missouri-arkansas treasurer newsletter august

TREASURER TIDBITS | AUGUST 2013 MO-ARK KEY CLUB MO-ARK Meerkats at 2013 ICON in DC! Message..............2 Dues..................3-5 Social Media.....6-7 Report...................8 Fall Rallys/DCMS...9 Calendar............10 The Official Missouri-Arkansas District Treasurer Newsletter of Key Club International

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Page 1: Missouri-Arkansas Treasurer Newsletter August



MO-ARK Meerkats at 2013




Social Media.....6-7


Fall Rallys/DCMS...9


The Official Missouri-Arkansas District Treasurer Newsletter of Key Club International

Page 2: Missouri-Arkansas Treasurer Newsletter August

The Official Missouri-Arkansas District TreasurerNewsletter of Key Club International

Greetings MO-ARK District Board,

I hope your summers have been exciting and fulfilling. Between Speech and Debate Nationals, tennis practices, and International Convention I know I have been busy!

However, the school year is just around the corner. I hope you are as motivated to serve your District and clubs as I am. Although the first day of school is not here, August is the best time to start contacting your clubs, scheduling club visits, and help clubs in your division outline goals for the upcoming year. In this issue, you will find new ways to recruit club members, find information about paying dues, and other resources to help you with your LTG duties.

Yours In Service,Laela Zaidi

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

Treasurer Tidbits

Me, Prajwol, and Ben serving at a 2013 ICON Social Media


Members of the MO-ARK District exploring DC at 2013


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Paying Dues

5 Easy Steps

Step 1Visit the membership update center. Have your club secretary visit www.keyclub.org/mucStep 2Use your advisor’s email address and password that your advisor set up to login (see below for password set-up instructions)Step 3 After you’ve logged in, fill in the information or edit the information for all members (for example, delete graduated seniors) Step 4Once your club membership is completely updated, print the invoice Step 5Pay for your dues by mailing the dues check to international or submit credit card information directly after generating the invoice

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

Paying dues is very important. Without payment, a club can become suspended. Dues are paid through the membership update center (MUC).

Share this info with your clubs at DCMs and club visits!

Your first dues payment must be received by November 1st. Clubs

that turn in their first dues payment by this time will receive the Early Bird

Dues patch for their banner. Dues must be received no later than

December 1st. Members can be added to the MUC all year.

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Step 1The first time you use the system, do not fill in your email or attempt to put in a password. Instead, click Register/Reset Password the first time you use the MUC.Step 2Enter the faculty advisor’s email address on record and a hyperlink will be sent to that email to set up a password.Step 3Check your email and spam folder. Note the email may not be sent immediatelyStep 4If an advisor or club secretary is having problems accessing the information, send an email to member services with the problem AND include all of their contact info (club’s full name, your name, email, phone).Step 5Clubs can now begin entering members

Creating a PasswordAll first time users of the MUC must create a password. This

should be done by the Faculty Advisor.

Paying Dues

5 Easy Steps

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

Dues in the Missouri-Arkansas

District are $13.

Make sure your clubs give themselves a 1-2

week buffer period when sending


All club treasurers should speak with the school book keeper and understand the schools process and role in collecting dues.

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Paying Dues

Schedule for Early Bird Dues

Our goal this year is to have as many clubs possible receive the Early Bird Dues Patch. Give this simple schedule to your club treasurers through email and at

DCMs to ensure Early Bird Dues.

September 5th:✓Send an email, text message, or have a Facebook post to all your members reminding them that their dues are due today and to meet them before school, at lunch, or after school with their dues and information.

September 12th: ✓Continue collecting dues. To the members who have not turned in their dues, call personally, send emails, and text them to encourage immediate dues collection.

September 19th: ✓Collect all dues and member information.

October 1st: ✓Get the password from your faculty advisor and start adding new member sand editing existing members into the Membership Update Center.If you have a large number of members, pace yourself.

October 7th: ✓Double check and make sure ALL members are added into the Membership Update Center.Generate and print your invoice.

October 8th: ✓Provide the book keeper or Faculty Advisor with invoice and inform them of the need to have the check received by Key Club International by November 1st.

Follow up: ✓Two days after your book keeper has been provided the invoice, follow up with the book keeper to make sure the check has been mailed. If the check has not been mailed, follow up within another two days. Do not fail to follow up with the book keeper. Lack of communication can cause late dues.

October 15th: ✓Make sure check has been mailed out to International.

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

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Social Media Guide


MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

At ICON, I learned all about how to use different social media platforms to expand the scope of your communication. Use these tips

so you can engage your clubs into Division and District activities!

FacebookCreate a Facebook group for your Division and invite

officers from your clubs to join and ask them to invite members. This is a great way to share photos, create event pages, and even upload documents like

your newsletters.

Create banners and

a mascot for your

division like this one

from the CNH

District. Get


INSTAGRAMUse Instagram to cross post fancy pictures

of your events onto Facebook or Twitter. Use apps like PicLab to make your pictures

stand out, and finish off with a great filter. Check out the example on the right

Page 7: Missouri-Arkansas Treasurer Newsletter August

Social Media Guide


The “key” to using social media is to keep your posts concise, visually appealing, and informative. Posting

selfies and hashtags everywhere will not allow your

clubs to take you seriously. Keep it professional- but have

fun and be creative!

Twitter is a great resource for updates and announcements. Members don’t even need an

account to receive tweets! All you need to do is text “Follow [insert twitter handle]” to 40404. If that doesn’t work, try using the texting

service SendHub to directly contact members in your division.

Be careful about what you post! One of our core values

is inclusiveness- which means there is no room for

cyberbullying. Make your clubs and members feel special by

highlighting their achievements. Before you upload pictures, make sure members sign the Kiwanis

photo release for safety.

The KCI Brand Guide is your friend- even on the internet!

Check out your District Bulletin Editor’s August Newsletter for

more information.

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

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Financial Report

Treasurer’s Report- August 2013

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

The Missouri-Arkansas District reimburses you for any of your LTG expenses. Expenses can be anything from buying food at fall rallys, gas for club visits, postage, paper, etc. As long as you have receipts (except for gas- you just need an accurate count of mileage), you can be reimbursed.

As of August 2013:

Total Budget: $5,675.00Reimbursed to Date: $22.65Total Remaining Balance: $5,652.35

For the MO-ARK District (as of July 10th):

# Of Dues Paid Clubs: 132# Of Billed Members: 5,033Int’l Dues: $32,791.00District Dues: $31,791.00Total: $64,582.00

Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF)

The Youth Opportunity Fund is a fund for Key

Club International. The fund provides money for

clubs to participate in service projects and also

provides scholarship opportunities. Remind

clubs that they have until October 15th to apply for

a YoF grant. Visit www.keylub.org for more information and to find

an application.

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Send pics of your events to the

Treasurer so they can be featured on our Twitter page,


Fall Rallys and DCMs

How To Plan

So there’s been a lot of talk of Fall Rally and Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs). Don’t panic- planning events isn’t as hard as it looks! Just make sure your ducks are in a row and think about a

couple things as you plan.

DCMSDivisional Council Meetings should be

scheduled 3 or 4 times a year. These meetings are intended to be open to all Key Club members and advisors. The

purpose of these meetings are: 1.Train Club Officers

2. Announce District Events (DLC!!!!)3. Plan Division Projects

4. Share Success/Problems/Info About Service Projects

5. Educate Clubs about Int’l Partners


☛Do you have an full agenda and a purpose for your divisional

events?☛Do you have a good location?

Libraries, parks, or even meeting at one of the high schools in your

division are great places to consider.

☛Have you contacted every school ahead of time?

☛Are you promoting the event?

Look in your handy flash

drive for some good resources on

planning DCMs and Fall Rallys!

MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

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Contacts, Info, and More

Don’t forget to check your emails frequently from now on! I expect all of you to call your clubs within the coming weeks and make sure to include the information in your newsletter during your call. Note the upcoming dates and remember your exec board is always here to help you.Please send me an email describing your favorite part of summer!

Governor [email protected]

Secretary Shannashanna_deshea@hotm


Bulletin Editor [email protected]

Important Dates:

August 1st- Newsletters are Due

August 1st-4th- Missouri-Arkansas Kiwanis Convention

September 13-15- Fall Board Meeting

November 1st- Early Bird Dues! FOLLOW US ON


MO-ARK Treasurer|August 2013

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