite Index maps and visualization.10.Inspecting the values in the Composite Index maps.11.Classifying or slicing the Composite Index maps and visualization.12.Calculation of Shape Index and/or Connectivity Index.

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Raster Maps



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- The result of SMCA can be analyzed from the value (see:Legend on the SMCA map)

- Value is should ranged between 0-1, but in this map, the value is ranged between 0,26-0,87. This value can be considered as 0,26=0 and 0,87=1

- 0 this area are not in risk of landslide1 this area are in risk of landslide

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For the area that have 1 value :It means that those area have deep slope,

with slow land permeability. Those area is widespread over the buffering area of river, so when the rain comes, it will slided into the river.

In this case, those area (buffer area) are land-use area and it will be costly, because area will be destroyed by landslides when rain drop down.