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Greg LindemanHead Editor

Hi, I'm Greg.

I'm 25 and I am from Rockwall, Texas, USA.

I attended Texas Tech University where I received a Bachelor of Arts in History, Political Science, and


I love playing basketball, reading books, watching movies, getting lost in music, and exploring the world

around me.

Expressing our thoughts is one of the most valuable things we as a civilization have. Spreading ideas and desires have led us to where we currently are in the world. Today we find ourselves surrounded by social media, we have an urge to be connected to others . A magazine is one of the many tools we have access to that allows us to spread our thoughts to learn more about the people and events that circulate around the globe.

At Suzhou University of Science and Technology I believe it is important for the students and faculty to know what is going on around the University, Suzhou, and the world. On top of that, the writers who make up M.M are receiving valuable opportunities to expand their horizons. They are showing their fellow students and teachers their full capabilities, while at the same time teaching them what responsibility means.

My hope is that from reading this magazine you will learn more about your fellow classmates and more about your life at Suzhou University of Science and Technology. What you do you in your college life is very important hence why we need to make it as memorable as possible. We hope you enjoy your reading experience.

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New Sch


New Life









One World


One Moon





The Grea



17 Get Your S


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20 College L



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Summer, Never WastedDREAM FREEDOM

As we grow up, we often look back and recal l the past . Memories from our days in school still fresh on our minds. While some may have some memorable moments, the others may find they had wasted their chances to have a life with changing experience.Once we graduate, we no longer h a v e t h e c h a n c e t o t a k e advantage of our long summer breaks. Think back to this summer, how did you spend

your summer holiday this time? Did you stay at home and do nothing? If you thought yes, don’t you think it shouldn’t have been like that? Now I invite you to travel with me. Just keep your soul focused on the journey and you’ll experience the most adorable summer time ever.O n J u n e 2 1 , 1 6 m e m b e r s including myself of ZMC cycling expeditions set out from Suzhou, heading for Xiamen. We all had the same goal, to see the

fabulous blue sea. We all would experience the scorching sun heat and torrential rain together in a journey that would bring us closer than ever imagined. We covered the rugged mountainous area, the dusty bumping roads,we got sick, some injured a n d s o m e w h o o v e r c a m e sunstroke. But we never swayed our minds and always hung on to our ultimate goal.





Writer Miuca


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What we do know is that we wanted to get closer and closer to our final destination which we dreamt about desperately for months.

With the mutual encouragement and support from teammates, as well as, the warm-hearted help from the good souls who came to us when we were in trouble, our efforts and persistency paid back after half of a month on bicycle.


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Now that summer is over, the beauty of Xiamen has long since rooted down in everyone’s heart. We can all dream the breathtaking scenery that was etched in our minds during our trip. However, although we all saw the same things, each person looked at each things differently.

We rode along the coast line, we jumped, and ran like crazy on the soft golden beach. We found the artistic feeling in Gulangyu Island where we breezed the salty sea wind, barbecued like gluttons and counted the bright stars late until darkness overcame us. We rushed to the sunrise to feel the splendid radiance with all its strength. It is sure that the wind will blow off our laughter, and the wave will erase the oath we’ve written on the beach. We will never forget the weal and woe we shared together. We’ve tired our bodies and tanned our skin. To some degree, we all suffered physically and emotionally. Yet, through it all in the end we found the true happiness which made us smile deep within.


Everything has to go on. I won’t become a famous writer just because I travelled. What the journey gives us is the chance to grow up while staying young. We don’t grow old, we don’t need to prove something, we do it because we have the childlike sprit of adventure and we never want to lose it.

It doesn’t always need to be something worthy as a conversation. Maybe it wasn’t something earth-shattering to the rest of the world. All that matters is that you make it the most moving and unforgettable as possible. Something we can say we did without any regret or hesitation.

Through this journey we gave birth to our new elite group and we called it LOHAS. The official definition for this is: lifestyles of health and sustainability. I personally would love to explain it this way-love, optimism, happiness and style.



















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You may easily come to the conclusion that we’ve made a magnificent feat and look at us with new eyes. It is because you’ve never tried. People are always thinking big. For me, we are not such great persons who do great things. We are only the dream chasers on the wheels.

Dreams are never intangible or fragile. When you look back and see the traces left on the road, you will find that every mile is covered so clearly and your dream is never that much farther ahead.

Someone asked me why do I like cycling so much? To me it’s just as simple as wanting to get on a bicycle and ride around. I want to tell him that you don’t understand, you’ve never felt the senses of freedom, of belonging, of speed and of achievement. When you tread on the pedals and let the wind blow past your ears, you will find that the whole world belongs to you. On the way, we

broaden our horizons and we have peace of mind. Maybe the meaning of cycling is the freedom our soul feels after a j o u r n e y o f h a v i n g s e e n everything flourish in front of our eyes. Yet we are still so persistent because life is given to man only once.

Since we are still young, we should walk more steps and enjoy more scenery throughout our journey called life. Don’t miss out meeting warm people and experience new opportunity because of rushing to our destination. Since we are still young, speak more romantic words and do more silly things. Don’t miss the most wonderful part and occasion because of fear for being laughed at. Since we are still young, shorten the miles and prolong the time. When you think of something worthwhile, go do it.

Youth is the summer of our lives. Get on your way. It should never be wasted.

Youth is the summer of our lives. Get on your way. It should never be wasted.


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New SchoolNew Life

Writer Jerry


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A new school term begins and with that our school is suddenly injected with fresh blood. As we say goodbye to those who graduated we welcome new students who ar filled with an excitement to learn. To help the freshmen become adjusted to their new life, I have made a helpful guide to assist you in your journey.

How to use our card?Our university card has a lot of functions. Did you know that we can use it to buy food in the canteen, personal items in the school store, at the library as a book rental card, and it can also help us confirm our identity. The easiest way to get money on your card is by setting up a transfer account with your bank card to the school card. Once you have money on your card, feel free to use it whenever the moment is right.

How to use the library?Do you like to read? If so, all the students should go to the electronic reading room to learn how to use the library. After you feel you know how to use the library, you can take an exam. If you score 80/100, you will pass the exam and the library card can now be activated for use.

Learning method in UniversityAs we all know, university learning depends on ourselves. We no longer have our parents breathing down our backs. It is up to ourselves to work hard

Learning content in UniversityLearning content for college students has a certain professional direction. We must be very good at our major studies. But professional knowledge is not enough. In order to expand our knowledge, we’d better take relevant elective courses according to our interests. Specialized courses and elective courses are complementary to each other.

The most important thing at UniversityInnovation can promote the development of a successful society. We must constantly be working towards a better future, we must be creat ive and exp lore a l l possibi l i t ies. We should leave our universities better then how we entered. Don’t let others quiet your innovative spirit, be yourself and follow your passions.


as we prepare for the real life after school. Some personal advice would be to use the library frequently as a quiet place to study.

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University extracurricular activitiesUniversity life is not as boring as the one in high school. There are numerous activities for us to get involved in. For the most part, it is not that students don't want to attend these events, but rather, many find they have no confidence in themselves. Pull out your courage, don't doubt yourself! When we join in the club activities, we take advantages of all the experience we gain from doing so, unlike the experience you gain from sitting in front of a computer. By joining clubs we can enhance our abilities in many areas. I would like to recommend a few good clubs: English magazine club, English movie club, etc.

Interest in the universityIt is said that your life will be really boring if you don't have a hobby. I hope the s t u d e n t s c a n c h o o s e i n t e r e s t s reasonably according to your own circumstances and abilities. You can choose sports, music, computer, speaking engagements and so on. I want to remind the students that no matter what you choose, you should stick to it .

In the end, I wish all our students gain a meaningful college life, making it as memorable as possible through your own efforts.


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I think everyone has the desire to leave home,but everyone has a different motivation for doing so, For me , I want to embody my life value by learning more knowledge and obtaining a satisfying job. It seems that parents in western countries support their children in their pursuit for happiness,while guardians in China prepare their children’s lives before they even speak their first word.

As far as I'm concerned, I believe it is beneficial for us

to complete something by ourselves. So I'm excited about entering the college which has a parent-free environment. However, so far I find the university life just so-so. In fact, w h a t i t w i l l b e c o m e d e p e n d s o n you. So you s h o u l d s e t some targets a n d h a v e a p lan to use your time more effectively to r e a c h y o u r

goals. Try to make goals easy and hard so you are constantly improving helping you gain confidence.

Writer Simon&Bao

F i r s t w e m u s t l e a r n h o w t o c o m m u n i c a t e e f f e c t i v e l y a n d respectfully with your classmates and roommates.Because university life is an impo r tan t c rash cou rse i n interpersonal skills. For freshmen who are prone to 'home-sickness', this is a great way to become cheerful.


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Dorm life is real fun, even more so when your room is situated in the university's residence hall. To begin with, living in a dorm is a sure way to meet people, so it is hard to feel lonely. For freshmen who are prone to 'homesickness', the companionship found t h e r e c a n m a k e t h e transition away from home easier. Furthermore, dorm life is a crash course in i n t e r p e r s o n a l s k i l l s because you need to learn how to get along with your roommates as well as people in your hallway. Needless to say, it is more convenient to l ive on campus since you can walk everywhere you need to go without the trouble of commuting.

Nevertheless, living away from home is sometimes not as interest ing as expected. Apar t f rom financial considerations, there are other factors to consider. For one thing, roommate conflict could

sound like a potential nightmare. Chances are that some roommates cou ld be worse than others, making your dorm l i fe somewhat diff icult i ndeed . Fo r ano the r, constant companionship implies lack of privacy which you usually enjoy at home. Moreover, even when you like to meet people, it could so happen that they are not all going to be people you want to meet.

A l t o g e t h e r , m o n e y permitted, college l i fe could not possibly be fun e n o u g h w i t h o u t t h e experience of living away f r o m h o m e . S u c h experience, even though not entirely agreeable, may be of use to a student to help him/her become a mature member of the community. In fact, if dorm life gives you freedom from parental control and you will soon realize that it is fun to be free, at least for a while.

Although nothing is l ike home, living in a parent-free environment can be one of the most fun things about your college life. In spite of its obvious drawbacks, staying away from home contributes t o t h e f u l l u n i v e r s i t y experience that money can buy. Part of any student’s decision on where to live is a financial one. However, it is better for you to go for a new experience, even if only for fun.

By making a lot of friends and learning more about what you l o v e , y o u c a n h a v e a successful university life. Maybe there will be some hard times, but we are grown-ups now and not children any m o r e . W e n e e d t o b e p r e p a r e d f o r l i f e a f t e r university because as soon as we leave for our dreams we need to be able to face difficulties bravely. I firmly believe that with hard work and an open mind, we can have a bright future .


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Did you watch the moon during the mid-autumn festival this year? If not, what a pity. As an old Chinese saying goes, "The moon turns perfectly round on the mid-autumn day.” This year, like the previous two years, we were given a superb chance to enjoy the harvest moon on the mid-autumn day, which happened to be a rare event. If you unfortunately missed out, then you will have to wait 8 years to see it again.

The moon is a symbol for a family reunion. It has a deep cultural representation and carries a feeling of longing and yearning. Being pure and pristine, the moon is often appreciated by people from all ages, "Men have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again; the moon dims or shines and she may wax or wane." This line, written by Su Shi, a well-known ancient Chinese poet, best describes the similarity between men and moon.

Writer Jornee


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"Things have changed a lot from what was 60 years ago," said Grandma Zhang Yiqie, who is now living in Runxin Garden, Changshu. "When I was a little child, I was always looking forward to the coming of the moon festival because only on that day could I taste delicious mooncakes. In those days, we were so poor that we couldn't afford to buy delicacies except at some festivals. Though mooncakes at that time were not as tasty as they are today, we were quite content after being given a slice of it, and not willing to eat it all for fear that we couldn't have one more. On that day, under the moon, we sat around Grandpa listening, spellbound, to his stories. " "There are many beautiful legends about the moon in China. I still remember how my father told the story of Chang E Flying to the Moon," said aunt Wang Liwen, a retired teacher. "A long time ago, with ten suns in the sky, the earth was terribly suffering from draught. Hou Yi, a hero at that time, climbed up the Kunlun mountains and shot down nine suns one after another. After then, he got a packet of elixir from the Queen of Heaven, who told him after taking the drug, he could instantly ascend to immortality. Not willing to leave his beautiful wife, Hou Yi didn't take it and entrusted it to his wife's care. One day, After Hou Yi was away from home, Feng Meng, a wicked man, demanded the elixir from Chang E, who was no match for him. So Chang E took the drug and then flew up into the sky. Worrying about her husband, Chang E finally landed on the moon which is the nearest to the earth. On the moon, never does Chang E forget the deep love for her husband, and Hou Yi set a large incense table on which desserts and fresh fruit are offered as a sacrifice for his beloved wife. "


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"After then, people began to worship the moon. Except that, in Suzhou, there are other customs like walking under the moon. After the family gathering, people asked their friends and relatives out to have a walk, playing with lanterns, chatting. Young people in love made a vow to each other,” said Zhang Yiqie. “Another interesting activity was stealing pumpkin from farmland. In Chinese, the pronunciation of pumpkin is 'nan', the same as the pronunciation of 'man'. Thus, some women stole pumpkins for having a son while some for a Mr. Right. I loved that day because no one would blame you for stealing, which was interesting."

"Nowadays, with the increasingly

abundant material life, it is easy for people to eat whatever they want at anytime. Nevertheless, happiness seems harder to find. Expectation for mid-autumn festival is much lower than before. Many old customs are replaced by modern fashions like traveling." Zhang Yiqie said.

Although people live in different parts of the world, we share one moon. Mid-autumn day, as a traditional Chinese festival, should be paid enough attention to as ever before. Only by preserving the unique tradition and absorbing new elements can we keep the national culture eternal and the moon festival full of vigor.


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The Queen is dancing all nightThe British fashion bad boy never diesWriter Miuca

Do you still remember the d r e a m l i k e w h i t e l a c e wedding dress worn by the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton? I ber you did not know it was designed by Sarah Burton-- the current creative director of fashion brand Alexander McQueen. The founding father of this

b r a n d i s A l e x a n d e r McQueen, who died on Feb.11, 2010 (aged 40).Born on March 17 1969 in London, McQueen was the youngest of six children. He started making dresses for his three sisters at a young age and announced his intention to become a fashion designer. He received his master degree from Central Saint Martine College of Art and Design--the best fashion design school in Britain.After graduation, McQueen was chosen by LVMH to succeed John Galliano(the previous head designer at

Christian Dior) as head d e s i g n e r a t G i v e n c h y. However, the whole concept of the house is quite different from his mind and he was not allowed to change it. He finally parted ways with Givenchy in 2001, claiming that the French label was ‘constraining his creativity’.McQueen has been credited with bringing drama and extravagance to the catwalk. He could always use new technology and innovation to add a totally different twist to show his shows and he often shocked and surprised the audiences. His design is

Alexander mcqueen

'When you see a woman w e a r i n g M c Q u e e n , there's a certain hardness to the clothes that makes her look powerful. It kind of fends people off. You have to have a lot of balls to ta l k to a woman wearing my clothes.’



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After McQueen’s death, everything must go on. It was a n n o u n c e d t h a t S a r a h Burton, McQueen’s right-hand woman for 14 years, would be the new creative director of the brand. “The c r e a t i o n o f m o d e r n , beautifully crafted clothes was at the heart of Lee’s vision. I intend to stay true to his legacy,” Burton stated. So far she has not let us down. From her brea th tak ing creations, we can see the essence of McQueen, you can feel the magnificent magnetic power from the dark side or even death. As for now, Sarah

has proved that she is the right person for the McQueen brand. Of course she is not replacing McQueen. She is becoming the second McQueen. She is our fashion Queen.

the fusion of totally contrasting elements: fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity. He is also known for using skulls in his design. A skull-print scarf became a celebrity must-have and was copied around the world. Celebrities from Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham to Rihanna and Lady Gaga can all be counted as his biggest fans.

McQueen was openly gay and said he realized his sexual orientation when he was six years old. He told his family when he was 18 and, after a rocky period, they accepted his sexuality. He was sure of himself and his sexuality and he’s got nothing to hide. In the summer of 2000, McQueen had a marriage ceremony with his partner George Forsyth, a documentary filmmaker, on a yacht.The marriage was not official, as same-sex marriage in Spain was not legal then. The relationship ended a year later and McQueen and Forsyth maintained a close friendship.

To everyone’s great surprise, McQueen left us with a note saying,‘Look after my dogs, sorry, I love you.’ His death was

announced on the afternoon of 11 February 2010, several days before London Fashion Week. His housekeeper found him hanging at his home with his favorite brown belt around his neck. One of his friend said that McQueen ‘was doing a lot of drugs and was very unhappy’ at the time of his death. His death was officially recorded as suicide by the police. As one of the top designers of the world,

McQueen had been diagnosed with anxiety and depressive disorder. We can see that there is no such thing as a perfect person existing on earth. Even the people we consider to be genius in certain fields and the stars who are always under the sparking spotlight have their own problems. Now we’ve lost another talented man. This is not only the loss for British fashion but also for the whole world.

'He was the most brilliant designer of his generation and his influence can be seen i n t h e w a y t h a t women dressed over the last 15 years.It is an incredible loss not only for British fashion but for fashion the world over.' --Alexandra Shulman

British Vogue Editor


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You May NOT Like Me, But You Must Have Heard about My Name & Story.

Miley Cyrus

Perhaps One of the Most Controversial Transformations in Modern Music History

Writer Catherine

After a 2-year disappearance from the public attention, Miley Cyrus has caught people’s eyes again and is ready to return to the music world in triumph. Fairly recently, her name is nominated on the list of Best Female on EMA, competing with Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift. Her music video “Wrecking Ball” is also contending for Best Video.

According to Billboard.com, a massive amount of people have been streaming Miley’s song Wrecking Ball. Wrecking Ball is successfully swinging its way to the top, marking Cyrus' first Hot 100 leader. The song knocks Katy Perry's "Roar" out of the summit after two weeks.There is another hot song of Miley that Pop lovers definitely can’t miss: We Can’t Stop, which is her first single following her comeback. Her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards arouse heated dispute over her bold and daring action. Indeed, the numbers were surprisingly extraordinary: the performance had 306,000 tweets per minute, which was more than the blackout of the Super bowl and it made the rating history of VMA sky rocket remarkably.However,when referring to the insanely memorable night,

conservative crowds and some of her long-term fans showed hostility towards her.

The critics included famous pop singer Kelly Clarkson. She described Miley as a "pitchy stripper" on Twitter. Media also criticized that the “raunchy performance” went further.

Why do so many people find it annoying with her transformation? The main reason is likely to be the gap between her images of different times.

Born in 1992, Nashville, Tennessee, Miley Ray Cyrus is considered as a typical country girl since her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, was a well known country star. She started her acting career early in 2003 and became Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana on Disney Channel. Not only did she have decent acting skills, she also unfolded her gif ts of singing and composing. As Hannah, the most successful Disney teenage star of all time was applauded by the mainstream musical market – a series of her songs hit the Billboard Hot 100 and the albums rocked the selling chart. In addition to the achievement of various music awards,

“I knew the controversy would happen. The more people talk about your record, the better."


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she honorably joined the Royal Variety Performance for the Britain Queen, Elizabeth II, in 2009.

A Smiler (Miley’s fan) argued, “Miley Cyrus is no more someone I would fall for. She has always been a pure and naive girl to me. I wasn’t expecting her being so different following her coming back. The way she sings and dances now just makes me disappointed and sad. She might be more successful than before, but she’s no longer the Hannah Montana to me.”

This is exactly why Miley is losing the approval from some of her faithful fans. As well as the numerous people who witnessed her growth. Miley Cyrus has been marked with the character of Hannah.Now she aspires to get rid of the shadow of Hannah. She has been trying so hard to present the rebellious side but people fail to accept the farewell to Hannah.

Of course, there are voices who back Miley. Adam Lambert said this girl was having a ton of fun on stage and the VMA performance was meant to be funny. “She’s doing something right. We (are) all talking”, he added.

Pete Wentz supported her because “it’s awesome to see someone be herself and be fearless in an age of ppl faking it in utter fear of 24 hour news cycles.” Besides, Kelly Osbourne pointed out that people forgot that she was an actress and only played Hannah Montana but she was Miley Cyrus.

With the similar experience as Miley, the senior Disney star and pop icon Britney Spears revealed that "I remember that age when I was just transferring into my career

and doing more controversial things and the energy that you feel, all this chaos going on, and she is on fire right now, she's just a ball full of energy."

What does Miley think of her VMA performance? She tweeted that "please never send me anything about "bad comments" I don’ t g ive a f*ck! My performance made bigger things - HISTORY. History VS Comments, what matters here? I ended my night with Kanye cause of my performance! Who really won?! Think we all know the answer!"

Faced with the polarized opinions on her transformation, Miley got a little defensive recently. Speaking to Notion Magazine, 20-year-old Miley says despite her provocative videos and outfits, she’s not sleazy - in fact, she declares herself one of the hardest working young celebrities. Miley says she’s just living her dreams right now.

In the meantime, the girl is dealing with pressure from personal life as well. Her fiancé, Liam Hemsworth was spotted kissing singer/actress Eiza González outside Eiza’s apartment building right after the news of his split from their 3-year-love released. She is too young to handle all of this and gain the appreciation from everyone.

Talking about her fashion or musical style, you may see a younger P!nk; you may see white Rihanna; you may even see a female Justin Bieber or American Mei Yanfang. However, above all, she is only Miley Cyrus, someone who was once a smiley little girl and has now since transformed herself into one of the hottest young stars of our time.

I’m not sleazy.I’m just living my dreams right now.


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Set in the prosperous Long Island of 1922, The Great Gatsby provides a critical social history of America during the Roaring

Twenties within its narrative.

The Great GatsbyThe Legend of A Flourishing Age

Writer Shawn

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In 1920s, just after the 1st World War, America has been reborn and saw this time as a powerful victor. In these ten years, Coolidge, the president of the United States, said America’s top priority is business. During these ten years, Charles drove a single engine aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Paris for the first time, Henry Ford sold 15 million model T cars, and p roh ib i t ion b rought end less a m o u n t s o f g a n g r e l a t e d bootlegging of the liquor business. It is an age of unprecedented prosperity. This age is called the Jazz Age.

The summary to the crazy roaring ten years is the elegiac novel, The Great Gatsby, written by Fitzgerald. Even after a hundred years, the classic was once again brought to the big screen by Luhrmann. The film is very respectful to the original story, the costumes, the jewelry, the banquets and even Gatsby’s custom bright yellow sports car are as the same as the original story intended.


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The role of Gatsby was played by Leonardo DiCaprio, one of my favorite actors. Gatsby is the type of person who when you first laid eyes on him, you knew you would like him. He thought he was the son of God when he was a child and left his poor family at 18 forever. He represented the American dream during that period of time: Making more money, acquiring higher social status and become somebody from nobody as soon as possible. With the huge wealth he had acquired, he wanted to recover his past, the past 5 years. It’s more over then Daisy, it’s the lost 5 years’ future in his own view and the 5 years’ happy life that never happened. He was clinging to the past and wouldn’t let it go. When Nick asked him: You can’t repeat the past. Gatsby doubted instinctively: Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can. I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before. She’ll see.

He refused to believe a man of low birth can achieve nothing and make arduous efforts to realize his American dream. Gatsby is indeed great, but he should’ve known what he wanted to pursue from the beginning.

Jay GatsbyA young, myster ious millionaire with shady business connections (later revealed to be a b o o t l e g g e r ) H e i s obsessed with Daisy Buchanan, whom he had met when he was a young officer stationed in the South during World War I.The character is based on the bootlegger and former World War I o fficer Max Ger lach, according to Some Sort o f E p i c G r a n d e u r , Matthew J. Bruccoli's biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Daisy BuchananAn attractive and e f f e r v e s c e n t , i f shal low and self-abso rbed , young woman, identified as flapper. She is Nick's second cousin, once removed; and the w i f e o f T o m Buchanan . Da isy once had a romantic r e l a t i onsh ip w i t h Gatsby, before she married Tom. Her c h o i c e b e t w e e n Gatsby and Tom is one of the central conflicts in the novel.

Nick CarrawayA Ya l e g r a d u a t e originating from the Midwest, a World War I veteran, and, at the start of the plot, a newly arrived resident of West Egg, who is aged 29 . He also serves as the first-person narrator of the novel. He is Gatsby's next-door neighbor and a bond salesman. He i s e a s y - g o i n g , occasionally sarcastic, a n d s o m e w h a t optimistic, although this latter quality fades a s t h e n o v e l progresses.

Thomas Buchanan A millionaire who lives on East Egg, and Daisy's husband. Tom is an i m p o s i n g m a n o f muscular build with a "husky tenor" voice and arrogant demeanor, a former football star at . Buchanan has parallels with William Mitchell, the Chicagoan who married Ginevra King. Buchanan and Mitchell were both Ch icagoans w i th an interest in polo Like Ginevra's father, whom F i t zgera ld resen ted , Buchanan attended Yale a n d i s a w h i t e supremacist.


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Get Your Soul to BreatheWriter Holly

During the summer holiday, I read a book written by Bi Shumin called ‘Travel With Your Soul’. She said, “We humans have an innate need to travel. Travel can broaden our horizon. If you don’t want to be a frog in well, go travelling, even though you don’t have money, as long as you have time and want to.” However, sometimes we are too lazy to give ourselves a reason for travelling. I really admire those people who go travelling with a backpack at once after having made the decision.

T r a v e l i t s e l f i s v e r y g o o d f o r strengthening our bodies, it will be better if we can think about something which has been ignored by us for a long time because of the heavy life. People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude. So, if we can take a good advantage of a travel, we can benefit a lot from it both physically or emotionally. What’s more, travel can let us know what happened in the world before we were born, the favor and punishment given by nature. Travel can teach us to be modest, because we can see how solitary is the sky and ground really is, we can see how towering is the mountains are, and how vast the ocean is.


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If you go camping, watch the stars blinking right over your head. At that moment, the whole world turns quiet, you can even feel your heartbeat, nobody is beside you but the nature. Give your soul to nature, forget your worries.

Africans believe that, if a man walks for 3 days and walks fast; his soul will be unable to reach him. With the fast development of industries, the environment on earth is much worse than before, we can’t breathe fresh air all the time. We are so addicted to this vale of tears. We desire for so many things, most of us are living a busy life, that we seldom give a breath to our soul. This will make us sick. Physically we are doing something, seems busy and happy, but mentally we are so tired and even confused.

Go traveling without any hesitation if you have the chance, you can relax both your body and soul. So, why not give it a try?


Human-beings are born from nature, we can feel good from engulfing ourselves in it. When we feel tired, because of heavy work or other burdens, the best medicine is to go traveling. See the blue sky, the soft clouds, some lovely flowers, feel the breeze move against your skin and feel the warm sunshine glistening down on your head.

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I am now a sophomore, though it seems just like yesterday i was a freshman. Looking back I can feel the time going by so fast. When I recall the past year, I find so many memories running around my mind. At that moment, I can’t express myself properly because thinking back to those memories makes me relive them. These memories are fresh and they all seem to have just happened yesterday.

MY FIRST DAY IN USTSI still remember the first day I came to this university. At the end of a long summer holiday, I walked into this school early in the morning. I noticed many freshmen were walking around the campus just like myself.The other freshmen were probably making themselves at home, trying to get familiar with this new place that they will call home for the next four years.After registration, I was told to follow a fellow student to my dorm with some of the other students following as well. I was set to live in building number 9, the furthest flat in our school(before this year). I hated the long distance because they were too far from the buildings

we have classes in. However now, I feel very lucky after I saw the other students‘ dorms. Anyway,

back to the topic. Looking back I think about what impressed me most during my first

day? That is the first club activity in the first day’s night. A close friend of mine was admitted by this school one year earlier than me, and he was the president of a morning reading club called Burning. He let me join the club activity that night. I

was so happy to join and in fact I had a wonderful night! It was at that moment that I

found college life could be so exciting.












Suzhou is an ancient city, but the Shihu campus has a short history. Most of the buildings here are recently built. For those freshmen who come from other provinces far from h e r e . y o u m a y f i n d S u z h o u i s a v e r y attractive place. There are 16 gardens in Suzhou, e v e r y J u n e a n d November, we get a c h a n c e t o g e t t h e garden’s card. If you pay 120 yuan for the card, you can visit all the gardens for free 100 times, but only for 1 year. I got the card because I often go into the Shangfang hill near our campus. If you like exploring the local hotspot destinations then I suggest you should get a garden card too.

Writer Steven


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Making friends is something everybody wants to do in school. The first thing we do when we come to our new college is to try and make some friends as soon as possible. As for roommates, there are 6 people in one dorm, and each of us comes from different places. We all have different accents of mandarin, have different characters, different backgrounds and so on. At first all of this can make the relationship with our roommates a little more complicated than in our secondary school. However, the key to making friends is always the same. Be friendly and generous to others and they will react in the same way. I have also made some foreign friends during the past year. 6 American exchange students came to our school last year. We took them on a journey to the Humble Administrator’s garden, Suzhou Museum and some places of interest in Suzhou. Through communicating with our new foreign friends, we learned a lot about American culture.The oldest one of the group is named Wes, he told me his parents had stopped providing economic support after he turned 18. So he was forced to take out a student’s loan to carry on with his study, and it will take him 10 years to pay back the student’s loan. What an inspiring story.

TIME MANAGEMENTAs a sophomore, reviewing the past year, I find time management is quiet important for a college student. One year has already passed, but I find I achieve nothing, so many plans I set for myself, but a few of them managed to be completed. However, making a comparison with some others, I can say I didn’t waste my time. You know, so many college students are addicted to online games such as WOW or DOTA, which can ruin their academic careers. In secondary school, we are supervised by our teachers seriously, and the school rule is also very strict. After coming into this college, we find all of those supervisors are gone. If you lack self control, you will find you got

nothing out of school upon graduating. I think all of us need a healthy lifestyle and we should use our time efficiently and effectively. Don’t waste your time witnessing the growth of others, use your time to grow yourself.

There are more than 100 different kinds of clubs in our school, all of which meet the demands of everyone. Some big clubs like DFD Dance Club, Xincheng Drama Club are famous here. Each club often organizes some activities. If you are a freshman, I will suggest that you join no more than 3 clubs, because these clubs can take up a lot of your free time. So think twice before joining a club. I spent 400 yuan to buy 20 classes in DFD club, but only had 2 lessons during the past year. If we make a power ranking for all of those clubs every year, we will find it changes heavily every year, because the leader of one club may have a strong influence in his club. We may even judge one club by its leader. Which club did I spend the most time in? That would be the Burning English club, which I referred to in the first part. I made so many friends there and it made a deep impression on me.


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ABOUT LOVEShame on me, I haven’t had a date since I was b o r n , l e t a l o n e a girlfriend. I think a boy like me who has never been in love before is not uncommon. When we were in secondary school, time was so tight for us and all of us were faced with passing the c o l l e g e e n t r a n c e examination. That exam places a great amount of pressure on our s h o u l d e r s . B u t i n college, we get more free time, we may never get a second chance as good as the one we get in college to be in love with someone. Some good news for boys (including me) in our s c h o o l i s t h a t t h e number of girls in our

school is larger than boys. If you are in love with someone, I highly suggest you show your love to him/her. A college life without a love story is not an ideal way to end your col lege career. One more thing, remember to set up a cor rect a t t i t u d e t o l o v e . Never behave as a play-boy.

What you love to do in college?

It is important to set up some goals for yourselves.

How many of those goals did you achieve last year?

Maybe you find you didn’t manage those plans as well as

you wanted to.

Maybe it was because you had lost the desire to finish it.

I think the most important thing for us to remember in college is

something Steve Jobs said:

“ You've got to find what you love. the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. ”


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Under the desire of writing something down, I tried to modify desire with many words, and finally I picked a relatively accurate metaphor –desire, is a parasite of wisdom.

Desire strengthens itself by sucking out humans’ wisdom. When the wisdom is all used up, desire drives people to absorb more wisdom. As a result, people who are controlled by desire will stop at nothing to be wealthy in some aspect. When wisdom flows past his mind, it will instantly discharge after being digested by desire. When the parasite grows strong, people will be unable to get rid of it, unless he suffers a serious blow.

Gradually, the small-scale looting cannot satisfy its appetite. By that time, people have already been a tool, or a machine. They no longer feed the parasite by absorbing wisdom; instead, there will be a war like the cannibalism of animals. People with stronger parasites will swallow others whose parasites are comparatively weaker. They cut the little warm feelings apart, and enjoy the pleasure of hurting people.

So, when a man has wisdom, it doesn’t mean that he owns wisdom. To judge whether a man owns wisdom, we need to see how much wisdom remains in his mind. Only when the wisdom is used for him, not under the control of desire, he is a wise man.

It is worth mentioning that the eggs of desire are transmitted in people’s mind from one generation to another. When consciousness and sense of value become mature, every person will feed the eggs of desire into big or small warms. The difference between people is that, some devote every moment of life to feeding it, and becomes a slave of desire. While others try to eliminate desire and thus begin their journey to become a wise person. There are also some people who like provoking it, looking down at it, bursting into laughter when he sees it begging for food. It’s hard to say who become whose slave?




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WHAT IS SUDOKU?Sudoku is a number-placement puzzle. You start with an almost empty puzzle,

which has some of the cells already filled with numbers. Your objective is to fill in

the rest of the empty cells. According to the Sudoku rules, a number can appear

only once in every row, column, or region (3X3).


The easiest way to begin is to choose a number and try to fill in all the places in

the puzzle where it must appear, according to the Sudoku rules. When you finish

dealing with the first number, choose another number. Repeat these steps for all

the numbers from 1 through 9. As the puzzle starts to fill, you will find new places

to fit the earlier numbers, so you may go back to those other numbers and place

them in the grid. At the end there will be no empty boxes left, and the puzzle will

be complete.


SUDOKU4 5 2 7 1

6 5 2

8 3 7 9

8 6 7 4

7 93 6 1

5 3 7 8

7 8 5

1 8 5 2 9

Difficulty: easy

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Jerry (Zhang Jie)Freshman, Engineering ManagementWe grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.

I find myself in MM.I hope more people can join us.

We are waiting for you!

Steven(Sun Jianjun)Sophomore, Logistics Management(USTS)

Hello, I am Steven.I come from Xuzhou.

Hope to make friends with you.

Bao (Bao Dongyang)Freshman, Engineering ManagementThe best preparation for tomorrow is

doing your best today.In MM,everybody are making everything

more prefect.We just do our best to show you a better


Catherine(Song Yihui)Junior, Construction Management(International )

Anime &Video game& novel loverfamiliarity with Western music as a singer

TV shows & series followerGRE learner & dreaming of studying in America


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Wilson (Dong Bowen)Sophomore, Engineering Management

I don't want to "live", what I want is "life".Sometimes life is like a desert,

but I believe M.M will be your oasis.I am Camel Wilson.

Happy to meet you by the word .

Shawn (Zhang Jiacheng)Sophomore, Logistics Management (USTS)

Hobbies: guitar, fixed gearI am looking forward to

making friends with you.

Holly(Wu Ying)Junior, English

Hi, I am Wu Ying, you can also call me Holly. Music means a lot to me, especially Jay Chou's.

I love meeting new friends and trying new things.

Miuca (Qin Liang)Junior, English

Love fashion,love design,love challenge, love to change.

Come on man,let’s do the crazy things.

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Jornee (Ma Xiaoyao)Senior, English

I like blue sea, summer and running. Life is short, so enjoy your life and

don’t forget to smile everyday.

Simon (Wan haojie)Freshman, Engineering Management "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world

are the ones who do."    I want to join them.




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