mobile health solutions

Cinterion Wireless Modules Page 1 pHealth 2010 Mobile Health Solutions - Manfred Kube Mobile Health Solutions Using GSM Technology for a Healthier and Safer AAL © Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH 2010, All rights reserved pHealth 2010 – Berlin – Manfred Kube

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Mobile Health SolutionsUsing GSM Technology for a Healthier and Safer AAL

© Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH 2010, All rights reservedpHealth 2010 – Berlin – Manfred Kube

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Drivers and Demand

M2M and mHealth

Connecting Medical Devices

Challenges and Key Success Factors

Conclusion and Summary

Mobile Health Solutions

Using GSM Technology for a Healthier and Safer AAL

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Cinterion Wireless Modules Company Profile

Founded in 1995 as a business unit of Siemens Communication

Spun off from Siemens in 2008 after a leveraged buyout Market position: # 1 worldwide Market share of 33%* Industry benchmark in terms

of quality, technology, service and support Comprehensive and broad portfolio addressing all

applications All products have completed extensive MNO approval

programs and come with comprehensive IPR protection Highly experienced and dedicated team with clear focus

on M2M modules Worldwide presence & support

* Source: Worldwide M2M Cellular Module Market 2008, Gartner, 07/2009

Cinterion Wireless Modules is the worldwide leading supplier of cellular machine-to-machine (M2M) communication modules and combines unparalleled M2M engineering expertise and localized worldwide customer support with a strong portfolio of high-quality GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and HSPA products.







Sierra Wireless



Source: Worldwide M2M Cellular Module Market 2008, Gartner, 07/2009

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Drivers and DemandCurrent Trends and Challenges in Health Care

Some facts and numbers

aging populations (600 million elders age 60 or older) growing incidence of chronic diseases (860 million patients) 1 billion adults overweight health care costs of estimated $2 Trillion in 2009 in USA alone 75-85% of healthcare spending is on chronic disease management

Today, the public health care sector is facing enormous pressure on resources, and needs to reduce healthcare costs Individuals have increased expectations for quality of life and medical care Trend towards a healthy life-style and fitness monitoring Truly mobile global solutions through GSM

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Drivers and Demand

Top ten conditions and diseasesbenefiting from wireless health

Source: Eric J. Topol, M.D. Scripps Translational Science Institute & West Wireless Health Institute

* Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Breast cancer

Heart failure



Sleep disorders






20 40 60 80 100Millions of Americans








Congestiveheart failure

Diabetes COPD Chronicskin ulcers








Savings Hospitalizations

Savings Bn$ Hospitalizations


Potential annual savings from adoptionof remote health monitoring

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M2M and mHealthMany Applications Benefit Already Today from the Use of M2M

Machine-to-Machine technology establishes wireless communication capabilities between machines and the information center of a business.

Proven M2M Technology can be utilized for healthcare:Comparable processesData security & privacyQuality requirementsGSM cell-handover & international roamingMobility requirements

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M2M and mHealthCore Components of a Typical M2M Healthcare Solution

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M2M and mHealthMarket Opportunities - mHealth Largest Opportunity

Source: ABI Research, Berg Insight, Continua Health Alliance, IDC, Korea Investment & Securities, GSMA













0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Programmable navigation devices

Communication devices

Assorted machinery

Motor vehicles

HVAC equipment

Digital still cameras

Energy meters


Major home applicances

Elders over the age of 60

Chronic disease patients

Overweight adults


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The Business Potential

World market size for Wireless Healthcare Monitoring

2008: $500-$600 Million

2010: >$700 Millionanalyst estimation

Growth at over 50% per annum in succeeding years

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M2M and mHealthLeverage Existing M2M Infrastructure and Experience for mHealth

Care @ home and abroad

Patient monitoring for follow-up, rehabilitation & prevention Disease management Independent living assistance

Advantages of GPRS/UMTS based solutions

Suitable for mobile health care devices Ease of use by preconfigured

connectivity to service centers or health care service provider Independent from network

infrastructure and security issues at hospitals or at patients by use of globally available cellular networks Built-in security and QoS Worldwide established standard Continuity of care for travelers





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Connecting Medical DevicesHow to Connect Medical Devices to the Mobile World?

Stand-alone deviceNo connectivityApplication runs only on

deviceNo additional services


Device connected to mobile handset usingBluetoothLimited additional

services possibleparing problems and

high adaptation & test efforts interfering private space


Device connected to external terminalExternal dedicated

terminal connected via short-range or cable to medical sensors Independent solution to

offer additional servicesFast time to market and

limited investment riskBulky solution with

limited mobility for users

Devices connectedusing embedded GSM moduleCompact and

independent solution to offer additional servicesFully integrated solution

with built-in connectivityEase of use, high

mobility, cost and power optimizedNew and creative

business modelspossible

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Complex business value chain and business case Cost reimbursement depends on local healthcare system

Industry education Health care players need to be convinced of mHealth benefits before

adopting new technologies and business processes(„Inertia is proportional to mass..“)

Standardization and approvals Definition of interfaces between devices and systems, and approval process

Liabilities and legal issues Who is responsible for the patient (doctor, alarm response centre)?

Data security Who owns the patient data (patient, doctor, insurance company)?

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Key Success Factors

Complete system offering, providing end-to-end services and solutions

Partner approach taking into account all value chain players and providing respective business models and benefits

Straight-forward, easy to handle and robust solutions to show quick benefits

Miniaturization of medical equipment for mobile monitoring

Availability of adequate medical and health-economic validation data

Technology is not enough –management of complex value chain and processes is necessary

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Solutions on the Market (1)Pacemaker & ICD Monitoring

Biotronik Headquarter: Berlin, Germany

Main products & applications:– pacemakers– defibrillators– external devices for processing

implant data, e.g. CardioMessengerHome Monitoring

– Own Home Monitoring Service Center (webbased portal)

– Started developments 10 years ago

Feedback: – GSM is the key for ease of use for home monitoring - „It just works…“

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Solutions on the Market (2)Aerotel Concept Device

Multi-function push buttons

LCD DisplayEmergency


Wrist strap

Built-in processor


Rechargeable battery

Internal GPRS



Connection to external


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Solutions on the Market (3)Philips GSM based M2M Sleep Management


Seamless care team access anytime/anywhere

Streamlined, collaborative care management

Automatic data collection

Timely intervention & remote management

Best Embedded Mobile End-to-End Service

GSMA Embedded Mobile Competition

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Conclusion and SummaryGSM Technology – making Lives Healthier & Safer

1. Through cellular M2M technology, optimized care is no longerbound to the home

2. When mobility is required, GSM can provide the answer. Help is virtually „always around the corner“

3. mHealth devices have reached a maturity level well past thepilot phase

4. M2M solutions are proven and simple to implement

5. Standardization efforts will nurture future growth

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OutlookA few Statements..

Yunkap Kwankam, WHO “The future of eHealth is mHealth (ubiquitous health). Partnerships are the model."

Gerard Kleisterlee, Philips CEO „[Home healthcare] is still in ist early phase, it‘s not the tornado phase. But that will come and we‘d

like to be prepared for it.“

Viviane Reding, European Commissioner Information Society and Media “Healthcare is one of the most information-intensive sectors of European economies and can

greatly profit from recent advances in information and communications technology. Given that the health sector currently lags behind other sectors in the use of this technology - eHealth - there is great potential for rapid, sustained growth.“

IEEE „…Trends towards migrating many of the pre-existing eHealth systems onto mobile or combined

mobile and Internet-based platforms...“

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute: Top 7 Trends in Health Care “Healthcare is a people business. To be sustainable, health organizations must communicate and

connect with their customers through innovative approaches and fresh perspectives...”

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Thank You!

Manfred KubeBusiness Development eHealthPhone: +49 89 21029-9174 Mobile: +49 172 845 [email protected]

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Health Care


RemoteControl andMaintenance



Industrial Computing


Router andGateways

Tracking andTracing

Intelligent M2M Communication