mission - inserv03_inserv (annual report... · mission research support to the church ......

Page 1 MISSIONSERV TRUST ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDING 28 FEBRUARY 2015 VISION: “Serving the church through mission research” “Om die kerk met sendingnavorsing te ondersteun” MISSION: “Mission empowerment through providing mission research support to the church in advancing the kingdom of Christ amongst the least reached.”

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VISION: “Serving the church

through mission


“Om die kerk met

sendingnavorsing te





through providing

mission research

support to the church

in advancing the

kingdom of Christ

amongst the least


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Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________________ 3

2 OUR OBJECTIVES _______________________________________________________________ 3

3 MINISTRIES ___________________________________________________________________ 3

3.1 RESEARCH PROJECTS ________________________________________________________________ 4

3.1.1 TOPIC _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4

3.1.2 Neighbours project (South Africa) __________________________________________________________________ 4

3.2 MOBILISATION _____________________________________________________________________ 5

3.2.1 Regional Neighbours Mobilisation __________________________________________________________________ 5

3.2.2 “Evangelical Christian Missions: An African Perspective” Book Project _________________________ 5

3.3 RESEARCH TRAINING ________________________________________________________________ 5

3.4 MAPPING _________________________________________________________________________ 6

3.5 MANI (Movement for African National Initiatives) _________________________________________ 6

3.5.1 Continental ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6

3.5.2 Regional _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

4 PARTNERS AND NETWORKS_______________________________________________________ 7

5 FINANCIAL REPORT _____________________________________________________________ 8

5.1 Independent Auditor’s Report_________________________________________________________ 8

5.2 Comments to Financial Statements ____________________________________________________ 8

6 LOOKING AHEAD _______________________________________________________________ 9

7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ___________________________________________________________10

8 ORGANISATION INFORMATION ___________________________________________________10

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1 INTRODUCTION This year significant progress has been made on a number of processes and projects that we have been

involved in over the years. Through our Research

projects, Training opportunities, Regional and

Continental responsibilities in MANI (Movement for

African National Initiatives) we have had the privilege of

motivating, mobilising and guiding people in their

endeavours to be better stewards of the ministries God

gave to them.

This report seeks to give a small picture and some

understanding of what Inserv did during the 2014/2015

financial year with the resources entrusted to us. As

Trustees and Staff members, we thank the Lord for the

opportunity to work with Him in His Kingdom,

introducing the un-reached to Christ who provided us

with the way to be reconciled with the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

2 OUR OBJECTIVES To advance the Christian faith, in such parts of the world as the Trustees may from time-to-time think fit,

particularly (though not exclusively) amongst the people, occupational and other groups, societies and

communities who have been least reached with the Christian gospel, by such means as the Trustees may

consider appropriate;

To stimulate, advance and sustain effective missionary involvement primarily amongst said groups,

societies and communities through strategically selected projects, including, but not limited to:

Undertaking and advancing missiological research and the dissemination of the results of such


Serving the mission-minded community through the provision of information on mission data,

projects and opportunities;

Linking professional expertise, facilities and services to specific mission needs;

Undertaking, advancing, promoting and/or participating in mission-orientated training aimed at

reaching said groups, societies and communities; and

Facilitating, advancing, promoting, undertaking and supporting responsible missionary

involvement amongst said groups, societies and communities.

These objectives continue to be the basis on which the Missionserv Trust (Inserv) functions and have not

changed in any way. All projects and ministry involvement are planned and evaluated against these objectives.

3 MINISTRIES The goals and objectives of Missionserv Trust are currently fulfilled through the projects and initiatives stated in

this report. These projects are described under Research Projects, Mobilisation, Research training and


Inserv Team

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3.1 RESEARCH PROJECTS In the year under review, considerable progress was made with projects that have been running for a number

of years and which are now in the final phases of completion.

3.1.1 TOPIC

This project has been running for almost 7 years.

The goal of the project is

To create a current and accurate picture of Church

leadership needs in Southern Africa.

This project is undertaken in partnership with OC

Ministries and TOPIC. This year, much time has

been spent on analysis of the information. We were

very grateful for the professional assistance of

Christi-Mari van Deventer, a volunteer who worked

with Inserv some years ago. As statistician, her input was invaluable. The plan is to finish writing and printing

the report during 2015. The results from over 300 completed questionnaires from 75 communities nationwide

have been statistically analysed, enabling us to identify the needs of church leaders and their communities. We

trust this information will contribute towards the improvement of training of pastors and leaders to address

better the needs in our churches, communities, and country as a whole.

3.1.2 Neighbours project (South Africa)

This project is aimed at assisting the Church in South Africa to become aware of the spread and growth of Islam

in South Africa and to mobilize the church in South Africa to evangelize Muslims through research information.

This project aims to research the geographical distribution and growth of Islam in South Africa and what the

church is doing to reach Muslims for Christ in South Africa.

This was originally a two-year project with a total budget of R1.2 million, with Pierre Wedepohl as the Project

manager. The project started in 2012. Unfortunately, finances have been a big challenge.

It was a big setback when Pierre had to withdraw from the project due to a lack of funding. As we believe this

information is very necessary, it was decided that Willie and Marita would take up the responsibility for leading

the project. As result, we changed the strategy for gathering information and instead made more use of

Internet searches, using Google maps information on prayer places, together with communication with church

leaders and other people in towns, suburbs and areas to get information where information was not otherwise

available. Good progress has been made and we plan to finish the project by the end of 2015.

Team who worked on the Leadership needs research

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3.2.1 Regional Neighbours Mobilisation

We are discovering that the visible presence of Islam in the region is a reality

and the church is uneasy about it. However, generally speaking, very little

action is taken because of fear and a lack of knowledge about Muslims and

Islam. Training seminars were conducted in Swaziland, Zambia and Malawi.

Training materials were distributed to assist in sharing basic knowledge on the

subject. Muslim evangelism facilitators helped to conduct the seminars. As a

result of these consultation meetings and seminars, people were encouraged,

realising the responsibility and opportunities for doing outreach to Muslims

and how to develop basic and effective strategies to address the challenges

faced. In Zambia, churches started talking about doing research as a first step

for mobilising churches for Muslim evangelism. From the research, they will

better know how to approach the challenge in Zambia. This project will

continue in the 2015/2016 financial year.

3.2.2 “Evangelical Christian Missions: An African Perspective”

Book Project

The selling and distribution of the printed book is more challenging than we anticipated. The best results are

achieved when a presentation (marketing/promotion) is done during conferences, seminars and mission school

training, such as at the Mission Exposure and Training School (MET). Sales are more effective through this

direct interaction with people. Using the book, Peter conducted 6 sessions at MET regarding mobilisation and

the place of the African church in Missions. He also addressed some of the issues from the book in conferences

such as the Missionsfest conference in Zambia. The eBook version of the book was published in 2014 through

our partners in the USA, Global Mapping International. Through a special agreement, they are responsible for

marketing and selling the book. So far, sales on the Internet are doing very well. (http://store.gmi.org/books-c-


3.3 RESEARCH TRAINING Three Research Training sessions were conducted at MET (Mission Exposure and Training) for English and

French leaders from countries such as the DRC, Nigeria, Cameroon and South Africa.

During March and April, time was set aside to work

through the training material, and to evaluate and update

our material. Formatting and updating of the material is

still in progress and focused time is needed to finish the

upgrading of the material.

The biggest challenges are finding enough focused time to

dedicate to the updating and finalisation of material and

the scheduling of training sessions. Training with a group of students at MET

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3.4 MAPPING Since Pierre left we have felt the gap he left in this regard. We thank the Lord for a volunteer who is assisting us

in producing and preparing maps as needed and who is also willing and able to provide training to staff

members and others if required. GMI continues to be our main partner in this area and we will continue to

have mapping as an integral part of our ministry, as communication of information through maps is a very

effective way of getting the information across.

3.5 MANI (Movement for African National Initiatives)

3.5.1 Continental

EIS (Ethne Information System) is the

African Database which lists the

people groups of the African

Continent, identifying the unreached.

Since about 2007, Inserv has been

responsible for the development,

maintenance and populating the EIS

database. EIS is an African ethno-

linguistic people group database

developed under the umbrella of

MANI (Movement for African National

Initiatives). The goal is for every country to take responsibility for identifying the unreached groups in the

country and to develop plans to reach those groups with the Gospel.

In working on this over the past years on a Continental and Regional level, we have struggled to see


Due to language, Francophone West Africa has been a challenge. Gord Sawatsky has been seconded by

AIM, and his contribution and assistance in this regard has helped a lot in this region. The challenge

remains the same in that we have not found local research teams in the countries who will take

responsibility for gathering their own information and data.

We continue to have an excellent relationship with the Joshua Project and work closely with this project in

the verification and updating of data across the continent.

Country spreadsheets are updated and distributed as required by the countries to assist in the collection,

correcting and updating of information. A French version is used for the French countries, but a

Portuguese version needs to be developed.

At this stage we are focusing on the countries where nothing or little has been done in the past. In all the

countries, updating the demographic data has proven to be more challenging than expected. Progress has

been made, but more innovative ways are needed to gather and update the demographic data for the

whole continent.

MANI leadership

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3.5.2 Regional

A number of changes and added responsibilities

occurred in this year:

Peter was appointed as the MANI Southern

African Regional Coordinator, which is an added

responsibility to his CAP responsibilities in the


Mobilisation of the National Initiatives in the

countries is now also part of his responsibilities.

A critical function is the identification of leaders

in some of these countries, gathering of

information, and giving encouragement and

assisting where leaders are struggling in their different countries.

Namibia continues to be a challenge, as there is no leader yet and finding the correct person to assist the

church nationally needs God’s guidance.

CAP is making good progress in gathering information in the different countries in the region, although it is

only where Inserv is taking initiative and following through on the process that effective progress is being

made. We have not seen any national and local development around this initiative, which is causing us to

ask questions and re-evaluate how to proceed with the Country Assessment Process.

4 PARTNERS AND NETWORKS Over the years we have built relationships with a number of people in various organisations and ministries.

Partnerships have always been regarded as a critical aspect of Inserv’s existence. Partnerships formed with

Inserv include:

Capro Missions

CCM (Christian concern for Muslims)


Central Baptist Church

DRC Vishoek

DRC Valhalla

DRC Lynnwood Ridge

Evangelical Alliances in different countries

Global Mapping International

Gospel recordings

International Partnership Associates (IPA)

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

Joshua Project

MANI (Movement for African National Initiatives)

Mission Exposure and Training

Missionary Supporters League (MSL)

Moving Into Action (MIA)

Northern Synod of DRC Church

TEASA (The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa)

TOPIC/OC Ministry

SET (Swaziland Evangelism Task)

Botswana visit in partnership with Gospel recordings, Capro, Evangelical Alliance and University of Botswana

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Vision 5:9

WENSA (World Evangelisation Network of South Africa)

Individuals supporting staff members and projects

Others regarding specific training and focused projects


5.1 Independent Auditor’s Report The Financial Statements of Missionserv Trust were audited by the independent auditors, MV and Associates,

Chartered Accountants (SA) Registered Auditors. The accepted and signed Financial Statements and Auditors’

report for the financial year ending 28 February 2015 are available on request and will be available at the

Annual General Meeting for your perusal.

5.2 Comments to Financial Statements We would like to highlight a few financial aspects from this financial report:

We received a clean audit report and

the auditor is satisfied that good

financial principles are followed in

accordance to the required guidelines

in the management and recording of

the finances.

The income of Inserv is around

R40 000 lower than the previous year

and that contributes to challenges of

how to approach the work to be done.

In spite of the lower general income,

there is a rise in interest from the previous year

of about R10 000. Investments were moved to

other products according to the advice received

from Carel Botma from PSG who is advising the

Trust on our investments, and that contributed

to a better interest income for this financial


Raising personal support continues to

be a challenge for the staff members and is very

critical for some staff members. Because of this

struggle, Pierre had to resign in this year under

review to accept a position as teacher, as his family could no longer survive on the little income.

While financial support continues to present Inserv with challenges, we do experience God’s

provision, very often in surprising ways. The Trustees are also involved in sacrificial ways to

assist in raising support from various sources.

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The interest received from

investments is allocated towards two

categories, viz. Ministry (Projects)

and Staff. The staff salaries and

benefits seem high in comparison to

the rest of the expenses, but can be

explained on the basis that a

substantial part of the interest is, by

agreement, earmarked for staff

members. Also, donations earmarked

for specific staff members are paid into Inserv's account from time to time. Each staff member is

still responsible for his or her own support-raising, which continues to be a challenge. Having

said that, the salaries component is 3% less of the total expenditure in comparison with the

previous financial year.

There was a rise of around R30 000 or 18% in salaries and benefits from the previous year. The

reason was not a rise in salaries for staff members, but was due to the pension payment to Pierre

Wedepohl, who resigned from Inserv.

6 LOOKING AHEAD In the 2015/2016 year we plan to;

Finish the Neighbours Project in such a way that we can start distributing the gathered


Print and distribute the results from the TOPIC Research Project on the training and other needs

of pastors, to the church in South Africa.

Hold a Regional CAP conference, as was decided before, as part of the development of the

research function of MANI in the region.

Take the Neighbours research and awareness process in Zambia further, and through that

develop a National Initiative from the Grassroots of the church.

Finish the updating of Research Training material and develop and schedule new training


Develop and clarify the training relationship with the APK Seminarian. Training date is scheduled

for end of September.

Develop a broader financial support system for Inserv which could make us more viable going

into the future for both ministry and on a personal level.

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7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees stayed the same during this year and they continued to serve the Trust with leadership,

advice oversight, moral support and raising financial support where possible. Five meetings were held during

the course of this year apart from various discussions and interactions through the year to address issues of

concern and blessings.

Prof. Marius Olivier


Director: ISLP (Institute for Social Law and Policy) and IISLP (International

Institute for Social Law and Policy). Extraordinary Professor: Faculty of Law,

Northwest University (Potchefstroom campus); Adjunct-Professor: School of

Law, University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, West Australia and the

Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland.

Previously Professor in Labour Law and Social Security at University of

Johannesburg (UJ), Co-founder of Inserv (Missionserv).

Dr André van Oudtshoorn Academic Dean, Perth Bible College; Senior Pastor: Scarborough Baptist Church,

Perth, Western Australia. Formerly, Director of Search Light Productions in RSA.

Dr Anna-Marie du Toit 30 years’ experience in Social and Community Development, Consultant,

Researcher, Trainer and Artist

Jacques Smit Software Engineer, Co-founder of Inserv (Missionserv), Previously editor of

Reach Out when issued in book format, Johannesburg

Willie Botha

Trust Secretary

Executive Director of Inserv (Institute for Strategic Services), Pretoria


Missionserv Trust

Trust registration: 12915/98 NPO registration: 032 373 NPO

173 Bosman Street

Sediba House, Room 303

Tel +27 12 3230915

Fax +27 12 3284596
