mix one analysis

After starting up the Cubase software and importing all the tracks I am going to use in this mix I started off by cutting the vocals from mash up melody into single vocals The second thing I did was, create a delay between the two violins, in order to create a longer lasting sound from the instrumental and make an echo effect.

Upload: phele1994

Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Mix One Analysis

After starting up the Cubase software and importing all the tracks I am going to use in this mix I started off by cutting the vocals from mash up melody into

single vocals

The second thing I did was, create a delay between the two violins, in order to create a longer lasting sound from the instrumental and make an echo effect.

Page 2: Mix One Analysis

I then added the second instrumental on the violin, which was a drum beat, then used the equaliser to blend the drum beat within the audio.

Using the controls I then moved and altered the volume of the drum and was able to blend it in with the violin