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Vision: To be a gospel-centred church seeking to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ for the good of our community & the glory of God

Mission: To make growing disciples of Jesus Christ through gospel-centred and Spirit empowered worship, community, service and mission.

Core Values

We worship the triune God We worship God as He has revealed Himself: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

We proclaim the gospel We hold the gospel to be of first importance

We love one another We love one another as Jesus loved us

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Week 1

Moses is Protected (Exodus 1—2:10)

Week 2

Moses is Prepared (Exodus 2:11-25)

Week 3

Moses is Changed (Exodus 3:1-10)

Week 4

Moses is Called (Exodus 3:11—4:17)

Week 5

Moses & the Power of God (Exodus 5—11)

Week 6

Moses & the Grace of God (Exodus 11—12)

Week 7

Moses & the Testing of God (Exodus 13—18)

Week 8

Moses & the Law of God (Exodus 19—24)

Week 9

Moses & the Glory of God (Exodus 32—34)

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?Moses is one of the most important figures in the Old Testament. He was born in Egypt to Amram and Jochebed of the tribe of Levi (Ex. 2:1; 6:20). He was raised in the household of Pharaoh with all of its attendant luxury, privilege, and education (Acts 7:22). Moses was chosen by God to deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt and to lead them through the wilderness into the promised land of Canaan. He was the one to whom God gave His law on Mount Sinai, and he is the one credited with building the tabernacle. Moses acted as judge for the Israelite people and was their mediator before God. Moses spoke with God “face to face, as one speaks to a friend” (Ex. 33:11). Moses is also widely regarded as one of the primary authors of the Pentateuch; the first five books of the Old Testament. For these reasons and more, Moses is undoubtedly a pivotal figure in the unfolding narrative of Scripture.

?The life of Moses holds many valuable and practical lessons for us. For instance, we can learn from his example about what it means to respond to God’s call, to trust God in the midst of difficulty, and to live a life of faith. But more importantly, in the New Testament Moses is frequently portrayed as a forerunner or “type” of Christ (John 1:17; Heb. 3:1–6; 11:23–28). That is, in the life and activity of Moses - particularly in the events of the Exodus (Acts 7:17-44; 1 Cor. 10:1-10) - we see a shadow or a glimpse of who the Messiah would be and what he would come to do. In this way, Moses points us to Jesus so that in learning about Moses we learn more about Jesus. This truth above all others means the life of Moses is worth studying.

Though the life of Moses is recorded throughout the Pentateuch, the details of his life and ministry appear most prominently in the book of Exodus. As such, we shall limit our study of Moses’ life to the book of Exodus. The book of Exodus contains a partial biography of Moses; it includes details of his birth, his heritage, his vocation, and most importantly his call from God to represent Him before Pharaoh. The book of Exodus also shows us Moses’ role as a leader, focusing both on his strengths and his weaknesses. In addition, Exodus depicts Moses’ crucial role as the mediator between God and Israel, foreshadowing Jesus’ role as our mediator before God.

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Birth Moses is rescued by midwives 1:15-22

3 months Moses is adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter 2:1-10

40 years Moses kills an Egyptian and flees to Midian 2:11-22; Acts 7:23-29

80 years God calls Moses; Israel is rescued from Egypt 7:7; Acts 7:30-36

120 years Moses dies on Mount Nebo in Moab Deut. 34:1-8

, : The Bible Project (www.jointhebibleproject.com)

“Exodus – Part 1”

“Exodus – Part 2”

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (www.sallylloyd-jones.com)

“God to the rescue!” (pg. 84)

“God makes a way” (pg. 92)

“Ten ways to be perfect” (pg. 100)

, : How to Read the Bible Book by Book by Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart

How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens by Michael Williams

Straight to the Heart of Moses: 60 Bite-Sized Insights by Phil Moore

The Message of Exodus (The Bible Speaks Today) by Alec J. Motyer

Exodus (NIV Application Commentary) by Peter P. Enns

: From Bondage to Liberty: The Gospel According to Moses by

Anthony T. Selvaggio

The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus… by Nancy Guthrie

Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication by Charles R. Swindoll

Exodus: Journey Toward God by John Ortberg

Exodus: Saved for Service (Reading the Bible Today) by Andrew Reid

Exalting Jesus in Exodus (Christ-Centered Exposition) by Tony Merida

A Journey of Faith: A Study of the Life of Moses by Janene Keeth

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This Growth Group booklet is designed, ideally, to be used in a Growth Group. Anyone can join a Growth Group, whether you love and follow Jesus, or you are interested in learning more about who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. However, if you are not part of a Growth Group but want to study along with the rest of the church, this Growth Group booklet may also be used profitably for individual study.

The OPEN section is designed to introduce the main theme to be studied that week. Usually open-ended and not too specific, this is hopefully a question that will allow everyone to contribute and get discussion going.

The DIG section will provide the bulk of the questions with the aim to really dig into the Bible and discover what God is saying to us in His Word. However, this is not simply a cold search for facts about God, but rather it is a search for more of God! We want to know him and love him more! So, as we explore the text together, these questions will also hopefully bring the truth to bear on our hearts and lives, and more importantly point us to the one in whom we see God clearly and the one who ties the whole Bible together: Jesus Christ.

The REFLECT section is designed to help crystalize all that has been discussed and hopefully direct us towards some possible actions steps or heart changes that we may need to make.

A few PRAYER points will also be provided, for the group to pray through together. Take the time to read through these and then spend a sufficient amount of time praying through them, as well as through any requests or needs of the group.

We have prayed and are praying that this Growth Group booklet would be a blessing to you and that it may serve to help you know Jesus more and so

GROW in Christ-likeness.

? Register your interest online at www.bpcc.com.au/grow Visit the Connections Centre after a Sunday Service Phone the church office on 3882 1989 (office hours 9am-3pm Mon-Fri)

Register your interest, in any of the ways listed above and one of our team will be in contact with you, to help find a suitable group for you.

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?Growth Groups are an essential part of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a part of the church family at BPCC. Simply, BPCC exists to make growing disciples of Jesus Christ through gospel-centred and Spirit-empowered worship, community, service and mission. The context for community at BPCC is primarily found in Growth Groups and it is in Growth Groups where we fulfil our calling to grow in grace and Christ-likeness (Rom. 6:1-23; 2 Pet. 3:18). As believers we both need and are commanded to have brothers and sisters in our lives who can speak God’s truth to us, exhort us, encourage us and spur us on towards love and good deeds (Heb. 3:12-13; 10:24; Rom. 12:10; Gal. 5:13). Due to its size and nature, a weekend worship service can be a difficult setting to form deep friendships where you can be challenged or encouraged by others who know you well and want God’s best for you. So, we have found the best place to live out the communal nature of discipleship and the Christian faith is in smaller groups. Growth Groups are made up of men and women from all generations and walks of life. We are bound together not by common interests, common age or common ethnicity, but by a common Saviour. Growth Groups meet throughout the week for fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, sharing stories and studying God’s Word. Of course, there are a myriad of reasons you could find to not be in a Growth Group: I’m too busy. I find groups uncomfortable. I don't need other people prying into my life. And, certainly, no group is or will be perfect, nor will any two groups be exactly the same. We don’t expect them to be. Because people are messy, groups are messy. But, quite simply, you cannot live the Christian life outside of Christian community. Jesus said we are to “love one another,” (John 13:34-35) and the only way we can do that is if we are involved in “one another’s” lives. So, it is our deep conviction and prayer that all those who are a part of BPCC be involved in a Growth Group. It will be encouraging, life-giving and, at times, challenging, but in the end it will be worth it as we together “behold the glory of Jesus Christ” and are “transformed into his image, from one degree of glory to another” (2 Cor. 3:18).

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Monday Genesis 46:1-7

Tuesday Exodus 1:1-7

Wednesday Exodus 1:8-14

Thursday Exodus 1:15-22

Friday Exodus 2:1-10

Saturday Luke 2:1-18

































When the child grew older, she brought him to

Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. She

named him Moses, “Because,” she said, “I

drew him out of the water.”

(Exodus 2:10)

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The book of Exodus begins by describing the grim predicament of the Israelites, who are oppressed under the yoke of Egyptian slavery. The opening chapters, then, set the scene for the promised deliverance of God’s people and provide the backdrop for the birth of God’s chosen deliverer, Moses.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

Read Acts 7:1-20, which is a synopsis of Israel’s history up to Exodus 2. Which promise (v. 17) were the Israelites holding onto according

to verses 4-7?

3. How does this promise help you understand the context of the book of Exodus?

Read Exodus 1:1-14 4. How does the Israelites current situation seem to call God’s

promise into question?

5. Can you think of a time in your life when you had to trust God during a difficult time? How did you cope? What did you learn from this experience?

6. Are there any promises of God in Scripture that are particularly meaningful to you?


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Read Exodus 1:15-22 7. Were the Hebrew midwives right to disobey Pharaoh? Why or

why not?

8. When might it be acceptable for Christians to disobey civil authorities? How should we understand this principle in light of Romans 13:1-3?

9. What does it mean that the midwives “feared God” (vv. 17, 21)? How can we know if we “fear God”? Consider Proverbs 8:13 & Genesis 22:11-12

Read Exodus 2:1-10 10. Providence means the protective care of God. How do you see

God’s hand of providence on Moses in these verses? Does the way in which God provided for and protected Moses encourage you? Why?

11. Can you recognise God’s hand of providence in your own life? How?

Read Luke 2:1-18 12. What similarities are there between the birth of Moses and the

birth of Jesus?

13. How do we see God’s providence in the life and death of Jesus?

Read, reflect, and pray through the words of Psalm 91

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Monday Acts 7:20-22

Tuesday Exodus 1:1-7

Wednesday Acts 7:23-29

Thursday Exodus 2:16-22

Friday Hebrews 11:23-25

Saturday Hebrews 11:26-27

































Pharaoh… sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian. And he sat

down by a well.

(Exodus 2:15)

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This next episode in Moses’ life takes place 40 years after his birth. Throughout this time Moses had been preserved from the affliction of slavery, and had been especially privileged as a result of his upbringing in Pharaoh’s house. God, however, was about to prepare Moses for his future role in leading the Israelites out of slavery by teaching him a number of important lessons during a period of exile in the land of Midian.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. Can you identify any major turning points in your life?

Read Acts 7:20-29, which gives a synopsis of the events in Exodus 2

3. What do we learn about Moses and his character from these verses? (vv. 22, 23, 25)

4. Did Moses already know God’s plan for him at this point (v. 25)?

Read Exodus 2:11-15

5. What privileges might Moses have enjoyed in being raised in the house of Pharaoh? How might this privileged upbringing have shaped his character?


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6. Do you agree that privilege often leads to pride? Why or why not?

7. What are some of the common signs of pride that you have seen in your life? What are some of the consequences of being prideful?

Read Exodus 2:16-25

8. What changes in lifestyle would Moses have experienced in his move from Egypt to Midian? What changes do you notice in Moses’ character? How might these changes have prepared Moses for leading the Israelites?

9. Share a time when you went through a difficult season and the lessons you learnt.

10. How does God work in your life during a “desert” experience or after a failure?

11. What can we learn about God from verses 23-25? Why is this important?

12. Is there any indication that the people of Israel had any awareness of God’s response in verses 23-25? What does this mean for us when we think God has forgotten us or does not hear our cries?

13. Does our crying out to God move Him to ‘deliver’ us from a tough situation? Explain your thoughts.

14. How does Moses’ detour help us to see the greater glory of Jesus? Consider Philippians 2:5-11

Read, reflect, and pray through the words of Romans 8:18-30

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Monday Exodus 3:1-3

Tuesday Exodus 3:4-6

Wednesday Mark 12:24-27

Thursday Psalm 33:10-22

Friday Exodus 3:7-10

Saturday Psalm 81:4-10

































When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the

bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses

said, “Here I am.”

(Exodus 3:4)

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Now 80-years-old, having lived in Midian for 40 years, Moses, it seems, was quite content in his nomadic lifestyle with no apparent intention to return to Egypt. This was about to change, however, as God puts his plan of redemption into action and comes down to meet with Moses; an encounter that would change Moses forever.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. Have you ever had a life-changing encounter? Can you describe what it was like?

Read Exodus 3:1-6

3. Can you think of any reasons as to why God might appear to Moses in this way?

4. What phrase is repeated twice in verses 3-4? Why might this be significant?

5. What has God used to direct or redirect your life, or to get your attention?


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6. What were God’s first words to Moses (v. 4)? Why?

7. What is your response to the truth that God knows your name (see Psalm 91:14 & Revelation 3:5)?

8. What is Moses’ response to God’s appearance (v. 4)? Can you think of any other biblical figures who experienced a meeting with God? What was their response? Consider Genesis 12:1-9; 28:10-22; Isaiah 6:1-7; & Acts 9:1-9

Read Exodus 3:7-10

9. What do these verses teach us about God?

10. How might these verses affect the way you pray?

11. What does verse 10 teach us about how God works in the world? Where or to whom might God be sending you?

12. Describe a time when you had a “burning bush” experience and God revealed Himself to you more fully and personally. How did this experience change you?

13. How does this encounter point us to Jesus?

Take some time to praise God for the characteristics you mentioned in question 9

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Monday Exodus 3:11-12

Tuesday Exodus 3:13-14

Wednesday Exodus 3:15-22

Thursday Exodus 4:1-9

Friday Exodus 4:10-11;

Matthew 10:19-20

Saturday Exodus 4:12-17

































God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

(Exodus 3:14)

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God comes down to meet with Moses—now 80 years old—speaking to him out of a burning bush on Mount Horeb. But, like all other appearances of God in Scripture, it is not without purpose. God comes with a specific mission for Moses; he is to confront Pharaoh and to lead God’s people out of bondage in Egypt.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. Do you feel like you have a ‘calling’ in life? Why or why not?

Read Exodus 3:11-22

3. Does Moses’ response in verse 11 exhibit spiritual maturity or immaturity? Why?

4. Why did Moses now hesitate to step out and be the leader and deliverer he once wanted to be (see Acts 7:25)?

5. Describe a time you felt inadequate to accomplish something you knew God was calling you to do. How was your response similar or different to Moses’?

6. What were the two promises God made to Moses (v. 12)? Why would God make these two promises in particular?

3:11 - 4:17

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7. How does knowing that God is “with you” affect your daily life (see Matthew 28:20)?

8. What is the significance of God’s name (“I AM”)?

9. Why would God tell Moses the details of what is to come (vv. 16-22)? In what way has God done this for us also? Consider Romans 8:37-39; Ephesians 1:3-10; Philippians 3:20-21; & Revelation 21:3-4

Read Exodus 4:1-17

10. What excuses does Moses offer to God? Consider Exodus 3:11, 13; 4:1, 10, 13

11. What response does God offer to each of Moses’ excuses? Consider Exodus 3:12, 14-15; 4:2-9, 11-12, 14-17

12. What are some excuses you have used when God has called you to do something? How has God overcome your excuses?

13. In what areas do you feel inadequate in serving God? In what areas do you feel gifted?

14. How does the revelation of God’s name (“I AM”) point us to the person and work of Jesus Christ? Consider John 8:56-59

Ask God to help you be bold in following Jesus wherever He leads.

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Monday Exodus 5:1-21

Tuesday Exodus 5:22 - 6:13

Wednesday Exodus 6:28 - 7:13

Thursday Exodus 7:14 - 8:32

Friday Exodus 9

Saturday Exodus 10

































“And the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of it.”

(Exodus 7:5)

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The first four chapters of Exodus told the story of God’s revelation of Himself to Moses. Chapters 5—11 tell us the story of God’s revelation of Himself to Pharaoh. In particular, in this episode, God reveals Himself and His power to Pharaoh through a series of plagues and disasters, which ultimately lead to the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. What makes someone powerful? Why?

Read Exodus 5:1-4

3. What evidence of Moses’ spiritual growth is there in his confrontation with Pharaoh?

4. Why does Pharaoh initially reject Moses’ request? How is this a fair response?

5. In light of Pharaoh’s response in 5:2, what is God’s purpose in the ten plagues? Consider Exodus 7:5, 17; 8:10, 22; 9:14-16, 29; 10:1-2

5 -11

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6. How does Pharaoh react to God’s revelation of His power through the plagues? Consider Exodus 7:13, 22, 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7

7. How does God respond to Pharaoh as a result of his actions and attitude? Consider Exodus 9:12; 10:20; 11:10. Does this truth relate to Romans 1:24-25? How?

8. What does it mean to have a hardened heart? Can a Christian harden their heart towards God? How? What would be some warning signs of that happening?

9. What is God’s ultimate purpose in redeeming His people? Consider Exodus 7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3, 7. How does this relate to the purpose of our redemption in Christ? Consider Romans 8:1-4; Galatians 5:13-14; Ephesians 2:10; & Titus 2:11-14

Read Exodus 6:1-13

10. What does God promise to do for His people in verses 6-8?

11. How has God done the same for you in Jesus?

12. How does God’s interaction with Pharaoh convict or comfort you?

13. How does this narrative point us to Jesus Christ?

Read, reflect and pray through the words of Psalm 135

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Monday Exodus 11:1-10

Tuesday Exodus 12:1-13

Wednesday Exodus 12:14-28

Thursday Exodus 12:29-30

Friday Exodus 12:31-42

Saturday Exodus 12:43-51

































“The blood shall be a sign for you, on the

houses where you are. And when I see the

blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will

befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of


(Exodus 12:13)

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With the first nine plagues now complete, the stage is set for the final and worst plague of all—the death of all the firstborn in Egypt. This final plague, though it is a terrible picture of God’s judgement, is also a vivid picture of His salvation. It demonstrates the truth that all people stand guilty before God, and the only way they can be rescued is by something outside of themselves—a sacrifice on their behalf.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. What is grace?

Read Exodus 11:1-10

3. What is the significance of the ‘firstborn’? Consider Exodus 1:15-16; 4:22-23 & Colossians 1:15

4. How do the ten plagues demonstrate both God’s patience and justice?

5. What does it tell you about God that this final, destructive judgement was preceded by nine other, lesser plagues? How is this principle still true today?


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6. Discuss the following statement: “God is slow to anger, but there is always an end to God’s patience.” Consider this statement in light of Exodus 34:6-7 & 2 Peter 3:9

7. What is the danger for believers when they ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit?

Read Exodus 12:1-28

8. Why is the notion of a sacrificial lamb so central to the biblical storyline? Consider Genesis 4:1-5; 22:1-18; Leviticus 16:15-16, 21-22; John 1:29; & 1 Peter 1:18-19

9. Why was keeping the Passover and the sprinkling of blood on the doorposts an act of faith? Consider Hebrews 11:28.

10. What does the Passover teach us about the essence of our salvation?

11. How might a greater understanding of the Passover enrich your participation in Lords Supper? What does it mean for you when you partake in Lords Supper?

12. How does the Passover give you a greater appreciation of God’s grace in sending His firstborn, Jesus Christ?

Read, reflect, and pray through the words of Isaiah 53:4-12

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Monday Exodus 13:17-22

Tuesday Exodus 14

Wednesday Exodus 15

Thursday Exodus 16

Friday Exodus 17

Saturday Exodus 18

































“And he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the quarreling of the people of Israel, and because they tested the Lord by

saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

(Exodus 17:7)

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Chapters 14—18 record a series of tests the Israelites faced on their journey to the land God had promised them. The tests ranged from military struggle to hunger and thirst, and each struggle tested Israel’s resolve so strenuously that they frequently yearned to return to the slavery of Egypt instead of going on with the fight. God’s actions, however, are never without purpose; He had a reason for leading Moses and His people down this hard road.

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

Read Exodus 13:17-22 2. What fears might the Israelites have had in leaving their home?

3. What are some of the things that you are fearful of as you choose to follow God?

Read Exodus 14 4. What was the first ‘test’ the Israelites faced and what was their

reaction (vv. 10-12)?

5. Does Moses’ response to the Israelites encourage or convict you (v. 13-14)? Why?

6. In what situations do you find it most difficult to trust God?


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6. How does this chapter help you to trust in the goodness and sovereignty of God?

Read Exodus 15:1-18 8. Have you ever felt like you were in an impossible situation and

God brought you through it? Describe the experience.

9. What is your favourite Christian song? Why does singing to God play such a central role in our corporate gatherings on a Sunday?

Read Exodus 15:19-27 10. What was the next ‘test’ the Israelites faced and what was their

response (vv. 22-24)?

11. What causes someone to grumble? What is the root issue?

12. What does grumbling and anxiety say about our faith in God? What are some ways we can overcome grumbling and complaining in our lives?

Read Exodus 16:1-8 13. What ‘test’ did the Israelites face next and what was their

response (vv. 1-3)?

14. Share a time when you experienced God’s provision in a time of great need.

15. What does Israel’s time of ‘testing’ in the wilderness teach us about our spiritual journey? How does this account of Israel’s wilderness wanderings point us to Jesus?

Spend some time meditating and praying through Hebrews 12:1-3 and John 10:28

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Monday Exodus 19:1-15

Tuesday Exodus 19:16-25

Wednesday Exodus 20:1-12

Thursday Exodus 20:13-21

Friday Exodus 24:1-14

Saturday Exodus 24:15-18

































“You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians,

and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to

myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the

earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and

a holy nation.”

(Exodus 19:4-6)

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Against the backdrop of constant grumbling and complaining, God graciously cements His covenant relationship with the people of Israel by giving them His law; a detailed code for how they are to live and serve Him. With Moses as His mediator, God gives a definitive and distilled declaration of His moral law in the Ten Commandments (ch.20).

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

2. Why are laws so necessary and important for humanity?

Read Exodus 19 3. What stands out to you about Moses’ first journey up Mount

Sinai (vv. 3-6)?

4. What stands out to you about Moses’ second journey up Mount Sinai (vv. 8-13)?

5. What stands out to you about Moses’ third journey up Mount Sinai (vv. 20-23)?

6. What do these three journeys show us about God? What about Moses?


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Read Exodus 20 7. What comes to mind when you think of the Ten


8. Why do you think God gave Israel the Ten Commandments?

9. What is the significance of verse 2 in properly understanding the Ten Commandments?

10. What is the core teaching of each of the first five commandments?

11. What distinction can be drawn between the first five commandments and the last five commandments?

12. Do the Ten Commandments continue to apply to our lives today? How should we apply them differently in light of Jesus’ life and teaching? Consider Matthew 5:17-30

13. John Calvin argued that the purpose of God’s law is threefold: It functions as (1) a mirror (to show us our sinfulness); (2) a policeman (to restrain human evil); and (3) a guide (to reveal what is pleasing to God). Consider the following Scriptures and discuss each purpose of God’s law (see Romans 7:7-12; 1 Corinthians 7:19; Romans 8:3-4; & Psalm 19:7-11)

14. Though God’s law is good and useful, what is its limitation? Consider Romans 6:14; Galatians 3:10-13, 23-26; & 2 Corinthians 3:4-11

15. Read and reflect on John 1:17 and the significance of the fact that Jesus Christ fulfilled the law for us

Spend some time meditating on and praying through Psalm 119:9-16

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Monday Exodus 32:1-14

Tuesday Exodus 32:15-35

Wednesday Exodus 33:1-11

Thursday Exodus 33:11-23

Friday Exodus 34:1-28

Saturday Exodus 34:29-35

































Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The

Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and

will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. But,” he said,

“you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and


(Exodus 33:18-20)

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Moses once again ascends Mount Sinai to meet with God, and to bring down stone tablets engraved with God’s law. The people of Israel, however, grow impatient waiting for Moses to return and persuade Aaron to fashion for them an idol—a golden calf—before which they bow down and worship (ch.32). This flagrant breach of their covenant with God invokes His wrath and only after the consequences of Israel’s sin are spelled out and Moses persistently intercedes on their behalf (ch.33), is the covenant graciously renewed (ch.34).

1. What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

Read Exodus 32:1-10

2. What is an idol? What causes idolatry?

3. Why might Moses’ absence cause the people to demand that Aaron make for them an idol? Can we also be guilty of turning to idols when we feel like God is absent or doesn’t care? How so?

4. Describe a time in your life when you grew impatient with God’s timing? How did you respond?

5. How did God respond to what the people had done (vv. 7-10)?


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Read Exodus 32:11-33 6. How did Moses argue in defense of the people (vv. 11-14)?

How does Moses response show evidence of his growth in spiritual maturity?

7. Do you think Moses and the Levites over-reacted in verses 27-29? Why or why not?

8. What practical lessons can we learn from this harrowing incident?

Read Exodus 33 9. Describe what it might have been like for Moses to speak “face

to face” with God, “as one speaks to a friend” (v. 11)?

10. What was Moses asking of God in verses 12-23? What does Moses’ request show you about his heart and relationship with God?

11. How did God accommodate Moses’ desire? What does this reveal about God and his relationship with Moses?

12. What does the word ‘glory’ mean? What is God’s glory according to verses 19-20?

13. How does Jesus reveal the glory of God? Consider John 17:1-5

Spend some time meditating on and praying through John 1:14-18

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