^mmsmammm:-i ijte”- g ^ h ^iinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030384/1845-06-20/ed...n for...

m , aatj aS ^:i§K % - I ri » ___ilr— v»ir-_ ti i*i';;ei;iX?;::iiT«'?5f~-. Sr:'.‘^.'x,t‘:rr?s;!l M - -■ j '■:'» fa' 5 - : ■/.'- ‘-M -i!,; ' £:!i4|;-,i--.;'. i ' j f v -.-■)(.• :J '"Z^Z^S^HasaeiisL. ' :' 81 t .BOATS.-- ;: k : •CfTy giOTtCES. -«^™ ^.W .B .A lltt. s 5 .% s s s s a s .”“ ... _____ ^ ii K&BWw:st»*l*;:; V^fPfSltr'iiit'l ' i SSS.?^ i “ ? «:;: 4 :?"■«•' '^■■’" I^ ^ ^ P tg e n t Co., &om N«ir YmJcto,Tw ■*®f?^’^^teeO on and Mfelyof aU.i^a JPWpiSc^raww|MBd^ J . J .a B w W K j m M B ^ 5 w .‘ - : 4-4 i:[-^'-> B ”S^l^tig3EaS3SS**f??-i ^mmsmammm:-i ^ t*R’ ',JCie!ts-Ti.'|; ' *f,l n r>-:2 I Ijte” - at'-bSKN^ 4 cord,.on K-.IS A— |<^13tii»,lBiy.. £1 irqiii4>es flPJtGREAT BRlTATJf ANDlRELAT^tlUtheaew n for eaifration from tlte OWCointxy hM arrived, thd absoribera tSink it might be weU to rtetethat, U jKWiible heir arraageinents for I9M are superior in poiptf of com- ort and convenience for pas*enyer*,td what they hareever before been- To those’ivBo formany'yearthave given this line a preference,it wopld beItoeceuarytd fay mor'ejbut ..iiSgM ra* Kochester to Toronto via Coburgk.) - 'S 2 S iu i5 .s= !? s;,^ tr.:!j® ’“^ 1 .................... ... "' p S S i;:^ i 5 ^ Proptlewn —Thcuubscrtber ivonld la . ompletedhUoriranlzatloii offoreimbasinessia Eoglsad; .oritfntt, Gnerdsdy, and , BythUron y the b^amiiVii • Brit|skJor^2 ' ^ Q,tMens(on« Iceroine via Oiwegd; $4 00 an opportunity of yicwine ' Ameilcan and ■‘ alpnumfnt age* csn bo neepiOd If the parties wUh. RenHtttnMsmlhrgebramalUums made at thls igeney. In a mannerientirelydificrent from that practieed by- othel. houses, and Which prevents the posslblUiy of lost or dilay . Porperticulaw apply atthis office. The sottleitfent of Accounts anil Estates, and the: collec ' non Ofmonieain EnropeVwill be: attended to by the mbat c ^ p e ^ n t agfnts, and may frsquemiy pravsnt the necesilty ofperti«tvIaihng£nn>pc on such business. ' i 'Fassengen seat to orbronghc out from the leadlngporu of E ^ p e , such as lamdon.Uveipool, Havre, BreroenrHhmr hnrgh,MarsoUiles, Genoa, Jcc. <■_A5engements have been made to forward passeni andletters, by the Isthmus of Oarlenr SOlcegs A m ^ d o d o *H hflcm EF.rEm r *, roysnum, H?Front st. ; i r s r J e lB ^ Washington. EastBrOadi^y^and G^uvy^y^^ ; j0li£A PE 8T COPYING PHES8ESJUS THE iSiisJS g^H -■ • r-' * ' I llSife :Also,a)baas»pttte Cwh* ofj^l 2 S^s$ii ..... aV -A .r I - - :Ui«8i j jnitft^i: Ch^riaM d^n^^Ho’tS^estViMn'o^^ I»rts Of the pwlficd Parcolet and letters can: be i tssengers; irlenr (vip raAndaU atvcua Auna> Aea^wcra PTeSSeS, 4 SfZCS ' *dS MtraslwJmd finish >' rSianfc’ AM i^irBi AU^i every article rciiuisltfs-for the: use of the above invoice. Letter and PrcsseSf For sale at very low priMsby ■* i- ^ RICB :4c: LOUTKELs Stetloners; Villiamsts ooe, dppr Below Cedat m tts of the. Pacific, Parcels, and letters can. be prepaid Jel3 !, Panama if desired biftheiPartles: ^dforporcels .orSues., ' , Patent Elghts; wlll be:secnreA in all countries, and-, the • Tits sold Uiere,lCpBrtlea wish It, Inventors will find It f *'"111intereatio.eaU andleam paitlcnlars. C. LIVINGSTON. 9 Whilst, 1" EA At PERRXiVSy XTOK CE SajSERi SHIRE SArCE.—If over proprietors of a sauce felt - --------------- ----------------- - Al.o,n„th.mV for then in t mnstbeMcswi. Mm^te assortment nfG^enini^lemeotf.^nslst*: e idatlvennmtar of . knives, ^scissors, shears and saws, garden shears,, bill^ a ictory wUh-refptrd trowels, forks, teeU anA stafccs,.and |ipad.e3,lawn.and p a f: a ■^cotSoITirginfa pine at Bellevue and Blackwell’s Is- -^^SiEiEESr" Iway, or at the of , 8 . DEVEAU. on the wharf of Pie No. 1 N Blver. north side. S e ; i ^ » c;ce »V O NBWPflRT. P,F----- 5TON-Cabli >to 1Oston ,$3 Off,, ,75*, to Boston; $1 63. The splendled stei mboal TELEGRAPH, O WIswall. Will leav s piet No. 3. N. E;, 4t Wednesday andPrfi ay at So’clocR. ; Airklndsofftsigh tateijr"-- -------* ■-*“' by this boat vpill an ve lu ] morning train ofcars for Bos: g^ s addressed to the agents will be forwarded ftee Of i other charces than those actually paid. c’S ^B E R e I i N fc'^ra Prbprietdfs, No 103 Front street, or to HMCKEH, S g g g S ;,,. «fe irntshe ’’ Crelght carried at r idnced rates. LfASrjfEGsONitiS spath-streef. Newark '■ 4 .’r^';J? 8 ga.*a 5 ^!*a« tQESAY^NAHGeo. •h- T d ^ Weekly. --------- Jfae c a YOOJl^ S. f~ Jaiikaatt, tuaster. TW i o v e are’ S to fS y e s s a ls pfabout 900 tons bur- SaSISSI^ 'F^TOI toviDENr ,SWORDS. 149BrosdWay ipsssspss sasarawassssJBWaa > n ^ \f t® 'o y « h P d n r c le ^ ’^^^ ruora table.' AgenU ic -rBIaekWood’s Magahlnt ' the United States of America: Messrs. JOHN DUNCAN ft 407 Bfphdwi J p i E l ^ P r a v PIMENT^OABSIA, INDIGO,-fcc>- ““ 'd^aroScaPlmentr ^*** T "«S7fflpffiMiairS£»sa“f5K' •now openings .' ‘ ■^nVsaggsaaauo.i.' _iv openings G^matcriiilyc PSfSPSrH ♦aarti?aa.vs«».siK [ X II COAXlIIr-All kinda aqthni- ;o suit purchasers, froi .— lowest market price. Apply to BAML. THOMPSON.9r3 Pearls orattheyard43G(' ki\ \.Noe XN a t m e g s i ^ boxes. Fire Crackei)i ; ... __fmesfManillaIn^lgOi^ chests prime MadrM, 50 cetoons selected Canaccas, 50doGuailina!a 15 cas|» Butch l^adder , 2000 bagsjSne old yellow Java. Coiiee; 1500 bags MimUia do] ^ do B^roaq’a do; 100 do Man^»|ilK»4o.r With d general assortment of TEAS, for sale by SKif“ iery,< German Silver Forks, and Spoone, Plated CdatoVs, Tea Trays and Walters, Enameled and Cbokinir Vessels. 4C .C . agei^eral variety of aitlclei reqalredr>*for sale wliojesale ftna retail by aiJisai SXIWT, ; ""iSis tween oieandi two ounces whether it exceed by a-feW - graiiu only or oy three quarters or more raises the index to the proper sniA to be paid. This plan is the onp Invented : by Professor VYllson. of Cambridge Col. (Eng.fand: appro\i- ed dud adopted by the Banking and other' institutions of England and la decidedly the best and mo.st accurate now extant, fotsaW by, JOHN J . BROWN & CO.. I . ' . 132 Fulton St. A^ftw more of the Pencil Case Balances silH on hand. S^oMBiissioN pator Iwa ^ iia7M W.J John street.-.-E. Br. CLAYTON fc SONS are In con- RAILROADS. ^ Leave New York a n d ;l o’clock A. SI.... perial,tSU[ cap.ofOir son’s and 1 r WRIT!"' PAHI0t^‘‘iu & ’ -CKIE ft. LEVEEETT, ' . J89 \Vaier street, * Agents for the Manufacturers,. ItV R EN G H GHOCOEATE-Thesnbscribersoirer- s J? for sale prepaied Chocolate, manufactured by the cele-' P brated house of M»*son, at Paris. This Chocolate Is.of the finest quality and various flavors, among which are cji ' ' let a la vanilla, double vanilla, au cait d’kmaudes, au Ucl au salep, ftc. Sec. THOMPSONJc WELLER. Confectioners, jelO. i ^ _________ ______ . 235 and 713 Btoadwa TtlJUNSOnitN rA-'jTXNUP FREJBZ j EKS-—The ■'«# subscribersTiave constantly on hand, the above oFaJl sizes. -Havingreduced the price ot the same to'WhaP is generally asked Sor the ordinary .kind, they hope tobring the same into general use, as they have been proved tij per- form the operation In. very superior manner, in less than ---------formerly required, WHITTEM.ORE & TORREY, ^keepers’ Emporlutn, 45 Marden' Lkne, -NoW landing, cargo of Vlrgtar manufaeturl— ! LAltNft i t RANDOLPH, ,v , S5C|‘Woshlngton, East Broadway and Godver.st jel8; jt 7 ' and l3th street and Bower, , v-OR PHILADELPHIA—Via Delaware SandJptltalnCanM., ^Ssfesir.. ^Leavp New York S 9 A. M.. and at 12^, 2. 4, 4J and OJ P. an^ff’p *** “ •• “nil« 3.6* *“ NEW YOBS AND NEW BRUNSWICK. On SUNDAYS. “ ? ^ e t s are tecelvid w ^ pnrchdsedl I ^ sfi; gsiSrsK;»J5wa^s^^ Xiiur^^w and clath papers In great variety, hat ters'-ftfed druggists^ papers,,kentlsh caJJ, TlsSub pa- from the mines, of a very superior quality, find large siVe, p to enclose letters siiltable to he used under the , ___ ijf Office,lAw, whereby several letters can be forwarded up- I flet oneenverand considerable postage saved, for sale at' I :th« Stationery establishment of ' I JANSENfcBE[iL,358Nbsianstraet,' i ______ Tribune^ BnUdings.1 E.ISSSSJSS.^^BS , per, white colored and asserted colors, iRDS—THadert, medium and double cap size, hand__ , machine made, straw of common and superfine • qaality, bandbox, ^ n k , oqd Bonnet, Press papers whlte.Brdwn and vellow. fee. &c. ftc, jel9 . edge to the razor. Eetailedfor ____a d fl each, accerdlbgto size and o t ...... ...... ..... PHces by thVdozeii S3 so, 5 00; 6 00 and f 9 00 AxWoslde Strop With hohe|2 50 per dozen, 3 f | Conts ... ....................................... w S H sS S I^ sl i ’‘’S 5 r* .“ ......... .............. ^ady. to j>resent e assorunqiitjof _______________ .mblici calls for, i consisting orrosewo4<l, mahogany, black vvalnatand palnt- i :ed furniture, all ofthe choicest materials hud workmanship. Premium: sofa and. windlass b^teadss ' ^ Orders executed promptly. .m S6 ____________ TUNIS MOBRI D]*ottl€l? Sc C o * 9 No. 33 JoHiTBTRUET, N*w York, tooM“whWlsl^^^^^ ^ a g e al wa: Formleatthes«^Crtab^^^^^^^ ' ) gilsgealwaysat hand.— ‘®»,£S5S,Si, ”jg|’ ' between New 50^ce|s. 1 by the conductors only on th . day i:faJ,^STr.'£^ Jn X to JSMlGBAJrrS. ~ gtica-., ..... .................. q.eqiM ; s W S S i r 5 5 S ^ 3 ? 5 Ji 1 10 0 9 00 fe l" *^lww*^(iutov'er COPYING PRESSES, of various sizes. English an ! French Tissue srtdWrltin| Papers. . PeaingWarf, Wafers. Steel Pens. Parchment, Ink^flulds, ssSslSsSsgpafr being converted In a few seconds into a comtortable settee. making them viry suitable for small fanil les. Several si- “”"¥sKMriSE“ P. g —Tables, stop ladders, clothes-horses, wash benches &i*„ cm hand or made to order of the best seasoned c^teri- ddresses and oohyersailons, w •y.ReV Dr Symington. Publlsl he Assembly. With an mtnx ‘ph’rfb^OT voi. cloth. Prl«75 ceut3. 3. redPIELD. Clb niCOFRSf JroFcaui! T EMON SYRUP—Prepared ir»m fresh fruit, foisale by JLi JOHN DUNOAN f t SON. dOTBroadvray.. jell ; __ betweenW-"------ ------ ----------- -rjiT-lRGilNIA, HAMS—Sml '|•y A Y^&Y<>P.TO.Cl>^^ ngood^rder. they are warranted to pleas etnrned. Retailed a t 59 cents to each. 300 do Finished Upper do 50 dnz. Oak Tanned Calfskins SO- do French: do 100 Bides Skltlng Leather ino do Eusset and Black Bridle Leather SCO doz. Lining and. Morocco Skins; For sale by KlUMEL^c EYEEBON; i marl »i t A7 Ferry streeL t V^HEAP COMBS. BUTTONS, PANCrE GOODS, ftc.—The Aubscrlber is now receiving and^ SE ^isiaSSa^ Ssg3;3,s.xgf.«fa% ^^ SigjS^=i-SlS=~ _ . ,,......... __ _ ... ...... GOODS, ftc.—The Aabsprlber is now receiving ai oSbrS for sale on the most reasonable-terms a general :atj ' softment of articles in the above Ilne,conSisUng in part of-J- J Ivory, BBell and Metal Combs. ' ' Slde. TWist and Dressing Conibs, Mvessstsa-,^^: M. and Saturday at ----------------- Derby on. Monday and Thursday: _ For freight, M gas! .. .. eigh^|tlage.having snp^re fu^lshedac ^^ons,applytoto e - ^ n g ^ ^ ^ ^ ANDW ilOi 2 13 0 13 25 I 11 10 7 97 0 18 0 <60 lope; D..C........ . 0 16 0 4 00 I f O n t O d 0 17 0- 4 25, sw Oil45aa»yia Phllad 2 15 0, -13 75 * of the principaX place* to “ j ’ s .-reDFIELD. Clinton Hall. S ^ g -p a ssa n S'® Amertcafi e d u T o i v ^ ^ % . ___ 8 REDPIELD, Clinton Hall. safety and advantage; Us use isa preventive of the Stun: " mer Comptafnt, and efficacious as a cure In the debility ef gr»wliigchildren.;lniend.ncy to Rickets. Carved Spine, ftc.- tt isone ofdwr best remedies.. It is valuable In'Scrofula - _ j o — r..,— iTi—i».s-----i-------- -------------- "settonstof t my28tJe2SKlawisgcont “^^gRENTICE-: |?St. Indiana,: 53 W ffiS, ' Mlehigan^ lUinpl^ Tehne*iee Wlwcbniiu -RLUE YTTKOE* SALll PETRE, ssffise poitifBeiM; Heningand iJUi;Nett Twinedtor iatt.bi 1 BURIUTT fc JOHNSTON, iSaPlne-at,: Also SObales English and Atnertean BtownShae Thretd. - ' 10 Jido do do FUarBidl^Jm iSTEATOEK^^S^eSw^- m iflSsBSpfp ERAimr; ■T:i ' N; B.-i(ielght by toesi b<ii,®w ielwwt to speak wlth’graaicw i8de»t»4that prill be made by those engatfUg grants comforts, and fe cUIties, of moled, by engaging pajsrese of VVOODVYlED fc CQ,,59i Wa^lngtoast, B:bt the EtttoPean epdAmerlcan e n g ^ g psalsage, blit t ^ t the e ^ - cUWes,of transit wflVibe jp ^ tly jtip- passage of I WOODVYlBDfc" ------ GenetalAgen;Of the -----, ------- Em*iF*ht«nA?kae»pori?ifl9n Cq, * ^ ^ ^ k w £ S u t %*.40.41, lSA.lf„ liM .5.6. * ^ ^ v i N e w ' Y « k ,ra t 8, #, lO, J l , 1% A .M ; f, iekveraTwylibur&t*:* fc-Jfcrairt^fkfi ;ps|^ [lSKaS:f5S:i’» 'S S W f c . 'S2^V S5S=S-.« naterial if6r gun makers in all Its varfety. JelO ip^TTf -r- iS S' t- sSis furnlsli- or re embellish tfiMF k' and Chemisw; n « p rr4 & ^ WAstot[^ S '^^WP »Hk«r artide®!?the SUtlonery and Blapk BMk fine, as low la proportion, either a t wholesale or re- f*»5k RICH fc LGSTIua,, - . ’’ f iarampiaa m M ^ ''j HEpHl ssSSIfD^ 9 &M ;sisr"* _____________ ’■ ............... f.i:’

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Page 1: ^mmsmammm:-i Ijte”- g ^ H ^iinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030384/1845-06-20/ed...n for eaifration from tlte OW Cointxy hM arrived, thd absoribera tSink it might be weU to rtetethat,

m ,aatj

a S ^ : i § K % - I ri» ___ilr— v»ir-_ ti

i*i';;ei;iX ?;::iiT « '?5f~ -. Sr:'.‘ . 'x ,t‘:rr?s;!lM-

-■ j '■:'» fa'

5-: ■/.'- ‘-M -i!,; '

£ :!i4 |;-,i--.; '. i ' j f v-.-■)(.• :J

'"Z^Z^S^HasaeiisL.' : ' 8 1

t . B O A T S . - - ; :k :

•CfTy giOTtCES.

- « ^ ™ ^ . W . B . A l l t t .

s 5 . % s s s s a s . ” “ . . .


^ i i


V ^ f P f S l t r ' i i i t ' l' i SSS.? i “ ? «:;:4: ?"■«•'

'^■■’" I ^ ^ ^ P t g e n t Co., &om N«ir YmJc to ,T w

■*®f?^’^ ^ te e O o n and Mfelyof aU.i^a

‘ J P W p iS c ^ r a w w |M B d ^

J . J .a B w W K jm M B ^ 5 w .‘ - : 4-4 i:[-^'->B ”S^l^tig3EaS3SS**f??-i

^m m sm am m m :-i


' *f,l n r> -:2 I


a t '- b S K N ^ 4cord,.on K-.IS

A— |<^13tii»,lBiy.. £1irqiii4>es

flPJtG R E A T BRlTATJf A N DlRELAT^tlU theaewn for eaifration from tlte OW Cointxy hM arrived, thdabsoribera tSink it might be weU to rtetethat, U jKWiibleheir arraageinents for I9M are superior in poiptf of com-ort and convenience for pas*enyer*,td what they hareeverbefore been- To those’ivBo formany'yearthave given this line a preference,it wopld beItoeceuary td fay mor'ejbut

. . i i S g M r a *Kochester to Toronto via Coburgk.) -

' S 2 S i u i 5 . s = ! ? s ; , ^ t r . : ! j ®

’“ 1 .................... ... “ " '

p S S i ; : ^ i 5

^ Proptlewn

—Thcuubscrtber ivonld la . ompletedhUoriranlzatloii

offoreimbasinessia Eoglsad;.oritfntt, Gnerdsdy, and

, BythUron y the b amiiVii • B rit|skJor^2

' Q,tMens(on«

Ice roine via Oiwegd; $4 00an opportunity of yicwine

' Ameilcan and■‘ alpnumfnt

age* csn bo neepiOd If the parties wUh.RenHtttnMsmlhrgebramalUums made at thls igeney.

In a mannerientirelydificrent from that practieed by- othel. houses, and Which prevents the posslblUiy of lost or dilay . Porperticulaw apply a tth is office.

The sottleitfent of Accounts anil Estates, and the: collec ' non Ofmonieain EnropeV will be: attended to by the mbat c^pe^nt agf nts, and may frsquemiy pravsnt the necesilty ofperti«tvIaihng£nn>pc on such business. ' i

'Fassengen seat to orbronghc out from the leadlngporu of E ^ p e , such as lamdon.Uveipool, Havre, BreroenrHhmr hnrgh,MarsoUiles, Genoa, Jcc.<■ _A5engements have been made to forward passeni

andletters, by the Isthmus of Oarlenr

SOlcegs A m ^dodo

*H h f lcm E F .rE m r *, roysnum, H? Front st. ; i

r s r

J e lB ^ Washington. EastBrOadi^y^and G^uvy^y^^ ;

j 0 l i £ A P E 8 T C O P Y IN G PH E S8ESJU S THE


g ^ H

-■ • r-' *' ■ I

l l S i f e:Also,a)baas»pttte Cwh* o f j^ l



aV -A .r I - -

:Ui«8i j j n i t f t ^ i :

C h ^ r ia M d ^ n ^ ^ H o ’tS^estViMn'o^^I»rts Of the pwlficd Parcolet and letters can: be i

tssengers; irlenr (vip raAndaU

atvcua Auna> Aeawcra PTeSSeS, 4 SfZCS

' *dS MtraslwJmd finish > ' rSianfc’ AM i^irBi AU i every article rciiuisltfs-for the: use of the above invoice. Letter and

PrcsseSf For sale at very low priMsby ■* i- RICB :4c: LOUTKELs Stetloners;

Villiamsts ooe, dppr Below Cedatmtts of the. Pacific, Parcels, and letters can. be prepaid Jel3 !, Panama if desired biftheiPartles: ^dforporcels

.orSues., ■' ,Patent Elghts; wlll be:secnreA in all countries, and-, the ‘

• Tits sold Uiere,lCpBrtlea wish It, Inventors will find It f *'"111 intereatio.eaU andleam paitlcnlars.

C. LIVINGSTON. 9 Whilst,

1" E A At PERRXiVSy X TO K C E S a jS E R i SHIRE SArCE.—If over proprietors of a sauce felt - --------------- ----------------- -

A l.o ,n„th .m V

for then in

t mnstbeMcswi. M m ^ te assortment nfG^enini^lem eotf.^nslst*: eidatlvennmtar of . knives, ^scissors, shears and saws, garden shears,, bill^ a ictory wUh-refptrd trowels, forks, teeU anA stafccs,.and |ipad.e3,lawn.and p a f : a

■ ^co tS o IT irg in fa pine a t Bellevue and Blackwell’s Is-


Iway, or at the of, 8 . DEVEAU.

on the wharf of Pie No. 1 N Blver. north side.S e ;i » c;c e » V “O NBWPflRT. P,F-----5TON-Cabli

>to 1 Oston ,$3 Off,,,75*, to Boston; $1 63.

The splendled stei mboal TELEGRAPH, O WIswall. Will leav s piet No. 3. N. E;, 4t Wednesday andPrfi ay at So’clocR. ;

Airklndsofftsigh ta t e i j r " - - -------* ■-*“'by this boat vpill an ve lu ] morning train of cars for Bos:

” g^ s addressed to the agents will be forwarded ftee Of iother charces than those actually paid.

‘c’S ^ B E R e I i N f c ' ^ r a Prbprietdfs,■ No 103 Front street, or to

HMCKEH, S g g g S ; , , . « f e


’’’ Crelght carried at r idnced rates.

LfASrjfEGsONitiS spath-streef. Newark

■ '■4 .’r ';J?8ga.*a5 !*a«

tQESAY^NAHGeo.•h- T d ^ Weekly. ---------

Jfae “ c a YOOJl^ S. f~ Jaiikaatt, tuaster.T W io v e are’ S t o f S y e s s a l s pfabout 900 tons bur-

S a S I S S I ^

'F TOItoviD EN r

,SWORDS. 149BrosdWay

i p s s s s p s ssasarawassssJBW aa> n ^ \f t® 'o y « h P d n rc le^ ’^

ruora table.' AgenU ic

-rBIaekWood’s Magahlnt ' the United States of America:

Messrs. JOHN DUNCAN ft 407 Bfphdwi

J p i E l ^ P r a v PIMENT^OABSIA, INDIGO,-fcc>- ““ 'd^aroScaPlm entr ***

■ T "«S7fflpffiMiairS£»sa“f5K'•now openings .'

‘ ■^nVsaggsaaauo.i.'_iv openings


P S f S P S r H♦ a a r t i ? a a . v s « » . s i K [X II COAXlIIr-All kinda aqthni-

;o suit purchasers, froi .— lowest market price. Apply to

BAML. THOMPSON.9r3 Pearls orattheyard43G ('ki\

\ .Noe X N atm egsi^ boxes. Fire Crackei)i ;. . . __fmesfManillaIn^lgOi^ chests prime MadrM,

50 cetoons selected Canaccas, 50doGuailina!a 15 cas|» Butch l^adder ,

2000 bagsjSne old yellow Java. Coiiee; 1500 bags MimUiado] ^ do B^roaq’a do; 100 do Man^»|ilK»4o.r

With d general assortment of TEAS, for sale by

S K if“iery,< German Silver Forks, and Spoone, Plated CdatoVs,Tea Trays and Walters, Enameled and Cbokinir Vessels.4C.C. agei^eral variety of aitlclei reqalredr>*forsale wliojesale ftna retail by

a iJ i s a i


" " i S i s

tween oieandi two ounces whether it exceed by a-feW - graiiu only or oy three quarters or more raises the index to

the proper sniA to be paid. This plan is the onp Invented : by Professor VYllson. of Cambridge Col. (Eng.fand: appro\i- ed dud adopted by the Banking and other' institutions of England and la decidedly the best and mo.st accurate nowextant, fotsaW by, JOHN J . BROWN & CO..

I . ' . 132 Fulton St.A^ftw more of the Pencil Case Balances silH on hand.

S ^ o M B i i s s i o N p a t o r Iw a iia7MW.J John street.-.-E. Br. CLAYTON fc SONS are In con-

R A I L R OA D S .

^ Leave New York and;l o’clock A. SI....

perial,tSU[cap.ofOirson’s and 1

r WRIT!"'

PAHI0t^‘‘i u & ’

-CKIE ft. LEVEEETT, '. J89 \Vaier street, *

Agents for the Manufacturers,. I tV R E N G H G HOCOEA TE-Thesnbscribersoirer- s J ? for sale prepaied Chocolate, manufactured by the cele-' P brated house of M»*son, at Paris. This Chocolate Is.of the finest quality and various flavors, among which are cji '

' let a la vanilla, double vanilla, au cait d’kmaudes, au Ucl au salep, ftc. Sec.

THOMPSON Jc WELLER. Confectioners,jelO. i ^ _________ ______ . 235 and 713 Btoadwa

T tlJU N SO nitN rA-'jTXNUP F R E JB Z jEKS-—The ■'«# subscribersTiave constantly on hand, the above oFaJl sizes. -Havingreduced the price ot the same to'WhaP isgenerally asked Sor the ordinary .kind, they hope tobringthe same into general use, as they have been proved tij per­form the operation In. very superior manner, in less than

---------formerly required,WHITTEM.ORE & TORREY,

^keepers’ Emporlutn, 45 Marden' Lkne,

-NoW landing,cargo of Vlrgtarmanufaeturl—

! LAltNft i t RANDOLPH, ,v, S5C|‘Woshlngton, East Broadway and Godver.st

jel8; jt 7 ' and l3th street and Bower,

, v-OR PHILADELPHIA—Via Delaware SandJptltalnCanM .,

^ S s f e s i r . .

^Leavp New York S 9 A. M.. and at 12 , 2. 4, 4J and OJ P.

an^ff’p *** “ •• “nil« 3 .6**“ NEW YOBS AND NEW BRUNSWICK.


“ ? ^ e t s are tecelvid w ^ pnrchdsedl I ^

s f i;

gsiSrsK ;»J5w a^s^^Xiiur^^w and clath papers In great variety, hat ters'-ftfed druggists^ papers,,kentlsh caJJ, TlsSub pa-

from the mines, of a very superior quality, find large siVe,

p to enclose letters siiltable to he used under the , ___ijf Office,lAw, whereby several letters can be forwarded up-I flet oneenverand considerable postage saved, for sale at'I :th« Stationery establishment of ' I

JANSENfcBE[iL,358Nbsianstraet,' i ______ Tribune^ BnUdings.1

E . I S S S S J S S . ^ ^ B S ,

per, white colored and asserted colors,iRDS—THadert, medium and double cap size, hand__ ,

machine made, straw of common and superfine • qaality, bandbox, n k , oqd Bonnet, Press papers whlte.Brdwn and vellow. fee. &c. ftc, jel9

. edge to the razor. Eetailedfor____adfl each, accerdlbgto size and o t...... ...... .....PHces by thVdozeii S3 so, 5 00; 6 00 and f 9 00 AxWoslde Strop With hohe|2 50 per dozen, 3 f| Conts

... .......................................

w S H s S S I ^ s l i

’‘’S 5 r * . “......... ..............

ady. to j>resent e assorunqiitjof

_______________ .mblici calls for,i consisting orrosewo4<l, mahogany, black vvalnatand palnt- i : ed furniture, all of the choicest materials hud workmanship.

Premium: sofa and. windlass b^teadss ' ^Orders executed promptly.. m S 6 ____________ TUNIS MOBRI

D ] * o t t l € l ? S c C o * 9No. 33 JoHiTBTRUET, N*w York,

tooM“whWlsl^^^^^ ^ a g e al wa:F o rm lea tth e s« ^C rta b ^ ^^ ^^ ^^

■ ' ‘ ■ • ) gilsgealwaysat hand.—

‘®»,£S5S,Si, ”jg|’ '

between New 50^ce|s.


by the conductors only on th . day

i:faJ, STr.'£Jn X t o J S M lG B A J r rS . ~

g tic a-.,..... .................. q . e q i M

; s W S S i r 5 5 S ^ 3 ? 5

J i1 10 0 9 00

f e l "

*^lww*^(iutov'er COPYING PRESSES, of various sizes.English an ! French Tissue srtdW rltin| Papers.

. PeaingWarf, Wafers. Steel Pens. Parchment, Ink^flulds,

s s S s l S s S s g p a f rbeing converted In a few seconds into a comtortable settee. making them viry suitable for small fanil les. Several si-

“”"¥sKMriSE“ ’P. g —Tables, stop ladders, clothes-horses, wash benches

&i*„ cm hand or made to order of the best seasoned c^teri-

ddresses and oohyersailons, w •y .ReV Dr Symington. Publlsl he Assembly. With an mtnx‘ph’rfb OT voi. cloth.

P rl« 7 5 ceut3. 3. r e d PIELD. Clb

n i C O F R S fJ r o F c a u i !

T EMON SYRUP—Prepared ir»m fresh fruit, foisale by J L i JOHN DUNOAN f t SON. dOTBroadvray..

je ll ; __ betweenW-"------ — ------ ------------rjiT-lRGilNIA, HAMS—Sml

' | • y A Y^&Y<>P.TO.Cl>^^ngood^rder. they are warranted to pleas etnrned. Retailed a t 59 cents to each.

300 do Finished Upper do50 dnz. Oak Tanned Calfskins SO- do French: do

100 Bides Skltlng Leather ino do Eusset and Black Bridle Leather ’SCO doz. Lining and. Morocco Skins;

For sale by KlUMEL c EYEEBON;i marl » i t A7 Ferry streeLt V ^ H E A P C O M B S . B U T T O N S , PANCrE

GOODS, ftc.—The Aubscrlber is now receiving and^

S E ^ i s i a S S a ^ S s g 3 ; 3 ,s .x g f .« f a % ^ ^

S i g j S ^ = i - S l S = ~_ . ,,.........__ _... ......

GOODS, ftc.—The Aabsprlber is now receiving ai oSbrS for sale on the most reasonable-terms a general :atj ' sof tment of articles in the above Ilne,conSisUng in part of-J- J

Ivory, BBell and Metal Combs. ' 'Slde. TWist and Dressing Conibs,

M v e s s s t s a - , ^ ^ :

M. and Saturday at -----------------Derby on. Monday and Thursday: _

For freight, M gas!.. . .e ig h ^ |t la g e .h a v in g snp^ re fu^lshedac ^ ^ o n s ,a p p ly to t o e - ^ n g ^ ^ ^ ^


ilOi2 13 0 13 25 I 11 10 7 97 0 18 0 <60

lope; D..C......... 0 16 0 4 00I f O n t O d 0 17 0- 4 25, sw Oil45aa»yia Phllad 2 15 0, -13 75

* of the principaX place* to

“ “ j ’ s .-r e DFIELD. Clinton Hall.

S ^ g - p a s s a n

S '®

Amertcafi e d u T o iv ^ ^ % .

___ 8 REDPIELD, Clinton Hall.safety and advantage; Us use is a preventive of the Stun: "mer Comptafnt, and efficacious as a cure In the debility ef gr»wliigchildren.;lniend.ncy to Rickets. Carved Spine, ftc.- t t isone ofdwr best remedies.. It is valuable In'Scrofula - _ jo — r..,— iTi—i».s-----i-------- -------------- "settonstof t

my28tJe2SKlawisgcont “^ ^ g R E N T IC E -: |?St.Indiana,:

5 3 Wff iS , 'Mlehigan^


-R L U E Y T T K O E * S A L l l PETRE,

s s f f i s e

poitifBeiM; Heningand iJUi;Nett Twinedtor iatt.bi1 BURIUTT fc JOHNSTON, iSaPlne-at,:

Also SO bales English and Atnertean BtownShae Thretd. - ' 10 Jido do do F U arB id l^Jm

iS T E A T O E K ^^ S ^ eS w ^ - m

i f l S s B S p f p

E R A im r;■T:i '

N; B.-i(ielght by toesi b<ii,®w ie lw w tto speak wlth’graaicw i8de»t»4that prill be made by those engatfUg grants comforts, and fe cUIties, ofmoled, by engaging pajsrese of

VVOODVY lED fc CQ,,59i Wa^lngtoast,B: bt the EtttoPean epdAmerlcan

e n g ^ g psalsage, blit t ^ t the e ^ - cUWes,of transit wflVibe jp^ tly jtip-

passage of IW OODVYlBDfc" ------ ■

GenetalAgen; Of the -----, -------Em*iF*ht«nA?kae»pori?ifl9n Cq,

* ^ ^ ^ k w £ S u t % *.40.41, lS A .lf„ l iM .5 .6 .

* ^ ^ v iN e w ' Y «k,rat 8, #, lO, J l, 1% A .M ; f,

iekveraTwylibur&t*:* fc-Jfcrairt^fkfi

; p s | ^

[lSKaS:f5S:i’» 'S S W f c .' S 2 ^ V S 5 S = S - . «

naterial if6r gun makers in all Its varfety. JelO

i p ^ T T f-r- iS S' t-

s S i s

furnlsli- or re embellish tfiMF k'

and Chemisw; n « p r r 4 & ^ WAstot[^

S '^^WP »Hk«r artide®!?the SUtlonery and Blapk BMk fine, as low la proportion, either a t wholesale or re-

f*»5k „ ’ RICH fc LGSTIua,, - . ’’



m M

''j HEpHl

ssSSIf D9&M;sisr"*_____________

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