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. Annual Scholarship Melave Malka February 18, 2017

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Annual Scholarship Melave Malka February 18, 2017

Patron Mazel Tov to our dear children

Stevie and Risa

We are honored by the way you live your lives committed to Torah ideals and family traditions with dignity and humility.

May you continue in good health and with Nachas to grow in your very special way.

We love you,Mom and Dad


To my dear friend and colleague

Dr. Steven and Risa Berkowitz

You are a true Your and is a for our community.May ''grant you the for continued success.

Dr. Victor and Irene Sabo


In Honor of the Berkowitz and Dzialoszynski Families

May you continue to be an inspiration to us and to our community.

Alb & Nancy GalbutElchonon & Sarki Galbut

Patron In honor of my dear friend and Chavrusa

Rabbi Ezriel Dzialoszynski and his Eishes Chayil

Your Geshmak in learning and your warmth as a personPermeates our Chavrusashaft and inspires an even deeper level of understanding.

I look forward to learning with you each and every day.

Dr. Victor and Irene Sabo


Dr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Risa Berkowitz

On this most well deserved honor

You are true role models to the entire community.May Hashem give you the strength to continue for many years to come with true health and happiness.

Michael and Sylvia Kanoff


To our dear friendsEzriel and Deena DzialoszynskiIts only been three years, but I feel I have known you for a lifetime.You have energy and a Geshmak, through which you connect to the people around you.May '' give you continued Kochos to teach and inspire others.May you see much Yiddishe Nachas from your wonderful family.

In friendship,Nick and Tzila Sabo


To our dear friends and colleague

Dr. Steven and Risa Berkowitz

Mazel tov on an honor well deserved .You are true role models to our community.Honesty, integrity and Mentchlichkeit are your trademarks.May 'grant you continued health, Parnosa, andYiddishe Nachas from your beautiful familyAnd the ability to continue your lofty endeavors.

Nick and Tzila Sabo

BuilderTo our good friendsSteven and Risa Berkowitz

Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.May Hashem give you the strength to continue all your good work.

Yair and Bassy Lapciuc


To our Dear Friend, Baal Tefila and much more

Reb Ezriel and Mrs. Deena Dzialoszynski

You are true friends to all. Your warmth and care for others is inspiring. May we have the continued Zechus of your commitment to our Kehila.From the Boyz of Khal Zichron Naftali

Platinum"In honor of R' Ezriel and Deena Dzialoszynski

On your well deserved Harbotzas Torah Award.

In the short while that you have lived in Miami Beach, you have made a tremendous impact in our community. We feel blessed to have you as neighbors and friends.

May you always have the strength to be able to teach Torah in the amazing way that you do.

Shlomo and Risa Berkowitz

Platinum"In great appreciation of Rabbi NissonFriedman Rabbi Tzvi Berkson Rabbi Yosef Zemeland the entire Limudei Kodesh & secular studies faculty of the Mechina of South Florida.

Thank you for your tremendous efforts in creating a Yeshiva where our boys are excited to Daven, learn, and become Bnei Torah. Your dedication to each Talmid instills within them a sense of belonging and responsibility.

May you continue to have much success in creating an outstanding Torah institution.

Shlomo and Risa Berkowitz

Parnes Hayom"To a very special young coupleDr. & Mrs. Steven Berkowitz


Congratulations toRabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

Barry & Esther Appel

Parnes Hayom"Ezriel and Deena,

Congratulations on this well deserved honor.

May Hashem give you continued Gezunt and Brocha

Helene and Abby Berkowitz

Parnes Hayom" To Steven and Risa Berkowitz

Mazel Tov On this well deserved honor.

Michael & P'nina Rottman

In Honor ofEzriel and Deena Dzialoszynski On receiving this well deserved Harbotzos Torah Award

Chaim and Leora ZwebnerParnes Hayom"

In Honor ofDr. & Mrs. Shlomo BerkowitzParents of the Year

May Hashem bless you both with good health and prosperity to continue helping Klal Yisroel flourish.

Yasher Koach,Caroline and Jay Schechter"Parnes Hayom

Dear Risa and Steve(The titans of chesed)May you continue on the great path you have chosenLove,Mom and Dad


In Honor of

Shlomo & Risa BerkowitzAndEzriel & Deena Dzialoszynski

Your ongoing commitment and dedication to the Mechina and our community at large is truly an inspiration. May ' continue to shower you with his blessings and guide your way.

Hillel & Noami Herssein

Dear Risa and Steve(The titans of chesed)May you continue on the great path you have chosenLove,Mom and Dad


Dear Risa and Steve(The Titans of Chessed)

May you continue on the great path you have chosen.

Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Risa and Steve(The titans of chesed)May you continue on the great path you have chosenLove,Mom and Dad


Mazel Tov!to

Steve and Risa BerkowitzEzriel and Deena Dzialoszynski

May ' give you Brocha vHatzlocha

The Bergers

Dear Risa and Steve(The titans of chesed)May you continue on the great path you have chosenLove,Mom and Dad


In honour of

Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo Berkowitz With much love, respect and admiration for being a community leader, and a role model for Bnei Yisrael.

Love, The Lieberman family from Montreal.


ToStevie & Risa BerkowitzandRabbi & Mrs. Dzialoszynski

Mazel Tov on this very well deserved honor.May you all continue to have much Bracha and Hatzlacha in all that you do.

FromPro TransportationSchragie & Gili GoldblattAbbey & Helene Berkowitz"


Mazel Tov to all the honorees

A special Mazel Tov to Risa and Stevie Berkowitz A wonderful, accomplished and inspirational couple.

You have continued in the derech that your parents and grandparents have set forth for you. Your Midos and the way that you live your life is a model to all that know you. Your commitment to your community and Klal Yisroel is exemplary and we are forever proud of you!!May you go from strength to strength with our beautiful great nieces and nephews!!!

All our love, Aunt Simy and Uncle Mitchel Nerenberg and familyAunt Janie and Uncle Ira Grosser and family"


In Honor of Steve and Risa Berkowitz

It's no wonder the Mechina is honoring you,In recognition and appreciation for all that you do.In a quiet and humble way- you consistently take the lead,And serve as constant role models in action and in deed.Your Chessed is legendary and has surely made a mark,You inspire and motivate and you always ignite the spark.Your children are Aidel, Ehrlich and true Mentchin,They are the a result of your impeccable Chinch and attention.May you have boundless energy to utilize your Kochos,And may HaShem shower you with A'sach Nachas and Brachos.

We love youIra and Elana, Elie and Alana, Ari and Rachey and Jeff and Michali"


In Honor of Dear Friends

Rabbi and Mrs. Nisson Friedman

Reuven & Esther Guttman"

We would like to congratulateOur dear friends

Rabbi Ezriel and Mrs. Deena Dzialoszynski

On this well deserved honor

Your move to our community has definitely been our gain. Your talents and sincere dedication to Harbotzas Hatorah are truly evident.May Hashem shower you with much Hatzlacha in all your wonderful endeavors.Wishing you tremendous Nachas, health and happiness always.Nisson and Chaya Malkie Friedman

" "We would like to congratulate our dear friends and neighbors

Dr. Shlomo and Mrs. Risa Berkowitz

On this well deserved honor

You truly symbolize Parents of the Year, in every way, shape, sense and form. Your total devotion and efforts on behalf of the Mechina and the community are commendable.May Hashem grant you the strength to continue in this wonderful path for many years to come.Wishing you much health, happiness, Nachas and only Simchos.

Nisson and Chaya Malkie Friedman

Mazel TovRisa and Stevenon this well deserved honor!

May you continue to do good deeds.

With love from,

Selma and Jeff NewmanLisa and Robert NewmanJennifer and Peter Bernstein"

To our Dear Role Models,

Steve and Risa

As your siblings, we experience first-hand your fine Middos and endless Chessed. More than that, we are truly inspired by your constant dedication to your beautiful community. May you be Zoche to continue to use your tremendous Kochos to make an impact on the Mechina and all of Klal Yisroel.

Love, David & Tami and Dovid & Talia"

Dear Risa & Shlomo,

We just want to tell you both: Good luck!

We're all counting on you.

All our love, Shira & Moti"

Dear Stevie & Risa,

Mazal tov on receiving this special and much deserved honor. You are true role models for your children, family, community, and now The Mechina of South Florida.

May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to bring much Nachas to everyone whose lives you touch.

We are blessed to have such close friends in you and may we continue to celebrate many more joyous occasions together.

Love, Yoni, Yehudis, David, Lili, Avi, & Moshe Paritzky"


In honor of Rabbi Ezriel and Mrs. Deena Dzialoszynski

You are both paragons of Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chasadim in your interactions with your children, students and all those with whom you come in contact.

We are proud of you! Love,

Mom Josh and Elizabeth Devorah and Yitzi Moshe and Leila Yaakov and Dena Aharon and Chaya Mendel and Esther Baruch and Yael


Mazel Tov to Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo Berkowitz In Honor of my dear friend Rabbi Nisson Friedman

Yitzy Rosenblum


In honor of

Rabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

From his Talmidim At the Beis Midrash Bais Mordechai Hollywood, Florida

For all his Mesirus Nefesh and love for his Talmidim.


In Honor ofRabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

Mazel Tov!

Sincerely, Shlomo and Yiskah Hoffman


Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor toSteve and Risa Berkowitz&Ezriel and Deena Dzialoszynski

With much appreciation toRabbi Nisson Friedmanfor all that he does for the Mechina and its Talmidim

Chaim and Hudis Meisels


In Honor of Shlomo and Risa BerkowitzOn this well deserved honorMay you go

Chaim N. & Yael Summer


In Honor of Ezriel and Deena DzialoszynskiOn this well deserved honorMay you go

Chaim N. & Yael Summer


In honor of

Dr. Stevie and Mrs. Risa Berkowitz

Outstanding professionals and individuals who constantly give to the community.

They have certainly witnessed Tzedaka and Chessed in their families.

They have learned the lesson well from their own parents and grandparents thus making them outstanding role models and Parents of the Year.

May they continue to have Nachas from their own children, who will witness this commitment from their family.

Love,Ann & Alex LebowitzRuthy & Shlomie Perl


Our community was blessed when Reb Ezriel & his family relocated to become part of and inspire the community in Florida.

His constant warmth, love for learning and devotion to Klal Yisroel is felt by all. He is an Ish HaChinuch who has a tremendous ability to impact us in his humble manner as a member of the community.

May his family continue to be a source of Nachas and role models to us all.

With much love and admiration,

Yochanan & Rifkah Zweig


Its an honor on a personal level to count the Berkowitz and Dzialoszynski Families as friends, and a Bracha for our community to have them as role models.

To Rabbi Friedman and Rabbeim and the entire staff of the MechinaThank you so much for all the you put in to each and every Talmid

Rabbi Chaim and Shaindy Friedman


Stevie and Risa,

Congratulations on this most outstanding award, which represents three generations of unfaltering commitment to Jewish education in our community.

Gita & David GalbutSara & Ronnie GottliebPK & JoD KoeningsbergRicky & Shari SchechterBobby & Bob ShapiroSandy & Artie SpolterRhonda & Thomas Weiss


In honor of our dear sister and brother in law

Rabbi Ezriel and Mrs. Deena Dzialoszynski

You are both truly worthy of this honor,exemplifying Harbatzas haTorah in Yerushalayim, Cincinnati, and Miami

May you continue to be Zoche to serve as role modelsfor us, your children, and your entire community


Josh and Elizabeth KibelDevorah and Yitzi PolskyMoshe and Leila KibelYaakov and Dena KibelAharon and Chaya KibelMendel and Esther Kibel Baruch and Yael Kibel


With great appreciation to The Mechina of South Florida,Rabbi Friedman and all the Rabbeim and staff


A big MAZAL TOV to the honorees

Dr. and Mrs. Shlomo Berkowitz an&Rabbi and Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

Howard and Resa SitzerDovid & Elysse HechingBerel & Shevy SitzerMeir Zev SitzerSimcha Sitzer


It is with great pleasureThat we pay tributeToRisa & Stevie BerkowitzMechina of South Florida'sParents of the year awardees.

Your outstanding efforts on behalf ofthe Mechina, our Jewish community & K'lal YisroelAre truly exemplary.

You had wonderful role models growing upAnd we are thrilled & delighted to seeHistory repeating itself.

May Hashem continue to watch over youAnd your beautiful familySo that you may carry on with your good work.

With much appreciation & lots of love,

Linda & Barry Bogin Marilyn & David GrayHelen & Larry Ciment Rose & Sam GurfinkelSharon & Perry Ciment Alice & Josh ManasterAhuva & Gary Epstein Rhonda & Tom Weiss


To our dear friends Dena and Rabbi Dzialoszynski

This community is lucky to have pillars and role models like you. Thank you for all you do for us all.We are honored to call you our friends.

May you be blessed with continued health and strength to continue all the wonderful work you do.

Zalmi & Tova Kahn


The way in which a school measures its success is by observing its graduates.

Shlomo, seeing your accomplishments twenty years later, gives us tremendous Nachas. Your sterling character, unwavering commitment to Chessed, genuine passion for learning and love for Klal Yisroel makes everything we do here at the Mechina worthwhile.

You, together with Risa, live an exemplary life as true role models in Torah, Yiras Shimayim, and the way you bring up your children. You are continuing the legacy of your parents and grandparents ZL in a Yiddishe manner as it was in Europe, and this is an inspiration to our entire community.

Hopefully others will learn from your family and may we all be Zoche to greet Mashiach Bimhayrah Biyamanu.

With much love and admiration,

Yochanan & Rifkah Zweig


"The apple does not fall far from the tree."

Much like your parents,Helene and Abbey,your involvement in Tzarchei Tziburis to be noted and complimented.

Mazel Tov to Stevie &RisaAnd the entire Berkowitz family.It has been a pleasurewatching you grow, as yourformer principal and teacher.

We are proud of you!Mr. and Mrs. L. Kuczynski


To major pillars of this great communityDr. & Mrs. Shlomo BerkowitzRabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

Its an honor to be your friends

Benjy & Cypy Winkler


Congratulations to our dear friends

Dr. Shlomo & Risa BerkowitzAnd Rabbi Ezriel & Deena Dzialoszynski

There are few families who are able to move to a communityand make such a dramatic impact so quickly. Your selflessness and dedication to our community is inspiring to us all. You are truly deserving of this honor.

May ' give you much to continue making a ', and may you have much from your wonderful families.

Tzvi & Rivky Neuhaus


In Honor of Dr. Shlomo & Risa BerkowitzAnd Rabbi Ezriel & Deena Dzialoszynski

Your contributions to our community Are far reaching

May you go

Rabbi & Mrs. Eliyahu Kutoff


We commend the Mechina Administrative Staff:

Rabbi Friedman Rabbi Zemel Rabbi Berkson Mr.Weinberger

The Faculty:Rabbi Pesach Shifman Rabbi Yisroel Weberman Rabbi Avrohom Aaron Elias Rabbi Aharon Dov Barkany Rabbi Yosef Zemel Rabbi Avrohom Feldheim Rabbi Aharon Greenberg Rabbi Shmuel Stein Rabbi Binyomin Feldbrand Rabbi Yosef Hacher Rabbi Yakov Hill

Dr. Jeanfils AlcideMr. Aron Feibush Mr. Michael Karp Mr. Brian Shtundel Mr. Seth Wait

And Office Staff:Mrs. Miriam Deutsch Ms. Sharon BrecherMs. Janine Santilli

for a job well done.May Hashem grant you many more yearsof strength as you continue to inspire,teach and prepare our future generations.

With much gratitude to the Rosh Yeshiva,HaRav Yochanan Zweig, the entire Yeshiva staffand Talmidim for enhancing our lives.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Kuczynski


From the moment he arrived in Miami Beach,he has been a gem, a shining light, and a source of Torah enlightenment.

It is with tremendous gratitudethat we thank


for the Torah he teaches us, forthe expertise in delivering a Halacha,for the friendship we have, fortreating us with the utmost respect,for his brilliance, for his humor, and more.

May Rabbi Janowski have many moreyears of health and success ashe continues to lead us and thecommunity.

With great respect and admiration,

Mimi and Larry Kuczynski


In honor of the Rosh HaMechinaRabbi Nisson Friedman

And in Honor ofDr. and Mrs. BerkowitzTrue Oskim BTzarchei Tzibbur

Bais Yaakov MiamiRabbi and Mrs. Ephraim LeizersonMrs. Sarah H. GrossMrs. Dvorah Wechsler


To Dr. and Mrs. Shlomo Berkowitz&Rabbi and Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.May you continue to have much bracha, hatzlacha and nachas.

Rabbi Yisroel Moshe JanowskiRabbi Elchonon ZweigRabbi Chaim Friedmanand the YES Family


In honor of

Dr. Shlomo and Mrs. Risa Berkowitz

Parents of the Year

For all that you do For the Mechina of South Florida,For the Miami Beach community, and beyond.

May you always be able to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh, and beTorah-true role models for all of us.

Wishing you much Bracha, Hatzlacha and Yiddishe Nachas.

Yisroel Moshe Janowski


In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Ezriel and Deena Dzialoszynski

Harbotzos Torah Award

For their involvement in and dedicationtoThe Mechina of South Florida, The Miami Beach community, and beyond.Raising the bar in Chinuch and Harbotzas Hatorah each day.May you continue to inspire us.Wishing you much Bracha, Hatzlacha and Yiddishe Nachas.

Yisroel Moshe Janowski

To our dear friends Rabbi Ezriel and Deena Dzialoszynski

Mazel tov on this well deserved honor!

A tremendous Yasher Koach for your endless devotion towards Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch & Ichud Hashas Zichron Binyomin Tzvi.

Zvi Yehuda and Guila Smith

In honor of The Hanhala, Rebbeim, teachers and staffFor their dedication to the Chinuch of the Talmidim.

Mazel Tov to our dear friends and neighborsShlomo & Risa Parents of the year

Who, in addition to raising their wonderful children, are dedicated to raising the communitys level of true Torah living.

We wish you much continued Hatzlacha and Bracha in all that you do , and much Nachas from your beautiful Mishpacha.

Tuvia & Ruchie Peppard"

To our dear friends, the honorees Mazel Tov!

To Rabbi & Rebbetzin Friedman Thank you for all you do!

To Rabbi Berkson Mrs. Deutsch and all the staff Thank you!

With a lot of appreciation,The Benalloun Family

" " " " ' " "" " .

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Thank you to

The Berkowitz's &The Dzialoszynski's For allowing us to honor you, and for your help in our sacred work.

Rabbi Tzvi BerksonPrincipal for Secular Studies

In Appreciation OfAn Outstanding General Studies Staff

Mr. Michael WeinbergerDr. Jeanfils AlcideRabbi Aaron FeibushMr. Michael KarpMr. Lawrence KuczynskiMr. Brian ShtundelMr. Seth Wait

It is truly a pleasure working with you.Rabbi Tzvi BerksonRabbi Nisson Friedman"

To All of Our Parent PartnersMay we continue to see much Yiddishe Nachas from all of our gems

Rabbi Nisson FriedmanRabbi Tzvi Berkson"

'' ' '' '' '' ' ' '' ' ' '


To The Shtarkest Periodontist (& Wife) I know

Mazal tov on your honor as Parents of the Year You are a wonderful example of Torah Umaddah to your children and the community.

Love, Howie & Miriam Abrahams

Mazel Tov Risa and Shlomo BerkowitzOn this well deserved honor Your outstanding Chessed and concern for everyone who is privileged to know you is legendary. May Hashem bless you with continued Hatzlacha, good health, and Nachas from your beautiful family. Dovid and Rona Holzer


Mazel Tov toDeena and Ezriel We're so proud of you!

Aunt Emily & Uncle Alvin and your Simon, Blitz, Sved cousinsIn Honor of Dr. & Mrs. Stevie Berkowitz

We are so proud and happy to see you going in your parents footsteps.

Yossi & Estie Duchman


Dear Risa and Steve,Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Your dedication to The Mechina, to Torah and Mitzvot And your acts of Chessed are truly exemplary. May bless you with good health And Nachas from your family.Love,Sarah & Frank Mala & Sid Beverly & PhilIn Honor ofStevie & Risa BerkowitzYou are an inspiration and role model to our communityon living a life of Torah with Derech Eretz.

Mauricio & Vivian GluckDr. Baruch & Robin Jacobs


In honor of our dear childrenReb Nisson and Chaya Malky Friedman

May Hashem give you strength to continue with all your wonderful endeavors.

Love,Tatty and MommyMazel Tov to the honorees

Rabbi & Mrs. Ezriel DzialoszynskiYou help make the Yamim Noraim an uplifting experience

Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo BerkowitzThank you for a job well done with your special care and concern

Its a pleasure working with you.


Dear Stevie and Risa,Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.

We are so proud of you and love you very much.You are incredible people and cousins!May you continue to be a great source of nachas to our entire family.

Love,Cheryl and Ari PearlTo our dearest grandchildrenSteve and Risa

Mazel Tov.!Continue to make us proud every day.We love you,

Grandma Regina


We wish the Mechina of South Florida continued Bracha and Hatzlacha.

We are very grateful to the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Nisson Friedman and the entire Hanhalah for all they do for their Talmidim.

Ezriel & Orit Sitzer In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski who are outstanding role models and friends.

With everlasting appreciation for the Hanhalah, Rabbeim and teachers of the Mechina who invest tireless efforts into our children and their growth as Bnei Torah.

The Teichers


To Dr. and Mrs. Stevie and Risa Berkowitz,We are so lucky to have friends like you who show us, through your daily actions and interactions, how to live a life of Kiddush Hashem and Ehrlichkeit.~Thank you to Mrs. Deena Dzialozinsky for her tremendous patience and outstanding teaching abilities as she teaches and mentors our son Srulli, at YES.~With Hakaras Hatov to the Rosh Mechina, Rabbi Nissan Friedman,and our sons Rebbeim, Rabbi Yosef Zemel and Rabbi Aharon Barkany for the success and growth our son has had in the Mechina over the past 2 years.~A special thank you to Mrs. Miriam Deutsch for her care and concern and always-helpful demeanor.Dovid and Dvorah WechslerMAZEL TOV and Kol Hakavod


Rabbi and Mrs. Ezriel and Deena Dzialoszynskion this well deserved honor.

Robert and Jackie Weiss

Ezriel, What would we do without your group moderation talent?


In honor of a Chaver Tov- Yedidi Nefesh and Renowned Mechanchim Rav Ezriel shlita and Dina together with your wonderful Frum Family. May you have much continued Hatzlacha Special tribute to a Erliche Chaver who was an inspiration while in yeshiva for his Hasmada and Middos R' Shloima "Steve" Berkowitz Dr. and Mrs Baruch Fertel Cleveland, OH

"Mazel Tov to Our HonoreesRabbi and Mrs. Ezriel DzialoszynskiDr. and Mrs. Steven BerkowitzMay you go from strength to strength and continue all your good work and Chessed in our community. Sharon Brecher and familyHakaros HaTov toRabbi Nisson FriedmanHolly, Warren, Daniel & Miriam GrossIn honor of Dr Steven and Risa Berkowitz For being outstanding role models in parental loving and guidance, diligent mitzvah observance, dedicated Torah learning and ennobling kindness. May the Almighty bless you and you all your prayers Rita and Robert GalbutIn honor of Dr. Shlomo & Risa BerkowitzTwo outstanding people who continue to enrich the Miami Beach community through their dedication to the needs of the Klal.May Hashem bless you with much Nachas from your own beautiful family.Mark & Suzy Pomper

"CongratulationsTo our niece and nephewDeena and Ezriel DzialoszynskiUncle Michael and Aunt SusanIn honor of Shlomo & Risa Berkowitzand Ezriel & Deena DzialoszynskiShetelchu Mechayil El Chayil Shloimie and Rivka KravetzMazal Tov Shlomo & Risa, you are great friends and role models.Mazal Tov to the Dzialoszynskis on this well deserved honor.With tremendous Hakaras Hatov to the Rosh Mechina, Faculty & StaffAharon Chaim & Dalia LarsonMazel TovStevie and RisaOn an honor well deserved!

Terry and Michael Lefkowitz

" Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees, our dear friendsSteven and his Aishes Chayil, Risaon this well-deserved Kibud.We thank you both for your dedication and devotion to the Miami Beach community.May Hashem continue to grant you both and your family with endless Brachot.With love & admiration,Shanyn, Steven "Simcha", Michal & Matisyahu Meiner

Mazel TovandBest WishesTo our dear friendsDr. & Mrs. Steven Berkowitz

David & Candy MuhlradIn Honor ofRabbi JanowskiThe Mechina of South Florida & Talmudic UniversityWho made it possible for 100's of people in Miami Beach to benefit from the Tefilin & Mezuzah Project.

Bobby & Shelley Rosenberg to our dear friendsShlomo & RisaMay you continue to serve as pillars and role models ofkeviut itim l'torah v'chesed (in hebrew)for the community.Eli & Gracy WebermanYossi & Naomi Weberman

To Rabbi & Mrs. Dzialoszynski ,Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. Much Hatzlocha in all your endeavors. Mayer & Chaya KahnTo Rabbi & Mrs. Dzialoszynski Mazal Tov on this honor recognizing the incredible Harbotzas Torah that continues to sprout forth. It is amazing to see the incredible impact you both are having on the South Florida community in such a short amount of time. May you have only continued Nachas & Bracha there for many years to come.With deep admiration,Yosef & Adina ZoimenOur Dear friends, Rabbi and Mrs. Dzialoszynski Are fearless and exceptional Mechanchim and devoted leaders and role models for our sons and daughters. The communities of Miami Beach and Greater Florida are fortunate to have them in their midst.In admiration,Avrohom Y and Penina BraunsteinMazal Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Steve Berkowitz!May you continue to have much success in all your endeavors! You are models of Derech Eretz and Chesed, and this is a well-deserved honor!Sincerely,Neil and Efrat Friedman

In honor of our dear friends Dr. Shloimelah and Risa Berkowitz. May they have continued Hatzlacha in all that they do and much Nachas from their beautiful Mishpacha. Elisha and Devorah Hisiger

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees! Shalom Aryeh & Brocha Holzer"Warmest wishes to the Dzialoszynski family, from the Heigh family, Cincinnati, OhioMazel tov to Shlomo & RisaLove,Steve & Dalia Oppenheimer In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Ezriel Dzialoszynski Joseph RotsteinCongratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Mendlowitz Mazel Tov toRabbi & Mrs. Ezriel DzialoszynskiGidon & Lili Eldad