misty - tradershand.com

Misty Misty was about six months old when we got her. It was only a short while since Biggs had run away and The Snail was getting lonesome for another little friend so we started looking around for a kitten; he wanted to find a female this time. Somehow, somewhere, one of us stumbled across an ad that a pet store in a neighboring town was having a free adoption day of some rescue cats and we figured it was just the right thing for us. Misty and The Snail bonded immediately. When he first took her into his arms, Misty

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Post on 28-Oct-2021




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Misty was about six months old when we

got her. It was only a short while since

Biggs had run away and The Snail was

getting lonesome for another little friend

so we started looking around for a kitten;

he wanted to find a female this time.

Somehow, somewhere, one of us stumbled

across an ad that a pet store in a

neighboring town was having a free

adoption day of some rescue cats and we

figured it was just the right thing for us.

Misty and The Snai l bonded immediately.

When he first took her into his arms, Misty

Page 2: Misty - tradershand.com


snuggled into him and started purring away.

He held her the whole way home.

She always wanted to be with him and

would total ly ignore, in fact, avoid me; she

didn’t even want me to pet her because all

her devotion belonged to her “daddy” (I ’m

Grandpa… yeah, I know, corny cat-people).

When The Snail would be lying on his bed

on his stomach playing one of his computer

games, tiny Misty would cl imb up on him and

curl up in the small of his back where she’d

purr her little heart out and knead his back

while The Snail moaned, “Misty, your love


When The Snail was hospital ized for a

few weeks due to diabetic complications,

Misty got so lonely for him that she started

coming to me for comfort and now,

whenever he’s asleep, she comes to me to

ease her lonel iness for her daddy.

Page 3: Misty - tradershand.com


Bag Lady

We keep pi les of grocery bags around the

apartment because Misty loves to nap on

them. Maybe it reminds our little bush cat

of a pile of leaves.