mnewi - twin falls public...

, BElLRN. -.TTw iNpthcrianib-t heavily armed' lerTortets-bold '. ..hostages aboard a hijacked train i] '-mediator today, then relco; engineer. -------- The hijackers,-who.havc BJre --------- rtenHncltidingTheTSrrginareifgini shots at the unidentiiied medlatoi to hail them on a bullhorn from { away.'-S<^ _ _ ' TJje mediator's ifisnM ir3re\ farmland .about 75 miles from ^A ^erdam . A second hall broiig •» I */y * ^ /7 5 | ill bl V . . ^ IV V siocE 'm aiT pri^ - NEW YOWfrfUPXr=n»rt<«rp! on tbe. K|my jY ^ ;-.^ t^ Excha ----------- T h e . ,Dinv';.'J(nK8 ’.'Intlustflst^i Tuesdf^,' w u oTf 11.73 points to J— -ESTJTtia doselylfoUowcd averag In the prc^diis two icislo ^ lle m o g o v e r n o r a e y e WASmNGTON (UPH - The na '' slahd l^ w agftf rice control aum in a compromise on o Kev part o by cUlHiig low pridH ty goveni'mcnt D e la y ^ o n iry a id b ill I W-^HINGTON (UPIL-The Sc .-"laUcmpMo d d w acllon.on legldatl with up to $2.3 billion annually Incii \The Senate, by a vote of 57-23. k Helms. R-N.C., to refer the blil to i • defeat of Helms' motloi} was cor _ -legislation. _________ ____ __ P a r i s b a n k r o b b e r s d ------ -PARIS tUPD— Maakcdrobbcra In a bank neor th? ElffdTowcrloi ___ ^ f ncariy.C.5mllHDn /or Ujclrprisoi ^mmVcntrMCh^'In a - gave pUlce untllis p.m; (2 p.m. ultimatum. Police said they fcare kHHn^thclrhoatogeslfthcyfalledt . _ ^ c n r l t y C b n n c II s essI / By United Press Int _ Egypt and Lebanon callcd today. - U^NTSecurlty Council to take actic ____raids on.eaIestlnian-ta^ct8 -ln-l«b . the Palestinians take part In thedebi Egyptian Foreign Minister Jsm i Israeli attacks as ■•barbaric,'; .'.u “deterrent steps" against Israel. N o d e c isio n o n G n rn e; sald^oday-no-decision-has-been-Rtj mer Sen. Edward J. Gurney, R'F dfe^ltf a department statement totl "The fact of ^ matter is tbe .d decision on thal point," U vi told rc , ' vislttotheJustlceDeputmentpres ~ 'A Jitttlta Departineirnt ^ k e im i - ' been decided to retry Cumey on twi • jury was unable lo rMch a verdici summerOumey was acquitted on f "Tije' decision .t«8 not l>een mi . decision has notbem ruled on by i C e i ^ Harold R.TylCT^^ 16 / . - 7?nd> h t r a i ^ s e l z c nenissu I'tUPl) - oneiniBsingthc Jldlng. s c o r e ^ f . . . Tbe gunmen, lln opened fire o n .. born in'Holian c a ^ ’a captive U»y seized the . Moluccancomr [ready-killed two ............JusUee Mini (ineer.'nredihrw— -said the hiJacR< itor when he tried demands for J n a car 350 yard&r 4lrugs,'tncludin rcw a sllght~stlr ^Ms.l^'abCTsai }.m northeast of whw the trai: ught three shots,. • Tue^y. % e s p ln n g e - ~ rplunsHrwdsyinTi^^tnidlng Jiangc' amid '^oomy 'economic atnty. about the-projects of a . - p r fc :c ity : ....... ' mveragerTi-l3.Hi»inl loser to 831.47 shortiy before 11 a:m. age Had lost more than 17 points t — c re c o v e ^ p ia n nation’s Democratic governors t oLthe.prognun..the^craora-. ..-I sit spending. ' ' ' Ib lo c k e d _____ ___ I Senate today jiiocked the.first_____ atlon providing New-York City ' ) emergency loans. . kllled a motion by Seri. Jesse | io the banking'committee. The [ »nsldered a test vote on the . ^ ^ -------- ■■'.~_r 1 d em an d ran so m ^ « took up.loiftpctstfns hi^agcizzra today and demanded a ransom fi soners' livraT T K ■G^itXy 6ima'b'T)ran?fi‘bank'.~ ■ n. EST» to comply with their .. ® ■red the attackers' might start' dtQgeHhefaDSojnintime.— .• ^ _______n sio n d e m a n d e d ^ Internationa] v iyJor_an_urficnt sesslon oLthg. i _ " _ :tlon against Israel for ils air E ebahon^Colrodemandedthat:— t K ebate. tr imall-EahroL.describlng-lhe----------- •.ufg<^. the Council lo take" T e y -re tH a ly e l ftoey.GenecaL±;owflr!i.H.XevlL.^K! nMdoHNi-wholheiMo-relry-for-— -r- t'Fla.» on corruptlon'charges. 0 the conlrftiy two weeks ago; ! .department has not nude a -Bl] reporters in an unprecedented ,TnoUi essn»m .' - . • tevol imon'amiotmeed Nov. 2i li h is '^ ' I two c h a i^ on whidi a federal wu llct after l^is lengthy trial last nflvecounts. J™ made," Levi repeated. “The"?!*® >>the, deputy,{Deputy Attorney. P ™ W-atlonjeygweral.” Pena ■. Amusemenfs,.d -probt Form, 17 Living, 25-27 ati \Mqrkets, 14 — r^Oplnlan.A l : Sporlr/il-23 w ite vtoi/iyiasr lYoar--^-'-^'^ ---------- ---------- --- ^.mJAqoR •■"wtewi-tt/ abowD niak ------ ----------- escapiedlm mnewi thecarbyonlytenyardsr ---------------- en, believed td be South Moluccans and, killed at least two men when tie ^in-Tuesday. The mediator was mmunlty. tnIsti3rspokcswoman~Toos-Faber cRer& later released a hostage with - r a megaphone, food, drink ond ling Insulin for a diobctlc hostage. Ion foraneotleotlc. - ___ - _____ said the terrorists also derhanded a Mo-feplacc-the-dead-man^^shot- rain was seized at mldmomlng' says , __ __ Th/s moy hove been a ---------‘$hort-*^prmg"'bor:il --------- wos cerfblnfy wo/> - come. • -_________________ -K ^ n g p h o n e ta p sip u r rp d b y -R e d .fe a r —-WgHlNGTO^UPn'V "- Attomey General Robert F. Kcjinedy avthorlzcd a ‘'trior’ ' ' tuther^ KIni 7Jr. “ tn” 1963 ™ because otFBlYears that King “ fluen'ce,~a -former top FBI ' : official testified today. ' Courtney Evans, former assistant FBI director In '"v'pTlgatlng'dlviBion, told the . ' Senate Intelligence committee the lap aiithdrliatldn was only ' for 30 days. Bul earlier Icslimonji showed'-the -FBI ^watched King until the civil •_ rights leaders assassination In—t "1968.'............................: , Another former FBI df(lcial « leslified today that the ranlmcirilyjJjclweenJClngLflndzii former FBI.Director J. Edgar___ Hoowr was strong and II , -.epparMlly continued even •: afler.tholwmenhelda“Iovc .feasfpeacemeetirig.' • Evans ^nfirmed the f -oulb»tIcity-b7-letlc«-and-^ memoranda - read to ..him . <! • b y commitlee staff-in*' vestigalors relating to sur- ^velllanceofKlng. • « — One—m em o^wrllten—by------- Evans on OcL 7.1963, sold the d -Kcnnetfy'gavea|)provar“oira o trial basis" for telephone taps ^ckbadoH BY SHANE O’NEILL cast Ttmev^NewiWriter • • - - n BURLEY - A '^year^ld 1074 stb^'. wbo-pleaded guilty to Btai reluntary raamlau^ler-in ben B brotal death of her son,.- itmj u - relea«e>d- Monday on pmi obatlon. ............. -• ti Julia Pena; Bvrley,-was- b«<] Fijuf »ort -Judge Sherman W Hwood. THe -fatber, :Xony • ‘yiw) *?r :.p«f.on. . .toll ibatlonlaOctiAwr. the* n»e .lTO;j)lMdetf guilty In ml ly . Involuntary' man*'- Dea lughto In the deaUi'of 10:- weH mtb^ld Tony Pena Jr, lu t ^ ceipbtr. -. , A *• I«dge.-3«IIwood-in-JUly-^;fi!i iteM ^ up to fOur ' hosi . Id^hojs Largest E .^TVyiNFAllS.iDAH6,WEDI KBO IM cb n pieaa train >Us COtracks t.. *M -near .^ U ^ the udibg a daab fOr (reedim afler he Eremtbetrdn.-(l)PU— r- ----------- dem oM c ------ "We are; not polntblank' w yir ns . leaving the matteropen." Ms. F in said the ehglnw.would have to 3s and the hijackers would have ton Ih tbeywnnlMthanAwrfriwr “Where to and bow far they w :r....... not knowir,**8hesa1d.-**Butthcy\v ih- — MsrFaberaaid the govemmen id wilh the new developments. "!i 'fi affair I think that there is on< questiori.thatcontactbemalntalr a TTw gunmen originally demand )trr^ali poi U iul truiuport uut'of.the'co g Ms; Faber said the number of h - train was estim ate at 75 "based < f/romTrelatlves." . ' . Codlcuri Way to he -«:^»..BybAVEHQR8M A K == Tlmef-Newswriter TWIN FALLS - At current prices, , coal is the cheapest -i way lo heal a home In Twin Falls, according'to a’Tlmes- Newtsu^ey. E vm though the average ' Prtceper ton ot coal has shot ~ up l OS.par.<;8ftUlnce-l870rH-ls— sUll chupu* than natural gas. fuel oU or Aleclricily._________ . . --------------- ^ ------------- ^^^^"=Body"found- RUPERT'— -The body of an dde -Rt^S^^tove^nolIr^^w Mtaldoka-Cdunty-Ooi^r-Klm. CHr . 'peaKdl0 .teiind^su^iclousclrcun An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said the rcsults^fUie; ------ -The bodyhad no buHefor knlferwt to say whether any bruises were four M o re |la lk s o n S o v iet o _ WASHiyJGTON (ilPI) - A too Stn Congr^j'todiiy. another., iwo montl required to reach a Jinal agreement Soviet oil.'.. :— In_te8tlmony_bcfore_lhe:JIoUsc —Charies-W.-Roblnsonrundersecreu —affolrsrsaldtbeagrecmenttentativcl .to make available 200,000 barrd so f < a day o v e ra five-year period. Of this total, he said, TOpercent w . per cent in jwtrol.eum products, prl .JUCl^The price would b csetitalcvel cqunlries.;^__l____ RoblnMn emphaslz^ the agreemi , United States lo buy any Soviet oil ar II was in the U.S. interest. Robinson-said-the oil deal -withn dependent of the agreement for the si of American wheal and com annually iri33cdeathz< :aset.TliattlmeendedNov.6. priso The child died on Dec. 7, . Thi . 074; He had suffered from CassI itVvatlon, • broken ribs, abro lemontagM ot brain and. ,a. mi 'Injury spleen and- laun ineumonia;' ' vestii The autopsy shdttwl his ribs docui lad been broken 16 times over Cai iperiodofseve^monlhs. _____ ched Under the terms of th? July. irobiaUOR,.Uie’'Penas*-three .nolhlt vung daughters are allowed ialan 0 live viUMl»dr;p«eBts:-but •'•■niere hey weVe'placed iinder July. rotecUve supervision of the ‘ chlld'i tapartment of. Health and - A i^elfarfl:. _ ' ' . . daugh Both parentshave" been., ii^lca Ira, tenT~ai the Slale~r*Pomt lospilal South in '^ladcfoot orden ^ her husband at the state parenl t Evening Newspapi 'EDNESDAY, DECEMBER^^l^ BCks.:.^ .............. the.' - r he IIIIU iaying no.... we are Is. Faber .said.. She e to be a voluhtecr'"'^^^^^H to make clear ey want to move Is icywant to;move;"------- iment-wa^satlsficd___ any-hostage t one predominant ntalned.'" she said." . nand^ a bus to the 'xToiinirv, r of hostages on the ’ ^ iscd on information ’ r r e n ^ chi leat hhme .. Nattfrjil • cheapest- in- the surviy.; t followed by-fuel oil and_c% :!. i trlclty. . 7 1____Although _electriclty_i8_lht- most expensive when a typical reslslance-type.'furnace is * used. 11 ^ is the cheapest when I ' Ute newrr, heatptm pi^sirts - J— used.^------------------: ------ ---------------- Based on a 1,600 square fool ' . housewilh overage insulation. d -a t^ tn p e r t-" elderiy woman was found about Msed ihc name of tJie'viclim. Christensen said the-dealh-op^------ rcumstoncea.- - ......... Wednesday .afternoon at Magic Hheautopsy were Inconclusive. tfiWmiiraszChfI5lcns5h“d ecIirio d = ^ found on the body it o il d e a l a h e a d p Slate Dcpartmcnl.offldal.told-J___ nonths-of-ncgouations wili-tw— _ . uent for American pljrchase of oUsc_AgrIculturti_Commlllec______ cretary ofsfat(rTor-M<rnoW ■ ' illvdytallstortncrsovicnimion --------- s of oil and petroleum products ■nt would be in crude oil and 30 I, primarily,naptha and diesel ' _ cv^clmutually beneficlat lo ^ th --— - eemerit would noi obligate the III and II would only do so when IthThirSovJCi Union was In- he sale of-fimlllion meijJo tons—------ laliytotheSovlctUnlon, case prison. Tho chU4 bad been taken 10 - :aala MemorialHmnltal wlui I broken leg w benhi w ai only ' ' I. month oM. HAW- officials aunched a lO-’day in- - 'estigatlon, but (ailed to locunient the suspected abuse. ' Case worken continued to heck^wltb.Jhifciamlly-until-^^-' • uly. but apparenUy le a rn t lothlng of the rib .fractures alar dlsdosed by the autopsy. "here was no coiilact after uly. five- months before the . hild'sdeath. :A_^check :of the three aughters after Tony's-death idlcatfld they w en all norma] . 9d_heaIlhy_A]ti»ui-takon--------- 'em tbeparenta, a magUtrate pdered them retumed'lo their jrenlathefollowlnjjjtay.- I 5 7 s l - ^ .------------ -1 5 '> « - H ill" * * eapesL > inTF ^ with coal in December. fueloll. MJ.71. andelcclrlcity: ' r==BlLP2£==rr-— : I With, a heal pump, the clectricitycostdlvesloj2j.51. I ,The average unit prlcc of,-- "natural ias:hay-UVcn'the ^ compart td* a year ago. ; ------ Howcvcr-_cdmparcd_with__ prieesTIve years'ago. (SI oil Has gone up the most 121 per * At an average of 38.U cents - per .gallon, fuel’oil Is 12 per cent higher lhan 0 year ago; • ~ .N atural■flas..:at V 8 rmlt prr.,., therm, is ll4rper cent hlf^er lhan five yearKago.—— - . Coal.-at^'an^v'crage H^50— per toa has gone up 12 percent over lasl year. Electricity, at 1.32 cents per nr"kllowaU-hnu^Js:9 per cent— -more expeaslve thon last year but only 6 per ccnl higher lhan fiveyeareago. . Eleven fud oil distributors were contacted In the survey. - Ail gave their current prices, - but only five gaveoutyeanagoLj. prlccs and only three gave out— - pricescharged fiveyearsago. Both coal distributors In ___ Twln._Falls Jlstcd—currenl,:— ■’year-agn • and, five yc?ars-iig6prices; ------ --------------------------------- In the survey, units of each type of energy were converted - ,- to Oritish thermal units iDtU) and divided into the numtwr of - BTUs It lakes to heat a 1.600 squarefoothoiise.------ •' victiih '•' -------- 'V A W A lT m in m ^ treatment.of Moadr«0ta,7VTwloI carladomtownTwlh »s ....... . . .- .Ev«nUt»lor - ................. carrier dil)v«ry pP eS ; subi PEKING <UPil - Prcslc discussed Ihe touchy issue of private-chal. White Housfrol would,be’"a terrible mlskke' ------ Ford's Peking m i s s i o n .----------- • ' Whlte'Housc Press Secreta __iiiSDiiuailtU)Ciift£Dmmunlquc In U,S.-Chlnese relations at thi - •'ststcd-thc-mlsslon'phxIucW 1 offset o p tica l questioning of tl "Every public sipi has ix reporters at the end of the thir _____ "There hayc.l»cn.noJ)ad.^ _______ In response lo quest ions, he 1 -had discussed detente>.whldi< Ford’s Stay and agreed with adileved "a bctterundcrstandl I • • Ford and Mao met Tuesday ' .remarkably long audience foi ::l_ j::ommunlsl party chairman. F conv6rsalion." Ford, beginning to show slg schedule of summitry and sight! start of another 2-'- hours of Acting Premier Teng Hslao-plnj Nesscn took pains to squelch s Interpreted os a failure becaus in-lmptnvtngttST^ChhtescTelat 1 "“; '^Yoirihould not take the a • ' oflhismectlnghavenothlngto( ----------- When-a-reporter suggested F > - diplomatic battle over the qii'e • SovlclUnion.NesMriwamed: ’ 1-- , ’.'lYouarcniaklnfia.lcrrlbloi ! arcnotgolngwtfl." ■, Nessen aiid other U.S. officla considered ih'e ",g(^ BlgiB"‘p >=^ 1iad iodisputabiy robvedlhm !i I forhlmandageneraldeslretok whatever their disagreements. 1 — The facT Map gave Ford nc spent with Presl^nt Richard M. — The fact Mao invlled Ford ■H-t Nbton^vas pcrmlltcdrand that~- _____Thefacl Ihc-Chinese made.: streets were empty for Nixon'. ".'— And the fact the Chinese tu figure available - Including Mt ------ Premier Chou En-lal— to grwMl (Continue R M ^T ell *110 surpi ;^W A SH IN G T O N -( U PlT-^^ ___ Thc-oulgoing-dlrcclnr-nf-tho__ Defense Intelligence Agency . -lold .Congress...today_Uj.S._ military.-leaders were - not-. ' surprised by the 196S Tel of- fensive in- which a .200 -. ~Ainerrcari«wps~dIcd ‘ m .. ■' iuHBcelr^'totfie^iiiiitaJfS ji dent-tnjuriei U Joeepb. L. , M loF«Ua.whowaaatmBUlk« rlIiPaQaTue•dayt(ternooo^^ - ■ .j ' ' '3: elite i<«i alks ■csldcnl Ford anrt .Miio T.>«-tung of L’.S.-Sovlel dflenlc In ihclr long ; t officials- said today, docluring II ake" to underejitlmatc the value ofr- rotary Ron Nesscn also conlirmed Iquc to mark any npu- llmaklhmiiflh!;— I the close of Fo_rt;sj:isil. but hcJn--_ ^ m'any'-'good sl'^s" (hat should^ of this development. Hwcn good“Slgnr-xessen~told— third of Ford’s four daj's In Pckfhg.' ' iPii: ____;____ J_____• ' ____iJil- chChina has t>lasted pubild>iduringt= l ith a reporter’s suggestton Iheyliad' • indlng'*asarcsuitoribelrtaIk. lay for one hour and SO minutes — a^ for.thc.alline-airVcar-old-Chln^^ 1 . Ford today callcd 11 "a signlllcanl^ •' ghtseclng. made his comment at the"' of formal talks this morning with * pInglnFord'sPekingrcsldence. ^ ch speculation Ford’s visit might b e ; :ause of t|}c lack of visible progress' riatlona. '■ . .i~- ,'c a o sc n c e 01 a coTnmutnquelirir~ ;to do with a signed document." xl Ford and-MaoTnifilil-fan-c-had qu'^lon of U.S. 'reiations wlth.the d: iclals licked off a list of w^ial’lh^^*.;'^’. '■gCMratrf by.Ford's visit, utirt',' v: ^ Iflcse^ o displayntnusu'al •wanh’lli“ to keep strong ties wilh Washtngton’':^-^ ts.TbOexamplesincluded; - d ncariy twice as much lime as he iM.^ixonln'im. ' . ' • ird to bring along'more aides lhan , -. nr-^in splteoXhls^^health -h eCfi; ida4^ureorowd^fgeflplrtIt)^lhe"-‘'~ e turned out everj- major pollilcal r - • ; Mao’s Wife and ihe.uife of aiilng^ ■etthe^Fords;^ ^ ;-.:^ -:^ n^onp. 2 ) - , - alrcraft'wtre destroyed bythe '.. c— Vi e l Cong. - , .. . .. ------- y Army-.Lt. Gen. Daniel 0 .\ ■ •■__Graham. testifying before the- - - House inleUlgcnc%Mmmlll^'-:~ r- sharply denied charges by a - 0 -. f^m er CIA -agent- that ?- _ Amcricaii'InlcIUgchce'gross^- '-n ^ 'underesllma'led Communist 7 troop strength In the blo w i^ •, push. And Graham s a r tU H ^ g ____ w as no subsequent c o v e M MK? thefncts. - ------- “ Graham. wno-i 8“seekl^'^ early retirement, _attacic^.l_ - . what he called a "lack of!'^ - j a tionalily’' by ihy CIA agent'.,. : BWtt If. waB'.v.'Wirt--... ,: Uie estlw n l c s T O ^ ^ ^ ^ e * ^ perts. T "“ C a r str ik e s^ ^ ^ p e d e s tr ia h TWIN FALi!s -Joseph U ,: ; Mondragon,. 73; T«'ih Falls;- ’. ; .suffered.abraslons-ond ahock*' - whenhlfbi-i^-auloftioblle-at-— ? MainAvenuBWeistahdSeiMnd, :'V ' Street 'West';Tuesday. ‘ af*- ; ^ - -temoon... • City polli^li^rted dragon w a ig S ^ ln g Sccbikli^^i; . Street Wei$WUKcro8s.w^^>'^ - and the - from'MinS^ ' S treet'stoi^tng .dU

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Post on 15-Mar-2018




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Page 1: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

, BE lLR N . -.TTw iN pthcrianib-t heavily arm ed' lerTortets-bold

' . ..h ostages aboard a hijacked train i] '-mediator today, then relco;

engineer.-------- T h e hijackers,-w ho.havc BJre

--------- rtenHncltidingTheTSrrginareifginishots at the unidentiiied medlatoi to hail them on a bullhorn from { away.'-S< _ _ '

• TJje m ediator's if is n M ir 3 r e \

farmland .about 75 m iles from ^ A ^ e r d a m . A second hall broiig


I * / y * ^ / 7 5 |

ill blV . . ^

I V V s i o c E ' m a i T p r i ^- NEW YOWfrfUPXr=n»rt<«rp! on tbe. K|my j Y ^ ; - . ^ t ^ Excha

----------- T h e . ,Dinv';.'J(nK8 ’.'Intlustflst^iTuesdf^,' w u oTf 11.73 points to

J— -E S T JT tia doselylfoU ow cd averag In the prc^diis two ic i s lo ^

l l e m o g o v e r n o r a e y eWASmNGTON (U PH - The na

' ' slahd l ^ w a g ftf rice control aum in a com prom ise on o Kev part o

by cUlHiig low pridH ty goveni'mcnt

D e l a y ^ o n i r y a i d b i l l IW-^HINGTON ( U P I L - T h e Sc

.-"laU cm pM o d d w acllon.on leg ldatl w ith up to $2.3 billion annually In cii \T he Senate, by a vote of 57-23. k

H elm s. R-N.C., to refer the blil to i • defeat o f Helms' motloi} w as cor

_ - l e g i s l a t i o n . _________ ____ __

P a r i s b a n k r o b b e r s d------ -P A R I S tU P D — Maakcdrobbcra

■ In a bank neor th? E lffd T o w c r lo i ___ f ncariy.C.5mllHDn /o r Ujclrprisoi

^ m m V c n tr M C h ^ 'In a - gave pU lce untllis p.m ; (2 p.m .

ultimatum. P olice sa id they fcare k H H n^thclrhoatogeslfthcyfalledt

. _ ^ c n r l t y C b n n c I I s e s s I / ■ ‘ By U nited P ress Int _ Egypt and Lebanon callcd today. - U^NTSecurlty Council to take actic

____raids on.eaIestlnian -ta^ ct8 -ln -l«b. the Palestinians take part In thedebi

Egyptian Foreign M inister J sm i Israeli attacks as ■•barbaric,'; .'.u “deterrent steps" against Israel.

N o d e c i s i o n o n G n r n e ;

— sald^oday-no-decision-has-been-Rtj m er Sen. Edward J . Gurney, R'F d fe^ltf a department statement totl

"The fact of m atter is tbe .d decision on thal point," U v i told rc

, ' v isltto theJustlceD eputm entpres ~ 'A J itttlta Departineirnt ^ k e im i

- ' been decided to retry Cum ey on twi • ju ry was unable lo rM ch a verdici

sum m erO um ey was acquitted on f "Tije' decision .t«8 not l>een mi

. decision has n o tbem ruled on by i C e i ^ Harold R.TylCT^^

■ ■ 16 /

. - 7 ? n d >

h t r a i ^ s e l z c

nenissuI'tU P l) - oneiniBsingthcJld lng. s c o r e ^ f . . . Tbe gunmen, lln opened fire o n . . born in'Holian c a ^ ’ a captive U »y seized the

. M oluccancom r[ready-killed tw o ............JusU ee Mini( ineer .'n red ih rw — -sa id the hiJacR<itor when h e tried dem ands for J n a car 350 yard&r 4lrugs,'tncludin

rcw a sllght~stlr ^Ms.l^'abCTsai

}.m northeast o f w h w the trai: ught three sh o ts , . • T u e ^ y .


e s p l n n g e - ~r p lu n sH r w d sy in T i^ ^ tn id ln g Jiangc' am id '^ oom y 'economic atnty. about t h e -p r o je c t s o f a . -p r f c : c i t y : ....... 'm v e r a g e r T i- l3 .H i» in l loser to 831.47 shortiy before 11 a:m. age Had lost m ore than 17 points t —

c r e c o v e ^ p i a nnation’s D em ocratic governors

t g n u n . . t h e ^ c r a o r a - . ..-I

s it spending. ' ' '

I b l o c k e d ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IS enate today jiiocked the.first_____atlon providing New-York City ' ) em ergency loans. ‘. kllled a motion by Seri. J esse | io the banking'com mittee. The [ »nsldered a test vote on the . ^

-------- ■■'.~_r1

d e m a n d r a n s o m ^« took up.loiftpctstfns h i^ a g c iz z r a today and dem anded a ransom fi soners' livraT T ” ■ K■ G ^ itX y 6 ima'b'T)ran?fi‘bank'.~ ■ n. EST» to com ply with their .. ® ■red the attackers' m ight s ta r t ' dtQ geH h efaD S ojn in tim e .— .•

^ _______n

s i o n d e m a n d e d ^Internationa] viyJor_an_urficnt sesslon oLthg. i _ " _ :tlon again st Israel for ils a ir E ebahon^C olrodem andedthat:— t K ebate. trim all-E ah roL .describ lng-lh e-----------•.ufg<^. the Council lo take" T

e y - r e t H a l y e lftoey.GenecaL±;ow flr!i.H .X evlL.^K! nMdoHNi-wholheiM o-relry-for-— - r - t'Fla.» on corruptlon'charges.0 the conlrftiy two w eeks ago;! .department h as not n u d e a -Bl] reporters in an unprecedented ,TnoUi e s s n » m .' - . • ‘ tevolimon'amiotmeed N ov. 2 i l i h i s ' ^ ' I two c h a i ^ on w hid i a federal w u llc t after l^is lengthy trial last n flv eco u n ts. J™m ade," Levi repeated. “T h e" ?!*® >> the, d ep u ty ,{Deputy Attorney. P ™ W -atlonjeygw eral.”

Pena■. A m u s e m e n f s , . d -probt

Form, 17Living, 25-27 a t i

\Mqrkets, 14 — r^Oplnlan.A l :

■ S p o r l r / i l - 2 3 w i t e• v t o i / i y i a s r

l Y o a r - - ^ - ' - ^ ' ^ ----------

---------- --- ^ .m J A q o R•■ " w te w i-t t /

abowD niak ------ ----------- escapiedlm

mnewith e ca r b y o n ly ten y a rd sr ----------------en, believed td be South M oluccans and, killed at least tw o m en when tie in -T u esd ay . The m ediator was

m m unlty .tnIsti3rspokcsw om an~T oos-F aber cRer& later released a hostage with - r a megaphone, food, drink ond lin g Insulin for a diobctlc h o s ta g e .Ion foran eotleotlc . - ___ - _____said the terrorists a lso derhanded a M o-fep lacc-th e-d ead -m an ^ ^ sh ot- rain w as seized at m ldm om lng'

says ,__ __ Th/s m o y h o v e been a---------‘$ h o r t - * ^ p r m g " 'b o r : i l ---------

w o s c e r f b l n f y w o/> - c o m e . • -_________________

- K ^ n g p h o n e

t a p s i p u r r p d

b y - R e d . f e a r

— - W g H l N G T O ^ U P n ' V " - A ttom ey General Robert F. Kcjinedy avthorlzcd a ‘'trior’ '

' tu th e r ^ K I n i 7J r . “ tn” 1963 ™ becau se otF B lY ears that King

“ fluen'ce,~a -form er top FBI ': o fficial testified today.' Courtney Evan s, form er

a ss is tant FBI d irector In

'"v'pTlgatlng'dlviBion, told the . ' Senate Intelligence com m ittee the lap aiithdrliatldn w as only ' for 30 days. B ul earlier Icslim onji show ed'-the -FBI •

^ w atch ed King until the civil •_ rights le a d e rs assassination In— t"1968.'............................: ,

A nother form er F B I df(lcial « l e s l i f ie d tod ay th a t the

r an lm cirilyjJjclw eenJC lngL flndziiform er FBI.D irector J . Edgar___H oow r w as strong and II ,

-.ep parM lly continued even •: a f le r .t h o lw m e n h e ld a “ Iovc

. f e a s fp e a c e m e e t ir ig .'• E v a n s ^ n f i r m e d th e f

- o u lb » t I c i t y - b 7 - l e t l c « - a n d - ^ m em oranda - read to ..h im . <!

• b y c o m m itle e s t a f f - i n * ' vestigalors relating to sur-

^velllanceofKlng. • «— O ne—m e m o ^ w r llt e n —by-------

E van s on OcL 7.1963, sold the d -K cnnetfy 'gavea |)p rovar“o ira o

trial basis" for telephone taps

^ c k b a d o HBY SHANE O’NEILL cast

■ Ttmev^NewiWriter • • - - nBURLEY - A '^ y e a r ^ ld 1074stb^ '. wbo-pleaded guilty to Btaireluntary ra a m la u ^ le r- in benB brotal death of her son,.- itmju - relea«e>d- Monday on pmiobatlon. ............. - • tiJulia Pena; B v r le y ,-w a s - b«<]

F i ju f»o r t -J u d g e S h e r m a n W Hwood. THe -fatber, :Xony • ‘yiw) * ? r : .p « f .o n . . . t o l libatlonlaO ctiAwr. ‘ the*n»e .lTO;j)lM detf g u ilty In m lly . Involuntary' man*'- D ealu g h to In the deaU i'of 10: - weHm tb^ld Tony Pena Jr , l u t ^ ce ip b tr . - . , A *• • I « d g e .- 3 « I I w o o d - in -J U ly - ^ ; f i! ii t e M ^ .e a c h .to up to fOur ' hosi

. Id^hojs Largest E . ^ T V y i N F A l l S . i D A H 6 , W E D I

KBO IM cb n p ie a a tra in >Us CO tracks t.. * M -n ea r . ^ U ^ the

u d ib g a daab fOr (reedim afle r he E rem tbetrdn .-(l)P U — — r - -----------

d e m o M c------ — "We are; not polntblank' w y irns . leav in g the m atteropen ." M s. F in sa id the eh g ln w .w o u ld have to 3s and the hijackers would have ton Ih tb eyw nnlM thanA w rfriw r

“Where to and bow far they w:r....... not knowir,**8hesa1d.-**Butthcy\vih - — M srF ab eraaid the govem m en id w ilh the new developm ents. "!i ' f i affair I think that there is on< a tcon tac tbem alnta lr a TTw gunm en originally demand )tr r^ a li poi U iu l truiuport uut'of.the'co g Ms; F aber sa id the num ber of h

- train w as e s t im a t e at 75 "based < ■ f/rom Trelatlves." . ' .

Codlcuri Way to he

- « :^»..B y b A V E H QR8M A K = =Tlmef-Newswriter

TWIN FALLS - At current prices, , coa l is the cheapest

- i w ay lo h e a l a hom e In Twin F alls, accord in g'to a ’Tlm es- N e w tsu ^ e y .

E v m though the average ' ■ Pr tc e p e r ton o t coal h a s shot ~ ’

up l OS.par.<;8ftUlnce-l870rH-ls— sUll c h u p u * than natural gas.fuel oU o r Aleclr icily ._________

. . --------------- ^ -------------

^^^^"=Body"found-R U PE R T'— -The body o f a n d d e

- R t ^ S ^ ^ t o v e ^ n o l I r ^ ^ w — M taldoka-C dunty-O oi^r-K lm . CHr . 'p eaK d l0 .te iin d ^ su ^ ic lo u sc lr c u n

An aulopsy w as performed WetU VaJIeyM omoriol.Hoqjltal. -

C hristensen sa id the rcsu lts^fU ie;------ -The bod yhad n o buHefor knlferwt

to sa y w hether any bruises w ere four

M o r e | l a l k s o n S o v i e t o

_ WASHiyJGTON (ilP I) - A too Stn C ongr^j'tod iiy . another., iw o montl required to reach a Jinal agreem ent Soviet o i l . ' . .

: — In _te8t lm ony_bcfore_lhe:JIoU sc — C haries-W .-R oblnsonrundersecreu — affolrsrsald tb eagrecm entten tativcl

.to m ake availab le 200,000 barrd s o f < a day o v e r a five-year period.

Of this total, h e said, TO percent w. per cent in jwtrol.eum products, prl

.JUCl^The price would b c s e t i t a l c v e lcqunlries.;^__l____

RoblnMn e m p h a slz ^ the agreem i , U nited States lo buy any Soviet oil ar II w as in the U.S. interest.

— R obinson-said-the oil dea l -withn dependent o f the a greem ent for the si of Am erican w heal and c o m annually

i r i 3 3 c d e a t h z <:aset.T lia ttlm een d ed N ov .6 . priso

The child died on Dec. 7, . Thi .074; H e had suffered from CassI i t V v a t lo n , • b r o k e n r ib s , a b r o le m o n ta g M o t brain and . , a . mi

'I n ju r y sp leen and - la u n ineumonia;' — ' vestii

T he autopsy shdttw l his ribs docui lad been broken 16 tim es over Caiip eriodo fseve^m on lhs._____ ch edUnder the term s of th? July.

irobiaUOR,.Uie’'Penas*-three .nolhlt vung daughters a re allowed ia la n 0 live viUMl»dr;p«eBts:-but •'•■niere hey w eV e 'p laced iinder July. rotecUve supervision of the ‘ chlld'i tapartment of. Health and - A i^elfarfl:. _ ' ' . . daughBoth p a re n tsh a v e " been., ii^lca

Ira, t e n T ~ a i th e S la le~ r * P o m t lospilal South in '^ ladcfoot orden ^ her husband at the sta te parenl

t Evening Newspapi 'EDNESDAY, DECEMBER^ l^

B C k s .: .^ — ..............t h e . ' -

r he • I I I I U

iaying no ....w e are Is. F aber .said.. She e to be a v o l u h t e c r ' " ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

to m ake c lear

ey w ant to m ove Isicyw ant to;move;"-------im ent-w a^satlsficd___

any-h ostage t one predom inant ntalned.'" sh e sa id ." . n a n d ^ a bus to the 'xToiinirv,r of hostages on the ’ iscd on in form ation ’

r r e n ^ c h i

leat hhme. . N a tt frjil

• c h e a p e st- in- th e su rv iy .; t followed by-fuel oil an d _c% :!. i trlclty. . ■ 71____Although _electriclty_i8_ l h t -• m ost expensive when a typical

r es ls la n c e -ty p e .'fu rn a ce is* used. 11 is the cheapest whenI ' Ute newrr, h e a tp tm p i^ s i r t s -J— used.^------------------:------ ----------------

B ased on a 1,600 square fool ' . h ou sew ilh overa g e insulation.

d - a t ^ t n p e r t - " —

elderiy w om an w as found about

M sed ih c nam e of tJie'viclim .■ Christensen said the-dealh-op^------rcumstoncea.- - .........W ednesday .afternoon at Magic

H heautopsy w ere Inconclusive. tfiWmiiraszChfI5lcns5h“d e c I ir io d = ^ found on the body

i t o i l d e a l a h e a d

p S la te D cpartm cn l.offld a ld -J___nonths-of-n cgou ations w ili-tw — _ . u ent for A m erican pljrchase of

oUsc_A grIculturti_Com m lllec______cretary o fsfa t(rT o r-M < rn o W ■ 'illvd y ta llsto r tn cr so v ic n im io n ---------s o f o il and petroleum products

■nt would be in crude oil and 30 I , prim arily,naptha and diesel ' _ cv^clmutually beneficlat l o ^ t h - - — -

eemerit would noi obligate the III and II would only do so when

IthT hirSovJC i Union w as In -h e sa le of-fim lllion meijJo tons— ------la liy to th eS ov lctU n lon ,

■ caseprison.

T ho chU4 b a d be en ta k en 10 - : a a l a M e m o ria lH m n lta l w lui I b roken le g w b e n h i w a i on ly ' 'I. month oM. HAW- officials a u n c h e d a lO-’d a y in- - 'estigatlon, b u t (ailed to locunient the suspected abuse. '

Case w orken continued to heck^w ltb .Jh ifc iam lly -un til-^^-' • uly. but apparenUy l e a r n t lothlng of the rib .fractures a lar dlsdosed by the autopsy."here was no coiilact after uly. five- months before the . h ild'sdeath.:A_^check :of th e th ree aughters after Tony's-death idlcatfld they w e n all norma] .9 d _ h eaIlhy_A ]ti»u i-takon---------'em tbeparenta, a magUtrate pdered them retum ed'lo their • jrenlathefollow lnjjjtay.- •

I 5 7 s l - ^ . ------------ - 1 5 ' >

« -

H i l l " * *

eapesL> i n T F

■ w ith c o a l in D ecem ber.

fu e lo ll. MJ.71. andelcclrlcity: ' r = = B lL P 2 £ = = r r-— : — I W ith, a heal pump, the ‘ clectric itycostdlvesloj2j.51 .I ,The average unit prlcc o f ,- - ‘ "natural i a s : h a y -U Vcn'the

c o m p a r t td* a year ago.;------ H o w c v cr -_ c d m p a r cd _ w ith__

prieesTIve years'ago. (SI oil Has gone up the most 121 per

* At an average of 38.U cents- per .gallon, fuel’ oil Is 12 per

cent higher lhan 0 year ago; •~ .N atural■flas..:at V 8 rm lt prr. , . ,

therm , is ll4rper cent hlf^er — lhan five yearKago.— — - . —

— C oal.-at^'an^v'crage H^50— per to a has gone up 12 percent o ver lasl year.

Electricity, at 1.32 cents per nr" k llow aU -h n u ^ Js : 9 per cent—

-m ore expeaslve thon last year but only 6 per ccnl higher lhan fiveyeareago .

. Eleven fud oil distributors w ere contacted In the survey.

- Ail gave their current prices, - — but only five gaveou tyean agoL j. — prlccs and only three gave out—

- pricescharged fiveyearsago.Both coal distributors In

___ T w ln ._F alls J l s t c d —currenl,:—■’year-agn • and, five yc?ars-iig6“

— p rices;------ ---------------------------------In the survey, units of each

— type of energy were converted - ,- to Oritish thermal units iDtU) and divided into the numtwr of

- BTUs It lakes to heat a 1.600 — squarefoothoiise.------ •'

victiih' • ' -------- ' V A W A l T m i n m ^

treatm ent.ofM oadr«0ta,7V Tw loIca rlad om tow nT w lh

» s....... . .

.- .Ev«nUt»lor - .................carrier dil)v«ry

p P e S ; s u b i

PEKING <UPil - Prcslc discussed Ihe touchy issue of private-chal. White Housfrol w ould ,be’ "a terrible m lskke'

------Ford's Peking m is s io n .-----------• ' W hlte'Housc P ress Secreta __iiiSD iiuailtU )C iift£D m m unlquc

In U,S.-Chlnese relations at thi - •'ststcd -th c-m lsslon 'ph xIucW 1

offset o p t i c a l questioning of tl "E very public s ip i has ix

reporters at the end of the thir_____ "There hayc.l»cn.noJ)ad.^_______ In response lo quest ions, he 1

-h a d discussed detente>.whldi< Ford’s S t a y and agreed with ad ileved "a bctterundcrstandl

I • • Ford and Mao m et Tuesday ' .rem arkably long audience foi

: : l _ j::om m u nlsl party chairman. F conv6rsalion."

Ford, beginning to show slg schedule of summ itry and sight! start o f another 2 - '- hours of Acting P rem ier Teng Hslao-plnj

N esscn took pains to squelch s Interpreted o s a failure becaus

in-lm ptnvtngttST^ChhtescTelat 1"“ ; '^Yoirihould not take the a

• ' o flh ism ectln gh aven oth ln g to (----------- W hen-a-reporter suggested F> - diplom atic battle over the qii'e

• SovlclUnion.NesMriwamed: ’ 1 - - , ’.'lY ou arcn iak ln fia .lcrrlb lo i ! arcnotgolngwtfl." ■,• N essen aiid other U.S. officla

considered ih'e " ,g (^ BlgiB"‘p> = ^ 1iad iodisputabiy r o b v e d lh m ! i I forh lm a n d a g en era ld eslreto k

w hatever their disagreem ents. 1— The facT Map gave Ford nc

spent with P re s l^ n t Richard M.— The fact Mao invlled Ford

■H-t Nbton^vas pcrmlltcdrand that~-

_____T h efa c l Ihc-Chinese made.:

streets w ere em pty for Nixon'. ".'— And the fact the Chinese tu figure availab le - Including Mt

------ Prem ier Chou En-lal— to grwMl(Continue

R M ^ T e l l *110 surpi

; ^ W A S H I N G T O N - ( U P l T - ^ ^___ T hc-oulgoing-d lrcclnr-nf-tho__

D efense Intelligence Agency . - lo ld .C on gress ...tod ay_U j.S ._

■ m ilitary .-lead ers w ere - not-.' surprised by the 196S Tel of­

f e n s iv e in - w h ic h a .2 0 0 -. ~ A in e r r c a r i« w p s~ d Ic d ‘

m . . ■ ■'iu H B c e lr^ 'to tf ie^ iii iita J fS j i d en t-tn juriei U Joeepb. L. , M lo F «U a .w h ow aaatm B U lk « rlIiPaQaTue•dayt(ternooo^^ - ■ . j

' ' ■ ' 3 :

e l i t e

i < « ia l k s■csldcnl Ford anrt .Miio T.>«-tung of L’.S.-Sovlel dflenlc In ihclr long ;

t officials- said today, docluring II ake" to underejitlmatc the value o fr -

rotary Ron N esscn also conlirmed Iquc to mark any npu- llmaklhmiiflh!;— I the close o f Fo_rt;sj:isil. but h c J n --_ ^ m'any'-'good sl'^ s" (hat sh ou ld ^ of this development.H w c n good“S lgnr-xessen~ to ld— third of Ford’s four daj's In Pckfhg.' ' iP ii:____;____ J_____• ' ____iJ i l -

chC hina h as t>lasted pubild>iduringt= l ith a reporter’s suggestton Iheyliad' • indlng'*asarcsuitoribelrtaIk. lay for one hour and SO minutes — a^■ c .a llin e-a irV car-o ld -C h ln ^ ^ 1. Ford today callcd 11 "a signlllcanl^ •'

ghtseclng. made his comment at the"' of form al talks this morning with *

pInglnFord'sPekingrcsldence. ch speculation Ford’s visit might b e ; :ause of t|}c lack of visible progress' riatlona. '■ . .i~ -,'c aoscnce 01 a c oT n m u tn q u elir ir~

; to do w ith a signed document." xl Ford and-MaoTnifilil-fan-c-had qu '^ lon of U.S. 'reiations wlth.the d: •

iclals licked off a list of w^ial’lh^^*.;'^’. '■ gC M ratrf by.Ford's visit, u tir t',' v: ^ I flc se ^ o displayntnusu'al •wanh’lli“ to keep strong ties wilh Washtngton’': - ts.TbOexam plesincluded; - d ncariy tw ice a s much lim e as he iM .^ ix o n ln 'im . ' . ' • ird to bring along'more aides lhan , -. nr-^in sp lte o X h ls^ ^ h e a lth - h e C f i ;

ida4^ureorow d^fgeflplrtIt )^ lh e"- ‘'~

e turned out everj- major pollilcal r - • ; Mao’s Wife and ihe.u ife of aiilng ■etthe^Fords;^ ^ ; - . : ^ - : ^ n ^ o n p . 2 ) - ,

- alrcraft'w tre destroyed b y th e ' ..c— Vie l Cong. - , . . . .. -------y A rm y-.Lt. Gen. Daniel 0 . \ ■ •■__G raham . testifying before the- -

- House inleU lgcnc% M m m lll^'-:~ r- sharply denied charges b y a - 0 -. f ^ m e r CIA -a g e n t- th a t?- _ Amcricaii'InlcIUgchce'gross^- '-n

^ 'underesllma'led Communist 7 troop strength In the blo w i ^ •, push. And Graham s a r t U H ^ g

____ w as no subsequent c o v e M M K ?thefn cts. -

------- “ Graham . w n o -i8“ s e e k l ^ ' ^early retirem ent, _ a t ta c ic ^ .l_

- . what he called a "lack o f!'^- j a tionalily’' by ihy CIA agen t'. , .

: BWtt I f . w aB'.v.'W irt--...

,: Uie es t lw n l c s T O ^ ^ ^ ^ e * ^ perts. T

"“ C a r s t r i k e s ^ ^ ^

p e d e s t r i a h

TWIN FALi!s - J o s e p h U , : ; Mondragon,. 73; T«'ih F a lls;- ’. ;

.suffered.abraslons-ond ahock*' - w henh lfb i-i^ -au loftiob lle-at-— ?MainAvenuBWeistahdSeiMnd, :'V

' S tree t 'W est';Tuesday. ‘ af*- ; ^- -tem oon ...

• City p o l l i^ l i^ r t e d dragon w a ig S ^ ln g Sccbikli^^i;

. Street W ei$W U K cro8s .w ^ ^ > ' ^- and the

- f r o m 'M in S ^' S t r e e t ' s t o i ^ t n g


Page 2: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

r- fe -------PB K lN G -(O Pli~"irH efM -.........IJ^si-owing «lono-ln-Wkinfr_____ B ^tyyFord lo ^y ;tou rcd Ihe__ (iibl^. and. . qfllledllaancicrilMfrcasuros —' — and--p^gOdfi-roorcd' ar-

■ •■: i • dilleclure '‘(asclnatlng ; \ . uDbellcvablc.”

W re. Ford., f i l i n g n n ew . ' beJted brown m lnktoal which

■ ' J ' - wfli? A.fltl’U c ^

T | — intf FortlJWHiTi Ciiy una snooK. ' h e r head In' awe r a f 'O i?J ' pricclessjadc relics Jhat wier?\ ' Ibo ImpcHal Jev.'cl# ibf • the

_ s.|------C h i n g - ^ —M tn g -d y n asty -:;v • empresses.

. ' Among (he .OOQ art objccts

i^ ^ - .v -M C R T A u c H " — ‘ i f l a - ? n r b " ~ w u r t a u g h r ® * ^ o s a a r r o o i ^

..^erashortillness, r i r “ * > Mr; purtm m Had 1 iy r t in Ida ;;; • ^ ^ - iie came here from Son D : . $ a d re t i t^ f ro m S a n p ie g o C ^ I

\/’-inaintenance’cng(itccrand(or203 ; •: ;»C U. S. Navy.’He beld.thcValiiu

.'.Mend^hi>nava]wrvice.- ..J^Mr.-Durtiam was married lo V

J'^_J|pl^aU.kan..<mAu(5.23.1_9M ,. '• ,fi J!Surviving’a«s his 'wlf6;‘hls '

;; • -Zelma Clark. Pratl;, three »hs

• ®cv.,'Sgl. Ronald Durham with Ih ; ^ood Bndge, England and M )'. Murtaugh; two daughters. Linda r . rihdy Durham: Iwlh'^Turtau^Tu j ; ^ u r HUi. Summerville, N. 11

and six Blstcrsr^anda LKc t ' . Oorothy'M artin, Garden City. K

U Z b g . . C incinnati, Ohio; Ms• *- ■ - * ^ ^ l^ g < ! n ^ - ^ ° ° - » ^ W » ine-.Lltdifli

I; . ’ ^ ^ P u n eriJ^ ^ ^ M ^ rriM ls will bi ■ghrough White Mortuaryr'

■ . . . J RUPERT - Funeral services foi.•Falls. 85. former Rupert' reside

. . g y c sday in Mesa. Ariz.. will b

, - . i Burial will be. ta the Rupcr r-^^-5F^iend9-may^^-a^-th«hil^lpe^F^ ‘ • ^ l y l c e s . ; ■ , •

: . y TWIN FALLS — VeiTJ Ri H oar,!Fa

■ ‘' ’I*''®'’


£ i^WlN for D)39, Twin Falls. Who (|icd Mon

JM d iic te d a( 11 a.m; Thursday ih '.. j f r o r a l Chapel. Burial will be In— r O m e teryTT-” - --------—

r r ^ W D ®—-Coodlnit

- A d m Jttrf-^ -M rs ..E a rl-H o b d o y , Wade-Nelson■ .^Mrs. Delsoii'CrMkmbre. ,Clyde ^

>‘:^D av id Garff. Mrs. John Renner, ijM rs.'D ellG launcr.H agerm nn.,

- S <(• — - ........ Dismissed "- S yMrB;; Miles Burges8.' Mrs.-Bob*l CGoodlng. i L .-1 J .^< 'S ons were bom to Mc.-and Mrs. Ji x H f . and Mrs. David Garff. and M V ^ so n C rc e k n io re . all Gooding.

IWatfig V « llf.v W cin<

,. i s r : ' ■ ■ ' r: A S m iu^- « ^ r a . - G » b e t t P ilerrM rsrR ichart F

^ t a n d s , Dana Cook. Dora Robin _ ^ il^ jC tw li;^c l!P rc sco ttan d Helen Li

4 ^ W r^ lI -K lm b e r ly t-M ii7 -A lf l iH ' •ppfc. Elmer Brown and'traby boyi •DFleyr Kcnnelh To)moR,.Lco Kell jrYoung-«nd-Harley-Davidsonr«i!-Ri ..S SSck Ritey.-Richfleld; Bradley^i :S (Qrrls Grcenwell; both Hazelton; ;• nwmpson. Bliss; Charley Dorn i.Wesley Davis. Wendell; , Hermar .M Jerome, and SbnyitLici^an. Flier. -5 • . ' D ln n lis e d -— . . .■h • M rs.H ow ardR e^.M rs^LarrySl8

;and Mrs. E lm er Helsiey, all Bu Roscfibaunv.Klmberly: M r^.U rnD i Paul; . Jew e ll. Jamieson.- - Murtau

' Beezley and Mark Craig, both Edei . n in e s and Bernard Eiqulst,’ both Bt t DaltoivrJerbme. and Dun FullenTl'up

:SuDDl-.Cl>arltoa .baby-glrl Hyltb Snow.'MnCMortonKi’ahnand'fiori. A

f Botlcber. Jcs$e Wlllhite and Mrs. Ro ' uM tdaughttf.allTw lnFaiis.

V i D aiighten were bom to Mr. and Mi-and Mi

Vwid '■ Mr.;. and M

: - A i;

3ah5 I3VSfle»dayrOe66m"be> 3rl0^

1er ' In the museum is a rivc-ton ig.-.; pioco oi-bloo-Jade encash Jn

.'giass thal took artisans six Id' years to ca'rve.'Sbc Idarricd as. .;*fJ:omJiec5iiilc-haIi r- . "'^Ide that blue Jade Is rarest

and therefore most valuable,• ■ followed by yellow and while

w- Jade. ■,:h .. When she aproach'e<J a huge

11 • 'snillal ainla>jld. 'Jt-h>oks-»ke- It . ho’socci)patted many limes."? ■ ........................ - • ' - •f . “AnotherCOP fund ralscr.” e ‘ 'joked'areporter*y----------“T h e y 'rc T il t 's o 'b c a u t if u irT '

don't knowwhichtdtake.”Mrs. s Ford replied. “Absolulciy

_ . .

i T O - = ^ " ' ~ ^ 7 H a r m m

cr~bDrWm ~ C ~ GOODlSir:rilng at his home ’Gooding, died'

^ Bom July 5,daho Mince July. camc to KimLDiego. Calif. He • Mary Stevensinly as a building They movedlOyearKservedln Goodlng'ining of.UT-l when Dairy for two

work until l9Gf1 Velma I.. Sears Idaho State Sci

•_ _ 'Hayes retired ils mdthef., Mre. of the lOOF Locns. SrSgt. Alien Su^lving orJndlan SpnnBS. GoodTng; onTtheAlrForccat Gooding: onc.-wMike Durtiam. one brother; Wida Durham and ' : one sister,- Meruhairbr6lhcrr'--grafTclchltaronr; three brothers. . He was prccc

•tinmpFtTiOrd. ^ Scrvlcc^lin Heiifleld.'Prati:'.' "the 'Thompson' Kan.: Blanche officiating. Bui Wary Frame. Cemetery- Frit ifl^d. Stafford, - Thursday- after YorkCityr" service time Frii Ix announced.

— 4rvin-OtiBURLEY -

died late Mondi forMrs Mnhio' Hospital of an illi ]"■, Funeral servic^ White Mortuia jn c w S m an-angcmenbi.

crt Cemetery, C*CI, K o s l FYliiuy.prlorio . k,mber1:y~

Kimberly and fi • :. • Magic Vaiiey

evening._______ ; ___ Scrvicfca are.pV59. Salt Lake byPayneMortua Falls.-Tuesday............ -- - • -iwning Freight' O a y l o r d — ’ ■■ TWIN PAl.t,«; :^City. White Twin Falls. diS ' irangemenLs, Memorial Hospiti

...........Services are pe'iHome In Burley.

bnday.-wlH be' - RUPERT —’ In Twin Falls Tuesday at her ho In Ihe Jerome _ Funeral scrvlcj — ;7 ;t>eannourfcod b y i

P f - B w i p. • ......-------------------------c a t t f

on.-bolh Bliss;——Mra.-Lamonl-i Nelson. Mrs. Mrs. Jim Bronson

. all Gooding: P^gy Judd. Howi

' . Augustino EspI J*Meycrr*both— Huntr all'Buriey:

City. Mrs. J.L. Chi:^:crr:______ Paul;JHrs. Manue:Jobn Renner.Mr. and Mrs. . -A son was bon

Hoskins. Burley.n o r i a l ■■______________ — L _ _

IFrcyrBraay------- -->lnson, Uoyd _ jay K.' Uckie. Laurence, all Swcetrall Shc I ■ Di^ Uaifc Durfo

y Garrrtl. .all Straub. Htx 6. Kenna, strain.Jerome

wllnand Mrs. AmoId'Batcmni n; Mrs. Joel Madson. Abdclme rman. Buhl; Jerome, lan Pctzoldt.

■ Sons' were bon-- ----- -----Brownlee.. RIchfIc

5l8sonondson Straub.Buhl: DelmaD uff a n d sofl. •augh; Heidi • M.I«W«den: Blanche .Burfey: John . ..Laur^-JbrdoV- 1 Rlchling..JMrs. WMld Cotter, all Rupert. - Ronn Phillips j

, John Schctllcr. 'Mn Rirhr.«i ®ch«id.- Sharon AMrs. GOrton Lillian Packer. RiMr^uw^rs----- Hej^m:---------------d Mrs. LarryMra. James ^ dau^ter was'»


on oxqui8lte^ irs_BQ _m uchJoLj In - tem ptation— Ith ln k l'm golnf

six to h ave to go shopping (hi!ed aft(Smoon:” “ --------- — :•—4 e ~ ' — con stn ic tio ft^ o f- the F or S t bidden Clly l>cgan In Ihe third le. '.Ming D ynasty In HM. Oncc le the official residence of cm-

■ perors, tho, palace w as off 3e lim its to =all bul the highest

te------ laopen^o^hfroithlle-. ■■ ~t__It Is situated Jn the oldest

• section of Peking. Irt-''the ” - m anner 6 fC h 'in c« boxes, the

Inner C lly contains the Im- ■1— p cr Ia rC Iiy r w T )m ~ Irr :iu r n ' i. surrounds tho Forbidden C ily .- y Mre. Ford passed the Hall of

. , O ■ ' : ^

>n-|—Hayes .. - —r ? [( a r m o n U Roy r t;w rH a v ^ 6l^ ?d Tuesday following a short illness.’ 5, 1910 lo Uticp. K a a . M r.^hiycs mberiy in two.. He w as marrit-d lo ns on April 22. i i t w in Tvyin Fails, d to Twin F alls In i<MO then to iW3. He worked at the R iverside •0 years then > ent 1nlo,corpen(ry 9G6 when he w ent to work for the School for Ihc D eaf and Blind. Mr, d in July. He w as a past noble gm nd vodRc'; ■■ ■ - ••ore arc his w ife ,, M flc y J ia K S ^le daughter. EVa May SavJt’o.} .-wn. Henry Lee H ayes. Pocatello; William H ayes. Wichita. Kan.; and V!cma E yaas.'W lchU a: and f iv e -

^ccdod in death by four sisters ;ind

in 'C hapel with Rev. Carl '.wiide’ Jurlal will be in ih e Elmwood 'riends m ay call at the chapel tem oon-nn d;p vpjiln g- and imtil • Friday. ' -

^ i s t c n s c T i ---------------------------

- Irvlh C hristensen. 79. Burley.' n d a y a t M agic V alley M emorial illness;v icesw iilb oh eld ln P ocn le llo , tuary w as in charge- o f -localr

s len b a iiid er ; — C.C, K ostenbaudcr; 67. •

I former Paul ly tid en l. died al .' M emorial H oi^ lta l' Tuesday ■

; ppnrting nnrf wIIl-'kA npnmir^p^ , luory, Burley. -'

r ii ir jo h n s o n.S -i- .G a y ln rr t U Jnhnson. 6 4 .-^ id Tuesday nIght-oL M agic .V alloy)ltai aft(?r a shortmrtcssr^------------ ^pen d lh gatM diuIloch’s F u n e r a l^

•' r>__

- A m y N ix.' 71. R upert, diedhom e. ..........................Icpsand a com plete obituary will )yW alk-Ilanseh Mortuary. ■■

M t t f f l D s :

iKNia M e m o ria l V-- : ..............■ Admitted

l-H osk lns.-M r s—G ale-G arrelt;— an . Colin D ecker. Hazel Hobson; ward Hopkins, nfl Burley.

Dism issed splnosa, Carl H e^ w rg . -'Mary y:-E llzabelh-B lfllne .-S u ll-l,a i(e rhavolla. M rs. Ron M cKay, boihu c lM lc h o l.D e c lo ,-— ........

B irths • ' - Io m to Mr. and M rs.-'Lam onl ,

■ . , - ' ' ’ • ' I

Admittede. M rs. Ho.ward Adkins. Brandv ?bo^On^:~Mrai::subafr-Peraiqr fee. .bolh Wendell; M rs. Tom ;

3. -Warren Tayjor. M re. B e tic \ n c . _ . . . . . . . . '^ I 3 D f in l« e d ----------- "rtOrt.--teri7Sthh-dlec7Mr27Pain~' mejld Dalfl, Deim ar: F oip t, all *

Births ' . . ' ■ - • o m lu M r.'an d M rs, D ennis . I ficld.nnd-to.M r,.and-M rs^R icjc__J

' . - ■ - c

^ o k a N r m o r ia l t

Admitted ‘ • . ' ri .-R ob eftrC iark r-b o th -Paul: ~ i, i, H eybum : M aude Brock. - i g..Trum an Lafforty. M argaret - - gt . - • u

D ism ln ed ' . ' r. Glen Huntsman. A M, Hen- !!

Vogel, M ildred • M arkiand. ,, ertrude Rathtf, a ll H eybum ; ^ Rutyrt. and D oyiene My ers. -

. Births' “ rIS bom to Mr. a n d Mrs: Robert Jj

iL a — Suprcn?e, Ha m iony ^ F ^ t - o f - ) i n g - the eerem onlal? h a lls - in the' (his Forbidden City. In front Is a------ -huRc-bron2e.rxmne,- :-sym--''6 r-“ — b oH zin ^ b o th -s tr cn g th ' and- lird longevity.ncc The. m ain entrance to the ;m- walled a n d -m o a ted c ity Is off through ih e Gole of.H eavenly

lest P eace. A huge, ornate stone

’ I m n ^ V i t t l f i r H n r f n ^ n r l cst emperors against ofHclal Ihe .. . -the Nlrs. FoM also saw a garden m- in the Winter'Palace in the frn northerrt“SecOoirof”ihc For- y .— bidden Gltyrlts highlight Is the' of ■ Chiu 'Lung PI, or "Nine

Draeon Scrren'' - a Ming

dragons la sh in g about in groen - . w aves.w hpse tiles rctali^ th elr '

brilliant co lors aft?r vmore-^ lhan three centuries.

• _ .^ Mra^,.,,FiJrri w n s - m s i in g -

that th e EirsU^am lly had l» e n _ ; G.r •'fium m onC dtQ ih ^resld cn eg .fl£_ s. Mao Tse-tung. fa th er of the c s C h i n e s e . . C o m m u n i s t ' lo •m ovem eiit. '

Is J Mre. - F o r d ’sqi'd she .w as — t„ i m p r e s t by the strength and'

health o f (AbailingiBl.-year-oid -ch a irm a n .d u rin g her 15*

’ ifllnute v isit wilh daughter'. Susan..

^j . j'U w a s ve ry exciting.” sh e

t ; Detente .d • • . . ■

^covered—^ H i P f a l k s|! (Contlnuedfromp.l). . N essen sa id he sym pathized . . . "• - -With rep oriers frustrated o v e r —

the- scare ity of Information . availab le on Ford’s m ee liogs-

— ^ th -C h im r s- lp g a c r s r B tirTn;— , , said th is suited Ihc paltcrn of ; .Sino-A m erican diplom acy and’' [slgn lfied nolh in gsln lslcr .- A s e nior American officialJ ■ WJi6 tnrvels aboard Secretary - ^ ol"Statc Henry A. K issinger's------pljn e su id tliG'tWD Biflgi! IMI------------ thcy necd se c recy to e xpress— ^

them seW es- frankly on con-

Ford.put in anbther full day I . o f diplom acy and protocol at a / - p ace - that M om cd to .b o

fat|Buing-.hlm . starting with t - ^ lh e —m ocnlng—m eetin g—with— :

Teng. _ _ _ .Eittle' information hos ^ n •

— dlscloscd-o,inhe7SUbslan?b~oT— . lone of these t a lk s p e r h a p s ' • •

_^ b «ca u s< iJ h c teJ sJ ltlIc jD o m J o r _ ^ -..-.-■agrccmcnX o n ’su ch .'m a jo r - ^ 8 3 u e s “a s-U ;S 7 ^ v ie t-ilc lc n tc — -S c , and A m erica’s Taiwan policy____ Tho Whitp Hnusfl- m erely^ -"

described this round o s •'«_\iuiitinuBtion o f“ SlRnlficant

uiscussionii on a wide range o i ■ Issues.”

' Then. In nip id succession. ■Ford conferrpti for two hours on_U>S._-J>udgGtary.j.problemK -

• with an aide; tram ped through ‘*tho'Stuffed anim al and com ­

munal farm of an agriculture ■ exh ib it, a ttend ed an Informal "

dinner thrown in his honor; and w atched a n e xh lb ltio i^ o^ ping pong and. gym nasti’c s .lh i

- P ck ing’ssp ortsaren a:--------------........ Ail th is ac flv lty seem ed to b e ' .

taking its toll bn the President___^nnd_on dnughierS.Usan.-------F o r d .- i ip p c a r s - t l r c d - a n d - ^ ,

som ew hat som ber — not his usual sunny M lf . . When he grab'bed a.25im inutc'c‘at nap . d u r in g t h e d a y . p r e s s ,

“ “se cr e ta ry R o n 'N esscn sa id :— f-” 110 needed it .” ] ________- _____ ^

A n ^ 'u s n n ..i8 . bowed out of th e 'd inn erand sportseven tsin the evening. “ Susan Is Just ,, tired,” N cssen sa id . -jj

— @ ^ (£ ;[ j L1ooo I------Vic Do.ihl plnvlnff Vnue— ^- sem ald” to tiny cold co lt a t .5* *5

Jl«d .T roxcl|i c rapirif« ■ I A Z ! S d b & r o m l! 5 a m i> o r _ a

picking up m all at form er ^ a d d r e » . . . Ciarabeli N iven ^

—wall plaqueW’rEveiyn-Winiiers—Jrt and Robert Gosklil eiijoying ^ outing to Bucley . . . Mildred ^ Esiinger. checking with friend -• about weekly meeilngs. Joe •

; G ulick sh ow ing handm ade ■ ^ —project-TT-r-HarrfU*-Lancaster— ^

com paring h is hislory with ^ that o f other county clerks . . . ' Lyla Murphy adm itting, sh e ^also cooks at hom e____ Jerry ^D om pler .talking ol' form er’. J

' Jobs aSa* places ' . Doris" McCord greetin g n e l^ b o r . ' . . ^

"S hlr’l e y ' Cr'andair 'acM plliig • both com pllm bnts and Insults ^

• very gracefu lly . . Ed Bally • w rein xtn g'. a . R uth'W oodrtiff*’* m aking happy plans . . . J im .'W M esM rsm lth-nishing e a r ly in ; m

-Jhem D m infe— Jindovoirheard-— ■•No. "you can 't put up * ^ C hrislm as tree yet. even If' '“ they arc on sa le now .” ^

Is a •



~ r>Ine

jr e -^

« n _ _

S t '

a s ' ~

d . . .r — --------- ■/— !-----

r - ■5 . B e tfv ForH exa f ih P e k in g ’s FoiJ - - -


l___Missed b:‘ .ELKO. N ev. ( U H l l - i h l r i y

feet of c learance In the fllghl patfToI a Scenlif A irlines plane

' would have averted a crash ' . w hich claim ed lls two oc-* cupants. according lo ol>*J .se rv e rs a t the site.* T h e bodies "01 piio i Bin_ .'S tevens,. 31,' ,L as-V egos .-on d—

■ Charrlol Ifaves. .li. Qcala._ F la ., w ere airlifted Tuesday

' m orning from the aircraft ■—^wreckage-near-the-lO.OOO-foot- -

. ridgeofth cR ub yM ou nla ins.* "If-hc'ltlicpllo trhad lwcn‘3 0 ~— r fee l jilg lie r-o r W fcot m ore lo.._ ;-- - th e le f i rK P tl have c leared .’' ' ,! ’ Kild E lko sheriffs deputy'.

coordinate the search from an A lrK orcc helicopter.

T iie 'p la n e d isa p p ea r ed S u n d a y inorn ln)!; on a

— regulttrly— sehtKltiled— HlfjhI-

“ MI A <- ____ WASHINGTON (U P I) - A ___ H ou se^ .com m ittec.._ 8e ck lng

Inform aliononA m erlcanssU ll - •m issin g in Southeast Asia announced today il will moet .

; zd n iP a r is :D e e r a :w ith :o f f lc la ls z = from North and South Viet­nam .

R.op. -G .V . M ontgom ery.• D M iss., "chairm an oT the ;

-_ ..l.O n jC m b c r i; f lo u sc ...S e le c t C oniinillee on-A !lssin g Per-

- - - s o n s in Southeast A sia, said the jiioellng •‘will be on- an Inrnniiai basis wlth'hopcs that Ihtso iiililal d iscu ss io n s .w ill’ If;;... ,u O fficiil talks between

C h|-I$tm as.

^ 'S t o o t o s i o o_ I M a t u r d a y , - ^ ^I 1 ._ D E C .6 ______

W 9 tq O T 0 3 : 0 0 '

v^-IWstaias X C t n t e r p i e c f l S '

•G litli*•PolriMi

Q S S f / U tk ]O U 5

O u r i

•-DeEttie's-- W - t — r 4 2 3 - 4 l 7 . f r — 3 U A

‘ K im barly

J ' v ' \ '• '

i t a i h i n e s s t a t u e — '—

o r b i d d c n C i t . v

ly 30 feet__r “ .' fTOW Las vcgas lo e iko. Eai-iI H a i l . S e n ic 'A ir lin es ad - c m lnlstralor. said : "The oir-II , cro ft w as on approach and ils

last contact w as with the Elko >■ tow er forlan ding Instructions,

There w as no Indicalion ofW------ r?(SQEIe7’----------^ ^ ^ —d---------Seorchers;— ham pdred ' for'I.____ mort»-lhnn n day-by-fo'g-and-Y snow, w ere guided lo the. Site t by the plane’s em ergency t— b caconr—S p okesm en^-'SB ld .-

how ever, although the beacon J— guided them to wiihin yords of

__ th c loasb JU w asn ot-actu a lly ---' , spotted until Tuesday mor^ '■ ning. • ' ■ '

1 rescue team had to cut the. front portion of iV p lo i ie away

I to free the v ic tim s who died onI im pact. They w ere taken lo a n- Elko m ortuary, - — -------------

ieting^^t •o u r c o m m it te e an d top

.govem in ont leaders .of North . ondSoulhV letnam .^’

The panel postponed a .Nov; 24 -P a r is m eetin g a t . the

:=rrcqucst:of;N orlh^V lotnam xto=: a llo w its am b a ssa d o r lo F rance to return from Hanoi and Join thcralk&

: ■ '-‘We believe this sign ifies a : ._ ;_ w ll lln g n cs s .-o f ' I h e .T J o r l l i . .

V ietnam ese lo begin a frui.lful dialogue on the MIA m ulier'ln relation lo other issues the North V ietnam ese consider^ Importanl ’ tb them ." so ld ' Montgomery.-. . -

o tn -------B E * *-|yUliM*n * -X '.-

a y it w i th , r F l o u - e m " %

i Plojral'. jf♦ M a l n N o . ^ - ^ ^ i J- S ^ -

p:;K M ttsp

I r ' B y i i l i l lU d P m l i i t c n u l im B - ~ • H eavy rains pour«I~d6wn i

.rfhe sto rm -M a k cd -.P a c ll ■ . Northwest T u e^ a y night ai■ today; driving at least 2 H -tom llies froni (heir hom es ■ - w este rn W ash ington ai■ washing out highw ays fro m the Canadian border-to Pc

tland .dre. '• r — ..* -;,lo 'od w .A lers o l . 11 B .-' Stiliaguamlsh R iver isolali

— th(T1 0 WfroT~D£lriHhgt6rt~ K ' \ . S n p h b m l s .h C o u n t ] ^T“ '^^'^Wadilngton,'fof'5cvera l houiH . The m ayor of A bcrdee■ .Wash., declared, h is city■ . -. d isaster area and asked, ti B — ,, gOYcrnorfflrHnrinrlnlhpIp,■ High lld es , wind and ra■ cau sed flood d a m age a . . Aberdeen. Downpours waslii S oul Stevens f’ass. the ma a . link bciN ^ h -E vcrc tt.,W a^

uflsferi r p a r r q n i» state.

— »‘i ’y c _ i y f p -w o rk ln r'h M •,** 'since 1he highway opened :

' 1M2 and .lt has never bee g - .' -closed for a wash6ul bofot^ g .W o o d y E l l i s , - h lg h w a■ ' .departm entiupervlsor'T orlh8 pass.sald .^ A sla te highway official I i S e a ttle sa id th e re w er■ “ m a j o r p r o b l e m n everyw liere.”I "Roads are closed up an S ^ ^ - ^ w n - t h ( r s ia i f t t * r r o m •• thI ---------Canadian borderfoPortl'ond^I he sold. An official in Sullar I Wosh., called ll ‘‘the v.yn S'" flooding In 40 years.9 Tho w el, su llij /'w e a th e I replaced a wintry storm thu J .. .; sw ept th e area earlier , thl

" DisclosiI W A SH IN G T O N (U P IJ-S i;I. '^ llb cra l'm em b erso fU icS cn flli Ju d ld B iy -C o m m tttee - todoj

asked that Supreme Cour---------nom inee John P. S tevens full;— — dlsclo scn h ev8tflte-of-h !s^t«r

sbnai heallh and finances anc l i s t m a j o r c l i e n t s h(

____ rep rcM n led asa iaw yer.In a le ller to ;-Choirmar

Jam es 0^ E astland. D-M lss. Ihe s ix said they w ere hopefu: in a i the com m ittee '‘wiii

m -------conduct—l h» - mo8t thoroughpracticable Investigation" ol

r_------- the-nom lnatlom m dTcqucstccI,: specific Inforinatlon In several

S 'jg President Ford nominated

f Stevens, a m em ber of the 7th--------- C lrcu it-C ourt-of-A ppeais.-lo

- ■ su cceed -'- r e t ir e d —J u s t Ice William 0 . Douglas.


)n ^ - r . . of * :iy ‘-':~®55~— - ,- - - r=: g HUGH li. PH IL l

'y M ' ■ '

P . cfflld vni Inlying? Is

" P jTTLnsweja ^ -^'S-1— - l :

J | T At Wliite'Hor I complete sen ‘ r- ' 1-tasKel

I i 13-llse'iif:Hg

I services at '^ '^IIP SSS-'

W H''The'chape! 136-4th AVE. W

---------- PHONED. »irwMn<


^ o rtfe^ esttlona* w eek and w as Warned for wn oh least four deaths;B c lf ic - - " ~ ^ r c h - p a r t i s a n • Oregi It and ' and.'-W ashln^bn''iool(^ f it 200 m ountain clim bers mlssli le s fl\ ~ s ln p Sunday’5 storm plli

arid abbut. a fool o f snow In from ^ r g an iu an d r ifls . • - •

i_Por-____ ■ cUmhcrs wer«> fnm. . .on M l. S t. H elens'in soul

” n r e — w fisiem -w ttsm n gto im orm) la le d ' others were m issing. ■>rt In ■ ‘ ■ A 50^(bot w iod plIfrigTjHdj n I y . . n e a r E llen sb u rg , W ash louRr-^cotlflpseaTueM fly,"!!!^?!^'^ decn7'' M ilwaukee Road freight tra ity a and .four crcwm en.lnto rai; d. the sw ollen Big Creek. No one w:Ip > - g/irlniKly ln}iir-»rf

rain AiifhoritlM said the engir c .a t . hadju5 tpu illcdonlothchrtd( [ t s l i c d .w h e n the stru^tiiro gave wa; m ain T h e engine, two other engine / a ^ . . _ ^d .a-n aL carp lu n g i^ d Jn tn ih r i l f e ’’“ O T canf‘and”ro boxcare wer

_- strevin down the e mbapkmen

' r"On<JTninUie-ine brldg&^a t h e r e - t h e next I I - ^ n ’l.

engineer John R u sc lo .. •- More iHSn eight Inches c

.rihrt - .rain i>as. fallen at Stamped T - - P a ss, Wash,, In the past tw

doys. The rains and -risini • tem peratures m elled the sno\

. depth from 40 to 24 inches li ' "? * about 48 hours, feeding thi

. ■ flood waters.and j ______ ____________________:__I h e ' y ' ^ b c a F ' a u t h o ' r i i r e s li

in d ^ y — Washington ~%‘en; advlsed-t: I ta n J carry olit evacuallons a vprsT . necessary. Waters rose thre

■ inches In 30 minutes while nin ither fam ilies and Kveslock w-er that’ . tak en ou l In Snohom isI t h i s . . County. . ' ...............

sUi'tj asked-S ix A lt h o u g h D e m o c r a lh note'..^ leadcrs-havc expressed som< ? d a y - ^ o u br - thutTrStevens can Pt 'ourt- approved before adjoummeni fully — targeted for Dec. 19 —.the pcrT-.~Blx1 nslsted-m iin i«!irrcquesi and for Information u-ould no'i h e d e la y t h e c o n f lr m a t lo r

proceed in g ,

man n o /fl

Sii Ibff-fiisirglU * ^ 1 N - FALLS - Parents , ^ W ilhoul>artncrs-w lll prcseiil

___ E fl« lfi_ C iilb e jtlM n _ jil_ th .e• ^ m onthly m celing. Thursday al

8 p .m . at the H r s f Christian _ 0»urch . Her lopic will be

“ Good Nutrition When 'Under Stress," All m em bers and

r * ” ~ ~ n n c rcs le y p e rsons are Invited lo 'ollendrC all » ' « 6 8 or Tit-

-----------CMS for m ore information--— ^

L u p s ' : " I


ou tell' me wliat I am i IsJt lust the casket?......p

lortiiai)f , il ;iiiclpiles a ' f, ervice wiiicli means: |

U a i l e s s i e B a l 4 e t v i c e - ' ^ S

Iflrtaafy FacllilSs___ Ima l o n w i i i l e s - - — '

It HViilte Mortgarv: i f ->BM=«6!SWIIp


lel by the Park" ■- , ^ EAST-TWIN.FALLS . '

r 7 3 3 . 6 B 0 0 - ---------- ---------- M

r < S ........... ■■’ IlicrEDMORTiaAKS ^

Page 3: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

n s q i i e a k s iWASHINGTON (UPI» - Pn

p r o p e l lo help New Yor( banknip lcy with up to *2.3 bi

' 'r ep a y m en t fedcraltoans f i is squ, thrHm ig l»g[i:vH t M . ~ ------------

■ U w as scheduled to com e up — SciM tc, where up to five filibuster

Ford's change of heart on feder York C it y failed" to"'sw ay "

. I^ u b lic a n s ; Only 38, Including Ycrlc state , voted for his bill while D em ocrats supported ilb y a

The Senate Is'ex'pccted to p a ^ tually, although Sen. Jom ea Allen threatening a filibuster, enough tc consideration unlll Friday.

- However, Sen. Harry Byrd, Jr. 1

Senate Dem ocratic Whip Robcrl — sa ld -four- additional ic lo lu rc—v<

required after' Friday to se ttle thi pass the required appropriation provide the m oney for loans'.

H the Senate dem onstrates. ( support for tlw measure. Byrd said tactics m ay end.

Demos, W A SH T N G T O N luP ir - ITic D em ocratic .governors h ave de< backing any of .the party’s 10 candidates a l this tim e because U som igh tsp litth ep arty .

N ine candidates were q u lu ed b: of the Dem ocratic Governors

--------- T u esd .8 y 7 -T h c -1 0 th ,^ o v — Ocoi-------- sn ub bed-th c public'sasB lon-jfte— colleflgufts_iat^a^.dvote:»uncheon

knew w here he stood.-T h e confcrencG w as concluding t

. governors approving a numlKr of i •loplcs o f their conccmi-lnrliitling and federal-state relations.

Conference chairman Philip Ni-------- Island sa ld abou tu dozen of the gov

have'feone along with endorsing c ■candidate, .but the m ajority felt would provoke other D em ocrats governors w ere trying todrctate a c

But he said the-gpvernore’ end< didatc would be a "legltfrna'tc polltl

---------n a i . su m n iR rs n n l i p n i O - ^deadlocked.

: 'iTjc governors found general am ong the candidates that m ore iol the rcecsslqn, help balance the fe

Billicillstra d fe law s

WASHINGTON (U P I)’ -- - Pnngrocg hi>n fn

dow n S tate "fair trade" low s s th a t 'a l lo w m anufoc tu rers to

s e t th e prtce 're lallere ' c an-------c h a r g e for their products. ..

. The bill .w o s approved b y vo ice vote in Ihe .Sen a te lu esa a y and'sertt l611ir W h U e ;=

• -H ou se:-- P resid en t—F ord rris - ' ~ c x p e c t c d to s l^ it .

■The legislation repcois the exem ption from antltnLst.laws: that oilow ed states to Impose

— ^ • f o i r — tr o d e ”-^ ia w 8 .— T h e —_____exem ption had been granted ,

tw ice by Congress after the , Suprem e Court ruled the state law s Illegal.

Id e ffcct. the '.‘fair trade"'— law'^OFCfrcompeliagrreleilers—*’ lo c h a i ^ Id en llc a ljr lc cs <or ■

the sam e product, thereby ovoldlng prlcccom pctlUon.

Com prom isf vole slated

WASHINGTON' lU P l) - H ouse'and Senate conferees, stym ied for tw o months on whelher to keep antlbusTng

.. Jonguagc in a legislation to fund two government agon-

House m ake the decision.Tliu House w as expected to

_ _ v o te ..R rld u y .1 .00 .J h e ._ c o m - -_ . prom ise appropriations bill for : the Ifepartm cnts of Labor and

— -W clfarerThirScraitc-w iit-votc—early next week. Fast action Is

-------mw icd-to avold a pocket v t t o r -by President Ford when the •

- ~ ~ ru m »nt •CA<uilfla~~ftr~ rnnpr«.«ii —en d s later this month,__

• T h c P rc s fd e n t is e x p c c ie d to v e to th e m oney .m e a su re

Aid s ^ i i g b t —

MIAMI* BEACH (UPI) ' T h e n o t io n 's R ep ub lican m ayors h ave urged their D em ocratic c o l l e a ^ to Join

: -th em tn-pcrainding Congress - to y o n t their request for a c o n t ln u a t lo n - o f f e d e r n l - • revenue sharing funds.

A pan etof live GOP mayors, !*peak>ng T u esd oy a t the

• convention ^ o f ' the, National ■ -L e a g u e of Cities, blasted som e

l i ___m em betkflf Congress for th e ir__opposition to , Hie funding program^ . saying-: they ■ arc

‘ ■'reluctant to relinquish their ,■ 7 i> 'w er .’; ; * .

J* ; ’

^ t f e p Q u g h BPresident Ford’s . ^N ew York < Drk C ity -a v o id ‘ .T u esd ay nighft bllilon- in .quick o u rse lv ca a sm e

iqucakcd tKroueh reporters Ford - ••notnmggocs'wup today In the C arey M id tS le r sh ia y a w a ltlt . -• isn orcsu rgcoce

" ease , the'clty w( i w ia id - f o r New_— counting on top i nia'ny House . U nder the, bli

ug 12 from N ew Sim on can make lie too opposed it; brief periods dv< ^TOitinriiln.tss the bill even- B u i the loans i en, I>Alo..' was revenue com es I 1 to delay further — -ca c h fisca l year.

F ord opposed p. D-Va., another • .W ednesday wheU ttiT ^lJliniSi.......— iJBllRMtSeir oule rtB yrd , W.Va'., c ity , taxes wen rV otes-m ay b e - tn is lcesJcn U h i: tho Issue and to declared a mor Ion m easu re’, to bllilon in bonds < r - yeors.

I. overw helm ing In Ihe House aid. the delaying desultory, and c

• am ong Republlci

i duck panTie nation 's 36 and fight innallo 3Kld<^ against GovTJatncTE 10 presidential, candidate.w h o

: they fear to do J im m y C arttr o'l . he look a stand

I by 20 m em bers favorite projects Its C onference . Carter ^ I d li corgc—Wallaccr'— sh oald-gctn hc"! f t« r -te llln g -h l8 —.-h a v o cnough-tax

program s, g today with the But, the candic }f resolu tlonson ' le g is la t io n ,' divi i f tJ h E m m a m y " — con grcsilon a ile i

of gaso line would N oel of R hode _ Sen. L lo y d ^ e

governors w ould " veto a'gasollhe'n ; a presidential Jnd lan a said he cit su ch nc'tlon Jackaon said thi ts who felt the inflation. Rep, M a candidate. ' and coal" w(^uld idorslng a 'can - the energy probic lltlcal option” If F orm erG ov .T ;on v e n tlo n Is M id a ' “ Manhai

develop so lar ^ rai agreem ent H anhatian Proje job sw ou ld cu re developed thc-pti federal budget l i . - .. .

m. - - ■ Over

we introdi____ n c h -c o f f s G

• >_

[iouse: .G o v .' Hugh Carey saf3^ a fter' It's House vote, “ Wo.'wlH.’ij^ e c m .' T im b c K o ttha U nlon J l3u th c*Jtold- ird's plan would work only T f

the rescue pian woum .iuu irUicrie ice la thenatlon alcconom y. In .that- w on'tco llK tth e tax'rcvenues it Is •pull through', he said.— — ,— — bill, Treasury Secrotory Wllliam • ike loans of up to $2.3 blllipp for the over the next 30 mbtitlw wheii N ew ixpcndlturcs excced its revenues. s m ust be repaid quickly w hen", s In and com pletely b y the etid ofar; . - _ ■ - — ......ed federar Intervention unlll lost hen he said. ''New Y ork Cj ty has

■ere raised, union pension-fundlh ex lly_tl5_b lllloh-an o-sta le__lorotorlum on repoym cnt of $1.3 Is com ing due ovor'Uie next three

ISC, the hours of debate were 1 conslsted.m ostiy of a r g u m cn lsl - licans.

:*ty splitillon. . ’•/

10 !‘llt a fire” w as form er Gov, r of Georgia, but that-was bocnuse id opposing one of Ihe governors' .■ d s . federal n>venuc sharing.I local governments, not states. c-fcd er a rm o n e y rH c'sa id -sta re ir^

rv nccd to-ralse m onov-fnr social -

dIdates were m ore split on energy livlding on w hether, proposed lcglslatlon .rolling.back .thc.prico— Lildbehelpfui.Bentsen of T exas^sa l^ h e ^ o j^ d __j rollback. but Sen. Blreh Bayh of he would s ig n ' It. Son. Henry the rollback would help control Morris Udall sa id ''conservation

ild Ik the short term, answ ers to - blem .. Terry Sanford of North Carolina hattan. p roject for energy" In ,. energy Is needed. The original

atom ic bomb durlne World War___

8 E ^ =^ 6 2er94;yeareagb;.duce(j a great. • ■ ' .e e . l . _____ ; ;___________________ _

■ ••

J ______ _______________________

n _ ' . .

n '

il - B icentehhiaU B E R T Y B E L L oi

natlonai Christm as ti W b lteH ou selsW ssh l 45 foot u n blue sp ni

----------- „ ^ , _ 4 . 6 0 0 colored Ilghts^J_ . . , . C hrW m ai P a g ea n fe

and Jack F ish , direct y P ark s, exam in e th e ir

Genelics oORLANDO. F la. (U P h - A ___

J -. p a n e l , o f . m ed ica l. sc ien tists . .J

, cause o f concer m ay bo m ore '• I e ffecjiyc In the long run. than '. I r y in g ■ to e iim ln a te can- <

.c er '< ^ ^ ln g agents from, the ' . I I envlronm enl.r— — R ti d I n t i o n ~ a n d ~ s o m e — <

. chcm lcals are known lo causc cancer, but researchers al- 1

i tending a natlonnl conferencc i I ._on can cer -an d gen etics-sa id "J

■Tucs^y cancer dcveiopm enl / is a com plicated process thnt <

, s tarts with flaws In the basic gen e llcm a k cu p o fce lls . . i

* fo npw. m uch of tho w ar t ' a g a in stc a n c c i'h a sb c cn a im e d -- I

------atnr<ffitirrm 5irgnan cIesT i'rtef^

S I W l- ------------ Now we’re Intr

a great; rich (jecaffe___ instantcoffee.____________l 2 l - 1 — ■ ' Tty it-torhorrov

,'W % cAffein free

. . . . . - ■ f '

ial~VuleLI. ornam ent Is p laced atop .the' . a s tree on the E llip se neiar the ruhlngton , D.C., iW sd a y . The sp n ice will be decorated wtth .its.-John W. D ixon, head of t h e ---------a n fo f P ea c e C om m ittee, left. ’llrector o f the' N ational Capital______h e tr e e .tU P D

draw eyeV they are ou f of 'conlml. and . s ’ ...try ln g .to clim lhate.thc a gen ts- -— lii thuunvlnjiiini-iii Hiuitrituia — i som e form s of cancer.1 * “ You're going to have lo - control one after another of -.> ■ IheM , and the . w ay the en -—

■vlronmonl Is going I don’t ; — think that's going to make the— » 's lightest 'in road ." said Dr.. Kurt HIrschhorn. head, of> m edical genetics ot Mt. Sinai 1 'S ch oo l of M edicine In -New I Y ork . "You have lo take t another opproach."; H e sa id more cffo?< should

be spent on studying Ihe cbiis ■ thom selyes td se c whal hap- !— IMillJitutlmli Inteliial sU udure— r— th an flvcs-tn m ron rreo tiioT zr”

I I .I n t r o d u d i i ga f f e in a t e d *

trrow , — -------------------------- ------- -------

r e e c o f f e e

____ ^ A S m N G T O N V uP l),..:^ 1y j « e ssary to prevent evcrvoht

■y SpCrling upward In January fa• battles on the House floor, wll

trying to attach a celling on fc: and liberals trying to strenglher

provisions. ■Debnt.o w a8 ,schcdulcd .to begi

: t o d a y - D m m n r r r ^ o lax" revli — g tc5-oir .tim;m3inumKand u ich l

• ThiirsrfnynrFrlfIn;- --------- B efore tho dcJwle.-Republican!

overturn a House RulcsCommltti denied Uicraltlie r ig liL too ffcrJ i

•• proposed S395 billion spending ■ am endm cnM othelaxb lli: '

Ford has said he would veto (> not contain the ceiling on fiscal 19

----- - -t r tl0:t im iS Vassed. lax c“D cc. 31 and all Income tax witlihq

‘ r ise; " • . 'Internal Rcvenue X o m m lss

-A lexander s a id Tucsdaii.Ciingrg

p ossible lo calculQto -the corre •p rotcs.forth e firBlslxjnontha of thi

Tfieatmei“ ‘T E D W O O D . CITY. Calif.

(U P I) - Pa’trlcia Hearat. whom defense. attorne>’s say w as brainwashed into Joining, th e te r io r is t Sym b lon ese

l-LM ratipn__A rm i;._has-bcgun ; , p sych iatric treatment, in Son

M ateoC ountyjail.

The 2i-year-oId newspaper h e ir e s s b egan tre a tm en t. T u e sd a y n igh t w ilh Dr. E lizabeth Richards, a San

. Jo se . Calif., psychiatrist.--------D eferise-rattorney— A jbeft—

. J o h n ^ n sa id D r.R Ich ard sw as .' t h e .. n r s C j s y c h r a t f l s C th C ' ^

^ ^ His Christm

A t ; . .

“ • “ P U t l i r e f l v e F r«®

G i f t W r a p p i n g

V ' w h a t t ^ i ^ iB d l l

- - c l o t h e s r s f l g c t —

" ^ o T H i e T i p f f i e l ^

.... AndtodayX;.,:.l._d o t h e s a r e ' •

- - ^ F c D f a h ; ' ;— y'-~-r

f a r S. Y o u j u s t c s i n ' t v ' . v ,' b e a t ' e m ;

L«ff u r* J a c k a tf* - f ro m $ 2 2 .5 0 ^. S la ck ! ( r o in . $ 1 2 .d 0

U o Y o u rK o p a V i J:------------ O p tio n C h a r g r O r " ^ ^

Y o u r B a h k c a r d i

• WodhoscJay: Doo6ffib«t3. t975

Eneasiijpe fj

The legislation ' ' ltlsaf<ireg{one’s taxc.s from------thc bill into l\'tw o m ajor • ' tax-cut-sccilo with Republicans th e tax revislo t federal spending . The cuts e.«is henltstax .refd rm both Indlvldu

. current rate. ieeln'ln .the-H ont>i— nut lihorj} cvlslonTilli, F in a l" whar'the Sori -■ mil are expected ilouse';-a

nns-wcrc trytng fb ’ poncnls-of rcl ilttee decision that : Ihey feel. •-RresldcnrFord's. V :'.' 'T iie lilie'ral: ing celling as an . curbs on real

• m inimum • t; oO ie bill if It does withholding I 11977spendlnR, . foreigners, ell X cuts will uxplre capital los,ses hhqldlng ra les w ill, , e ffect .of curl

porters,ilssioner Donald In addition g r c s s j l t c ad^haii— _.or .lim J t ^ v ( rs-V^ltnind It Im- ^ 1 3 care ti rrecl' withholding- .• m oderate ant i thc^-ear.=r-.:— — zrjnakcsnum er

jnt started "f. dclense w as able to pcrsuajltrI. lo treat M iss Hearst "In a Jail’y c o m p le x fo r n c u r o se iig producedbycoptivlty."c Dr. Richards m et with m Isstl- ;_i;Hearsl In 0 confej^nce rppjri at.n. ' tho Ja l to begin helpj^ng the

lolly for her Jan. 2G trial on • r chargcs of armed bank rob- «• Kbery.

Johnson said M iss Hearst n w as encountering' "emotional

' dlCficultics" despite a ruling t— bj-fodcrat-Judgc-Ollver Cortcr--s __th a l_ sh e w as co inp ctcn t. to .C' — stand tria l. — _ . _____________

m asjteisur^W ea

Y • R u p o r t • B u h l ; » -1

975 Timos-Nows. Twin Palls, Idaho J '

faces “ ouse " ;

rcgone concIu.slon llie .Senate* will splif ;o two parts. scndinirthe SISTbllifo^*: ctlon-to Ford rlf^it aw ay tind.Kavlnff 'islon-roform portion unlll next year.'.' ie.ssentioily will continue tax [a les for flduals and huslnes.s ul about their- te. ' — r-rs;.^ j l.P e ih w ra liJp fd ah aL jM -r iiaU eeii Senate docs, il Is mrci'ssarv fnr th<K a - a reform tilll Ihis y e a r If House: ^ to y w U in t lt jw x > .y ii;irjr6e nalfrO|>~ ' reform could stali the hill to deaHi,

rralsllam ehilm ehls: would streng then eul e s ta te tax shoilcrsl.strcnglheri tHc“ • t a x on Ihc w ealthy , c d n lln u o '

Ig taxes on the ,Li.S. Inveslm enls of ;. e llm loa te n Ihrceveiif c a rry b a ck for, a e s In excess o l and speed the cu rbs on spccla l lax b reak s for cx-

Ion to those issues, the bill elim inates several otner tax nhorn>w<x!B tax credits, gives new breaks lo and low-lncome retired persons and

ncrou£Oth£rchang'es In’t m a w , -------


m k l

£ Z A l U E O V A I I t U N E s l

C A U T O i m i O C M . . .

W* don’t iM valal - , , _______ r o r B i w r # — •;

c r - ---------W ¥ 1 » 0 ¥ « ~ ^lo ______ i e m l l l e s - • *

8 . ■ ' ViS II ' : K i l ' i In im j

V . Ii - T w l n F a l l i

Page 4: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

: - ■ ' ' w illlom'lLiHQM J i •. •» . :Rlchor<rG;;Hjgh,

. --W odnesday.D or - . '-M*mb«r~of'AudirBur«au'of O fa f~— =-5& 9witrN*wipoB*r puMVonrfo 5. I - >do)T U hartbir dM ienolcd o i rh»«-P----- ->olic«t. wlll.b*~publi»h«d.-Publl: iSotufdoy. a l 132 Third SirM i W,

.. p ^ B ie V oll*r-Nwrtpop«r».-lne; wmotlar April 6. 1.913, a t th « p o tt c

!J; ^ lA idarlhnoc lo tM orthe . 1879.' M _____I” ' ‘ Php i ^ ? ;

' ' Z ' • f S ^ ^ (

i lt C im tr n u .

, { “U I work tor your campa!g e t into sho

X I C K iE tS E f e i i l a h o

- : & D ] e l i r a e - m a y ; h a v ^ m ^ “ T ) e m 6 c r a t l c . P a r t y ’s p r e s id i

r ; ' ■ ^ ? : : F r a i i k ' C h u r c h ~ h 'g S ~ !ie ^ n a t o r t o v o C ^ a g a i h s t l d a h o '

^ l i p p o r t o f o r g a n i z e la b c J g m o c r a t i c p r ^ l d e n t l a l . h op

- ; r a n d id d ( e c a n f o r g e t h i s d r e a :Yuaie-<n»/>t«og»jw ft |g r-

.•W ted o n a ' r c c c n t b i l l g iv e r . : l o r ^ i z e d l a ^ r ; .b u t . w h ic h 1- ; i r o m t h ^ e s t M d p S i n t o f l i | s I d a

• } ^ t o n ) . F o r Uiq r e c o r d , t h e <

, „ ^ i t . a I s d : . i s : _ w o r t h - : B o t i n g _ t- a u p p o H ^ t h e i i i n r ^ ■“ _ iJ ^ T h e _ q u e s t i o n _ b e f o r e _ t h e _ ^

' M a b o r e r s s t r i k in g a s ln g lc - c o n fe5 l(e c o u ld P ic k e t t h e - e n t i r p u t t i n g o f f w o r k b y c ll e m p l

' i Q i o ^ n o t J n v o l v ^ in t h e la b o r ^ ^ ■ ^ 5 ^ i^ lH : h a d - c a p p e d - a '2 4 - y e

■ g r g ^ i z e d la b o r t o o v e r t u r n a

r ? : T h e e f f e c t o f S b i l l i s e a :

■ s o l v i n g t h o u s a n d s o ' f w o r k e r C H r ed s o f s u b c o n t r a c t o r s .»"i . .W e ld e r s w o r k in g fo r o n o s u l

r t l s t r ik c .a n d r b e g i n c a r r y in g .p ic ► ship. A l l w o r k s t o p s .

N o .w o n d e r t h e u n io n s Wan^ - w u l d - b r i n g ^ e n o r r iio u s pric J c o n t r a c t o r t o a g r e e t o t h e sm ;

- ^ m a n d s ; ^ v ' h e t h e r - o r - n o t “ t l. . a e a s o n a b l e . _ _ : ___ : _ 1 _ . ___

."-' S im U a r m a j o r s h u t d o w n s c _ t - d n - .s u c h ^ p r o j e c t s - a s - i n t e r s

^ t ^ u c t i o n o f h u g e e l e c t r i c a l pi ; - fo r t h e fu t u r e .^ T ^ e b i l l ! ' a m o u n t s t o . a n ♦ .w a r r a n t e d e x t e n s i o n o f la b o ^ i n f la t io n a r y a n d a L t h e _ s a m (L t p r o d u c t io n ./T T A n d i t s h p u ld p u t a f e \v p lii : C h u r c h 's n a m e ^ h e n h e g o e s a in o m i r ia t io n . b u l i t w i l l a d d a J n a m e b a c k in I d a h o . ,

^ I D E r G b k W ^ E S - r -

■"I k h M W

- — :----------^

7z^ •n li7 } f ^ f n / i ^ ^ ' y ' a l ^ v y ~ -

h, M qnoglnp Edifor ..... - - - -D ocdm bdf3r1975 - • fw faflon^U f».-0<llclolC lfr<»"e*^^— r s id t e i f eonofl Wofw C o d « rT h o ri. '~ ~>• d o / ol lh« w «th on which l*ool / b ll«bM lI/~ an< l^ndA y ..«M *p l.-.- W*»f. .Twin Folll. Idoho 03301. by le: {nt«r*d at- *««ortd d o i t "moll tt olilc* in Twin Foil*. Idoho 83301.-

7 a 3 -Qg 3 1 , , _______................. : . . .


)Blgn, win you help m e - iowbiz?"

c o p t s ___» r ".'>AVhen t h e p u r s u i t 6 f-.the7 7 i d e n t i a l n o m i n a t i o n b y I i e d ~ th 6 s t a t e ’s ' s e n i o r ' l o ’s i n t e r e s t , ' . . ' b e b o r i s c i 'u c i a l f o r , a n y o f o p e f u l r W i th o u t *il, a n v . . f j . j a m s o f t h e O v a l O f f i c e . , . JJI■■BOO- h o w S o n ; C h u r c h - ------- -e n ^ h i g h e s t p r i o r i t y b y . ch I h a s i i t t i e . w o r t h w h i l e is J a h o 'c o n s t l t u e n c v . t= w im q a i j O T ; i 4 is - i s ,h i s = — e o t h e r t h r e e m e m b e r s i [ e l e v a t i o n o p p o s e d t h e A n

o f_ t h a t : j R r e s l d c n i L p o r d ~ i i — M t

_ ^ e u a t e - w a j ; - w h e t h G r ------ nJ]^o n t r a c t o r a t a b u i l d i n g ' ins I r e , c o n s t r u c t io n s i l o . m\ i p lo y e s t h e r e i n c l u d i n g . a r d i s p u t e . •/ e a r l o b b y l n g e f f o r t - b y ------^

a 1 9 5 1 - S u p r e n iq C o u r t . . . . has ic h - p i c k c t i n g . .■ — qu?j a s y l o s c b . S u p p o s c ' a .......t c u c t i n n . ^ , p r n r n w Y tn . " e r s e m p l o y e d b y h u n -

.............. ................... ' V.; u b c o h t r a c t o r d e q id e t o o r i i c k e t - s l g n s a r o u n d - l h e ------ *^8


m t s u c h T e g i s i a t l o n " I t S f t r i e s s u r e o n . t h e s u b - m o , m a l l g r o u p o f w e l d e r s ’ con i h o s e 'd e m a n d s w e r e f®**____________ ^ _ _ n but

c o u l d b e f e l t in I d a h o ■ i r s t a l e - h i g h w a y - c o n - - - P r c p o w e r p l a n t . s p l a n n e d c m

;n e x t r e m e - a n d u n - ' - ) o r p o w e r . I f w i l l b e A c - t i n i e - r e d u c c - v v p r ^ e r — ------

i l u s e s i n f r o n t o f S e n .; a f t e r t h e p r e s i d e n t i a l a f e w m i n u s e s . l ) v h i s , u i

Bt■ ' . __________j» l l l

' • one i> Ifc- I t .E B I i i

/ -------eqiu

___ to y t

J n ’ * V • '‘V ‘1

^ 1* / J l A ^ ■. ^ • h e is

J ® ' n l ^\ c ’- — drub

* * * W resci

/ i l W | , ‘ . b e wH / « 1 t • ‘l / / / n r / * * • t r e ^

mH I m ' \

‘ .

id d o n ’t 't r y to J in g le Bells ' .

=— ------ - /vw ra rd l - . v y ^ — r

v l I

"Just a small detc

©N.Y. Times Service■ .WASHINGTOW-- There Is ah a ir and even incoherence tn our pres political dcfcatc, but .Ihe, reason Is.fai ....The- leaaers. o t-bo lh -po litlcal- bcglhning Io wonder whelher th d r i o f Uie past have any relevance to t short, they a rc beginning lo doubt Ihink; wWch is a.perplexing and c procc83. but It is probably a good Ihit

The world Is changing S s t i ^ change ourselves or our Insillutlons. is beginning lo get through here am Uial the old Ideologies and persoi

IH -th u Irp ln c"^-----N ew ^o u iig Democralic govcnl

Amerfcaastatcii, for example, Gove of California and - Governor [ Massachusetls. a re noJonger argrUi

prosperity, bul_for.nuslcrllyrbalani 3nd~conmion sense, urown. In pc nsisling that there will be “ no free I low on. anrt whljy, he.suggcjlsjoU ii ts plaQC, h e js doing ail righl in O )fferlng a modesfvcrslon of Winston larsh policy of “ blood, sweat, toll, a r “ M eanwhtlerPrcsldcnrPonlTilsofi ias.lo_deaLi.wllh the fiicls. For .m }uSrter:r^f7-o—cen lu ry - 'in—th e - ^cprescntalivcs, he fouphi for i )udHcl. but now lie is presiding over Ksacihume W agei uciicii in 'niu nis latlon. -

He was on the House Defense Sul >f Ihe Appropriations Commillee an ilffgcr-and biggor rt<»fr»n » nppifiprl vhen his secretary df defense wa nohey than Ford thought the cou ifford, the President fired him. 1 Majority Leader Gerald Ford was ; ongresslonal committee ihalhadres or controlling the Central Inlelilgen lUt he ^IdnH know what it Was t Icuiarlytha! it was ploiUng4heassas oreign heads of government, ‘resident, he. knows morc'dtwurihc" :iA. the FBI. the White House piumt

4nnals of 4merica“UPI FREEDOM OPTHE PRESS Benjamin Franklin was concemec

slitical and social ramifications of thRrPederal t ia ie iie ^ f s ^ f r i s n t r a , K of the many essays on Uie abuse of lepieaai:___^ . '"M y proposal, then, is to leave Uie le press untouched, to be exercised

}ual fooUng)>-TlHat-ffly-fd lew eiUt

y ^ u p f^ p s .P ^ n y o u r life , andputs the charge, you may go to him as o

-eak his head, If he conceals h l ^ H in ter, and you fa n nevertheless disc ! isi you m ay In like manner, waylay i ght, attack hhn behind, and give hi libbing:'niusfui guuiiiy p iujcctns' scnlment _an d re< t1bu tk )n^u tlf_ lj ould ever h a p p ^ to be affronted, a s 1 ! with the conduct of such Writers, I < Ivise proceeding iinm edlatdy to I smltles; but that wti should In rttenl ourselves with tarring and fe d.tossingit)em -lo a blanket.

'Thoiif:hl for loilaThe Italian'language as \

- know It today Is In effect I------- -n o re n t ln e 'd ir f l« tr* v e lo p

foC the m ost part by the pot / a n d w r i t e r s u n d e r 11

potronage of the Medici in ii 15lh century. - V- •

' ' '.V . . ' '

t e i : : —

# . ,

Jtour. rir meet you over

e e - Is m oving to avia lr o fc o n fu s te i - scenlU es:. * • - - - resent, national So everything, ii.fa irlyobvlou s.____Washington.' The rJi-parlles.-rare-------execulive-on'd legl:lr assum ptions to the end o f the yc0 the future. In In the e lection.of .l ibt and ev en to 'of the Senate. Mik d even painful Hugh Scott of P enthing. ________ '70s, are probably tl* ^ a n w c canns, but Uie idea and elsew h ere -rsonolitles a r c _ H ^ ^ M f l n H

errtors o f (he ivcrnor Brow n -- f

D u k akis ofZUlng for m nreJ ____ Speaker_of the Ilver^i(pnnrfi>fT g o ln g -to jc s lg n -o t anced-bodgels J>chleslnger^)f D eli p a r ilc ^ a r . is a lrcad y'beM ilred:

m lunch” from c ia l chairm an o f U: ilhinc.lQ .puUn____personal problem i1 C alifornia by fairly clear.ion Churchill's The leadership of , a n d le a rs ." C ongress is breakln: o f in d s lh a r h c — b u t-lh ey -a r a -a irs l

m o r e lh n n ,o _ year’s)>rcsldenUal ie ~ H o u sc — of— -ared om ln a irn gevej p. a b a la n c e d ^ — A ccordingly, the; k’c r the largest ond between the pi T iJsiory 'ofihc ; HobwiyJtnuu'ui.wm

*• cen ters, o (_p ow er Subcom m ittee W ashington. Mo'sci)’ and voted for the leaders of the O

ipriaUOQiJjul___ ^ a n s t k j d , Scotl andw anted m ore O lher c lian ges ai country could , . o«tcr . The P ike Inl I. R epublican House has c v e i i , i s a lso on the K issinger for wn'l responsib ility m ission s to C hiniir {ence A gency. NATO m cclln g .in E s doing, par* RcprQsentaUves su{ isasslnatlon of c lo se .lo ..d o ln g .so^ , I. N ow . a s resign , and w c will :hc‘^ l l i r i f i c ~ “S ta to .-c lin crE illor i im bcrs — and the President wi

presidential race of T exas. ' •

1 ' So nothing Is sure t ' party; and bixiause I

■-------------------- — nboUrprlnW^eira-n<laggre ssiv e w eologic a s GpverSoT'W allac

' •' G overnor R eagan < ■ ‘ vantage. They have

L w i u . t h =f th e press. In __________rra, he w rote -^otllb ertyb y - | ( ( C f ^

ihe liberty of "led in Ils full ' ‘' perm it the 1 .

a t io n .^ a r c r ^u la b ls jia m e ................................... ......^s openly and U tfla x s c h in d ih e - ---------------—llscover who . Rfea y h lm ln U ie . M ih lm a -g o o d 'ra lffp r iv a te ^ e .p u h l ip ______________ - : _ a |a s lto u g h t to f M, I w ould not ■ /^ n0 th ese e x - , M m oderaUon

1 feathering.

"-"IIS w er tth e ^ j_________________________ g j g

poeto , ^t h e

n th e

< y -

the next hill."

I * _ • , __ ^_____

' avoid these constitutional ob*

ig . in an odd w ay. Is-changing in:*he m ajor characters In holhithe___leg lsla live branchea are com in g—

le year, and wondering w hat lo do ..of'.l97a. The D em ocralic leaders M ike M ansfield o f M ontana and P ennsylvania, bolh now In their b ly ^ o ln g lo g e to u tn cx tv c iir . ■


;he_Hou^_CncI A lbcrl is cither___ ^

D eien se and'C olby o r C iA have iIred. D av ld 'P ack aA rih ‘?7 ln on - |o f Uie GOP. has resigned . Each iem is different bb l the trend is .

Ip o f this adm inistration an(i Ihls j aklngup. T h ey a n ^ l gone y e t. - iirs lId in g^ T h o .'p o ilt lc s-o f-n cx l-— i lUal and congressional e lections leverything.------------------------------ :-------jthere Is a stru ggle here.w llh in . . .*

i e parties for the W hite House. ' <^ ■tre' i,cm 'Pi» 'iii I'liurBt! or tne - - ^ ) w c r _ a _ i C A r _ f r o m _ n o w ._ in _ _ oscow or Peking. Or who will be he C ongress on Capitol Hill afterI a_nd A l l« r lr e s i^ _______ __________i s and resig n a tio n s'm a y 'b e in ' c in lclllgencc C om m ittee o f the '' 'cri , d ie d Secretary o f S t a t e . . . i ^ n tem p t. bii th e e v e of his irar^TTOCcw. and next m onth’s Jn Europe: and if the House of ), s supports P ike, o r e v en com es .so^ K lssIn ger_w llL un dou bted ly__„

will h ave a new .S ec te lary of i lorR ichnrdsonrM elvinX airddi— ii it w ants to get him out of the re of ’76, even John C onnally of

sure hero now in eith er polTlical buse they are unsure, w ondering o'rand'pfei^'nal'dcs. de lln lle and ‘ r log ical poliU cal characters su c h . _ ,u ^ la c e o f A labam a and former:an o f C alirom ia h ave an ad- g,la v e no p o licies for the future, w nces about the past.

4 . IT


Nordic-----------1 am .writing In'Snswcf .to the

N ew s article iw nccm ing the | -------country « i argg- ncar.D caqtir

■ ,I am an avid cross-country s appaired at the n am w -m ln d Munson’s feelingson Uie subject

_ . A lso dlsslurblng Is the fa ct

decision by a'group'w hlch com -..,.factlon.,p f_ lhasc-enJp iIn g .-9U f

areas. He stated In the artlcl------in p iit.h e.h ad yet received, on j

- c r e a t e hud com ctroi— ,£ISS25?.&!J«g a ta .m e c t ln g ^ H i ; . thm any cross-country skiers v

~ -th e m e e tin g n m d lr th e c ft ,w c r e 7 tl .. - not given rcp re»ntatlon In the ai

Cross-country sk iin g Is.n reial in the United Slates, though It is Europe. However, with the r

; . nature movem ent w iilcli piit emi pacWng and other outdoor spd m ore people are discovering cr nordic skiing a s a good wholcsc Uie quality o f versatility,

. ,We have the opOon of ski ri whether 11 be in the hills or on a

seeln g th eslgh ts .Th is ty p e o fsk lin g d o e sn ’t invo

a s ye t, any public land Is open It free of charge. The sk is are prac any snow condlllon. and six Ind adequate for ski touring. A lth i

-•• people-ls the relatively low coat (about S lip com plete) comparc

Also appealing Is the absence 0 problem s'tled to the sport, w llh tf the transportation involved In ge

.Uie m area. - - :-------And here I get back to our-cofilr

V alley's nearest g o o d > l ( [ ^ a is

Beltro.Editor, Timcs-News: •- - .

■_ 1 com m end the T im es-New s foi reporting on the recent mecilrigF alls m ajorstreel p la n .--------

I dissent from the majority __ proposed belt route.. According lo

V M ncep rirto 'speed iip t r a f f F f ^ lo downtown. Let’s lake a. sp e flomeone around Addison East ond

F rom the intersection of Addisoi — routoheshouM proceedonAddlson — fo n n ils to n c c-D M w o and half tc

and be downlpwn in abniii ti<n ^ lak es the belt route, e ith er north would travel six or sev en m iles. I

_w ay.specd s_h e.cou ld jjoU m aiko-lt "tim e. The sam e would apply froii’

near the bell roule. ■The o lhcr.stalcd purpose of the I

— by-pass.-We m ayneed<)ne-forlruc but th a t hM not been proved, t h

. - s p e * up truck traffic Inlo Uie indui except the Im provem ents on Wash NflNH, W6 do nol hl-eU fl by-fJAsii on'

- ^ ^ K u d o s f i• Editor, Times-News:

So '^ ad to read L. Ja m es’ Su concerning our'iaywers. I agree wit hearjedly a s we'have had occasion as thcy.pul It. "legal Interns” and h

- w l lh a very sour taste.___ 1 have yet lo find a law yer that

the shoes of a P erry M ason. J o m not a one has left his desk. A~whtt w here Mr. Kuil felt ihe system w as -intornU ts” didn't need yearly- boosts. B elieve m e he needs the fl

..ou rJ im cJsn 'l,,eq u a ily , a s Importa. m ore so — how would anyone be’

-U ielrfees? — ^ ----------------=-------. To this day we have one of Ma supposed best "legal .in tern ists'’ working for us.'and so far I’v e don

_w ork and he too insisted on a I7S0 (i

if .

jfP l FTFrP f? c skier speI h a N o v .iT T I m e s - . use the .recn le proposed cross- ' noted In Ihecmni"RiflBG'irfinc— r ejre in s ia n i--------------------------------------Conlrarytcy sk ier, .qnd I w as o o l lik Indedness of Mr. , because they eel. ■ slip and are diCt lhat he allowed much better HtHtipecte d - in ' h la ‘ troIla.-aruehTi! om prises only one These-are :9ur-.wintcr*jipocts------ broafc^wlJanllc le that Uie only would not h m -U ie-proposal-to— tenanc«-U-Ui. rrom Magic- va iicy - v d u sively for itH a llejt^ :ffl« |illon ------- Inan aw ecj3 w ere presenLai____K v iew s w ere sp w la l privUi e artic le . ' precedent,-hefialively new sport • areas and Sf ; is very popular In district.

rcccnt back-to- -Finally. I i sm phasis on back- group who vo sporls. m ore and * Uial cross co cross-country: or appeal to the

icsom e sport w ilh asking how wi access to this

I racin g ., touring. because a sk 1 a golf course; or Olympic r a c « c ra l:in n p osca iiiii r :— FurthcnnDr

-■". . our .dogs alor ivo lve lift t ick e ts ; . . .their dogs ur n lo nordic. sk iers snow m ob llc.j r a d ic a l In alm osl , anim als. Jhav Inches of show Is skiingexcut^Ii tractive to m a n y - . mobile areas foat-of equlpm enl;-------Though I hoiared to downhill \ {roup of wintc

e of an y pollution and I am glad i il the exception o f llnal decision, gettin g sk iers lo ‘ m ailer, now Ih

nlroversy. M agic KAREN SI I is o f course the Twin F alls

9]ute dissentwhen 1-80 arid

for Its accurate availab le ..If M Fng on the Twin him subm it on

considering sue ty v iew on the , No one seen Jo_M ac_Hayncs------- ced ucU oi of.fa

^ l ^ W ^ R I r i s scrvativcand ^ specific c a se o f is lo be paid t ind 3200 East. nishes federal r ison and fhe bell . The plan cou » n and Shoshone— ;years“ A l“ Uiai f to three m iles number of passi-m In u tes..If-h o------a s a-resuU-of-vrth qr. south, t ic Similarly, with s. E ven a l high- Burcaushow sej-lt-in-lhe-fiaigiB-------—I-wouldrund<roiii o ther areas . this letter to Iht

• 11 already appc l e belt r o u le is a concept. R athe r u c k sw U :S rS 9 — ^ itize n sH ? o m n There does not Boo ndoggle. Ai

dustrial district, ’ ----------- -ashlngton Street .■ MATTHEW L ohinenorincash T w lnP alIs“ '

forKoutnik'' before a prelim

Sunday article . heard,with him whole- Well, w e paidIon lo deq l wllh._ monUis laternotd have been left - has his fee and

-stan d . I-'d lay-wlat begins lo fill the system — thi1 m y knowledge . looi O n ly - lookJhtlt uj;o I icud- l lo o n iy to r tr ;k'as fine and our | ROSE MAR’•ly-ed ucatlonal • B e lle v u c _ e f l? ^ b o o st . If

S l i n o w ' i ^ o w - Y o i

M agic V aliey’s ’ .........r ’CongresIS'’ supposed ly at C a dlone a ll Ihe leg v o lu m eiO fcctot> epaid - fledglin{

.. .i;

eaks oute ctealional ffldlliles, ns Mr Mj^^on Ihe article, and the reason Is that the!filW aiM W llh^nb*m 6bllcs....------------yto-the-statcm cnL-in'ttic-newSpapprrI like lo ski in.^snow nw chine tracks, hey iceu p, and aii: so.wlde that the skis re diincull to handle in the tracks. II i s ' ter lo be able to ski In esUibllshcd ski'

ire m ade simply hy having one skier iJ and oUiorsfollow; toe F orcslS crv lce t h a v e ‘to worry aboul tra il, main- !.U ioy-w ere4a-^ L asid c-an arca ex-^ lor nordic skiing.. T Tcrjigaln to:&lr =Mnigog;-.hyBW!eatHB^ :U^OTtCWlsingie4)Ul.‘o n i'grou p:for IvUegcs. and I say that if he se ts such a ,- h e will need to abolish all alp lnesk i I special snowmohile w urses . ih 'T ^

I respond lo the conlcnlion of the ) voiced iheir opinion at the m eeting.I country skiers harass big gam e. I the good s e n » of Ihfs com m unity In V w c can chase ganie on sk is. If I had Ihls iafprmalion. I u-ould be grateful,

sk ier so fast and ag ile would win. i c e s hands down.K D nirtTtatenharthoogtrw cTW inH ^along, m y personal sk i-p a lly ketps i under .control. I would hope lhal :c,j>eople do the M m e. w llh their have yet lo see any big gam e during a irslon. for they do^ot sla y near snow a sfo rfea r o flh e n o lse . - 1 holdnopcrsonal gru d geagaifiS ianj'Inter recreatore. I do hope that-thcv,

lad that Mr. Munson h as not m ade his Ion. I appeal to him lo reconsider the */ lhat he has bolh side's o f the Issue at

NSHOTWELL ~ 7a lls Higii School.

t voicediiid the Hanstin Bridge are already If .Mr.-_Haynes’ concept Is valid, let ; ontcom m un lfy of th li sTze that is [suchap lan .ee m s to question' Ihe cost nor the f-farm land for lhe-boft miHf Tht.

nd does not allbw'for Inflation. Part Id by federal money. .But. whi) rur­a l money exccpl us taxpayers? could nol be completed for 20 or 30 m at~ iim c-ltrtsrp rob ab ler th a t-th er : fosscnger cars .will be at a m inimum or<w orld-w ldopclroleum .shortages_ bvllh respect lo growth Ihc Census #8 a future leveling of poptjlatlon.

> the Transportation Comm ittee, bul ippears to be sold on Ihe bell roule ilhcr. I appeal for Ihc formation of a ■, im m ltlee -to -s to p -th e-B e lt-R o u te — ■ Anyone Inlerw led'please sign .up

W L.D EV IN E’ ~ ■s ~ - ;

'{column‘lim lnary court hearing w as lo be

?ald the fee and lo this day four nothing has beeirdone — except he

and we still don't know w here we y-w e all belter take a good look atiJh eyalJjvariyhelrcokejindjB al [I___ookw ho'spayingforll.•trJam est----------^ ^ ----------- :— -------ARYSTONER

t ' o u - K f l o w ---------------- --------------

ie” f ir 6 i 'L ib T o r lo ir T f“ “ “ - (ress w as engaged In ISOO ‘ •: a day to organize Uie 740m e s ordered for Its ______lling Library.

Page 5: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

" M i i

- a i r e d i‘ ' ^ S i u u x T i ^ h o T O p n ' ^ . n ^ D------- F o w tr and D g h l b id the-Idaho-------^'Com m lssion-Tuesdayuifrjncrej_____ CM bt tn-tho rnn«i,m ^ f- | n [q.

derw enH he teas! prico lnci^ns comm odity., U nder quesUonIng by Ihc 1] hearing In R igby. E . A. Huntc m issln that only about v /, percc

■disposable Income te currer■ ; d e c lr id iv ;— ............... ..

Hunter sa id elcctrlc rales wcp v " w hile f0ed -w a r u p 83 pcrvcent.-

pcrccnt and dairy up nearly 50 pc

,^ ._ _ T h e ,u M !lty Is.oslU n g-w w m nir * : ! r : n S T : n n i i r M : ( s S T a 5 h r c u s-------- ^representa'an Increase 6fab b a l

a ll c la sse s o f serv ice excep l litlgj The com pany sa id cost oI,£

^ .— showed irrigators arc subsidized ' ‘ and It Is asking an increase for 1

p ers of approxlm ajely 45 per cent A new element was Intmdua

. Tuesday with the Intervention stockholder com m ittee a s an Intci

The com m iltee’s attorney, : ' urged the com m ission be equally

iRulutglji on A d a z' .BO ISE - [UPH— D coiitv -ja i

• General Warren Felton said f u c appears the Ada County Commis "a rather drastic change" in the ci

: . . plan or zoning for-thc county. It w the “courts to decide ifT h e step;

7 •proper.I . . .1 Sta le R ep,_W i|llam ,O nw ciler.’

- w rltlcnth e attorney generqiaskini an opinion regarding one by P rosecutor David Leroy coneerr decision.

Leroy’s opinion dealt with d

com m issioners on a zoning chani property located In the northwest

• Mile R oad and Cherry Lane.______

- r — itscIf^nm ltD dljy InclTdrpbwcr lb i local county m atters.” ,

H c sa ld theatiom cy-gencralcou or order the prosecutor, county «

H ^ ^ W d e c lHealth and Welfare has declined

•N orthw est Federation! for Humi • , form edbyform erH & W D IrectorJai

---------- Ac tin g H&W-Diremur Joc~7fflg.w hile the federation has som e good

------- d ltH ia t-O T P T in y ^ c rffT o ria n n ir. fcderotion.Is.dcslEncdto Improve n

of human serv ices In pfinmfHr estab lish ing a central d c a r ln g lK

-------form ation exch an ge .-'_____________N agel sa id his reason /or deciding



“ ☆ P r e m iu m ’O ouglas IM

~ IV ScdlcHPino I ^

☆ Specially G row n P lan ta tion D o u g la iF Ir

. 1 ■ Ih fii.B I, . a io an d

^ i i e a r ie president o fm a h thn nIho PjibUc U tilities p u blicserv lcerease In e lec trid ty -------He to i r i h t i4 aattvroy ea i s u n------ tw olssues'ors:OM_DtJilmastflny— effect-mado-tl

Interest and co IPUC a t a rate, of common a

Iter told the com- .president and cent of a family’s Company, Nca

rently .spent for* mon^ng belnc > , Dan Poole and

ere up 4? perccnl . Meyer expla nt.-medlcal'up'So from Poole'thc percent. Industrial ond i

'<f - i f B ^ i h t lniivtry-iuIjjT.of

ut : ^ > e r n n t fof pub lic~ ram n i ■igaHffrtBUtnpers. m iu t sell stock rv lc i studlM . oew cons(rw tl ed b ro th e r users . doUari-alue of I r Irrigation p u m -— Meyer said th -n*- V *. . . ’ nlUy-grltty of uced In ffie cose company's earn Ion of a UP&L anticipates sue tervenor. ‘ priceofacom pa, Dan Berman, The hearings illy concerned by and then move t<

n court ad onirjLg dec

JUntitT AHnrnpy. - nt—nwy-n f-«hn puesdfly while It . goyernm enl to ta nlssioners m ade ”T^ls o ffice -- 5 com prehensive authority,r h e sa I would bo up to - o f o c o u n ." - - eps-tak en , were . . " i’hequ ostlons

- the Boord of Cr, R -B olser had-, various item s the ing thal h e i^sue — lhal th is o ffice mi y Ado Couniy th a tlsa d iscre llo : ;rnlng a 'z o n ln g r Board of CouniyC

"W hile 11 is tru review ed by the c

denial by the c learly in th eby thP - rnlhni

ange on certain F elton sa id it as i c om er of Ten considerable que:____________ ■_ . . .lo Idaho law and'al’s o f f i y ^ und with the county \lo rhlerfere wlih them if) this m alic

: . • "Wo believe thould not-require prosecutor Is certcom m lssionerp c a se .” Felton said

; i m p ~ f e d e r a

ed to. join Ihe - Idaho can m an Services _ projects sponson Jam es A. Bax. belonging to jt, B g e r W d il ia l ^ W h i i r - “ldah o ^ ^ w p j s h o - progranis in chi i in t n o if r T h u , .p r o ^ r to n jm o sU c : m anagem ent d o n e- is ^ s i c oni fir M fllrs hy npriHiarifyihoftni house for In. , Bax sa id the

------- - federation still wllIng agajnst Ihe Idaho.

T i o y

F ro n i..............

»w . H A R D W A R E


•l@ *^F4iE E .PA R K IN G ! Big Lot N»xt To Th« Sfor*. . d Av*. South Behind P«nn»)

' M s r Z j Z

ee Interest.I t c om m lsslD n nh oT itlltty im hc inst if Stock sb ld^ elow 6dolc va lu e and In i-y io -6hare-holder^ubaid lzc-publfc consequently had, the diluting effect

I stock. Eugene W, M eyer, vice nd director of Kidder Peabody & <ew Y ork City, spent m ost o f the [n jU W lacd .top Q in m laian . couptoi, ndolherlntervenors. plained In jy sp o n se to qilestlonlng there fa. on e big difference betwden id utility Stocks. H e sold an Industry ■rroeifn^ c-shaT C 'oflbw 'slock’ir ir ow.boolcTiiiue w hlleTfuHlffyt'bylis* *Jlpperaling under.a.franchtse and-inslblllly to se rv e new custom ers, ek even below book value to finance ctlon.-H e" said book va lu e Is the ) l the asse tssu p p ortln geach share,I tbe m arket p lace ge ls down to the of com pany perform ance. If a im ln gs are Inadequate the m arket uch perform ance, r e d u c ln i the ipany’s s t o c k . .g s continue In-R lgby W ednesday ' e to Idaho F alls. _

i v W e d

c i s i o nI pnrtf<ng [f] th<t'‘?'?linty —I lake any particular action. 2 '-slm ply docs not h ave such said. "Also. w c lack the authority

in s -a s lo th e .w c l^ lk » ^ given by . Couniy Commi.ssIoners lo . t h e i

they considered Is not.som eth ing- m ay authoriatlvely answ er since""! llonary m atter In the hands of the yC om m issIoncre. iiru e lh a t such drscrction m ay be I e courts, in the first Instance i l Is ] c' hands of the couniy com - J hrrthnniinrlrrstnlPconlrol.lL .,.1 t appeared Leroy fell there w as ’ / uestlon In the m atter In relation I ind “therefore ch ooses-to stand I y_ com m issioners.and, rcp rcson r '. i itter." Ithat such action .by the couniy /

crtalnly w llh in h is pow ers Iti'this i'old. V

a l i o n r I i n l r “ C

in participate In m ost of the f ored by the federation without I f

laho n e e d s - to - s tr e n g lh e n U s M child abuse , a n d 'n e g le c t a n d - I U o f.lh e w r k ’ th a t n o c d s -to -b e -F on d 'ln tem al to th e agen cy or I

0 bdani o f directors for th e 'j lA'lll Include representation from ■

$ ^ 9 5 I

.• ■ ji* M u» v ? "

PipelhT&- f a rming

** BILLINGS, Mont. (U P I) - A p e tro le u m >consortlum - T u esilay a iln b u n ^ ^ p la n s to construct a !.500-m lle pipeline,

: -T -a c r o s s - t h e nor th cm -U n lted : S ta tes to relieve the depen*

■ dence of, many' farm ing areas on oil im ported from Canada.

‘T h e continuing shortfnll o f . doroestlcally .prB auced crude.

Y** o il .d ic ta te s th e a b so lu te ___n ecessity ^ r ^ e U ^ n jt^ S la le s

eft<xtlye m eans o f receiving a n d ~ d e llv e r in g the • la r g e * am ounts of offshore energy supplies 11 w ill so desperately

“ • need to m aintain." said D. M ichael Curran, president of N uiU iciiiT iurPiptuiiiBCo:-.

Curran sa id 'the 3£-lnch- "8 . p ip c ltn o .-w ou rd -begln-ln -lhe-- l®?’ . . . I ^ u g e t S o u n d a r e a o f j y ^ j V a s h l n g t o n g n d ^ e n d - a t .

aCWi>T0Qkc7MllUhr=»J«rerrllT= ' will Join the pipeline facilities

"o— of Lakch ead P lpe Line C d:T h e~new pipeline .w ill have im

c®-; - e stim ated ‘capacity of 800.000barrelsp erday . ' -


H S U G A■ B


i . I [ Iy First Tw o, All Ol

Q &RiAm w Q u j | i . m

G uaran teed to I ( A - . Your Money

S T-BOHE$ i n SIEAKui*W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v e r ^ a y ^

M B U O E C I U .- .t=eHiieK=23B~~ V ~ : Every Day Low

PrROAST.LB. II CHUCKi » . . i b . OH E y « r y D a y l o w

J .W U a i M T I U I . II—WEINERS 12b. fnif l W e w e i c o m e * • *1 F O O D S T A M P , II ^ L j j u s t c m e r s i ________^ „ |

e t o ^ i d

g a r e a s ^

I — In clu d M in th rip lan .h esa ld u m - -• will be 'develofim ent of.r.iil); ; to ■ dergrouhd storage facHltlei line, • u t l l l t in g stilt . c a v er n s Ir Ited: - w estern htojlli-Dakoia; Ciirr^n ten* said orlglnatlonlof the pipeline e a s in W ashin^on''W ould allow a. transconllnental'shipm ent olI nf ■wwn-tri.hp^ppnriiiirAH ,\]p j [ prjd c . Oil lpgether_^wjnh_»otrQlgumutfr shipped from other parts o f tholies world. -

Ing serve refiners IK Colorado,rge W yoming. ‘TCan/ias, Missourirgy and Illinois., alrnong others,e ly Curran sa id IHij completionD. d a le o f lh e p lp c ll/ie a n d lts c o s tof had not been dote mtined. •

ich- c o n so r tiu m c o n s is t in g o f t h e - Burllngfon Northern, in c i St.- o f Paul; 3 u t le r A ssociates. Inc..

- a t r-.7-Tul6a;-Milwaukf-^ L n n r i-P n - rril-T tcfih lcagoseutrw D II flo=*Grrar les : F alls, Mont.; Wnistern Crude "he O O n c . , Denver., and >airlci<' im _ J. M c^ n o u g h . aii;indepcndent. » 0 p e tro le u m o p e r a lo r from

■ ■ Billings, M o n t ,' ' . .

■ c - i i r i i i f c a

RT : MIR 4


For Firs

N f e d ' ”rYBiiF toeto P le a se o r D C C ey B a c k I P C t

.. - .........• — B M t t

Low P rice

B flH im

low rP rlco------- : ~ - |

_ SI■pw_Pr1cQ ■ •

B o M less^

R oairf

i C . . i « » » a w r i i H i


„ .D is c m ) * r : s P £ C i* is .................. i a

i p i ir FlItlCOSPEI S WEEK-“ - * Ciftll

_ TT- ilioUiriilR Iu r f

£ FRL, DEC. 5 , 7ost

^ QflT n FP R Ir s " O H l T ^ U b u T Uy I

f SAL, DEC. 6, ■

| 7 f P ^ D E C r B nim

i iS i is iC !

s j ^ g z A j y e t h

e e h l a i B iaitiile^^#6

L L . . - i f ^ 1First Two, All o th e r s 81

A»WIIAff£IlfHE-~-— e o o iICKEREF . . . . Ol

T E A I t b . ' 1E v e r y D o y L o w P r i c e

i l N B = ^ $ y iE ilM d fe EMEUSS A M 'm M

iiB 5 1 S i ; ITEAKib. I

' “ $ 1 2 9i l lEvery D ay Low P rlc« •


RAIN CHICKW* .HI.* to hM •<•n; Jt'm avl «« UMk!'* r>W ‘

aUl.lw UmkI «n«blln« y«i to -

i f c r m 3 i K 3 j


illEL BUSINESSMAN'-END MlNI-COtt i in e ! i iH ? = W a in r fe ed Teaching ^ Spet 2 lB slin iD nies_:6L Jet7:30 p.m ., Twin Falls

0 ^ * 1 n i * n r > l f f n r t Hrlr^nil., DrGdKiaSi, n

, 12 Noon. Lunclieon.

r-7:30“p ;n i7 ia n i |i ie t r



J N T — ------------y = r » K F -

I Miff HRIB IWK?_ _ _ ^ v e r j r D e

S E v n ^ M E ;

===ROASr.■ _ E v e r y b i

1 3 - : ( ; 7 ^

V ' FOOD ' S ^ ^ C S C S I C S C J K J

W A RI 1708 KIM

» . V . nMdlTtOAS

3. 197! .T ta o j .N ,« , . T * F .« i . .w ,h fe

uRwhIIPN ’m M s i l #iVENiiilecial M usic e ts o n a l-R e n e w a l-“ills Christian C e n te r^i t O p f SOri lte l:;R :« : \

i ,J G e o r g ^ s - ^ - - v

r C S I C a f e l e f i a ^ ^ p

' w B

i j M

D a j r _ L o > « P r i c ^ _ ^ _ ^ i n

b . _ ^ P —

b a y L 9 ) » B i c e ~

S T C ^ . I J

R E M A R T i tH M B E R L Y r o a d .

Page 6: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

/ f p p i p

d r aF a m o y t " h o i* I

t i i : : : = : : ^ H : ih n t n r i f « V ^ R o r r i l _ o c .h o r U o n ta L u s .

-^.Wrr -"0

■ S B

^ ■ F W R ra:

m m'■ ’ ^ ^ K l ^ ^ ] ^ j p i ^ ,S l a n i # d r r I b b (

. ^ ^ ^ | W 4 i l l c k ( l n l i h .

r m i _ - '- s t (


W MIXEI^ ■ » t f ^ W ! * l r t > o u g ^ H !

■ V ~ y Jl^or B reodm ak

—I ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ W ~ T w « h r * ^ ip « * d ~ i r ; ' I 'h«Qvy' b rao d - doi

. fo rp o r to l i fa u i* .

^ ■ i M R . C ® F F I.■ *^>MAU(aiCAMinriut

J f c f e c i


; B . li>d«fiW Hr Jo* Nanwth.< B dowbt*t g» o.*#r*lng bo«ri. AtakM* B - w > ^ -4 .y i. w d iiw » ;— ~ 'SOW” :,

t e , . , uWMn««a»y.Dec8iiibirJ.u r e

; SLICINt KNIFE| | a i ° - i |

In t h e h ^ d l e " ^ o r _ 1 " f o r " v b r t t e n r

E A S Y C L E A NM n i b

C utting- a « S 0 m b iy rA m o v o i » r e a s y c l e a n i n g . H a n if - ’• e - o p e r a t l o n . E C 3 2 A V

i -------

jb « d g r ld i" e o o k b 6 th ‘»lc}«i“o r ^ □ t t d ra in s . in to troy. Non>



» w »t i g n a l s .w h e n 'p r o p e r |< « a t < ’o a e h ^ d r ~ n r A o f c T T i o t l c a l l ; i t e a m s a t h ig h t e m p .__ , . '8 6 i

jwix/wasterV -

ERH f t f l l r - A ^ _________r i o o K ’V * ' .......^


T n o i o r ^ f l i i d i « ~ 5 v i f r '^ ^ ; ; ^ Jetigh. M lx«r r tm o v ts • .2 b o w l i . t-7 1 /3

F E E . : j d c u p : : ^ : ^

“■“ DRIP _ t

mEEEEIUKER]= a n n ^^ Q floo:—rOTingt^tatt(niBr T q f f e e ~ t n ^ i ~ 'v ir i th -n o -b itt« r ,:b o H « d -ta it* . ^ In g jjld f t . . . .

“j ■ H a m i l to n ' « " B a a c h .

CORN : J ' P O P P E R <

• A utom ottcally . ,I Buttcn-Com • • - ' i

N o-«tkk Surfde* . '

75' ■' '• •■ .v . :



9 e•Vvv.-:C3 38 H3"

• .-W o r m *.....M C O C -.--

r5 SS5|H SmPCbai

' ■ ^ l l ^ j l l l ^ : r : ^ Y i ' ' : f

MGEGDY AM■imrit*' f»r B«fi«ratloM.', Ho* Aiin *4 Wm Im hdlr^ wM ra g cotton __r*d triAt'dfMi, w hllrftpm 'r ‘~'~i t ( ) i

■ n u H i m


■L* S_:JiOML

l ~ i A f i ' i ' ' i - n p * ■ I I

I “RockwellI _ ~ L t . > '

$ *

’ j

B R O ii= 3 P I ^J J i e J o p ib f o l i s . — _ — ^

The m ldd lo ’ tr ld s ‘ _ The b o tio m -w a rm s__ '.,

■"•tommbUfffiJrtniyriiniiltrtlwirtl— :— ' . • Sbliins steel eooktif sirfice . • DecvabF liifs.lB c o iv s . . . . . . . . .

SETqffrciP D B rrr =• i q t . c e v r > 3 io u c * p a n• 5 'q t.. c6 v « r * d O ufeh e v e n• 2qt..<;ov«r«diaue*pan '• 10: o p » n ■kl]l*t (a h o r e« D utch

W K m s s s s u m m m------- ,•’ •

l o i b e l i ^ ^ s t ^

r ; J E ; _ ^Toli ■';

' : ■■ R » 6 6 0 ) » « l i r 'knrt’f fnvorlto pal. 'aIm h«» ‘*"/l r«d wo<i<l«n heir ,' cotton ponit 4,riKtrtV '"■: ■ - :: • "

■■ ' '.I ' ■■ '-

S i i l

i P A N P a . . . . . ...... ;, , , - JM E C E N T IR -c H iliT > A R K IN G F

-lERF 0=w p i r ^ :u rnrnirnm m iimmm m m m

II 10"AAOT(- — Tl I I.;

1 ^ v - NO\

p L V J S ' p ,.i,

\ r


^ P I

'P r a is rv * - tho la i^ of sum m e r 't v * g « la b l* » . P ro p o N llavo rfu t (o o d t fa s to r . witl'

' -m oro v ltom lni. M029<

i t n L i b

— — ^— N j e

.'■ 7r ’T h o Pan Jhat.-. : - Ho»..W*»t..

W dn 'tT urn • toH or g uo ‘ ."Tlgly” f!M . c lo an i Ilka

a i i E S n ^

Itch o v s ttc o v o r)- '. i » . , . -rr. . .

Kmmmm i^ H mmaKI^^J^_iZ_JjaseiaJ6

WARMINGr " ^ .. ,^ ^ ^ n ia U U r -i

- '-M a li j t jQ ln r lo w . h e o t u n d e ; w o r m W ith o u t d r y in g I h e r

B i W W W W I M W n B M W

)* 0 ^ i2^ad— ■AND- " —2:00 t o 4:00 '


5 3 » S i^ R e g . *349

z Mrofottlonol foaluro* Includ* ruggod 7.f uid* bar*, tebU Intori, mitro gaugo ond «lth 2 wingt. RIp'copacIly J<". 3/4" 1 harinat ovorlood proftcUd molor d* .p. Big 34" rip capacity ilghi e r-M t — 'x8’ panoli. c ro ticu tt up lo 3 '/.", Full rlv* mochomtm. Soll'ollghlng rip f*nc o n t coniroli. 5«alid.ball.b«orIng.conitt iru btod* guord with iplltt*r end anil-k K hm-*nfr~ir~dl«lsnc; In Iront ol blc<Ti il-olf cepoclly and Work iloblllty. Haovy 1


l 3U A R T i C ) E L u lR E S S U R: O O K E l

■auww i i i jMUeiOMUW iw rw

l « * w P n h t r y A H

I PC. G00KSE1lit ,, bon d'* 'T ul*W hIt*--T .M ..-con u ara n t« « d ''5 yooT t n o t 'to w o o r (k o g lo K . .-------------------------------------

-_______ N o sta lg ic klfcha

____ !__ h o u o tto s_ accoTit- .r\ P anlry A rts coo

■ ./ . w if h " o x c lu s lv e W h l> o 0 Interior!) o m lc fin ish w on

■ _ p e e l o r sc ro p o o ~ I t V ‘ od5y-to<Ioafi,

in o g Brow n por

^ * p m im M A xxK M M m m lumbo ■ ■■■—~ B -

' . m s

d e r f o o d s v x k e e p t h e m le m o u t . 2 5 - x 9 - . — f r

r "

C / T ?

--------------• « * J • . H s

JI** H<I S F

9. 9‘5--;:-:

Q99 _ _ g |

THTtirond tolld tiond 'r tloclii (54). I

d*v*lopl 2% .. I— onough lor • • - — - ............Fullr ondoi^d .. ^•nc* tvllh up* . . . . . .nitfueflon^S**_'_ _ M o!:«s stra lg f iil-klekback of- cuts, tn ’w o o d ; lod* lncr*oi«t . o*h#r m dforl ivy duly itomp- t in i* > ia v * r ■ c oyiobw. l t s v [ob s oround . _ . th * w oi1(shop _____' _ ____ -_ ;,lnelud«* w ood

r c95 fee'R E »in «aaa i«n

w ...................... s o L i d s

| ) _ 1 _GARAfi

g nMft m f<ro h a r

' fncn ts .' J u s t“ c a r - garage

___ : ' . ............. _ . . y o u .d r j v e . i n ;- . : ■ F or'rolI;,up'a( mmtmmsm BiiauKMncMilr t s ^ _ _ '

I '

• fo m le - In*— l- T r —o r o f f . .' ~ .~ g

: . . f p I S:h on sil- 1 uTif n o w —•- . - :oo ttw ar0iv e Tuf . : _____ ' - • - -ors . C e r .' - ■ g g j | p « M *

:°o 7 , SHi: i f l f c j R o <art. Nut-

M o u n t In iA r ln cfb w r - ir ; t e m p e r a t i i r e f d t - t h e s a

V . . ' .....j . . . ' ____ •' \ * .. ••• -■

lOLDS YR o c k w e l l ^ ^ ;

D rill w o o d , n -o r lo h d , mix 0 -1 0 0 0 rpm,

■ 0 0 6 0 ’ *ori«s.

^ - = “ - - V . .

M o ^ l 7

J I 6 S Jligh t, curv«d.ohd scrollod. m iitbl.. p!a~stkiror f d ~ : ^ --------rorlals.^ T his ' v « r s a tn i~ ^ ^ p r ~ H r - d o o t In n u m o rab I* . I id th * hom * o n d 'i n ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ " ' l ^op. DoubI* lnsulot*d. . ' I ood 'cutfteg b to d * '« , - * . r r - r ,y ':t||


6 E - D 0 0 R - 0 ^ N E j

l ‘3 9 ^[lark^rftin , n n OYpntitrQ to th a <lii s t - to u c h -b u t to n -o m rn ir in 'Y { fcage d o o r opens, l ig h ts 'c o m e p}i in safely ; d o o r closes b eh in d you

p-tfoors-T cn S x ? : g

p c k w e l ! * * * ” " ' ^ ' ^

I , 8 DIGIT ^


L O B . : ; |



I' . ^ '■ '*“ S — r e a d 'trT ;4 n d ' o u t d o o r g s a n i e t f m r . i— -------- S 3 7 7 - g

Page 7: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

| | | ^ - . T M e t ^ e w s . TAIn.Ff Ili. ktahb;

p JVortH^Troops went on alert In northerr

f K In’m e face of a Palestinian thr vengeance with all avQlIdblc mctl

fe tjfra fd fttba t-W llcd and-ffotmdcd-ni ^ persons InLebsncsc refugee cdmpi K j K P ateU rilan oKIclote In Beirut m f [.‘ ^ ■■^most women flnd-chHdrOT‘=-~wc

^ f lc k s Tuesday ori cam w hea r 1 S ' ^ u th e ra Lebanon a'lidTripoilln the

JlUnbffl^al Lebanese f lg u i^ pul t

rT h e ra id i. believed lo be r ep r ls ^ ^Palestinian bombing In Jeryujem ,? V r Q»e'deadliest in seven y e a n ot Is

^ f t g a ln s lP a le s lfn ls n targets In Lebai ^ 2 p he^ e l i . n illKary w n im an d i r

^ ' t a r g e t s w ere guerrilla b a ^ . I Kcadquirteni o f tho Syrlan-back(

near Naballyah. II did not elol 3 lfZ u b e lt ; :M o h s c n .- th e -m m ta r y -c

|a ler tln > t. Mhfrnllnn nrgan lia llf ■Jv I ir a eK o ex p w tr ep rlte ls . r v - '^We will ^ vengeance w ith a

. have’done fn the past,” he said In B^l ' An Israeli m llilarysource'saldrcsl

• • • I

Portuguc; LISBON, Portugal ftJPI) ~ In ; President Francisco da Costa to<l ' Comes summoned key offlccn, ' fut

Comnninists ™---------- ------------------------------------- teh

Uidlse control ca t'rf. ^ - ' - ' r a d

--------------------b / IBANGKOK. Thailand (UP1» t

/- :7;K lng Savang Vatlhana of : ' 1 atxlleated today and the .. ^ iftlon ’a ^ l l t l o n government (cjc

disbanded, completing the and eam n n m lsc ta k e o v e i- - o r i h T T : “e,ii l;icfiuntry, (he Laotian national■^.rwo ty o n e o . ------- . - = Sf TIio oroadcasl, monilored In ^

B an ^o k , said, the coalition said ■govenunenr led by Prime rcvc

-:^lnlster-Souvanna-Phoum u---rTrojt] . w as abolished in “ response to (.qjjj the demand of the people/'

The broadcast said the .. m country would now be known hisc ns ;*1hft-nwnnftgallr.-P«ipi<>fl— ^

T -R cpubiic 'flnaor----------— —S ev era l dem o n stra tio n s " Qg^t

were recently , held In Ihc ’ o r li '-LaoUan ’capltal of. Vientiane nolit ..dem anding Ib&oustcr of the 19v .

A t ~ le a s l 1.000 peo p le pgj.| g a t h e ^ outside the office ond 0^,5

-hom e^f-Souvanna-Phoom a;— ■■deroahdlnftlhat he be removed ' (h„r •from of flee. • •

Sblivanna774ris a nculrallst .■ nnd hns hppn n.«ymhn1 <?f tho__ -icounJry js_faU ering ._slance__ iW"a^arnsl swelling CommuhlsI ^■ Influence'.v-Tbc^?LaoUan Ihrone was —-estabUshedflOOyearsTiBo;-.-------- '— :r T h e 'C o m m u n is ts began consolidating their 'power In


§ t r i k e e n d s - - ' -

f o r w o r k e r s

in j a p a n 47 - T O k v O - (U P l) -^ G o vem ^ 3 m eni worker^ today called a

■halt-t<ra-wlldcat--strlke--that----------^shut' down rail transportation ^ a n d - d is ru p ted m ail and f l

'communication "services for V elghtdays..

The 860,000-m'embcr Council of Public Corporation Workers ' • Union announced it planned lb

;e n d .-^ -H leg a l-w a lk o u t • a l— — jp ld n ig h f (10 a .m . ESTThursday) without achieving___ ___Its goal — the right of govern-ment workers lo strike. ’ ____ __" J a p a n NolTonal R ailw aF ” employes..postal workers andcmpioycs-ortue telephonm na----------~-lelegraph corporation have' been out since Nov. 26. when • ^hetteT ion-D Tdcred^znR Ja'TT ' — strike. ,. ;lne - union's- capitulation,,

io U o w e d .-P rim e - M inister-. - - - Taiceo MikJ’s refusal to yield to union demands and increasing ' n public discontent over Ihe walkout. ' •; A union statement, issued in ■

te e form of an “appeal to the _ * ■^6opIc7* said. “ We have ACCIded.'by ou rse lves lo iuq>end our s l r u ^ e . We have been fighling for the past 27 years since we w ere deprived, by q rd e r jo f _ t^ _ American occupation foreeft'oMHe r l ^ f * ■^oslrike.V ' ' ' , J . “ —

“Wc realize our desire will be realized‘only through Ihe ' . ^ |W r t of the people. .We are r tr ry . thal we have greatly — Inconvenienced the people for thepasteigh tdays."- -Tbe unioin n i d that allhou . Ib ^ rU o ers V ere returning to -

Il,may btfsome lime w M th e iia tlo n a r ra il service B u m itb ro n n B l. . '......... T " '

t \ v : . ■ ■ -

lb*' Wo^nB8d«y;Dec«mber3,1975.

i n J s E a f i t j Onrutfcmal--------------- border settlem enem I sr a e l to^ay: In bomb sh elter Jireat lo “seek 'h om es. Troops-j iclhods” for air a lert. -- . T n o re -th a ir 200 — -F ollow lng-the- ips.' guerrillas In sotit•sa id59 persons . '..m in u te artillery wcre:klUcdTm d~rtlem Bnt!i ucrosag nnri strafing— repflrtfid,------------r .N ab allyah In ' Israeli m ilitary Jie North. ^ e r r ilJ a s fired 12It the death toll v illages, ^ l^ il ly v

Isais again st a r a id sto th o U .N .S n N ov. 14, w ere the PLO to attend Israeli sorties next month.

}anon.~-------- ------------- “ Israel’s nalurttn Te l’AT lVKiia------ wjiat charaetef inI. Including the tJm elsth n D lfo lio :ked Al Salqa — resolution , th a t . •laborale.' P alestin lan s,’'Kai

. Including 42 worn I a ll ava ilab le northern Bared an _ l - - i n-i974^IsraeH- WIrul. aven ge the deathse s ia en tso fth e , r a ld o n th e lsra c lh I .

ese debatein the ruling m ilitary regim e lai today to -d iscu ss Ih'o*political' At future o f the aj-m^ ^ o r c w in rl(

pressed > i ls _ pufjte • o f C om -_ ^ ' nunist=^nfiilCRCc in radio, m l e lev lslon and newspapers. p n

In a predaw n statem ent. Ihe . th( [ablnel nationalized every ior adlo s li t lo n in P oriugarw lth ' "‘ex( h e _ e x c e p l l o ^ o Y R a d io , to ler ioscehea^ w hlch -l3 -ow n ed“ futii/lh cra th o licch u rch '. .------------— 3The m ove cam e a s the mil

um ber o f le ftists fired from abi iieir Jobs ' In the national by j leylslon-.nelw ock.rosc to 42 • 'dls<n d _go y en im cn t-o w n cd _ b u l......In .IJ‘fllst'controlled new spapers « Bul ;m n lned ' siisDcndcd for Ihe parInlhday. ‘ ..................................w eeA presidential spokesmen left

lid the m ililary 's all-powerful offli evolutionary council would . pov, u id itr n r sr m w iln ^ sln cc i h e _ z ^ }llapse o f last w eek's leftist Tl jvoU la te th isa ltem oon . - l e f M ilitary so u rc es said Ifs Der

R u ss ia n s , would hinge on cen tlC»ier,tnejQ]uiers,wjio.toQk ower 19 m onths ago should the sntinue to control the nation the ■ lu m govern in g over lo the ban ilttipin parties and return to . Tl i^ b a ir a c k s ; - '- - — ali i V hls bas ic ^ ^ I p n over ra'dl D rlugal's p o litica l future ^ inlei ■ose ftbni^Sociallst dem ands Comat the mllitar>^sccap a pact____coiTre parties w ere forccd to ^ gn dust;



. 2 7 5

M O V I E R A n i M Q S F O R I

, V O U N B P E a“■rho abjctUvc oj Ihrro ting t it 10 Inl

i ullab llllre l movie font»n» tor v ltv

” > f ^ ifoM tn' w l Audlenci

----------; f u a i a t m i a nU f 3 SOUf UAIItlAI MAT I

SVIT«Ut >»»

,------- , B«T«1C* D Under I7r«)tulre*

• |X V | Por«niPfAdol - 3J;.


NOONSUND£l(Ag» limit mcy vor

. @ ^ M O @ FUSMCf ;. ' - 6r THC MQTiow wcnjM o)o t Of a

■ ' - ■'

. - J ..

lents w ere told to ^ p en d .tb e ij lj^ it^ e r l ik o rooms attached to their s and c ivilians w ere p laced on

le-T uesday-attacksr-Paleslinlon 'p^ }titheast Lebanon launched'aMS-. ry barrage against Israeli set- sr n h e -b o r d f ir r io c a r ^ r fm m tJ r ^

>ry-»urcefl in"Tel Aviv sa id the. 122mm Katyusha rock cls a l four

y wounding two pecsons. jm ier Rashid-Karam i-llnked the - I. Security Council’s Invitation lo ;nd a. debate pn the M iddle Cast

u're-ls based on aggressIon.-buLfiztS“lts -b n irai ' ag{{rcsBign m is—liowed the U.N. Security Council it . w a s - a L lr iu m p h ,; fo r - the <aram isald, *

)men and children, died a t the 1 and Baddawl cam ps.

eU-3trikcs~kllied'48*persons-to—=— Ihs of 16 students In a guerrilla tlise ttlcm en to fM a’alot.

e futurePi

la st Morch, which gave Ihe (q Arm ed F orces Movement tho s t right to rule for the next three gj

The pact inspired by the ^ m ili l a r y ’s then p o w e rfu l proCommunlst foctlon granted ™ the revo lu tion ary c o u n c il q , lo n g te rm le g is la t iv e an d i , , BxecutivejK iw ersandthe-rlght' „,] lo v e to law s passed .by any . t 1rulureielected-govemmcnf:-----------T h ~ e ■ c o n lld e n c e o f th e— ^ n llila r y in US g o v e rn in g . j ib ility has been badly shaken .11 jy a breakdown in m liilary ((,1 IlsclplincLond.rlsIng anarchy Dp n .I j id s tw ls in recbn l.m on lh s__D r,lut 11 w as not untildisgruntlcd 4^ la ra troop s tr ig g ered la s liw K 's-revou by th e ex trem e ^ eft lh at the suggestion that thefflcers surrender politica l '.i,,ow er lo the parties began to f ..row,_____ . . . BUITh e Socialists,'joined by the „ ,f

e f t - o f - t c n t c r P o p u la r )em ocrats and the right-of- e n ter S oc ia l nom n cr .T tir . !cn te t.p a t ly .^ v c J m p o tu s .to • le idea by openly calling for | “ 10 sold iers lo return to thtf • •• arracks., ‘ . w , 'T h e govorhm enl takeover of llb uton eof^*orliign i’8 m ajor i'd lo^ latlons'w as parttpf an . ilenslfled drive to sw eep ' ommunlst lnnucnce from the ' »untry:a__broadcastlng_.ln -... . istry and newspapers.

■AL -f ONLY , ^

TACOS& P e p s i '■

or, Dr. Pepper "$ y o g b

[ i B t l l l U K E S T W I l f f l i l l

I P n U E N T S A N D i f n p i£ : -(n/orm poromi about/Bwing by their chlWren .



■1CT6D • . • ,

doltGuordlon ........... ~ '

D«,17ADAMTTI0.. ' ‘ ' kKorylnctrtalnoreoU . - i \

If SUM tOUUW t- - - -

a - , ■'* /

P r c s f d e i r t i.. . KINCLJuiiv^Cariot-Tuesday- -

announcetfthe appointment of ‘ righ t-w ing ed u c a to r F e ^ nandei M iranda, 60, lo flir the key.poUHcal.port,of:l>Eealdenf 5

— o r. . |h«.:;PariUiBM ti q^atea ■ close to tbe govemment said , the move could lead (0 a swift ' I

- . and Iboraugh ih a t t i v of :the i government tbe U u inherited ,!

" f r o r o - U i e J a t e l ^ l i l l s ^lmb Francisco P ranfo. . 2

Shootout il Itills Basqu

MADFHO, Spain (U P l) - Fl P o lice killed an 18-ycar-old ' wi today in a shootout w lth^hree, su sp ected Basque separatist dli gu errilla s in the sm all nor- yc

■ th e r ii'lo w n ’dr Beasdlh. p o llce “ vii so u rc essa id .. •

P o licc Idenim ed Ihe tieod .Cl m an as^Luis Javier Lopez dc thi G ucrono. They said the youth an

.h a d .a hl§loty_.of_lnvo|vem ent da w ith Basq ue Homeland a n d 7 “ ln L i b e r t y — q - - s c n a r a t l s t ' ' ~an

E TA. • ; ■ th(. P o lic e .'i? a iW tw o o th e r .1 su sp ected separatists escaped ' a s fo llo w in g Ihe^ shootout In Co Beasain,-:a town in the Basque * F e proylncM f-G ulpuicoa-abtrout— bei 40 m ites (rom --the French towhn ninr. ________ • -----------------M"

The la s l m ajor ETA incitlenl ' I- occu rred N ov. 24. Ihe day after " of the burial of Genornlissim o pai.Elea n o l 600 — F4--flnco:— E^FA------6pegunm en shot and killed the .cat; m ayor o f the town of-O yai7un - brii near-Ihe French border, then Int r e le a s e d a sta te m en t sou

T I C K E T O U T L E T S :M o ilc C #nl«r . -TwJi>-FoH» ond

M ark 'i M usft. Buriev

I S !

y ^ a r e *

3 fT h u r s d a y ' -

a n d S a t i

( D E ( 1 . 4 t h - '

' .«59B lu *L ak< T W I n F o

■-l'* 'BEIR U t'i,Lebanon (U P I) - r '■. T h e..L eb a n ese gow fftn en t;,'" -C.'Uhabjg tb_eontm r * n w '.~ pTtj; • X breaka of j Jghtlng,4ias.j>aitfcd- * - a la w drafting- ihousands -of— zrnhenT Into '-the varm y 'In^'-a—

.'desperate attem pt to break up ' rT n in in ffC im stltin and M oslem - -vjD P U ias.;

. ‘ G ovem m ent leaders, said .th e y hoped a t l e a ^ I5;0()p m en '

— w e u ^ -b e r d r a f te iF ln to ^ e ^ :" " 10,000-strong arm y by the end

„ o fth lsm onth ,___ L _ _ _______•The-biii.-paB SedT uesdayris—

■■n inisraitcn e iit fr n o ena"cighi— •m on lh ao lb ip od y civil w ar by

..breaking up the various ar- •• m ies attached lo the.battllng ,• - F ^ llticalandreliglousfactlons.

The law orders . Lebanese m ales between the ages o f IB and 4Q to serve 18 months in Ihe

. arm ed forcw .- -------- -------------- —There w ere new fiareups of

. l ig h t in g 'b e lw e e e n 'r iv a l C hristian apd M oslem m ilillas - Tuesd ay and p o lice .sa id at

— lcasUsIX:-pcrsons.wcnJ-k’lllod—

2 a h le .2 5 m ile s lo th e e a s t . i. y

* ‘ C T -----------• ---------- ------------in hpam fue youth

Fran ce claim ing Ihc official < w as a police Informer.

Twenty-two pollcem cn have died In political, violence this y ear In Spain, m any of Ihem ’

-VTCIIfiTaorRTA - , ■.--------------------Police sources sa ld jh e ru r a l! •

.C lvll.G uard force had been on the ira ll.o f Lopez de Guereno- . and two companions for three days. The t h w were trapped

“ In a buifdliig early Wednesday ' • ~and ordered to surrender.’ the -

_^n urcgs snlri. hut rtfri nnt nrtd _ _ the shootout erupted:.N e w s of Ihc shooting cam e

a s the new president of the C orlcs (P arliam ent). Torcuato F ern a n d ez M iran d a , w a s - -

' 'b e in g -sw o m ~ ln 'a r th c “down town parliam ent building in ___.

' King Juan Carlos' selecllon of the right-wing;.educator as p a r l ia m e n t a r y p r e s id e n t -

-^pene<W he-w 8y4or-^ull-sca!e— .cabin~et o v e rh a u l-U ia l- will brin greform -m lndcdi»llllcans > In to p o w e r , g o v e r n m e n t u sou rces sa id today . ^

“ d e c . 5 '' «:OO P .M . , p. S U M l i V i D O M E ^ '


$ « o o

r — F r i d a y ' \

a t u r d a y

h-5th-6fh ' 1a k * i N o r th .I F o l l l ; ■ . . . ^

M ore than' 4 , ^ pen on s- " 'h a v e B e « killed, and 9.000 '

w o u n d s slncklasTApril. ' . " ; ' 1— .Jh e J _ w o tsL -fIg h U n g .L w a s_ f— .rreported In2 ah le ,w h erearm y I — trooprfliipervftlngaceafifrfire I b e tw een ..w arrin g m ilil la s I — eam eunderfire.'spark ingday-”

lon gclashes. . . •I . A rm y lo sses were listed a s ' '.„-.two_dead.a'nd_elghl.wounded. r:-“ 'T h n !e 'c lv illa n s^ r c 're p o r te d " I killed and 10 wounded.

— c n b in e n e h e a m e d - ’-anoih-er”— Ground of cohsuiiallons today (0

-push through m lltlca l ■ and ' • conslItulIonal:-relorm8 aim ed ..• •a t reaching a peace set-_.

tlernent. .K aram i' h e ld In te n s iv e

d ay long, m eetings with rival poiitlcB l' and • mllltfa leaders

~ ~ ~ :T iif f s t ln y .jp _ d lsc u it .;J m ^ — . plem entalon of the changes,

including expansion of h is slx- -m ancabinol'.^—

—Postal-................, sitrike eh d s ”

------- O T tA W A rC an atiir(0p ir= -—Canada’s 22.000 postal em ­ployes returned to work today ' for the first lim e in s ix weekSr

■ bul union leaders wa: >ied. of lobo^m anagem enr. slH fe^for ' the duration ’ of...their new ' c o n tr a c t.. ' .

I . o w H i i f f u r r .

H o a r o n c e a g S r i . w ith t h e o r ig in a l m o v ie c a s t . . .

: ■

n i M t M « f .

AitiAvnmi AtnumijOHN 1 " g ^ a J g g a a



P.1110 . lo tto ■

............, . . * 6 « ■ _

ament-draIS' R iv a l '^ n m e n 't^ a d e d bursts n ■ ;o f ,m a c h ln e g w r f l r e - a l l - d a y ;■ T u esd ay -Iri-su b 'iirb a n 'B eiru t.ft—iJJU t—o n ly _ o n e d e a th w as. y r e p b r t e d r T J I s ^ e r e ^ V city

8 .. T ension w as .h igh in m ost - a r e a s - 'a a ■•rlval-.TO liltiam en:

. .m anned roadblocks. . ‘8 I s r a e l i a i r ' r a i d s - on I. P a l e s t i n i a n refugee c am ps:ln .tf— I h C T W r tO ih - a m T r T u M d a r

he lp ed to fceitp th e ^ l r e e ts of 8— Be ln iU c sa r t e d r ^ - ~ r , P a B l S I S r a H d n b M id 59~ 0 p e rso n s —m ost w om en, and. 3 '- c h i ld r e n w e r t killed and'

\\(0 ^ --------------- - t S U b S ^

1 1 7 S h o jh o r — -------^ ^ ( o n - o U e y - b e tw e e n - /


W E F E A T m i


- Cht«t«

; SALAMI. . . .- — ------------ — .O t t r i i


C H E E S E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- — — — • I C t C O l D A/

• C C FFE E • € (

“ ' •F R E E P i

"II MOZZIEM “DqbhHui W ; ' 'Clullarai

7:30 p . -k B .Wednesday t

, J N T Hf|||r( q .T h e .R o g T « o f t '= D

- ?

' ■■ ■ O T C M 8 tt^ " 'io c

aftsiarmy::■sis about J M ''^ u n d M ' iir“ibe*

f c osl 'le n r n u : f ; r : '< w V ^ f - » o v o r I f t ^

.• m l* « d drink f -p n .

^ .SOfOM . ■ .V ,

l a l Z - iu —ind..-. -S IS V ’E "ind; ; ^ W A d d h p n W M l —

l i i r y :h o n e Sl'reet N orth w -M olft-S lfeeH ind-K «to^ s-------------

LUNCH A T T H I IT c A u i r yHE SJNDWJCHES I . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 5 0 * "

. ..S O * -,>«t*IO'E>1ra j

V V ; 5 0 ' ;

G E . . ; . . V r . . . . . . 5 0 ‘t t* to* Extra

3 0 *) MUGS OF BEER 1------- ' -COKE . UNCOtA

r a A R l m i^ " .1 j

H n m i)" H iiij li; f M

a n d S o n g s ■ . - ' W

. - 10:30 p.m. . ■ Wy ll ir i i S a tu r d a y - - i W

T H E , : , ; W

- ^ 4 b U N G E ^ - ^ ® -- D o w n to w n .T w in Foils

1^^.. 7i»0-^>3g •»' ~

^ T O N U E ^ ^ ^ . V . - 1 - -

I . \ ’

S _ > o n i ! f : _____ _______________] w f o t m J

^ K M B A R l F f E ' / -^ : u E p a v m i -

^ ■ C Y C IE H IW ^ ^ ' ■^ OPEN 6:45 . . \ 1 » -1

. SHOWSTAirrS \ 1 I *!.,A T 7 t0 0 p J « . ' I 2 ••

K v T H E W I L D s f iS y a i N G E L S :

■•, • •" 7 1 •

Page 8: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

.- M U S -n


\A ■■ ■' ' • '' " ' ~ - '^ \ ^ i f e : A ’:xiK^v;


' | :

- - —No tra c k s

-Gem horsi' l O T i & n . WaJ^ (U P I) _ i

M ggibtts o f the Gem County '

r S f i i g d a t e s to B o is e dtSCflminatcs against sm all • < l jy p ond m ay force them lo i

SO a givlng our racing dates ] a\fltS(’-' association President ' B a tp u ss« 1 l said.-'■the sta le— J c (g r a I s s lo n h as cut ou r <

ijiar^e^gaT cOEUR d ’ALENE. Idaho ( U P !) C5i|ji^lssIon will hcor a c a s c _ t Wrcnmenlal group has charged.W

I p la 3 iy Dolltlcol advertising In Us t n in n c v ^ a p cr a d v c rtlse m c n ts.,!____jrhc_KDQleDal-Envjn»OJnen'tpLj vocated construction of High Mo----------.CanyanJnsidcjinaDlhiyJ)ilinC€nv

In a newspaper urjting presid en t! ' “bill: . ".-i:!Alllancc Attorney ScbtrR tfed>j

utility shouldn’t - e n ^ g e In wiia . -v cr tls in g ''b e ca u se it Is given a .n

. in com ccom csentlrcly from rates ( — Recti sold lf-such_practlcc8 are

___"equal tim e” provision in which vl«could l)eexprcsM d in the Some me<

WWP spokesman William Lnwi stand that it. has a constitutional

. m essage to custom ers dWTthal, subject to "equal tlm e" provlslons.

----- - ■WAS HlW C T O N ~ '(U P tl" ^ -^ bcongressional delegation arc convli

___ the HellsCanyon Bill although he d<Sen., Bob Packwood. R-Ore.. sj

- President tw ice about the m easure sign it"

? Pock>vood said. "The President iL j___ b l ir b u t lgotthed lstlnct Imp'ressloi

An aide to Rpp. Al Ullm an. D-On kinder a bill Uie President would Wj

- ItsstrongsupportbyC ongress,

................A S 'F I r a l , o ^ W c a h “6f B; Chunks'OT H one^M eat ChunI *0« you open th# cBn. (Wa'ri

•Put th0 doo food o n .a plat'-----------watchtnartaKe ii o il your ta t

He'll think h e:|.ge ttlng tab he’8 really getting is the con’

■ he heeds. - - m .

I '

I hoisaneatCHUMC ! dinner

. jrf y __j t/■ S f . 'S f t jR , i r z

II ir -

‘‘xr il'

iJMM-'SCTi1 ^ ^

W ITH te n Inches of. I .'-liOuls m o s t w orke rs got

D O tB o fb rth ls ran ro ad e tS _______ i_ d e a n in g tb e Ice^aod i

......... , . .„ B w ltc b e a .« ) .lb a t_ th e .i r• (UPI) *

se racing thir e v e n u e ‘so “ th a l ;.the d e n i . 'Z C o u n t y , s p ^ h s o - r l n g . o rgan lM tion is In d a n g er 0/

‘ fuiuingup."F o r m a n y y e a r s , th e Gem

County organ iza tion h a s run nine ra c in g d a y s -In M ay.

B oise h a s begun rac in g on Ihc W ednesday a l te r M em orial !

—D a y a n d -n n rJ S f la y s — ending on t a b o r D ay. . 1

2 to hear

>1) - T h e Idaho Pul)llc UtllliiciiID cc,IO *ln..w H Ich a local cn - j-W ashington W ater-P ow er w ith ,is m on th ly b illing envelopes and .

i H A lllonc e c la im s W WP od- | M ountain Sheep D om In Hells m v c lo p cJn d lw u R h ta d v cr llsinR - — -I it F o rd to veto th e s tr ip m ining

sairi h ls g roup th inks a public iia t h e ” le rm ^ '" p o l i t I c a 1 ud- ' " J i.m onopoly , Is regulB led In th e - r

s fixed by th e PU C . Ir e a llow ed , th e ro shou ld tw a n -------v iew s p th e r th a n th e com pany’.s ^ ^edlo.iw ry so ld th e 'u ti li ty ta k es the . a l r ig h t to p re sc n l 't1s-.stor\’ o r . J t_ u til i t ie s oronU In any , woy

is . '(

predi^d=Hw o"T ncthlicrK '‘o r t h o “ dr^g<ln’ ” vinced P ro s id e n t Fo rd will sign fd o csn 'lllk e llT ' I

so ld h e hod ta lked w ith t h t , i r e a n d " l 'i n ) 9 l l O l o l l h a l h e ’ll

U d id n 't s a y i w ill nol vc lo the . tto h th a th c .w o u ld s ig n lt .” , v ••:>re.. sa id . " I doubt th a ri l'.s (Re \w an t to r isk ve to ing" In view o f, I

_______ ______________ i

ilfeedadog^—r t ik f f < t o g f o o d ? jI B Iuo H o iih f f lii B o a r : ' ' V in /W rB u t-don 't- te t-you r d o gI 'r e a e r lo u a .) - .......... ..........................l a t e . t h e n .w l lh y o u r d o g ............:ab le a n d s e t It b e fo re him ; a b le s c ra p s . B u t w h a t o m p le te 100% n u tr lilo n **

i 5 I O M j C <^ 1 Bfln9 "«»»M0unUln'*t0 y0ur'd0i

- I . EapKlalty with m il coupon ooo<K S product.

- r ToU»«flroeir.Wh»nth*Mfm»etthl

S . s S x - S S HMMI >11 e«upOM to aiM MounUlR.- i

B i M CmIi i«d*mpU04 niM 1/30* o( TW»wpon l« i»0«>wniy H.

\ j L

^ -


t — = — - 5 5 : 3

if.soow on iB e 'w ay in St. ' jo t (0 go borne early . But 1 e m p k ^ who has to keep 1 caaw .o u t_ 6 f_ ^ „ t « ^ _______. tra<n«- /»iin m l l ln g ______ ___

reatened' ’ year,' B o tse 'dcc lded to'

qu it rac in g be fo re tho f a ir on - A ug. 15,” R ussell sa id . " T h e y ' tn e h a p p ifc a a t d a le s .’'

H e sa id th e S ta le , H o rs e ' R a c in g C om m ission 's .a c lio n ■ c u ts E m m e tt o u t o f th e M em orial D ay w eekend which. In -past y c o rs . h a s b rought the

w g o h lz a llo n to th e b reak -even . po in t.• R ussell sa id th e com m ission

“ lo o k ^ f lv T o rE n m ic l lT r o c in g ' ’ d a te s aw ay a n d g av e ih em to B oise. Then, h e sa id . It m oved E m m e tt up Into A pril a n d gave

^ lh e _ G m j:o m ly .c m ii1 iii ||9l!_ . e ig h t d a y s — one w eekend in A pril a n d th rc e In M ay. '

____ H e -s a ld - th c - fe c U n g - th a t-a —- - l a r g e r — p a r im u tu e l h a n d le

shou ld glvc 'B oise ra c in g doli?s —o f-llM h o o s in g - ln e ffcc t- flllo w a- j-

t r a c k sg c n e ra tln g n io re m o n e y ' to buy d a tes o f th e ir cho ice ."

‘'G em .coun ty 's organ ization - f c c l s . - “ th ls :r:1^ t i r t f a [ r “ a W ~

d isc rim in a tin g ag a in s t sm a li t r a c k s In I d a h o , ' ;R u i» l l^ ld , '.

H e sa id le tte rs of p ro tes t ' hu v e been sen t to th e w m -

m i s s i o n m e m b e r ^ ,

D . A ndrus..

^ r F ~ H ( U ' i i 0 U ~

iianu’s ihrva-^•G LENN S F E R R Y - The

G le n n s F c 'r r y '^ H ig h w a y D is t r ic t d i r e c to r e le c t io n

z :M ondoy 5 a w B o h:fir lB ffnacw > a= : to s u b d l i l^ c r 2 fo r a four-ycor •

_ te r n i . : :___ ___________He rec ei ved 171 voies.F ra n k Jo p c s of su b d islric t

N o. 3 w as elcc.led. w llh-J20 vo tes. Jo h n Solosabal opposed . Jo n e s , g e ttin g 105 vo tes . H e ' w ill a lso se rv e a ^ o u r-y c a r te rm .

• T he to ta l o f m ore Uian^OO _ vo tes w ere-co st in th e G lenns ' F e r ry , H om m ett and K ing Hill polls. ■;________ ' ' *•

dogkl • lamptlnB Icm pdca. ’ 1 000 for in y Blue MounUin , ,

nhl»oll»rh«v»b*»fteomp1t»d»llh. ,>7*plut)« riindllnd,Anyolt)«r .. Iw<c«t previM puichM Pf tulticKni 1d ler nM m ^en muit M luOmiiMO < oMumtr muil piy iny t«i*t Im .s-ar'a?.s.".'?j;.f:.“.K' 1.


r w i • •I r a in e:± 5 1 i 4 W f S b [ d B 5 3 ! i i s i a t J E l i = :

— T hirty -tw o tr a in e e s ta te . . - - - - - c b r r c c t lo n ^ d f l i c o r e ^ w o V c . -

re le a s e d fro m Ja i l T uesday,• h a v in g been booked,- f l n g e ^ -

p r ih te d ' and pu t behind b a rs S u n d o y ~ to th e ir s u r p r i s e - ln

• a un ique e xerc ise in em pothy .--------^ c i n cil ft&d liisf' ah-ivtfd a t '

th e s ta le co rrcc tion tra in in g—— school... -at - F ra m ln g h n m . .to__

- beg in a s ta n d ard ’ c ighl-w eok .cou rse w hen th ey w ere told

Int'um betR ljP E R T — Incum bents won

^Mlnfdoka H ig h w ay D is lr ic t M( — . W lUMl o fU w K rversidcT 'cm i-Ic

e lec tio n s in Ihe M in i-C usslaarea i ’*, B m ic M a r lc le g a rn e re d 431 vo

— «; w ay d is lr ic t io d e fe a t H aro ld Wor "In su b d islric t 2 Lynn M annir

In th e R iverside C em etery ni! b o a rd ch a irm a n P a u l Rro\vn (or 2. M arilyn Moon' w as iinoppow su b d is lric t I fo r four yd a rs . -

. I n su M is lrlc l :i G jiriand Cli •■•Donald M ncR ac. ’ , ;

.----------- Vote to ta ls w ore nut j v ailntiio T; B u r l ^ Hlghw’a.v D lslrlc l Ch

e lec ted .to an o th er four-ycor te rr opposing w rite-in;

In (he R a f t-R iv e r H ighw ay r — e l c c t ^ to a fou r-year te rm from s

; In th e M inidoka F ire P rolccllpr M ontgom ery an d D ale G . Child

^ r — h a d i r v o t ^ r r ^ M i s n i c m o m------ su b d ls trlc t 2 fo r two ycu ’rsr'**

Incum ben t C lyde G reem veli c •cam paign in th e W est E nd F ire P i

G reenw ’Cll lia d .68 vo tes lo w in i____H avnes ha d 16 w rite-in voles,


■'TeOTI:^ M im tu v ia / jT l. . »om iivA «T- > T / * V V

R s s “ “

- b o I


. • Disc

C old w eather shape*upt Ke ^ starting , s m oo th ri^nning wll

tune-up! For m o st U.S. c a r----------cac& -$2 -m o re .-6 * cy lin d e i

' 4 *cy lindercars $2 le ss . ' '

CopyflgW • 1B73 by S. S. KnESQE-Coffl

ee officfcrsi ir z ;t lt tm ^ lo -g r a b -so m iro v c n i® iT te .belongings fora “ field trip.” “pe------- ^For-thevncxl-iwo days t h e y -y, w ere Inmotes ul the new -

......M iddlesex County Jaii;7orced ■'rs lo w ear prison logs,'eat prison In food, undergo cell Rhnkcdo>vns-'

and face mockJdlscipHnniy ' s r Boar3J ; “ . ■ ' ’ Jg S e v e r a l w ore put Into'to — l6oiatioi>-^hen,,g.ii>ni»' fiiiiini;k. .. nrontrrthon^M •

Id a sa lh u m b la ck in o n ec a se a n d ’

r l i t s s t a y hiwon ovorwhclm lnj’ victork-s in the t Monda,v*'*lilli; chalten um look iHi-iery Lyiaini'l nn llio only cotit’e sr - jrejji11 vo les In.suijdistrieM ill tiVi; liiRh-’W o r d w itn m :— :— :------------ ' • . .

inning gained .'-i;!? vntcs i<i doffat

y 'n istr ic l S lovens liointTdclciiiw l I (or a foiir-year lerni in MllHiistrid - )posed a-s thC- now iiuniibi-r from

J ChrLsliaiLsen ousli'd iiiciimtHMil,

tiloTue-sdaymnmlnfi. “ ■1 Chairmuj) J o n is J.4-ojj;ird h';i.s term oh W 'voles wilhotil a.single

ay D is t r l c l '^ a n B am w was ro­om subdislrict 3. — — • 'Cllpn District lnciiml>cnts.lxiVcrne hiid w ere rc-eleclw l. MDnluomtTv5m q r v c m : _ U l l i a h i i d ih v.ltOs \n

ell ea sily turned lia c k - ijw r lte in -’rc Protection another four-year iorni. Kioyd •

------------- O P G N -a

B ^ F U a w l c i H E D

r -^ 4 — 8 Hit ctetfirt wira^milmT.- — ' S z '‘Bbifi M P(4> bmtlltd 9 y A H !V ■«' df^tntaLmii........

MMlmt>iiathimci(M«anin(r __'V.Y\~{rmlitf«'»ht<nIlfaiM~rtplk^ '

1 1 QmtiilliiiIa|tor|nltltno{hj>|i _

' jTMI iil'Km(>t.tnttnilieRe«fliril

YllNDEItENIllflfP^PE CV sc o u n t P rice — 4 Days Ot

it K eep your c a r easy - 3 wllh a w inter s e a s o n . * - J c a rs . Aii^-condilioned-

n d eri.'ca rs $ 2 _ m o r e .___

LComeinV ' '■

s s p e n d t i l

’t ' -a . plastic knKe^in inotiior. ■:: : OffjclalB salii llicre w ere n*'•y— ^^escapcsr-'-— .......... . • ------------

, ;‘T h e m 'niorlty _ o fJ .lb e d ■ iTalnecs had no Idea this was n going lo happen .lo them.'! IS-' C o r .r ec .tlo n . D e p a r t m e n t

— ------------------ ,.. ---------

rejected. WASHINGTON ' lU P h -

_The l lo i» e Commerce Com­m itte e T u esday narrow ly

- r e je c te d a p rop osa l for.

natural gas prices. It Ihcn approved a bill that .vpuld

_ L _ _ flllo w s o m o — w ln t e r t lm c - em ergency sa les of gas aliove fcdcralpricecolllnRKi ■ . -

The bill Uial will go to the ^H ousc floor. If It clears the

R ules Commuted, will’ deal only with the winter's shor- toges of natural gas this year an d n ex l. • ..

- A .Sonnle-pa.ssetI version hos - t h e em ergency provisions,

p l u s .1 . 1 0 n g • 11‘ "deregulation" of naturol'gas prices.

. Rep, Rolwrt Krueger. D- T ex ., allem pted lo am end the b i l l , before the Commerce

- Com m lllee with' t h e 's o m e

- ^ S e n a t e .- T h a t I t to s - ruled .n o l^ genrtane. Then he proposed o . sim ilar idea — a seven year

, phasing oul of price controlson natural gas, -That fulled on a

------IW tle v o le ,-------------- ------------ --

- P A I l Y r W l C r S U N r m s -----

- S I Z E S - :« E 6i -7.00*13 -35.97-

- 2 5 4 15-60x15 25.97

X\ ^ r F 7 a « 1 4 29.97

39.97y y T G 7 6 x l4 91.97

y 31.97W J ^ \ y ^ H7flKU 32,97

H 78x l5 32.9>


“r \ - y C7a»u»

I 'X .

. F7B>lV'07liit4

n e — - . 07i «i s ■ K k - H7«iit4

SERVICES INCLUDE:I .I s tU IU tiU q o tl ltr ib s ii

— 2Jom anit.dn im i__________ ' •3. Riballd Mtitil CflM «n '

= 4ciU B M kfroat-!irtiiiM )W (ia9i-^

.... 7..B8i41t«l_... .. ___ _ _

U : S 7 C a r ^ “ ^^^ 1

ciAt-O n l y !

________ • .. . T --

- :.L Doeombof 11975

iT ie ‘b e h i w iS|Wkestnan Duvid Brown -iaicl.

--" T h ls'rca liy brings hnme thc"------?-messaRc-o(-cmp.Mhrwith-thc-le -inm alesbehlndlhctw rs," ■”IS • In previous years the school. .'! ran b s im ila r program ., i t hauling the trainees, who knew = = = S ^ M ’WOfy.^mlnfc:tiLUmltIttnfc=

Conn., where a mock ja il was run- by Connccllcul nfticinis. Three hud "escaped" from"

" , H addam TiiTddreppM oui^"' This year,■'Middlesex'County"

Sheriff John Buckley had a new jail and needed a chancc

_■ . to 'work out the hugs In its electronic,(ioor.and leievlsinn

I , • m onilorlngsyslom s Itefore lhe facility opens,

jn— Fonqui^x-Jblntng.-supervisor ’ al, Framingham.

U needed a prison Iwcause the-----: - - r - J ■

- The Perslon Gulf, located______ buLwcen lr n D._.inrt_.S,ntdl

Anibtij; cuv'L'rs OTiOOO stiuaru m iles.

al '

> ; ■ j l l


Ky . , 2 7 . 8 8 §:m - , : A j f XI


2 F I B E R G I

2 P L I E S f

i - C m c . - i^F.i.Tri— 43 . 31.H 2 3 J 8 I . . .

l l J l f L 2 6 J 8 — : 44 37.8S 3.33

f 2 7 J 8 ”

5 3 0 8 8 I t ; 5 ^ ^4 43.IB 3 ^ ,8 fr i

30,000 — BRAKE I

b u r R e g . 5 9 .9 6 4 D a y s I . (

H P u tb r a k e s into.condilion.for.t tlonal parts, services or labor < D i s c B r a k e J ^ M l a j . . . .

“ " ......< ■ ’_ .

975 . Timqs-Nqws.'TwIn Foils,Idaho -.5 -

i d

. ■ ~ con n R n cu t'rc^ is!a iu rc .«he Hoddam-fuciilly. nol J)c::

. r en te d to oul-'nf-sl;^ j - ;t_„ . anytqorts— ;---------— — ---------

'T h e Inm ates w ere un- d e rg o ln g afi I n tc n s iv c - debriefing Tuesday." fi wos;;

___ hoped Ihey remcmlwrcd whut-f^ ^ = F ^ { ^ V llk c '1o be-on the' fnsiao .

lo o k in g o u t w h en theyr' ----------grftduate-lntgrihl ji'wln le i ^ n ^

’nw t K,. y..[<

I NEE»: : >.n , CH RISTM A S;

. 'C A S H ?S - -the W »Tok«So(ldlof V — ...j_«*».Trodo-lni.Tool___ :it'cd Op«"FildByNtBht» .

i s f s - - ^ r c K E i i n « i D i £ i i r ^^SJSh6ihoii*$ljO |3^7£2i^

l $ 1 ^ — i


I N U D / S l l O W

a a a i a s f c ^

\ ~ O u r R e g F 2 3 S 7 A 7 8 k 1 3 — —

—.— :— ........................... . ...........

m mK B ' . r y "

r Tjras’pfus F.E.ti EacF-- ■•■.WHllii»illi.;.44Eiieh. • ,....

- ' WhiwwtlU Only ............. ^n'r

rw m fiW A L ts ^ - IGLASS BELTS PLUS i POLYESTER cord:3 u r = B e g . J i S 8 ^ ^ B i t } 3 i =

2 f ? ® lP I U S F . E . T . 1 . 7 7 E a c h : : .

[ A L E E N D S S A T U R D A Y !

A IIT Ire fP lu iF .E .T .liE ^ 7 ;


4 3 ”3r.bad.w eather_stoppin9..A ddir‘ .o r extra. , . .............. : ,.................................4 9 . 9 f r

O p n v i c ^ ^ R S l. L J l. luttllK • « t '

Page 9: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

I ■ fo'*Tlm o8^ow8' Twin r t i l s , Wahb

J b a S £ L g O O <; .DErTRQlT'tU PI)', - A dd it co

Scroogcs a groat cxca'w 'to cut C jHirdensome in txU cr lim es.

• ' Al Hom er, president of Itic nnr _.C cnlnps Inc.. SliptirVl.SCS 14 fllflCCS.

i>. ■ ‘V5nif hcavy^cW s'IrTonc b r ih c nd'feblons. • ___

''Commenls irom ni.s casioniers-j ' ;^M uiiJ j l ) lcalr« i rgtTnnyfo n )e i? Americans nnd ev9n t double w ham m y «r Innatlon and re<

^ .^ •‘Tlirough the more prosperous tl: - "^Ivc ycare.-'somc RlftRlvlnR got oul

- people now feel this Is a good i]{lod cut down on the amount of (slfts

••Many opinions w e get are that

■ th e y 'v e been wanting td for years i va lid excusc.”

•1— l:;;Evcn:f£scally!re3ponall)ltconsun . the’lrChrlslm nsVnvlngs'forIivlng<

y ta rd . ;.’'PcopJc often itse (he card wilhoi

.^or.cac^i gift or a list of who and "^W nny w ill find-that next CTrlstma: ''Ifthe. - ^ m e are-pnylng'for ‘Chrlstrf •ygo.'V - •• - - -

Two p reviously ' untouchat>le ( , “ busin ess a ssoc la tow in d 4W ld «ja .^

'-■Iwld bu sinesses are hjducliig or el’ll " cards loem p loyes and custom c *!.j''‘l='or children. Hom er said , socalle ‘V)yUl b e rcplnced with necessities. T

■ " 'c V p c c f lh c 'k ld s l o tum: up 'thcfT r „ ^ o m in g a s they unwrap thal ofl-mali

""7/it -------- ------ :---' ^ s l ^ i s i i o tbuLpnobahh

■ '* ^ A S A D E N i\7 C o lff .T O p r)-A sty r I ^ e star Is between'3.000 and IG.OOO i Earth In the constellation of Perseus, California In slilu teof Technology wholh g flP to foHht>fhnlnfilinrnnrrfylng

- Althougtr astronom ers were unable 3ntlIl}clngJM ni3_Q r:condcnsInR :tdylj

i t Is In a n area where th e re js little ol jfpm aSieiicwiiara, it Isap pafeH tl^ yfi •T h e star, called CRL-fi!8. w os_o

Westbrook, a graudate student u f Cult . W Infrared sources seen In nn Air Por<

Wcatbruukr g M ifdfecefltly^ iU tvIlli w a s published loday in Ihe Aslrophyslc ‘ 'If the star is dying, scien tists said.

—M folu lln n-lnlh k ..vplnHi.ahd dust before becoming a w hitedw ai

_ jS u ch stars are called p lan e^ ry nebi M je'flret'to bc”obscrved a t lh e bcglrifii ^ I te c h s a ld .

(^RL-CI8 ts focatcd abovc the plane c J I belleved 'to be sm aller than our _ d c i ^ ‘g a f a n a 'd u s t“e jw [ e a i

- * ^ 6 f c than tim es ih e diam eter or

r^iA.-ctnim. II showed upon thc AIr Forci ‘W estbrook. The hot central Htar ca

'^ f^ectloirfrom lw olargtrdustctnDd-'T" ^ ‘ Caltech astronom eps^ald such star riuij finished burning' the hydrogen lu

=W BBlns-to-collnpse-lnwartFTihirh-xai ' b low s off the surfuce layers slow explos -^,,7iThls phaso:or;lhe^ lur-s life-lB J)eli(«i rshbrt — only about 1*1.000years.'

^ T i f ib le E ^ E is ^“ TA.MPA. F la. i UpV) ‘- A nim al loyci

for her husband to cnjby h is Thanksg loaded her Grcot Dane Into her c a r and t

T he oJ)jcct o f ih is umisual holiday J d u ck .- ‘

— Mra.- MillCTT"247-whrha!rT\vtrKin)Trn -aquariu m s'O f-flsh -tm dd lllon *to“Blup; le a m e d o f Soupy frpm a new spaper acer

— Soupy-was-CT*vcrcd'v,-lth-fiizzy-da\\T su m m er. like any other duckling, bul wl •foqthcrscar.r . .Soupy-was fac<^ w ilh th death during Ihe winter. . .•;;Mrs. M iller telephoned Soupy's ovcner orrahged to drtve the 9*)U m iles to Sligo'; the warm c llm a leo f Florida.

didn't even know where Sligi) w as.’ return.. vNotjody knows w here,SlijK Jv w ould ask soijicone where It w as and nnl)__Rul ntrnnhiplly f^llntl thft Tifpflll ^persons betw een Ragdad and Shvlbyvillc - N o w back hom e. Mr. M iller keeps •and l n the backyard In theduytim e.• ,i" l tried to get him som e clothes.*' she •*>pmc,,"i brouulil“ dog biat' uhd’rullwl Hwtes^orh lsn v il^ b u t^ te-h n tcd itrH c-1raM noK «d ‘m 5 v c r .v ~ " ^ ’‘r * ~ ': ^..W ord o l Mrs, M iller's rescue m ission |io Ihe travel agcncy where 'She work: -re fiK lngealls and her iMss. Tom, Hast inj ii.4-Shc- is nol taking any-eatlsr-%Sht‘-is publicity,” H astings s;ild • ■, ___ ; ’ ,

'iPact findersB p iS B f ijp i 1 - Acting iin Ictial odv

Supcrinlcndenl Roy Truhy turned dowi 'Jefferson County teachers lo appoint fac 66arddlsputc.— Deputy-Attomcy-Gcneru! .lam es H.-H 'tffe superintendent's duly lo appoint fat twid to the legal is.sue of determ ining wj pan Ik or is to Iw modified, or even jtixrstchce."’•■■'■Frorn a review of the Information su 8 t e o f the opinion that that U the Issue I fcfsonC ountyScfiool District." ItarglHKi [?' "W ecan nol determ ine ds a /n a tte r o f I # 8 p u tc require the modlflcall'on o f the t a l l h g J n a contrart bctvtrcn the Jc Board ond tijo teachcra' aK od otlon then |'*?TBoec arc. d le g a l determl mdnlslniUve authority Impoifcd b y law ."

lb WbdnoVday. DofiemborS. 1^75' . .

d e x c u s ecoun^ lln g sp ecialist say^t l^e

niTTW03st0irti.ivc7Rlvcn‘trrtciH.'.!— ' Christmas glfl lis ts that g r e w ------

innnrofit Consum er-C ounscliiliL_—

m itions-lfijyiralnM icnr^^ — r.“


n those Ju^t JiUffering fnim the recession,i tim es w e hqd in the last lour uroul of hand," llo m e r sn ld r ‘*S£--------lOd year to cut back iHc nurpt)tT-~*~^ f ls.‘ - ' .lat people w ill have lo cut mil

rs anyway. l)ul now they have a

lumers have been fo rc ed io j ise___g expenses. Horner s;ild. Some

[tout a .sp ec ific amount in m ind ' md how much,''' jio>ner said. nas they're still paying for this • ;lm a.sesjl|ireo and four ,vears

Chri.stmas Iwnefactors ~■7 l iJIIHiminating l»ha<;cs..glfts^and 'Tiers. . 'illed luxury gifts,,m ostly toys.'That m eans the parents can

n in sc jT cn ma.sse"ChfI.slmas laligncdpresent - clothes.

t born,

i r ls ix )m ...o r isd y ln g . . " \M) light ye a rs aw ay from the • ' Ls, according to sc ien tists alh osay Ihey havccaught It in ^

ble to f e in n C w as.expand- ly ln g v ih cy -sa id -th a l slnce-^i— ^ of Ihc gns.ond dust needed .

lyfnjr ._ol)scrved by W illiam K. allech. a s h e w as searching 1nrce rocket survey. <

sical .lournal.d. il is in the later stage ul ^liv sTndlnr, nnl n .sticlLoLjUls_________Q rf and disappearing. ^ebulae and CRI. CIH m ay l>e ; ririlngbf th is fffuH oUtbQi'st:

e o f the Milky Way G alaxy. Ilur sun and surrounucti by •' How explosion IJiaf exlend.”^^ 7 ' ' “i-U )c-in frarcd -p iirt-or-the—^ ^ irccsiirveyn hd w m rsccirhy ^ can Ih? observed only by ~ -

:ars explode wlien the star fuel at lls core. The core '

M uscr-cnorm oui-heal-iind-:^;— ^ loslotis,-lioviKl-lK-iw-i'omparativc'ly— — :------

yearvcT Kathi M iller arranged .sglving dinner elsew here:Id took off for Sligo. K y. , . M y Junket is Knipy. a bald ^

rrcl.CJuUt* parakeets, twou p rh er G r ca t-D a n er ilr s t---------r ^ z:counV. ' jdHjw T p v h o n 'h o h a tc h e d la st--------when the down fell out. no the pn ispeel of fa -ez in g lo ' '

ler. Mrs. W.A. Wilson, and ■0 and ljring;>olipy back to -

s .” Mrs. M iliersa ld on h er ’ ;Is P^vrx’tlm e I s lo pped I lolMidyknew.” • .Icummunlly-of-almul-KM l-------— ..ille .caslofIi)u ilIe . - - -3S Sotipy inside .at night.

;he said when sh e first gotle<nip:thc'nwic~cut'.’w m 0 .......~~-c-krpl-trytng-To-fnke-lHilf— "

onhrouf^t a flood o f ca lls* rks. By Monday sh e w as ings. w as handling them , - is-very -u p tic l-b y 'a li-th c -— —

3 deniedid y icc^ lJ )llc .lnhtructlon iwn to d o y a rc«iucsl Irom fact finde rs In their school

.-H ufgh w rote Truby that jjfa d finders "does hot ex- ^whetljcr or not a c«mtract en if said contract Is I17

supplied lo us by you. we e to Iw decided In the .lef- isa ld . - • .3 fla w th a tth cfa c lK in th c . de continued negollalions - J e ffc ^ in County .School - ’

ereof,' j j f lS lm lnations beyond the ad- . Q E B ■•’ HarglKsaid. : - ygs y

Swell, ' dZ C ilK ia -------. M. - m

v^-d8HBw « K


T angerineT ,a n g y G o o d !’r ,S a v o 10* " J t b .

~ GrapetniilF lo r id a P in k * 0 ^ ” '

y , t f F o r

Fresh . .-^O R A N G E^^-^

_;-y.G=i. , -Q I ■g L z j j29;-l^

W a l n u t s(B k ln T h e C Q C

S h e ll_____ ' . . I b . U d

z f f l i x 5 ± W i f l S Z

P & = ih T 7 7 I E J 8 -


Crest Tobthpas20% FREE P a c k •

y : 8 V4 0 1 . . . . . . . .

•''' ' ’ _ : • ■ ■ , -If.■

i i l J = |= P to;-------— -Largo-C hoiLb. 1 1 9 S ave20<

fag I

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] ® 4 e m o KMushrooni

^O nions |c ® Banana Sl -y R e t i^ r a p i

zyTwlrler-Save 6.96


■ | B p p T ~ 7 t r ! r 7 ~ 9 p ^ | | K

T e x a s P in k .S a v e 1 2 *

ivelJ)tanges=I h o lc e ,------ M ----- .-if.

^ OR20H9..

iVel Oranges™0‘ l b . , ; ^ . A Lbs.____ _ ^ r a L S | L _ E i Q L L _ J _

.. . OR 25’LB..

test! Limes

Kl LOW price:R l p o ....... .......... .........

i n i S F r » . h ? . ........... l b . 9 i

Squash J Ip 6 S s w . . t ................ i b . 3 S

" c o i . ' ! , 3 '/ . Q i . - . - r . 7 ’S


i e r siianii

. 6 ® ’ «


8 Keet'S s l l i n e s ' i

i S S S li r : ^I # ®m S : - I

mJ E l j l l

JY~~DINNER:5“ moniBllrBwtrtaietg

s r ■ ■; ...... ■*CCI ^ Veqetdbl*U w . a . . ' n s Jon«> U , Poly Bag

\ 3 S y C ornorPM «.306i.

[Qc Hash-BroV\- Mk Uk.ll.on-,. •

lu — Grape Juijan» l l»».

$T_|------Rhodes Brcfc

L M rJaiH

~arPMIsbufyR6lT l ^ O M cv n i.

------- ““SourCreonA lb ii^ on 't ,U o i .


^ Buffer_ _ _ _ li3 iB ?-_A lb*rt»on '» .________- — .........- l lb .O f n . .

mpoo -■ i“A l b V r f i o n 'r ^ ------- —

P r o l9 ln o r E g g , 6 4 p z ................. 1

JtblidnAlb«'rtfOn’( Extra M i Cor*. 18 ox..............................f J

k WarpBrown Economy . . ^ 1 -Wrop, 30 Inch ....................... v l

• ' • V


ibler ’ ==T f f e . 5i l ^ 3 9 z z -

: 1


Sprealj MkSlW.lft.qlrs........ ^

litMnlBall. . - rtglWli;-- ■ -jEWfe-

^ 4 8 ^3les unSkir::..B5'= ■ 1 M 1iWns: .j .M r —uice

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W ktMS i ’: ■ S. 6lls-“ - ---------1.::.;54' J^ ^ Plain

=sS®!- A . 160Z . .

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:q c >7:

G o ld M a d o l. 5 1 b . .

t: i i i i f e

snmm '' J B ^

uiyijiarls-:! ^E r o i h ^ a A . D a y .1 . ,. _

3.„8I|Stiack Rye “ ■

Breadin or Seeded 'ency tead -:- =

a a r ■

e b ! e r V a n i l l a ^ " ' l

a Wafer^£ 120*.'' -a s o v o io *

m is Dog Food 11

m m , -

Page 10: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

s Tuna

£ 8 8f Peaches 0.

-=5 i-Gut=GreenI - f r StraiieriTf i Fruit Cockti # J ^ Timel

^.|_Matshinallo ^ T y to M

\i - J@l> R01I n3f0. . . . . . —

T \ -

!' Save \ A2'


P v d F ^ L ii g m D lihw ath ing : ^ » . p « t « r g » n t .

.*, H-: W lHiCwpojiP»lc#l»lb lto4M iMU«0Aly«iMbw(M

" “ Ice- T ’-jsasS ave I

® i pi itaJDoylff y i l a r f ^ t o n * , 29 01. S o v 2!

'B6dnS Doubt*itTcbrTroiTKii^-;

if Jam Traaiur* VotUy, 33 oi."Sav<

ta il Jiiiwil#*';l4«.Sov*7;. . . .Popcorn 4lb'Y*1loworWhll<

b * lM o iH * .4 to i.S o v 6 ’..............

fix » ,tl,C fo < li.r ,« l|.. ;■......... .........

w M n.. IS o t. Oitdian Liv*r. aiIck*oTuna fdiM W dfii^ . . . . . . ....................

S yrup««

i g o r o r G l a r e d ;

i o m : ^

iffS(wai' . a / T S


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f l f t .

m m

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tmk. ■ i : Sa-.'84-

? T ow els" ^


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? . 3 : a z i99*

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. . WeXrtvstohtvaonhMd luffldtnt stock ofadvetttsM (nentamNts. If for my TM*-

40n w V* out Jd ttoch..!' RAIN CHECK «IH;ba Isiuod •ubingyoutobiiyttisltsffl ■t tlie MvertlMd prica u lOon n tt tweofna raliaM .

'r e S h e v f f iS e f S f f iwMow ttM idvertlMd prict,

% B ?iin ra iiy

.B e e f im m

“«lb«tson’s___ ^ n p ria iw "


# lb .-1GRQI

jli P o r k Hock— -H y g ra rf* -S m o k ® d i^ -1- —'-

. - - - ' S o v . lO 'lb ............... .......

A , Canned Ha^ So»«50'..................

# T u r l i o t S S i t ' “ : ..........

_ I S i '**

i.. |»«M" -

r I PATE PACKAOrofl^AtL Cjffj |?R

f t ThurlngerChi # • M uencher Ch

LW Pizza •dCobMt** 19^ ♦ ^ W l J u n c h N ^

^ Slice d Bbloqn Sliced Bologn


I H i i t i BM i aH s P» u p ro m e " ,; ►

RV n O C t ■*Alb«mon Svpr«m«- M *f ( l l U | l v l ^ n H r C u l . S o * * 3 l > l b ........

F C h u ck A l1 = ^U - «

Beef Stews;*,i;: i— -fftDiitHldast^


i 1


fam I D E

.Vans',—2,.,88=-- ——Sr

l .j f e : r " ; : l

"hub-Armour. aO et/Sev* 3 0 '.........

” *"f ib s^ ifl. l a v a » . . ■ '.■. ■'.

*. 19 01. Hot. Papporonr, CanQdlan, Soutb^

f fljB L O t_ « * « * f.ia* i.p o it> h ;& o riic .h

g n o ^ e o r M*y^r. ■ o t. Pkg.Soy* 10' .

y n Q '~ 0 ic ^ e r 'M * f » r rr 2 o ^ > V '^ S ^ lV


- “ ;*■....,..i.;88® ■

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L*^n i 1 9l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . I _ .)*r1ion'i Sopr*m*“

• 40 ' l b! . . ; T ; . . 18. I ~


15?I m o k e d - — -

C N iC S --bird Sm okod P o i k _ = tIder.Sova 21* lb;

® El i c e i l r r : ^ ' : : i . : 9 8 ^ J :

...........2 ” ,

. _ _ _ _ _ _ v i z l Z :

r ’- r


" 69.

:.B«.I.S^ . '1 '0 '. . . . . '. .1 - .J

. - r n T T f V V ’ r . : :


, • - - ♦

-- - - - - - Wednosday JJccembcr.3 j 975 _


........PARIS .lUPj).rr_Thls,ycar:.s,A\-orld oyKtcr. shclflhg chum* plonship .was no open and Khut-

“■"affair. - ......... ' ■ • ........— - -E ig h l-o £ ^ a n ^ ‘’i> lop ojslcr- -o p c n c re - t o u ^ l^ u r d -fo r - the

:_ lm -IIU c . - Ite lL Jaaa red * from the strain of cracktnp up

. 1 0 2 5 _ j^ b t» r n niollusjuHff' ■ m ingle. _____________

• Using .Jlfll sltarp knive,s DiTd no gloves. Ihc contestants

• 'A-orkcd ngainsl the clopk from _ ' 0 p ile of lOOlW eoj-stcrrcachr-

O ccasjonar shouls of . “ Gn Claude" and "Bust 'em up.Pli>rr«”_fmmUtu. rm^L-rf nr_mn

royslcr .R T ow .-d ea lers, and acccntuatcd the 201h annual

” con lesr ■-• ' ~ T h e cvent w as sponsored fjy• Frcn'-h-lnterprotessional

— 6 y s le r^ G n j\^ rs—<l:dmiiitltbcand Club Prosper MontaRne. s group devoted io'gastronomy.

The Idea was not onlj;_^

sh ells but t o . arrange ' the bollom halves, wllh flesh' In-

f-irtact and liquid unspllled. in (O Stcfu ldrdcscnapIatier ..

' Just about 4'n>-on6*ican pry open an oyster shell but he

. m ay take a while, botch the Job -• and very possibly stabh lm self.___ The large Breton oyst_ers had

-had four years’ to bull'd a ’hard resistance to the professlortal

~ p r y in g and tw lsflng wrist action of their expert ad-

. Burly, ham-handed Bem'ard Louche put up -a'-^urlous

. c h a lle n g e fo r th e cham -


_ D R T i i 01T _ L y P I ..-A s u r v ' America released Tuesday

drinklnc and driving schoolm ! Over half of the 51 teens s i

- cars w ilh a dri ver who had contfv<hnl iKiinllv tw »r

But most said they might c , tax iord rlv ingth" m selvcs.ra

___ physically ra tra ln ln g a drunl<One'tMn said h"e fioped the p

drinking teen passingout tKfo acar< ■ • ^

.The teen drivers w ere a■ Transportation as thc>' u-erc

•‘Operation D riter Excclleni .Division orrhr>'sler'U)ip. affi W arJ|. Korea and Vietnam iJ\

They ranged fn'age from 13' com petiiion before entering l^

A m ajority o f them said be cla ssm ates drfnk and most s

- - w « k . Fi(lee_n_sald drank dri■ tratfic accidents wilh’anotbe'

.!ackofattention.'— ^ M ost-agro^ -tS al-paren ls-- sevcrar^ lffSStnc parents don

•*TheV' disapprove of It. b Anolher said. "They say . -Oh'

Faced with a situation wlie- - loo drive. Ihe l<!cns' :it)p~ai0ic

Ihc"driver won t drink loo mui ' andcairtheperson'STJarmtsA . drastic action such as taking

restralningthedrinking teen.

H a n d e l w

-testijnoiiy- .(DWashl

— WASHINGTON------ rWiltwssehave weakened the govem m ei

. r iarv in Mandel and five assbci; —before the grand jur>-whlch rcl —accord!nctOfiOUr«!sclosc to th'

Thi*se sources in te n d e d A “ subftw naed b y Uie"spKlal,f«jdi : -p r o sc o ito » in tte^ofU ccor^ ei ' -Maryland, but theii never bfbuf

T he w itnesses, reportedly t interview s that M andei's Inter the heart o f the govem m enl’s e

" T c o l voliw and. more imporfai quo hi-exchange for the govti

- racc tnicklcclsi.iitlon tjencflda!sources appeaK to t>ell

perm itted to appear before the■ mtght have looked at the tivldi•"Mfflhfeinhelndlctmoni:------ ^

•’ B u fih e iriaicim'cnt that wa.‘ . thaLJ^!anders-indusiohJa.thc• publlcitcd IS p er « n t direct li

.. dea l, and a secrct 4 per ccnt a

. , company — w cnrbrlbes in cxcoffice to influence the IcglKlatio

• state.Mandel. exuding confidence

a fa r . Annapolis new s.conferci diet ment w as based on Ini o fflw knew to iw false! He rafus

Mandel pledged that the " tn during the filing of m otions.

, ,trlalVJfthcrel8.onej;:lj.._.C^ Finney declined comm ent or

not.bc rcached lor comm ent A that som e “w itnesses favorable I Icstlfyb eforo th ew ah d ju ty . .' M eanwhile, a jcd era l judge I

' arralgnm ehl'ol Mondel and'hl , p c c led lop lead n b l gullly Idcha

. In prohibited activllles.,. . • • , ,. . . T j» afralgnm enl will, bring■ ddscsT^lWalcsfliKl. key-fur

7 5 _ :ja n < a -N D W 9 ..T w in F ^ Is ,4 ^ i jj '>


ir:.s..‘_ P io n sh ip .,p J a U c r._ buL- jwl im* bogged o o w iiin Ihc thJnl:- lut-' niinule by a pacHculariy o ^

........stlnoteoyster. ----------T •ilcr— ^It-w aa-lhe ebol'dexler«r,ttf" the s e x a g e n a r i a n - G ltb ^ iy :

:up ■ conlcstwideoi)en.sotospcak. F a "Tho winner finished-thn»

:. Shelia ahea'H. c rack ing ' . h s ' veji IMIH w s ( m In .lhrM m lnuli^.. in ts 37 seconds:- *■•cm ' • Nobody found «ny ^ a r j sh r ......-omone-the 000 oyslers-shcllrtr‘C a T hey . im rned late iy .w ire up. devoured'hy contestants aiid

and:. . Devilaine. a t\ative o t J n l ^ nual Brittany, was jovial atler'n ls

------- v ic to ry ;----------------- ------------^1 'jy------- ‘i t ‘8-allrinthehands:'’-saJdinai the master, sheller. hls ignly

ID. a--- The new,tb_Bmplon nearly, ly . losifilscn»>-nw'hen'tiHfJudg^',;_lo___with much -hand wxlnidng.--the licgan Bickering over, whether [he Devilaine should be peflaliwd

• in- because h e . had. lnperfect)y . in opened some oysters. .

T b e tb n l r o y e r s y . t f j s pry ' dropped b e c a w DevlUine' he had already lert.lhe hall

I Job his prizes: A silver cup and, a u>lf. . ot ‘-'oyster shellers!yjn* had tage'.’ . Cuvee des Ecalllers iard ’ ‘Alsairari white wlhe. l3 7 4 r f^ “ }rtal " th is Is really only the Paltis r is i competition.; but it’a the only ad- one In Ffance'and there aren't

— — any-«ther»-ln-E ur6peil^-»- I'ard . match oftlclal. said. / 'U iU mlous___yDuiuiaw.QLan)' h e 'sw o rld c h a m p lo n .. ; :_ V .

; ^ s r e t o ^

;urvc.v of the top tecn-a(e drivers^l^ lay shpw;s most wfluld not rejwrtj Imates topoliceor-theirjarents, is suneyed odmit they have been m 1 consumed a^considerable amounl'oy.

hi the easy.way out. taking a. s ra ther than the harsher alternative ir e h l s : - t f l k in R - th M H te V f l> 'e y - ) ^ -unkdriver. ;fie problem wbiild cc^lveTltscU bj'.tb^; Kfore hecould gel behind.the wheetor.

e aur\-eyed by "the Dcpartinenr •rc taltTng portln lhe.rpcenF nnal^q r llcnec.’' co-spo'nsored byith? Doifte W d ih 'e i\Y n rrie a ih 'c te i 'f ln s 'a r\V flr id ' niA.MVETSt.'113 to IB and all werewinners btsl^^e igthenational finals. j between 30 and l3 per cent of thclr st said this occurred at least once a dr[vlng was a m ajor causc of. f^w

lib e r !□ claiming a major f a d o r * ^ "

il& 'd iaanorovg-bf teen drlnkinfc'bilt d o n 'lc a re o n e w a y o rth e o th e r . • • • I. bu t do it th e m se lv es ." one sa id.^ Oh w ell.'a t le as t i f s not d o p e ." ' _ iv liere ii friend Is obviously to&.dnftK-' io iC T S o fW tio n w :e rc jo j)lan ,a ^a d ;te .. m Udi. ca ll fl tflxl.' f ln v e hotngyocrsclf^ ^tsA^nhc■^x»tio^H»f Ih e jis t w e r t m ^ ing th e c a r keys aw ay and iA>'8icaljy c n . ■ ■ •

tvitnesses’ -ii;,'

ishlngtoriStar ' -»>ses wilh Information that- mlgbl.- m enfs ease against Maryland Gpv: ibciatcs never-got a chance'to testify. _I relum ed th e indictments lastw eek.— o th ecascT . • -i*.*. d Monday that thc-w-itnesses \ i w • f«jde'raLfirand jur>-. in tery iew ^ b \ - ,^ J e rv is S .F 4n n c .v . .U .S .a t t ^ y .fo r _

w ^ t b c f o r e th c p a iie l .ly told the prosecutors iJuringThe itercsts in two business ventures •scasc—w ere short-lived, o'f, little HannyTww* nol'parTpI a qjuw pro^. jv tm or's a ^ i^ a n c e Jn f^ ln g ^ fo f^ '’ ldartohl5trlendy:-“ '- ' - ^ : 'believe that had Ihe w itneisei Ihe grand Jurv. th< panel members videncc in-a dlfferenl-llRhJ-and n r i - r

w ^ 're tu riied Iflit Monday c h a rg ed - thc v e n tu re s .- a previously w-eU-

cl Interest eastern nt assigned i n i e ^ i In i i r c d ^ a t c , ', exchange for using Ihe power of his r alion and dcfrnitd the citizens of Ihe-.-;

ice and appearing relaxed, phaiipd crcncc Mondav.that lh e :feder^^-.< '

Informalion .the U.S.- a tldn^ 'iij., !fustfdtoelal>orfttc."tiHie facts*; would bo rhadc^jcw^fX^ IS. hearings 00 Ihc.

t .on M andel^ s tfttc ii^^II Monday night on ibc a l l ^ t i q ^ ^ jle lo M an ^ l n e^ rh ad a .tiu u ^ l^^^^

ge h ilsV t'3 p .m r'ThlinH Jj^''^d'hls-codcfendmiii;c h a i ^ : o r n i a U M ( k I ^ ] n ^ ^ ^

lilg together « R s l l i = M « n ^ ^ | i ^- f u rK tirn is c rsv t- jx r i^ V -^ ^ '^ ^ ^

Page 11: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

- • j } ■ T ltntt-Nffyft.'Tw/p • ••'

^ h i i l a d ^-------- 1.--................... ........J f . Y..H m e« S e

.;-, FR Q N T.R Q Y A L:V fl--.Wficn.Pftr . 'missionary, sen t sjmrlmcns of a Chi

- . .iB60’a.-lieunkix)w ingyr e s fo ilh e onljfexisting herd w ere wlj IhcBoxorRcbeJIJon.,M ^ y the species, now 'named I w ofia 's rarest deer: all o f Ihe ci»'arc V r e fu g ^ " from China and all iivc In

_ :_ B e c d iu ^ e r e iic & £ a ic w £ U h A m ^ — ^wttugistM* mrca ien cflgp w iesiB !; an.

a methodlcal.crrort to insure thcfr i — iliK fltcrt«t«)C C lei)aa o^e )^•a•iclnd.^— ^ o o lo g lca lS o d ciy — — 1— -------— The society’s Conservation R esean - ^ e s n n j w flxKiiHiCTfyirgiHn rdrBm

.resu ltof a ten-ycarsearch fqr£Jarj{c,• -and slu dy rare and endangerctT^xwi

In zoos becausc of the breeds’ t . organlzattpn.

•The center Is unlike rccrcational anl designed for entertaining the public a and conccsslon receipts. The ccnter is

, , ^ 6gJcaJ ParJ( Jn Wostilngton, the ort JJils country. Last year, the center r eo

park’sJS million budget,Dr. TTieodore H. Reed, director o f thi

. a i i ^ g m c n t a s a great advantagf^ li: ,^ e e le s . , . ___

“ We-arc doing this because w e are

' Originally used by t h e ^ r o y to brci area w as |ater.uscd b y the Agriculture 1 ion beef catU crlt w a sth e transferred toi

DOTelopment of the center h a s i “ renovatlonsm nd fencc'conslructlon. M .^W ater.M ddcdriuU sy stem sstlil ronial _ ;„ 'n ilsja ll_ w lth .6 )e . preserve-brilliant

P sre David's jieer, unaware that they a: dozepeacefu liy In a muddy wiaIlo\y. a p w as occasionally broken by the distai buck.

— jyW here^ -flo t-a -m a le -to -spar^ lth raggression on a fem ale and kill it." savs

■ IM center’s curatorTobserving the deer IOric,advantage of the park, he sa id , h

m ore than one m ale i two of the 10 adult < c a n sp v fo r d o m ln a n c cd f tiie herd.

Wemrrier cited the problem o f having t herd a s an exam ple of what happens order Is disrupted by a io o environm ent.

Ajw ther'advantage. he s a id Is.thnL sired by two different m ales and t genetic diversity am ong the offspring bor

Nampa polic( p r e j d d & i E E ^ O ^

BO ISE^UPI) — A Nampa m an h as flk ■ jn tlr S r D lstr lc tC o u rta g a ln sl-a '^ n ee fJ U « ^ y for dninkcfiiKsss when hcactua!^resp ira tory Illness;-------------------- --• Grover E; M ltchdi, 55, brought thu Thom as K. O’Dell o f the N ampa Police D

H e said the Incident began a l l a .m . 1;ly ing on the ground trying to ca lch h is b^ o o d ovcrhimrHiTsaTd'O’D cll, resjMn'i;dninks in the area, oijlered the Mitchell car.-M n c h a r c b n tc n d s 'O ’D eirsca'rchea't^ abusive m anner" and then took then^ t o ; Were booked on charges o f being drunk in■ The complaint sa id 0 ‘p e ll refused lo be suffering from asthm a, chronic bronci pulm pnary-fibcosls-and thnl he 'n eed e allention ....... ................

The suit sa id M ltcheirs condition wors were released several hours later. Il i veterans J iosp italat-B olscw hcro-M ltchc tlnueh lsprcscribedm edicatlon. /

# O p (f e i b

pLush, Tropical Fc

Office or Cc G R A N D O P E N II ; - REGISTER

' ' . \ tfO H U M .

a i iH in r na re -EEE-dSehricc----------------1;------ --------------_ l'{•.TV. Armflnri.navld.,a'Frcnrh _____ I:^]lnesc deer to Franccjn_lhc^____JipCTlcsYrom c x tin c l l^ - the—m i l wiped oursom e years later in .

i P c h i D avld’s .d c c r , Is rth c - I ire descended from Ihose few • I In ca p liy lly . ' IJU ire D a v ld 'BdcoM W Pf-tho ■ ' ' 1 anain iB naK m voiycdU iem In - - - I r su rv iv a l ai>fl th a t of o lh e r . I id .proJecl ru n b y J l jc W a tlo n a l_ _ _ ;^ l

arch Ccnter, iocalcd on 3.100 - 1 jilH; HldMc-Mounlalmi, la t h e ^ ^ r = i!c, sem lnoturaj arejilo^biwd______Sfclos that seldom reproduce B

tcm pcram’gnl^. pr. soc ia l_______ 9

inlm al preserves, which are ‘ l&: and are supported by ga le ' n' is a branch of the National ' vonly ledcrally funded too In - Bm j v e d about ip percent o f ■ . I

the park, se e s the financial r in preserving threatened *N-

re com m uted,"-said Reed. ’

reied and train horses, the■e Departm ent forjescarch____ ^ _loinczoorofilcalsiK-lcly.'------ • tI iw en lim ited In minor .. J _ Most o f tTO bulidinfw and

ia ln from carilera<!esH — - - - - - — mt In the scason’ji-colors,— — arc being watched, would '

J popular spot. The silence tant bellow of an outcasi

h r lh e y ^ lh r e d ir ^ t h d i -------ivs Dr rh rk(^ ffAtonmcr, S Z _ . irthroughatelcscope. • . ..L, I . Is thal there i» room for ' wfi | ill deer arc mnie.s) so they. gu pp,

g o n ly o n c m a le in a « m a I i ' Un^ve IS when a species' social • years,

. counli

Uierc will be greater r e c o f x im ." * ________ ■ — m tnlBl

3 0 o f f i c C F ! w-*'' sim lla

^^o===5= Bflleda$40.00QdamaRcsull ,____ • •;em an h e says jalli?d"him la j ly ^ a s reroyenfig froifi‘J ^ :-g |'^ |? !

lu action Ollivcr fi? !® "> Departm ent.

losl.Juiy.4,w hen he w ass breath a s his w ile. lujis, _ _ n a v cF bndfng jo a report of lwii' ' coughl leirs to gel inlo Ihe police Kcnj> , ' ' ■ _______ w as_athem In .a j'v lo len l aiid • , police:

lo the c ity Jail where liiey Glen;Inpubllc, robberib cllcvcth atM llcheliw as H e ptichllls. emphysema and ' robber‘ded irnm edlale mcdlcal those

------ C o o k -)rscned and the Mllohells ChampII sa id they went lo the charge :hell w as odvi.scd lo eon---------considi


^ c u u Le j i i n ^e ^ S -

— l i-ollage Plants for Hi Commercial Ouiteis IN G DECEMBER 1 tli:r f o r f r e e p r i z e

1 1 ^ — . - I W I N

H y p m tB O liK P I

C hina

Efiemd^randitlu jt yJRBANA, ‘III. (U P I) - chae l . H. K enyon . Ihc pee led "enem a bandit” - 3 terrorized coods a l the • Iverslty of lllinols for lo irs, has pleaded guilty lo six ;nU of armed robbery.L-was rea[<-lnio ilii‘ (iflurt---------:ofd th a l K enyon ad- ite lefed -en em ortm ron tcn Urn's In a t Iqast three of the robberies.-----------------------------0 * a l^ w as a suspect In liar attacks In N orm an.-

n l970.tQ l072 and_ln Los ;elc8ln i972. . . • . •

This ■ ■man“ ls'n h (r ; -----------impaighj;pbunty:.AsBl6tant'— - - - t e ’s A tto r n e y R ob ert gm ann ^ald after. Kenyon :red h is^ lE ir -M ond ay . I ' evo-h«jvas caught becausc b'anled to be c a | ^ t — or hecp-^w oul'd—h o v e — b e e n --------------8h l.” . . ; onyon.,30, of P alatine , III.. ,a r r c s te d J a s t - sp r in g . by..,:e In th e Chicago suburb of1 E llyn following three - w rles in D eP age County.) p leaded guilty to arm ed « r y in connecllon .wlth. e incidents, plus one inIc—C o u n ty -a n d —tw o—In------------1-m paign County. All ihe •ges w era'consolldaled for ■'>id eraU on Jn -C h am p algn :--------------ityC lrcullC ourl- : • '_________

Home,f s . - ■ -

t l i r u 6 . ■

a - s c e i i e - - - , — “ s

_ _ _ _ _

' T —I m

- # ■ « a

- , f 1 \ L ,s ; s s s

• •__________________ C ut ilo n g 'd o

Sanl^'C laus”i s l on special Hplii KeUogg’s Corn

^ __ H e’s Kringing w:H oliday savings

-------So.-clipythe-Rel. in this, ad.:Take iayoritW t6te._£

“ — sp oon ing up Ar fayprite “ready all up” cereal—

------------Keflo gg^-C ornj

■ ■ ■: / .

H E N ^ t ^ to tbe lr.B beep outaldd the ilow th e P a U L ing U o iin la ln s o b r tb o t o c k s '^ ^ m a rk 'tb e '-m o u a ta lo o u s ' t« r r t


S S E l i J


» 8 S S a 6 i^ — — — L

i r c o m i n g t o ' t o w n

D l i d a y , p a c k a g e s o f

r n F l a k e s ^ c e r e a l _____

w i t h h i m _ a l O - c e n t

i g s f o r y o u , t o o . •

L e l l Q g g l s i a m p n n z z : :

k e i t . t o y o u r . ■

S t a r t

A m e r i c a ' s

l y t o e a t ^ e n r ^ B H _i t F l a k e S s S J i ^ l

w llhH iT B Iinaii;------- —

' t i i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i

v : - w ' i

h Ub ^ s

' c


I b ^ - b o m elo f P e k ta g . 'rraln lhat ';--- - - - - - r— rUPIJ^^------------------ ------- :— — r -

mi i d o

■ M f i pr t t t h l t o b o ^ b f t yiiur n«kf:)>ufchiM <

■ (Olftr Itmlt'td to ORI oeupon par p

C K ffi.srxfe.sw .ii"B s a s s s s sN 5 12 01 10. '.

M W H i M IB M M

r : ' . - '•

t , : ■

S t ,— •['- ‘ j j i i a


Climese r

. . i5 ) n m « p l s L t u l m of-m odem — ; . Pckln^loOKtjme today to show

■ Presid ent •Font the im perial andrelig iousrellcs'o fP eldn g’s >

i p a s t.- '' ' •.____V Ica Prcm icnLI. Hslon-nien— 1

cscortod Ford and his wife i B elly'through the Tem ple of i

■ J ly t v c n r j ^ h e r e ic m p er o rs 'o f. ’ ith e M ing arid Chlng dynasties t^rilyed ii)k' bounuiul lia n c s ts . ~

' ^After p^alsirig’thC'bc'aulyof • “ ( U h e^ clrcu lar,,.T em pIe-of.-th o___ i

E vening. Ford asked , "how jlong would the emperors ?lay <here and pray?" . ' . • t

"A bout-h alf an hour." a tgulderepU fd. - - ________

a p p arently -assum in g that ' .because the- tem ple I s - s o

-u s in g - |t - to -p r a V " r 6r"Boun[y—.would have spent more tim e '

-th ere:--------------------------------— ".-F ord-quesllonedvhls-gu ldcs -

M of ■hy«.'ia-«n«.oi!;'pk'd.-or - ■' I

c i i f i a f c e ^•r pKkte* purehiMKi.)' . IIf bT < nuiur el out (urtliiMiH I




I ^ e r s - r r t - -v l j ; . .

r r a b s e ly about the-tsmpl^Uilli . . 550 years a g o d u r l f l j f i M i ^ " pynasfy; Mrs. Fbrd.appttred .m ore ln lc r o 8 te d - l r f '4 H —

..daborateartdecoratlDhs..:<- - ' “ The tdhpleVeoeot thcnlfirt

— fonwuriirChlKa, Is sltaatetf j i - . ■ the end of an 800*yard ; la ^ ' triumphal avenue dlvlded.b2. lhrc« rising tefraccs.v - •■ Most, buildings origrnally •

were constructed in thvI8tb• , Century, . and'-subsequently-------— repaired f-On-^)cli-lO,-J9iz-thfr— .-

f i r s t C h in e se na tl,0A ^ ~ c irc u la r harviest , oraj^ier temple was opened io iImpublicforlhcflrsltim c.--- '

- " ^ ( n d i h l » l d ~ ^ ^

■ T l l l^ n g W d lb r o _ C arli»ra torP d M r^




_ _6«9 ,-^ W o ih ln s!iin T .F .i -C lo » d ,S 0t. ' 7a9.gflC<

1 '

j -- |

+ —"I ..

: ii

- i

f e S i = i F =

^ — .

Page 12: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

----------------n x j -- - t:.-'«iiy" o '~ y.y. .*■*


. jBlcRjRl-SaooIJtl

j T e a m j^succesi

.. A : . . ' ........ -------- - T WiN FALLS-»^On(rdassDM

; becauM tliocIaM Is the' first ?uci thcdlstrict.

. The ^ o o l is conducllfiflclnd . wllhlwo,'avcrageof

PrinclpaJ Dcrinls Sonlus said tl ■ l>wn working very well and pai

tcrcst In th cd ass activities.— ■ •itw aan n n rc ltlrn t/’ SntiUim A coording4aSoniuM tofilck<!

on one liindcrgartcn class wlth‘<____exceeded thcircxpcctatlons.

They hired another teacher bu • the enrolled Kindergarten studen ' Sonlus at that point decided ft

teaching utilizes an open d a ssr ' have some dfolce of how to spei

,.>»^unfflldcaiearnlng.— ^ r^ T h c llp ro b lc n ^ w ith i t^ m ^

teachers,” Sonius said. "W e ' teachers can work well together.'

.The team teachers are Betty years experience at the Blck< newcomer toTjvIn Falls wilh exp

__jndlan reservation In Minnesota:The teachers explained that onl

; "open-class-slyleteaehlng.^

• ” r - s ix different activities td wo _ ra i ig e from paintffl^C blocks. Ilbn . special actlvlty.areasJUcea s e l t

\ officeorcampground.Theac_tlyit Betty Mid parents Qriclnallyw

- time was Just playing' and the- combat this feeling, sh e and Cln

outside the room a list of dally. gbalofeach.

_ _ _ Betty said this had’been very------derstandlheoperTrlassrm nTtcscl

Cindy said another Important a• lo encourage sludcnts to help ea<

zlpperlng. shirt buttoningandclei------^The tcachers dJscouroKeehlldr— teachertorhclpwltmm 5Se?rob'I&

The i(lea is to encourage self*re prepared for first grade wori<.

• After the frecjjctlvlly pierlod, tl;• groups for work on developing acfl


■ phonics, and one works Independe The teachcra explained that tl;

• so that within ead i three-day pei )tK Jn.cac Next they have a short-snack an<

A f le r^ c ltT lh b c l a a breaks

development! t b e groups switch t At th e end o tih e l dergA rton

.^ o ^ th e ; for fl“n ^ ' ^ t y . It m

and redesigning the various learnl Iii ihe room there aro three wo

■-tlon.-spcclBl-proJect aVeo fofbull flees, etc.. a building block area

- table ansa.'awllifl palritin'tfa ...Sonlus My«.he fa.pIeasedwHh’

. . classroom .V Bft'plans lo coiitlni ' d e r g a r t e h ^ a i^ m i ^ t yiu(r.;-;'

' A n l o m o S n ^ 'd a M B l g ^' TwI H j^ iS o rr ,. som eone M fd fl ham m er or pUwr

h lsautom obU e«4ille1tw aB ^ i«M A front h u d lig h t wab broken (

trunk o( Ihe vehicle. .H e estimate 8edanal»73.-

P l a y s e h e d a l e d b y T l■ r tl iN F A U j - T w ln-F iills H

pimy wll^present.a Neil Simon ad s t o r i e s ^ G o o d Doctor.*'oh De

— -nAdmls^ion t 8 y t7 in '^ * ^ 't> . T l^ 4^ e s w ill be preMM<^,lci

.■ ■'V ■

. V


proiectssful’Df kindergarten-studentsrat Bickci—

u c e ^ fu lie a m tc a c h ln g p r o j^ ln : ■

ndergArten In a-forgc. airy room • ofSO studcntspersession. • '

d the new team -style teaching has joren is have shown a positive In-

> snld ,"w estum bledacrossit."‘l«»L<;fhr>nIjirlglnnlty.hnd pl.mnivlh o n e tedcher but the enrollment

but tiie only room'avaliablc fora ii lentfi w as the one large room.I to t ry iBhhf-t^iTrKlng' t f f r tf a m - ' ■■tsroom technique where students____pend their days and can do som e

iM d il i^ ^ ^ H n d in g -co itip a t ib le^ — e are very fortunaltf that our •r.” , ' -;y Robertson, a teacher with ten :kel School, and Cindy Boe. a xperien ce Ih team -leaching on an ' -a _ :_________only part o f theirda>|^ls devoted to

^Inrthey-m Bycho sr fa e tw e e t f^ y tr ^ work on alone. These activities braiy and bingo lo role playing In !l up kitchen, grocery store, post •'v^lMesva/y from d o y t o ^ a y .__ _____^ r w o 'n c e m e d the’frce' ac tlv lly ' le teachers just babysfttcrs. To : indy began posting on the door ' ly ac llv llles and the educational

ry useful in helping parents un-a c h n ig r ------------ — :----------------t aspect of the open classroom Is each other with shoe (ylng. eoat lean ln gup o n er themselves:— — " [dreirrr6m~aIway^ljIrainrto1hc i lm s .rellanee so the kids will be more

, the c la s s Is brokeri up Into th ree 'icfldemle s k i l l s . .......................tta^onjpajb JHimt?ers.ond.)innd-'____ly.on lon gu aged cvclop m on l^ rx l^ -^ dcn(ly4>nslm llarprojccls. these groups rotate every day.

period each student In Ihe rooma d n ro u p .,:^ !:; ;:____ *andoutdoor r e e r e a t f o n t l m e - .^ - ^ -

h er on m o r e ' acfldcmic' skills h teachers frorri d ^ lo day; en Bes3ion-lhe whole claia~1olns~— • m ight be a film strip or specialIth f lb c a n b a g b n v o u r h fn H ^ -'--; . Vim houra a lier school e a c h ^ y

r nlngcentersoflheroom , . w)rit ta b le aroBa ..a library _ _ •uirdlng grocery storM. po^ of.— . e a . a play kitchen area. snack_ ^ ' J a r ^ ; 'Ih l h w tw o te ac h ers and th e ir ftto* .w ith Uw • Innovative/k in-: ■ - i.':

f f , l« 2 S ix lh Avo. E . . , l 6 1 i l j i b l f c i 1 ler. b lun t rn s tru m en tio dam age ■' ‘ ed otT ilshom e. ■1 o u t a n d a '.hpio broken iri th e i a te d d am q g e to th e srnail 'm 4

rrasS d w d ’s Theal're i i Com -' }':!

a d ap U U o n o f nine Chekovihoit* 'De9 .B', ibV na'ii;,. ' ' T., w c u r r a i f t t i t o W i P K o ^

v ' y - . . . . . v *

.. v j H I

n t ^ p R l n t - f l i i r l n g ^ a c t ^


i'lI f

- ^ 3 ; /^' I i | j / i r a i | P M w

....................- IM


cHvlty-perlod^^r"^— ^kihTO ERG ^TEN studei

q)read o u t ' daily to' svor 6tq)ervised ActlviUes.rdr ai period. Above, three sttid

.....- - doing w alercdor plctures.-■I rfour diild ren w ork on p u ^

th e cen ter of tbe room. E«( ■ . . 'S d e ct a new a c tiv ity (or.t

period. * •

tudents a t Bfckel school svork on se lec ted un-

or an Independent work students work together r es. In tb e photo below. • 'puzzles on a lar g e rug in . Each day, th e students (or .the 15 to 20 m inute -

/ j e t a i n i” ; B y U N D A \E E - T lm es-New s w rite

--- -------IW IN -F A U ^ — ^Several -Tm Iare distressed by deputy All Barch as’ claim lhal accepting kl from school • photojynphcrs is

. practice. ----------_______Ciarcncp Pnrkf>r„.Mnminn.,i,

School principal, said his schoo cen t of the total money collec

-------pictures a s compensation for thearrange the pIclure-tDklng sessl<

____ p ho to g rap h e r f0r hls5cri'lcc.s.

" I^ don ’l feel j f s a kickback, ''W e 'g c t 's tu d e n ls rea dy, wo dt

• Ihff,. collec t .ih e m oncv .'sen d i• -sen d the pictures home, iftnke.*!“ c l n s w lhrbuRh Iheproccss, Th

k eep B commission,for this work,• ^ r * e r sa id . It Is ihe onlv

project h is school h a s ,. He p roxim ately $500 that ihc 20 per for purchasing schoo) supplies I c repe paper, collon balls, tissues

— AccordlnR4<tPnrker;-«!}-Jhe-iF a lls except' the' HlKji’ school I

- practice regarding school pictureF rances Anderson, linrrl.soi

School principal, said. "Wc wor m oney. I don|l feel 11 is a kickbm

. .fo r sp c c la r ^ c m b lle s ." ..........

A sslslan lS up lo rrw inF allssch i M eyer sa id II m ay Ix* consldc v a n tag e of th e p a re n ts to raise

• schools, bu t th e schools have an < thfi w ork and m .iv deserve som(for n ; -------------------- . ------------- ---

•B n rchu s_s.iId_jiYhllc_the_Dl , . neecssaril\;_ jliegal^ho |s_ advise

proper one. He said it certainly and n eed stob eclar ified . '

The Uansen School Districl County is refusing llic kickback school pholognflj^cr.

' • "Wc are nol acccpting ihc' i Garlh M illersaid, "We'repa-sslr

pictures a l a cheaper rale," M iller added moncy-makin>

schools h ave been decreasing lal lhal taxes should tw sufficient lo i

• Ken Carothers. superlntendci------ .'saidioEJhepasLfew->'ean.lhc-SIJ___ accepted Iherebates.-._______ .


: T im es-N ew sw rlter- TWIN FA L lii - C ounli.-!

awarded a conlM cl Tuesdav Robert Severance. Hazeilon. lo r

. -.fa lrg ro u n d s 'g rn n d s tn n d ..............■ .C oun ty . Commissioner William

the $29,310 bid w as tho second Ii . aw arded on Ihe advice of Ihe cc

b eca u se ll met all speclMcatlons, Commission Ciiairman Merj Le

specIficallons^n.s_pccDared_bv_i Schafer, required ihe bids lo contractors.

Leonard said Severance.was the t h e . . f i v e .su b n i|u in g .. .b ld !^ (

____rcnulrcm cnl. The fair board a;county attorney rocommcnded Ihi

, • -accepted.Thisbid.wasM.OophijOi . of J . A, ClawMn which did

' specHicallons. Oihers bidding Inc an’d M, Con^'lfuclion. Burley, ai

------s tn ictio ii- Co .- nnd-Niclsen-Gona------Twin F alls, all highcr.lhan IhcSev

The reconslruction al Ihe'fai — &'dutIc.MBckJ3nJhtsQiUhitaJlaLll

iind renovation of all.o lher proa ’ ycac-old clnderblocJc and conc'rele

- Leon ardsaid .damaftcor.dgi^rl'

wa.s dclermini.^ the building w: renovation, . ; ■ ,

::-i;-:iFhe90ulirwalhu'’a ii giviill tm'tJgi ■ as.surc safo use of the sland.s.

qucstlont’LeoiiJLd.^^id.'jvTn.Hjri ‘ the storage area and not actunil

Ihe total sTniclure. ^All "w alls“ .ln the structurp. wl

- -s u b je c t .to wlnd'fprce. will Iw e repalred;ts needed, Ihc chairman.*;

— E l e c t i o i L s i. ' .v o trD istr ic tN o .l«

PoUlnig places iMl • D irectors seeking

John Barker. Buhl.- PreciiKt polling p

P recinct No. LAI No. 2 North Side Ca dell, 0 . D ale .D epe

' Courthouse, TWln F ______________j n d No. 7 County Mi

: ■ . T fiT d lS rtctls'sej---------------------.W oodvUIeaadrtartl

.. . ItM dlstrtct office

Wodnoaday; Oocombera, 1975-

:o k i c E t l d i s p i! E . ■ ' •. “ W colw niflter :------ — fund raiser.’r-wln -Fulls-schooIs • entered In th A lly. Gen, Hudy - Bui ihl&yc g kickback rel>ate.s 6ontractlng

Is. an improper A nd .hcsa ld ‘iro rn do ings

Iiool retains 2D per M agic Vail lecled for sludcnl school dislr l the work~» to k w ln~-— s avinga ■sslons. He sa id lh e_ jPrice-lh friti

— providlng-th:_____________ ___ price ofjh ep

, D eputy Alick." Parker .said.. formal leitpr

___ .o f public insiid notes lioine and Isap oorp rai <c.*ialldaytoR ct2 6 - expense o f 11: The school liet.s liV ' a d v l ^ Trul >r*‘ " theyshou ldsily m oney-m oklng'- l e the ap- . - Parker, of •cr cen l represents Iho a ltom ey 2S like film strips. ' ’ parents who i/cs, e l c . . . , deal. We cot

m akingallttl le-schoois-iirT w ln' ■ Sblriejrfla )1 have the sam e Pafcnl-Teacl ures. think the sch(l.son E lem en lary She said si vork hard for lhal _ ,her opinion v ;back, it helps pay ’ back. "I wou

-■ fo rasch oo lfi

iC hoolC am C am dcn........................Jdcred taking ad-ise ’moncy for'tho T T * 'anohilgallon todoj I — I * | |im c compensrnion B B

_ptacU re Is l not----------- :---------------.;lwd J l is ,an_lm;________ ________ily is (|ui'sliiinai)1e 'W ^ 'W % a

Id In Twin F alls r " ^ ack offered by ihe i «

le'rebates."-Supt; ^ ■ ‘' 1 ^ 1 siilng the rediicHon V J L J L "

ting projects for ___la le ly and he feels 'loruri Ihe schools........_ k e t CHUNdent ul Shoshone, TransportatlaShoshonedistrlcI_____.maJorllyjliej_______ _ ___________ foucrlanehlgl- ----------, ----------- D ean T lsd i

Countyram n afour-lanehi

• However.

■ com plele the years ago wfl

“er ~ w ayM lbN orlcommi.<istonej>--------D OTandT)

ay afternoon t o ' a n d d ly g o v e i0 repair Ihe F iler • m odification.................................... - slalcmcnL..T]

am Chantey, sa id — - design hearin d low csl but w as Cold Springs t ! county attorney . . T isdale said IS, .■ lh a lo fre p la cLeonard sa id ih e Springs. Only

iy-f,nr.liiccr„Torh legislature .p lo list all sub-. roplaccm enri

replace It&brlithe only biddcr of______ Al| money'Is^ 0 ^m ee r th is In other parU1 a s AvcH' a s - t l ic ~ talnwl'througl ilhcS29.:!10bldbe S f l ld T o n in n iRher than the bid polpts. w h ich ' Id not rheet a ll M int o f w ll; in clu ded1\V R .:i,' ‘ dC signedw eig

. and Idaho Con- • The s le e l bronalrucllon;-both------of-over. l W.: TlSeveran ceb id_____ L .^ J g n e d J p _ a

(ofrBrounds willjr ih m asl.m il

SSc!5?o''"- .“ 0“ :^rlorgtlon began C ountyand-j so

w as in n ( ^ of p i y y “ IS ■ • • ' • ,. proposals acalr

^f^onry rrp.tlr tn . Hc. aald if~h Is. T h e w all In approved by lh

■ t i .woufd-have-J laily a litreat lo happen,— ----------------!tc ~ sa ld~scv

which could-1» S la tes have flli} exam ined Jind------Envlronm cnlalin .said . vlronm entnlstt

setDiec. 9lw lU beheldbec.9. iMU be opea'trdm ! p.m .untU7 p.m. (ing reHBlectloRs are A rm ln Schroe< hi. -« places are a s follows and d ire c tm . Aberdeen Ebtperlihent SUttadTAbc Canal office. Jerom e, RtoseD WooU

epew; Nq' i City.HaU. Bliss, Fraa n Falls, Tom O lnstead; No< e O ly £ Mutual Insurance office, Buhl,'JOtin I served by the North side, tw lti PU srttnCaBalcompimie*:— ice U lo M t^ a t j i a T i ^

975 Timo6-Now8,Twlri Fills, kHaho ' J3

y b a d b ii u t e dw ays coasj Jorctlthc rohulc lo Ik* u wmd « r." he said. H cSald ih e monioj; wvrc n the student actlv lly fund. •&year. ho said, the school dislrict iHnol ing with any firm offering the rejiatc; a id , the dl-strld_^J|LH)nUnu<HD rolm liing so until the question is darlfied; ' '

V alley school officials say roiii-sal oftW strlcts to acccpt the rebate could resuii Ing5 -of-as-m uch a r 20 o e r c e n t in-ttB i-*tudcnts pay for their school pictures

h c p i c t u r C c _ _ _ _________ -.______ !’ Ally.' Gen, Jam es Hargis sa id In-s t te r to R nyT nihyinslrucllon. ihot thc.rcbate agreem ent practice and a proccss earricd on at the 3f thd'paren|s a ^ lh^sludcnt.<>. iJai^Is frub.v tb'inform local K hooi dislricLs lid study Ihe matter carefully.

. of M omlngslde. said in rc^poasc to le y general opinion. -1 don't know ony vho don't think il isn't a real darn good couldnH afford to do it If w e weren'tl ltt leb llo n ll." .'_ . _____- ___;

■^fatrisfprestdentTjrthTITSM nprde cacher /\ssocialion. said . "I really schools earn lhal money." d she couldn't speak for the PTA but Jn w as lhal the rebate w as nol a kick- Aould Just as soon that m onev be a<ied olfund,"

i g l m a y i--------------------------------- ~ - n -;— ^M jp d s a r'dpped

T foes-N ew sw riter ,*fUM — The Idaho Departm ent bl tatloo. bowing to whal it ca lled “the v ic v ^ d ec ld e d j;u c 8dD>’J Q .d n ) p j L ^ highw ay proposal forB la ine C o u n ty ? 'i8daic..adinlnlstratoiiior' the h i^ w i^ mtrtoidihe-transponDinfH-bbtfRrmBlValley City: Council and the Blaine tmmissloncrs supported Ihe concept oi eh igh w ay.- • ■

he sa(d; Ihe board decided the sy which w as sure to evo lve w ould not r-.pijl>ile-goodr-T h e-b Q arq --vo tW io the environm ental s la t e m m ts t^ e 4 wllh a "do nothing" a ltem allvr in jttj

JO of-Slat6 « lg h w a y 68-and-UrS=Hrgfr 'JorlhFork. • . •x - i'dD O H officials riieThere*wHh'comfy jvernm ent leaders Novi lO 'to'd& iiw a Ion of Ihc original i^nvlrohmeot^ * prop9sa l^ -p u id .a lIow :_^ arings for a fpuM one-hlghw aHlrtnttg stoS u n V alley . • ....... -v :;said the ruling brings up a p r o b le m ^ )lad n g Ihe stee l bridge horUtHrf^CoM nly through a sp ecial a c t of ih e sta l«

:nr fund can Blaine County expeet'.to .bridgesoon .T isdalesaid .- ' ^yjstledu E JieM d cO n d ptlodtJcsjSBL a m of the'state . Money can be ob . )ugKThe bridge replacement fund.'ltf l i a bhflge tias a ratlng.of.under 90 Ich would Indicate the bridge Is on the collapse or could nol support ils feighi lim its.I bridge at Cold Springs has a rating jJD uubrIdge-w o_a_m lnlm um _w ld(h_of_48-feei.:lo_ siFruifdg;Tiesald.‘~ ”‘ ' :?r. reason the Departm ent 6 f Tran?

; booed and hissed in M aroh o f 197-j urging of-several-pcople in B laine *

aid Ihc division of highw oys nvu id ' nol com e back with faur;lane.gn1nnnlt«AU.-n.inllla llu o - ' -— ^rrr-in > four>lane'alternative had ' y lh e 'tr a n S i» n a r ib rb o a rtfT iie s ta j^ ve4iUl<M!bancO:Otbolng-^ » o .w e t f ^

! filed suit In like m atters tmder.the nlal'A cI o f ^ 9 6^ and tl^ ’iip wt.'I statem ents in court for years. ‘ v;

‘ ■ ' 0 f ilw iU n e r 1can-Fall*:fU6W : .._

'O’ -...i;'roeder, A m e r i ^ and ,

o n m - ■AberdeaV’A niu n S c h ^ ^ ^ ; - o o U « y r l W 5 a i y * ! W w ^ ^ t« A ,G ra v e s^ N o .-4 ’0 ( i q t o ' ^ f f l ■ ly H aU /F 0«r*Meri;l4 i ^ ^ :

: V' .'.'I

. - r . ' . ‘iT-T'1?' *’•

Page 13: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

Twin IfMlff.

“: - ■;i^'.' i - ■• ■- - " ■ "■ Fl •• •' ’"

[ S r - -•-• ............ .v : .- : .- ;.

r V : . NEW YORK KUPIl ^ T h e . : | i,Vs:J8lock. market opened .lower . ..i

..Wednesday in m oderate ■ i it^-'-lradtngontheNcwYorkStock J

• The' Dow -Jones Industrinf r ■ average, wliich plunged 13.J4 g

r " p o in ts Tuesday, iv fls '6ir2.8S'~' o “ ' 'p ttlhrtd84b;378h6rtiy>tfw llje g

—~Bpcnlng.‘ b c c i ln e s - lc d ad- g •;■ :,vancc3 i 2 .1. . to 4<,':among th e o

■- 438 issu es crossing the tape. •' Turnover amounted -to-T- arouftd .OOOshares.

i f a m ; P R I C E SIZ— im tcK ExaiAWCE

. K£w ‘ymir7u«‘ '-"" $ iw iir~ ii« ir'1 tn U -W«»»-rertu- t..bcl>M^— t ---- —-

- . r « 2 : S ;. - - sVv AMtOu JI m tIM ton M%~H ^- r f f l - ; # - ! •gSi Sat!: ! s

“ 'AidHO ' jig II IM 15 IS — M' m AMitn in 7H r% n - H

'/•.AOnod } « ' II BH S» i - ' t u M M . . t a Tl«t ItH IIH-Ik DM

-ACM JjBi a fln «n J iw i t “: > S E R , , ’! J ! S S r r : 5 K.. M M M m BH a - U

;■ A - ' i ! s s ; s : s : 1 b! S ,! • J S S i T ' S ! : ! , »

,f , S S S ! i ! K 5 . • ■ ■ - J S S .’I ' ' ,5 5 . S ! i ! ! ; ' S »

^ j ^ i —n?— — oS - • -aREcm » n •?■ »» m t a - I ’ . 9 2

^'IH T ? - g 3 g g** ” » »■»-■?* o S. • / f f S i ■£ fT o lU 1SH whT h

■K smm - & .} » » k a n a it- iu• . « i S ' 1 T r § 5 S 2 S 5 : 2 ^ '■■ ' E “ XX \ ^ U h g 5 S 5 " '2 ' ^

: # ] | S i “5l 5! T V f f iI g S f c - i ^

; B ' i - - a .v T K d tT IT t " W H'a^ WH-H ?WI.- ; ,B |S __ un . l l_ .« J I- .:» a .* H _ l* -

■ E t f i s T l C f X i a» ; ; i » i i ? ) ; i j - . ^ " S B

.•aw O J. I I B-fl wJ »H. 5 ^

A ! S i®3 su ’*2- ^ _jUSrt,Cirt . I i- t i

: ^ S u • 'i‘2 " r - S 'iJ N - « H '» S ^ H •

i S v : ; s : : » r ! ? S w 5! r ; r : S = 5 a a - ’, i ^ s = f c e ! - f c i ! - —' , C ^ ,71 . 11 Ct XH *7Ik

i-ComSM -1 J-TO-8H S'* JSIV« H , K S !• 'S S a ’5 « sj; 11? T h ■ c S r a 5 II i S l K f l S , : 5 jE j*

: ^ a i ,5 , ' ! ^ ; * . . » . 'r.gawwOj J I 711 sik iiu MH-H .K g ! ■icwgt; DmI. a 10 tin i/iS !Ii!I g g g ,.w«o Ml* a w -o s 4ih a -ti»

i fSSS ' « - l , ; ! ! ! ; S 5 S ; : ! [ f t ,

■- l a ;

W o r ld G o ld r :■-'■. • ukt

■NEW V o n K -(U P ii - K KFj»Blgi>-^nd-Domo8tlo-gold--- SfiLjffeiwTuesdnyrLONDONrr-— IKS?. /Stocnlng fixing 137.85 down !£?uo . ( y .- -„^(tem oon tlxlng 139.30 up uit«- _

Paris (free,market) I39.7fi J®a/funeJrantea.v-^*"-"^-^^— ..........a crV

l>lNnkfurli38.23downO.«. SSS^. ■ r i ch.' l g .TO up O.TS.ntp w— SST7Y o i m . ' : , - j . j - I L . . i S W.,Handy..^«f)<l Harman, i ^ n .

tfltoricatKl gold 139.80 up Mo“ t£S« P«p! troy ouncc. Selling price... {abrlcalcd-gDld I4340-UP-1.44 ^-HkiTS- pe'rlroy ounce. ‘ •

" C o m m o d i ty i: 1 1 a .m . t o d

; i - ' ______________1 1 - ..........: t ' ; ■ ----- ---------- -- ■•■ ■ -.caoae^ a y Idaho Potatoes :*9;gO''

-|(ay MafnePotatoes 930p«L,UveCatUe - • 47.37- r « b . UveCstUe - ’ 44.77

:- |pr.'PederCatU e 40.60■ B«c.\'H oga 55.02'. •D ^W b e f lt- • , I •. 3.45'4 : 'P e c . Obrn- _,•■ • 2.71'',

.5740.iS^-.Snvci'..- 410.00* rgife’A C o l d _ 138.60- :

; - _ . , l i e i S^.rV ;V '!'' ; ‘ o "* 8tJoiM from Sli<cio

' W a d n f lt^ y r P fy ^ " ^ ' ';^ ^ .-—

( b i^ Mb ' 4 I S l » ten tOH—<» Noqfii m t ' a int irt inj-H «

.DNra lA I .iU 9^ <m*<l -I . ,NDM MM !.« « .1 NU n't K U . U HDMUAV B » r i HU nu BU-IU . NDmtMn - r - ' l i l l H t l II -H N

__ » « »<» ll» 5 .___{}

•.ow»r ,u* a n» «>* on «m" H h ..IWWI -J1 ._JI.-I3

oimfi- Mt. t a m a sv>* h n>- OMCn--'iJr i« 'ar ■ik'B'« BH-m m

g s t . i s I . ! s t s , s ^ : : sOulP« ..l.« II. » tl I7H I7)t-H Ouftmi iub 1) Biff lam xw -] 0<

- Ouvut • I n- - 7 ^tp_u 1»« im - 6j

uitin u a < » .3h-r . Oi UilX tJdl .a WIHItlM'*IWIk-H 'OL

- M . ! ! ! ! . S ! i i M * i ! a . T .- r S"UnC« IB t II aH B - H ' -Oil

ixtTIi .73 » «t au SU a it - h a, imich I f I n zm .z2u a u - u - o<loivt " he I IM at> a »1>- H Ol

ii- ^ } o ! r - w -4 i f — ~ft*csnr—.» ~ i f ~ ia MH m itu - -n — n

« S f ! v !h ' } C 5 ' a :HI r ijoT liftliu ?iu- II • pI!

-fiPKe -TB— J—rkouH J>' I t IJU.UH I>u p2rFIMW l.ll I 4$ t)H tm IS - Il PkruPn MO I }u fn» n<* ttu-i .?nrtKCorp I I tiit ti - it piuFOMFW n » 4H <H PTxFsreuo : « 41 » 4llt 4ttt 4IS-.H ' PIUIfarua .u ■» to iju iw im . , • pmhtfOt i « i n :iv» 71U Mt prillFnMOll IB I SI l» -in* Hi— H ^DAG C«ra . iS H 1-11 S ■ Pii»s s ^ l f ' S T r n s . aotmtfl ■ t) II xs s au a . ppc OnAOl Bg t> lt,ak XI. »U< U. . P'OC

| i! p " '» ■

z s S ' l iOaIM 1400 tl IU MU MU Mn- KK i ! ' r s : ’!!'!!-"OT.C- IJ) t} >n Ntt.KU » u - u (Up- aim i.i«o i H ii» IU t i't -u .R»iS * S I I ! ' S S S S S S S i S Eflltly-Ot' “t * tf ItlSfH lSIH'1?J“w'ti~ flcrt DMu ij t It m nu » v n. -I R«r SMti uw I 44 tu m lit Rrr'Joow—1.1J—11 —17 17- IIU im - n--- rRnii

.1.10 tl a; 2m »u »H -H . >om i.a 1 B 2SH n » - u '

S S “ J f " ' S i f ' R ' f c S ! SUWM ' t ji I 414m ou <ju-iu Rtf»S S T t i S 3a |s g i i i - ; !?ita^- I » T ” l» II - »» Icf*luitn xt It t un O') tjv>-1* SCMSnitC j n ■ 10 SI au »<t nb -iu seenikuiiIa » tj a 11 tiH i]W « s«^itiniK tA . It a y > k U u u u -< ) ' sm>iXnAl B 47 » 77 S<t-H« SiMCH

, ! i S ! ! ? K : , ' ; I Si«<rtip jg n IM n't nH -m ~ snniIAX>H 1.« } S K» a u - >« SJrvjt*t«fi ” ? i" ',; ^Ollniti JJ '12 40 t4h t4lt 14lt-'l 5»ff>MilUt l< II tJ MU Mt* 't SeMA

?mnn, 3* . t] 4n.l4U.tHt I4U-U - I M ‘ m IJ9 7 O 1SH Ilh SMrla . ; ; ' j j g . ! i » ! ! s - s j g S S L i 5 _ , i J S J L i ! J 5 : 2 _ _ i S Sneo---- 0« • JI-»'t »>*-»>»------ Bif"E>)FM ra...ii..u .a»-H >t-B <i~«i— smvi tftt , '_2_4a* - 7 • n M J7H J7H- V SluW f S j ? il ItmHMWniU-m ! Suntf- Hjf. 1.70 I 2M a s nu n u - 1 s»»0i ifet “ u S 1 U 74H ]|l. ?!ur U < Wir■ , ? r t ^ - ' J ]d\

iiNoi... . n .. 12. i)*xu all jj;i-i , UijuuUMI. iai -|l IH 71'» «U H___ Jn ►>!m u --ju —:i-i7 rw — — rnpcistogn. . .« . . . l l_ l22- 0 ;i_u't .tl'l- U___ }«iywUtniinc t 1 n n't 2I'1 ^■t- -Ttitw' -Rgy?

3 tU -* >7 1* I li l i i i l .u . . , rll!!£ s f i ’1 ; j; II.. Uh iiut-i; • «wimfil 1 1 71U 21H ilit- h I'ConI •<« lUb 2; JU au 771. inwmtMcO - I I) l» B I7U UN- '1 dtWM I 4 ill 1IH 1| tf't- <)

M II » 77 a u -H (MCM« « “ IB 7 M BU n B UnOCtIneo' i.n. 19 n n't 41 4 i'i -u - uaPk>9« 21 a nr }i'> iiH }iu - n uxnrtiJW ■ ia ' I 2ril ITS I7H- H UB.

B I- 4 UH lOU 15*1- U USWu"an .7Tb X I0 tOH lOH USSlM} f MO a 110 tl ti't- u 17S rodrr' IkKI 1 J 7U 7U 7't CMlKf.

kftMd » 7>* 7U 7U- I. UewM■Cb—t » --------n '» u -w » u - -« « ----- UDJitiaiSlria I 7 _K ll'l ___ JmflBU

CcKp M' IH I'-, m - <> UVMul ^ WJ I not «>. tju ir t - >. ■ -

5 , ! S .nd a ■ 4 U 4 4 4 _ V«».C r 110 I M a .21H »H- U Vi Cue rd M) ta IN IH IU- H Hn 172 I B M H a » - U W4J0'H> M IB II Itl OU QU 4} - N Wj;UmWU--- 1--- H“ tHTrt TT^'S— '~ - w iw «ha— B - - > - n i i l—f9*«-1t-T----•----W>tn«-W— IJI--TJ- lf-24 -2Ti n^-t't .- 1*B«< U IB I a ]SH 1SH tSH- H WVnen

4 ^ll-liu jlH IIU W«tW£l0 . ixt i7..ia-ao-x»« -wrpnitWT Cp }1 JU J'l JH- H WMPS___________ n_^ WftflCBOl

• • I 41 ISH'UU 1SH ._ IWiltC ■t 1 ^ - 4 7 - B ^H- U___ WMU«;M B I 101 37 au a u l h. «n»«

I'l ” !! ! ! - ! ! . . - 'Hy . B I, 117 IS tlU t4't- h'U . JU s . a MU t}U tlW- It - - Um Cc MJ 'IX I 1B.,«H IIU 14U-U ZiMorpU t s a » SIV-HU BH- H ' 24rnPt, IB «• 1 tl I7U trU -H . ' 7»»9.n4(

Jf" 'IB !#■ 1l» SftW *IHuui B i I au an a u - urau JS 17 IU 41 «U «U-I MoCmQI« 1.41 n a )i a a - u <unp<tro(.M —IM— #-—* t«U 1»u-tl««- -- *miOro- CO la -7 * tIU IIH IIU ->• *v3>lf

. . . I . - 1 i i — i - S ' -

F u t u r e s •d a y s . g

>■ :• ■ ■ i i . M _ _ _ D a L J« B Ifb " U w ^ 'i ' “ -9.G0 . 9.40 9 .4 0 '•I 9.20 fl.96, 9.15 ritM 1• 47.97. 47.a7 47;97-"- fScSJ".’ 45.85 . 44.47 45.85 g - jr , •I 41.10 40.40 41.10 o-uo.: . 55.30 . 54,25 55.30 , • ISSioi

3 .4 t> ?,43!i» a.46--*, ' . 5 « y 2 .7 1 -2 .® ^ 2.70' i , .

I .JS78S ...S720 .^ 7 4 5 iSHoIi r^ l3 .0 0 404.30 406.00i : , i^ .w . ,m o o _ i3 8 . io — — E s r -; l t 5 8 12.45 12.46

cioir. Inc.- . . . -

NtbiKs 2» 14 4] a-4-a a - >• KlUUM sa I 71 1«H 101V. 1P>- U "'n a o r t tcs . tl IU t*) tiu-u Nil u I'll M an xu a>> .Hitoa i» im n m au- u - HCWCp JI » au ?tU 71 - >1 -hww t'im' ■ ; th ~ « • 7 w tw - 'i~ .- '

171 IIU tl . ItU- U HUtXfi I . a 13 »u tj>- 'T ~-Nflrtjawi-.S— _J7.»WfiS.-.U'4-h......NoNlQi <n . 17 BU B<t SU- %

S -;i| ■OuUnPM t IN tlH KU III]- '<T l f . i ,S S I R ' S : : ■

■ S i i ' ‘ . i r i T E s ! : : '

•OIUEI ?a . 14 au X a -'k0utwi4 • 170 '40 J5W n a - I 'OxnCf B Tt II 4('> (T4 011-7OwiMI ■■t77 n « W l fl________

^ i i c « r r 'n j ~ r “ff^S' a 'T ^—---------

-«-r»T w - i—irtP j in ru 'i iz--- ibi------- a) I'l I’l !»-•■. Mlpindod 210 I u'a>. BU au -u r qu

- !I i!* .11*______ ^

P«««cl l » | . M7 liv 11 tIS-UPtopGi 2U I m BH n u - *aPlfvCO t u 1; i r rO‘1-73 7 3 '.- >• . - MPiue. TH- II IX m ar. *ja " W ' i ' , S S ! ! S ; i : = i KPh-UpUor 1 IS id UH SJ>. S3 -1 l«l PnJl4l M . » 3U ];■ iU . 't Uu

& ' ! ? ■ ' ! i I r s iii:! sPeltrM S il B> M S') U‘<- U AA PolUUn . 10 . 11 » n tl'l- 'I . AnPPCMO IH .1 U M'l 31U S > -■.. -AM£'?s.*P* : i .»! •J*' IIU 5";* :•• V . *ePSfM ' i n ' 1 .1 / i7i! ml t?!.'!'! . K

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luJSJi'*' t a S la Sh j!'* m'‘- h ’

Uftfti” tB ~ 5*l3r'a'.'7f>ll>'.r’i itMtiftJ U a II] SS'i M'. SS'.-l.5 ‘HI?:* BIC

S r S S j 1 5 ; s.; S c . : g “SS*" 1B. • 7/ Bl n «>! u C l‘. oSk

i‘ S lJ llir to " ! - '* “I2:5£" 2 13 ”7 IM Ir.’ I r U

^ J w f j j : : » ’i »■;:'■ - assf !S Ssp^a. 771 tl SI X'. 771, Jfti-I 5 ']

>n>n4 .71 '10 411 U’l ai. 73'.-'I . u!2 5 £ " i 15 . 2 S '* S'' 2 ' - . “ M

* '* ^ j}!; f.l ;~ ;;__ “ 5

f«E»g,_ « - 14-212 l l^ lt- ir-^'U— SJcy w :t.B 7 -. 1 »;> a;{ x4 _ i 'pAlMnt .X II IS «'* 10 tO't. '« *• " ■ f,,,

= ;s I ? j g " S f : ' , . £ .

i ■ ! . . ^ » rSirETr:-? sIPCIB— tr— I ---lllN 'tn - tn i- '.-----

etoi ■ .70 ’« IJ 171. I7». l.-t'’

j t s s 1 'tr:.- ^ftUn IU 15. 10 a 't au 7ni-:ti ■MW AJt 117 l». Ki is - ', f>-~Ji>ii| .Mb IIS II 17H I7’.->, p"*"WH 120 I tW 75 71'. JlU-tU■J.. g gIK ■td» - »-JM-}l‘»-J4'i 244- H -_P**aJ6— 7«T»|-3!J'J7H'3’r»H -m ------ *».fC M t J I 7 4 ) 17 l i l t 12H ~ U C )Cli I N 7 IIS t i . O'* a ^ ~ ' t Comp' Pk 7 B t4 » t-M H 714. n U - * . - -Cowfl

3 lU -4lI-Jt|~-'__Cn> IB l< 10 IIU ISU 1SH-.SVii Kb 131 )U 3U JU;iM 7B • 214 ll» II .11 - Nrod B I II IIH n't IIH- UIKM ' 7 117 47-i « ' 4l’i-1<i_'K— m — ir ^ - i$ ir i» —! « ^ 2 ----------JiI w ^ t l ---U■ 4T-01C«H- J’ - ^ —' ------ ■

i n ?■n 29 12 . 74 IJU 11 tJ - '. 'd iS t0- o»u> I is V. »u a u -u Jnar £ . t S i l M S t S - " U.S.

—« w— cartir ^ rl i lo ^ r g S '^ S r i l 13.0C

« | - t« - -S - 11 17VI7tt-t7H------1- ib.-S,fl£i '.I?’ “ •■»} Iju Iju I i ' l u 5.25;

?• 'S S 55 s F H i i S■at ,ja_ M.. a au-M<> a>t- h--- .

I Cp • -t- TT^mTwi «t« H, - 3.50,r j ; 'irfi4 d i_ a IB au 21 jw - s , largi

V • tUflU lUPII •- SMKI« liodii

,0, . r."T,r,sa?t b u '1-ol. 2 'I IS J1H.JIH JtU-U tro- tl— 1—n-r»t'7>» 7H-.H

M— I , S O l l l l ]1 'E J j i i ' i s i K - - : u s D ,tC - .j i ... 4 -17.IIU-I»_, It - H Bul j c 4 ! ■’ ! '! « '! * ' " to Chf 5 3 » ! » ; ! :■ !V . "S S ! , f , : 5 , e 8

PW9 tl U ISh H« . P "! S i fJ ’JU " .U • i n C I P t . st s '^ i r t - i i - h ’ .Harge

I .medi.K ' Aj> 1 t 4U 4% 4U- Hn • 41 I B BU n au> N> « p a Ilk >u }U> » . IS - n rm 77- .>7u - n 04 JO I 14} » U 8 < t s u - I t2 5 5 -*'» 'JS 'K< .4sn I : T a u au aw NEs r - s i u d i

:4 s s 5: « - S5 r l » » 0n o*>' tr lu IH 2u> M and - ? !! 1 ' ! '!■•' ..l iv e r

V a l le y b e. - . . ^ Great'iw rthcrnsV av

- 24.00:1 dea ler al23.S0: ' :' P in tos: average 14.;

‘ d ea lers at 14.00.' ; Sm all red s: average

____ 1 _____ i:<feiUcra.aH7.00MdcaI(IdohoPinlcs: avenigi

■— — -------- S d a i im a t n .u o . ' if lga— -— — -_v _ L rR rk ld n ey i averagt

. • Q uotations rcprescn ’ ■ dealers, c o u r te sy .o f

' A ssociation Inc, Prices ’ . Idaho tx a h tax and sto.r

— ^ ^ — :— 7 ~ ^ -----------------------r

— iM j i t i i a U' f l IB TW Inn

• « g s j . 'K j a n h ' f eW ta br IM HA». ^ c . -iio iT n _ 5 2

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t £ r -w». HiS i« i* « imhl’

F 170 ra dmi 711 o w

H T v n i i ' E ' '■’Sp’i j r f SDie Gin III10W liisjOM MeDj6» me I73NI fWAHCW. 5 «dJwi “w IStHl Stl:

& ; ■ I ■tssl ^i L “ « i s t ■S’"... y

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. S . 7 , i s a r i n s t s . /Eflir at HI s « nti cjc. a jrt uon/

s i s j v ,

Frcf. Co js; 3M .k Mc . IX IK ' An./ SMc D> l« 7 0 1 - 'w „ . I, J7S1JH. Cr.tK SP«1.-— 4f l Jn Pin- i n 7.S7 Incm*

i f S - S ’’ Mui 51 WA UNO .TO —- C»n- 5t£ rcrm -K jI ln ____J » m ;h . wat,»<

S u ! f £B - i a ! S ' l r » ‘,L * r a 'G' in J j1 * tif 1M NI Crat*i '

r **£W tS K s s s

------------------imyi c p -^ r a u n __ivam'

^0 -cp 5 S ' !S ‘"' sIL'a, 771 14) S?t,cn 7M l»_ ........ ,W»'1'1 (iMr «

P o t a t o e s• - - oppexN

A n d O n i o n s f f tJ!M H n j!A L l.S .J ilah 0 .lU E Il____ &r, Polaloc.':. Uppor vqllgy.____l u r l c y o n d T w in F a l l s I s tr ic t s . d e m a n d U g h t . p»!i) • larkct about sieady: R u ss c t i ' •I.S. l; 2In . Dr4 02.m in.. SO Ib. ■ a rto n s'cw t. basis. SO-IOOs. p4 ii 3-00-13.50: ID lb. m esh. cw t. a ils . non .sliaA . G.0O C.50; lOO • • pTJ-.' ».-sacl«.-non-aire-Arfcw 5.00— - fS i f t f 25: iOoj.mln.8.00-8.50. ^ ' n3nlOTsr^Vcacrn~ iaaho~aird------lalhcur Co.. Ore.. dem and IJi '’i! jo d * for- lim lld .6 r fe r ln g sr ^ '" p S SlarkctsllRJiilyhlgherj-VcHow— ------jnnish. 50 lb. sacks. U.S. 1; 3 r-and-inrKur.-T.oo; 2»:.-3in :;—50. occasional hieherrWhTtes " H

in. and larger. 7.5(J-8.00: . rge jn c d lu m s .. 5.00-5.50; - | |n^RnoaruhifirCBO— ...........— = “

= = = = ^

iutter and Eggs h,C H 16\G 0 -<U5I>—— Bulk— “ lling prices os'^reported. b y . - - Q 3DA: • ,WB u tter^ priccs patd 4jJlvcry— — J / Chicago unchanged: r o ond , . , score 101,00:90 score uncst. 'E g g s - p r i c c s - p a i d t o ............ -Y^llvetyun ch anged(o up 2,“ . ,' . I f .prtcenoT otaiicftT G rodrA ';------------

cartons delivered): ex tra ' rge.69'.4-71'.4l large 68-70; cdlum s66^<^. .

, . - If • - D c

S i l v e r - ■ ■ , • '<■:N E W Y O B K iU P li-H o n d y , i ' " ° d Harman. Tuesday quoted * . V® ver at M-125 p e r fine oun ce UfH

E ft^ lh a n T liu o ia “r ^ v e ? ' 7w e prlcc ot (4.J23 up 5 cents^ ' - d a prlcc for fabricated #<* vero f4 .228u p 5 ,lccn ls . '.

— . 1

leansf;' average Zjrw' : '2 dea lers a r .3 .50:7 dealers a l 2:1.00.! 14.50; 5 dealers a t 15.00: 5

rage 1C.80:2 dealers nt IH.OO: -1[<««nt>vi^ n t t i t n nfra g e H ,3 8 ;4 d c a rc rsa tl5 .o o :.,rq g a iw a i m.75. •-------------------^ ^arage2 t.qo: id e a lc r a t 2 i,oo. ------------C 8cnr offcrtn.fis of rep o rtin g ‘. of Western; Bean Deulore • r ices ar a n c t. U.S. No. I. lcs.s lsto .ragcchargcs. .

-E i in d s - ^

s w s f ” S : f e . i S f f - ' - "_couM sa-. , s 24n i

S 5 ! a : ' !!! '! !!■ ■ a , i! ! .is S S ’K liSVw P i l 117 l « f V a u r i n l i t

r . r M t f '. £ S ' ! s - ! S K , " . ;

TiH UI 3«7 S«l«e Eg 771 7 N t m $n t i.J 7 i7 .t i 0 SSI 107

am fM » U 2IU scueow ns:■hr-fvna— 1.0H t —Iim.-fixi- 170H t:------

J P O-rtn I J / no “ Si F k t lO M H l

v , r ^ ^O n m J » 7 l i t 8€C U fm f FDS; - ' I

■ , * » ( ; S ! J ! ! i 5 :' CgjI a t 1I.70IM 7 UBil ' F I X I H 1

O r t i u f i r i s t * * ! 'Cut) KI I S I M l W A A D U . ORP ; |

^ & f l ! “ " ' l 7 5 ' l l 0 4 ~ E « rp . t n ’ l j l i

SSio^ ipS' rS -SSIS >P o lv t 3 H J » U ftU B O N FDS: <

UMtivli I S I N A den I IB 1 I7 4 .'LO -&!■« t7 7 4 t] U - "K sm n s i l O ^'U . .E d < U t iU ! .» k » t l l . 7 B U I

? ; ! 5 S ; <"n^fi Hit wfi” vwlir** ia*ioi ^X i7 |— lAS— s s r i M - S f l w - ^ - o — i B « c ^ — a

I? 1 .* 5 ^ f e ' " Ci r i . ' s . j s i s f

'sns: !!?„„j S - E - ; i ! , ! S - f , V - - . ,5i . IIUASS C O :- - Ocivi* - ' -lUNL ttS T . g'£ S rS a ,’” " " t S ' ,!S I!iMtt----------WWW M a w ; ' ---------f f i _____ , ! S , ! ! L K — “, J ! S .......u>

“ n - . . ~ ^ V i i » l’ l y r , " *

s ' s . S K ’ i E ' S ! S ! S Zi f « '. I § S “ co"' ’!!!!!: chy ’a g g j . tif 'i i: °;i s ' a S«T_Kc_.TO: -.

- { » - * « uwrra - ' niwa; •S ” ! ! ! ! ! ! S " ’ n - i S I S

“ 4 ? i i a ^ • » * »" t i i i s • S . ’” • ” ” « •'■’''J

tS " iM i ? f " = g !!; »

a '!:!'!:! iST’-c! s r —

E ' 's , 5,!s s :

. w - j F l g l s T gWtNHM -fft VWCf - , Thr

^ ' 5 iii ! ” !!i l f - 1 4 « ! ! : £ - ‘r -= I S t ? “ n«n

I'li'ilv< R n 4 H S4S m i l ' 7 n 77S Ida tnr, -V i J » M L Hflfgn ' 9 M I0 V . , j . #00 Sfl I M I I I I , , u i n I I I Ida.

i s ! 5 s : a ' ! s ' ; s m " 'l i p u l ' " J I I h I ' IB J B 1.0nincsm 717 I X WtilSl S ' S4S S H M Wiw. f i . . •« 7.a.«<"»..«_.jjH.i___ *:iJi

«»ti w JX 7X P ac, ------ W ind- C i . . . I J I i . a - I - , , , ,w 'c ' i l i l l i ! ?‘**ST” ~ ' i5

[ V


HAVE YOU BEEN . 1 _ j;pC K IN G :A W A Y .P A R T -rA


-T A X E S O N IT?----- -UNCLE SAM SAYS, - -

;_ypu cqn_._......!.l:..y°M.. 'v ° i - k j q r . so m gffn g - m e n t . p lorr, . ( n o p e n s io n ,

K e o g lr^ Ia n ]OR

If * y o u a r e s e lf -e m p lo y e d .. D e p e n d in g o n y o u r clrcun-

lo x 'S h e l t e r ,$ 1500/y e a r ii (R e tire m e n t P la n (IRA), p y e a r in d K e o g h P la n ...

: If th is In to re it* you . I.Would like t

r C i l .O e i i e ^ g i l l ^ i n c i i 733-e Z 40 Toll F ree

Vi y ; ~ , ' " y i i V III i t n i i r n

-------OourtaySlacUlrAOb..... .••" 'CHICAGO 'C^mihodlly ■ •

. futures closed m ixed Tuesday.Ptrtn[t> H w T T -t^ «^"T *V .

• ^ e a t ahd’soybearis^tum ^ up. . .._ p o r k .jb c ll ic s .:sa g g e d .: . c a ttle . ;

declined and hogsadvanced.------ ^The-Maydelive^;of-^ Idaho—

russet potatoes lost 15 cents, ' c lo s in g at 9i60, per hun-

V dredw cighl. ' ' ''C om m odity N ew s Serv ice

- sa id Maine potato contracts - :— lo6t-«K-Uu>gs-tobk-profitft-«nd-.

flccelcratlhg declines. At the • Close, contracts were from 6..

- -’c e n ta h i^ e r to^S cen ts lower.-— ■ Cash m orkctsrem alned firm ;- 'v

Spurred J>y sp e c u la t iv e bu yin g-on lim it s lr e n g th ‘of soybean oil, w heal took a late

-^-:upward turn;-^ s e t t l in g - I n ' m idrange,. 2 ',,T to ‘ 4 -cen ts

—-h tg h P r . .Cjtgninpnnt hull... spreads added an elem ent of strength desp ite unwinding of som e long .w hcat:sh ort-.d ll—

■ spreads. r7h|pn^n hpi ic ■ wng ftntntnnlly imrhitngivl hiif—

. J ^ u l f prlccsAW frup.— :— . -t«> Com m ade modest- interjm

a d v a n c e s on s p e c u la t iv e dernand attributca to soybean

:— oH -^ treh g th :— b u r “ cautlon” . produced Som e in d ecis ive

patterns. At the clo«4!. prices .w ere =>4 cen ls hlghe lO a cenl •

J a cent up fy; boxcars. 2 under i De'cember, while IToppcrs were I up 2 ccn ls, 4 over D ecem ber. |

Oil's strength also carried 1' the soybean com picx h igh er__ s

with beans c io i in g 't ' lo 10‘s t — <cnlS4iprmeal-up16(Ho-l-lXrtir~!

2.20 for active months and o il ' c gaining 65 to 85 polnl gains.' < S p .ec u la tiv e su p p ort and c m erch and iser . dem and fo r ’ ' j beans-w ere good , but oil w as r th e m a in factor.- H o a w h com m ercial demand for oil li

_ p lu s .rep orts-o f.Jargo -M id d Ie -II E astern soybean ‘ oil sa les 1 sp urred so m e sp ec u la tiv e 9 buying. g

Pork bellies skiddied to limit 4- and near lim il downs a l the s

c lo se . • w ilh February and 3;—M arch down the-limit^nd-.Maj— u —and Juiy-off'iW pointsrLow'cr'~2:

ca ttle and unfovorable hog ci fundam entals early In the d a y ' ai

and late profit taking after a si midday rally produced m osl of it thedow nw ardpush. Ti

D esp ile lower cash prices, hogs closed higher In all gi

■TtcartjynraHTRfctsrTcBruary] Ti w hich gained 85 points at one cl

J I m e; cosed hflck undpc.prQflt. tck ing and closed at'-47 points 24 gained. D ecem ber w as u p -7 -26 andA ugustoffSS .^ ' 2C

— t i v c - r a t t l e ^ M 5 a low er ~ I b ‘through^dOSIng-wIlh — 44

• S T n a ll ' - lo -m o d e r a to - lo s s c s i- 'a i Presstfre .cam e-from a dull \.i lone in cash channels with ■49 pr ices unevenly low er and slill . lb poor dcrnahd in w holesale ■ lb: channels. Futures- advanced • after m idsession .w ilh 'jw r k 50

■ p r ice s-b tit-fe ll-b a ck -ftg a in r — I - .P ecem ber.lD d w lth .a 77 cent -- - lo ss while F cb ru a ^ reached43.oopercw t. but Ihen faded lo ' a r ^ - cent - docltn0r=Cautlon - “ about growing fed~8upplies wa? given a s the reason for the F ebruary se lloff. ‘ ^

M l;ccd t r a d in g b rough t Sugar 11 to a close 7 to 13 points ,

’ O v e r T l i e " O o i ’i n i e r ‘l>ii«inil»n. rtNin N \Sf> «(. I

\ I I h i d . « r r i n . fi i r r ^ e - l r r - ( » H .. .- lr ..- rT > f H | g : : j t u » . _ ^ _ &m i o n * <l<> n o l i t i r l i i c t r r r t i i l l .n i M r l . - Mij». n i n r k i t i i k n i . r r o n i n i M . m , • Wr i i r w > |i i< i l a l l i iq . n r r | i n i> l< l r r i n i >>M»rlnirnii<l{..i.

" Bid' • A ^ ' - riank’Amefr'-lo;oo— 40:371;-------Jf|rst-Sec.-Gr-2&.50------^27^0-------: - oda..l'stNat'1.30.00 * 32.00 L . da. Pw r. Pfd.42.00 ' '44.00 Im n .G a s- 12.37'u- 12,75 - :ellwood 12 iS 12.15 | a n g .F ib re 120.00 1Z'5.00_IJ iin g - ___11.50 ' 12.25 ''acrst. O fe 1.I2'.. 1.50lCTrai;ire^—2 .()o --- -2.80------- *'m ^ t^ U to ■ a ,<aiv------MO—iia n lc ){ . . .02. .00 -.-.

• . , - s ».

M r T ] - i -

- X a l E C V .. . ■: ...I..


le -w H h o ti* n fBtlrw. __1 ■n , p r o f l t - s h q r i n g o r p ;


i . ■ jmsfances,.*you can . ■

in ,‘qn .Individual' Ip r u p ' t o . $ 7 5 0 0 / . I I

I ' o t d h o l p . : 1 ' ___;

i c l a l r r & to r l i i e ; . " - ^ - ! " i j

. 800- 632^807 1 :

- lo w r .b u i .s t i lL j iL U ie .d a y ’s ' r'" highs. ;RieIIncr . bu yin g , and -

trade support near 12J5 cent ., J f v c l i m 'f ld ie d -th e -m a r ir ttr -

.V oluirie 'w as 3,093'loLi. Sugar" !_. .12, im l^ e d ; w as sellled 6

pofnisofit. The w orld ^ ^ t price was;down .2 cen i to'l2.35 cent.s '

C om rnoyity nev ■ ' Coorfi

S I N ^ A I R-------- , 7 3 3.:6 i ? £ 3 p f o l i ^

' . ' a I» u n d ;-th e 'ddm «tic ipot'- • w as off .23cent to 14.05-ccnls.' . N ew York Comex gold ' gained 1.40 lo \.80. respond ing., I to 'tM hnical developments in'*‘ th e c u r r e n c y m a r k e t s .

L— - L iv e sI- OMAHA (UPI»— C a ltle a n d — — c « lvo8>7.600.-r g » r ^ - .S b 0 ^ a fS = - .-n o n e ; fed o ttl«rtm d(r5lcraT ina— I d e lib era te w ith a bearish at-;__ m ospherc prevaHrng ' nnrf nil‘ buyert proceeding with con- I slderabie caution. 3 t e '^ 1.00-

1.50 iow?r:. Instances 2.00 off:' heifers 1.00-1.25 lower; some

•1.56 off; cow r* ipoderately ^=acfhro,-«twdy?^6ulls-6lcady<—

steers supply predorhinantly h l^ -g o o d lo averagc^Jholce; fairly llbcralpercenlogc choice h eifers and few loads choice

_ a n d _ p r lm c :_ s la u g h lc r _ s lc c r s j^ three loads choice 1 .075-1.^

. los: y ie ld g r a d e d 47.obl c h o ic e 975.1.225 lb s; 2-445.00-46.50; m^ced good and choice 950-1.200 lbs 44,00-15.50:

’ gCK>d:40.QW4.SO:.alandard and_. lowgood 38,oo-to.OQ: siaughicr

__hp[fpi~g-' twfi' inpHc nnd part__load choice and prime 92^1.025 |

- lb s : 3-»45.5(M6.00:•choice900• 1.0^5 lbs: 2-4 44.00-45,00;-850- • 900 lbs 3 43.0O-H.00; mixed good, and choice 800-975 lb s, - 41^5(M3.50:_ good 38.00-41.501 ' sm all lots'slandard and good !32.00-35.00;' slaughter cows: •' j

-n jtllity ^ n d " co jiiin ercla n n )iF ’ “ O.Off.'a few 23,50;'catiner and'

c iittcr 17.00-20.50; mixed culler - Jand low utility 20.75-12,50; ‘slaughter bulls: 1-2 1..TOO-1.800 ‘lbs. 23.00^26.50; Individual 1 .27.00-28.00. ■ *

Hogs -6.000: barrows andgilts m odnr.*[l«»|y Sf-1.00 low er than M onday's close; U ,s. 1-3190-230 lb s50.00-.

■„ai.SQ:..2.10-2afl Ihs 49 50.50 no;. 240-250 lbs 48,00-49.50: 2-3 250< w.

-260 Ibs 47.00-J8.00; few 48.50; ^ 2 7 0 lbs 46 00~17 00- •g7n.Mn _

“Ibr?5.00-46.00; 2-4 280-290 lbs ,-44.00-45.0®:-/ew-45.50:-3-4-290-----'3101bS'43.5(H4,50,: sow s r.00.-'-“

1.50 lower: 1-3 3 5 ^ lbs 38.50- -49:00r few 39.50;. boars 200-700 - lb 35.00-^.00; m ost over 300— • lb s 3 6 ^ , J ■

Sheep'800: lam bs steady to 50c higher: advance on wooled • .

“ : ' - TWIN FAllS.

b v m a . : S U B S C R I P T I (

- PoyobU In odvenc* . H . (Doltyi Sunday) O

1 month . . . ; ..............4J5_:_(C?m onlh»................ J2.35---------------$<6 m o n lh i................. . . . . .2 4 .5 0« r*of.............................. t»5.00r/i»»e f0 l*» /Otfudo 3‘, Idaho

-S fliJ iItu ---------------------------------------.........................on# pr* tetdonl^

d*l[*«ry It nolmolnlalnad.

------- -— IIM ESiN EW SJO U iER Et

iSvh'(/Ceitlvford77TTT543-'4M8~'-"^^^ Bu/Uy/RupTt/Poiil/ ' • ■ L.

- O a t r ,y /w 5 , f o n d . . . .6 7 iK 3 i» ' ^

m m m m m m m m m m m m ^

— Retail^Afivi

I_ _ _ o in in n v -Uftniicp ; = 3W lllA t^ JtHJlicMonday: THiiiisi



PH O N E 73fc^ioisiiiajijte

:s :_-SBBCUIaHye - proflL^’u k ln g ." . id -'-bedgfrigcuiycncyagalnstgold

* - “ 1 * . " i V -t r - m arxeL V olum e, w as - i I7cir ; cd n tr llc ti' . ..................13.____A _graln:.Induced r a lly iin •-;e C hlcagospreadtntho'iiilvcrpit- Ls ' andgavoC om exsllverahioost. •

n a w t w ir e rep orts o r f e s y o / - ' ■ ' -,

\R z8r ^ ^ m r r = - -=reo 800-632 <3807 - -

5t'- Closing prices were 4 ,^ ^ ^ .c, cen ls higher on an 'esu m aled

d 30,886 -contracts; C hicago.E , how ever, was^ e n t u lowpr hy -n the tim e the New York market;■ closed . . -

e s tc M ik - _ —1— tatnbs; slaugliter tnn^h? sm a lp ^

J .lo ; ■ sn o i^ ^ rt'i''.' 49.50-50.00; choice, end primbI— asoio-lbf-wooied-lambs-^fcoo-—• 48.50.

A ?lvance , e s t im a t e s for Wednesday sltrT-4.000. fdrs '

! none, total cattle and ca lves '.^ .4.000:hogs5.00Q ;sheep500. .:

.: dO LIE T, III. « U P li - • Livestock:

Cattle sales insufficient lo establish market. - ,

l i .— Hogi.l.000Uradc'mod4}rale;> — b a r r o w s-a n d -^ lts-steffd y -ld

I.OO lower; No 1-2 -200 -^ -Ib — 51.75-53.00; No 1.3 200-240 lb

I 50J5-51.S5;.,No 2-3 240-260 lb48.50-50.25: No 2-4' 260-270 lb •

-. 47.00^8.50. . . . .W e d n e sd a y 's e s t im a te d

— i;ecelpi3-3;500 - c a ttic r -i:2 0 0 — hogs. : '

P O H tL \N D fU P 'C jU S D A i' • -L iv e sto c k :

, Sfilpep for Monday 330. Not ' enough slaughter lam bs to

offer market test. F eeder •/ lam bs stead y ,to i.OO higher.

— W.oolod—s la u g h te r — la m b s ------- c o u p ie lo ts-ch o ice 95-120 lb. 25.00. Feeder Jambs choice-

fancy 70-86 lb 48,00-49.90. Ew es cull-utililygood 6.00-9.70.

Hogs 83. Barrows and g ills - • steady. U. S. 1-3 200-250 lb -50.0051JS. U. S. 2-3 265-275 lb'

49.50-50.00 . —

^ W A W E O f e =

. x s r » w . c o U B i » ! i s _ . 1 - s c M P t o u i i s u a - i |

toirsHOP i2 7 l l k i U t a l M .L . I

lU . IDAHO :


On* Month v-(D o lly * J u n d i y J - . . . ,M .M... .................................. ■


D E U v lR Y s S w r* ' 733-0931 “Or Coll your . i

Cofilir ,'

lEE^HOWLNUMBERSj__________ __^ l l* r / |^ * r t o n / ' _____ j___

Holll»«*r/W*ndJlli. . •

O co«H nq/H o9*^BnTs»t.aS3i"|

- I

te S -e w-s-7- j -I v fH F fe i ih g r ^ I

7 ^ - ' : ; i

l o w i a - - — - S P t M iE * .

AY^: 3p;m; I AY 5 p.m. ■ 8AYz_,3jLm^J _ DAY | 3 Mn. I |

3 3 -0 9 3 1 I. . . E x t . 4 4 *

n i i « T i c t l « ) . . . . . E l ( t , 4 3 | .

- E x t . 20- 3( ^ 32J

Page 14: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


CHUCK s nii«.^»oicn&i




,.RHODEV_^________ .

TWHIE CTTb?o v e s


HARGARINEiusyiFmoErzzzzzzC L O R O X g a l . .

-UPION'SflNIOH" rc flT in 'liiv ~ ^ u r mlA ■CONCEmRArtn ,ALL 2pib.6a°OffLalier.-3?0Zr iniFFtABttWISK..............

s w inW N d



. . I . _igM -U .S .O J



S; R 280z ,J a n .


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GRAFL 2 9 - . . . C A L M E R U

> GRAFr o S ““«HTiI MIffi


4 6 0 Z . C A N . . . ^


I* CHUCI3 2 0 Z . I G A

SALAB »oressingT

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in oX russe

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1PEFRUII:~3_1»UL::..v ' \■FES..... 3iHoi*) . . ■ ;ED NUTS <K

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■" ' -V'




■ ' - ■ AllE l t =P j P— IKBM-rCNYQUILCOLD. ^MEDICINE<»FINAL NET ■ .HAIBSPRAY8 0 Z . . . ■■■, . . .■.■■


IBv -

4 W "uV

. • r ■ i ~ c r / V r o i i

M U ’OFF lip W lP : LUX

i | B A R SOA^ R - S C H I L U H G - - -



* b r e a d ; 7iB -jfU ilH —" YOGIffiT^ . w- ~ Z


bO DS— ’$ | S *

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W o a n i id a n ^ o ta i a ib i i i l n j i - i

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^ -^PKGU .S .D A -C H fl


- B E E E ^


c ^ | «\m <>niP<CRISI^ 24jOZ.

LABEL" 'iQUIB. . . . . . . . .

AP REG. SIZE. 3 jlE X T R A C T .oz.M l- J Z

r/2 LB. LOAF.; . . . . . .

1 LB. LOAF . . 3’APINT-.. . ■

: CHEESE u b . .Z I thereisjuugS


BUHL - Erb Brotfter's'Karkel' kui CASHEFOKD-CasUefordlfiA m

DECLO-OecIa Market FAIRnaD^KarketBasht - j

. KDObiC-Tainttrs l&A HACEniAN-Owslei's Market.'V.

-HAmTOll-Mac‘s lla r ta t" “ - ' n R N -Hac:$JSA ’ ■MiMSBI-tow’s IfiA' I

W i V


STEW| 2 9I - .--LB. .

r M !

nil__ :


1 9 *

Ps/ » ! ■ ”i W f s

6 5 ‘lO'iENEAW■SYEYOU!!! ' ^

0i*£-Boii'sie» . - , , ; MRty^Pmw'sFoKllliir' o«an-ci*i'sii»siiiwiu: .. :i!CBriElO-'KpB’s - J ,! • .BIPOT-FioaailM' ■ '

-.-•.n in iiF»us- ' . .^ Jtolj'siuihrim^ ■-— IWijVIMtalilt-Trn ^

■ m ilw y r q

Page 15: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

.-.-r j ' " I d a h o v'. ] p — -,

' Ma».Mta.Pcp::— -A b e r deen " ' — •49 26 ' ' •.........• : • 'B o i s e . . ....... .54 -38 - -

Buhl . . . S9 32 . BarJcy_^ 54 24CaldweJl .......... - 58 31

. ; F a ir f ie ld 4G' 9 I '=— • u ii iU iig ........... ' l. j | . ------------- r

. G rangev illc 54 5i Hfllloy- - -45 -JVl -

— H agerm an-i,- .., 48 20 H om odale S2-.29

' Idaho Ffltls 44 20 Je ro m e 57 31

~ K im b e r iy ' ' 54'"i!9~^. K una 55 32TT- .M cCall • ' 40 22 • .

.L ew iston 61 40— P a rm o 59 27 Poca tcIIo -------------- 52 .33--------■ P re s to n 51 lO

, - M : 2 5 •

; SodaSprlnR s 49 20 - W e?tY eIlow slonc 34 , 32 •

-_• Tw ln ^ a lls Max. Min! E cp ._____y « te r d a y • ” 55 27 I - a s t y c a r " • 50 20 .

- N orm al 45 24 ■^-SQ51.’4 in c h -------- 43 35

1 Cloudt i ^ F a lls , N orlhsJde, B urley- I

' Rup e r t a r e a ; - : . * '1, • . __‘.ton" ; -.- I n ereT^<T>g— e lo u d fr ie ? ia -T -T h i

' lortlght and sc a tte red ra in - . wlU '• sh o w ers T hu rsday . Windy a l low

tim e s tonighl and T hursday . T Cooler T hu rsday Wllh hlRh.s^5 mos

.to 5 0 .0 v c m ig h lio w s a o to 3 5 . Syn The-outiobk for F riday , d ry . A

r^ H tU ey ,-C a m a s-P ra ir ie ,- lo w e r— o v c _:_W iiodB lY ctyalleyi^______ ' „ . „ t c r j

‘Non-sexistj jN I V E R S I 'n ' PA R K . P n . lU P Il -

“ thousands of faithful P en n S la te al ~ n O T cr " slood al-l>oyhood's-Kalc’.’-or-w

tHe un ive rs ity has rev ised Its T.'t-ycar-ol A new . "non -scx Ist" ve rsion uf th e /

UJBHrs'l tim e a t P all C om m encem ent c: . ^ H ic “ twyl)00d 's e a tc " m cnUoned in t

. c^boyh'ood'iB ga le , shapeless In th e h

■And no longer w ill'sons — and duuj p ro cla im In sonjj: - --

iJ T h o u d id s t mold us. dear.o ld S late .

. j n w w ords now read :• g’T T w u d ld s tm o id u s .d e a ro ld S la te .'

> ^ r o l d S ta le , ( tea r o ld S ta te .”

Ii ' ’ " ^

f e '


I r i - g f M- 6 M O d I l S T O C

T ^ > i e K - t h e f I R M N i

^ ^ ^ = Y O U - 8 E S T . A N D -

; r ' G I V E Y O U A BE

^ H C R E S T i E t E C T R I C j

^ , Y O U R N E W S U P E R

W ' - ^E O U R LARCi BRASS BEDSt r •. AS LOW A S . .T . . . .

i;;:. ■; , 'bsy'FiUKAV

^ \ L ' ■ p o S ^B A N F R A N C I t C o / / d

t O » A N f t t L e * V I •

f ^ 3 2 g r '

. u r iW fA T H If tfO T O C A S i

Is will IUC7I n c r e a s i n g c l o u d i n e s s We;

on jgh l a n d s c a lle re d Khnwcrs easf h U T ^ a y r -e o o ic r—T hnrsday------ off-vllh h l f ^ n e a r 40. O vcm igh l. Vai j w s in t h c 20s . sill:T h e outlooi( fo r F r id a y . d e j

lo sU y d ry . T h iynopsla : . . . . aA high p ressu re sy s te m now P a(

v o r — th & —n o r t h e r n - i n -------expl u n c u n l a l n __ c e g l o n _ w i U _ _ T h i

t’ AlmaJVIat- IlccoKnizihg lh a l th e re , Ir

I s lu d e n ls and a lu m n ae who l;hJn‘-w-ere “ m olded inlo m e n ." --------th e- p ld A lm a M a te r DL* A lm a M a le r w as su n g for theI exeroljMJS la st w et'kcnd, d c r.n thesonK < '‘'W hcnw eslo(K l • the i: h a n d s of fa te ” ) lias Inrcn . Bi

auK hlers — nf AImn, M ator p rel


c x p i l

I f U i A ’

V 0

......' '■

C R E S T _

A N K E L ____________


:g e s e l e c t i o n

j m

S L f f p l O I ^

[ m h v e r ~ a/

J 3 0 . 0 0 ^

' • / O A L I ^ S \

^ r V ^

hso “

r u t / ^ ~ t o n i■veaken a n d move* slo w ly ' cl( ja stw ard . T h is will to o l ihlHKs .. th ij f f - j T - l l t t K n o r - t h c M agic----- Mi/a lle y , hu l te m p era lu re s can :llil b e .ex p c c le d to ix.- a few F r l e g r e e s a b o v e n o r m a l for rh u rsd ay . . 301.A _ e o ld -fronI now off th e 20s *aclfle n o r th w is t is in a p c c to d - to m o v e - ln to -Id a h o -- sh( rh u c s d a y .^ - U ,_ w » t^ - b r tn g — a n

te r sun g a t II ro n ic a lly . . w hile th e ch an g e s^ b

tiink lngof eq u ality fo r w om en, they i lie m a n w ho w rote th e n rig m al w o r ^ D r. F re d L ew is P a tle e holed in h is

lie ia le iMOs. th a l a change in Ihe Al c r . s ince one-th ird of ihe studen t l>od: fie new ve rsion Is exac tly w hal Dr. P a B ut D r. P a t le e w as ha rd ly an ca

re fac ed w ith : " I f change m usi 1«. 1 s

............. N o w - y o u - k i

By U nited P re s s Inte_________l,a l(n nali^al In Sihftrln cnnl

th e liquid fresh w a le ro n c a r t l

i S I V E

^ l O N

— ------------- - - —

W i n


I l C g p H R I HM A T T R E S S

FItm, lO Y e.arG udr

i B S f c HELK

BS83tBD8|pB|•j. •' ’' 'U>c(rt iBl

B | S I m m a m . * . ■ ! n nV ■

W -sft^a y

J v t x w 'sIs^ V A

& f l ' V - - / ....... Blr I ^---------r -------- ^

i l W ^ A T L A M t A S i

D j. . D.

--------------------H i

- I tO tH D -------- ---

M 'i ^ ^ l S N O W l i\C € a tfQ

' -‘ . I ■ ^ MM

--------- ^ ------------ . - N c• - Ne

« -m - No

i g h t ^^ P a

c loudiness an^l w ill- in c re a s e p h th e c h a n g e -O f-ra ln -^ fo r th e - - P h 'M agic V alley a re a T hu rsdav . P i t

T he ex ten d ed outlook for P®' F r id a y th ro u g h Sund ay c a lls 'E®' fo r h ig h s m o s tly in th e u p per 5 ^ 30s. w ith bV enilgh l low-s in th e • Rei 20s. S c a tte re d show ers m a ln lv Ric In t h e so u th e as t F r id a y a n d Sac sh o w ers a g a in Sunday In m ost S t.a re a s .---------------------------- :--------------- Sa I


P e n n - U . , ^;_bh v lo u s ly . reflcc l lixlay-s_____;y a lso re f le c t the thoiight.-i o f•d s7 3 y e a rs iJg o __________ i - __________nls a u tob iog raphy , w rlllen in ! A lm a M a le r mighi l>c In or- >ody w as th e n fem ale, Jn fact'. P a lte e s u g g e s le d .- e a r ly a d v o ca te of w om en 's

1 su g g e s t th is ;- - ' .

k n o i y - .................................ii te m a tlo n a l« M > to ln iH m f r4 1 f th » L a U = = = ; = ir th . * •

[ r ••


IITlRiW — z i - a Z E . 1 SiG& I 5 S E T j: iarqnte* ':f,;

1 4 ” ■ ■ I ,SFREE ' I 'X R E S T . . I


w u m . - Ia tth * ; p

i M i IPJIC iM V ' ......... I IIWMfAlU - . '

N a t i o n a r

T e d i p « r a t i i r e s

" B y ' U n l t o d l l t u I n i ^ l i i i m i r ' '„ r . . . . Low P e p -

A lbany • 39 27 ,01

i IB ak ersfie ld . 0 1 4 2 .............

, .- B j ? y ____ 1 7 - j 6 - P 2 - , -Brdw nsviH c 76 62 ilii" B u ffa lo ; ■ 32 25 : .03 ' - C h a rlo tte ' 52 30 ’....

-C h ic a g o -----------------36-- 20 ------C incinna ti . .. 48 34 ....

D a l la s 69 39 ."!!. D en v er 61 34 •.... -

•D ^ M o in e s . 39 - 27 ..,.— D »(r olt^------------------37 '3 3 ' .m-------

F a irb a n k s . -34 -43 .........F re sn o 60 37 ........

’ H elejia 48 47 ...........-H onolulu 83 70 ...........- In d ia n a p o lis— — 3 9 - 2 9 - : -..v -— = K 5 i ^ ? g t ^ ^ ' ~ ~ s 3 = 9 i - . : : : —

L a s V egas • 68 40 .......L osA ngeles ; 78 51 .... L ouisville 51 30 ....

"M em p h is ------- --------57" 38~rr^M a m i 83 -61 ....M Iw aukee _ , 29 20 ....M nneapo lis I9 16 ....

—N ew O rleans 58 43 ....N ew Y ork 42 37 ....N o rth P la tte - 44 17 ........

- O a k land------ -----------61— t3 - . u i ‘ ' -O klahom a C i ly ’ 77 38 .... O m ah a 38 28 ....P a lm S p r ln g s 73 48 ,,.. P a so R o b le s - ^73 39 .... Ph ilad e lp h ia 42 30 .,.,

P i t t s b u r g • 42 30 !...•■ 'P om ancT M c. 37 2G ....

-P o rtla n d . O re. 00 56 .01R ap id City . 39 35 .,..R ed B tu ff 63 35 ..............R en o 61. 23 ..:.R ichm ond , Va, 50 29 ....S a c ra m en to G4 . 04 ....S t-L o u i? . , 52 - 2 7 '. . . .

_Sa U UiKlLCHi______53 ____Son Diego 75 50 ..........S a n F ra n c is co 63 48 ..,.S e a ttle 54 53 1,50^ k a n e 51 45 .,..T h e rm a l 7a mW ashing ton---------- 4 8 -3 1 —

C u• ' ■ ..ThBM oat'E:

' / ^

- 1__- PROuDir-i


:: l i i l IWITH THE 4 YEAR


I . V . L O A D E D ; w J t H _ l

“ * Q U A L I I V T F A T d S

i n c l u d i n g . . .

— -------• 1 0 0 % S o l id s t a t e (m od

-----------i - A u t o c o l o r — o n e - b u t f b' a u t o m a t i c c o l o r a n d

“ ~ • A M t o r r i a j ^ f l n F t u n i m

" • S i m u l a t e d w o o d - g r a i r c a b i n e t _

- - P a r t s — I q b o r ^ - a n d - p

~ — g u a r a n t e e d u n c o n d

- - 4 - y e a r s . Q u i t e a

f r o m t h e 9 0 . d a y

— w a r r a n t e e o f f e r e r

- r - r n a n u f a c t u F e r - S ; ----------

S A ^ s o > s e e o u t ^ - 8 — & -

p G S iT h e M o s t Exp

r i D i E L A Y E C

; 'TIL I

I - ' V r m

I Operi Fridi

c > / - -

Graduate_ .J:B 0 IS E ,T :.A .5 tud )L 0f,g radua l!

Id ah o 's institution^ o f higher-edi . d isc u ssed du rin g a m ceting.of th e ^ 'E d u c n l lo B ’s C u r r ic u lu m .'C <

.L c w lB to n .M o ^ a y ..- -

- ■ - I - . . . . . - f c

" ■ U “ ; -

, . . ; 'i ’

/E xpensivaT erav lsion B a ts In

L E E E I N I L = = ^

^nest-9=lncli"~______ _______ DIAG.-M EAS.PORTABLE

i i i i i i

Ii f u u E :

- I t e• tS e e Below

lo d u ro r) .


a l n e d .

-picture,-tube------- > - -nditlonally for ’ a difference, •_ ly-free labor ■echby-mony—— — EHBBa - i y ^ T T i o d e l B — s m

i r i i l l lI x p e r i s iv e T e l e v is io n S e tT T n A i

D P A Y M E N *m a r c h

i l N GJ o y ^ N i ^ t s ^ ^

e program sw«e_pisgrams.al_i_Jn>ort^st( education will be June of a for the StaBs£oardof.-i>.tory:L.graduBi Committee at • de^'lw el n .. -joar ovcr-a l

i M i i: a J P P R l

g p i

• - -i. !j - . ' • -.i '

~ IB 8^

v s .

W g

lAHTY | f . H nbW)' I. I j I

F o c to r y S u g W e . P r i c d ^ 3 6 9 .9

---X A C T O R Y ^P P M


lEiHMI America.. .and DarmWell W

s r ^ w w e di i l c n w J r e n i , t l » jO T r t :w * » a lo i U i t .fo rm ula stipuiatinK th a t -"KatisfBC--'

d u a t c - p r o g r a i i j s - a f - t b e ^ a s t e r ’s " el m ust a v e rag e f lv e - g r a d u a ie s 'p tf ' a -th re o -y o a r period , • :— --------

j n i : • '

■ ' ' ' ' ' ■ - V.'

i g l ^ S vr. y - r f - 'T l Inhandy 7 -

=ak ' y . 1 '


v » - . _ L i £


j with/ease..

^w aC H S "— ^ —Y L E S S TH A hf

J^5^P0UNDS!^^ I "

l e s t e d \ I _1'•9 5 * ■ I .

R o e ' i

B iW o r t h I t ! ' .

1 # ^ IId /1/jL^

b 9 ,

Page 16: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

- is no bum

Subsidy t>] o f $ 3 1 2 in

' ‘ WASHINGTON (UPl) - mi — P r e s i d e n t - F o r d . - a ^ k e d — rc(

Congress Monday f o r ’ p ^ - ' for mission to cut mgre_lhan,$3i2_ j del lininbii Vfrom ‘pre'vjoiisly- i>«

-'approved fiscal 1976 spending I . levels for a group, of con- AC

s c r v Q t i o n a n d ; r u r a ! effi 'd e v e l o p m e n t s u b s i d y vet

__ pmgramt.----------------------------- H >«.The proposed cuts, which cat

w e re cxpcc ted lo d raw itci criticism from mpn>-larm bloc - onl lawmakers. Included a requtst by >

— to-stastrt90-mIWIoinjur0rtm!--------T— »l»-millt<tn-Toted-earHer-fay----- om_ Q o ngrcss_ .ro r conservation out

subsidy, payments to rarm'ers’ apr —under-'thC'-AgrlcuktirahCon-— bul■ servnlion P rog ram ."---------/ pro

........U nder..that_program ,.: the______.Agrkulture-Department gives fa rm e rs “ cost sh a r in g ” • payments which* usually cover *

• about -half the expense of■ carrying out .approved con- servatlon pracllife. Congress f

■ h a s ' repeated ly overruled . V adm in is tra tion - efforts to ^

; reduce the ppymchts sharply. orclimlnalciJiefnallogclher._............ 1'

Ford did no| request o u tr i^ t tcancellation of tfic (90 million — In ACP filnds. IIq asked that the money b e ‘rdeferred" for

. spending later . ____ „■ If Congress o g re ^ . th is " ‘ ir

would leave J8S minion Of tho »< original fund for spending In ~

—th r-n n rcn rT y ca rr-T tn r-in i:”

M a W s h o w s o

r a i g t i v i t y - — ^

- a t - R i i p e r . t ^ ' — ^ -• -Be

R U P E R T -th e mqrkci was « —a c t iv i r o m ll- c ln s s e n i t" th r :~ "

Valley Livestock Commission_Co*Alonday. ______ _^_______ “

Cows, were 1.00 to 2.00 higher, bulls 1.00-2.00 higher, feeder stecru slcgdy, J e i^ e r '■ h e ife rs i.Ob-2.00 h igher. • • H olstein feeder LOO-2.00 *%!■ higher, hogs sleadyto 50 cents

There were 1,875 cattles 79 T^liDignT-shiicp-nntf- rT rarscs— - m

sold, |K;—^to c k e r^ n d ^ c cd e r-c a tth j------Stccr-calvcs-300T400 Iba.J0 i)0t i - —

43.75: Stw r cnlvps 400-500 Ihs.-39.7S44:00:ycnrllngstemsoo-- fc

_7M ibs. 39,0(W2.00: yearling m steers 70(}-a50 Ibr. :J9.00^2.00^ heifer calves 300^00 lbs. 29.50- 33,00; heifer calves400-500 lbs. " «oI

' 30.00.33;50: yearlinc heifers" 6t\ S!5(i‘6G0 lE s . ; —

-y c o r lin rh ( iin !« ‘’60 0 ^-'lb3V ;; “ 5132.00-35.00; Holstein steers 400- fi( 700 \b L 27.0(Mp,00. Holstein . «« steers 700«)0 lbs. 2ff.5(M5.00;;. Holstein heifers (m o o !bs.20.00-24.50; feeder bulls 2S,00- ^ 29.75; stock cows 190.00-215.00 M pcrhead. ■ •

•Slaughter 'cottle — Com- mercial and.utllity, 25.0(^29.25; cows, caiuwr and cutter, 16.00-.'

-22.00;-bull8,~uHiHy and-com— —“ mercial, 28.00-31.00. •

Sheep — Fat iambs, choice, .43.0(M5.00: killer ewes, 7.00*

10.00.' - ■,_iHog!i|rT.ButdjethOM .48.00-„ ___

49.7S; jeeder-plga 8Siil0^5,005- - - - cwaners, 18.00-28.00 per head; sowb3S.Oo;3S.OO. ' I l i i

V 1 _

f t —

--------- T ^T R O P H Y -p la ti-to -lnW------- / — L am rtt, m . r i l l e r hta eta

■/ Chosen graod cham pion y , U vestockE xposiU on inC h]

»rogra|iQ sl nillioii prom in is tr a t i6h tFeii m ight” P* request a zero new-ACP-fund'— for fiscal 1977 and use Ihe 3eferred$W million to pay for jrojects In that year.

In oddltion lo the proposed \C P “ deferral,” which takes • ‘ sffect irutomatlcally unless JP' /etoed b y ’ Congress. Ford .

:anceIlations of spending tem s which con go Into effect mly if afflrmoUvely accepted >y Congress. P”■ h es e-lncimlcdT gctsslon." *■'

mlo[lhcS2SOtnll]|onCongrtss ipproved for granls to help ™'' m ild-rural-W ater'and-sew er ■■ 8” irojecU;' $10 m illion ap-

____ . • ^ . ru r


SPPRTING IQUIPMFactory made folding comp iroller, I

. minor. r«porr-----M odifitd aSO Suiuki <In good condliion ~ Mstol pickup coi for »hort norrow box — Rvgufor tito rid—-Child* foddi* — 3 burner propono c

-----• Boy Scpgl-botfc-potll------ MeCoofknScotl oO h o n e ouiboord boai-motor wll run igood — Borb«tl»oi.

ANTIOUISColginbla Antique windup portoblo recc r*fll nic* — 30-40 Purple onilqoe glow •*loU — Implemeni S«oi» — Mor»p<<

■■ ■' ' MlBorbeque grilLS chlldi »now t ie d r »loli wide rodiol tlret — 6 Cloni poper mac>

a L A S S W A R I , A l3 Milk g lo it plata»„4 milk g1a»t go'bleli vol g loM rgloirpitcher, block milk glot< .cheeie holder, Hollon wine botite. boi Shoving mug. teopol. 3 .piece pewter, g la u goblel*. trunk*. Atwoter Keni roc


- -M l~Merry liner, cuitivoior looU, tum p pumj l» n e got Move, SO fl. I'/i-'p loillcpIpe, i

- . H O m iH O lP—RCA 3T~ block S whIlB mopla cabinet — i»0 recorrf-ploirer — Bunk b«dt wtlfLm. d re tie r wilh mirror, chetl of drowei headboard, double bed, tmoM oniiqui iictK^Codor cheit. lolid rock maple i tobie, portbble low ing - machine. m{in fifllonnlco Encyclopedlo year bool»»._

5000 BlO eoVolyilc h-eater” - JCJOO'fiTlTc goett eteclrlc odding mochlna, CE 40" el good green recllner. 3 over«lu<(ed chc lopei, portable adding machine. lobetin(■ ow<N O T Ii PLAN TO BE HERE. Wf 'wiLL H LISTED rr Will PROBABLY BE HERFANYV


S a h M a a a e *

. .AUaiONEERS:— LVIE.MASTERS.----- ----------CAF- 5 4 3 :5 JJ7 , '6 u h lr ld o |io 934-

^ <

Id-by-Creg-G iuhO r-lV -------------E:iteer.-"A ce H lg h .^ V w a s^ — :-A n a t - t h e In te m a llo n a l i ,n ilc ag o . (U P I)----------------------------------- ;------- ■ e,


lashes oposed Eproprtaietf for • payments farmcrs-under-aL-Water Bank- plan lo prolecl marshlands: ? ' and $15 million appropriated for forestry- Im provem ent— Incentive paym ents,.

•In ad<{itIon. Ford nsked In a message lo Congress for deferral of $50 million.In ihc

J22.5 million in"funds for; bj construction of small water* / shed p ro je c ts . ' He a lso /f}' proposed recjsslons Including ^Wt4— m ^ ^ n —ftn—r u n n -----Jc u ilo p m c n l— g r a n ts ___S1(U ____ Smlillon^in gra'n lsj6r.sellh(ilp__Hniriil'housing. $10 Diilllon In b; grants for farm tabor housing.— P ind $3.5<’mliIion In grants for • ■uraiflreproteclion. '.. ' " " X '''

L o c a te d c o r n a r o

f r F / ^ y J w * i t , 1


" ! " L . . rARM'& Skl motorcycle Formdil "A" troetor fo*coniper thell ll n e e d i.o d y w h e e l—fldlr»g toddle Crolltman riding lowne c o m p tl^ e ' poir — fo ltey ouloma

wllh'conicolt. — MlKollaneoutj

HOUIecord ployer. New cabinet tilde pro IM thelf ped- — Monroe electric co

twlv il-ieoch— -S iora9*-«ori^(pr-W dlJ'cRiraFeiv— ~ '.hordW oidcholrtw llhl

• w c i t H N n u r r —lole blockboordt, rotn blrdt, pipe llttlngi ache heodt — Mining Iron bollt — Mini o p .r„n — Mortnypojn ;—

^ l h - | Q ^ I S A l i i r c O l . Llelt. Eorly-Americon candy dith . While < M i. Rotevllte poilery. Chlnete vote. Dei Millet, g lo tt lamp, b'rati lamp, 6 tnul tr. piciuret and fram et. 3 wine glottoi roalo. Horte collor and ham et, hand cr iMMheel «plndle*.-Model-T-(r«ni-oxlei om

IISC IU A N ieU *irfipr*lootTobIel74flIo'rtWW*rKWIJlT« e, rodlo-record ployer. 6 bar tloolt, plall

— 7 .......— • O W M H

- I . . M i g c i u— RCAVor. -20 gouge tingle thot z.0r’djirT0WjBligqmoi..C wert. rollon wooden windows ond-f que writing- lle t. robbllt and hutchei e drop leo1 ■ . .. '. . .o n . ■ -

U c aio l^ T hM ter — Be<i ond dretting tc ' electric ronge In good^ondlHon, g<M choir*, old buffet, vonlly. Robert* I'terc ling mochlno.WNIRtNllOHiOM..


I t i C A S N D A Y O P S A L I

IAS^THqMAS,GRILUNEIGII t t d b y M a t f f a r t A v c H m


ARV-OSBORNE------- :....... .......-CLESJ4 -5 3 5 0 ; G o o d in g ; tdd h o -

B uhl

. Crossbreed ch©Chicagbl

. . CHICAGO. - Ace ' ' ' Chlanlnft^Angus crpssb!

grand c h a ^ k n s teer 0 ^ye.StockExposItlon.

------Ace H I^ ;U owned tLanark, n r . located at Qilcago. The steer wi

------------------flnallsts by;Ceorge Straiyear’s show. Strathear

------ ----------- C alifornia Beef Councll r^ High was auctlone

' thatdoes'no td istu rbyoi b Im fortt45asacaIf.

------- - Oreg.' his sister' Cy^• 6nEe;,38.andMyriia,3

where they raise betwei catUe.

~ " In addition to the aiKtl— :— -------' recelve a t9.ccflciiec k l i i

w a breeders! aasQclatlori ..

~ ^ m n s t ju. BOISE (UPl I - .A Cald- se wcllbased cooperiJllveaccuscd

violation has brought suit In coFourth Dislrlcl Court to force mi0 member to continue sup- ou plying it with milk.

— Da i r y in ciV&^ Ci.u j i iie iy »»■ A66ocIotiort'.-Ind./brougJinht?------- '1

legal action against Tom MlMiller, a Kuna, dairyman, lit pneontehds Milicr'has refused fo thtsupply milk products since Ici'Sept. t l In violation of his aslmcmt>ershipagrcemi'nt. P :

Under the ogcement. tiiij po'

m ust 5 v c 90 days’ noticebefore terminating the con- unitract. I

• Genera! M anager Frank CaKrone said In an affidavit that Geaction such os Miller's moy brtencourage olh 'er'm em befrtb Pl3leave and thus cause sub- cor

-stantial economic hordshlp-to agirem aining members. Field mo Supervisor C rin t Eldredgc said In another affidavit thatsince Miller stopt)cd supplying B

h p ^ “ defected." H/M iller contends in an af- . ■

.fjdavlt that he will be forccd ' Hout .of business if he is forccd to - H

cooperati'^e at current Prices.-^ B He saVd the cooperative's H by law s provide for ter- ' ■

J inlnation.of..'thc-mcmbcr.shlp__■./contract if he violates them H

which.-he said, he is doing by ^ H

•d '{roni th e N o rth w e s t ' H r of Buhl. Idaho 3 m iles H

1 m ile North', 1 m ile2 fn lle i N orih 'on Highway _ . . H - ih e -o ld -L u c e rn e -S c h o e l. __ H


SHOP IQUIP. J(or repoir* . . . owner.lhlnks— ----

I — Fomey electric w ilder — iwn mower, needt minor re- imailc hondtow thorpener —

lut jpol* — Nutt & boll*; ’ -

USIHOLD ^ ' 1projector — Oltplay counter* . ^ Hcolculotor — 13-15 cote* ol ' Hthompoe and floor won — -

Ingt.polrBF Goodrich R-70-1S f lAinln^ drill bit* — 3-IS gallon

LUCTIBUS Ile Comlvol glo*i vote. Coml. . D eterl'cro**. pink glot* dIth. nulf boltle*. mouiioche cup. tto*. Vnllk’CIo** *oli *hoker. i cronk cieom j'eporotor. o'ld_ -ond’whOTltrfwinteriTOtoIr"^ —

irrtn^inroH lc3bom erpro:— — <lal(6rm rocker.'l l t l C . O , . T H Q M A t -

i i A N i b u i - : _____: - f lo t (fratgun, 3 bicycle*, bow n..Cheyiolet:l6:!,(lf«ondrlm;,_ id frome*, picture*, ior*. boi- :het, ml*cefl0ne0u»'0rtlc1et.

t ' e i N I G R I U :

g table. *>nall drop leal loble.>od brown-green *moll covch. > ■ tereo lope recorder, tevecol.'


■ IIGHBORS, -:— mm S a r v l c e H

LERK: CA l HARPER------ r ~43^5854 o r 5 4 3 ^ 6 7 0 - uh l, Id o h o ■ _______

, . ' . - I ■

c h n n i pagoDUiyNewB . : * 1^ce High, a . l,2({Oi>6{iDd , ^ r e e d r has been nam ed ' ' - ser of the 1975 International , an. - ■ted by Gfeg Gruhni 17, of {Id. about ISO mUes west of r was'Selected fn im five S tra theam ,.w ^ jud godjhis— — , IvM m Is m anager of the . . ,

lk» iK lTueala)r4lghl,atacl r ■ t> young Gruhn,wh(» bought ' I

.16,,and his parents,' oa, 36, live on a ren'ied fa o a .^ - , Btween 200 and’300 head of

auction price. Greg .also will • / :A fiumUig'ChianinaAiisn-—iori^,____ ________ _ ___ J

RS S-M/r

- bselling his milk c J . s c w h c r c . ^

The coopcrati%-o. Iioutncr. s

contspcrpoundof))ullerf.itfor „milk he dcilvers 1» -onothfr outlet because hc! dnipped oul k of the associat ion u'ithiiiit tl

—noUco^------:----------- ^-----Bealdes aiiHfljunclinn to hnr—

Miller from dcllvcrinfj dairy \y products lo other oulict.s unMi t the contract is tcrmln.itcd (f legally, the association is u asking the cour( lo re(|ulrc payment of the . It) ccnils per oi pound of butterfal.

Durlschi has take n the m;il(er ' p under advisement.

In Third Dlstricl Court al Caldwell last. we«k. Altorney General Wayne L. Kidwell bro.ught an anti-trust com- [j.

“ plalntTigalnsnhc“:]S5Dclatioif 7”a'i contending it? inemlKTshlp f( aRTCcmcnts tend-to crcalo-a -t- mon(?poly.-


I /

■ V L ' < :

I Tl


T a h iti a n d th e isle TirT^ies-News A nnu w h i t e s a n d b ea ch islc inds w ith m ajoi

; p e r :fe c t com binati< f a r e f ro m Tw

J s lu n d , f i r s t class t a x a n d t ip s o th e r

H IRAVaARR,3 3 5 M a in A v « . VV<

P l e a s e s e n d com

1 P.O. BOX H CUP ■ tw in f a l

Im . I 'Y e s . rm ii

^ ■ M A I L '


.11 ■■ ■ --

W D A ly j. .-WASIHNGtON tUl?D- -I

The-AgrlcuHure-Department— ihas published a handbook to . <

:^uld high schOpi debaters argue | this yenr'a natlonoX school

. . d e b a t e t o p i c . . . . . ,T he lop lc is w h e th e r 1

.devtlopment and allocation o( lscarce .world resources shouid |b t controlled by an . In -• ilemollonai organization.'^ |

_ But the handbook will give • '- liitie hflp 'io iiludmt6"os.slgn«l' • j

a rg u m e n f Jwcniise ll con----- <.c c n l r a l e s on. exp lain ing .Ihp |

v ie^P so rA grlco llu roS ecrc tary ;- E a r l - B u t i j ami nihera- >vho - (“ U ppose internoiJnnal control of -

food resou rces. <Offlclai.s s.Hd lOOiOOO copies \

o f 'th e lS-paR<Thundl)onk w ere i

Instability 1 on adminis

-----CTIE^'ENN*E;^\3u7UPrT7=i— ^The prcsidenl of the National - F a rm e r s .^i\lon M onday b la m e d th e F o rd Ad­ministration and Agriculture S e c re ta ry . EarJ 0u(z /or

~iiTUbSlvu';it5itiiy in inrnieK'— * m arkets this year. 1

"The administration told us I to go all out on production. 1

. then on Aug. IS placed an i-rM nbargo-on-a-^;hipm fnt—(0-----“ R ussiar'1n~add ltion ‘-'io” thG— i

boycott by longshoremen." i Tony Dechanl told delegates at , I the Rocky mountain Farmers Union convention.

“As a result this embargo, grain farm ers have lost al least one dollar per bushel

Farm ers have faced a m ore. massive disruption in the market this year lhan ever before.”

Dechant pul thetblamq forJhe_m A ckcLdjs5ipU on_onJt]e_

administration and Butj. and recommended twp solutions.

-‘—•Loan • levels should"bo ~ established nl 90 per cent of

^ I f l l l ^ lO B H crH l

■ -

J i


HiMASiiyyi C H ^ r a i

lESiA: M.1m iN n E B is lo n d s o f F ren c h P o ly n e s ia n u al T our. H o te ls o n th e p iches tfio t o f fe r th e t ro d it i< jor citTeV oH ef“sh "o p ^ iig rd ii itio n .'T h is-y ear-'s -co st of^$9 ' rw lrT F alis to T a h T tr 'tfw n p ass h o te l ac co m o d o tio n tf 1 e r th a n m ea lsrand .-lt 's .f^ jlly

1R A N G E M E H T S B Y 4W IN D S 1VVetl . Twin Fails, 734-760S

Wo'ro in to rosted In thev'76 TImci jm p ie le de ta ils to th e d d d re s i I h

ITIAN VACATiC)X 5 4 8 .ALLS. ID A H O 8 3 3 0 i . '

1 i n t e r e s te d in - th e T im es•^ r. P le o s e sen c i-co m p ’l e te d e

g ' ' -—

?ESS _ _ _ _ _

■ V.

— WodnO?<ray:Docombof 3.1975 Tl

^ersd eB o• -printed und currcnt plans call - '

— forsendlnrfivc nroles ttnnich—rr- oJ_.18.0Ci0 public and prlvale

high schools. ■ ’ * 'In a foreword to the iHMiklct.

. whiclicostanestimalodW.OOO.— Dlrcclor Claude W. Gilford o f’ USDA’f . Office of Com- munlcatlon. said the depart- ment developed'the mnlcrial. in respon.« to rcftuests for . "resource material" related lo '

■ thenatlonaldcbatetoplc.'.------Agriculture nilicifll^ con-—

ccnt'rated on food resource j h a t is their area of primary concern^

_i_Glf{oaLsald. ------ -----------“ T he p u b l ic a t io n .. 'te l ls

.students .that—ailocat’ton of world food re.sources hy an International agency ••would

blame^“^slration“^ r i t y W i th ”a~ ciim ]n iiT iirp tT ^- cent of p r i ty fo prolecl'con-

sum ers.r 'ho said.-••VVhal we• a re asking for js a guarantiee of

lOOpercent parity."Dechant ahso said there .

— be arr liili.'rniilll)nai loug program because^a domestic program Isn’t enough. The NFU p residen t said in­ternational trade agreements

— would, fiteni lhc_power of -- muitinatlomil-crath-cxporlers—

and guarantee producers a, price. ^

ms To Go


iROARYi l, 1!io p r o v id e a n i d e a l s e t t i n g

o u t e r is lo r id s a r e b u n g a lc i t io n a t T a h i t io n w o y _ o f J l f e d lr i in g 'o n d 'h T g h t( l f e “ fo 'n io k

5 9 7 5 .0 0 p e r p e r s o n j n c l u d e n o w y '‘C r a 5 5 y r ^ r a n j f e r s - f i x

t h r o u g h o u t * fa a g g o g e , pi lly e s c o r t e d f o r y o u r c o n v e t

rtRA¥Ei:SERVICE -)05 Ken B eebe, O w ner

ics*News. 'T ah iti Tour" I I h av e filled In below . . . ' ' ■


5 - N e w s s p o n s o r e d " T a h i t ic d e t o i l s - t o t h e f o l l o w in g :

1 _ ___ IPHONE__ _

Tlmos-Nowi,Twio_________ •• • ^

(Iter aid— - Incv itah lyhc ba.scdonp5m Tcia"“

—:rtronH»df-raHomi.’'-:w hkh-w trtdd-^b e f a r le s s e f l lc ie n L J n . i . d istrib u tin g food * thiin 't h e ^operatlon-sof a freem orke tT - '--^

— • I n t e r n u l lo n u l - t o n l r o l h n h t f ^ ■ h n n d ljo o k a d d e d , . w o u lff '•

••quickly po larize th e wnrld . Into opposing po liiic ’u L c a m p ^ tt ', s ." It a rgued ,,lht in^ :i

_ . lc rn a t io n a i c o n tro l w ouldi;* encourage -develop ing cnun;‘’'1 tr ie s tl) pe rsis t In spending in e ir m 'oney-on proJectH llko ;-i ' gdvernm enl-ow ned u irlin c s.a l ,u th e expense o f 'encou rag ingV .l foodproducU on.’

— lrr-Trnr'«J35e.'lh(i (iompiiTer w: contended, food c ro p s ari'.' .'i^ " ren ew a lile " and shoLld not considered sc a rce in Ific RamcMd w a y a s n o n r f c n c w p b ie 'i n ;

■polleics to deal.w '*‘i the two'-'- ' . . shou ldbed ilfcren t.^ ’ -•

” y . ' i , 'SJEdE THE j . iv ;N a ! I s S EASYi Chock thosuboftnnnomiS^lor u lo in Ihe C liuidM


b - = H allSolo i - S A 5 0< H te ls ...........* 0 .:4H surServlce OpenFrldaf ,

; _ .Night* -.T llChilitm oi..— - 1-^ = V I C k l R # ^ -

SADDLlliyas? Shotho'ne il. $o. 7».70<6

1/ft.Settlcf____-All M akes j£_

PUMPSFor all purposes . Sales - Service -

Inslollofion -

UMPTEQOIR. CO.- l2 7 :S tf:> a rk -^7 3 3 -7 5 8 1 ------■ IP liiiiig ’

Now! I


1 9 7 6 : ^i g f o r t h e 1 9 7 6 .a l o w 'S t y l e w i t h

l i f e . . . T h e J a r g e r - i * ~ ^ ^ H f - ^ i o k e - . t h l s j o 0 r - a * r f v ^ ^ » t ^

d e s . R o u n d i ^ P — f r o r n r i s l a f i d H o T t i r r ^ ^ ^ B : ^

p o r t e r a g e . ,

v e h i e n c e .


i t i a n V o c a t io n "

Page 17: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

' IS T in ie s^ ew a , Twin Falls, Mati


= = = = = -- .-i==M/'fti

— PC CHJ l



■RANCH STEAI• V • BOffilESS : : ."^-flEErsTEr:


- - PMCHOPS- “ : ^ iE M I E R C r iO I N “ -


S i i 5 E g i wI C I C ^

WtY i»A C K - — =

O R KlOPS1 0 9I LB.

! 5 5 l

IK u:^® * JT

.,.73* c: , . * 1 ” R


S ^ H R R ^ S H y A V i P i H' :-WM

9 m ^

C E w r e i t c B


COUNTRY STYLE ,SPARE RIBS . LBm iiN EN D ........... -

PORK ROAST . lb;BONELESS TOP ,Slrldiii Steak. LB.'SIRLOIN - ... -t if s t h o ::b;*

cuS o t c s . ;

R IB IP IIO A fc!JDr lfrBniwrS-SiBrvLlnkSausage.¥A"


f l T 9• ■ L B. »

. ■ - I ■

- j;

■ r T ' i v T " ' ," " — :—

• • *■•• '• • - - /* •■ '



U l ■ = ^ - — R

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«L ■ W t H E / t r ^ s

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fm Im


^ i J W ...AT

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' , ': '■ ■ r "

- I T Ti)-V


'■■ . ' S'Y O U ' l t N E V E f



m tR O U N D B O N E

POTlOASTy j f e& s e r v e " ’ _ ,

H STICKS. LB. 6 ^W 5 . S E R V E -

imp Crisps LB.-1B BONELESS I * _

1 B l i r . . - . . T i : * l


d f i l W » o z . ^ - l

yeriloiliiiI.-SiiiiareSBeefA _

■ PACK^u.P.^1




B I / H P m m m

JEEP. BEEP!E i j L i f l H l L l M :


K K O UT; ( f f l 8 V-

R .^E X P M S S -CHBCk-

5T A N D ...E R W A lT

M I T H 'S ____ _ _

D S K T ^ ^

I M■ -


— TteHWlO*_ J

T ll te tn w a

3 1 . M| 6 9 “ L ^

bM10 9 - - ^ ^

p»q... M B B

7 4 Q T . B

M eado


7'- ■■


=S=i ^


wmMlm '» SHOR

^ H e z t z I. . . .


9 If; for any ,f|BO*OD,-.j( 2CT5-^ E any.CofTieloVpfoduc

H <Jon, and w e'li g ive y

^ ^ | ^ | ^ _ p r e t o r , w o |l glvcyou

FSPR iP P P l '® il™| « 7 - p i ;—■ . QOS

. . - HttBI

I 60Z.C U EL0T ' 1 6 0

BUCKET ;low Gold


M m

— .- ....- . . . — - j - , -

_ ; __

. 1 4 J 1

rissuE l^


RTEiiE t

t z W j

jEN^OU JU Y 4 )U R ^^ f S! OURDARING R A N IE E ... :),-.)(bu a ro n o t satIs({od>Hh .v Jucl. fe lt im 'lh e unusedjpor* .. 'oyou Ihe same«izehQl]onQl ;t fioice r ^ ‘: r a n i ■ f o ? ;n f xvou' y o u .y o u rm o n ^ J o c k ! ) ! ....

i O P I I m


PIZZAZTT^f®m sitfmm. Uj U i i t s a t u o u B . . . . w ^ : I . V


RANGE " ^LU S..; . . . . . . . .: . 1 LB. ,

M eadow Gold


v:'\ : I -:r' ■

Page 18: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


■ BOISE f U P l ) . - 'Idaho J H ^ ' .m lnlstrator Dean TIsdate said H -^ . '- f reeM on omploynienl /o r the Dl B ^ - ways (he bast-few n^onlha wotil M - _ rW^n»t»ly 'Mq furthgrtW uccourt

•" TIsdale'loIJtfic BojjraofTfiifi! H the freeze would continue until■ , Spring so4^wo_cfln.wo^Wjiat; tl'

' i r additional /cdcral funds arc n■ ■ that llme,‘hc said, the qmploynu

I'.: '


i- ' . Restfulf f i

| S h o o t i n g

I 'p r o b e s e T|(; BOISE niPTl - A h>inM nf___fL“ nl*U>f«ccrs will r«>’lcw^a.......pshooting Incident to determine [-;whether a Boise. polleemSA yj.vas justified In shooting a j^l^n^glary s u sp e c t e o r iyixMondai^____ _____^ O i n e e n c r i 7 ” n 5 !c r -5 h o t- ':— •j Robert M. Records. 25 Boise. ‘ :!!lnihc anklc and lower leg wllh * ^ '^ o t g u n near tho scene of a - Lf'tavem burglary. j.lslcr said he ' U hM ght the man .wns .tumlng — . .. i ^ w a r f h im wilh a gun. Loler..,lt lappearcd the man was

= V n ^ iS = = = = = - ^ —'■'■ ltccords_was treated a t Si. ‘ , ;A lphonsus H o sp ita l and . r e l e a s e d . ’.Later, he wos%.' T'Taigned in Fourth Dislrict - '« a rt o n , charges of first-

(^[fce burglary and resisting .artcA .

s e c o n d - s u s p t^ GeorgeiW trlckKlm m olrJSrwasround^---------•W jU ntfln 'sdm ebush^nearlhc___riO «n^f4he-burg5ary7^^t<»------ ^rw as chargcd wllh flrsl-dcgree S ;burg laryandreslstingarrcst. • W. : . Rccords was held in lieu of / i . .$ 1 ,5 0 0 'bail. Kimmel was ■frtleasedonbond.- • -------------•- IK . . . . : 8

l O l d p a p e r b

t i e t s a r r e s t S "

f-BOISE-< UPI > -^-A n--ou l. — — - of-date warront led . to the

o( a rural Nampa man

'. :L M .R o ^ r t Olson. 27. was stopped by an Ada County • ,ihf‘r» t lK-rt<y uiy otrtrgpci;dlnB~^. :— : charge. V • — t.-.t -------“ wncn;tnc'orrre'<3^discoVercB-------- ^Olson's driver’s llccnse and motor vehicle iicensc plnlvs were from different states he conlflcted-tbtj^alionai Crime Inform afion (Tenter. The center reported an out-dated ^ m in l- /o r - -O l8 o n '- ln - c o n - -~ necUon with a norcolics'of- ' -

Officers took Olson into, citttody and a second deputy searched bis ca r and found what was believed (o be two poonds' o f.'h ia rlju an o isnd - 10.000 amphetamine pUIs.

— 1 *WJ

‘ N e ' i ^ s ' T i p s - ’ S

7 3 3 . P 9 3 1 t


H l^ w a y Ad- .bpextendedbeyiId today that a . Tisdale said b DlVlsbn of iligh-. . an g e lhe.en>patild continue In- ' thfJhi._iri■r_cpjnglem ent." ’ federal fuinliilansportallon thal . - The hlghwoytil a t least next Idaho had n ce i'; U’fi;(< ^« l-a lll.:fldd lliona l;fcd (rn

snol-nvallableat Most 6f that/fii ment ;frccze will bridges on Inters

------------ 7-VOiJNO-anNBSE^naD^statue while waiting on a i city of Peking, t t e namt capital" In Chinese and Peia of one regime In one dynast! l.OOOyears. (UPI)

N o w a

SPECIAL:jpamous bn

Fall sjp^rf^


n .z ;7 ^ ijgueH

g e s y i t o o l f ceyondthat'tlm e.'1 one other variable whfch might nployment picture would Iw whal Jd ab o 4 ^ g is la lu re - tQ K ^ o ^ a lc h -

ly chief b l ^ ib ld tlic booi^That ;eived a windfall of $l million In ' c ra ljn o a ic s J je e a iiso ih c tjrb lc s :"latch funds available............./money will be spcnl on ihe twin erstatq 80 across the Snake River

____ IVK

' p:


I ^ B h L ' • - ' i , : . - - ' -M

a street in the capiUl “m e jn e a n s "northern , P‘efing has b ^ tbe seat istyoranoUierfo'rover

of_ — -----------------------------rii-oi,

a t M M K

m E - H ?rands ^ w e a r —

p | l

ujM A ' ■ -

[ m f f^ S e v e re

c o o r d in o ■ B 7 ^ JoeB m K '

B p t : B l o

■ l y — r - ■ -T< m m f—— ^ P c^ _______R e g . 4 1 0 . l

K nowI Y o u n g W i

SKI- '

'• i ' ■•

ERT .B U H I . T W . M . : i . . . .

■ - e. - ■ —

easi of Ihe Rupert-Buriey area. Tipit He explained th a t i f a ^ bridges il the first construct^ 'on-tbe intcrsi h— proljlems-neir-ejdsted-TJinK5m7 rtT-.'undswouId.te.usedfoc:ii‘c6nOTt ih'ebridges. _ ;1 - The remaining balance of >l9i.oc 5: _ o5 o:'^nirngency_oiL.j)vcrruns-

proJccls.T h^ lesald . - ' ' i ^ :a r lfe r . lSe~lioani was Infonr r' Glendale Ranchcs In the Hnlley-K


as is, And■ HOISE rtJPi) - Gov. Cccil ID, Andrus has urged Sen., ( James ,'A. McClure to vole JKiihiat etMii Air A tt hhi'cny — Emcnls. which-would permit s degradation of high quality a ir ' t

— down to mlnim&m standards^—• -Th(r-ScnanrTtifaH c'W prks o

um endm^ i^scd b y . ,a ._ c subcommittee, of which Me- h

♦ Cluro w a sa membor.___________ ^AndnJssal(Jhc favorsClass I s

_ .rM d._C lass-^I^jlesignolion3— a under the ■amendments and b asked McClure lo 'discard s possIble.Ciass III designations w h ic h w o u ld p e r m i t a

—doK ngcadtag-et-hlgh-quejltv— oi air , . . ' . Cl

“On tlJe.subcommlUce. only oi you and Senator fluckley voted pi

- to a l j o w s i g n i f i c a n t H ' degradalloft .of ohitfli nunlltv m “Tllrr^^tho governor wrolo. "1 r<

hope you'll reconsider.' Jim . fo.r that position Is totally In- m

' consistent wllh the wishes of . ..n t ' . . . st

S t r i k e c a I lc d _•- ■• '•. • p.-----HObL-YW OOD-rUPn—= ----- te

Molhcr__Natucc l-M cs^L ««n-— ^ ; Mr. Whipple and Josephine the PC

plumber m ay be bn si rike next week.•;The Screen-Aclor.<r Guild Is

. scheduling a strike ngnlnst ihe^ ~ m a k c r ^ o f ” lelcvlsion -conV

merclals. to begin Sundny. A 90-member - national strike-^” ' c o m m itte e ' w as fo rm ed Monday.,. Thg guild saldJhe strike wa.s called because of lack of progress in ncRollating with the Association of Advertisers

-ond Ihf^m crican-Assoclallon— - of Adver'tislng Agencics. The


_____ :

r d l s m a r T

l a t e g r o u p s

icke ts- ' ______'

l o u s e s ,

Tops-— - ■ - ^ a n f s — - - -

iklrfs . ,1D.OO Jo $50JU L -— ^

Wom&n>'s ond W omert's

(I JACKETSF am o u sB fan d .'30 .00 , S.;M, ML. L

Tii'ityiphil" '- j S M r H Z

______ ■ “

i.T l^alesald .'. . was.suUlvldIn, dges were among ' *tock trail owneitcrstale and d c«k.------ Board membieinrH 'd~saTa'tne - h a d o g n e d W j ncrete overlay on —• still loiistLby^sh

. Highway om< .91.000.wjllJbc.heId - - want_use.o;Ltbc n u is -« n . o n ^ ln g . . rlghl-o(-.way:bul

' • ■ was strtctly foriformed that ihe . irwoSTWIbhgfr' By-Ketchum orea had the r(ght to I

A •

i i p i i s = r e q i i <1 Ihe . vast majority of Idoho

citizens." ; •Andrus cited a’ ooll con-

ductcd last summer which showed that 54.2 per cent of

. those su^ynTfiivorbd-fiirong ^ f a t ectlon dT~alr qu'alUy .lii...■ a'rebs cufrenily of high quality ^

— economic_dcvelopmenl _ m ay '' havb to be prohibited!

■ H ^ also urppd _McClurg_lo — sTjpport-lhe appUcatloaoLbcst - .

— available - control -technology— bn a case by cose basis to new stotlonary sources.

" A p p lic a 'tlo n - of b e s l . available control .technology'

currentlyrequlrid by the Stale of Idaho for fossllfueled’power plants by the Idaho Board of- H ea llh and W elfore by


“ I .aelively sought th a t ' (imendmpnl. • believing that

,.-n ew source perform ance standards cannot keep pace

__with ' the stale o f jh c art of _• p 't o / i e s s ‘an 'd c o n t 'r b T

possible for stale a ir quality agencics-to am endm ent-the ~

^ C f R l

4 - — ___ _______ ..

ionding land,ond usinga p o rticn 'o f« ' wied by theStatcHIghway D Iv ls lo ^ mbers-were told, that. thcnHrlSgnT P3rfllU orJO .ycars-and4hatll:w fts- tshoopxancheraln the area. . , •. ifflclala'sald that the agency may the lafldlnabefuture.foM ilgliw ay - but th a t the ow nenconlcnd that it for use as a stock tran.ahd being a s ' (CrTjcmgused for'lhat pbrpose th fy ' to biflld houses on the land.

• ■ A . .

lests -new so u rce pefo rm an ce standards on r-a continuing.

o fth eart."He said ,lf best ayallable

control leehnolofly- Is n o t__... i^u l^cd ciTse by caM. then il ' /-Uecomes “ a foot race between ,

^ h c ^ g 6 r l& rse c W n g i< n i] fd 5 ir^* the performance- standards <

and the appllcanLfor a permit. — loconslruct.afacim yA-^— ------ - ‘'A ir -q u a lity -sh o u d not •

'dependbria fool racc ." ‘An(inis - said, " It 's too importaril. The slates must have the flexibilty

. of response to a concrete aj^ plication offered in a case by


" rrW E Bav,~~‘SELL, TRADE

G U i l S ^— a45M0SM0NS4Tr«.—:— —



- J-------- ------

’■A go<rt reas■ CIUDAD ziiC

? * ^ ^ W b e a 'a thTM«

........- .Z , - "w« i« a yiii». ' lo r the mayor’s 0

y - -• A ttera l971flj y — — engine from tbai

Tbe governor, y bemaylnvestiga


the p erM

j j g g . . W

L____; .................................. - _" .

I , ^


• y .T * J Buy II today ond fiBv* If Idoy or taUet youn tor d

' , 1 B U CifI. . . U«» Il 01II It. It' — M lf oriytiin*. ~

" K E N ' S M /= = . — i l l l i t E l i r a n M

430MolnSoulh— Tm l2 l0O v«rtand—.B

Both Loeotloni O ^ n Prldoyt Until

DUR H<» L l p | C T * ^. n K l b l f V


Side CAI__Regv , ,

t *12 : 9 5 ~ T

^ 1 0 0 %

b> KI C



■ S O I/■ L = ^ n y m ? <

H B - $ 3 ; 9 5 . - IB B - ^ 6 F t . W i d e -

H p ^ 6 'C U S H I C

H H _ _ _ y i j i y t F l o a

■ K $ 3 ;9 3 .......... iB n N e e d s N

t s n n - -

aiCATCCAS, W eileo .<lipi) - < 1 ,• ontioy-ehHrnlldieg-ased-arltw'^ to n e d & tbe ground, the

X lprrf»«n»e:"]W d,a l^ w k ean aT T I'soCflce. .1 Are. offlcUls-bought a used Ure . b e United Stati^. ll'baii s ln b e H ^

or, whose' office is now ashes,

F^CT G iF r r : . ^

fftSHERSr-iE^• tt te r Ih* t t r lt tm o l Heir or d*tlv»ry Oi o Chrldmsit. ll't roody’to plug In and t J B p T ' ' «f1 II ond h a y o buMt-ln B f f x i / i

U G N A V O X :iJIIIIMFKW Oitizir^- T w In F o lI» -r -7 3 M 2 3 J " , \\ —.BurUy — 678-5532 ;Intll 9 PJM. ~ Soturdayt Unlll S 9M.l o u s i iW A S ! -

WE'LL— ^ R I S 'T M A ^ ^

:> wm AG f fk R P E ¥ - " ^ : r :

$ m 9 s J. . " W , S q . Y ^ ; _

j4> iy l o n ;o z it e^

:iIChtEISL^r: a r p e t 7

$ C 9 9 :5 -;. . a # S q . V d ^ .


ARIANoor Covering r _

U liS S ::!SIE -- - - N o Wbicltfjr

ION FLOOR ' lo r Covering i s_ _i i ^ 9 9 - 30i;s!:'

(No Wax!

Page 19: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

P o i r a ^ U o r i p s B r o i'“ ^TOCATCUX) .-;S cnl6F Cliff Gai

T u e a iy n lgh^w **" PocatcJIo '• wresUereSW.

Gainbre) Unk a &-S decision in Ihc ..for.lhebnlyBnilnswin. ' ' -

T w la Falls wlH particlpafe In tl

R ^S t^ o fJh e malchcs. Twin Falls- poutKji* Pnlte'ri»n‘dcdaIoned by E

■; : d « l ^ 5 d ^ l^ rk m an rn z rT re sc119, CHiney pinned by A m strong :.:

■ Dykman; 132. Salinas plimed byWcl Brafirnlng; 145. Engle declsloncd by bv CboK; 167, Gambrci decisioncd C byShayer, and ncnvywclgni, ’I'win t

— V t ^ i r

'. LcA£^g3)wners'(oday with his bid to thit>U{9i the purchase of Uk Chicago \

The d iy before the meeting a t a ho — IntcAallonal-Aippoflrhe declined lo

give film theirapproval.— —.---------‘• r i t l o n g since quH’ Irying to i

h a p i W He told United P n ss Inter his IjpieJroom in Chicago. “ I couldn’t nor «yen bow /ong the meeting fs Ilfcel

-------- U k-'^u ip^ fln ts toijuy-ArtnclLCoifromJohn Allyn.

P ^ h o n o r s N i c k l a i— — N q y o R L E A NS (U Pn - j f c k

PG A ^layer of the Y ear award Tucs fielw jB ecn^vcnU i^onoE

■‘rre-ddlghled to be able to be evening," NIcidaus said. "ThIs'Is I

'.selected but the first tim e rv c been at — l~ O lhcr awardsAvcro presented to V/i

Scioto C o lf.qub . poliim'bus. Ohio Professional of the-Ycarrand John I N.Y., who received the-Horton Sit golfeducatlon.

R o e k e t s d o w n B u l j s_ • :.CH lC^ G O < U P n -RudyTomlanav

combiRbd for 36 poinls Tuesday n: — Rockets to Ihcir-fourth straight Viet- Bulls 91rT7.’ .

Tomjanovlch scored 13 of his ga sccond half and Kunnert scored 10 of

— pa«nromociieTs^-------- ; : '

M a r q u e t t e w i n s------ n « n -W A U K E E -(U P J)-= -T J ic -_ _ W o iTlor8 recovered from a mld-gaa

Tuesday n l ^ t and posted an S7-C0 w dlana In the.VVanriors' season opener.

. M S f ^ t tc Jumped off to. o l»-poi remolhing in the first half. But St. Jo<

.2 S a th am im e .„ ., ......... ..........

' B e h a g e n s t a r s■— ^B U F F A L O rN :Y rfB P I)-= :T hC T

- rode the rugged play of veterans Roi and rookie Jim McElroy to a ' 1[ Association win over the slrugglln{ night. - -

.. B e ta g c n jo s ^ I . grabbed 13 rebounds and had ' nin

— twcK)«ar^)ld-aj5arisk)n-team-to-lt£ . Braves. Moore, on 8-year veteran, rebounds forlhe J a il , wHUcMcElroy

B u l l e t s b e a t L . A . 'CANDOVERr Md.; (UPD— Wes 1

. converted a p a ir of frec throws’eaQ — IHieaday-fll^l-taglvetho-Wathlngton

Basketball A s^ ia tlo n win over the U Dave Bing led the Bullets with 22 p

. final period when Washington reco deficit to take Its only lead of the game

^ t l c s t r l m N .Y .• «JSBVYGfiir{ tJP n — iD^BAton'

. po ints.buthodtoholdonlnth — :5lBtfi-lC3-100 as-DaveCowens scort

. sfftinmdsbcforcfoulingoutinBnNB/ j j y i ^ Boston leading lOMOO, Wal « o tn ^ missed a is-foot shot with thn l»Libei} clinched the game with tw

— ................................ —

f f i d h i g a n r o u t s V a n iARBOR. Mich. (UPI) - Mlchi

. John Robinson, exploded for seven seconds early In tbe sccond hal f and th rout Vanderbilt 90«3 Tuesday night Ir I5th-ranked Wolverines.

Michigan already had a comfort . halftlme. But the sudden secbnd hJ

teclmlc a h -fo u l^ le d -a g a ln s tr^ a m slammed the-backboard* while R( M lcftl^ .R obtnsonalw hitlhetqchnl

^ - I r f e h b e a t V a l p a r a l iSOUTH BEND. Ind. (UPU -SlX ifo

hit i2of IB shots f rop the field Tuesd 39 polnts to lead Notre Dame to an Valparaiso.- •. ■ '

^Declo^ Kiinl for wrestlinj

EDEN-HAZfeLTON — The -DecK ■’ BKUdogs turned-lhe V'olleylnvltotio- Ifi^UBlwo-ieam race Tuesday. '

1 9 Hornets had.the advantage li ■'' e a t ^ iq> In the thlrd-fiflh-ond fourth-

lea^f.W edncB day 's final’ i o h .

iM o h a d 99 In ts a f te r the first IV h a ^ . Oakley lUd 6S. Wdvicli GO. Gl

— Valley 40'j:— -— “■lttp)ber|y wlU send (ive nien into I

Decte h!u_four seeking, tili'es. Wend - •^ le G le n n s and O akl^ 'have

.. ^and^alley ooe.

■Ihs- -- ■ - -------jam brel prevented a ' shutout' ' ' * ) w a llo p s the ' Twin Falls ‘

the KTT-pound class lo accoujil

I th e Mlnlco Invitational this J

illsm(mlistcdfirst.lncludc:98 .' E ndo:. 105 pounds. Florence 1 ! s c o trp th n ^ - iv ;A h ils tro r ig r - -^ ^

126. Mathews declsloncd by wc Vcbb: i38.liu£ccIcclsloncdby wl byDcllosi lM. Mungcrplrihcd .; co d Crump: ifW, Sanchez pinned . ‘ 1 t-’aiis lo ricu t^ T 511

no______ - J u-------------- ------------------------L _ _ . . _ . a {

icfcAraot-bafo'ra-Uw Amarfcan -:; -—to rejoin their exclusive club------- ^|o\^llc_Sox.______ ;hot'cl D ear Cleveland Hopicins' I to predict If th eo w ere would------—I} anticipate things that will - Iematlonal by telephone from IIn’t say what our chances are, Ikelyfolast." • ' I

» n s . ' I( NIcklaus received the.l97S | icsday night, the fourth time r |

» here and be part of this I s the fourth time I’ve been, I labletoattendthedlnner." IWalker Inman J r .. golfproiil.'_____ Ihlo. who wos named Golf In Hcnrich of-Elm-Meadowsr---------ISmith award for furthering I

Is • ■ Itgvlch and Kevin Kunnert______ Jnight to lead the Houston

ictory, downlng.the Chicago.__ ; _ |

gamc-liigh 21 points In the I of his IS in the second half to I

c~ ih lrd-rankcd—Marquetta-—■ ■ ■■ame swoon In plenty of time_______win over St. Joseph’s of In-

;r. JMint.lead a t 31-12 with 7:11 , —. Joe’s closed to wllhin 10 at 35-

i-youthful-Ncw-OrieonsrJan-----------flon Behagen and OUo Moore 108-96 National Basketball

Ing Buffalo Braves Tuesday ' t

d in a team-hjgh _ 27 p o in ts ,^ ilnc"aK lsls '[n ^ liir in R the Mb first wln-cvcr-;0vcr-the— - y,

an, added' M points ond \A•oy tallied 19 points. . ...................jq,


s ■Unseld'and-Elvln Hayes— — !acb in the last 18 seconds ^ '^nPiillott a 107-i<M National — —M1 Los Angeles L a k e rs ;- ----------- — ^2 points, including 13 in the covered from a five-point ^

. ....Sac

o n X d t ^ r ^ r e d the'game’s ‘ “ ‘ ||) the dosing sc«nds.lo lop thet>red3.‘»poinUand grabbed 21-------- --BA’gamcTuesday'nlght. - /a lt'F raz 'ler.' who scored 20 U rcoM condsrSmolnlngJlm “ two free throws os time ran • ^


n d y ' ■ lechiganHcd by Junior forward 'cn quick points in just 28 ,1 then steadily pulled a\yay to t In the season opener for the

ortable 37-26‘'advanJage at . ■ P' half assault started wllh asnderblll>ft-^Ed-^nced{-who-----------Robinson was scoring for_______h n lc n h ^ r" — —

■isoifo6l-5 Junior Adrian Danlley • aday-nlght-end finished wUh— 7- • • an easy 117-83 victory over

iberly vie ~ ig title.c l ^ Hornets and Kimberly t lo n a l 'y ^ t l ln g loiimament

! In scnrc bul lliat could be r Ul-nhUlwresllM in that will. ^ n. It beglns.aL? p.m. In tbe

;lworotinds while Kimberly ' Glenns P crry K . Raft Rlvc^

0 t t e final W cdnc^y-whllein’d c lI.a tsp Ji^ JpuV finy Ista___ . , . jbrethr«»cach;Ra(iRlve#twb' -


O h i o S tw in Hei

■NEW YORK.(UPI) - .T h e playc T^<isaar<ffR6fotV:wosmade-><l«n won his sccond Helsman Trophy, Bu who made the award possible, accor coach, Woody Hayes, should have be

“ 1 Imagine the* strength of our &ldurubIu'fJi;lu> hi t^ultlii^ liliii lit* nouncement of Griffin's repeat vii .duplicated,lrU bc.4l:ycaiJ]|stoo' o) asclllngpolnt on good backs. I 'll tell ^ ‘T his is an award for the whole to

A r c h i e

S p i r i t s ^ ]A B A d ^

CHICAGO (U Ph •^■With th fecb the* Amertcan ^askctball-Associat commissioner Dave Debusschere ai today foresaw a "stronger"-organl season.

The Utah Stops becamc the thlrc Tucsday_jvhcn_^c franchise was meeting of league o w n cre ._ F ^ r0

J 1 a lo n e ^ n J fe » n c .^ ic x c !C ttc im .tolheSplrItsofSLLouis..reportedly

"They no longer could go oft bcci Dcbusschere said, "so they sold S' order to pay off the season ticket mo have occurred In Utah. It wlll.take accumulated there.'’

Neither Brown nor Dcbusschcre moncy-pald-for-thc-four-playcre^ "substan tia l;’ and Brown said-lt Daniels "to walk away" with his losi

Daniels announccSTMorfdaylh'al' was folding the tcatn without pay scheduled. Dcbusschcre said the li payroll bul thal future payments I obligation of team s which •mlght-plc w e re p u to n w a lv ^ . ... T T

Dcbusschcre said the league woi league wllh-a playoff, for whlclLO mined later, and an oil s ta r gam Kentucky Colonlels. last y ear's ch£ the league.

. "This has becn .ayearbf Hnancjal a lol of the clubs," I^busschcre product is the strongest'in aU of bo i we have liad some financial doubts.

■ "Thcro ls no question In our ml

— :--------- ^BMIonSta.O>M9MKiC

• . .. .----W Vi tl.TI.OtnriHH -

, flOoa>HE«MT» _ , •

■ . S S S R - E M S rEAxtno SI H. n•Ci*iun.ikw«tn ioMn.WBitiuis isjauima.u«ttr

, Mwiiiy.6i.Mwvw.iioCM LiMtm tl. AMuta«> ng s s » s ; : s 3 : r " "

' S ^ ' i S S S " .a«Frra«n!ei.SMFmiStH_______

- HiamuaU.CMnuCewitrU_______ ______. nSwo.HmMiiii •

. VaMftlte.WoMRnnS

t a t e & ^

^ i s T T i a T i tlycr nnd his coach were here I ci Wn^OhHrstareyArchie Grlflin,.— -fw But the olher Hucltcye players ’ ’t cording to both Griffin and his urn ibeenthcrc'as'wcll. Calur blocking lin<? was a con-■'“7 - here.-“ :saia ■Hayes a t thr a i V “Ca victory, a feat never Iwforc. . fai

if oJ_lhc award...'AV^c^usc il as Iwi leli you that." ? ■ fol! team ," said a sm iling Grlflln. i

— t w o t

w i n d l e sc b f thVjO tcam.s\vhrcli l>CRu'n ; ‘ ihciatlon-season^ul-of-busincKs,*— :loAl e and president John Y. Brown wc lanizatipn lo flni»li ihc current .sou

, Filrd ABA .team lo go under on wei was dissolved officially at .a “ sc r oTlhe”'S iars 'p laycrs.'M oscs' ■' ' rtan(lRimdi'J>cniop^ter<LMlci____ alljdly In financial troublealso. ^ur Jccause of economic reasons." bcl d four players lo St. Ixiuis In li moncy and trade payaliles that ' dls k e c a rc o fa lilh e d c h l'th a th n s ’ ass

' . • sta ro would reveal the amount of li ;.-buLD^ usschcre-safdJLwa.s. _ s ol 1-It-would enable owner UUI wo losscsandwllhoutdcbt.- • • lalTic'hlfd'Tosrsli'rmlltlon^nnd— ^nrt paying the players Monday a s ' tr>' e league had met the Monday - . -1 ts lo the players would. I>e. the onl pIck-thenvup.-A!lolherplflyi'n>------hni

r ' - . ' : . " : " --------...............• ' t'w<would play ns one seven icamtLoirangcnjenls will Iw dclec- his:ame lf> Denver matching the ■ Ichampions, the ro.-<t of fru

, . ' . 1clal problemii uhtiirliinalely for • '‘S•re s a id .'“ wc'vc fell ihal our' wllbasketball, and It's unfortumile ofits. ' ' • ' - ye; minds lhal we're going lo go

. R e d s k i n J a n s ------------------------^VVASHINGTON-tUl


____ __ _ . ■' Superior Court Jui, prellmlnai^-lnjunctlu

■ the game o ^ i 7 vlctoThc.Dcc.-12SuperIt

JudgobonaldS.Smll) The fans, four of w

which supplles.ushcn (ouchdowTi In the flni occordancewlthNFli

Cardinal quarterlm Immedlalely h it by n ficlals d lsagrci^ on v

'. * huodle, re te rceF rc^ Jim Bakkcn tiisrui

. ' The five fons, lecil I— ................ — pass play decision, si

------- c o s t-e a c h memocr ol< . other parties the final

---------------------- -p.Kcnn?dyStndluni:

r r i f £ i n b

trojp iy 1I couldn't have done it without the nil

-fw th is but for Ihe hiiiliniarchamplonJGriffin wtJn the award lasl year :

undorelas.sman to Ih.' so honored, California senior Anllinny Davis wh

_ petllor;, this year. U was two ,Wet

far bclilnd In llw vollng Griffin’s 1,8a two runncrups.conibuied: M undefollo^edwllh~U8................ . 1 ._• IrTlliis; the year ot the ninnlng ba

i^W ^tIro n w i;itio rr-riits iJu rfiri‘s“

) t i m e w i n i i e i

B r S t a r s § t o 7 t e f■■ {iheacl wllh” seven' tcam.s' and;f Inlsh- -.•IoakinH.fonvard-10-a-nicrgcr.^SSlbll

wc contemplate lhat hopefully next 5 oundl)0 .sketl)all league,^.::—

Earlier bolh the Ballfmoro Claw> wenl out of business. I)ebus.schc "schedule adjuslmenl.s" Iwcauseof 11 • Dcbusschcrc-said Ihe-problcm .la atlcnilance." and lhal "thev feel thn purely going to spur a lol o t Interest, believe ihey’re going to lum around tl

Hesaid lhal while a court order p discussions without'* represcn lall association, "we hope there'll starting." . .

Brown said the APA owners would -solvc.lhe prolilems of pro baskcti)all

world none of u-scrcatcd bul all of us i ' • “ 1 feel we aro out pro basl ~nrc'Pimmlltcd;to‘m5trongcr'lcaRuc

tr> lnB to take leadership Ip force a Iw - . - Bnwn said none of Ihe ABA teams

only IhreeNBA clubs dld.'so "w e'ro i -hand. Thcro's no-fulur«~i^n>Jukk.

twnloagiies. 'V;"1)1)1 Daniels paid his price, aiul I

his money but without debts loo."'Brown said he had thought 1

fru-slrations anddl.sagrecmcnt willi s ,Thc owners discuss the pdsslbllli '•Suifcr Bowl" wlth the NBA. mate! wllhllic receipts to benefit pliiyerspu of Irnnehises.'There were 48 Inlcrte;

• yejir. , .

i s _ c o n t i n u e s u i C

l-tU P lU - A-Kuit-flled-by-flvc-WasI de theclub's receni sudden dealhjoss a imliiaSupeflorC our tD cc. I^rit wasdoi I Judge DeWIll S. Hyde sel a hcarl ncllun lo keep'the lyntlimalFoolhall\a k-lcioo'for St. Louis. • pcrlorCourt hearing,-set-ftir lo,«; Smith, court officials said, of whom oro season llckcl holders ar shcrs for Robert F. Kennedy Stadium e final seconds of regulation play Nox Nnirulcs;crlmclt Jim Hart^pas.sed-to wide rec'ei' by Redskin com erback Pal I’UcKor ii on wbcather the fourth down pass \vii

• r ^ l lv a awarded S t. U u ls Ihe score. iSfUic game wilh 0 conversion and kli rtimetoglvc theCardlnalslhewln. lecil by George Patrick Morse’ of Sllve >n, should U keep the Rcdskim; out of I e r of Ihc club:up t<r*)2;00(H»nd-lhe, Dl financial benefits of possibly having a

lum:-'-'— — "'— --------- - ■

' ■ • . y

j e c o i n e g

t w i c e dolher guys. I wasn't shooting .-(uonsijlp:’***----------.•■ ------piir as a Junior, only Ihe llllh ih ed, ThcH, It vias Southern Sc who was Grlllin's chlel com- M Vest Coast nmning backs- tcC' .sRli'K'> n vtl • m at-u v n -li'ff —,800 points were more lhan hl.s ' . sc clQ. gnrnocctl' and.Beil . ______ • H

• - . , • - St

__ hi

m s B m f'y V ' ' ai


^ ---^ H

— p



a m s :sh'-lhis-ycar sln«iglyr-\?(i'.re —lbllltyjiLnic_ncar_ftilur_ejind___ext sea.son'lhai we'H Ix.’ one

iws and the .San Diego Sails .:hcre said ' Ihere would Iw ,)f the drop In seven lenms..iti_St_LnuIs ha^Dccnj:p()or_'.l:___that with Ihls traasactjon It's.St. They have every reason to idthesltuation," r prevents NHA AHA merger allbn of the two player - .some possihtly nf dlscasslon

r»lUld ''a ll do Ihe Iwst we can lo Kill, which is ln aimnrcallslic ■ usarcvictiinsoi. iask<!lball. Tho learns left still .gucrJlnd-iill-ABA-.owm'm-ai-e— _— . ilH.“t'tcrgame," ' ms made nioncy I:lsI year aiuI rohot going lo ihe NBA hal In iyL-,'ih.ill ns.liiiiL’ aaJhere are____

id he is'w'alkiiig'aw'iiy wilhoiil''

t of rc-signing Iwcause of • j }i some of the league policies, jlllly of trying lo arrange a • Itching the leagnc champions ;piil out of work by Ihecollapse 1 rteaguc exhlblllon'games this

. . • . - ^ til

!_____' • 'pi

’ashLnglon.ncdskinsUans isalSt-l-JiuiswIillwhcard mdeddi'dTuesd.iy, _ , iji arliig on a request for -a ' A I l/*iigue from consldiTing

• • . R1,, \yHl.prubablyiw Ixiforc - ai

w; and Iho fiflh an employe iim. claim thal a SI. l^iuU r\’ov, 1C was i)ot scored In' '• bi

- ' ■ ■ ~ h i eeiver Mel Gray, who \^'as ' ir II* in Ihc end zone. The of- \vas complcic and a f to ra - ' -i e . ■ • ol! klckc^ a field goal seven , ,

GIver Spring. Md.. sald^lho • ' ki 3f the NFL playoffs.'could. •Distcicl-of-Coluhibla and ;{apluyu[fgamelnHol>ert hi

------- -— ^--------------------------

•,Wodnc5day. Dpcombor3.1975 Tl'ffn

s z f i r s t t<L u r in g c

followed by Oklahoma’s Joe Washiii 'pQI^o:^^■TJu;fflcrlKi^^^i!51^^

the lop volugcller among all signal Selmon got the moslrvotes ol any Michigan running hack'Gordon Bi’l

tcrback Gene Swlgk rounded mil Ihe i

sections. losliigon)y the West honore , . Doak..Walkcr,.^’lio:v.Dn as^a Junl 1M9. W.1S Ihe ciosTsl to roix?nllnt

"Thi.'i shonitmraw^tnci^nnitirwi strosiiedOrilfln. "Don't^ull. Don’l l

Griffin's slal.<: weren't ns Impress were far from pallry..Thc2l-year oli

i^TiiidNii: i-raiiK iioiRircytsseason for a, 5.177 four-year total- Kvery lime lie rushed he avcraget amassed an a\'crage 12:).4 yiu'ds.'

He kept bis NC>^ record streak yards alive through 31 games, .slopp

-hlsiinaljcgulatseasongam c........Hayes gave his explanation for v

ia74 performance, whcn.he rtishedjf "He dc’fi'nilely wasmiirodf aVdrg

• The other teams liked to tackle h ■Tho fact that' ho eniitti do It.analn


possible deterrent to success in.the any doubts that Griffin would not do

''Two llelsm aas-lhal puts him in th e vcnerable-Buckeyc mentor-'-'ii unusual person, able to handle the pi

■ilhe'irio: 190--^und Cievelahd Bro hurt him. He's great.

— “ 1-know-doggono well.heiU m ake He has great ability, hut more llian I piay withhlm and for him. I've neve respect he'docs. He nins Ihe ball 1

-had.^;---------------------------------- —Griffin, a soft-spoken young man.

—pros just V.ctrcithcrM'hcrc he'd like always thought John .McKay was^a I dollars the Ileisman. now two of 1 concentration was p»UUed low.ird UC1j\ New Year's Day in Pasade Stale won Ihc flrsl game. 41-20. on II

"Wc still have anoiher game Icll UCI-/\ so early In Ihe year: slncc

Hayes (hen summed up his feclin( "He’s the finest kid 1 ever knew."

HAPPY PARENT Griffin Uss foUowim

------------90n.-^^rchle,-wo8-nonr— : .trophyJor the second

Griffin fam celebratps gCOLUMBUS, Ohlb iUPii - Aroh

lime all-American ond Hclsman Ti -inspiralion-lo«llovoF«.«lgh4tmngsl- -Yci; IhV ccmipaclrllllJe-Architw

once a fai little kid nicknamed "bull But,‘through hard work ond the

-mlnotlon., ihe 5-8. 182-pound-Grifflr player In thc41 >x*ors of thg aword Ic

.... JimJlcllcr...who.t9UghLGrJ{fin:ai moorJunlorHldi-School^ a s a l the the official Hcisman linnounccmenl Arch. , ■*' 1•'flctlei-, who Is writing « (nmll:

Remarkable Griffins." n-colled the an overw-eighl seventh grader who i who callcd him "buttcrball."

••He came up lo me and said 'my I'm going lo MiLskingum Cdjegc brother (James) went.’ "H ekiuslh

"hini;". Rcllcr added! "because u cou in 0 clipping jibout James playing f&

"Archie .was a heck of a kid ontl ' i 'v e never seen o kid so mollvoled of his family.

"Football was always so .much Griffin boys." he said. “They nil war knew sports wos the only woy."*

Conndcn«. Rellcrbcllevcs. Isthe "Arch was Incredible jn 0 sense,

himself," Rellcrsold, "while ftobod -hcHvas so-fatrButrhls wclf^l-turn bccausc he hod lo u-ork sohord to gc

TIffioB-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaiio 2t"' r 'f

shinglon afid Florida's Jimmy ___rra," who liniKhed sevenlh. W Us"^' ~ nal callers: Oklahoma’jj l^iuy ^ any' lineman. (inl.siiing ninth.

elnhlh, and Toledi) <(uar- i i IhcloplO.. ' Z\111 tour o llh e live ge«)iiruphic^^

ioretoMuncle., , i -lunldLin_UHK and.was.lhlrd Inq ..." illnt- Iwforo Griflln linike the

n’l let up on your Intcasily,’' • v rcsslve this year os In 1S74. hui r-old Columbus. Ohio nallve led « ytnrv^inilIngT3.77'yards ilal—an NCAA career record, iged .■>..1 .\ ards and each^game

eak of nishinfi l a / iit'least ^ opped only agalnsi Michigan in v

j r why GrKfIn dIdnT ecjuanils^;;xlf0r l ,G20yards. ____.' > ■ _argeTlhis'Moson." Hayes said le him more lhan anvone elsc.;^In Witli all Ihe pressure 'oh him--

Jna.<r=na'rhccn-Tricntioncd-as-a7;— T the pros, i)ut Hayes brushed olf-l ;dowellasaprofesslonal. .n in a class all by himself," Mid ;r '-'lt-m eans he's-an exlremely------—IC pressure. I ^ k al Greg P ru ill;, Browas' baekl. His seze“dldn't.: .

ake.the.p«js_ljuvtuuijl0i ^ ls j_ __ 1 .!an lhal he gets the whole club to ' levcr .seen a fellow engcndcrthe ._ .:ill better llian anyone we ever;

lOn. didn't want 10 lalk obout he likeIqp iny—^'except lhat I'TC-—— ;

a fine coaeh"-o l' hu;v much Iff;- of Ihem. would Iw worlh. His , ; ard Ohio Slate s rematch with" ~ ;adena at ItJC llose Bowl. Uhlq in Ihe Bruins' home field, •' lell.". Griflln said, "We played

nee then. Ihelr offense has im- '

•lings forhlscha'rge.\ .” -V-i


U4TS M argaret: Bod Jomes V. wing Ihe announcement Ihelr. ' ruim ed-w lnner-0f4h»H e^B0-fj ‘ I; rad tlme.:(UPl telephoto>-

■success,rohTc Griffin,-Ohio Stale;s Iwchj,/ •1 Trophy winner.,should-bc on;- * ntLslprs ' / -i-tw lU r thC.-billR}nB hlceps-wa»..i:i^. jutlcrball." ’ .1-Ihc "incredible" Griffin dclcr-if; r"-‘ iffln_TuesdayJ)Ccam c.lhc.firsll::^ •dlo,wlnthcHeIsmnnlw1cc. n and his brother. Ray, al Lln» ~i,; the Griffin hpmeTuesday when'ii ^ lent wasHnade und talked about;; : ;

mlly biography entitled ‘jho.V- .* Ihe first time he met Arch. (neffJ ;•ho used lo chase Ihc other k l(fa r_ _ '

my name is Archie Griffin antf' - .•gc becaiLse lhat's where myM.-,l si have thought I didn't iKlicv ;^ •• couple of days lalcrhebrouttlil, '. - •> gfoolballforMiBklngum. and Kiudenl.’"R e\ter wonl on<j I'led. Blit, he was Just a p ro d m -

ich more lhan a ,game lo Ih S . :-X wanted to go locoilcgc andlhcyl'' ' i

die key to Grtf fln'5 aiccess. r lisc, because he. never,doubledl '.'J' body else believed him bK au ^ t :umcd’ l-lo -b c -an «LvaAtagUai>>^ o g e lr ld o n t" v-t

Page 20: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

■ nr,

. - f ^ L

- - / ' ?V' : ' ; ^ ^ ------------ :— ^^ . V ' - ' -■•i

P ad d in g- — Hhe-map^ln-


SHOSHONE’ — Shoshone, il | jumped olf lo a Rood lead. Ihcn lea ■weathered a laic roily lo nip S

• The Indians cauRhl the mj Hornets ice.cold and allhouRh ., p r Shoshone wasn't a lot warmer. <]ci

: Hagcermaiii t- CamasXoxii;

HAGERMAN - nidlnfj the rcbounc “ TiratCJTUroppwfCamasCounlySS^T

HaRcrman never tranc(f:in 'lhe jja ■el^t-poinl'third quarter ifiat 'kepl I problem for Camas County was It couIhesam ctlm e. ------- ’— .

The Mushers.managed only 12 poln i -Hngermnn flew away with Ifl tn yie fir

The typical opener .saw both team- -and spotty shootinR.-— ,________- SST" ^

a ” " it I «al CociK l i f t Hitl£ * i J i . r s ' r

fubcmttfl . , '

K n ap n a i ^ d ^I S k y co a ch o f y

.[.^------ ------

•» . Tony-Knap was nomed I-t------ ■'------- footlwIl-CoacJi-of-lhciica:! . ' secutfvesca.sonTuesday.; * ■ . Knap's Broncos won'the } th io l year in a row;and hI - season record twforc' di-------------- D ivisiotTU -ployoll-Rnm i

; ...........‘ ' N orthern M ichlRan.---------} In eight y ears at-Boise St• ■ . up a T2-18-1 iw ord and wi J • Y ear title four times: n is 0

i record.'including .stints wil Canadian Football LeaKue, {

---------- ^ K - S P T . — !

^ P R O P E P F I I

~ . Safoty ShoD^ R E b W

Book C ords ond - ' ‘ j " C horge A ccounts I I

, /W » /c o m e .- . . . . I

O p en Friday N it*. W l

D o w n to w n S Lyoweod ■ * T W IN FA llS " ,

' v j f ' - ,T


mK i' LEAPING Brenda Fs

prepares lo let fly-wiUia-l

veathers^fet?42-win-overit pullc^inlo’ a 20:« ni^Thail” • \ i lead. — •- on<

Shoshone stayc<l alMi il Id amahca d - imtll tho fntir-miniitc___ &ilimark whfti Pcclo turnnl to a tiui p r e s s aK nln tit th e un- it jcrclassmen-lndcnuutllt. M(

V ' ~ ' ' i " -topplesWt

nty_ 55=34^,pn

indinRolTate. theHjiKorman HTucSdayntghT r~1 ^ Rame IniljnnnaRcd only an . . it thiniis a ilttic closer. Tlie cu,'i ■ould score only fFvT? points at ------ -Jlnt.s liTnTf'sccond hiilf whilefinal porlodr-,:— '----- ------- r~ lS S i»ms hiinipcred l)v luuu)vcr.s

-------------------r ---------------- ^

■ I K " ,

!!li J s : n ' - !

= r - r r 'v .^ ^ i ; : :d R

B ig . ' Go

^ e a r / ; "'E

■=TWi5&“ stnn rctfaeh ---------------n7.!I BiR Sky Conference , ear..for_tht-lhicd_con-_---------------

hc Icague'tltle for the 1 had an 'J-l-l.rcR uIar J*"droppinR an NCAA ^

state. Knap has rolled * 'won the Coach of Jhe ,

s overall grid coachinR StSS with Vancouver of the e^and a lU ta h ^ la tc . is .

^ p t :=ITW IL LH ELP

WNG l- ^ l T

_■ Two Location*Io S«n>* You

* S H O E S


- ■■ ■



F a la sh o f T w ir frF a lls ' 1 a-tw o-polntcr d u rin g the •* e r Wood R iv e r T uesday________ ___

— — — V— 1E e r i l y "

r - b e e l o - —^________ ................ .... . _.i

v^The H ornets s l im i jo . w ith in * one point w ith.five seconds le ll f and a one-and-onf fret* th row IcHiinllnn .nfH’ln mntl.- Iht‘ firsi ___t)ut m isiwd th e sectmil lo le a v e ' ' i t a l 4:!-42.' S h o s i io n e 's ' M eservy, one of tw o sia rtinR , - sonhs, canned two Iroe throw s i i f l e r '^ h e iiu a l^ ir iiz z a - i« - \ es tab lish Ihe finak-ount. ^

T he o th e r sophom ore .'.liiso ti ' W ehb.-pu lled in IK rebnunds . "I an d sco rcd l7po in ts . ' J- S h o s h<Mn*— w o n — I h t*--------prelim inary .“il-iii. 4 .

SftMAOl* o S o * ......IjnpllS:u..etl 0 0 onuwy. 4*6 <11 *tsp»i..... t J. It Euc*........ ; t J ss p . ! ! ' : & . ! ■ ! ! ! U!

i<lr< 0 0 1 0 CMilwn 1 0 1 ? jm

W e n d e l 1 ’ s ,®

I V d r o p s w|

f o a U k i u s 'Be

- W K N D E L L — -T hc-W cndcll— Sli lunioni Ju m p e d o lf to a hiR ' L'arly ‘ l o n d ^ a n d ' d e f e a t e d — GoodinR. .State r.1 •2(ipTue.sday niflhl.- • . ‘ ■ ?»

GoodinR S ta te le ll Ix ilnri 22- 7 ^ in J h c J i r s l 'half. .and ,'cou ld .'...-v n e v c r th rc a te n .. ^■ W en d e ll *.aI>io l<iiik th e j,^ ^llm liTaf^-47-12ir ! ' q j ,

a r m : ; <«>»ra 0 0 1 t ^ i f f ? (I 3 4 paS , — i- i-S i

nifi-U'f J 0 I « onOW. H.V«S' I«ii. II *J1» , th (

. '• ' i n 3 / '^

r O M C L O

-^ JU IC T I-G E H T R U rv te



To b « ip id I n . l o t i ' ^ -suit' o« ' hordw or* lnv*ntory to b« aold

TERM S: C A S H . . . CHEITh* fo llow ing-prop*ftir will o» public auction by erd * r All of. to ld p ro p e r ty will t w ill b * off«r*d pI*c*m'*ot. i*rv*> th * r te h t to bid. Tti

. -o ff* r* d .(o » y h * r*


AUCTIONEER; HARR\_7 rio ,i:3n< t^jpX ^U C ..^oM 4«.!l___

T w i n F"I ■■■•'• • 1 ' ''

“ N;ew ' p robic 'n is In ' t h e '” s Southern- Idoho .Conference

. —'w’c ra lo be.tacklcd.Wedncsday....« when SCI alhjctic directors j meet in Twin Falls. - t

The latest turn, which saw • -Coldwcll leave Ihe conference ;

__ to jnlg ,.• nfiw; largrV.. Cmiit____■State LeoRue, returns this SIC j • io i2 teams. ' . • <

Thai lcaves.L.Uic leanuc .' d looking -aT an ^ r e l y new sdieduie and also the decision i of whether lo slay wilh division t play a s it has over the years or j RO -with a .nan-divisionol type -.sllll(‘ llllM lbllil.' .------ " ' ' y

Caldwell dropped lls sur- i prise Monday 'When ll an- \

-7m uneed-lt^uld-affilialc-»^-lth- — ~.Vh7OT«flifr—i l n m r r -B u h f. ~ c— Jcromri.Burol)- »«.tho rc^d8ht;^^=Ff

m em l»rs of the Cross State - . -c and px-EIC (cam of Rigby, • Ulackfool and Madison. $

• T h 'a l co n fc rc n c e ."W ’a ! ; '— n espoused earlicr'thls fall when s Caldwell, referrlng4o the huge en ro llm e n t- d e s c r c p a n c y - -' a between Itself and othei: SIC ii schools, suggested relief in a v

' second, smaller SIC division. .siB u t-at an SIC nieeling in c(

-Twin Falls two weeks ago. the n_Joop voted to' do away with - b

divisloijal play al. least to ihe '' dcRree of maklnc no team n livmore than two Boise schools In ejfoottiall each lalt. Caidwell . c'

BrSwn lead! rpastl^ootlZj

Senior Karen Bmwn .»ic«)red :IQ poli 'Twin F alls past \V(H)d Rivertt'-.’),

The Twin Falls girls substantiate - belief-that- thls tcam could ijc-Rtrr .aRRrcRalioii------- -------- _______ 1

_ p()lnts in jhe first quarter tmt went ,t field goal. The Wolverine^ didn't ki quarters and picked up a Iree thrcperiod. , __ .

'Twin Falls won Ihc first game:M)-2,• 'J'hcUrui[is-\isit KikT'l'hursday niiWood RiveivA^. ......... ........-TWin F a l l s . . . . .............

Wood River - Stacy 2. Tracy I


Bell just mis _tw_oJmajor_r

SAN FRANCISCO (U P J) '- ’ I u s e tailback Ricky Bell had a pol

I super year, hut ' narrowly wil missed’ a couple of m ajor 1 records alter being held to a . foi

■^cIativeIy■few^^G'ya^ds In ihe lea nail-biting 25-22 ioss to ,UCLA -Ca that Rot ihc-fjrultis in the Rose

“Bowl.' • “ ; -------------------■Bell's 1,875 yards rushing

was a Pacllic Eight mark, but . was six short ol Ed Marini!iro's NCAA record. And Bell's 170.5

-av£rage-was- Juft-under-0. J:— Slmpson‘ii.l70,0.marh-in-IW»:— Bell played in 11 games and -

.5impsoiUU________ ■■-Chuck Muncle of California

-finlBhod sccond among ruKhcrs— with l.Tco yards and 132.7 per game and Wendell Tyler of UCLA was third with 1.210 - yards and HO..'»per contesi.

=‘“ ^Joe‘ Roih-flf-Cflllfomla-iop---= pcd pa.sscrs wilh a -188 per '

.gam e average jnd:icd-ln Iota]— offense with IW.4. Versatile John -Sclarra b l' UCLA was •«Hh in rushing and' slxlh’ Tn pa.winR. hut wound up seconu •

-in-tflt«hoffcnsc-witli-a~i73.5— -yards per game average based.— on alwut 7:i yards per game on . - tho grbund and 100 through the air. . '

__________ I


n o j i —t o r e I n v e n t o r y - - -

tHARDWARE ■ ^» B C .H E L D i r “ “

5 , 1 1 : 0 0 A . M .W ST O N E ) , ID A H O .

o tta n d ln g . b u y a rs . E n tire I d o t p u b lic a u c t io n . -

HECKS Ivill b * o H * r« d f o r s o l*J * r o f t h * m o r tg o g * * .II b * «Qld In b u lk o n d o t . T t i * ^ o r t g o g * * r* - Tt>* ln v * i\ lo ry w ill b *

E PAID FOR ANDI . N O -E X «R nO N S J_________ ___

8YM ARG.UILES . ,_____• ■ ■ _ J

F a l l s - a td^3a1(~cCT

said Blackfoot and Madison. However, the enlarged Cross. •

- • - -S ta to C « in fc r« n cc - w a s basically set up; al 0 un-

- p u t i l i c lz e d m ee tin g lost ^^■^dsaSy. ond Ihcn formally,


^ 0 / .O ne SIC. rep o rt sa id the . S p a r ta n s h a d ahno'unced a new.

athletic program! However, those In the Cross Slate ex- ‘ pressed some surpri.w that Mlnico didn't joln-them this'

- -»w li. Tligv nnirdD,ile Ihc . Spartans Riving the

aa tc ‘ another hanl look in ayear. _________ '

^~ T K iiL£olIs:fl!;iflcIpal ' C harO on T uesday lilght ex-

• -events.‘•I knew’ nothingalMut it." hc

s a i ^ of Caldwell switch. “ I Ihoughl Ihey -were ^ t n g -ttT - s tay ln theS IC ."

Wednesday's meeting of SIC ' ■ ath letic 'd irectors was set up

two weeks ago with all In­volved urged lo come up with -schedules 'ihot would ac ­commodate a 13-team align­ment and still include the t\m-

' B olsercstrlc tlon .,.____ .■____'■: With Caldwell- leaving’ ihe

tnntlpr nf ^rhnfliitlnp !«; mnpheasier since the league again Is

• evennumtx:red.

dsiBruihs^ JKiver---- -I points T»e.sdayniRhl In ieadlnc

tiated Coach Gary',Me.s.sfnger's -KtronRcrrjhan-iast-year's-i:?-!------

Fgrris'hasketii'irii.pR-RH^^^^ —ent .the rest.of.the.way.wilhoul a .... I 't Kcore in the .seconii nr Ihird throw; from Slacy In the final

:M)-2. ■ 'i.vntghl, --------- ------------------------..................................- A 4 4 .)

.....................................12 22 41) fi2cy I. Nel.Kon 2. Twin Falls -

lisses- . jrecojds

’ M uneie'led Korcre wilh IH) points while Sclarra was next with 84 a n d ie ll registered 82, .

T«-o bHiliant wide receivers fought for the pas-s reception

n e a d “ w 1th":slcvcT R l^ra‘ror7:T:' -California Rrabblng.57 a’cria is '

This Polygla.

T h u r s ^ F H d a y ■ F T d S a t u i ^ O n l y

S m Y p tir In d tp M td M l Dulw

■ ' I ■" ' " ,

M A i l

129 3rd Avo. N., twin Ir J - .

t h l e t i c f a i f e r e i i T

. • • If th e (Jivisfonar fo rm at i i . m a in ta in ed , T w in F a lls w ill 1

h av e to go ,w csL to _ k eb p a ba lance , C harlton sa id Tw in

- F a lls ’ w ork w ith foo lball sc h ed u le s ind ica tes d ivis ional

■ p loy m ight hove to b e dropped J — biiftfliisr n fJho .tu ,o .B o lto teom —

ru le . • . ^," I w odld, g u e ss th a t if

.^ d iv is ional P lay is m a l n l a l i ^ H - w jllT iave .to be finalized a t the

- sp r in g m e e tin g ." h e sa id . " I dop ’l sec how Ihey could a c ­com plish It tom orrow -on such sh o r t notice..’’________ .

■ T “ “- f = = i= ^ iis t# F jv g

t » | T

— ; . ^

V • U se y o u r Ro|


m mfas Winter Tire Dh^ ^ _ r _ _ S a v


- t kThii

LV d!

' pllet

- ■ B78-_M


* piM-ti.77

ilw ro r H ii Priw. P tk n A* SbomuAI Gm

n F a l l * P h ; 7 3 3 - 8 7 6 1

f u t u r f e i

is-- — - None o f t h e Tw'ln F a lls 11 a th le t ic co ac h es a p p ea re d0 .c o n c e rn e d w ith the probab ility , n of being sen t into th e w s l e r n 11 division. In fac t. .seemed ll p a rtia l to th e sw itch..d - .T he sudden change in cm -

M agic Valley schools isn 't If cxpccted , to k ll lth e S o u th i id i iJ c i l r a i- j t i f l h o J c a jM c ^ M h ii a u e through, th is fail w as Ihe1 b ig g e sl one lo r Je ro m e. Buhl :- an d M o u n ta ln llo m e .h H ap f ie a rs th e SCIC can still

"i ' V‘ I

kffeSieA -) :

R opor's O p tion C h a rg e o r Yc


m migs Deep To Pull Yive ^6-to *9 P e r

tkwbk' BcUed*‘SuburbamicXG fhit tiro provlSe* a grid of laddo^liko'c i and pull you ihrouRh pow der'm ow , : lud. Drulie-rcilillng llberglaii cord bo! 10 tread for full road conlac). Tolyeiler llet add ihoclcabiorbing nni»lanee. Doi act today.


' " S S g W " ' “ F 7 M T ^ "

1-13 G7B-14

b M - ^ 2 ” . H 7 8 -1 4 .-I t-14 I ■ F7B-15 I : '

M H»5” G78-15 -M H K i” H7B-15 I7 (b u n r.e.T. P*f tin, (Jmndins Ort ilr*. No U.

G M djrur I c * S tom . StH cM Nol A*«l

- i n i u u i

. M i i t l i i1440 E o s i ' l ^ l i i ^ B u H a y

ills sdiools have seven .S*tale•ed games and ' three . da'les^ Icity . occommodote Wood. !JUve6■rn Gooding and F41er 11icd choose because of the doubyhg

uplntheotherieaguo'. 'nv Onq change that would*K6'dl>

ri't Twin FalI.s-Jerome fobjDaH Ith rivalry, which generally Isone' t j i - - oOhejKaiLgfltcsforthe.Ttg<*i^ he . O f f i c i a l ^ in d ie U ]r« d ihl basketball and track and <«hcr •

non-athletic activlticfi alsewill 111 . h e u n d e r ta k e n b>W ihc n r ■revampcdCro.-i.-iSiflir, ■:......

P r im e N o tih o r ii ;^ ^


a n d

_ S C H O O U i^ J A C K E T S , , ,

r — ‘B y t r f a m o u s m ak e n iT /;a ;

A ll n y lo n s h e l l ; ./■r

= = a n d - l l n ln g ;^ ^ - ......

■ ,2 ip p er 'a n ^d T n d p 'ffo n Ji^

. c o m p le t e ly w o s h p f e le t /

■ S izes 8 10-2 0 . ”

/ / i f » f r n n i ".....n o i w r ' s . . ./fV /ff-r/if .'

--------------- -— TTT i: i r

Y o u r B a n k c a rd is


MmYou Through T -Pair----. . t.'nrmat ......................... • • -i-iOii»

' > '«*w s

■____ _______ ^ * w n 5iO ^ ' ^ 1

178.13-------------------- ----------------ilflckw*!! :

G m i l a s ” " -(o 'c lesli'lo dig iw. iliiih , oven -

boltrilabillxo ' - t ie r cord bodyD o n 't m i l l o u l - ^

— 7*ALe--------------------- T -r ~ %-PAIBPR15E ■■ ..

' ...... r

■ »74” . . - = iI - s g Q M - — —:

■ »73” ---- :» 7 6 ” .

» t g ”

NoU*d«M*drt " ' I

I 7Bis}\}ii)stoAa^]• C«»h « Our OwnCuitom*t> •

- CreditPlin.MMle^CM«8*t-r.. • American Cipreii Mon«y> >• Card .Dinori Club J

Slsncns rBMkAinartc«rti-a AvaiUbUilStamKlUcalloii*. ^ ' j . |

m iiS :I p l r a

Page 21: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

I A . .1 . . J U

' s X l f P R A N a ^ lU P D - A 1 d ic a tc headed by L om c :D u g u Id 'y dl¥6r ' t o pu rchase th e Son F ra n c 1\ici5day .-pav ing th e w ay for* a loc KCwlfcc th e baseball club bc fo rc lhi

- ■ According lo Toronto' sourecs ^ highest

_ o b ^ io 'th e cily ofSan'Francisco » giVBT>7 million.- i i‘jn f f h«»<»n. led '.tO L

.tfcninlflcalitm would am ount l o « , 5,' saw.- m a t w as a figure they though K w iw lth since they w ere counting oi aliendarice .of a t le as t 1.5 m illion. B i It p r ^ lbillwep'R w y oen-t-efford-tha n e ith e r c an ’anyohe e lse w an ting ti «® } <jKt of San ^ a n c ls c o . '* - -

O a c r c a re 19 y e jre rem a in l n t ^ ^ a a c f o r ^ S f f l e f i c O w R ^ t i r D i e

:----- |Tpine!»CT.- A p , mllllpn.lnili!mnim!|6utloovcrM 00,000ayear;) ■■! There, is mounting pressure n w

■ trub belocejlie-slart next .week ot

^ a m i c j t e a m c j i

- ^ ^ ■ |> 0 !H U P th = rM fa n iH Ja 1p h in s t ii Earl Morrall suffered a partial Ilgam his knee during Monday nighffi gan

— IT c W X o tp a h d -a n rw in T jc o u rro ra n i three weeks, coach DonShula said Tuc

The Injury to the 41-year-old boc__ .tc rb a ck iJc IL K n ec Jca v ia t h a P o l p ^

third-siring quarterback Don Slc^. Ihem .through a fight for a p l^ o f f s AFCEasl..

_ — Morrallra20.yoar-NFl^veteran.-i»l Dolphin quarterback In as many sustain a serious Injury. Bob Grics<

_ l 6m tendons In t h e ^ toe'of his'ri^ t -23 aguEnsfB^llm^ore. Griese was pla<

In ju ry reserve list Tuesday, and is c regular season and any playoff o r Si a ^ o n .- Shula said surgery will not be perf

Morrall for the lime being but j operation may be needed a t the ei

■ ■•We're going lb keep Eari quiet a there's any swelling In the next two weeKs.-' titiu irM id at his~wooklv n fcrence. "Only with a knee brace will 1loploy." . • . r ,

Shula said ihlrd-year pro Slrock Sunday's crucial AFC E ast game Buffalo. The coach said Joumeym

. lerback'Jlm uei uaizo, traded by the

S i d e l i n

— TV V IIW IIW II •' ffiMr ninit-*' *» ' _• 'uduic'ullaitllcrc ^

• . « : » N m • . V,I X - 0

H*DolFim»SpoeUl ' TlMO . - RI.-00 IrIJO M otle-ThtA noIC rkns’ .

■ ? S tt Q.lOM .Nm e

• reso--tfooikt#------- .-------;--------------

« « ' cTiao'

-IW#- Bwwmi-------------- —1M 0 Tom *ri)w ,

t o h e s cH a i M n -I T oronto , syn- L e a g u e m eetings Il -w ith d rc w .its ------ th e -lo co l g roup <mcisco Glanlft- c h in c e o f buying local RTO)ip lo though Its bid w aj th e end of th e , T o ron lo synd lcale '

Reported ly , the « , D uguld 's ■ P r a n d s c o buslnc s t bid, finally . Lurie, h a s been tolidernniffcntton-------mUllon r t J r t h u f tiI w ould ru n to H orace Stoneham

• • tS toneham ow ns I o - b a l l e v c ^ - = « ) e r t f - w o u k l - h o v e - ,5 ," tlie so u rc e • cap ita l. A ccording ght-they cou ld ‘ c a n 't r o u n l on S12 •o n an an n u al tw o m o resu b s tan t i B u t J7 m illion S loheham , w ho : ha t-tw ieh-a nd — —tha n a week ugu fi : to m ove th e rec u p era tin g In S

Incapacila 'lion, th<

h e d l y ^ S a f T T W e s W a tn im a n d i

p e r cen l p aycu l, thi )w to se ll th e to th e N.- L . fo r * jU h e - M a jo r - - FVon cisco- $I25.00(

d a w i i t o

i i a r t e r i >im en ttearin beslgnedasAbacku gm e agains t • The 210-pound HeastHwO'to— iripasslngand total < i^esday .. Virginia Tech, came ackup quar- Monday night aftei iln s^iU iJon ly^_com ple ted rO ne-.o f-l] :klS_lQ>lcnd._ whltepreservlnga20- ( spol In Ihe The passes were U

regular season acti is the second— Shula was pleasedw y weeks lo "We thought he ha esc suffered ol Slrock. "H e wasn' ijit~'foot Nov. ' well as- he «iuld lacedoiTlhe -pehallles.'’9 o u t fo r th e . A sk ed . if S lrock ' S u p e r Bowl S hula sa id , "S lrock I

o ffense. H e will b e i s rfo rm ed on he lp h h o som e.. a dded an “ T h is Is w hy we end - of th e a round . ;He h a s sho '

~4m p o rtan l' tO'U3.~H< -------- th row s qu ick passes

I a n d se e If long ."w o jp jh r g e ----------D clG aliO rapw ac-iLn$a3_E9n:__T8mpa-tii497L-He-uII h e be a b le 1973, b u t w a s w alvei

b y th c N c w Y o rk G la k w ill s ta r t ' ‘.'W e h a v e decided m e . a g a in s t q u a rte rb a c k would I )7n a n q u a r- fa m ilia r w ith o iirsy s h e D olphins ~ p l c k U batkTTp-quIckl

. ' • • ■ H lfl

n e d JS(eai

----------------------------------------E n i

V M ^ n lM I I S D Apdhtn rh tn n il T • (*■>!>» fH w n n trw ijn tiic n ) OouiB ui

VIDtAI«ate NewtO M U n'O nt C oncenittiiMT hsR onuA gnollttT iU t - M ovto'StfflWl PrafonninceW iorlune# O oelonH otpl'

G rM lP e r fu o u n c ti ' P elto cen ' E m ln g A i Symphony - N tw i '■ ______ I_________ Lovt.Anwig

C(ptlon«d ABC m n ln g N m— Mcrtfl-Oullljfi

V M m

> l d , . -

(s In Hollywood. F la . T h a t’s Why ■ ? o f -a b o u t- iW 'is g lv e n -a -g o o d — ng thb club by w eekend , even ^as .sa tjs tan tlauy Jo w c r .th a n th e ~ lie 's : • ■ .he local g roup, h e ad e d by ^ n nessm an and sp o r tsm a n ^ to ld il e ah h ave. Uie c lu b fo r s n . .•.

a m 'a r id h is o w n e r ^ ip fjroup s 70 p e r cen t d f th e c lub ) a n d _ • •

ng to a. source , th e g ro b p a s yet 12 m illion and is se ek in g o n e or n lla l investors. ~10 Is 72, w as o p e ra te d o n m o r e . '> fog-A stpm geh^ l so r d e p a n d la— ;;

Stan fo rd H ospita l. S lncc his ■ th e N. L . o ffice v ir tu a lly h as te - G la o iU m a ld e J t r m a n a e e i ^ id h ls c o a c h ln g s l a f f .n o b n e 'h a s . _

thouK h.^lnce I h e c lu b ls ln d e b t r <500.000 a n d a lso ow es San 00a in - re n t ' m o n e y ' _________ ;

3 t h i r d l a c k ^ -irrc :th c l9 ? 3 .sca sa n began.:.w tl].n -- :kup. . . . 'm d S trock . w ho led thc_nollon_____a l offense in 1972 a s a se n io r a t mo into th e N ew E n g la n d gam e te r M orra ll w a s In ju red . H e ' f - t h r e e r p a s s e ^ - f o r r f i v e - y a r d s =20-7 D olphin v ic to ry .______________s th e firs t S tro c k h a s th row n In 1 c tlon in h is N F L c a r e e r , bu t th<lAvith h la p e rfo rm an c e .— ------------p ph a d a lo t o f p o ise ." S hu la s a id - ' ' s n 't a b le lo m o v e th e te a m a s n e lid h a v e ' b c ca u sc o f s o m e ' Aei■ ---------------- be;k w ould c a ll h is ow n p la y s, wh :k h a s a p re tty good id e a of o u r sci X on h is ow n so m e o n d w e’ll

w e keep a guy* lik e S lro ck howh a lo t of th in g s th a t a re

e s w ell. We th ink h e 'c a n thrgw

afrslgnod a s 4fTrA<»agent^ut-of ' - ^^ ti/py t ro d fyj to G roon B ay in ved by th e Pa'clTcrs a n d l a te rSlanls. ............. c ‘eled th e b est ch o ice o f a n o th e r d b e D el G aizo b e c a u se h e Is / system a n d oug h t to b e a b le to m e clclyT" S hula sa (9 .

VETERAN QUARTERBACK Ear! Uaml. has tn a c u t aad proiiiiei eat in his van, leaned be wiU be sldd » 8ttw o to three weeks for a partia ear sustained Mooday night ag< iigIand.-<UPl telephoto)^— :— :—

N m . - HIton Pctc«URlghl . ; TliWhlOer' Morle'AKeiiKindolLoTC 0

itplUl’ - .. . ' . 8 1

■ ; a N m N

tlMnStrls Jt — 7: ------------ icwSHr-------------------~

ll*fPrine*ol • . - '•ne#’ Ootiiiu* . . . * •

N m ' _

: Hn# n f . - ” a c r n w r i

=EUchfield.d” H A N S E N ~ T h e :R lch 'flc ld T ig e rs ' th e H ansen H uskies 42-32 in a cold p p e n c r fo r both te am s T uesday night” ' T h c T lg c r s tr a i l e d o n ly ln th c f ir s tm l n e v er got f a r aw ay from th e Hiisk

jte am slsh o L p o o rJy -W lU illh c-m a Jo M be in g th e flrst:ha lf scoring of Mike w ho u sed h is b ig size a d v an tag e to se v eral/o llo w sh o ts..

•’D efense sav ed us tonight for su re W ayne H um phreys said o f te r th e gam e

H ansen stuck w ith a zone defense al e n tire n icht w hilp n irhflp lri woni iHii N eith er h ad much troub le g e ttin g th e b consisten tly , only m ak ing it pavoff.

L o ^ k 'w l 'b ' l n ^ l f 'w ith tw o fle ld 'goals. A fter a m om ent] e igh trR ob lnson hit four m ore poin ts — th e line — and M aestas.added a fre e th r

A t the th ree-m lnu te m a rk Robinson a m o re follow shots. M acstasj ;ol a froo tl

a r lM o m U o rl i e d i q t a a t b e .Id e lln ed ro ra t rtia l ligam en ta g a in s t New . " , '

T T T T T T T T T r v . '

WtittnTNndiwraRoltefl ' ' "Thil'lUyMwu h etngCfwbyF»miryCHr1»lmuAninlMFwiily TSUiUytndHvtch ' > ~ .

B inm ' ■ • -N m • ? . .


V , , TWISTING Ron Lockwoo ■ ■■ — .-.a.Bhonfespiie-Uie pressu

Piper (24) and M aestaStH -------------- theHnsWesiZ'-az:------

dEopsJSanscj c r^ o lT t l jS lc d T 'R o b in s M ^ S o tS c T co ld-shootjng a h e a d 21*l2. .

W 7 • The th ird q u a rtest m jn u tes but of the n ight. Rlchfl liisk le s . Bolh but one m ore than Ilor-iiaerencp------- T-the-Huskiea-opilike R obinson 'liuckcts from Clark 3 to th r o w in appea red on th e wa

. five points w as a s c s u r e ." C oach Consecutive field :am e. a 37-28 lead w ith at>s e a lm o s t th e H ansen won the p

u-llh -------------------------------------the ba ll Inside

RcUiAuftM] • - Ign

Tl n huckct.Uv-------{g;— ------ '—4 ^leJicsLpcriod -icntar>- tie a t Ftonwn _ ; i I s — two frome throw . Teurt 1? a >on a d d ed twor e e ih ro w a n d x w n .


Adv»r1l<»<nt(rt I D«c«


- A udlonM rti Koy* Watt 1 0

------—------DiClMMlI. TH0MAS.THOMAS,O«aii

AdiMrtl**fn«(rt,i OKI A'uctlonMrti M o ttan a


AUCTtONEERSt 9 M C ^ T i AUC , AtCTO W ieny


Adv*rttf«m*nti IN CUU A ucllo iiM nlrlaM

DICIMBI-------------------AU». FRCO fCAROUNE) OP------ 7 ---------------“- A a i ^ I i ^ h J : ! } *

A u d la jM n i Lyt* M att*n


Arfv«rfi»«mi»nti 0*c

Jmcmmbi. • • CRiQUtPMENT’ • A d M r t lM M n ^

j r A udlow W rtiK cr*W ein

l«BANB.KEyS Adv*rtlt«in«ntsDM'

............ A uttH in>*« .ty t^M aH .fii


Adv*rtlMm*nli D*c< A iK t)«AM ntK ar*W elIt(

NCIMBIBA K n o u iA u cn

I r Mr. I

i pmmmbib:W Al tSTATf A t ic n o i l . . . APPUTON

AdvarttiMMirtiOMam' AuctM nM fll Rm I E«fe<» Auctle

..................... Auction Sarvk*


Adv*(1li»in«ntt OMIT AueHeriM nt p a y l T*<jil««i, Cm II Potltrta

DICliHBiR 1 ________ M eC9Y .K 0IN W *N K C

' A ucK onM sivU iM atforaaO

rood Of Hansen off. - ..............isure.frnm Richfield's - - (14). Richfield droDDcd___________

i e r a - 4 ? 2 - 3 2 = =

e n ie ld ’ Boal to push niciifleld

rter was the poorest offensiVL-ly :hfleld managed six poltils,inHansen. ___ ___openet^'theTfourth-pcnod-wlth— “ arke. Lockwood and Rus.scll and way of making a game ol il. Bui IS c lo s e t they could come, leld goals l)v MaeslaS opened up aboultwomlnuteslefi. _ ‘



' S T ' ' i i i -

■IB.4'- ..I/:...-: _■ ..iN.nmiB >*c«(nb*r 2r r a M*ii*Mmlih;


rv*mb«r90t Don Pat«*rton ............- ........

ilRf— ^ ““IliaNEICHBORStMtmbor) ^ _ ...rtaCa^Otborno

IIR 6 .ATS.HAIIEYOocombari^UCTtO N A N D M K S E R S M rT H _____

— 7^— —AUERS ' tASSSEaiON■ Moitor* J

■IR T IOPPUNCtR ESTAT8 ---------------------- - |

• n lC o rv O ib o m a t

IIR8TYDANADocomborS ^•i**o«ntPjh2p!£__________ __ 1 -

BEA-9---------. r.-'- --INT.PAUL iD*{«n)b«r7 a iri Doo PoH#r»on

EY sn-DMombarftn^QflryQihnfn.-------

IRI? IgCSAlES ■>«c«mb«r7ItO onPotfanon .

' ■ ' » - ■ ™cnoM '• . .aeambortO . v • aSM n.Ol*nBo9lay_ a t I John hnnaiback

il ia ___ £-j3NSCHOOLOtST.r^o. 3(1 MmbarllCtlon and Mauanmlih. '■ko ■ •

i nDAUHOlCOMft . combat 7non or Holcomb Raol Eilota

I l«lEtCHSORSrfm bifia........— .BGorvOttoma

I —

-^W o d n 0 8 d ar /D T C o m t)o r3 ri9 7 5 :^

^ - A u s t i d a ^ ^

-as toughnsk■ V A L - ,d '! S B I lE . P ra n c e * •

tti thou t-A n- . n e m a r ie M oser-P roc ll^ th e '

A U strian 'g lrrs a re p iln g to b e - ... a w f u l - J io r d to b e a t th is

• O lym pic sl(l seaso n___ .• if a n y 6n e c a n d o l t . l t will be

th r e e S w is s g l r l s - M a r J c ' ' T here .w N fld lgand B ernadette Z urbrlggcn In the dqwnhill and

■ LIse-M aim MOr<;iV>d m tiie— giant slalom .'

T he first test cam e this. .m orn ing w hen the first o H h is -— season ’s W orid Cup ski rac cs

lead ing up to the F e b ruary Innsbruck O lym pics got un ­derw ay.- • . • • ■

A . B lrr.s_do\^-nhill_w as_the ■ _ first a c t In th e 197S-197C "sk i c lrc iK " and N adlg and Zur« brlggen show ed they m e an •

:= rT O sm essr.B y .-(il4cR irig --(hc ’- rfastest tim es In T u t ^ a y ’s

b iggest U. S. hope-^2byeaf-old ' CIndy N elson- from Lutsen,

_ .,M inn .—Ih c lh ird fas to s t.- - But only fractions of a ’ - .so co n d -b eh in d -c am e-a-w tro lc —

squadron; of A ustrian glris B rig itte T otschnlgg. N ico la : Sp lcss. I rm g a r d - L ukasser, Ingrid p b e rie . W lltrud D rexel and M onika K ase rer. ‘

W hat N adlg Is ou t ta do Is to• p rove_ihM __it_^as,.,no. m e re__

acc iden t w hen she took- the-^gold liie d a l-a w a r^ ro m Proell

fn . 1972 O lym pic downhill' in -^ p p o T T rS h e -w a m rt tn m f lr th e ^

I f y o u ' r e l 6 o l < i n

a g i f t f o r t i i m .

---------- l o o j ^ - r v o - f u r t h e r

..............■; ' / T t t g B y ■ — C



■ ‘ \ ,■

i= A R A HS l a c k s

Farah h a s it all, G reat loofting, w earing sh ir t ja c k e ts a n d a ^ w i a s you cou ld ask for; W hich mtf; a b p u t anyw ay you want. Fashio

"Timba-Nows.'Twin Falls, 837 ?

r i s r l o o m ” | : i

downlilll |n ,lhls«asbn'« Wofid . Cup and IheTniisbruck gold2s

Some years ago UfcTrench - - .girls would have been oddMn^ • to Sweep-the ficld.' There’has been a had fpMoff since. ::

All . the same, this season I D anlele D ebern 'ard and

what they can to Hop ■ die Austrians.and Swiss h av ln tlt , ailthelrownwav.; ----- ----- ------ ----

_________ -. *».


i n g _ f o r ^ „ _ .................... 1

e r-^ h a n * F a fd h r -::i .% •


l | : ^ 5 r : r -

• | i j 7 ''I

•4 I J - I

ing,. g rea t fee iliig ,'g reat ■ “ i i^wide a selection of slacks* ' fn^ans you mix and m atch hlon is Fara.h, . •

Page 22: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

- y 'Z i : Trme»N»w». Twin Falla \

%orror0 t t l k u i t t

CiNewhouseNewi ------- ^ HINSTON— ‘Bwhorrefatof}- csm ps has never really been told b<

■ incapableoftellinglt.HilS; Sb the! conclusion of Lawrci

professor of English,' after a lortg st literature of'atrocity." Bul the Inabl the human mind is not wholly tohlami

. "01)6 mind r» ls ts what It feels I i-F-.t a no»r g aX( ‘;hiX aian1H<u i l6hflltf.x

lo « n d . ^ ^ e M d a form to prcse scape o r a t^ l t y , tojnake tt compcll

'•Writlng l n ’•The Holocausl and t! -U Y a le i f a i ^ U v PTC88. JI2,.‘iO>. Lor

' mohs College, Boston. re lu lesa coup]■ ow nmlndseemln^ytrledtbtrldKhlni

- ^OhatriptoPolandlnM nv■19(H.L^ death Hlilch still'wos enclosed

-::^few--yBtu'-fr(>nt;ils/eptrance-hc^a playing rterrlly In •ahdboxes'ln the wt (-“ I stUi recall my astonishment," 1

M w eeif ^ expectation and the rca ■pired lay like a constant weight on

.w ^ w eek s ."r Later, In Munich. .West Germany, h

. _ v a r j« 1 m e s ir la l ofthe notorious Gen;. — tChWdfHlUerforHeinrlcJiHImmler.'

Lan'gef_descrlbes Wolff as a mlld;mai z ijifee i'y lmlr, ________ —

• *AgnlnJlhc.wrilcfl(-n| wfla uhafaltHi '© n h e m'an wilh the cflmcs hu was a c

' UnkjolnlngnormalcywI^horrdrhad< i te a s suspended In solitary and scparai

■ - thpse and some similar incld- begln^Uio-research for his l»ok. hc

d e i d m ^ "wncmer me an isuc vu—^ U ^ iS ^ c o u ld ever (tevis&a tcchnlcii ' o (K i^ w h a t the concentration camp c:_cootemporary mlnd^’—-------------------

*’ '; m p k |^ t f K ! 'qulvcdng flesh of the r

=Ubo'p^(|Sof-;dccU>rcSr-^tt-romaln8tho-ourtlm o.” — -------- ----------- . -

_ .rN ^ C T en approximate flgurus are av ■ j 'i ie ^ gyps}cs'and other •;und<^ral)l .''jWUer's ellmlnation-program by gas ' Jewish'so'iifccs eslimate more than o alone were exterminated. Some scicntl: the cosualness of the deliberate .kli

—ttta s tro phe, makes humaminderatand 'Langer Illuminates this point chillli

Peter Weiss play, ‘‘The invcstigallon,' of tliBAuM.1iwijz'w;ir trlutytrrt^i^ k fm i

D rill ship j l4 tlaiitie^<

© N .y.T lm M Sen NEW YORK - inaugurating an inlei

the deepest layer of the occanic crusi Challenger left Sen Juan P'.n., Monday

■ Therc.,ln MiSOOiectJiwaterja phorfd midway befwccn Africa and North Aine bore at least C.COO feet inlo the oceon floe

In the past, the deepest such rock pe 1,909 feet although the ship has been so as4,630 feet where there was a great ncc . The project, known as li»0[) for

'.^U iriig . s u c c ^ the Deep & a Drl’lll

- fers In being more International In scop< . penetrations In to thb sea floor.

: ' I t s goals bear on some of the most t i^Kience. ^ e s c Include the manner In w ■'which covers mofc"thofrhalf the earth

the nature of the force IhM ls.stcadil< Ocean and the manner tn which ore dv

. were formed. - . • If ail goes well. It Is hoped that the fit

“ about n m pn tn rA ftcnT ctunn 'o 'po rt .• would then drill additional holes along the mid-Atlantic Ridge and along a line ]

The first line would probe the crust from the rldge,.whcre the entire AtlantJ

.bavc.bccnJormcd.asilhcLAmerJcas scf -A frica, in this way tt should bccome c

crust changes with age. ___

I Shouid C<1 Two NorirK h Yours a


|K 0 N % E .M i u 7 - B Y

Wfldnesdsv. Dacembar3.-lBra


told ■ - ' TwsServlce ' ~ I>ryofth e Nqei cylerminaHoti------^t>ecausc language simply Is !

rence I..angcr, {i-cpllegc-—. j study of what fie calls "the ' I

ability of words to penetrate I imc. Is to hc legitimately valid," . . . Itfvo.TJjaJasLnf the iwriliTl._____ Iisent the atmosphere or land- I elllng. to coax the reader inlo . |

I the L iterary »mag!lialIon">angcr. who teaches at Sim- . uplc of incidents jn which his iim. , . ' Uflngerj/i&ll«lJ{ijLAi)«;&i!!l>?_______:w l by rusty barbed wire. Acamc-upon-PoIish-chlldreii'------ -warm sunshine." hc writes. ‘’The disparity H cality which that image In- H on my consepiencc Tor sev-

, he attended sessions of the H■nl.KarlJffiolIfJiolson officer:-___Mr, who ran IKe'dealhcamps. ' iqmicred businessman with '. ■

rHb conncct'theappearance accusod'orras'irsom o'vitai ' id dissolved, leaving the two ratecham bers.":ldcnts which led Ijinger to., ic explains. Hc wanted to visioh~oi m~e ii ic r ; iry ~ n r~ '"M B liciue and form ad'cquate to I H ) experience implied for the W K

y'sallsfaclorlly or portray : : e reality’ of the holocaust," ho-unconquered Rverest of-----

.nvnliahlcontheniimlK'rof . allies" who fell victim t« |K V IS chamlwr and oven. But '1 0 million of their people illstshaveexpre.s.s«i't>elier . killings, unlike a nnlurai ndjjig InipoMlhio.lllngty in a scene from C f i n ." based upon traaserlpts

p ro b e s I

Sao r - n: Bcrvlccitemallonai effort lo pralw ' usl. the ({rlll ship Glomar ay and headed for Ihe mid-

rdh tancc 'casto f tJie ridge'' nerlca. .site will atlcmpl lolobrrock. ' ________ _ | ^ Hpenetration has tieen only sold to penetrate as much iccumulatlonof.sedimenl. r in te n t io n a l Phase of^_ H H illln'g Project carried out

jpeand seeklnHfardeeper

it t)aslc problems in earth I which the deep-sea flour.'Hh’s surfacl” h:is e v o lv ^ illy widening Ihe Atlantic deposits of oceanic origin

first hole can Iw drilled In ' n.~ine~GIomar'Challcnger ng n line perpendicular lo - leparailellQ il.£t at increasing distances ntlc sea floor is believed lo ' >eparatcd^fram-£urupc.aQ— e clear'to what-cxicnt the—

l z z i e S i Blorry % I le s . .. . . 1 . - 1□nd: S m g : s i - - | 1

i : ■ H E F O U N T A I N

~ .■ ' f i

L i n o III

r «

» |

FARAH« SAFARI JAO H 100% Texturized Polye ^ ■ ^ ~ B r o w F o F 7 b n " ^ H - JACKET •3 2 ” 'P/

H NEW KNIT - Ntiff COUor* double kn it with a ixW > in indlflo b lu t, flracn o M v> look. Th«* tu r tlt pultov«r li

P o Iy M ta r .lh * f ib e r tho fllv i

• l o c k e d !

r • ' . ' Vk ' ' '

ftCKET LEISURt SUIT.)jyester CQvalrv Twill:

' PANTS *20”

H ^

JIORING. 0 -G 'i foil M poro itt iW nasd[«po1nt fllleh, ond eom t , d whll« ilrip«» for a g rea t rww ll rib knit. All a r t of Eneron* llva«; Jo e ^ th lrt . *40. P o n ti, *20 ‘l4j Slwr4--t6:— - - 1^- ---------

• THE Penn. Centra] Railroad i ■ Sprlngfii»tH HTW<-Hflrtfnrri

blocked when ia cars 'w ere dei frd g b t train w rat off the track < D ear the old Windsor,^Conn., pas:

~ ' r o P i r r r T 7 - i r 7 - - r r - r * ' —

* W I | a t

* T V te ith a n a g if to f fa s h ic

------- dem ands, w ith th ein everything from

- - m ensw ear e xperts I --------need~fortheT n en jn



I J p iI I k

^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S A . Comeri "'ms. 100% Textured P( feels like silk, but no

^ ■ j 4 ' / i : 1 7 . i ^ r T ^ 2 - 3 5 _______

, — .........

. * - A r r o w » i p l

NOT.: LEATHER/ IT!S Al :: .P.V.C. wltfi foshlon. Knit — ond-knft'sJde-pcnelsrG rea -' o n d - s u ^ procticol. S-M-L*>

M k' * ' r a t ’

... .. ..

' 'I

d main line bet-

derailed when a- dc early T uesday,, lasse'flger' ’Btation, _______ _

> b e t t e r Wi

r ^ C ihion Irom

he broad selection and realistic pri )m handsom e outerw ear to sm art r ts a re ready to asslstT O ir'D o drop rln7 o u rH fe ::n ----------r— —


OP£K nUDAT NITES— « B U W ta ^ -^ P CftT—-aUMt ■ TV


/ U -

>fin solids or ^ H j - I Polyester-It ' Heino. Irming. - .. Act

------- *16® “

PW' '- 'I ' '•ARROW.' -:nit '

m m m

C a r r i e ? in V i r i tw o c o lli i

— ^ R E Q L K ^ VaJM.'Pfi T h..anothercoliiKlon inthCiMcdH.errui collision of the alrcroftwiTloNJfiliBelknap, _________ _________

. .An Atlantic Fleet .N’aval^\ir Kd the aircraft carrier indepemlurice

, Nov. 20 with the store ship IJeneljol • >The spokesman said the ships while thc.PcnehoIa transferred U can-Jer. ’. .,

l y i s t i ire a re th e l o o k ^ e likes, the quail'pricing you p re fe r:--------------------:r t new furn ish ings. O ur staff of -op In a n d diSCDss the g ifts you’ll

BiT 'S RIGHT! . . .

^e will en|oy,.lhe comfort of Arrow's kcryllc sweoter shfrt. As shown urtleneck. Solids or stripes. _ $ ^


^ fo ro f^ ifn e — :------- ^ w e r > le l» «

■ .1

volved lisions ■ -yi,rriinean unly twn d ^ ^ if r 'ia - .lh ti i :- -lltihn i-VKi-nnirdyumilhtrcrUi.’ier.’j -

' K(ircc sp«)ke.smun suid .Monduv -* tice wus Involved iri a (fiillslun on'- -W a, . ■lips were steaming skle-hy-siduii d food and other supplies to thu

inliN i H l K

j p s lja lity h e H H

B h

V | H H


w 'slO O % . iwn or

M o a , . « : i 3 ° j B I

r I

w ■. j ..

!0W DOUBLER {s r i s h t - ^ ^ Hlfn« wfBOT'With 0 tie.ilsur* io c k tV o c -c o tO r - l^ ^ H —

Page 23: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

MV 4-H'er at Natlonc

• TWIN f Al LS - T w o Magic were among fi’Fe from Idiiho to > scholarships at-the S4Ui Natlonc hdd laC hkaj^ th lsw eck . • •■ The two local winners are Su2

_ Kimberly,andUndoRlpa.20.Bul Miss RIpa received a

her entry In-lhe forestry progi - JesstrH W )^oranentrym 'D IcM

Miss Rlpa, -University o f majoring in forestry, served as and secretary of her 4-H club.

She attended the 1970 Idaho Prl

T>rin Palls County. Builder's ( " e a rn e d numerous trophies and *

~ shliM during her six Venrs in A- projectsbroughttodlsM ctfalrs.

■ W I ) d la iu i :^ iS t I S r a u b f n l forestry.'

Her community Ipvolvcmfinl im with'the orgSnluUoR andoperaii Barrel Youth Ccnicr in Castlcfor

_fund-ral8lng'.d^vcs. such as 11

N orm a Johns e x c h a n g e vo'

““ SPRINGDALEVNdrmo JohnK Barrow were m arried in a Nov. is

- the Lo^an LDS Temple.Fredrick Gerson conducted (ho c The bride Is the doiigbter of 5

■ Fred Johnson, Sprlhgdole, and the i parents are Mr. and M rs. Don Bq

. .Canyon. - -■-------- The.wedd]ngporty was served t

^ the home of tlie bridegroom's au

The bride wore a gown of while c empire style. The dress^featurec style bodice and long' full sleeves i ruffles and lace. The high necklli

— med-with-iace and small white i ._noor-Icnglh.8klrtifeotured on atta

iraln. ________Her veil of tulle wos m ade by Mr

ond was edged wilh lace. She corrli bouquet of blue and while split cat blue and white rosebuds.

Angie Tracy was mdid of honor.: , were Elaine Jackson and Deanne J

sisters 01 ihe oride; l^wano and Jc sisters-ln'law of the bride, and Ca sister of the bridegroom.

The co u p leT ecW ^ '^ es ls bcfoft of white draped with blue. A large b;

J i m w i n s , t h e n l(

NORTH . 3 , .......> A J 9 4 __ ^

♦ Q I096 C 4 .J7 S f'

WEST • EAST ' il• A'72 ■ . a 5 • n

V K » 2 . .1H0-7-5♦ K53 ■

' A 10863 2 A K Q 94 . • ’. SOUTIL(D) ____ _

___ ______ _* K QIC 8 63 ' ________» A T iT in - J

♦ A nI Bolh. vulnerable - • n

W«t North

I4>----- Pass—2 * — -Pass—3-w~r-.-------------— Posa-4 * — P ass-< N.T.---------- ------ P att-S -A — P a u ~ 6 * --------- -----

Pass . Pass- P a il .-- Openlngtead—9 V

By Oswald & Jam es JaeobyToday’s column Is written in _

-. t h e : f l r s t - p e r s o n z b y r J im : : r ; . Jacoby. .. .. - - ■

' Unlike my father, who has ^ e n playing bridge since before the flood, I have only aboul 25 years experience: I '

. nyisthave.played more.good-------------han d s-th an -b ad -o n es.-T h er ’; , lew n l Is pi'elly g ^ . but I

Jure have had some real . doozies bn the wrong side.

T------ H e r e in h a n d ih a t tn v e r l ia '- ^ '

.p a r e iX II depend S S i u m . heart Ili^sse, but If you look a t all the cards.ypu will see the finesse was wrong and 1

^ was going down.Then; West handed m e my

contract on a silver platter.. He led the nine of hearts right .

into me. I took (he trlck.with myiiUfftHrpUyed'twQ ro u n d r- '^ * of Irum ps ana led dummy’s

- last.h ea ri E u t followed low - I and I started to think. " . . I

I could o n ly -trum p two I hearts In dummy. U.Weit had:*— i led I singleton heart I needed . 1 tofinessem yjack. The m o re l ■ * thought, (he m ore sure I I

-became that be;had done J u s t - '- S that. 1 played my jack o{ I

' hearts and had given the con- - ■. Jract back. .

. A P enn tyW an ltf re a d e r *------ w a n U * tb -k n o w -lM h e -tw o -^

tpadeabidintheseqitehceone notnim p b y declarer, two -

. hearts fy lecondhsnd and two

rs win schoji a I 4-H CongiIc Valley 4*H'ers Cancer Society £ to claim S5.000 In She is the dai )nBl4-H Congress ' Rlpa;

' Miss Jesser. i Susan Jesser. 17. Jeaser, is a higlBuhl...... career in chllHdhecholorriitp-for------ H A n^l^l-year7gram and Miss . girl dipped neu aafelypnigrahi. •. doicn drownlnj f Idaho Junior vestlgatedtheci )S vice president “ My survey

drowned becous Pride Conference ■ the water;*’ she

I a u b 'a n d .bos Jackets, d' camp scholar* 'M iss Jesser n 4-H for various survey, contactl

~ ^ ------------- ^ b ^ e lJ fp h o ^ f ls ;

1 the college of thclr home; allh veyed said they

Includes helptng - safety precautloi affoiToFUie*Re4^ She says rieas« ford ond severol extinguisher Incl

the Amerlcjin of t^sesurveyec

i?6 n, D enn is Be )w s in Logan rrnson and Dennis carnations and a 18 ceremony at green garland_d

■ - - -I'sottlnp________0 ceremony. ^ . . The bride’s lal r Mr. and Mrs. white lace cloth ie bridegroom's wilh a 'lh ree tie Barrow, Heglar decorated by Ela- ----------------------Blueantf\vhltetrd fl luncheon at ■ ongels and two w aunt In Logan, of the cake. It u----------- ---------------Clayton«nd Shlrle organza in an Kay Johnson w red_a pinafore _ Debbie Johnson a a trimmed with of ttie gilt'lable ' dine was trim- Barrow, Heather e ribbons, th e -— ' Giiests-were k tlachcd ruffled ' with lace over I

■ .. C en tered wllh bas Mrs. Billy Kidd Assisting wilh rrled a nosegay Wrlglcy, Karma :am ations with Kidd and Jonel

chenwereM arlec r. Bridesmaids Special guests ; Johnson, both H“rst.- (yandpan Joon Johnson. ~ Mr8..Bphan"Hu(l Caria<Barrow, O lun , grandpore

The b rid e ' waCB Rnifftw mlgri>llnn<viil«^«!hi

. Kidd, asslslcgiiyore a backdrop' The cbupIC'wlIl: basket of blue the bridegroom ft

lo se s _This is a mighty good ques- - .

tion and the' answer Is that

forcing. The im porunt thing is to get a partnership agree-' ment on the m atter. .

(Do you have B' guesllon tor Ihe exports? Write ••Asl(Iho Jecobys" care of Ihls ' new spaper The Jecobys w lll_ _ ' answ er Individual Qiiesllons _ >

envelopes are enclosed. The . i mosf Interosllng questions will be u s e d In Ihls'- column ■ ^ j and will' receive copies o l - i

-JACOBYMODERhtJ— ----------“ j

f mM ii r a

i SAVEI'I.'-. ixnK s BiMWta'aMWfc . ■

jariships jress •;ly and the Red Cross.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson

r. d a u g h te r o f M r . 'a n d M rs. Roy i l ^ school sen io r w ith p la n s fo r fl * fl d evelopm ent.. • \tar-4-H-’e r , . lh f tT w ln FnH B j:flim i3L i tew spoper sto rie s-o il m o re th a n a . . In g s .in h w a re l i 'f i l id : : ih $ r t 'l r F ” ! c a u ^ . . ':y -showed lhat- small, children . >use they were left unattended by he says. Her survey also showed'. uhP drawnad wwra not wearing llifav-

: mode her own flrc exllngulsher - ctlng 100 families either In perw n • riTSTHtjr“stnay^jhowwrth'flf 47, per, '

illhough 87 per'ccnl of Ihose sur- ey c onsider^ fire 'im lnguishcrs a[lo_qj^i. ___ ; _ ; _ ■a so i^ ^ v c n for not'hQ ^^g a flrc? nclude cost and the fact that some ‘ M hod not given it thought.

arrow ' ites '

1 a line of hurricane lamps with o i draped between completed the

lable.was covered. Wltb a round ith over blue and was centered tlertd wedding-cake m ade and * Blaine Jackson, s lsler of the bride.IIrimmedsuBar-bcllg-wilh kiss ing - 3 while doves werc placed on top t was cut and 'served By Cheryl

1 was in charge of the giiest Wfck. n and M arty Shaw were in chargc . )le. Gifts were corrred by Jflna icr Jafikson and DIone Johnson, •served a t round tables covered r blue cloths. The tables wereloskelsofflowers. _______ilh the serving, were Jam ean la Wrigley, Vol Porish, Rexann il Woodland. Helping in the kll- leen Kidd nnd Kennle May Smith, ts Included Mr. ond Mrs. Wesley arents of the bride and Mr.'dnd illaker and MiTond irfrs:'Rol>crl“ irents of the bridegroom, was honored a t a pre-nuptial ahowec a t UiC home of Mr.s. Billy _ by m anccn anu uexoni) mdd. k’lll lIverlnHcglarCanyort'where 1 farms.

T F B P W .

-holdsT m eet—. TWIN FALLS - th e Tw in’ F a l l s B u s i n e s s a n d -

— Professlonat^Womon’s'd lh n e r’—’ m e e tin g , w as c o n d u c tc d . '

M onday , a t G eorge K ’s ,= f ^ ^uiaiil. . ' -----------

'P re s id e n t-e le c t B lanche •Wldner welcomed m em bers., and guests. Ruih Llnderman gove the- Invocation. Beverly

' Leeds, program chairman. Introduced Michelle Burrows who spoke on her experiences

- a fG lrisS lalr. —----- ^ ^ —"-^= nre:-beyd i. hpoku mi t in-— • National Foundallon.

The next meeting will be the- annual Christmas party Dec.

_ I£ a tX i3 0 p ,m .a t the RogcrsonRoundup Room.

wmN ^ l eh o ^ la teM

------------- ,----- CHOCOLATEV CHOCOUTESHI

^ 3 iU .- , iRplMtyycma.ohlCHOeoUTkSHeLUMtltottrhi

FILUNaiUtionfhaKMtboillni] hMl:niaildt.lBboiH,‘eornMnt<ni

Q H •Ilk; mil. But In mitifd msnilt;

n- '

n . -


n - _

5 , L I N D A R I P A "

e' ■■ - • . ----------------—------- ------ -

”,’Vaii©y'TU'IN FALLS - The Twin

Falls Pasl Malfons Club will -— h a v r~ a " polluck—Chrlstmos—

parly a l 6:30 p.m. F;riday al Ihe.home of Mrs. Vern Routh.

i----- l960Fall5-AvcrE:----------------------- -

I ''.V ■■■.................................*!I - TWIN FAI.l^ - Auxlllorj

members of Magic Volley ■ — Memorlal-Hoapttal-wilhTOl-acw— 1

-------- K1MBERL-Y— Thc-Agcless----- 1• -Senior Cllizens will h61d a I• - Christm as "bazaar _al the ..I

1 Y u je e x c h ar ~ ~ B U H L . - A Ciifls tm as.e ilt— , exchange was Ihe highlight of

the December meeting o f Colfax No. 13. Ladles Auxlliar>'

: . Patriarch M llllnnl.ot the Buhl %I roOFHallMondaynighl.[ A report of tiic dopikiliUdil

• association meellng conducted I In Caldwell was given by Mrs.

A l i c e B o w m o n w h o "

at the meellng.

- M e e t s e t- J WIN JA L L S --JThc-Maclc— V a f le y t r a i l M a c h in e A ssoc ia tion will . h a ve a hf(feUifg~and'silent ouciloh ai

. , 7:30 p.m. loday a t the Idoho I Power Auditorium.I • Members aro asked to bring '■ ‘uhWanledliems for s’ale In the I ■ auction. Already eonsitined Is

, an electric chain saw donated UJ kellh Uwcns' Broke j n d '- Pelroleum. Proceeds of the

.• auction will be used for the Cinfi Chrlslmas party which

' will^be In. January wilh all - ORV.*isers In-fhe Valley to be invlled.

Je rry Clark'plan's an open ' — house at 7p.m ‘. Dee.-20 with all— ~7clnlriitcnil>ers mviicd. Ttiose

attending should bring their own beverage.

The club will elect members lo the boSrd of directors at Ihe

- February meeting. ________

f eI

MorselsTE CREAM PIE----- ^-------- -SHELL:>ll4'KllkC»«ct(>t« Hsntri' ipoMifctrUtilnt■P.4.1IU.. ........................... ....

ltH>riir«iwe*iiitMtmh - . - ---------n.lU ilMrpi)4d<«| .

I't r hol (Ml Mllni] n itr, I cm Merwli, n ir M b o H ^ im i ik fts of S^fo iM inriII out Of p«n; pH l OR (oil. R tpltc* >h*II

lln i) wil«>, 1 e>w M oru li; rinwv* from t mmni Ptfddint powilir. w v r o i i m , l i t ; nil ih ill. C h ¥ 2 hovrs. Top wilh

! M i i i i» T 9 ''p S ;

m y p a c k a g e d •:

i o b o l a t o M t ^ s . , ^


■ . - -S U S A N J E S S E R .

1 Kl.mbcrly Senior Citizens1 Center at,311 Main St.. Fridays— from-10-a:m:-fo-5-pnii—and—I Soturday from l-S p.m. The

bazaar will feature handmade— o rtie |cs :-bakcd—p jo t t s - m n r :

- produce. Ple and coffee will be ■served’Solurday. ' _ _. - . . . . . . . . .. ..

,• TWIN FALLS - Tho Salmon r— Sodal-Q nipw H h mcel Thur------ sday-aL2.p.m--ln-thc-hom'c.oI.>-

Mrs. Lyle Fuller. A Christmas 5— glft-exchangirts-ptimnod“ana— 1 the.TOll call^'favorite ; __ trcodecoralipns.” ____ ________

lo n g e h eld =[ - - It was announced thal .Mrs. f Betly Dameron. pre.sldent of f Colfax No, 13. was elected

secretory of the Deporlmenl 1 •> Assoclallon LAPM of Idaho.

Saro D am eron gave- the . ItiOUgtil lor tne (lay.I A salad, bar was served

following Ihe meeting. The I ' next meellng u1ll be Jan. 6 In " • 'iw iii 11^115.--------------- --------------

T h e f r e e z e - d

N . . ■ . '

- ; S ^ & 2 5 | ^ 6 n

M axim 'intli

{ c u t a l m g s o l i d l i n e ]

2 5 <= Wheny*

^ ^ A V E ^ r -

i 1I,,. o n o n e •I : 4 < o z .ia ro fI . Maximj. freezcK lrted co ffce 2 S

j— p y

T r e e d e c o n

" * jWASHINGT ..■lreeTue8day-

| . , ornam ental^I . -W lthihe'A rI ' •' EUipsewlllbeI It will be SUII .—'decoralwlaI •» Forty-fourI ------------- 1 tfirrtlorle4.auI . . .L lg h ta o n th iI p residen t tradI — !.■ . ■ M ld l tw a s n o tI - - . . - a im e c e rc m o i

B S l

M SEVM a k e 'f l

M WliKChrisl

©VIKINGTHE WdRLO’S..........—


.7— M A C H i N r r r r r


236 Seventh Ave. E.*

■ M M

i r M■ d n e d c o f & e t h a t i

I l i

I h e

y o u b u y o n e 4 - o z . j a


Coupon expire* Febniuy 29,1976 . GEKERAL FOODS CORPORATION

- 4 0 l f ~ W h e n j o u b i

' ■-v i - .. ^

WodnestJoy.O<}Combor3.l975 .

rating b eg in sIGTON J t jP ir - ^ Workers began d ea ay-using a cbeny picker to put-a q itop thc45-foot tall bluespruce. Amcrlcan-Blccntennlal

I be decorated wllh 4,600 red, white an. surrounded by 13 smaller trees lo n \

xl allerraely In solid red or blue lights a other small trees,, representina re placed In a row leading lo il.------I thenallona] Christmas tree officially radltionaliy flips the switch, but a Nat not certain whether iirpjildrni Fnr Tjony.thlsyear.... i _ .

le / i / ig G f o i u tW itH a '


T his A C h ris tm a s S h e W ifi frislm as just fthofld. Dlan-naMt-lmanla& Chino wllh a new Viking. Sw edish craft :pmb!nod_wiih>xclu«iwe,.a(Jv#nced.f«

assure a llfeilm'o of tew ing satllacll

iL E S • S E R V I C E •


,E .iy> B lo ck so (tS h o ih o n « 5 t.E a

p 3 p ^

t tasteslike rich, i

J . - .___


( c

i a r o f M a x i n t - 2 5 0

_uaiiriuiiMiMdkr'cfKRSl^ATTo .


b u ] L o n e . 8 ^ z . ’j a r . o L■ ■ ■ H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H ■ ■ a i

75 . Tltn«s*News, Twin Falls, Waho

Jecoratlng thVhatlonal Christmas a specially deigned Uberty Bdl "

land, the tree on the-Whlle House ' sandbluellghls. _) represent the 13 original rolonto {hts.-

aod _£

lally will be turned on Dec. 18. TheN ational C a p i to l P a h t s ^ e s m a n -------^Fnnl wfiilri t)>j>«^labl»tftpit9lde— ^

:h ine mII R e m e m b e r ! ?7jK

;rarivnanshlpd f e a iu r e i .___action.


!?^uw jaiC E^• LESIONS■NTER . __________rlO P ,

P h o n e 733-7479■ E a it ___________ ------

m m m m

n f ”, £ r e s h - p i e r k e d

___ ____________ —------------

S ^ e 40Con M a x i m ' i n t h e

J i( c u t a lo n g d o t t e d l in e ) - '


o n o n e . 9 : „ 8K iz.M tfof a

M ax im J 3 | ill I I fireeze>clriedcoffe« ^


i £ M a x i i i i : , 4 Q | ( ^

• •• '

■ ■ '■

Page 24: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

■ ’ ’ 26 timo^Nows.TwlrTFnllBjdafio

, — T - ^ y r A b i g a i l Te iiri6TC»u«»TinwM

' -D E A R ABBY.- My m b th ^ 'd l . ‘t and .ono thing still bothers mo

______ ’ 1 wish nil tJiOM miniatgra ani

moot th^ir God;

' y •>' ‘Idea she w as p i n g to dio. She dl( ^ th a t Kn3 i t noTBccn for'tho 'm l ^ .would have lived longer. Sho ji

In the first place, the m in ister: my mother beaiuse she d idn 't

*. an' Amcrican Indian and d idn 't____Wo Inrtlnns haltow thflU>»r.<‘h

. all Good Books, It says. ‘’The__ ;_;_earth." so we worship any. tij

. fuliaing, only ontfo a week. And

■ If you ih ink th is will help peot tho Amoricon Indians,'plesso

. ; Thank you.

C •

I - Worship^ L —is-fr0e— : -

T ' D E A R JIM M Y V ld o iin d lw iI

. : I _ _ J > E A a A B B X l ^ y J i a n c a a n d i j ■ ^ f < ) r ~ n M l~ p n n ^ A l l~ o f ' thosi

bridc3maids-hav&-accoptod.-My-p: y a r e very overweight.

■ After attending a wedding nc ^ bridesmaids were overweight end f Jf ' d idn’t want thcso heavy girls lo,

pftw x n inn W(ta turrtMn P «>, dUnnj-;^«nd-fina»y-fot-,-skinny.---------------^ -h r'I 'ju s t-c an H ^ le t-m y -Ia rfr iD n d sT n l

shou ldJuivftthoughtofit-beforel a A bbyrihia will ISo'hard for me s

together. How can I tell the now. w ithout hurting thoir feelings?

f '-[; UKAH K A 'r.H lE E : You can’t."; • ' * up OD ha'^lng unlfonnly slim bridec

models. You’ve m ade your commit

Ir - . DEAR ABBY: My husband is

•^■-contcnd with'.'For cxompio: With <>’ many people keep mean d o p to • : ' T ha t’s fine, b u t these dogs should ^ a ttack deliverymen.

. M y husbana averages about ono rrrwhoseiowneh) .dolm ; they .’.'nevef i

m ak en lot o f noise.”------Another-pK>blom;-Tho-mail-cai

: postage due on nuiil on his rout< doesn’t reimburse him, tho mon

^ mailman’s pocket. . p'. You may say. "Two on 3 cents is 7 ~ T n y h U 9 b o n d h a s '< iV 6 r '3 0 ( r i io ^ l (n— all-adds-up.-------- --------- — ........ ' '

Caro to commcnt?_____________

DEAR W IFE: I am Informed thi ; obligated to deliver mall a t bomec ' a l lo w e d ^ run loose.

As for postage^ue mail: ‘True, t l .all poBtage^iue mail on his route. Hi

- . envelope sta ting the am ount due,dowoU reimbusse him, he's out-of

• F o r A b b y 's book le t, "H o w to H a ' ' i« n d SI to A b iga il V sn B uren i 132 U

C alif. 90212. P le o ie enclose a long . •: (20«) envelope. • ’ ■

fio- - Wj)dn«JBday, docombor3;i975

H i e .:h V a n B uranVM-N.r. N m tpM.. M.

'died In a hospital a year ago, ■ no. 'ind p ^ u t s who go around to . them -ihey^heuld-prepaf e-Uh-—~

ler. and who Mtd aha had np

minister a visits, my mother I ju s t gave up hope, er shouldn't even have visited b^ong to his church. Sho was n 't belong to ANY church, .chutchja - tho.whoto.worldi In he Lord crcatfd hoaven and > time,, any place—n o t- in - a ...

nd never a collection

M p u t thi» in your column.

j ; m m y x i t t l e t u r t l e--------- HARRISBURG. FA.---------

CuriU. Thank you for writing.

ljre.plaim iflg-out-wcddlng s i T ve ' srfocted ' for my -problem: -'Two-of-tho-girls------

K ctnot long ago where four .

d four were slim, I decided I siibi to .bo in-my. wedding. The will uy ,ja trsk to n y rfa trsk in n y -^— get!— ......... - .......... willrnlirm rw eddingrl-know -I-------andl asked them rbut-l-d idnU,— — is-fi rs in ce we've nil grown up isn’l ows to my two fa t friends H


1. And If you v e th a t hung

iltm ents. Stick w ith them.' hcali

is 'n mail carrier, and l*m ’ -InJn*!

th tho crirho ra te so high. . ' “ I to protect their property. to tl Id Iw tied, up so they can 't the

me bite o week from _ ^g s r blte-anyono, b u t like to • - -theti

• , J , ■ w»hcamer-tft-chargod-for—all_______uto,-and if the custom er' loney com es’ out of the the <

I isn’t all th a t m uch," b u t orc& o mak'(FsVfne”days7 'ondlt ,

......... T " ' it’s

' FH O E N IX W IF E -

th a t mail carriers ore notles where watchdogs ore ^

thfc cofriet is charged for 'He leaves the mail and oti You ue, aod if -thie custom er vetci

lave a Lovdy W edding," • nattoi U sk y Dr.. Beverly HiL . yo |


. ' a E O ELL ■ . , . g o e s i s

Arguing; h ^ l t f t y ‘7 3

CH lC A G O djP ir-P lghtinB nay be a good way to keep a parriage together, according .oa-suboriraTi psychiatrist._________-'W lo t-o f people are conrtlctiV D ldcrs.:i.saidJ)ii_Donald--------Ccrste. director of marital - ervices at Forest iiospitat in jburban Des Plaines. “They /ill do anything to avoidettlng tntoan^rgument-They--------^;ilt deny their own feelings jncmjnhciireeiPteiiveiTiiniTg-------- \r finu lii •a'liiiirrtnEO'tt'tTtni t — in’t." ■■ ••H e s a id u n e x p re s s e d

Ifferences : ’'end up -ln the wilngs of resentment and ilBtrusttii------------------ -----------------

So, lie says, arguing is a latthy way of airing dlf-, r c n e e s and a v o id in g ' ......

"I don’t encouragc peojjlc'I fight," Kersle siiiU. " it 's not ie rni-^;u.arl_of therapy, H ould be fair to say. wc en-)urago-thcm-to-find out-whHt-------lelr dlfforences'arc'and Jive •Ith them effectively,,,___________

"You can very d e a r ly see e ditfcrenccs’of opinion and c different w a « of ex- essfngi oneself. If they’re •filing to_,hlam c_and,,accusc.____s pretty standard stuff in cdicaHliu iu p y . . . . . .. ........... : 1

App'oihtmentrWlN FALLS - Lynn polrJ u n g . c o m m a n d e r of • incliterans of Foreign Wars P o st__ majanLTj^itO :fllls.ZJiaO )(yji V~F\tifled of his appointment as In mtlonal aldCKlc-camp. YiToung is aide to /No,m c s S h ep h e rd , Idalio andmmander. and this is the cha| » n d year he has been ap.

---------------- ■ ;

LDRED - ' ............■ ' ■fso /o /s f ■ .

E ' f

i ' .

rT in a i p ractices u n d er w<

t reported .minted to the post, ills duties nclude assl.stlng the com* nander in ail phases of the 'EMdlprofimmnnfI.r.spnctaliy—

Young also serves as district Jo, C adjutant quarterm aster ind Is a past district No, C haplain.

' - '■ R O G E R V Ih . . . dlrei

■ m a y f o r B o i h T ^ B s r p r ^

“ I r T t y n w o o i l S H o ^

. B an k C ard i-q lw d )

I -



■ . ■ I___

- .s"S '' *

— ------


lp|p - ^

r d y s w c l c o m e . '

M \/ Chore TF concer

TW IN ’F A 'L L S -B a c t I s B om ” will be pcrfor V alley d io fa ie a t 2:M p.

.. > T he cho'rale, d i r t i e d .. w ill p erfo rm the cam

— -cnncfirt.aL-.the-Cnllpgf}, , ■■ F Inp A rts auditorium , j

■ w lU t^ te icen . •Featured-soloisls-lhclt

S m ith , Bliss, mezzo sop J e ro m e , tenor; T erry Lc an d guest soloist. Cleo bass .

; '016 chora le is m its • : m a d e up of r e s l d e n ^ l

a re a w h o enjoy sTi)gingt« — ^ - iir^ d d itio irtP -th e -fe a

m usic and som e new T h ere will be orchesh;alj

t q i

h '.‘ --------- :—

lcJay~. T T 7 ^

loslngobduHhlsgertL boo>! Zlpthebig-rlngs

. fo«l wormth of the fue *'comfort of Ihe unit iolf

s ■

Tailor side zip-in block Bold crepo sole and he

•g/e plans riSundaya c b S “ f o r Us A .C h |lfl ■,■formed, by I h c . M S ^ ........Op.m ;Sunday;,_ -J .- . led by RoRer Vliiccnt, andle llgh t C hrlslm asgfcflL.Soillh w r a d ah o --------'1. A free^vvlll ^ ^ r i n g

lelude-D elores U ivell r " ' soprano: .Jay Fowles, ’L cc b n cr,B u h l,len o r,CO E ld re d , PocatcIIo, ■

Its tn ird y e a r and is ^ U h e M agic Valley i R to ^ F e r . . reatu red:nutt^lferr;:tKgr-‘—— trad itio n a l C h n s im a s " w C h ris tm a s .songs.•al ac com pa n im cn t_______

s ^ I j l-----------...................... --------------------


ertuin# leafh itr i—;------------------::ng s ide xipper a n d ’ f u ^ lining ond . so lfc '

• a * . .

jck Of brown.- I heel.

■ - . - . v * 3 a « ■ : ■

| p F ^ ,

Page 25: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


— — D e tr iS M te te o n r ------- -------_R ecc^y .m y huslund and 1

•took a'serics oMc^ls: ore ’: Wlh.Ih.our'«ls..Amongtheni •

was a TB skin lest. This was Ihc first expcrlcncc for cilhcr '

.ofuswllhthlslcst.andwcbolh . . - rc»clcdposlllvely. ' - •- .Nowwo wonder ifKshoujd_^

have chesi X-rays.W vcbccn . lold 11 Is unnecessary.

........ -W c wondcr lC-you . Q-tiid •agjyc wjih tnis In a ease likeo u rs .-M rs .M .R .E . '

I believe an X-ray or the- — chcst-aoulffbe doTrcTnQl'fiUlT"

becausc oUhe positive TB skin lesl reaction, bul bccausc il

TB skin _

could reveal olher problem's that canoccur al your ago. .

]| Is not unasuai (or oi(‘n> loproduccji positive skin'lcsfr*' Such results mean only lhat your system has at some time In the past been invaded by Ihc TB germ . II . docs not necessarily mean you have or •

— ;— cvcr-hadactiv&lubcrculosls. r? . A fqljow-up X-ray Is a

, andyourhusbandshouldlake._ I t 's been found lhai whlie a .

sizeable percentage of < Ihe a S u lt p o p u la tio n , re a d s pb5Uiy.cIy_icsRC.(JnlIy- in .._ : congested urban arcasf a |

— - reJQUvoty^5moil=segnrcm^ms

statistics represent one of our , remarkable medical success i stories. In 1900 Ihc death rate |

• wasonlheorderofzooforcach ,

■ Jatcst statistics show a decline ,-------- to leas- th o n —fl—dcaths-pci------ :

______ ________ ;— ,Incidentally. If there was a ,

spulum examination made In j Ihc coursc of Ihc series of Icsis

. youandyourfiusbandhad.'lhls • , might 'have included one for tIio” pi'cs(nii;u' uf thinltscasc— organism. Cheek on this, but ask' lo have an X- ray taken. jUsl lb be bn Ihc safe p

• — side._______________ ■. 'DearDr.TtMSteson:

1 am a freshman (a boy) In high school, and J wont to become « doctor someday.

__. Although m y lelter . is notpertaining to my health. I thought that perhaps you culild

------- glvemesome advice.--------;------1 have read mony books on

' doctors and their' rple In society. 1 have cohsidcred being a volunteer In a local

--------hospirotrtjut-i-aon'nmntnhey— ■----- would accept me.-I'm M.-Whal I

----- .-.<ihniilfllrin?.-N T_____________I'm afraid most of Ihc i

^hospital volunteer programs \ - • a re ' more or less female ' :

— ^o rlea led ^ allholifli 1 can sco no j I reason why an Interested / I young man like yourself should V

be barred from any such Jprograms, .......... A

Thprcr arn ^omff p roflrimr tJ geared lo leenage volunlccr ' i work, and you’d have lo chcck / with your local hospitals lo see ' \ if lh ey have any. Ago iimlls 4 vary.‘but your age moy work ‘

* against you. so you may have /____ tobldeyourtlm e In this._________l|

Meanwhile, you should keep '-------your-noeo In-yourschooi books,—

» and tailor your academic ' 1

r - J . ' ^

\ 1 .. B i H l | l H H | H

^ 1 ! l l i | lI # T J T " X

. program.toward the bloiO tlcal ' sciences. You should also be

prepared lor a long and I somewhat-arduous academic--

carcer followed by a pcriod'of I • -Inlcrnshlp.-addihg up lo from—; , seven to ten years after high

school. I think thal yoiir amblllpn-Is - a-commendable o n e ."an tj, '!" '

--h o p cy o u im flU lt...— ---------------D m D r.T bostm n:

I am facing surgery for ey e . *• -catoracta:-Plca^ tell m e-w hv~

this operation does not leave a .•. ^ r s o n stone blind, — C. B.

Weli; tho faclis thal without -■==ttte“eyc 'B la& ersa rtT n 5 c ran “

would be ••stone/blind” for details, allhough hc could see

mlight.W herethccalaraclsform .

Is In^the lenses of eyes, which Is , why'vlsionbecomesiobadnnd

g rad u a lly d im in ish es ' to nothing. IVithoui the ca^inict opera tion you' wUuld be practically blind beyond the help of any artificial lenses. With the operation, and ,

— glasses orcDntact-lcnscs;'Bood—

Although cholesterol Iwis been Implicated in heart at-- tpcks and olher circjilatory troubles, it is also vital to human life. For this reason Dr.

—Thosleson—has—entitl«fd—his— _b.oo.kLcl. .. •jC.ojilrol Y our _ "Cholesleror Sensibly.•’ For a ,

—copyTvrit(Tta*him~trrcanrof— this newspaper. P.O. Box 3991). El'gln, Hi. 60120. encio.<iine a long. seif-Sddrossed. stamped envelope and 25.cents.

■ ^D rr~T hosteson~M ’elcoiTiesreader mail but regrets that.__due lo the tremendous volume

—recglved d aH yhg’jsTm abie-ttr^ answ er Individual le tters. Jf: Renders’ • questions arci In- j corporatcd In his column / whencverposslblc. "

■ 1 ■ ■

N e w s

7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 - —

X mrf>» p XT 7 iiicK tiiio K iim lr^— fl '(( c3osniETics ‘ ) r


f — S A L E ^y , * IWuiiy Giffs M

^ l.<irfifSf'li'rthn o f w f f \ i ' ir Jfiri'Iry l l . .

\ n r Catiilrnriii Fiir4'W MuhcVp ■ W . y 7 Cluilrhiiiii' Cohtftiiv. f t


P i l 'I j i T y i B


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I _ * £ a a ts ^ ia c k e t ,: s h ir - t ------• Solid c o lo rs , p la id -• P e tit p o in t, g len

----- ^plaid---------------- r —— • : D o u b l e 'k n i t 5 = ^ ~ ^ ^

•r/W any c o lo rsc o m B K n a tio n s }

• S izes 10 to 2 0 ' 7 "

~ ~Reg7$38 "~ ~

z h :

W O M E N ! S i ^IFATHFR ^

PANT 1 - C Q A I S J

• Supoibquolily.gonulne---- leother coals .

,. . from^I ■ •3 3 inchbu llonand •. - J W\ wropttylei.\ • Rayon loKeio lined■ \ •S lz « t8 te 10 > 5 ^

• Flvocolof»buinoiln overYltylo.

. BOYS' g 0 NYLON ^P JACKET I— -nylon»h«ll.___^. . ..•Nylon lining quilled

. roocololc'^•H idden hood ond

hnlleulf* ■'• A itodedco lo rt—


JU 0 III n i


SW !? u « 3 K D ? T O .il


f i ~ ------------ "


• S l ip p e r s , s c u lf s , bo( I • L o n g i h o g p i l e

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r R e g ; : $ S i j

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g g •A m u iti-co io rlio ro lp ri • co tton tbrry cloth ,

• A v o r to d colors on wh ^ ■ . •A ll first quality

BATHilZB HAND SIZE ^ 'R o g .^ 9 8 . Rog. 1 .89.


• ' . ' n ■ ' ■ /


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I ' SWEATERS•Fom oU s.brond •C ord lgons, pull-ovors•^Acrylic*rwool»----- ----•A sso rlo d co lo rs . • *51105 S-M-L-XL.

gr-Rj-g:$iB tD tlfl“

I $ Q 9 9 J

W ! T O | i i

mSl T V y iM f a l l s

f l l


TWIN FALLiJm m g i g ^

Page 26: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


‘C h iDALLAS (.UPI) ^ Ahavo 13 ‘

' ~ obeggarforG odw hopraysfor— smon — bul moy add a pica for i<

-w arm w eather, generous imotorists and Uic ability to g dodge traffic, ‘' A member of the Children of c

-C cdr'ihc bbors at the city’s a• fcusiwt ;inlej5 «:tions wilh a ’ 8l

im ilc a’iid ’ a religious pum- c;■ pHl«l. hoping m o to r is ts U-Sloppwl a l red iliOits will be si

• rcccplive to Cod's word - and _ -m aylwpayforil, - ' Ic r “On an average day I can iti ^ i l c c t about she said.

“ Ip ^ es trlan island ns 'lhc iTftiir^’ni

_____________ f e



">»Iahy pcrishablo Safeway B to-rcaii date beyond wbich

______ ■. t e sold. Tbis Kuaranlccs theXrcsh and delicious for th period. O ur open daling prc

. . way Brand pcrisliublcs nicj o f freshness und top quali:

--------------mllI:,coltagc-cHc(*se,-soui?i--------------- andjuany o thers.___ 'J

■ ^ i a n n i n g :

"TKaroSyriip S T T —Golden'browh-Sugi

Pie Sliced Apples Real^M

—Hawaiiairfoncfr> g o o d i e

Mini Marshmallow! ^Mandarin Oranges ! Fruit Cocktail i":,;

Pineapple Gelatin Dessert A’iJ l^eam Whip

I l ~

J .

— -OUR.EXPRESS-CHECKSTA!ItV a Focll Now you don 't ha for-<onv«nlene*r-Our-Expr«tj w ay* open .for 9 ilem i or 1«: hov* |u if d f e w J te m i try ou r sav e - Time a n d ' Men«yl * G ood N eighbor Storol

' I

ol—Wodnoylayi£)ocQmbnf,3..,lgfi ■,_

i l t l r e nturned green. "Usually five or c

- s ix pcopie-rpec-ilght—take----- !•'leaflets, a few give doi^alions." ' w

•( Ahava walled .a .moment, gathering her l6ng gray plaid ' . o coat for protection iiRalnst the C cold. Then iho light turned red , fi and cars began to stop/She • a filcppcd back Into the street. w calling out the same message w through cach closed driver's side window: pt

" lieylv Rhe said. "You want to to read Ihls? No? Okay. God St iovesyou!" “ rt

Ahava. 2C. ond .'her, friend J li! Joshua. on Ihe nttier side of w

"lH r“ fnlch)t‘eHohr suiil'‘' f f i o y ' ' '^ '


lATING ^ FRESHNESS____ ?■ Brands carry an easy- ^;h the product will not ^he product''will remain ____:mthe norm al home-use F k jrogram on niany’Safe- •leans you can t e sure ' . vQlity in foods such as J"f-crcam i'bakcd-goods------- ;------

4 Parti? - ^

g a r 5 ^ i ^ $ 5 < ^

W iW crnoi* 2 5 o£ - , Z O . .Brand /

Bd 24-^*. 7 0 ^ I®a - - bottlo / 7 < V

— :

uK ? ° r ’ ':59< ■ I■=— Town —2>*-Ho usb-------

id, Chynk 20-ox. C 7 « f /j^ l^o Ju rp l_____con « J / * - febIIW oII \ C 3 -o z . $1 \ !*ssortod p kg il I

AND A I W A Y S O P ^ ----- --havo to .p a y high pricM S • u - C h « c w a n d s a r a ol>. - t a le it . Tho noxt ttm* you f l j rE x p ro t t S o^Ico . Y oull - —- S A F E W A Y - Y c t f r --------- |^j

^ ^ --------— g

■ 'lg>;c6pY «IG H

Sod’ pijsh~clii)se" I h e l r "wil-k "liecausc'T i'l-i^notf)ingr-clB(£mifli_lQ___ l

work.'’ , . ' •, Befora.joii^ng.the.Childrcn . { of God — a fundamcnlnljst Christian iwcl whose members i

. frcqucntlyilve In comrhuijcs - - J Ahava wa.s a secretary who . c wanted to bd more Involved s with people. i• " r saw so_ many unhappy

people," she said., "You want v to do something for t h ^ . c Sometimes out here you find a s really recvptlve person.-They I listen to-j-ou and they really a want lo know." _ ti

“ *BSf'’*rtiRt"‘nrP"'^cJniTTD’i i s ' ^

' f M

- G o H e i F B. . . - Fancy.Fruit.From

V____________G rea t For Port

R e d D e l i c i o u s A G o l d e n D e l i c i o y

l i o m e B e a u t y A F a n c y J O i a n g e s


--------- ^^r-BofKJ-S©je$fo*«ft-De:--------- A BigJreot-Eor-BigJ

0 W h ite - Sa tiWhite Satin Brand I .Up-Your-HolidaysV

S Chili— ^-^-^ow n'H oosB-G hlfl-W

______ Shop Any. Day-Of-Tf^

© ToniTown H ouse Tom ato H ouse W ith Yoyr Fa>

— — ^ M T T rW rig h tV S lic e d - Ploin o r S esam e Han

ffi^rownie~MixS iSt.Tuna Helper era Walnut Meats H^r EiptbiiSdiipMix^ a Saran Wrap wrap

3HT s i * ^ A y STORES. IN

7 molorisl • must be c o h V l i i ^ " pi__thc.-slranger approaching h ls _ hj

car isn’t a niugcer. And JosS 'h e_ says tliat's a niajor problem .. ,v___

"5 g u e s s 'I t ’s f e a r . o i ' ’ to !»mcihing," Josli said.- “TheyJ ' sa

- Just sec a long-hoircd; guy .so coming at therti with some or stuff in his hand aiid. don't a r understand whafshappenlng.' Bi

"The worst e«p>erlcnce 1 had was wllh a truck driver. I was pa coming up from behind and ho wr saw m e in'hls rearview mirror. sti I got to the window and held up thi a punrphlet. He held up n ' tirelron," th<

^ -A TiJerssia* s ! i n i 6 n w “


ta n a n a F -im-The.Tropics •_______________arty S a lad s • _

ApplesJ:^q:^ (US Apples Ho;° g"c AppleS'^^Zn':1 C aliforn ia Large 5LSelectecLhiavels-l___:_____ ::

J P firtiftg -___J__________________^

L ^ S i i a i iid B eet S u g a r — S w e e te n , s With* W h ite S o tiir^ ___^;_____

i with BW Ith"B edrT r= ^R 'egulardrH ot^ -The-Week a n d Sove — - v

i q t o ^ iito C atsup — C om pare Town 'a v o r ite N a tiona l B rand . It's Gr<

th Bmhrd-Hot Dog-Buris — 1 l - o t r p k g .- a m b u rg e r Buns — 13*oz. pkg.

t 3 S ~ ^ l i e r ^ ......... ------------

itty f*rrifkur 931 -OT , _______

rocker n d -6 ro n d -1 6 -o s ^ |-A Q ------------01 & Pieces pkg . I . V 7 l _

Onion ! 2 % -wy o u — -------p fcB T 'O X ^------ —iitlc •so.ft.^ K K j -a p r p i r . v J ' f


I ^ t r e d l i g- pn^OcmV/,'ffut_lVneSaM'shc ■ I

h adgp ltenoneortw d lea 'thah -' ^' hdhorablcoffcrsr— ------ \

. J ,‘Son)c-iuyLh“ve.a5ked.rnc _ . . to gel into their c a rs .'’,'-arc' (

' said, ’'or to go wjti}, tberti c somewlierc. But most-imple* i are, real nice. Sorne gej mad. r and some have ycHcd o fm e . 1 Bul'most arc real nrci:'."' ‘. '

Ahava said she could find no pattern to what type person' would talk to a stranger in.the V street. Cut Josh said' the bigger thacpr. the less Chance. - t f

"Mhybe the ri^h fecl like' 1 they have everything they . 1

^TlW d/M je s a lS f ^ M ^ ^ ' t h ^ * -


R usse tH ^- Idahos^ R^issets —.Kini

^.oncy.:_:A ' $ 1 ______ iG row n . “ Ibf. ■ i

■ ; 4 . . . J I


ovort.* - --------- hol- ----- ---— — gal U

i o . i b . ^ ^ ^ E____ . b a g —

t e a n sDt------ — ............................ .. " 1 5^0

-------- II'.':''' «

l a t s l i p1 . 2 0 -cI G reat! . . .b o tt

i s - : -

c g . - - ^ -------------7 - . 8 -coui9- - pl<!

' ~ J c S i o ? s “ l-------------- ------D 5 u b l?^ z e 'C h e- — :-------------- — I

M l 2BV4^x.-~ .................. pkg.

: ^ a v c —^ e r ^ J a 7^

« -Pampers^lr,^^^^^ BabyFood1i;^t"d

Simil^ I n f a n t Fprm ula — 1J

--------\ r ^ y ' -- c a te

ghtsVeci ■ they _doit'i‘; :word. Prfc^e's.ff)l:p;iof.lo.dov

'__ Jo-sh «iys sometimes he gets.;..discoura^yji.j.n ■ his work.-. especially t(,'4ic's: having-ah ; > o ffd ay n n d can g e t ..few. m otor^ls to accept.-the leafjels. . *


^ ta to e sing o f V egetobles

JlewXrop^to Naveldranges pink Grapefruii Fresh roccoli

■Hon M

— ^ i Q c« a n _ : ,^ ^ P r . __

- 5 5 ‘ottie

h e ^ e T iz z 'd - I

i^ ly lo 3 0 ^ . 9 I C ■ ■ abloDloper box :

ilac ' ■ J V .I:'" ^13>ounce c a n t ■ ' - c

G iv e a Prdc

P o I B mFull-Bloomed Hol

Brighten Your Home

■ ' K m m ____ 6 ! j 'n e h _ . ^ lv r ^ p o t ■ !

te In Shell A lm onds, BrozU W alnu ts o r Filberts T

C olifornia Choice N avel O ranges

I l f U.S. No. 1 - Texas Ru^j I I* M edium 40 Size

I T ender Tight L .Green_H eads_:_________

M a y o n n a i s e Imitatior

Salad Dressing *}So\ R i p e P i t t d O l i ^

D i l l P i c k l e s

G r e e n 0 | i v e v Moniai

Packed In .0

- © 3 - ^

E P M o t 3 0 o v 2 p W

J j j M. q u o f

- S a ^ a / a y ^ u a r a n t c

- G r a d e ^ A - E q g ^ ;

- L o n g h o r n C h e e s e - I

A j M i i p p i a g i j B f l !

■ J l W h i p p i i r g C T e i

: f i - L u c e r n e S o u r G i

$ L u c e r n e S o u r C i

Solve yotir

There's no more acMploble glfl ORDER. Il'« redeemojile a t a chan^iie of guoranteed quain from the Manager or Aiilitant

^ “ *5.00, $7.50, MO,

____ _______________ . • I-

i c t i c d l G i f t !

a D ^ e lc f n e '

DEHYDRftTOR~ P re se rv » .F o o d

b y D o h y d ra tin g o r S m o k in g .

Call 733-5376^ fo r In fo rm atio n

Holiday P lan ts ................. ^ne W ith Polnsettas

..ei.35" - 2 ,„ 2 9 /

<£uerijJa^ YJeeJi

4o Mode , ,8*ox.' A Q j QOO iilond bottle **7 ^ ___

>ress Stuffed 8*ox. Q Q y izanllloOlives bottle 7 / '

M a r g a r i n e ri.Quorteris ' - .

16-oz. IPi’S '- I I

» t o r ^ i l I)W eigK t . ' I

iiort 2 9 *tied “ aiii acUon ' II^^slio . dox. 7 4 ^ * ”^ l |

l9 !!L .S iiy _ p jiii_ !8 5 /

G r e a m — p s - 6 8 / - | -

G r e a m 3 8 ) ^ I

) problems’ I, - I- I

^ SAF£W Jiv‘ l i

glft.thanaSArEWAYOIFT It any Safeway for mer* '■alHy. Get full Informotlon ■ ' an t Manager o t Sqfeway.

10.00 or 525.00 T

j -

Page 27: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

---------— f-,.. . . . y ' ■ —

‘Diaperle!-1' .X ,

• to the driver of a ojjdlnajKerequIrt

/ David FtiUer. q ---------^ ^ ------ ^ -^appeartodayIhm

• - • ----------- -'n ieord lnancev. he would be back <

••rm nevergoin Tbe d ty couodl

Joseph R. Young.'I te b o is e im d c

IhedlyaadY ounj drivers maintain t

~ FuQdr ia td (he I ___ -hfigC.!' r.::a;


R a u n d I_____ ‘ USDA C h o ic e Bb

r ~ — ^i j b^

Beef Rump Ro3 I Beef Chuck Roa B ||f Short Ribs j^ ^ u b eStea lilii Ground B(

iC ^k Bologna =4|p6y^nks-F T fab Baron

— : J S ( u iu t! fu t^ K S .Q

^ a k e r i j o

J ® Snack Crac f t Doughnuts oi'dVo

Family Pack Bread fl Skylark Bread

■/_______ ,

f t i(e Cream Bars Bel-air Waffled Iw . f t Bel-air Dinners d range Plus Orang I

iss” horse ci)N,'s. cTraSi '-^city p i i t o i l a e-draw n aurlo^ .w tiQ rcluscd I i r ^ b o re e s to wear d i a p e r ..............

, operator c>f the O u u io tr a Carriage pMfft'on achargeof fidllng

e w a it Into eOcct Monday, tMit FuUtf v 0 0 (he street again with his dlaperles

}ing to put a diq>er on m y horses," he s kO apfsfoved tbe measure recently' ai g, who said businesses complained ai)o d carriage trade is a tourist attractior jng said tbe ordinance will help keep U n the diapers will ntln tbe Image of tbe e of diapering a horse Is “Just

S t s i l s ^B e e f - f u l l C u t

1 ^ ;^ . I r - ^ S e A C ho ice ------| 0 3 > l S a f e w a y Trim J li

- - J . ' U SDA C h o ice ’q S I B lacie C u t S te a k s

U SD A .C hoice B e e f P la te

G u a r a n te e d T e n d e rM 5 _ E a t i n g , ____ _________ l l

A n y S ize --------l e e i P a c k o g e _____________

a S te r l in g B ra n d By t h e P iece

N o rb e s t T u rk ey Hof Dog____“ F o r A 'C h a h g e O 'P a c e “ 1

] h y B ar-S ' ”^ y T hT P iecB _ [[.

brd Crystajh" —1 -“ T W i '^ ^ s ’ h a to m ” Q

] Fooled WIno or AJ---- -'Juice Glati...........................( ’ 6-ounce

= j B a c i i 4 5 - ^

> Nabisco . 6«oz. £^A jQuality----- p k g . - O ^ '-

.WrlBW'T' 12- o x . 'Z Q , A To»hloned ' pkg. 0 7 ' K

i 4 » 2 9 I■ |o o % w h o i . * > 1 6 h j x . $ 1

_wh4oti«>aa-J-toave<— I----------

;■ s68<*''' I :V" 2 = S 4 7 < (. Chlckenor 11-oz. J A . - I

Jur^koy pkg. ^ 7 ^ ^ I»o Frozen 12-ox .'.Z C v I» Drink '" c a n T O jF i

kedl a traiHc summons Monday ' d to coDidy jr iU ia n rw d ty —:— _

ige Inc., w u.ordecc^ to Mng tod iapd -b isbo ree ..................... niT vow edafierhlsaiT estihat--.- P* iessboiseandbuggy.

lesald. ' '' ' • ptf a t (he urging of Alderman < thiixNitbwsedropplntp. ’ sLion In Uie historic sectkn of ac p the streets clean. Carriagetbe horse arid carriage. thBt plain disgraceful (0 the • th

■ .p i


F orT h jsU

U S D A G ra d e /^ F re s l

H b . :

lb. L / y s l ic e

Ih 98) Pork lb. 75i Smol

,BJ.9&^_jCudfl „ 8S^ - Bone lb. 89f Corni

^tink; ,bl.59 Fresh

® i f e iM rs. W rig h t 's H o m e 1 N o te T h isT e rr if ic Eva

' O v e n jo / S a l te d Crocl S a la d s , C a s s e ro le s —

S A p p;_________ H ig h w a y B ra n d A p p

D e sse r t T o p p in g — S<

c e C r enow S tar^A sso rti

M eatPies Vorloiioi

Cooking BagiA.:^':: Pie Cnist Shells Mince Pies Stn Rd',

Price €^CiC»iica^‘SufrTltti«’ ' il

CHICAGO -^^ C p n su m cr.. .C "aavoco lcs M»avc iold Ih c U u

Federal Trade Commission - o il' Monday th a t 'th e . cost of 'a s incdlcine l l n ^ days is a b lU cr~ "uiy piUtoswuIiow. • " - - - p r l

They t«aliflcd a t‘'an W Ins hearing ycslcrday. In favor of a . .hi i proposed federal, rc^ la lio n ted

* that would overrule the many Ill.t slate laws (hat noW ban lbc an i advcrtlsinB «drugprices.' , ■* 'B u t phamiaclsls attacked Vci

the proposed rule os a move Io’a that would rcduce Ihe phar- foir

-JiacU U ' rolc.^(qyn lhnt,nf .1 ^th ie .p ro fe s s io n a l h c a l lh -c a rc *1 provider (0 tha^ 'of a' bollle h a t

mrvur You Shop.Wolch*"'” " ■" “ 9 USDA G rad e Shield

IrFTyws”e sh W h o le Frye rs

^ 5 5 ^ : 1■ ■ J J . _____ ■*

i tB a c o n l lS f ^ kSauiage_S& l DkedHams ^htTL' iahy_Bar-S Hamsi i^esstiatns nedBeef rSausaqeiSli^p ;h Pork Roast i:.";:

ih f i te ite S ty le B re a d iv e ry d o y Low -Level Price!

i i t r i ia c k e r s — G r e a t For S o u p s ,1 — S to c k Up O n T his S u p e r Sa_y

ite Sailp p le S a u c e —. G rea t_ D e sse r t q i.:- S e rV e 'H o t o r C h ille d

a r ^

M i m : \ |1 e d _ F J a v o K _ _

. 0 6 :iforid “5 8-oxi $1

. O pkg. I ■ /,uet 5h>x. 7nod ' . pkg. M ti f ■ 'Bol-oir ' 2-<t. C A j ■P;Inch_..... p o tk jJ ^ F IAroxon - 24-ox. Q O v ' 'pdy pl B-’ O A ^ - - -

o f m edicii~fi 11 “ ' ‘

. CcUa_Maloncy._diroclor-of— m< th e governor's Consum er Ih; 01 tvocate Office. IwtKtrd thal- su

Jl survc;^by hcrjifflcejW ned _ vc u p big dlffcrcncrs’ Tn.d'niR'. 'd r prices at-various stona. For 1 Instance, she said. 'U)ne- ' sp h iin d re d 250 m illtR ram Ri tetracyclinc lablcts cosi as th' Ill.tle as SITKTiTlhc one slore ; Pt and);51nanollicr. - ad , j"{.illinfe the tun ' on ad-- be Ve rllsing is just the first .step in lo' lo’Acrin}; Ihc hiRh cost of ilruRs pr foir our consumers cspecinliy 1

■ U n e d d c r k .! : s h c ja ld ! : . . .^ .^ .^ . . - s c 'r iie ban on druR advertising a

h a s been lilted In Illinois slncc ' pr



P o r k Cy^sjprted Chops V*

a r n o b ra n d f ~ £/ o r . lb . 1 . 0

y W hole H og, 1 ABC'lium. Hot - lb. P t ^

I's B rand . . 1 1PrbrtlonTT lb. I* I

I f , Boneless ^ >0IS>- .W aste .Free: _ J b . - Z . O

;-/i-R 6 m d W aste ^ A_FL|lly Cooked Ah^ j L A

B ndnd 1 0I B e e f Round lb . ! • « /

i i l U l i ^ l z z l e r s — 12 «oz.^1 -1 FuPjFlavor . p k g . i « l ,

3n-e|es» _ . 1jst’on Butts :1 b . ■ • /

M c l t e r s16-0

>g y e r __________ i_pki

u c e ^

S a v e O r t

J C r f i m e ^ . s ^ r r Truly Fine Shampoi batril Tablets Vicks NyqiiH

T^ergens Lbfion ;Duracell-Fra^Kii^ Duracell Battery


ne ‘bitter jAugust.' There %vas no i n r sc

-modlalo leslWony on whelher-;— pi that action has rcsulled in 'a ac substantia! -amount of od-- / - p | vcrtlsing or ajiy lowLTinn of

■ dniBprlces,' ',piL a u .r a ln c - 'K u s h m e " r . . - p

spoakinR' for the NatronJl t t Retired Teathcrs.Assn—and " (j< the American of Retired ' pi Persons,, was lit favor of dr^JR pi advertising. She said U'would be “an important sitp toward ■ lowering exees-slve prices for prwcriptiondniR.-!." •

The core of the iirgumeni of

a responsible ptiiu-mactst provides many professional -

I h o p sVa Loin S liced---------- ------------

63 T-Bone St

.19 Boneless I 85 BeefRibi 49 Turbot Fil 39 Catfish St .19 ::rSeafood( 79 bwiledC |y^:Vil -T

m 16-o r. S & lo av e s


iy J a ^ ^cecLine Brond 1 6 -o x .'C C -> — dXom pore bplt[e_jJ « / c _

0 0 "

r ■ ’.“SSI-1 .4 515HJI. 1 c y , bottle 1 . ^ /

topy paeltAA (2 ct. pack) or 1 | Q9 v o l t i iz e each I • 1 7

:-W odriM <j,iv: PeM m bor 3.-'ig75- - Tin

pill to swasen^fcc.^ when Tic till.';' a • ' J

“prcwriptlon. and~ihat drun • - { advertising will drive ihcse- i

-phnrm adstsout9 fl>uslncss. ,•. Dona ld G auRher. vice .p re sid en t ol, Ihc llilnois, P h a r in a c e u t l c ’J l A ssn .: te s tif ie d th a t ' m any in-.

' d e p e n d e n t I 'h i i r in a c is ts provide “p.iticnt metlicntinn p ro f ile s ." ..In which the


G lotie S eed W ill H ave III - ' - V C d B E l i i K S ' ^ “' Tna t e . I n iifti . m-nn

A S e rv in g - ' S u g g e s tio n

firoffiicf_ A iS a ie ^ a y _ B ,u y .A n y _ S iz e .


L i A s L c • USDA C h o ice s > l 6 a K ) S h o r t Loin

ief Liver I Pot Roastr P n a c f u s d a c h o ic e • . J v U C I a l S to n d in g -R Ib —

i I I a ^ c (G re e n la n d S e d fo o l L l V - i y - l J n |o y A m e _ I o n i g l

k f A A v e '^ I C d n J F re sh W a te r


-—Mirocle-. ------ . - ' I f ro fr fift|dd-C

- 3 2 - o ib o ttli


* P o c a te llo , B lacicfoo t, *ld * M o ritp e Iie r, * B u rIey , *TV * B o i» , *M t. H o m e , * W e b u r g , '* P a y e H e , * C a Id w e l

* T h e s e S to re s Q]

AIMremt & Prices In Th' Effective M onday Th

D eeem borl Thru .Doc

© co^riiCHT i? « SAffWAr s

TE N T O P A3 ^ Jr iiiA a*nn :$ :R irC 0 ii« :$ :C

• jf J d M to lfa i^ J f ila d rW C w n

n j n


allow’;-drUBgi6t-keeps track of olj •. .U

drt]g.s ea'ch’per^n Is' uslntt and _ .•"consulLs wjlh; Ihe patient's '

^doctor If some of the .d rup_ _i] m ay .h a v e h a rm fu l in - ;

• A tractions_____.' , . ' j

BOOTSF o r C h ris tm a s .

- — r ^ G i f t s I — T ' S h o p V ic k e rs ,

fo r L o w er . P rices

VICKERiB ’ ^ S j l D D i i S V ' "

25»Shoihon*Sl.Sfc 73J.7076


Safeway _ Regular___: __ ,


lb 2.19’-r ' lb. 79/^A C hoice I C Q := Chuck lb . I . J . 7

d J > r ^ n g : i £ - " IS■l99r HMS EFFECTIVE IVHO STORES' I d a h o Falli, ' "R upait, ~ 'Twin Falls, * G M ding , \- M/eisei', *Jerom e, Rex- veil, *N om pa. fO p e n S unday " " ■

Thfi Advertisement ’Through Sunday Oocember.7, 1975


A R T IS T S IU b ^ E i g i i i i O r a i a t ,p - S a ir a M il i l i in i i t l lM r

i N C M p o w r a r " " - ^ --------- ^

Page 28: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

twin F.ll'i: u iftF


GENERAL TENpENaES:' ' almc'niccetifully the firn p i r f ' nced-tm ict Ciutiovjly ind ivoid

. - A R tfS (M«r. 21 10 Apr, 19a d tflce, Mga_« «fni apprnval, th m Uter.'Organize'thinking. Himdle' • TAURU5.(Apr. 20. lo May 2i a .m .-i6 -p u t them in operation fine advice early.'Iron out any i

OEMINI (Uny 21., lo June accomplishing s gbod" deal, but :

— — letcrin the day: Tryti^Ieasc-cK i d i ^ O N "CHILDREN (June 2

• better rclationi with aisociates' should be handled later in day. 1

LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21). H

■ better unilenlanding with co-worl f .; VIRGO (Aug.. 22 to Sept. 22

■ j- early in day and then play, rclievi- > P^pantions, even where recrtstio

UBRA (S ep t.-23 to Oct. 22). ,1 m*Ie in6ae you resiae wun nappi

^ ' Vertjoy Iheir appreciation. .Study j , SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) -InfnrmirttQrt, then analyse It tyfll. aiiociatei for “be tter rapportin-fut

' excellent for findinF bctter wa; income, but later gel down t o ' expert’* idea's.

‘ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 lo Jan. aims la a.m., then laier help othc appearance and health. Gad about

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. >9 put some plan to wotk succesful work you have to do. Home is best

= ^ n SGBS- ( r eb-,=aO-m.MgTP2 0 )-t: of a dynamic frien ^ ta a.m. Go a You n«ed more rest so get it in p.n - IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TO be a bom .organizer and-should be then success starts eortyi provided

____educatlon-al_ the. r ig h t-^ o o ls - th----- qualityrteaching^how-ttnirai?e~1he' ~ iri'lfils chart a |io,_and_one wjjojalci

'Som e'm usicartalent here, alio. "The Sj.ars impel, they dtf?I»

• mak£ of your life is largely up to Y

BtO N D I^

; ' ( violin l e s s o n s -^ ^^ .C O M lN S ,E L M O ? g

: : z z/ V O U P I ^ \ ^

- tw at w e l l , ) ®

r s H Q g rg iB s . -

\ A V V O M ^ I [ j u s t

|« - |« D n f 6 7 M 4 f A - ! l0 8 = - ” ^

r v — ^ ^


r ■ m / y ........ b

" D o rtB v rto C jiF A N -O P i^ or can I jo»t noaten it (

rto Wodnoadair. Docomtjor 3.1975 •,

: ® | p eC arro lfR igh te r ~ j

DAY, DECEMBER 4, 1975 •• j

: Yoii“ can: lake action on ‘ rt 'of 'the"3ay,' but a ie f yo*u-.' . 3id contentious persons.' - 19) Confer wilh bigwigs for • >e n -be :caT e^oC {ta idng -iiaka____ , !,le'crilJit. =20) You have fine id eu in

on. A- newcomer gives you p y mistakes- in new ventures, ne. 21) Morning tees you ' it take no risksiof any l ^ dc lO K in re r— — ------- - “ " r }

22 to July ,.21) Cenient • iS in a.hi. Health problem*

Reconcile .wilh opponent. ‘ Handle important wotk in

orkers In a.m. ' ' - f*22) Get into creative work 'eve tensions.-Take time fo?. ----- L j ,tion irconcem ed. ~I) Quietly do whatever will-_______Iip ie r and th e n «it tiacit-ano T f p ro fitab le new. in‘t e r « t i ~ ' * (J !I) D o research f o r needed .U._UscJ«cLiiid«lin«J^lh______Aluturer-*— f ”T ^ P 'ei ; D ’ He mlrig -•fa'- - - ways to add lo present H } work at hand. Analyze ^

n. t20) Go after personal | | 2ther* gain their*. Improve gIt town in pan. B>9) Quietly study bow lo ■■ fully, then get busy with<st b it in p.m. 7

) after thal parw n^ aim. _

rODAY . . . he or she will • be given free rein at this, . CS led you also give a good -that-stress Ithis..valuable.. heTno5rof'ttr~AnipDrn*“ [Xw akcsj'ojiliglbri-natutaUy,—— Pi

I Kftor^compeL" What you iY d U !

( MY ‘t e a c h e r s a v s I ■ %— W H em -«= «ff---------£


(, N g SM E.W ISH ES I___ _ A___ A . JA SC H A HEIFETZ . . " Tci_ V W E R E Pt_AYINS



? r Y TA KE C5FP T H A T 1 •w J a a v w w A N o “ _ S C H E ME AWSS.___ ^

' '3 = ^ j & ^ k = ■ WCK

C T p g T f f l E

. p

see what\ 1 I pU /V I E A N v J ^ ^ jp o _ i | g

/ I 'liow

ny roomrMomniy/~ f a l i t t l e ? " ■


t o m e , { 7 ] ^- N i n a ' U j i y f T j


I , im r . M m -

i lL — - aiv , ■ ___ _ ^

t - -----'


A N ^ C A f ^ y l

L l F i o r ^ A i w t D T ^ r ^ ' g l i p — ^

S - P

tL L E Y O O P



IF y o u COME • T WhJAT C ACROSS A N /tM /N^ \ VCO f,\£ S O O O , RE A P r r A . ?


'* / ^ ^ ^ 7 f c i ’ >3 '

/■■ , / y

>iz a r p ~q f .ip . >


Jlfll' ' ■ ' ■ - ~0 M ft. f e w e e r V ^ e A R T &a 1&LOVV TO r a e p o N R r i c k .

a u o T & S T .H i^ M ^ r a i r n o H

C F M A i e ' 'W I T O


: i VERY M A P P Y /m ^ ^ --n ^ jn T T -

m ' __ -1^1

u x K z n u pofTrM m,.OH, D o m t . s o N . i m n ,

■FOR,' o u m i .gocnstokp- -^OPi—S O /^ i^ —OVBt^mSrr -

A N '« W f U . < . S i

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7 ^ ^ t> P T H E e K 3 H T lM S S j j HSUw i:VvVERK-NEARriME.Bie - - -HO0M » » J S W W P A g EA ,O SO Vg, COULD

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B r r p i7ot^'K . i ; \ . i . J a r o lO H A w c ^ ^ I

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P i s t i l

t j K b jI. ■ a nice CO n | r I s p o i h E

IM U SrSAt<--m ^bfil)S6M R .H A M t5 - f M n m U t ,

: w c s a m L Y m iC D H E . -XNaUTu e— ^. e e r t ^ ^ '

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I WAS / HEY, MEBBE, \ . . ,

1_____________ ^

>M, >t)U / 1-/THINS KEALLY I^ GOOD \

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fM/Min^ ■- ----- ^t't'f«5Tr-^NC>rri£

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iam I o n c e h s 6 e T - & . ^ _HE ■M E^SAQ g HE -’OM T M g & O ; J ~ M rr i |V 'T ( " ROuNc; PD B »

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THINlir-HE'O 1m u g h t e d /

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h e r e . } s T sm ! H

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• • B6COOL,'ACS- tPONT w e u t m s

— m i e ^ 11 w / o H g - - — »r This IS BYCNSf a g -


^ PELLA O N C E - I . . " \T 0 LD m e h e KNEW *IW H BR STH 'C RrrnSRS - --------



HERSS a N(CB o n e :"L iv e (N A WAV TH AT y o u WOOLD W ANT ALL '

\ 0TMEK5 7 0 LIVE."

T u e P ta ^ ^ 'n / '^ e l l - ■ Tri^R ja^H J H j .' •

- - - j

* ' ' " ' I

; ■/ . W f i E ' l i z : ± ( - * y p 5 i p 5 ----------- — -—


0^ " - 14-S | - ¥

___ ■ t:J'

■ ■■

T h a t ( » r t o f y o u r f a c e a _ r e p o r te d ly s to p s g ro w in g in*

ei^ p a r t o f y o u r f a c b d o e s n- t h e s h a p e o ^ y o u r m o u th - c

d o e s th a t o f y o u r jow ls a n d--------e v e r - l h e i a s e . ----- ----------— ' . .

.TH AT ST A T E w h e r e in ; . l ig h tn in g b o lts is F lorida.

R E M E M B E I^ th e m e a t -t . w e ig h s th e f ish t h a t 's e a t e

, ; '- -T H E 'E N G L IS H CAN( th e th ir d i le t te r - o u tn u m b e r

.in w h ich K is t h e f i r s t le tte r • o f th a t to o , p le a se . ________

TALLEST, Q . " S a y y o u m a k e a lis

T h e n ^ p u z l . i s t j h e j a l i e s t . o f w h ic h w ill-be th e ta lle r , t h e U — A. T h e f a th e r s . 'b h e w is i

• in to w n a lo n g w ith th e s h o r t o n th e a v e r a g e will b e s h o r w h o n \a k e a s tu d y b f g e n e

— •re g re s s io n to w a rd - tttf fm g a n

0 . "W H O S A ID ,‘A frie r m a y in t im e b e c o m e a s u:T w ain?" * ..................

A .,. N o , G e o rg e A d e sa id a n d c o m e to v is i t m e b e fo re o th e r sw e a r ."

Q .« * 'W H A rS th e o ld e s t s . . A . K atz .

^ _ - • S PA m a d v ise d th a t b re e d o l

in a te d in t h e U n ite d S t a l e s , h p o r te d th a t e ig h t o f th e 1 6 : b re d d o g s s t a r t e d o u t in th is t h e A m e ric an fo x h o u n d . Am

^ 9y ? = a o s to n = te r r le r = C h e s a i h o u n d a n d S ta f fo rd s h i re te r ru

---------- ABO U T 2 0 0 Of t h e a u to rrin N ew Y ork C ity a c tu a lly a r e 1

IF THAT N A NNY GO AT (w e i g h t- in -m i lk - e v e ry - lO T la ]

— u p th e e x p e c te d - a v e r a g e s r —

Addttn moll 101. M, Bord, p,0 -BoCopyriflht 197:

- -R o y a lty -ACROSS ■ 37 Postal}

t CIO Kinj 39 Chomieiil .lu llia

5 Legonoary 40 teller

. . W ' .10 Saintly Ensi>si> 42 Masculine _ nickname

. DMdatos 46 Highinountair* )myth.( 49 GoMm* ot .

' j Clly in ____5ft_s«tn|ty king of---------canionia— 7- NoVw#y “—. t6 Occupation - 54 «ing oJ Poui# ,

if*?!'-’ ■ ■ • 57 Enmesh ;17 Yellow Bugle 59 Cily in*igan19 Poi»onou» 50 Came eto»#r

61 Aopelistions .20 Reductions .n f laooan ._ , ;

— 24 Pre.Bf.£ili6n---------- OOWtf— :.27 Obtain 1 406 (Roman) ;2® — ■ 2 E/igiiih'poet. .,

Bonaoa'io WiBit/ea----- ;32 Possessive 3 Narrow roads ‘

pronoun • - 4 Botofol * :33 Food scrap 5 Cuy in Italy' ’ J

6. Froton i.quio

------- kinglvar.l---------- , , 6- , - - 3

---------- I ~ | 2 ^ t 3 — -------

10 n "

u --------------7 — ” ” ■'

•----------------------------- I j l p r i T '

---------------------^ z o - f f = =

• ^ r i z T T s r i i i ^

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?3 1 « r

11 11 lii i M M M i i

s T T " ^ '5 5 56

161 ~



- m MY iT t)O y-(7F-<3a P V T l 3l MEPAL WINNEW.TWO < BUI OUT O F THREE S T A R i ) WUJ •C 0 N 6 ID E R .IT ' 5 HA KAflMFUL A N P-v


^— - I : j 7 - M T ' B b y d ~

;e r t o v e th e 'b r id g e o f you r n o se in -y o u r .la te te e n y e a r s . T he lo w

s n o t s lo p Brow ing, lio w e v e rT S o ^ h 'C h a n g e s f ro m y e a r t o y e a r a s n d ja w a n d c h in . O r c h in s , jvh ich-

in t h e .m o s t , p e o p le g e t h it by

J t - t h a t ’s e a te n a ro u n d h e re ou t- a t e n a ro u n d h e r e by a b o u t te n

■\NQUA6E w o rd s in w hich K is » r ' t h e E nglish la n g u a g e w o rd s t t e r by tw o to o n e . M ake a n o te

ST, SH O RTESTI lis t o f ' t h e ta l le s t m e n in tow ii. -

o f . b e i r s o n s . O n thfe a v e ra g e , e f a th e r s o r th e so n s? ""»ise, If yo ii lib t th e s h o r ie s i m en lo r te s t o f th e ir s o n s , th e f a th e r s h o r te r th a n th e ir so n s .* S ch o la rs • e n e s c a ll t h is p h e n o m e n o n th e

f ien d w h o is v e ry n e a r a n d d e a r : u s e l e s s a s a r e la t iv e '? M ark

said th a t . T w ain s a id , "H u rry up o re w e g e t t o o o ld to - h e a r e a c h

s t s u r n a m e in t h e w orld?"

SPITZ ■ I . .j o f .d o g know n a s th e sp itz orig- s . Is t h a t tru e? If so . i t c a n b e re- 1 6 3 r e c o g n iz e d b r e e d s o f pure- h is c o u n try . T h e o th e r s e v e n a re A m e ric a n w a te r sp a n ie l , A m er- J s a p e B ^ e ^ a y - ^ r e t f f e v e T r c w n ^ ‘rrier.

to m o b i le s th a t look lik e ta x ica b s ire u n d e rc o v e r p o l i te c a r s .

IT c o m e f re s h is n o t g iving h e r ■ d a y s r s h e 's -s o m e h o v n n e s s lr T g —

)-B « 17076, fe;rWonh.TX 76103,- - - - I97J l,M . Bord

______ Anj«e» 10 P^viOul Pu«la

.oL_9_Qp_ea'!e______ fl-BifdJood_______son® 36 Tuffciih

■ia . 9 Foam (pl.t Qigntiary . '- • 10 Slippery'ri»n 38 Deteriorite-illA utO iSt 44 Mexican

<3 Enervate coins• l a ------------------ .4 5 ------gooso

Emmanuete (gannst). 21 Gre«K 48 Stir

22 Bnel took- 4BMatayan), 23 Steep in . ..canoe

liQuitf '.. Sl'Animat24 Ctiineifl poet - - product

» ‘i? w d l) . 52 Higt>. . 25 Article------------ c a r d s ----------

26 Italian noOte 53 Nooris"eOI family 55 OoetrmeIp 29 Preposition 56 Utilito

30 Gin-i name SB Pom ■

------j s 16 -17— 18— 19—

i s ; ^ ^ ^

T iH vT= — 2 3 ~ :-------- —

130 \3]~

“ ” ■ 3 4 ■

W 38 “ j B p g -

f r

■ ■ 5 0 " bT 152 153 .

” bT W - ■ ~ ,

— 6 0 - ----- — “ ] ~ ~ “

THEY P O r< T .,^T rfE ^ I F IT•NEED lT^rTj;AMAvlOR ) WA^ ____AV tD M A CH . I AL5 0 -< AHY :T tJU eH E N E R iy-N E eP iV O N E ---------BUT WlTri TO ---------OUR PUBBie 1 T 0 U6HEN) T 'P »HAPE W E - 4 ; U P y ^F E eu fHOULP B E X H»!» - S S O m . .

kiTALIBIS> FOR •CXNMON P > x / r v -M i lM ! •



Page 29: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

. • i m m ' f


D-L-OiUround ■ M -Sgi^N0l<»«06-Perumili ”

SELECTED OFFERS■Jt— . -------- ■

l4«Jonraaule -

■ ■ s E S x r ’"”" ■ '•1t-S*Je«iiwt(orS»iciv«xi>cn ;

" t?-EtabyS'tIe<s-CNIdQirD ;l]-S<liu»OfttW<nlM I

Ifr-MoneyloLoan :. ir-MonoyW»nled ................ ;

IB-lftittueiwn ;ir-M uM lelM ni - =

' »-AuclK>nj i, - ■ ■ 2l-lnwf«nce .......... |

. - T , ------------ B0aN ES& €6R V IG 66-— I• s ' • ' _ 0lui»«UnO<!.Ookii»jj ■ b

3cfvice0.t«lo<y • ■ 6,


' }4-nMtesiji«'‘‘<nico n- TS-riimaltUncrwi n

7&-Ou3>nc«sPTonntty nJ/-A<to»oe&LolJ 7:

• M-Ccmetoiylou U J9—V*eil*on Property • TS »-Moh.I(,Ho<rH>S ■ «


39-rjfm tio /n tn r ---------- 64.

.n o r is ts ®

MAFU0RIE;F FLOWERS: F fo sh - -Ba• Ftowo/«, And Gitls. Lo*ofy buSooi on

woddlnofl. cofMoos.funeral work Av Oof.vo«l9#.5<5Spat»is, 73<-?02i,

~ ~ ~ g; lost t Fam "I”LOST: ChoMDOAko Bay Reiriovor. 'CL niXTHawatii l^anybnu tulutrilng dc osslalln'g In mo roiurn ol hor. No guosilons BsKod. Conitcl us al 459 — Eastland Drive. Twin Falls, or call > LE

____Hnri'nTfMrilno PogI milost; : Fotnalo dog. pati Norwegian pcElk., Hound and- paci Gorman oilShophb'rd. SII*of Cray In color. Vory so

-lilondly.nEWARDICallallor&p.m. ' pn. TW-TOTrr-.----------- -iv

LOST botwoon Shoshono and Tw(n"~ '*S1 -Foils. 7 boxes ol lighllng lliiuros. IH

• Iho SSlholNoVember.Roward. Cali. _ In' 78W781. . - ^ GERMAN SHEPHEnDr IlgM browolone coldre. Lo»i Nodhoast olJoromo. CftlldJons’ dog, flEWARDI ?■=Call3?<-?1t6-' _______ . {wLOST: Brown and tan coon dog In ~ quMuritt igft.^FomalO- Long oar*. 7W- jo

— FOUNO-SBtufday-BI»e)c~t3W ador“ “I f J lomalo. Aboul.3 ot.4 moniha o ld .... {io“

■________ __ !SLOST tmall m«lo brown and whllo RetChihuahua dog; Pocaielio lieonso. C. i4fS Tli|t'd AvanuQ Wott. Rewnrd. Cor

LOST, eonerolo curing blankel. ^

Roward.73U786. Voi<

Dt SrecUmoIlcK.

. AMAZING "Qrapolrull Pm" wllh DiadoK pian.moro convoniem than- Qtaoolrulis — o«l tailslylng meals n j.

' andloaewolghl.OKoOrugs. ■

PlantaUon-ydwn Chclslmaa Tteos. J__iLaigo solccilon, many'varletlos-lochoose Irom. Person IGA packing ■ >loiKimbofly. ■ ^

— FREE u e k wheal wllh purenate ' •Minor Boy Crain Mill beloro' " Chclslmaa. For domonsirWron 731- 5605."LUIS &"Day EOUMUilfl-LOMl • or

— AMWAV OISIclbulort-^CsU-TSiOrn)-— - . n ,nllOfO," W

HOKEY CARPET Sweopor# - o r ^ r - ' •• early. Qilt wrapped' — ready (of • |n.

mailing. Hazel Nalus, 73ii6?6, fli4- d l•SWScDUecl. . f ’

nAWLEIGH PRODUCTS ovallablo fJ Irom Bonnlo Whilwell. Roule 1, -p t TwlnF#Il8.733-0137.-:-,-- " - Jl'

' ' • ' - orCHpiSTMAS. TREES, polled and Socul, Ihree alies Douglas^ Noblo. U< ind Concolor Fird. Magic Vai’oy . fi. Nursery on Highway 93. 9 mllos "Ainorlhol Twin Falls. 324-8217. |>r


---------- ^ J O E - M l t t E R ’S-------------r - f eCHRISTMAS TREES | “

Bouflh^W realhi. Roping, ond H

, ..„ S E 4 RS PAj(KIN5J . 0 T ' ■ p t TW lfl FALLS . . I

--- ■ . A

OS : J n X llI llD lIC K

We.wlgh lo e»presa our ^oop »l>__ M

lot Ihe manytkind eiprosslons oi ,___— «ymp»ihr«*iendedlouaimn8 loi»” ■’ ol-our loved one. A special Ihanks'

■O'Pastor Slagel lor his precious 'mossagoollalthandcouiaoo- i■ Ttifl'tflmllyofKennoiliLeajor •

• .......... , ■- - t

oe I t a m i s '

^ R C IS E THE easy-way. Rent'Walion Bell Vibrator*, Speed Bikes.Action Cyclet in^M assage Rollers . i at Banner Furniiure.TSJ'IOl. '

^ S H IN E : Haspy Brlthday lo the i most beaoillut person In Iho wotld. I ■ ' ' iovoyou.j. s i

' DIAL-A^RAYER. 73^2U0.’ T' (


I A N O N Y M O U S - ' ; CALL: 7 3 4 - 5 5 0 2 ' . .

■ .. V :

I . Ploeeyourod lo buy. «ol^ ...... *• Pgy foryour odbofora tl

___ ,**JJ..otJh«.«nd of-)0. do]you're looking for V o

' ' ' •'


«-U.»cel>»rt«)gsFof5*lo " pil-WvilOdloOuy ' . ^Cr£hoo»» • . . . . J«-Ani«iuei . -• I ,44-UuMAIInlliumcnlt - r«-fW w,tV4Slotro |( 47-Appli4iKC»«-HM1ing4A)rCo«lilcnina ' p



ii-Qoot3Tt\ir55iu£jf - 1K

• =

I ' S ’ ' ■■ 00-5hoci> •---------------------„ -- - *

■ ___ ■ ^■ 67-p1'»U,1??o5^1* ' ■ -


W— '.•.••""'•S •' '73-Tr>yel Tc«.l«'S ^MolocHomeJrc—louciti A tmiet p»t*»



r-— • - 1

‘ [

Barbie and Ken clothes, hand made ond cttf5hol; Choapl'JW Addison"Avo.

■ r-ttSTif iBtBrwtlUlB-rfBinalr —, ' ■ , ,y---;--- oCLUB 93 CASINO HELP and hrustaorant-ttoipr-^stilorTr-momi---------5malds.Call702-7S5-234l. v

" ' ■ / ' • " 11 LETTER prosa co m p o sito r, tl machine and hand composltlen lor p, Busin'oBs lo rm s Production Roilcomont plan. Prollt sharing, and olher bonellts. George Primbs and Son's Inc.- 740‘ Went Center.Pocniollq._|dahO 93201,_L-209-23e:_____ ‘2130.'STANLEY HOME Pioduci* need# three dealen fuft or part time. For im ervim c«nS43^8.

RESPONSIBLE o«potioneod oc- cooBisntrmusrtiavo knowledge ol accounts payable and gonofal ledgor.5daywet*rE«coliofitlflnae.:. ■ .

fluall(lcalions.*^22? ’'soulhJerome.

[ex /^ E E )N e fly lc o '!U L _ e U o ta _ .10-^leniy 01 Money plus cash bonuses, iWnge benottis to mauira'ndlvlduil In Twin Falls area. oieoRegardless ol eiperlence, airmail’ (i,o

H. Pile, Pres.. Texas Rellnery v,n, 'orp.. Box 7tt. Fort Worlh. Texas

. . . . COC

bU in January should contact g m'oiocan Affair* beloro Oocember ____St. ?3S-2678 to-epp!y:for-youf-afli---- WAPancoGIBIIIcheck. porai

MUSICIANS WANTEDrTo"r 4 piece WAIHnd.lo.pmy Counify.Woaiofn and . horr:onlemporary, iwo nights,, Phono _ m i,I34.M51. • . ^.. . . . . . . . . . . . _ ....................... ... LIVE

■ ■■ — — roqt

- U - p .G u a m i i l i i e - r t t t r U -------wa?3S o il II. F h u l i t o r '

H U m v Y ll tU 'l t : . andoldoi

■________ _____________• days

deparlm ent Jqculty wltR Invpniory conirol. oMui»ilion, 5562

IticIoaihQ oloelrlcar lond hole ele<ironi£ con^octenu a) ol Frie

duiioi) bo»ed upon quoll- |Z lleotiont "ond experience.

f.”s s s

leK^lorVocolionol-Tothr^kol ‘ ‘ jojg'

— i itdofosl ote UnWenlty l.'T T----------

A . V l r l ? « f r . ‘’Em 0lo_yer. 'night

i ' Ibll lhlp_ ^

R O U T E S A L i-I an i lo o k in g f o r a youni t e r e s t e d In le o r n in g t b u s in e s s .. H e sh o u ld b e i p e a rIn g ,_ a tJe G s t-b -h lg h ^ o nd h o v e~ rth e abU ify to

.p e o p le . S o m e s o l^ s e x p e r i

, This is .on o b o v e o v e ra j l ib e ra l bonU s o h n e w s a le ;

C o n t a c t T o m M i i r r -

" T l ^ d y N a t i o f i a h n c .

2 0 1 S e c o n d . A v e . V

T w i n F a l l s , ’ I d a h o '

. : V' —

an fe i^d Res e l l o r t r o d e In o u r 'c id i i l f i s d».lho.10 .d o y » a r e ____JoyB .-your I fe m h o in ' t s o ld ~ yc - o r y o u h o v o n 't t r a d o d f o r th *

V Hill iaffar good for |

: o 3 . ; ,...QOOYMAN: WANTED. Must bd Journeym an. Good- pay arid working condllioni, <yn dealership.Call (2081 733-3031. Twin FaIH Idaho. Ask lor Jim McClure'.

PART TIME SERVICE station at- tpndani. nighls and weekends, .. . Apply In person East Five Points

vChevton.^ U N G MEN noodod Idf parnifno > OYOnIng work. Apply In person al Kentucky Fried Chicken,

^ ____ JMECHANIC wllh elecirical and air

, condliioning oxporionce. Call Jim at JohnChrisMoiorq^733'l824. .•JOURNEYMAN IMPORT'mechonlC-------Good job bonollts and clean, moderrt shop. Apply In person to Mae Chris 0a<au«»r-?th-6i-6ae» ^ MalriAvo.£flst___ _______________ <

ueed :^^A ’

SIHER! ^~ R « ch Iho roipdn»lbloTJor»on - J

you wont lo core lor your chlldrer>, o helpful Ad-Writer . .i. Cit walling fo help you.w ord. clyour ad lor prompt re»uJlt. a>Diol C. -

. - 7 3 3 ^ 9 ^ 1 Sc

......... ." ■ b---------------------------------- --- V


l» loohln^ for on enperionced —ooiomofivo— mochontc to '*

help u t cover th«i increated • w ociriood due“ lo' iho H ip volume ol ..vehicle loloi.- Ihit It o potliivo pdtlilon with the lo ife tl gromiitg tervlce

• Hourly_poy plon Pold vocoliont

'• Inturonceplan ------ ;-------r

, ilfqmoetGftomaXintko_______7:30 o.m. 10 6:00 pjn .



■ 206W niM slnS lree l . |■ q - . Burley. IdoKo ' _____ fl

ID ' , -fmalB.ltelp- ^:0 0 K WANTED. Good hour#,' ,3 ,ileasant atmosphare. Working wilh f ir>o tiandlcappod. 734-2462 Magic 1'alloy Living Center, _ ^

:0CKTAIL- WAlTRESS-wantod.TT- ~ riday and Saturday nights. Call WT^rmmnmnstr ctrrcutTT—mnT—

'AITRESS-WANTED,--Apply ,- |n - araonKolo'sCato,

VANTED LIve-ln lady lor small rosi lomo. Private living Quarlors. good— . alary. Phono 733-3440.

IVE-IN house keeper. Relorencos.' oqulted, Pnono 733-W72 evenings. _

'ANTED EXP ^ IE W C E P ^fn iiB -----rilr stylist. Apply Mosell's Qeauly ilon,

WRESS-WANTEO:-Mu«l t>e neat - Id clean In appoaronce, 19 and dor. Pact time work only, nights. 3 lys a week. Apply ol Maxio's Pl«a le r4pm

.AOY- ■ io se ll -etiulpm eni t o - ' oslaurants. Salary plus com- t^lsslon plus ear and expcnsos. ■ERSONNEL PLACEMENT 733-

-ilRLS needed lor pattlime evening lOlp. Apply In person. Kcniucky rledChlckon.VAITRESSES NEEDEDi Apply in lerson to Loy Fisnor,- Tommy Inockorlnn. • I

! - Baby SIttBrs-Chilil Care jHILDRENS VILLAGI;. K IN - W iRGARTEN, Child care cenler. • {■ - les 2\1i Ihru 6 klndergaflon;. ografnmOd roadlno, phonlcsand • ltttrer4fra7iTtTT.6;00 o.mrMcWpec------^y, *2.00 hall day. 733- 10. . ____ ■ •__ M

E N T ^ L ^ M d '? " ^ jw e rf^ o ^ iB5TO»V'^?mfefvlso<J'pi»y.-ct«5s-- ' orK. 733-5/35: ' ' CENSEO'DAQYSITTlNG.'daTaDd ght Phone 734-6387.

iS lA N ”1ind m a n w h o - Is In- I ; ;

t n e l in e n r e n ta l jI -m a rrie d , r ie a t a p - jh sc h o o l-e d u c o tlo n ;— jto g e t . a lo n g w ith ^ir le n c e p re fe r re d .- . - •

a g e s o la ry w ith a* ■ j

■ ' i ■

r a y : ' ' 1 , f

W e s t • I

' ; i %

I; •

i p r l t r . , . <^ l o n for to days; *

______ J_______________ ______ r . _ i■ you hovon't purchosod w hat ,

Item you w on ted to awop.-—

r prlvnta porty

J lZ . , 'M iiS ilters-C lillilC ai(• WILL batiysit' Intonts. T.L.C,-. Tuesday Ihrougn Saturoay. 734- JW^J34-427t. Skylane Mobile Park

.13’ ■■ SltnaUons Waotad. PAPEH- jl4NGING;..RAlMTlNG. .

Anywhcio in Iho Magic Valley. 324- • 8626. J<'romi>.

I TREE TOPPING nnd fomoval. Free • estlmalM. Pnono r34-708fi,

- BACKHOE SFRvirp.t; - n^Q-un . .

CLOCKS REPAIRED any kind. ^ reosonabio:Phoi]c734-83?i.

- -RELIABLE COUPLE- witnia to ■. manage aparirrnni or motel.. WiiloBpxT-t c-oTimoi-New5.

■ 'CurtHALS.'.FE^O.racks, ole titi/ii •Cor»tmf»oirTa<;inW-FTlprr^---------CUSTOM CAnPENTRY, jhinnllng, odds onci cm:. dc Fred Brodln. c.ill 731-BJ?_____ .____ _

■ MAN ANO niPE warn ianitor.fll work. Wilc mil also .on .Qoncral houseworV. 733-i?41, C.itnnS.

VETERAN IViLL aO'*nechjn<£ worli Myhomeoryoiirr. 731-4640

BACKHOE TlW Ct'inJ^ 'v.’(iik ' '54W4U Fhtini'

H . FaraWorliWMtal U

CORN THRESHING. Vernon Foit- 14

Mnd:c j» g ^ .^ 5. ^

.CUSTOM .PLOWING, w7tts 3-' bottom Coy Jones. Phono 324-4088M0rleJonos324.^n2. gg

MANURE SPREADING. Lillibridgo Custom Farming Pnono 733-836 .

a « l r ' ' ■

Pioir your od to'««ir 'bur' SCrfii la'your ed bolorr'ihr 10 da

od'. il 01 Iho or d ol 10 do,ilooking for or you ha>en'> ir Tlm'c>,N».yv Ollico ortd .«i- II che.

' to day 0>e up call ond tone I^KR Iwolly oppoufod ond you will ><

Sorry, fhit offer good for prl — toe-«U«(tlea,'Ob5-dnnF#b77?

S k id publiiatlon.S 0 I • Il you ad>«rllic morv than on»'< ! ^ | - .roniIdf»d«u((«Mlul ''

k I : „ j . Q l * l A c p 5

THE GREr — ~ x > F


Soli oil th o so unw ontod ski j Spocfal Ski Swop soclion of j w h al you noQd d t o prico you

; H e i ; e ' s Hi >,. Ploceyourod to buy. toll ocJrado

In j coupon below or°Phone 733*0931) ^ 3. Poy for your od belore.fhe 10 rlo) ^ 3: If. ol fhVond of 10 doyt , your lli Hji iolcT^yWhovon l porthot'^'wl f o ' . looking ior — or you haven't trodi

TIMES-lf Y - . - ' ■

j, .. , •, |.', A ddress -_Hi___________

3 I City ’L _ _ 1____________

f |. P lea se Print — Using

i'.ibz:zz : i- I z z z z ;> e S S ^ W « a H ! B S e

Y o v i\ i \- C O M E lN to lh o T Im o s -N o w s

ltF,Y.OU J ) 0 .g o I . r e s u l t s .b o i c■ bia 'charged only lo r tho do)■ rofund check for Iho dUforar

o n l y , n i i d B o n I i U t r t e


■ ' - - g f |

[ M l

............0 n r 5 m a l l ~ c a r t r P t g p 'n i n

14 Farm Work Wanteil VCUSTOM -HAY hauling wiin P oulomatlerintoe wido hnv aiackor ^

— — :_• ----------------- •— ----- .tlCORN. THRESHING. -Call Ray.. . Hatfls.324-4261. „

DON'T FORk ' it . . . Let mo «lcan " oul your small shod or pun and pul :;i It on your gardon or pasture' Call 733-8235altor4:oop.m.___________^

;ULTS in 10i>r' ot Irodr' 'fl 0U> Cloitllls/Advpolilng lO doytP 'r'uo »orvt ai<>'bot»d 0 ihr nun ri ypu( iipm ho\f> I told yooho.»n ip i n;i irodod lr< >he il»m you wonlvd lo twoi 1 cheerfully lelund your money IF YOU 0 0 ? lonrel yOur od You ll hp choiqcd only lo>

will o'K-lunii rherk lo> ihp dllll>ioiu»i r p rU ote p o n y d tjo n ly . Real i t r a U c tr rotelv inq arf <epXlt I tiOO o.m. lor li


IA testskiFTHE/TAtCO IN G O N N O W IN THE SEaiON O F TODAYS TIlS;ski Itoms w ith an oasy Guoronti of thovClossilled Ads. A n^ who

you'coh offord. ' ' '

• H o w T o P l a c e Y o u irode Incur Ski - _ item you wenicd

)93t) . . refund your mono0 Hoyt ore op. 4, IF YOU DO get ri

.ro*i.d lot Ih . 'ihVdV,!

NEWS CLASSP.O: BOX 5 4 8 Twin Foils '

--------------------^ ; Run __

_ _ — ^ P h o n o _ _ _ _ EncltJ^sod

ling O ne Space lo r Each W ord, Nu

ws Olflco ond wo'll < ^ ^ rfu lly refu oforo-the-l 0 doya o re up.-co»-onc days your od oTtually oppoarod. < range.— - -

a d v e r t i s i n g o x d u d )

by Gill Fox J

in an ^ o u f small c g ri:.,

H ; , ^ ■ ■ Farm Work Wanleij

PLOW ING. C-HISEL w nrk■ rolDlilltn::. diLf:ina_tio/_^»jiLil>.'i-- _

^3irncrmcrTTm-r.tT.ilc.n'f,'nt :i7(T- ' “■ •i03trpnni-ernni,---------------------------

HAY stacking wanltd. Slack Irom 40' loS0';i>jlo5.C.iii5J6-??M :U5TOM PLOWING anO di'^cing ■}>ionfl&43.406l.BicnlRiiio

.!ng Sifirn-i.loi 10 d i , , ^number ol wordv In yOvr UKgVv ‘I puttho^cd whoi youie . ®wop COMt IN .<jlhe . | | ^ -

r Ifie f'stiewing d o y 't |

S | 1

B II SWAP ;E : 'EIrtAES-NEWS ‘ t i H

intood Rosull od in our * . i'l »hat boMor way lo, (ind .

u r A 4 ; - , ____■ ~ u ,led to iw op, COME In to the__ ; ^

‘ J

It retuli* before fhe 10 doyt J I . / f nd cancel your ad. You'll be . W ..Qf_lho-dni.« ynnr nH n>-tiinlly_ IjL1 you will recolvo 0 relund / I ' llllefcnce, Mj_; ■


SIFIED [ I: J■ I ! ■ ■“

' ° i ° ^ ' • 1 — ^

•] ■

iN um ber o r Inltlol , |

. . I ' ; ..................... ...................I \ ■

n = j J jV ' : : j . - ; - r

, , WodnosOay. OocofTlt2f3,.19Z5—

cick! .Dfund ypur m oney. ^ ,BjidTOficol.y.autjid'You’lllIZ rJV d. ond you w ill.rocolvo o

d e d .

_ 5 ■ -Basiness llpptirlDnily'

h.i%m<':,.. , Ar._. Hf..!1, /jj.

- -CTEWlj-> T; ’, ciottimd ', S S i,: ,; ,* ." " ...

■ BUSY LAUNDHOMA“ ' c n ^ ’' location. E»ci;lliMiI oi)[)orlunil» C.ill V EllcdOO, Rocky Mniiiri.irn niMll> ?33-1406or.7?3t1TO,in,t„ii-i.,

IHi: INCOME PROPERTY with top rdurnt ir% Joro'iwj. Includo' 14 oporlmeni; unjf..

- "»Of>oger Quortcr^. -hnek bu*ldin, __C.<*—

• SI05 000.■ — EDG AR'C .i m V^PN

• Idaho Evoningi• 334.57.1? 324-5434 or

__ : . •• .324 24(14

l i Moai) lo LoanUNLIMITED FUNDS AVAILABLE.-. L'Wnj lo SW 000 000 lor com- ' ri>(;<ci,il. inoiiiirc.i) inMiiulional Siuiill;i tjuildurn ran Chen ,if>,ir|nii.'nlr, lr;n(.'f p.irkr.WnU lievdloomenl, pic — 0 0 Financi.ll Scrvico!i P.O. Ool ' 1235 p4'Jc° " •36-522-

~ 3 l _ _ — AucIIm TLARGE AI/TiOUE AUCHON: O.ik liirniluti* v>,ilnul lurnilu'ro* onJ priiiiilivos SuiitJjy. Dccotnofff 7 «975 Commoncing at 12 00 noon. Lociiieii at ii>o Boise Auction. House. 1501 N o f in m s ir e c t

—JackOishoivfromOtjuankarlllinolS.2 good wood Olid coal cook siovos.

-. 2 good coal and wood heating slovos. Seal tiaif iroo. wall tolcphonos. oak chairs oval glass china cabinoi. and soi.d walnut hlgfr b.ick pump oigan Mike O'leary Auelionccr. BoiseJkuciiojiMouac___

22- ~ : — HonfesTrSairNICE THREE bedroom home south ol Jerome. Dining room, kllehon. new carpm and fenced yard

^ 5 ^ l e lOO'.. Iinancing by FHA.

TqeDROOM homo with garage on 2 lots .W750„t2.P01Ldown.and-1100— monih, 671 Fou/th Avonuo West. Phono 734-3376,

"BEAUTIFUL Gold Modallion all • electric, tri-ievoL 4 bedroom. Sale or smaller homo. 733-2344,

3 BEDROOM. 2 tiatn motiils homo. V/iiMrade S2000 cquil/on pickup or older home. Phono 733-4983.

^LOVE\y 3 tjcdrocm. lull bisomefll,

(unior hloh college area, 73W230,

.'THREE BEDROOM, cdmplotelyiomnf1i«li-H tinmn if, ’' Wesler,n ReaMy. jjm_B^hey 8 « ^

^RKY. 1.450 sQuare loei. 3 - "tudroofn. lorrniy toom. biiti nnd.i-j.-;

hoijio. Large lot. taslolully land- '. Bcapcd,.i.mi|i)_osjt pf..Twjn. Has _i-boaulllul—liroptaco__ctthcdral ..

ccltings. largo maier bearo^'and ■ -

.o w n e r” ^ x T o u S . • counTly 'acroaeo’. 3 bodtodtn;'2 balh.'lamily' " coom. Iifcolaco. Ace Raaily 733- •5217.____________ -.1673 .KIMES:-4 bedroom. Inmily toom. IcncRCI yard. Irull Iroes*. Ace-Really: 733-5217. .................. ..........NEW TRI-LEVEL.1670 snuare ft ef.Twin F,-illl S44 9IW r.ill IJiJM I.o i----324., 6208.-_________ : •._______ - - - .3 BEDROOM older homo. 1 bait), on a lull day light basement. Aero and 'i ol ground. Located 1 mliu

-soulh-ol-Fller-Hiohway-ort-fl.l— *29,500 , 20 per cenl down, Ownor will carry balance on B percent. 733- 6973. alierB.

-PETIHEDJda!iP_man_woulOktt,tQ— ;rc nt“ln.iso‘or Ouy-2-or"3'bcOroom~~

houio or complcic duplen in Magic - Vailoy Need oaiag<? plus lot sp.ico. lor Iravoutailcr.. boat and c'ampet,'For sellers, owners only please,

- Hnvc cash or v«iil assume (o.m.Musi to be lair price wilii laie dale . apprii.s,il - ncilcrrod Wiile- lull p,irlicit:.ir6 10 Boj 521 C,'0 Times- Ka*i.ori:all324.5?22. . ’ _______

SAVE $ 1 9 0 03 bodtootn...,,lully cocpeled

io« credit Ovoiloble, BARNES _JIEAUY_.I04'3 Blue lokot

Norih, 733-6327.

m i k e g r a y j o p l t y ;

. IN JEROME. 3 bedroom, f , .. bolh home, luncorpeiedomro cule decor. Thit newer homo thould quolify for Form Home loon. QnV$26.400.

-^£XTRA_N1C.E_2_ bod,00m___home, oil brick,-3 cor garogcv \ - lull portlally flnlthea bote-

. ment. covecod polio, recenlly redecoroled interior. Should 'qudlily for 'VA' Frnonting.'"- ONIYS23.000-New '4 'bedcoonT home. 3

. boiht. cedor tiding.' thoke rpol. oultklrit of Twin fallt. very, nice quoflly. See.lodoy. $62,500. . .-


c?,i.iwco. 7j j « m

o - .v i.-- ''

__^Tlmo5:Now3, Twin Falls, Idaho 31 *

y & t L h -

: „-4_0R YflUR-V - - .-VHONEY—■ ' ' V b m k ^ -

y' n . Hums Fur Sail

1 ___

■ '.n ihn ci’V ol F.lot 1168 Sqft ol l(viri(} 0(^0 S PD” b0M>

• nii-'ii Guo^i houso o'>d aL>od-Ouibuild‘il9 i -•..Fijjil


" <nl<ey view m Melon VoUny • ' 536 500.00. "

— WTTTTTTn-------------7TTH373------ -- . EMhcrOoylo 733 5400 in EiillRolphi .733 0032

Gordon O'covev . . 7 tii5 l7 5 •• .. - ;«r(y Rob^>nk.>-.'- -J33-4436

A-.,illoRohbin« . 423-4436

B e s t B u y s In T o w ni New 4 Bedroom bilevel 1’< '

bo lh t. lamily >eo>T< with Fireplnce living Room ;

" kiichr'’ wi'h many Cob,ictvdi^»ff0>hg! .fl Ho! ay.. 2 .tOf *

- goroge and o c cond '5371575.

.A 3 bedroom tri-le/ol home ' Wllh 0 view ol iHe mdunroini

, . ifitludes.,l*i balht_kiithgn^:,::=: ., ..wi!h.gaod-cobina‘-o io o -an d —

......... fo .in ilude a diihwoiher .8J ____0 .range 4th'level vnlinithed ”I 2 SO' goroge lom ll/ rtfom] wi'K fireplace covered oa'ioT • centrot Oif COr’diriO'iing,, 538 450

® Hornet o rr-ln o new lubdt-'---------- m75n~TToT?— f5“ KnooiS— ----

___'lu rchet. nO'/ecT jire e f i ... .v/iih curb» 8 gu” er udewolki . *, S underground U'll-'iet

- -i.:-:_Cai;.7-w-<*i.i-M or.der-----------ihru Seiu'doyt

Eveningi 8 Sundoyt coll

,An e ^ o / hotfjinjopooriun.ifjr

^ R E A L T - r

- — -ilOBlOFLAKESBlVO.NT'.^'rcr• - ' • ''~ ? 3 3 -9 3 ir '^ --------------^~ “ cHARiAWd" 2" BEDROOM

HOME hot carport, tforoge '. C3------- .h*d r-o n d -p o rt-u n lin i» h * d —

baiemenf. lorge gortJen tpoi. opproKimotely 69 x *1,50j>-

; Prlco$3t,000, ^ ^

H orleyM oihert. . . . 733-8473 • - J a tk B ith o p ...- ,, . , 733-7761

70 ACRE FARM ’-ThIt tofldy-loom toll 70 ocr* , '-. . form It w m i o fW eoS e irb ra :!-■

: hot three v«htel lines. Priced oiSBS.OOO. ■ .

____ . . EXQI1ISIIEDESI6N_____^ 4-------- ;^TKir2rEe3re5m.--> beih-home-,— -r- — « ii» -o n -1.3—o<ce»-ond ho* - .^ ^

1.670 tqudre feet -% 1 area, lovely fomlly room-ond double cor eerogb. located r.S milei Eatl ol Blue Lake*; ■-:*

• Price lowered le $42,500. - *"*

AIHKIHBUKL-------- ^- -r-Wiih-ihlt-3-bedcoom, 1 bath

home.' Fomlly room hot fire- 'piece ond buHl-ln bor. Coot- . ‘pleiely re-corpeled, potio !deck 'I 'b o iem en l or^d prico .*

534.500 to $30,500. .

- l l l i # # „ - — K u t y - t T - r z — —

- — — - 68'l'FltER ' 733-0524 ; '•

CG»'om buill hou'e- 5 leVol* with n 90» fireplotc in motler

large lon’lly' r00>n, lorgp'J Kilchc' wiili oil h<.lli_ln op- _ lioote.. -Double ror goroge. ,

. Iliii houie ho» 0 lot ol oui- jrond'ng-riuoli'iot You hove • • lo ioe •! 10 opp'oeioie them. . PricndonlyolSa^SOOOO |

R.C;MeH*riii>1ih/«roliei‘ '-


Page 30: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

' • 32 TWie»j<«»W. Twln Falls, iSahb '

- a

---------E X E O im a-H O M E.nii Hlll _ '. . \ jfM t Or...foN llnUh#d b et»-_

Ti>on» Wlfh MUld«i •otfoncV. •Rool quality har«l Corns ond . g

. ‘ —.S m ^ tu l , .b u tv - i i rM t. oood______old hoiite. North locllan,

'- '" 1 3 4 .0 0 0 .


. , 4 b o d ^ m t , 2 bo!h», fomll)r room, ond formol dining . roomrtoro»-fnod*m=WTrt»W»***

* ’ ,>w!lh oil O^pllonc«». floflric •___ hoot, control oir.' ond-Itro-

ploro. TKoriBt rftoro — but ' M o '^ o r youriell. Thv be^t

in eounlry • living for only ^59 500. - ■

■ J A M L E T T 8

I X T K E A t F Y - - —

_ ■, OFFICE 7 3 3 -4 0 7 9 7hiBlAINEANDEfiSON OR.I. »l'iRoildonllol ond . . Fo'

_Commoftlol : . . . . , '733 .I6<7 oroLBtEH .m U M tR ------^F o frn » o n d ~ -•R on tho i.................. 733 B633 , "

. ' DAVE HAMUIT, BROKER pi,!!-Con^oltont ond' — ....... .u 'ApproUor 7334079

2 fir" fom

• Boci lo it

~ ^ y l ]

RO BERI-JO N ES REAITV-----------i> proud to inlroduto

Glon Houk o t , ,Ai»ocloi» Reollor ,


CHOICE ^ 7 ”2 bodroom homo wllh flro'

—plocr-complfliBly-TBmodotwf— ----------SHARP! Good Buy Al

. $ ? 1 .5 .0Q__-C-ollOlon r .- .- - ." .-733 5264----- ------------

O f l i e o . , . . . '....... . 733-0404ROBERT JO N E S REALTY ' . •

A tirocllv* .'three~G edroomhouio^ wIIK~torpef«d ttving r ~ J ^ Broom .' BuUt In oppllonco* J | H |

. ond utility, porch. Coroso hot c O M' “ built-in work >hop. • _ _ _ _ _

.jj Short .w olklno ..dli'lonc# to town — NIC* thro« bodroom. hou»*. 3 bodroom* «n main' P '? " «

— Iloor ond lull ilnUhod bo»^ " '— moni-'wIHCbodrbom ond loti * ' *•0*'®' __ cL,*»orofto^'Eocloj*d_pofch . "^ ■ ^ j !0 ? B > .« tg d q u .b c c i ; . , ,

3 bodroom. 2 both*, oil oloc- ,,— frtchom o In-WendsU.'Cantrel— -S h o e c

oir •.conditioning dnd lorgo' gorop* .. -Price ho* been *11 c feducod Sl.000,00. Houi i* voconi ond ow ner* oro

...o n x io u ilo .ta lL . ....... ...... . -

- -■ •7 ^ lhir ^ W e - h i ^ t : ' G ^

7,-cIoie lo-U ne6i^clw 1."'C f^ 'it- • '••-on iiorooo tpoce. oUo work-

*hop In botorneni. Prked oi E«celli

___ - S H « .; 4 Acre minl-ronch. now 3 P 'u*«

noli hor*« bom., room,, S pump houte. Polo corrolt. tidingt f»nce». Pow der River .

—O al* i= i:N lce= :tond*coptiio= r <Ountry llvlno ot il* beil

.h o u te wllh afKlrIc hoot.end.corpeted iKrovghout. • ^lON,

- • finith«• M - . brick

. Fomll,

m t » i


-BUHK___________ ruf;m


^ R t t t S - W E N i r e - W E 5 T - = “V 5 ^•b o th ;.:b ric k h o m e o n % o c ro . 'F o ir

:^ lr jr« p l« c 8 , 2 .0 0 0~ «q . f i, o r i l v in g i ? 2 8 'V t 6 ^ V < f r e c f ^ f r o 7 3 i r x 34'.0<

s h o p o n d p r o p e r ty in c lu d i s lru if lr«

^ 3 8 , 5 0 1- inarkotr a s s o d o

iP^B.''ome#'.. 7 *

W odnJSday. D ocofnbor3,1975 I"II''-- 72

n ' - Bam Br Sib -• • - ~ M,


HOLIDAYS ™•~3 t^roo~m t'A l^ th i, 2 cor ~ " '

- good ^etldenilof tlro«i. clot* -lo tchooif ond thopping, —” Only $23,500, - •

---------- 7 3 4 . 5 6 5 0 - ti

« A M U K M * . ' REAI tS TAW 1 APPltXgAl ____

’0«^vaimii,»™lw........ ;7»«0JTAid*ti<o»a................ . I

i S i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : S i : S0«kAkl«r»H,..................m j i M .- , AI,

* No.■ _ Sch

CilO BE I^ R E A L T Y

• Eve . . le t

ffruco M o c h o m . f l ro k o f. ion - 7 3 3 -5 4 5 7 --------

• A C R g A G EIhi» . bepuliful oew home • liiuated touihw ett el.T w in ' *Foir> I* 0 mutt lo too. If you ^ore Inleroited in the follow- '

^pproximoicly i,46ocrot In I

: bicib o d f o ^ t C = ibotht'firoplocet TwomilyRoom 73 ocrooilon Room01* of ttoroge . .

op Grode corpett ond * ®P'nordwore ' " ■ • ,i.iti.ln ________________ - 3 b«sfgedoublefinithed—— ------- - ,

lo‘w 3 h to c -k r o o m ' - 3 b «o lH oronop^Jntrn^nt , W

IL'rolond------------733-2340 . •-------- ^ ‘,1^Bllyjfllllon_____ _.7344603,. -.. Rglohlylllt Overflow . -734-2433------ --- ■sySnldor.. . . . . . _733-2546 .>• Youog............... 734-3393 _

• • a

' BunkonM r,JM *?*-t-*^*»ri4 / ^ ' l $ acres

• ' o»lra’i>firaplsi

_ _ _ ^ ________ __ ba»om<

- BUHU— homni

;— -^ICE.3


___ • -W**'', . bam I

H y . _____PopiiU

M B so u r iB M C W /I M V K m a l C l home___ In tro d u c in g - J tuM Ji{A N C K HESSELHOLT.

R m l l o r ' . anc«« con help you boy or - ,yowr t>om*. form, sorvlco FOR &

lion or whotovof property tV, moy bo w anting to buy 11»« J<Mit. Pleote eoir h tf ot -P-"'v, ,

f(j« lW o rd l or o f - "

I coo help you BE (N YOUR.............. 1232"^UAAE BEFORE CHRISTAAASI , ptintoi

ol thot* h o n m hoVo STOOar«01AT£ POSSESSION

UR OWN TAIL XMAS o n eIES on o beouiHolly-lond.— ..........on Ihopod-oef*-AND-on-oltroc------------Ifom -I 2 bgdiw i i i -hom* wlthrrz--------prwJinm“fof~m or»-or-o-fom lly----- - tlK.OOm In the lull ’botement, & fn*.ellont condition. S34.00, 733-»2

KRP HOME hot 4 b ^ ro o m t ]“ *•t onother pottiblo. Fomllyim. Ilropioc* oluminum „ng, $29,500, 2 lot* od- b ^ lling oUo ovolloblo lorO O O e o c n . rfs jg ra i

:EIIENT SUBURBAN LOCA- '<N. 4 bdroom* plut 2 un- - -*hed In thi* I yoor old - ano (n:k homo on-hoU on-ocre, LarM-tnlly room, fireploce, lull be d nloment, hooted double Q'akl (iogo.—covorod.-poilo ._3 ___ -> .m ak*—broom'*, o il. built-in op- ranch. I .ncet. $55,000. . .

len'O eVriet.. ...324-5609Itlle EEddint.. ■>. 733-6672 J"™ .ncct Hoiteiholt ■ 537-6636

U>n H ^ u e ! ! ! . . ' 334-2870n o N o re ............. 734-S2I6 3 k .onnoW orr......... 324-5669 - -2 K o ^ n ik .,-y ,” 7 M -M n -...........- I ,

n Bloye. , . ! ! ! ! ! 733-7064 O F F IC E ..,,.. 543U558 '* '•*

•£ftr O FF IC E .... 436-6492 • 133

JCED! I- ■■■' 37 Ai

• $4‘7!5C


■■ •' ' ~

t h o r p 3 b o d ro o m , 2 , o m lly ro o m , don^ tw o ' i t j .s p o c o . o n 6 n b lovol. g o r o g o w llh c itla ch o d

t r e e s a n d g a rd e n .

1 0.- lurT»l

o t i n g (o rp

i a . t e s - .


a ; ; a M s F v s u i s• ' • _ -Fo.

o m r ! 4 '^ m m t ! 2 "SSaero on corner. Full txMmenl. Only $43 $32,000. Hurry on Ihl* one, MACC VALLEY REALtY m-SSW Evonlngs n4-*09Qof734«J0, .


- - ■ .. wc ....................... ..............................■ •«¥<

. l U t i e , “

» I KAiir-- » ' ■ • A m - m °

D O N ’T B e T IM ID ! °Coll u t 'n o w -------- 10 te e thit . Nlovely 4 bitdroom home. CAlniotl nev; - . Escolfont •Northeo. I locollon by High *'School. 3 Both* • fomlly room ' ««I H re|ilnfiii lull il~— rrint- ■-•. corpetod • doubin cor ®ito rogo . IMMEDIATE POS- ^ SESSION. . MUST BE SOLDI , ' . ■KI per cenl down will hondle, ' W4.900.

Gordon I, Crockell. flroher "

!«O uJhom ............. 734-0650 ~orry Jonei . . ' .........734-40^

h1 — : , i ■ co

bodrodm homo % Aero * 'J€lop, goroge, $21,900

bedroom , home ^ ^ i bote- _____:ef>',.y8.500_OwnBr.oBcnL____bodroom homo*. In H onten,___ —rome. Buhl. FHA Finoncing., >downpoymenl.Ivo Stowort . . . - , . 734.5 147irTolOnjk*TTTTTT733-49B3-----------IphMagmttow— r733.745a ~ ~

~ Oitot T B in H m t t dI SALE: 2B00 squara loot, brtek >e plua fu»^baMmen». »hak«

ten Ihrlrtg room, ponun bath on Poti rea^South ol Jeromo. $75,500, $65

_________________________ E ^

^CIOU^ Allraclive.-woll-;caiod— ---------, older home. Appraised $30,500. >ne324-«971.fte^HARMINO MlBly fiorno^n ila rtio cornorlot. 3 bodr66m»:’‘}Iaee. singlo gafago, Juil m »ment,$^.000,50-5n6 '■ - |

HU Comfortable iwo bodfoom IoorwiidvlnnwvoIMn S37-6^. | lE.:i^ M fn, h9u t»,.qn,r t oc ot ■. ;

pasture.■ ,7BC

=KJE 3 bodroom twme and 1 acre. - ED, s nursery, gucsi room, corral. ' horTt and lack room. Will sell or ceu}*. Located In Mountains 50 «.-]CM ^ o f ^ O lego. Calilomla, ' j j

UTHEAST Jerome. 2. bodroom fov, ne wItn largo lot. garden spot. >no<

s . r s . - s ’" " I?;I 8AL£ new 9 bedroom houao tvt U lha. Comer >01. SC Eaal J«rom*. Can 334-2214 after 5 a I

-------:• • - ............ . '■• • _ - ihu

----------- - “ F i w l l l a K t e . —

rAC Res-“ A nrlety Bl crops “ S'.BIted. Localod Souin or Buhl. ~ c)anacro.Norocka«n3tandlay» 3 Id . Twin Falls Realty & Ins. Inc. HO36e2orjQrryRobb)na4234<36. 30'E OF THE besl 120 acre la rm s 542 Iho Norlhgldo. bill only 7 milesn“ r»» ln"F a1lt-G ood* 'ndd8r ~ ~ O t l ouctlTirrtamr. "8 BHroonit;i.OOO.-Term8.-TwlnFallsfle*lly Corns. Inc. 7390662 or Mel Jensen ' ch i®26- ' , \ Qfjf

" i^ E S .- lu l l wstor rtghts. 3 room hornff. Phone 934-5172.

WE CATOE ranch wim ox- j f / ^ ' lent developmeol polenlial, t l ' j t ro*. 1200 acres Irrtgaied ool of

.06. Some 5^4% and 7% money - . 1 Misting-contrKts.a»»lJ|M9; i 'V « s witti excellent feed yards ^ Iteedquartef*. Oood fences,

le pottions o( (Ms ranch deve<cped to teed poutoea,» or Wigsted) or wckjU ' ’e-tr*n)eodoos reed-ratsing--------------ti.Presenayln hay and pasture-----------IIru ^ l in u p p m . too he«l cows - • ^ Iv a lf ln l . NORtKWEST .LTV. P.O. Bea l is a ^ w n Falls. ,0 83301. 73*4181 or, Blair irtK»ut73M0as . i o « ‘

>0 ACRES neor Hon*on. All iliivoiod ond plenty ol woter. bedroom home ond olhef 720iprovem en it. Toiol p rice '$300,000. Owner wlH-pro- Clrcf ie Imonclng ot o 'lo w In-

... . f e3 ACRES, Excellent row t n f ) ip T ^ 'n o o r Pbi.l.'fleouitlul ; I |M 1 iodcoeimhom*wlth2 beih<; d .flroploce. Pololo’. collor. . . iT . J mochine *hod, lo t u*>w you one of the be tl ___ _m t in MbQie Vollo^, . ' "ACRES I '•> mile*' from ®

ler right*. Good row crop,’.500 with tow Inleroit«<»»------------------------—U lilo Fullmer, r ? r n i ;WIEH REALTY, 733-4079,

Evening,. 733-6633 • 5i5,*';5

■ fin e t h B te a ___

L E A S E A N D / O R P U R C H A S E O F 1 9 2 0 S P R I N K L ^ I R R K

(3 s e c tio n * ) O F PRIME FAR 7 MILES SO U TH O F M O U N

elude* lobor comp f^ ll lie * . lors* ma m I s M homo. C r ^ hove b ^ grain o * powio** o>d olhar row crop*, you. wouid L k m ja .h m a . f fU l .m l l t i , Ifh rood frsrtfog* 00.-3 sJdei •

phone idoho foffs -doys S23-007 > *1

S b B t l b i t e ' a

■ For Sale; 80 Actes'tiK nuwa f r o m '* - r f s

543-4941. ,Jm*

1242 ACRES good comblnaUon row ' I sta’ .aop.«ftaJJirosfot«.fifm..2,Iiome4,._ _T lw, BLM. natils. naat Jmotna Couniy... _WOii priced at SSTS.QOO. Call Carl BY I•ev flftlng j~ r4««"’or” CaifBu«or bulkR oafly 324-8168, J e ro m o , wlre<Coooorallnarealtorawek»rt*o. and

. w ..... ... Host)--------------- ------- ------- - . $2fl^

91)_ ocret .South of Jerome. __G o ^ *ub-divl*ion poienilol.,' ^

Good don^ettk well. No build- - -ingt.G oedbulldingslte; 7/3Now Pototo lotid ovoiloble. 'Coll C.G.Wyllle. 734-5946, '

1 7 7 oero* ot King HUI. 80■ ocret under grovliy tprlnkler, bo*l

eoniiB davalQOod^O w t--—0 m ile o l r lv e r 'f ro n to g o "— ~$441 BoouIIJmI tiock *etup,

B A R N E S REALTY ' .7 3 3 -8 2 2 7 ]|[{

W^^fWjVOUA IIOWE J •i» '

- 1 2 8 0 A C RES -3 excellent de«p well*. e,;col- ^ lent row crop. *pud groin., hoy. boelt. etc. 3 hornet • 3 \°cor goroge. 30 n 30 modtlne— -J«'or

down. $675,000.

J 0 H N R . H O W A R D .J l ! ! :& a ^ o d a t e s s pe c i

R E A L T O R S S i “= 7 34^2292 ' ■ = V :;

■' ........................— :-------------- walervJohnHoword-Brokor ' - -

Lowell Wlllt-Attoc.BrokorAuefr*y How ord.. . . 733-5755 0 ’ ..?lorroyr>»Wlil», 733-6563- —4<09r

■ ■— *oTc-n lce b

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M I P M Call3i excei

FINE. SMALL ico tll* roneh. J*"®); Lmon-opatflllon. Live v a t tf , . —e n a i- Pottlbllltlot loT d*volopmeni.$650,000. Bill P e te rs — - .SHOR' E v e n i n g s 7 3 3 - 8 2 1 1 . Furnlst

------------------------- -Souihl

* for I

1 S ' S ' l / s

REAL780 ACRES 500 Plu* IRRIGAT- [a^ED,— 2 clrculor* remolndor . iarg«'hand line — oood *pud olcufceuntry. priced to *oll ot llbrsn$475,000, heal.13i2-!ACjiES — 3B IRRIGAT- plu*;

row"“4*p "cw!d” r e * to e 'k '^ 2 modem hom e*— BLM right*— $575.000. _______________ "” '580'Ac — SWol Jorome. I200 A C -m o d e m home - ■ . . .S‘75-000- - SSSlOOAC — goodhom *— 44«SEof Jorom o-$> 06 .000 .

A LinLI BIT OF HEXVEN 7n ihl* - mtrocilve - 3 ' bedroom — lvim» wvliK'»unki»n llvlno'rom. . lorge'tlnroloee-otw l hormon—— —1» A t lou* decor 'S'BEDROOM H O M nJnT ocre ' Blfllnc ~ontyS35 .00d . •3 BEDROOM NEARLY NEW.. - HOME on 4 ocf**. wilh now 30' K 50' thop - reduced to • 543.S00,________ _______ __ ;

'O lhV 'Iiitlngribrge'ondtm olt ^Ivlslo — __________________" c o l i r r -------------- ORTDiCori rr3 f4 -e046 ..........- - ...............- —Chuck. 334-8367 SALE D o n . . 324-3019 5?/"« lou ito 334.4525__________________

■■■’ • ...... ■ ■" mobli

W B U T L e W v -V'"' ! ^ _ K E A L n C —

120 Emf Moln sr.- ' / Jeron V Jeron>e. Idoho / ' __ :

- wot!

■ .on 1------- —------- _ pric.

IN GRAND VIEW ■ •AREA - • over

43 Acret bore ground od- jcent to School.Z O -A efe t-bo re -yound -e ll------------------ ander hand llnet.20 Acre* bore ground, ho t J ~ * 'omottle well ond corrolt, 3Ircfot p lu t hond lln*i, ' y

Don W allow ~ “ rtAJ

B i j^ D lr ° * M 4 3 9 6 ® * r - 1 ^3 7 4 -4 3 7 8 ' • ^

shop.' ■' , home

^ N « i rJb tor saio m Jec '^oT Uquor------ -------- Tsnsoanasliequipmeni.Cails?*- .5 o r 3 2 4 « lB _ .------------- ------- J ,w n ,_____________ -' • 324-rRACTIVE OFFICE space lor reni 47 Main Avenue West. 15' 1 10' 1 1.733-5771.

F n s t b K t a


mochioe shed. 2 bedroom « and b m s . Form Is r e o ^

im ,.io o a p > id .j .A ii« .. .* fa - J | H hf evofW ngi.534^34* .' ' :

e«ai.H elum ol 14 poreeiMol equity ' ol im > tstn> en tG roaarM um hr« r^ Pt pyyear.Prtce»S5.oao.TormsQF*i“ -STATE TtEALTY 73M338. U u « Thor«oo73J.22»l.- , • 21----------bulldlnp. InsuUio'd. -p lU m bed.T wired. renced4n;ysrd. large oflkw t t and mree tots. 2 tt miles Wesi of * ; H osplui.on Addison Ave. W est- ^ $2fl.500.n*«8B*It*rS«l»m;:u:------ - 1 "

^ V X S M A L L B U S I N E S S . ?S!

O P P p R T U N I T Y , _2 /3 Aero c o f l^ r c lo l lot on ^ Additoo Ave. We*l wlrh 680*q. It. drive-ln . rettauront JJ?! type building. Would mokoe rc e tlo n i im a tl o fllce o'r. ' _bu*inett. Lot* ol room lor 167

s e w e o s A n .— €eey— Term*,. ■- .-bel■$44;000.00. • ----------------boc

- ^ . ' . J97;


8 7 2 F o l rw a y 7.3<-5181 S S


===========. rBn . i c r a p t u i ]

10 ACRES full water notthwost ol Je rom e.$1500dow n.324^.------- ' -

HIGKLAWN A cres Subdivision.Twin FolIk.Double lot. Premium building tile. Owner, Jerome.Phone 334-5533:334-4700,

IPECTACULAR 5 aero canyon lim >ulldars sites. Call.324^9^ or.324- -M l . - ___ ■-------- —---- ' - ’—31

3a.Awea„40_3hafea_Tiirln_Falla_____ _»ralerr197S crops.-banoy, com aiKl -17 MBiure. Older live room home. 19 Largo shop building. Buhl schools.By appoinlmeni only. Wesi End Bodily 130 S oulh 'Broadway 5«3- . g

n ACRES' with sprinkling .syslem. ' - ^ iIeeb*fnendshods,2new tiom es,-* '>ll3g4-4149, ____________■XCELLENT VIEW 5- sere building liles. North Buhl, beautiful Melon /alley. Water shares, $500 down.1100 mohlhiy. While Ihey Ust, 543- ^

------- ■ ----------8 ^

HORT. COMMERCIAL ACRE. K urnlshed house. * trsiler hook- i„°. re.-io -j-ssnnnd fT ero 'so -ln rsa -------- u ^ IouthLocust,------ - - . t


nd IrUgaiton wsler, easomenis are Z 2 IZ 1 . on a beautiful sloping hill over '

LUXURY ACREAGE.' Highlawn 2 : , r ^ vonuo..3.bcdrooms. 3 baihs.-ioc.-

REALTY: 733-5217.______________LARGE 4 bedroom home. 4\1 balhs. i ^ tlarge kllction and dining area, lo ts ' -|neI6olcupboards. paniry, laundryrootn. 7 3 4 - 6librsry and den. All electric radlani weekiheal, lull aeml-llnlshed basemoht ___ :plua2.bedfoontfenttlf>ome.allon. .1872

" r r i !il<Jorod. -A » o -acreage wflh 3 2540, DedtMm homo plus 2 car garage. - rTTTrwarTopperwatBrBoniOri-oo'HlBh:----- r r „ !« y 79. only440.000.00. Slockmen's 5 ? S ^oaltyeooSUncoIn.Jerome.kJaho. 0 4 ^ 5 . - 334-5735.- 324-2734, 324- j J - J

.......' '_________ UOVi Acres sale J miles Soulh E as t' 9082,«mbefly.aare.8Shi>esTwinFalij . ____ana1i«lBr.A.L.Hareoek315 0Bk FOR! jr*alElkft73M 730,----------------------moWi

::an be dWdod in io -^¥^« !^s! 'Sifllngsley Creek runs mrough'and' ~i972fivsllable lor llshpropigaypn. Good $I.40CI brick bedroom home. Call 536-2604 with tor prko aitd terms. Roger Browri' 543-52

_______ FUE

i? e n n S ^ ^ p s !S ,c f# ^ liS ^ B S fc _ - «nd"*c1?.*.*?.." Falls. $10.000' . Pato

SALE OR TRADE - SM seres wilhThomes, $2 2 , 0 0 0 with $1 0 , 8 0 0 down. 7 3 4 - 3 16 h per com interest. $90 monih -------biH nco-w ltn-o*nef.- will' lake - 8 * >mobile home, horse trailer, truck "I*''®pickup, car. or anyttilng ol cash " n d l value on downpayment. Easy tod u l with. Also City water ar« sower .TT- 8 shares water. Both houses [ S .pBneted-tnsloc:-eOB“ N 6 iih -f^ r Jerome. “ .. _________ 1

5 ACRES homo ilto*. 2 mll»* wo*t ol college on FoHt Avenue. Some homo tite t '.on the Rock -Crook Conyon,-

'0 -$18,000 for eoch porcel • 'P"®with 20% __dovfn. jbolooce__ _____o v e r7 y e o n o t’8 ‘ii%. 'J J ”

734 .5650 5i5S------TV a W W I C A I I i»— .-------- Qoodl

te A t .B T A T f lA P m S A l '.......3 BEi

........TSMtw____ £ s |£Jerorr 4854 Ir

iXMOtESWTH port-.prinW n-----system .'-large 3 .bedroom -Wrlot h U o . wilh oil m odem 'con. viences. diwbto goroge ond ' depos thop. Locolod In populor ^>ome-*ll. te d lo n SoughWott »f Jerome. $t00 .000 .' } v ^ ,E D G 'A l t C D R Y D E N .

A G E N C Y ' ■ Oahul »rom*. kfeho -'E vonlngt Cm M


B L A R N E Y S T O N E S . . T k iL orgesolectl^.yourcholie- carpel

omlftol choree for e ic a l l^ l ew w ater right* end ree l ■ ■: itote. Acrooge* lurg* ond _ k , TWtl, -5. •cre .-to -S O r-B uhl— - -----

flna, ' , 'U*' 1

----------------------— - , 'g i

54\ r t ■ ' .lumlsh^ . . No chi

• f • 3S38.I.

LejB^ ^a^ ^ T ^ i l i r n snfint ^ ■ ot Sunael Hemortal Park. $800.

P t w . r a ^ . _ __ ; JJ

REST HOME PATENT needa to sefl* R 2 lots. Sunset l4einor1a> Park. Save - m

,.iip o .g 5 g a?« ag -:— r --------a n'} ,• i ......... ... -B .

............. ............... .. ■ a{M k l M t s . z

1BB4COLUMmA,10xtt. WHO double ^ espandos.' ;a.l»lnfl^ room -and Of B eoroM ’-H taU u n ic e and water hStoTBartlally-tum lBh^. $5,000. ' ^ailJSM M SaflerSpjn.: ' _

CLEAN, carpeted, t u m la h ^ air ^condlilonvd. 2 ..bedroom 1998 • ^Naahua 8 s 40. Flshlog boat aiKl ^ nwtor included. Locaied Magtc * ! •ValleyRaaon7».117a. . . . . ;-g j

1970 TIMCO three bodroom. two Jfi XiaUuIUc B4. t 55Da.J»5e»»3«-ea»a» -iMbodraOffl:73«138;-' ........ ................ -apl]973 OLEMBROOKE 64 .x 14, 2 bedroom with air. all electric. 324- Api M” -- ' •• • d e1973 DOUBLE y ^ e Guerdon mobile

iludlng carpets, drapea. center air

>hone5434074. ^ . |uf2 .x i0 i m TAUARACICaieetl^nl___ondillon, $5(50. Hacienda Homes. AU 33-7568. . Ptx175 3 BEDROOM 14 x 56. tax credit. -{^ VBltaUo. $7495, H ^ e n a Hornet.. chi /eelolHo8pllal.73J.7568.4 X es 1972 CONCORD. 2 bedroom,J m . locaied.aLUw4-l93a2.soo-------«rtcluaing uiiiliy shed and skiniflo.----- Q ;'34.8S74 .* tle r_ S J0 _ ^ n y llm 6 —veekonds.--------------------- SA

. . - • bo• - -» •________ • . .api

' I ---------taiNEED A

V A C A T I O t ' j S . S

P r o w /o r / I J i'lA rJ jo n o B o u n d *■' co

27 Fool P ro w le r..___ $5,344 ' Ell31 PonlPrn».Ur_____ ^5,823 ««

T oko P ro w to r S k l in q ' S-f7 'V F oo t........... . . . J3 < 9 S "^I9F001.......................... $3995 l A

6 Double W idn In Slock bed

BROCKMANS ^ - /M O B /tf H O M ES —... -flJflMolnSot/fhBy________ _ ‘'Jf,

rheltenM ofori ofiolnieniofoflOA nd ~

9 3 H „ I ^ LA '_____________________________ refri1955-ABC 2-bednxim mobile homelb Shoi |-i-45V-t<inir c»rpglinu." Mimien- -S973 inoleum, gas wall heater, g ts nci itove. Skirling and niee-siie t»rch - q .i ,ncIudod-Wsll-insuUtod-Graal-lor------h, , |arm handl Good condition, S38Sd, Adu >hon<i 734-7733 anytime or.324-2011 ___ iltorSp,m, - - 2 B

• - _ • ________ - rang

nobilo home lor sale, Unfurnished, mon o b e moved. Phono 326-4418. pets

S. For inlormaiion call Dlck's~. - cold harmacy.. 734-7373 or 733-07te relrl vonln'gsr------ ------------------------------ $150

172 14 X 65, 2 bedroom, 1 balh, - r - s )caled at Uzy J No, 93, $7,000. ^ “ icIodlnoTiinilv's-heraiaskSllnGr"14-8574 a lter 5:30, .anvllme ' sekends,

972 14 X S4 Flaatwood. 3 b^rootn. iisod-nvinoTOomrsBafl'catpelino” ~ r ; " kining.aireonclllloner:plwn*S]6-' M

omo. like new. Christie Eddlnt. ud 7 13^672. Wosiom Really, 733-2385.

0 X 60 DOUBLEWIDE-Fieetwood tobile home. 3 bedrooms, 324-“082, 7 .miles North Vi.west Jerome. _

3R SALE 12 x 602bedroom Gantry oblle homo.-Lecajed at-MounUIn -

------------------------------- , —Wll

TZROAORUNNERTrallerHouse, • -^ — ,400 sell contained. 1971 Trlmllne ' 35 th slkfe-oul $1,200, Iralier. Phone • -3-5229,837-4853 eveninas. . MOE

LEETWOOO. 12 xteo, coitiploie ont kitchen. 2 bedrcwm*, carpeted . r r r Id draoed. stofaoe aRM and larao_ >lto.~lmmedIalB possession, jS S T

(89 12 * eo-TAMHRACK-al Graf*d-- - t r S ew Trailer Villa, Loi *31 Twin Fails. $45 p

x»NASHUAz;fMiwcarp«i.;fuf. -Oarai shed, new paint, and new air .Pe lt indltfoner. 81,800, Call 829-5857 , 3264



" l 5 i r ^ l 7 o i m ~ ■“ •£“ ' Lolt ol Buyers

MOqOMANS-MOBILE-HOMES i T Tol Interstote 8 0 1 padU

93 Hlghwoy Inclu Phone 734-3167 or 334-4303 . aanlU

"TtaS3I51tal«SHER HOME o7 sereaoe. near allng^ftoo(LaMDlDQ*J32dL49wcal«lin , - voM t

BEDROOM HOUSE. J200. 731- 17.. . Burl,

' - k " Soua5TDfELAJ>oflc?om.^_bai!ii_jn_roma area. For appolnimpnl. 324- Min Jerome, 87MiREE bedroom. ew.*r” r r - " r t ' >dani-Trin;ii Bii...^V rlgeral«..lwo balhn r.jar bee*iO. -a month, plui- Cleininfl 1 ^ ' posit. 734-3806. ffEALRRENTl bedroom house, newly f o ^

posll.$ls6amonth,Calt734-220e; ' ' ^ . 3

huTor yours In Sun Valley. First 23 weeks In February. Inlereslod?- . “S?'nlact Oh:k Bell, P. O. Box 491. ~nolulu, 98789 ’_________ _B edroom , full basem en t. 9tplaee. 2 ear garsge. $225. P h o n e ----------32a0ajtef5:00cait733-4019. WoukBEDROOM HOUSE lor renl.' ' Irpeted. $t25. No. petB. 734-3529, ........

____. • _________r ' • -180-AI

WHY W N H " . K•h e n you ton buy o 2 or 3 ^-7^ ? > e d ro o iin ^ -T i5 u « ? 100%Inancing. low i.icome'. CollIt todoy (or. mor* Informo- ' wouW

S T A T E R E A L T Y733-3336

__'« ■E BEOnOOM. srater. saniutk>n' Twin Filshed. Older couple prelerrod. ChUdren dr pets.. Phone 733- ^ FC

^ B E O I ^ M FURNSMED 7 ^ ‘

Statel(m9.-a)momlngs,aflBr9M it- ..................... ..................P

FOR RENT. smaO lumlshed apart- f{ " • . ^ J ^ lloge f i t working K

- BACHEtOB 'o r b ic n e lo ro tle - ' i • apartment. One block Irom Lyn- 2

$100 per month. Utilities' 0lu ^ sh e d . - Oepoall required., 733-. 0««1. _________. PONE BEDROOM apurimenl $100 • «■month. UtlUtlet furnished. Call 326- "

■<042or32W437aftor8p.m.- - ' - g

3-BEOnOOMS, 2 baths, lurnished '■ phor>o7*W217.73»-lW.

NORTHVIEW MANOR APART- ,M ENT8k)cttedal13:;iftaMnolon 1Street H orn, currently h a n 3 t iMdreom unlumiahed. 2 etui I ; (

» s i i 3 i s J s S i . L . aeppflancet.- laundry la c ll lI le t .T ' « apeckMs partOng. Drop by artd. fo ^ our Re.akfanl Msnagera, m Apartmenl A-l or cm 7*3-2138 for J ' d e la lia . - A ppncallona a n d - r a t e r e ^ required. Sony no PM . N

TWO BEDROOM funttshed or un- J furnished. No pets, children OK- * Renl$150.7334733alt5r3pjn.ALL UTIUTIES. $160 por month, - “ e PtwneTaiCTl-____________ _________ J

•Nlca Bachelor aparimeni. No 5chikiren or pets: All utilities paid. wUuirfry facilities and cleanlAg cjdeposlf. 483 Addlsktn Ave. West. cl

n ^ l iL ib W il> r t llBta^ 'IlSANDS APARTMENTS, new one cl bedroom apartm ents, bullt:fn =:

.appliances, carpets, drapes, air. faoftflry room. NochlJdren - pets.$150.734-2254, «

IDEAL, new duplei. 2 bedrooms. ,•Garage, fiiily carpeted, draperies, rr. refrlgeraior. range, dlahwasher.

.idispoul. Waaher and Dryer, (no Hcoinsl. Storage galore. Central air, I :Elocffk: heal. Very privaio $215 per S*

Call 734-M7T

LAUREL PA R K. 1 e n d 2 Forange,, relrigerator. Tw

dishwasher, dlsposst. air con- cl«ditlpriing, eleclric heal, earpott. ' Sdrapes, artd laundry- lacllllies.' . 7 0 «mi«a=lijrnlaK6d ^ e e e t ^ - B c : ^ Irlelty. References and depositroquU M . Phone7344i95:------------- ----- --

.ARGE STUDIO apartm en t. leparalB kitchen, stove and efrigeralor. Adults, 833 North p> >hoshoi)e. Cleaning deposli. 733- $2

BiDELUXE NEW two-b*0roo«ti.- car- M.DBlt. drapBS. range, relrigerator, m

fcd'ults. Phone 733-5610. ” ^

! BEDROOM DUPLEX ineludlng ange 4 relr.. tkapcd. carpeted, [ j

nonth plus deposit artd utilities. No — iOls.Cail734-44ll. FO

3NE-BEOAOOM-«arpeled.-hot.and____on:old water furnished, alove snd . — •elrlgerator. no pets, no ctilldron^ -nSO per month; Apply-ai lSS-Marl!? -------JJ

'" ’ ------ --------- IB! BEDROOM DUPLEX with fu ll ' '<» aaamant. carport, rango, tel,. <nc ■rapes, carpoied. air cond. $195.00 ler month plus deposit and utilltioa: • Wt 4opots.Call734-4411. . . s a l

I* __________ t e l aSLEEPING ROOMS lor rent $20.00 tn d - u p ^ I w r p a r k I r T O T ) ( r a ^ ~NE tP-734-8665. y n

i l iT s DORifinoRY. TV'a. pool I,!! oom, coOKing. - ar)d w ashing. icillliBS. $60. per mortln. 733-2M.

ViLLrentrooms, kllcheo, balh. TV >rlvllogas. All ulllltles oak). No Mts. a »o»|h; 1 ^ s i el Haieltoni, - ;ai)tB»«)w^eyctiingsoni)f. ^ _ ~

- OTtS llltll HftlMB fh/OBILE HOME spK e h)r renl. » * ^ nonlh.Adulbonty.7334231. .. —

BEDROOM 2 bath mobile home. Hilflrad*«2000-ee«H)^piekup.or-.^ - K ?. 4 gT1AILER space.-any slie.-for rentr— —"®| 45 permonlh-886-2453. Shoshone. £l!

BEDROOM, porch, basement. BrBOfl.-lDncod.yard. ln Kimberly.. ..P"’ >els welconro. Vera, 734-5900 or U*'

' SRAILER Space lor rent in Jorome, DRI hono324-5640, . tab!

»74. 14~x' 70 moblle"hdme:'lur;ished, $175. a momn. include# "PI!;M cor water~ahd' unlUtion. No IH.Sts. Call 423-5102 alter S p.m.' COi

. . • . -rooiI X 65. 2 Bedroom mobile home, eveiriialiy lurnished, $120 per month —leludes sp a ce r waler a n d . ^ >nlUllon.CatlShosho<ie8a6-2453, .

i , Officit t o j y sFFICE or ahow room lor ronl, ire ~lue Lakes Blvd North. Phone 733- - O'*' a3of73M813, ■ .lUILDlNG lor lease, eholcB ratall 458ulUing lor lease. Located In -luriey. Waho. Apprenimateiy.OiOO. .flu«e Feel M Basement? ample * *

^modeled. For Inlomialion. phono - . S r» 3 8 l. A WA

................................. * . JohBffearllrmainlloorokiaaoO-aaJL:^ -LI®®' M e m e tn rS : N o ^ B iW U k n KatkH), C enucl OEM STATE WA EALTYmSJM. ........................... ^

OH RENT; Heated storaoo. M « 3;;^ I. 307 Bloo Lakes Soul,ri. Plwnc ■IM M . JS.000 FOOT WAREHOUSE, cement WAl loor. melai buikling. large doors In Piyn wInrAvailable ndw. 733«8a,'— ' 829-!

r ~ ' . l a t i i t h M S LouM rent tour whole lami In Flier, *** v ln .F aIlsarea.P leaseca»afier8 - < m.54Ml45. <

) ACRE farm or larger with lm« jvomenta. Have own maehlnBry d financing. 8374628.

MTEO to rent.130 to I t t acres m iJeromearea.phone324-5836^ 4 3 .

>ukt like to tent iBOactes or mote SWAKknberly-Hansen area. Reply lo .«'N»w8. . Main

- ' ' ' ■ ' 1878'WttriSMii fg Sate

IYING;- tefling. vadmg at the T VAP SHOP. *51 Main >»e. £ . . ==nr rlnW Ja734«53.' ^ . I ™ ; J FORD ptekiif) 289 engine. 731-

irtdtidlnu custom duala for car end plekupa A BSO nS AUTO S^fPPLY. S05Siy«hor>eSl.Souih.

-$3GD.-Asuna-$I7S. PeHecr coiv-' -dilk>n,7BMQ04,_________ ;DO IT YOUftSELH S h a m p o o ^ r own carpet. pmfesakjAal results. ‘ Rent a ' CUnct Shampooer with companton vacuum. Biwmer./ur- nltu re .^1421;

' STOW-A-WAY bed t e n m $ ^ a '- week, BANNER F u f i r i n ^ 733- ,i«1 .

TWO SNOW TIRES, H -7 8 - t4 -^ - - tlms. GM producL 1 BroitiertiedflCl— sewing machine, eaWhet and ai- tachmonis. 1 upright aniiauo G e rm a n p l^ . Call 73*4365.-rit:

-lawlS^Tew^^a nd AiritoCTrby!------football. Service all-makes..Opw evenings' until 10 o:«laek. JamesCtark.733-5601.


“ PiMse call«nimeni7 733-38«.. William,-Biuley-153-Nlhm-----Avenue East, ,

FOR BETTER_eleanlno._tQ.J«ep_i.. ■'eolora gleaming, use Blue Lusire

earpet c leaner,' Rent electricshampoeer.KrengBts." ■ ---------------BO GALLON electric Wizard twi waler heater, double.gUas Uned. cabinet atyle. Cortipacl vacuum' c iw w ^wiih

sink. Call 7344714 or 733-5053, ' • LATHE, 6 " Atlas, motor, 3 Jaw,$400.888-2100. 1 ....THE PROVEN carpel ciaaner. Blue • Lustre is easy on the budoet: RBSlores lergotten colors. Rent

NEW CORRUGATED nbergtata pafteUng.Westem Garten Sgpply.; ^ a n d .P o O t. ■ • • SKIRTING FOR mctOe homea, . —

-JlJO-per.iwinlng-toot-fJnaftelno - - -^nfWerttACtEKDATIOMESrTSt--------

Formal dining set wlin h u ic h )-$ ^Two bar stools, black vinyl, Exer-- c lsebike.423-S623.WE REBUILD Hydraulic |acka at'

-ABBOTT'S . A m 0 -S U P W .Y ,-3 0 S 1 _ SiMKJhnha St. Soulh.

" r ed WKjGLER WORMS lor sale, wholesale or retail, year rgund avalUbility.423-t6«0. -

PANASONIC reel lo reel tape deck.$200. component. Auto reverse.

- B lack and while'Tg iiS'.- i ir c ^ -------Movleproieclor.S185.Marc48mm.. . movie viewer. $35. Phone 7338848.2 WINDOW awnincs. 1-7 foot and 1- .7V loot. White metal. Phone '733- 8553. Reasonable.

URGE BOILER and .smofce Stack.

FOR SALE Weaihered Lumber. For Inlormaiion Call 934-5940 alter 5 or .

-onweekend,a.Goedlno__ - -1 ____

NEW TOYOTA long whsel basa-^-c*mpershenr«34<96rSiffethefiB-------

Bolk) elate ConsoJe alorea.' Cotv-'■ l6W W *ry hlffl WOOfl-OasiOir:-----

cabinet,-Walnut. Sire 82 x 28 x -17HInch.Seetotppelclaie.. . ............

WEATHERED and old lumber .for sate, ao X 35 house to be.m evai. 625-5288 s»er8<0.________

-NATIONAL-CASK-ReolUBClWM--------w ^ llto n . $300. Call a445W y53<- '.

W e ^ ^ a n d ^ p m e n lto c w ib U M .. l u T r r s s W i S s s s - . ,exercising, wan pufleys for m en 'a . aercla lng. bettfhee lor u te In ' bench preta weight Ufllno,- a n d ' Ift^iie^bwrda

-•aulpm ent ahould m ta c t j6e.l4CA-.___wChtKkllplon ai/+i-t3W .-r — ;

THOUSAND GALLON steel bis ^ with aviomatic pump. Phone 733-3578.CHRISTMAS GIFT bargslri. 'fl/rVa bicycle. $45.00.7334511. ■ .-^y- - •

■ FOR 'SALE; 'lH o e e d "blk6''Wltn■TdcTrDSIfuibdTm6nII»! for.]j30. Musi sacdlice at $70.Cail734-4l78alter5.WASHER. DRYER, air condUiOi]^r.plng^wng table, waler softeivtr. . ___

■Uwn“ mo«>»er'''aha'‘mIseollaneous— -household Hems. Phone 73<:n36: 603HeybumAvenue. •DRESSERS and cheat of drawees, tables and chairs, and lots of

im isteM ruous.-.:A n:ii:m B now B »trr—■prioM jW ^ellN iw B ndU sjH ).S3$^— ^

COLOR ENLARGER. 1100." Dark room supplies. $20. Call 7334492 evenings. ' ' VBRANDNEWMO spooil(2«'j. Man's bike; AMF Scorcher 'Oelukp,'Yellow. $85. Phone324-5075:

W a M ta i ^ '

One horse opan stelgh.-wlil pay fpr

4585, . ............. ..

GOOD USED rubber tire Farm w a ^ n , ' And ' good used small '

_ jrn^.^ e jp< m i:aw afay tr.-£ lion<» ■ -

WANTED 6 row com head for 7700 John Deoro-eomfiioo—Alao-conw—-J— fe e d e ^ h o u s ^ ' l ^ . 543-5663, - -

WANTED TO BUY Older camoar - trailer.’ good condition. Call 825- 5665. • . -,

WANTED TO BUY - Used Pony cart and liarness. Phone 5434053. , 9:00a.m. to5:00p.m.WANTED to buy DMgo .Oart or Plymouth ValUnt lor the engine. 829-5797.-------------------------- -----------------

WE BUY Most anything: Kimborly •Swap N Shop. 4234819, block watt ol Bank and Trust. KImberlv. _• OtfHFORSCaS'UCTAlT^:,

Copper. Brasa.AJuml.ium, .- Radiator. Batiertea, Etc: , . ....A laotB M C araa_ '-J.:.‘: f . , '- "

H.KOPPEtCO. ' -•- 152UBdA«nueSouth

5 T ^ U i i n S ' ^SWAP SHOP aiTikiue and 'eoOee*' - ilUea dbpaitmenl now open al491 Main Are, E.. Twin Falla. 1 .l

l87BWOOOPARLORheallngt<or4, . :realed fo ^ le leb ra io ' fd a f r^ .

I244B08, evenings,-

iTUROY...good condition. I eok Iretser. cheat drswors. over 80 . -earS'Okl.'See lo appreeiale. 733 ,534. ................... - - .

Page 31: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


" ^ f l R E T M D r T '. " ' b y L I S T I N G . - Y O U R S E R V I C E

I N ■" T H I S


i , MCfetifUl,. copjrino. m*ll, on- v«lopo •luffing,- i«ryfc«t vlth

. -eooBwy Ja tk tnd-phona, Opon


REFRIQERATOnS. FREEZERS, i- n t j o ^ watfwrt: dryare. Vioi’i

fjl*f A v»ntn% »f'

. . i ^ H D E ANO dump truck m 7 -

..:vlc«, CXrl and Rock Moving FrM e* tltn* t« .73J^1 .

• Gel tho aavin(|9 haiiil” flood the CiMsiliOd Ads lo loam whoro tho roalnargims am


t Li_XB<)ffi9dfl!lM:,MMia6MK==£Ie62_ ^ n ca l ■nd pumtMnQ and aJi car-.

' rm«tcing ■ vaiaS a i

~RPENTRY —THE HOUSE Ooclor it t»ckl Sor-

_yl<iiLth* Magic Valley with' quality f8B»dellno.con«ifucttonai>d>»ma >

roquait. Call OavW Black, 73WW7, ■^733-qOI._________'•THIETTEN CONCRETE CON-

- -STRUCnON__________________CURS. Qultor. Sldawalk, Patlot,

^.DrfvOMya. Roors. Call for tro«. Mtlmata, ra«-75M._______________

-^f^TRUCTION .- D r o Conitnicllon. Home tMlldlng-'

— *n typ«a of rotnodollno. Nothlnn- .1100 t)lg or amall. Frpa aitlmatea. ''CaWnei buWIng. formksa, fumltur#


. ~O flm A LL •ACOUSTICAU caillngi,. wallt pal-

.. chad or rotlnlihtd, ta itu rad . oelllnsiandroomitinlahM.Catlfor ’

. — Lfrw^»t|ft>ate,JBy»«. H «w ;.,73«..,• 3m.

- r ' ^ HUTCHWON constroctio> F ^ = ^

ramodallng. Interior and exlarlof,

. OecofiUng.7JM47J.

- - ' w E tJIN Q -- • - ---------—- — r-PIPE-|ln».-g«n»r«f-w eldlnorur-—

- -Mmant>t-Jlm'aWoBlno.a37.«fl».

. : i ; _ CARPET.Cl.EANtNfl_T , . ,—S tu m ciMnIng, no |ob-too amall. „ (} )^ i t lm a te a . Bob. 7M-7198..

LOOKERS WELCOME, oapoclally F flood tooliors. Polo • and Rum • .

■Johnsion, 3t2 South Washington •(Vfportfload) 733.2345. •

iREO'BAflN. IV. nillo north-on eh- 'Wiahlnflion. Olshoa. furnltute.-

.... pffiDlllvfls_flrKl_collacUWe3. .Buy___ S- - a n d B e ll : - . ........ ........:---------, - J —

■ « ........ M D sln llB lm u iits S j

'^W-YAMAHA RANOS. USED ^-----quiura,- land 1 * , q

»l(Vrt»/tlS, Setmor, Conn. King- pi!; Bundy,- W arner Music 131 Shoshono North. 7 -j

— 4 S i £ £ r = : I W i « , T l Y l : S t i r H i =—— HID

-"R CA 'storoo. maplo consolo clo;-AM/FM. nocondlllonod and nau«»(mt«d.J9a.00,Caln's733-7l1t, mln

SUPEfl SCANNE6 . C, B. Anlonna, ' ^

nairtWSfc} .ncludcd, J259. 1« e s atl Phono DouQMcFall 733-0195.________^

SOUND Design SIojoo Mulli plu< ~ 3yaj<-x9tafM io.C all3^<tr' • cm

MUNT2 CAR sloreo A.M Radio. 8 ” o Inno player wilh 2 Loar Jel J73

------apeBker8-amor>7l):00-?3««<?46:----- -------TinsJI" MAGHAVOX'color TV lor sale.

. swiyoTbaso,Phone324-«l6, siE R E Q -COMPONENT flyslotn.

reel. JVC focolvof.% wVs!'’jV C ~Jurn|!iti!o...Pfono8f_ f lo n w u ^ l00____•watiB B»eh.-Tweniif 7" tapes nnd

. . w nod ■ s in ro n u ta n d . Vorv . 'ca30naQle.3i4-249i..

- " r en t A COLOR T.V. - X $10 .00perw e«k__

..WoS«iIvofl<3itJ«rby P l w r -C A IN 'S - ' 73 3 -7 1 1 1 ^ -»s[J

f i r i l l i i . t Carpel S

X T ^ % " S i r ^NEW CARPET aculplured nylon and 3q"skag.OvertwughlatauctWn.Phono and

.73W378, Pilvato pariy. Eieoplional 01,ic price.

• -W i 1? Unolcum tug», asaortad' ' ^ .-•paito/nfl. Now |u iriT4JS. Banner " “ ^5

WHY-fltiY U0ED7-N0W S drawer • Wor• .df«MrM a..*draniordro9»8r.-«9, . elE

dartMiralool. Single head t»ard • yeai *19. Mallreaa and box apdng. tlnglo ' - tiftf-.IM. ''Seamont’VMany oihora kpu

____________ _______________ : AUTNEW SOFA-N-LOVE teal. ^199. nowCoweh-N-Chair, }I09. Bedroom ^ol leefl

' I>*"atre.<t79.a74-tl96. . ^- .NEWOINEHESET, MS.Occatioiul -d o i

and, roclinlrtg ctxaKt, STB. Carpel. QuaiIw^tt»3.79ava«d-M4^l99. 7tl1

- — - - - • ■---

o h d

- W f i a a a ™

i o . CARPETCARERUQ SHAMPOOINQ Ste Fotm.RealdenilalorCommi & T Maintenance.

— • ' Concrat* and c a i^ t e r— Drtwwaya, padot, and


?■ ~ r i^ e * 'n o .* ’ a5dHlOT^"t

■ .’s s ’i i a . ” ' ” "'’ '

~~ “ H O f^T R A tllR S—, HORSE, atock, oootanecli,” flnarKlng, rentala 100 per c


g i & r ' " "CUSTOM MEAT CUTTtNQ

5 •• Cuttom' mMt cutting. LeiT Here'* Chatuu.. 903 4th ir. Wett.73W>417or733«aO.

MEATCUTTINQ----- --------- ^OAUE-BlRns.Orataadv^wr

. and frozen. 194011th Avenui TwlfvFaIta.pf3868..

y MGBH^BUTCHERINQSERVs „ Eaaterty'a new refrigeratedr»TTT=-- faylct>»Mtvck.-Qulck-»t(vlot

.._ • E l ec tr o m o to r s

i S 5 S " S ,! S '2 S .S 5 : — 7 — S S g M f e Sr ' ~ HOMEIMPRf^VFUFUT

INCREASE the value ol you , ' by twice the Intllal Inve;

Remodeling by Red Rive alruction. 733-2821.

K---------------------------------HORSMHOefNO d . ------------------ Hot. cold and corrective. < ’------------ - , Dellamater Buhl, Idaho M: 1-------------- - .^ rG ra d u tle : Oklahoma F --------- — *-Cotifloe.------------------------

L PAINT, now. bfighiBn your--------- for tno lionMya-. Htrma w rrt

reasonable rates. Local rc I. COS. Call 7 3 4 ^ 1 for ‘'Better■ • INTERIOR. EXTERIOR, Spec

lr> roof coaling, accovtllca___ _________ tnd.,witl lanur#'..FJ«e.Ml_____ _______ fullyJr»ur*d..Low.,Iow prici

- .60J7.73MSa5,•^PAINTinQ ' ~

4C runiHarBt Carptt--4^lTghT roVal blue voivet 90" coucti' ~ X "

. and matching chair. Also 2 Spanish Whtable tampa. Original cost StOO - )oach.wlliseiralltorS30a.e29-56t8. . Mol

____________________________ WoFRENCH PROVINCIAL, bullol. «* 'Bassolt. good condliion. l(ult,wood OU im;nrnlco.fortiplt{laYflrnnorr-423-—:

DARK ' GREEN Early Amorlcan . g a ! davenpon. Atmott new. Phono 825- 50 ©i 5033- __________________ 637-3M ATCH«toatugs,Soldataunii.6-- m > 9, 4 X e. ond 3 z S. Autumn tones. in Phono 825-5032. *3.

r DRftWER unllnisnod” el»)lt ol’ ^00 Jrawort. you haul. *26,00,'Cain'sm .7 1 U - ■............... -?33:HIDEi-A-BEO. good condltionana •;loan.«t1g:H.Cjla:&ja3;21iL^_______ ^I PIECE bedjoom. aol. dresser.Tilr«or; ehosl and bod. $98.00.:aln-t733-7111.________________ ErwiN SIZE m attress,.and lx)»_____iprlngs.* Good, clean and lirm rnc ;49,OO.Caln-s733-7111.

) X 12 ARMSTRONG Unoloum custjlon lloor. Supremo J6.95 square yard. $t09.90 HoQular Price.NOWII S3.99 square yard. Inslalied S73.32. BANNER Fuinlluro. In store lmimetngr»W4?t:------------- -------- -----------,

S P O T C A S H : - , .-Forw rn ilu fe -A ppnoheei------------------

—-_ -Otilo-iwe------_________

BANNER. . ; ■? '. fURNITORE 'T,~.

127 2nd. Avonuo WojI - • • ,7. 733.1421 ,

.- - 5/(

I . . . . . . . tppllw w1EE DEMO Hoovor potiablo -\tsher and diyor eel, flo^l or buy, • ihnor Furniture 733-1321.. ,

CA W h irlp o o l Ic o m a k e r .} . Dlilfloratof. 733.49J9. _

VESTINGHOUSE . 30" range. ' 2 fleart old. *175.734-3329._________ 3410" KENMORE RANGE.' likQ new *nd Hpi Point wasnor in tair con- ' 3illlon. For tale or tiade. for small ^01•ood buiing heating ilove. 423- R732. • ___________ ISI:LEAN.- reconditioned - ranges. " ,indot I7S, All guarantoed. Chock - '5<tih us lor oinot good vtluos. ^VondellNewandUsod.53fr-2774. ^iLECTRIC COOK STOVE. Soarn. 4 , Deartold.S12S.543417e. p

:ENM0RE deubio ovon tlovo, ’»cc!iitnu .c-nau!on .P ft-< ?«9 .___UTOMATIC wlfhor. Sears, like ow.. Recondllloned and.guarari-. »ed.tl4e.0Q,Caln'8 733.7iii. {QlEFRKiERATOR, extra large GE. loan , - R e e o n d ilK in o d -a n d ' M t» i uaranieed, *148.00, Caln'a 733- ' Valloy tn . V' '<5tav

/ k e g o JI d i F e c t i

— ------- -- a jU h o m e i m ^

• Sbsisirt*

1 PAtWTTNQa neon'. L £ H 0 Y C R tS T 4 S

• ^ 7 ^ ' L S S a T M r~ ....... . ’ ■ '• tt lm W M . w S i

, ■ . R A tH aU T T g R fl-_ c tb ln e t s ! C O N T IN U O U S

' . 7M -7919. S M m le i------------------ ------------ ;« y « e m » ;------------c k , re p a ir, BASEMENT SEAIir c e n t ta x • o u t te r t . L e t u t alef H llch ln ’ .F r e e e t l lm a le a .T l

7 3 « « 1 .4 2 W e 2 0 ,


e t t i i M l e t COMPLETH REM< e iu m a ie t . t„cli»dlng c a N n e i ___ ____ . )J ro«e*tT m atoe.C <

■ ' 5413,

8 W A P S H 0 P ~ ; B U yiN O S E L U N Q -l

T R £ESE RV IC6 '________ ■ . W tLL CUT dow n .-RVICE e g ^ j o o r w o o d f

V jO e rJ * C k = r r^ = ^ o i j |e E K TRFg~ I.Jirem..— ---------------- rw novt«H ,-A U Jlm b«

-------------- tow er tdT iyd rau lical.■ III S tu m p g rind ing ,

i p a ir a r * d ' ____________lo lo ra a n d W E 0 0 t reo -topp ln i


--------------- — g i n U P M 6 L 5 T e f l9

K S ? p ffip ”Ilvof C o n i , R ep a lra ff ia d e , Phon

--------- IN COM ETAXSERV t

F a r r ie r s __________ ________________

------ D O YOU NEED b a d

)0b t . 'e lM rv u { g ra v e l in g . C o n a k

R u i n i n g . - R M to n a b lo . 73^394 Ileal a p r a y 5497.a s U m a te s .____ ______ ____________iflcea^T M ------- -------- REStOENTUL'OESIQ

— ' ----- r — "P la n n in g ,— draftlng .-— P ro fe tt to n a l M em lJ E x tw lo f . : ---------- ^ I n i l l i u i r o r B u n d T r ^ 'W e e . c u t L H a n aen , 2S0 W atl


7 — Jip jillaB H y^

WHY. eU Y -U S E D ? -H e w -W hir lM 0!-7 - S i U " r a n g e — *179.1 y e a r w arran ty . m i hA/hltlpool ro lilg o ralo r, 14 cutslc loo l m l— *259. 5 y e a r w arran ty . U se d 23" No M otoro ila co lo r TV. *149. U se d j a , W o slln g h o u jo d is h w a s h e r - . J99M any o th e r# to c h o o s e Irom. — QUTCH'SSHO W KASE.733-4090,. . J *

B— — f t o l f B r t ^ l i r C o q i j i t i f l j I i i i pl ^ ° 9 i ' N T E n Ilow wall lu rnaee.0.000 BTU s . G o o d condllfon . Call —

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.9 ' M l d l i l l b l n l i l s ■JPF

•_ __________ ________ mile100 BOARD . FEET o L u a e f l . barn tttt

'O 't o IB 'lo n g ,Bupr

S P E C I A L ^A m i q u c W h i l c hone

B A T H R O O M V A N IT IE S ' w ilh w h i le o n d g o ld c o l iu 'c d

" " A ' , , . ■ ■5 3 9 9 5 ^ d ro i

•m o \ t . i l j o t POr t ' l 'R i l e y , s EN

Builder Mart— T O rA d d i to n Av.,'n » c W 5Ti------------ EMl

_____________ ____________ J o e l

L A R G E S T P A > 4 E L IN G bU. D IS P L A T I N ______ ____ .f iE O

I D A H O A T BEA— D J S C O U N T .P R I C E S — - - - 'I ’JSl » r T v r s h « i r w m - ; 9 7 V c f : — -2 f .v

M i• V 'S o n d e d P l y w o o d 'i 6.‘9 S e o . ' ^ '/.'■ C D X T ru -P ly ' 0 '® ’“

S h e o th ln g , .........5 ,7 5 * 0. « r n t5 / e - . « 'K l 0 ^ g O y . . . , 7 . 9 S o o .

P o n e l in g . '___ •-, : . '3 i 5 9 e o . -: . • -p o ° i

'W o o d P a n e l in g ___ 3 ,9 5 o a . 7 ^4 ’ » .f l 'A C ro d o 'V (n y l ' ”

S n io ld P o n o lln g . O U /3 < o lo r» 3 98 c a ' ' hay ,

5 / f l '4 ' * B O r o o v c d . 7331C lo d w o o d S ld in a . I l l * ___g ro d e -g u o ro n te e d . 7 .9 5 eo . 150 '

3 4 0 l b ,S e l f S M l p e nA tp h a l i ' V , •

is’i r t e "3 i q u o f « » . . . , , 6 , 9 S p - e r > o I t ' i iT c l

15 > - 3 '- « " R - n ' *2.50 F lb o r g lo » i l n » ,___ 7 .7 0 '« o '’ "■


N e w W ln ie r H o u r s nTTj ____ . - ^ : 00j o » :3 0 , • ' '

— - • ■ *45p

! ■ ' e i f j t . s . i i s .v i j i

^ n is S T - o a t a g e - s a le - in - M atH c - Moy ev e ry d a y a tlh e S W A P S H C .> , ‘ STR- -A v o .-E ..T w Jn F a tla734-aW 3, * 1.M

i l d e S' .G I N

; o r y ; ‘ . ■

I ^ V E M E N T — • P W E P U C ;

------- ----------- =----- ' ![!“ " [A S O N S PAINTINQ. t® >h*tatl‘. Ix t e r t o ^ n t t n g . * c - S 219afie rS

S a s o f W r ^ a . ^ ' ” ’ v a c u u m c- • ...... = o o o p - y

^ i ^ K o t ^ r

n t e M ^ ° n " - Q a --— — ---------- ------ , E I^C T R O L tlEALING. an d ra in p a r t a an dI s lo p lh a t m o istu re . d e m o n tlra t . T & T M a ln ie n in c e . M adison73< JO.

H O M E S I-

EM ODEUNG s e " ^ o S tto M tw"•S* G r a d u a l ?I. C all 733-1183 o r 733- C o lle g e .

T • C A R P E N 1 <Q-TRAOINO. Uaed______ g E ^ O O E U

A v e . E . . T w l n F a l l t . - ' P re f e r sm a------------------------ . e s l lm a le s . ,-------- . ___ : ------------------ K e ll y .------

m. trim your traea!od for teat. Intured. . f i a J w A v i c

— S i f f l Eic a lly . ln iu ro d S a v « e o n e tru c tlo in g . 7 3 4 ^ Of 733- a n d w e a e r v

iplng an d rem oving .r e e e i l l m am a iru ----------------- --ir734-3403. ---------

ilSTiBY F,.. —REf;up an d delivery ,h o n e 734-3438, 6 » l y r * f o

p r o f * i i l o n aRVICE , .'OpIng a n d Incom eII .4 ^ 5 1 5 4 o r 4 2 3 - ' p t n d o b l * p ;_______ o f h o m « Irui

3c6 7 0 n w e ek o n d a------- r

8. S p e c U lt i ln a In - t h a t y o u w d n -up , ar>d d rivew ay .n t l d e r a l l j o b a . f o r a * I l H l *-3944,733.2587.423. { f o r 1 5 W O ,

_____ ■[_____ .________ _ c l o i i i f l * d . d (S W N ------------------------------- y o u r - o d l o d i

: s « ? “! a a — — y a airr^T)etlgirrr*cy---------------------V a th ln g to n S tr e e t.

. . . . . . . . .■ G A R A O t— S A L E — A N O ^ f t rE A .- ^ .-rM Ah

M A R K E T : f u r n l i u r e a n d C us l m l s c e l l a h e b u s H e m s . S u n d a y 4984N o v e m b e r 30. 717 S o u in Lincoln . ------J a r d m o . 324-8190, HAYDeny

Y A R D -S A L E , W o d n e af la y a n d ^ ,1 5 .T h u rsd a y . 2 m ile s E a ai o l FaM F iv e . , ‘=4'"^ P o ir ils a n d tv^ m ile s so u lh . F rom 9 _ _ v J 2

^unH nr ■ ' ----- , • — — -tJuy:. 4822

51. . . . . . . . . . ; Good T|iiii£s lo.Eal J TA PPL ES, oil V a rlo tio s . O rr O rchard 1 ^ m ile N orth o l B u h l., •

M TU R A L FOODSI Millor B oy GraUi ___.1111. V lia lliy g u a r a n t e e d I b ^ - fr u i lu p p i o ^ ^ s .^ p e c i a iT ^ M u e d T f l i i t s '------ tfp ie

^ R S A I P - r^..ll.■ ,;.- ---- j j - j j - ____ u J mi

= 'o ^ n i

^ A I N - F E D , B e o l r 3 8 c o n ts l tv o - w e igh t. U c e n t s h a ll o r w ho lo “ '®’ ‘d re s s e d welQ hi 829,5018._____________ — _POTATOES FO R . S a le . 733-5083'. 57W h ito a n d r e d ._______ ^ ^ENG LISH W a lnu t# fo r fta lo :‘ P n 0 7 n r 734-1944. . » ‘u d . /

324-28iEMMEN-8—MfiATST-Top—uuBllty- p - v r , loekor and counter moaia leiaUlno at wholosalo-prlces.'Biuo Lake#Blvd. S o tilh . 733-8960.

? E & ^ 0 6 L 1 C I0 U 9 — A N O -R O M E ------S IT S T• * ' S h ie ld s O r . P hono

h a rd In S uhl,_y.i-m llo S o u lh n l th « _ lid . m o o a _ G i o « _ T i i e a to c „ o y _ t n c _ ' lo sho l o r liu c k lo a d . P h o n o 543- OBEDI306, _ - ■ . ................... .-dog j rOMEMAOE A p p le C W cr, C o le 's tc h a rd . 3 m iloa .s o u lh B urley a k t b o rno r. B uhl. 543-8025, .l97S C A U F O R N IA W a lm tlfrrW co n |f t- .2 2 2 iL _ I p o u n d , 4 5 c e n is p e r p o u n d a l te r 35 ai^ 5 o u n d s :P h o n o e a » « 7 7 .

I lo ll. .i ■ B a i . i r a l i t f t t i lDUALITY 2nd a n d 3rd cu llin g a l ia ila - ^ K C R la y . C I030 lo Tw in F a lls . *2.50 tw ie . v e a r c f33 .8 0 ? 6 .N o eh « c k * P h o n e

150 T o n s 3rd c r o p h ay lor s a le ; *45. M m o l 50» to n . P h o n o B29-5366.. . , <,guiQf

______ • ' ' IrallicO O T O N O F H A Y .a lH h re o c u lt ln o a . ■ s c e n t . .000 B u s h e ls 2 w ay . m ixed g ra in , c n c r ~ honea2M2i9,. V '

jTcELVENT, HAY, h ea v y b a le # . —2.50 a b a le . S travr *1.50 « b a le , v, OUEE illo lto m cily .7 3 3 -2 2 8 1 , -----1" * * p l e s . J

I TON S FIRST a n d J e c o n d e u t i ln o 6 lacked a l l t % *45 io n . H ag erm a n w ith A ■oa. E ve n in g s 324-2404. • i in » llr

lALEO STRAW lo r Balo324--2947. A K ^■-------:______ p o o d U

r r o N S - C H O i c e m u g e m i in o -M ^ r ' E n r m45 p o f lo n . P h o n o 423-S983, ■■ . BriltaiiHIRO CUTTINQ alTJlia. oxcellorSi 0 '® " "on d illo n . *2.00 a b a lo . N o cr ieek # , i - 24-8531. I r P uppI

3 l i n e a d — 1 3 . 4 4 ~ ~

4 l i n e a d — ] 7 . 9 J

■ S ^ l l n o g d ' ^ ^ 2 2 . 4 0 — 3


. D A Y FO R 2 6 D A V S .I

. - • ' I

733-093! :.V

, I '— I ^ 1

PLACE O W NER S: I c a n c o n v e n ’ ' ' [n r e p la c a - in to a c ir c u la t in g ' i

c * to h e a t y o u r h o m e w h ile ^ring a fir* . S a v e o n ;uo l c c i t o . i

ittle, rully.*taembled, aecorxla \lUti. F(M demonstration. 543- cifierSp.m. . -


c e a l l m a k e a . V AC UU M ’ tNER S O F ID AHO, c o m e r o f ' Ia a ta n d B Iu e L a k e a ,7 3 3 .1 IC 7 . - ‘

FROLUX S a t« » -m J M ftlC B . ■*a n d a c c e a a o r l e f f . F r e e U

M iration o l n e w S u p e r s / . 47B _on734.7371. - Bi:

J _____ - ’ ---------- ^ - -------- — 6 uS E SHOEING______________ V., co ld a n d co f re c llv e , H a r r y ' Hyim ater. B uhl, k la h o 5434844, Anl u a t e : O k la h o m ia F a r r le r a 73''go - .

P E N T R Y , R E P A IR A N O ' ^)O EU N Q ^ _ • -

r a m a ll ' l ^ V ; * L o w * ^ 3 * l r o e t' s i M . . P h o n e 7 3 3 .5508 .^Call

________ ^lA M C O N STR U C TO N ~ "T t

— L-na, or buenw m rxnodotlna —w i _ H o n » t : = w » = ( t o = q u U t t y ^ : ^ Z l ? j v c t lo n at rMaonabie ^> aervs you betlw. 7344750. &


= P A 1 R S ?= " i» t o c h o c k f o r q u o l l f i o d g l o n o l i l l t t a d i n t h * t o r *r ^ c t o r y ^ o u ^ M l i K i - d o -------------- 1I * p * o p l « f o r a n y t y p «■ l m p r o v m « h t y o u , S o y ’ ___

■ttu J i a y . Q . « p « c l o l - * k U I --------------J w 6 U t d I l k C ' t o a d v a r i l t *I H I * a i ^ 3 . 4 4 0 m o n t h p , w o r d i o r U » i ) , c a l l t h *

> d . d * p a r l m * n t . o n d - p l o c * — — - i o t o d o y . ---------------- ---------------------------- '«


, iM --------- 7 T ^

rM A H U R E — S P R eA D lN O :— n iO -B —C u s to m F arm in g . 326-4703 o r 326- h e

- __________ • t nHAY a n d s lrn w lo r s a le . 326-4631, r rD enver F ine . gP50 TO N S, g o o d q uality a l ia i la h ay . 3 s ircu tilnQ s; 866-7701. __ _ ___________

- tju y ln g a n d se l l in g a n d hau lin g ,4822. tra t

' H al

56 Firewood a t___ am

ORY SEA SO N ED Iruil w o o d s , h a rd 46: w o o d .p ln e .D av cW ard .7 3 3 -4 2 0 6 , „

F R U lfw b O D . G o u rle y O rc h a rd . *35-£t'pieK opiM 'd ;phonfti?e!^583o;----------^

' ' . ' weLU M P A ND S to k e r c o a l o n d rid‘• T 2 5 tO C k - e a l l . l - r C a l l_ 8 2 9 .5 6 1 1 ___ ___e v e n in g s .

FIREPLACE W OOD a n d k ind ling fo r ■ .. - pT s a le . 73> 7605o r 733-1406. m— '/4

S 7 " - " " Pets 4 Supplies

E A H I U P - t o r - p o o d l e ^ i l a b ie - f S ; ----- ^■lud. AKC re g is te re d . S U v e r .P h o n o _ 24-2881_. • • “

’P OFESSIONA t^G RO OM ING. S tu d ^__le.-vico. V a ca tio n in g ? .I'll b o a r d FO ■ M r i ^ , - C h * f l - M l ( j e f , K e n n e ls , I^Lar

1 ~>BEDIENCErTu"n’ d o g ’a o d w a l b 7 ~ 'loo Iralnino. ■ A i» o ,,b Q tn H n o .« _______

• TR.W H o g ls lo ro d G e rm an S h o ilh a ir |^ I o ln ts f . P u p p ie s . 10 w e ek# o ld , 733;[^ 15

,KC BLACK LAB S. roglstorD tfi--------- *»'*i,oad. h iin ilf^ iill. J u s t r ig h t fo r C h ris lm a s . hono544-230?,_______ •. .

■KC R tblii.'tnE O Blood H ouno'] m oar old lonuin, black and lanhone 731 3143 alter S. " h o

illK E'S S POH TiNG DOGS S U P P lT ■:omploto supply ol training = riQupmont. Oummios, whisilos, 2 ; .rallic toads, duck aod-phoisani Tj' cent, training books. 734-8264, •3EE A U lgalors a n d P ropaoa ilon* M l

. S3UEENSLAND B lu » H e e le r pu p - ' r ~ ; )le s,* 2 5 ,e ac h -P h o n o 3 2 4 -5 0 0 1 .

I AKC DOBERMAN p u p p ie s . *100 . v llh AKC o r * 7 1 w ithou t AKC, Call m » lin r5 -3 0 o .m .6 7 M 2 7 7 :

v“k C G E R M A N S H E P H E ^ S .>oodies, Irish S e l le r . N o rw eg ian _ j 2 T:ik HOU nat', U illlA hy't.~2iliei‘S p it i '---- 4 hiJ rilttn y L a b rad o r c r o s s . W e d o d o g , o n i room lng . M ao '<K oftno Ia .536 -23 l7 , , o’ , "

iK C ^ re o i 's lo ^ o d ” C 6c'kor~ E piin iD l i075 I>upple9. G o o d turn ioro ,. oxco llon* - -sc ti

F o m a to * j5 0 , M ale s *125. 3 2 4 .’ b |n«

. . .A ,

57- Pets t Supplies , 'READY F O R C h r i s tm a s A K C '

^Ou*>.lwiuU LnasA .A o s o " b u p s ' 6 w e e k s .o ld . P h o n o 733-6102 k l to r 5 " p ,m . V^ E E TO G OOD h o m e 4 m on lh o ld

.*^erT m e p u p , H a s ^ h o ts . y33'9443. * - “ 5 A k c 'r o g is ' te tc d IRISH SETTER ' ' •

p u p s , 3 m o n m s. M ust se ll. 4 m a iea . .1 tem alai* l25 .432-5544-

.SPR itgO ER SPANIELS; p u p p m t . ' u r e a l p e l s o r h u n to rs . J u s i in (im o fo r C h r i s lm a s . *35. 324-2437 Jo ro m o .

^ SALE: B lue HcoToTpups. 324-,

.W H ITE lo V .p o o d le s - i ; . r s a ia . will ho ltfu n u i,C h r if lm a s .';i3 .4 1 5 4 . • • PARAKEETS. iocaT i.,i5cd . 'c a o e s . . ' n ow a n a « s e d -a a u a ilu m s an d su p p iie a . 253 .Sovonlh A ycnue E-isi.

■ A K C ^flf.Q Hle(je(i a n r l e o i - - l c m j i o . . ' _ p o d a g T T fn fo m o n ih a o ld rw ;-4 2 4 9 :— ' PART G erm an S hophB rO 'puD py. 2 m o n ih s o ld . 10 bo fll.o n sw a y . 8?9- 5797, . ,A KC REGISTERED p o o d le s . 6 w e e k s Diet, w h ite : *3500 n lin r BCn M l g4 -W 8 J , , — —MINIATURE b lack m a le p ood iu .G o o d C h ris lm a s p re s e n i . 423-4335 THREE k itions t a b o g iven aw ay ^ 1 1 423 -5IO rih-6vem nos. M o llic / is-------

^ E LTOm o n n ifl L ao 5 m o n tns T n c r - r - ' O uck H u n te r s d re a m . Pick o l litte r,

tra in ing siarlod .* C all, a l ie r 6. 536- 2922. • . _ ;

'56 ARifliarBreedine,BISON HYBRIDS (B oela lo ) S e m o n ^ - H bu ; a l o ^ ._ H e f e [ o r d ^ l l2 - t> | bullSJb'H Harelma. S30. i i W ton .V. H e re fo rd . *50, M em ber B ison H ybrid in io rn a l‘o nai A sso c iV lo n . i . 'T O 'lM h b re o - g r a s s lo d . P h o n o 73X5891 o r 543-4658.

a - ____ < ■ - '• C a lU i '1. _______ ;________ ________ , I

FO R SALE: R og lslO rud Angu s bu lla . ' ^ o w i-c o w 6 .« n d -c a l» o » ,- a 7 U ^ t in io :— =1

h o lle rs . T op b lo o d iln o s . E r^ - i io -A n o u s R anch 733-3846 a lio i 5:00. _1

__________ \KUSTOM KOW KLIP, loo l trim m ing.

• i-H A lF -B R E E O -C h ia n in a b u l l i- fo r • I8aio . 324-5048. __________

-B E E F A ^ tX V B U tla io r irC h 'a ro U is ,- ’/s H oro to fd . T ho H a rd y B r o o o - T h o - -

B o o l B ree d . S em 'e n -H e lle ra - B u lls . 734-7562. \

FIVE 5 m on th o ld H o ls le in ~ h e lle r9 . '

_E B eS U j}L SofingaL C Q ie rij}L liB ifo£a____ 1.Q U o u n tQ e d __ Buy— o r ._ i r > d o - J o < - = 1

s p r ln g o ra o r b e e f . H ip o r C lyde H u g h e t . Buhl 543-5625 o r 543-5066. J G ^ s e le c t io n d ia ry h o lto rs a n d ' c o w s fo r s a le c r t ra d e . Will t:uy o n < o rd e r . -Call lo r ap p o in tm e n t . 734- *

--- -------------------------- - ~ SlARCHDISXUCTIOlia).- 7,

-------- SALLEVERYJATUROAV.________ g1 2 : O O A J A . h

-------- Aii-TrpmHsvtmeti----------

■(8y1hoSlngln^Bfldg») ‘ pi_______ - _______________ Fl

FO R SALE: lO«M50 H o ls te in h e lf o ts «w e ig h in g from 1000-1300 p o u n d s o n <". l a n d a ta l l ilm o s . A l s o s o utiitu tp . _P<

- f in a n c e - w ith K g o n o H iig tio a ._ J a f o m e .-3 2 4 -2 4 is .- - .J ______ 1 ___ 1 - -d l

I Day o ld c a lv e s (or S a le . D oU bif ' ^

--------- 5................. ■ J

GOO D B A S y an 'd p a s tu re ca lve# o f ' j. s a le . All k ln d s .■ P ^o n o 324-4162 o r h 324-4028, Jo ro m o . ' '

5 ' HorsB i

T O P P R tC E S fo r o ld -a n d u s « o « - ' ’-8h o r a e t . S a d d le h o r s e s (o r a a le o r ' ct r a d f t ,K d lh P < ! rk ln t . 432 ^4 8 9 ._____ , 1

F e c ia l h o r s e s a l e : S u n d a y n D e eo m b er 7 ih . 1:00 p .m . by ,ih e _ s ln g in g b rfdgo . R a n c h e r 's A uc iion

.C o m p a n y , 7334552, - ------- . .

'A L L T rP E g B rB C fro rp g f fo wt . 8 0 1 0 - ' —


A llb N I I U N HORSEM EN, a h o o in g - . . . a n d irlm m lng to r w in ter . P h o n o 3 2 ^463 t. D enver F ine.

FOR SALE: G o o d , g e n tle w ork loam . Cnil ov o n ln o s . 543-5782.

"T jieeuT ilo W e lsh q i i tH e r y e y m a r e ! w o ll-L r?k jn . fo r c o m p o lo n i ch ild rid o r. MOO. 7BW 600.

61. - ■ . Swim:- PUR EBR ED -Y O R K S tiiR E ' BOARS '

AND GILTS. 200 lb s . 7 m ile s N orth . V 4 W e s lo lJe rn m n 374-MU?

F O R . SALE; 10 G ilts for b re e d in g W olflht 200 lb s . E a ch . P h o n o 733-

_»W 7alter 7 o .m . - ......................... .. _-

■62- - - - - - !MU!fp- ■ _F O R SALE (pu reb red S u llo lk R am

,L am b . F rom a la rg e b o n e d a n d la s to ro w in o . Ilocll, Gra n d c h a m p io n ___s i r e . A v a ilab le lo r in s p e c tio n .P h o n o H ag erm a n 8374226any tim o .

T R A C T O a GENERATORS.’ W i n c r * ^ P TO g o n era lo r# , l e a d e r In s tk n d b y Jv larm p o A s r . 'v e av a ila b le In s i t e s o l o 15 K W -th ru 55 KW. 20 p o r 'c o m

-th is yo a r . H o d d o r E io c trir Tn-x-iAog

P:2359. . ,_____________ ^U a ed 100 HP G .E . m o T o ra n d p an e l, ® g o o tfc o n d ltlo n . 423-5713. _

HOTSY (500) S te am C loan^r! L ike Con ew . *800. P h o n o 733-9434. 13.___________ _aci20. TON HEAVY DUTY fl'Sih lan k . S/>w ith a u lo m ailc lo ed in g s y s te m a n d Fa .16 a ta ln le a t t lo o l e ia iis , 473-5700.

ro L E S an d p o S tlo r s a le , saw d u s t . 40 A lso ODm blning c o rn . P h o n o 537- »4S

’ 161 BIG C U N H O SE . pull i r ria a tlo n ' JI*a y a ie m . E ico llo n t cond liion . *7.000 'ca ll733-322l b e lw o o n 'S q o d S . « .

MEW 105 loot e a c h o M " an d 1 ' , i" ja lv a n iio d p ipe . P h o n e a l ie r 5;00 j .m . 5435769.

( h o r s e pow or c o m p re s s o r . N e w - 1971. exc o lle n i co nd liion . M ako .- - s l ie r . P h o n o 423-5983, -iB75 I H C 966 0 D iosol t ra c to r w llh j ', Iw ia c to ry .c a b , 1967 G loano r E C o V ----- Itor3 lne. w ith tjra ln a n d co rri h o a d o r h a i m d all sp ro c k e ts , (^.ii 5434870. -» 1 3

^ - W o a n o s a a y . D o c i n - b i r a . ' i g w 'T

P ^ N N i S T H E m e n a c e ;

' t ? - 3 ’

_______________________ ■.


65 , F a rm i R anch S u p p lie s

A 4 M W HEEL LINES lo r sa le , t y ea r o ld , all 5 ' p ipe am i ia ro e w h e e ls . ,324-57]?or3?4 .5067. • .S M G L E ^ r s e T railer. *200 P h o n e '

'^ L A V A 'L p lo c iln o m ilker - 4 unit'Milk p u m p . .1000 gallon bulk lank. C o m p i e io - *4500, .R o g e r V inoeni.

: =Fllct=32W029___r

iTA LM O S T-new larm han d le . ic t ;^ - - W m - I O - I o o r W T J n i k e r 3 w ay '

Vaiub . in o x ce iio n t conifitlon . Call a l lo t 4 p .m . 829-5639 _ _ _ _ __

. tt .. , ...... I m l a g i l H i n l s

— T W O -13-ii-28 - tracto r iiro ! 'e om pI6 Io '* ‘ 7 . w i t h . . r i m s . .1500. g a l l o n - B a d g e r -

H o n o y w a g o n s , a lm o s t like new . H eavy d u ly Loon lo a d e r. 7 loot, co m p lo lo w ilh PTO p u m p , 1 yea r o ld . h a rd ly b e e n u s e d . 3J44557.

36' PORTABLE PTO D riven T ran a p o n A u g e rs . B uy n ow for lo w es t

— n r tc a . S e e a l 840 H lqhlai\d-A venue.— -H r , 'P :o f - p h 6 n o 7 3 3 W 4 ; ------------

, O PPE L O N E row b o o t H a n rosto r w ilh m o u n te d to p p e r an d row fin­d e r , G o o d co n d ilio n . P h o n o 324* 4163.

SILAGE FEED WAGON. 531^9460, ' ~ "

1961 FORO 2 Ion O m aha S ta n d ard-graln-and-ttock-comblnaiidn-wlih------

hydr»uU chol8 t,543-5074. -_________ ;

Ira c to r . P o w e r - s te o r in g . -multi- pow or. d il|.locK . In d e p e n d e n t p t o " F ro n t w e ig h u , S te e l luil v ision ca b ,1970 M a sse y F e rg u so n 1080 O iosol t ra c to r . P o w e r s io o rln g , mulll-.p o w e r.. InO ep en d o n i PTO , Front____W tolghlr n e w 'm o io r . H o n s o n cab .

NEW H olland m o d e l 1048 B a le , w a g o n . # o ( r p ro p e lle d . In g o o d

—« o n d il lon ,P hone433 .& 7a 2 -------------------JO H N D EERE CHUCK W aflon N o . '

' 125. N <rw 'H olland S u p e r 717. C o rn C h o p p e r w ith co rn a n d h ay 'hcrads.Wiii C hop b a le s . 543-5709,

560 INTERNATIONAL T racto r. 1060 C ts o C o m b in e . G o o d cond ition , 324-8622.______________ ____________

— Q N 6-C fce A R R E M ^H »r» i4e k B rwim ------s id e p ic k u p . G ood con d itio n . 543-

.^ 6 4 4 1 . . .— --------------------------- -O N E 180 M a s s e y F o rg u so n T ra c to r. -

. ie0Q ho u < tJ^ ico d r lsh L 5 4 3 -6 4 4 1 . J

. .U S E D H A Y E Q U IP M E N T .W IN D R O W ER S

Owotono 1 3 f i ..: H**»foh2flO

New Holland 907 CoteSSO Ht*ifonS30

N»wHollond9IO John Oeere 880 w/<ob*A.C. . .

— J o h n Dm t * 3350 w / c o b t ' A C = ^ —• BALERS

John 0 « k r « U - T________ ■ lo h n O e e r« 3 t& .T _

N e w H o lla n d 1 3 8 2 .. S e l l p r o p e l l e d w / e o b . ' N e w H o l l o n d 2 8 0 •

I.H .C .4 4 0 F re e m e n B o la r

-------------^ J o h n O w * 2 » 4 .T — ---------------J o h n D e e re 324-T

- H O M H R E S T C H f l R S F S - ^ - TILJyiC7B


----- Kimb«rfy«rfreo»»rTv<l/v-Folli^ —733-7272

r ;

WRECKED 1964 C e s s n a 182 N 2479 'R. F o r re b u ild o t sa lv a g e . C an bo s e e n a l G E M STATE AVIATION. __

B ox 7832. B o is e . Idaho . a ” 07. * . "

G 9 - - ^ i M t s - t l i j t t a . l H i s . _

S A IL B O A T S . C a ta l in a 2 7 . 22. C o ro n a d o 15. O m o g a 14- C yciono 1 1 S a b o is 8 ’. C a n o e . P artT and M c e # # o r le s . SEAGULL MOTORS.SAIL HAU S, 382 S o u th L o c u s t Twin F alls. P h 733-6227. ^

'1 4 ' FIBERG LASS BOAT an d l t a l i o r .~ ' T 40 h o rs o p o w d r m o to r, n e e d s w ork.»450,733-0496. -16 FOOT f ish in g boat. O H o rso : m o rc u ry M oto r. G ood c o n d itio n . ■■ 543*356 a l to r 6 p .m . *600. _

C h r y s l e r ^ o U , C h r y s l a r lM o 'l o r s , S t a r e r a f t B o a t i , .

C o u l k i n s T r a l l * r » ' ^ — J p R O M e - J M P W M E M ^ C O T ^

9 0 1 S . L i n c o I n r J i ' r o m * c

NINE-FOOT wW e p o n to o n b o a t . t i Iw o M a r c u r y - m o t o r t . lO yI to ra e p o w e r « d c h Inc luding a p e d a l ......... uh a u l i n g i r a n « r .C a n 7 3 3 W o r a e * ' '- ' ’ <*1

-atOaOM artin. • . P i

i r W o F N o w a , T w ln F a l l s . W a tio 3 3 - i .-

’ ™ THE™ H U K I tR S ;

MHHEH •;MODEL 88. 243 lover a c tio n Win- !* ' C h e s te r -w i lh siino and io a a tn j J o q u lo m en t.lik o n o w .* t2 0 .7 3 J 0 4 9 « . ..

T - n o i * r r e v r ' ^ r o C S 4 « - ° t ; ^ ' i 2 n “ -— S o o r j s ^ n l o r . T w m F a i i s . ____


_ .. m orn W!in a w ,v :t /-d . 0 jL 73 ; 0 9 : 1 _ : 1 : _

u 12 GAU GE V /ea th e rB ee p u m p 'B -f lh o lC u n ,- l- 'y e » r -« id r I n - . e V c e t r o n t ^ J s h a p e . *20p. P n o n e 733-6648. -i

- ‘ -.vilNCHESTER -M -tOO-CarCmo '28*-—C a lib e r R edlio io 4 X s c o p e . 2 C ups, \ L iko^new .*150. P hono 733-3096a lte r , - l

_ COLT Huniim.m 4,.10 wuhn o is ie r . 3 m o n in s (>td 585 W o n o . 734-5054,

" 70 ■' SnortinBBoflto: .M U N S W IC K ANO D E L M O p o d it a b le s , now a n d u s ed . A ir H ockey ........lo o ib a l l . S e rv ic o a il m a k e s . Opon

• o v e t i ln g s u n t il 10 o 'c lock J a m o #- - ciflfK. /jj-5bji--------

72 .V. Snow VelilclK

- ~44D~N O R D lC ;S ia^o g r i9 7 3 -~ tn -(io ed " .—

SH A R PI 197t Skl-D oo. 440 T N J. w ith ' . 18 inch ira ck . R eal n ice m ac h in e . - G o o d ciitn b e t. 733-3944,

------ 1974 -P O L A R iS ~T X .S O O -9aO -4n ll« l,^ -^v ery go o d co nd ition , S f3 50 ..734 . '

NORDIC SKI.OOO 371. 1969. G ood buy . W e ek d a y s ca ll a llo t 5 p .m . 934. , ^

7 3 - T rm lT n ilirs .

BEFORE YOU BUY, te o lf i l .Mock ol new and ua«d Irava)' . . traltera, all lU n . , Ooodlnfl Ford, •

. _Jnc_Soutti Ualn. Ooodina-:^No»-.=±=

. _»m,i<ifl.miKiniitftitTf-.tor a tryouf, ■ocrMtional vehtele nee^s. 934>. ~ ‘ 1538. Lesa- ovofhead — Lower -s w s f :

1 9 6 7 -R O A D R U N N E n '1 4 T r w i d e . ' S o ll-con talned . d u a l tah k s . good - tiro s . *1.550,7334656.

, ..E O U A U Z E R '.h iicha# . in s ta i le d .-n o ~ .-^ w a itino , fra iler b ra k e# , tfn d 'w irfn g :”

_ w B loina.PtiQ ne-?33-aM i------------

- 7 4 ■ ■■- - BE FORE you buy . look a t o u t s lo c k —

o t nokv a n d u s e d c a m p e rs , all s i te # . G o od ing F ord Inc.'. S o u th Main, G o o d in g N orm a id e h o a d g u t t le r s lo r a ll your to c re a lio n a l veh ic le n e e d s . 934-4536. L o s s o v e rh e a d & . . .

: — ig w e rp r l^ e e

6 FOOT c a m p o r w i'th 'fu il o v e r s h o t. ' S to v e , i c e b o x . 'R e a l c le a n . *750.

_ P h o n o 321-5040.___________ • •

CAM PER VAN., s to v e , o v e n . s inK .ta b le __ n e w , p a l n t . . . - a o o d _ t l f o a ? ___

, (o c e n tly o v e ih a u ic d . 22 m ile # p r f ' g a l lo n . C lu lch n e e d s w ork . *6Q5| .

_ J 3 4 -4 0 2 4 a lte t5 .______________ » S

LET US SEU YOUR ' m 0 8 I L 6 ^ . .


----------------- L O TSO F-fiO O M — — —LOTSOF.eUYERS . ^

' 6 R 0 C K M A N S M 0 8 il€ l-0 . '. 'f « ‘ - A T lN IE R S T A veaC .? - ^

---------:------ 9JMICHWAT-:----------- —P h o h o 7 3 4 ^ 3 1 6 7 o r 3 3 4 -4 3 0 3


: L o w a s . . . . . . . * 2 1 9 : < •----- M A b R O N t

---- -C A M P E R SALES "• N o w f o to tio n o c ro * * .

I t o m S e o r i . »4 3 6 Moir» N o r th -2 J

C l o i c d lu M d o y o n d S u n d o y ' J-

' Motor Howj -MOTOR HOME lor s a le 19 '. 1976^

■ m oddi. 18.000 m ile s , im m a c u la te ^ . ■ ‘co nd ilion . 237-1234. .

FOR SALE o t t ra d e 1973 2 8 '~ T lu n * ' tn o io r h o m o . t5.000 a c tu a l m llo i .f t '.' very g o o d co nd ition . W ititak o t r a d e g . o n o a u iiy a n d as s u rn c . p ay r jie m s .^Low b a l in c o . 733-9691 b e lo re 5 324-* . 5 3 7 4 a llo r5 . .' i - . ;


C allPoC at« llr23-’ » 8 Io r2 3 7 4 2 W ." f f - i

m o 1? X 50 BUIITM ORE lr a l( e rS ‘ ' D - h o u s e . Two be< |room e x c e l l e n l g v , : 'i


Page 32: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said

.TJ—riFnwq.W num-twtnPnlltrtrtnti

’ r , ; i ioi» n » y

•f*! *w*ty- Q'Sclin»Eofd! ■•{ Inc.. South U«ln. Ooodlijg,- Norlti ■

• »ldo headquanora lor ill youry____4 W M li^L _ygh te ln nctndi. .aii..,.-------i - -0 3 0 - -iow>»~


- • 5 7 7 - i U t a S « n f i c » - l > ^ * A ^ . _

----- SET-O F-9 «*«••- al^li/cd Slool; whMh wllh Doauty_ffms..Pnonu..-

ovonlnoa-«i)d oarty mornlnQ. TP- ■ 353a.

I g |p j0 7 onglpo, MH_ovonlng«3J4;

! .ONE PAIR B-rs-n Bludded <no» 'liras. Excolloni condlllon, ISO. Ph^rflaos. .'•romo. _ ■ ?

^ ^ TC78xiy8lud(JWSn6wTI»o3.3-«50'1 14 snow liros. 2.G-78>151i>09. 733- 137J, • .

J SHOW Tiros wl|lt Slud» SI:o ■C7&- - f 15. Eicelloni Condiiton. Phono 423- a 5943allefSp.fn._______ •

:|» Soim M herethm 't

. f T • mtn wtw to -

_ I p -

I / V' . si^I I ■ bind

I I ■ ' V • ^ M I ' tt*■— 1? • 4 f--------------- - Y : -----733.:

J , - S | !• I ■ \ ' V •

r ....S' \ \ ■ • W Bind

>; ................- . * '“ * ouiD— li '■• ' ----- ^^^TDDIO’ • C .-ig coM pFrm oN P—

C iHoiomai scfl bolh —:• toflothor (^^cOVJ^o. '-CHEAP"! SKi t; •734-77M. ^ ; •, ond

, 5 UDIES ill:# 5*11 plasllcKOLFLACK - 'on •> sklboola,c>randn0wcondlllon.t». nr n

-734-7?M.----- Aeh_ L _itt-SHOaTS-lW.*^eo«-»U-Jwok«n-*?®^

» t«jMUablB,J19ra*-7783. .

“ 2 KNEISSEL BLUE SUr*. em, and WA(r * l zbl9dlno#.T:Looli-l«»s^and-GeM Sup;

n hoolB. oood condition. Al»o 1 p»lfT33-lC LadyH onkeoklboalt.sU oSW Ioe.___* Skla and blndlnot $<5. boola >25.' NEV

Ctll734-5921allar6:00o.m. No.J _________________________:----- SI9S? JOS cm KNEtSSEtBluo Stars, flood ___t. a tup t. mako ollor wiih of wlihoul siZE

-• j -TytoJiablndlno».733Hlt6B»ltar6:00..-.yeaf

•• -M-75 HHEXCEL COMPS. 195

I - TIMES-NEWS I1 : i z _ i _ j y c L s i i


I n . I n i i l tra iler! J3

; W R e m e m b e r r .

r h - - - "i u L i-.);. , t v l , J g <

r f

?; f j T p • | f _ B

v t r I N T R O D U C I N

! y - - ^ '— —

j - # ---------- A L L I M P 0 F

O v e ra ll le n g th ______I r w ( d f h . . . ...........;V * O u ts id e h e ig h t .............


I G----------- r ; ~ — :— :'.~ ‘.~ " : m | i r

1 ^ ^ B l i ik i r 4 ii 'A idcIiVfm

BT - T f - T M ^ t a t a r ^ x t t i i a x s :

Til. _JPggjt.LSE£ClAUJM ri'tiiwniai ■ ,, ^ 9 6 ' tfigino. Stored lor ovof ono

■ • yoar.- Top condlllon. *?78 or best L* olier.'. Alao isea iw o -sp ee d

(MweralWo autOlnalK irunamission.^ 11_ Of tx»«l Pnone 733-2I66

_ eo ■ — ; — cy tiB -t^ n ip iiK -

S. 1972 SUZUKI TC 90 ,-e«C0ll0nl . condition. t*speod, lunod and

-fo«dvlofl.Mnilnn,-7Sl-7liM won- - -VOLKSWAGEN-TRIKE WITH- ox-

londOTIrontond.STSO.Canboaoan ' al 4254jh Avonus WoBt.3oromo.

' ’H or(*T ;D «^tM M «te rcv^~ ' ~j ^ ro OEim plem entco.9cn S. Lincoln. .iMrome .

io n HONDA 70 Iran 533' mllos!• 0*ee1lani condition; J 7 » W or bost "• oiler, 73J-8W0, - \

. FOB SALE 1972 185 6uru»il,' vory ' Iclean, ptiono54J-41M,_ ___1974 HONOA XL 250. Used 3 mon-

, Ihs, Saenllce. Phone 67g.J66i.

i " i k P .

HINTS *-K E EP-¥flU R ~ '' TIPS UP! I- .(T h e c o c k la ll w a l l . ____ ,«

r o s s o s w J ( /o p p ro d > e ii^ -. - J ;

:KIS, K2 190's~»rim Solomon 404 'IndlnQS. 2 years old. Only MO. ,,hone 733-2101. ' _____________ I:,!:-2 ELITE Skis 190‘s, $25.00, Phone ■'’!

............. —(EM'S INNSQRUK bools, sizo 7V).25rWonTon’9-pan1sr4ire-10rl»<h-^ - f t34.4918, .. . •• ra30 CM'K-2-5 Comp. Marker 0ln- ”**'Infls, now condlllon. J125; 190 CM —Itllof soli. Nevada Grand PjIx 191Indlnos S50.190 CM.FIsher Super bo

r i2 YEAR OLD dauoMcr Uss un ulorown O achsldr boots, skis, 53. DiosrDindlnfljTAinroood'shapo: “ “iaihoat>rCair?33<14aBlHir4rWr^-T- - -cp

LOM c io js eouniry ski, bools w°ijndSeoltpoIes, C.ill324-2d9l, Make du,

__________________ 5i:3LYHPIA SKtS. MWor bindings ^loiv t condltJoni — -vin- kehilles boois, excellent condlllon»T,Hoad_8klS..Solomon_404J)ln. _ ^ linos, make olfor. 543^788,

/ANTED TO BUY.- 1 Fischer 197uperoHBflkl.-JOOcminlBnolftTCalt - 'loo33-9566betwoen6:OOsnd7:OOp.m, ere---- -— I______________ __ oxcEW HANSON Avanll ski boots, snd0 3 shall rows, cost $20, roiail 734.l9S-8elUorJ100,733-2276. _

IZE 8 ^ San Marco akl boots i parold. 324-2729.-- - .......... ^ _ |g j

^ YBiruha Ftberolaas, 185 cm, ' “l !n


'3 I r a ie l l r i l le r s F

B j i i B

N G THE 1 7 'M IN I 51---------FO R - ; -----------I D T P 0»lT»<Tfc >-a-i-<-i - i — 1»Klb fl« D O m E S T IC T


. . . 17 ft'. In s id e h e ig h t . . ' . •8 4 .in. H itch w e ig h t • . . 96 in. — T otbl w e ig h t •

' b u TH IN K O F 'Y O U R S E L i ^ . . t h i n k OJF

i f U^ " W e H o v e T h e W h o

’ W o r ld W a i t i n g F o r V ,

G a t e w a yJ S I I . E R C E N T E RW. ‘ Tw in F iiIIh -

? ~ f " ' ' . H ■- 80 . -. ,-CyclBlSllipiiB

1974 KAWASAKI KZ « 0 . ElKlrte- *Ufl. F/onl .d lio b f»k*r Lowll----- a ttrw w -flitll «iW B | . ~It ■ J9Jj IM SUZUKI M0T0flCYCL€. tf $600. Phone 543-5229 or 837-4853 I.: ovcninos. - - — ’•

■_ ^ i p w i r t

* '60 X 10 loot Irallor. UiM to haul modular homaa.- 3 ulo-alacirlo---

; ■ ,br»koa; $1000, Phono 733-3171

CAT22 Crawlor Hydraulic S. Do:er;" Nbl:Junt(. wo ug«-it;"$l,8M or..

' roasonablocHor;733-8980,.--■ -

. ^ C raw le r traeior with doiar blade- .iagoodcondlilon.733-fi485.

USED IN D U STRIA L--------E Q tH PM EN T---------

JD 24 Loader . '- : -----------:t -t t ^ ^ 5 5 0 G -

. ^ 2 4 , ^ 5 ^

111 Ovorlond Av^,. Jurloy. Idoho

Phor»a670.5585 ~

-, B O B HOUSTOfvJSolos ftepretaniollve

H one Phone733.1490

* 3 ' ~ . Tnirts1974- FORD F-lOO XLT Raiinorpickup. 390 enolne/low milonno:__ ^

=Hjll>i-noao*w-vriih aii-(neio»y exlras.' ^ ^n^ce|llont shape. Cjiii.ilir-f s~p m___ _..

iOTS’ OATSUN PICKUP. AM-FM Sradio. Iront and ioa> bumper garcJ. ■ e

'mag "wheels. 3,300 mllos. under - l warranty, Callallere, 734-7768,.

'l~9e7 DODGE pickup, slani 6 onglno, -M.000.mllos_6^jly-tl«o8.-$800,-636--------

1972 FORD COURIER pickup, 42.000 miles. Good condition. PRICE LOWERED. 625-5004 dller 4:30 p,m,

'1974 GMC 4 . 4" Automatic, Power


=TOR-3ALE OR TRADEriow-mlloaoo— - TO Ford V} ton. Excellent condlllon. Phono784-2380: Leave massago;----- ;-----

1965 CHEVROLET PICKUP.jshorl. box. 4-spQod. sharpr'A lso have nlnolnhftmotrnllnr nhonn 733-950 _

^ SALE 1975' Chevy V» ton, still under wairanly, $4M0, Phone.438- 5379alioi5p.m.1981 DODGE TRUCK In oood T •ConanK>TT-73MlW ^ . “ ■ 4 1974 CHEVROLET PICKUP, ion « wllh shell, power, air. Illi wheel. - c, dual.lanks, under 20,000 miles. 32S- 5138, , ^

1974 DATSUH pIekuS>spoeO. L ois~ ~ "ii Jl extras. Call 324-«700. bi

1972 INTERNATIONAL 1600 - 22 - loofaiunilnum van body —' rail ’cream pull - 38,000 actual mllos - coBxcetlont tiros, lold away power nit', foJnd mechanically period. Phono 2^W-JUO. - , . , • - , l i--- ■ . QOi1062 CHEVROLET.- 6 cylinder. 4- tir't speed, 8 loot bod. runs oncollcnl. . _ $300,Alior6:30p.m.-73*-5103.----------- FC1 ^ V. 4x4 FORD XLT.^maos.-.- ’M do^|Tplp0S.':^,m llos..$6500. .. j j

______ _ 197l97?-CHEVir*5WV--8rmJt6rSa‘w: ' ' oH(xiwor 'sieoring, power brakes. _[2,500.324-4258. 197

' radl972.FORO.Cautlet.plckuo. 42.000_. no<miles.. Good condition. 825-5004 . gi,,

972 FORD V, ion pickup with 1® ilocpor.lvery nlco. $2195 00, 837- il30, or 837-1596. ..

' i ' 193 Irani rrallers

S 3 ?H B S T B -

-197- M

5 t h W H E E L p j i ;

1 ^

I r / iw..... lire

m ^I ..................... . ' 7 7 l n . B 2' ................ 3 5 0 lb s: "S

a - ', f s’ 1971

7.3.-J.2.1IO M ^

■1964 DODGE W.lof) plctupTposlllve

on haclr Skytano trailer Park ■No.89.733.1231. ' -'

53 - - •3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobllo home.

. . WHlJrAdnAaOOO »qully.on-ptekup or — otder homn, Phprio TW^WTT-

, .'1974 CHEVROLET V» Ion. 350 V.«, r ; hMvy duly aprlnfla, new 700 t- IS"

FOR SALE 1974’' Ford SupofCab plckuprExcolloni shape,Noar now' Mlcflolln radials.. $3300. 734-3188.-

.evenings. .) 1907 FORD U-lon pickup, tuns

Qoodi pood rubber. $995.734-ZQ83. ‘1082 CHEVY pickup. Under 10.000 ' miles, on now 327 short block, luol injoeiod heads. Body and palnl - good common, t2 Inch liras on U.S. chrome wheels. S650. or best oiler,

> -7a4-750talter8. • ••.<1075 FORD F-350.1 ion, 20.824 miles, radio. 460 V-6 enoine. wllh 14'-Hat

-t>od-$04a0-ncibcst o((or;"Soo.'ai ■ - ,Saloco lOBuranfie Conipany, Lynwood Mall, or call 733-9062.

“ ONE 1956 FORD truck. 16' grain box and hydraulic hoist. Beloro you buy

• belter look ihis ovor. $2,000,00 bad - ^ndrack ,5*^6441. . ' , .

------ 105MNTERNATHDNAL-2^lon-4-x-4— -Iruck, Five speed, two speed. PTO.

^ oiler. 788-4875. '1966 DODGE CREW Cab logr door pickup. Excellent condition, lour -

-1074 DATSUN PICKUP, loss lhj|n- ' .■■■ 7S00mllo9- Factory air condliioning. 1~ will son lor J2800, Ploaso call 733- \> 5232. I

L0'0)rAT-TH(S 1967 Dodflo, 0500. 2lonlruek. V-8. 5 > 2lran9mlsslon, P 9;00 X 20 llres. 6-wheeler, radio,- J heater, mataltombo b e d —Iiatbed . 1 or 48" sides or ,..? $3500 or best b oiler. Cell 324-2011 allur 5 p.m. and g alldaySat.andSun.

1046 CHEVROLET Truck,'’ ’cbm- I’ pleiely fobulll. Anilaub value, Can.--

- rtmj ocrniQ ZS-imrrAvijnoffminnr^ - Twin Falls or pUpQQjjJtflSflS----------------i;

~ GOOD ONE ton 1966 Foid F350. 352 cu, wllh combinailon grain bed and stock rack. Soo at uppor MaiadPowor p la n i.- Cell 837-6352. - -Hagorman; • . -

' ■ i073 CHEVROLET ton ChOyunno- SuM r, autc»mail5„0ircondlttonlno------- :. _35^ginB JiticB fl 104011J24-8516.— _ t

a {

A U C T IO N , iDecember 6ih. 11 ;0Q A.M. ’

B e f o re C o ttlo S a le ________ ^------ ^ r 9 6 7 'G M C -------------------- 1

_ _ _ .1 9 6 4 ln ic m o ile n o l s1965lniernoiionolBobToll . 3

33 Fool. 40 Fool Slock - i*Trollert. . ' - ■ s

MOy Be seen 01 Honchers 4Ausllon. Now,-


M . ---------^ tattOrt^SpDrlrears-::,^1969 TOYOTA Corona,.$600. 1962 Falcon,, $400, 1950 Sludobaker pickup, $150.324.3106. “

1971 MAZDA R-lOO Rotary Englno. ' \ Good~tlro8“ $75o~or~0w t“ otlei."■'Phono 324-2738, . ' ”1964 VpLKSWAGEN, rebuilt engine.brakes, groat m,p,g. $600. Alter 5 icall 734-3453. §

FOR SALE: 1974'C«Iica S t with air - ,conditioning, lape dock, ^-speod, ired wllh.whlle Inlerlor. $3,900. 536- ' J2753, __________ ; . ■ _ -------- ^1973 MAZDA 808, plslon'cngine. ^ good condition, good Micholin * 1 tiros. 42,000 mlloj, $1450. 324-37B3.

FOR‘SALEr'1934 Piymoum co u o o ~ —•a'ft-H 57 Oia3rlT6Gil.i'lramfc, 37?'cuBrc------------inch Olds witti 4 2-oarrol carbV $450.' . 324-2866. NcfvdfiTransmJssif'n. *

1974 yoLKSWAGEN_^eaan-Jnri-------undor tactory waironly. 734-7946.

1975 DATSUN B-210. 2-door, AM/FM radio. 11.000 mllos. blue. 4-8peod ingood -com jaion.. Phono. 73«922 . . . . . .ollnrSor-423-5591,ABk-lor JudyA. - - y

1973 VOLKSWAGEN Super Bootle' bi and 1968 Ford Torino. Exceiioni condlllon. Phone 734-6158. 347 Sunrise Norm

1971 VWSupor Boollo, low milcaQc.PrlcodlOBOil. 733-2478.__________1967 VS SQuareback. ^ g in o f'

■complotoly robuill, now paint, a . Sleall324-5103,

-1975-CORVETTe-boautltUl-Vvh!le- =wilh ailver Interior, Fully loaded. 3 yr warraniy. Below book price 733- 1948.

CHEAPI 1074 Bootio. l lo h r tT lu 7 ~ ^color. Only 19,000 milos. Call 734__ ____3355.

1973 VW SEDAN., excollenl con-

------- l« iFM -*linlD rlnr —1973 INTERNATlONArScout II, Only11.000 mllcs._Likr. now v ji ____poworstoerlng.brakoB.7344>288. 3 c

'1962 INTERNATIONAL SCout. 4 " " o r •wheel drive, 289. -V-fl, excoiloni air -condHton.-M7-«66e, ---------- ■~ = = = S =

• 1974 PLYMOUTH Trail Dustgf, 4x4.- low miloago. Musl ucn iice . Call _!'L«rJ«E.M-324<flS3_-L--------- ----------- -

-1974 -4x4 -Chevy, air condlilonirfg;' '-----'frowor steerino.- disc brakoe; low '19.000 milos. Excollom condlllon. .5 $5.100. Phono 788-3664.____________

iiTTlXJOGE CLUB Cab >K 4 . i. mtiQi^g^aadltion 733-4762.

1969 JEEP WAGGONEER, goodllres. good- conotiionrM bsr seir---------- - -326-40».-721 Yakima, '*1973 FORD lour-wheei drive ^ ton. eulomalic tranBmlsslon. power stoerlng. eicolloni condition., 536- '

! ! 2 _ _ ________________ ■ C1971 CHEVROLET BLAZER, O'oon, ,adl 4-spood. 49.000 miles.- exetiient • cotKliUon. oleelrlc winch, chrom e" ■■ wheelB. 2 sots, 9.50 K 16.5 mud and snow, new Die-Hard battery, shocks, eleclric ignition, original ownor.$3.500.788-2500evenlnos,...................

MUST SACRIFICE; 1974 Choyenne ‘ , Blaior. lour wheel d'lve, air. power .>Brakes and steering. 655-4224,967 JEEP ‘WAGONEER. power Irakes and sieoring. Trailer hllch.■hone733-1408, -______________ ■ | | |

1971' FORD Bronco, low mileage. M 0itdfexlras.733-57l6.~ "W l957 Will 1 , J ........ . H iMil ,1i^ s . V-a enoine. call 324-5007 alter _ C

^ ......ISI ‘ Y

. (• A S ^ % D D R O L D (

- l - .B O T - A S

_ " i - "

f - ' f - ■ ■ ■ l«..; , f . , ------ „

! j - --------

^* • y

0 l i ( T f i e R E . A R E S Q N I l

II W E J f l i e H T C C f S S I

(p p j o w p i N e - . V

I ' • A V• W '

1 Y

-............. ................ --------------------------------

1972 LTD COUNTRY Squiro Station Wagon, terms available, will takotrade. PhJno 733-2658.__________ ^1972 CHEVY IMPALA, four COOr. air, power brakes and sieoring. Belowwhotosale.655-4224.____________

. 1959 FOUR OOOR Ford. noM brakes, luno up. aately Inspociion. good lires. $200.00, n4.2t70,

1967 Z 26Camaro, now engine TRW. Eldon Brock Holly headers, 4 new

X: Jjrn^ rjnh>.rnrA7 n 0 p r o ^ 4.?253 - ■

- -i«2-CHEVR0LEr 4:ooor deluxe, original upholstery, good body, Mcrillee. $400 cajh or $500 torms. 733-9533 or 734.?498,

CLEAN 1969 Plymoiilh Fury III. air. 4- -- raoor.-loW miloago.tVouIr love .iir* ' _ $850.733-1359.____________________- _I969 CAMARQa50ailtomalic. power;- '

sloerlng, powor brakes, air, tinted glass. Rally Groon wilh while Z-28 siripos, Irom and roar SDOlIors. Now shocks- now T, A; Radials.' $1,995. Kolin Wilkins. .-Phone 324-8332._______________MUST. SELLI 1969 Plymouth

; _Rpaflruftne£__Dinocd:rirotJl:ond------16,000 mitos on now enBIno, -4- spood posi-rcar ond. Mags, Call . -

■ 324-2915$500.0&.brbe»loHef. ~ ' 1972 RANCHERO 302 air, aulomalic.

■ snow llros- new shocks. $2,600 or _ $575,.'ind_tai'0 ovor oavmenia_734i-----

. ■ W inlr^ 3Por|s7o^''~'~D'^l~^-Ipi— ^ demand- a low-cost ad m

5 S s m i i y i i j a i i = =4 speed iJon«mU»ion. rodlol- Hrei. rodjo. boouillul rod.

— * 3 0 9 0 ^

-m B U IC K WIlDCAIV.8, oulomolic lron»mi«ion.

— POWITI----- iTownrrg------pow ei------brokoj. ond olr eoncjilloning.

* 5 9 0

I968 D0D6EP0UIIAExcelleni body, excellent in- lerlor.-V-B engine.-oulomollc - ' lron»ml»»lon.

= = = 5 7 9 0 = = =

---- ----------1973rOBD------------------r - PWIOIIUIUBfllll

4 cylinder engine. 4 ip e ed • tronimjuion. ond only 33.000

~ " ““ ^ 2 9 5 , -

1 9 7 I F 0 ll l lM H » l[ 5 n i_______1 door hordiop. -V-S engin*.

.-outomollt-l«onjmi»jron.-pow— - • er stoerlng. power b 'okei,

_flluxndlUoning__ - .J -----------i-------1. -

* 1 8 9 0 ^ ^

■-.... ISTOfORDimiiKO

•3 door hordlop wllh V-B en. ■

and power ttee'nng.

* 1 2 8 0


Aulomollc tronam isslon,

Eow er .s teerin g , pow ar v ro k e t. o lr eondlllor>lng, radio! llres. end only 6.000

- $ 4 9 ^ 5


4WIIHIDIIIVES .E m n T s tu c n n oFBP .

• . f f t t O Q U ! . .- KE THDI imni

a m ,

‘ — ;

S i i i c

M E * R 3 0 I ^ T S I fS ! D ? i 2 IU F A V O R ^

C ' S . — ~ f :

loey FORD 20Z engine. Body in good condlllon, 733-0896 allor 6 p.m.' 1374 VEGA Station wagon, 4 - s p ^ on jho floor. Yellow, Good con­dition, Phone 734-7413 or 734-6303.

''HERTZ NOW salflng 1974 low - - mileage ears save /lundrodB ol

dollars. 210 Shoshono Si. West. Phono 7J3-2668 Phil Cargill,

1969 MERCURY CyQlono otto ownor radial liroS. qdo*cfeas mileaoe. Real

-1972 MERCUHV Colony Park Station wagon, speod control, air. low mlloago. 733-9443.

1963 COMET 2-door wagon. E x -___ eollont confliiion, Low'milos $460... . 934-fi149 evenings------- ----- ----------- r:197D-LINCOLN-Conttneniatr3uper^- 'C lean , 32.000-ae1ual-mllen-2 door-

hardtop. All powbr Phono. 423-4454.

FOR SALE BY OWNER- 1970 Dodoo Polara, Iwq door, hardtop.

_ -LAiE t971 Ambassador SST-360- moior, fuIIyTq'uippoO mciuding Crulsamatlc drive. BesI condition

- -ihroughouir No bugs.--Ownor.Phono 423-5292.

1970 BWCK ELECTRA. air con-- -illllonod, porrer- Utakes. uOVrUT- -

sloorlrjg, automatic nlco elcan. top condition. Below Bluo Book price. 829-5205,

dU R ^^ A N N U A L DEI O N N O W ! E V E R Y I E V E R Y S A L E , A Fl

= T H E S E T E R R I F I t 0 i i O N S T O C K .

^ _ - 1 9 7 4 F 0 R D - V *4WHEEI. DRIVE

V-B engine. 4 'ipved ''Iren im li condliioning.W A S ........................................

— • » « ---------------- ----------- $-MM I C I . . . . . .................. ■!


V-8, outomeilc trontmlstlon. po — W A f . v . i . v . . . . . . . . . . .

= z » E i c i — = z n i z ! 5

— 1 9 7 5 I M P A j---------- ;— — COSYoSTcouPE

Fully W pped with only 8.000 ml" r o i i . . . . . : . . . ' ; ; . . . . . . :

i A u $ i l

1 9 7 4 V E G A G <

f A U .. f R I C I .................... .. i l

1 9 7 4 I M P A L A C, v-8. aulomollc lron»ml«»ion. poi ' power broket, olr vinyl top,

W A Y . . : . . . .................., M U $ 4

M I C ! ............. ........ -<■


h'n A Ph'osi

~ ~ i s m. 1 6 5 4 B l u e l o k M B l v d .

’ ' I . ' T H E H N

to Bill WlBill W o r k m o n

- T o ' A n n o u n c e

■ ■ H a v ^ / A T 6 j | -

" B d h L ^ ^ -n i O M . . ' ■


i l l^ _ I II 1243 B tU j^A K ^

W I L L----------; " T H E A C T I G

■ ■ (2 0 0 -3 0 0 4 lo c k Shi

' j r 7 3 3 - :

a i i t iA a H U S O I

)E C E M B E R U S E b ~ C A R “ CI Y C A R IS C O M P t n E L Y W FR E E S E T O F S N O W Tl

J I S C O U N T S O N E V E R Y t

'A T O N --------------^ 1 9 (VE . ■ ' ■ ' Vi-im litlon 'end o lr .

..... t m s * * • .................

f i t y s o - y w ......' / 2 T O N 1 9 7

VE • . .power .fleering. _ .............

W A * . . , . . . .

! 4 9 0 0

A L A _ - i _ _ J L mJPE COUG>} milet. Sold new. W A S . . . . . . .

$ M o o - t A up R i c i . . . . . :

C O U P E ” 7 1 D...... - - - I —. ■ ‘ -V-C.euti

„ W A * ___2 2 9 5 ; S f . V

C O U P E 1 9 7 (po«»‘r*'-*5f*'’9------ - ----------- ‘SPO

3 5 0 0 - o w . „

3 E , F O R A N Y T H I N G

W T I R E S V y iT H . E V E R

. s i i r i ' D o i i i f : l } i i . i i i i < ‘x i

i S N E T f f l ld . ; O p e n T ill 7 : 0 0

' T ' ^

I .a l 8 j f . . : ' V h l a t f l

i O T L I N i ! ;

ffORKHAN FOjtP !i n - i - o r d ; l s r l e a s e c ( :e T h a t t h e y . N ow : [1 F r e e L in e ~Frorft^

4 3 > 6 4 S r lP A i n s t ' S E i i v i c b : !

W IN TER H O U R S : \ - ~ ' 8 -A“.AA. ti5 7 P .M . |

7 ' 543-6457--. 334-8641 ., ' ]

^ ^ d r k m a n ” F O R D !

2 r .1

" . . . - . ! i

[NEWEST.I 1376 p^ P A K l

^ - ^ J X M G = - J e e g -

lO N C bR .N E R " . IS h o sh o n e SI. W. 8 S.)« S

i-2 8 9 1 T l l ~

[ C H E l f f l i i :CiraRATiCE SAIE-IS


r use^ ca r ' s Y ruck :

9 6 9 F O R D — ---------Vi-TON PICKUP

V.8,4»peed--..........................................$ 1 1 9 5 -



" - "TBm ry Bfr---------------- — —.........................................$ 2 « 9 9 . . _

n r : r T n * 2 3 5 0 - -


* 2 1 5 0 1 _


....................................< M 9 S '

* 1 8 9 5

7 0 IM R A L A;poRT COUPE Af?- - ■ •................................ n m

. . * 1 2 9 5


f'.s-.s . 4 / . . . .

iq 7 3 3 - 3 0 3 3 <

Page 33: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


^ . - PLYMC

- S i c F p i i

w u t !r - "THE A CTION

(2 0 0 -3 0 0 -B lock S h o s

I 733-21

V W- f e 3 6 M P _ < lE .P ./

@ ^ $ 3 8 9 d o w n p o y m e n t H '‘t f n a n c e d ^ $ 7 3 2 . 7 0 f ln o M 1 4 .5 4 % , 4 2 p o y m e n t s c B o n a p p r o v e d c r e d i t .

: p 2 W

'' !E I '2 3 6 S h o s h o n e S t r e e t

I MONEY SAVING= =197fl'0lDS==

DELTA 88 SV-8 . .outom oH c trons- V

•jTi|ssion;.::pQw of--s too f.-------- sizi, - Inprrp iawa r-bwikQfri-oir p

conditioning. - tr


■ f f S 5 o N _ _V?B. buloriiollc t^onsm^s-

- - - s ro K ^ p o w o r—steering;— — **' iJJoiiVer brokos. ' ^

^968 BUICK-----. SKYLARK ;

— -fjjnyhop,-V*8 rau tq m a tjc ' 4 tran sm iss io n ,/ pow of

flo o rin g , pow er b rakes,

m "I 1968J?0lraAC—

GTIT"— ^_ _V A jiu to m o licJcan sm ls-_ _ :-._ _

1985 :PONTIAC - _

Jl^door. -V -^ oufom olic ' transm ission, ‘ ' pow er dS<i(Ing, pow er b rak es ,' iJ trrtnd itlbn lng : - oi'"

T^DDlE^RIOtli» *'Wln>n‘OiiniM’tiliim 'lH!

7 d 8 M a l n A v * . S . T w In F c

— W k lor S a r | = i

^ E bOUT^U i I M 9 7 5 - j DUTHS i

Rr i :


- • It


j;5ERV ICE~^i


IN CORNER'' _D sh o n e St. W . S S .) ■ ■

2891 , . -

-P e r - M o n tM — —H -------

A . R e p o r t s — S ~ -

i r F - t w l n - F b i l s ^ ^ t t h r - H *t p lu s . t a x , $ 2 6 0 0 r a l a n c e c h a r g e , A P R M 5 o f $ 7 9 .3 5 0 m o n th 0

I 9 " ^ rW m ICisli Price)- H '

>C •AMC»JEEP gl _ . i U f M o i r a u . n i i ( o i J L H _ _

i tv V o s t / J 5 ? 2 8 9 l "


=1MEVELIF = = STATIONWAGONV -8, a u to m a t ic tro n sm is -

iiiftjL = ip0W 0r=^te*rJng,— - — " p o w e r “ ijr ijkw i, Liuunu&l "

in th e va llo y .

- * i 0 9 r1972 PLYMOUTH "

FURY III ;V*8, o u fo m o lic t r e n s m is - ,

^ lo n ,— p o w e r — sie o r in g , - < p o w o r b r a k e s , o lr c o n ­d itio n in g .

“ 1969 OLDS— -DELTA 88 j

4 d o o r h o r d lo p , V-8, o u to m a tic tr a n s m is s io n , p o w e r s te e r in g , -p o w e r . b r o k o s , a jr c o n d itio n in g .

M095= i9 7 m F = ^ 1_ _ JX 2__^ . ^<1 sp O ed , b u c k e t s e a ts , •

1985 i PONTIAC

t d o o r , V-8. o u to m a tic r o n s m is s io n .- p o w e r i tp e r in a , p o w d r b ro k o s , •j i r c o n d itio n in g . •

= '3 9 5

IW rlliC r ^« M i n h ’ y o l } f o t "F d IIi : 7 3 3 -8 7 2 1

—iiy""; I V,

■as \ ___ tatesftrsm J1974 PLYMOUTH Viliinl, Bcylituloc. ' . P autonwilc, radial tl'oa. vinyl fOol, B

_ciccrtcni_5onc(itloiL_J3jOO._32.<-------P.................. , • • ?

1975MEFK;URY.flOt>caLwilhfctrlcK.. _:5; •#1*foo: e«ceiient -eondltton.-r By • ownB(.U,000.PlTOna»3.4074. • ,

I-1S7I OODGE S passmoer »iattaflw agon,_v^ ., coQlne., iiiJ i« n # llc ^__tfansmissiop, a i r oowl-«mdrtion.--------

---------------I S n JAVELIN, -auiomalle. «l> ■ ■, condliioning, oood condition/ Take ; '

' OYCCtWYmonl:i.‘Phong734-<gl0l1968 CHEVELLE. auIdm^llC, po>ir«r ttoflhng. alt. radial iites; and silQw lUoi. tW>. Can tinineo, 7M-4157.

FOR SALE i m Fltobird Air CorT- Oilionlna, tapo docK and all Iho u.1ta». Phono 733-674I.1969 CAMARO, Qood runnlflfl condlllon must - Sunday, allor G p.m. woakdays. Call-

PONTIACLo«ury LOMjna 1973, low, mileaoe. phono 73 -6110. £«c«llonl condlllon, 16.000 m|(o#, , • ' /

lour bsrrpl, powor aloorina.'t&OQ or 6osloller.l52-46l5_______________

1972 P IN T O -S to t lo n - ‘. .w a g o n ..w th __d t lu x s — _

s q u t r v t r l i n '~ p o c k o 9 ^ ~ ' 2000 eng ine . 733-3344

D qys. C all 3 2 4 - s e t I

MeetjvuriiewuM itpartner.

.....M a c C b r i f D o t i u n7lhSl.'EottOnM oln Si. €otl

- 734-6611-................................__ ^ ^


7 door. 6 TYllnrior.ongine: ou'on'o'ic-; million, rodio. new ilrot, low mil dndcloon.

* 3 5 1 T- r - ^ 1972--------

' PLYMOUTH FORnir4 <loof »«Jorv V.B-wgino-aulomoiic It mittlon. powor tleeting 8 b'okei. air diilonlng. fadio. Bood iron»po»toiion,

M 4 9 51969

----- PONTIAC BONNEVILLE"2 door hardtop. V-8 engino, oulon ironilitlon, powe« jioorlng. power br< and radio.

^ S i 5 < rr z i ~ i 9 7 m : c : —

. '/2 TON PICKUPhlith or»d hoovy'-dui/thrOughoi/t,

^ 1 5 9 51972 F0RD

, % TON PICKUPlong wldo box. V-& onglno. 4 jpcod Ir mliilon. powof bfol(0»r-fodlo:-mit»oi»- hoavy-duly lhroygt»oul.

_ _ _ _ ^ 1 ^

Hoflty- - . Ho'rvf

1 ^ 5 i e 5 5 5 i 5 i e l

' . , r ; i 2 ‘43B i

,B6 . ■ ■ ror Sals [ m. FORSALE: Needs goodhofflv. 19U ^ Bulek. Special In good corKlillon. sp(

_PowOf-wlndQw»__poww—taakoa. — -Cfli- oower-Maia, and power s lw ino . • • - ;n

WJ«0 aciual mtios-tJOO. Call 8JS. •• 1 "-S778-Anor6r»p.m:------------ j------------AU

2 m E z 1- - Fdr-Yduf C ar------ :

•W ILLS U SED C A R S■ ; 7 3 3 -7 3 6 ' 5 _ ' «

K 71 'r

1976 GRANAD/\~ ^ 4 D O O R

Slock ISum berC-177.

t ,“^ " 1 * 3 B 7 iS A Y G O


N O W ^ 3 560TRUCKI^

- ‘/. TONS, V^TONS. I TON ---------flARESIDE6-«-M0RE-““ r “™ SRloi


^ x r ^ m__ Ml t243.BLUEXAKES BIVP,

~~~1~ 1968 OLD! i ■ . , JUILASiSUP!iic-tron». 4 door V-8 .pnqlne. oulor mileoge . Jion, power iieortng powoi


: — - - 1971 ■ 'FORD LTO

ic irom-. ; 4. d o o r. hardtop. .V-fl^bng' air eon- U onjm ijtion, power ite e r1- _ radio/low mllogg« or<d cloot


PONTIAC BONN!ilomotlc 4 door hordlop. V-6 engi b r o k « - • lfon^ml»»lon. power ilooring

_________ ond^cdio. _______________

^ 7 9ZHZ • .. . . .JMtOM

% TON PICKIjfCfU----- _W llK _/-;rr'p.r <ik,>lt y.fl■‘liiuiv. tranV m tu;^; rodio, mirrori,

• good.

» ^ 9 9' 1974 F0RI1

: - ■ 1/2 TON PICKd ironi- long wldo box, V-B, ootoir»r»^nd ......... «ion,- powor'Mooring, power

hllch ond oJocol one owner.'

ER HOURSTsToO^»fltv P a p e ......... 733-2089 MiVp Wllihnj'rvpy Peler»or» , 866-2555 ' Lorry fin»nl.<i inn Elli»............. .334-4620 Don MrMurdi

i i u F w o ^I BLUE lakes BiVD. N. r ' " '

- I — I i

86 ■ Jjilos Fur Slit , i

^PLYMOUTH- 1968,- good Iran- SH W tlailon. taOQ. 394 Jacktpg mici. u.i,

;«73_FOnD RANCHERO SQuifo. . ,-ftiJlQiDAUc»,liaA4mlatlon,, a ir, - — campcf 9he«. powgr Stflorlng, AMI • eh 'rock, mag wfiuoij. SHARP. J31M _

- 321.303-------------------------- , j

IMMEDIATE CASH FOR YOUR ' ”.c io in mod car. H i3 for or fioi." la• Houao ol Hardio0a,-601 Zrtd-Ayenuc - an

Soulhn<-5700.________________MUST SELL o r w ill bo 23:rospossossod 1973 Voga CT slaiion Mlwagon. Real good goB' mlleago, 'w tE>t,iashaip.tl79S.7a3-7Ml7 - st

Jc=r I ®-/IT/TVln

763 0 0D -B Y E T 0 BOREDOM IMBOtlT. i _ ____ 1976.MAV52------- ;--------- — — Stw k -fi

576 NOW

ii:rONS, . THETOll RE— ----- ----------TAKE-YO

foURS: 8:00 A.HrioTbOP]

T m mIVP. NORTH . . 5 4 3 -6 4 5 7 ,3 2 4

ILDS ” EUPREME___ : ___ PLKMoutomoile- Vrbn»tri.v - ~4-doer ~ hordlO )owor broket rodio. iran>/ni*»ion,

broket, rodio. el

1 ^ ■

r i i r ~FORDTT^bnflfne.: flulomotle , , V-6, engine, oui »teering S btokoi. sieoring ‘4 bro eloon, rndio, 9 pattenj

f t S7 IS

INNEVILLE----- -------- 3/TIengine, outomotie . V-8 engine, ouli

oring pow erb 'okei (tearing, powoi

^ > 2O R D Z Z Z ^ Z Z ^ ’ICKUP^__ Vi'■ ft ,«|ppln.^ I i _&boUMlid*;Tb«llrort, hitct) and runt ' ironimlsiion. ro

and runt good.

ORD 1!'ICKUP - , %1lutomotlc' irontmlt- long-wide bo«. ower broke*, todlo. lion. powor >U ner.' condliioning. mli

S O 1 ^ 2

r A J « 7 t o 7 ; 0 d p . *

libn ........... 734-7887 KpllyHouk»nl.«<. . ... 734.2B76- tdPow«*ll. k'urdiP ; . 326-5492 DonPerkInt

KM AN FO. . 543:M S7. 324 .B 8410

' ' '■ ..... i l x MM • WW • - Aotos For Sile _

SHAR^ 1974 VEGA. Good con! ' ' ® «J<lK>n.-te*rHow'prJCO-nr-T7;300: ^ n e < n - 4 « i9 - - -


chtome jihcet*; Phono 73<-8«i3.

1968 flUICK LE 8A0RE.4^oor lor - Ml" Ptior»o«».44^4.

IMV CADILLAC~ Eicollnni eon- Blttonr Aulom#tie--lr«n*mia»ion, 'JlfOO. « Crelghlon. Pocaielio, kl,23?-l6W.____________MUST SELL 1971 Ford Plnlo. Mag

'si^TOOO 734 5337°°*’


)M I

[AVEHiCILSTALUON-^:,^-.-------------t-»itimbef-C-V 5fr^— ----- ^ - - r

..^3576i4 x 4 'sOUGH ONES TO , yOU-ANVWHERE-------------------------

P-M-. . . _ : - 7 ~ r '■

M'o.*!! 034SK

i l i i P =24-8841 or 733-5110------- ' J

i ____ ________


1S69 .. M O U I H - E U R Y - I l i : ^ - -dipprV-8 englno.- ouipmntlg ; “ n, power" tto e r .n g : pow or ~ ' “ . , >. eleon ond run» good.

6 9 5 ~ i ■

-1871 ------—[ n r W R E T O r I I I IouiomotK Ironsmittlon, power 'broket, pir condliioning o n d ; longer. _ . ,

1975 D O O rTONCtUBCAB^.;” J

auiotnotic irontmlttlon, power wor broVe*. rodio, hitch and

t wz i m z F i i E ™ ^ ^ ^ iTONPiCKUP. .

—V-8 ' f nnlwg. io rrn tt^ ^ . .. rodio. mirrors, duol exhouti'

1974 F0RDUON PICKUP - - tOK. V-8. aulomollc irontmU- tloerlrig. power broket, olr mirroriond hllfh. - *

m s ■c

ik . ' . . . ' 543-4639. 1I .................... 423-4S11 II n t ................ J23-444a . PI

)RD I “ "I OR 733-5110

W oariqscJ»y.p6c«fnbor3,1975 Tittii

a . ' A i f e i o r s i i i i

~ N O iI S t l i l E

A L L C A R S S L i

T H E ip nT 9 ' 6 0 T O 5 r A T J G 'All green In eoldr. V-8 engine. 4 tpM oilM illecorlnMoglc.Volle/. '

' 4 door, silver blue linlih. (onlrottir m llet.' - ' -

. ■ 1 . . 9 7 - 3 L C Q M E - T . - . U ., 2 door hordtop. soddle Jjronio In

engine, ouiom otlc'irontm litlon, n lO.OOOoeluol miles, .

• 1 9 6 5 I M P A L A - . .SUPJR SPORT, V-6 engine, auiomo|l ing. buekei teoit. contole. medium

, vinyl Interior.

1 9 7 3 L I N C O L N ' . .CONTINENTAL, medium green in <o the e«trot, 20,000 oeiuol miles. We %

= l : 9 6 9 = D O D G E = ^STATION WAGON. V-8 engine, ou

•if»*ring.-*»cellenf lmntpoi1allon, |ui

' l 9 7 3 M O t M T E G A lBurgundy. Ir\ color wllh eonlroillng Iow;mll#tT»ee ihU'dne.- ;■

X 9 ¥ 9 M O N T E G O '_ 2 door hordlop, green In color with

siondord Ironimltslon.

- 1 9 6 7 - I M P A L A - . - v ^” 7 ’d(»r'6 'cytind«r'englnorBuiomotli

lull iroded In.

1 9 6 9 R A M B L E R . ,-■g-dour, tiic eii lir i u lot r 6'c ylliid» r r t

low miles, eigtellent condlllon.'Cleort

: j g _ i S 6 7 iy \E R C ! ;jR ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

57.000 a ttuorm lle t. olr eondillonlni woll Hrei ond clean throughout, Musl

1 9 6 8 P O N T I A C2 door hordlop. oil green, while sidi malic ironsrSIsilon. power tt_e_erir»g._i

-p o rio iio riT T r:.: .. :

1 9 7 0 O L D S M O B I IDELTA 88, 4 door. creom color, V-8 ilbn, power steering t broket, olr cor

~ ^ 9 6 8 O L D S 9 8 ■ ■k door. Looded. exiro clean, o» nice a

T 9 7 2 O L D S 9 8 . .4 door, V^e tfnglne’ oulomoile Irontml

TTo^^M-' oIr eondliloSing, locol one i woil-ilret ond body side mouldings. .

H ^ 7 T - D 0 D G E - r ^CHARGER, 3 door, soddle bronto in cc •nglne. outombllc ironimliilon, radio

1 9 6 7 M A R Q U I S .3 door hardtop. Groclon gold in colo powered wllh olr. conditioning. Specie

I W O I D S M O B I LCUTLASS WAGON. V-8 engine, oul

.ilee'rlng..power. broliet. a ir conditloni ^onirosllng ponellng. A nice tomlly co

1 9 6 9 - B O N N E V l L LMedium gold in color wllh conirosilni Irorttmlttlon, power steering t brok'

1 9 7 1 B b N N E V I L LT-4'door hordlop-dort( oreen with conir

1 0 7 0 r H F V R O L E I“ KINOSWOOD-WAGONrV-fl-*nj(n*r<i ■ steering, power broket, olr condlllon 'mouldings, white slde^oll llrei.

n a z O D m o u m- FURY 111,-4 door. V-6 engine, ouiomoii

ing. rodlo. healer, all while In color. .

1 9 7 1 V W . . . . . .Econbmy •nfllnerouiomoilc- ironsmits

1 9 7 2 M E R C U R Y .MONTEREY. 4 door. 2 lone green; out

. sleering^olr condliioning. ond locol on

1 9 7 3 M E R C U R Y .COUGAR XR-7. ihit beoury Is loaded i

1 9 7 4 F O R D ------------PINTO WAGON. Ihls thorp lliile eeom 4 tpeod irontmlttlon ond moth more.

t h e • o s t M t p l M « h i M ii» '. r e i ’M A i i i « V K

r in io i.N a«« .Iw ln F iii..w ,i,i; 35 ; J

U P PI t i M iLASHED AtMOTORSr r r n 4 9 5 ; ^i p ^ d trpnimljiion ondihe iharp-'


Otiing roof, looded or*d low, lo^r . •

in color,•economicol 6 cylinder.•>, rodio, heoier ond leti;ihon'.^

“ 7“ "*S $5!"mo|lc tronimitilon, power slfer-{;>um blue In cobr^with delu<e bll^.

. . .1 ^ 5 8 9 5 1 :n color ‘with conirotiing tool, oil Ve told ihit cor new. ;i

™ 2 ^ : .outomaile Ironsmltiion, power .

i, |u»i right tor or'yon*', ....... .*

arl ^ 3 B 9 5 | ->lng root, looded,. erulte control:*,. -

o ^ = rf^ 4 9 ^ '^with conirotiing rool. V-6 engine,

no tlrtrantm iiilonrrodiffrhem errtj —

. ■ ■ ■ n i 9 5 i ;e ar\a»opin . *

>n1ng. illl wheel, •xcelleni white-,-* • ^ u s lie e 10 believe.

sidewoll llrei, V-S engine, ouio-r* r0 ~ l« ^ ^ '^» C ej!c 'illO T t3 fflT ir^ r

V-a'•nglne, oulomoile lfwitml»-=; r conditioning, locol t owner. ■

ceO cor o t youll>lnd.,' _

iimltCaaJftOiinr sieirlng. power« n T o S ^ eK c e llen i. 'w h iir tld e --g —IS. ...- . -_i

in color with conirosiing roof. adlo. healer, us«i regular 90S,

color wllh conirotiing cool, fully . eclol. • • ;

„le-* W 9 5 ^ 3oulomoile ironsrnlssion. power

tionlng. dark.brown.ltv.colof.wlth_: ^ ycor. . -

lle_ : . J 4 5 5 : _sling roof. V-S engine, oulomotk iroket. olr condliioning. On sale. •

l l e ' n i 9 5 ^onirosilng roof, tooded, - 7—;—— ~

u J U 9 S - -lionlng. luggage rock, body tld* ' ^

tiOtiirlrensmrillon. p O '^ »l**r— — ■r. , . .

. n 7 9 5mitsion. ond lighl-blue In color.-

^ 1 6 9 5 'oulomoile I'ronimlision. power- ■ ;

I one owner, ■ '

. . . 5 3 5 5 0'ed wllh every p(ec« ef.opiloftol - 3 - h«rlfiierlof;6rai^n«w 4)rM ;l»»- - r

. * 2 9 9 ^ ^conomy cpr was jutl traded Ift,

s s i i H p i. - 'N-;'

Page 34: mnewi - Twin Falls Public · An aulopsy was performed WetU VaJIeyMomoriol.Hoqjltal. - Christensen said


i : : - '

A i r m a n '1 — MIcHae] W. Hale, son of Mr. ■ ^ w J - M r r - O e m t d r l r - H f l l ^; • R i i m H :— hfl*"i»r«duated ot '

.Tex^ from tho lU.S. A ir Fo rce -security _

'fpollcem an cour«e conducted <• by theAlrTralrilngCorrimand. ■

The airm an ,, jvho was - I r a in ^ In p u r i t y and law . ^O fom incnl, Is being assign^ to Holloman AFB. N.M.. for

- . duly wilh a unit of the Tactical- • ■Alr'Coramand.

' ^ A irman Hale, 1972 graduate - . or Mlnico High School, at-

tcndcdTtw C olleBwrswuM m-.— Idaho, Twin Palls. His wife,

; ; ; ; L o u ise ,Is lh e d a u ^ te ro fJ .D .' Chrlstfanscn, Riipcrt.'

: y MURTAUGH - Airman l.C

------ in d Mr8.-Kenhe'th P. Jones, - -. Ijjiirtaugh. has. graduated at

.........Lackland AFB, Tex.', from the ' .U.S. A fr~ F o rce secu rity i

! policcman course conducted ^' bytljeAlrTralnlngCommand.' .4

.'■The a irm an, .who -was <

- enforccment,1s being assigned(6 NeJils AFB. Nev., for duty h wUh a unit of (hc Tactical Air Command.

'Airman Jones Is a 1973 J^ a d u a le of Murtaugh' liigh NSchool. His wife, Mary. Is the Ndaughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Berl nBlackmer, Hansen. U

__ __ ^ i ---------------- —------------- D.TW IN FALLS - Sgt:

J c w f e r W. Courtney, nephew p' o I^r.-andM rs, ArchleTurner. p• T w in F a l l s , " . h a s 'b e e n pi

deiroratcd with ibe U.S. Air N: Poree- Commendation . Medal

nf Ronin APR rn ll^ . ................ f,,..S ergeon t Courtney. 1} non* Sl

:— (Test r irc r i v e —l n sp c c n o n ------- ;gpoclalist. • wos cited , for H m fe rilo rlo u s s e r v ic e a t tli Kt^ovlc. Icolnntl.

ii^overnor r€ E t p e x t r i a 3 i f e ^

... NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPIl Uj— .Gov. Ray Blanton refused ex

• Urt]u;“ l« cxtradlie counli^ ^music s to r Faron Young lo m

'^PklahomA' to facc charges (tfIndecente’xposure. or

BJanUjn’s legal counsel, - j,j

noL to J io n o r Oklahom a's,— rcqucst-w as-m ade-anirr~lic--------■

• Jnvcstlgale 'd Ihe ch arg es pj, stemming from an alleged ] Incident following Young’s nc

— N cw ^ear'irEvc-pcrfflrniancc-=-H i- at-Tulsa. - - ............ ................... -jjc i------ iW(LaEe,noLgoing4a-allow----- jfi-

' News............................ ma

Of Record--------- ----------- . . .------- — T f f

. TWIN FALLS COUNTY -S_ i i _ . ____ W»Wrt.C9«^ ........ ............_Co

Dlvorcw were granlcd lo Kathc ‘• nnd Clark Parker, Jam es and "O'

Rebecca DIakeslcc. Gordon and G n— Birtm ra-C urtii-and-H alph-H eck— WT)]

•nd Patricia Heck.•BuU dlM Pennlu

■ . ^Building permritw crtKranledlo

. .. mov abulldliifraUhfr«>M-otti(i<h-^<Eldc(vRoutt,«aQlney.additlonto- ,tnilldlng. ROOO: Robert .Kocpnlcl. ,

-«M Fourth Ave. W.. alteration.• *600; Bob flrchm. 2118 Castle Dr., '

new. tSt.OOO: Wills Inc.. 432 .1 Meadows I-and. new. 125.000; ■ Dohntd'Johnson. 2272 Ca*lle Dr.. , new. 00.000: Henry Jenkins. 123 Taylor St.. new, MOO; ARnes '

— StrongriW mnrVlcliTJrTflcldlinrn':----- '- « 0 0 ;.p ie rcc Roan J r . . . a n Blue.. . ,

Lakes Blvd.. sddllton. (S.900. and <• WllIslnc..2»^boshoncSl,W „.new. • ’

C3.000 ' _ .

■ B anknjpIcyw w H w by william i Fahey. Twin Falls, • '

. O w i s M

' ------------ s.-TiM .i, l ,r . . ,”T 3 f l 8 r ^ rill- <rnr Rift

------------ .- .-.-A

• J I r«ri\"lr'li.rrr«ii

y Z i

y ^ 4 7 tA

Iho - Wednenday. Doc0mbor3, l97S

He now M rv ^ a t Bealo with Ihe ITth 'F le ld Maintenance

/ • Squggron.The sergeant grfldoatcd- In*

- IWl 'from^ Twin Falls High " School. His wife, Sandra.,l8 the daughter of A. Lanfoar of New Plymouth.. Mrs. • Courtney’s

- mother Is-M rs. B. Lanfcar,. jaolse.

' JEROME - Army Sgt, l.C , Edwin L. Smith, son of ,Mr.( .

. and Mrs.' Everett L. Smith.'- Jerom e, Tccchtly participated

In Exercise REFORGER In— G * n n a n y . - - ^ ^ = ^ r i ; ^ = - ^

Sgt; Smith regularly- per- * fonns the duties of a recon­naissance platoon sergeant In Combat Support Company. 4lh Battalion, 73rd Annor of the

- ‘tbt ' In fan t r y—Div is ion in- Bobllngen. Germ any." «'

The scrgednt entered the _ A rm y In January 1956. serbrf ■

In Vietnam and h o ld n h o •3 ro n ie S tar Medal. Army . C o m m e n d a t io n ' M e d a l . '

Combat lo fan lrym an'B adge

. His; wife.. Kathleen, Is with him in Germany.

RUPERT — Navy AirmanJe rry Alvin McClure, son ol__Mr. and . Mrs. John Allen McClure, Rupert, is on a (our- monlh deployment to An­tarctica with the Antarctic

-Dcvclopmtfnl'Squaaron Six.While deployed, he wil! help

■PJgyide_a lr-f lupport. , for , ,cx. . p e r lm e n ts a n d —i'e se a re h - conducted by Ihe , National Science Foundation.

M cC lu re 's scfuadron Is homebased a t the Naval Air Station, Point Mugg, Calif.

A former student o T '^ l c oH jgh^hopj^RupcrldrcIJoincd,_the Navy In December 1973,.

efusesF ^ ¥ ^ H S g =the citizens of this state lo begx<rndltgd to nnothcr stntc m_____be prosecuted on-a frivolous m atte r,” Slsksald.' Hc said the woman -that originally brought the charges a g a in s t Y o ung . S h a ro n .

wanted to pursue the m atter. - - .."S he was avid about'“drop- pliig thecharges/'S isk said.

However. O klahom a of- 'f lc ia ls s aid__t he w arra n t_____Bgalnsl Young-'w ill ■remain’ active and he wlll bc arrcslwlifh c rro tu m sto th es ta tc r---------------

"ThU It4b tf4 lr^lm e-ln-m y— - - nearly IG years In office I can recall a .govemor acting In this [nanncr,.a llhough-!l-Is-w lthrn^^~ lls discretion to dp so.” said rulsa DJstrlct-Atlorney S. M.

' ------Young was unavailable for

^owevcr. .Young's attorney.}ranl Smith, said the Stewart 4’om aiT 'dld '‘nol-'reo1Izc“ the ;hargc was a criminal offense.

C ro M - S h s o H a r c 4 H f - i & P o r k « r

Pens « I N il Pencil Stts

7— t-OefSets— 7 ^

C l d s ^ \ ■■ I S O M o l n A v i T S o m

indsisjFor# '

i>t’ niniiu nrr « «rr« ■f« .linrr itir jo.». «r llt'r

lKi pl>n> Ml niiirli pIrnMirr i.r niiirh >Hrntl«.

li t r ’fliiml Im ii Kii» jT a T -AiijMlirrr. lit .llir-.t>i>rl<<—H M K ____ _nM tbr.lM rk rm rr. I ' r m J b ....... .

53-2 74—M g l n A v « . W . ^

— ^ e i » w c e i i i a n 4

CWO Roy b . Bri his U.S. Army a

- F t Sain>HoU8ton,' y^ars service. Hr Dickerson In Vletn

------------ T < N P h o n e s( O r l i f e o u r to l

V - -■ —

, X

Y o u c a n ’t- ■- - - - - - - - - b u t t e ' r v B e i; m o l s t f l a v (

. ' Y o i i r f a m l l . b u t t e r c d o

f r I e n d s . J u ^ ^ - - - - - - A n d - m a k e


i4ioiiored^----- ^Brixey, Twin Falls, is presented; r a v l a ^ ^ \ ^ g ^ ^ B r lf j . ' G en.>__

on, TGL;Brlxey’'rettred after 20 & Brixey was personal pilot forf- ,

etnaminl96&49. '

is 733-0»a^l— T - -t o l l - f r e e l i n e s ) . _

Ja m it


I’t m ake realholldaybuttei leoaiiSe real butter-gives c Ivor. Makes them crisp am nlly loves them. So bake a Sokles now. For your famll Ju s t clip out and try our bi ke^grti ycju:aef VO .butter bi

am erfca

l ^ W h o o p e r ri BOSQUE DEL APACHE.'N.! I - plan for crcallng the ' second [-•. --existence has reached thehnlfw • and Wildlife Service. ;■

I - ,. Agency officials say four-whL .__8andhlU.craoe foslcr parents ai

, Del Apache Wildlife Refuge.-' ,. , Spokesmen said the fdlirthwhi

' weekend, probably Wduld'beth(

E Jtapfter

JOURNAL OF biscc 26 yolumes plus Ind

■Mall orders S2.00 aUdlthn Thousandsotpagosolcoui

_ • lion Irom PresMeril .Brighi

. . . from the Bo


l e i ]

M * M


f y - a r s ^ i i| g ' l @ r S t

ttercookie^w ithout rea l.. >s cookies a fresh,-.i-- - — and speclal-t'he way s a batch of holiday^ m ily...or a s gifts for your r butter cookie recipe. r buttercookiesr.. . ~~

le a n dalrv asso c ia tio n *

•' 'I

rs^-phrents-N.M. 'UPI> -7'r t “ fostcr.purcnl"- nd flock of whoopln(i crunw; l n _ ilfway polntraccordiriHio IfiTPish

^•hoopc'M-hulched-nnd ralsed'hy— i are now.wlnljeNnB aU h c Bo-vjue'

whooper. whldvarrlved durlnRthe



J O U R S E S ,Idex SPECIAL...

» 8 9 “ -

ounsel, doctrine ahdlnstruc- 9ham Young , Oreon Pratt,

3ook Nook, on fhe-Bo/cc


i i p ^W i lh l N i

iu b iti tU ti

f 5 ,

• ’ • * 1 c u p (2 slicks) bu . Vi c u p su g a r

H 1 teasp o o n almoniH cupsal^-purpose

M ' C ream butter. G raduu r ■ llu ffy :.B ea tlneggan

- ■ flour. Fill cookie pret:— '- .m ------ daaltedahflpfiU Brm i-------- ■ — Iprehegted-S S O loven

2 to w ire rack to cool. I

- u i n t e r d n ^. tering spolj-although five orm

\ M ugcin Idaho where they wcf « The flnit of the whcwpcrs,. . 'Me^JlcoOcLM. >' • .- “ “ ‘rae-BcrvIcc-hopcs-l<f-HtaH! ywhboplng crancs In the Rockj

.• flock, numbering about » . kui - Texas.

Eggs from the main flock w

iristinas Elft I

' ' ■ • .;

W iI fo rd .W o p ^ ,-Jo h n ;T ^ 'ties and leaders of Ihe e a accounts , of the addres shorthand. Covers the yeai ous source of doctrine and rnembers._________ ’ •

cony / • . .



ond ex tract ose flour'

idually add su g ar end beat until III a nd almond extract/G radualiy bli re ss with V* of doiigli a t a time; fc I u ndreased cookie sheet. B akeJn ran, a to-10 mloutesJ^emoya.lm 'ni )l. Maktfs about 7 dozen cookies.

ISewMei^icoli-fiix.of the youhji wh<iopc:hi;rell Ihc !werchatchcd,- - ...............:rs,. named Corny. u^Ivcd In New ;

art'o 'ficw Hock' nnhLTendanKt'r»:d ■ * k y Mountain, areu. The only other ! ' summers In'Cunudu .and wlnlcni In I

k were taken to Iduhu la it summer. ;

Wea . I

. - ' ^ 7 ^ . -i .t6yl9r» and the dther s - .. eariy U t^ p«iriod. Vert)atlm

re8S M " { ^ t a ) ^ down In ■ I rears 1854iJl888;AUemend- and Interpretation for Church

OW N , ON.THE.MAlL -TWIN FALL S - - - - - - - - - -

■; J. ■ •••r-

\ ' ' 'Y

— • —

& r z r j


II lleht and _ . . .^b lond ln ■ " ,) ;form . * ■ .g[n ______ g ________ .Ti’medlatfily—^ - l ^ __________ ____