mission for integrated development of horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the state has...

Report of the Joint Inspection Team on its visit to Tripura during 11 th to 16 th November, 2014 to review the progress under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) Districts visited by J.I.T 1. Sephijala 2.West Tripura 3. Dhalai 4. North Tripura 5. Gomati 6. Khowai Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

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Page 1: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one

Report of the Joint Inspection Team on its visit to Tripura during 11th to 16th November, 2014 to review the progress under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)

Districts visited by J.I.T

1. Sephijala 2.West Tripura 3. Dhalai 4. North Tripura 5. Gomati 6. Khowai

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture

Ministry of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture & Cooperation

Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Page 2: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


Table of contents


Item Page No__________

Observations and Actionable issues made by JIT 3-6



Status of Horticulture in Tripura 11-27


Visit to Sephijala District 28-30

Visit to West Tripura District 31-34

Visit to Dhalai District 35-37

Visit to North Tripura District 38-39

Visit to Gomati District 40

Visit to Khowai District 41

Details of visit 42-67

Photographs 68-80

Page 3: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one



1. Vegetable cluster: There is a weak market linkage resulting into lower prices of

vegetables to the farmers. There is no collection centre and FPOs in the cluster

for vegetables. The marketing linkages should be strengthened by making the


There is a huge consumption of chemicals observed in the vegetables to

avoid the infestation of diseases and pests. The effective organic techniques of

production with proper recommendations should be given to farmers to reduce

the cost of cultivation and availability of organic food.

Off-season and high value vegetable crops should be promoted in the

vegetable cluster area. The irrigation through drips may be promoted for off

season vegetable crops and the protected structures are to be given for


2. Fruit Cluster (Orange and Lemon): JIT observed that the proper training and

pruning operation in lemon and orange fruits is not being done by the


JIT suggests that the proper demonstrations and trainings should be given

to beneficiaries so that the productivity of the plantation can be increased.

The proper rejuvenation technique and canopy management are not being

followed in the old & senile plantation visited by JIT. The infestation of diseases

and pests has also been observed in the old plantation.

JIT suggests to demonstrate the proper rejuvenation technique at some

places so that farmers could learn the technique and adopts in a scientific


3. Fruit Cluster (Pineapple): The farmers are growing the pineapple in the rainfed

conditions resulting in to low productivity.

Page 4: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT has not seen any drip irrigation system in the plantation. There is a

need to provide irrigation by drip lines in the pineapple plantation so that the

productivity of the plantation could be increased.

At present, there is no processing and value addition centre in the

pineapple cluster. The farmers are getting low price for their produce. The steps

should be taken to promote such units so that the farmers can get better price

and timely supply of their product to such units.

4. Floriculture: Although the farmers are taking production of orchids under

protected structure and earning income in a comfortable way but there is a need

to promote other high value crops like gerbera and chrysanthemum also.

5. Bee keeping for pollination support: Although the bee boxes have been given

to beneficiaries for collection of honey by the Khadi Board but the boxes have

not put in the field of horticultural crops. The objective to increase pollination

support in the horticultural crops is not being fulfilled.

There is a need to promote the bee keeping in the farmer’s field so that

the pollination support in horticultural crops could be increased. Bee-keeping

intervention needs to be integrated with compatible crops. One commercial

honey production unit may be established in the state.

6. Horticultural Mechanization: There is a need to provide the horticultural tools

for pruning and thinning to the beneficiaries having orchard of lemon and orange

in the districts.

To popularize farm mechanization, JIT recommends introduction and

demonstration of small farm tools like fruit harvester, fruit grader, pre-cooling

tank, weeder etc. to reduce the drudgery especially in the hill districts.

7. Nursery (big & small): JIT visited two horticultural nurseries of private sectors.

Although the assistance has been given through HMNEH to increase the

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capacity of nurseries. The beneficiaries are involved in multiplying the good

numbers of planting material especially lemon, orange and mango etc.

JIT suggests to maintain the quality of planting material and also advice

them to increase the capacity further to meet out the demands of the state. The

new nursery should also be established by giving the assistance and proper

guidance. The accreditation of such nurseries should also be emphasized.

Garden tool-kit should be provided to the farmers involved in nursery raising and

cut-flower production

8. The JIT has visited Tissue Culture Unit and Nursery Complex of state

Horticulture Deptt . The production of planting material through tissue culture and

by macro propagation should be strengthened to increase the capacity of the

nursery. Although the production of TPS in the complex is a good effort by the

department and it should be taken in large scale so that the demands of other

states could also be fulfilled.

9. Processing and value addition: Farmers are selling their produce at local

market which don’t give the comfortable price to farmers in the peak supply

period. There is a need to establish processing facilities like extraction of juice &

packing centre in the vegetable and fruit clusters specially in pineapple & lemon

so that the market surplus could be utilized to make processed products. The

farmers can get the attractive price at peak supply period.

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1. Community based area expansion programme of Khasi mandarin under forest

land (patta) is being practiced in the tribal belt, efforts made by the horticulture

Department in establishing fruits cluster is a welcome sign, needs to be

augmented in other districts of the State.

2. Rejuvenation and canopy management practices are still infancy stage in the

state. Regular training to officials and beneficiaries needs to be provided. Year

wise training calendar needs to be prepared for these activities.

3. Pineapple cultivation is being taken up mostly on hill slopes under rainfed

conditions. Climatic fluctuation, inadequate pollinizer ratio, low mechanization

and conventional orchard management practices, add to the problem of low yield

need to be addressed by SHM.

4. Use of highly toxic pesticides in vegetable cluster need to be discouraged by

augmenting IPM technology. The KVK which are being funded for various

activities need to be fully utilized for IPM activities.

5. Under high density plantation of mango, variety Amrapali needs to be planted


6. More area need to be brought under pineapple cultivation as the potential exists

in visiting districts, accordingly training to farmers /field staff on cultivation

aspects should be imparted along with technical support. The installation of drip /

sprinkler needs to be supported with training on water management.

7. Mushroom cultivation scheme need to be supported to provide subsidy on

structure, SHM may look into the matter.

8. Better progress is anticipated under certain components viz. IPM/INM and setting

up of Canary (small processing unit) for pineapple processing, needs to be


9. Field staff and farmers need to be trained on protected cultivation including

production Technologies.

Page 7: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


Report of the Joint Inspection Team on its visit to Tripura during 11th to 16th

November, 2014 to review the progress under the Mission for Integrated

Development of Horticulture

The Joint Inspection Team (JIT) comprising of Dr. Naveen Patle, Deputy

Commissioner, Horticulture, Dr. Om Prakash, Chief Consultant, MIDH, DAC, Govt. of

India, New Delhi and Dr. B.C. Deka, Senior Scientist (Horticulture), Horticulture

Research Station, AAU, Kahikuchi, Azara, Guwahati and Dr. B. Das, Principal Scientist

(Hort.) & Dr Lambisena Devi, Scientist (Hort.), ICAR Research Complex for NEH

Regions, Tripura Centre, Lembucherra, Tripura West. Shri Pradeep Kumar Pal

Assistant Director and Vishnu Pada Chakraborty (AD), Horticulture Department, Govt.

of Tripura joined the team and coordinated the entire visit of JIT.


Tripura is one of the seven states in the north eastern part of India located

between 22 degree and 56 minutes and 24 degree and 32 minutes north latitude and

between 90 degree and 09 minutes and 92 degree and 20 minutes east latitude. It is

bounded on the north, west, south and south-east by Bangladesh whereas in the east it

has a common boundary with Assam and Mizoram. There is a common belief that the

name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land

which is famous as one of the 51 pethos of Hindu Pilgrims. Apart from this traditional

view, it is believed that originally the land was known as "Tuipra" meaning a land

adjoining the water. It is fact that in days of yore the boundaries of Tripura were

extended up to the Bay of Bengal when its rulers held sway from Garo hills to Arakan.

The history of Tripura as an administrative unit dates back to the days of Maharajas

when the territory was a native State. It is significant to note that all though Tripura was

conquered by force of arms in 1761, no Political agents was appointed in the State till

1871 - a gap of 110 years.

The former princely state of Tripura was ruled by Maharajas of Manikya dynasty.

It was an independent administrative unit under the Maharaja even during the British

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rule in India though this independence was qualified, being subject to the recognition of

the British, as the paramount power, of each successive ruler. After independence of

India, an agreement of merger of Tripura with the Indian Union was signed by the

Regent Maharani on September 9, 1947 and the administration of the state was actually

taken over by the Govt. of India on October 15, 1949. Tripura became a Union Territory

without legislature with effect from November 1, 1956 and a popular ministry was

installed in Tripura on July 1, 1963. On January 21, 1972 Tripura attained statehood.

Location Remotest in the North East Region, 22o 56' ; 24o 32' North and 91o 09' and 92o 20' East.


Total area 10.492 Sq. Km., International Border with Bangladesh-856 Km, Border with Mizoram-109 Km and with Assam-53 Km.

60% Hilly Terrain, 60% Forest area (39% Reserve Forest)

24% Net Sown Area

Average size of Holding 0.56 Hectare.

Irrigation 42% of Net Cropped area.

Climate Temperature varies between 10 to 35 Degree Celsius,

Average Annual Rainfall 2,200mm,


Total Population 31,99,203 as per 2001 Census,

Rural Population 26,53,453

Urban Population 5,45,750.

Male 16,42,225

Female 15,56,978.

Population Density 305 per sq. Km.,

Schedule Caste-5,55,724 Schedule Tribe-9,93,426

Sex ratio-948

Overall literacy rate(%)- 73.2

Major Language Bengali, Kakborak and English.

Economy The economy is primarily agrarian. The primary sector

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(Agricultural) contributes about 64% of total employment in the state and about 23% of the State Domestic Product (SDP).

A variety of Horticultural/ Plantation Crops are produced in Tripura like Pineapple, Orange, Cashew nut, Jackfruit, Coconut, Tea, Rubber, Forest , Plantations etc. There is ample scope for increasing the area under such plantations as well as the productivity.

Agricultural Scenario of Tripura


2009 - 10

a) Total area of the State 10,491.69 SqKms

b) Altitude of Agartala 12.80 Mts

c) Location

i) North latitude 22o56' & 24o32'

ii ) East longitude 91o09' & 92o20'

iii ) Extreme length 183.5 Kms

iv) Extreme width 112.7 Kms

v ) Border with Bangladesh 856 Kms

vi ) Border with Mizoram 109 Kms

vii ) Border with Assam 53 Kms

d) Land Utilization

i ) Total geographical area 10,43,169 ha.

ii ) Net area sown 2,55,524 ha.

iii ) Forest area 6.29,429 ha.

iv ) Area sown more than once 1,92,968 ha.

v ) Gross area sown 4,48,492 ha.

vi) Cropping Intensity 176%

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a Production of crops

i Rice 6,40,034 MT

ii Wheat 1,323 MT

iii Maize 2.030 MT

iv Pulses 4323 MT

Total Foodgrains 6,47,710 MT

v Sugar cane 44,913 MT

vi Cotton (Bale =170 kg) 1,438 Bales

vii Jute (Bale =180 kg) 4,139 Bales

viii Mesta (Bale =180 kg) 6,522 Bales

ix Total oil seeds 2,483 MT

x Potato 94,554 MT

b Fertilizer consumption 35133 MT

c Per hectare use of fertilizer (NPK) 42 Kg/Ha

d Bio-fertilizer distribution 17 MT

e Farmers trained 70,000 Nos.

f Regulated agricultural markets 21

g Cropping intensity (%) 176%

h Jhum productivity 991 Kg/Ha

i Cold Storage 10 Nos.

j Mango 11,924.35 MT

k Pineapple 1,08,009 MT

l Orange 20,383 MT

m Jackfruit 2,52,384 MT

n Coconut 7,882 MT

o Summer vegetable 1,43,665,66 MT

p Others winter vegetable 1,62,602.05 MT

q Kisan Credit Card issued 30,469 Nos

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r Amount disbursed Rs. 84.96 Crores


a Normal annual rainfall 2,169.40 mm

b Average actual annual rainfall 1,961.80 mm

c Normal rainy days 99.2

d Actual rainy days 82.5


a Cultivable area 2,79,050 ha.

b Irrigable area 1,17,000 ha.

c Potential created 10,4995 ha.

d Potential utilized 68,085 ha.

Status of implementation of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture


Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalyan States (HMNEH)

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Horticulture Mission for North East and

Himalayan States (HMNEH) is being implemented in Tripura since 2001-02 in all the

districts of the State thereby covering important horticulture crops with 100% GOI

contribution. From 2014-15, HMNEH scheme has been subsumed under Mission for

Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).

Progress till 2013-14

Salient physical progress till 2013-14 is as follows:-

An additional area of 64,477 ha of identified horticulture crops have been


In all, 160 nurseries have been established for production of quality planting


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An area of 4852 ha has been covered under rejuvenation of old and senile


Organic farming has been adopted in an area of 1498 ha for promotion of organic

cultivation of horticultural crops. Besides, 4041 vermi compost units have been

set up.

An area of 51.26 ha has been covered under protected cultivation.

During this period, 3702 community water harvesting structures have been set


An area of 51.26 ha has been covered under protected cultivation.

During this period, 3702 community water harvesting structures have been


Under horticulture mechanization, 6715 power machines / tools have been

provided for improving farm efficiency in carrying out horticulture operations.

Under the component of Post Harvest Management, 30 Processing units and 5

cold storages have been established.

A total of 15 market infrastructures have been set up for marketing of horticulture


So far, 63,880 farmers have been trained under various horticulture activities.

An amount of Rs. 230.07 crore was released to the State till 2013-14 and the State Government has reported full expenditure.

Programme for 2014-16

An outlay of Rs. 60.00 crore has been approved for the State to implement

HMNEH related activities of NHM during 2014-15. Funds to the tune of Rs.

27.00 crore have been released towards first installment. Physical progress is

yet to be posted on the website of HMNEH.

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National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is being implemented in Tripura since 2006-07

by Sardar Forest Development Agency, Agartala (Tripura), for the development of

bamboo sector. With effect from 2014-15, NBM has been subsumed under MIDH.

Financial Achievements

Till 2013-14, an amount of Rs. 12.44 crore was released to Tripura and Rs. 12.24

crore has been spent so far. During 2014-15, an outlay of Rs. 1.99 crore has been

earmarked and Rs. 0.81 crore has been released towards first installment.

Physical Achievements

Since inception, 7270 ha land has been covered with new bamboo plantations.

An area of 3,807 ha of existing bamboo plantations have been improved for higher

productivity. In addition, 175 nurseries have been established to supply quality planting

material. During this period, 7,719 farmers and 726 field functionaries have been

trained in various activities of bamboo sector and nursery management.


Coconut Development Programme (CDP) is being implemented by the Coconut

Development Board, Kochi in the State since 2009-10. With effect from 2014-15,

CDP has been subsumed under MIDH.

Progress (2009-10 to 2013-14)

i. During the period, an area of 162.61 ha. has been brought under coconut

plantation with financial achievement of Rs. 8.32 lakh.

ii. 0.25 lakh nos. of seedlings were produced in established Regional Coconut

Nurseries with financial achievement of Rs. 3.13 lakh.

Page 14: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


Physical & Financial Progress under HMNEH in year 2013-14

Releases ( Rs in lakh)-1st = 1970.00 ( on July 2013)

Releases ( Rs in lakh)-2nd = 2073.380 ( on Jan 2014)

Total- = 4043.380 lakh

(Rs. in lakh)

Sl. No

Component Unit Assistance (Cost per Unit/ha)

Target as per Approved Action


Target as per fund released



Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10

1 Production of planting materials

i Private Sector

a Big Nursery (min. 4 ha per unit)

nos 12.50 1 12.50 1 12.500 1 12.500

b Small Nursery (min. 1 ha per unit)

nos 3.13 8 25.00 8 25.000 8 25.000

ii Public Sector

a Big Nursery (min. 4 ha per unit)

nos 25.00 3 75.00 3 75.000 3 75.000

b Small Nursery (min. 1 ha per unit)

nos 6.25 8 50.00 8 50.000 8 50.000

iv Assistance to TPS Centre

nos. 25.00 1 25.00 1 25.000 1 25.00

v Seed Production for vegetables & Rhizomatic Spices

a Open pollinated crops (Private Sector )

ha 0.23 22 4.95 22 4.950 22 4.950

b Open pollinated crops (Public Sector )

ha 0.30 25 7.50

vi Import of planting material for trial and demo. purpose

10.00 1 10.00 1 10.000 1 10.000

2 Area expansion under Hort. Crops

I Fruits

i Cost intensive crops

a Strawberry ha 0.750 10 7.50 10 7.50 10 7.50

ii High Density Planting

a Mango ha 0.360 535 192.60 535 192.60 535 192.60

b Guava ha 0.360 180 64.80 180 64.80 180 64.80

c Litchi ha 0.360 200 72.00 200 72.00 200 72.00

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d Mosambi ha 0.360 225 81.00 225 81.00 225 81.00

e Papaya ha 0.360 650 234.00 650 234.00 650 234.00

f Banana sucker ha 0.360 640 230.40 640 230.40 640 230.40

g Pineapple ha 0.360 505 181.80 505 181.80 505 181.80

iii Normal Spacing

a Mango ha 0.180 230 41.40 230 41.40 230 41.40

b Ber ha 0.180 100 18.00 100 18.00 100 18.00

c Mosambi ha 0.180 150 27.00 150 27.00 150 27.00

d Lime/Lemon ha 0.180 350 63.00 350 63.00 350 63.00

e Orange ( Khashi Mandarin/ Kinnow)

ha 0.180 330 59.40 330 59.40 330 59.40

Total Fruits 4105 1272.90 4105 1272.90 4105 1272.90

iv Maintenance

2nd year ha 2485 366.53 35.060 35.06

3rd year ha 774 46.44

Total 3259 412.966 3259 35.060 3259 35.060

II Vegetable (hybrid)

Winter Vegetables

a Cabbage ha 0.338 465 156.94 465 156.94 465 156.94

b Cauliflower ha 0.338 465 156.94 465 156.94 465 156.94

c Tomato ha 0.338 400 135.00 400 135.00 400 135.00

d Capsicum ha 0.338 110 37.13 110 37.13 110 37.13

e Potato ( TPS) ha 0.338 720 243.00 720 243.00 720 243.00

f Brinjal ha 0.338 255 86.06 255 86.06 255 86.06

g Carrot ha 0.338 120 40.50 120 40.50 120 40.50

h Water mellon ha 0.338 415 140.06 415 140.06 415 140.06

i French bean ha 0.338 110 37.13 110 37.13 110 37.13

j Garden Pea ha 1.338 125 167.19 125 42.190 125 42.19

k Green Chilli ha 1.338 300 401.25 300 101.250 300 101.25

Total Winter 3485 1601.19 3485 1176.19 3485 1176.19

Summer Vegetables

a Cabbage ha 0.338 165 55.69 165 55.688 165 55.69

b Cauliflower ha 0.338 150 50.63 150 50.625 150 50.63

c Tomato ha 0.338 45 15.19 45 15.188 45 15.19

d Bhendi ha 0.338 365 123.19 365 123.188 365 123.19

e Cowpea ha 0.338 240 81.00 240 81.00 240 81.00

f Pointed Gourd ha 0.338 180 60.75 180 60.75 180 60.75

g Spine Gourd ha 0.338 125 42.188 125 42.188 125 42.188

h Summer Radish ha 0.338 95 32.063 95 32.063 95 32.063

j Green Chilli ha 0.338 200 67.50 200 67.50 200 67.50

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Total Summer 1565 528.19 1565 528.19 1565 528.19

Total Vegetable 5050 2129.38 5050 1704.38 5050 1704.38

iv Flowers

i Cut Flower

a Rose ha 0.5250 35 18.38 35 18.380 35 18.380

ii Bulbous Flower

a Gladiolus ha 0.6750 50 33.75 50 33.750 50 33.750

b Tuberose ha 0.6750 50 33.75 50 33.750 50 33.750

iii Loose Flower

a Marigold ha 0.1800 90 16.20 90 16.200 90 16.20

Total Flower 225 102.08 225 102.08 225 102.08

v Spices

i Seed spices & rhizome spices

a Ginger ha 0.1875 170 31.88 170 31.875 170 31.875

b Turmeric ha 0.1875 130 24.38 130 24.375 130 24.375

ii Perennial Spices

a Black Pepper ha 0.3000 65 19.50 65 19.50 65 19.50

Total Spices 365 75.75 365 75.75 365 75.75

3 Rejuvenation

Rejuvenation(Replacement of senile plantation /Canopy mgt./ Top Working)

ha 0.150 625 93.75 470 70.500 470 70.500

4 Creation of Water Sources


Community Tank/ onfarm pond with use of plastic/RCC lining (100 m X 100m X 3m)

nos 17.250 8 138.00 8 138.00 8 138.000


Water harvesting system for individual (20m X 20m X 3m pond) /Tube well/Dug Well

nos 1.030 155 159.65 155 159.650 155 159.650

5 Promotion of INM/IPM

i Promotion of INM/IPM

ha 0.010 1350 13.50 1350 13.500 1350 13.500

6 Organic farming

i Vermicompost unit

a Permannent structure nos 0.300 157 47.10 157 47.10 157 47.10

b HDPE vermi bed nos 0.050 525 26.25 525 26.25 525 26.250

7 Pollination support through Bee Keeping

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i Honey bee colony nos 0.007 1400 9.800 1400 9.800 1400 9.80

ii Bee hives nos 0.008 1400 11.20 1400 11.20 1400 11.20


Equipments including honey extractor( 4 frame), food grade container, etc

nos 0.070 350 24.50 350 24.50 350 24.50

Total 3150 45.50 3150 45.50 3150 45.50

8 Horticulture Mechanization

i Power operated machines/Power saw

nos 0.175 100 17.50

9 Human Resource Development

i Training of farmers including women

a Within the District for 1 day

nos 0.004 4500 18.00 4500 18.000 4500 18.000

b Within the State for 4 days

nos. 0.030 900 27.00 900 27.000 900 27.000

c Outside State for 7 days

nos. 0.070 150 10.50 150

10.500 150 10.500

ii Exposure visit of farmers including women

a Within the District for 1 day

nos 0.0025 2250 5.63 2250

5.625 2250 5.625

b Within the State for 2 days

nos. 0.0060 900 5.40 900

5.4 900 5.4

c Out side the state for 7 days

nos. 0.0420 150 6.30 150

6.3 150 6.3

Total 8850 72.83 8850 72.825 8850 72.825


Development of Tech Packages in Electronic form to be shared through IT Network

nos 1.000


10 Special Intervention


Tackling Emergent / Unforseen requirement of Implementing Agencies




11 Mission Management


Project management(project based)including addl. Manpower ,project cost, hire/purchase of vehicle, hardware/software




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etc./Development of technology packages in electronic from to be shared through IT network (No.)

ii Seminar/ Conference/ Mela/ Horti. Expo etc.

a State Level (event) 3.00 3.00 3.00

b District Level (event) 16.00 14.00 14.00

GRAND TOTAL 4900.00 4043.38 4043.38

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Status of Horticulture in the State

(Area in Ha, Production in M.T. & Productivity in M.T./Ha)

Name of Crop

South District West District Dhalai District North District State Total Avg.

Productivity Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn.

A. Summer Vegetables

4695 70044.53 7758.0

0 121093.81 2663 37750.50 3296 51433.03 18412 280321.87 15.22

B. Winter Vegetables

6153 103692.25 7852.5 140095.14 2161 37386.68 3392.5 60972.36 19559 342146.42 17.49

C. Fruits 18982 232274.95 18721 192670.03 14197 170492.23 16478 190909.53 68378 786346.74 11.50

D. Nuts 8162 16051.00 4696 12435.00 2697 7361.00 3160 9278.00 18715 45125.00 2.41

E. Spices 3110 17358.85 2423 13591.54 1217 8505.80 1099 7480.85 7849 46937.04 5.98

F. Potato 3470 61142.00 2513 37216.00 1220 21497.00 1518 27762.00 8721 147617.00 16.93

Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F)

44572 500563.58 43964 517101.51 24155 282993.21 28944 347835.76 141634 1648494.06 11.64

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Tripura: Area & Production during 2013-14 (Provisional)

(Area in Ha, Production in M.T. & Productivity in M.T./Ha)

Sl No Name of Crop South District West District Dhalai District North District State Total Avg.

Produc-tivity Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn.

A Summer Vegetables

1 Bhindi 420 3994.20 820 7798.20 189 1797.39 251 2387.01 1680 15976.80 9.51

2 Brinjal 339 6298.62 876 16276.08 128 2378.24 273 5072.34 1616 30025.28 18.58

3 Spine Gourd 211 4103.95 365 7099.25 71 1380.95 186 3617.70 833 16201.85 19.45

4 Pointed Gourd 101 1182.71 178 2084.38 70 819.70 99 1159.29 448 5246.08 11.71

5 Ridge Gourd 240 4250.40 519 9191.49 88 1558.48 261 4622.31 1108 19622.68 17.71

6 Bitter Gourd 187 1757.80 367 3449.80 62 582.80 175 1645.00 791 7435.40 9.40

7 Bottle Gourd 152 2719.28 268 4794.52 62 1109.18 134 2397.26 616 11020.24 17.89

8 Sweet Gourd 212 4208.20 311 6173.35 65 1290.25 243 4823.55 831 16495.35 19.85

9 Ash Gourd 103 1725.25 310 5192.50 61 1021.75 188 3149.00 662 11088.50 16.75

10 Snake Gourd 65 685.75 0 0.00 0 0 65 685.75 10.55

11 Colacasia 252 4160.52 495 8172.45 175 2889.25 391 6455.41 1313 21677.63 16.51

12 E.F. Yam 18 396.00 0 0.00 3 66.00 0 21 462.00 22.00

13 Jal Kachu 0 185 3422.50 75 1387.50 185 3422.50 445 8232.50 18.50

14 Cucumber 173 2041.40 468 5522.40 60 708.00 172 2029.60 873 10301.40 11.80

15 Amaranthes 230 3654.70 818 12998.02 188 2987.32 271 4306.19 1507 23946.23 15.89

16 Barbati 114 1251.72 0 0.00 0 57 625.86 171 1877.58 10.98

17 Raddish 212 3163.04 182 2715.44 110 1641.20 65 969.80 569 8489.48 14.92

18 Cawpea 160 2672.00 510 8517.00 115 1920.50 41 684.70 826 13794.20 16.70

19 Summer Cabbage 61 618.54 189 1916.46 56 567.84 9 91.26 315 3194.10 10.14

20 Summer Cauliflower 60 417.00 128 889.60 52 361.40 10 69.50 250 1737.50 6.95

21 Summer Tomato 27 324.00 0 0.00 0 0 27 324.00 12.00

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22 Chilli (Green) 371 3528.21 0 0.00 0 0 371 3528.21 9.51

23 Leafy Veg. 45 427.50 78 741.00 303 2878.50 30 285.00 456 4332.00 9.50

24 Water Melon 346 8715.74 423 10655.37 75 1889.25 25 629.75 869 21890.11 25.19

25 Others 596 7748.00 268 3484.00 655 8515.00 230 2990.00 1749 22737.00 13.00

Total of 'A' 4695 70044.53 7758.00 121093.81 2663 37750.50 3296 51433.03 18412 280321.87 15.22

B Winter Vegetables

1 Cabbage 718 19766.54 1256 34577.68 330 9084.90 415 11424.95 2719 74854.07 27.53

2 Cauliflower 609 13178.76 1128 24409.92 207 4479.48 366 7920.24 2310 49988.40 21.64

3 Brinjal 595 7187.60 823 9941.84 169 2041.52 322 3889.76 1909 23060.72 12.08

4 Raddish 516 10376.76 935 18802.85 225 4524.75 765 15384.15 2441 49088.51 20.11

5 Tomato 458 11211.84 687 16817.76 175 4284.00 252 6168.96 1572 38482.56 24.48

6 Gardenpea 119 449.82 116 438.48 48 181.44 37 139.86 320 1209.60 3.78

7 Cucumber 150 1156.50 315 2428.65 71 547.41 90 693.90 626 4826.46 7.71

8 Knolkhol 59 673.19 68.5 781.59 33 376.53 98 1118.18 258.5 2949.49 11.41

9 French Bin 165 620.40 206 774.56 35 131.60 113 424.88 519 1951.44 3.76

10 Carrot 88 1049.84 156 1861.08 47 560.71 59.5 709.84 350.5 4181.47 11.93

11 Capsicum 28 218.12 34 264.86 28 218.12 33 257.07 123 958.17 7.79

12 Brocoli 11 73.37 5 33.35 12 80.04 14 93.38 42 280.14 6.67

13 Chilli 360 2440.80 653 4427.34 145 983.10 142 962.76 1300 8814.00 6.78

14 Bottle Gourd 310 6869.60 454 10060.64 118 2614.88 269 5961.04 1151 25506.16 22.16

15 Beet 32 71.36 33 73.59 25 55.75 23 51.29 113 251.99 2.23

16 Others 1935 28347.75 983 14400.95 493 7222.45 394 5772.10 3805 55743.25 14.65

Total of 'B' 6153 103692.25 7852.5 140095.14 2161 37386.68 3392.5 60972.36 19559 342146.42 17.49

C Fruits

1 Mango 4197 22370.01 3045 16229.85 1356 7227.48 1961 10452.13 10559 56279.47 5.33

2 Pineapple 2644 37016.00 2860 40040.00 2902 40628.00 3184 44576.00 11590 162260.00 14.00

3 Orange 1175 6321.50 692 3722.96 1206 6488.28 3229 17372.02 6302 33904.76 5.38

4 Jackfruits 3764 112393.04 1635 48821.10 2236 66766.96 2485 74202.10 10120 302183.20 29.86

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5 Banana 2810 27650.40 5433 53460.72 2707 26636.88 2694 26508.96 13644 134256.96 9.84

6 Litchi 1170 6072.30 837 4344.03 1043 5413.17 838 4349.22 3888 20178.72 5.19

7 Lime/lemon 1050 5019.00 1532 7322.96 1505 7193.90 749 3580.22 4836 23116.08 4.78

8 Papaya 827 8195.57 1353 13408.23 665 6590.15 568 5628.88 3413 33822.83 9.91

9 Sapota 96 775.68 69 557.52 20 161.60 15.5 125.24 200.5 1620.04 8.08

10 Musambi 325 289.25 572 509.08 65 57.85 139.5 124.16 1101.5 980.34 0.89

11 Guava 260 1357.20 414 2161.08 93 485.46 230 1200.60 997 5204.34 5.22

12 Ber 22 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.00 13 0.00 55 0.00 0.00

13 Minor Fruits 642 4815.00 279 2092.50 379 2842.50 372 2790.00 1672 12540.00 7.50

Total of 'C' 18982 232274.95 18721 192670.03 14197 170492.23 16478 190909.53 68378 786346.74 11.50

D Nuts

1 Coconut 2473 7245.00 2415 7075.00 875 2563.00 1141 3343.00 6904 20226.00 2.93

2 Arecanut 1764 5627.00 1476 4708.00 1396 4453.00 1807 5764.00 6443 20552.00 3.19

3 Cashewnut 3925 3179.00 805 652.00 426 345.00 212 171.00 5368 4347.00 0.81

Total of 'D' 8162 16051.00 4696 12435.00 2697 7361.00 3160 9278.00 18715 45125.00 2.41

E Spices

1 Ginger 840 6938.40 552 4559.52 51 421.26 378 3122.28 1821 15041.46 8.26

2 Turmeric 441 3439.80 360 2808.00 770 6006.00 336 2620.80 1907 14874.60 7.80

3 chilly 1371 2732.40 1011 2092.77 198 409.86 191 395.37 2771 5630.40 2.03

4 Black pepper 142 447.30 94 296.10 57 179.55 86 270.90 379 1193.85 3.15

5 Onion 51 347.31 234 1593.54 56 381.36 54 367.74 395 2689.95 6.81

6 Betel vine 265 3453.64 172 2241.61 85 1107.77 54 703.76 576 7506.78 13.03

Total of 'E' 3110 17358.85 2423 13591.54 1217 8505.80 1099 7480.85 7849 46937.04 5.98

F Potato 3470 61142.00 2513 37216.00 1220 21497.00 1518 27762.00 8721 147617.00 16.93

Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F)

44572 500563.58 43963.5 517101.51 24155 282993.21 28944 347835.76 141634 1648494.06 11.64

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Physical & Financial Progress under NHM/TMNE/MI/NBM in year 2012-13

Sl. No

Component Unit Assistance (Cost per Unit/ha)

Target as per Approved Action


Target as per fund released

Achievements Remarks

Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin

1 Production of planting materials

i Private Sector( Nos)

a Big Nursery (min. 4 ha per unit)

nos 12.50 4 50.00 1 12.50

b Small Nursery (min. 1 ha per unit)

nos 3.13 7 21.88 3 9.38

ii Public Sector ( Nos)

a Big Nursery (min. 2 ha per unit)

nos 25.00 2 50.00 1 25.00

b Small Nursery (min. 1 ha per unit)

nos 6.25 4 25.00 1 6.25

iii Rehabilitation of existing TC unit ( Nos)

nos. 15.00 1 15.00 1 15.00

iv Assistance to TPS Centre (Nos)

nos. 25.00 1 25.00 1 25.00


Seed Production for vegetables & Rhizomatic spices (Pvt sector)

a Open pollinated crops (ha)

ha 0.23 20 4.50 12 2.70

vi Import of planting material for trial and demo. Purpose

10.00 2 20.00 1 10.00

2 Area expansion under Hort. Crops (ha)

I Fruits

i Cost intensive crops

a Pineapple ha 0.56 470 264.38 150 84.38

b Banana sucker ha 0.39 300 118.13 150 59.06

c Banana(TC) ha 0.56 100 56.25 60 33.75

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c Papaya ha 0.39 308 118.13 35 8.750 150 59.06 45 13.500

d Strawberry ha 0.45 2 0.90 2 0.90

ii High Density Planting

a Mango ha 0.36 595 205.20 60 18.000 300 108.00 160 48.000

b Guava ha 0.36 130 46.80 60 21.60

C Mosambi ha 0.36 100 36.00 50 18.00

iii Normal Spacing

a Mango ha 0.18 205 36.00 35 6.300 100 18.00 65 11.700

b Litchi ha 0.18 102 18.00 20 3.600 55 9.90 25 4.500

c Ber ha 0.18 45 8.10 20 3.60

d Mosambi ha 0.18 100 18.00 50 9.00

e Lime/Lemon ha 0.18 72 12.60 7 0.650 50 9.00 38 5.500

Total Fruits 2529 938.48 157 37.30 1197 434.25 333 83.20

iv Maintenance

2nd year ha 1822 244.85 840 108.60

3rd year ha 774 46.44 210 12.60

Total 2596 291.29 1050 121.20

II Vegetable (hybrid)

Winter Vegetables

a Cabbage ha 0.34 500 168.75 215 72.56

b Cauliflower ha 0.34 500 168.75 215 72.56

c Tomato ha 0.34 430 145.13 150 50.63

d Capsicum ha 0.34 120 40.50 50 16.88

e Potato ( TPS) ha 0.34 600 202.50 175 59.06

f Brinjal ha 0.34 215 72.56 100 33.75

g Carrot ha 0.34 110 37.13 50 16.88

h Water mellon ha 0.34 370 124.88 200 67.50

i French bean ha 0.34 290 97.88 100 33.75

Total Winter 3135 1058.06 1255 423.56

Summer Vegetables

a Cabbage ha 0.34 200 67.50 80 27.00

b Cauliflower ha 0.34 150 50.63 70 23.63

c Tomato ha 0.34 50 16.88 20 6.75

d Bhendi ha 0.34 400 135.00 200 67.50

e Cowpea ha 0.34 200 67.50 100 33.75

f Pointed Gourd ha 0.34 145 48.94 80 27.00

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g Spine Gourd ha 0.34 145 48.94 80 27.00

Total Summer 1290 435.38 630 212.63

Total Vegetable 4425 1493.44 1885 636.19

iv Flowers

i Cut Flower

a Gerbera ha 0.53 50 26.25 30 15.75

b Rose ha 0.53 52 27.30 30 15.75

ii Bulbous Flower

a Gladiolus ha 0.68 80 54.00 55 37.13

b Tuberose ha 0.68 50 33.75 30 20.25

c Lillium ha 0.68 15 10.13 15 10.13

Total Flower 247 151.43 160 99.00

v Spices

i Seed spices & rhizome spices

a Ginger ha 0.19 300 56.25 115 21.56

b Chilli ha 0.19 300 56.25 140 26.25

Total Spices 600 112.50 255 47.81

3 Rejuvenation (ha)

Rejuvenation/replacement of senile plantation /Canopy mgt.

ha 0.150 500 75.00 190 28.50

4 Creation of Water Sources (Nos)


Community Tank/ onfarm pond with use of plastic/RCC lining (100 m X 100m X 3m)

nos 17.25 8 138.000 4 69.000


Water harvesting system for individual (20m X 20m X 3m pond)/Tube well/Dug Well

nos 1.03 230 236.900 120 123.600

5 Promotion of INM/IPM

i Promotion of INM/IPM ha 0.01 460 4.600 230 2.300

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Organic farming (Nos)

i Vermi compost unit

a Permanent structure nos 0.30 140 42.000 70 21.000

b HDPE vermi bed nos 0.05 200 10.000 100 5.000

7 Pollination support through Bee Keeping

i Honey bee colony nos 0.01 1200 8.400

ii Bee hives nos 0.01 1200 9.600


Equipments including honey extractor( 4 frame), food grade container, etc

nos 0.07 300 21.000

Total 0 0.000 0 0.000

8 Horticulture Mechanization

i Power operated machines/Power saw

nos 0.18 70 12.250 30 5.250


Power machines ( 20 HP and above) including Accessories/ Equipments)

nos 1.50 6 9.000 4 6.000


Centre of Excellence for protected cultivation of high value vegetable & flowers (Nos)

nos 500.00 1 500.000 1 500.000

10 Human Resource Development (Nos)

i Training of farmers including women

a Within the District for 1 day

nos 0.00 3700 14.800 2000 8.000

b Within the State for 4 days

nos. 0.03 700 21.000 400 12.000

ii Exposure visit of farmers including women

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a Within the District for 1 day

nos 0.00 575 1.438 250 0.625

b Within the State for 2 days

nos. 0.01 450 2.700 150 0.900

Total 5425 39.94 2800 21.53

11 Mission Management


Project management (project based)including addl. Manpower ,project cost, hire/purchase of vehicle, hardware/software etc./Development of technology packages in electronic from to be shared through IT network (No.)

75.810 10.000

ii Seminar/ Conference/ Mela/ Horti. Expo etc.

a State Level (event) 3.000

b District Level (event) 16.000 6.000

GRAND TOTAL 4361.00 37.30 2242.45 83.20

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1. Geographical area:-104358 ha.

2. Cultivable land:- 47456 ha.

3. Actual cultivable land: 44855 Ha.

4. Single crop area: 8182 ha.

5. Double crop area: 24802 Ha.

6. Triple crop area:- 11871 ha.

7. Total area under cultivation:-93399 ha.

8. Cropping intensity:- 108%

9. Total area under Vegetable: 5748 ha .

10. Total area under Fruit: 5109 Ha.

11. Total area under Plantation crop:- 1615 Ha.

12. Total area under Spices:-658 Ha.

Vegetables: Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, Brinjal, Potato

Fruits: Mango, Pineapple, Banana, Lemic Lemon

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JIT visited Sepahijala district



Name of the


Address Crop /


Year of

Plantation /


Area in

Ha./ Unit





as on




1. Establishment of

whole sale market





Market shed,

market stall,

cattle shed,





cool chamber

2013-14 0.5 - - Amount Rs. 2.18 crore released to Tripura Govt.

Project is completed

Fruits / vegetables and other commodities are handled.

Situated on National Highway No 44

2. Dilip Kumar Saha Rooth Khola,









Subsidy amount Rs. 1.8 lakh availed by beneficiary.

Quality is being checked by ICAR officials.

Being used for flower / vegetables

Vermi wash is also taken for use in various crops.

Nearly 70 MT/ year produced.

Oyster mushroom waste is being utilized in the composting.

There is no provision to give subsidy on mushroom growing structure from SHM as production unit.

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3. Farid Mian Bashtali,



AEP of Sweet


(Mosambi) +




2.0 800 795 Subsidy amount Rs. 72000 availed.

NPK mixture given through drip.

Intercropped with ginger.

Drip installed.

Bacterial canker noticed.

4. Adhishan



Bishram, ganj /


AEP of Sweet



2012-13 1.0 400 400 Subsidy availed (Rs. 36000)

No drip or sprinkler demanded.

Bacterial canker noticed.

Water suckers need to be removed.

5. Nepal Dehbarma Chikan Charra,


AEP of


2013-14 1.0 1600 1600 Converged with MNREGA

Local variety of banana grown and no tissue culture banana planted.

Advised to grow T.C. (G 9) cultivar.

Sigatoka was very serious

Subsidy assistance Rs. 36000/- given.

Taken moong as intercrop.

6. Swapan Kumar Pal Luxmi Villa



Shed net


2012-13 1000 sqm - - Subsidy amount Rs. 2.90 lakhs availed and anthurium was supplied by Florence flora company, Bangalore.

7. Sadhan Pal Luxmi Villa



Shade net

(green house)




100 sm - - Subsidy amount Rs. 2.90 lakh availed by the beneficiary.

Sold locally, huge demand.

General upkeep is very poor.

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1. Geographical area:-98363 ha.

2. Cultivable land:- 39271 ha.

3. Actual cultivable land: 37392 Ha.

4. Single crop area: 16498 ha.

5. Double crop area: 16298 Ha.

6. Triple crop area:- 4596 ha.

7. Total area under cultivation:-62882 ha.

8. Cropping intensity:- 168%

9. Total area under Vegetable: 2951 ha .

10. Total area under Fruit: 6446 Ha.

11. Total area under Plantation crop:- 1868 Ha.

12. Total area under Spices:-538 Ha.

Vegetables: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Potato, Brinjal

Fruits: Mango, Mosambi, Banana, Lime lemon

Flower: Anthurium, Orchid, Gerbera, Marigold, Tube rose, Gladiolus

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JIT visited West Tripura district



Name of the


Address Crop /


Year of

Plantation /


Area in

Ha./ Unit





as on




1. Subrata


Tulakona West




2007-08 4.5 - - Spiralling whitefly in guava noticed.

Gooty in guava, inarching in mango is practiced.

Subsidy amount Rs. 8 lakh availed.

Mango, Banana, Lemon, citrus, Arecanut, Guava, Litchi, mother plants available.

5 lakhs sapling sold every year.

Total turnover 45 lakh per year.

Total area is under drip.

Mango stem borer noticed and advised accordingly.

2. Udaipur Progeny

orchard (Small




Gomati district

Small nursery


2012-13 2.0 - - Amount 6.25 lakh released by DAC for shed net

Vermi compost, pumpset and fencing given.

High density of guava L-49 and A. safeda maintained well.

Mango rejuvenation was not done, properly, advised them to rectify.

Citrus leaf minor noticed and advised to follow proper spray schedule.

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3. Prony Kanti Dev Baba nursery


Kalibazar (WT)

Hog plum,


guava, sweet

orange, Litchi

& Water pond

2013-14 0.2 - - Subsidy 1.03 lakh given for water tank.

Command area 2.0 ha.

Litchi mite observed.

Under VIUC, produces off season vegetables.

4. Subrata chakraborty Tulakona (W.T) Community

water tank

2013-14 0.5 - - Subsidy Rs. 1.03 lakh availed.

Community tank constructed without polythene linning.

5. Pranoy Kanti, Deb Bamutia (WT) Green house




2013-14 100 sqm - - Total cost of green house is Rs. 2.17 lakhs.

6. Horticulture

Research Centre



Production of


Guava, Jack

fruit, T.C.,



flowers and


2011-12 39.00 - - TPS production is taken up in big way.

Due to non availability of fencing (about 1500-1600 m), no scientific data on fruit crops could be taken as informed by the officer Incharge.

TC (Banana) plants are prepared

Torn polythene need replacement.

Pomegranate is not properly maintained.

Stem borer was spotted in mango tree, advised accordingly.

50-60 Nos graft & prepared / per day by Mali. It is too less, efficiency needs to be increased.

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For production of T.C. banana 12 cycles are taken which is higher side.

Mango cv. Ambika is not doing well in the field but Arunika is performing well.

To increase production as well as production period of pine apple, Staggering Technique is being followed in Tripura.

Package and practice were standardized for seed production of potato using True Potato Seed (T.P.S).

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Subject Area (in ha) Remarks.

1. Geographical Area 231394

2. Area under Forest 185940

3. Land under non Agri. Use 13072

4. Permanent Pasture & Grazing



5. Net cropped Area (Agri & Horti) 31932 Pineapple, Banana


6. Single cropped Area 23470 Vegetable-

Cabbage , Brinjal,


7. Double Cropped Area 10244

8. Triple Cropped Area 3384

9. Gross Cropped Area 54110

10. Cropping Intensity (%) 169

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Dhalai district S. No.

Name of the Beneficiary

Address Crop / Component

Year of Plantation / Start

Area in Ha./ Unit

Total unit planted

Survival as on date /status


1. Subrata Saha Machli, Kamlapur, Dhalai

Pineapple & citrus (kinnow)

2014-15 1.0 400 400 Subsidy amount Rs. 36000/- availed.

Fertilizer and plant protection component given.

2. Tanushri, Chaudhuri

Luxmi village, Bishalgarh, Dhalai

Sweet orange 2014-15 1.0 400 40 Subsidy amount Rs. 36000/- availed

Fertilizer & plant protection applied.

3. Dugdha Gopal Sinha

Baghai Cheri, Kamalpur, Dhalai

Rejuvenation of Lemon

2013-14 25.000 4800 4000 Subsidy Rs. 15000/- availed.

Fertilizer and pesticide given.

The entire stem / twig were badly damage with Algal / Lichens.

Pruning demonstrated and advised accordingly.

4. Mrs. Ilai Singh Debberma (Cluster of 200 farmers)

Baghaicharri (Salema Agri. Division)

AEP & Rejuvenation Patta lemon

2013-14 500.00 400 400 For AEP Patta land is given under the forest act 2006.

Intercrop with Ashgourd / Pumpkin.

Proper training is needed to Govt. officials.

5. Cluster of pineapple 120 beneficiaries

Rangi, Cherra, (Bangla Desh Border), Kamlapur

AEP of Pineapple

2013-14 150.00 - - Plants are grown on natural rain water.

Staggering Technology is followed by farmer.

Kew variety is grown.

No factory for Extraction of juice.

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6. Janakram Debborma

Bilashcherra Dhalai

AEP of Pineapple (Kew)

2013-14 4.0 30,000 30,000 Subsidy Rs. 36000/- given to beneficiary.

For juice extraction small factory is needed.

One lakh/ha plants were accommodated.

7. Chandama Hmunpui, N. Sub Division, Debbari

AEP of Orange (Khasi mandarin)

2013-14 0.25 100 100 Subsidy Rs. 9000 availed.

Fertilizer and plant protection components given to farmer.

Rainfed crops taken mostly.

8. 85 beneficiaries & Ravindra Das

Debbari Salem a Agri. Division, Dhalai, Kanchanpur

AEP of vegetables, cauliflower TPS-Potato cultivation

2014-15 40.0 - - Decline symptoms observed.

Area is prone to viral diseases.

Needs constant cleaning and killing of vectors.

9. Shri Linnghaka Hmunpui, Jampui, Kanchanpur

AEP of orange

2013-14 0.5 - - 2000 ha of Khasi mandarin declined due to viral problems as informed by the Officer.

10. Mr. Chhandma Hmunpui Kanchanpur, Dhalai

AEP of ornage



025 - - Rs. 350/plant availed the assistance during planting.

Declining due to viral problem. No proper root stock is used in nursery for budding of orange.

11. Lalhmunsanga Vaisam, Jampui Hill, North Tripura

AEP of Citrus, Black pepper, Coffee



0.5 - - Orange is being replaced by Coffee plantation.

More preference is given to Arecanut plantation.

12. Nand Gopal Debberma

Damcherra (N.T.)

AEP of Banana (Sabri)

2013-14 3.0 1200 1200 Banana is grown on sloppy hill

Advised to grow T.C. (G-9) banana.

Sigatoka disease was too much on leaves, needs proper control measures.

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1. Total Geographical area:-142520 ha.

2. Forest Area:- 81717 ha

3. Other than Agricultural land:- 19051 ha

4. Barren Land:- 3241 ha

5. Pasture Land:- 281 ha

6. Cultivable waste land: 1574 ha

7. Total cultivable land:- 25853 ha

8. Net cropped Area:- 25461 ha

9. Single crop area: 9765 ha.

10. Double crop area: 13130 Ha.

11. Triple crop area:- 2567 ha.

12. Gross cropped Area:- 43724 ha

13. Crop intensity (%):- 172%

14. Total area could be brought under irrigation: 8933 ha

15. Area brought under irrigation-8376 ha

16. (Area) actual irrigated land:- 5751 ha

17. No. of Jhumi family:- 12166 Nos

18. No. of farmer family:- 62212 Nos

19. No. of patta holders: 14011 Nos

20. Total ROFR land:- 28065 ha

21. Total Area under vegetable (winter & summer): 3600 ha

22. Potato area: 928 ha

23. Fruit area:- 11229.8 ha

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24. Nut area:- 1424 ha

25. Spices area:- 958 ha

26. Flower area:- 5 ha

27. Total Nos of Block:- 8 Nos

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JIT visited Gomati District



Name of the


Address Crop /


Year of

Plantation /


Area in

Ha./ Unit





as on




1. Gobinda Sadhan,

Karnabari Jamatia

and other 67


Darjeeling Para,


Gomati, Tripura

AEP of Khasi

orange /

mango forest

land given on


2013-14 3.00 12000 1180 Availed subsidy Rs. 1.08 lakhs.

The plantation is under forest (Patta land) area.

Plants are growing well.

2. Sakthi Singh

Jamatia & other 11


Darjeeling Para,

Kalam Khai,


AEP, Mango

( Amrapali) &


Forest land

given on



2013-14 6.0 2500 2500 Subsidy amount Rs. 2.10 lakh availed and given to beneficiaries on Patta.

Intercrop with vegetables / watermelon.

Source of irrigation is stream (Naala) and drip to be laid out.

Plants are growing well.

Inputs like fertilizer and pesticide given by the MIDH.

3. Priya Madhu,

Priyabandhu Pal




Gomati (S.T.)

AEP of Sweet


2012-13 1.0 480 480 Growth of crop was good

Needs to remove water sucker.

4. Shri Naresh

Jamatia and other

62 beneficiaries

Kill Agric.

Sector Noabari,





( Amrapali)


2014-15 10.00 Stalking needs to be done.

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1. Geographical area:- 10345 ha.

2. Cultivable land:- 32766 ha.

3. Actual cultivable land: 31948 Ha.

4. Single crop area: 14116 ha.

5. Double crop area: 13619 Ha.

6. Triple crop area:- 4213 ha.

7. Total area under cultivation:-5393 ha.

8. Cropping intensity:- 170%

9. Total area under Vegetable: 2697 Ha .

10. Total area under Fruit: 4439 Ha.

11. Total area under Plantation crop:- 1050 Ha.

12. Total area under Spices:-439 Ha.

JPS Potato, Brinjal, Dolicoz, College, Cauligourds

Pineapple, Banana, Gourds, Mango, Lime, Lemon etc.

Flower- Marigold, Anthenium, Orchard, Rose etc.

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Details of visit

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Nursery/ Vegetable seed production / Seed Infrastructure (J.I.T)

Name: Subrata Chakraborty (11.11.2014)

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Establishment of Big Nursery

2. Year of Implementation : 2007-08

3. Project Period : Continued

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Department of Horticulture, GOI

5. Location of project: Tulakona, West Tripura

6. Total project cost: Rs. 8.00 lakh

7. Amount Released by DAC: Rs. 8.00 lakh

8. Expenditure incurred: Rs. 8.00 lakh

9. Status of project Very Good

10. Name of Nursery and crops for which plants are produced

Chakraborty Nursery

Tulakona, West Tripura

Mango, Banana, Lemon, Citrus etc.

11 Name of crops for which seeds produced


12 Quantity produced 5.00 lakhs per year

13 Quantity sold 5.00 lakh

14 Rate Average – Rs. 13/- per sapling

15 Amount realizes through sale Turn over – 45 lakh

16 Whether NHM logo displayed: yes

Total area is under drip

Plants are sold to Govt. & pvt. Agencies.

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Water Resources (J.I.T) 13/11/2014

Name: Subrata Chakraborty, Tulakona

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Establishments of water sources

(community tank)

2. Year of Implementation : 2013-14

3. Project Period : One year

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

5. Location of project: Tulakona, West Tripura

6. Total project cost: Rs. 4.00 lakh

7. Amount Released by DAC: Rs. 1.03 lakh

8. Expenditure incurred: Rs. 4.00 lakh

9. Current Status of project

Capacity 0.5 ha

Command area 2 ha

Whether linked with new plantation or old plantation

New plantation

Whether funds disbursed yes

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Water Resources (J.I.T) 11/11/2014

Name: Shri Pranoy Kanti Deb



Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Creation of water sources

2. Year of Implementation : 2013-14

3. Project Period : One year

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Department of Horticulture, Govt. of


5. Location of project: Bamutia, Kalisbazor, West Tripura

6. Total project cost: Rs. 1.03 lakh

7. Amount Released by DAC: Rs. 1.03 lakh

8. Expenditure incurred: Rs. 3.00 lakh

9. Current Status of project Good

Capacity 0.3 ha

Command area 2.00 ha

Whether linked with new

plantation or old plantation

New plantation

Whether funds disbursed yes

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Nursery/ Vegetable seed production / Seed Infrastructure (J.I.T) 12/11/2014

Small Nursery (Public) Udaipur, Gomati Distt.

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Establishment of small Nursery (public Sector)

2. Year of Implementation : 2012-13

3. Project Period : 2 years

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Department of Horticulture, GOI

5. Location of project: Udaipur, Gomati Distt.

6. Total project cost: Rs. 6.25 lakh

7. Amount Released by DAC: Rs. 6.25 lakh

8. Expenditure incurred: Rs. 6.25 lakh

9. Status of project Very Good

10. Name of Nursery and crops for which plants are produced

Udaipur Projenj orchard

Mango, Banana, Citrus etc.

11 Name of crops for which seeds produced


12 Quantity produced 7000 nos.

13 Quantity sold 7000 sold

14 Rate Average – Rs. 15/- per sapling

15 Amount realizes through sale --

16 Whether NHM logo displayed: yes

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Proforma for use by Joint Inspection Team

Protected Cultivation


Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited Pronoy Kanti Deb Bamutia

West Tripura District

2. Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

2.00 ha

3. Type of protected Cultivation activity (Hi-Tech/Normal GH, Shade Net, Plastic tunnel….)

Normal green house for erotic flower cultivation(orchid)

4. Year of establishment 2013-14

5. Size of Structure (Sq,m) 100 sqm.

6. Total Cost Rs. 2.17 lakh

7. Agency involved in fabrication and installation Florance flora marketing Bangalore

8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment Rs. 2.17 lakh

9. Crop being grown Orchid (dendrobicem)

10. Condition of Structure Very good

11. Condition of Crop Very good

12. Tie up with market Direct market selling good local market

13. General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Very good

14. Any other relevant observation by JIT

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Proforma for use by Joint Inspection Team

Protected Cultivation


Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited Swapan kr.Pal

Laxmi bai Bishalgrh, Sepayale Distt.

2. Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

0.3 ha

3. Type of protected Cultivation activity (Hi-Tech/Normal GH, Shade Net, Plastic tunnel….)

Normal green house

4. Year of establishment 2008-09 and 2012-13

5. Size of Structure (Sq,m) 100 sqm.

6. Total Cost Rs. 2.90 lakh

7. Agency involved in fabrication and installation Florance flora marketing Bangalore

8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment Rs. 2.90 lakh

9. Crop being grown Anthesian

10. Condition of Structure good

11. Condition of Crop good

12. Tie up with market local market demand is huge

13. General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Very good

14. Any other relevant observation by JIT

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Proforma for use by Joint Inspection Team

Protected Cultivation


Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited Sadhan Pal,Laxmi bai Bishalgarh, Sepahijala Distt.

2. Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

0.2 ha

3. Type of protected Cultivation activity (Hi-Tech/Normal GH, Shade Net, Plastic tunnel….)

Normal green house

4. Year of establishment 2008-09 and 2013-14

5. Size of Structure (Sq,m) 100 sqm.

6. Total Cost Rs. 2.90 lakh

7. Agency involved in fabrication and installation Florance flora marketing

8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment Rs. 2.90 lakh

9. Crop being grown Anthesian

10. Condition of Structure good

11. Condition of Crop Very good

12. Tie up with market local market demand is huge

13. General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Very good

14. Any other relevant observation by JIT

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field visited

Gobinda Sadhan Jaamatia Darpling pora, Gomati District, Tripura

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 3 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered orange

4. Name and variety of crop planted Mandarin orange (khasi Mandarin)

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 1200 nos.

7. Date of planting 2012-13 (July)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

1170 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment

11. Mode of payment Through cheque

12 Source of irrigation water Plantation created in ROFR land palta holder land No source of irrigation

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use No drip

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/ppc

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming no

16 If so area covered no

17 Assistance availed no

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Nearby good wholesale market at Bishrom ganj

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19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Good road connectivity, electricity

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very Good/Good/Average/Poor


21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

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Name of Beneficiary: Dilip Kr. Saha

Organic farming / Vermi composting Units (J.I.T)


Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Establishment of vermin compost unit

2. Year of Implementation : 2007-08 to 2013-14

3. Project Period : Continued project

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

5. Location of project: Raoth khola, Bishaalgarh

6. Total project cost: Rs. 1.8 lakh

7. Amount Released by DAC: Rs. 1.8 lakh

8. Expenditure incurred: Rs. 2.4 lakh

9. Status Very good

Crop covered -

No. of farmers involved - 1

Name & Address of Certifying agency

Quality clearing by local ICAR

Whether any certificate issued


10. Whether funds disbursed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Farid Mia, Bashtali

Sepajijala District

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 2.oo ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Sweet orange, var


4. Name and variety of crop planted Sweet orange, Mosambi

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture,

Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 800 nos.

7. Date of planting 2012-13

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

795 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)

36000 x 2= 72,000/-

10. Amount paid and date of payment

36000 x 2= 72,000/-

11. Mode of payment Through cheque

12 Source of irrigation water Deep tubewell

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use Drip is in use

14 Other inputs provided NPK mihtore through drip

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming Not yet

16 If so area covered Does not arise

17 Assistance availed Doest not arise

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local market demand

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Motorable road good

market with cool chamber


20 General upkeep of the plot



Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field visited

Adhishan Debbama

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

1 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Pineapple, banana, etc.

4. Name and variety of crop planted Sweet orange, Mosambi

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted

400 nos.

7. Date of planting 2012-13 (July)

8. Number of plants which survived (Also indicate percentage survival

400 nos. 100%

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment


11. Mode of payment Through cheque

12 Source of irrigation water No source available right now

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use No drip or sprinkler

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/organic fertilizers

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming Not yet

16 If so area covered Does not arise

17 Assistance availed Doest not arise

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Big wholesale market with cool chamber facility

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Nearby of NH-44 good road condition, electricity

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very Good/Good/Average/Poor

Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field visited

Nepal Debbamma, Chivana Cherra

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 1 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Pineapple, banana

4. Name and variety of crop planted Banana (Sohbri)

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 1600 nos.

7. Date of planting 2013-14

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

1600 nos. 100%

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment


11. Mode of payment Through cheque

12 Source of irrigation water No source available

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use No

14 Other inputs provided organic fertilizers

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming Not yet

16 If so area covered No

17 Assistance availed No

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local market facility. Good wholesale market with cool chamaber facility

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19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Appropriate road nearby NH-44 good road connectivity to capital with Agartala

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very Good/Good/Average/Poor

Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field visited

Saslung SHG Dasjiling Para Gomati district (Sakti Sing

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 6 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Orange/mango

4. Name and variety of crop planted Mango (Ammrapalli)

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture, Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 2500 nos.

7. Date of planting 2013-14 (July)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

2500 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)

2.10 lakh

10. Amount paid and date of payment

2.10 lakh

11. Mode of payment Cheque

12 Source of irrigation water stream

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use Drip

14 Other inputs provided organic fertilizers

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered No

17 Assistance availed No

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local whole sale market

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for fruits & vegetables

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Electricity, good road conductor

20 General upkeep of the plot

(Very Good/Good/Average/Poor)

Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team

1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Karna hari Jamatia

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 3 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Orange/mango

4. Name and variety of crop planted Manadarin orange (Khasi


5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture, Govt.

of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 1200 nos.

7. Date of planting 2012-13

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

1180 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)

1.08 lakh

10. Amount paid and date of payment 1.08 lakh

11. Mode of payment Cheque

12 Source of irrigation water No source

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use No

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/organic fertilizers

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered No

17 Assistance availed No

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Nearest market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Market shed, good road

20 General upkeep of the plot



Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed Yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Subrata Saha

Machti Ddhalai

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 80 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Pineapple, citrus

4. Name and variety of crop planted Kinnow

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture,

Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 400 nos.

7. Date of planting 2014-15 (July)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

400 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment 36,000/-

11. Mode of payment cheque

12 Source of irrigation water Nearby river

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use Not yet

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14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/PPC

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered no

17 Assistance availed no

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Good market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Nearby national highway

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very


Very good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Ilai Sing Debbarma

Baghaichassi, Dhalai

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 1 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Lemon

4. Name and variety of crop planted Masambi, sweet orange

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture,

Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 400 nos.

7. Date of planting 2013-14 (July)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

400 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment


11. Mode of payment cheque

12 Source of irrigation water stream

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use Indegnious sprinkler

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/PPC

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered no

17 Assistance availed no

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Kamalpur market of

Dhalai district

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Good road

20 General upkeep of the plot




21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Dugdha Gopal Sinha

Baghaicherri Dhalai district

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 25 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Lemon

4. Name and variety of crop planted Lemon (Scanted lemon)

5. Source of planting material Deptt, of Horticulture,

Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 4800 nos.

7. Date of planting 2007-08 (July-Aug)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

4000 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment 15,000/-

11. Mode of payment cheque

12 Source of irrigation water stream

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use no

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers cuson etc.

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered -

17 Assistance availed -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Kamalpur market of

Dhalai district

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Well road connectivity

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very


Very Good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

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Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Janakram Debbama

Bilash Cherra, Dhalai

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 4 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Pineapple

4. Name and variety of crop planted Pineapple

5. Source of planting material Beneficiary himself

6. Number of plants planted 30,000 nos.

7. Date of planting 2013-14 ( Oct.)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

30,000 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment


11. Mode of payment cheque

12 Source of irrigation water Rainfed

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use no

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers /PPC

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered No

17 Assistance availed No

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Good road connectivity

20 General upkeep of the plot (Very


Very Good

21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

Page 65: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


Check list for Reviewing Progress on Area Expansion and Rejuvenation

Activities under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) by Joint Inspection Team


1. Name and address of beneficiary whose field


Chandama, Hmunpui

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 40.25 ha

3 Crop cluster under which covered Orange

4. Name and variety of crop planted Khasi Mandarin

5. Source of planting material Deptt. Of Horticulture,

Govt. of Tripura

6. Number of plants planted 100 nos.

7. Date of planting 2013-14 ( July.)

8. Number of plants which survived

(Also indicate percentage survival

100 nos.

9. Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the

beneficiary as (Rs)


10. Amount paid and date of payment


11. Mode of payment cheque

12 Source of irrigation water Rainfed

13 Whether Drip, Sprinkler, system in use no

14 Other inputs provided Fertilizers/PPC

15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming No

16 If so area covered No

17 Assistance availed No

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Whole sellers make


19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot




21 Any other relevant observations by the J.I.T

22 Whether NHM Logo displayed yes

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Markets (J.I.T) (RKVY)

(Rural / Wholesale/Allied infrastructure)




Details Remarks

1. Name of the project : Establishment of whole sale


2. Year of Implementation : 2013-14

3. Project Period : 3 years

4. Name of Implementing Agency: Sreeram Refregration/Agri Engg.


Department of Agri. Tripura

5. Location of Project: Bishramgunj, Sepahijala Distt.

6. Total project cost: 3.18 crores

7. Amount Released by DAC: 2.18 crores

8. Expenditure incurred: 2.18 crores

9. Status Complete

Size of market in terms of area 0.5 ha

Facilities created Market Shed Market stall cattle

shed, waste Management, Solar

electricity cool chamber etc.

Commodities sold Vegetables, fruits cattles other


Approachability Situated outside N.H. 44

Condition of market Good

Whether funds disbursed to


Not known

Page 67: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


Visit of JIT to Different District (w.e.f. 11/11/2014 to 15/11/2014)

Sl. No. Date Programme

1. 11/11/2014 Arrival at Agartala by Air India Flight (10:45 am) visit to Nurseries created under HMNEH around Agartala City.

2. 12/11/2014 Visit to South Tripura District (Mata Bari Agri Sub- division) - Area Expansion of Fruits (Mango, Guava, Banana, Orange, Pineapple etc.) - Nurseries - Creation of Water Sources - Vermi Composts Units

3. 13/11/2014 Visit to Dhalai District

Kamalpur Agri Sub- division) - Area Expansion of Fruits (Lemon, Pineapple, Mosambi, Banana etc.) - Nurseries - Creation of Water Sources - Vermi compost Units.

Reach to Jampui Hill (night stay)

4. 14/11/2014 Visit to North District (Kanchanpur Sub-division) - Orange plantation - Water Harvesting Structure

5. 15/11/204 Visit to West Tripura District (Sonamura Agri Sub-division) - Area expansion of Fruits (Mango, Banana, Pineapple, Mosambi etc.) - Water Harvesting Structure

6. 16/11/2014 Departure by Air India Flight (11.20 am)

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JIT Tripura

Hogplum cultivation Sweet orange in fruiting

Discussion with Nursery Owner Gladiolus cultivation

Citrus inter cropped with gladiolus Water pond

Page 69: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Bamboo structure (Poly house)

Discussion with beneficiary Mango intercropped with beans

Nursery – budded plants Removal of buds from twig for budding

Page 70: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Vermi compost unit

Mushroom production JIT visiting citrus farm

Banana disease

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JIT Tripura

Cigatoka disease of banana

Whole sale market yard

Cold rooms in market yard Citrus cultivation

Page 72: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Bee keeping unit Resource person for bee Training

Bee keeping as a pollination support

Govt. progeny orchard High density guava orchard

Page 73: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Black pepper cultivation Mango cultivation

Beneficiaries involved under AEP of mango/ citrus

Mango cultivation Vermi compost with earth worm

Page 74: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Area Expansion under forest land / Patta land

Training on canopy management Mango plantation festival

Water storage tank Gooty practiced in Guava

Page 75: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Water pond Litchi cultivation

TPS production Discussion with Scientists invovled in

Potato seed production

Capsicum production Strawberry cultivation

Page 76: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Banana production AEP on Banana cultivation

AEP of papaya and mango

Strawberry cultivation

Page 77: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

Popagation being done at Govt. farm

Discussion with Scientist on Banana

Tissue culture at Research Station

T.C. banana plants

Mushroom production at the Centre

Page 78: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

JIT discussed about mushroom production

Anthurium under AEP AEP of Sweet ornage

Demonstration on canopy management Toxicity symptoms in mango

Page 79: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

AEP of Citrus

AEP of Citrus

AEP of Citrus

Page 80: Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture · 2015-12-23 · name of the State has originated from "Tripura Sundari" - the presiding deity of the land which is famous as one


JIT Tripura

AEP of pineapple in Bangladesh Border

AEP of pineapple in Bangladesh Border Vegetable cultivation

Orange cultivation