model modern manager

The Model Modern Manager Recipe for the New Gen Workforce Managers

Post on 12-Sep-2014




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The Model Modern Manager Recipe for the New Gen Workforce Managers

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I . Synopsis about the New Gen Leaders. II. Understanding how the New Gen Leaders think. III. An Overview about New Gen Leadership style.IV. Empowering the New Gen Mangers with Management SkillsV. Empowerment to handle New Gen Teams

Agenda :

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The Arrival of the New Gen Leaders

Generation Born Between Aged Between The early Baby Boomers 1946 to 1964 43-61Generation X-ers 1965 to 1979 28-42Generation Y-ers 1980 to 1994 13-27

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Changing Nature of Workforce and Leadership Style

Industrial Economy ( to 1980)

Service Economy ( 1980 – 2000)

Knowledge Economy ( 2000 - )

Baby Boomers * * *

Xers * *

Y Generation *

Leadership Style Supervision/Control based Leadership

Service /Conflict resolution based Leadership

Knowledge based Leadership

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Differences between Baby Boomers and New Gen


Work Characteristics

Baby Boomers New Gen

1 Work Values - Work Hard - Loyal to Employer - Team Work - Chain of Command - Wants to manage - Technically Challenged

- Personal Satisfaction - Loyal to skills- Prefer to work alone - Individual is first- No need to Lead- Technically savy

2 Work Attitudes - Job Promotion - Loyal to Employer- Balance of work and family- Steady and Rhythmic - Formality ( Authority)- Commitment

- Job Satisfaction - Loyal to Skills- Focus on Quality of Life - Fast- Informality - Negotiation

3 Work Expectations

- Money & Recognition Reward - Focus on Job Security - Step by step promotion - Authority - Happy as an Employee

- Education Reward - Focus on Job Challenge- Quick Promotion - Flexible / Freedom - Looks out for Ownership

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How can you bridge this generation gap?

It all starts with understanding- How the new generation of leaders thinks.- What's important to them.

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# 1

. Don't force them to work under a management style with the boss giving orders.

Give them the freedom to make their own decisions.

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# 2The New Gen love to learn new things.

Opportunities to grow are high on their list of priorities.

Offer training skills like organization, time management, leadership, and communication.

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# 3Unlike the average employee; the New Gen leaders “seek pain to learn.”

They enjoy solving the deep end of the worst problems.

These individuals are focused, confident and driven to lead.

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# 4

. New Gen leaders spend more time building relationships with their teams than the boomers did.

They expect their team to work hard. They also know when it's time to leave the office and go play.

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# 5

New Gen treat men and women as equals.

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The Model Modern Manager An Overview about New Gen Leadership style.

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Definition of a Manager

“Strength and Speed are useful but coordination is crucial”

- Manager’s role in organization is to ensure that everyone in the organization works together in a coordinated manner

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Traditional Manager VS New Gen Manager

The New Gen Manager represents one who is more of a team player than a boss

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Five Styles of New Gen Manager

1. The Coach2. The Mentor 3. The Truth Teller4. The Buddy5. The Relater

“Don't tell the NEW GEN leaders on how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” George S. Patton

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1. The Coach

• Shows empathy by a mixture of tough love and strong support.• Not afraid to push you because they see the best in you.• Has a good sense of what’s going on in the rest of your life and isn’t

afraid to mention it as it relates to your performance and potential.

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2. The Mentor

• Makes you feel that your success matters to them and they guide you along in your career.

• Will act as a confidante and won’t hold anything against you. • Operates from a point of helping others.

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3.The Truth Teller

• Believes that you treat employees as adults who have a right to hear it straight.• Doesn’t sugar coat and let’s you know what you’re doing well and where you can

improve. • You always know where you stand.

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4.The Buddy

• Seeks to be considered as a colleague first.• Operates from the idea that we’re all in it together. • Frequently socializes with the team.• Can easily approach others with feedback as part of daily interactions.

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5.The Relater

• Has an intuitive ability to grasp the emotions of others.• They tap into the hopes and fears of those around them and relate what they see to their own experience.• They are self-revealing through shared stories.

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Ants never, ever give up Put something in front of them, and they will get around it, over it , under it or through it.

Ants are always getting ready for what’s nextThey never rest on their laurels. In summer , they think about the winter and get ready for it.

Ants are creatively industrious and resourcefulThey never complain. Ants utilize whatever is available and find a way to make things work.

Ants are always hopefulIn the winter , when they are holed up in their little ant mound, they know summer is coming.

Ants don’t believe in the concept of enoughThey store up all that they can for the winter. AYCE – All You Can Eat.

ANTS – The Best Example for Motivating New Gen Managers

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Characteristics of a Leader

• Has Personal Integrity; Deals Honestly and Gains Trust• Has Clear Long Vision; Executes First Things First; Inspires Others to Action• Is Solution-oriented Creative; Makes Top Management Efficient; Empowers Others• Is A Catalyst; Fosters Self Motivation• Strives for Excellence Always; Is a Transparent Influence• Balances Confidence with Caution; Adapts Management Styles for War & Peace• Rejuvenates Self; Sharpens his axe; Transforms his Strengths into Talents

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The Model Modern Manager Empowering New Gen with Management Skills

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Continuous improvement is the result of continuous involvement - Canon

Management Skills required for the New Gen Managers

Conceptual Skills

Human Relation Skills

Technical Skills

Human Relation Skills

•Need to work well together •Resolving conflicts •Forming partnerships

Conceptual Skills

•Decision making planning & organizing • Understanding how different business relate

Technical Skills

•Abilities used to perform their job•Training people to use a new system

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Japanese, American, and New Gen Model Management Style

- Toyota - Nintendo - Mitsubishi - Nippon Steels

Japanese Style Management

- Walmart - Amazon - Hewllet Packard - Protector and Gamble

American Style Management

- Apple - Google - Adidas - Volkswagen

New Gen Style Management

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Comparison of the Management Styles

Japanese Style Management

1. Management accessible to workers. Wear same uniform. Open office policy in plant. 2. Showed deeper concern for the personal well-being of their employees3. Collective decision making and collective responsibility 4. Slow Evaluation and promotion 5. Life time employment

American Style Management

1.Management inaccessible to workers. Aloof. Offices separate from the plant. 2.Employees are given more freedom, allowed to make mistakes.3. Individual decision making and Individual responsibility 4. Rapid Evaluation and rapid promotion 5. Short – Term employment

New Gen Style Management

1. Constant Contact. Flexible to work anytime , from anywhere. No need to sit in the office 8 hrs a day.2. Culture of Praise where effort is rewarded on a regular basis.3. Participative decision making and Individual responsibility. 4. Extra Guidance ; Regular Feedback , slow evaluation and professional development. 5. Long – Term employment

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Management Skills # 1 Improving Communication




Company Expectations

Communicate: Meetings, memos, e-mail, telephone conversations, and informal encounters

“Managers cannot and should NOT make ALL decisions themselves.”

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Management Skills # 2 Maintaining Authority

Ensuring Accountability

- The obligation to accept responsibility for one’s actions- Allows managers to monitor the work of subordinates

Unity of Command

An employee should have only one immediate supervisor. Doing so,- Eliminates confusion- Eliminates conflict of expectations

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Management Skills # 3 Delegating Responsibility Why Delegate ?

Task is too time-consuming to handle aloneTask is too routine to warrant a manager’s attentionTask requires special skills that a manager may not possess

Benefits of Delegating

Decisions are made by people with the most direct knowledge of issues Employees feel that management has confidence in their abilities Employees are more committed Increase employees’ job skills and knowledge of the organization

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Contd.. Management Skills # 3 Delegating Responsibility Learning to Delegate1. Analyze how you spend your time as manager2. Identify tasks that could be handled by subordinates3. Determine which subordinates could best handle them4. Make sure subordinate understands and accepts responsibility for the task he or she is being given5. Clearly define objectives of all tasks6. Set standards 7. Provide appropriate training

Reasons Managers resist Delegating 1.Fear that subordinates will not perform the task well2.Fear that subordinates will do the job too well, showing up the manager3.The belief that it is easier to perform the task oneself than to delegate it to someone else4.The natural tendency to want to hold on to power5.Comfort in performing the tasks one is used to performing

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The Model Modern Manager Empowerment to handle New Gen Teams

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Tips to Manage the New Gen Teams

Be Available

Organize regular meetings with both individuals and the whole team

Encourage Informal Conversations

Don’t Play Favourites

Set Processes

Align team goals with Organisational goals

Give Credit where due

Don’t provide all the answers.Make them think

Trust your people and let them know it

Move your Team from Complacency to Urgency

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7 types of Difficult People that a Leader should Know

7 types of Difficult People that a Leader should Know are :

# 1 Bob the Bully # 2 Know it all Nancy# 3 Carol the Complainer# 4 The Workhorse # 5 The New Best Friend # 6 Flash in the Pan # 7 Quinn the Quiet One

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“I will not move; you will move for me”.

“I will sneak up on you, and you won't know it”.

“I will attack when threatened by others”.

# 1 Bob the Bully

Responses to conflict :

The “Bully” likes to take control and do things quickly. They are not afraid to make decisions. They are usually good at what they do, and know it.

Just make sure they do not try and control you. They can produce a lot of good work for you, but every once in a while you need to make sure they know whose boss. Be direct, straightforward, and use a no-nonsense approach to business.Make sure you give this person a lot of praise when praise is due. If you don’t, they will be upset.

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“I know more than you”.

“I think I am better than you”.

“I will tell you anything you want to know”

# 2 Know it all Nancy

Responses to conflict :

The “Know it all ” will always try to find flaws/ critical about the system. They influence team to procrastinate when making decisions.

There might indeed be a better solution however most of the time it’s just someone being too critical. Listen to what they have to say, but if you feel it is going nowhere, take their suggestions and move quickly onto the next subject. Don’t waste your time to chat about subjects of little importance.

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“I don't like it, and I won't change”.

“I will make them feel guilt or blame”.

“I won't be part of the solution; I'll be part of the problem”.

# 3 Carol the Complainer

Responses to conflict :

They have a strong interest about people and are usually the “social butterfly” of the department.

You need to get your point across by being very direct. You might want to humble this person every now and then. Make them repeat exactly what it is they are supposed to be doing. Give them projects that can easily be tracked to make sure they are not headed in the wrong direction.

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“I’ll do that if you don’t have time.”

“I am highly valued for the large amount of work which I consistently deliver”.

“This is really important “. “It’s easier if I just do it by myself”.

# 4 The Workhorse

If you notice somebody volunteering to take on the work of his fellow team members a little too much, you should step in.

By allowing the team to take advantage of one member, there is a risk of letting the entire team fall apart. A leader should be a guide to the work-horses to prioritize their work better, create systems and process to streamline their work.

Responses to conflict :

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“I'll do it later ”����

“I'll let somebody else do it”.

“Hey, man, can you do me a big favor?”

# 5 The New Best Friend

Responses to conflict :

The new best friend is the popular kid who takes advantage of the unpopular kids. Everybody recognizes this team member.

If you suspect that one team member will take advantage of other (less popular) members, it may be necessary to have every team member keep notes. It requires that your team email individual progress reports every few days.By doing so, they’ll be less tempted to dump their work.

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(On the first day) “Do you mind if I stay late tonight?"

This is a superb idea. When are we implementing this ?

# 6 Flash in the Pan

A flash-in-the-pan starts out full of energy and optimism at the team’s initial meeting, then disappears from sight. He volunteers a lot--then doesn’t follow through. These are people who lack self confidence.They may disappear from sight because he’s convinced he/she will let everybody down.

The flash-in-the-pan wants to be liked, and that is why he comes across with lots of promise.Make sure the job assignments are equitable and manageable.keep an eye out for somebody who volunteers for too many roles on the first day.

Responses to conflict :

I can do this , and that , and everything !

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“I have nothing to say”.

“I respond with a yes, no, or a grunt”.

“I keep my thoughts to myself”.

# 7 Quinn the Quiet One

Responses to conflict :

The “Quiet” is one who very rarely talks at meetings, seems to have low self-esteem, and is continually sub-conscious of their actions. There can be power in the quiet person as they might be the ones with the most compelling ideas.

Try to bring this person out of their shell as they just might have some brilliant ideas that you can incorporate.

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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit"--Aristotle

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The End