ministry of kings 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Ministry of Kings 2



    We have been talking about all kinds of things, ministry of kings. Amen? And we have betalking about walking in the third realm, right. The third dimensional realm. God is movquickly in all kinds of areas. Tonight we want to be able to finish up the ministry of kinbecause we started it last Tuesday and didnt get to finish it. So we want to finish this tonight. And we know that in this end time right now - that in these third dimensionwarriors, that God is raising up kings, isnt he. In fact, the move of the Spirit right nowbringing us to a place where there is kingship in training to become a king. Amen? And

    this it is going to take a lot of dying. It is going to take a lot of training. It is going to takelot of revelation and impartation. It is going to take an area where the things you thougwere okay at one time are no longer okay. Hello. It is going to begin to expose where yofruits are, where your focus is, and what your purpose is. Amen? See God wants to get usline. In line. Now would you turn to the book of Revelation please. Chapter one. The bookRevelation, chapter one. Oh, hallelujah. Thank you Lord! The book of Revelation chapone. Everybody there. Thank you Master! Lord grant us that impartation tonight - let us nonly catch the anointing but be prepared to surrender - in Jesus name. Revelation 1:5 andsays and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first born from the dead, athe ruler over the kings of the earth. To him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in own blood, And has made us what? --kings and priests to God and his Father; to him be glo

    and dominion for ever and ever. So we see here that he has made us kings and whaPriests. Now if you will go to verse 10 please. So we see that Jesus is a king, isnt he. AmeNow John was in the Spirit and he says in verse 10 - I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, aheard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first athe last: and, What you see, write in a book, and send it to the seven churches which areAsia. Then in verse 12 - And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turnedsaw seven golden lamp stands; And in the midst of the seven lamp stands one like to the Sof man, clothed with a garment down to the feet, and girded about the chest with a goldband. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were aflame of fire; And his feet like to fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice the sound of many waters. He had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth wen

    sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength. Awhen I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand on me, saying to me, not be afraid; I am the first and the last: I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I aalive for ever more, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Now that is powerfWhy? Because he is king. Does everybody understand that? So Jesus doesnt look like tsame Jesus you see in the movies. Amen? He doesnt look like the little Jewish boy who grup - he doesnt look like any nationality we know in this world, does he! Praise be to GoWoolen hair, fiery eyes, two-edged sword coming out of his mouth. He aint playing games! Amen? I wanted to impart that to you because he is a king. He is the King. AmeThe King. Now go to John 19. Praise God! John chapter 19. Is everybody there? John 19:would you read it with me. Then said Pilate to him, are you not speaking to me? Do you nknow that I have power to crucify you, and have power to release you? Jesus answered, Ycould have no power at all against me, unless it had been given you from above: therefothe one that delivered me to you has the greater sin. Now you know I bet no one had evsaid that to Pilate before. You know what Im saying I dont think Pilate ever heard anybostanding before him saying youve got no power except that it was granted to you froabove. Now remember something Jesus didnt say anything to him except for right then athere when Pilate was trying to say I have power and authority and Jesus said you dont haanything! In other words, he expressed his kingship over this king. Does everybounderstand that? Of that king, of Pilate and his position. Now lets go a little further. Afrom then on Pilate sought to release him. No kidding! Pilate got revelation. --but the Je

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    cried out, saying, If you let this man go, you are not Caesar's friend: whoever makes himseking speaks against Caesar. Now these were the religious ones. These were the ones in tsanhedrin, supposedly all dressed up robes carrying the Word of God. Amen? They wetorah around sitting in wonderful places and here they were in the front row trying to Jesus. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus out, and sat down in tjudgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. Andwas the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said to the JewBehold your King! Oh, you dont think that oh man they were freaking out! Because nunderstand this, Pilate acknowledged Jesus as a king. Do you all get that. You know and I w

    tell you again, I know he never acknowledged anyone as a king. But he acknowledged Jesas the king and said behold yourKing. Now lets go a little further. But they cried out awwith him, away with him, crucify him. And Pilate said shall I crucify your King? The chpriest answered we have no king but Cesar. Wow! Then he delivered him to them to crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. Now this is powerful because Jesus showhis authority and his power, didnt he. Amen? Pilate acknowledged Jesus as a king. Why dhe acknowledge Jesus as a king? Because he saw the character of a king. The way responded. The way he acted. The way he stood and what he spoke. Pilate acknowledgJesus as a king. He knew something was different about this man compared to those wwere persecuting him even though he was from them. Amen? Because he was a Jew, washe. So here they were persecuting Jesus, who was one of their own, and they were saying

    him. But Pilate could not find anything wrong with Jesus and because of all of these thinthat were going on, he acknowledged Jesus as a king. Now in verse 17 - and he bearing cross [Jesus bearing his cross] went forth into a place called the place of a skull, whichcalled in the Hebrew Golgotha: Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on eithside one, and Jesus in the middle. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And twriting was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. So Pilate went even further asaid listen Im label - I know this man is a king. He couldnt understand it - of what kingwhatever - but he knew he was a king because of his character. In verse 20, then manythe Jews read this title: for the place where Jesus was crucified was near to the city: andwas written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. Im telling you there was not anyone there thcould not read that the one that was crucified is the king of the Jews! Then the chief prie

    of the Jews said to Pilate, Do not write, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of tJews. Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. In other words, it is over and idone! Remember Jesus said it is finished, Pilate followed right along and said it is finished, is declared as King of the Jews. Does everybody get it? Why? Because Pilate saw tcharacter of a king. Now you cant be king and raise kings, can you unless you are a kinDo you all understand that? So you and I Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father as thigh priest and thats how you and I are priests. So he had to be a king so you and I could kings. But there were things Jesus had to go through, didnt he. Jesus had to go through hon earth, didnt he. Amen? Look at the stuff he went through before he was recognized asking. Even his own did not recognize him as king yet. But Pilate in the position of authoritas a king - recognized him. Amen? Now look at this. This is powerful. So here he talks aboauthority and power and there is something else Pilate saw about Jesus and that was tanointing of a king. Because that is what expressed the character of a king is the anointiof a king. Amen? Now the religious will always kill the knowledge of the kings anointing. you understand that? The religious spirit always hates the kings anointing because tkings anointing always exposes. It is always exposing. Does everybody get this? Ohallelujah. Now listen - oh, praise God - Pilate acknowledged the character of the king and wrote it because he wanted it written in history. He wanted it to be known from the poon you have to remember everything that was going down was always recorded, wasntThey had records of who they crucified and everything. So its recorded - now on the backthat parchment that they had above Jesus that said that he was the King of the Jews in thr

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    different languages, on the back of it, it said what he was accused of doing. So all of thethings that he was accused of is how you and I got free from. Do you understand? He waccused of blasphemy. He was accused of all kinds of things. All of these things that tJews were accusing him of were put on the back of that parchment and that is where you aI got free from because he paid the price. Do you understand that? Because he was a whaKing. Now the only way you and I can become kings is because we are under the Kingkings. Is everybody with me? Oh, hallelujah. Go to John 18 while we are there. John 18:and Jesus was of course speaking with Pilate again. Jesus answered, My kingdom is notthis world. So a king always has a kingdom, doesnt he My kingdom is not of this world.

    My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, in other words, naturally, carnalThey would fight like every other kingdom of this world. so that I should not be deliveredthe Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here. So what Jesus was doing was bringing tkingdom into the world. Does everybody understand that? Because he was a what? KiEvery king has a kingdom, dont they. Amen? In other words, in the carnal arena mcannot comprehend the kingdom of God because it is not visible to them. They caunderstand the kingdom of God, even when Jesus and John came and they said behold tkingdom of God, they couldnt get it, could they. They were looking for military to comThey were looking for a military to be led by Jesus to wipe out all the Roman empire and taover. Remember when Jesus was getting ready to go home they said well when will Israethe kingdom of Israel be restored. They were still looking carnally and naturally, were

    they. And in this I want to really express the importance of why we are desiring to be in tSpirit - because the kingdom is not of the natural, its of the supernatural. The kingdomGod is something invisible but it expresses Himself through us so that things can manifested. Remember Jesus said when you pray to the Father, pray that thy kingdom wbe done on earth as it is in heaven. So we know that there is a realm of the kingdom thatin heaven, isnt there. Amen? In other words, there is that realm which is an invisikingdom and thats why it is so important that we walk in the Spirit so that we can see tkingdom of God. Now watch this - go to John 3. John chapter 3. Oh, hallelujah! You knthe bible says if you are carnal you cant receive the things of the Spirit, can you. Amen? John chapter 3, would you read it with me. The first six verses I guess. Somewhere arouthere. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: This m

    came to Jesus by night, [of course he came by night, he didnt want anyone to know associated with him] and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from Gofor no man can do these signs that that you do, except God be with him. Now he said because there was only a couple of them - not the whole sanhedrin. Why? Because thwere the ones that crucified him. Jesus said to him, most assuredly I say to you unless onewhat? Born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Oh, do you get that? Born again! other words, if you are not born - again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. Now we haveteaching called saved or born again and Im not going to get into this teaching but Im telliyou that the word born again I really believe is used incorrectly many times. Because theare people who are saved but they are not born again. Do you all get that? Because he sahe who is born again can see the kingdom of God. Hello. Now watch, lets go a little furthNicodemus said to him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second timinto his mother's womb, and be born? Now you gotta understand this, did Nicodemus beliewho Jesus was? Yes. That means he was saved. Amen? But Jesus said to him brother yneed to get born again! Now you try and tell that to the religious sect and they just wont git. It will go right over their heads. In verse 5 Jesus answered, most assuredly I say to younless one is born of the what? Water. Now that is the remission of sin. Amen? Thasalvation. AND the Spirit. Does everybody get this? He cannot enter into the kingdomGod. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is whaSpirit. He said man, dont marvel at this brother - you need to be born again. Now remembthe bible says that he who believes in Jesus .... Jesus was standing right there. Nicodem

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    went to see him at night. Why? Because he believed him. He believed who he was aanyone who believes in Jesus is saved. Now we call this the state of[WADE - I did nunderstand this word] but those who are born again have been baptized in the SpiWhy? Because they are able to see the kingdom of God. And the kingdom of Godmanifested. Now Im telling you this, people have been baptized in the Holy Ghost arefused to walk in the Spirit. They still judge things carnally. Does everybody understathat? Oh, hallelujah. Go to Romans 14. Oh, hallelujah. Romans 14, in verse 16. everybody there? Would you read it with me please. Romans 14:16. Let not then your gobe evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking; but righteousness, a

    peace, and joy where? In the Holy Spirit!! So Jesus said listen, the kingdom of God has gnothing to do with carnality!! The kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost!! Why? Because tfoundation of the kingdom is built by the Spirit of the living God! Not built by letter. HeOh, glory. Go to Luke 4. Luke chapter 4. It was on my heart to lay this foundation so we cget a better understanding about the ministry of kings. In Luke 4:18. Now Jesus comes outthe wilderness, he goes into the synagogue and this is the first time he preaches. Now know that when he was a young child - right - he was in the temple and he was talking things and mom and dad went to go get him. And he said dont you know I am about mFathers business. But mom knew better. Its not time. Because there were a lot of thinhidden in Marys heart that she knew and Im telling you what - she had more than ovisitation from angels. You kidding me?!! She was the King of Glorys mother! For a per

    of time. Verse 16. And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. Ahe was handed the book of the Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the plawhere it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preathe gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to tcaptives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are oppressed, proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to tminister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fixed him. And he began to say to them, Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. You kna lot of people probably passed out that day. [Laughter.] I mean wasnt he just Josephs sand Marys son and this and that and whatever. But anyways the first thing Jesus began

    preach was the anointing. Now he is actually in this scripture - right here he speaks of thranointings. He speaks of the salvation anointing, the priestly anointing and the kinanointing. And he says I have been anointed with all three. Everybody with me? Ohallelujah. So he was proclaiming his anointing, his position. Amen? Oh, glory. Go to A10. Acts chapter 10. Hallelujah. Everybody there? Acts 10:38. Yes, glory. Yes, glory. Yglory. Come on and lift your hands to heaven and get a drink, will you. Praise you LoCause Im telling you I can sense the Spirit right now! Praise you Lord. Praise you LoThank you Lord. Fill us. Continue to remove any scales that are on anyone and ahardening of the heart that understanding and revelation will be imparted and a desire fulfill kingship, in Jesus name. In Acts 10:38 it says how God what? -anointed Jesus Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, [now anointed with the Holy Spirit and powWhy? He is proclaiming all three anointings] who went about doing good and healing all wwere oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Now what kind of anointing would ylook at from that? Thats called the priestly anointing that ministers. Do you understathat? Ministering anointing. There are three types of anointings - the salvation anointinpriestly anointing and kingly anointing. Are you with me? There is the salvation anointinthere is a priestly anointing and a kingly anointing. Go to 1 John 2. 1 John chapterHallelujah. Is everybody there? Verse 18. I John 2:18. Little children, it is the last hour; aas you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, which we know that it is the last hour. Amen? Now can a believer have a spirit of antichriYes. Why? Because it is coming against the anointing. So--now listen, lets go a little

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    further. Look at verse 19. Then it says what? They went out from us, but they were notus; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that thmight be made manifest, that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from tHoly One, and you what? --know all things. Now what was he expressing? Listen he wexpressing they were of us but then they chose not to be with us and they set their focus adirection in another area. In other words, they opened their heart to something else and hgone and followed that way but you have the kingly anointing and you know all things. you understand this? Now listen, in the salvation anointing that is when God draws you. man comes to the Father unless he is drawn. In other words, every one of us had to be dra

    by the anointing of God to get saved. Amen? The next anointing that comes is when you abaptized in the Holy Spirit. Thats the ministering anointing. Amen? Then God begins train you up because you have been called, chose and now to see if you are faithful so tkingly anointing is released. Everybody with me? Thats why there is so much stuff in tbody of Christ. In the area of the salvation anointing, it is the ministry of grace. Thats they can do is preach grace. Hello. Man - Im saved by grace thats it! I dont have to nothing - just sit there and be stupid!!!! [Laughter.] You dont have to do anything! You cbe a couch potato for the rest of your life! Youve been saved by grace! See the problemthey have no revelation because the word grace means Gods plan in action. Jesus camethe fullness of truth and grace. In other words, he came with Gods will. You see they cago beyond the ministry of grace. Thats why they can never teach healing. They can nev

    teach deliverance. They cant get into worship! Do you all understand this? Because thlimitation is salvation and grace. That is it. They go no further. They have never cast oudevil and dont realize they are loaded with them. Why? Let me share with you they hanever gotten to the part of born again! They have no dominion and no power! Thconstantly rely on Jesus grace and they never reach the kingly ministry. They do not knhow to minister to the Lord because they havent gotten the anointing to minister to the Lowhich is the priestly anointing. This is why there is so much stuff in the body of Christ wdenominations and all of this garbage. Does everybody understand that? See becauseeverybody got baptized in the Holy Ghost there would be a BIG difference. They wouldcome against the gifts of the Spirit, raising the dead, casting out devils they cant interpthe word of God to its fullness because the Holy Spirit hello is the author! They can o

    go so far. They can only see so far. They cant see the kingdom! Thats all they know is tministry of grace. Do you all understand that? Thats the anointing. Its just the salvatanointing. But there are two more parts. Hello. In fact, number 2 in the bible meawitness. Thats why Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes upon you then you will be a whWitness. Do you all get that? Why? Because they are part two. So when the Holy Spcomes upon you then you will be a witness. A witness of what? Now you can ministThats why he told the disciples dont you put your butt out there - no way! You wait tdays! I dont care if you have to order Dominos Pizza - but you wait ten days until you abaptized in the Holy Spirit then you go out! But other than that you go--! Why? Becauseyou have not completed successfully your home Jerusalem you have no right going anywheGod will never send you out anywhere until you have successfully completed at your homDoes everybody get it? Oh, hallelujah. Thats why there is self proclaimed this and seproclaimed that. People are going out there and trying to minister and they have nevfulfilled their priesthood. They are still looking in the carnal arena. Do you all understathis? Look, there are a lot of people that even say yes Ive been baptized in the Holy Spiand Im not saying that Gods not touching them or baptizing them but now they are nutilizing it. Because it is your responsibility to get in the Spirit. Hello. Its your responsibito yield to the Spirit of God so that the kingdom of God is manifested! You know it grieves spirit because some people will never get it and miss so much. Peace, joy and righteousnein the Holy Ghost is the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is in power not in word. It ispower! Oh, hallelujah! Do you all get this? Turn to Daniel 11. Now this is pretty amaz

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    isnt it because he said now youve got the anointing and you know all things. So if you doknow all things, you are not walking in the anointing. Hello. If you cant see - if you cadiscern the ethics, the character, the governing laws of the kingdom of God, you are nwalking in the Spirit. You are walking in the flesh. If you cant see these things - you acarnal. I dont care if you are praying in the Spirit, raising your hand and thanking God you cant see these things, you are carnal. Why because you are focusing on the thingscarnality. You are focusing and reasoning on natural common sense and not the things of tSpirit because you cant hear. You are deaf. And if you are deaf you will always be carnAre you hearing me? Its important!! Thats why people cant hear the voice of God. Or th

    started to but then they started going in their own strength and doing things that they feeare you with me? instead of what the Spirit is really leading them to because they have lthat sensitivity. They have gotten too caught up in carnality. Their hearts have becohardened and their ears have become deaf. Now they hear what they want to hear insteadwhat the Spirit is saying because they cant see. They cant see things through. They dosee the ripple effect of whats about to happen in what they just did. They dont realize theverything that they do has just affected everyone in the whole kingdom of God asomebody has to make up for it. Amen? In Daniel 11 - oh, hallelujah - in verse 32. Prayou Master. Would you read it with me. Those who do wickedly against the covenant shall corrupt with flattery: but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry ogreat exploits. Whoa!! People that know their God! People who know their King! I s

    know! Not just read about. Oh you can read about Jesus all you want man. You can reabout the King of Glory -you can get in your word all day long read, read, read. Know tpage numbers and you can memorize everything! And never meet Him. And never meHim. You know why? Because you are stuck in the ministry and the anointing of grace. Ayou understanding? Listen, even if you got baptized in the Holy Ghost you can still make tchoice to go back to the ministry of grace - the anointing of grace. I have seen people thhave been baptized, freed, get really going and all of a sudden I see them a little bit later aman they are as religious as can be. They are hiding behind the word of God and I can stheir fruit. It stinks and they are all carnal. They started out right but they are not continuithat way. Why? Because one of the things that must Let me tell you one of the things ththe anointing always does to you, it keeps you humble. The anointing will always keep y

    humble! The anointing will always say come on man Youll be sensitive to the anointinWhy? Because God cannot flow through live people. He flows through dead ones. Thawhy Jesus said do you not understand I am the resurrection!! Do you all understand this? Itelling you we have got to get this in this time. You have to make a choice today what ywant to do. Jesus stands before you this day - who will you serve? Yourself? If you seryourself, you serve the devil! If you live in the carnal, the bible says that he who sets mind on carnality will perish. What does God say? My people are destroyed for lack of whLack of knowledge. But you can have knowledge and never use it. Never use it. There apeople who have been studying the word of God and all kinds of stuff for 15 - 20 years anever use it. The devil keeps stealing it and stealing it and stealing it. Why? Because thare so caught up in the salvation anointing. The anointing and the ministry of grace. Yknow why? They dont want to pay the price. They dont want to pay the price. Im satisfi- Im saved. Thats good - but thats not what God called you for. Thats not what he has jcalled you for he has not called just to save you. He didnt come just to save you. HeThats why he commanded-!! Does everyone understand? He COMMANDED that

    disciples, which were 500 of them on the day of Pentecost, to wait for the baptism of the HoSpirit. Does everybody get it? And only 120 of them obeyed. 380 started denominatio[Laughter.] Oh, glory! Is everyone alright? Praise God. God is raising the ministry of kinThis is the last time - end time - army will be ministry of kings. Not wimps. Not the minisof salvation. Hello. Remember, Paul said its time to move on. Its time to lay these thindown and move on! Move on to what? Move on to bigger and better things in the Spi

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    Now dont get me wrong the ministry of salvation will never leave. Do you understand thBut there is more, isnt there. There is more! Far be it that we bring someone to the Loand leave them!! Hi, yes - come to Jesus - you got it brother! [Laughter.] --And then not tthem about any power! And they go back every time, dont they. Or they come in bondagand they are constantly calling out to Jesus, oh Jesus help me!! Because they are oinvolved in the ministry of grace, salvation. But they dont know - Jesus said listen I didcome to give you peace - I came to bring you a sword. Now use it!! He wouldnt tell us to gdressed in the full armor of God if we didnt need it! Hello. He didnt say in Mark 16 to cast out a devil, would he - unless he meant it!! We are no longer involved in the ministry

    salvation. We are involved in the ministry of taking territory!!!!!! We are involved in tministry - the bible says that we are more than conquerors. Let me tell you that when ytake territories, souls come with it! Does everybody get it? Oh, hallelujah. Go to Psalm 1Hallelujah! Psalm 18. Remember Jesus didnt tell him you need to be saved. What did say? You need to be born again. Glory. Psalm 18 and I believe verse 39. Oh check this oman. Thats my brother David man - thats a king! Start at verse 35. You have also givme the shield of your salvation: and your right hand has held me up, and your gentleness hmade me great. You have enlarged my path under me, so my feet did not slip. I hapursued my what? --enemies, and overtaken them-- David didnt play no games, maEverybody get it? He didnt cry out, something! [LaughteHe did, he gave him a sword! He said I have pursued my enemies and have overtaken the

    You gotta pursue your enemy and overtake them! You cannot fight the devil underneath tbed! [Laughter.] You must bring your light from underneath that bushel. [More laughteMan one night I was in the back room and my little choochoowahwah - my dog what do thcall those things? Labradoodles should be named anyway I was in the back room. I wlaying on the bed and I had the TV on when all of a sudden I heard a scuttle and I heawoof --and Im telling you that dog moon-walked backwards all the way, all the way dowthe hallway. [Lots of laughter.] With her little woof, woof, woof - she walked right by the bI was sitting on, and went on the other side behind there and stuck her head out. Ithinking, alright whats up here. Im thinking either her shadow scared her or there wsomething in the house. So I began to do spiritual warfare - I am not taking any chanceither. If the dog is moon-walking in front of me down the hallway, I gotta do someth

    about it, you know! Im telling you she would not take one step forwards - she webackwards all the way! With her little woof, woof - she couldnt even bark. So then I triedget her out - I said come on Gra and her name is Grace, wouldnt you know that! She wunder the anointing of grace, not the anointing of a king! [Lots of laughter.] I had bettchange her name. And cast that religious spirit out of her, I guess. [More laughter.] Swould go out in the hallway and Im going, come on Grace. And Im binding powers darkness and Im commanding that spirit of fear to go because I know and then she comewoof- and she looks at me and I said, come on, its alright. Id go out in the kitchen and Istill waiting for her to go down the hallway! Shes crawling down the hallway and Im tryto convince her everything is cool - the blood it cool! And I went in the living room and hlittle head just went around the cabinet. Then she finally came out. And I thought, man wha wimp! [Laughter.] I missed my Doberman! But see they dont bark so quick. They wuntil they get near you and then they go after you - thats the kind of attack I like! PraGod. Good strategies - Dobermans have good strategies. They wait until you hop the fenget in the yard and then they go hello. [Lots of laughter.] Hi. You must be tonights deseBut the little choochoowahwahs - man they bark when they know you are coming from tmiles away. They start barking before you even get there so nobody can catch the peopHallelujah. Anywaylets continue on. Verse 37. I have pursued my enemies, and overtakthem: neither did I turn back again until they were what? destroyed. In other words, followed it all the way through. Thats what a king does - they dont take any garbagThats the anointing of a king - follows it all the way through. I would have wounded them

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    that they could not rise. They are fallen under my feet. Well, check this out --For you haarmed me with strength for battle: you have subdued under me those that rose up againme. You have also given me the necks of my enemies so that I destroyed those who hatme. Glory to God. And thats where the bible says no weapon formed against you wprosper and every tongue that rises up against you, you shall condemn! Not run. HePraise God were going somewhere. Let me share something with you. He said that the Loarmed him with strength for battle. They are always ready to go into battle. A kings minisis always ready to go into battle. Amen? You know why? Because they feed on strong meof the word. They feed on strong meat. Not milk. Those who just drink milk cant go in

    battle. Do you all understand this? You must feed on meat. Thats where the revelatcomes. Thats where strong meat comes. Amen? Go to Hebrews 5. Hebrews chapter 5. everybody alright? So if you hear me call you a choochoowahwah you know why, right? Oyou little choochoowahwah ---- [Laughter.] Praise God. Hebrews chapter 5. Everybody therGood. Hebrews chapter 5, lets see where we are going. In verse 12, everybody see it? Fthough by this time you ought to be teachers, and you need someone to teach you agawhich are the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk, and nsolid food. In other words, youve gone backwards instead of forwards. By now you shohave been walking in understanding and seeing these things! By now you should hagotten it!! Why have you gone backwards instead of forwards. For every one that partakonly of milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. Im telling you th

    there are people who have been 30 years in Christ and are still babes because they are sfocusing on carnality and not Spirit. Amen? Let me tell you something kings dont eat jufood. Hello. Im talking about junk food. You know what Im talking about - junk. Worthings that are junk out there - people preaching junk! Soulish ministry of junk. I get e-mafrom people I get letters people ask did you read my I dont read junk mail and I dont ejunk food! Amen? Oh, hallelujah. In verse 14 But solid food belongs to them that are of age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both what?good and evil. Let me tell you, that discernment is important! Listen, you can hear meword and never grasp it. Never put it Amen? Theres a lot of people that want to go out ado the things of God but they have not fulfilled hello. and been successful in the homYou have no right going out anywhere until you are successful and have completed things

    the home. Amen? Does everybody get it? And thats where an individual needs to put inpractice those things that they have learned. Im telling you, God has had me leamessages with people and write things once in a while not very often, maybe just a ftimes, telling them - dont tell anyone about Jesus. Dont tell anyone you know Jesus. Athey have called me back and said why? And I said because you are a liar and a thief. Whdo you mean I am a liar and a thief? Thats right. Jesus doesnt lie to me. I know what tHoly Ghost has told me about you and you are a liar and a thief and stop going around tellipeople about Jesus until you get right with God. And when you know you gotta get right wGod. First of all you gotta get right. Then he causes you to get everything else right wGod. Amen? Your position, your finances, your relationships. He tells you to get all of thethings right. People are going around preaching about things but they are not right with GoAnd they are waiting for the blessings of God and for things to happen when they are nright. Why? Because the devil is the only one blessing them. Hello. Solid food! Not jufood. Praise God. Go to Luke 11. Luke 11. The ministry of kings. Jesus will always put yin an area where there are requirements of how you obey what he says. In Luke 11:2When a strong man fully armed guards his own palace, his goods are in peace: But whenstronger than he comes upon him and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor which he trusted, and divides his spoils. He that is not with me is against me: and he thgathers not with me scatters. Wow! So this is how believers become overtaken, then thbecome scatterers instead of gatherers. Why? Hes telling you right there its a fight! Itswar! He says when somebodys armor is taken - in other words - or trusts in their arm

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    instead of trusting in the Lord. Does everybody get this? In other words, that person hbeen stripped from fighting. Stripped. And cant fight. Cant overcome. And then whhappens is that the devil they become a scatterer instead of a gatherer. Does everybounderstand that? Listen, we must be stronger and take demons right out of your territoAmen? Let me tell you, you cant pet evil. You cant pet evil. You cant dance with evil. Ycant play with it. Because you open the door to the devil. And the bible says make no plafor the devil - he will wipe you out in a second. Amen? He will wipe you out in a second. is out to steal, kill and destroy. He is no respecter of persons. We must be stronger and tadominion over all of these areas and continue to drive out these demons from tho

    territories. The first territory they need to be constantly driven out of is the temple. If ycant drive out a devil out of the temple you cant drive it out of anywhere else. If yotemple is not clean, you are not under authority. Does everybody understand that? Psa92. Glory. Hallelujah. Psalm 92. Praise you Lord. In verse 10. No lets start at verse 8 - Byou, LORD, are most high for ever more. For behold your enemies, O LORD, behold yoenemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. But my horn you haexalted like a wild ox: I shall be anointed with what? --fresh oil. My eye also has wha--seen my desire on my enemies, and my ears hear my desire on the wicked that rise against me. Thats a kingly anointing. Thats why we must it is essential to maintain freoil. In other words, fresh anointing. Some of us sometimes need an oil change. Amen? Wneed to get rid of that filter and all the garbage that you have been collecting. Let me t

    you, the temple is not interested in antiques. Hello. No antiques. No dust collectors. AmeGo to 1Kings 3. 1Kings chapter 3. Hallelujah. Now antiques and dust collectors arepresentations of also idols. Oh, glory. Yes, yes we want to go on from the ministry of graof salvation and continue on to the ministry of priests so that we can fulfill kingship. IKings 3:9. It says give to Your servant an understanding heart to what? judge Your peopthat I may what? discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great peoof Yours? Now this was Solomons request. Amen? Let me share with you that in tministry of kings we must be able to make decisions and judgments swiftly. Executijudgment is a function of a king. You execute a judgment In fact, the Lord rebuked Isrbecause they refused to execute judgment. Does everybody get that? In the ministrykings that God is raising up, what the Holy Spirit is going to bring you to is to have t

    discernment so that you can judge quickly. Does everybody understand that? You dohave to go around praying for two days before something happens, somebody could alreabe dead. You know, its like someone needing food and you tell them youll be back inweek. You must be able to execute judgment. That is a function of a king. In other wormaking a righteous judgment on everything quickly. Sometimes there is no time is there. Proverbs 29. Ministry of kings. Proverbs 29. Glory. In verse 14 it says The king who judgthe poor with truth, His throne will be what? established forever. He who judges the powith truth. Now listen, in this area the poor are -- he is expressing that they cant fight. Doeverybody understand that? He who judges the poor with truth. In other words and thereno compromise as to whether they are poor in finances or wealthy in finances or wheththey are somebody or nobody. Amen? He who judges the poor righteously becausometimes they cant defend themselves. And in this he says you must judge the poor in tarea where you are going to assist in their growth. Everybody with me? You have got to able to what? Assist in their growth. Why? No listen, sometimes there are tough decisioAmen? Sometimes people are removed from a kingdom. Sometimes they are chasteneSometimes they are counseled. Whatever. But this is all associated with territory. TerritoBecause you have the poor - you have the wealthy. Amen? You cannot be any respecterpersons. Everybody is judged. Amen? According to the way of the Spirit - it says how yjudge them. Now, Im talking about making decisions. Im not talking about going aroujudging all kinds of people. Im talking about what God puts in front of your path and how yare to judge. Amen? Does everybody understand that? Because one of the things you a

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    always doing is judging fruit, arent you. If the fruit stinks you know something is not rigRight. You cant believe somebody whose fruit stinks. Amen? You cant believe them. Thcan say everything they want - but you cant believe them. Oh, hallelujah. Psalm 149. Tmore scriptures and then we are done. Psalm 149. Is everybody alright? Are you gettthis? In verse 8 and 9. Well lets start at verse 6 - Let the high praises of God be in thmouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, Apunishments on the peoples, to bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fettersiron; To execute on them the written judgment [see you are judging by what has bewritten] This honor have all His saints. Praise the Lord. In other words, it is available for

    the saints to begin to walk in the kingly anointing. Does everybody hear me? Good. Now guess I better go here. Go to Isaiah 11. I want to share something quick about the kinanointing. Now we talked about the anointing of salvation, the ministry of grace, tanointing of a priest to minister and the kingly anointing. The kingly anointing is usedbuild. Does everybody get it? The kingly anointing is used to build. In Isaiah 11 startingverse 1. There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of JesAnd a Branch shall grow out of his roots. Everybody see that? The Spirit of the LORD shrest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, TSpirit of knowledge and of the fear [or reverence] of the LORD. His delight is in the fearthe LORD, And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decide by the hearing of Hears; But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, And decide with equity for the meek

    the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His liHe shall slay the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, And faithfulness tbelt of His waist. Does everybody see that? That is the kingly anointing to build. Those athe seven anointings that the king will always walk in. Does everybody see that? Whatsfor? To build. The kingly anointing builds. How is he going to build? Because the Spiritthe Lord is going to be upon him. He will have what? The Spirit of wisdom. He will have tSpirit of understanding. He will have the Spirit of counsel - in other words, he will hacounsel - constant counsel is always running within the king. Always. Why? Because always discerning. He is always judging. There is always a time - execution of thinDecisions that need to be made. All kinds of things in that arena. That kingly anointing. will have the anointing of wisdom and understanding. Does everybody see this? He will ha

    the anointing of knowledge. Revelation knowledge that will come. I am not talking aboknowledge you read about. Amen. Does everybody understand that? And of course they walways have the reverence or fear of the King who has anointed him to be king or her to king. Everybody got it? Go to Revelation 4 while we are here. How many of you all want tkingly anointing? Praise God. Well its to build. Amen? The kingly anointing is used to buiIn Revelation chapter 4 - is everybody there - verse 2. And John said immediately I wasthe Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sthere was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow arouthe throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, aon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had what?crowns of gold on their heads. Why? Because they were kings. Now those are the tweapostles disciples from the new testament and then there are twelve from the otestament. There was an association of 24 elders and thats where King David sits and forth. Does everybody understand this? Samuel and whatever - because they were the kinand they had crowns - why? Because of what they walked in when God ordained them. Thwere faithful. Those are the 24 elders. Those are known when God sends forth and senout the bible talks about the Spirit of counsel, right? Well there is the Spirit of counsel athere is the counsel of the Spirit. Now the 24 elders are associated with the counsel of tthrone. When God expresses, it goes through the elders and from the elders it goes to tspirits. Does everybody get this? Oh, hallelujah. Look at verse 5, read it with me. And frothe throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burni

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    before the throne, which are what? the seven Spirits of God. Remember we just talkabout the seven anointings of the king and did they not have crowns on? Yes. Doeverybody get this? You all alright? Good. Praise God. We need the kingly anointing athe authority to advance against the undermining attacks of darkness. Amen? In the preseand in the future. Let me share something with you very important. God is acceleratthings in the third day because we are in the third day. And we must be willing to adaptthe faster pace. Im going to say that one more time. God is accelerating things in the thday and we must be willing to adapt to the faster pace in responsibility and efficiency wthe Spirit of excellence. Everybody get it? Daniel was acknowledged with the Spirit

    excellence. Joseph was acknowledged with the Spirit of excellence. We must be willingadapt to the faster pace. I didnt say anxiousness. I said the faster pace. Amen? In fact, to I Samuel 21. Almost done. But Im finishing. But its a good night to die, right? 1 Samu21 verses 7 through 9. Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that ddetained before the LORD. And his name was Doeg, an Edomite, the chief of the herdsmwho belonged to Saul. And David said to Ahimelech, Is there not here on hand a spear osword? For I have brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me, because the kinbusiness required haste. Because the kings business required what? Haste. So the priesaid, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the Valley of Elah, there it wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you will take that, take it. For there is no othexcept that one here. And David said, There is none like it; give it to me. So God provid

    the what? Sword. But he said something important, he said man I forgot my stuff becausethe kings what? Haste. Because of the pace. We have got to begin to adapt to the faspace of what God is doing. Does everybody understand that? It is so important. Praise GoIn Proverbs 24:6. Proverbs 24 in verse 6 - then two more scriptures. God willing. Alright will start at verse 3. Through wisdom a house is what? built, and by understanding itwhat? established. So through wisdom a house is built and by understanding itestablished. By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. A wman is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; For by wise counsel you will wayour own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is what? Safety. Thats why it is important, even in the kings counsel - in that area - that those around the king, that awalking in the kingly anointing - that you want to be like-minded. Amen? Like-minded.

    other words, something that you might miss, the other person will pick up. Amen? Thats wthe kings always had the round tables, didnt they. So all there could see. In other worbecause of the move of haste and so many things that have to be done, God will put arouyou those who are walking in the Spirit to begin to assist and pickup because you becomlike-minded. Amen? Glory to God. Okay lets go to Revelation 19. Now, Im going to clohere but I want you to understand something. The purpose of the kingly anointing also in tthings where there is haste and where God has ordained with the seven anointings of tkingly ministry - it is also to establish strategies. Strategies are important. I didnt say plaI said strategies. I dont make plans. Whatever God gives me is for a strategy. In othwords, another way to infiltrate the powers of darkness. Another way to do something elDoes everybody understand that? Strategies. The kingly anointing is always associated wstrategies. Why? Because it is always building and before you can build you have conquer. Do you get it? Thats why we are to start taking territory. Thats why the bible sawe are more than conquerors. Amen? In this last day, third day warriors, third dimensionwarriors, the kingly anointing will be established because there is going to be a ministrykings. And queens. Hallelujah. Wouldnt want to leave the queens out. Amen? God is norespecter of persons. It depends what you desire to walk in. What you are really willing yield to. And are you still willing to do whatever it takes. Amen? Glory to God. Revelat19, in verse 11 - everybody there? Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horAnd He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges amakes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had

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    name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blooand His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linewhite and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp swothat with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS and what? LORD OF LORDS. KingKings and what? Lord of Lords. Do you all understand that? Why? Because we are kinand he is the King of all kings. Amen? So the purpose of this teaching is to bring you a desto want to walk in the ministry of kings. It is available for you. There is training. The H

    Spirit is going to train you. You will enter Holy Ghost boot camp. Amen? Sometimes ovand over and over. The training never stops. There is always training and testing. Whathe always testing you for? Your discernment. Do you all get this? He is always going to tyour discernment, isnt he. And he is going to test something else. Your faithfulness. Tthings will always be tested. Discernment and faithfulness. And if you have not come inthe area and the arena of complete faithfulness - complete discernment - he will keep yright in that place. He will not send you until you are successful in completing the faithful adiscernment area of home we call Jerusalem. Right where you are at. Everybody get Faithfulness and discernment. Then he begins to send you. Amen? Praise God. Father, give you thanks and praise for your word. Lord we desire to walk in the ministry of kings awe are willing to do whatever it takes. So train us. Train us according to your will throu

    your Spirit. And cause us to become faithful - cause us to learn discernment. Cause us to your will. And we promise to give you all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. Aeveryone said? AMEN.

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