mn' · roorfaem droi. n»nlwart» store and national iron bank.) dalrymple, jlhs...

DOVER, MOKKIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, tfOVEMUEK 24, 1877. NO 50 THEIEONOA uM rr BENJ.II.VOGT. EDITOfl VP.l'ROfUKXOB. OnWori Morlii Strut near BltcWelL •UBKAIPTIOII XxUtI*BX.i Ot A One Tear, t2Q0 Sli Months, -100 Tiwe months,- J- - - - - - I .Dr. P. A-HARRIS, PHYSICIAN ana SURGEON " DOVER, N. J. griloa AT uamBXOK H QBouu B UT J OIM F. KTICKLK, Counsellor at Law AND MABTEU IN CHANCERY, KOOKAWAY.N.J. • -•- J. J. VREELAND, Carpenter ana Builder, ,% Jobblngprompily attended to.' »kciia m nHOKWFXL Sl.i io 4 •;.V" -. * •BejBej'e lumber mill, :•; vO.ntra.ta laken.'aBd mi' TirillllOll HOUSE. .Corner of.BlBCBffel~.tQd Snsiex Sts. , DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. floraal u d Gari'iae. to Let. * Wi T ' twom ''"" ' '• V/i y v CounsellorHtlAwl ^ANDUASTERINOnANOEEI, .; 'Oifiw in til. National Unloa Bank Buddies; ' ' ^'BOVEB, M;X: C i . OIliLKIT, . O.n.r.l Furnislfjng Undertaker, ^ UOEMSID ABOTIOKEEIt AND C0UMI8- 8I0NEJJ OF DEEDS, All orilora promptly aUeouad to'. DUCBWILL &TIIIT, ,., ' D.T.r,,N. 3. 1 HOUQB HeCIUOKHIf, ; '' Carriages and Sleighs, .Of BV.rr D«MrlpltoB* Dor BI«cl»oll ana IWieaUta, DOVKR, II, Particular a'Liitlon paid to rapalrlna; am >ynn"LABohATanr. I ^ j i 90* Analyses of all dsserlptions of OilEB AND MINEKALBi y>' i ' OAEJSFraj^JHAI)?.?'):' jSji 'lUbflha on, application, IEB^IItTH o ^ [ 7 ; ,,Po.arlftniaConnlf %?.,,; Allen Palmer & Bon, •i Carpenter* , »- j •' •' ^ ' I Builders.' , DOVER, N'J 5 "' 5 '/Jobbing promptly attended to.), S. J. PALMER, Architect. JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING,AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX'S TREE/IN Ibllwnti till MANSION nODBB.nJD.poia DOVER,* J.* vj. ThBphnhubenentlnljralltoillii sieit •lanncr.Tuo far? belt brands of Foreign and Domestic Segars ALWAYS ON HAMS... •;. •., W-tf: QEOl A. PRESCdTTV * CARPENTER and BUILDER, TADERrMCIiE HALL; DOVER; N, J.' nm me znvr j ^ wlexccn(*a mil m^UmlfdrnJilied. ' PLANS and SPfOTFlOATXONS rfnrolihed, ind contraoU Ukim for til work. The belt rpf-nroeei Riven, BSto eiptdtr I •TUT brine ti of the basin en*. «.hd til wor •nmnttjed. DOVEIt if J. i QE0E0EW. DBAKE,' 4, tfaelitgeitf»\i1tn it incoeiifal detler la I BOOTS ,and SHOES tbit orcr did bniioepj in '••... ha.Jnit_8SUl.t4itoclltglli\tort»% " • '.:• ' EmadUim GrOS3X>S, ,. -.'-•.: whMi.nnaalei anriuaf *' Oa'Un*'n'»'"S LADIES, BCIS8E5 AMD CHIZJUtElTB SHOES, Vimntail alaiji'u SI, lie to 1» round U thla itortr in the creitait profollon of atjlpk and measonuanta, and ' CnEATER TSiU AT AH? OTBES BTOBB I S MOIIIIIS COOKTT.i «?••' - i.dlva ma a can bafora pudiaaliif aUawfcara. BOOTH SIDE THE PARK,!" THIIEE DOOIlfl FEOU UAREET^t.; ' KB *NEIOHB0UB & SHHS, ' ATTOnNEVS t fiOTINSELlOEg'AT 1 LAW) - Cor. Blackwell and Rumi Sta. DOTEB, TJ, J..j «' i H. sKiomnun. A, a UOTB •iV'Silate.iBVAdoilaSJicilliliillWOOBWOBBV ;;' ,\v';-;>j;; :.j- 0PPCW1TE DOVES DEPOT. , /,:?' !WHEELSrssioVis*e,tOliwsai ;; A1 . oJFIHE OOLOnaturcBHlage ana ;.;y p a h U n t "Also OILS, ana .VARNISH '-. , :fore!im and Domestic- TuapijrnBB, w«m ,;: lilair, 'rtcisPalnt,- OolqriBJi«Jul ^emUl ;;'.; Brashes and qtriptog Pencils, m (nil StooK.V •''X ^tn^inawitPMrJvahiUmC^itni&T-OLABB .<,';,OABjBJACtEMa8l4BI9H OaHAaU£ft.».*> ; , J % : i* te«ffi : EtiVlBi«s ; «iBtrim6« fom»"rly.BS ;B."A; BBMKJB'jPT,'; "VEGETINE," r BU'otber remedies had failed, I 4,tfae Laboratory, and continued myaai. J-genuine >mnrll. It la prepared from I, rooli, Bud harba, each of wblch (I n'lgbl.* >,;aad tuny ar. compounded rn'.oeha as to produce aatoniiliing reinlta." VEG-ETiisrjb:. the treat Blood IMHIler. KB» D . mt ,. . .,..» iB i,, VEGETINE v SMITH 4 MEQIE,'|U euro the worst caasorecrofula. ATTOBNEYS AII'IJSI <VEC3-ETINE imended .by phyalclans and apotlie* Cor, Bleokwell 4 WarreM! Dam, K>;.'*''.--'. DUIIIM of Women and Children, and "-".- Eja and Ear specialties. Office Honn 11 to 9 A. M., 1 to I and 7to POT5TIO. OFFIOB OVGIt riEIlSOh'a BAT B SLACKWXIX STI1EET, L. W. T H U R B E Rf, C52? VEGETINE effected aomemarrellous cures tn cases BCTEBIHTENDENT Of PUBLIC 80Hl] •'-••. OFMOmtlBBOtraTI.."«».. I n o n r OEO. BIOBABDS t Co.'. 6 , .... D.OVEB,N. J.,, : Special office hoar. oDBaturdav. from MOSES BLANOHAED; : .i. ••"'•'-','. • • ATrOBXEIATl 4M0HAaTEB INCBAHOBBV, •' r! : DOTOR, N. J. ) H « o i I [ A. Wltblon's slsio and tin I 17-17 , Black)Tellstnwt, I&A C. ; CQOPE: •^MojiL^M3rBuilJerl Oonlraets taken *« all Undaof afaaon ~ idJonnlna;. •.. . , , UXX, n u i m AHD OEJIEOT, .t .1. »^riiUie«j?si>ofWotla>, ! ,i:,i>' Ofnoe nnder 'The Iron Era Office, 1 N. J.' ' •'••'.' W. S. IL E. F. DeOAMP, lOTIATOBHk PJtOBPBOf<}% ! Tor Iron Orel lad Mineral Floperty,! p 6 w if ii ; y i {JL E','"SfV- J] P. O. itBOOHION, N. J. : ffit.fl.DiOAKF, (;; •-'; 13-ljr" •:- •--.•-" \. PASSAGE TIQKETS .,.,.,.,. .^«€fi^} 3RAM, HANCE-ijCri^ STORi PORT ORA&S'N. Jf ^OB-ad tbeprtDdpal'Unea of.ateamab] ». front He» f"rk 15 Ll.ormol at LOWE a&TEa.. iUsaDltAFraONuBBA^BBITA iNBIBELAND" •;•'•, 7 - - » y ; ":i VEGETINE the, wttrat eaiei of flanker. VEGETINE wonderful success In Hereurfa VEGETINE , erwllcttc Bklt IUienm from the ijitam. VEGETINE rimpfci »ni Hamori from the hot, YEGETINE CoD|tip»tlon *nd reRuUtei the boweli. VECETINE rem*«Sy for Hoadftohe. EGETINE Djapepila. VEaETINE tbo entire sjslcm to s healthj condl- VEGETINE I tfa<{| eania ol DUiinHt. •' ' VEOETINE Fiivlaei* at ihe Btom-vcli. VEGETINE. tb the lUek.' < - JVEQETINE. .'••'• llrenreeKidiiejOomptalBt. - 'VEGETINE. ' Intt's cure of Femaur Weakness. -VEGETINE. ' eat remedr for Qoneral Dabilltj. •VEGETINE' leditodbjall olaeaeaof LOVED AT LAST. J ind ao he lotei ice, though the.- uid ' Ho lorar e'er wnu- ? cons to me, Tlitt I hhi'O d na' -r hewooed r ved, i O. nur«e child a' on tnj knee; ' tbej wirtmio-ti tha I ihm'd mi?i The iroaian'i Imritag of bin*. And I, tan, In tho »»d gray bcmr», { When tbrougli low aloud* DO iaa.ighl tlione, And wbon tlis alow Boptcmbir (howen flsemed nitnra'i lean for Snmtuer can* I mnrmnredwltb »loag;radugh, ' \','Kj Buunaer »Uo hu goue bf." pat now I know tbkt wbftt to mo Beamed Autumn rilqi wero ebooara of SprlDg; nmmcr &•• tome, tod uow I aoe Lote'i iunllj{bt brijrbten eTcrjtbing; e aajra boIUTCI mo, ind lo-dtj f jc.r roll* beak to c.rl j U . j . oir did It comet iMkorblmi Ho iayi mr raw U aweet and fair; And joi to nut tbeaa ejii IDOID dim, And on this brow are llnu of care i 3nt now theie oye* ibtll yet be bright, And once u^iln tbU brow 8^ I'ffbt. Bs lotei met lo*e reel I i-epa»t Tliu bleat iMoranco SKI? hoar [ ad now the wino ortife ii »ITBO, . That jeatorday wti tbarp and lonr} ow I can drink, with ipirit bold, OTO'I Mtttai Iromtoap of gold. look tiirongb long tlnw^undnp yetn, Uado by bit IOTO all bright and fair; look iroond Ibrougb bafipr te»r§, . And ew. bli Imige •Terywboroi a h\- Kimi ote I breatbe and lire; [fit be iln, dear Oot,forfilfe. [t cannot he. fllno. I hava known Hi* loro, -Qod'n love leemi <loircr too; o bai come uoar to me, *odnbown What tor tho hnmbtRst lie can do. L lu'ri tatofnl flngeri lnlorlwfne hunian lov«with lliedkinii. ObloTe.loTfl. LoreI Oh bl<Bicd word, ' Tbit never did I undoniand Till In my ear bia YOICU I beard, And felt tbe pmauro oftifi hand ; u tuoro I -walk ftltb tjit cut down; »ni bis queen, tore la tny crown. —All the Year Bound. oople lo br pnrlllcr in THE lIAltDWABE STORE. yOOEHEES, BB0XHEB8, |t'rimdlUiLic>HDBBTAtL DUUUUhtK ,' ' . ' Hardvyare,! Iron and Steel, JAILS, jBtrnjras'^HinpwAra!, | MECHA»IC8Vii<'D PAJSllEBff. TOOLB AHD :: uAEraiQEVAKKra(VODs, ; ,BI^AS^B,«?I6B^AHD BuirrBrBKEn MORRISTOfN. N. J. rooilen' ;; M ouseteeplngGoodsi , PAipTSj OIIi^GtilSrS •• : ,ta4JI.mif«ionnvilUI«a»iu«Uj../ --- Li me, Cetn e n t, Plaster, Bone.Cut, .Boparrhonbatei.or.Xlme; and aU* , <ij •VS'W«,Sberrar1E».«,'Ji-;,.' ..;• •. (nomoBs;yookBBits. s - > Jilos I. TOOBBCSS. Korrliioffn, Sept.Md.M7a. Nv: i-?i?:.x.-- ledced nj all d e e m o t and moat reliable blo VEOETINE STEVENS, Boston, Mass. DENTISTRY r DJ ALL I I' s S. B.-JOHNSTOFS NSERTING, EXTRACTING, .FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL WOUK WAItUAAI£O. Dorer, September Jail, 18TJ. 'f "' I^]^iySgHX)TEL. ^JCJ^^ii^^USEi i»attinu'oiitt,ui.tetUi»theliast«leilthe HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St.; jiS'jgK IsWiojpi littsi. TWlon; and has completely renoTa^d and nfur- 'nished lif'hot u to give good and AInple Boooumodatioiia *o both man and beast The BAR will be supplied with the beet brands of ,LZCJITOBB and'BBOABB. Board wQlbfl'.for* |{nlBhoaib^«hB.ib7 or xeelt, m reasonable will be continue,! la connection witlllfbls House. .An inVltBtltni la eiionded to aU in; *ia friendi Bin" ' aeB'cau.; '' Mi(DVI.Se£ifing CARPENTERS, ^ & # and BUILDERS, 'DtfYBB,N.J. -" k - * tloui'ftwbnlldiniiaConUMt Maiieti^~m-(erlikUal%ni&bed.;<»'; ••; S AND MEDICINES. STABLISHED STAND 1 roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store and National Iron Bank.) DALRYMPLE, JLHS J»F0TBSUfi7. MSTOWN.N.J. DIALER 11^ f AND, MEDICINES, HEMICALS, 3 STUFFS, D A1X eutlcal Preparations. D DEALEE8. BDFPLIED BPHTCJEB. care Ulr prepared None but dtr tl* Leal qnalitj andpre Ifftotb CUUd Statts Pharma* moat approved fbrinul* lent of At DoeemborMtblino. •HSiJ.SCHEADEE, FltMnHELKm 1-tf fC-^iVr?-:^':. .... •Vnaw voeal'snd 1 new ISHheetiBtnalfCIOB.a T ARTICLES nally found In »dmK : DALRYMPLE. WHO BEST PLEASES U£B3 IS HEWHO, STAYS 'SDOOEEM,-': : Reliable Markot in QUABTERS! kl.«t_tb. oMi.l n r—to hla. .• .. . bereafter fnrntab cboice D VEGETABLES, THAH-ETEIl.) UOTTON. VIALT p oat, and thenfore kn I AUkindaof «, makes the BkiB SeunUflee tbt BOTTLE 1 * 1 "* Brick, DnulBtore, A.TODD; •' Drossmatcr A.H.J., ilitis tlie s>ttenti<m ol ttBladlef lo is* : .,-9CxXBxsxsrxi|Rrsr.;*'.? ^^^pD^QEy f HOUSE.; THOfltASflBIQ^'I'r /Proprletpr- V'^pDPpRti'mOWBfs' Co.; N.-J.' ' MUbllibidBolilU open for tot"— Ball, hall, ThaofcaRlfinHayl W«tloome to aaiitta and ilnuera— Welcome to all. both great and imajl, Xbon (IIT of rojtl dinarr»1 Bee how ttioj coDtu from Tar aoit our, , . A troop of "carpnl-IjugdiT*," To (traoo Ibo board wltb DB" aacorJ, And appotitei like dAggen, Wbo carai tor Turklib war abroad f .• flfho etna fiir aorf or Caar ? OUB Tarkoi'.-lloi hctjta our ojoa; Como and attack—hurrib 1 ' ' . With knlf*j and fork wo win the d»y, A tnice'to faro and aerrow I ' • Eat while we may, Tliaok-BiTlnji-da/ Wlll.fade before totnorruw.' - Wti'H lhankfnl for a boat of tbinga Too numproaa to mo tion: For •w*othe*t't* trm) and boar((. to wos, And all (lilngawqrthiittimtion. '. ; For all and every tljipg that gi?pa , ' Our ilret IO muali of ploaatjro -' Wooffur Ibinki. Loiig may we Uitp 1 ^ . TbinooTerfluwiap tneoiurat Tlien hall, liall, TlianlteKWiOff-diy I ThoB (Uj of royal dlnnfln*!, Nor (rill we care if the grim nightmare Sliontd Mgbt tbe'ionl within ns When day fa done. Lot m'rliej'i ghoi., ' With thA nnta and pnddlngi «ad wine, In th« dead of night begin thoir fight, 8UU-Tle1oqr.b tWnol • ,; \- niToB'a SKJLWKX, InHiiflta'* lUoumifo December. '. • , .. Y r w i r i%llosopby of Lire. ; In Ohartb and In fltato, 'It'la rain or bo rnlod; . . . In eonrdhip or marriage,: ' .. ; It la Tool or be fooled; .. .' In loglo and lawi . ' : I i k b l l d . t i 0 gambling and trade, . Itlitriokorbutriokedi . in treaty arid w a r , . . .'•-' - : It la boat or be beaten; InUwatraggleforlire,' . _>Itiae»tor b W ROBTIO FOKTRV B T OOH CO171fTB"r < CUNTIUBUTOBf, THE BLUE-EYED WITCH. ; v; 'I lore lo iteal/' aang a blOMyed maid,' -.•;'. . When her aong waa ureatcd.M>om« one aaid; •IathabMelaa'eMhe', ' - ; > ' roaitolo my heart, Uttto blae-eyedwlUh.", Toateal tway," ihe ubf again, < *.' ; :< <•, Hthe poet'i laj 'twill not profane/ s' " ' i 'And g t u oti the cot at ,th* foot of Ihe hill, . Wbera Tinea and roaei poep o'er tbe all]. > ' 'or faablon larda H In yonder hall<T. • . / • . .ndbWtaiBem cold aa tbo'na>bla walli f * I, I lomellmoa wlih.lbat wB'were poor, :be« ia more IOT* in » cot I'm inre." ; ?bon'wlthV bonnd bri oroiieti tha dlteK, id ielxcd 1I.Q hand of the bluo-eyed witch ; : Will yon keep Ui.i heart yon bait bald ao-lDng, i'nd giv'ia mo yonra with a tatth ai atnog.'. •'. ma a hipsy pair will croii(bat ilil, '. . -• tor.l own tha cot at the foot of tbo bill; i o a a p / g ^ While tbe mocking thrueh oa the gnpa line a w i n g ; ; _ , ; ; : - , , , '•,.':-;•• . ' ;:. " : .'•• nd Ihe lid/ iparrow her toilet make, ; '. ' By the m.nored iprlnj on i waytng brake i; .. And abe blaabed while her cyaa oa ihe ground were bent,.' '• -.,.'.'. '.' '.. •'. , .•'• "Well, go a,nd aftk my parenla copient." - J.A, GrlsU from our Urln Hill. jnnotare the' tliorongh-brod iDvoatt? hia frnme in on Ulater Dverooai and olipfl hfa horse. . . -; "•The 'Jmeyman aayB it is not an " organ." Coll it aomo other kind of n winainstroment,-Brother Qnrriaon. . Tbe editor ol tho Haokettstown Herald rill make bia paper an indopendeat inrnol hereafter.;, U if he in. ..t....: 1 .;^ .;-.' ;,..-. •- : -.-A;.. 1 A Mr. Smover tried to commit suicide at Phillipuborg tho other ^ay,' hat waa Iprevented by, Iriafads.; He won't do BO S m o y e i . - . . ' ' - ' ' r ' - \ ' ''••-, . '•• . " •' An nnmtiZEled dog on oar streets has An dog on our s te bbut aa rnnDT otanccs for life, aa A bl 'am haa for gothpg married, lten ; - ' jbbut aa rn jaobool ma'a btl About onolnten.; Mri Pock tlie Hanover Town Clark tan crated several pecks of trouble by torgetUng. Iff bring tbo .ballot box to the polls on election mnrairj|j, ; Tbofl6 vho failed to Witness ihtu recent ocoultation pf Mars and Satant' may console themselves with the rcflcouon tbnt'it will occur again In 1046. ' ! The knowliHgo that wo will not. be bored by political discussions for nearly » vear to come pats ua in a proper, frame of nrind for ThanVsgiviDg, ,. t v The'yearn : of Brother OarriBon'are tnnltiplying and an nrigratcfol -patty atill wilholda.the reward of official pre- ferment dae his. difltingtiubcd political Boryicos.- . • : , -•"': tioDB with tbia mandane Bphere with th. aid of arppo-and an-appfe tree, and Is now aneUrnnlDflroamer. "That's right," said a aolforino-baired mcer aa be read Mayor Eichird'B doc proclaniatiorf the other daj. "Adornod ior man ; alvaya~keepa a dog, 1 and a id-dnrnod poor man koepa two." "Give us ft chew of tobacco, uid ,an invBtemto 'old Dover tobacco- bemar to a friend the otbor day, ad- ding, "I intend to buy a paper." - "All rig& Billy," was the reply, "I think your resolution shoaldboenoonragod." ," Thonuii Shlda'i, of Bwittjwtown,- bu two' ;isi Mrs. HIumiHiiH on liin (Juberuaforlal Can* dlilflUi- Lor Mr. Obeutorneld an* is it roally you 1 now who'd a thought it, "Dear me, Hit the sight of you is good tut ayes,finthey Bay, Early yesterday 1 wero talking to Simmons, that's mybin b.iud as is, the kernel they cull him, hut i'qjj> a ' Ita, cuker, an' no mure liko tba kernels I've seen in England, tban buttermilk's like shavings. I wero toll in' him at*I knowd you in tbo uid country, a Je&kj, my first, were alive, an' only to think I should meet you here. Well, it's (rue what tboy eay. ' here to-morrow aud gone to-day." Tbe speaker was a matronly lady of imo 240 pounds weight, a good tem- pered mitling creature, whom I hod known in England, aud whose amusing waj of rattliog off her experiences «,' fordod me considerable amusement, X Inquired how she WOHgottlag along, uud must continue her story aa nearly as liblo io her own wurdii. I haven't been in this ooanlry vory long, but lor a me, sir, it do seem ntrungo sometimes. Simmons, you know, I knowd long ago in tboold country.' He tame over bero, and were neutralized or livillied, or something of that kind, but that he ahould go an 1 swear ogin Queen Victory for I never can make out, aa' tanas be died, und when hofaenrdon't lie came right over an' married. me, an* lie says be has given notice of my deten- tiomao' lie says I'll have to swear agin Queen Vioiory ton, not u I am agoia' to do it, for I never swore in toy lifo nod bate to hear the littlo bib o'boys •weorin' away like tun, which is they was my boys I'd skin emevery one, for don't reremiab Bay spare the oliijd, au' spoil the.rod.. Well, be were in tho re- Of, an' they nnuio bim a kernel, ua' lie came home an' said he'd been to a carcase meeting, and nasty dJBguatin ;hings they must be for I've heard of jieoT>1e drinking bullooks' blood, but to go and meet over carcases is worse. He imolt awfully of tobacco and whiskey, inple jaok be colls It, though no more ilto an fipplp than Vm likeagrindatone, ind why they should give snob strangf pameato'thingsl can't make out. - "Maria," soys be, '• Monk's the man." "Clood lor I" I szya, "Kernel. wliBt- •ver do yon rooon ?". and with (bat he irnod around andstared nt me witb bis gtnsiy eyes, ami be said with a touo that gave me thashiverB . : "Little M-cl" • ' M : itli that bo pullej out of his pocket great bill/ an''guvo it suoh a Bffing Lhut it sent my best cbeeny bowl off the tlre&er, and shivered it into twenty fig- m t s . ' . ' . - . - " . [aays, tr.viDg to look as indigent as I pould, an' whou I'm on myhigh horse I n make bim lopk scariflod/'Ioan tell you. I Bays ''Mr, kernel Jamea Him- toons, devorces I'm told ft) t\)lB country la cheap/ an* if you're again to xome liomo in tbise comegicalairs, I'H go right out and buy out) if it should cost me a five dollar bill." '' : "With that he grow more mollified like, and went to Bit down on a cheer, bat in bia diffusion nissod the mark, for •when wit'i in drink's ont, as tbo old sayin' is, and fell right Blap bang ngainat the itovo, which upset tho stove pipe and tent it clear on some white ahirta - which 'd fast been a irouin off, and•: mode them aa blsck aa iijk; •;'-"'' - ''Ob, Simmons, 'Simmons," I saya, ' yon'vo ruined all my. wasliin',' an' what* ever shall I dofor to morrow 1B my wash* In*day;""•,'. '•.•. '•:-'.:%:'"' •" ; -"' - ; ' '• ',; Well, never min'd, *oldwpman, when Mao's in yon'll be' ft lady, for he'll ra> member bU brothflr-in-armi'• i:.' . -. Srother-Ip'nnns,^' I says,'/.' Ton look mon like a babyrJo-araiB sprawlin* tbere imong the soot'"';' But whatever yon are •dkinof,!,;^;...^}..-.;-;"',:;•..: •;/• *rVall,yodkiipw,:he gets np and sitB own op thoBofy, and just as he . Wore Iowa'{ ha : Bete .lip, a ''most' onafrthly m and jumped off the sofy striking lands' behind' and capering" like a J i b t e r w a y injan...-,"•• •:--.'/•' •'•.',, '•: /•-•• .'-,-\:' I - 'Well,' it seems some of the hot cinders had1 fallen; Into bis pooket or fioiaewboresi as ho sat down, 1 and burnt ':tb'eir ' way threngh an^mftde' : an' expiesjion onhis floali, '-'>t rubbed some its on, nn' then be told me as .there', woro.goin'; to be a lection fora auvernor, 1 ^*;;; 1 ; -. : . ';•;:•• ^'y-'-i Good gracious," IBaye, "Simmons, why -do; they ^leat -a Governor, for! thoagut as only prisons bad' Governors, Wrong again,- bid woman," savs he larflii, " joult never! learn'all the'ways of this c'onntjry. / The Governor ia likea oka, and has tho bare of the State,";:. ' 'Well,;';! vBay|T." Simmons' I should think the State wore.old enough to'tako care of iteelf, 1 .seofngan jt'sovei'shnn- Ired years of age. "'".'• ^-;->- '.•';.'• •;;' " .,"How', dill you are of. comprohen- oion," Bays be; "the Governor -executes li,-: I lays, V'OalorafV or the sheriff used to"do the' ezecations rwhen -rjevermind/gopn.'';; : /"-';" •\VelI, you see." bo says, "there's four andidates, General. Mqckeiellnn, the dimmycrst, (though how a man' con be that I can't moke! ont.'. NowI know rbat a dimmyiobn is,) and Newbull tbe repoblican'.' . , 1 "Don't have anything to do with him," ajs, "you have too much already to with publicans, and cyan th* bible Oondem'nH publicans and synagogues." "ThBt inn't the sort at all," he says, its a political name." " .. ; - : "Ob I".I Mid, but Ididn'tknowvhat heraeaot.: , •';;-'• - ' " ' • •" Then tberb'BBrigbam"— ..-.••.> Who," I says,>-\ •".' ....:-. ' ',•;•..•: Brighamthe"— '••• . '. . , . Mr. Kernel James Simmons," I says, jumping op in a hurry, and npaotting aU theteathings which I had placed ready foriappor, ". if that man's going to ba .inttarjuioed to rule this State, I leave it, far the good book Bays 'turn away the bead from beholding guilt, 1 trad It ha isn't a parcc. of gailt,'with his hundred wives, I should liko^toknoW w h o i s . " .-•' . . - . ;^.;.'.',.;, ",'-•''•*;• You're barkin'npa wrong tree agin*, MBIIO," Bays ha,ploktn^ np the pieces of crockery," Tha man I"mean isa teetotal temperance man."-;:»'•;!. '.k •- " 0 b , ' M said foolin' mad for the Btu- pidpataion'i got into.' / : : '•The other is Oxeye, tba 'greenback a n . " •' '•"";,; '•; _; L. " • ' 1 ; i " V : ' " . ' "The what risoapped out. ' . " "The grconbapk^Bandidlite.'' .";< f Simmons," I BSLJS, '*, you're 'drunk A roan with^gi^raritftckl^rTa seen tbcUvinV'skeknton In Birnam'iiihow, |*n'tbop^nk^edwomfln,»u'iioBpottfld QUU -an 1 the red iojins, but a man with greenback, I won't believe in, unieat. he's painted, and what they Bhonld wan lob a man to tulo a State for, I can' I make oat, uu]^a they're all greoa to- gether, nnd I thak the next time you come home aud tell saoh ridiculous sto- ries you can get your supper yourself.' With that I boanced off to bed, an elt so mod I threw myself onto it,which IOI beiu'accustomed to viulout porcus- iouB, tbo laths broke an* I fell through, , which Simmon* bearing my sereiiQii rusbod io, upset the cundlo, on' tbinkin it was tramps, commenced to thump al round bim an' tkat'a how I camo to have tbiB black eye. A. woman may bovo a black eye, hut a man a green back—he night at well tell ma tbe moon's mad >f green oheeso, wbioli I haven't epok'ei o him since. GHBSTEBFIKLD. . A Man Who Snw a Mnlo Die. "Aintita curious thing that nobody ivcr sees a mule die ?" remurked an old teamstct Jn Gumbert 4 Webber'a «a- loon, 'No man ever sawa. maid die, I s'pose. 1 Thus remarked Mr. Daniola, lighting afrosh cigar; 'In 1850 I was mining on the eouth fork of the Yuba, And* it camo my turn to cook for my gang. We :ook turns each week,'you know. Well, I was going to sbow how economical I could run the comnaisftfiry. I went and bought a peok of dried apples, they were all stuck together in a lump, but I got •em jammed into tbspot, poured tn some water and started the flro. Presently a Few of 'em began to rise up to the top of ihe pot, and so Iskiromed/em off and put-'em In tbe pan. * The first thiugl knew, alter I bad skimmed that blasted pot fur BWULO, 1bad to get another pan, and then another, and by tun time I'd got four pani heaped' up full, dang my ikin it tbero wasn't more apples in tha puna tban there nns in tbo pot. That is, I thought so at tbotime. I kept get- ing more JHUB and buckets and lard cans, and all the wbilo plumb friobtened death for (oar tome of tho boye would me in and Bee liow extravagant I was, For I bad been blowin' on bow cheap I iquid run tbomesa. Tbe bloated apples still kept a-eomin' oat of tho pot. I put somo papers out on tbo floor anil cover- ed 'em with fruit, and, byJove, tbe piano looked like a Santa Glarq fruit-dry* Ing establishment, and tbo pot was still bilin' full,' . 1 What has that got to do with a mule dyinT , 'Wait a minute,, I'm eomh' lo tho mule. Finally I got deaporate and dumped over twolvo bushels of the ap- ples back of tbo cabin, behind a tree. '.n about an hour I heard a devil of a noisa. and ran out. What do you sup' I found ? Why a four-hundred- dollar an.e kickln' In tbo agonies of doatb. Tho applca were all gone; the mule nearly so. Howas swelled up like a balloon, and the Qrat thing I knew'he busted. Pledgft my word, gentlemen, io exploded like a (jiant-powder blast, ind brought tho wbojo.oamp. to tbe piaco. I kopt still j they could.not nnd tba mule, and it east 'em$10 to advor- ;ise a reward for him in the Sacramento Union, 'About two wooka 'afterwards they caught a couple of .Qreasora hang- ing round, nnd they put it up that they itole the mule, so they hang 'em, I was there, hut did not say a word for fear the boys wonld. find oat. bow oxtrava* gant I had ran tie commissary. : Let's have something.' One Cent a Day. Economy is the ordor of tbo hour, and ivory oxpeDditnro, however small, Is ex- jondedtogive a return in' full vaino. Every family requires one goad, reliable family newspaper, Ifsncb an article can ro procured for less titan one oent for, each working day of the year we are not .wore of i t A family newspaper should contain s carefully-prepared summary of all the news of tho day, both Religious ,nd Secular, arid if arranged so that.the ,wu departments separated and read bytwo individuals at tbe some Ume so mooh tbo, better. . Th'a family lewspapor Bhouldhave attraotive reatV iug ; nnd information .for; the: varlout raoaberB of a household., Soma portion if ihe paper should bedevoted,; every reeki Ut religious and moral .Improve* lent, to current secular nows, toagrl- ulture, oommerce, markets/.financo,to general litcratuw, Ao., with a special depaHment for tbe young. ' Above all, the family newspaper should be perfect- ly pure, and free from any contaminating intjadncca in its reading matter.or in its advertisements. Too much;attention cannot bepaid to this fentarty when tho press ia flooding the country with so much thai is fvilo and perniciauB. -To crown all,-the family newspaper should be untrammelled by aoy affiliation with icct or party, nod should be free togive all tbe good news from and abont alt the world.' If such a family newspaper'can be had for one cent a day, it should be taken byevery /amity in tbe land. Buph n, family newspaper, in every respect*"weflna »u the New York Ob- server, now commending its fifty-sixth volnmo. Progressive, comprobenBive, sound, reliable, para, it Is juBt what iB needed ia yonr boasehold. - Sond $3,15 for a year to The New York Observer, 87 Park Row, New York. Sample copies are sent free. -•• ' _ ••>->•- ' '•';• .A Tree That Rains. -TbeOonsul of tho United States of the department ol Lereto, Peru, bus recently call u the attentioi of President Prndo to a romarkdbib tree whioh exists ia the forests adjoining the village of Moyobatnba. Tbtstree.known to' tho natives on Tamai-Oaspi (rain-tree,) about fifty-oigbt feet in height at full growth, and tbe diameter of its trunk is about tbirty-niuo inches. It absorbs and condenses tbe moisture in tho at- moBphere witb utonisbing energy, and it ia said tb&t water constantly __oxi from its trunk', and falls like rain from its branched. So abundant is the water sunply tbst tbe soil' near by,is turned into a nmnh. Tba tree gives forth nuwt water when the riven are dry during tho Summer season, and.when water generally is Bcaroe, Its cultivation is proposed throughout tbe arid regions ol Peru. '•'•".•;•.,^ r \ ; " "•' ' "."••. Tbo Enterprise places the' daily ex- penses roll of the ComBtock mines exclu- mve of labor, milling, and repair, as fol lavs: Timbering, 817,000; firewood, $0,000;- candles, $800; 'quicksilver, 82,000, and ice 81,000. . The daily bul- lion product iB now-ranging between 8130,000 and 8160,000. - ^Daring - the month of September the official, returns from the several paying L mines on the vein give a grofls yield:of 82,133,000. ~" amount ia noaily onB>hali gold. K Vlilt to the L'SSPX County Tcadiern' Association. On Saturday last, availing ourselves of the offer of a ride, and an invitation from a toaoher, we reached Montcluir in tituo lo be present at tha opeulog of tho Sev enUienth Quarterly Meeting of this asso- ciation. We were courteously recived by Mr. Majory, editor of tbe Now Jemey Public School Journal, aud by bim in- troduced to severajL of tbo toachers pres- ent, by whom wo wore received with that: coartosy and kindly cousideration which! bos ever marked our intercourse with the teachers of onr county. Tho mooting took place in tlia largo hall of thoUoutoluir public school buil- ding, a noble monumeDtof tbe laeto and educational liberality of tho people of Montclflir. Neatly itrrnngod roDine, ele- gaiitly fitted, Ustefully .decorated, the walls adorned with large and spluudid ibotograplis, mauy of them views of ftu eign luuda, connpiouous among thembo- ig some of the Colipoum at Homo. Fur- nished with nil the modern appliances, the rooms gwvo ovidonco of an enlight- ened tastotaud a pmisewonby liberality, such as mimj of our edncationnl muu- sgers might copy and practise with ben- efit to themselves and no harm (o thuir subjects. The meeting was organized by Mr, Prescote, the President, who called up- on Mr. Spauldiug to conduct t)io devo- tional exorcises. Dr. Love one of the Moutclair trustees in addressing tbona- BQciation tbanlied them for coming, aud believed that Moutclnir would be none tlie worse for tho visit. Ho was proud of tbe interest taken in educational mat- ters by tbo village; and mentioned that during thopast 7 yeilrs they und raised Tor thopayment of teocliers no less than $90,000, indejiemlp'nt uf Slatonssiataiirf*. Mr. Thompson, tho Secrotnry.reod the reports. It appears that cacti male mem- ber subscribes one dollar annually, and tob fomalo half that sum, Quito a largo sum is expended in tbo payment of tlio travelling oxpenBes of thoao who take part in tboservices. Nearly an hour was oooaplodin miscellaneous business. Miss Amy Lyon of Millhurn gave with ccellent offect several elooutiunary ex- ercises, proviug herself a proficient in :be art. She thrilled hsr lioarors with 'AStoryofUio Tyrol," amused them rith "Heleo'B Babies," and gave with much emoMuu, "Tbe Last Hjmo," n story of tho 'Welsh oonat. After mplnin ing her mode of teaching reading, she rocitetl with muohdramaticforco,-'H*.tLy McEweu," Mr. J. T. Clark, of South Orange, gave au interesting account of bis mode of teaaliing spelling aud using it ns au aid to discipline. ' Ouco or twice a week he bad &spoiling contest, anda'terdi* 'idtng tbo uppor grade into two parts, vitb appointed captains, required tho itriotost order giving bad marks accord* iiig to a scale, for imperfection, unneces- sary talk, books not being cloBoly shut, prompting, answering ont of turn AD. At the afternoon session Mr. Alfred Beau-Clerk was introduced as a worker i Morris county, audroad tho favorite, Kim'n Irfist Whipping." Mrs, Wilson followed with a carefully prepared paper on " "Vocal Musio in Schools " a branch which she considered of vital importance. She would not have loo much of tbosacred, .especially of tbe nucn haokneyed Moody "and Sanky bymim '. Their ploeo was in theSujcIay School, or the prayer meotiog. Neither wonld she have operatic eoleoUona, but limple lively pieces that required a note to A syllable. Slfe would also advise ap- propriate selections; it was absurdtogo into a school onftdull December day nnd. bear them einging the glories of beauhfal May,- or to hear very young children Hinging about declining years, Mr. "Wilson Palmer, of Rutherford Academy, gftvo a lively paper on "What wo should do for our sobpolB, and what oar schools ibonldydqfor us." He thought that for onr schools only the best mon should bo appointed for trus- tees. Aa at present it was too'muab tlie COBO that tho most popular store loafer, the most ignorant busy body was np- inted. Instead of the tonohors bsing examined, the trustees ought to be com- pelled to undergo an'examination, and ien we should havo more hopes of BOO- ig our echoola taught by men who knew how to teaob. Then we should never hoar of County Superintendents being pestered to give licenses to incom- petent men because they were friends or relatives of trustees. Howoften do we meet in a district with one who cau tell you all about how to teach, and how govern, because before gottingBome- tiiing else to do he tangfat for a term or two in some country school, and your years of experience arid study must bow to his superior knowledge, Tet amoDg hose who nro working in the profession iro many who have no; time for self-im- provement, They read Harper's Basoar, and a good work it is of its class, but :liey never sea an educutional Journnl. The la tost style of'doio£f the hair is more disoussed than doing the brain. He did not. attaob JO maoli importance to per- ition marks aasomo. did. He ques- tioned altogether the good of daily larking. . For his own port, he felt in- ra.peteut.lQfixa value on a mere red- .tion. Wltb an examination it wasdif- [erent, you could givo yourtenqnea- tions'aud nx yonr value on tho answers. Neither did ba boliove in this mero mn- ahine order. He shonld not like to scold a child because tired of sitting in one position it tried another. He was told of ascbooi wbero no matter, who came in, the eyes never are lifted from the bookg. Now to do away with natural curiosity was to doharm. This was making children mere machines, nnd rhen he wont into a Bchool holiked to soo the kindly welcome given ont from the children's eyes. He attached im- portance to promptness, but he believed too mnoh blaming of tbe tardy did harm. He wonld tatber command tbe prompt. W talk abont tardiness. Didyou know'aBcboDl convention that was not tardy? (laughter). :The teacher should be a model of morality; ho bad heard boys condemned for"playing marblos for keeps." Whenho wnsyonngtbat wasa great sin ; the Sunday School Superi: tendent, wbo was a newsdealer, would condemn it in the Sunday.School aud on Monday morning play marbles for koops by selling some of tbovilest and nltbi traah ol tbo day. ''• _ . After many hints and wise sayings from Mr. Palmer, a lively discussion fol lowed, but tho falling nun and the gath' oring gloom ontaida. compollcd us to Jetvve BOthat we ehould get over tbe mtlei before us ere the Bhadows ol nighl foil. A 11 n morons Ufflco Junker. Tbe following racy letter Is a R< production by an applicant for office i: tbo city of Washington. It was iiddn ed to ODD of Novuda's Seuulor?, anil certainly tbiuk that so genial a npiri iliould meet with approving consider, tion: C293 P. STUBBT, N. W., WAsnMJor..M, D. C.,Octoher8, 1877. MOST ARGENTINE BENATOH : Prov: ilonco, you knutr, deiipos somo mun foi Renntors, floinu fcir Advocating f( suffrngo, and others for Qorernmool clerks. I .was fitted up by the ;li for one of (he luttur cluas, undIt*J living directly in tbofnco of Ho when I'mloft out in tho culd, while ilouder-Pegged younsr men from Sliow> logon catfb flica off of Govern dcHks. I am the only person in Wash- ington wbo wants on offiofl, and I feel thnt X ought to bochcriauoi] as a natural mriositj and put; in a department, si hut when strangers visit this part of tbe moral viucyard they enn gaze upon a no- ble patriot whoso »oul iu above lucre, and whoso priuciplea nro modoled upon Ihosc of the Admiuistnition—no matter 'hose aUmiDJstrntion, Now, thoro's a pbow in the Inti Department, over which the philosophi- cal Carl presides, aud I want to «et be- orB.that Civil Service Examining Bonrd nthntlcun lot loose somo of my lufii, Tba havoc I will create among common fractions will cause weak-mind- ed persous to howl, and tbe consterna- tiou tbat will flpiza tho differont parts ot i|jcecli will ma'uo' Lindley Murray crawl jutol his tomb uud fill bis cofflu witb tears. Tho gcugmphy of this country will undergo eoine rather startling chan- ges, ami. Lord 1 bow tho confidence of Ltin public will beshaken iu JPaniol Wob- cr aa a couatittitional expouudor wbon take thnt nnoicot doeutneut. The ou- ly thiug is to get before tbe board. I'vo got thirty-seven applications oilfilein he various dopartmonU, and I've told ,hem En all sorts of ways that I'm a uico mng peroon wbo would he nn orna- ment to any well-regulated office, but somehow or other they don't seem to 'iavo that glowing faith inmy deolara- lions wbtcli is BO captivating in the leuds of a department; so, therefore, I im Btill out in tbe cold world, and my lutogrnph decoratoth not a nay-roll. Boss, were you ever buated—broke—up on o tree? Woro you ever huuntod by wild-eyed grocers aud pursued by the lavage sinilea of au unpaid landlady t Did over tliat time oouio to you whoa s foliar bill .looked like unto an Iowa] orniield anda flvc-cont nickel was as idrd to raiso as a cbunk of pig iron? Did it over occur to you In your career it a ftfilooti-keeper's confidence in rour jirotnisefl to pay was as full of holes is a cain-bottomed chair, and wbeu rag- triad to soil you to paper makers 1 I'm one of those follows. Unfortunate- ly I'm not the mnn who first introduced Hayes to the notice, of tha American public; I'm not the origiual Jacobs, and, though a Wulker, alas, I am uot 'Vinegar Bitters" Walker, flho bas bar- rels of monoy. Therefore, ob, Bil>er- mounted Senator, X lack "Influence." Get mo into tbe Interior nnd tbatde- [lartmontwill Bccui-ethe".services of a rk who will novor resign wboa anoth- er war cornea on and leave.^the Govern* ment in a lurch, andCarl cau go to the ^ohuetzen park anddrink beer in peace ind have his mind easy, knowing tbat I will ranthings on a strictly civil service t « w l s . .",--•- - . v ^ .- : ..-. ••..".'" '.;• -.-'• If I can't get a clerkship III open loors, oysters, conned tomatoes, or any- thing else that cornea handy. : rd like job of Hcting postage stamps.:'I bo- eve myself espeoially qualified to sit mt iu n ball in a chair, or I-would be limply invaluable as a, man to absorb he tima, of book oanvussors, BO that Carl would . have an opportunity to get iis teeth, repaired after cassia' tbo clerks in his native language. If I wore boss- Ingft,pen in the Interior Department Vd sliod a lustro upon hia adminlstra- ion, so to speak, and, remote genera- Ions would name their cliitdrea after ;ho man who got me in. I'd like to got a mortgage on your good word with brother Sohurz. It lon't make, aaj difference. abont your it knowing me—yon don't know any- liing about half the fellows whom yon recommend for places, and I'm not prej- idiced.oft>inatyou on tbat account. . If I bavo not said anything about my anting A clerkship in the Interior De- partment, and that I'd liko to have you Bpeak to tho Secretary iu my behalf, then I beg leave to convey that imprcs- lion to yon in as diplomatic a way as sasiblo. '• ." . . ., , •;-..' ..• ." In ennshihe or shadow, joy or sorrow, Irunk or Bpber, I am, BIT, vory roopect- illy, your obedient servant, . J>. O. WiLKBIl, Agricultural Yalnc or tbe Earth. Woru. A rccout Oerman publication contains a paper on tbo habits of tbo-common jfirth-wurru. The observations' were raindo b.r Von Henaen, in a garden bar-- iug n eurfitce layer of mould overlying * fellow diluvial sand. He describes-tow;, tlio worms comes to tbesurfaeo'bf-th* earth at night, and, with their tails' ia tticir holes, oulml.v' survey the country boforu they sally forth' in quest'of food shapo of loavea, twigs, &o. tthase they heap up around the entrance.'tLe -; leaves rolled up reparately;"and.. purtly drawn iuto tbo holes, where'they : noon become macerated and partly do- composed, in which state they are swal* , med by tho worms. Tiie worm tubes , era easily traced in tho sandy subsoil, , : und wero found to descend tu depths of 'win 8 to 0 foot. Tbe tubes were found < to be lined with E*cn?c nbout the fiito uf * a pin's head, brought from the surface; : ,nd fruit kerunls wero also found in hem. BoBides their freuhly inhabited^ IUICB were others which have bocaabnn-'* IOUGJ, and tho cavities of wbicb were*' Illcd up with black earth, tbe black'; iottor being diffused into the unrroand-? tig sand. In about half the UDinbabit'.''. d tubes wero found tbo roots of plants.y growing on tho surface, and these fol-, exactly tbe course of tho tubes. :. An extended BO ties of observations led ?-' ;o tlie cDncluBJou tbat, as a rule, the," of annual plants can only find > .heir way down to tbe moisture subsoil i irough channels tbns prepared for *. ; . hem by ourth-worms. To ascertain the.': ireciao part played by the eartli-worm in tbo production of ordinary vegetablo'*->• mltl. Von Honson plncwl two worwi •; in a glass vessel filled witb sand, the"', mrfnee of which was strewed from. time' i time witb fallen leave*. Tbo worms it to work at once, and at the end of Ix weeks the surlaoe of the Band was, covered with a Inyor of mould half r an : - ich thick, whilst somo of the loaves; . iad been carried 'Jowu to a depth of 3 .'; : ichos below it. The wonn tubes per--'. icateu ihe sand in all directions—soma v. rore qnita frosh, otbers had walls of or-! •':' matter, one-eigbth of an. incli lu, '•''• .hicknesn, whilst others again wore quite i'^v illed up with mould. luabort, the'soil^' 'an perfectly prepared for tho growth-;•:•• if plants. A single earth-worm wefgBa'^ on an average SO grains, and Is estimate^} id to produce in 21 hours 8 grains of ,ei-j"^ •emeut. Allowing 84,000 worms to' ; an-^.' tro, weighing 8*owt., this would givei^'i r lbs. of vegetable mould in the finest;h; ate of comminution, passed through," ioir bodies,every,21 hoiirs, pver-and;*-; bovo the work done in removing, vega*:'^ ibla refuse from the surface'^K ing and opening up passages in theBoll,t^ urn facilitating the admission of airand ii lOiBturo aud the passage of tlie ;moreV. ; '! lelicate and absorbent portions pf'thoV^ 30ts of vegetation. ' «-: •= •','-} >*v,;V' j r As has been truly said, the ngricultfr?^ IHU in tilling tha ground, was only'im^V:- [ating in a -oluratiy way, without .boing-'^ ablo tobary the pebbles,'or Bift the fiuB^.- _-om the coarse soil, the work, wbicb 'is' V ; - : laily being performed' by .'the 'eartil^.A Game Laws. For tho information of tbo largo uum- t>er who seem' to bo very mnohntBoaiu regard to tbe laws regulating tho taking if garao in this State, wp present tho fol- lowing table, giving all the laws in a form easily comprehended : ' . I Period during which I Pen- Game can* bo taken. I ally. Qi.all ThcOBont , ffoodcock [nil Bird. Reed Bird Uplona Plover.., Pmirio Chicken. lummer Duok.., 1NIMAU9. )ocr Qrny Squirrel. .. Fox Bfiulml.. Bloc1c&ii Rabbit ruui. Salmon Trout.... Brook Trout..... 1 Black Bass Pike or Pickerel, Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st. Nor. iRt tuJaa. let. July 4th to Jan. 1st Sept. 1st lo Dec 1st AUK. 1st to Jan. 1st. Not to kill until 1880. Sept. 1st to Jan. 1st. OcLll.UitoDco.lst. July let to Jnn. IRL July lfit to Jan. 1st. (July 1st to Jan. 1st. Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st. 1 March Utto Oct. let. IMarohlBttoOut-lst. July lRt to April 1st Maylsttollarolilst. US 00 1100 10 00 COO 5 00 10 00 50 00 K00 MOO COO GOO GOO COO 1000 10 00 GOO 25 00 Tho penalty for trapping or snaring, at any time or plnco, cither on one's own placo or on the propotty offiuotbnr,any wild duok, brant or gooso, isfifteendol- lars for avory offence; and for trapping laring any pbcasnut, qnail, pnrtridgo, woodcock, prairie cliiokcn, railorroed bird, ten dollars. No person is permit- ted to cutcb. any speckled trout or buss itU any device other than a hook and line, at any time or plaoe, under a penol- ty of twenty-five dollars. : It ia uclawfa] to kill, trap or expose (or sale any of tbt insoctivorous birds, under a itenalty d: five, dollars for eaoh offence '. Wo note thnt our old typograpbioal cot\frav Simpson, runs the doggcrol machine for tho Scokcrtown Adelpbi Clab. "Wo always predtolod that oui friend of the Sliakspearean visage would coma to aowo sinjh horribla torminuft, ,'. AGRICULTURAL. m m Sip si - ; l'ronlng; Peach Trees.' ',;&*}'•'?$$ The inferior quality of the peaohes?'^ mt to onr marketa;' the past', sununM,'?';; ros a common subject of' comment, and^V- growora have been eamestly advisod'to!.',^ thin the crops in futuro, with a'tfew^toj'-l' icrcaso tbe Bize and flavor of the fruit^: This ia ! vory good advice, uliibOQgli^tl]^^' inggestion is not by any, means novel .&£'&$•, jew. i Fruit-growers;' are ahte toVthetv' advantages of thinning' fruits, but;.Ube:%i [ask of thinning out tbe fruitof !a heay*,^ ly laden peach orchard 100acres In':ei>^> tent; is of anbli magnitudev'thitt but ifew;^ Jonters oreBO situated asto''command,^; tho neooaaary labor tbat {would 'bV M-';;'^ [nfrod even it they were .oonvinoed tVat f i| "le operation would boo proflUblaone(i •a question which is eiceediBglyprob^; 1 ^ Dmiitloal. . •. •• ". -. •{/:' : -': l - :7 ^t^i^ Tbe moat practical method of ^redaev/,^ ing the orop istoprune away a portion 7 ;:;i ~"! thobcaripg ahooto—byremoTiDgtwc-S;v lirds. of the longth.of eyeiy-.shoot . : .or>*Jj ;wig of tho post summer's growth.v" ThJa ^.f ill eirectnolly. prevent an (jioesaoffruit,'^; and the iaoreasod vigor of -growth that f ; i rill bo given to the' tree will nofc only.> ; ,: insure a crop of perfect fruit, bnt it "jrtll?^ permanently benefit* the. tree,,v-;-;:Th(j''. : ;\ iruning of peach trees hna ; boon sadly•>', neglected, but, tho demand. for "good.'^t fruit will force orohardists. to abandon a ^i) iodo of oultnro that tonds. to producQjp; mormons numbers. of inferior: fruits ot^, lomparatively small Talde, and perhaps;=*:; wilt be found.that by nbridging thd-:• irea of their plontntions and expending^ more labor upon the trees, the i>roflts.Hi will bo largely increased.-. .••'.•• ; ^''. 1 ivi'^'l The finest peach- crop' tbat we ever:/"-; bad tho pleosnre of viewing WM ontrees '>.*-J that had Iwcn condemned as worn ont 3.^; ind worthless ;• they had boon cut in;"' Av 11 thomain branchoa eawn' ofi proporai >'; iry to grubbing np the roots;'but in'ore' 1 '^; >ressing matters olniming prior'atton-;:, ion they rom&Iocd. uniil spring, whfiK>:;• igorous growth of young',shootaV' soked sopromising that they wars un-i V. listurbed, and-iu the foUowmg.year;';:; they produced fruit superior to that:-, ielded by them when they had boon';' onB.dereil in their prime, and their re/:;.' tewed vigor continued for many veanv 1 ,v,v,; Our Itccclpt for Cnnng Moiit. '•;'"{. ;l[£ To one gallon of water, 1 •.'*' . •;,;,'• ; -: TaJto It lbs; of salt, ' \ 'V "% •«• . " 11b. of sugar, _• •••'. '.-;.•;"'•, •. ".• 1 OL of Bnltpeter, •: ' >! ; ' ; ,V ' "• '. | OB. of potash. '.'•-: ;.•''< •;.'. p V In this ratio tho pickle can bo inorcas-V;.!. d to any quantity desired.' Lot these .• boiled together until all thedirt from •!; the Bngar rises to tbe top nndisBkim< ; icd off. Then throw it into a tub to -i - cool, and whan cold, ponr it over your :, "boot or, pork. Thomoat. most he well-// loyerod witli pickle, and should not bo.' put down for at least two days after kill-, ing, duripg wbiab. time it-should ha. " slightly sprinklod with. powdered Balt^t' petrQ, which romovos all tbo surface*/' blocd, oto., leaviug tho - meat fresh' and,. '; elea.1. Some; omit boiling the pickley!-' and find it to answer •well, ihough tbe ^ iperation of boiling puriflea'tbtt piaklo'.: by throffing off tbo dirt' found in salt andsitgar. If this roociVi i- is strictly followed, it Trill require only ii"' einglo trinl to prove ita BupDriority OTCC^. J tbo common way or most ways.nt_ ting down meat, and will not soon bo abandoned for anyother,., - The meat ia nnaurpawod for awoetnosa, delicacy and' freshness of color. '..;, " -". •.•-:,:-'* Hi K'Ji m Tha Poor Honso of Warren couaty modates 120 tnmntoB 8SSS

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Page 1: Mn' · roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store and National Iron Bank.) DALRYMPLE, JLHS J»F0TBSUfi7. MSTOWN.N.J. DIALER 11^ f AND, MEDICINES, HEMICALS, 3 STUFFS, D A1X eutlcal




OnWori Morlii Strut near BltcWelL•UBKAIPTIOII

XxUtI*BX.i Ot A

O n e T e a r , t 2 Q 0S l i Months , - 1 0 0T i w e m o n t h s , - J - - - - - -


" DOVER, N. J.griloa AT uamBXOK H QBouu B U T


Counsellor at LawAND


KOOKAWAY.N.J.• -•- J. J. VREELAND,Carpenter ana Builder,

,% Jobblngprompily attended to.'»kciia m nHOKWFXL Sl.i io 4

•;.V" -. * •BejBej'e lumber mill,:•; vO.ntra.ta laken.'aBd mi'

TirillllOll HOUSE.

.Corner of.BlBCBffel~.tQd Snsiex Sts.

, DOVER, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

floraal u d Gari'iae. to Let.

* W i T ' t w o m ' ' " " ' '•V/i

y v CounsellorHtlAwl^ANDUASTERINOnANOEEI ,

.; 'Oifiw in til. National Unloa Bank Buddies;

' ' ^ 'BOVEB, M;X:

C i . OIliLKIT,. O.n.r.l

Furnislfjng Undertaker, ^UOEMSID ABOTIOKEEIt AND C0UMI8-

8I0NEJJ OF DEEDS,All orilora promptly aUeouad to'.

DUCBWILL &TIIIT, ,., ' D.T. r , ,N. 3.


Carriages and Sleighs,.Of BV.rr D«MrlpltoB*

Dor BI«cl»oll ana IWieaUta, DOVKR, II,

Particular a'Liitlon paid to rapalrlna; am

>ynn"LABohATanr. I

^ j i 90* Analyses of all dsserlptions ofO i l E B A N D M I N E K A L B iy > ' i ' OAEJSFraj^JHAI)?.?'):' j S j i

' l U b f l h a on, application,IEB^IItTHo ^ [ 7

; ,,Po.arlftniaConnlf %?.,,;

Allen Palmer & Bon,•i Carpenter* , »- j •' •'

^ ' I Builders.', DOVER, N'J 5 "' 5'/Jobbing promptly attended to.),

S. J. PALMER, Architect.





DOVER,* J.* v j .ThBphnhubenentlnljralltoillii s iei t

•lanncr.Tuo far? belt brands ofForeign and Domestic Segars

ALWAYS ON H A M S . . . •;. •., W-tf:



nm me znvr j ^

wlexccn(*a mil m^UmlfdrnJilied. '

PLANS and SPfOTFlOATXONSrfnrolihed, ind contraoU Ukim for til work.

The belt rpf-nroeei Riven, BS to eiptdtr I•TUT brine ti of the basin en*. «.hd til wor•nmnttjed. DOVEIt if J.

i QE0E0EW. DBAKE,'4, tfaelitgeitf»\i1tn it incoeiifal detler la

I BOOTS ,and SHOEStbit orcr did bniioepj in

'••... ha.Jnit_8SUl.t4itoclltglli\tort»% " •

'.:• ' E m a d U i m GrOS3X>S, ,.

-.'-•.: whMi.nnaalei anriuaf * ' Oa'Un*'n'»'"S


SHOES,Vimntail a l a i j i ' u SI, lie to 1» round U

thla itortr in the creitait profollonof atjlpk and measonuanta, and



- i.dlva ma a can bafora pudiaaliif aUawfcara.


' KB


1 LAW) -Cor. Blackwell and R u m i Sta.

D O T E B , TJ, J..j «'i H. sKiomnun. A, a UOTB

•iV'Silate.iBVAdoilaSJicilliliillWOOBWOBBV;;' ,\v';-;>j;; :.j- 0PPCW1TE DOVES DEPOT. ,/,:?' !WHEELSrssioVis*e,tOliwsai;;A1

. oJFIHE OOLOnaturcBHlage ana;.;y p a h U n t "Also OILS, ana .VARNISH'-. , :fore!im and Domestic- TuapijrnBB, w«m,;: l i la i r , 'rtcisPalnt,- OolqriBJi«Jul ^emUl;;'.; Brashes and qtriptog Pencils, m (nil StooK.V

•''X ^tn^inawitPMrJvahiUmC^itni&T-OLABB.<,';,OABjBJACtEMa8l4BI9H OaHAaU£ft.».*>;,

J % : i * te«ffi:EtiVlBi«s;«iBtrim6« fom»"rly.BS

; B . " A ; BBMKJB'jPT,';"VEGETINE,"

r BU'otber remedies had failed, I4,tfae Laboratory, and continued myaai.J-genuine >mnrll. It la prepared fromI, rooli, Bud harba, each of wblch (I n'lgbl.*

>,;aad tuny ar. compounded rn'.oehaas to produce aatoniiliing reinlta."

VEG-ETiisrjb:.the treat Blood IMHIler.

KB»,. . . , . .» i B i , , VEGETINEv SMITH 4 MEQIE,'|U euro the worst caasorecrofula.ATTOBNEYS AII'IJSI <VEC3-ETINE

imended .by phyalclans and apotlie*

Cor, Bleokwell 4 WarreM!

Dam, K >;.'*''.--'.DUIIIM of Women and Children, and"-".- Eja and Ear specialties.Office Honn 11 to 9 A. M., 1 to I and 7to



L. W. T H U R B E Rf, C52?

VEGETINEeffected aomemarrellous cures tn cases


• ' - •• . OFMOmtlBBOtraTI.."«»..

I n onr OEO. BIOBABDS t Co.'. 6, . . . . D . O V E B , N . J . , , :Special office hoar. oDBaturdav. from

MOSES BLANOHAED; :. i . ••"'•'-','. • • A T r O B X E I A T l4M0HAaTEB IN CBAHOBBV, • '

r! : DOTOR, N. J.) H « o i I [ A. Wltblon's slsio and tin I17-17 , Black)Tellstnwt,

I&A C.;CQOPE:•^MojiL^M3rBuilJerlOonlraets taken *« all Undaof afaaon ~idJonnlna;. •.. ., , UXX, n u i m AHD OEJIEOT,. t . 1 . »^riiUie«j?si>ofWotla>,!,i:,i>'

Ofnoe nnder 'The Iron Era Office,1N . J . ' ' • ' • • ' . '


! Tor Iron Orel lad Mineral Floperty,!

p 6 w if ii;y i {JL E','"SfV- J]P. O. itBOOHION, N. J. :

ffit.fl.DiOAKF, ( ; ; •-';13-ljr" • : - •--.•-" \ .

PASSAGE TIQKETS• .,.,.,.,. .^«€fi^} •


^OB-ad tbeprtDdpal'Unea of.ateamab]». front He» f"rk 15 Ll.ormol at LOWEa&TEa.. iUsaDltAFraONuBBA^BBITAiNBIBELAND" •;• '• , 7 - - » y ; " : i

VEGETINEthe, wttrat eaiei of flanker.

VEGETINEwonderful success In Hereurfa

VEGETINE ,erwllcttc Bklt IUienm from the ijitam.

VEGETINErimpfci »ni Hamori from the hot,

YEGETINECoD|tip»tlon *nd reRuUtei the boweli.

VECETINErem*«Sy for Hoadftohe.

E G E T I N EDjapepila.

VEaETINEtbo entire sjslcm to s healthj condl-

VEGETINEI tfa<{| eania ol DUiinHt. •' '

VEOETINEFiivlaei* at ihe Btom-vcli.

VEGETINE.tb the lUek.' < -

J V E Q E T I N E . .'••'•llrenreeKidiiejOomptalBt. -

'VEGETINE. 'Intt's cure of Femaur Weakness.

-VEGETINE. 'eat remedr for Qoneral Dabilltj.

•VEGETINE'leditodbjall olaeaeaof

LOVED AT LAST. Jind ao he lotei ice, though the.- u i d' Ho lorar e'er wnu- ? cons to me,

Tlitt I hhi'O d na' -r he wooed • r ved,i O. nur«e • child a' on tnj knee; 'tbe j wirtmio-ti tha I ihm'd mi?iThe iroaian'i Imritag • of bin*.And I, tan, In tho »»d gray bcmr»,{ When tbrougli low aloud* DO iaa.ighl tlione,And wbon tlis alow Boptcmbir (howen

flsemed nitnra'i lean for Snmtuer can*I mnrmnredwltb »loag; rad ugh, '

\','Kj Buunaer »Uo h u goue bf."

pat now I know tbkt wbftt to moBeamed Autumn rilqi wero ebooara of SprlDg;nmmcr &•• tome, tod uow I aoeLote'i iunllj{bt brijrbten eTcrjtbing;e aajra bo IUTCI mo, ind lo-dtjf jc .r roll* beak to c.rl j U . j .

oir did It comet iMkorblmiHo iayi mr raw U aweet and fair;

And joi to nut tbeaa e j i i IDOID dim,And on this brow are llnu of care i

3nt now theie oye* ibtll yet be bright,And once u^iln tbU brow 8 ^ I'ffbt.Bs lotei met lo*e reel I i-epa»t

Tliu bleat iMoranco S K I ? hoar [ad now the wino ortife ii »ITBO, .That jeatorday wti tbarp and lonr}ow I can drink, with ipirit bold,OTO'I Mtttai Iromtoap of gold.look tiirongb long tlnw^undnp yetn,Uado by bit IOTO all bright and fair;look iroond Ibrougb bafipr te»r§, .And ew. bli Imige •Terywboroi

a h\- Kimi ote I breatbe and lire;[fit be iln, dear Oot,forfilfe.

[t cannot he. fllno. I hava knownHi* loro, -Qod'n love leemi <loircr too;o bai come uoar to me, *od nbownWhat tor tho hnmbtRst lie can do.

L lu'ri tatofnl flngeri lnlorlwfne— hunian lov«with lliedkinii.

ObloTe.loTfl. Lore I Oh bl<Bicd word, 'Tbit never did I undoniand

Till In my ear bia YOICU I beard,And felt tbe pmauro oftifi hand ;u tuoro I -walk ftltb tjit cut down;»ni bis queen, tore la tny crown.

—All the Year Bound.

oople lo brpnrlllcr in


yOOEHEES, BB0XHEB8,|t'rimdlUiLic>HDBBTAtL DUUUUhtK ,' ' . '

Hardvyare,! Iron and Steel,JAILS, jBtrnjras' HinpwAra!, |MECHA»IC8Vii<'D PAJSllEBff. TOOLB AHD:: uAEraiQEVAKKra(VODs, ;

,BI^AS^B,«?I6B^AHD BuirrBrBKEn

MORRISTO f N . N. J.rooilen' ; ;


, PAipTSj OIIi^GtilSrS••:,ta4JI.mif«ionnvilUI«a»iu«Uj../ ---

Li me, Ce tn e n t, Plaster,Bone.Cut, .Boparrhonbatei.or.Xlme; and aU*

, <ij •VS'W«,Sberrar1E».«,'Ji-;,.' ..;• •.(nomoBs;yookBBits.s - > J i los I . TOOBBCSS.

Korrliioffn, Sept.Md.M7a. Nv: i-?i?:.x.--

ledced nj all deem ot and moat reliable blo


STEVENS, Boston, Mass.


I I ' s




Dorer, September Jai l , 18TJ. 'f "'


HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St.;jiS'jgK IsW iojpi l i t t s i . TWlon;

and has completely renoTa^d and nfur-'nished lif'hot u to give good and AInpleBoooumodatioiia *o both man and beast TheBAR will be supplied with the beet brands of

,LZCJITOBB and'BBOABB. Board wQlbfl'.for*|{nlBhoaib^«hB.ib7 or xeelt, m reasonable

will be continue,! la connection witlllfblsHouse. .An inVltBtltni la eiionded to aU in;*ia friendi Bin" 'aeB'cau. ; ''


& # and BUILDERS,

'DtfYBB,N.J.- " k - * tloui'ftwbnlldiniiaConUMt

Maiieti^~m-(erlikUal%ni&bed.;<»'; ••;



roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store andNational Iron Bank.)







eutlcal Preparations.D DEALEE8. BDFPLIED


care Ulr prepared None butd t r tl* Leal qnalitj andpre

Iff totb CUUd Statts Pharma*moat approved fbrinul*lent of




Fl tMnHELKm1-tf •

fC-^iVr?-:^':. . . . .•Vnaw voeal'snd 1 new


T ARTICLESnally found In »dmK



'SDOOEEM,-': :

Reliable Markot inQUABTERS!

kl.«t_tb. oMi.l nr—to hla. .• .. .

bereafter fnrntab cboice



poat, and thenfore kn

I AUkindaof

«, makes the BkiBSeunUflee tbt


Brick, DnulBtore,

A.TODD; •'Drossmatcr


ilitis tlie s>ttenti<m ol ttBladlef lo is*


^^^pD^QEy f HOUSE.;THOfltASflBIQ^'I'r /Proprletpr-V'^pDPpRti'mOWBfs' Co.; N.-J.'

' MUbllibidBolilU open for tot"—

Ball, hall, ThaofcaRlfinHaylW«tloome to aaiitta and ilnuera—

Welcome to all. both great and imajl,Xbon (IIT of rojtl dinarr» 1

Bee how ttioj coDtu from Tar aoit our, , .A troop of "carpnl-IjugdiT*,"

To (traoo Ibo board wltb DB" aacorJ,And appotitei like dAggen,

Wbo carai tor Turklib war abroad f.• flfho etna fiir aorf or Caar ?OUB Tarkoi'.-lloi hctjta our ojoa;

Como and attack—hurrib 1 • ' ' .With knlf*j and fork wo win the d»y,

A tnice'to faro and aerrow I ' •Eat while we may, Tliaok-BiTlnji-da/

Wlll.fade before totnorruw.' -

Wti'H lhankfnl for a boat of tbingaToo numproaa to mo tion: •

For •w*othe*t't* trm) and boar((. to wos,And all (lilngawqrthiittimtion. '. ;

For all and every tljipg that gi?pa , 'Our ilret IO muali of ploaatjro -'

Wooffur Ibinki. Loiig may we Uitp1^. TbinooTerfluwiap tneoiurat

Tlien hall, liall, TlianlteKWiOff-diy IThoB (Uj of royal dlnnfln*!,

Nor (rill we care if the grim nightmareSliontd Mgbt tbe'ionl within ns •

When day fa done. Lot m'rliej'i ghoi.,' With thA nnta and pnddlngi «ad wine,In th« dead of night begin thoir fight,• 8UU-Tle1oqr.b tWnol • ,; \-

niToB'a SKJLWKX, In Hiiflta'* lUoumifoDecember. '. • , ..

Y r w i r i%llosopby of Lire.; In Ohartb and In fltato,

• 'It'la rain or bo rnlod; .. . In eonrdhip or marriage,: '.. ; I t la Tool or be fooled; • ... ' In loglo and lawi .

' : I i k b l l d. ti 0 gambling and trade, .• Itlitriokorbutriokedi .

• in treaty arid w a r , . . .'•-' -: It la boat or be beaten;

InUwatraggleforlire,'. _>Itiae»tor b W


THE BLUE-EYED WITCH. ; v ;'I lore lo iteal/' aang a blOMyed maid,' -.•;'. .

When her aong waa ureatcd.M >om« one aaid;•IathabMelaa'eMhe', ' - ; > 'roaitolo my heart, Uttto blae-eyedwlUh.",

Toateal tway," ihe ubf again, < *.' ; :< <•,H the poet'i laj 'twill not profane/ s' " ' i'And g t u oti the cot at ,th* foot of Ihe hill, .

Wbera Tinea and roaei poep o'er tbe all]. >''or faablon larda H In yonder hall<T. • . / • ..ndbWtaiBem cold aa tbo'na>bla walli f *I, I lomellmoa wlih.lbat wB'were poor,:be« ia more IOT* in » cot I'm inre." ;

?bon'wlthV bonnd bri oroiieti tha dlteK,id ielxcd 1I.Q hand of the bluo-eyed witch ;

: Will yon keep Ui.i heart yon bait bald ao-lDng,i'nd giv'ia mo yonra with a tatth ai atnog. ' . •'.ma a hipsy pair will croii(bat ilil, '. . -•tor.l own tha cot at the foot of tbo bill;i o a a p / g ^While tbe mocking thrueh oa the gnpa line

a w i n g ; ; _ , ; ; : - , , , '•,.':-;•• . ' ; : . ": . ' • •

nd Ihe l i d / iparrow her toilet make, ; '. 'By the m.nored iprlnj on i waytng brake i; . .And abe blaabed while her cyaa oa ihe ground

were bent,.' '• - . , . ' . ' . '.' '.. •'. , .•'•"Well, go a,nd aftk my parenla copient." - J.A,

GrlsU from our Urln Hill.

jnnotare the' tliorongh-brod„ iDvoatt? hia frnme in on UlaterDverooai and olipfl hfa horse. . . -;"•The 'Jmeyman aayB i t is not an

" organ." Coll it aomo other kind of nwinainstroment,-Brother Qnrriaon. .

Tbe editor ol tho Haokettstown Heraldrill make bia paper an indopendeatinrnol hereafter.;, U if hein. ..t....:1.;^ .;-.' ;,..-. •-:-.-A;.. •1A Mr. Smover tried to commit suicide

at Phillipuborg tho other ^ay, ' hat waaIprevented by, Iriafads.; He won't do BO

S m o y e i . - . . ' ' • - ' ' r

' - \ ' ' ' • • - , . '•• . " •'

An nnmtiZEled dog on oar streets hasAn dog on our s t ebbut aa rnnDT otanccs for life, aa Ab l 'am haa for gothpg • married,

l t e n ; - • '

jbbut aa rnjaobool ma'ab t lAbout onoln ten . ;Mri Pock tlie Hanover Town Clark

tan crated several pecks of trouble bytorgetUng. Iff bring tbo .ballot box tothe polls on election mnrairj|j, ;• Tbofl6 vho failed to Witness ihtu recent

ocoultation pf Mars and Satant' mayconsole themselves with the rcflcouontbnt'it will occur again In 1046. ' !

The knowliHgo that wo will not. bebored by political discussions for nearly» vear to come pats ua in a proper,frame of nrind for ThanVsgiviDg, ,. t v

The'yearn :of Brother OarriBon'aretnnltiplying and an nrigratcfol -pattyatill wilholda.the reward of official pre-ferment dae his. difltingtiubcd politicalBoryicos.- . • : , -•"':

tioDB with tbia mandane Bphere with th.aid of arppo-and an-appfe tree, and Isnow aneUrnnlDflroamer.

"That's right," said a aolforino-bairedmcer aa be read Mayor Eichird'B doc

proclaniatiorf the other daj. "A dornodior man; alvaya~keepa a dog,1 and aid-dnrnod poor man koepa two.""Give us ft chew of tobacco,

uid ,an invBtemto 'old Dover tobacco-bemar to a friend the otbor day, ad-ding, " I intend to buy a paper." - "Allrig& Billy," was the reply, " I thinkyour resolution shoaldboenoonragod."

," Thonuii Shlda'i, of Bwittjwtown,- b u two'


Mrs. HIumiHiiH on liin (Juberuaforlal Can*dlilflUi-

Lor Mr. Obeutorneld an* is it roallyyou 1 now who'd a thought it, "Dear me,Hit the sight of you is good tutayes, fin they Bay, Early yesterday 1wero talking to Simmons, that's my binb.iud as is, the kernel they cull him, hut

i'qjj> a ' Ita, cuker, an' no mure likotba kernels I've seen in England, tbanbuttermilk's like shavings. I wero toll in'him at*I knowd you in tbo uid country,

a Je&kj, my first, were alive, an'only to think I should meet you here.Well, it's (rue what tboy eay. 'here to-morrow aud gone to-day."

Tbe speaker was a matronly lady ofimo 240 pounds weight, a good tem-

pered mitling creature, whom I hodknown in England, aud whose amusingwaj of rattliog off her experiences «,'fordod me considerable amusement, XInquired how she WOH gottlag along, uudmust continue her story aa nearly asliblo io her own wurdii.

I haven't been in this ooanlry vorylong, but lor a me, sir, it do seem ntrungosometimes. Simmons, you know, Iknowd long ago in tbo old country.' Hetame over bero, and were neutralized orlivillied, or something of that kind, butthat he ahould go an1 swear ogin QueenVictory for I never can make out, aa'tanas be died, und when ho faenrd on't

lie came right over an' married. me, an*lie says be has given notice of my deten-tiomao' lie says I'll have to swear aginQueen Vioiory ton, not u I am agoia'to do it, for I never swore in toy lifo nod

bate to hear the littlo bib o'boys•weorin' away like tun, which is they wasmy boys I'd skin em every one, for don'treremiab Bay spare the oliijd, au'

spoil the.rod.. Well, be were in tho re-Of, an' they nnuio bim a kernel, ua'

lie came home an' said he'd been to acarcase meeting, and nasty dJBguatin;hings they must be for I've heard ofjieoT>1e drinking bullooks' blood, but togo and meet over carcases is worse. Heimolt awfully of tobacco and whiskey,inple jaok be colls It, though no moreilto an fipplp than Vm likeagrindatone,ind why they should give snob strangf

pameato'thingsl can't make out. -"Maria," soys be, '• Monk's the man.""Clood lor I" I szya, "Kernel. wliBt-

•ver do yon rooon ?". and with (bat heirnod around and stared nt me witb bis

gtnsiy eyes, ami be said with a touo thatgave me thashiverB . :

"Little M-cl" • 'M:itli that bo pullej out of his pocketgreat bill/ an''guvo it suoh a Bffing

Lhut it sent my best cbeeny bowl off thetlre&er, and shivered it into twenty fig-

m t s . ' . • • ' . - • • • . - " • • . • •

[aays, tr.viDg to look as indigent as Ipould, an' whou I'm on my high horse I

n make bim lopk scariflod/'Ioan tellyou. I Bays ''Mr, kernel Jamea Him-toons, devorces I'm told ft) t\)lB countryla cheap/ an* if you're again to xomeliomo in tbise comegicalairs, I'H goright out and buy out) if it should costme a five dollar bill." '' :

"With that he grow more mollified like,and went to Bit down on a cheer, bat inbia diffusion nissod the mark, for •whenwit'i in drink's ont, as tbo old sayin' is,and fell right Blap bang ngainat theitovo, which upset tho stove pipe andtent it clear on some white ahirta - which'd fast been a irouin off, and •: mode

them aa blsck aa iijk; • ; ' - " ' '- ' 'Ob, Simmons, 'Simmons," I saya,' yon'vo ruined all my. wasliin',' an' what*

ever shall I do for to morrow 1B my wash*I n * d a y ; " " • , ' . '•.•. '•:-'.:%:'"' •";-"' -;' '• •

',; Well, never min'd, *oldwpman, whenMao's in yon'll be ' ft lady, for he'll ra>member bU brothflr-in-armi'• i:.' . -.

Srother-Ip'nnns,^' I says,'/.' Ton lookmon like a babyrJo-araiB sprawlin* tbereimong the soot'"';' But whatever yon are•dkinof,! , ;^; . . .^}. . - . ; - ;" ' , : ; • . . : • ; / •

*rVall,yodkiipw,:he gets np and sitBown op thoBofy, and just as he . Wore

Iowa'{ ha : Bete .lip, a ''most' onafrthlym and jumped off the sofy strikinglands' behind' and capering" like a

J i b t e r w a y i n j a n . . . - , " • • •:--.'/•' •'•.',, '•: /•-•• .'-,-\:' I

- 'Well,' it seems some of the hot cindershad1 fallen; Into bis pooket or fioiaewboresias ho sat down,1 and burnt ':tb'eir ' waythrengh an^mftde':an' expiesjion onhisfloali, '-'> t rubbed some its on, nn' thenbe told me as .there', woro.goin'; to be alection fora auvernor,1^*;;;1; -.:.';•;:•• ^'y-'-i

Good gracious," IBaye, "Simmons,why -do; they ^leat -a Governor, for !thoagut as only prisons bad' Governors,

Wrong again,- bid woman," savs helarflii, " joul t never! learn'all the'waysof this c'onntjry. / The Governor ia like aoka, and has tho bare of the State,";:.' 'Well,;';! vBay|T." Simmons' I should

think the State wore.old enough to'takocare of iteelf,1.seofngan jt'sovei'shnn-Ired years of age. "'".'• -;->- '.•';.'• •;;' " •.,"How', dill you are of. comprohen-

oion," Bays be; "the Governor -executes

li,-: I lays, V'OalorafV or thesheriff used to"do the' ezecations rwhen-rjevermind/gopn.' ';; : / " - ' ; "

•\VelI, you see." bo says, "there's fourandidates, General. Mqckeiellnn, the

dimmycrst, (though how a man' con bethat I can't moke! ont.'. Now I knowrbat a dimmyiobn is,) and Newbull tbe

repoblican'.' . ,1 "Don't have anything to do with him,"

ajs, "you have too much already towith publicans, and cyan th* bible

Oondem'nH publicans and synagogues.""ThBt inn't the sort at all," he says,its a political name." " .. ; - : •"Ob I".I Mid, but Ididn'tknowvhat

heraeaot.: , •';;-'• - ' " ' • •"Then tberb'BBrigbam"— ..-.••.>Who," I says,>-\ •".'....:-. • ' ',•;•..•:Brighamthe"— '••• . ' . . , .Mr. Kernel James Simmons," I says,

jumping op in a hurry, and npaottingaU the tea things which I had placedready foriappor, ". if that man's goingto ba .inttarjuioed to rule this State, Ileave it, far the good book Bays 'turnaway the bead from beholding guilt,1

trad It ha isn't a parcc. of gailt,'with hishundred wives, I should liko^toknoWw h o i s . " . - • ' • • . . - . ; ^ . ; . ' . ' , . ; , " , ' - • ' ' • * ; •

You're barkin'npa wrong tree agin*,MBIIO," Bays ha,ploktn^ np the pieces ofcrockery," Tha man I"mean isa teetotaltemperance man."-;:»'•;!. '.k •-

"0b, 'M said foolin' mad for the Btu-pidpataion'i got into.' / : : •

'•The other is Oxeye, tba 'greenbacka n . " •' ' • " " ; , ; ' • ; _ ; L . " • ' •

1; i " V

:' " . '

"The what r i soapped out. ' . ""The grconbapk^Bandidlite.'' .";<f Simmons," I BSLJS, '*, you're 'drunk

A roan with^gi^raritftckl^rTa seentbcUvinV'skeknton In Birnam'iiihow,


QUU -an1 the red iojins, but a man withgreenback, I won't believe in, unieat.

he's painted, and what they Bhonld wanlob a man to tulo a State for, I can'

I make oat, uu]^a they're all greoa to-gether, nnd I t h a k the next time youcome home aud tell saoh ridiculous sto-ries you can get your supper yourself.'

With that I boanced off to bed, anelt so mod I threw myself onto it,whichIOI beiu'accustomed to viulout porcus-iouB, tbo laths broke an* I fell through,

, which Simmon* bearing my sereiiQiirusbod io, upset the cundlo, on' tbinkinit was tramps, commenced to thump alround bim an' tkat'a how I camo to havetbiB black eye. A. woman may bovo ablack eye, hut a man a green back—henight at well tell ma tbe moon's mad>f green oheeso, wbioli I haven't epok'eio him since. GHBSTEBFIKLD.

. A Man Who Snw a Mnlo Die."Ainti ta curious thing that nobody

ivcr sees a mule die ?" remurked an oldteamstct Jn Gumbert 4 Webber'a «a-loon, 'No man ever saw a. maid die, Is'pose.1

Thus remarked Mr. Daniola, lightingafrosh cigar; 'In 1850 I was miningon the eouth fork of the Yuba, And* itcamo my turn to cook for my gang. We:ook turns each week,'you know. Well,I was going to sbow how economical Icould run the comnaisftfiry. I went andbought a peok of dried apples, they wereall stuck together in a lump, but I got•em jammed into tbspot, poured tn somewater and started the flro. Presently aFew of 'em began to rise up to the top ofihe pot, and so Iskiromed/em off andput-'em In tbe pan. * The first th iuglknew, alter I bad skimmed that blastedpot fur BWULO, 1 bad to get another pan,and then another, and by tun time I'dgot four pani heaped' up full, dang myikin it tbero wasn't more apples in thapuna tban there nns in tbo pot. That is,I thought so at tbo time. I kept get-ing more JHUB and buckets and lard

cans, and all the wbilo plumb friobtened

death for (oar tome of tho boye wouldme in and Bee liow extravagant I was,

For I bad been blowin' on bow cheap Iiquid run tbo mesa. Tbe bloated apples

still kept a-eomin' oat of tho pot. I putsomo papers out on tbo floor anil cover-ed 'em with fruit, and, by Jove, tbepiano looked like a Santa Glarq fruit-dry*Ing establishment, and tbo pot was stillbilin' full,' • .

1 What has that got to do with a muledyinT ,

'Wait a minute,, I'm eomh' lo thomule. Finally I got deaporate anddumped over twolvo bushels of the ap-ples back of tbo cabin, behind a tree.'.n about an hour I heard a devil of a

noisa. and ran out. What do you sup'I found ? Why a four-hundred-

dollar an.e kickln' In tbo agonies ofdoatb. Tho applca were all gone; themule nearly so. Ho was swelled up likea balloon, and the Qrat thing I knew'hebusted. Pledgft my word, gentlemen,io exploded like a (jiant-powder blast,ind brought tho wbojo.oamp. to tbe

piaco. I kopt still j they could.not nndtba mule, and it east 'em $10 to advor-;ise a reward for him in the Sacramento

Union, 'About two wooka 'afterwardsthey caught a couple of .Qreasora hang-ing round, nnd they put it up that theyitole the mule, so they hang 'em, I was

there, hut did not say a word for fearthe boys wonld. find oat. bow oxtrava*gant I had ran t ie commissary. : Let'shave something.'

One Cent a Day.Economy is the ordor of tbo hour, and

ivory oxpeDditnro, however small, Is ex-jonded to give a return in' full vaino.Every family requires one goad, reliablefamily newspaper, Ifsncb an article canro procured for less titan one oent for,each working day of the year we are not.wore of i t A family newspaper should

contain s carefully-prepared summary ofall the news of tho day, both Religious,nd Secular, arid if arranged so that.the,wu departments separated andread by two individuals at tbe someUme so mooh tbo, better. . Th'a familylewspapor Bhouldhave attraotive reatV

iug; nnd information .for; the: varloutraoaberB of a household., Soma portionif ihe paper should be • devoted,; everyreeki Ut religious and moral .Improve*lent, to current secular nows, to agrl-ulture, oommerce, markets/. financo, to

general litcratuw, Ao., with a specialdepaHment for tbe young.' Above all,the family newspaper should be perfect-ly pure, and free from any contaminatingintjadncca in its reading matter.or in itsadvertisements. Too much;attentioncannot be paid to this fentarty when thopress ia flooding the country with somuch thai is fvilo and perniciauB. - T ocrown all,-the family newspaper shouldbe untrammelled by aoy affiliation withicct or party, nod should be free to give

all tbe good news from and abont alt theworld.' If such a family newspaper'canbe had for one cent a day, it should betaken by every /amity in tbe land.

Buph n, family newspaper, in everyrespect*"weflna »u the New York Ob-server, now commending its • fifty-sixthvolnmo. Progressive, comprobenBive,sound, reliable, para, it Is juBt what iBneeded ia yonr boasehold. - Sond $3,15for a year to The New York Observer, 87Park Row, New York. Sample copiesare sent free.

• - • • ' _ • • > - > • - '

'•';• .A Tree That Rains.-TbeOonsul of tho United States of the department ol Lereto,Peru, bus recently call u the attentioiof President Prndo to a romarkdbib treewhioh exists ia the forests adjoining thevillage of Moyobatnba. Tbtstree.knownto' tho natives on Tamai-Oaspi (rain-tree,)

about fifty-oigbt feet in height at fullgrowth, and tbe diameter of its trunk isabout tbirty-niuo inches. It absorbsand condenses tbe moisture in tho at-moBphere witb utonisbing energy, andit ia said tb&t water constantly __oxifrom its trunk', and falls like rain fromits branched. So abundant is the watersunply tbst tbe soil' near by,is turnedinto a nmnh. Tba tree gives forth nuwtwater when the riven are dry duringtho Summer season, and.when watergenerally is Bcaroe, Its cultivation isproposed throughout tbe arid regions olP e r u . '•'•".•;•.,^ • r \ ; " "•' ' " . " • • .

Tbo Enterprise places the' daily ex-penses roll of the ComBtock mines exclu-mve of labor, milling, and repair, as follavs : Timbering, 817,000; firewood,$0,000;- candles, $800; 'quicksilver,82,000, and ice 81,000. . The daily bul-lion product iB now-ranging between8130,000 and 8160,000. - Daring - themonth of September the official, returnsfrom the several paying L mines on thevein give a grofls yield:of 82,133,000.~ " amount ia noaily onB>hali gold.

K Vlilt to the L'SSPX County Tcadiern'Association.

On Saturday last, availing ourselves ofthe offer of a ride, and an invitation froma toaoher, we reached Montcluir in tituolo be present at tha opeulog of tho SevenUienth Quarterly Meeting of this asso-ciation. We were courteously recived byMr. Majory, editor of tbe Now JemeyPublic School Journal, aud by bim in-troduced to severajL of tbo toachers pres-ent, by whom wo wore received with that:coartosy and kindly cousideration which !bos ever marked our intercourse with theteachers of onr county.

Tho mooting took place in tlia largohall of tho Uoutoluir public school buil-ding, a noble monumeDtof tbe laeto andeducational liberality of tho people ofMontclflir. Neatly itrrnngod roDine, ele-gaiitly fitted, Ustefully .decorated, thewalls adorned with large and spluudidibotograplis, mauy of them views of ftu

eign luuda, connpiouous among them bo-ig some of the Colipoum at Homo. Fur-

nished with nil the modern appliances,the rooms gwvo ovidonco of an enlight-ened tastotaud a pmisewonby liberality,such as mimj of our edncationnl muu-sgers might copy and practise with ben-efit to themselves and no harm (o thuirsubjects.

The meeting was organized by Mr,Prescote, the President, who called up-on Mr. Spauldiug to conduct t)io devo-tional exorcises. Dr. Love one of theMoutclair trustees in addressing tbo na-BQciation tbanlied them for coming, audbelieved that Moutclnir would be nonetlie worse for tho visit. Ho was proudof tbe interest taken in educational mat-ters by tbo village; and mentioned thatduring tho past 7 yeilrs they und raisedTor tho payment of teocliers no less than$90,000, indejiemlp'nt uf Slatonssiataiirf*.

Mr. Thompson, tho Secrotnry.reod thereports. It appears that cacti male mem-ber subscribes one dollar annually, and

tob fomalo half that sum, Quito a largosum is expended in tbo payment of tliotravelling oxpenBes of thoao who takepart in tbo services. Nearly an hour wasoooaplodin miscellaneous business.

Miss Amy Lyon of Millhurn gave withccellent offect several elooutiunary ex-

ercises, proviug herself a proficient in:be art. She thrilled hsr lioarors with'AStoryofUio Tyrol," amused themrith "Heleo'B Babies," and gave with

much emoMuu, "Tbe Last Hjmo," nstory of tho 'Welsh oonat. After mplnin •ing her mode of teaching reading, sherocitetl with muohdramaticforco,-'H*.tLyMcEweu,"

Mr. J. T. Clark, of South Orange,gave au interesting account of bis modeof teaaliing spelling aud using it ns auaid to discipline. ' Ouco or twice a weekhe bad & spoiling contest, anda'terdi*'idtng tbo uppor grade into two parts,vitb appointed captains, required thoitriotost order giving bad marks accord*iiig to a scale, for imperfection, unneces-sary talk, books not being cloBoly shut,prompting, answering ont of turn AD.

At the afternoon session Mr. AlfredBeau-Clerk was introduced as a worker

i Morris county, aud road tho favorite,Kim'n Irfist Whipping."Mrs, Wilson followed with a carefully

prepared paper on " "Vocal Musio inSchools " a branch which she consideredof vital importance. She would not haveloo much of tbo sacred, .especially of tbenucn haokneyed Moody "and Sanky

bymim '. Their ploeo was in theSujcIaySchool, or the prayer meotiog. Neitherwonld she have operatic eoleoUona, butlimple lively pieces that required a noteto A syllable. Slfe would also advise ap-propriate selections; it was absurd to gointo a school on ft dull December daynnd. bear them einging the glories ofbeauhfal May,- or to hear very youngchildren Hinging about declining years,

Mr. "Wilson Palmer, of RutherfordAcademy, gftvo a lively paper on "Whatwo should do for our sobpolB, and whatoar schools ibonldydqfor us." Hethought that for onr schools only thebest mon should bo appointed for trus-tees. Aa at present it was too'muab tlieCOBO that tho most popular store loafer,

the most ignorant busy body was np-inted. Instead of the tonohors bsing

examined, the trustees ought to be com-pelled to undergo an'examination, and

ien we should havo more hopes of BOO-ig our echoola taught by men who

knew how to teaob. Then we shouldnever hoar of County Superintendentsbeing pestered to give licenses to incom-petent men because they were friendsor relatives of trustees. How often dowe meet in a district with one who cautell you all about how to teach, and how

govern, because before gottingBome-tiiing else to do he tangfat for a term ortwo in some country school, and your

years of experience arid study must bowto his superior knowledge, Tet amoDghose who nro working in the professioniro many who have no; time for self-im-

provement, They read Harper's Basoar,and a good work it is of its class, but:liey never sea an educutional Journnl.The la tost style of'doio£f the hair is moredisoussed than doing the brain. He didnot. attaob JO maoli importance to per-

ition marks aasomo. did. He ques-tioned altogether the good of dailylarking. . For his own port, he felt in-ra.peteut.lQ fix a value on a mere red-.tion. Wltb an examination it wasdif-

[erent, you could givo your ten qnea-tions'aud nx yonr value on tho answers.Neither did ba boliove in this mero mn-ahine order. He shonld not like to scolda child because tired of sitting in oneposition it tried another. He was toldof ascbooi wbero no matter, who camein, the eyes never are lifted from thebookg. Now to do away with naturalcuriosity was to do harm. This wasmaking children mere machines, nndrhen he wont into a Bchool ho liked to

soo the kindly welcome given ont fromthe children's eyes. He attached im-portance to promptness, but he believedtoo mnoh blaming of tbe tardy did harm.He wonld tatber command tbe prompt.W talk abont tardiness. Did youknow'aBcboDl convention that was nottardy? (laughter). :The teacher shouldbe a model of morality; ho bad heardboys condemned for"playing marblos forkeeps." Whenho wnsyonngtbat wasagreat sin ; the Sunday School Superi:tendent, wbo was a newsdealer, wouldcondemn it in the Sunday.School aud onMonday morning play marbles for koopsby selling some of tbo vilest and nltbitraah ol tbo day. ''• _ .

After many hints and wise sayingsfrom Mr. Palmer, a lively discussion followed, but tho falling nun and the gath'oring gloom ontaida. compollcd us toJetvve BO that we ehould get over tbemtlei before us ere the Bhadows ol nighlfoil.

A 11 n morons Ufflco Junker.Tbe following racy letter Is a R<

production by an applicant for office i:tbo city of Washington. It was iiddned to ODD of Novuda's Seuulor?, anilcertainly tbiuk that so genial a npiriiliould meet with approving consider,

tion:C293 P. STUBBT, N. W.,

WAsnMJor..M, D. C.,Octoher8, 1877.MOST ARGENTINE BENATOH : Prov:

ilonco, you knutr, deiipos somo mun foiRenntors, floinu fcir Advocating f(suffrngo, and others for Qorernmoolclerks. I .was fitted up by the

;li for one of (he luttur cluas, und It*Jliving directly in tbo fnco of Howhen I'm loft out in tho culd, whileilouder-Pegged younsr men from Sliow>logon catfb flica off of Govern

dcHks. I am the only person in Wash-ington wbo wants on offiofl, and I feelthnt X ought to bo chcriauoi] as a naturalmriositj and put; in a department, sihut when strangers visit this part of tbe

moral viucyard they enn gaze upon a no-ble patriot whoso »oul iu above lucre,and whoso priuciplea nro modoled uponIhosc of the Admiuistnition— no matter'hose aUmiDJstrntion,Now, thoro's a pbow in the Inti

Department, over which the philosophi-cal Carl presides, aud I want to «et be-orB.that Civil Service Examining Bonrdnthnt lcun lot loose somo of mylufii, Tba havoc I will create among

common fractions will cause weak-mind-ed persous to howl, and tbe consterna-tiou tbat will flpiza tho differont parts oti|jcecli will ma'uo' Lindley Murray crawljutol his tomb uud fill bis cofflu witbtears. Tho gcugmphy of this countrywill undergo eoine rather startling chan-ges, ami. Lord 1 bow tho confidence ofLtin public will be shaken iu JPaniol Wob-

cr aa a couatittitional expouudor wbontake thnt nnoicot doeutneut. The ou-

ly thiug is to get before tbe board. I'vogot thirty-seven applications oil file inhe various dopartmonU, and I've told,hem En all sorts of ways that I'm a uico

mng peroon wbo would he nn orna-ment to any well-regulated office, butsomehow or other they don't seem to'iavo that glowing faith in my deolara-lions wbtcli is BO captivating in theleuds of a department; so, therefore, Iim Btill out in tbe cold world, and mylutogrnph decoratoth not a nay-roll.

Boss, were you ever buated—broke—upon o tree? Woro you ever huuntod bywild-eyed grocers aud pursued by thelavage sinilea of au unpaid landlady tDid over tliat time oouio to you whoa sfoliar bill .looked like unto an Iowa]orniield and a flvc-cont nickel was asidrd to raiso as a cbunk of pig iron?Did it over occur to you In your career

it a ftfilooti-keeper's confidence inrour jirotnisefl to pay was as full of holesis a cain-bottomed chair, and wbeu rag-

triad to soil you to paper makers 1I'm one of those follows. Unfortunate-ly I'm not the mnn who first introducedHayes to the notice, of tha Americanpublic; I'm not the origiual Jacobs,and, though a Wulker, alas, I am uot'Vinegar Bitters" Walker, flho bas bar-

rels of monoy. Therefore, ob, Bil>er-mounted Senator, X lack "Influence."Get mo into tbe Interior nnd tbatde-[lartmontwill Bccui-ethe".services of a

rk who will novor resign wboa anoth-er war cornea on and leave.^the Govern*ment in a lurch, and Carl cau go to the^ohuetzen park and drink beer in peaceind have his mind easy, knowing tbat Iwill ran things on a strictly civil servicet « w l s . . " , - - • - • • - . v ^ .-

:. . - . • • . . " . ' " ' . ; • - . - ' •

If I can't get a clerkship III openloors, oysters, conned tomatoes, or any-thing else that cornea handy. : r d likejob of Hcting postage stamps.:'I bo-eve myself espeoially qualified to sitmt iu n ball in a chair, or I-would belimply invaluable as a, man to absorbhe tima, of book oanvussors, BO that

Carl would . have an opportunity to getiis teeth, repaired after cassia' tbo clerks

in his native language. If I wore boss-Ing ft, pen in the Interior DepartmentVd sliod a lustro upon hia adminlstra-ion, so to speak, and, remote genera-Ions would name their cliitdrea after

;ho man who got me in.

I'd like to got a mortgage on yourgood word with brother Sohurz. Itlon't make, aaj difference. abont your

it knowing me—yon don't know any-liing about half the fellows whom yon

recommend for places, and I'm not prej-idiced.oft>inatyou on tbat account. .

If I bavo not said anything about myanting A clerkship in the Interior De-

partment, and that I'd liko to have youBpeak to tho Secretary iu my behalf,then I beg leave to convey that imprcs-lion to yon in as diplomatic a way as

sasiblo. '• ." . . . , , •;-..' ..• ."

In ennshihe or shadow, joy or sorrow,Irunk or Bpber, I am, BIT, vory roopect-illy, your obedient servant,

. J>. O. WiLKBIl,

Agricultural Yalnc or tbe Earth. Woru .A rccout Oerman publication contains

a paper on tbo habits of tbo-commonjfirth-wurru. The observations' wereraindo b.r Von Henaen, in a garden bar--iug n eurfitce layer of mould overlying *fellow diluvial sand. He describes-tow;,tlio worms comes to tbesurfaeo'bf-th*earth at night, and, with their tails' i atticir holes, oulml.v' survey the countryboforu they sally forth' in quest'of food

shapo of loavea, twigs, &o. tthase •they heap up around the entrance.'tLe -;leaves rolled up reparately;"and..purtly drawn iuto tbo holes, where'they :

noon become macerated and partly do-

composed, in which state they are swal* ,med by tho worms. Tiie worm tubes ,era easily traced in tho sandy subsoil, ,:

und wero found to descend tu depths of'win 8 to 0 foot. Tbe tubes were found <to be lined with E*cn?c nbout the fiito uf *a pin's head, brought from the surface; :,nd fruit kerunls wero also found inhem. BoBides their freuhly inhabited^IUICB were others which have bocaabnn-'*IOUGJ, and tho cavities of wbicb were*'Illcd up with black earth, tbe black';iottor being diffused into the unrroand-?tig sand. In about half the UDinbabit'.''.d tubes wero found tbo roots of plants.y

growing on tho surface, and these fol-,exactly tbe course of tho tubes. :.

An extended BO ties of observations led ?-';o tlie cDncluBJou tbat, as a rule, the,"

of annual plants can only find >.heir way down to tbe moisture subsoil i

irough channels tbns prepared for *.;.hem by ourth-worms. To ascertain the.':ireciao part played by the eartli-worm •

in tbo production of ordinary vegetablo'*->•mltl. Von Honson plncwl two worwi •;

in a glass vessel filled witb sand, the"',mrfnee of which was strewed from. t ime 'i time witb fallen leave*. Tbo wormsit to work at once, and at the end ofIx weeks the surlaoe of the Band was,

covered with a Inyor of mould half ran : -ich thick, whilst somo of the loaves; .

iad been carried 'Jowu to a depth of 3 .';:

ichos below it. The wonn tubes per--'.icateu ihe sand in all directions—soma v.rore qnita frosh, otbers had walls of or-! •':'

matter, one-eigbth of an . incli lu, '•''•.hicknesn, whilst others again wore quite i' villed up with mould. lu abort, t he ' so i l ^ ''an perfectly prepared for tho growth-;•:••if plants. A single earth-worm wefgBa'^

on an average SO grains, and Is estimate^}id to produce in 21 hours 8 grains of ,ei-j"^•emeut. Allowing 84,000 worms to';an-^.'tro, weighing 8*owt., this would givei^'ir lbs. of vegetable mould in the finest;h;ate of comminution, passed through,"ioir bodies,every,21 hoiirs, pver-and;*-;

bovo the work done in removing, vega*:'^ibla refuse from the surface'^K

ing and opening up passages in theBoll , t^urn facilitating the admission of a i rand i ilOiBturo aud the passage of tlie ;moreV.;'!

lelicate and absorbent portions pf'thoV^30ts of vegetation. ' «-: •= •','-} >*v,;V'jrAs has been truly said, the ngricultfr?^

IHU in tilling tha ground, was only'im^V:-[ating in a -oluratiy way, without .boing-'^

ablo to bary the pebbles,'or Bift the fiuB^.-_-om the coarse soil, the work, wbicb 'is' V;-:laily being performed' by .'the 'eartil^.A

Game Laws.For tho information of tbo largo uum-

t>er who seem' to bo very mnohntBoaiuregard to tbe laws regulating tho takingif garao in this State, wp present tho fol-lowing table, giving all the laws in a formeasily comprehended : ' .

IPeriod during which I Pen-Game can* bo taken. I ally.

Qi.allThcOBont ,ffoodcock[nil Bird.

Reed BirdUplona Plover..,Pmirio Chicken.lummer Duok..,


Qrny Squirrel. ..Fox Bfiulml..Bloc1c&iiRabbit

ruui.Salmon Trout....Brook Trout..... 1Black BassPike or Pickerel,

Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st.Nor. iRt tu Jaa. let.July 4th to Jan. 1stSept. 1st lo Dec 1st to Jan. 1st.Not to kill until 1880.Sept. 1st to Jan. 1st.

OcLll.UitoDco.lst.July let to Jnn. IRLJuly lfit to Jan. 1st.(July 1st to Jan. 1st.Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st.1

March Utto Oct. let.IMarohlBttoOut-lst.July lRt to April 1stMaylsttollarolilst.

US 00110010 00COO5 00

10 0050 00K00


100010 00

GOO25 00

Tho penalty for trapping or snaring,at any time or plnco, cither on one's ownplaco or on the propotty of fiuotbnr, anywild duok, brant or gooso, is fifteen dol-lars for avory offence; and for trapping

laring any pbcasnut, qnail, pnrtridgo,woodcock, prairie cliiokcn, railorroedbird, ten dollars. No person is permit-ted to cutcb. any speckled trout or buss

itU any device other than a hook andline, at any time or plaoe, under a penol-ty of twenty-five dollars.: It ia uclawfa]to kill, trap or expose (or sale any of tbtinsoctivorous birds, under a itenalty d:five, dollars for eaoh offence '.

Wo note thnt our old typograpbioalcot\frav Simpson, runs the doggcrolmachine for tho Scokcrtown AdelpbiClab. "Wo always predtolod that ouifriend of the Sliakspearean visage wouldcoma to aowo sinjh horribla torminuft, ,'.




• - •• •; l'ronlng; Peach Trees.' ',;&*}'•'?$$The inferior quality of the peaohes?'^mt to onr marketa;' the past', sununM,'?';;

ros a common subject of' comment, and^V-growora have been eamestly advisod'to!.',^thin the crops in futuro, with a'tfew^toj'-l'

icrcaso tbe Bize and flavor of the f r u i t ^ :This ia ! vory good advice, uliibOQgli^tl]^^'inggestion is not by any, means novel .&£'&$•,jew. i Fruit-growers;' are ahte toVthetv'advantages of thinning' fruits, but;.Ube:%i[ask of thinning out tbe fruitof !a heay*,^ly laden peach orchard 100acres In':ei>^>tent; is of anbli magnitudev'thitt but ifew;^Jonters ore BO situated as to' 'command,^;

tho neooaaary labor • tbat {would 'bV M-';;'^[nfrod even it they were .oonvinoed tVatfi|"le operation would boo proflUblaone(i•a question which is eiceediBglyprob^;1^

Dmiitloal. . •. •• ". -. •{/:':-':l-:7^t^i^Tbe moat practical method of redaev/,^

ing the orop is to prune away a portion 7;:;i~"! tho bcaripg ahooto—byremoTiDgtwc-S;vlirds. of the longth.of eyeiy-.shoot .:.or>*Jj

;wig of tho post summer's growth.v" ThJa .fill eirectnolly. prevent an (jioesaoffruit,'^;

and the iaoreasod vigor of -growth that f;irill bo given to the' tree will nofc only.>;,:

insure a crop of perfect fruit, bnt it "jrtll?^permanently benefit* the. tree,,v-;-;:Th(j''.:;\iruning of peach trees hna;boon sadly•>',

neglected, but, tho demand. for "good.'^tfruit will force orohardists. to abandon a i)

iodo of oultnro that tonds. to producQjp;mormons numbers. of inferior: fruits o t ^ ,lomparatively small Talde, and perhaps;=*:;

wilt be found.that by nbridging thd-:•irea of their plontntions and expending^

more labor upon the trees, the i>roflts.Hiwill bo largely increased.-. .••'.••; ''.1 ivi'^'l

The finest peach- crop' tbat we ever:/"-;bad tho pleosnre of viewing WM on trees'>.*-Jthat had Iwcn condemned as worn ont 3. ;ind worthless ;• they had boon cut in;"' Av11 tho main branchoa eawn' ofi proporai >';iry to grubbing np the roots;'but in'ore'1'^;

>ressing matters olniming prior'atton-;:,ion they rom&Iocd. uniil spring, whfiK>:;•

igorous growth of young',shootaV'soked so promising that they wars un-i V.listurbed, and-iu the foUowmg.year;';:;

they produced fruit superior to that:-,ielded by them when they had boon'; 'onB.dereil in their prime, and their re/:;. 'tewed vigor continued for many veanv1,v,v,;

Our Itccclpt for Cnnng Moiit.'•;'"{. ;l[£To one gallon of water,1 •.'*'' . •;,;,'•

; -: TaJto I t lbs; of salt, ' \ 'V "%•«• . " 11b. of sugar, _• •••''. '.-;.•;"'•,

•. ".• 1 OL of Bnltpeter, •: ' >! ; '; ,V' "• '. | OB. of potash. '.'•-: ;.•''< •;.'. pVIn this ratio tho pickle can bo inorcas-V;.!.

d to any quantity desired.' Lot these .•boiled together until all thedirt from •!;

the Bngar rises to tbe top nndisBkim< ;icd off. Then throw it into a tub to -i -

cool, and whan cold, ponr it over your :,"boot or, pork. Thomoat. most he well-//loyerod witli pickle, and should not b o . 'put down for at least two days after kill-,ing, duripg wbiab. time it-should ha. "slightly sprinklod with. powdered Balt^t'petrQ, which romovos all tbo surface*/'blocd, oto., leaviug tho - meat fresh' and,. ';elea.1. Some; omit boiling the pickley!-'and find it to answer •well, ihough tbe ^iperation of boiling puriflea'tbtt piaklo'.:

by throffing off tbo dirt a lwnys to .be 'found in salt and sitgar. If this roociVi i-is strictly followed, it Trill require only ii" 'einglo trinl to prove ita BupDriority OTCC .Jtbo common way or most ways.nt_ting down meat, and will not soon boabandoned for any other,., - The meat iannaurpawod for awoetnosa, delicacy and'freshness of color. '..;, " -". •.•-:,:-'*




Tha Poor Honso of Warren couatymodates 120 tnmntoB


Page 2: Mn' · roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store and National Iron Bank.) DALRYMPLE, JLHS J»F0TBSUfi7. MSTOWN.N.J. DIALER 11^ f AND, MEDICINES, HEMICALS, 3 STUFFS, D A1X eutlcal


Morris County CourtsThe Bailroad Strikers Sentenced.

Trial of John A. Smith for .Wife Kur-der and Acquittal on the Ground

of Insanity.

Thu prociieding-i ot ilio C'uniiiy C.thin week W P P of sm-h inti-rwi t l m w.attended tli^m mwo Miinil'-y iu'-rauiJ pr.tteiit iv Kiimtnarv fur tbu lieof onr rendem

iw Sire, ^mllh lyinj t"


(A.hirtwiuil-.Kild .'I Will, lit.' i

litli nlUiu in-a.

nf (Nfi-li)cfenfiil if (

. link' ri'liuAflc:Court willed up fnr HCIIIWICU t l io« vbeen indicted for otitfriictiiifc Uie [mia tratti of care nt Port Morris in Anj-iibt IuMTho following' ftimwerod : lk-iijumiu Lot!Wm. Sng<>r Grjorgv Alno. lk'iijuiiiin 11<by, John Deronust, Jiu-nli Vimiiuita.Shnwgei aud Arthur Force. All winlookiug youny men, nndboru ft vor-v rtt.nblo appoaranra. Bonus foul I»vii «ibail and others veto brought up from ib'jail. lii answer to ()ucslimi* jmt binRaid bu stopped tlio tmin in (;> t infomntiiniw to wliethdr tbe other lintnh had htrui-k anot.

Iu sentencing Lott .Itul(j<> Ilnlrimiiln Ba:that be would litlier have to Bond liim tHtoto Prison, W the Cuuiit) j i i i . o r t o p na fine. Tho b M tiling HHIILT ihe ciivm.RtAueea thai f lie Court « H I M <1" ould U' lu n d him to tbe County Jail f«" a woM» «two. Wliftt lio mid to Lott would iipply Iall the otlicrg. A«1JM*SKIII|» them tint Conrlsaid nil were young mou ami lnul bn-i tt>foborne good chnrsutera. Tlicy bad nho haoenstraiued to jild.11 jjiiiHy. He nhowithem tliat bo had tho [tower to acud t h a nt i e State Prison for tou yours. ViiUoreason they had broken out nun" noughtcontroi.couvcrttotlifirowH IM>I» and niuii!i|iment,property wliii.-li did iiotliL-loiiytotli':'Tho ntllrond compnny wiw not the only purl;to be considered. Tbev bi»l h i erf .-red vUie rigliw of tbe public, fnr c-<ry mnn 1ing business OH tlwl raUronil w««i iiiUrC•with and fjreiit injury done liim. Tlii« fcinBBoimi RiippoHP, a tight betwtcu the i»nr>'

' bareraiKltuonulroaduoinpan}-. The rnilromciin talio euro of Itself nml ndjni.t !t*> in^R.bitlio pulb'o cannot. Yon hnve nil been winCHI'B puwu of by tbe hmdi>n» who bnvii liwapcpunishment. Where ara tlif w pt-rcous f Aitliey rtatly to COIIIQ fonvurd now mid siiir.tho penalty? Not BO. YOU HOW m-o %viiIOOIB you Imvo Hindu of yours-'lvcs. If yoflcro Uio ringleaders or mm of Imd diuniit*r I would certainly send you to fitulo l'rioo nnd protect swiely. Tbo Court ueiHiiowed thorn tbo enormity of tlmlr crimiThey lind iukrftred ivith r trnin of cnifreighted with hiiiiiim lives. They iiiiglnol lmvti intended to ilo any injury by ULact, but i t might lmve ramltcil «*loiwly. IcoucIuBiou tbo Court wild that iu conwdentlou of the facts tbnt they U d conic forwmami acknowledged tbiir fnnlt, that they weiyoung men of good, character prevtaiiHly,ntiUnit they had been uiiule tho tin 'es of other.ho said Unit Ilio sentence would bo light, nnho trusted tlint It would prove to themwarning. If, however, any come before tliiCourt hereafter for ft like offence, the pcuity will be Hcvcre.

In speaking of Lotl the Court wud his. wibut dud siuco ho wnn arrfwteil, lenviER twicliildrcu without menuu of fi'ipporf.tjuuBlIonB should baTu mi(,'gct;teil tbeto the ilefendnntH befuro tboy committed tinant. Ho thereupon inndo tlio followii

Beiiiamin Lolt, Iinnl labor iu the Count;jail for tou dayu, $30 »»e, and coetB of proEecution nml to stftiirt uommlttttl till fin

• coata aro paid and security furntHhed into Jtecu the peooo forono year.

•Wm. S0Beri ^ n *^*ytf "^ hard hhor, f2C• fine, coBts, and security tbo «nnn, .

', '.'•••• Wm. Bowlsby, 10dayaat linrd Inbor,fine, COBIH, ami Boourity.

i'.-•'. John Derenier, 10 dnys, *ao flue, cosli'.-'. -[- and! security.'-.-' l Jacob Vumifttt/i, Jlicbawl Tloliinnon am', • i "Win. fihawgor Ibo Bamo.;••/' • Arthur Forcr, II) diiyn, «10 fliio, coKt«,nr

'"''•';".; ',• •"' T11Z T l i l i L 0 7 J O I J H A . flMITH.

^r r -T^ l FroBecctoi Da SI ilt th in movea tbo trii•f"••'• ' of John X Smilh lornntrder.

; r ' , '.••*•• Mr. Fwnk Cliilil, one of Smilh'n oonnnc]' , ' aloncc intcrptuwd noluillouBO totliopiini

:: of jurow muniuoaed. The return of 111piuel, bo (MM, won »liown by Uie certifimt

r'; ' of Uio jndgn to 1« in ftll reapeelfl ,W4!i'.". to tlio law of 1870. Thoro wnn nothing i:.- ' the hiw or 16713 autuoriiing tho tjnipoi: ".'.'. o f a now panel, it only relntes lo tho geuen! \ panel io badmwn BO many dnjs precctlii

t l a pjiening of Uio term. Tbo Rupnlotom; . ; , . otl87fl'm[ide no change In the net ofl&74,

' andtheaa jurors, ifempanelud ot nil filionli' . -"-'-. hava boon empaneled according to tho \t\.\-V;; - or is?*. •;.•;. . Mr. Alfred Milln, counwel Tor fllemti, Ii

•". . nil arganientof tlircu-qunrtunt of nn bonr1

r >'" ' : . duration, endeavored to oluciilnto this poh•'/ ' b«t nt Jlaoooclnnion the Court brieUy decid/. ed t imt i twna t i qiieafioii as (o tliefulcitt,;', the Leginiitura upon which lio «tw porfedlj'; '7: dear, oudftfkr giving bin rcasosnheld Uml

';\ •': ihe jary « m properly cimwn.^'..•' . Alter ftUothorminorobjecHouofJfr. Chili''. ;••.'•_ M to tho number oflbo jwnel, iviicli wi-(•-. -•.•"•• alflo o»einilcd, tho drawing of the Jury vi•'\ ••,-•' •. proccedoil witli. During thin procouu (here'^S^ ware many challenged, but thu following"•:••': i .«Bro Onnlly aeleotcd :;:'•-•,; '-. CIiarlwiF. UinMim, Foreman; OoorgoW•V: ;• . Btickla, M w H . Mood. John NnrrlR, Uea.f':;^.';. B. D»y, Ohiw. P. King, Jus Mollck, Wm.\-yj''- " Johnnoa^ Tlicmtoro Appir, Lyninn H. Pli; £ i f ; • BOB, Enoch Hammond, Chns. D. Pnist.•V"vjV '"• Prraecutor DeMott liriefly ojwned the ni:_'\ - and tlw.CuuTt tuijmirncd till nftenioon.

W 1 : . - ' SIOKDAr AKTEllSOOS.

" - ' • : Tim wHnw»Pfl in tbo Stewnrt ciucnudt:

• ..;'-V • WoduMtlay monjiug.

•'•,'-•' . J i t i iB ABSH ffns the first vrltuest s^vor'";'•: Ilo tml known Suiillimncfl April nnd lived

in tba Hanio houw with him. Smith urei- • pleil th* central part of tho hmiw, hnvii' . ' two rnoirn dnwu stairs nud one or two nj

' . . tilalw. Tho near room down itulrs In IhiV ' bed roomimd tho front room the kiichi• •"' S n l t b hia ft WIIIB and two mmll cliil.lrcr' • • olio goiDgoufouryeni-Hiiud the other nut a'• ; • ' yenroM. SralOi mid hm wiro BICJII IU tb

backroom. He thought tho childreu fllapwith Mm. Smith. A donr Pncuei'tctl the

, ;- ' two rootnB.' II'IH kltehnu on tlio ground floor. - m a tlio wliolo lonplli of SniitL'n kitcliun nni

; -';. lieil-room. My bedroom is up-Ktnlra. t Oithe morning of the 23d of July W t I li,.nn

' two erica, »cd recognizing tho voice OH thu1 , «f M M Smith. IiranavnikanQd byhcrcriui' ... • . tind Ihe crifB of their rhRtltcu; she cnlk-il tt

:.' iny.wifo twico plnloj I gotujuiLtl my wifitliil.fao. Between our rooms nudSmUIi'*

. .'•- tbare was but a very slight v>'A\; their ceil-lngs wcro ruach: i ighor, und on their wide

' A (ho plnetcr v u off. I vim in heil up-«WiJ tho noinen cAino from down SUIIM. We

' . . irent down staJre and ray trjfo cnJJw] l o ,:/ ; ' Hroilh two nt Ihren timai, but we got tn'."•• Hirer, I ' £14 not notice the lime, liy

1 j . *tf« then went on tho outside nnil knock-'. ( x l a t t b e k i t t e n window two orthreo timeH,

.: ; ; . bnt, got adunswor . I told my wif« lira.' ' ' &ioitli was dr>'.d or iilio'il get eome aiiKwtr.

v. •'.•;.' I went down to ilr, Fnideu'ftnnd woke them- ' «p, Md Mr. Prnden's son camo oat By

the tlmoIgoibvdcEUnci'Prn envanth TB, . AOTL t reco bet II Aiag an ono olsa there

M -wife hafl gono o tho e j,hborn M*v ' tJoy ims there \ X left Ii m tli ro wl en I- \ i - wout rmrlcna. Xtookaloc lUioreltlie, v ' \ door open anil Elmer an I w n In think; £ £ Mr IJoyd wna behind H WO got part wnyfh Iu the ki^hen and met 8m Ui t» o or i r o>"?,;;.: «ter«i from U(e Lod room door o t nt!?.'i>v f< teh n H« had ou pants nnd a nl

think I Hked Baulh tvliot wis go ng on an 1^ Tw « i a ho iadHiiod her rotget what

• 131$ my mul Affwthtt. Wa went Into

nr n t t in^t the ilurM 1- (t liuiiil i-oriu-rui.l of Mrs. Hniilh.'w « l w s-.uM il liKiUUH !u lur 11 f I hiilul ; MJ<- UUuiiNiii; sb.r lind Hi.: Ltmk1.UI Mil .luU-Jl OH lllt- bfll (cl;i<. Ho sniil limt In- •'hullb out thvrc;" wln'ii I iin,tlmd kill, d her. Wliile uu t

•b.Mloncilh«r-. If i" hod iroutiiiKB. Aflvr In- ]»ut (ii(dtow-t iiwuv: wtiit he "iv

• - t in - liL'ilin th.-fiti


't ntn'fiduy ; lH' pot

f hi

i 1..»:1;; did .u>t in p.•iToitu,- him. W.i tn

tiiu, Ihr 1'n.1,11,;. .1 ln-

; lu<tiih> liitli df him tnki' -p

• " . « . wiu n lil.'ht l.nni*!.,.« J i i M «.»«' d..wii-ii k.-n» ! n . . ImDUAhbtlf ov tr M M . Smiths l.uul. Awe K(rt liini lnu:k Ik' w\ ituMii on U;L-1...1.mis, ii up tlm upp.'r piirl at lot- bi-d-lii'I:tonk out ii bag of innnry-)>nrt sili-.Tpurl; Ii- lidd to it till nflcr ilujli.ind jjavi' it t" Mr. n<nlil or Mr. Cu.V.-y.wim tlitre nil ni^lit. t^iiiilli wm luUeii u

UlJIIUbf- Will

in Hie fon-l(lll|!Hllll

Mr. L'tiim-li fo

II Tin- ilncii>r bmi ^ivi'ii MMIICliinkniii lur him; lie tiilfiW ihi i

jiiM-. WlM'D ««• li»»bi-tl ini'i Hiernd.l 111)1 Mr il,l. tll>> Kill'h

,1111 ii|ifiii'.l llif in to Hu! li'tclicii dimr; HUT


H i



i l



I |


Illi-i < B l

r In-

nt. was" V i


Alre. Km'lvl.,K .inwi»t :

i( k. W I H I Snii

K-lf BiV t lie

Elint-r, Dr. FuiTitw und. H».' trii'd R'VITIII timoM m yii awuy.•, wlitn lit iL'ur<it:(J niv wimdi.ilf,•lied my luir urn mul cau^lit him Ivy Hi

_ . . . j , utiil iilmi-r wns mit-uil of him wiiii iImniincr; 1 puimtiMi lie cunlil linvi- noi nwii)it tic hud itU'iillRblbnril, UUICPM In1 niissinbnrpg h i n t ; 1 think tin woiikl linv'v i;iburt tTint nlgtit. The witnifls here ikKcrtlrhow Mrs. ttinltti lielil Hie raznr In IKT k-tImuJ with Iliu blndc tlowmvurun bctwuvlicr thumb nnil tin* imlm, mul nhuut Imlcovered by lifrliund 5 sh t lay »u lier Innivtili tier head Mi^lilly turm-d toward llwall. There was uulliliij; over l i t r ; llimills looked an If Uicy migltt hnvu tx:tdnatilcil, but did nol look Jlflurliud nl uProm tliL-llmo I went down xtulrs tilllonlicd a t the clock It wm not hioie tinUrn juluiltt*

MKS. WAKY AiiEii Mvom. Am the wlftof llii' lusl witnt*a. 1 beiml thi; criua o iMrs. Rinllli, nnd rt'CHjjuizcil licr voice ; sheculled out " J I I B , Alier," nut very l u u d mvery fct-hlc. 1 hud licin aKkqi ; liur cliiilruan cries first wnke mi?. I uskud litVliutHue wnnlcd, h«L roceivi'tl noniwweiI heard hurnaylo Mr. ijmltlt.<>lf youibn 1

yon gouvny ainl bulutvu yniiiw-]/, I'll nlurin llit'imigblioro." Tliochililn-ii kept ocrying, t imd my husband K«« »I> i'11*1 W

toU) wiiOtilown eiiiiiH nfier liu h;iil iln«K(lliPttrd no other nolsu but tins cliildr«a cryInc. I knocked on lliu window and " U n . Biiilth I" but Bnt ni.rt-pl.vicalltd three or four linun. We iiml j»«fttnrttd to gouwny wben Smith caim1 InlbUll ditto ilonr; It wnn durk iuRiili: bcfoioI ilou'l BU|)[KJHII tbti t tdrooin diKir i\ as upe n ; Smith boil on his Miirtund pnuts;Kid, " M r . Smith, whal'Bgoing mi?" tinhe xiihl "No th ing , " and tlitiiKtilitllie tlootnnd went luck. The buluncu of (h t i lujpnyof the wilnrss wus iinbiipuitnnt, atshe FUIV uti more of tiiu ofTiiir.

On being t'-rosn i-xajiineJ liy 3Ir. Cburelthe wlluet-s Biiiil: Airs, Smith WHB n miltmunnercil womnn am] nlwiiyn tnlktil kinta ber husband, Utuith htiil been aelluj

Wllneaa.—Didn't lie try lo hill bis babj-Wasn't tbnt utmtifiot bmilliV IIWIIIHT uher WEB olivays kind for ivlim I Icmnv. Aniitliw iufilance of lila ncting strunirv riitiliQl lie hild aim) HDI] dlilu'i IIOJIEJ. ililn'j, rlWOB n gluimiy, umiuucboly corl of n minMre. Smith was iu Ilia liutil uf slrcpioR oithe Boor, where aho wim found lying; lb<little child slept with her nuil Urn otliowith Mr. Smith; nftur llioy retiinvcd Ibt-lietl there WDS blood on thu floor; tluu'ttbtck thure wnn uuy epntlureii nboni.

Itc-dircct:— Mrs. Bmllli said licr bushand won BO restless tlisttnlie couldn't FIGCJwith h im; ho occupied"inopt of (he liedHe would got up In the ntpln n\n\ walk

KKIXIBLI-OVD BW Aui lfi yenru nH i l lnci;nnil hnun' Adelina Sibilli;

tiiL* niglil sbo vaa k i l l id ; BIIL1 w n s . u lchtircli in the evening; Mrs. Alter woken c i i p ; I did not go iulo 8iuitli1a roouis

(ual nigliJ.Dr. JOSEPH S. FAEUOW sworn : Li re Ii

Fluudursund WQP cnlk-tl to tbu Louse olJohn A. Rmllh on (lie eight inlli-nry lloplcr came for me nt u quarter o rhalf-past twelve; 1 livo abnuL W ynrOeaway; It wan cUisn (o imlf-(iast t u d v cwhen 1 readied ihcre ; Abvr nml h\aywore iliurc, Ilupler went with me, nnd111 Ink Elmer Pruiteu was there. Smttli

(1 iu the dour begging In gut nwny.—Hu bud on IIIN pmilB and eliht, uml. my r ecnlli-cfion is, wan la bis fitcwkitig twl,~Tbrro wna a light in tbo room; did mthen notice blood on him. I asked bli

What'a tlio matter ," nnd asked blm In mid ell down and tnlk iviilj me ;w that Iho ninn was grculljr pxcttwl nml

wislicd focntitmi him pemreitbly. I !**>!him In tlic kllclica; bu wna Irunlablc am

t down, I (ooU a light from tlic wcul into Ihe OIIKT rooni: a glannulioweil mo Unit Mrn, Smith wm dead; Hibody showed tlmt I he ii'anmn's thronl IitK(iceii cu t ; thiTC «us ft l>roml^s t ' tlmwent clenr (o Hie spinal coin in ti. HIIIJBPquctit iuvoBtipnlion Hliuwtd Hint l\vo cmbud been made ; all this vital purls wancut tb rough. Saw ii rn/or tUcre cnpnltliif lufllclni^ fiiuli a wound; should think

the razorelitnnj Mm «tin tla- <nw hu Minhero; Ilmro Httsvcry little bliml en itho ruzor was in hi-r left timid tiui lind uont her hnnd. Tliero -nvta OIIHT roiirkB o'iolunco—n brnici liolilud the left enr, • j•oiituslon of tbu left cyi', nnd R%li1crotchet! ttpnn tin Jell cbcuk. Tho ap-icarnncu nf Urn face wns as (liough tl Inn

bch) tn a etionjr jjraan—with a '.IiumbiKihiiiiMlie t'nr, a lliiiiur In Hie, Bucket oftliet-ye, mid tbu markflln (he diccht-J as if IliL' linycrrt hail slippcil down—niliiKiieallnp tliat Hie head liuil beendown. There wn» Llnrnl nrnnnd Jlr.Sniltlrs lu.'R(l and Bliuuhk'tp, and pooltliroilgli the cloililng-. 1 fnw blocd •Stnllli'B left sliirt Hleeve, nn tlionj-li (In

id been n spurt of, ui) arli:iy. Thewind w«a Dvcwsarlly amrtai. IVJJIIC vx-ilnlns Mrs. Hmith I tienrd Siniihpwy, ^'1

lldu'l do i l ; she did II." I Baw a washwin on n table In the kitchen wliU WAUTnged wilii eouiulliiug thnt looked veryucb 1 ko bland.

n crnsu-cxuniiunlion the WIIIII-FS sutit ttild havu lukon u body ul Iliut soosdii ofyear, nudcr ordinary, clrciinwtnnci's,»r three lioiirs to gel cold. The pro.

: heniorrlmgc of Mrs. S'>'lih hsd Inkcnirarmib from her; PIIC nilglit tmto

.ecu 'fi-nd iin Imtir or nn hour nurf n fmff.In un.«wur to Ibo Jud^o Uio winii FId thnt Hinilli flmwfil PI 'IIB r>f physicallimiHtinn und mental cxcllcmcnltiURR P B nK o n II a

m\ a hn II n i,h n cs ool k o v nt vn i l n t i \ r n d

i c ** U f j 11 J* w Ie i e.1 t beP 1J a I ne it l i d n ous 1 us no bio on II n —

" 1 " b nl a k andi t on th f n of I c bed an p l on Uitockl gs tl p ha cano o tt U chenloor an l sa l l , 1 c o I of b s placeic went to Abtr» wood pile an 11 stopped

~ *•« wtnt u Ckloto tlm Itltchan beMy anyibloj tliat I cim remEmber

i;.\v. vvK

Sl l l ' l I I I .

; > • J

l lD l l\h A

• I.\ i

rt'iiv. AI-<. ( . . W J l l K i l:ti; i.n.l It

Wll!t i l


ll I'll!II UK

ci! id I'L'IIII. 'IH; I li\'ul Ih l.1,1Olll 1





111 in


s unl 11. Wim<h Ii

l i t ' u i l l u ' l III

, wan •rmiil.

!IV. I l•r *cn-ih 11 w 1.

Il U',1mui'diii

iiriniM'T l IH

.'1111 III 1)

111113 111

Uu mi-

IH M l .

u,y, 1

I i.twelve I kiiofktd ut ihi'insii

! M^I.I, " l i u l d on, inun, wnt^ V' Iml Imd no nnmvi-r.

Ilie hull iliiur mul llnmi-ili

and giAUiT Imd u hor ui

i' it lo 111,', tcUiuft nm Iu |»i

,Mr. ill

t i l u l iiK"itt. 1 wcie h n m l i i . i l i i ' i i i l 11

lVi .

- j ' . l i j 1

" VTImi 1M" 1 <t«IIL> II

riKJI AllL'

liy tO1 liuvc killul knr. O;.,"Bii«J Ii

1L-I, 1 0111." I nihl " N < i / u n d U fnii'il nml \ u n l lnnK u* qinil URU lunli.wiulh.ii 'k nud tiiiiud Mm Basilu lyiu1 licr buck, willi HIT llimui cut. Shi* wi:iiO nud ci>!cl. 1 |.lcUul liu- l ink clilii und tliivi' lici lii wy uiil In luku cuit-f:r. I do inn Uiiuh it wan im-rc Itiun It:iiiiilff fruin Hie liuiL- 1 111 t'nwii Htuli

till I K'H iiiln till! tictl 11x1111. Jler lliiuiiw If il WUH fill by a ^Inirj), ki-t-n Ii

Blmmunt. Saw n mwir In litr h-ft hiind,lilnck Ui.mllm o n e ; (m»ir eanwii) '-""USIUCL- Unit; Hit- bhulc WUH In IIIT bauil un

ml nut m t . Slit wu:* lylnj |>:>ill<.'b.1liin)!; -raw 110 b.'il i;l»lliing Luullii twduscil forapi l l i iw; (he wi

h'ing for on 1* t|il.ii;mi nil nld wuiur inuiJloiik, iiutl Imd .111 ouly Uci uiglil <IKRijiiiUh got nut ol d.mi-H once; went ita fnm AbuiV w..,(,a pilu; that WIIH licfda' Iyiil his unmi'j", nud Uie only time I rct-oIrcl. In the lii'd ruonrlio miiil, " 1 illduilo i t ; Kiiu -I ' . II" it hursctr." lit* liuil h|)iinls on mul to Ihe liost of my kni)vv!tdg(lib Mlinrrt nud h-ini'kiii.iiH; wbvu I lii ~tilm I will u litile cxi:itid.

In lin e r u w x a m i nut Ion tiie wfincfiiiiil there wiifl nutliltig lo |invcnt Smll;i!tll|l£ Hill tlf 11)1! WlllllUW. 11(1 WltlliL'mt nl ilourfl dtiibcraidy wlicii b t t i k d i

gat'inu- cro»H.^iuiln'a1 svitness suld Smil

liilurAhly. 'riigiiKli it':u hiirluco roMuciltt.-r HIIL-II Itm-ioi lilnuil, illicit tmvo;ooiver Aim. Sm I Hi i't tlmi so.iHiia iu luilfluur.

Tlio Slate tealftl Us case.THE PCfiTKiE.

Mr. Wm. E. (ilinrub npciied the iMunivitli u very nblc nrijnnieut, uoliiiK fin.tprejudices oi l^noMiit penplc ou a.ioi o^KioriH, nnd KUI*OIK1 t \nnul \\,i->iu-cessM-)

\y flint ninrilcr'iiml liccii cutumittcc? wL'iiniH intent. Their mniii pica, liovi', ho sjkl wniili! liit Unit nl Uio timo of t.imiEwiou of HR> MfaiiM tb it Smith was i*. TLon (ho k a r u c l cameA dilated(til ntiij ivlih ntfiNv (iitoixtinttH iwiti tuoti

cnl iiud ]<\,'<il nullioriii'- n,.,.ii i-.imiiity 111its varioiiH jiliii-ita, t'onliuitiu^ lor nu hoimd a bull, uniil tlio itonu jitljtiiirnui^ut*

At ibo opLiiliiH'oftluiCr.n'itMr. Chun•onliiitmi l iu nrnimijnli iudickiinit lim prjaldo cotirvo tii tboltuent iltftdileiic^,

David Ucytl, rccillbil by ilcltnce. I weio butl nUout linll-pLtsl 11 o'clncl:; I na» siiutl down in tho mom n u t toSnilih'a ram.uj,'; tliero were ioliliiiK itunn bL-tnccu tbi

iroviouatti tlml t imo; bonrd liim (jot out 1Le bed, which won entity, nbnut twenty milili> 1 1 ; Ilieiud bun wnikinc tbe flotm l litnnl a geDcud HCLIOIU; lwiifl ail '.fco donr ; nllor tliat nil wns quie t ;ii-nnl uo voices;. iho noise wm m It

boiit tbl indd, UixabUt

Uoof} I d i d uotIwa iiKuln bcnnl tho clock utriko

iioro cuiuft IOHIL-UI* ; did not.liwirany ODdreu cry tit Ibo timo of lite BCufQe.

liy ibuBlnfe: Ilunn.1 liim Krumbliogabcy o'clock—ho was uiombliag BOinctbitif*

Mot. rimllli ciimo huuiu Ire ' ' 'ilf.piwl 0 o'clock. " ' "Mrs. Alier, rec.illeil: I caun>' homo fron

.lurch witli Mm. BmM"i ntoui 0 o'clock; IiBiniih boinewlionwo wout lo onursii.

Qeortje Burr, awom : Am n MncbMiiitli iibo DoveroirBltflps; SniillJ.worked- is lha

bhickhinllu shops Ai. or HCMH years ugo ; onedayKinitli von lucosiiriuR tinh null I ••Blnkiug nn nxlo to innko it tlr-ilght ; 1Smith to nol out of tbo wny ; be AJM -allot

rd ttml he uiadoa tniBUike imd uuiue bncklodge Htrock liitn over tho ayo: it welgltcit&eii or Sisveiilfou poumlBj ho ' "uped up imd inn around, nnd wUr. QurnibniuL; bo en me bnck iu ul>ouj wcekn ; uhuu be returned toe RHUII coul

__ accn ; tbo wedpo patt.ol tLc EluilKostrhim. kumkod him dowu't bo wanaitling di

:—it rcas in sliiiRtiiR tbincugoiHitlt t l iat iBlrnckbitn; I d o u u t t l i n lhat it sliiick bun lull neisUt.

Oairdt Qnmibront, nvrotn : Uavocbtirgottin Wncbumtli nud inaubiucry dcparlniBnnt I lie enr NIIRJIK. liurrtmi) .Smith vim bal,iu my employment—I think In-vlie full c1871 ; i remember guitlu beluy iitjnrtd ;gave liiu) n loiiy rod to weld up^nud Inj ii

in«iHLiriu(T Hi.i rod, l larr ilrnck him in Ihiml ; between Smith nud 1 wcrti a lnrginull nml sitcwra, fo I could not KA plainly

,. jumpeit no nud went round and round.;hiuk Uie blow Htruok liiin oter tLo eyo; laid up nlmtii live vrtnMia ; tba sicd^c wniBistecn pound Fledge; Burr was n helper-

no wlio Htrikwf, mid won n(mi{{litcuiiig ntx)c, wbloh ipquireB n very heavy- Llow;

1 tltikrtt imually ruisas tuc bniniuor'nusit once around logol velocity; Iwipei]

be WOUDJ otl, nud thluk it was a cut abon

IJ'iii. JJiullut, fu l .iiiMV.i.rjNiu

l..|li<.il llT III*.'H 1


ifir l.ibor, , Inmy iiioru I woiild nol

uiii; ijiiuili

.J Inches locj,'.David A, XicJtotaa, aworu: I live in Flan-

jrs ami Jiwl uueiv Hmith lant April; beoved in n bouse uoar where 1 live; tmi]

workeil nt bkckuuiilbing; bo frequent); com-plained ol wnnt nl work mirtnold onltihuutho first or May; bo vnxa williout narkfor;oinc time, uuil csmo to 1110 for work about

IO 101 Ii ot- 12lb ol May, I tolil bin) I did nolm t a Irattd, bat lie said ho veua really in

iced; llint be l ad limited iurwork nml could>t iiud any, nnd cilTercd to work lur 75 cauls:b}'( ho aiiid bis Imuily uocilcd (syuipitlh}

>nt Hint lib Oidii'l ilowrru nny; ba ooniiunci,t wnrkuulilnboitl the 1st ol Juuc, wlicu onl y i Miit biui boliind Ilia liouso lo romuviitno lnrnc Luiiildurn; I think aomo ol tb.tyu ucre very Warm at this timo ; tilliy I Rent out where bo was 01 work oui,nud so 1110 of hit (oola (here, but ha Wasiwilnn; I uuikrHlMid Iliat bo uoHuick, nmlnitcil liiin Hovenil tlnim; the first timo lio

a-fts lying nu Iho Itcil, cvtniihtiihig ol hishciidi Lip ttt'uicil la bo in u iditeol uervounexcitement, .vliicliKHiiuiiil nearly llio KUDO ountlior vixilBi I wcut tlieio piTbarxi half aI EC s I c t o r TLD (cetit ha

1 b I ) ul cl Q i clilro B a k L s« to nr t I B B gk

1 1J j o oinj, us I ofu ora OR boniD—it ft a n K bar 1—

11 iuk t wan 11 so no e QDing o tbe woB after I benr olthon CickDnonch —Irij po a i co and aw tin I era

11 me Bp a to a a 1 bo nit otvn t 01 real ft ftjia bon t e 20th of QUO tramill I u « ol Hml l i b e l n Mny so tua 1uifi J & w b m in l y o y mpcssionwlint he « u run of nnioaadm ud lha

oecnr ccco of tbo Otli P In owns haoulypur cular tbo w tnou cool dels h be nia g^p bis D In irom hl« w 1 tceUoa tun »«ri

- '* -— l ' t * -racoUl vnf?oniu-mtprt>cvo ta

M In ntcd; UIHHTI Uio'll.ul ot Juuol l . a .1]•]. iiutl Bciil ior L'lii; 111.1 lew days bfO-iiuenn pUcc «i(L Mr. U'IIK; Kinliticeeuied lo

•il-; t "i l l \t iiiL'i-niiit, lie gui up, lint noniIi1.1l .ilkI' liiL'il.t.iai; tit: C illlpt^lUB I Ut LllH

.11I. uml hot'utii! ID bi m:rvi,n and trt'ii.liiy;

jui wot Ill's, und be prescribed for biui; 1


'. Htuiil all ui^lit and .vtk, tint liaOu't workuiltlicn he siiiil liecuultlu'l

ud it; lii-i hi'iiil won all U[i*li3 down; HHTOh iioisL- tbcit.- iic wunl.1 linTutci

ml Ilint il..y; hiluy wcul to

I l nn hour,l i h l

iniud; thorn;e iiliuul IJIHi.t-il lu bj I

:.; lio did

i/r.v. Aticr, r

ioul iK'.il ol uoi.-.entlly hu

r.illeil: S1111II1 a1warKg;cmc!, ; , ; ! ! • tllH-Mi'li'iio.iui.; Mrn Sin 1 Hi ci>ti>|iljiii>-<l •

blio uU> Inn ml t

1 1 . I . V , .

J dayMrs. bmilli CJilml ID ui.'4111II wciibit* Sniiili trvniB loR.^t Uio iuliy n.viiy Iromlie 1; liu struck ul tier neveinl limes nud 1iMlud lirr mil dmnu; [>vliiil nl»,» olijiTicj in); wvv Bmhb _ . „ .dnywIit'U lio wus sirk; tie WIIS tnoLuti'bolj,

lid Kloomyi anu mtiwehMl,


.Wr»t to fhcn

I.. Uuj/il, anuiu : llor cvhluucif tliui Miebuw biiii dticu iu liu

___. m>; luil he couiplnlueil ot biit'iiil duiiuu lli.U l ime; Lo Uiliud Hcunibieml rttiu uuiK'fd uotlmiK |n-c.iiitir nboiit in;11,111 IUT ; UQ HIM d iiorvuu 1 ;<ud irombiy- liUoit ilidu'i Hcetn Ic l»tf nu!l.i.iCLuly at ulf, Him

.'01 lul 11^1'.u.uli'd: I ivna railed tic UJ.ti diy ul Al.iy, .1111

. i l l l ' l H

Jjr. \

. r ib ot M»y ; 1 called 1.u.l il

—a tvf..ilicuini! ai tli

uci< iiKi1i-Ut--t>« ; m e lOiiiiilxtliiiiiiiiliK[)omleuc.v 01 Hp r i i

ll! WlMUHU tig llild ICl

il:.,v u riHt-; biUNviiii^ouHiu Uiebnm ;llje>


' | i | ,b<t

liU Inunlj-. :iMil III l l l r f .

CM tlintietil eiiiiyIIJJOJ- wan vcty .vjt

d jirmi Heed CUIIL:

iuid, " K-trylw.lj is niter ii d t i J Hi f

il n

.ildn'l RI lie Was UiUi'.iy oUuui, Ho«ud (v£ lu itio Ucr, und I CL

;iid tin.UU u nut lo Ilia f Mli.tr1* UDIISO onewas wck ui.h couijiLuut of hit head,levprsaw jDiicu ol bruiulio1 In iii" toiu-

J I J i]td n>il Uno* wby lim Qr-I *u,•e.tliiiii. l'Uu U41U ol June wna lh» firm u>

ij.l.lioliwi bill coatsiiK-i-n i j;a.J ».ii(lic>J uwulal b l l lt

Hi 111 |»I)WNIIIU 111) Ii i i l . l h u

j ^ i u u ot HID»». iJyHaji

r i l d « Ikll COlo linn. Ho told li

ii nontcl bin ubI ll.lllll 01 HU.1t'j] It 1 5 ViMl-El.

r»mr'//.Wif,Miv<irii :' Amu lott'ih^'d iliut ho tnM liubii ol hiill-iiLiim-, ft<J pruMiiliiiiiH 1I14L li.ul

iilvnu noli by'riiokaii

uJ IJU oj.i''/vV. 71Limn niu ue win pliyinnHhi^mnrniiy


i>'l l lul H uiil, u

t> \>o mi^in doorHolly, ivmli^il | I


keeper nl tbo

id iiuiiriL'iJ U-uto (JI> tniiUj (•lirsl licra u<

out nU nacl'

.i*e.iUi3(l loorn rUmli 'n i ;

ervou.-, nud hise, he l.iou^bl,vn l HIM Unto.

itiuiiilKd Biinlli

jy oi-ilur ol Dr.

1111 r.'llet, Ki.viuK Ldniin in ;i dirnL-iict*

mid Iti. liim out li<



»ni(. 8 Jlec'O rrtm JUIMIBMcLjtti^titin, uf- U.III- -

umber,Ai'H i!U. Notn diiconntod

•Uriiniiank,\uu. 2'J. n,.t.',| n-'im Jqcub

Z. lJU(iJ,(;,.ll«-,i,,r.,nio-IJUilIlilDti Ll'MII >I|J|1. Unl'

:wi.5• R c M J r r . 1 fir«»n O .



Boi.t. 6. Jtuct-iv.,1 | r , , m n oWit! u. [J.j.rJw i'.,|,-rof I I n < h t

409 OSJ

10.DO0 OC>d

G.Cfltl W

He 1. SO ND!(. (][hi<i>niilr• t IK.,, I I , , , ] , .

!-[»(. 2H. ih- '-l fr..n 'J 1CnriiUli, CnlJ'|-firr«iii;a,l;'wu»iiip, on amount <


Jlnsttver tuiv<tit!'iip"ba

t u t , ]Q. j) e'A'lmm Mm,» . Hi-cno, CjllY ur lt.11.

ii:iiuij in ivii i ,y '• '."•NJ liOB'ht bo in JO^u i .Iu K>S 0.11; b-iJAujr. 2 i ' liionil ami Unit bu OldIfioiitou • lio I nu.liJuiio,

>i;l dd B iu

i; |io„ . . . _ . . b a i ; uiiu.liiir ciobe ... ..

iicvioiiM nervous cntidiliou, ciiuotiil by L101 tnviuy iJiiccL'otleil in bi^Biucr'S; ul:ii' niinUl Unvo bjfu br.ui);!'!iy ViU^rciil 1 xuCHA-iii wliicli iim^yiiMila

:c-ii»n of Ilio lir.iiut or I'linli ul bin dKH.I ; il »ol |M»mj)lJj' toliovoil Ini^ iHKIIIIII.'& DUG (il tlitee lonua-H'pile])-iik'jy or umma; UIB luUcr luru iu a . . .

.110110mr\nin, or itinuin cu otic point; il um;be £uiciilu],tiouiiciilid,or proiifaimlly tnaiI b L-II, etc. ; it i'.Hiiallj takes Itio iarm tr

>y 1 bo tlioiubl I but iu tLfs en BO II ._iiinniiiCiil I or 111 on tlio 4;. h ov 5ih of J o on

lli« Ctli il.iy ot July, when he trlit Biilcidi) by liaii^iufl; I liiiuvr11 wlmt ho snid nud wlint LH wtiio 4lb or D'.U, I loUl bis wilaof In

comliliou ol miml, unit Ibal lio lulybt i'tjiiibore ol his lumily; I told ti.toola, pieces ui tojio, e t c o

cf l i i s W l i , iio.l L-ontluuod Ibo wnruliifi I' >hyH ; I torbid lier letliu^ him iail

ir. mul toot a mnn tiiexo io sliavo binhut owing lo I lie coutliliou of Itm li&ul

not Hlnivcd; Iho next dnj rafter (hu waI lrariicd ot Iho uttdnpt at euiciilo ;

co"uditi(inutierthat won b ^ a n io improvemcitbn soon bofj-n lowcar off, nudtablet) nbout Imviuc uotliiiiRlOtlo ; Iirom Durtloj rill*, ulclt, on the 12thavis va'tn\ ; thare secweti to la 11 n• congestion, bi.t !ic uctjftti (.1 improvhn; ou tho 13b or lOtli ol Juu '

wont a»nv from homo; I learned bet-oue ti> JlurUnyvillo ; I m v blm ou (be Juuf); I «;IH BOr.l lor Hint dnynbout :o'clnclt, wcul lo liia bouno nnil toniid bincone : [ wcut to SqtiiroC.iHfeoyV to |>at Iiinnml CuuKbblc Kiuu.iu to fiud liim,nml K.v.liim urreslrdi B.IW littn that nifjlit nliout IIn'doelt V7*ilkinpr ^ wauls homo; wo triedtuke him bunio by a mwer straat tnau he wKoitiK biit lio jeliifcd to n<i; tin nan iu 1htuibo whan I ftoi Ibero; bo wus iiorvotiH u;oicilud nnd noted hko 11 uian who WIIH afrniiof an-csl; I vl«ltocl liim Ilio noi t ilay to seijihont l i innrrai, but did not urroat lira be-ctnsc lira. Smith intereuilctl j b.e ohartfad beiwitli having first proceeded lo bavoli lmairented ; I lathed wnti tiar nbnat Un cnudillotint nh£ WUH linvvfliiiin to ti ivo liim nrrenlito lent ln% eoTiilltiou of mind I nuked

ho wouhl Ui >villiiip <<* - d il

D the lutylniu'foritroogly objooteil ; Ii

in arrested Siilii shoailuribcr nyniploma of iusnuity or difuanUylio did not any so much against going to tiniiHyluni wuon itiUUdrDlccl that Din uolRUuoitntglit prab.ibly mitka him n dountluu ; Itbeu lifgan In b-^| ino (o take hiui tbero \ ,dnlug Ibo month ol July I trio* to ulir him 111IIIH condition va* improved, and I tolil himtm wna fecdiDg bis discasa by lyina all thetimo in the lied and on llie foot aaa aalli

anrlily; Hint it wua OUOURU to rnnbe a wian nick; 1 Hion^bt Unit tuiri condition wronulit nUoul by wuul of ambition anil, vorenl cioeowa ; after tho I7:b ot .Inly I ilia-luliuiiix) iny vidiU, and naxt saw him tbe

uioii>iiis oiler the tlealh ot bin wife; us'vraiin a fcurvous, eicitnblo coudltion nod com'plained ui his boad ; he tliil uot consider biuTCtpouHllilo lur IIIB noltous wlouisuffo'1 '!r,mi rnnpenlIuQ during lUn mouth oi Ji

0 urLp^ini^'imlnotioii wus aim oil oatirclMipoi modieat trchuicutiUnt); UGHutmemUou lie olifaiiml tw evitldui

mania ca^eiit I rou Uio I>1HHSV npiHuramhis (.'yes; On Iho night ol the murder, amilliccxoileuiuul, I t was ilifflaull to make n p tilmind whether Smith nun BHUO or not; Uodiinot kuo\i but wlint lieinijzbl bavobecadoinj

" Ibat uiil broUHbt ou a reoarroaiou ol liin b.-tiiu; T saw no indiu.

jngcslioii of Uie brain ibat nluhtho coinpluiuetl iu Ilia morning that be butBeuti littio blue]; tllDfiH riDinuK aUiul Ibilloor, wlijoli be islmbiitiKl ta tho inJdioiDO hilnul i ivon Uini toqmel h im; . .

Pi, Furroa, rootled ; From the appearuoi ot tlic wonud the woninn bud ri, ".liku X diet baw it, It would 1» Lirdow lo'ii|{ tho wound bnd been inflie

might bnvo been Irom n bulllioiir toUviuoui»; tlio blood uroWibly llowcduvcrahour; I WUH called io treat Smith shortnfler lio cnino to Flzudars; foitvd l i lu iubilious cDuailiou; lliero was u rualletw loolnboul hln.; bo accmcil to bo liko a nun aBlniuf* alter n flelmnolij bo complainedp.iiu abaal thu Lend amlhuibn, auil HCUIIICIIhnvo (bo premooilory Hympioms of an atlaokot ferer; thcri) was a nouctiti siraiigneiiboul l|ia unnnlcu.iuco thai caTo mo tuo inirctiiiou lli-it L& watt UQI Mliat 1 wn'llil o i leusiblu man; on tbo.aigbt of IbodaatU o]

Mrs. BinilL I found LiiQ in a nervous tremc—a will], Hlnrlug mauner) bo made no fitloul olfutl to gel nwny, bnt begged and busocchcri (0 go; bo mumlesiei au tilniOBtper-fcclin[liu*L'r£uc9 lotbocvout; boreau'inburoilol liianpeakingofseeiug lliiuRS alter be waslied; lio wouli) gat u|i from hU obnir and eay,"vvbul's thnt big, blauk tbiuBf" awl try togot array fiom il; from nil (lint ISjuiib llmt uif-bU Ibonglit him a r.iumuuii.1 mind; bo reitflratml hit opiniongiven before'Ibo Coroner's Jury that bo vnsmt rexpoQxiblo for bis nets.

Adson C. Oaakty, sworn: Am n Jnstico oltbo I'ciCQaml hvontFliintlcrs; hm tcsliinon1

w o a lo show tlint Dr.,WonUorth called o lblin (o. havopapora uiaJo ont to soud Smithto tlianByluni; bin wito cntcroilcornplnint IIUQ tbnt HIIO wnu nfranl of licr ebilJrou {rule.out ] ; the next Hxy «>' issued a pence warmn.which at herreinicburna^uotaarvedi ho went[0 Hmith's bousj nud corroborated Dr. Wcul-worth's tcstiiBuny; anr tJmiih ou »is<L| otiu murder; Im camo to me nud hnudud mo nocltiuR full ot luoncyund said ba wanted0 to nivo it to his oldest boy, Eildio. - •J/«/ito» A'imioJi, fwora : Am a countable,id lira with 'Squire O.iHkcy; tho wilncaw tes-

ified lo nrrestiiiR bim; ol his norroaancss[1 reHlleainres ut tho linio, and tia brlnRin

m iDiloiriblown; ilarioR ttlHUtstimooou;i1aincil greatly ot bin lieail] litiDdcufTea tail>vitban old iiair ot liaudcniTa ftoja wbio_

e. lack bnd been lost, iu which bo bar] ]>ptboll, from wliich Sutith auscrtnvoil "• the

Ji-j cnoo ni7)Itb.' onttcoi) great fear'ofuuiiitbisK tiu Bcerncd lu nee, imd nt auothufinie ou tho wny to Hlanbpiio inaOe & mtnilailemounlraiton; alter cars Blurted roai)o twifto In ta note tof he oornndwnaba gut

It each inotbekop aakngtno nm hoic wo B r ou wbero I 0 wnu g<

£UD BOQera pnuo o( j rora ana 110in tho oaiH of Blown r wore disoborged

II Fri 0 n orn ng 0 9 30 0 dockDr TSenlworh mnlo on « p ana Ion in

•efiur 1 f the btt (no na ion of SmithDr Furrow Ba Bm i) sow those objocU010 Dr Woulnorlh nrri«tren loft Thomto, aworn I nm a alt bm-

T f iiodeceased. HiIBBI mony wenlloibow thnt he lit ted Smith on Sunday Jnnd


botii rested Ihiir

IJIUBBBJir U0RK1K0.D.'Muit hiiiil in Ihh enn

IL:II I lie i 10 IS 111)1t no!, bill

i«. in pntiUli!ib!o—Lbut ilio IH'I iwisI jf an lutiiiib uiiv, bat ol iistli anI, 111 miLj.tiioiiiiliuii ot u-bicli boiniij ontlioiiiics. 11 j woulJ! dial iuhituily ui:iy out Uo a pbyul->o, aud WDIIIU offjr n"lborilj on

I In:int.

Ilio Humming up for Ibod.-lPUKe. Ilia first jwlulof nr^umctK ivaa lo

tlinL tliero M'IH no molivc tor iUo coin-misbiou of I bo trimo—uotiug fiimtli'u goodcha racier, IU I ova fur bin family, bin OHO lurtheir imuutcnniicf, (beabsolntc impossibilityoi kmiti, and the lact Ihul iu the dentil of hifl

H o ) ! ; bad frifLd was removed. Hothcual Ion mil proceeded (0 HIIOW tlial the prlnouor

NHnuD—eainR nil tho poiutnof the ovi.lo prove II]Jt lio wns of UUBOUIKI luintl.

died tbo nttoutlou of tho jary to thoeffort of Ueir Tunliul. BIIODIJ It ba "uo t

tbo wotiti' not be turnad IODMOupon tlio worid, hut would bo confined l u nfiinr.fii tisyfun. 'Jiio nrfiameut 'malnd o » «two bourn, nud was logical ami conclusive invery tlelail.

Mr. Church follovoil iu a few l>r>l EI-RQ-nunlt upon (he (luihorlliefl wbiob Mr. Do-

Zlatt U d edit ha stiottld qnate, ami offeringicw uutliorllied upon tho poiutol tnscnlly.

l'rnseculor DuMult followed lu Ilio aum-nibtf up ou tbo \uxi ol tlio ense, cntahliBhiogiml, tbut Alicia Biuith WIIH killed nl (liomnda ol Ilio dufocdant, and llint it wns noinla^im killing. The jury won n i t to trylia iumuity but bis punlubobility. ill wan

for tLc [lefpnfli) to show thut if Ilia mun >,vasiumino tho not ho oontmiltod was tho result of(lint inaauily, and lltoy hnvo failed to show it.

THtlUHDAV AFTEHNOON. . . . ,-.Mr, DuMntt contlnuud hla numminK u p

iliowhiir tlmt at the timo of tho committalif thocfued ginltli know lla . 'nonnlty, nr. l

tlm tnnno(]ueiieeH tif-H, which wofl Hliownliy hid deninl of It. Iu a lengthy urgumontnnii.hj- frequent quotations lie coin buttedthe thocryof insanity eot up by tbo ile-

In uhargiog (ho Joty, Judge DalriiapleItl iliofo Boeiiuid 10 liu no dluputo ihat tlio

dufonilnnt hud bhxlu lua wife.:. If ho did wwith \niai\iXaiukotituhe\Bga\hyotmur-dor \T\ tba l irsldugieu; If ho took & deadly'wuaiion and ueed il upon a'vilal part of tliupornnt) he racunL to take life. -Tboro are hoilrciiinsUuiL-cH In ovlilonco to rodncotlierrade of inunler Wmurdor In tlio sonondsu^Ti-o, or iDunalniiglilcr. I l l s offence. Ifm y . > murdur lu tbn Ural dcjrreo. Ho ex-

plained Hint in law Insanity I s rccogcir.edus n lt;/>nl defonca, but inBaulty mual bepi oven by tho'defmiiiftat—that la, t hcp rc rpondoraiico of proof must rent npon tlKiiilo mnke » good dttlcnco, - 'i'he qucnllon tc-bo cousMumd.was wtioilior tlio dcfundnnl

ifl (Rtie or a t tlio timo nf commitg the net—wb'QlliuT lie Imd UIB eapneit

lo Uhaingulsh bstnoRn right ami wrong ttho timo of commlitiDg tbu mt . Tlio ovdunce wit? tlma carcftilly roviownl and tnverteil .HJKWI,'after tvltidi Iho wise wsgiven to tbo jury ut tun minutes r.nnt foto ' c l o c k : . . .' Duritic tlio entlra proffresa of tlm trii

Sinltli imt n-lthin tin. bar, his whole manner lutllcatlUB Biolid IndltTuronca. Evanwhim U10 horribio drcuraatancea of thekilling of hisivifu woro rolatcd hu moved

it a utu."cie, but aot Blaring ntrnighl uhomlMm, uud never uvinciug cniailon

terem. Ho nover i,ioko a word to nny on.—nut HventoliiBcmiuitel—but knnnlnjhand nlirpflt conblHntly about his 1.would toy wKli li(s wlilEkora or Imfr. Hliface was blenclied. by. lonjr conlinomon!•"id tils dress was decidedly untidy,


Thnjnry remainPil out all night, bat njio*• opening rf tho Court nt, half-ixist t tu

o'cloelt on Friilnjr morning rotarned willircnllct of "iiolgullly,11.- Tho priiwneron ro-eoiviufj ilia wiv^ 'IH unl itbnuffu IUB 1or n p.irliole, nnd Tailed to betrny by tinmovement of a eiugla muwlo that hu wmill interested. After coiumouilntori-rcuiaikslo tho jury by tlio jtidgo.undtJioirdiKpho^Ihe uccpusnry impora \rcro.nt once mul0 pi

lulling of Smith to tlio Xuuutio Aa;ofteTUoon,

Oot. 8.


CUL'llT AKll HOltfelliiif^fc,';'uuL'tnurL-sfMiTret.1:^" ""

L. n. Sim; i s 20 onAli'Sulliit'l (illlmid, 20 UlIU'ii-r-oii,T,04hnn;r, '

U.IHCO., . 11 00

,T. fl. Ilfni A Co.,


G. Eminent

riiEKUDLmiiui' &i:mn;Ea. E. (.'. Willti j milPi' E.

C. Wilk-t nud llnul, ;

at AOK. lonibUic . ,1876, • SI 80

AllH-rt Oinnc; onlcrPeeklnm and Crnlie, . .

C. Will. t and Hunt,fro 111 Mnvgili 10 Aucfllli.l1-!*, ISM

Jonntliniil'ilncvinriinrCftitiplw 11 nui/mnoT,rrirni J nm 8d lo Julyftli, J«7, n o o

Qii»rtr-rl> mi>etitig J or- - .licrot Hoard, 6! BO

15. L. II. S'uririfc; oriior 1

W PLACE, MORRISTOWN,Oonsunieri IBTB 10 pe r cent, iu tl ie pu rebate of . the '


Trout JiinnJ.Jj to71b, 1877,

H i b•am •II.


Angtiut s ib . H.Mni.;l1 C

8. r ••' Lnni - mido.,

iiL-ptt 2(J[li. AH.IM U, lUtlibui

Octoliuf 3.1, Natlmn T.idd; ti

JJi'til'it,l U n" ' J t t !

Aug. B. T. D, ft O. W. Tuiiikln»' oti!er Huwi

15. TJtemlorol)Toronler Iloulii'r, _.._„.

ami I3ul.lrin,


' 2 3 DO

it00017Hi l ! OU2470


, i flulilrfn, 2!1tb6M. Hulncy Collins • nr-lor

1I0.1 <nrar Mnirti Hltll iWDOOct. 10. itltlmrd Ooln-i Iy; order

L l h [ l i l J l k


* n . W . Tonlordo., TUS

UKKllUttV. TOWKHBIP.t, 13. Edwnrd Lutoe j order •

ritiivynudoamptioll, 10 S3ai . l 'oUr E. Cramer} or-

iler Rkcltenccr andCimpLjoll, USEDJ0I10 iKiftry: onlor

<3 Campbell, S3 M

Cim21. J0I10


apt, 12. John U'cljln; ortlor. ])e«her and lUjfl, 1EOO0

' iU. William II. Hftra. or- - .

October 8. Juhn rTnhin- nriior 'U other, llnys, Camp-

•• 'belt and Pitney, 203 03; SI O P O . W . OrooniFooil;

• order " Soaker und. . Hay*.

3. Tbumaa Ken rim ; or-10 0D

Aug. 8. niohurd II, Btenlione:: v onler Wolt tad BiaUU,

Sept. 6. Jacob M. Woolsteu :rtrdcrdo.,

,&, It. 11. Sto^ioni; order

BOO: — - r . 471




A jutuiber oi priscoois roceivaJ Honleuinolnblo aiuoiiB wlicm wuro Charlca WntfionmJ Burmird Hulvey who bnd plead gnilly

1 fllina raiirond braiwoa. Wulaon roeelv-od onoycnrnnl Mulvcy, ono year nnd nhnlf1 the Slate Prisoa. Ghnunu, tbo foigor,iut Beatencoil tu fmir yenr'n imprisonnionL


An Jnilffo Dnlriin]i]u In compelled next'coktn attend'tl iaCatut of Errors nnd Ap-

il« nt Troutoii, tlio trial of Calyli "or tho imirdor of Ira Colo In, set down foT^ucwiny, Deo. 41b). As .Jwlgs .Dalrimptsill then bo In nlteudnucQ on tho SUKHOX

Circuit tlia trial m i l ho before Jodgo Heed,who has consented to try tho cnae,

, N E ^ U I I , HOT. 2Gd., Ifl77.'MIL Enrron;—7li>:u<o &a

Uiattho totter beir iag my n a n -- bed by Mr. Fodur, vrua done without

ny know|oiTno or cotutoitt, I did not sup-ioao U wotlid (iml ita wny in p r i n t , Neilhtiio % ivinh my iiojiio lmeil aq an n(] vert lain gledimo. YottiBrafjieotfnllv,1

leport of the Collector of ihe

County of Morri from Aug

1st, 1877, to and incluumg

October 31st, 1877.

l a t l OaehonhuidBBl(^po^^ $a,oo 03^

seoliai, Caliaotor tt ^*an on TOTOsh u, ion *

Aug. 8, June* 0. Mullen, bo-, tnoon UnrrlB nnd

Union! onlor Diiofeir,Hnya, Sturaia, Mills,

: Cliovo.vatnlPurrott, giB 1 3B. John Mniwolt; onlor, Uturcix, Mills, Ohoruy

' ;ndl 'a r rol t f • 1S3 608. J. ' II. OHborn ; ordor

Stnrgla and Mills, at ina W n l t o r B n t l j t

<l«p«lnrfitiauJ JSopi. 5. AlHul»m llatlox

d f l d h fOct. 3. l^^ia KnlcliM, or.ler

17. Joul T. JloLout j ordermiirclii and Mill*.. '

17. Qco/L. Hull, Arairiue,

TOWLIOT i niand Mills,


JErFBltBD^f.l.,Clmrlf« ' Darcnport} • -

anitir lirawu IQ-1 OU-Itnd, . q nn

8,ff. p. Winlcrliottoni:. onlor llrown and QU-

„ . . 'and, , 4 f i nSept, fl, AtiL'inlns nnrutfiupli;

' orilor Brotrii nnd Mt- -' • '

Oct. ]0. Jollif W.^IRCHC ; order '" °7

Brown 11ml Ollfxnd, . SISOil. Jiroiro B. YouiiB • or- ' .• '

PEQtMH>B. I S . J o h n P . Bli


29.1'oU-rn. Mead; ordor10 00


3 00- 'Kl.Gcnrgo B. Oam

ordfirdo.,. 31,N. M. Uwne;

(inland. Crane, aor-wood, DeKow »nd J l - ' ' .

Sopt ' i a . Jo lm'F . Vmtr ortlet W ° ' ° °flltlnntt umlUslinw, 1J054

Qcu 17. Tunis Ity.-rmu; or-lcrnilluniUiiilDoUow, . DO 83

17. John P. Stoaoe; ortfcr :

17. AbBotalni"ao?h|i!"or'ilfr B S 0 0

Ullland ami ODBOW, ' cj QQ17. Waller Uott; order

(lillaml aud Dnllow,' - • In 0017.John P . m i l : prdor -

amantinadDcbuw, 175 80



aDoBo^r, ..

QillandnndD^BDw, , ."

,ug, 8, Jerome J). -Yopaa; or-

•Inajchlin, " *" : °"torjt. E. £|,tih& Mcrtor; order



• ' • • ' . • BOCKlWiT T0W»pniT.

IR.B. l i v i d LaBh: ordor ;CwtrMi tudVigxI iu .' 4 CO r-

rl.13. JI. U. Bovetoisu ; or- . ; . - . .- -dor do., l 100M

27.James Mnrn ; order . •-. Corlriglit, and Wlgfflna ft 00"

LOG. 52: If. n . Brcpiien*' order '''- 'J, C .Wulofand Ap- ••••>. •— ' . . i,-;.- • • 783

V \ • <irder J , . ..nml Apfileglt, &J50

• WitlcViintt AppieBUi:Bf MiiO-

17. RcralioiiW.Klnpioraor., WliloUnriApphfiit, 03 00 •

ID. Hopler Jt Tharp; orotr ."ffilbt nnil AuploRlt, 39 75

1. Kcury DoerinK! orilarWillrii ind ApplcfcH, 2i $O

1. Vmnk K.-UATIR; orJw'WUIotindApplogit, - 35 00

• • . ' • . • . • , v • - . — _ . . j

• -1 • TJiciutOTpK'TOirNDtlF, 4 r -'-:

i t 10. Freil. Angir; ' o r t r r E. : •'."''. C. Willot udBui)i]t<< 11 00

17. John OMflner; ordor EC, Willut Btid Hun t , ' . U 00 ,

'. Proa, ^pgif ; order B , . , . ; ; - ," """•it»DU'.BIi«lleu-; " " ' "'

J'.;in'2C lu AUK,•JOlli, 1H77, 6*76 ;

OIIOVOT fi.d f'arrot, . .rriuu (Jiit 12lli. 18)0, .ti>4ng.7tlj, 1377, « l

C0NSTAI1LK8. ~T~-Od. 15. Isaac Kinnicult; onler

F.A. isaHorl, . . , > '

ffWOOI,OilQ ()0

UR. 8. Oco. W. Ilnnt.WaBh- .

JIKISV-Miirdt, 1X77,' 19•topi. 20. IAWIH T. JUDMI: Uliat- -V

irim. Jlur. tHTG {tirdcr = -' Liuo «nU Uyram, '-

O c l . i l . L/i ' .Jaiirii . Chathum, ;

Lum out! i i v i tn , 7


\u«. l.fFiUfain S.EAfton, tj

,i « «jais;.-a22. " • " 7 bill, ; aj

Sc|it. I i " ' • 9 bills, .MM, it

2B. " " '; aOct. a. C. B. Oaco. ' ft

11. VUlluJI J. W O N , V H

one. They find it a GBEAT BENE^IJ1 and'pdsitiiia pleasura ft,' . . - . r . , > ; - , • • • • • . / . • • < . i V ; u s a i t / - 1 l U s c o U e o t , . . : ; ; • . • • • ' . - " : ! . ; . • •. ;

EEVEEX KAEREL IS' ' , : : • • ; ' • • ' - . J J ' • • " ' . ' ' < • • ; • : • • • ' ' ' . • ; • • ' : c .

All are BatisficJ. / Also, tho best csnorted Btoci of

GROCERIES of all kinds, \/^*f"'.r- •FRUITS, ; ; g : "

of every doBcription, io . , i c , Ao. Call and oiamino (or j&u


\ t l j i . l .Enni O. Build,. c»»o r •Klofln Hmith. . i36

Cot. 8. 0. » . Caii,-, lUn^oliih. 'Cntlmrlne Kinfr, 00

1,. (i. It.ithbun, oasa H,Mutter, ohathara, g

24.E.O. l l i l ikni 1 H.beimire, Boonlon,

81. A. O. KmbJwn, Tliw)tvnu,(Jh»thaui.

B. IlrDirii, joLu Cuou


Otdur Htato aud Oounty B



i ts 7s ; 51}

J o H t l i u n t n e v , polioy, A u g ' ••!'

Gth, I C TyD ' j^* !™ I" | j t 1*."; j»»»i(IIILT.H CLEIIR AND BtionraiTg. .'([V<

Au?. fB. Da rid ..,from April Sti to A

1H77, b ilaya, , .' • 1(Oct. 8, B. O. CanBoId, from Jane ; .,im,V

BftptC. Nat. Iron Dank notoj Jans i- .( i , 1B77, ^ (. <( 110,00000,;.

Out. 10. " ' " ' " " "'• ;

3^5^TAT. '.•"

Aug. 21. Dlnonmit 00 0 monlnoto, (2,500 •

Sept. 6. " •''.' 4 i n o n l U B i . -• . • noteoU10,000.- ^ .\i3S7a ;. •'!


si :• ••

INTEREST ON.SUItPLUBOrdororL.17. . ruurl ier ,_Cbi

8«pt. 20. Jfhma Latrr>*tiot>,'(iDctor.Muiidlinni, ."iltmr P : Morrow, do, ;Ohathnm •..;..,',

H.U. Ueuker,Treu>dre!<MorriaEd.lioard,. imw •

Oct, 3. Louis Kuiohnr.Collcof-J

15C1IJ:\, •


; f c i - _ .M a b l o n U . U | U U . , W , , , . .

OIITL', ; • •• - . •• '/ VBti\f>r ••DoWItt 0 QuIiJby, doA ) '

iunovrt] .; . J3U4ji

- * \ •%£$"?.,. .-Jl iBtoo, " > r j J128I •••

?'to'«SS«i!i'Cp!lepL B. Hnmmill^.Mlllr, "" i . /* ; . , 1

. . _priuttnj ropqrj. Jlr- / :.-:•-•—vdwPtorwn 2o1*c ?&':•£?•

.;•««}« ulSS?^Mejb.pjtt^j'jf',1-;;;-/..,.-"'

. JoUnW-JirinntijTO^J'. .Si i ic i . - 1^ ' ;^ , ,

,10000. ..

( " M i - ' • • " . • •'-'

f—*7« BO


(.'•.; •- .. 3M23t- . - • "> 8 «' ." 7'l.ODOOO-i'."\ *-.. "J«i

. r » / » M B , i ! ' . • * < - • ' - ?i n a t i n d Dlicount,' ' '•'•' ssreit OT BorplOtBflTonuo,; j , •i.-^iJoiMKoll^mrai,-,.,;.-.i-; •,y>jt -M :.v ..>.7ITMU (nr^Dlr.-,,,. ,.,rv.\; j jU JA . ; , . M « «

JPark Place, MorrbtqWn, N. J.

c-Eeceiyod to-day, direct trom tho Inipdrtsrs, -th&'finest HAVANA

OIOAES; cUdiceBt flavorB; splendid goods!. • Gire .them a trial.

Morrlstowo, October Bth,\AUli*. JliUUVt' JMVlllMlU 1! Ui All

1, loTT-W' ; ' } • ' , ?'.: ;-i\-rLs?;:\i\<}:*x:\-l'-.-:>>f-:. !:*'••;; •-.4WiW




ioy^TiaVq juBtjireoeiye^fdrSi'MKO imcl.SujratEn,-dompriEdiig.eyerytbingLT.>'newancl.3eairab]o-for(]adies wear. A. complete new stock of - .

OOFEEES, 5:4- i-l:,::-Mmja a flno«iodk ol FINll^GWPEBnsXSltlCil


^ ' : . ' ; BOOTS, '

Of Uio naw a ^ e d " s W p ^ Homi'gBois.lBitoes'ond' Pl»;ds nj •!$18.Boan(E8B Smis in everj'TiiiidyKiiu tJ to $20."lAm», «U

?rasoj!'Ati)KiiT:aiid,C[jrAWi.Ts, in Dingonnls COAT ^nJiTOaT, from $10 ..H 417,•' EToryiiirtiole^tiibwji to'tiie trade;^.,-,y Vji>4''ti7rfV>"A^T:'": 'Xk>\'

_ 'tjAit'iP.iBiiKiroii^Tint ivo will mike toy GAEMEOT TO OHDEJRjit a I O T HOUES'

".. - NOTICE, ! ' " - - — ' — : - ! - -I—I- ' . ' • : . , :

Every1 (Article'"' k amt-mf^mmmm, IM mm " * ' mmmrm. • P » — —. I m, m ^^_ • « —*- - j ^ [ ,


• housa W21 ta'hnppyito.eei; his_&enoo a

Page 3: Mn' · roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store and National Iron Bank.) DALRYMPLE, JLHS J»F0TBSUfi7. MSTOWN.N.J. DIALER 11^ f AND, MEDICINES, HEMICALS, 3 STUFFS, D A1X eutlcal



Sunday School Exhibition' . 'On lUu n (,'Iit of 'LimnkHHi»ing pay '

lu ilie IHmJtwi U Slreet V- K- Cburch;

Tbn.TiliO' uc»' i i TlimiValrlug. : '•

< ha- T.iim lin» been ap|cink*dposliniwWi

'*• A m w mUrondtiiie taWa goeaintoufl«:t

Mnrvin Hunlon in rebuilding liin house iGoldea Ooniora. ' ;

. A MetliodiHt Society haa' leea organizedby the colored peoplu or Bdsidere.

Ex-BIayor John - -faquM, of, Boonton, ro-movfi thin wcik to OokUnd, California.

•':'• 1 luoduru ''• ilton will Iccturu iu Mgmntowu' Tlnn'BKivliiB 'ntglit. " Problems of Life,

A wag nay* my* tlint CousreBsmau Culli- Is at the liead hf the pmnpkiu seed burtai

Extra meetings will Lo held every eveningnext week in the McFarland Street M. E.Chnrch. ' ••-.-••

: ; ApI'Iunt'on will Ve made to the Lrglsla*!' taIrt'penl t ie act odd supplements inoorpor-

ling Boonton. . •','/ ' The County TUmtA of Exnrahiew to exam--'; iua(cnudidnU-a furTiiaulicrWrtiflcal• In Dovor to-day,:

Jlr. S.'. 8. LiadHlcy delWcrsatemperaueo, lecture in the McFnrlau btrott SI, E. Church' - next Fridty evening.

OoDgrcsimao Cutler bos sent the Protection- Library 18 addltlouiil volumes, for wlilch tliocompany returns tbanka.

. ' Mr. T.P. Qrandln,ofSlftnhopo, hi

. tllB Fowler House,,at I'ort Jervw, aud "willtoko possoBulon December let.

W. 8. BRbbiit has 2 lnrgu oaseE of Canton' flannel Vfhfeh be sells fur one nUllling peryard.' Now I» Uw ohaneo to buy. , ,

;' ; A oino-pound land-looked enlmon waicaigh reoraUy in an eel wulr in the Dala-

. waro river along the bordurs of SUBUCX,

Ladiea1. grntu', youtlm1, boys'dub or anyofrerrtylecf akntentBony'iihardwaretitorcat id's low price*. Farts of skates also fur-

• A Union TUanlififfvingwnloe will lolirfdIntho Proabyterlan Chitrdi at Itockaway.The Bornion Till bn preached by ltev, Mr.

. Thonws.Mr. Conrad. Foppouliiwen, who hue Ira:

meniw Iron in<erentn in this section, linn fnil-tri. His liabilities amouDt to three amU half

" j i n f f l l o H . * - ••••;• • r • ••

New DOTelHes In Ladies' QIORIIB urn rncelrefl weekly nt M. H DickT^uy • Ai>.

, otherlircelotffM opened ycatetdny. CollMai seo them...' '

.The Meudlnm Library : Amoo'ation,\ -througu tbo influenw of Mr, Beajty, lias re-

odviid a donation of about' 140 ^yoliunn * '•'.- itaniardyprks. , '7'.'.''-:\;: r ' ' . / ",'•'-

A doua Jon visit will be given by the la-dies of the Uuiun BchoolHouse, tortaebBt of tlieir pantor, Her. Mr Thorn**

ig- orening, NOT. 2tUb, at tbeof Chileon D; Ourterline, If tW oven-

lag proves Btonuy, on. t l ientit lair evening,II are cordially iuvlted. • 'Wo are tola in Huly writ that " Cie'k'ulineu

is licit to QotUineBB," BO it becomes the dutyof every one to carefully guard thenuelvouintins respect, aud they cau accotuplish thoScriptural iujunetiori in no better way thanby wring Tonpklns* boaps, which urn the

at iu the market lor all purposes of oleai.ll-

Suicide Is ofteu committed by Individualswho do not tuts proper precautions lo keep

fr fikt warm and dry. ;'1 boy t-au alwaysdo this at a very little "cost by consultingWright & Iloitil, the popular boot and shoe•ultM, whn hnve! revolutionized tbo boot

nheepfold or J.'W. SfttapBon, rn.'West Blnck.-weUBtreot,;V.iirt1Jio badly" mullkted elguf

• A UcionThanluigJvlngaeH'IdB.wIllbeheldIn the- UoFkrlu ot. Metbodlot Church nfit

.T>ur8dHy;itJnVcl«]k. Bw.'-W. W. Hal-• "yny, Jr.; will preocli tho Bennori,:.- <V '/ - • . ! & . H. n . Btiger, of Uie Waveriy Hoau,

Mudlson, Uui leased the U. S. Hotel at Mor-l i iD lt' ffjBtown, and wUl tffie p

•: "Sa la sold to be t very popular Bonlftua.The colobrated Bnall famOy.wiU glvotheii

'eoncfirtln Hookaway on Monday eToning..'" neit, in the Mr E. Church. "All lovers of. flraUcksfl music In thai (wclioa iriU of courso':•• boprosenL . . ; t , ; - ' . ' . ! " • ••• . Mr. Btephen I),' Cooper, o prominent olti-\\ ;'zon of Denrlllo, aiid fnthor of Aoseiublypian'k Cooper, dlod on Tuesday evening, of pnetuiftnOQid. The funeral will taka place Unlay,

&.;-\ Hiss Lizzie - AnnltaRe haa t engaged in tboVdrcBS and cltwfc making buslnuw, ntthe \<laoe' > ( , her father,l Mt-Marahal Annitnge, on'; niackwall sfroflt, and will pltasoioll tho ladlesii'v/hoinay favor her with their custom. •\•'".- MeBura. 0. Minn ft Co. have opened ft BC-• .^M and iobaoco etoro in the plaoo recently;!oonipiedbyWeJflO,cn8uB«ex street,; They

:• linro stocked it with a flneaaBortraont of to-and promise to do a

„ ; Mothere should give Hodcror A Deagan'i-stock a careful examination before they buy

-'''fllsQwberQc' -"Wo/alm to-hoop-a completeiriock or the bad and most desirable. Winter

; .wlool ahoe* tbat tha market affords.1 ; One" Hrlal is all wo nsk to secure Vottrcnstom.

. ;:Kev.T. ilogan,' of Newark, :wW delivbrhlH lecture on the " aiorlea and Sorrows of

, •. IrcUnd," in Bt Bernard's OJicrch, Mt HopB,&-.ll»t 10 o'clock on the ingmlng.o*. Thankflgiv-f'' Ing Day, insteao of tho evening, as previoos-iv j y announced.,! The orator, and the Bubjoot

/ ahoiild draw a crowded; eudience.;' ,

';'.: One hundred deaUiB per week in New York:ana Brooklyn from diseases of UutbioatandlungBl Is It not awful? Yet the XXCoughHymp taken In Umo would - prevent sevon-eiBbthBofthatfrlghtfuiinprtallty, Naooughor cold can reriflt thisreniody.: Samploa 10<y

. flUmore>,6oncert InMorrletpwri on(!Joo.^jtyeVeniagwaa attended by aboat 400 poo-'pie, among whom was a delegation c-f aboutM from pOYor,\ who yrent thither and re-tiirnedoo a Bpeeial train BMorodby Mr.LB.Jqlley,of the MftnBion House. Hadthhtdol:ekillon boon tokeo out tbo parquet wouldjiart looked Tory Blim Indeed.

^ ^ ! ; \ V o understand that an « p l

n tho King tnina on Mine Hill hut Saturday'•night,' which eerfoualy .injured two miners,named Birmingham and Cunningham. Tlioy;%entback to look after*blast which Iirnljn[esca,>hon it went off. .TVe.lcara that ono

;: of thorn, received ihe fared of tha' explosionin his face destroying his eyes. -

:Mr.IinO.!;thlB"woekcut achcsUiret tree upon bis plaoe on Mt. Hope Avenuowhich produced the largest: log everaeonhithin flection; - I t wan ttteev fout long, flfiIn dinmotor at iho base, andthiee feet Pt thitop and weighed tan thousand no.?, thr.hundred pounds. Mr. Sam COBS tool, itMdjso'i saw mill on his heavy truck, and

BallAtteu i i

At * olli^rt O|iuru HouseOn ThaukfigiTinn night.Thursday next.

Bead " Cheaterfiild's" con.mnnicttions on

>Ir Balniou lias announced hin decision tooo .trnt ih • H a' of Jlr. Cooper.

DUrlra for 1878, .from IS cents to H.00,can now be hail nt a. II, lireese's.

Do uol neylcct a cough or cold but go atonce and buy a b tt:e of the XX Congh Sjr-up. It UL\er fails.

Hoy A ticket for tho flro laddies Thanks-vivg hall aud ihen yo and get tvlca tha

Wortb of thp price in onjoymj&t.'

W. 8. BubbHt, or Uorristown. receivedthla week a car load of goods; they are tilcheap at tht> people of that section know.

Kodercr & Heagnn Seep for sale every.thing to tho halhur line from fine Sundaynaif boot* aud shoes to the heariest kip Bto-giu. or rcRnlur clod siaiubtng plow nhots,itpriceM ibit tbj .piiblia cauiiot fail to ap-ireclate

Haili'mxe, tlie AViirron Hlreot baker, saysif dne« tint pro;io e to give bread uvruy»it will (tivu nt nil hia cnatniuun lonvm of'11 nvij(lil ii'. d ii e, ami of UIQ bn t qtuUity,

Hid even tbint- iu the bukt-'nt Hti* at very

Alidy U'UQ. Intoitor>tintliiif tmvu n

dragft-w i)ay» ago nnd

.u leu Tho [mlitBilniBs ihey dltln't ne\l loi tiud

n ihu s i mo HU\ •• T i« I>dy

uujurwlooj it aud r*rtitdd to a

UR. EuiTi'h :* I't UnyM gone by your news-paper was rt'pnvcnted from this place by aotirreT.i>on<leut. und if »nr memory Btrvaa usrigtit, aud wo Ihiiik ittlocx, Here was Homeoomroveniy iibout the jinipcr epolling of Iniumf; Bouie sjiellinii it 8 longutu, whileothon tontm Unit that "Bhouignm" WM thecorrect prouunciutinu. But whal'n iu auame ; Wf not ki ow wtiuthor Itwtut'•olded which wm uurrtct, but we Mill une tLold f luiilmr iiume of H! o-igum, wid uLu]vontiniis to do so i-erUpe uutil, (like Cclambia), we g<t a "jtout office," thenUll whatll liaj-paa.

Thj .vnuug puvplo of this vicinity have orgauixula Boclety known as the "Bhongnu.Li er.try AMOchitiuit," and tliey adhere tuthe old way uf «i>c]licB i t Tiieir objuct Uing to p

i geiiUrUiuUMiLU far Ui»


•njnymtnt 'Mid profit to its mcnibon., nndintend to "wett 'round" at the different pri-vate bocset.

.Thuirurgnnizalion (ook plnce u few week*ago at iho liouw) of »n old fricud,' Wiu.Qiiimliy, wbun ilie folltwiog. ciflwts wer.

M , Mil* E. L. Cutlur.. 0. P. Cnrtiu; Commit-

toe or Aria .gmeuta, ilro. Joaepbine Quimito A.v.r-, E .L. i ' . i r, Mr. J. An

' CrtHferlliie, Q. P. Uurlia aud Wiu. Qiiiniby. Tlia Lut meeting was livid at J. Aurlrtw CuKttrllue'it, »nd it ita s i u wna aujcriterion one would HtippoiKi Sbougum quin

large [iltioe; nily-ouu bolug prcuuut. llu

I hoy a B "from near aud from fur;" Frank-ii. W 1 .ii. Uruvu, aud even Brooknide be-

ing r pW. H. Wrijilit, 'if organ tuning Innie, who

Iri nuldora wrong, wiu Ibete, unil be not oulybrought bis wife but iil*» oue of bis organ*,

theru being SOT, ml profvs»on> prtsuut.Iheru WUH uo luck of utuie for tho ocoiniou.Itev. Mr. Fuiglus, who enjuya a Hnokl gather-ing at Uiiu kiud, wt wtll nu the rod aui) guu,bauured tha wwielj' with hin pnmunofl.

Tue euUirtniuuiHut cnuuintuil oIUBIC, cliandux, taWwuii, etc, und cum-judid wiiti iuBiruuiuutul mttoiobyV S

Wr .h t

BLktnnry, "Fnilh, Hops and Chnrlty.'.<*m JUH. Quiiuby, Jeuuy Vnil, Vtrotw; IUud.ib'. - W U J I I buy a Bachelor?l

; b yO. jP. Curtis; Tnlmliiry, •'Devotiun," Mlw

CiwluilIuK ; P.mtinuiino, "LOTD inAn

id RIIOO business in this section with tboaid of large stocks end low prices.

Ouo of the warmest articles of clothing,ltd liioht convenient, is a cardigan Jacket,id Thou. Wnieli.thu cloth I er next to Urceso'aink store buy* them dirwt fmtu tha nian-

ufHcturer, and in thi-rufore enabled to sellivm cb;iipir than any other wsUibliiliuienttho town. UuduMhirls aud drawtru lie

Boll* for 4(h:ts. for a whole suit. Beat thin if

Even if you do not desire to dauca you,should procure atlckttfor tho Steamer Com.

iy cn.Tliunksgiving night, whichwill bo ouo of the bunt ordvr<-*d aud most en-

jable affaire of the klud held iu our towna Jong time. By purchasing a tlckttn will aid a worthy abju-ct, and atuistthose

whit ere always ruady to contribute to then of tbo property of the. town.

A gantlemnn who was in Monintotrn, andFho rtiuides in Dover, said to us hut night iI waa pant W. U. Babbitt's etoro yeiU-rdny

and they were opening newgoodd. Iitopptdto look at them. X was shown eomo.llur-

rcttas for SOcU. per yard,. flanuels for Sets.,yard wide oambrlo for 8ctn- per yard whichthought so oheap tha t ! purchased eome,"

r wa will respectfully inform our readersi W Sthat this

yto bay, viz., atW. S.

bu»li," Quiutby. G. I1. Curds., iWtll. Qiiiiuby; Houg, "HIM Fntlicr boonH f t ? " Minecu Culttr uud Qnlmliy, Qiiiiutty, uiualu u>- HIUIHOU Avt-rnjt^iJing, ' Viilon- IMoli," Miw llutl.r;iiuMdc,—Cnxinet." MLuta, V'il aud Cutk-r.ud Will. Quiuiby, 0. P. Curtis «nd Cburley,' CW*dv»U niD«io by W. S. Wright,The eveuiiiR van mild and lovely, jutii

iltnble for the ocomlon, enpcciitlly fortuoauwho bml to r!H»» til Iironknida. Aud ull en-joyed IheuiKvivtH boiug wt-H |il«iBi;d withthA first (nteruiitimeiit of their newly orgim-

Boclely, nlnl 11ioiue hoMtnud hrmtewi,1'Audraw nmllii" i^uU l.uly a<» uut tlu-

it dUenmfllluJ wllh tb.-ir ovur fl^wii.g IIU-uue, but will liiBW WIISFIMHU uxluiig ui>

they could get iu. If tbiu is a fair preoureorof Ihu eooioty, we tuny eipoct many pltuuuuii

i the coiulug wiolur lu aud

ibotit 8n<iHouu.

Anotlier Success-

Babbitt's, Morrifitown, N. J.

Any one doubting the remarkable curativepowers of Camphor Cream' will call on Mr.rno. Greek at Vonnotta Station. Bead hip

iL Ha Bays: "My knee woaeeverelyijurod'in a collMon on the Lehigli A 8UR-

ahanna B, B.p and for fl years I couldBcoroelygetupanddowneUirs. Alter try-ing vorioun lUilmenU etc., all to no effect, Iwas urged to try Camphor Crenm . Idid'flo.Apulicd it hot, rubbing ft in thoroughly.and

3 my great • aBtonjshinRnt after a few nppli-ition* 'itu» entiroly cured.".Mr. 6Iacfc,of TJrakeville.but recently livingiChoator occupying atenement property bo^ngingtothe Cheater Iron Co., near theItondf, whllo digging a small holo in which

) sctabarrol for seajding hoga, dag upihat was apparently a few buttons,"'.which

ho gave to his children to play. wltb. Hiswlfo'fl curiosity induced her to clean themwhen thoy having the appearance of silverMr. Slack went back to the holo and dug formore when ho waBrowardodwlth a "whole

" as ho oxproMed it; Tbay were allSpanish .coins i dating from 1787 to 1779.There wora three kiodsrepreseiitlng one real,tworcalsand eight reala,:or one ghilling,two Bhtllinga and one dolhur,.'Itis supposedthM ?4r. ,Sl«.ck' Bocnred ft hnndrea dollars orso, | u'Uii'nTa'uitre gows work;:aahabveryroti^toC^'iln.S. found no woodwork or any

Complete and flattering as was tha Hiiceeuof the firxt entertainment giveubythoYoungPeople's Union of tbo Pmbyturion Church,the second entertainment on Tuesday even-ing last exceeded it. The audience wasagain a fine one, and heartily appreciated thegood things jircparLdforltseujoymBut. Thoprogramme WSB opened and closed by a strongchorus of the numbers of the Union, each ofwhich were effectively rendewd. A pianoduett by MIBKB Enima and Addle Uuduleyand a piauo wlo by Minn Annn Burry m>t thorow&rd their excullcnca merited, nud a fluteand piano duot la Travlata* by Mr. Boep-per and Mrs. A.'O. Smith, received an en-thusiasUo niooBE, which raiilted In the ren-dition of "BobinAdafr" In an equally effect-Ive manner.-„ A selection. ."Waiting," forVOICB, piano and flute, by Mrs. J. 8. Treat,Mrs'. A. Sinith,aiid Ut. Boepper.wna also re-dclved with "evidences of the hearticrt np-p I V I "Ilaven" as ft qunrtetto, b j

MesarB. Treat, ircOraoJion; Halrliouso andGngo, was given with a happy effect, andMini Sort'Ovflrion'B flna voice appearedsweeter than ever in a solo to which it eeem-ed particularly adapted. Tlio old nureeryditty,"Where ore you going, my prettymoid," won enacted aud Bung to perfectionby little Stewart Neff and Sophie Koigbbor,concluding amid peals ol langkter and ap-plause, and tho laughable dialogue, " Court-ing Undor Difficulties," by Mini Clara Wolf,Wlntbrop.IUvnoldB and Arthur Oondlct,oon-

u e audieppe w i ^ , morriinent. Apretty recitation by:

' vnB very Hatiafactory t

1 tin /ion !i,a.iket.The EngiiiDuriufi aud Miutug Jo

but week of American pig:itty utar iU clnoe, nod one

hUttiK>iutM iulnudTlie M>iu>ou in

by one tbo

not be rn.cbfd bv vin-.ur, owicg la Uie i

bllity tu ) rtK-ura bouU or ¥Cr*cin. cujitaiiie

leuriug that a change iu- t^mpemtotii mum

IOOU (.'utiic, uu<l |(luit they might bu ttowu

in wuru liiey ta tuke tbe risk. Following

the coujiletu g of itiluri uavij, tit ions.we may mitumlly auticipate quietnets until

tbu lurgs coulrdcUi for 1678 brgiu to It?

iiado. T i U we unuully have lo conteud

vitb, even in betut times, bnt at tthncli

•tave bo demoMl* u,, ifftot, for the fair. »i,

we any Bay, ereu ' f o d bOhlueat tbat hiis

iweu doue this Tall, aud the euconnigiug iu-

uicatiouH obseiv.tble everywhere uhonld

point i on v«rytib<Tttl tmdo In 1876. The

uituulion apptnrs to ho fully compreltandad

i all sides ; in fuot we fear that it is over-

estimated, for we lcprn that eight to ten ed-

ilitional furnRC«s ore just Btartinp, or intend

i go iuto blast; The ThnmnH Iron Corapa-

jbHsjnst slartndntiolLcr furunce, mnlcing

seven on I of thrir eight lu blul . Tbe L.ul

. Irou uud Ouil Cumpimy him al><

started one. Tbe IIUUSCOH that sturt firn

will not ranks very lixryu pro fits, nud we

tliiuk it liotd-r poI,L'> u. wuil until the do-

tnnuds far irou becoma more fully dunned,

than to blow in aud be compelled to bltiw

out ngiiiu. The rink in tno grunt fur the pos-

nible pro i - W.-n 2.QM tou» a i d to onr


Iho no-live cleniitud for iho liebt hmmlsfor prumpixbi'mieul tunblfw thum lo neciire cxtm pri-iwa for tbe muiueut, while BUUIO bxofiirBol.l I.IAOI, tit. lolnkotbem [inut of Ibe mnrkat Wd uotc adieu iu loin nfubotit G(» lousof i r . 1 foundry, and 000tom ol' No. 2 foundry. \\v n oto No. 1

y nt $18 to 810.50; No. a foundry, at417 lo I1B ; nud forgo, SIO lo 117.

Port Morris.Tha fuuerul oi Tjunuui llnggorty wan

Undoct uy »B many AH could get inchurch hint SuuilayitFltirunottut 1 F . I L Bev,

weekly jimJiiclB, it U n quest iopresent priceu can be maintninnd.ri l d

V. C U i u (ircncbcd the luuttal aerinoni the a. E. Ohuroli, at Stnrboiw, and lieim buriud iu tbo now Stuubupo IIuion

otvry. H»|i]\v T. in H v» rtj 1 tliere will lieuo quant-i ovtr Lin etfate ; his cbildnu willnol engugu Hrnl-fluRn liiuy^rs to dUpute tie>r»b»te of bin will, nnd pmve. if thry caa,luit IK- »u.. .ivr. thing llmt u fiillit-r •! to bL— tii lav before (lie public giize hievery f .ull aud foible, liis lrrilubl« 8|H!co]ie«

mouiuuls of piiin, hU vlceH, if bo hnd aTurira btipj-y. uol i ill

yfnutlly phy-hHlcian will (jot up nud swear to tho stat

his internal fliiu'a nflt-r doiith, or how iu llioconfidence of a piitien'. iu blx pbj'Hlcinn be-ing a geiitii-iii'i1, bo Icld biiu Buvcml thiunKU t which he w.niU Imve tuitd uotbing uu-

rlmjH it 1M UUU vt ihb romiwuHaUoiif.hnta tn pour IHBU, that it tluu't \»\y to

bulil pont'inurlbui PXitinlimliuuH on :h«m,ud tbut ns B. geuenil thing, thoit ohlldrenivt-r>> ihoir uicninry whoo they die. ID bin

nt lias', I would rather be Timlimn Carnelinn

0 itupbell,d b

Vnndi t—dead.p p

uin ducr ha a ting, aud brought oiii home on

Wc-i1iic»1<i.v. which w e i r e d 128 po>.ud«.

Dnu't let jnnr c(im]). spell it with an n.

A bmki>iiiiiii, iniuiii'l Mirk Wiinie, got hin

t luaIMI cur mu over it boforo he could

Our big cmO mine him Riven out. "What apity it til'I not go beneath tho nurdice 1

School in oat nguii). A lutotinu; in ta behuld iu the school boiitw Tliuntday eveningfur the piirfKwe of nrgnnieing A winging


the Indian queulloihope?

ndy luiii

Imw thill ilulnitu 01wuu rtcoiilwt ulStno

' D. J.

To tin* jonjority cf thf p-'opl^ of Iblu ODU.try. lh« tltfl'hof a Irieuu1 and «vuii u irtifcgpr. uuakcus nn auiicty to ktow how tbtdied; if In till poiMittfio'i of tkeir focultiiand B renUution of the dri'ad cliaoge, oiid if

are they wniffnud, or did tbeyuiiriuk interror from tho presence of death, i t »eomia great deal utuifcr to jiart with thorn we lovewhen they COB ten) pint© their dihHoluUuuwithcalajnesa, and whtitbtr deluded or not, eaxlook beyond the gloom of the exsve to an-other existence which bogius with tlio end ofthis life and continue* fcrt-vcr, wherein

sorrow, pain Bud death are fe]and feared nDtnorfl,"aud in wbioh "Everiaat-

Lg Spring abide*, andneter fading flowers.No doubt the majority of profewlug mfi-

dels, dehtA, and othen of kindred idea* ci•hare to some extent tbe relief this kuosedge *f frifndu pwudng out of this life mani-festing a meek, calm subiulBsioa to fate, anda confidence of a rich reward in tbe f cluwaffords,- inasmuch as the dyiog leliere in:lirirtlanity, tbough the victim of * stupend-

ous delusion, connifitlng of prjeutcttiftS'jp^rstiUou, loses nothing in clinging tothis imposition in his hut hours, Inhlalastof lift, while the doubt, tliouga inflni-lesiinal faint, Is in bis faver. Buck a reliefamid their deep aorrow was afforded thefriends of lHoliard. Thomai, who disd ai hiarenounce in Cbertor, Friday laut, 17lhfvut-t

and was buried from Ui* Buccasunna M. E.

A FACK vaitb cjinnuinp; featunw may

actually repulsive by blotchos

Gltnu'B Bulflnir Rottp, promptly

all cuiuplnionnl bloniiBhesi

us lucul truptious'of thef&i.i, burua, bruLws,

uddi. Ac, Hold by nil Drug^kts.

HILL'S H J J B AND WnisKO P I K , black i

brown, fifty cents. *7-4w

Trrltl Tryi ' l WJLU . . .r.v1)iiU . LaifaiMlo cure ytmr cim«li, trv Ui. OIH-'K < ild Cherr.vDdtjcmtiKKUiDli will euro youi . on/jL wirb-iit Tall, If neglueltd it ui*jeod iu Cuiiump-on. rricc26anJM)r'«.

ieiu,rcQBK«tbaD)Hh«R mel

itticitj to t•tably caraii

Churoh on Hondty, the 20tb. Mr.bad been nick borne two or three moutb* with

furor of some sort, and in the early• stagesof his iUnoss expressed grout Joy that hiilife work- had been attended to, andthat whether be should recover from bis dis-ca»o, or have hi a life terminated by It, all« u well. Ho " bad fought tbe good flglit,"liad "nuinbbd"hU "course."aud "hodkeptthe faith," and now was ready—in tie primecf life and amid somn of the most pleasantsurroundings—to toy asida the weapons ofIlls warfare and commit himself to theof on uus*en friend whom hohod trusted andserved many years. At ths request of Mr.Thomas, previous to his doth, the Her. Air.Wfgg, a former pastor, preached tbe (mural

which was ene of tho Wont eloquent,and inntruotlve discourse* ever

A TlmeOIunortd Spccldc.—ThD long anailu] career of Dr. WIIHABT'S PIKE TibDUb, • • contraited with Ihe »p

Ilipse or nostrum! dbvold of efficacy whichvo from time to time betn puffed Into a brilltorioty duriojt (lie tweuty odd jrcars tbat

lit eelebratctl mud Jo bo bit bwjn cold, •ffurdiproof ib»t the Amurieju public ocoUnaes to>pos0 Its confldouM In dutorring arllclei oulj,

PiuoTreDTIT OonUalbaa IDOR; been recog.1 as the loading ipeciflc for CutmninpUonicliitln,Coiif>bi<lOoldfl,Abtllnia,Diptlierie

is, moreover, a certain, n«ed», aoif »attlonlo remedy fur UjBpepiia, Liver Dlionlcrt,

'ulnas,Anoction«,lfnnkryIroulloB,Qravr1-t , Uoblllty, Oomtttpation, and Female

_ Jimlnti. ODDltSIltJjaQdUmt]1kiUl1|TVVid&UCfifin onimpcaehtble ctianctcr estsullBlieB thr'•ft tbt; V. uu\ bd'ir ontlrol? t>radlcat«i tliiiscaxes to wbicli it 1B •ilsploa, tut also tint

icliun IH reniirliBb.T prompt nud tboroUftli.iocruciil test of expericuRo Inn demonitritodrolikbility In every parilouUr. Hold b; »li

' ' P.-lnelpal dopot No. 010 Filborf Ht.K rolikbility Irnpttlsti. P-'

delivered from ihat pulpit, takon from Uiefollowhg- teite t " Bui go tliou thy way tillthe end be j for tbou bhnlt rest, and stand intl>y lot at tht. end of tho days." Daniel ill,13. Also, "And I heard a voice from[leaven saying unto me, write, blessed arethe d;ad which die in thu Lord from hence-forth ; yea, Haiti) the Spirit, that they mayrent from their loVours j and their -works dofollow them." Ilov,, xlv, IB.

rroparationft are being male to hold agrand concert in the Buccasunna M. £.Church on Thanksgiving evening, in whichtlio linud will pniticlpato. ilany choice

bten ulected, withtho view toentertain In a pleasant way, all who may at-tend, snd everybody is invited.

Tbo redoubtable 0. F. Maryott, the pos-scasar of that vast treasure deposit hi the vi-ulalty of the old Sbipplngpart mine, lika awise goderal before entering upon nn Impor-tant campaign is making propamtioua for abase of supplies by building a store adjoin-ing bis rerfdonce, on Mauut Sntjio Den, orItvptile Mountain, and with Uie completionof these preparations, the Word of ccmnuudwill go forth, and the hidden (Tenures willcome forth in a way to strike dismay in theheart of one or more residents of Gotham,who tave spoudulix to put into pickle.


ORAM, N. J., UNCALLED FOE. ".NoTcmbDr 23<1,1677. F

<wl> An-Wsotn Willfini J«rae^,

o,8 w T k l


meaUd fiirm of the late Henry 7.

thing'lo B adepoBHory theyi f t

thingl w V ^ p y y'wero'in- Tkjy.were within'aspooe of twofoet^tthViurfaM,:; This In thsoIdBweycoproperty, «nd It is euppoaed th'o:inouoT wooburied during the* Ilevolutionary war or pre-Tiouatothow troqblospine times..

. . . Obituary* ['•• •

Eli W. Osmnn, the editor of the Hack-cttstown Gazette,: died of consumption, Inthat pkoe, oil Maoday hut, aged 31 years.Ho began htstrads as a printer ID tho Ga-totto office in 1802, becaine Us editor in18G5, and soon after purchased i t _ Our &c-qaainti>nco' with htm extended over a num-ber of years,' and we know kirn as on honora-lile man, a gouial friend, and a worthy mem-ber of his profemion. He was a Christian inthe mont thorough noniie gf the ^rm, andIUB poper was an able advocate of temper-nnce, religion and morality. No enloginnis needed to perpetnato his memory, for allwho know his life have tlio knowledge that

is worthy of emulation—a living illus-Uatlon of the precept, ''An honest mnn Istha noblost work of God." In deep sorrowfor his loes we pay onr humble tribute to bin

Bolioway,' wM r e y Hatinfactory to all. Tb»roodluga wejo pf Iho hlghe^ Character, andexhibited an array; of eloouUoniiry (alentwhioh—we eay It with becoming deference—wo do not think can be exoeUaJ by any townin our State: Fint, Kev. Mr. Bolloway readwitli bls'oouiil good toetc Tonny'son's *'Nortb.ern Farmer," in the^ difficult Yorkshire dio-loot Mr^Honry^WcFarlan road several 86-loctloiut froni (lMioi»th," oonduding withthe well-known and niost dlffloult;. daggerBceno, bringing. Into Btartliog "display her

ipau and moiitkUon. of voice. It•'•*•' ~ 1 " H " grand for proper

The snort and whiotle of the iron horse-which ban daily passed aud ntpauod us taopast Spring and Summer on the 0. M. R. R.iano more heard In tho crags and valleiB."Her" gloss and glitter u no moro seen ontha tlea and rails. -*Tliat onoo powerful

steed " so much, admired by our citizens isDW In A diimblad and dislocslcd cpndltipninher " shed at NOIADB1 Point. . But we hope

through the mechanical, if not tho niodlealskill of Mr. Writer, "her"koeper.anddriver,to Bee tbo "old lady" entirely renovated andfit for, more active work in the Spring andSummer of 1878. ' • ' • :

We have been Informed that the house va-cated ft few days since by Mr. A. Smith andfamily, who have gone to Bibarola, ]a nowoccupied by Mr. Joe Walton and family fromnear Nolans'Pplnt.

To whom it may concern). Acbntractbas

been made between M and 8 to Bhslltaelvo biuhela of walnuts for the.ramof100,01 (one hundred one hundrodtbs) of *unit of t^e United B[atcs currency. Personawho pro in need, of employment flllghtdowolltoenqnird'at the office of the ahorenamed coptractpra. Wp toil*, howeyer,that none need apply who arc not willing tawork for ton shillings, onft-Uiird of •. turnip,ono mango and a half pnind of butter per

recognition' at onr,' hands—and reeeived - ahearty rcsponw' from the entire audience.The next selection brought for the fln*Umobefore a public audience in this place the ac-

i f f D ; p; A H r i hp

complahed-.wifeof" L h i

rorth, Rnd. with it 'sympathy lo hU ben

extend our sincere'ved wife and family,

adding the hnpo;thnt,hin. little onwi mayCrow up to: emnlate the ;vlrtuen otBtiehjtworthy father. "We attendodtbo funeralservices on Thnrsdar, and witnessed the

of respect which the entire

pp; A. Harris, whocomp ,

read Scott's " Lqchinvar " in the bold spiritwhich the ; character of Uie poem demands,and coicplBtely captivated her auditors. Xn-ieei this entertainment had been a successhad it done nausM d » b n t introduce to usMrs. Harrii taii her supflrh riocutionavyabilities and Mr. Itoepper and his flute... laall a better amateur entertainment was nevergiven here, and the effort* ofr the YoungPeople's Union wera worthy fif all the praisebestowed upon thorn, and moro.

Anderson was sold laat ThursdAy to lira.Ann Itiley j nna hundred wires for fifty.fiit

per acre, and a separate lot of thirty-res to Oeo., W. Ueals for fifty dolls i

and five oonb per acre. Betl eatate Is surelylooking up In Draketowo. -. . .

Lost Saturday monuDg vbile Mr. HenryLarison's lenm - was croaong ft bridge atBart'ryville the Umbers gare way upaeltlngthe wagon and hurlf ng-the driver and loadof wood into tha branch. We were passingat the time.nnd rendered what wwialunce wecould. The horsea werti wedged in amongthe thubarsonil plank In » fearful manner,.We out away the timbers and lowered thehorseB into the stream, where one floateddown and tho other waded tu the nhore.Though fomDwhatbrnised they did not Memto be seriooaly injured.* Ur.. IATISOD'Slor rendered valuable assistance) he woo per-

fectly coal, and knew Jnet i r W to da.,' This.was a private* bridge of about 20

feet'.'span built -In the Vdayi :-' longsince, and ought to hove.Iwen rebuilt fl/tyyears ago. W« know of iererat liridges'IaMt. Olive township that ai« about as rotien.

• The Port Momt School.In view .of the foot thatthe.Port Morris

nchool cloflcd .BgaiQ-; laat week, It la but jnsttn the school,'tho teaclor and to all concern-ed to snj a foff word* in exph>n&t|pn IV . -:

The lady who hud sparge of (LID BCIIOOI foryone, week',

gtha ptwltion, not :be-

' h l '

dftj.-Tbe services hold in the cburch hut Sab.

bath by the SuccasnnuvFra vlng TAoni, con>dueteddby Mr. X Greek, a man of unusualCThprtotory ablllUee, were remarkably inter,estiug and Instractive. T h e " Band "nanshoe been1 spoken of aa believed to be veryearnest, sincere and familiar with Biblicaltroths and characters. .

The meetings are being'continued withnab&ling interest.

, t c J g p i ,tf nuy broublo in or with' tha school,'

but only on account of - falling health; audflvoDta ha,ve shown.that Bhe aid uot give upany too noon, ns Bhe has since snffbied froma auvere attack of pneumoukand ,!• still l y



nearly half a day -mui consumed: In remove .sorrowing to tinlrit. ' • • ; ' 'community.paid to hU hi

: Another wrgoadiliUon hasJurtbeen madotothe-Wintisr rtoek of elolhing at ThomaB•Walsh' to Breeso's bookstore. Fall andWinter overcoats from $11.00 to $7.00 and

[;-/•'#10.0(5, aU wool' There UnouMindeny-!'' ' ing it-TOlcitbing Is the cheapest article nowjj •" •* iuanufacturcd..,; Kqvcr before ia tho historyit of this country ,have articleB of- wearing ap-^•'.: pard been so completely within the reach ofi : % the poorest, and nuvor before have the rloh• '•'• been ao richly drewicd. •'•',"/•;'''.

>i'.' \\I1'A' lady.racentiy bonght ft pound of too at a••'v ' - drag store not many miles from.Catul strret,V.:-", la thiil town, and was unrpriseil whila "draw-' ; ' inVaporlion'ofltori learning that tho na-

. Uves of China bio: dlsOOTcredthe prooesB;;of.manufftcturfng donblfl D.shot, qqite a1 Euinbor of whleli'soajjbt refiige in (ho-tea-;

•• oops of tha family. • Wbnt chriBttn haihi 'taught tho heathen Chitwo the arts of inod-

^ «m;ciTHlzoU?n?*:'Verilytbe gondailelh".madibflcaaaa'bf Uwmontol diacreponey of

•i•'* tha f-doQaMrooH.'. ... \- •>

. 1 ;Tleadni tpor t Ionorihe Blaeltwouitreot-* H i K Sabhoth'Scbool.Bre preparing an. cn-

'•.V • terteicment "for TbanksgiTinB' uight which.VmteweUflOyp

'', iaay attend. Thejirograninie will M: leadings, rrciUtioaa, dudolrneB, BOIOB, ducts,

' h

leadngs, r , lrqhartette'and \bther' fe*tnro^ and tho finei*

y m'osiq jwill b>/fom!ahod. 1*. the. Buchanan

red memory.

•i : .\.Gr&nct Concert-

A concort "will be given In the J I . E .Ohnrob, Qaccamnna, Thanksgiving evening,Nov. 20th, nhder..the direction of tho CornetBand of that plnce.' The entertainment willconsifit of vooal and iiwtrumentol music, an-them* will be sung, now and choice muaio

n the band ioBfaruinonts, organ, fiuto, Ac

Ur.BAnJamln Spicer, leader, will favorthe audience with Cornet Bolm, dnebi willborendered and a grand choros given, makingan lnstramebtal banquet and mndcol feastBhrpossnig anything ever given In this oom-mnnlty. r Admhurion SI cents, children life.

-' '•" .,.. Mcndham--At the M. fe Ohuroh, Meodham, the Third

Qiurterty'mooting,will be held on Sabbath,Npr- !U>th. l a the evening Iho Bev. SamuelP. Uay, of Sework, U l ' h i H lof P. E. yanhorna. •

On Thanksgiving Doya nnUm scrrlce willbo held by tho ltuthodiuta aud PYesbyteriansofMendham 1 plooe of moetlug, Praabyta-Hon Churoh;. preaoher,, tha JJerl.X.W.Ooohmn. - j

•: Beatljfo., .Our genial anu worthy friend, Mr. A, A.

Drake, of Mt. OUve, made awagt r la r t SntE-mer with an'eqnfllly esteemed friend, 'SqairbN. H. Drake, br Flanders— the stake to heat. oyster trapper, a t .which we were to becounted in—that when the beet crop WASgathered thlii fall he would prodnee a beetthnt would beat any beet t h a t j h o hittercould produce. Both were beet-growers,each bad a crop cf beets in tho ground, nnddotormined not to ba beat by any beat thatthe other could produce, each beat about to

iflcover Unbent method of raising beetB inorder that he might raise I beet that wouldbeat any bent which hEs opponent mightrolHU in his desire to boot him. As • resultMr. A. A- Btake brought into cur office thisweek five specimens of beets which beat ell

h M°n Thoy weigh 9 8J 8J

'Rustfo Poetry by Our Qountry Oontribu-• ••' . tore."

Under this head we open a new avenue totbe inspired youth pf Die country. I t i s aneed long sioce felt, but alaBlnoaoun.tryeditor hi* yot felt hiranelf equal to tho taliof finishing np poetry to order, or of takingupon h[mae)f the odium that wpnld seem toattach to an empirical appetite. In tho longyears gone fonivtr and a day, many a weary

itdulght hoqr'hav* we'(unsigned'to thetuAa bnfilet, and many an ninbltiocs hettrt

have we thusly dealt a deathly stab, .'MakAthem short, lailiefi and jjenlUmen; oi nearlyIU possible like the eiquislte prodaotlon oonr fiiflt page. Thla p«arly drop ofSchooloj'sMountain, distilled by the (Htchcide, asthe writer quaintly remnrku, is about theright site. Ws wish to give notice however,that where the poet kills his subject we ahnllcharge five conta per Une for publication,ihat being the price of obituary poetry.Now we're ready. .

pwe have ever M°n.

weigh 9, 8J, 8J,tl « J7) aud 7 poaiidu caolt, agfirogatlng 40}

tijund*. Tliey were not the common BOgnror cattle beflU either, bat gennise mangels,or tnbie beets, us solid as a silver dollar andas lull or blood as a beef. Ia;order nowlobfi«t, the Bquiia tnnst produce Borne ho'thitlwt wllUleat those beets, or own up beaton ho was never beaten before, and showthat he cannot be beat in magnanimity if beib beat in fcflets by petting up an oyster sper that will beat tbe ba«t&

liig Berioualy ill at the home of her brothei

In regard to Uie ichool, the iaayW festUicny'U, thnt though sho found thoren mte-

ebievoas troublvsoine eleraaiit^ Bbo regnrdoait an for from being uncontrollable and Mtjnnndent of her ability to goiern. it,;%Shefound material therefor a good sonool,oneof which any district; might t» proud,hope the right kind of a^teaohcimayrlMf o u n d t o c o n d u c t i t .1 '-•" %:'I'^K.-?•,:••- \^J'v~-'

Jerome L. Stout has sold luVf arm of 90acrpn Is MnodliAm to Cbn*; Bodim, of Feft-p , f l « , W v^S ft ffiMandhkm RaUroad-cielUnent Mr. I>Knni«,the late owner, bought it for. ^?:,C0O. Tenacre* ofjvood land boH situe been Bold <ttt,

Of All,Jt Is a foot of publto importance—for nil

the pooplo one rabberB-lhat Wright A Hoinlhave*deteminod-ti) soil rntbex boota andshoes at lean than tbe regular \b& price ofNew Xork hoDBeB. They bars «Jao a epjon

k f b i h t k JUons hv

Children's Thanksgiving.The children of Bt, Mary'e School will give

, grand entertainment on Thanksgivingjiglit In Uieir capodaus IW1 near this city.No pain" b > " boon spared by the teachersof the aehool, under the direction of theirHer. pastor, to make this exhibition t> bril-liant incoefls, and we can promise atery iat-Jefactory treat to oil who may please to pur-cbose tlckefa of admission thowto. When

inch time Is given to the'notarial andd enjoyment of this owNaUonal Holi-

day, certainly a little enconmpnent Bhouldto giren to our poor children In their literary endeaf on, Call at St. Mary's Hall onThanksgiving night and you win not regretjour visit ^


The subject of greatest interest »t presentb the trial of John. A, Smjtb nowhiprogrees at Morristown. The accusedwill doubtless have a fair and impartial trial,whioh la the right'of every man thus ac-otwed, »nd U re*Uy huune he ias»ol>4 Inna.tiaasouBbtnottabeatlarge. The pies ofinsanity bas uved many men from Just pun-ishment and set them' at liberty with per.fcctlysone minds after tbe crisis ii post andthey adjudged irresponsible.

Mr. Bkphen Clifford has the store bnil.ilingpurchosed of Mr. Daniel Sowers, thor-oughly repaired inside, and stocked withg o o d s . • •• ' • . • • ' . • • • ' . -

Tbe Fresbyterian society wQUiave on oys-ter tmppcr ai the honse of 'Mr;- HezekiohHopkins, on the evening of ThankBgiricgDay, thB 29lh -inst., at which-good oystersmay be expected at a moderate price.

Sctjnic^'* Fuuipma BIBUF rbn TIDE ,pf OoxBTniPTioii, Oanaas IKS CotDs,—Thogreat virtue of thii raoaicine is that it rlpbnsthe mattor and throws It out of the sysUupurifies the blood, and "thus effect* a oure,._BCHEHOK'B BSA WEED' TOSIO, ron rax COBS


The Tonio produces a healthy acti<_ie-stomach creating on appotlte. fonuinichyle, and curing the moat obatinateof Indigestion.>,y~,'.' . - •'. -SOQEKOK'S; AMDBfX* PttM, T o n n d CTJH2


These Pills are alterative,'and prodacehcaltby action of tbo liver, without the 1<danger, as thoy are, free from calomel,'yet more efficacious in restoring a health1

action of tho liver. ..- . V - -. , ; .ThcHO remedies are a eeiioJncnn for pan-

l>n, asthePuhnoniB.SyruprlpeDsthcand piirlftes AeblfWd, %O Waji-

draka Pills act upon the liver, create a heal-thy bile, and remove All diseases pf tlie b>er,often a causa of Omummptian..: TJib &«WeedTanlo giTes.tone'ana cirengt^t to tillitomacli, makes a good digestion and enablathe organs to form good blood; and,thncrooleB a healthy circulation of lifeaJtby bloo.Tho combined action of these tnedlcmes, oithus explained, will cnre'eVery case ol Con-Humption if taken In time, and the use of tbemedicines persevered In, •'••""• ••

Dr. Sohenck Is professionally at bis priidpal offloo, corner Sirrn and Anon streetFhiladelphia. eveiy. Monday, where all leten for advice nnst be addressed. -

A Punlotmbl* Prlda

etodenictui tb»t wfenee •BbrJi, fto «Tdone««phvtical decay. ;Who tbit Is in perfect healwould not match tho bright ore, tbo Mil

inu. ana other Rppeirancoa of youthful ilth iho lummnce tb rich color'ind b

New Xrk ydid etock from wbioh to make BeJecUons, hv

d f t i j . . .

IturBday, November SOth. boing ft legalfaDlidftv the Pout Offlpe wilt clou at 10-80

The Mails • •

leave the Dover Post Office as follows:Going East leave at 7:20 A, U. and MO P. H.V7est, 9:20 k. u. and fi:M P. «. A doocdmill for New York, aud nil point* beyond,leaves ca the 5:20 r. u. mail fining • WestMaiLt for Ohestnr SnocamnnA and Ironialeave on the 7 901. K. and 3 40 P V mailsgoing East. ArriveatUiIsOffiooatSQU iit Iftjfo for Hurdtown and Woodportleave every Tuesaa and BatunUy at J2 80p i , returning arrireatG OP it. Mailfor-Uino HOI leavea at 10 00 i . M at

bit Is in perfecbright ore, tbo Mil

er Rppeirancoa of youthful vigimnce, tbo rich color.'ind branii r M > a k ' H » I r n a W i t i -

E5^tCimne;ithfnl\oiion0on"th> rpolii not'oa. luxnrianf giowtb or the yoi

'OD'hfnl color, giving„_.-, is ipptwanca of greib»nty. No otfaor'preparation so efibotuall;reoiotus Dandruff or stop* falllnp; cr lbs bsirUscoolfnKsndnealinB iction entirely iiunnifldiinc and humors of tha rcslp aod knoptaetbo skin clean white and healthy It Ii perfeotly hirmlnsii exqnisital norfomra andcuntatni nothing tb»t will *oi|tbe iktn or eaatbeliUr I t U n6t a dye, aud is uucauilcd for

'SP4*??1^ Killtom^fJorer^'oJamlua iV n JeoUn*. 01


Where Help la Ne«ltdi t ILal i-orruwfQl st.go of lire wbou ...HI sud lyaipui have bauotDe ImpoverUhed

rolJ ego (ir di<e*»o, Pirkur1* QlugpiTuulB ft pomrrul invigonni, and 'ffonln juat tinlielp iliRt the Rgcd, the rt*ble, and tno cuu-raleiccnl require, benauie It an.uros porfpot

ge»Uon mu etijujujiot of tbu fuod, i ho blood, and arououa Die iloraimt snurgiithe debillUUd orguii. Wltilo it nevi r lo-

IICAU* narcri'itesnuydcalrc lor i t i m c U tdiffpiei warmth and vigor tliroBfih tbe

«ttje iiipctite, aouibet ihe nolocluilj-. and glvei stieagth U L

e worn out frame. Many oldert ' *Brtics nut possessed bj

thii pkautit romedr.

itticitj to the worntably caraiive proi o e r are addttd ID thii pkaunt ron.._,

i t entirely different from E«»enn> ofr and free from their coiMti puling eflucl.

JT a II battle from joar druggmt, Voughl k[gore, Dover; Oram, Hanco & Co., Torin o ; V. N. Jenkini, Chester; W. 8. Charili-'nc, Jjtmhope, «r s sample bottle i t Ii cliI toit itiextraonllnaryroeritH.

> couKUlda - m-mpiCo;*-1. WildOlKT

e y >ur conirb and

'>On, K bud CUIIRII. tenour nelgbbor -rid jour-

A reform Ii ttie ord r ofa lerurm at onoo by i DiTrfhlSoBuki.wlitoi w

a n d | u l rcfrr

?c nbliln rni.v of Uio BI.OTO lettors aay "ad-Ilied" and glre date i>f ibis Hit.


( t o n rf luiaiui i iKtiucLil inedthePoBtOfflce n i J J o r e r . > . J .

1 NOY*WU !Mth, 1877. .nbn A. Bedlei, : Hit He A. proWp,fliomu Edwards, < Kdward Nflilroro,•rod. Linnenberg, O.A. Hidden, . •

nel'hillTps, . Olln»T

J. Ixiwery, VavttTk^J^'roobliiuanyoftho above lottera say "" and RITD data of tbli Hit. ' '


NOUKlt-YOOHHI E8- Un .Vnvembnr 9Ut,-11, at the M. H l i n mage, by Her. 0 . II.

"' J tor, atd 8»mh Toor-n a . • • > ' • • ••'_,

IETZ-nEA.rLEI—Al tlio M. E. ParsonaRimi the lltb lout., by Itov. H.B, llfloney. Her,Alirahim J. Frets, paitor i f tho M. E.Oburch at H imbnrj, Intl Mies Bliitbetb 0.Hflsdliiy, of Milton, H. J . ' ; •••:•-. •' . .

rEIt-At 1) nvIHe, e30th innt., « m n i

liyeirof hlxRRa

; / . T ? : : .goo4 rollalib pnnon to ilb th« work In „

j . famiijr of l»o Mrsoni neir DuTerv Ap-""" , . , . . ' : . . .,. P. 0. BOX 188, DOVkB.


BlackWell'St., Dover,All work' UMIIJ done, inar th e l.[™i ilrli-

LQi the palnntM ,of thijinbli o lupeotrolK»lloItod.':.'T.1 i. ','r- i'-i't.j-^v •; w 60-lm--;1.

Rooms to Iiet!Bfifo rttotns OV«r. the dj?»r «toro latoljoccupied bj Mr. ffeiw, OD SUMOX itrtol.

is ietjreaionaota. . .- ' •...' v..i O }**&)• si-lX M 0 L L E R ;

i«r,Nov.31th; 1877."..; ' • . • ; ' , : , ; - OO-lf

CASHHOUSE Airoi,qTrNDOyER,ialtiible for* iintli family. .Lot. 60X100 feeti' For farther Inronnatlon on-ulrepf >;>"••' \ ••••• 7 . a . BTOMP*1. ft Oo. ;Dorer, Mov. !Htb.'lg77t- >/'• i - ; / r .^T "•

Morris Orphans'Court.vt^V» ^ ° ! 1 ^ ^ a M i ^ e 7 7 . ^ . \ ( .

i tbo matter of Jnaepb" itodaMr, EieontoiJabnHelal. decetiod;,' ltule'to<ihow can

>hy tboreihbald not be m ul« pf Unila. --fOSBPB liODSItBR>'lh« Exooulor of Jnk

llelnl, late or the County of Morrli,' do-luwd, having; tnado- and u ih lbM' *" thU

3otari, under oubvajust aud true aceIhe penonat'eiUte »nd dobU of s»td duw,f«r t l ha bis been »ble~to,diioover ttaMCIS, bj whlob It *ppeantbit tbe psrsoutleitito.of iil.l Occcteid .it Iniuraoknt to pty

bis Just debtB, :tn« sUtinR.tbat.tied illud nelecd of Undi, teosnenls.' h»r-[itsmenti • and rest'. cstaU,' situato in the

jounlyorMorrw. and pnyitas Iho aid or tbek>urt ta ttiepreraUe* Tberercre, It is orderedIJ Iho Oonrt, tb»t all penans iatorcitedMu thendn' tonomenti k d l t m l a m 'ids,' tenement

nilgai of tbisCDtiti,"

W8Mdecoaiea, 6a appear tiolu

is Coqrt. at the & Km«n Taoaaay,- thp tirenty-i

r? A, u. iflJft, andjjjow O*e'tffay eo pjne'u orlbe said

and - ret, tiolore tbeirt Home,


Eomne'uofioflwid . .itnoqli »pi). real «»l*{p; brlenvmentit; bai

natd deteiiea

. „ E. E. W1LLI9, Sdrroffatc.A true copy fremtha mloulei. ; •''. 40-10

In Chancery, of New Jcrsoy.?o Tloriry 8. Tariiil,*-'.Wlllatii B.'JeuaiORAndrew 3. Mlllipangb, Frederick J. Ooootuland JniieN.Bollc*;.. .••y.y::':%r.'--*'.!"-:.\-\

iY virtnoof *n order or tn't.Oourt of Chin;»'• eery ol Sew Jersey: made.oo'.he J*y

j date honor.inaekuiiawhoreitiHeDrrH'arlan Is coniplunant, and you aod other* aiIpfondsntt, you are required io;ipposr, «i

plead,' answer or demur to, isaieomplainant, on or before tbe ilxtoentn'day iJ«nnii7 neitjor tbo laid bllPwlllbstiiien i

*0The' Mhl'fill ia filed'to forae'loM ft inortg.**ffiren by Minning p. Searing ind wife to i-[dnry VeFirlinr d.iod Anjuii. 1*1,1ST9, .

lands iu ttie town of D^ver, Itaudolph town<•Uip, Morrli Uuuuty, H. J;, which Hortpirrecorded In tbs llorris Ooantj Clerk's 01Oulce!

niiiBfs it]4 Aij~,--. min ^-.----B-?-^-,lerenflintt, k t w i youJoh)[t»M,r.ndnnient anlmt Hinnitinr. Howine, whu• au cnoombrtne* ou,|fld Undijtnd jui~ Bdenck J.CannBntandKcua.N^Bollt>s art.4de floiendanti, b tainnKra ] o l a t l y . n w

erod a Jndfment igunst iali] Haoninz F.Beiritig,wnlehlsanouonmnnnpean saiaUnds,

/ , Solicitors ol CompUlainJ,

Dated KoTBmuer;15tb, 1677. f\ }

ompUIasnt;.Dover, N.

In Chancery of New Jorsey.To Henn B. TorbtIL"VlllUm B. Jennings.

Andrew J. Mlllspaugb, Frederick J. Ooauntmud Jane H. BOUM.. . • ;-...• . - ! « -i-^j

By virtue of in otder of iha flow t or Oh.n-cerj of Vaw.-Janay, m»de «o tlto day i

' i dato hereof, tn a otuwntioreta Penryl•]an IicuinpUlnan^Biiilyaa w ~

dafondRntt jon'ore requiraa to - r r _•iloiu. answer or ilemnr.tathe bill ol n\eompluninl, on or borora tlio aixtpenth daj iJinnaryncxl.or the said Ull will be Uieo

7be MIAMIH laQlui to foroolcifeu by MabulDs; P. BeuriuR and wire to"n[enry McFftrlm, dated April Htli, 18G8. or

.jndi In the town of Dover, Bicdolph town-shin. Mmri* County, H, J^ which mortEiirocorded In the Morris floonty Qerk1 "

Bnnlnip. fittii an encnmbraaW on said bmiliFmleripk JiOouuint and JcMeN.-Bolmtde diredamti, beoaqse von Jotnlly, newered a ludpnwii SRklmt said MacnlnsF. Set;) blh I fenenmbsn i I

mtde diredami, beoaqs nered a ludpnwii SRklmt said M)njr, wblch Is »n fenenmbrsnee o

N O DNEIOBDODB A SMITH,Solicitor! of Uomplsinait

• : ; ! '-T>naVPated Noverabu IHh. 1877.,. .

A fitire cure far Coughs, OMs, Jironchilis. HoarKCiicstiona of tlif tliruuL uud lungs tlmt m^y lend tu Cim , ,

purely v^etuble ami in ono of the licet remLilies .Jiimwii Cor tlirnat orrotiblea of any kind. Ucma of a- very liculing iwturu it cannot fail to

an, jiBllimaMiuiptioi.

nnd ull nfla

»yr»P '

n n t fore affected froi

or any kind, fring of y grcul taicfit in nil IMCS wk'rc tlio lungn or Irontliial tullesmy cauHe. In ordinury roughs or colils it gives

INSTANT RELIEF,ind effects a cxae in a few doses. It is perfectly harmless and m»j

be given to the most delicate with safety.

Sample Bottles 10 cts, Regular s <"»> 30 cts. per bottle.


VOUGHI& KILLGORE, Druggists,D O V E n , 3V. «r.


N. Beach, Kocknway; Josinh Mcckor, Snccnsiimia:

. Hulsc, McCuiiisvlllo; Jenkins & Co., Mine Hi l l ; 0 .

Coo, Walnut Grove; David Strykcr, Ironia; F. N

onkins, Chester; A. Roberts, Drakevillo; Allen,

iirnger & Co., I'ort llt.rria; F . C. Woodliull, FInfifleis;

f. 8. Cliurdavj.vns, Stnnhope.

'ought & Killgore have made great redactions tu their stock. Von can toy

:cjno]d's I'eady Mixed Faints, ] cr gallon $1.75.

obins HtrKC Liniment, former price, $1.00 now 75 cts.

" Fiimily " " , • • • • • •

lyno's Kxpectornnt, " '

own's Ext, Jamaica Ginger, " '

rs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup " '

irgling 0E1, " '

11 1. ' it 1

'ond's Extract, " '

.idway's Kcafly Hctief, "

jstottei's Bitters, "

alincstoek's Tenniflige, "

nil's HnirRcnBwcr, "

lie's Honay and Hjrehound, "

' icitorry Pectoral, "












• ' »








| GrandllSPLA

or Liotu' linuu' AXD aanjnxn>i



DOWN! DOWN!!" •''• ••'.- "WHAT .WITHI^'WITH PRICES'TOR«;J;'•;:/'•.,''..• ;•/'. \

S?'3^8 W^> ^E? ~» *<~ 3 E IjJSffi B>.SKZ1ADT-MADG or MASS to ORDUR,

M THE FA|: AND WlnTER OF 1877 and I878SThe undersigned, guaranU

and tbnt no oppbdpnt; ban. equal _ „which he will make/goods up to orderHis PIECE GOODS.consists of all ffrades>and matoriRls, and ofFpnEiaNOR DpiaE8Tip.;;Hepays.porHOnal attention to Ida r'^'itv--m^;


MERINO UNDERWEAR,;or &U aiua/ln greatTariely.,;;,? • .!

uent he will sell, to, a otiBtdmeris or 8tyles,:'in

I to fit' or:W*"'-1

CU&fTOni DEFARTZKEXSMTand resiif entirely: upoA-hifl long experience in" basinesa not io misguidetho p'abUo;of Dover And ifioinUy. All ho oaks,is a call from one and

ll a?4 to''jpqinpetei ^th'oUier.places.'. Tho latost styles of.! ;..:^S.~\'^:-:<

\ fahrajs oii; hand fliid^ the price8 you wil

GBiraS' FUBNISHINO OOODB]f a l description, FLAUNEL SHIRTS ' nnd DIUTOIM a n'pocinHj, <md is tob sold at.forty cents a p'airvone oteaoh kind, '^or the benefit:of tne36Ople;bf Doyer and vicinity, I advise Ibemnot to forget.the.plaVsd'i


Waltham Watolios from $12upwarda, best quality P. S.rAHTLETT witli ollronoine terlalanoo in 8 oz. oaao, reduoud

t p - . J 1 9 , • • , : . , • • • . . • . : , : • • • ":,;. •-*;•'ftX

Ladies' solid gold AmerioanWatchoafrom $30 upi; , : .- Osnts* solid gold AmeridanWatohoB from $85 up. : . ,

All OBADES and STYLES on[and to aeleot from.CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SPEC-

TACLES, KYK-G L AKBES, he. HIEQUALLY LOW l'BICKS. CallorVrrlte l<tr rrlce.llit.

N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St.,


<7?P. M.' & B. B. E. DEPOT!

T1T1T1T1 mammoth outflt to enrjbo&r.J I L U fltem.witidor wateh Tne with\* i P . P . flrlt order. Tea dollnta a davL l L J J i J caanateotl. U. 0RONEOU &

Co.,* Pfailadelpola, Pa., oi Htlirinkeo, Wlscoi'" ' : • ' ' - CMv

(. HDHTEDAOo.. N.n.n,

CREATIVE SCIENCE. . I lor npeolmcu paftaa and our u l ra tt_ _.

to agenti, aad ICB why It aclla ruler than iiniuthcr book. Addnu, NATIONAL TUBLIflH*


For Coti, Brnlii'i, «rn8pn1niI} l iddl i l 'I»K IIIHI, IUiEnmFractured Limb*, Frtwt

id T.imht mrl Furl*, TMTIR In Ihe Mmolci eatJalnt«.,Indolont Olco».,Diiol»rglnK Bon


£ i i n x s cuina mifal 0 » without cuo,

c'Oatfltl 10c;:'OHN»Co.,MldJlol»ro, Ut!., " ( M ,


RBB ££BX £EBK B88S EEE1:,'. 3 X ' •'•K;.;v -, a."-B.'Bv.t.'RItB XEB .'EXB:' &S£S E£E

, Ii K' • B •:•• ~, , S E 'B E' • B* B1 ! " " -

iHciliiblling an elegant Block of


'„..;./. and a'g^at TOriB^ of

Household Ornaments.. . - • ) • " • ' ' , - • f - • ~ * ' . ' • . . •

Confectionery,y.'' always imw 'and freak;,. . "


BLXNK BOOKS,Stationery, -Sco.';

' The beat bmniTa of

FdEBlQN AND B o i l E S T i O


|-« . • D O V E R .


ThtMnort intenaa wdpowerfntbloweiIBTUUIk Abook'!•"SSKSfSSi''T>

the pooplo. YlTld plotnrca aud pnbfa.earaea Dod* aauL homa, looloty, elo".: ttbo work nr InoBato ARilniw, QoBpelpcranee. WomaaVCmiado, Fnrooia UnrpProWblilon, e l l , eto. oiljn.llTnfira.rrellooi. OCR UIDI^a iltu 3 000 [Ilni>!oa> lu oicell all olbon.. m i l l , S r e d iIS per « . 1 r Una tor termi." J -

HUBDABD Rnotl., raba.KSHamom 6t., f|iUaUelphla.

Wanted!An ciiergotlc nan or woman ID verrCounl

\i most MIFour oft

2WW Ucbbi etuL) l«fcoit oombimtioo t T e r b

d U t II "olTcred ta ifioti, und Uie moit liberal lnd»*- O nUonbcn. . par fine pubHc.tlo,

'. pramlami, *v& ' • — '—'as abend of »11 coi_,

!llu*trtted eircnlsn ind tsrnti.. E. T. A I*. BE8TE1N, PublibCM,SMv - 7*7 8iu»om St., PblUdelph





ju ior t tnmtaf tbs newert t)«- •' 'h. Theyara wknowledged bj ill who '^J H«n onr CLOAKS to Barpus tbOM

WBOJ kept ready mode.* The re*jwa for: ;'isTerjr dear. Tlioy are CUT,' tanaaa

pTessod by the,best Jonmoyraen Ul lon 'got up in tkenos t •rtlstio miimer In-

- u d faaUonnblB dedgng, 'GALL AKD '-•'"'

'^•sBmJ^rMBjainii:wbloh wa eai paftlciar .ttenlioi. la our

allthe new thitdei. Thew .gloVeamnk '••btrgolnnndw;eU wcr th$1 l '

Page 4: Mn' · roorfaeM Droi. n»nlwart» Store and National Iron Bank.) DALRYMPLE, JLHS J»F0TBSUfi7. MSTOWN.N.J. DIALER 11^ f AND, MEDICINES, HEMICALS, 3 STUFFS, D A1X eutlcal


DRESS&Cloak Maker,

Blackwell St., Cor, of Essex,

D O V K R . N. •'•>

ncold Mil tie «uontfra of til* ladi« of till*-wcUon to the f act that nh« bm Just receheda large and Tery fine Itock of

Ladies' Dress Goods


FIRST-CUSS GOODSiu t i e folloiring Depart

patt< run and n o t i t All article for LADIES tt'KA

fur FALL aud WIMTEI1 WEAK, iall tlm newest patt< run and noTeltits* full linu of all articl L D I E S tt'coinpritiugDlll^iVlilMMlXUii, K.V -I ••'•


turf other nBOowarioB of the toiltt. 1 hflimode wmngunjenU by which I nan ordur

Silks, Trimmings, oto,,and have a full Lin* of sampli* from width

to wlect A epedilty made ofOropo do X*lawo,

of which I hare « full ata*.

Press and Cloak HakimIn all its branches carefully attended to,BeBpwtfullj soliciting the putroiiagB of th<Indies, I promise olow nud careful attentioito their needs. M M . D, Q. W i a Q i m

47-tf _ _



A I J X I EC I TO" I D S O X 1



SIGN OF THE PADLOCKThose Bed Springs Agai

Among the timwntnrj which iull t th milli

faientions of the 19th i n e s s , comfort aad

f b l twntnrj which iula happiness, omfoluxury to the millions, and nf absolute•fty to every weU-previfled sleeping apartaenl, m«j be daued Bed Spring. Buiheretofore the prices h«o been beyond tbenweb of many -who woro compelled towitiiMhwgbonDB upon those horridilnta until Outlsr camo to their relief bj in.

luREiin niuniB.

MTSNTSB U.S.kCAMDA i W J * 7 » / f

a trial of thrto year* i»T» proved

b the market From $i to $C i wbJla oth-ers from | 8 te> $12, ftod no better.

Tho alwve.eut-illustrate!«et.ready (<the bodatead, showing the springs Codouble—broaing eftoh olherr-* pair be!made of OHK ma* 09 B U T a r m n u

.The reputation, of these Springe havabeenestablished pri their own merit, aa I hate of-fend to Ufce them away after trial, if not flJroprenenhd, and hive yet -to take, out, troar n r , On Uid contrary, parties baringtaken D> art on trial hare doubled end trebledtheir order

A trial is respectfully solicited on BCoondltlons.'i i Order by poatel card, rivwidth of beoMeia, insfda measurement.1-

Agonta wanted. Address,J . £ CUTLER, E o r o , jfc'J

SAVE Komnr

- ' . larlng commenced lbs mannraoton ox

'•'.; ; R U B B E R V A U V B

Chain Pumps1» »o» prepared I? foraian IheMTOiT 'InliHid<«atr«dM»»ipri<M.

pluiagtl>6t&ui.p^• ihlB.pamp wlU not freeee «Tea'incoldest climate-

This pump drain a burrel of water In twoiuati

. Itdnw«.<r»l]ttotlr f r t i pthe well, IO tbat it is alva/s pure and

GOOD, RELIABLE AOENTS WANTED,•- Ordarc by mail pwnnptly ittandod to.'' KuinfMititry In U.'A L'BEiBtKd'a cirpea-

terihop,Bl*cVweU8t.,DoTiir. 483

; IToiice!AH penona a n tmiid treBptssing npoi

oar preniisea •wllo/doga, p " i , , trips oBDMW*, 4ti!the pmtttit ol gune under peiwJlj

'••ofth«:Uw. .-. ,:•;-.; ,• i ^ ' ; > :

a Hiirrtt,BZIUU

D. L. Oosr,- •:^P.aOoRr,"1

AT^»i HttDBUMiW,'KltU HDOO,,

'Adjburnei!- -.-I

SjlTaani —Jsne.PirlHOMit. JPI.'fi.cue . ' . Heturaablt to n o1877.1-; -.•:. ' :


N ; j^tl'ti.

BUUI Hotel, In

HONBAT, Deoemberiotli,A. C: 1BT7, between .jth'l hour* of la Jl. and

^ " ^ hiriff.



I t feet and 13 fact, delivered to



OYSTER SUPPER!Tbo subioriber will flira ui oj-tter mpjwr

• «t UJO BET.KflmSa_VALLEY HOD8E, on

to rtickth.nnklbir. »nJWIrQood mud* «ul bs in ftU0ndane&

« 2 ' : ' 1 J B * U

t m n d a l t A l i ' r U i Mount OUriVigilAutSodctrTof^Uiil'detection or lonttt.i6>U, llU b. I J d .t l t l hoUlofJuDuloni, In Kaodi™, 'Wii*i««i«j e.enfaNor. Slit, •< ; a'elock,'r. >t

..--". •:• V.^TtoMfH-DaAM, BdcrcUiT." y t a l ; , 49-l

UHGEMHED'flkM l te M it

HED OAIUB wllh mine. InM without BAM, »e. 80 new

U^i OutfltiIOo»WABH


NOW OPEN&nee's Notice!


D *•>• ! • ; l i










Cor. Biacbwell and Morris Street!

Alministrator's Sail;REAL. ESTATE!

PUIWUANT tn in order of tbo OrpbauiCourt, of tin CouaU of Marrii, tbo BU

lor, AdniinislrMor of tba citato of Johnlorline, will soil it tbo hotel or

I. B.' JOLLEY, DOVER, N. J., c

THURSDAY, December 6th,

L877, at lo 'elocl tP.M., ilie following m o t sland dptjcribed is follow*: ±

FlilST-Those throe M»eral tneta "or pcce.a ot Una and prenitos pixtlcoiailj deserft)n t certain deodbfeonveyanco Ironf Wllliai

V. King aud wlfo to atld John A. (Jftottrlinoilited .Hitch 22d. 1BG8, and n>ccrileii In tinMorrll County Bfcconl or Dwdw, book Apages 403, Ao., s.(iu(o oo tbo earner oT Wortmi Crystal His., in tbo city or Duvor; UponUieis pr/ratsoi a n three homos, tiro gnou#ell>i of water and a numbor of ilunlnblo build-kit Iota, containing together 3 l-KHJ acres

' SECOND—That tract particularly dworlb*]1 a deed front AT. V. D. BearJna »uJ wifo,ud John A. Clatorline. dated fair ISth, 1667,jd -recorded ID Uorrii County Heturd ol

Deeds, book 0 7 piges J32, Ac, Biid lot coo..tnltiff 14,350 aanire leol more or leu, thetld ]nt adjoining (be tract »VT« "tatud with it and to be taken toRtlhor IB or

THITin-A certain tract ol land sUaiteine townihip oMIodunay, particularly ABorlbod ina Seed from I, B . Aimer andwimrt O. B. Palmer and wire to aild John

Caitorhne, dilod Jtmo 23d, 1874, inii rerordmID Morris bounty Keoord of Doodi, bock Q finffn Hi, » * « . , . (onUinlog 89 35-100 tarrIbont ronr tores of tttia tract Is cleared lsi

and the remainder wood andFOUlVra-AocrUin tractj FOURTH-AocrUln

aei, nltnuUiln tlodorcHbed irt » c«!»l3hdlor

uUiln tlo Igwoshlpirt » c«!»ln deed fi

d if t i3 J hWindier and wife to Mia John A. OaetsrlmiUttd Jsmmry lflth, IBM), ana recorded^tionia Ocoaly Uncord of Dwelt, book Visgra BB0,*o., oontainlng-H W-10O a«ros;a D d . ' r] ••'' . V '•• V ;ri~' •' " -:' '' '!"; STFTH—Two certain tracti of Iindijiftgthn towmhipi of Ttoekiway and' BardoTph,neeeribed tn deed/from John H>;tyonr 8e l«Tomlilna knd George .aaBe.-Comtelaatoaara to.said John A. Caakrline. May 111b, 1BC7. andrecorded ia tho MorrtB County Record ofDeeaii>ook B 7p«ECa}l», *«.; conUinlng Mgolhoribrfut twenty a&dinnlf lereai AfiHoFtheieu___._.^.i__i ._J i n d t l i e n m i lj l l d e r in i1 W T 7

iierlln?, dated «.nh,avthrtMSi »na »»°it) llorrli CflttDty^flcord ot DociU; book

a IH, *o7 eontttninga 18-100. aerei

UUm ^ Dulorline ind irtroU) elCwtarltfifc- tbted HOTimbdr 2flt

'rtMfdedlB MorrliCooniyBWord.bookTCpiRCi 178, Ac, l t t i 'p ofIloekfcirsyV eOiamir

- i trSSt'Sflicrlbod i j a<leoafroiterlioe indnife to Jtiiepb'Osiht d A t 11th 1831 oolainin

adeod fromJoloph Qiaterllna ihtt""wife I ~ - - •Hns, Jr., dated Angntt Uth, _ .lea acres o t land tnoro or.leu, tns aam( _^.

p t r t o t tbo laDUi, tqocmenU herediUmenlod roal eFt»t«,--ffhaieaf the iiia - 1 — "'- 'aelaed, , • - ' •

inditio "• i

Oct. lit, 1

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !Jersej.J Pi; fa. fornalool

„__ _. — wSfe',,AiiigV.'aa_Oo«rdun.f Htrr Hager andLjilltHtp.(.nrantB,)Helll(i ft.Topping, Adminiittrilr;of 'Xheodnre TopplnR deeeaitd TheodcAllen and Jonathan Allen; a n defendaoBotnrnabU to Febtnar* m m , A. n. 1B77.;

thentaoa bthtltof faetbof^htmtap([«§, ] • adfonmed ID t(ke pIicemttbeONlTBSPATES HQTKLjin Morriilnwn,K. J., op. .

j • " MONDAY, bflo;8d,^ D. 1877. betwwn the bonrs of 13 M, sado ' c l o c k P . M . ' ' • • • • • • • . - •

. PIERflONA.FBEEltiN, SEor/lT.BUedJuIr Sltfc. 1B77; .; . , ; ;«W


Wilson Sewing Machine Co,;

U Bniiidw»r l»f W Tor i *dltr t~ '

»ESD roil INDUCED rnioa u m ov

j Cabinet Organs.HowandBplooaLdalTtea rgriees reduced II

Boiton, KeTrTotkt'orChIeaf[b." " UMar

Artjourrod Sheriff's Sale!I Cbauaorr of New Jttwy—FI. ft. /or u le ofunitRaceii prenalie* wbatthi JliniyTlioiBuIs eomntaiDanl.-and John I. Citfrxj, L*lit wire, Ulizaboth Qty, J amn If. B t rX>f.T|d S, Allen, are dpfondMjt*,, &tt*taal>Utor(fcti.Ue^ TemTA- D.181U- ' ' •

KE1GHB0UH A HKITH.IWn,Tbe i | ta on h i l f of tbe ibote-Banof par-- i , [a adfoaraed lo take pbee at ti». OSTTEDAT£8 HOTEL, fa Uonijlown,' H- J^ oa

Monday, Dec, 3d,l>p'.vm;bttimntht boon of O H. «Ki O l O C K P . M . ' ' . '• '- ,.-• :. . „ !••'

Ireipuaini uponibBcnber,lnBwek*

> LL peraona sre tL tne prcmtm er

Township, with



Dover. October 1UIU, 18"7.



Morristo\yii, W

now offcre lo Uie publlo B largo f\fid( of

Buffalo, Wolf, and Lap Robe

for the FALL and -WIHTEK traflo. Aimflue assortment of

HORSE BLANKETS.All of tbe above goo&i having beoa bouglfor CA81£ allows mo not to bo undersold.K Ji.-OUrk's Best Homo C«Hi«r for a


Morrintoini, Oct 12th, 1877. •«•<)

1877. 1877




HEW FALL GOODS.All Btylci atrfpod and Plalrl Suiting*;'

All Undi or EoiTcn Tor OVERCOATS,All klnda EnRllil. and French OloLbi

All Kew Onods at tba LOWEST VRIOES,All hinds • fCoasimi-res fmm 76a. ta $}

All Oaruiodts made to ordor and warranted.' • • , - • All who want GOOD PITH

All wbo r a n t good Roods st the OUEAPE811 All should gi»e me a.

IkcognlBlng the HatnnnA laroui&stiftf e addedlnge)y to my stock of. :-.


If ice Stripe Salts from - - tQO^lofSt)Oood Oiexooate . " - - - ' 0 00 to. 36Good Ftutabnna " - - 1 00 to 10

Alao,a?allLineo( *! •:'. ' /C'iX'*CABDIOAN JAOKET9, ' . .; •:

. TJNDEKyilU.TS, DRAWERS,', • ; f , - :•.• '; - KOHIE1V

And all art.e.of pjrtifnlng to a OcaUemMB

Tlio M,bBoribeVboribytetia«ii-|i UtalbinltB tcMR anmoionBcnatamera for'their torj libertpQtronice to tbo past, and bopua by fair diing. mouorata oliargeB, tndBtfio^ altcutioibnilneM, t o merit a oontiDtiance of tbaumi

" - - P . H . H O F P M A W .

Mwriitown, OotoMr 1st, ifl77« * • .>V ir\.

(Once Tried, Always Used!


Engines; nnd Hot rtnil Col

'•'. THE prinoipai liibhokton Dud fn thli padIng i n Olino Oompoand *nd PJambairo;, £Biiei tnanuf.ctnroa In Hope Form' from DmBlgbthto'tbreo Incites, T i n i c g b y l f l i n i p iV$in eolln'orSO to 160 IU. for ft

P r i O C l i 0 0 dO to 160 IU. for ftiiprtent..Core li>00-and Bomp Cored.' Jii'ii.v'A-i.ivUir • • 'or Vtiag the. Picltnc.—Er

th U d * B l t r t i bPIreatiDn* for Vtiag the. Picltnc.—Ero»l

joints; Hra#*op tho cUnd*iQBelont rtoisbm.bsrueMng to (be Buz, - W ^ a it. Nffi«' (.leak ran tbe nnti'Daok QDtUttte teik itotbjtliereby sllowing tt to npand, MB«r rno wtlgbt oonprenilon ' '•• • ' *


Tbt inbKrtber wiJ.iellii public n i l on

WJEDNESM^ftrK 28th.1B>7, an- tba pramisM, tn'd' firm lately ovm

by Patty a Xbarp, dtcetted, sod known

iSOACEESOFLAND,Xth Ihra dnlltei bnKt ud ill Ibe s<a_urr oatbaMs Tb» Um U nttaUr ihtA

vpfiterea&d vocd' —

In Ciia/icery ot Mew iersey.

a isntoiif ttn Crrw* nf Cbss.A d d

U w * « b«ru£ tn s ( M M «b«reTtmSfi uarpfaiutt^s»l yovtut *f«sdaot«

» a n W to appear tad tfutf, Senar

hmk d^Tj ££ ttr««ua t»a i . d i l , r a r e c i 0 « / r ao r ten by too Tbiaeu T. B«*T« and wife, i

iTiaeiae &. tfakpttrkk, dftiM JVe. lltb, 1869oa Unds fatb*towmbtp of modateh, la IbCraaty of Morris N«£ J ' ™ !bibCounty At Harrta, Wl1^ J '"«7. wblcb H I

m&imtjta book 12 pagiM.te^f^toi,aidBIctird

ifefemJuitin nid ctnw beeinao jonowniiind»; and yon laary A. Beeffe are' niad" '*• t-(Ddaut son are" the wife .oT-aaittt l ceu T. Iteere tnd bate; or may" claim to

Dtted Kovinbcr ftf. i m .

Notice itt In-ruby %\fcn to Uie creditors of( l e u r y i t Uftlryuipls, of Jlorriutcwn, KuwJurwy. thut ull cLtiiuu sguiuHt his eGtat»>must bo uxbibitod to tlm nubtwribur, hi*AHHJguct!, uuilur uutli or nfflriuutfou, on orItdorutba ttluitutii diiy of Dcctuik-r nult.baiug throe uioutLa ftum tiia data of tinfUiuiLZajmt'ut! or bu forcvur btLirtd frum GDUIing IU for u dividtiud of tha tntUte ; Slid BAiilcruditoru uru furtliur iiou'Sed that t> lint t>lUitt claiinti figumut the said Hcory >L I>ul-ryinplai will uu filed with the MirrognU! ofthe county (if Morrin, before the onsuineJuuimry tcrui of the UrjiliuuB' court, wliui.:smr])tioiiH thur^M way bo ulsd by nuy por-

"" UEOltGEL. HULL, O>.toll » Wtb, 1«77. 40

y y ^ S . BABK1XT, .



LOVKHT PDreu Goods,

i tfri

In Chanpery of Now Jersey.'^i'KmitlaAVltmH'JbiI

Bitfirtnoof atxtriUr ot th'tiGaortof Chan.l> ctryot New Jor*ejrmaile on tba dayoi

LA date aeraaf, In a cam* •heroin Richtrtjeare* ia- complunant, and joa and othera a n'-Mantt, yooare rcqotroa- %o appear

flsniDror uawtr to Iba* eampIaiDL «nor orfora (be sceonil day of Jaonanr

— DI tbo aald bill will be taken aa oonreiicSalnstyou,Tht win bill ii fliea to roreo|osa

*>en by yua uhl £llaa M. WdiU) T ..,ufd itfctiard Fetree, dated Ttto. aatb IBTX on

idJ in -tbo towoBhlp of Btudalpb Marrl*Haw 'Jersey, which mortgagB la re-'.lbaUorris County Qlcrk'sDmoo ia

~— —.- -- _ f . - _ .« . «.«^a«F v . a i H U B . ' * aJccat iaeare ton owner of aafd mortgaged pnitnfaea,yon Anna M, Wbibi are mtdo i difcndtnt

wse rptt are tho Wf fo of said Ellsa M. Whitema in»y b u e o r eltim toharo somo lntoreat

1 moitSBged pretnlseB.

'•>:•;,•; ;f;Bol!ciloriot.Ccmplalnant,

f-i-y or !lfv» ,«i'sey.u .iiiii('ui[)!;ai)-." Ja'm llrt

BVvinucivrv ol

l i d i u L c i

uc i).»Liot(iLT ntlliaCuurlotCliaiol Nth J.>m-.v, nind" on tilo tUv iciruf,In P. >aueu wliiiriila Oio-1:»<

ptr.>.a.]iantil»Dttyoiian)dfii%u<ruqulrsd .oapBur u d Piw

<jbmur o »Dior to (hu cnn^pUiDanta bill, ool- helurn tl.o twrallclb <0iy oi Uttomhor nu

b W L I I I 111 bo liken «m:oufcBa«(]«g»ii

lUid Mil Ii Ql«d to forccloie tdu by rim Cirbon lrou Cumpa

i f M l d It Q Butlurpanj Ir, Timluit'li I

ttwiy, Connt.T of llom\HID township or vVi.lidiRioi

uuly l Warren and on Ucdi, sine oreli, iuil nlno ill otlier orui, motul -SUbBtftF"""" n a k <4"1*' alln tm njla In

,k"d Oiorgo tttiddis and It Q. Butlutl>eu, A*, ilalud Jai<iury 1st, 1UTS, on II to towunliljj <il lloottwiy, ConntY of•ad on lanil* i r " - ••• "-••ifito.-npd im

Jlip ot Wuit Miirorcl, in the" Connli oI'awalc, Iu tbo Slat< or New Jerac;. and <"opriaiti ponoml proporty, msnlitooroifDoral ana louhoid intorostt lo nlu

*A\oathotM TheOnrbonIronCoinidifadL-ftiiidant bocaiiae you mayivBFomo iotoruit in tlio propuily morld, a snlti thereof la IBMUU by nalJ bill,idyuuJdm Brown and Bulomon Doyor"cisdD ilcrondanlB llioMo, LIOCSUBJ

said lands and portwiinl prop or!? or ipart Iliorcof, nnii liold euenmbrancDS onr ime or on somp part thereof.

And you Usris Urowu and Lucy A. Boj-oiro iert-rsHj mado dcfandauis buuiuae yoimay cUlni to hivo ao tucboate righi of doi»«1 ' ' --rernlaoi or •nnin nirt (luir.'o .

Uullcltors of CcrapUim....Uovei, Morris County, H. J.

ir Will 1877. . <IWJDtitod October

;SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery ol Now Joraoy.—Fl. fa. for aalo

' pfomiBOa, wiiornlu Itlcbwil..„ u Minplalntnt, and Mo tea :laglt, 1'lillip M, UtmiBH, Jamoi J . Bu, ltulort B. Price, Clianty Van Huniim riraitb, 8tl, Motm N, Api>loftlt a

Jltlnrunblo to Ootobtr'Vetra, A.

if'tlie above st-tlod wnt of flo]\j hands,-1 aliail etpom for sallo, att t io Uclt^d Htal» Ilt>t


Y vlrt

, In. &Ii

Bhctut in m

» i'ubllc VtioJMi

A. D. 1B77, between.tbo houn of 13 _.o'olookP.ft]., that la to«»j,»t Qo'elwal

iu UiG&ltornoonofaaiaday.Kli that nndiTldmil»l for a parcel of land and promises, boreta»tter partlrolarly dtinrilKid, * I to* to, lying ~iieingMn (ho fo^nshif ot. Eoxl -— ' -Counlyofaforris"antlH«ii.orlfei. ._. , ,Binning at a flat rock abont fourteen «baitoutli of tlio roid leading, from •-BBOIWUSHMlo Drakcstonn, ooroer of Fooland landDaniel Yaungft, andrtjni flrat ilonp Pool'a 1qorth thron and a half- dcgreei-Troil fortyfiialiainsand&eventT-nro Itblu'to a, flake an,iumi% cornor to a wood lot of Jassf* Bmiib's t(3) • noi-tii, xoventvMHiA a agree*

itako corner tuSmtlli'B ; (8) «Silalong b i t .droasltift Ulno Brooknortb nineteen a oa R h»denroca ctat au;ehUDs »nd wrcnty lloka to%&Mlvtreo«on.prLo HmlUt' (4)nonkMiinty-.flPgreeB. ma t iiUtwu obalna to a atmd atonei !• (6) HiHh dm j h p e s a •*•*<*>iha.tB and an&nty l l n k« U a small blitanditigoa tha second birch of a rook ftlUm or s-Jd brook; (G) sonth s l i dtfrrooa <;utrtY*foDC cbiliiB and fifty linis to a uwie .

ibilns toa.mai7d7«i 'nnt aaplL, .aoornor; (6J Koala thmr-oae degree*SfUen claina snd twonty-ttvo links to a i.^ind stones; (9) south Biiw-twoand u biOeCTeM csBt mt ohalDB to a large ohoatnnt otr^> In Yonnss- line; (10) Utmg Yonngfi' 11north'twenty-sorcn and ft bilr degropa eaieTonobiiua and thirty links to 11% pliiooobeginning, coattialos oiglity-tbrro.. aaros,Sore or Km, and if tf iraane land which WII

p/fiecrraber. ArD.1861,«ncl rdcorScdio UoHaConnly Olcrkia OJBco, in Dook-O 5 of Dce<~~it?n R91 A n d K i l l * ' ' t S ^ i•*••'- v •** • • -' '

, PIWISOK i . riffiEMAH, BborHr.Datsd Sept. Ulli, 18T7, . fPr«. ft. «8.«

SUSSEX ;St.vjQROCEBI .•..; hai an^nnoXBniploditoekof-


Foreign and Domestic FRUIT;

1 Tcgetables,— erBMlhinsBlse pertalnlpir to'tho trafliOnly saleable goedskont and CTerythlnK «gapooaorWctwprejonUtfoo*. .;-£-.:-.;•-%•• $£?

.. By vlrlao of'an order ot tha, Conrt or Ohaieery of Kow ]w%ej, nude oD-thfl day of ttdate hereof, inacanso;irVioniln*Ai.dr(iW E»T1Icomp!»ican(,aadyoa and olbeis are itttoiBDt«i yon-are repaired,to appair. and plead.

intB,onor;beforetbo eighth ilsyof Janiiarisit. or the itUl blllwiU be bkea aa cor' --tgitnatTOP;'--• • - - ' „ . . . - ."The asid bill la Bled fo ftreoloie VnK

jwnod by aald Andrew Bay. glwen b j JLDrako and wife to EIUB M. BDdnon, on laoiIntho iownshlp of Boibnrj; MOITIB Cbonty,dated Mircb. irftb; 1871, and recorded in bock

d a jiidgmtthereby ml d U d

jUBalyon with John BibcockBRaiQBt t*id Jobs ~* "claim to bavQfomiyoaJDbb Jtabcock are made a defendani*oMyoa»Wli Fboratc Btbcocl neonrMndginent agslnat' aald John V. Drake aiborebj may claim to ba*e Baae Interestmdlindi.

ith John Bibcock mclTedsttald JobnW.Draloand thereby miyth intereitln uldUcda an.

re made s d f d n t be-


i fe!p! t o I i > oS5 :

YOUNG LAD I ES j GENTS'-•pnftdatKfoi acttfe"basJn»Ms'liftPai ;•

Ddiab>ilie-rlea4Ing bnilneaa men o( Kew-[:andyi6toltyvl)ecaQBej~tho cotirae crstudy

and eyatMn of tcwtJag *fe far •npnriotthit of any Snaineu School inTtta State'.'"

Its**aG*»nthonmghly pre-•r Bulncsa. BkUtnieUon

ORTY. LADIES in attendance.

iber, thli It t l o LEADINQ BUSINESSE In NEW JEBSKir. '

Dnji/n*u tnon frcqoonfty wit q

or frttntt to fill lactneieain coa'ntlagrooma, itorei, eta Come and Iborbughly.qna!iryyoiinieafforanypoi.llon, ''

Bcndror bindsome Bpfdrflen'of pen Work,ironlan, etc,



Portfolio,""What to Wear,"

and "Hagaisine,"jaorliniiitofFattonit. Band for caisloffflo

, ' W a BABBITT, Uorristown.


Silk, Bour.<LtnCttpoaiie, t r i p , r , Lmlrm, l'u;linB, EapauuleB, Uii([joiift:«i AlpucMi vouiu-VwviiiitiB, IClda, &c. NoTdtijH oro n<ltl/rom titno to time as they appear in warlttIu WHITE UO0D8, d very full l ine T>'»cboand ol iinportorH euil at AUCTION, uud I'OS A J J B 0HEAJ', DomL'Htics, Sliiwting, 'J ickHhlrifug, Btripwt,' DuuiniH, I'riuUi, »i"Warp, alugbBmB, Ao. Tliu r« .mt adviniu JomebticM could not be huswim-d.kiuilu of goodunru uom.iwimt lowur und HOlira chuapur thuu hittora tliu ndvnouis.the beut prints OTB Sdlliug ftt 7 eta. pur yardnud | wfdo bniwtt o u m a s ; nav eiylo nmcolors for 8 oW. Our LAJtGE OAHPE'JBOOM in fully Blocked with0ABPETS. OIL CLOTHS.


Full lino DBUBHELB Cinrui, bogiiinlug atflO oU. pir yard, (food nwiorttaont,; of Mia-blemnkeriu good atyle for «1. Iitrgo UrnINQBA1HB begiuniiig at UOota. par jnd,

rtt I T M ud prices Joww thnntho beat got*


rpets, cut «n | fit oild h


ig at UOota. par j ,ort / TM, nud prices Joww thnn

T many years. Wo l«ep tho beat got*He iu this country. Ho

k d l petsm^™, and lay—-, ..,rloth, * linoleum, matting, mnke andBhadoB, 4o., Knd |avanU)OB flt. .

Cur aanoronent in nil dejiartmeuts ia muchrgor Uian oan ba found onUtido the large

oftfeH, and no one uttdemeils as. Examina-tion of goods and pricoa rc^ueBtwJ.


Horrteiowii, N. J., April rtt , 187r.

Freeman Wood



»OVER,N.J.Legally authorised sgont of the followiDff Qr

,O!MI eoinpanlcB—the beat iu tbu world i

LONDON nnd LIVEBPOOL and' GLOBE, Onpltal 820,000,001

IiANOAgHIIlE ol MANCnESTEil,'' _ - , • . . • ' Capital 810,000,001

gXATE'EJEE fflSUBANOB Oo.,(,'npitol, 8800,00

BOYAL OP LIVEBPObL,. . ' . . Capita! 810,000,001


C.pltal 65,000,001

HOME, - . " 600,001

STAB, Jeraoy Oitj, " 600,001


. . CupitaJ 8300,00

STANDARD, Tronton,- " 800,O00;

PEOPLE'S, N e w k , ' " 800,000.

BIBEENIA, " . " .200,000.

ITOMIiOLT, '• " 200,001


REAL ESTATE• • ••'• •: OF i l l El l f Vt .' . ^


'• Choice Lots in Dover,for sale pbeapi'ind'


• Freeman Wood, <Jnit!:o.or the Peaca and POHCD JU lstra


Brass Band and String Musii1 "from 1'to 20pl(ce«; for nil ocenlomi.SHEET HUBIC for bran binds and all kit

orfnitrflmentf tola,. -••BZ-tf , . BTJSSEXBTnEET.HovEn.N.

Morris Circuit Court.

JAICH B. LEWIS, I Iaean),., Yfl. 1 • :

IBOVU FAUQUB. $ In nttacbmeint.In pnrsunnce of on order of e&id Conrt

made in the aboye sUted cause on theoarenteeath day ot September, 1877, aotlcois hereby given th&t a writ of flttachmenwas iBBiied out'of a i d Court, on the S(Hhday of Angnirt, 1B77, at the ituit of HatthiatO, Whitlock nnd jnmea B.7 Lewis, againstthe estate of Thomas Polmear, for tho Humor eighty-eight dollars and mxtj-nlna c«nta,retoraablo to the third diy of Bcptember,18T7, and that A. Jndson. Coe, of Dover, hasbeen appointed Auditor.:. ' ' '.•-'-•' - >-'

. WM. MtOABXY, Olcijt.i Bwtxn, Do»er, N. J . ;.*

" . , 1 8 7 7 . •••J..1; ' . ' . . i ' " * " »



The lumi t tad most complota atock of Uillt.e r / a i i d J i n c y G i w d i io bo found-In* DOTCTo m p r l a l n g ; ^ • * • • <\ ' '

Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Feat,•;. era, .JUiblions: l>aces«-real•t, a n * Imitfttlon—\et;Utle8 „; a n d Bow fi, . Collars.

X c o and J L i n e i i ' •and Bow fi, .Xaco andC f t . S I o u r

d R l

. •; ; , X a c o and JLineii,-etBf Crapeft .SIournii irBonne

.-! .;. j !t a n d Rolls.- . • v' A flnq uaortment cf • •-SWITCHES,: BRAIDS, 4c.

ZEPHYR GQQDS;'- • And a flDa stock of

JSImost potppolpnt" Ms





28 to 34 4th Ave., Extending Through to 60 It 02 Lafayette Plaoe, one Door from cor, of Astor PI., New York.

; OUTFITS AND PBICE8 TO SUIT A L L ' .' .]•••;,?-";-;.,,>,: i i::'-!-:^''


E. & G. H. Ross & Breesa,

Insurance Agents,Omce, Old Iron Bank Uullding,

Morristown, N. J.Bwntltotui, Oao. H.Itoafl, STertiEiiB

A. J COE, Collector,DOVElt. N. J.


Amcrloan H o t u a l In s . Co., of Hcifat

H . I , , Asse toov t t S1.O0.O0OHirol ia j ta 1 MntuaV In«. 0o.', of Hem

H. J., A«8iUo»iir OOO.OWsmon's Mutual I»», Oo-, of HtwailIT. J, , Ataeta ovap 600,000

m i n i a H n t o a l I m . 0o. , of KoworlIT .J . , Capitol, . 100,000

Qa Inaaranoe Oompao i of HartfoiOonn., Aaait i , 6,000,000

Oontinental Insnranoe Oompanj, of HeiToik , Capital, 1,000,000

Mutua l BeneJ t Life I M , (JO,, ofHowarlH.J,, Asmti, 6,000,000














both portable toil brick n t . VS. iLBQ MAK:

Vrd employ

Unabniicb of ibo.trw3e.

Pl»u»«Ed«i»clfl«.tJoiijslVon whenrbqtitrod

v.t^'^.oralllilnoV- •^"•^-

kirnla for DBiV

Our njsri; jfars eiperioooe in iha aborp tndisables na to asscri wllb confluence onr abllil

todaanjaodallirorK in.tblB lino of twlot<itlic tatisfsctlon of tho omplurcr.


tofcronce gircn whan roqt

.* ... .' ' a/'A/UOHINOXON.

THE SUN.1878; NEWTOEE ^1878,

•AB(_1IC tbna iBubscrlptlona, 'UlE BOPfriends and " " - ' - ' - -»gajQ»can . . .aappai-t. Upon Its rooord for 1

id wellwlstors erorywhilldate fur tboir coujiit

^r-~. -pen Its rooordfortliopJHtKIt relltu for a contlonftnc* of tlio boart

Ion. and10yc*ra

_ __ rtysym-—, gouQtuui co-operation ~u'~f- •• —

niherio bten CIIMJJDI] to Itircmtor ol thB Union. : - ' . . •

Ttia DAILY HUN it n. four psgo-Bheet of 28polntnnB,,pnGa Ity nail, post-paid, 65 ecnti""""• — »fl.0O|MJrycr- '

pago Bhoet of CO «olnmciTHB BUM laa. 'Whllo gt i J i

clnhfi the

hoet of CO— •|»oi;oiit«,ioB»Jriie(>aiaolinof Htorarr ..nd •niiaccllineoui matter Hpocfallptopwrod for 11. •-. TUB SUJWAYSIM hai met withgreat BUCCOSB. Post paid 11.20 a year. •• '

The Weekly Sun.Who doos not know TUB WKBKXY SOH'V- I |rcDJutcs throughout tba UDited UUtcs, tbiinsdau, nnd bojonil, Wtoaty Ihoavand rani*

ltoa greet ita wolcomo pieeB weekly, nnd re-ran! it in' tho light ot RQida. oouniBilor, and

d I t s nowB, edit oriel, aRrlcnttnral, anddumrlmonln mako It ein«ntlslly a

V f i l d thoflreslila Terwi

iltoa gran! it


ilfnriVofiDiilysnd thoflreslila. Terwdollar a. yeir, pnst pnld. Tbh prlcoty comldored, mAkaa"fCtbo'ebotpcitpiTxar pnlillshcil. >Por-;«lnbi often, trftb

10 »ab , wo will KD(1 an oxw» Copy frco.


J*;:Succasunna, !TTTHEHE - JOB" win get. BU

1 Healers, Furnnws, and amflntofTINnmlJAPAN Nl

Leni ty Cliiii incys m o d e tight,5


id all kinds nr JOnniNO In my Han done inio btBt manner and at ahart 'notice FOR

lUfi». Iron, Coppor IioaJ, Silver oracka tiki n In exchange for ROoda




Capital, - $200,000.HanlttntrlniurHrromD

^UoiHiiHi oivoii to UIE>Jloudt an~ i

d otnd d

ii to UIE uhnKo Add mlo oliur ficeuritiiig; tho colluction olimisHe paptr, drafts, ohcckH, to-

COLUMBUS BKAOH. Prea't,JAT. S. TBEAT, Cashier. . '


A 13UOil.


Tbo Miners' Savings Bank

', OF DOV>:u,N.;j;


Tntero: t will lio paid on deposit! mido oX before tho flrat dayii of lUnoH, J D » B , ITEUSEB And DBCEUI1ER.

r Opoa dallr lrum B o'clooV A, M. Io'clocV p. M. •-.




EPHBAIM LTKHStBI, VicePrtlHenl.. JAY 8. TBEAT, Trounnr.

Dovti, Fob. 17,1878. l!.ll







F L A G B T O N B S , , C U l l M N C



Oohe"i>ii8t, -Guano* PotidteltLAND PIAS'TAS.H:/'

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.


: Town dcllTorylOots,; JUno Hill T.Boti* x :

• Ordnrs may 1)0 AddrenBod through the PotOfllco Look Hoi 26, or loft at A, Daemer/BotQc'al)!aolcwdlt>t..nou- Siuaoi. oraUlioya "

DLACESHrrnf) COAL conatkntly on h

ALTBEUB BEBSIEli. ',";'"'""'' . ^ ] " * : " ' . ^ W L W " .

UNION MALL BUILDINGHot* !i&ir:; -Piiniades,

Cf ibfl *laU*t ina mo,t iniproTca gtvlcB, fo:narmlog pnbllo ana private bolldbgs. A \ntc'

- .uortoonlot gtovo, clo.p r<ir c.rtj.

-' .cbpK,'PAnLon, HEATDJO

i c . AlaDaVariet^of; ' •

.' A-Tm"f3i|Cj|lJ-"

KEltOSENEOIL.--' : ' . - . : ?• . L.VSTEENS'MD. ••


S , * & , ^ •TINBOOITN6,' :7EAVE8i 'TR

LEADKRS, snd til Wnaii ofJobblng in my lino,dono In tlio beat miinnor »nd nt tlio nhort*anotice. HlgLeilpHcoipold Tor aid rroD. - •'Copper lead ind pewtor taken Itr1 oiclitnjftm 9 ^

TBE eahmxiliace, having iritbdnira "ttofi'.buiUiossfrom ButcamonntoChoBtor an

•artr, rDBpcctfHlly roinoHt that ill Indebtetbemon book.;account will, call and anltlio nwp immediately at our stnra * ~~

BJ-ir • ' ; " ' . . ALLE"

TTTBEISHFor tfaiflOomprca.oi.Biro, Superbly H

ieaEaIt?. Ita ac™»tVllSiiiBB nronUtory <

DREADFUL irABSAOIU! OP OIOliBTUNBBulgaria; tboFrjghtfal Tnrktnb Atrncitlof^"P^^^^rnrlnsotthi


lttft. It ntvos'tbo Btittlog.DatUcilling Incidents of. tlio v*r r tnd la Iboitiatinp; nnd inciting Trorli or tlio »ito,

Unlronal Intorost. 2( (Belndei Aj;r)eiibti»I,lDftr»pl.lcal,Hlatnrici,l,Holtsloii»»ndJliin«l-noonB Worki. with S I J ^ T U I Q tad Doio.-jptbiieach Bonlf S p i l ' ^ a B IanlrfttlonnlenallBto

ta eim savo you 35 per cent, onjout Clothing for your own UBO, andEivo, yon Fashionable,: Durable and

I Honest Goods, for tlio reascin Orniwo'Manufacture All our own Oldtbincr anrl:


% FACTS! FACTS!!Every economical, pradent mnn should

exdtnuio our stock before bape hi ;

a8 Jio oan find the Most Elegant Stock,>t .Prices, fully 25_por. cent, less, than'.elsewhere in -SawiTork C i t ' ;


LARGE WHITE MARBLE BUI'LDING, Covered with Blue Signs,

Open Saturday Niphls.until 9 o'chek., 4

Succctior to Sesur'i llnntt ai 'to tue"UnionHank at 0orei


ckB i " " i l . 0 ' A "OIIVB fortbe ss?i \

and Leltatt Bankinp- Company, Irolmid. .H. II. mOKEllHOS > • ' " "WAlUtEK UEOOU • ' •



am/ . - sraosMIBBL..-..•;. - •

Dover Savings Institutrton,



H e n r y ln.DIckeriioa,

B O r i l t J• •.Chas>-SI.TanlB,v,-.-

;• :6tepheLaJ»erry,v.BImonKiiol. • '.

Jftu.A,Oo "

!!S«SSSWilliam B . B»fc«jr,H.P.Bam.oraon,'Olurlca J flkcllun

Ooorge Piermti. -H . P . B a m . o r a o n , ' . , W m . % MoDaTit,,Olurlca J . flkcllungei- M»rtln V, B, Scaring.

' This Institution Ii now, oreinlied and open

OQloo, in Dover Bant. 'lutorodt commonco

M|.iiN<luiiott.MniUlieflrftl3«yofHiurcblSoptember ind Decombor: vhlch eror .afirst bsjiponnoit after tbe deposit Is in&de.

Feb.ll.1878.-i1....,;; ...... • 1;/-,9-W;i:..•-;-;•-. "-£

^Anotlier.''Iireat - rodnotlon I TELOIK«na3PMliaFIELD WATCHES.:Tin

k l brenant, tjiannftotarlid ia Back. U to lb» le.d;Hicl)«Jt fat l n i a t l a ^ i ' i i h

f CtbCKS(A]N^f IBE; PfEGESrit all descriptions.' Boitniifal (J ^ ^ L I I T of all JescrlpiiDI.Boanilral

<lSr.iorBIIjVEIiri.ATKD-WAIlE;.>crjihliJ8d'SifBWM'OM/pnroiB- A taraodSiinnfoB

lio EIAU0K11


ajverb bindings Koarly 100 vtyl prlor to all otbera ttn<riudi»fwnstblo to arory.ramtly.-••1 orUonlara trw; -Adilrosa ,•• -v*,-;", i '

Rooia««j, Miroh 1,

aoa.Eii*riitaOTni<r«ft«rjiira/klO'lf. " »Hlli,U.lar8o,"»cll,««atoi1wlih.oomtorUW.ob'air.; and m.y 1* bid at;reupsal>lo uroi.''ipij ti'if-MwniTMor* LEWM 'TMor*

^ •-• I n iEi(«



Mi aid riro Icra«no«.K.ail»»J «•»!.'>'!'Sbllj aqkosirtiilmSni tomidf of IborcjoljlroaVlhomtbti <I«J•»•*!•• full >moaai ol tt*l6i.ranoe"(M',»lxi)biitnoI«iili Blre.lO6nr.»,

flaMV.»b.lo of Inlotoattfot lo.. b f lb '« ' •I t . Mid io.l.;.Iia lo ; . ipr.ii •>» « n } !

pr«elall(inorib<lrllberalandrr<nP'""°P'• ; T : > ' •- • « : - - f t O ' M A I i a a. « : . f t O . M ,

r Soiiil'8^«.b>l«rUn Ob.rca.i » ' « ! T ; '' '