mis advanced user manual - sabs travel technologies · mis mailshot report security management...

MiS Advanced User Manual Fee Maintenance City Group Maintenance MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging in to MiS and running reports within it. This document introduces users to the more complicated areas of MiS. Prerequisites An MiS user login Knowledge of running report in MiS

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Page 1: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

MiS Advanced User Manual

Fee Maintenance

City Group Maintenance

MiS Mailshot

Report Security Management


This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging in to MiS and running reports within it. This

document introduces users to the more complicated areas of MiS.


• An MiS user login

• Knowledge of running report in MiS

Page 2: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

9. Fee Group Maintenance

MIS allows agents to group multiple types of fees for use on reports. This concept means that Quick Fees, MFIDs & Rule Fees can

all be categorised and shown under 1 total or 1 column on reports that support it.

To access the maintenance for this feature use the File -> Masterfiles -> Fee Groups menu item (Shown Below);

The following screen will be shown;

In this example we do not have any categorised fees so we will create on for RAIL. Begin by making a single new group

(shown below);

Page 3: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

Next, you need to decide which of your fees fall under this category, add them like this:

Proceed to add all your Rail Fees to this category;

Then make a couple of new groups and do the rest of your fees;

Page 4: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

Renaming GroupsRenaming GroupsRenaming GroupsRenaming Groups

To rename a group, select it in the list, and click the name to edit it.

Moving FeesMoving FeesMoving FeesMoving Fees

To move a fee from one group to another, drag and drop!

Removing FeeRemoving FeeRemoving FeeRemoving Feessss

To remove a fee completely from the list, right click on the fee in question and de-categorise it.

Page 5: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

Removing GroupsRemoving GroupsRemoving GroupsRemoving Groups

To remove an entire group, right click on the group in question and delete the group.

Page 6: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

10. City Groups Maintenance

The MIS system allows you to group your rail destinations, in a similar fashion to IATA code grouping this allows reports to be run

on particular definable "regions".

The configuration for this option is available to administrators via the file menu;

The screen will look like this the first time you launch it, later you will have lots of grouped destinations!

To add a destination group use the area at the bottom of the screen;

Click Save and your group will be added, no locations are attached to this group yet.

Page 7: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

To attach destinations to groups you have created, you can drag and drop;

Alternatively you can manually adjust the grouping number, this is better if the group is off the screen or you need to do lots of

them. Take the Group ID, and add it to any location line, the line will move when you hit enter.

If you make a mistake you can just drag the location out of the group or use the move to <unknown> option;

Or you can delete a group entirely;

Page 8: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

When deleting a group, you will be asked for confirmation; all locations under the group automatically go into the <unknown>


To rename your groups, just click in the box twice as you would if renaming a file in Windows.

Remember you can only change the group names here, to change the actual location names you need to change them in Traveller

and wait for the changes to upload (overnight normally)

Page 9: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

11. Mail Shot

MIS contains a streamlined version of the Traveller mail shot, this feature allows the quick extraction, direct to CSV of client

headers based on criteria you select. The software also allows for scheduling. If this option is not on your menu then contact the

Support team to discuss this.

Find the mail shot from your main menu by booting up the application and typing in "Mail" This should be enough to isolate the


The criteria screen will be shown as below.

Once happy, click launch to bring the list up on the screen; Note that exporting to any method other than Screen will output the

list automatically and close the report as soon as possible. Use this for scheduling your report (explained later).

Page 10: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

The list you see when exporting to screen can be reviewed; you may also filter on specific columns using the filter options at the

bottom of the screen. Right click options are also available in the grid such as select all / none. These options work with the filters,

so selecting all when a filter is applied will select all visiblevisiblevisiblevisible items only.

Column sorting is available by clicking on the headers; these sorting options are carried through to your export. NOTE that by

default nothing is selected so exporting now will export only the headers, you need select some or all of the names you would

like. This differs from when you schedule reports since you won't be around to select anything everything is picked. After an

export the following message will be shown.

In addition to a basic export this screen is designed for many exports of the same data split into subsets, so select a list of items,

change the name of the export at the top of the screen and export again.

Export again and only those items will be saved in your new subset filename.

By doing this you can make lots of different exports from the same data sorted, or picked in different ways all at the same time.

When would like to return to the main menu click exit. From here you may change your criteria or quit to the main menu.

Page 11: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

12. Report Security Management

This screen will let administrative users choose which reports their sub-users can see at a glance and quickly distribute or remove

them. This option is available off the File -> Masterfiles menu in MIS.

Upon loading the screen the following will be displayed:

You can find reports using the right click menu on either the left or right grid, each option lets you locate a report in the other.

You may also see which of your sub users has a particular report by clicking on a report on the left, the list of users will update to

show you which sub-users also have this report or group of reports.

Page 12: MiS Advanced User Manual - SABS Travel Technologies · MiS Mailshot Report Security Management Introduction This document is intended for MiS users who are generally comfortable logging

If you would like to give or remove reports you have two options, the left had grid lets you give and take from everyone, the

centre grid lets you select using the checkboxes specific users or groups of users to send reports to;

Note that existing security setup for the user will still apply. Even if you give them a new report, if a user can only see specific

accounts, branches etc... They will still see only those items on the new report. This screen does not change the criteria security in

any way.

You may also rename and re-order your sub-users menus using the contextual menu on the right. Care should be taken when

removing reports or groups altogether, especially if those users have scheduled reports as they will no longer run if they are


Note that any changes you make to the user system access are only made permanent when you use the contextual savesavesavesave option. It

is strongly suggested that before any significant changes you use the Backup System Access File option before proceeding.