modals of deduction 2017

Modals of Deduction

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Modals of deduction 2017

Modals of Deduction

Page 2: Modals of deduction 2017





Page 3: Modals of deduction 2017

(+) Must

• We use ‘must’ when we feel 100% sure that something is true because we have strong evidence about the information.

Present Tenses + must + verb (base form)

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She must be furious!

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His parents must be rich!

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(+) Must

• We use ‘must’ for the past when we feel 100% sure that something happened in the past.

Past Tenses + must have + past participle

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They must have had a big party!

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The couple must have gotten married!

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(+) May / Might / Could

• We use may/might/could when we are not sure about something but we think it is possible.

Present Tenses + may/might/could + verb (base form)

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She may be lonely!

She might be lonely!

She could be lonely!

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(-) May not / Might not / Could not

• We use may not/might not/could not when we think that something is not exactly true.

Present Tenses + may not /might not /could not + v (base form)

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They might not be a couple!

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(+) May/Might/Could

• We use may/might/could in the past when we feel unsure about what happened in the past.

Past Tenses + may have + past participle

s + might have + past participles + could have + past participle

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• He could have been fired!• He might have gotten into a

fight with someone.• He may have had a bad day.

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• We use can’t or cannot when we feel 100% sure that something is NOT true because we have strong evidence about the information.

s + can’t + verb (base form)

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He can’t be cold!

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I’m shocked! You can’t be serious!

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• We use can’t or cannot in the past when we feel 100% sure that something is NOT true about a past situation.

s + can’t have + past participle

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Maria can’t have been sick yesterday! I saw her playing tennis in the morning and

soccer in the afternoon!

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Write modals of deduction for the pictures below!

MUST: 1 Present & 1 Past

Page 21: Modals of deduction 2017

Write modals of deduction for the pictures below!

CAN’T: 1 Present & 1 Past

Page 22: Modals of deduction 2017

Write modals of deduction for the pictures below!

MAY/MIGHT/COULD: 1 Present & 1 Past