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The Art of Nursing

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The Art of Nursing

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Color Drawings: The second drawing I chose to do was a set of two flowers. These colors represent the two colors on one side of the color spectrum ( orange and red). I did however add some yellow into the drawing in order for all the drawings to have one similar color. For this drawing, I also refrained from making a border. I did use continuous markings until I got the desired shape. With this drawing, I also used the layering tool, which I found immensely useful. Text and Drawing by: Michelle Melville


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Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville

Color DrawingThis is a drawing of apples that I started during class and contin-ued to finish on my own time. This specific drawing represented the two colors (green and yellow) on the opposite side of the color spectrum. With this drawing, I used continous strokes with my pen and refrained from making borders. The shading of the different colors of yellow at the bottom of the apples is supposed to contrast the light that was shining on them in the pictures.


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Value DrawingsThis is the in class drawing that we were re-quired to do in class on Monday. I fund that the shading was difficult. This was the vase that was provided to me in class. I also used different shades of grey and black. I tried to make it look like the light was reflecting off the left side of the vase. I also used “Bamboo” pad and Adobe to create this drawing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Color Drawings This is my third and final drawing, this is found to be the hardest. I thought that the wood was extremely hard to depict texturized. With this drawing I used both continuous marks and outlining. The only reason that I used outlining was because the shape of the flip-flops were not coming together the way I wanted them too. This drawing depicts a picture of flip- flops and a straw hat, laying on a wooden table. This is my “warm colors’ drawing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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SunglassesAbove is pictured the sunglasses in which we learned how to trace upon in class. During this activity we used all the same tools as was used in the “batman project”, however we did used the dropper tool to achieve the most accurate colors upon each specific part of the glasses.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Beginings of the InforgraphicThese are the six drawings that I completed outside of class for my infographic. After meet-ing with my professor I changed the idea of my infographic to informing the reader upon differ-ent types of nurses and what it takes (schooling, internships, and exams) to become each. I have listed my fact sheet below. For all six of these drawings I used the layering tool, which I placed the picture on the first layer and traced it then on the second layer. I also used the dropper tool to replicate the exact colors that were depicted in the pictures. I tried to make all 6 drawings of a different type of nurse, to show the variation of all nurses in the field.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Inforgraphic Cotinues My infographic is based upon the different types of nurses and the criteria that is required to become each specific nurse. The first image pictured is the first infographic that I had started in class. Where as the second image is the finished project. As you can see, I added more color in the second one. I coordinated the colors of the boxes with the colors of the shirts of the nurses in which they are describ-ing. I also made boxes around the font because I wanted the colors to be more visible and the font to be more readable. The graphic under the title is for added affect and also to fill in the empty space. I changed the font to a more bold and distinct characteristic because it was also more visible this way. During the completion of the infographic, I used the layering tool, the box shape tool and also the pen tool to trace the shapes of all my original graphics. The eyedropper tool was also used to imitate the specific colors of the nurses shirt to the coordinating boxes.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Inforgraphic Part 3My infographic is based upon the different types of nurses and the criteria that is required to become each specific nurse. The first image pictured is the first infographic that I had started in class. Where as the second image is the finished project. As you can see, I added more color in the second one. I coordinated the colors of the boxes with the colors of the shirts of the nurses in which they are describing. I also made boxes around the font because I wanted the colors to be more visible and the font to be more readable. The graphic under the title is for added af-fect and also to fill in the empty space. I changed the font to a more bold and distinct characteristic because it was also more visible this way. During the completion of the infographic, I used the layering tool, the box shape tool and also the pen tool to trace the shapes of all my original graphics. The eyedropper tool was also used to imitate the specific colors of the nurses shirt to the coordinating boxes.

Drawing and text by: Michelle Melville


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Color DrawingsThis is a drawing of apples that I started during class and continued to finish on my own time. This specific drawing represented the two colors ( green and yel-low) on the opposite side of the color spectrum. With this drawing, I used continuous strokes with my pen and refrained from making borders.The shading of the different colors of yellow at the bottom of the apples is supposed to contrast the light that was shining on them in the pictures.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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The Many Different Types of Nurses

Certified Nurse’s Assistant Licensed Practical Nurse

Registered Nurse

Nurse Anesthetist

Nurse Practioner

•Certification acquired in 2 to 3 week program

at junior college, community college

Doctoral Nurse

•Must be 18 years old

•Have the equivalent to a high school diploma with at least 2.0 GPA at graduation

•Graduation from a LPN program through community college

•Pass the NCLEX

•Bachelors of Science in Nursing

•Graduation from a 4 year University,

accredited nursing school

•Graduate from an accredited nursing school with a GPA of 3.0 or higher

•Letter of recommendation from professors

•Pass the NCLEX

•Graduation from a Master’s program of NA

•Two years of nursing practice before entering program

•Internship before starting career

•Minimum of 4 year Bachelor Degree from University, accredied nursing school

•GPA of at least a 3.0 by graduation

•Two years as a Registered Nurse in that specific field

•Graduation from a Master’s program from accredited NP program (3 to 4 years)

•Graduate from an accredited nursing school with a GPA of 3.0 or higher

•2 years as a practicing nurse in their specific field

•Letter of recommendation from professors

•Pass the NCLEX

•Graduation from a Master’s program in MSN/NA/NP program with a 3.0 or higher

•2 years of research in specific field

•Internship after graduation



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Final InfographicThis is my completed infographic for this week. The same con-tent is present from last week, with all the same original graph-ics. I made some minor changes from my last infographic. For instance, I changed the back drop boxes behind the informa-tion of the different types of nurses to white to make the type stand out more. Also, the titles that are above each type were changed into black and bold. I also used the website in class “” to achieve the title fonts. I also used the eye drop-per tool to achieve the same type of white and the layering tool to separate the layers into more workable sections.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Drawing for Infographic

These five drawings are what I will be using in my info graphic. For my infographic, I will be presenting information related to crime. I will provide the states with the most violent crime and the crimes that are most committed. Violent crimes include rape, murder, robbery, and aggravated assault. Within the top ten most common crimes that I will provide in my info graphic, the four vi-olent crimes are present. The drawings I have are three criminals: a drug addict, a murderer, and a robber/ thief. I will use these pic-tures because the robber and murderer represent a violent crime which is present in my most dangerous states and a drug addict because drug abuse is a very common crime. All of these pictures represent crime in a way. I also will use a drawing of a police officer because law enforcement are crime fighters and those who enforce the law that criminals break. Where there is a criminal, a police officer is not far behind. I think these drawings will help my info graphic by representing crime. The way that I created these drawings was by using the pen tool. I first found pictures online that I wanted to draw and then I placed them onto adobe illustra-tor and began tracing the pictures. Then after the pictures were traced, I added color to them that would be most beneficial for not only the drawing itself but also my info graphic. I tried to use darker colors for the criminals and the officer because criminals are usually dressed in dark attire and a police officers uniform is black. By using these photos and the information I gathered, I am trying to inform people of what kind of crimes are most common and what states have the most crime.

Drawing and Text by: Kingha Stanek


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This data is gathered from FBI’s latest Uniform Crime Report.

Top 10 most common crimes in America

* Murder* Drugs* Burglary/ Theft* Prostitution* Fraud* Rape* Aggravated Assault* Underage Drinking* Domestic Violence* Motor Vehicle Theft

1. Tennessee - 643.3 Violent Crimes per 100,000 People


4.New Mexico-559.1 5. South Carolina-558.8

2. Nevada-607.6

6. Delaware-547.4

7. Louisiana-496.9

8. Florida-487.1

9. Maryland-476.8

10. Oklahoma-469.4

Violent Crimes include rape, robbery, murder, and aggravated assault.












Most commonViolent Crime-

Aggravated Assault

CRIHere are the states with the highest violent

crime rate per 100,000 people.

Although the infor-mation alone is very significant, it is always important to look at the differ-ent factors that contribute to the number of violent crimes. The differ-ent factors that may play a role are economic condi-tions, population density, climate, different education levels, and possibly issues with the Uniform Crime




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Final InfographicThe third photo is of my final draft. In this photo, my info graphic draft is complete. I have added a lot of color, shapes, and different fonts and sizes of fonts. I also included the sources I used in order to get my information for my info graphic. The photos I created are also placed in different places then from previous drafts. I placed them where I think they are of most value. The only thing that I haven’t finished in this draft is the heading. I wanted to make it a yellow caution tape that is used at crime scenes but I couldn’t figure out how to make the text slanted so I left the text just near the yellow bands so that when I figure out how to slant my text, I can fix it.

Drawing and Text by: Kingha Stanek


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Trace DrawingsAbove is picture by before and after batman logo picture that I had started inside class and then proceeded to finish outside. The first drawing was drawn free hand without any logo placed under-neath. During class, we used a tracing technique by placing the actual logo on the first layer and then tracing over it. The differ-ence is evident in which one is more accurate.

Drawings and text by: Michelle Melville


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Variation Drawings 1The drawings above were part of the variation assignment. All the drawings I have completed in earlier assignments for this class. I revised them using different types of brushes. The heart beat drawing was revised using a more thicker and almost “hand painted” looking brush.The glass was a previous line drawing and was replaced with symbols that mimic patches in the form of X’s. When i revised my “warm color” drawing of the hat and flip flops i used two different brushes. The first is more of a thick edgier brush, it gives the appearance that spikes were coming out of the objects. The second form of the drawing represented arrows that made the drawing less bulky and their is more white visible in the background. Where as the first drawing, no white was visible. The drawing of the nurse was revised from on of my infographic drawings. This drawing has more of a natural brush stroke around the borders, where as the original was more defined. During this assignment it was interesting to see how a brush can change the appearance and characteristics of the whole thing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Variation Drawings 2The drawings above were part of the variation assignment. All the drawings I have completed in earlier assignments for this class. I revised them using different types of brushes. The heart beat drawing was revised using a more thicker and almost “hand painted” looking brush.The glass was a previous line drawing and was replaced with symbols that mimic patches in the form of X’s. When i revised my “warm color” drawing of the hat and flip flops i used two different brushes. The first is more of a thick edgier brush, it gives the appearance that spikes were coming out of the objects. The second form of the drawing represented arrows that made the drawing less bulky and their is more white visible in the background. Where as the first drawing, no white was visible. The drawing of the nurse was revised from on of my infographic drawings. This drawing has more of a natural brush stroke around the borders, where as the original was more defined. During this assignment it was interesting to see how a brush can change the appearance and characteristics of the whole thing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Variations Drawings 3

The drawings above were part of the variation assignment. All the drawings I have completed in earlier assignments for this class. I revised them using different types of brushes. The heart beat drawing was revised using a more thicker and almost “hand painted” looking brush.The glass was a previous line drawing and was replaced with symbols that mimic patches in the form of X’s. When i revised my “warm color” drawing of the hat and flip flops i used two different brushes. The first is more of a thick edgier brush, it gives the appearance that spikes were coming out of the objects. The second form of the drawing represented arrows that made the drawing less bulky and their is more white visible in the background. Where as the first drawing, no white was visible. The drawing of the nurse was revised from on of my infographic drawings. This drawing has more of a natural brush stroke around the borders, where as the original was more defined. During this assignment it was interesting to see how a brush can change the appearance and characteristics of the whole thing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Variation Drawing 4The drawings above were part of the variation assignment. All the drawings I have completed in earlier assignments for this class. I revised them using different types of brushes. The heart beat drawing was revised using a more thicker and almost “hand painted” looking brush.The glass was a previous line drawing and was replaced with symbols that mimic patches in the form of X’s. When i revised my “warm color” drawing of the hat and flip flops i used two different brushes. The first is more of a thick edgier brush, it gives the appearance that spikes were coming out of the objects. The second form of the drawing represented arrows that made the drawing less bulky and their is more white visible in the background. Where as the first drawing, no white was visible. The drawing of the nurse was revised from on of my infographic drawings. This drawing has more of a natural brush stroke around the borders, where as the original was more defined. During this assignment it was interesting to see how a brush can change the appearance and characteristics of the whole thing.

Drawing and Text by: Michelle Melville


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Variation DrawingThis one photos is one I have used in my crime info graphic. I revised them by changing the brush stroke. The brush stroke that I used for the police officer is a watercolor brush that made the police officer look blurry. I think it is kind of cool because the blurriness of the police officer reminds me of somebody under the influence looking at the police officer because those who are under the influence see things differently. For the rob-ber I used a charcoal brush because I just liked how it made the picture look more rugged.

Drawing and Text by: Kingha Stanek


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Variation DrawingThese are three different variations of the bottle that we drew on the first day. The first bottle is revised with a charcoal brush, the second with a watercolor brush, and the third is with text divider 12 which is in the decorative brush tools. I think that all are interesting and attractive to the eye but still show what the object really is.

Text and Drawing by: Kinga Stanek


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Meet the AuthorMy name is Michelle Melville and I am a junior in the nursing program here at St. Xavier University. These past two years have really pushed me to my full potential academically. De-spite this fact, I do really enjoy learning about something that I am truly passionate about. I am really excited to finally get field experience this semester during my clinical practice. I gradu-ated from Carl Sandburg High school in Orland Park in 2012. I am really excited to expand my education in art, considering I do not have a strong academic background in the subject.


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