mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in thin

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    The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering

    http://sdj.sagepub.com/content/38/6/557Theonline version of this article can be found at:

    DOI: 10.1243/030932403770735917

    2003 38: 557The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering DesignA. R Gowhari-Anaraki, S J Hardy and R Adibi-Asl

    Mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in thin T-sections under plane stress

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  • 8/13/2019 Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Propagation in Thin


    Mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in thinT-sections under plane stress

    A R Gowhari-Anaraki1

    , S J Hardy2* and R Adibi-Asl


    1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran2School of Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, UK3Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran

    Abstract: Data that can be used in the fatigue analysis of at T-section bars subjected to axial

    loading and local restraint are presented. The paper describes how nite element analysis has been

    used to obtain stress elds in the vicinity of a crack or crack-like aw introduced into the llet (i.e.

    high-stress) region of the component. The effect of both the position and inclination of the crack has

    been investigated. The inclination of the crack to the transverse direction is varied in such a way that a

    combination of mode I (tension opening) and mode II (in-plane shear) crack tip conditions are

    created in the component when subjected to axial loading which is applied to the entire at shoulder

    of the projection. Linear elastic fracture mechanics nite element analyses have been performed, and

    the results are presented in the form ofJ integrals and notch and crack conguration factors for a

    wide range of component and crack geometric parameters. These parameters are chosen to be

    representative of typical practical situations a nd have been determined from evidence presented in the

    open literature. The extensive range of notch and crack conguration factors obtained from the

    analyses are then used to obtain equivalent prediction equations using a statistical multiple non-linear

    regression model. The accuracy of this model is measured using a multiple coefcient of

    determination, R2, where 0< R2

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    Ni initiation fatigue life

    Np propagation fatigue life

    Nt total fatigue life

    P uniform pressure

    Q vectors

    r llet (notch) radius

    r, y polar coordinates associated with the

    crack tip

    R2 multiple coefcient of determination

    t component thicknessTk traction vector

    w projection width

    W strain energy density

    x, y crack coordinate system

    x0, y0 global coordinate system

    a crack angle

    b material constant

    Du,Dv relative displacement of points along

    opposite sides of the crack face

    De strain range at the notch

    De0 nominal (axial) strain range

    Ds stress range at the notch

    Ds0 nominal stress range

    e0f fatigue ductility coefcientyc crack growth direction

    n Poissons ratio

    sx,y directional stresses

    s0 nominal (axial) stress


    fatigue strength coefcient

    txy shear stress

    j position around the llet


    Projections on plates, bars and tubes are often used as a

    means of transmitting axial load between two compo-

    nents, e.g. T-shaped at bars, shouldered plates/shafts/

    tubes, wide grooves, lleted transitions and many other

    geometric shapes with similar stress concentration

    features (see examples in Fig. 1). For remote loading

    conditions, the point of application of the load is usually

    far removed from the region of stress concentration (see

    Fig. 2a) and does not inuence that local stress eld.

    However, when the load or the reaction of the loading is

    applied at or near to the region of high stress gradient,

    such as for these `loaded projections, the stress intensity

    factors can be signicantly higher than for the equiva-

    lent remote loading case (see Fig. 2b). This is because

    there is both a tensile component and a bending

    component of load at the projection, as illustrated in

    Fig. 2c.

    Fatigue failure is a major consideration in mechanical

    design. Nearly all fatigue failures initiate at stress

    concentration features, i.e. at the point of highest stress

    under cyclic or repeated loading conditions. In general,

    the initial crack (or any crack-like aw, void, defect,

    etc.) will develop in three stages, as presented in

    reference [1], namely initiation, propagation and frac-

    ture. Crack initiation is analysed at the microscopic

    level, while for crack propagation the continuum

    mechanics approach based on a macroscopic scale is

    used. Paris [2] showed that the stress intensity factor and

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    Fig. 1 Typical stepped at bar geometries

    Fig. 2 Typical example of a loaded projection and remoteloading


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    J-integral are very important controlling factors in the

    fatigue crack growth of cracked components.

    In order to predict the strength of the cracked

    component, the crack growth rate and the critical crack

    size, an accurate value for stress intensity factor along

    the crack front has to be known. Many experimental,

    numerical and analytical solutions for the three basic

    stress intensity factors Ki (i I, II, III) have beendeduced for varying crack sizes for relatively simplistic

    structures with basic loading conditions. Paris and Sih[3] present a comprehensive handbook of such results. In

    spite of wide-ranging applications of loaded projections,

    relatively very little information on the resulting stress

    intensity factors is available and, for the more realistic

    complex shapes encountered in practice, further general

    data are still required. Part of the reason for this lack of

    systematic information is due to difculties involved in

    obtaining analytical solutions. Whereas the stress

    intensity factor in a remotely loaded cracked component

    is controlled by the notch radius, r, projection length, t,

    crack length, a, and the remotely applied load, P, as

    shown in Fig. 2a, for cracked components with loaded

    projections the projection length, h, and the combined

    effect of tensile and bending loading also affect the stress

    intensity factor, as illustrated in Figs 2b and c. For the

    equivalent remote loading case, however, crack tip stress

    elds have previously been studied, and data on elastic

    stress intensity factors are readily available (e.g.

    reference [4]). Also, the crack tip stress solution for

    anked notches can be found in reference [5], for


    In the present paper, nite element analysis is used to

    predict stress intensity factors for an external inclined

    crack in a stepped at plate under complex projection-

    loaded conditions, as shown in Fig. 3. This geometry

    contains a stress concentration feature in the llet,

    exacerbated by the projection loading, which is an

    obvious source of crack initiation and propagation

    under fatigue loading conditions. Modes I and II and

    mixed-mode conditions are created by varying the

    inclination of the crack, a, in the range 0908, and

    stress intensity factors and J-integral values are pre-

    sented for these modes under linear elastic conditions.

    The results of the parametric survey are then used to

    develop predictive equations that enable the notch and

    crack conguration factors to be determined for therange of geometric parameters considered in this study.

    These results are then used to obtain predictive

    equations for stress intensity factor and J-integral values

    that are based on the elastic stress concentration factor

    for the geometry being considered. Thus, a direct link is

    provided between the notch parameter (which can be

    easily determined either from the predictive equations

    presented here or via elastic nite element analysis) and

    crack parameters, which normally require the use of

    complicated linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis. A

    methodology for determining fatigue life of components

    with loaded projections is described that is based on

    established theory coupled with these predictive equa-




    Four dimensions are used to dene the geometry, as

    shown in Fig. 3. They are the projection length, h, the

    projection width, w, the plate width, d, and the llet

    radius, r. Three non-dimensional parameters a re formed

    by normalizing with respect to the plate width, d, i.e.

    h=d, w=d and r=d.

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    Fig. 3 Component geometry and loading


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    The range of dimensions selected for the parametric

    study is consistent with the geometric cases covered by

    Engineering Sciences Data Unit (ESDU) data item

    69020 [6], and is considered to present a range of

    practical interest. The selected ranges are








    The plate length, L, is made long enough to ensure that

    uniform stress conditions are achieved away from the

    llet. A plane stress assumption (i.e. thin plate) is made

    for all geometries considered.

    The loading condition consists of a remotely applied

    axial stress,s0, reacted by a uniform pressure, P, across

    the entire at section of the shoulder as shown in Fig. 3.

    The at section of the shoulder has a width, b, where

    b 12w d r 1and the nominal stress in the plate is given by

    s0 2Pbd

    P wd 2r

    d 1


    An edge through-crack or crack-like external aw is

    assumed to emanate from the high-stress region around

    the llet. It was found [1] that the maximum total mixed-

    mode stress intensity factor, as well as the maximum J-

    integral value, corresponded to a crack emanating from

    a point around the llet located at j

    25 from the

    plate/llet intersection (see Fig. 3). The inclination of the

    crack to the transverse direction, a, is selected in such a

    way that a combination of mode I and mode II crack tip

    conditions is created, i.e. 04a4 90. A range of cracklengths, a, is considered on the basis of the observations

    of surface cracks in fractured standard NDT (non-

    destructive testing) test specimens [7], i.e. a 0.52.5 mm. Many engineering components contain, or are

    assumed to contain, such cracks for life assessment

    purposes at the design stage. Such cracks may grow

    owing to fatigue, corrosion, creep, etc.



    Finite element predictions have been obtained using the

    standard linear elastic fracture mechanics facilities

    within the ANSYS suite of programs [8]. Six- and

    eight-noded, reduced integration, plane stress, triangu-

    lar and quadrilateral elements were used with the crack

    tip singularity represented by moving nodes to the

    quarter-point positions [8]. A typical nite element meshis shown in Fig. 4. In preliminary work, solutions were

    obtained with and without crack tip elements. The

    results indicated that large discrepancies (*15 per cent)

    in the predicted stress intensity factors were obtained if

    crack tip elements were not used. The results presented

    in this paper were therefore obtained using crack tip

    elements. The results of a preliminary nite element

    analysis under remote loading conditions were com-

    pared with results obtained by Gray et al. [9]. This

    comparison conrmed that the level of mesh renement

    and crack tip elements used in the current study would

    provide accuracy to within +2 per cent. Values for

    Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio of 209 GPa and

    0.3 respectively have been used throughout the analysis.

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    Fig. 4 Typical nite element mesh


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    4.1 J-integral values based on numerically determined

    stresses and displacements

    Expressions for KI and KII can be obtained in terms of

    the nodal stresses ahead of the crack tip (i.e. sy andtxy),


    KI limr!0


    2prp 3KII lim



    p 4

    Similarly, expressions for KI and KII in terms of the

    relative displacement of points, on opposite faces of the

    crack, along the line of the crack, Du, a nd perpendicular

    to it, Dv, are

    KI limr!0





    r Du

    ! 5

    KII limr!0





    r Dv

    ! 6

    These stress components and relative displacements are

    dened with respect to the coordinate system attached

    to the crack tip, as shown in Fig. 5. A typical plot ofKIand KII is shown in Fig. 6 for a typical geometry (i.e.

    h/d 0.5, w/d 3, r/d 0.05, a 0 and crack lengtha 0.5 mm) with a crack position around the llet,j, of258 (for reasons discussed later in this section). KI and

    KII values have been extrapolated to r

    0 for each of

    the stress


    0) and displacement




    rather than use predictions at the crack tip.

    The elastic J-integral value is then calculated by

    substituting KI and KII values into the following

    equations for plane stress (i.e. thin plate) conditions [10]:

    J K2I K2II

    E 7



    K2I K2II

    q Ktm 8

    where Ktm is referred to here as the total mixed-mode

    stress intensity factor.

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    Fig. 5 Stresses and coordinate systems in the vicinity of acrack

    Fig. 6 Typical nite element results based on stress and displacement extrapolation forh=d 0:5, w=d3and r=d

    0:05 with a

    0, a

    0:5 mm and P



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    It is very important not to confuse Ktm with the

    effective stress intensity factor, Keff, where, for this

    component, the effective stress intensity factor can be

    roughly dened as


    K2I bK2IIq


    where b is a material constant, which reects the

    sensitivity of the material to mode II. Further work on

    the calculation of the b parameter and the validation of

    equation (9) is in progress and will be reported at a later


    The variations ofKI, KII and J-integral values [from

    equation (7)] around the llet are shown in Fig. 7 for the

    same typical geometry as Fig. 6. Although the crack is

    always perpendicular to the loading, the results show

    that both mode I and mode II contributions are present.

    This is due to the shear effect caused by the applied

    pressure loading in the llet region of the component.

    For all the geometries considered, it was found that

    the magnitude of the crack stress intensity factors varied

    considerably with both j and a, and the maximum value

    ofKI occurred for a crack emanating from the position

    j&25 from the plate/projection intersection (seeFig. 3). It was also found that the maximum value of

    KII corresponded to j&50. The maximum J-integral

    value occurred for a crack originating from j 308, butthe value atj 258 is very close to the maximum. Also,the maximum meridional (i.e. surface) stress is found to

    occur at an angle j&25 (see section 4.3.1). Therefore,all the remaining results in this paper are for an edge

    angle crack (with crack angle 0 4a4 90) originatingfrom j 25.

    4.2 J-integral values based on the virtual crack

    extension method

    It is recognized by the present authors that the method

    of calculation described in section 4.1, based onextrapolation, is not necessarily very accurate and

    that, to obtain reliable results, a highly rened mesh

    and tests to verify the mesh are necessary. In order to

    validate the predictions based on this method,J-integral

    values have also been obtained using a numerical

    procedure based on the virtual crack extension method

    (VCEM). This method only requires rather coarse

    meshes in order to obtain good results.

    In this section, elastic J-integral values have been

    derived by means of VCEM, as follows:

    J G

    Wdy Tk qukqx ds, k 1, 2 10The VCEM procedure incorporated in the ANSYS nite

    element program [8] has been used to evaluate the J

    integrals. This evaluation was supported by a macro

    program, written by the authors, using ANSYS para-

    metric design language (APDL). This program can

    conveniently be used as part of a post-processing

    program and uses stress and displacement data from a

    linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis to calculate the

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    Fig. 7 Variation in KI, KII and J integral with position around the llet for h=d 0:5, w=d 3 and r=d0:05 with a

    0, a

    0:5mm and P



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    J-integral values. This procedure was carried out forfour separate contours around the crack tip, which are

    shown in Fig. 8 for a typical geometry. Contour 1 is

    around the outside of the mesh, and contours 2 to 4

    encircle the crack with progressively smaller enclosed

    areas. All contour integrals generally showed good path

    independence, as illustrated in Table 1 where the J

    values are normalized with respect to the value for the

    outermost contour 1. The only case that exceeds a 1 per

    cent deviation is the innermost contour, contour 4.

    Consequently, the values for contour 1 were used

    throughout this study.

    Table 2 shows a comparison ofJvalues obtained bymeans of the numerically determined stresses with those

    calculated using VCEM, for a range ofw/dvalues. It is

    seen that the agreement between the two approaches is

    very good, and this suggests that the method described

    in section 4.1 has benets since it does not require the

    generation of a macro-program.

    4.3 Notch and crack conguration factors

    Notch and crack conguration factors are very impor-

    tant tools for fatigue crack initiation and fatigue crack

    propagation life predictions respectively. Information

    on stress intensity factors for anked notched compo-nents under simple loading conditions, e.g. remote

    loading, is readily available [11,12]. Such data, however,

    are not available for loaded projections, and in this

    section simple parametric equations are presented to

    assist in the design life assessment of thin T-section

    plates, which eliminates the need for complex calcula-

    tions of notch and crack conguration factors.

    4.3.1 Notch conguration factors

    The notch conguration factor (e.g. elastic stress

    concentration factor) is dened as a geometric correc-

    tion factor, Fn, which is a function of three non-

    dimensional parameters, h/d, w/dand r/d, as follows:

    Fn f hd





    Kt 11

    The elastic stress concentration factors, Kt, have been

    obtained by dividing the predicted maximum local

    elastic stress in the llet region by the nominal stress,

    s0, from equation (2). For all geometries considered, the

    maximum stress was in the meridional direction andgenerally close to the intersection between the plate and

    the llet radius, where the J integral had a maximum

    value (i.e. j&25).Using these Kt values, useful prediction equations for

    Fn have been derived, based on the denition in

    equation (11) and using a statistical multiple non-linear

    regression model [13], as follows:

    Fn Kt

    0:91h=d2:11 0:26w=d1:44 0:57r=d0:92 0:14







    12The accuracy of this equation has been assessed using a

    multiple coefcient of determination [13], R2, where

    04R2 4 1. This coefcient was found to be approxi-

    mately 0.98, which demonstrates the accuracy of model

    t to the data. The values ofFn that are obtained from

    equation (12) compare favourably with direct nite

    element predictions for some typical geometries, as

    shown in Fig. 9. It can also be seen that they are very

    close (within 2 per cent) to experimental results from

    reference [14].

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    Fig. 8 J-integral contour paths

    Table 1 NormalizedJintegrals for typicalcontour paths

    Contour 1 2 3 4NormalizedJ 1 0.998 0.992 0.974

    Table 2 Comparison of J-integral valuesobtained from stresses and VCEMfor h/d 0.5, r/d 0.2, a 0.5mmand a 408

    Jintegral (N/mm)

    w/d From stresses VCEM

    1.9 0.97 0.952.3 4.37 4.512.7 12.20 11.963.0 22.47 22.34


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    4.3.2 Crack conguration factors

    The stress intensity factor KN (where N I, II andcorresponds to the mode I and mode II stress elds) is

    usually written as

    KN Fcspa

    p 13

    where Fc is the crack conguration factor, which

    accounts for such things as proximity effects of

    boundaries, orientation of the crack, shape of the crack

    and the restraints on the structure containing the crack.

    It is with the determination of this geometrical crack

    conguration factor that fatigue crack growth analysis

    methods are concerned in the three stages of failure,

    namely initiation, propagation and fracture. The analy-

    sis of fatigue crack growth from its initial dimensions to

    its nal critical stages requires the accurate calculation

    of the instantaneous crack conguration factor.

    For the purpose of the initiation stage analysis of the

    shouldered plate with an axially loaded symmetrical

    projection, an initial angle crack (or crack-like external

    aw) emanating from a critical point along the llet

    radius (i.e. a point with a maximum J-integral value at

    j 25 as shown in Fig. 3) was assumed. Theinclination of this initial crack to the transverse

    direction, a, was varied in the range 0 to 908, in such a

    way that mixed-mode KI and KII crack tip conditions

    were created. This kind of initial crack or crack-like aw

    can be created practically under strain cycle fatigue

    conditions or be introduced during manufacturing and

    assembly processes, or are inherent in the basic metal.

    Unfortunately, estimating this initial crack size involves

    non-destructive crack detection and sizing or proof

    testing, which is a very complicated engineering problem

    and beyond the scope of this paper. However, the

    denition of an initial crack has been the subject of

    much controversy. Unfortunately, no satisfactory solu-

    tion to this problem exists. Fatigue cracks start with

    dislocation movement on the rst load cycle and end

    with fracture on the last. Crack initiation lies somewhere

    between the two. For the purposes of strain cycle fatigue

    analysis, crack initiation is dened as a crack in the

    structure or component that is the same size as the

    cracks observed in the strain cycle fatigue specimen.

    Frequently, this is the specimen radius, which is of the

    order of 2.5 mm [15]. Dowling [16] proposed that strain

    cycle fatigue data should be presented in terms of the

    number of cycles required to reach a crack of xed

    length. He found that, for steels with fatigue lives below

    the transition fatigue life, cracks 0.25 mm long were

    formed at approximately 50 per cent of the life required

    for specimen separation. For smooth specimens with

    longer lives, where the bulk behaviour of the material is

    primarily elastic, the rst crack is observed just prior to

    specimen fracture. Therefore, for design purposes, crack

    initiation is dened as the formation of cracks between

    0.25 and 2.5 mm long. It should be noted that the cyclic

    behaviour of small cracks (less than 0.25 mm) is

    different to that of long cracks under equal stress

    intensities [17]. As a result, the analysis described in this

    study does not apply to these very small cracks. How-

    ever, in this part of the present study, a reasonable initial

    crack length, a 0.52.5 mm, was assumed throughoutthe analysis. These crack sizes, which are easily seen at

    610 to 620 magnication, can be related to engineer-

    ing dimensions and can represent a small microcrack.

    Using the methodology described in section 4.1, mode

    I and mode II stress intensity factors (KI,KII) have been

    obtained from the nite element predictions for more

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    Fig. 9 Variation in notch conguration factor with w/df or h=d0:5 and r=d 0:05


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    than 2000 combinations of crack length (a 0.52.5mm), crack angle (a 0908) and different compo-nent geometriesh=d, w=d, r=d, as dened in section 2).As an example, the variation in KI and KII with crack

    angle is presented in Figs 10 to 12 for a range of

    geometric parameters and a crack length of 0.5 mm. In

    all cases, j 258.The lled-in symbols in Figs 10 to 12 are for the same

    geometric parameters and enable direct comparison

    between the three gures. A number of signicant

    features can be identied:

    1. For all geometries considered in this study, the mode

    I stress intensity factor becomes equal to the mode II

    stress intensity factor (i.e. KI KII) when the crackangle is 458. According to equation (7), this means

    that the Jintegral also reaches a maximum when the

    crack angle a 45.

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    Fig. 10 Variation in KI and KII with crack angle for h=d 0:5, w=d 1:5 and 3 and r=d 0:05 with a0:5 mm and P 100MPa

    Fig. 11 Variation in KI and KII with crack angle for h=d 0:5 and 3, w=d 3 and r=d 0:05 with a0:5 mm and P



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    2. The crack angle a 45 was observed to coincidewith the direction of the perpendicular to the

    maximum principal stress at the critical point in the

    llet (i.e. j 25, the origin for the worst crack).3. For all geometries considered, the maximum mode I

    stress intensity factor, KI, occurs at the crack angle

    a&30, whereas the maximum mode II stressintensity factor, KII, occurs at a&60

    .4. For all geometries considered, the mode II stress

    intensity factor at crack anglea is equal to the mode I

    stress intensity factor at crack angle 90


    5. For all geometries, the ratio KI/KII is greater thanunity (mode I dominant) when the crack angle is less

    than 458 and less than unity (mode II dominant)

    when the crack angle is greater than 458.

    6. The ratios KI/KII 0 and ?, which correspond topure mode I and mode II conditions respectively, are

    not observed at either a 0 o r 9 08, as might beexpected for simple axial loading. This is due to the

    additional shear effect of the applied pressure loading

    in the llet region of the components.

    7. The difference between KI and KII decreases, for any

    crack angle, as the component elastic stress concen-

    tration factor decreases.

    8. The variation in KI/KII with respect to crack angleis plotted in Fig. 13 for two typical geometries, e.g.

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    Fig. 12 Variation in KI and KII with crack angle for h=d 0:5, w=d 3 and r=d 0:05 and 0.2 witha 0:5mm and P 100MPa

    Fig. 13 Variation in KI=KII with crack angle for h=d 0:5, w=d 1:5 and 3 and r=d 0:05 with a0:5 mm and P



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    h/d 0.5, r/d 0.05 and w/d 1.5 and 3. The resultsshow that this ratio is w/d independent and is only

    crack angle dependent. This ratio can be expressed as

    KI=KII paq 14

    where the constants p and q can be easily calculated

    from Fig. 13, using suitable boundary conditions.

    9. KI and KII vary considerably with w/d (greatest

    variation), h/dand r/d (least variation) for the range

    of geometric parameters considered. This informa-

    tion is clearly important from a design viewpoint. KIand KII increase with increasing w/d. This is because

    an increase in the projection width and hence the

    radial width of the at section of the shoulder (over

    which the loading is applied) produces an increase in

    the bending component of load, as well as an increase

    in the nominal stress. It is also seen that KI and KIIdecrease with increasing h/d. This is because an

    increase in the projection length produces an increase

    in the bending resistance of the projection section (or

    an increase in section modulus of the projection) and

    hence provides extra constraints to bending. It is also

    observed thatKIand KII increase with decreasing r/d,

    i.e. because of an increase in the elastic stress

    concentration factor.

    Using the KI and KII values obtained from the nite

    element predictions, J-integral values have been

    obtained using equation (7). The variation in the J

    integral with respect to crack angle for some typical

    geometries (e.g. h/d 0.5, r/d 0.05 and w/d 1.5 and3) are presented in Fig. 14 for two crack lengths of 0.5

    and 2.5 mm. It is observed that the maximum J-integralvalue occurs at a crack angle of a 45 for all

    component geometries and all crack lengths considered

    in this study.

    Mode I and mode II stress intensity factor predictions

    for an extensive range of geometric parameters (e.g.

    h=d, r=d, w=d), crack angles and crack lengths have beenused to obtain useful prediction equations, using

    statistical multiple non-linear regression [13], in the

    following form:

    KIa Fc,Is0pap 15

    KIIa Fc,IIs0pa

    p 16

    Fc,Iand Fc,II are crack conguration factors correspond-

    ing to mode I and mode II situations respectively and

    are dened as

    Fc,I0:041 0:021 sin p

    90a 0:669

    0:71 h

    d 0:015










    17Fc,II a Fc,I 90a 18

    The accuracy of equation (17) has been measured by

    means of a multiple coefcient of determination, R2,

    where 04R2 4 1. This coefcient was found to be

    *0.98, which suggests a high level of accuracy of t

    between the prediction equation and the nite element


    By substituting equations (15) and (16) into equation

    (8), an effective crack conguration factor, correspond-

    ing to mixed-mode situations, is dened as below. Thiseffective crack conguration factor is referred to as Fc,e,

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    Fig. 14 Variation in the Jintegral with crack angle for h=d0:5, w=d 1:5 and 3 and r=d 0:05 witha

    0:5 and 2.5mm andP



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    p Fc,es0


    p 19



    Fc, I 2 Fc,II 2q


    It is worth noting that the maximum J value can be

    calculated by substituting a


    in equations (15) to

    (20), i.e. Jmax J45. The Jvalue provides an importantcontrolling parameter in the fatigue crack propagation

    process under small-scale y ielding conditions. Estimated

    values of Fc,e, calculated using equations (15) to (20),

    are plotted in Fig. 15 for a typical geometry h=d0:5, w=d 3, r=d 0:05 and crack initiation lengths of0.5 and 2.5 mm. The nite element predictions ofFc,eare

    also plotted in Fig. 15. It can be seen that, for both crack

    lengths, there is good agreement between the two sets of

    data (i.e. within 2 per cent).


    5.1 Stress intensity factors

    The nite element predictions of the elastic stress

    concentration factor, Kt, and the mode I and mode II

    stress intensity factors, KI and KII respectively, have

    been used to develop useful analytical equations, based

    on the statistical multiple non-linear regression model

    [13], which can estimate KI and KII, knowing the

    component and crack geometries, i.e.

    KI 3:25



    p 0:54

    2:23 0:55 sin p90a 0:6

    h i

    0:15 hd



    0:1 0:017







    KII a KI 90a 22

    The accuracy of equation (21) has been assessed using a

    multiple coefcient of determination [13], R2, where

    04R2 4 1. This coefcient was found to be 0.985 in

    this case, which demonstrates the accuracy of the model

    t to the nite element data.

    Equations (21) and (22) can be used for any similar

    shaped component and crack geometries within the range



    d5 0:5


    d5 1:5

    0:25 r

    d5 0:05

    0:55 a5 2:5 mm

    05a5 90

    The variation in KI, calculated using equation (21) and

    directly from the nite element predictions, with respect

    to crack angle is shown in Fig. 16 for a typical geometry


    0:5, w=d

    3, r=d


    and crack initiation

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    Fig. 15 Variation in effective crack conguration factor with crack angle forh=d 0:5, w=d 3 and r=d0:05 with a

    0:5 and 2.5mm and P



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    lengths, a, of 0.5 and 2.5 mm. It can be seen that, in both

    cases, there is very good agreement between the two

    approaches (within a maximum of 2 per cent).

    5.2 J-integral values

    In a similar way, J-integral values obtained from thenite element analyses, for an extensive range of

    component and crack geometries, have been used to

    obtain useful equivalent prediction equations based on

    elastic stress concentration factor, using the statistical

    multiple non-linear regression method for the same

    range of parameters:




    0:417:79 1:79sin


    90a+ 0:013











    where the negative sign in the last numerator bracket is

    used for 455a5 0 and the positive sign is used for905a5 45. In this case, the multiple coefcient ofdetermination, R2, is 0.95, which is more than adequate

    at the preliminary design stage. It has been seen that the

    maximum J-integral values, Jmax, which are an impor-

    tant controlling parameter in fatigue crack propagation

    analysis, occurred at a crack angle of a 45. There-fore, an alternative, more accurate, predictive equation

    for Jmax, i.e. R2 0.986, is presented:












    0:068 24

    The variation in Jmax, obtained from equation (24) and

    directly from the nite element results, with respect tocrack length is plotted in Fig. 17 for typical geometries

    h/d 0.5,w/d 1.5 and 3 andr/d 0.05. It can again beseen that in both cases there is very good agreement

    between the two methods (within 2 per cent).

    For engineering design purposes, an estimation of the

    stress intensity factors corresponding to mode I and/or

    mode II dominant situations is sometimes demanded.

    For example, it has been suggested [18] that, for some

    components, mode II has a larger contribution to

    fatigue crack growth than mode I or mixed-mode J-

    integral values. It has been shown earlier that crack

    angles of 30 and 608 are considered to be representativeof the highly dominant mode I and mode II loading

    conditions, respectively, for all geometries considered.

    Therefore, prediction equations are also presented for

    these highly dominant modes. For a 30 or 60,












    0:066 25

    A similar equation has been derived for J-integral

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    Fig. 16 Variation in KI with crack angle for h=d 0:5, w=d 3 and r=d0:05 with a 0:5 and 2.5mmand P 100MPa


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    predictions when a 0 or 908:












    0:037 26

    The accuracy of equations (25) and (26) is demonstrated

    by a multiple coefcient of determination, R2 0.99.The J-integral values predicted from these equations are

    more accurate than those obtained by substituting

    a 0,30,60 and 908 into equation (23). Equations (23)to (26) can be approximated in the following general

    form by replacing the exponent 0.41 with 0.5:


    p FKt


    p 27

    where F is a `geometrycrack conguration factor and

    is a function of h/d, w/d, r/d and a. By substituting

    equation (12) into equation (27), an alternative general

    equation for calculating the J-integral values can be

    written as



    0:91 h


    2:11 0:26



    1:44 0:57



    0:92 0:14









    p 28

    where F can be dened, using equation (27) together

    with equations (23), (24), (25) or (26). For example,

    when using equation (25) for a crack angle of 30 or 608,














    Traditionally, fatigue analysis is separated into two

    parts, initiation and crack propagation. The initiation

    portion of fatigue life consists of crack nucleation

    caused by repeated plastic shear straining and a period

    of crystallographically oriented crack growth. Propaga-

    tion consists of slow stable crack growth followed by

    rapid unstable crack growth to nal fracture. Initiation

    may be analysed using strain cycle fatigue concepts, and

    propagation by linear elastic fracture mechanics con-

    cepts. If the majority of the fatigue life is spent in crack

    formation and early growth (crack initiation), precise

    knowledge of the propagation life is unnecessary for

    reasonable estimates of the total fatigue life. Conversely,

    when the majority of the fatigue life is spent in crack

    propagation, the denition of the initial crack size is

    more important than the calculation of initiation life.

    However, good estimates of the total life of notch

    components, subjected to variable amplitude load

    histories, can be obtained if both crack initiation, Ni,

    and crack propagation, Np, are considered, i.e.





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    Fig. 17 Variation in Jmax with crack length for h=d 0:5, w=d 1:5 and 3 and r=d 0:05 with P 100MPa


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    6.1 Crack initiation

    As the quest for cost effective nite life designs

    continues, there is a n increasing requirement to quantify

    the failure performance of components. However, the

    conventional methods of achieving this objective (e.g.

    prototype testing) are very expensive and time consum-

    ing. A number of investigators (e.g. reference [19]) have

    suggested alternative approaches based on local strain

    and obtained fatigue data from simple uniaxialunnotched specimen tests, where it is assumed that

    smooth and notched specimens with the same local

    strain range, De, experience the same number of cycles to

    fatigue crack initiation,Ni. Smooth specimen fatigue life

    data, proposed by MansonCofn, may be expressed in

    the following form:


    2 s


    E 2Ni b e0f 2Ni c 31

    However, the problem of fatigue crack initiation life

    prediction based on a local strain approach becomes oneof estimating the local strain amplitude at the notch.

    Local strain amplitude can be determined by prototype

    component testing, or can be predicted using nite

    element analysis or other numerical or analytical

    prediction methods. Prototype testing is very expensive

    and time consuming and, although nite element

    analysis is very powerful, there are some difculties

    when using the method for component design assess-

    ments. Therefore, various authors have proposed

    analytical relationships for predicting the local strain

    amplitude at the root of a notch (see reference [20]).

    These relationships, known as notch stressstrainconversion (NSSC) rules, are used to determine the

    non-linear and history-dependent stressstrain beha-

    viour at the notch root in terms of the load history and

    the cyclic deformation properties of the metal. The

    commonly used conservative NSSC rules include

    Neuber (for plane stress):

    DsDe F2nDs0De0 32

    where Ds0 and De0 are the nominal stress and strain

    range respectively, Ds and De are the local maximum

    stress and strain range at the notch, and Fn is a notch

    conguration factor, which can be replaced by Kt from

    equation (12), for a stepped plate with loaded projectionin order to predict the fatigue crack initiation life of such

    a component using the MansonCofn equation [equa-

    tion (31)]. The local strain approach associated with the

    NSSC rules is a useful and powerful method for

    estimating the fatigue crack initiation life of a notched

    component. The local strain range is found from the

    intersection of equation (32) with the material cyclic

    stressstrain curve obtained from smooth specimen



    2 Ds

    2E Ds




    By replacing the relevant local strain range in equation

    (31), the fatigue crack initiation life,Ni, can be obtained,

    as shown in Fig. 18. It is worth recalling that crack

    initiation has previously been dened as the formation

    of a crack of 0.52.5 mm length.

    6.2 Crack propagation

    The most widely accepted correlation between constant-

    amplitude fatigue crack growth and the applied load is

    that suggested by Paris [21] . The rate of crack

    propagation per cycle, da=dN, is directly related to themode I cyclic stress intensity, DKI, for uniaxial specimen

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    Fig. 18 Fatigue crack initiation life prediction procedure based on local strain approach


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    testing, in the following way


    dN C DKI n 34

    Fatigue crack growth under mixed-mode loading has

    been studied since the 1960s (e.g. reference [22]). The

    research has mainly concentrated on two aspects: crack

    growth direction and crack growth rate. Many criteria

    have been proposed to predict crack growth direction,

    including maximum tangential stress, strain energy

    density, maximum tangential strain, the T criterion

    and the J criterion (e.g. references [10] and [23]). The

    parameters proposed for correlating the fatigue crack

    growth rate under mixed-mode loading include effective

    stress intensity factor, equivalent strain intensity factor

    and the J integral (e.g. references [24] a n d [25]). A

    detailed review of these theories, including advantages

    and limitations, has been presented in reference [26].

    6.2.1 Crack growth direction

    The criteria considered in this section are based on theJ-

    integral approach for the determination of crack growth

    direction and crack growth rate. Consider the vector Q

    for a two-dimensional elastic crack problem [10] as

    Q Q1i Q2j J1i J2j 35where Q1 and Q2 are given as


    Wnj Tkuk,j

    dS, j 1 ,2 ,3 36

    Wis the strain energy density, nis a normal vector, Tkis

    the traction vector,u is the displacement eld, S is every

    closed surface bounding a region Rwhich is assumed to

    be free of singularities, J1 is equal to the J integral

    according to equation (27) and J2 is expressed by


    Wn2 Tkuk,2 ds 37

    For a crack in a mixedmode stress eld governed by the

    values of stress intensity factors KI and KII, the integral

    J1 is given by

    J1 c0 18G

    K2I K2II 38

    The integral J2 can be calculated in a similar way:

    J2 c0 1

    8G KIKII 39

    Consider the projection Q y of the vector Q along adirection making an angley with thex axis, as shown in

    Fig. 19, where

    J y

    J1cos y

    J2sin y


    The initiation of crack growth is governed by the

    hypothesis that the crack extends along the radialdirection y yc on which J y becomes a maximum(see Fig. 19). This hypothesis may be expressed

    mathematically as

    qJ y qy

    0, q2J y qy2

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    of a suitable model for determining effective stress

    intensities that accounts for load ratio, sequence and

    crack closure effects needs further work which is

    currently in progress for a later publication. However,

    a relationship of the form


    dN ADJB 43

    which is analogous to the Paris law [e.g. equation (34)],

    has been suggested for crack propagation life predic-

    tions under mixed-mode loading conditions [27]. The

    value of DJ below which no (measurable) amount of

    fatigue crack growth occurs is termed the threshold J

    integral, Jth. The implication for design is important

    since, if in a cracked structure DJ

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    DJ JIc 44where Jth and JIc are material constants for a given

    thickness under specic environmental conditions.

    The critical values of Jth and JIc are related to the

    threshold stress intensity factor, Kth, and the critical

    strain intensity factor (fracture toughness), KIc, as

    follows [10]:

    Jth1 v2

    E K2th 45

    JIc1 v2

    E K2Ic 46


    As a typical example, in its simplest form, a fatiguecrack propagation methodology for this plane loaded T-

    section under constant-amplitude axial loading can be

    summarized as:

    1. It is assumed that an initial crack size ofa 0:5 mmis established owing to strain cycle fatigue (described

    in section 6.1). The crack angle is assumed to be a 45 (since it corresponds to the maximum J-integralvalue). The remotely applied constant-amplitude

    axial nominal stress range, Ds0, is reacted by a

    uniform pressure across the entire at section of the


    2. The critical crack length, ac, is calculated using

    equation (19)JcE

    p Fc,eDs0


    p 47where JIc is determined from equation (46) and Fc,ecomes from equation 20 [Fc,I and Fc,II can be

    calculated from equations (17) and (18) for the given

    geometry and with a 45].3. The value ofDJis then calculated, based on equation

    (19), i.e.

    DJEp Fc,eDs0 pa0p 48

    No crack growth occurs if

    DJ< Jth 49where Jth is derived from equation (45).

    4. If DJ>Jth, the fatigue crack propagation life, Np,can be calculated by integrating the equation




    A DJ B 50

    where A and B are material constants and DJ is

    substituted fromDJE

    p Fc,eDs0


    p 51Equation (50) should be numerically integrated, as

    the value ofFc,e is a function of crack length, a, i.e.

    Np 1



    p Ds0


    !B aca0


    F2c, ea



    5. The total fatigue life for the component is then given

    by equation (30), with the derivation of fatigue crack

    initiation life, Ni, as discussed in section 6.1, using

    equation (31).

    This process can be repeated for any crack angle by

    substituting the appropriate value of a into equation



    1. Stress intensity factors for components with loaded

    projections can be signicantly higher than the

    corresponding values for remote loading, and little

    relevant fatigue information is available for this

    type of severe loading.

    2. In situations where the crack is perpendicular to the

    applied loading, a non-zero mode II stress intensity

    factor is predicted for these components owing to

    the shear effects caused by the pressure loading.

    3. The maximum KI value, KII value and J-integral

    value occur when the crack originates from a point

    around the llet that is at angles ofj&25, 50 and308 respectively to the horizontal.

    4. The maximum stress was in the meridional direction

    and generally close to the intersection between the

    plate and the llet radius, where the Jintegral had a

    maximum value (i.e. j&25). On the basis of thisand conclusion 3, results are generally presented for

    j 25.5. The J-integral value predictions for this type of

    geometry and loading demonstrate good path

    independence, and there is good agreement between

    values obtained from stresses and those based on

    the virtual crack extension method.6. Equation (12) can be used to estimate the notch

    conguration (elastic stress concentration) factor

    for geometrically similar components with loaded

    projections with a high degree of condence.

    7. For all geometries considered:

    (a) KI is a maximum when the crack angle is

    approximately 308;

    (b) KII is a maximum when the crack angle is

    approximately 608;

    (c) KI KII when the crack angle is 458;(d) KI for a is the same as KII for 90


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    (e) KI and KII increase with decreasing h/d, increas-

    ing w/dand decreasing r/d;

    (f) the maximum J-integral value occurs when the

    crack angle is 458.

    8. Equations (17) and (18) can be used to estimate the

    mode I and mode II crack conguration factors for

    geometrically similar components with loaded

    projections with a high degree of condence.

    9. Equations are presented that can provide estimatesfor crack initiation and propagation lives without

    the need to carry out extensive nite element linear

    elastic fracture mechanics an alyses.

    10. Equations (21) and (22) can be used to estimate

    mode I and mode II stress intensity factors from the

    elastic stress concentration factor and the crack

    angle for at bars a nd plates with load ed projections

    with a high level of condence.

    11. Similarly, equation (23) can be used to estimate the

    J-integral value for any crack angle with reasonable

    accuracy. Greater accuracy can been achieved by

    using equations (24) to (26) for the specic crackangles of 0 and 908 (which represent the extreme

    mode I and mode II cases), 30 and 608 (which are

    the dominant mode I and mode II angles respec-

    tively) and 458 (at which the maximum J-integral

    value is predicted).

    12. The direction in which a crack will grow was not

    found to vary signicantly with initial crack angle,

    crack length or component geometry.

    13. The methodology presented in section 7 can be

    easily used to estimate the fatigue life of such

    components with a knowledge of the component

    geometry a nd load ing, together with the initial crackangle and length.


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