mission aircrew course chapter 9: search planning and coverage (feb 2005)

Mission Aircrew Mission Aircrew Course Course Chapter 9: Search Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005) (Feb 2005)

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Mission Aircrew Mission Aircrew CourseCourse

Chapter 9: Search Chapter 9: Search Planning and Planning and

CoverageCoverage(Feb 2005)(Feb 2005)

Page 2: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)





Aircrew TasksAircrew Tasks

Page 3: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

In basic terms, discuss how search planners determine the Maximum Area of Probability and then the Probability Area. {P; 9.2.1 & 9.2.2}

Given a POD table, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various search altitudes and speeds over the three major types of terrain. {P; 9.2.3}

Discuss the importance of proper execution of search patterns. {P; 9.2.4}


Page 4: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Optional – Review POD Example {9.3}


Page 5: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Define the following search terms: {S; 9.1}• Ground and Search Track• Maximum Area of Possibility• Meteorological and Search Visibility• Probability Area• Probability of Detection (POD)• Scanning Range• Search Altitude• Track spacing (S)


Page 6: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Discuss how a disaster can effect CAP operations. {S; 9.4.1}

Discuss the types of questions you must always be asking yourself during damage assessment missions. {S; 9.4.5}

List typical things you are looking for during a damage assessment mission. {S; 9.4.5}

List the information you should obtain when over a damage assessment site. {S; 9.4.5}

Discuss the limitations of an air search for a missing person. {S; 9.5}

Objectives Objectives (Con’t)(Con’t)

Page 7: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Ground track is an imaginary line on the ground that is made by an aircraft’s flight path over the ground

Maximum Area of Possibility is normally a circular area centered at the search objective’s last know position, with certain corrections

Meteorological visibility is the maximum distance at which large objects (e.g., a mountain) can be seen

Probability Area is a smaller area, within the maximum area of possibility, where there is an increased likelihood of locating the search objective

Probability of Detection (POD) is the likelihood, expressed in percent, that a search airplane might locate the objective

Search Search TermsTerms

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Scanning range is the lateral distance from a scanner’s aircraft to an imaginary line on the ground, parallel to the ground track, that a scanner is expected to have a good chance at spotting the search objective

Search Altitude is the altitude the aircraft will fly above the ground (AGL)

Search track is an imaginary swath across the surface formed by the scanning range and the length of the aircraft’s ground track

Search visibility is the distance at which an object on the ground can be seen and recognized from a particular height

Track Spacing (S) is the distance between adjacent visual or electronic search legs

Search Search TermsTerms

Page 9: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Narrowing the Narrowing the SearchSearch

Search Involves• Estimating the position of the wreck or survivors• Determining the area to be searched• Selecting the search techniques to be used

Maximum Possibility Area• Circle around the Last Known Position (LKP)• The radius is equal to the endurance of the

aircraft• Correct for wind

Probability Area• Where is the aircraft likely to be

Page 10: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Search Altitudes & Search Altitudes & AirspeedAirspeed

Altitudes• Maintain a minimum of 500 feet above the ground,

water, or any obstruction within a 1000' radius during daylight hours, and a minimum of 2000' AGL at night (except for takeoff and landing). [Refer to CAPR 60-1 for special restrictions for over-water missions.]

• For SAR/DR/CD/HLS reconnaissance, the pilot will maintain at least 800 AGL.

• Pilots may descend below the designated search altitude to attempt to positively identify the target (but never below 500 AGL or within 500 feet of any obstructions within a 1000' radius); once the target has been identified the pilot will return to 800' AGL or higher.

Airspeed• No lower than Vx

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Search Search FactorsFactors

Factors which effect detection• Weather; terrain; lighting conditions• Sweep Width (W)• Track Spacing (S)• Coverage Factor (C)• Probability of Detection (P)

Determine factors for search area coverage• Type and number of aircraft available• Search visibility

Probability Of Detection (POD)

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Determining the Determining the Maximum Possibility Maximum Possibility



Corrected for wind

Wind vector

No wind endurance

Maximum possibility area

Flight level winds: 330/20

Aircraft Speed: 100 Kts

Endurance: 2 Hours

200 NM


Page 13: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Probability Probability AreaArea

Where was the last point where RADAR had the aircraft identified?

Is there an ELT? Was there a flight plan (even if not on

file with the FAA)? Dead reckoning from LKP and heading Reports of sightings

• Other aircraft• People living along the intended route of flight

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Narrowing Narrowing the the

Probability Probability AreaArea

Flight plan Weather information National Track Analysis Program data Airports along the intended flight track Aircraft performance Pilots flying habits Radar coverage as a limiting factor Nature of terrain along the flight track Position reports — fuel stops, etc. Most likely within 5 miles of intended track

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Search Search PrioritiesPriorities

Areas of bad weather Low clouds and poor visibility Areas where weather was not as

forecast High terrain Areas not covered by radar Reports of low flying aircraft Survival factors Radio contacts or MAYDAY calls

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Probability of Probability of Detection (POD)Detection (POD)

POD expressed as a “percent” search object was detected

Four interrelated factors used to calculate:• Track Spacing• Search Visibility• Search Altitude• Type of Terrain

Cumulative POD calculated using a chart “Effectiveness” must also be considered

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POD POD TableTable(back of (back of


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POD Chart - POD Chart - detaildetail

500 Feet  

0.5 nm 35% 60% 75% 75%

1.0 20 35 50

1.5 15 25 35 40

700 Feet  

0.5 nm 40% 60% 75% 80%

1.0 20 35 50 55

1.5 15 25 40 40

1,000 Feet  

0.5 nm 40% 65% 80% 85%

1.0 25 40 55

1.5 15 30 40 45



SEARCH VISIBILITY  1 mi 2 mi 3 mi 4 mi


2.0 10 20 30 30

2.0 10 20 30 35


2.0 15 20 30 35

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Cumulative POD Cumulative POD ChartChart

5-10% 1511-20% 20 2521-30% 30 35 4531-40% 40 45 50 6041-50% 50 55 60 65 7051-60% 60 65 65 70 75 8061-70% 70 70 75 80 80 85 9071-80% 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 95

80+% 85 85 90 90 90 95 95 95 95+5-10%11-20%21-30%31-40%41-50%51-60%61-70%71-80%

80+%POD For This Search


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Page 21: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Natural and man-made Examples of CAP services:

• Air and ground SAR services• Air and ground visual and/or video

imaging• Flood boundary determination• Air and ground transportation• Courier flights• Radio communications support

Disaster Disaster AssessmentAssessment

Page 22: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Effects of extreme weather Physical landscape may be so altered as to

make maps obsolete or make navigation difficult

Damage or destruction of area infrastructure Effects of biological, chemical or radiological

terrorism (or accidental release)

How Disasters Can How Disasters Can Affect CAP Affect CAP OperationsOperations

Page 23: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

Flying damage assessment sorties is not much different from our SAR search patterns

The big difference is what you look for Should be asking questions such as:

• What is the geographical extent and severity of the damage?

• Is the damage spreading? If so, how far and how fast?• How has access/egress been affected?• What are the primary and secondary hazards?• Is the disaster threatening critical structures or areas?• Have utilities been affected or are they threatened?• Can you see alternatives to problems?


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Some specific things to be looking for are:• Breaks in pavement, railways, bridges, dams,

levees, pipelines, runways and structures• Roads/streets blocked by water, debris or landslide• Downed power lines• Ruptured water lines• Motorists in distress or major accidents• Alternate routes for emergency vehicles or

evacuation• Distress signals from survivors


Page 25: Mission Aircrew Course Chapter 9: Search Planning and Coverage (Feb 2005)

At each site, besides sketching or highlighting the extent of the damage and identifying access and egress routes, you should record:• Latitude and longitude• Description• Type and extent of damage• Photo number, or time reference for videotape• Status and trends


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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Aerial survey of Aerial survey of WTCWTC

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Flooding over Flooding over leveelevee

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Seeping behind Seeping behind leveelevee

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Flooded Flooded approachapproach

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Bridge Bridge damagedamage

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Tornado leaves Tornado leaves slabsslabs

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Close-up of tornado Close-up of tornado damagedamage

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Wide image of train Wide image of train wreckwreck

ChemicaChemical spill l spill


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Close image of train Close image of train wreckwreck

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Close image of train Close image of train wreckwreck

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Infrared image of train Infrared image of train wreckwreck

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Plume from train Plume from train wreckwreck

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