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Random Marvel Saga Characters



Abomination(Emil Blonsky)

Strength 20C* (Brawling, Sonic Slam)

Intellect 4D (Espionage)

Agility 3X

Willpower 3X

*3X in human form

Edge: 2

Hand Size: 4(25)

Calling: Vengeance against the Hulk

Hinderances: Bruiser, Monstrous


*Body Armor +2

Leaping 30

Life Support 15

Limit: Suspended Animation only

Resistances +10 to Heat, Cold, Disease, and Energy attacks


4D Str

5X Int

7D Agi 5X Wis

2E 4(25)

Skills Knives, Acrobatics,

Powers Teleportation 12 (Fullisade, Gateway, Passengers, Displacement Can teleport people using special daggers she creates)


5C Str

6D Int

7B Agi

5X Wis

2E 4(25)

Skills Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Archery, Martial Arts, Law Enforcement


Grappling hook 5

Web slinning 5

Crossbow +2


10D Str 5X Int

6D Agi 7X Wis

2E 4(25)

Skills Brawling, Fast Exit


Flying 6

Resistence to Disease +4

Residental Evil Zombies

Strength 4x

Intelligence 1x

Agility 1x

Willpower 1x

Edge 0 * Hand 2 Health 10

Calling: Hunger(for flesh, even if it happens to be another zombie sometimes.)

Hindrance: Monstrous; Impaired Movement - any and all movement is reduced to 1/2 of normal humans. Impaired Reflexes - they are slow to react. So if snuck up on there attacks will not happen till next turn. Naive - 0 agility to avoid or launch surprise attacks

Skills: N/A

Powers: Invulnerability -Disease, emotion, mind control, stunning, pain, Life Drain.

Life Support - Limintions not humger - 15

Teeth - +2

Resistance - Physical attacks - 8

*Corrosion(acid) - 8

*Energy Sheath(fire) - Limit constant - stunt energy blast(touch only) - 4

* not all of the zombies have these powers. 1 out of every 10 will

only have 1 of these powers.

GM notes: They do not feel pain & whne at 0 health fall down for 1 exchange then get back up & attack again. Cannot be stunned. Have to get them at -10 to kill permanently. If 10 points of damage is done in 1 attack. then they will be split in half at the waist and the torso will still attack. if -10 in 1 attack can have it be a decapition or total disintegration. Head attack is 1 difficulty level higher.

Background: the zombies are an accident if you beleive the company "umbrella". They were exposed to the "T-virus" which slowly killed them and turned them into zombies. since they are dead then some of the normal human stuff does not affect them. the only thing the think about is hunger. Umbrella also does secret genetic research and experiments the T-virus is the first, but they also have other deadly creatures. The virus also affects animals. anything affected also gets a hunger graving after the mutation.

the simptons

1) paranoid

2) thinks everybody is out to get him

3) Itching

4) Swollen body part( only parts not the whole body)

5) Tired

6) sleepy

7) Blisters

8) Hot, sweaty

9) Rotten flesh begins to fall off, smelly, Hungery

10) Fever, starts to get dumber, violent, Very hungery

11) Mindless zombie, violent and hungery for anything


Strength 0X

Intellect 2X

Agility 0X

Willpower 2X

Edge 1 Hand Size 3 (17)

Powers: Detection 6 (Stunt: Life Detection)

Enhanced Senses 6 (Stunt: Hearing)

Body Armor +1 (Limit: zero resistance vs. Fire)

Life Support 15


Strength 2X

Intellect 1X

Agility 6X

Willpower 9X

Edge 1 Hand Size 3 (17)

Powers: Life Support 15 (Stunt: extends to host)

Additional Limb- Tail 9 (Stunt: Constriction)

Leaping 5

Lightning Speed 5 (Limit: Burst Only; Stunt: Power Slam)

Size Alteration- Shrinking 5 (Limit: Permanent)

Psi-Screen 24

Acid Blood 12 (full damage first exchange, 10 the second, 8 the third, etc.)

Special: Egg Implantation: the face hugger attaches itself to a host and implants an egg deep within the victim's chest through its throat. After the egg is planted in the victim's body, the face-hugger leaves the host (who will soon regain consciousness and have no recollection of the implantation) and dies. Upon completion of development, it emerges into the next stage of development by bursting through the host's chest.


Strength 2X

Intellect 3X

Agility 4X

Willpower 6X

Edge 1 Hand Size 3 (17)

Powers: Emotion Control 10 (Limit: Aura of Fear) characters must pass a Willpower check vs. this power's intensity after the chest burster emerges or be unable to perform any action for one exchange.

Lightning Speed 5

Size Alteration- Shrinking 5 (Limit: Permanent)

Acid Blood 12 (full damage first exchange, 10 the second, 8 the third, etc.)


Strength 12X

Intellect 4X

Agility 8X

Willpower 8X

Edge 2 Hand Size 4 (25)

Powers: Body Armor +2; +3 vs. Fire

Psi-Screen 24

Regeneration 6

Additional Limbs- Prehensile Tail (Str. 12) Stinger 12 injects paralysis poison, 10-20 minute duration

Double Jaw (Bite 8)

Claws +3

Acid Blood 14 (full damage first exchange, 12 the second, 10 the third, etc.)

Extra Attacks - tail or bite can be used as a second attack without penalty

Life Support 15

Lightning Speed 5

Enhanced Senses 6 (Stunt: Hearing, Olfactory, Infravision)

Wall Crawling 10

Blending 6 (Limit: Darkness Only)


Strength 14X

Intellect 6X

Agility 8X

Willpower 9X

Edge 3 Hand Size 5 (30)

Powers: Body Armor +3; +4 vs. Fire

Psi-Screen 24

Regeneration 11

Additional Limbs- Prehensile Tail (Str. 14) Stinger 14 injects paralysis poison, 10-20 minute duration

Double Jaw (Bite 12)

Claws +5

Acid Blood 16 (full damage first exchange, 14 the second, 12 the third, etc.)

Extra Attacks - tail or bite can be used as a second attack without penalty

Life Support 15

Lightning Speed 8

Enhanced Senses 8 (Stunt: Hearing, Olfactory, Infravision)

Wall Crawling 12

Blending 8 (Limit: Darkness Only)

Empathy 12

Lifeform Creation 12 (she creates the eggs which contain the huggers. On a Desperate (20) Intellect check she can control the final product and tell what it will be. The results on a D10 are as follows:

1 - Queen

2-9 - Worker

10 - Drone