mobile security trends in the workplace

1 Mobile Security Trends in the Workplace June 2014 By 2016, the number of smartphones is expected to surpass the number of people on the planet. Whether IT knows it or not, mobile devices are being used in the workplace.

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In February 2014, Bluebox surveyed more than 100 IT professionals and employees to better understand the role BYOD plays within organizations.


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Mobile Security Trends in the WorkplaceJune 2014

By 2016, the number of smartphones is expected to surpass the number of people on the planet. Whether IT knows it or not, mobile devices are being used in the workplace.

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Quick Facts about BYOD   Gartner predicts that 80% of all user

access to the enterprise will be via mobile devices by 2020

38% of companies expect to stop providing devices to workers by 2016


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Summary of Key Findings

64% of IT professionals report that mobile security is a top priority for 2014

90% of employees use personal smartphones for work, yet fewer than half of organizations have a mobile security policy in place

More than half of IT professionals list “securing mobile data” as most important, however only 13% feel their current solution is effective in doing so

71% of employees use 1-5 applications to access corporate data

Apple devices have a slight lead over Android devices: 62% versus 53%

Employee’s top concerns are privacy (76%) and loss of personal data (82%); however the majority of IT professionals are overall unconcerned with employee privacy

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Mobile Security is a Top Priority for 2014

Quick Facts 64% of IT professionals rank mobile security as a top concern for 2014 36% report that mobile security is not a top 3 priority

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Organizations Still Navigating BYODBYOD security partially depends on employee compliance, so the disconnect between the enterprise policies and employee knowledge/compliance creates unwanted opportunities for unintended mobile data leakage.

Quick Facts 90% of employees use personal smartphones and 35% use personal tablets at work 40% of employees use two or more devices at work Yet… Only 40% of IT professionals have a BYOD policy in place An alarming 33% of employees do not know whether or not their organization has a BYOD

policy in place Of those that have some knowledge of their organization’s BYOD policy, 40% complain

about the policy, and 6% percent admit to blatant disregard for the policy

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Beyond the Device: Focus on ApplicationsWhile the entrance of personal devices in the workplace raises concern over the security of corporate data, the applications used to modify and move this data on mobile devices compounds that concern. Unfortunately, without insight into which apps employees are actually using, IT really has no way of knowing what to secure, or how.

Quick Facts 30.5% of IT professionals believe that none of their employees are using unapproved apps 17% of IT professionals believe that the majority or all of their employees using unapproved

apps 71% of employees use 1-5 apps to access or modify corporate data on their device

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Traditional Mobile Security Solutions Miss the Big Picture … It’s About the DataQuick Facts 56% of IT professionals list “securing mobile data” as the most important success criteria for

mobile security …Yet only 13% feel that their current mobile security solutions are effectively securing mobile data 41% of IT professionals report “reducing data loss” as an important criterion …Yet only 13% feel that their current solutions are effectively reducing data loss

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Apple vs. Android in the Workplace IT needs to be able to secure both types of devices in today’s BYOD mobile landscape

Quick FactsWhile iOS devices (62%) have a slight lead over Android devices (53%) in the workplace, the combination of smartphones and tablets have created a fairly even playing field.

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Times are Changing: Security vs. PrivacyWhen asked to compare their perspective on employee privacy issues now versus five years ago, there is a clear shift. Today, there is a much greater balance between mitigating risk and addressing employee concerns and privacy.

Quick Facts Five years ago, 30%of IT professionals would have said “it’s all about risk mitigation. I

don’t factor in employee concerns.” Today, only 17% take that stance. The majority of IT professionals surveyed are overall unconcerned with employee

privacy 35% put employee needs on par with security concerns 17% not factoring employees’ need at all.  

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Employees’ Top Concerns Employees thought differently…

Quick Facts Device wipes removing personal data (82%) Invasion of Privacy (76%) Restricted App Access a distant third (20%) While technology solutions are part of the mobile security success equation, employee compliance and participation is also key. Enterprises that take employee concerns into account will achieve better compliance.

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The results of this survey further underscores the need for IT to listen to the concerns of the end user. By ignoring or downplaying employee concerns over privacy, IT is all but ensuring that these users will continue to operate outside the bounds of IT, and further put corporate data at risk – the very thing IT is most concerned about.

The Solution? Continue to audit employee device and app usage for work and create and tune mobile

policies accordingly. Once aligned, employees will gain the tools needed to work most efficiently, while IT keeps

corporate data secure. 

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