mise en scene analysis

GENERIC CONVENTIONS OF MISE EN SCENE IN HORROR FILMS All the conventions of horror films mise en scene work together to create the effects portrayed on the audience singly they are effects but together more so, meaning by merging these elements of mise en scene they create overall effects in order to scare the audience.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015



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GENERIC CONVENTIONS OF MISE EN SCENE IN HORROR FILMSAll the conventions of horror films mise en scene work together to create the effects portrayed on the audience singly they are effects but together more so, meaning by merging these elements of mise en scene they create overall effects in order to scare the audience.

Domestic Setting

A domestic setting is used one of two ways, it can be used to portray that the characters in the film having normal lives, living in normal place, and everything that happens in the domestic setting is very realistic and relatable. This therefore creates a sense that the people watching feel more vulnerable as the compare their lives to the ones on screen, as the horror is happening on screen is gives the illusion that it is just as possible for it to happen to the audience watching as the have normal lives similar to those in the film creating a much more scarier feel as in a domestic setting nothing is out of the ordinary until the horror starts. Its also used in another way in that the domestic location of a house or a small town is seen to be safe and secure so when the horror occurs this is contrasted. The place you think is the safest place to be such as your own house then becomes the most dangerous place differing how it was previously seen again making the audience feel vulnerable in the place they feel safest and out of their comfort zone putting them in an uncomfortable situation where they see them selves as vulnerable as the characters and feel as if they could be in their situation.


The Crazies

Derelict, abandoned house

With a derelict or abandoned house we know right from the start that there is going to be danger with a sense of uncertainty just from looking at an establishing shot of the place. Even in real life an abandoned house has negative representations so it portrayed in a horror film makes it 10x more scarier as you are watching straight from the start with caution as there is no sense of normality it straight away plunges you into the horror as you know for certain there are bad things to come unlike a domestic setting where you have to wait for the danger. These derelict houses are usually in the form of a mansion or a big house, where there are loads of old rooms that anything could be lurking, making it out to be very daunting and creating more vulnerability as there is so much space they don’t know where to go or hide.. This type of location usually has a past story to it or some sort of history behind it, whether past deaths in the house, mass haunting even something to do with the people that had the house before usually have a direct link with the story, creating the reason why the house or building is so scary. Places like this also give the idea of no escape, creating a trapped feeling which can be both psychologically or literally trapped by the antagonist, adding to the fear and tension to if they will ever get out.


Woman in Black

Forest Cabin, wooded area

Another popular location for a horror is in a forest or large wooded area, from old wooden cabin to houses by a lake, many horror films are set here as its such as isolated area with no one around for miles, it makes us aware from the start that they are on their own and there is no one to help them. As they are so far from any sort of civilisation when the horror starts they only have what they bring with them usually being groups of teenagers in this situation so they are low or have no resources that you may have in a domestic location. As woods are so spacious its always easy for people to get lost and in the dark they become much scarier than any hose is its normally pitch black when the killer strikes, meaning there is so much space to cover so they in effect are trapped In a forest where everything looks the same, with many places to hide but also many places for things to pop out creating a daunting effect and quite tension building as they are very unaware of their surroundings, as they aren't a familiar setting making them in more of a panic which is reflected on the audience as we feel the intensity and panic in them.


Cabin in The Woods


Horror films set in suburbs are usually a result of people looking for help after a broken down car or after getting lost so they look for a house in the suburbs for a phone or some assistance which always ends in trouble. In these sorts of places far out in the country out the outback there is no chance they can get any help or anyone can get to reach them so yet again like all the other locations they are trapped in an area they are unfamiliar with creating more of a fear as they don’t know the place, creating more tensions as they try and escape. With places like this people genuinely don’t see the fear or danger till it actually happens as they are convinced it’s a safe place to look but there is always one who senses the danger, the others going out expecting no bad to happen. In the suburbs its also common that there is a warning sign or something that signifies danger to warn those trespassing, that people may have no notices or chose to ignore as there desire is too strong therefore they are walking straight in a trap and in the suburbs there is none to hear their screams so we know the danger they will be in but we also know there is no one to help them either making it more eerie and creates a lot more tension as we expect the progression of danger but we don’t know when.


Wrong Turn



Texas Chainsaw Massacre Machete

Many horror films incorporate a weapon of some description, ranging from all sorts of things, guns, knives, tools, traps , even garden or house hold appliances. Weapons are mainly used to depict the harm that is forthcoming, so as soon as we see one we known straight away danger as they have such negative representations, even things such as a chainsaw or ace, these are now associated in a bad and violent way as they immediately imply risk and a threat to the characters. Weapons are usually used in more gory horror films such as saw or chainsaw massacre as they represent brutality and a horrendous outcome, resulting in a gruesome death usually. These weapons used in various setting from household items like a kitchen knife in a domestic setting to an axe or scythe in the out back or suburbs, the setting usually depicting the type of weapon used. Weapons being used in the climax of a film as the create the highest sense of panic and hear racing as they are the are immediately linked to death so to an audience they are most fearful as they are actual items available to people so give a sense of vulnerability as these weapons could easily be used in real like circumstances. Weapons can both literally show violence with the weapons showed being used or it can also be used to imply violence this meaning that you see the weapon before but not seeing being used instead just hearing the screams this used in less gruesome films but is still as effective as despite not seeing you known what is happening and this makes it more scary as it lets you mind have more of imagination and therefore imagine the worst.

The CraziesThe Shining


Lots of horror films both old and more current ones incorporate mask, coming in all sorts of variety some more simple than others but all of them creating an unsettling experience and a sense of wander as they hide the real identity of the antagonist, creating tension. Mask used in horror films create an eerie effect more than anything as they are usually some form of a distorted face making it look weird and unlike what we are used to, another things that makes mask even scarier is the fact that a lot of them don’t have a mouth or no hole where the mouth is meant to be so when the antagonist speaks the sound appears to come out of know where, creating a sense of uncertainty. There is also the fact that when people were a mask they feel free and as if they can do anything as no one knows who they are so when the film occurs we know they are going to be ruthless and not care atal as we both know they can get away with it due to there feeling of freedom that comes over them due to wearing a mask. As and audience too we also have negative thought and representation of mask as we straight away presume they are serial killers and fear for the worst so when ever we see ,mask we suddenly have a strong negative feeling about it and what's about to happen. Mask always leaving the audience wandering, and the reason they are so effective is that they leave the brain to its own devices as we never really know what's lurking underneath. Some mask can also become quite iconic such as the ski mask or the ‘Scream’ mask so we straight away recognise it and are familiar with the horror that is linked to it too, associating them with the terror and fright that we know about.

The Purge The Strangers Saw Your Next

Symbols and children's drawings

Symbols often occur is many psychological horror films, as they aren't so much shocking but more have mental psychology behind them affecting the audience in a way that they are thinking about the horror than actually seeing it. These patens or certain marking being used a metaphors to get across the idea the film is conveying, this meaning it intensifies the mood and suddenly changes it rather than being all jumpy and fast pace, contradicting this by empathising the concepts and distinguishing between the binary opposites of good and evil and emphasising the main events. The symbols being quite powerful in the story line meaning the audience are more into the film as they give it depth and create a link every time you see it to either a sight or something particular happening so the audience recognise this link when watching. Common symbols being linked to religion or death directly dependent on the occurrences and the story line a common one being children possessed spiritually therefore the symbols give a direct reference for the audience to ideally understand the story making them feel vulnerable as even in real like these types of tings are sceptical about possession and demons, as they are uncertain this gives more opportunity to play with the audiences head as a lot of the time their views on paranormal activities may be undecided. Also with children's drawings they create a worrying mood especially for the parents as they normally depict the sudden danger the people are in but as they are children they themselves do not realise it. It also id quite effective as we expect children to draw happy fun drawing rather than death linked pictures so this opens up upon the danger band makes us more on edge as we are waiting for something bad to happen as from the drawing we a certain it will. Also with children drawing they often have a 6th sense and draw things that happen in the future meaning that they are always know more than the audience as they predict the danger making us seeming he dark to so we are always waiting for the danger to happening putting us on edge and making us feel anxious.

Paranormal Activity Insidious Dark SkiesSinister


Mirrors are generally used to show a sudden spur of horror giving a jumping effect in the sense something suddenly jumps up or appears creating a shocking and jumpy effect on the audience. The thing that scares people the most about mirrors is the fact that they are innocent house hold items that everyone has, and uses everyday implying and emphasising the horror on screen is just as possible to happen to the audience giving a more creepy effect even after the film, Leaving the thoughts about mirrors with them. As a lot of horror films play with the concept of reflection we recognise mirrors to have negative effects so when we see a horror film with them in we expect the worst and are waiting anxiously for something to happen as it always does, putting the audience on edge building up the tension. The reason they scare people so much or have very negative implications is because people often see them in horror films opening up another world and letting bad things in such as spirits of evil orbs, reflecting on the audience suggesting they could be subjected to these worlds opening. They also creep people out as they often show another side of someone on the other side, either someone wanting to intrude or take over, but the most common us of mirrors being the refection of something unknown either person object creature that isn't actually in the room when they turn round . This makes both the character nervous and the audience as we no longer can see the antagonist and leave us feeling unsure and uncertainty as they could strike from anywhere at any time as we suddenly lose sight of them. On the audience the use of mirrors creates the feeling of uncertainty as replicas of the person looking are usually used and when they become distorted of the character turns around and the reflection doesn't our brain detects the reflection isn't perfect so detects trouble and senses the danger they are in causing tensions and causes jumpy and sudden horror mostly. Even in real life mirrors have negative impacts to which are thought about when the film so on such as the superstitions to do with them or the many wise tails of them being cursed, this making the audience see the as gateways and portal to danger and that not everything you see is reality which is on the audience mind when they look in the mirror themselves making the film scarier to watch knowing this.

Oculus Unborn Cabin in The Woods

Lighting (Before the horror)There are tow main methods of lighting portrayed at the start of trailers, creating two different effects on the audience, dependent on the story line.

The first effect is used to create a normal feel to the start of the trailer, this is created by using high key lighting the

whole way through to create a naturalistic effect giving the implication

that life is fine with nothing going wrong. The use of high key lighting means the

scenes are often very bright yet soft giving a normal feel, making the start all happy and relaxing and the light depicts this. Therefore due to this we can relate

to the people and there lives onscreen as they appear completely normal and

we represent ourselves to be the same so when the horror starts we are

represented to be the same as these people giving the impression that its just

as possible the horror could happen to us due to the fill lighting. High key

lighting normally plays on the naturalist lighting to create the realistic effect as

the illumination means there are very few shadows and nothing out of the

ordinary until the horror starts which is when it all changes but until it does high

key lighting is used throughout.(The Purge)

The other effect is used to show a happy start for a second but is mainly used to show that from the start danger is always lurking even when the main climax of horror hasn’t yet started. So it may show a few high key lighting shot but after that even though there appears to be nothing wrong the lighting proves different. Such as in sinister there the action and dialogue shows nothing wrong but many of the camera shots leading up to the horror are made up pf low key and dark lighting, this creating a mysterious atmosphere making us feel on edge. Portraying the evil about the occur, so from the very start we are on edge rather then just from when the horror starts. The use of the dark low key lighting also suggest the people are very venerable and this reflects on us to as we can feel and see from the lighting that they are threatened and in danger creating the effect that we know more than the charter as to them everything seems fine. Many shots from these horror films give the impression that something is lurking in the dark they are unware of playing on the fact that the dark creates fear as people as they cant see what's there making them afraid of the unseen , giving the impression that all the time something is watching they juts don’t know it yet. (Sinster)

Lighting (After the horror)Despite the varied lighting choices at the start of horror trailers towards the end all trailer opt for creating the same effects using the concept of low key lighting, this is common with all horror trailers. The use of low key lighting creates opposite effect to those of high key lighting making the mood more uncertain and creepy as not much can be seen, this creating the most fear, as its usually the case that someone is in the room with them they can hear it but as its so dark both the character and us cant see it creating lots of tension as we are aware of a presence. The use of low key lighting allows shadows to form due to the contrast of light heightening and emphasising a distorting effect that makes the audience un easy and putting them on edge as it gives the impression of something mysterious hidden within the shadows. As well as creating a physicality of something being there is can also cause peoples brains to over things and hallucinate the shadows, making them thing there is something there when maybe its just their mind playing up also having an effect on the audience that their mind is playing with them too, creating a mysterious and dark effect. Back lighting is often used too as it depict a silhouette by the light shining behind them hiding the identity of the antagonist even more linking to the mystery and sinister look of an antagonist, the silhouette being eerie as its just a shadow with no features seen playing on the mind to weather it is real or not. Along side back lighting under lighting if commonly used to where light appears to come from under the person or object creating a distorted effect , giving the impression that something is coming to pop up or come out in an area of no light, created the audience to feel disorientated as only the object is highlighted.

Costume (protagonist)With costume in horror films at the start they are clean and bright, suggesting their trouble free lives, represented to be completely normal. Showing the audience their perfect normal lives, wearing normal clothes, showing nothing out of the ordinary. Having groomed hair, and pretty clean make up to show that they are just like you and me ordinary people that the audience can represent themselves to be like.

However their costume hair and make up doesn't at all stay like this during the horror and action their clothes become ripped and tatty, with blood stains and dirt marks on suggesting the put amount of struggle and encounters they have been through. Likewise with the hair and make up being scruffy and smudges it creates an effect that that audience realise how much they have been through or had to put up with so we recognise how distraught and rough they have had it. Giving the impression that the antagonist is currently winning and that they have loss of control and that they are physically drained effectively showing the fight they have put up.

It is also comment mostly in psychological horrors that the person you thought were normal turn out to be the protagonist. So this means that at the start like any other normal character they dress normally and nothing of them is out of the ordinary, then when they are claimed to be the protagonist this all changes. They then progress to be scruffy and dirty, covered in bloody and usually looking ghoulish not because of what they have endured but because of the fact they are now the protagonist. So instead of being represented this way at the start they start of normal due to the plot of the story and what the writer want the audience to think , that they are normally and they just turn creating an effect in the audience that shows that a normal person can juts snap and become evil giving the impression that this could happen to any normally person.

Costume (antagonist)With the antagonist costume it is very common that they are scruffy and blood stained right from the very start, giving the audience clear implication as to who the antagonist is so the plot and story line flows allowing the audience to recognise the situation and understand the mind set of the antagonist. This can be showed in different ways dependent on the type of killer they are. For example the antagonist may just wear a long black cape/ hooded style outfit and a mask this possible suggesting they want their identity hidden and want to remain unseen showing no emotional connection atal just cold hearted killing. Or they may appear in clothes that are tatty and bloody stained showing the brutality of their killing style and how gory their deaths are implication the violence they have put people thought by the ripped clothes showing the people can put up as much fight as they want they will still die a gruesome bloody death.

With hair and make up it is always the same, they have a ghoul appearance or place face, with smudged or heavy black eye make up showing them to be different to a normal human being. To the audience this defines them to be un human like as we don’t compare them to normal looking people as they often look distorted with black makeup used purely for the colour black connoting evil and death making them seem even more evil just by looking at their face without seeing their clothes. Like wise with the hair it is often scruffy and messed up to show they are not like normal people a lot of the time it covers their face so it shows they are even more hidden creating more mystery for the audience as the antagonist a lot of the time seems to try and hide the identity crating a eerie effect and sense of wonder.

Costume (antagonist)Its often that the antagonist will wear one of two colour, either black or white dependent on the type of horror and genre of the film. It common for them to wear a form of black clothing as this immediately connotes danger and has a direct link to death, causing the instant fear the audience feel just from seeing this dark themed character. This is effective on the audience as it creates the dear of the unknown making them seem even more suspicious and mysterious as they lack morality. Yet there is often time where they tory likes to play with the audiences mind and create contrast by having the antagonist dressed in white the binary opposite to what we as audience expect. While implying purity and innocence which these people are the complete opposite of using this methods to create a contrast on the audiences mind, this use of costume favourable in psychological horror films as it gives the impression to the audience they have had a loss of control, suggesting its a spur of the moment thing that randomly occurs. This creating a more scary viewing for the audience as we can then realise what the antagonist is capable of in which we didn’t think before, they surprise us and then we carry on watching as the antagonist surprise's us being more brutal than we thought.