miners' workingclothing. titmm...andtranscript, please copy once, and charge toofficeof ivevada...

Markets. Nevada, April 14. —Flour, Ilaxall, $22 Chile 9jc a 10c. Corn Meal 12 l-2c, package 10c- Barley I2c, pkg 7aßc. Pork, 37c; SSB per bbl. Batter, 75c ; 55a60c pkg. Po- tatoes 16 a 18c; Ual6c pkg. Lard 50c; 40c pkg. Rico 16ul8c; 13al4pkg. Green Coffee 25c; 20 pkg. Dried Apples 25c; 20c pkg. Sugar 17«20c, 15n17 pkg. Beans 15c; 12 l-2c pkg. Bacon 40c; 38 pkg. Cheese 37c; Sic pkg. Brown Soap 20c , 18c pkg. Can- dles 62c; 45c pkg. Shovels $48«550 retail; pkg s37as4o. Nails 20c; keg 15*. Fish, cod, lsa3'Jc.—Salmon 30e.—Mackerel 32c. Syr- up s2;sl2p- Vinegar $1,50. Justice's Court. —An interesting tri- al is progressing before Justice Colburn, in regard to the “right to certain min- ing claims" on the extension of the old Cayote range, near “Long Hollow. The claime in question, are reported to be very raluable. The result of the suit we shall be able to give in our next issue. O'?” Since placing the above in type, the case was given to the jnry, who brought in- to court a verdict in favor of the plaintiff's. The ground bad been worked and abandon- ed as worthless, and re-located and farther worked by the plaintiffs, who discovered by going deeper, a new and very rich lead. Wc understand the case is appealed. Plaintiffs J . H. Davis, et els., Osborn k Allen, defen- dants, Old Catote Hill.—We learn that Beard Co. took on Tuesday last, onepan of dirt from their claims that contained 9980. The diggings on this hill have long been cel- ebrated for their richness, and were first worked in the Spring of 1850. This pros- pect evinces it is still tbs bod of rich undis- turbed deposits. Trade the past week has been very brisk, and large quantities of Qoods arriving from below. Mix ino is progressing favorably along lhe whole Cajole range. The sluices have plenty of water, and the leads pay very good wages. There are about five hundred men that now fiind employment upon this sec tion of our mining district. ft?" Wc learn froln Mr. Green of Gold Ifun that active preparations arc being made for mining extensively there, ns soon ns the water will permit. The ground is very rich, but choked so with water that holes cannot now be sunk to the bed rock. VW Miners are doing admirably at Shel- by plat We hear of good jrospects being taken out, and sluicing is very generally practised with succ ss. IuritovKMENTS. —A great number of sub. scandal improvements arc now going on in Nevada. Collision of tub Steamers Confi I'Ence and Fashion.— The delay of the Confidence on account of the accident de- tailed below, prevented us from receiving •be following intelligence (furnished by An- thony A Co.’s Express) in time for our Tubs* day morning’s postscript. Ac aboat 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning, the Confidence, when in the vicinity of Swartz’s ranch, struck tha steamboat Fash- ion, bound downward, near amidships, caus- ing her to fill anil sink immediately. The Fashion crossed the bow of the Con Alienee, whose l«ll was instantly rung and the wheels hacked, but too late to avoid the collision. There were but few passengers on b ard the Fashion, all of whom were saved. Two men were seen in the water and both picked up. One of the firemen of the Fashion it sup. pnsed to be Inst. The vessel lies near shore uud can be easily raised. She had little or no freight ou board at the -time of the acci- dent—f.'own. A very interesting experiment was tried at Chicago, to ascertain the amount of oxygen necessary to support life. Six hundred persons were placed in a hall at one ef the hotels, oil the doors and windows were closed, and the experiment began. During the Irst half hour nothing special was observed exeept an universal drowsiness, which { was warded off as long as possible,by an ingenious device of the experimenter in the shape of an eloquent lecture.— During the second half hour several sankintoadeep sleep, from which it was impossible to arouse them, and a few fainted. At tlje end of the third half hour it was deemed unsafe to continue the experiment longer, and the fact was then considered established that under these circumstances life would not be- come extinct within the space of ninety Eve minutes. The new territory of Nebraska contains 346,000 square miles, with a population of less than 600 sodls. The Presbytery of San Fran- cisco, will hold its .Eighth semi-annual meeting in Nevada, commencing on Tuesday the tenth duy of May next. The opening ser- mon will be delivered by the Moderator, Rev. Eli Corwin of .lose on Tuesday evening, after which the Presbytery will meet for bus- iness. Samuel 11. Wru.ur, State Clerk. Suu Francisco, April 13th, 1853. THEATRICAII Wanted far the Nevada and Grass Valley THEATRES. lADIES and gentlemen of tho profession J desirous of engagements, are respectfully informed that the following lines of business arc open for them, vix ; Gne Lady, combining the heavy and old woman—one walking Lady —a Danseuse—one young Gentleman to play second business-—one low comedian one walking Gentleman—two general utility men, ami one Pianist. All npplications,to be made within two weeks from this date, to TUTHILL 4' ANDERSON, Nevada and Grass Valley Theatres, Nevada County. Marysville Herald and San Francisco Times and Transcript, please copy once, and charge to office of ivevada Journal. April 20 Gold Flat, April 12. 1851. THE Stockholders in the Gold Flat Quartz Mining Company are hereby notified that an assessment of $25 per share has been laid, to be paid on or before May 1, 1853, or the shares will bo forfeited to the Company. J. W. WALTON, President. S3-It* P. S. GB EEN, Secretory. AD AMS & GO’S EXPRESS. SEW ARRANGEMENT. HEREAFTER we shall send a Weekly Express by the P M. Steamers, for the Atlantic States and Europe, which will leave our office in Nevada two days previous to the sailing of the steamers from Sun Francisco. Packages, Parcels etc. received and forwar- vcciJeta as above, and BILLS OF EXCHANGE Drawn on our own Houses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore , Washington, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Nexo Orleans, Pittsburg, Louisville, lig- and London. Daily Express to Sacramento, Marysville, Alan Francisco and all parts of California. Collections made and Express Business of every dc cription promptly attended to. Gold Dust, coin, etc. received on deposit, either special or otherwise. Sight Checks on any of our offices through- on t the State. Highest Prices paid for Gold Dii't. Office loot of Main and Broad streets, two doors from the Poet Office 11. R. FERRE, Ag’l. PICKETT & MOUNT, WUOLRSAI-K DEALERS IN Groceries ) Prori'iions} and General Merchandise No. 07, Front *t, Fireproof Building, near Long Wharf, San Francisco, Cal. 52-3ni WM. PICKETT T. L. MOUNT. Dr P. M. O BRIEN’S Wholesale Drug Store and Pharmaceutical laboratory , 51 Davis Street , Between Sacramento street and Long Wharf, San Francisco. 52-y Information Wanted OF RICHARD Riri’INGHAM, who came to Culiforniain the Summer of I*sl, a seaman on board the Clipper 11 Sea Witch,” and who baa since been mining at Park’s Har, by his brotlier, Patrick Ripping- ham, who is at Jefferson, on the South Yuba, Nevada Cennty. If this meets his eve he is requested to come to Jefferson as soon as possible. 62 fit* Grass Valley Saw Mill. b] NI IK powerful ami extensive SAW Mil,l, il connected with the works of the “Grass Valley Gold Mining Company,” is n w in full operation, and prepared to fill all orders for M MBER of every description. The Engine Is a first class sixty horse pow- er. sad runs an eight feet MULAY SAW, and a Circular Saw—the former having 280 strokes, and the latlerovor one thousand reve- lations per minnle.and capable of rnaniilaelu- ring about 16,000 feet in each 24 hours. We have on hand over 6000 first quality saw logs, and can furnish on short notice the rest clear stuff, l*ine Siding, and IHmrn- ,«ion Lumber up te *2 feet in length, and I’lank up to 42 inches in width, or wider if re- quired. We shall put up In a few weeks, a splendid PLANING MACHINE, (Woodworth’s patent,) capable of dressing boards on both sides at the same time; Also, tongue,” groove” <p “bead” themfor ceil- ings, flooring, &o. Are. Tht "Grass Valley Saw Mill," is situated near the centre of the village, on the south side of Wolf Creek, (Auburn road) and forms a conspicuous land-mark, as well to citizens as te strangers. A new and substan- tial bridge will be immediately erected over Wolf Creek, giving easy access to the lumber yard for teams—the ground being nearly lev- el, and tho facilities tor loading unsurpassed by any establishment in Mcvada county. Teems— Cash, at the Imrest prices. }. WINCHESTER, President. Davis Divine, dep’t Sup’t. Grass Valley, April 20, 1953.—52-tf NEVADA HOTEL. The undersigned having purchased the above Hotel, and opened it to the public, ore prepared to accommodate regular and transient Hoard- ers, in the beat manner. Under their care the Hotel la being entirely refitted and refurnished in every part, aad no pains will be spared te make it equal to any in tho mining region. ■Jni Bed Rooms will be under the care of Mrs. Lewis, and will bo kept airy, clean and comfortable. ... . The Tabic will bo supplied in ‘he best man- ner possiblein this market. The Bar will be furnished with the best Li- quors and Cigars. . It Will be the atm of the Proprietors to en- sure a model house In the Nevada Hotel. ALFRED KIDDEL, 62-3m* LEWIS PHILLIP BAPST, THOS. JEFFERSON GROUR D. Missouri Q. M- Co. TH K Stockholders In the above compaayare are notified that the assessment en some shares remain unpaid. If each ae-eesments are not paid within eight days from the date of this notice, said shares will be sold to pay the assessment!, according to the law m snch ease. »2 *t* EDWARB MARTI", Nevada. Abril 22d. I»3. President. J. A. McCREA & Co., IMPORTERS, No. 09 Battery si., near Clay. HAVE NOW IN STOKE, and offer atthe lowest market rates—- -50 Colt’s Navy Pistols; 50 do S inch do; 50 do 5 inch do; 50 dozen Howie Knives; 500 Jo poc- ket do; 200 gross table cutlery; 100 do Britan- nia spoons; 50 de G S plated do; 25 doi Brit- annia lamps; 25 do Brass candlestick*; 200 do Currycombs; 100 gross Jewsharps; lOcases Paper bangings; 25 dots fin* Violins; 25 dozen French Acordeons; 10 doz Carpet bags; 10# gross Playing oards; 6 cases stationery. 10 cases Ladies’ Cotton Hose; 10 do Gent’s do i do; 2 bales Blankets; 23case* Brush hats; 6 de is* Peruvian Hats; 10 do palm leaf hats ; 50 do hickory shirts; 4 do Jonny Lind shirts; 5 do striped do; 6do calico do; 2 do merino drawers; 1 do silk bandkfs; 3 do curtain Mus- lins; I do kid gloves; 3 do buck do; 2 d* cash- mere pants; 2 do linen thread; 6 do spool do. ALSO—Fine shell back dressing and Siam- ese pocket combs; Oenin’s Lubin’s Extract; Fancy bacd shell hair brushes, and a general assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS. Paints, Oil, GUss and Brushes a TONS pure White Lead; 4000 lbs Putty; 6000 galls boiled and raw lin- seed Oil; 400 gall Spirits Tarponline, bbls and tins; 500 galls Copal, Coach, and DeMar Var- nish: 25 bbls Bright Varnish ; 5 do Pine Oil; 40 000 lbs Bridgewater weather and fire proof Paint, in 800 and 500 lb packages, of a I’ght ston* color-dry at 82 per 100 100 1500 bxes French window glass, all sizes. 2000 lbs Red Ochre; 16*0 lbs yellow ochre; 4 tons Red lead. Brown and Black Japan, in tins: Gl-izors Diamonds; Bimshcs of all kinds ; Graining I Colors ol all kinds, la any quantity. I Th* subscriber requests purchasers to call I and examine for themselves athis new store,— 1 corner of California and Sansome streets, APPr *i#er *J ofl r 6 BUCKLEY. F. A. and A. \ . M. LODtJE No. 13. Xw meets every Wednesday and Saturday evenings at their Lodge Room on Broad .street W Kooni on Broad .street Regular meetings of the Bodge, the first and third Saturdays of crcrv month J. K McCONNLLL, W. M. O. M. Saul, Seo’y —49-3 m (7t7\JHL undesigned, grateful for the liberal ii patronage conferred upon the Miners’ Ding Store by the Public of Acvada and vi- cinity. during the two years last past, begs leave to solicit a continuation of favors as heretofore. Having recently added largely to his former stock of Drugs and Medicines, he Is now prepared to serve the public mom efii- cicntly than at any former time His stock consists in part of the following Pocular Hewediks of the day: bands’, Townsend's, Bull’s, end Corbet’s Extracts of Sarsaparilla ; Jayne's /expectorant, Alterative, Carmina- tive Balsam, flair Tonic, Tonic V r ermifuge, and Sanative Pills; Ayres’ Cherry Pcdoral, Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cheny, Osgood** India Cholagaguo, Moff.ill’s Hittersand Pills, Hewes’ and Webster's Nerve and Bone Lini- ment, Mustang Liniment, Perry Davis’ Pni n Killer, Chloroform, Concentrated Sulphuric Ether: Nitric, Muriatic, Sulphuric, Acetic, Citric and Tartaric Acids; Seidlitz Powders. Carbonate and Sal Soda, Salts ofTar ar, Car- bonate and Calcined .Magnesia. ( 'ream Tartar, Sulphnr. pure Cud Liver OH, Essential Oils of Bose, Bergau.ot, Lemon, Lavender, Annin. Cinnamon, loves, Rosemary, Peppermint. Pennyroy d, Juniper. Sprupe. Tansy, and Ori- ganum ; Olive and Almond Oils ; Arrow Boot. Tapioca, Sag", Pearl Barley, Irish Moss; Trusses, s.ngle and double ; Breast Pumps.* Nursing Bottles, Syringes, glass and metalir, &c.; Allum. Borax. Saltpetre Sugar of Lead, while and yellow Wax, Bosin, Clue, Olnger, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnrmon, <f*c. ALSO— Best Brandy and Port Wine, selected for the sick. Also, expected in a few days, a full as- sortment of Perfumery. All are invited to call, and we wil* see that none go away dis- satisfied DR. MOORF will attend all calls, as here- tofore, in the practice of the various depart- ments of his profession. Nevada, April 20th, 18 >3 52-Hm is* BV the wholesale or retail, mannfaclnred with machinery, by corner of Pine and Commercial sts., A r cvada. CHEAP FOR CASH. IT N. R. AH bills filled to order at short titmm JEBSE MOORK, M. D. h’ash and Donr*. L. P STI.ES, notice. THE SIGN OF Y»u mincis, you merchant*. Tradesmen mid nil. Who want good victuals, clean beds, Are desired to call At Onllaher’s, on Main street, W here profit you’ll reap. You'll find those varieties good, And uncommonly cheap. Then for Miners’ Saloon, You will please to enquire. By calling elsewhere You may have to t ay higher; His cigars and his liquors. Without any fun, You'll find them the best Under the Sun Hentletnen, ytlea.se give me a rail, and much oblige your humble servant, 49 3m Little Jimmt Oalt.ah kr■ WA \TED.—lnformation respecting Mr WIUIEL.I/ KRAUSZ, of Wnrtcn- herp, architect hy profession, who left his birth-place iu the sprinp of 18. r >o, and sailed from Bremen.per Bremen ship Oeorpe Wash- ington for California. Any information of his wher ahonts will he thankfully received hy the undersigned, who holds a letter for him from his relatives. HELLJ/ANN BROS. & CO., 51 4t Cor. California and Lcidesdorff si*. ■J^OTIOE. —The subscriber having sold his Stock and business to Messrs Sawyer, Johnson & ii ahvky. takes pleasure in recom- mending ibem to his old fiionds and the public | generally. ROB’T MARTBH. C' 10PARTNRRSH1I* NOTICE.-Thetub- J seribers have this day formed a copartner- -1 ship for the purpose of carrying on the business j of dealing in Paints, Oil*, Turpentine, Glass, &c. lii all its branches, under the firm ot Sawyer, Johnson A Harvey, At No o 9 Sansoue street, ibroo do-us irom i W».'hiiigt.-n street. Having purchase.l the Slock and business of I Robert Murtsh, Ksq. we shall A*- ep aonstantly on hand 3 large supp’y of merchandise in our lino, and hope to receive n contii nance of trade from his fiiends, our own, and the public geu- Mr.l. C. Hahvky will attend n* heretofore to th« business of House and Sign Painting, having r moved from bis former place of butn- ncss to the shop of Mr J. \ r . Cornell, in the store of S. I unu 11. W. R. SAWYER, SILAS W. JOHNSON, JAMES C. HARVEY. San Francisco, April 4th, 1853. T^JTOTICE.— The subscriber having sold hi.- INI 8 toeA* and business to tlio above firm, w;)uld recommend them to hia friend* and the public generally. 61-1 m JOHN V. f Off N ELL. FOR S A I. E. | HJ'HE subscriber, wishing to leave this State i for his home on the Atlantic side, offers for sale his interest in the ••Wnllmipa Bakery,” ami other interests in and about said town. The above stand has a known reputation in thnregion, and has nlwnv* secured its share I of transient custom as n II tel. with a bar at 1 Inched, and being the only Bakery in the I place, offers rare inducement's t any one who j may desire to enter into the bufdm-es. ( Walloupa, April 17.-52-3.* (IKO. EADiV. Gold Plat, April 12, 1852. Sto khoiders in the Reu:;h Ic Ready *■ Quartz Mining Company are hereby noti- fied that an assessment of $2O per share has been laid, to he piid on or before May 1. 1853, or the shares will be forfeited to the Company. 52-It* 8. s’. GREEN’, President. ' meb u. i.rrr; JOHN SIMON OS, St Louis. HENRY 6. TURNER, BENJ. It. MSKCT, Pruncieco. Lurn«. Turner & Co. BANKERS, .No 1(♦ I Montgomery street, Sm Francisco. Draw at Si -lit. on Time, in Sums to Suit. New Voßii, Boston. Philadi i.rwrA, jVew Orleans, St l.ni H. I .oin.svn.LK, Cl NT I s\A IT. and Exchange par- 's 51-11 ON American Excln e Bank. Bank of Commerce, T Biddl. A Co. Ferdinand Kem.rt k Co. Lucas Simon Is, J. I*. Cartis & Co. Ellis k M .it* n. ss»Ciotd Du.-t, B illior chased at best market ni Daniel I). Page j David Chambers, Henry I). Ihtmi. I Henry Hcieht. St Louis. J Son Francisco. Francis V\ , Page. S'acrnrrcnto City. Page. BaroN Co., B A N K E R S, M ntgomerv *t cur < hrlifornia. San Francisco, Draw n( eight or on Timo in Sums (o Suit, —ON P. IlllP’ k Co. American Exchange Bank, Duncan. Shermuii k Co. Atlantic Rank, Philadelphia Bank, Josinh Lee & ( o. Louisiana State Bank Page d* ISnc Mi. Hutchings Co. T. S Goodman & Co. S. Jones &, Co. Gobi Dust and Exchange purchased at cur- rent rates. 51-Cm London. New York. New York. Boston Philadelphia. Baltimore. New < >rlcans St. Louis. Louisville. Cincinnati. Pittsburg. Post Office Hours. The IVernda Post office will be open From Bto 12am, and 210 rM. On Sunday I 140111 8 to II am, and 2 to 3 i»m. Rusli Creek Kerry !! NOTICE. WE notify the public and the travelling commnmy in general, that the well known Ferry, which is sometime, known as ; ‘Sweetland's,’ or ‘Jones Crossing,' on the South Yuba, first Ferry above Bridgeport, is in full operation, anil can cross Men and An- imals with little or no danger. Having the beat and largest Boat on the River, with a good new Cable and Tackle, and two expe- rienced Ferrymen, who have been in constant attendance i'tr two years, and witnessed all stages of the River, would recommend to the public; for their personal safely, lo cross at the above Ferry. There is a good Road cut on both sides of the river, of easy access on both sides. 51-lm* KIMBALL & HANSON. PACIFIC FOUNDRY. Hinckley Ac Co. | Manufacturer* of Mill, '''ham Engine 1 ami Quail~ Pulverising Machine rtf. 1 IRON CASTINGS OF ftVKRV DESCRIPTION. First street, between Mission and Hswnrd San FVincisoo. 51-3 m ; Dissolution of Partnership. TMiE partnership heretofore existing be- tween.). W. Bergantl, H Dunlap & H. L. Hatch is this* day dissolved by mutual con- sent. All debts doe the A ct, and all demands ngainst them, will bo s-dile. by Bergantr & Hatch, under which name the business will be hereafter conducted P. VV 11KKOANTZ, H. dunlap* H. L. HATCH r»RR Valley, April 11, 1®53. IVKOMViATIOiV VV \ \'|'Kl)—Of HILV- IJ V II TAYLOR, who left Sit i l'ranci-c*> July 8 h 1852, Intending to proceed to s ,r- -nimento (’itv. whore he stated that hound hi* partner had leit their home, «£o. hrom the last Icltore r< coivod from him It appears that he wuseng «ged with ‘anoldacquaintance,”*horn he cmll* “il u in tile purchase o' cat- tle in ihe valley on the west side f the Sacra- inonto river. I lerepresents th >t they h .ddriv- en a siua'l number—“l2 h nd M —l em that sec- lio». to N ielioLiis, where they iuid sold them to some drover* “nl n good profit,” and which he considered “sufficiently encouraging” to induce him to ontinue the business. This was sometime between June 29 and July 8 1862, since which time nothing has been heard from him. Said 'laylor was dark about 5 feet 9 in' bey high, and ol slender fig- ire. and was supposed to have from $l2OO to $l5OOin his possession. It is feared that he has hr n murdered. Any information respecting him whether he be dead or living, will be grate- fully received by his afflicted mother and rela- tives, w. o reside in Boston, Blass. Please ad- dress WOOD A‘ WEST, Cor. Washington and uVu.sonaats San Francisco. 61-4 l i William H iStowcll, COMMISSION MElt CHANT, Front street, near California. San Francisco. N. R. W. H S. makes no purchases of any description ol property on his own nocoant. but ‘■enernlly has a large assort mrnt of merchandize for sale on consignment. He ?esp*ctfullj len- ders hi« services to any parties who may wish to employ an agent for the sale of merchandize or other property, or for making investments 5»-3in To Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS are now open at he County ClerA's Office of Nevada Coun- ty, for the building and construction of a fire- proof Vault, for the better security of the pub- lic records from fire. Said Vault is to be built of such material and dimensions us hereinafter described, to wit: The walls and coiling to bo built ol Stone two feet thlcA*. and laid in 1 fire-proof to be supported by strong iron bars or ribs, mdde clear 8 feet deep, 6 tort wid** and 8 feet in height ; double on In- •sdc and out ide heavy Wrought Iron Doors, with good substantial c raught iron frame wori hinges, haniles and loeta. Proposals to be fib d, with the county clerA, and contract awar- ded in the discretion of the Court of Sessions. By ordtr of the Court of Sessions of Nevada I (county. Attest KsuT-A. Datidok, 1 II CoMtyfltr*. 1 From the American Dry Goods and Clothing Store Having associated with us Dir. O. P. Blackman, (Formerly of the firmfof True* &. Blackman of this city) wo have thereby gi'uatty increas- ed our business facilities. Mr. Blackman will remain in San Francisco, for the purpose ef purchasing and forwarding poods to the house hero. His perfect knowl cdpc of the market, and of the business will enable us to sell goods Cheaper than any other Store in Nevada. We shall have all the latest styles of cbwaiM mb faiuHßHiHs As soon as they appear in San Francisco, with the usual assortment of Miners' Working Clothing. OUR STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Will be kept well supplied with dean, new poods, (no refuse auction stock.) Having also enlarged our Store, wo have lifted up a part as a Shoe Room, for the accommoda- tion of our LADY CUSTOMERS, which we shall keep well supplied with A Good Assortment of Ladies' and Children's Shots. Tims being weekly in the receipt of fresh and scasoable goods, the Ladies of Nevada and vicinity will find it to their advantage to call ; GHORGED DORNINACo American Dry Goods and Clothin . Store, Commercial st., near Main. Mr Blackman will purchase to order any description of article that may be desired. Persons, therefore, wishing any business transacted in San Francisco, will leave their or- ders with us and they " ill be promptly fulfilled. Williamson & Dawley, AT THE OLD AUCTION STAND ST., NEVADA. Irish WHISKEY, Scotch do Monongahelado Old Bourbon do Acid brand do Holland Gin, Anchor brand do Jamaica Rum, Port WINK, Sherry do Muderia do Muscat WINE, Hock do Claret do Sauterno do Champagne, Otard, Do pay BRANDY, Seignette do Piuet.Castillon&Codo St. Marlin do Mai tell do Cherry BRANDY, Peach do ALE in Bottles, do in half-barrels. LEMON SYRUP. Mills BITTERS, Stoughton's do BRANDY PEACHES, FRENCH CORDIAL, PEPPERMINT. These brands pale k dark &o. &c. &c. CIGARS of all Qualities ami Brands . Flour, Huns, Bacon, Potatoes. Beans. Boston Syrup, and a general assortment of Groceries, and Provisions, tic. all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Highest Price paid for Gold Dust. New Arrangement. IN future there will be FOUR AMI 1.8 per month to the Atlantic State), and Bills of Exchange drawn oil Page, Bacon and Co.— also on Burgoyne and Plume, New York, fur- nished for each mail steamer H. DAVIS. Aoril loth. 61-2 t Sacramento Store. VT RS. tk Co. take great i»-L pleasure in c tiling the attention of the ladies, and the public generally of Neva- da and vicinity, to their well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part of Murenos, Alpaceaa, J/uslins. La- ce*, Gloves, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Prints, Ginghams, Ac. &c. BONNETS, Ac.—A complete assortment of Millinery Goods of the latest styles, from the best American and French markets.— Also, French Perfumery of superior <|uality. Ciy Fire Proof Brick Building, No 75 J street, between 3d and 4th sts, Sacramento Citt Ladies In sending to as their orders may rely upon having them promptly fulfilled. 50-4 t NOTJCK A.VV information of Charles Rcekcll, who came to this country in 1849, from 1 Balti- more, Maryland, will be most gratefully re- ceived by addressing. GEORGE A. JENKINS, 50 3t* Ann Francisco. Administrator’s Notice. ALL persons having claims against the estate of H. M WESTERN, late of Nevada county deceased, arc hereby required to present them with the necessary vouchers within ten months from the date of this no- tice, to Die undersigned administrator of said estate ; at his residence nt French Correll, in said county. 11. M. CHADBOURN. 50-3t* Administrator upon said estate. SELLING OFF AT COST. ISI nm determined to close up my business in Nevada, J now offer Fob .Salk AT COST My Entire Stock of Fancy Dry Goods , Clothing, Boots, Shoes , Ifc. (fc. Persons w ishing to purchase will do well to cull nml examine my slock, as I am determined to sell as I have adrertised Call at Lit It's Fancy Dry Goods Alore, on Main street, opposite Phelps’ Hotel. JOHN LARK. A T evada city, 24th March, 1858.—48-3 t 100 Barrels Crushed Sugar, 50 Bids Carolina Hire; 00 doz Brooms; 20 hhls Billings Hams; 125 Jo 8-hoop Pails; 110 sacks Kio Cofl'ee; *OO Boxes iSoap; 250 do Beans; M)ls Pork; 200 boxes Candles; 50 firkins Butter; 250 do Raisins; *O,OOO IBs Peruvian Sugar, 100 cases Rasp- berry Syrup; 100 eases Imperial Tea, I lb caddies; 250 i s Chicken, boiled and roast Mutton, Kcnsott’s Beef, Green Corn, Green Peas, Clysters. Fresh Strawberries, assorted Preserves, Fresh 'caches, Lobsters. ALSO, BRANDIES—Sazerao, Martelle, Roussc, Chaarin, Friorcs, Ac, Ac. WlNES—Sherry, Port, Madeira, Marmsley, Teneriffc. ALSO—Whiskey, Alcohol, Ac. For sale by VKRPLANCK A McMULLIN, 50-3 m f>o Front st., near Long wharf. New Styles of Clothing. JI.'ST lIECFIVEU a large and complete assortment of CLOTHING, of ibe lates: styles, comprising Overcoats, bl'k ‘and col'd doeskin, French castor cloth, knotted beaver and Devonshire kersey. Bl’k and col'd /Vcnch cloth frock and dress coals; Bl’k and col'd French cloth shooting coats, now styles; ill’k and col’d /French doth riding coats, new styles; HIT i nd col’d Frtnch cloth sack coats, new styles; Bl’k doeskin, casdmere and Banjaan’s French fig’U cassimer pants; Fancy doeskin and cassimer pants of every quality and style; New styles of tweed cassimer, pilot and ker- sey business coals; JVc» ami elegant styles of bl’k and col’d enih'd cuss, vests; Plain and fancy Marseilles, silk, satin, case., velvet, onsbmare, bombazine and drop’d. cla of every vsriity of color and stylo. ALSO, A full assortment of Bora’ Cr.oTHtno. The above goods are direct fiom our manu- factory, and in quality, style or workmanship cannot be surpassed, and will he sold at very low rales either at wholesale or retail. JOHNSON & CANFIELD, 50-1 m 169 Clay street. joiTprinting. Dona neatly,'cheaply and expeditioualy, at the Jo'Cß.'ui Ch sioa. T W. Oolburn, Justice of Ibr Peace. Or i id; oil Mne street, tb« t>»- malic Hall, recently occupied by John Anderson, Esq SS,6m. Win. J. Knox, M. D. OFFERS his services to the cidsens of inn vadn end vicinity. He will devote him- self exclusively to (us different breaches of I hie profession, medicine, surgery, etc. By I proper attention and moderate charges, be ( hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. At the Nevada Drug store, Broad St. above. 1 Pine. 12.3m* Stoves! Stoves !! Stoves !! * 7, 8 and 9 inoli Premium', air tight. T, 8, 9 and 10 inch New World, air tight. 7, 8 and 0 inch Glebe, air tight. 7, 8 mid 9 inch Alloa, airtight. Also—Tin Piute, sheet iron, and plain and japanned tin wore, tor sale hy ACKLEY * CO., 147 Proa* st., bet. Jackson and Pacifie, 45-2 m San JfVanclseo. COOKING STOVES— The nn- dersigaed hare on band, and receive regular supplies of— U. 8. air-tight; of the West air-tight New World do; Atlas do; Globe do; Plantation do; New England do; Hathaway do; Rhode Island da; Shawmnt do; Kdy’s do; Hot air Ventilating do; Premium do; Voce’s da; Parlor, Box and Sheet Iron Stoves. 150,000 lbs Tom Iron. 51-lm R. A KNOX A CO. 197. J street- W, H. Brooks, OF the Plaza Dmg store, No *OO Clay sticct, three doors below the Post Office,, would respectfully inform the citizens of Ne- vada and vicinity, that he has nowon hand and ready for sale, one of the finest assort- ment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles ever exhibited in the county, ind hopes when they visit Sau Francisco, they will favor him with a call. Orders from the country promptly filletf with the strictest regard to the quality of the articles, carefully and securely packed for transportation. Opposite the Plaza. M. BROOKS, Plaza Drug Store, 50-4 t 200 Clay stree Just Received, T74X Clipper Winged Racer, n large assort- M> went of Cotlonade pants and Denim Orernlla ; Super plain and fancy French Drill Pant*; Satinet and Farrcst Cloth do Canton Flannel and brown drill Drawer*; Hickory, calico and flannel Snirts ; Pilot, Pea and Monkey Jacket*; Col’d Cloth, Caeeiuicrc and Tweed Bueinesa Gnats; Marseille*Vests, assorted colors and styles; Cotton and Merino Half Hose; 20 bale* superior ‘•lndia” brown Drills; 1500 251b. Bags. ALSO—A la-ge and complete assortment of BOV’S CLOTHING. Merchants and Traders are Invited to call and examine. JOHNSON Ac CANFIELD, 50-1 m 169 Clay street. C. & D. (3. Water Co. ]\TOTICK is hereby given that unless IN the following certificates of ths Coy- ote and Ucor Creek Water Company’s stock arc not returned to the Co.’s office before (he Ist day of May, 1853, the «aid certificates wilt be declared null and void, and new ones issued in their place, to-wit > Nos 27 and 38 in the name of Isaac Nixon. “166 233 •• J.J, Brant. 71 *• John Read. " 72 •• Edward Cody By order of the Company 49 I in* J. FITZ JAMES. Soc’y. Democratic State Journal copy till May !*♦ and send bill to this office. NOTICE, ALL persons are hereby cautioned not ts give credit to my wife, Jane W. Lyon, un my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, she having deserted my bed and board without sufficient cause. Nevada city, March 30th, 1858. William S. Lyon. Wyoming Q. M. 0. AT a meeting of (he board of trustee* baM at the company’s office on ths2Sth March 1853, an assessment of $25.00 on each half share of stock was called, to bo paid in to the Treasurer on or before the lOlb April. All de- linquent share* will be advertised and sold ao* corning to law. S, C. MTN PY RE Furniture Wareroora..* (TfRIHE underaigned have established,on Con- -11 mercial street, near Main si., q WodQL room for the sale of all kinds of FURNITUtf E and house furnishing article*. New on Hand—Cane sent porforond rocking chairs, Boston Rockets, Naming chairs, Infants chairs, Ottomans, Aitoola, Ta- bles, Looking glasses, Ruggs, &c. 4*o. . . Our stock we shall keep constantly supplied, and person* can purchase at Marysville priooo, without the danger of having their good* bro- ken or defaced. LOW dt FRIEND, American Block, Commercial taear-Malii at, ft;- Carpenter ir Jobbing work attended to with dispatch. Blacksmithing of all kinds. (/TRUE undersigned is prepared to do all JJL kinds of BlaoksmttMog, in thn bestjstyle, at his shop on Pin Sn:« and Springstreets. He I J between Brood stales timber for repairing wagons, and largo quantity of ex- cellent Iron and Steel, •whicli he can work up in a style not to be sarpawed in (be state, and at reasonable prices. THOMAS HUGHES. March 24.—48-4 tn W Kentucky Clothing Store. CTTCHE miners and citizen* ef Nevada, are in- ii formed that the Kentucky Clothing Store has just received a superior stock of Goods, consisting of every thins belonging to Gentlemen's Clothing, which they wilt sell si prices to “as.onlsh both Jews nod Geatilea.” “Quick stiles and small profits.” Give us a call, and you will find it mnoh to your advan- tage. Renumber the ' Kentucky Store,’ on Main street. JVcvsJh. Wholesale and retail. GRAUMAN A JOAKI’HSON, ac’u. 60-Sm NEW STAGE LINE. From Sacramento to Sonora, direct, Through In 11 hoars. ON and after the'JOth of April, the POR- I.’EST 1.1.VK of new and splendid Cob- | cord four horse Coaches will leave the Cres- cent City Hotel, A'acrnmcntoi every morning of four o’clock for Sonora, pasting through and by the following towns and points; lone Valley, Jackson, Mokclumne Mill, Sas An- dreas, Kentucky House, Forman’s Ranch, Angel’ Camp, Carson'e creek, crossing the Stanisslans river at Robinson’s Ferry; and Shaw's flat and Columbia, arriving at Sonera at 6 o’clock the same day. Returning, will leave the U- A. Hatsl, «*. nora, every morning at 4o clock, passing through and by the above places, arriving at 6 o’clock the same day. This lino connects at Angel’s camp with (ho line of stages from thence to Marphy’s Dir- glngn and Valleeita j tbas enabling tnreltn to re«ch tho*o town* withoutdotenUon and an (he same day. Heat l may be leotired at the Crescent city Hotel, j at Adams ti Co.’s and IT. '.Old, Sonora, and at James Mills 4* Co.’s, l Olunihls C. GRKENK, Proprietor > April ? —6O-ltw 1

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Page 1: Miners' WorkingClothing. titmm...andTranscript, please copy once, and charge toofficeof ivevada Journal. April20 Gold Flat,April 12.1851. THEStockholders intheGoldFlatQuartz MiningCompanyare

Markets.Nevada, April 14.—Flour, Ilaxall, $22

Chile9jca 10c. Corn Meal 12 l-2c, package10c- Barley I2c, pkg 7aßc. Pork, 37c;SSB per bbl. Batter, 75c ; 55a60c pkg. Po-tatoes 16 a 18c; Ual6c pkg. Lard 50c; 40c

pkg. Rico 16ul8c; 13al4pkg. Green Coffee25c; 20 pkg. Dried Apples 25c; 20c pkg.Sugar 17«20c, 15n17 pkg. Beans 15c; 12l-2c pkg. Bacon 40c; 38 pkg. Cheese 37c;Sic pkg. Brown Soap 20c , 18c pkg. Can-dles 62c; 45c pkg. Shovels $48«550 retail;pkg s37as4o. Nails 20c; keg 15*. Fish, cod,lsa3'Jc.—Salmon 30e.—Mackerel 32c. Syr-up s2;sl2p- Vinegar $1,50.

Justice's Court.—An interesting tri-al is progressing before Justice Colburn,in regard to the “right to certain min-ing claims" on the extension of the oldCayote range, near “Long Hollow. Theclaime in question, are reported to bevery raluable. The result of the suitwe shall be able to give in our nextissue.

O'?” Since placing the above in type, thecase was given to the jnry, who brought in-tocourt a verdict in favor of the plaintiff's.The ground bad been worked and abandon-ed as worthless, and re-located and fartherworked by the plaintiffs, who discovered bygoing deeper, a new and very rich lead. Wcunderstand the case is appealed. PlaintiffsJ . H. Davis, et els., Osborn k Allen, defen-dants,

OldCatote Hill.—We learn thatBeardCo. took on Tuesday last, onepan of dirt

from their claims that contained 9980.The diggings on this hill have long been cel-ebrated for their richness, and were firstworked in the Spring of 1850. This pros-pect evinces it is still tbs bod of rich undis-turbed deposits.

Trade the past week has been very brisk,and large quantities of Qoods arriving frombelow.

Mixino is progressing favorably alonglhe whole Cajole range. The sluices haveplenty of water, and the leads pay very goodwages. There are about five hundred menthat now fiind employment upon this section of our mining district.

ft?" Wc learn froln Mr. Green of GoldIfun that active preparations arc being madefor mining extensively there, ns soon ns thewater will permit. Theground is very rich,but choked so with water that holes cannotnow be sunk to the bed rock.

VW Miners are doing admirably at Shel-by plat We hear of good jrospects beingtaken out, and sluicing is very generallypractised with succ ss.

IuritovKMENTS.—A great number of sub.scandal improvements arc now going on in


Collision of tub Steamers ConfiI'Ence and Fashion.— The delay of theConfidence on account of the accident de-tailed below, prevented us from receiving•be following intelligence (furnished by An-thony A Co.’s Express) in time for our Tubs*day morning’s postscript.

Ac aboat 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning,the Confidence, when in the vicinity ofSwartz’s ranch, struck tha steamboat Fash-ion, bound downward, near amidships, caus-ing her to fill anil sink immediately.The Fashion crossed the bow of the Con ■Alienee, whose l«ll was instantly rung andthe wheels hacked, but too late to avoid thecollision.

There were but few passengers on b ardthe Fashion, all of whom were saved. Twomen were seen in the water and both pickedup.

One of the firemen of the Fashion it sup.pnsed to be Inst. The vessel lies near shoreuud can be easily raised. She had little orno freight ou board at the -time of the acci-dent—f.'own.

A very interesting experimentwas tried at Chicago, to ascertain theamount of oxygen necessary to supportlife. Six hundred persons were placedin a hall at one ef the hotels, oil thedoors and windows were closed, and theexperiment began. During the Irsthalf hour nothing special was observedexeept an universal drowsiness, which {was warded offas long as possible,by aningenious device of the experimenterin the shape of an eloquent lecture.—During the second half hour severalsankintoadeep sleep, from which it wasimpossible to arouse them, and a fewfainted. At tlje end of the third halfhour it was deemed unsafe to continuethe experiment longer, and the fact wasthen considered established that underthese circumstances life would not be-come extinct within the space ofninetyEve minutes.

The new territory of Nebraskacontains 346,000 square miles, with apopulation of less than 600 sodls.

The Presbytery of San Fran-cisco, will hold its .Eighth semi-annualmeeting in Nevada, commencing on Tuesdaythe tenth duy of May next. The opening ser-mon will be delivered by the Moderator, Rev.Eli Corwin of .lose on Tuesday evening,after which the Presbytery will meet for bus-iness. Samuel 11. Wru.ur, State Clerk.

Suu Francisco, April 13th, 1853.

THEATRICAIIWantedfar the Nevada and Grass Valley

THEATRES.lADIES and gentlemen of tho profession

J desirous of engagements, are respectfullyinformed that the following lines of businessarc open for them, vix ; Gne Lady, combiningthe heavy and old woman—one walking Lady—a Danseuse—one young Gentleman toplaysecond business-—one low comedian onewalking Gentleman—two general utility men,

ami one Pianist. All npplications,to be madewithin two weeks from this date, to

TUTHILL 4' ANDERSON,Nevada and Grass Valley Theatres, Nevada

County.Marysville Herald and San Francisco Times

and Transcript, please copy once, and chargeto office of ivevada Journal. April 20

Gold Flat, April 12. 1851.

THE Stockholders in the Gold Flat QuartzMining Company are hereby notified that

an assessment of $25 per share has been laid, tobe paid on or before May 1, 1853, or the shareswill bo forfeited to the Company.

J. W. WALTON, President.S3-It* P. S. GB EEN, Secretory.


HEREAFTER we shall send a WeeklyExpress by the P M. Steamers, for the

Atlantic States and Europe, which will leaveour office in Nevada two days previous to thesailing of the steamers from Sun Francisco.

Packages, Parcels etc. received and forwar-vcciJeta as above, and

BILLS OF EXCHANGEDrawn on our own Houses inNew York, Boston,

Philadelphia, Baltimore ,Washington, St. Louis,

Cincinnati, Nexo Orleans,Pittsburg, Louisville, lig-

and London.Daily Express to Sacramento, Marysville,

Alan Francisco and all parts of California.Collections made and Express Business of

every dc cription promptly attended to.Gold Dust, coin, etc. received on deposit,

either special or otherwise.Sight Checks onany of our offices through-

on t the State.Highest Prices paid for Gold Dii't.

Office loot of Main and Broad streets, twodoors from the Poet Office

11. R. FERRE, Ag’l.


Groceries) Prori'iions} and General MerchandiseNo. 07, Front *t,

Fireproof Building, near Long Wharf, SanFrancisco, Cal. 52-3ni


Dr P. M. O BRIEN’SWholesale Drug Store and Pharmaceutical

laboratory, 51 Davis Street,Between Sacramento street and Long Wharf,

San Francisco. 52-y

Information WantedOF RICHARD Riri’INGHAM, who

came to Culiforniain the Summer ofI*sl, a seaman on board the Clipper 11 SeaWitch,” and who baa since been mining atPark’s Har, by his brotlier, Patrick Ripping-ham, who is at Jefferson, on the SouthYuba,Nevada Cennty. If this meets his eve he isrequested to come to Jefferson as soon aspossible. 62 fit*

Grass Valley Saw Mill.b] NI IK powerful ami extensive SAW Mil,l,il connected with the works of the “GrassValley Gold Mining Company,” is n w in

full operation, and prepared to fill all ordersfor M MBER of every description.

The Engine Is a first class sixty horse pow-er. sad runs an eight feet MULAY SAW,and a Circular Saw—the former having 280strokes, and the latlerovor one thousand reve-lations per minnle.and capable of rnaniilaelu-ring about 16,000 feet in each 24 hours.

We have on hand over 6000 first quality sawlogs, and can furnish on short notice the restclear stuff, l*ine Siding, and IHmrn-,«ion Lumber up te *2 feet in length, andI’lank up to 42 inches in width, or wider if re-quired.

We shall put up In a few weeks, a splendidPLANING MACHINE,

(Woodworth’s patent,) capable of dressingboards on both sides at the same time; Also,‘ tongue,” groove” <p “bead” themfor ceil-ings, flooring, &o. Are.

Tht "Grass Valley Saw Mill,"is situated near the centre of the village, onthesouth side of Wolf Creek, (Auburn road)and forms a conspicuous land-mark, as well tocitizens as te strangers. A new and substan-tial bridge will be immediately erected overWolf Creek, giving easy access to the lumberyard for teams—the ground being nearly lev-el, and tho facilities tor loading unsurpassedby any establishment in Mcvada county.

Teems— Cash, at the Imrest prices.}. WINCHESTER, President.

Davis Divine, dep’t Sup’t.Grass Valley, April 20, 1953.—52-tf

NEVADA HOTEL.The undersigned having purchased the above

Hotel, and opened it to the public, ore preparedto accommodate regular and transient Hoard-ers, in the beat manner. Under their care theHotel la being entirely refitted and refurnishedinevery part, aad no pains will be spared temake it equal to any in tho mining region.

■Jni Bed Rooms will be under the care of

Mrs. Lewis, and will bo kept airy, clean andcomfortable. ....

... ..

The Tabic will bo supplied in ‘he best man-ner possiblein this market.

The Bar will be furnished with the best Li-quors and Cigars. .

It Will be the atm of the Proprietors to en-surea model house In the Nevada Hotel.



Missouri Q. M- Co.THK StockholdersIn the above compaayare

are notified that the assessment en someshares remain unpaid. If each ae-eesmentsare not paid within eight days from the date of

this notice, said shares will be sold to pay theassessment!, according to the law m snch ease.

»2 *t* EDWARB MARTI",Nevada. Abril 22d. I»3. President.


No. 09 Battery si., near Clay.

HAVE NOW IN STOKE, and offeratthelowest market rates—-

-50 Colt’s Navy Pistols; 50 do S inch do; 50 do5 inchdo; 50 dozen Howie Knives; 500 Jo poc-ket do; 200 gross table cutlery; 100 do Britan-nia spoons; 50 de G S plated do; 25 doi Brit-annia lamps; 25 do Brass candlestick*; 200do Currycombs; 100 gross Jewsharps; lOcasesPaper bangings; 25 dots fin* Violins; 25 dozenFrench Acordeons; 10 doz Carpet bags; 10#gross Playing oards; 6 cases stationery.

10 cases Ladies’ Cotton Hose; 10 do Gent’sdo i do; 2 bales Blankets; 23case* Brush hats;6 de is* Peruvian Hats; 10 do palm leaf hats ;50 do hickory shirts; 4 do Jonny Lind shirts;5 do striped do; 6do calico do; 2 do merinodrawers; 1 do silk bandkfs; 3 do curtain Mus-lins; I do kid gloves; 3 do buck do; 2 d* cash-mere pants; 2 do linen thread; 6 do spool do.

ALSO—Fine shell back dressing and Siam-ese pocket combs; Oenin’s Lubin’s Extract;Fancy bacd shell hair brushes, and a general

assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS.

Paints, Oil, GUss and Brushesa TONS pure White Lead; 4000 lbs

Putty; 6000 galls boiled and raw lin-seed Oil; 400 gall SpiritsTarponline, bbls andtins; 500 galls Copal, Coach, and DeMar Var-nish: 25 bbls Bright Varnish ; 5 do Pine Oil;40 000 lbs Bridgewater weather and fire proofPaint, in 800 and 500 lb packages, of a I’ghtston* color-dry at 82 per 100 100 1500 bxesFrench window glass, all sizes. 2000 lbs RedOchre; 16*0lbs yellow ochre; 4 tons Red lead.Brown and Black Japan, in tins: Gl-izorsDiamonds; Bimshcs of all kinds ; Graining

I Colorsol all kinds, la any quantity.I Th* subscriber requests purchasers to call

Iand examine for themselves athis new store,—

1corner of California and Sansome streets,APPr*i#er*J oflr 6


F. A. and A. \ . M.LODtJE No. 13.

Xw meets every Wednesday andSaturday evenings at their LodgeRoom on Broad .streetW Kooni on Broad .street

Regular meetings of the Bodge, the firstand third Saturdaysof crcrv month

J. K McCONNLLL, W. M.O. M. Saul, Seo’y —49-3 m

(7t7\JHL undesigned, grateful for the liberalii patronage conferred upon the Miners’

Ding Store by the Public of Acvada and vi-cinity. during the two years last past, begsleave to solicit a continuation of favors asheretofore. Having recently added largely tohisformer stock of Drugs and Medicines, heIs now prepared to serve the public mom efii-cicntly than at any former time His stockconsists in part of the following PocularHewediks of the day: bands’, Townsend's,Bull’s, end Corbet’s Extracts of Sarsaparilla ;Jayne's /expectorant, Alterative, Carmina-tive Balsam, flair Tonic, Tonic Vr ermifuge,and Sanative Pills; Ayres’ Cherry Pcdoral,Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cheny, Osgood**India Cholagaguo, Moff.ill’s Hittersand Pills,Hewes’ and Webster's Nerve and Bone Lini-ment, Mustang Liniment, Perry Davis’ Pni nKiller, Chloroform, Concentrated SulphuricEther: Nitric, Muriatic, Sulphuric, Acetic,Citric and Tartaric Acids; Seidlitz Powders.Carbonate and Sal Soda, Salts ofTar ar, Car-bonate and Calcined .Magnesia. ( 'ream Tartar,Sulphnr. pure Cud Liver OH, Essential Oils ofBose, Bergau.ot, Lemon, Lavender, Annin.Cinnamon, ■ loves, Rosemary, Peppermint.Pennyroy d, Juniper. Sprupe. Tansy, and Ori-ganum ; Olive and Almond Oils ; Arrow Boot.Tapioca, Sag", Pearl Barley, Irish Moss;Trusses, s.ngle and double ; Breast Pumps.*Nursing Bottles, Syringes, glass and metalir,&c.; Allum. Borax. Saltpetre Sugar of Lead,while and yellow Wax, Bosin, Clue, Olnger,Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnrmon, <f*c. ALSO—Best Brandy and Port Wine, selected for thesick. Also, expected in a few days, a full as-sortment of Perfumery. All are invited tocall, and we wil* see that none go away dis-satisfied

DR. MOORF will attend all calls, as here-tofore, in the practice of the various depart-ments of his profession.

Nevada, April 20th, 18>3 52-Hm is*

BV the wholesale or retail, mannfaclnredwith machinery, by

corner of Pine and Commercial sts., Arcvada.CHEAP FOR CASH.

IT N. R. AH bills filled to order at short



h’ash and Donr*.




Y»u mincis, you merchant*.Tradesmen mid nil.

Who want good victuals, clean beds,Are desired to call

At Onllaher’s, on Main street,W here profit you’ll reap.

You'll find those varieties good,And uncommonly cheap.

Then for Miners’ Saloon,You will please to enquire.

By calling elsewhereYou may have to t ay higher;

His cigars and his liquors.Without any fun,

You'll find them the bestUnder the Sun

Hentletnen, ytlea.se give me a rail, and muchoblige your humble servant,

49 3m Little Jimmt Oalt.ahkr■

WA\TED.—lnformation respecting MrWIUIEL.I/ KRAUSZ, of Wnrtcn-

herp, architect hy profession, who left hisbirth-place iu the sprinp of 18.r >o, and sailedfrom Bremen.per Bremen ship Oeorpe Wash-ington for California. Any information ofhis wher ahonts will he thankfully receivedhy the undersigned, who holds a letter forhim from his relatives.

HELLJ/ANN BROS. & CO.,51 4t Cor. California and Lcidesdorff si*.

■J^OTIOE.—The subscriber having sold hisStock and business to Messrs Sawyer,

Johnson & ii ahvky. takes pleasure in recom-mending ibem to his old fiionds and the public

| generally. ROB’T MARTBH.

C'10PARTNRRSH1I* NOTICE.-Thetub-J seribers have this day formed a copartner-

-1 ship for the purpose of carrying on the businessj of dealing in

Paints, Oil*, Turpentine, Glass, &c.lii all its branches, under the firm ot

Sawyer, Johnson A Harvey,At No o 9 Sansoue street, ibroo do-us irom

i W».'hiiigt.-n street.Having purchase.l the Slock and business of

I Robert Murtsh, Ksq. we shall A*- ep aonstantlyon hand 3 large supp’y of merchandise in ourlino, and hope to receive n contii nance of tradefrom his fiiends, our own, and the public geu-

Mr.l. C. Hahvky will attend n* heretoforetoth« business of House and Sign Painting,having r moved from bis former place of butn-ncss to the shop of Mr J. \r. Cornell, in thestore of S. I unu 11.


San Francisco, April 4th, 1853.

T^JTOTICE.—The subscriber having sold hi.-INI 8 toeA* and business to tlio above firm,w;)uld recommend them tohia friend* and thepublicgenerally.

61-1 m JOHN V. f Off N ELL.

FOR S A I. E.| HJ'HE subscriber, wishing to leave this State

i for his home on the Atlantic side, offers‘ for sale his interest in the ••Wnllmipa Bakery,”ami other interests in and about said town.

The above stand has a known reputation inthnregion, and has nlwnv* secured its share

I of transient custom as n II tel. with a bar at

1 Inched, and being the only Bakery in theI place, offers rare inducement's t any one who

j may desire to enter into the bufdm-es.( Walloupa, April 17.-52-3.* (IKO. EADiV.

Gold Plat, April 12, 1852.Sto khoiders in the Reu:;h Ic Ready

*■ Quartz Mining Company are hereby noti-fied that an assessment of $2O per share hasbeen laid, to he piid on or before May 1. 1853,or the shares will be forfeited to the Company.

52-It* 8. s’. GREEN’, President.

' meb u. i.rrr;



Pruncieco.Lurn«. Turner & Co.

BANKERS,.No 1(♦ I Montgomery street, Sm Francisco.

Draw at Si -lit. on Time, in Sums to Suit.New Voßii,Boston.Philadi i.rwrA,jVew Orleans,St l.ni H.I .oin.svn.LK,ClNT Is\A IT.

and Exchange par-'s 51-11

ONAmerican Excln e Bank.Bank of Commerce,T Biddl. A Co.Ferdinand Kem.rt k Co.Lucas Simon Is,J. I*. Cartis & Co.Ellis k M .it* n.

ss»Ciotd Du.-t, B illiorchased at best market niDaniel I). Page j David Chambers,Henry I). Ihtmi. I Henry Hcieht.

St Louis. J Son Francisco.Francis V\ , Page. S'acrnrrcnto City.

Page. BaroN Co.,B A N K E R S,

M ntgomerv *t cur < hrlifornia. San Francisco,Draw n( eight or on Timo in Sums (o Suit,

—ONP. IlllP’ k Co.American Exchange Bank,Duncan. Shermuii k Co.Atlantic Rank,Philadelphia Bank,Josinh Lee & ( o.Louisiana State BankPage d* ISnc Mi.Hutchings Co.T. S Goodman & Co.S. Jones &, Co.

Gobi Dust and Exchange purchased at cur-rent rates. 51-Cm

London.New York.New York.BostonPhiladelphia.Baltimore.New < >rlcansSt. Louis.Louisville.Cincinnati.Pittsburg.

Post Office Hours.The IVernda Post office will be open

From Bto 12am, and 210 rM. On SundayI 140111 8 to II am, and 2 to 3 i»m.

Rusli Creek Kerry !!NOTICE.

WE notify the public and the travellingcommnmy in general, that the well

• known Ferry, which is sometime, known as; ‘Sweetland's,’ or ‘Jones Crossing,' on theSouth Yuba, first Ferry above Bridgeport, isin full operation, anil can cross Menand An-imals with little or no danger. Having thebeat and largest Boat on the River, with agood new Cable and Tackle,and two expe-rienced Ferrymen, who have been inconstantattendance i'tr two years, and witnessed allstages of the River, would recommend to thepublic; for their personal safely, lo cross atthe above Ferry. There is a good Road cuton both sides of the river, of easy access onboth sides.



| Manufacturer* of Mill, '''ham Engine1 ami Quail~ Pulverising Machinertf.1 IRON CASTINGS OF ftVKRV DESCRIPTION.

First street, between Mission and HswnrdSan FVincisoo. 51-3 m

; Dissolution of Partnership.TMiE partnership heretofore existing be-

tween.). W. Bergantl, H Dunlap& H.L. Hatch is this* day dissolved by mutual con-sent. All debts doe the A ct, and all demandsngainst them, will bo s-dile. by Bergantr &

Hatch, under which name the business will behereafterconducted

P. VV 11KKOANTZ,H. dunlap*H. L. HATCH

r»RR Valley, April 11, 1®53.

IVKOMViATIOiV VV \ \'|'Kl)—Of HILV-IJ V II TAYLOR, who left Sit i l'ranci-c*>

July 8 h 1852, Intending to proceed to s ,r-

-nimento (’itv. whore he stated that hound hi*partner had leit their home, «£o. hrom thelast Icltore r< coivod from him It appears that hewuseng «ged with ‘anoldacquaintance,”*hornhe cmll* “il u in tile purchase o' cat-tle in ihe valley on the west side f the Sacra-inonto river. I lerepresents th >t they h .ddriv-en a siua'l number—“l2 h nd M—l em that sec-lio». to N ielioLiis, where they iuid sold themto some drover* “nl n good profit,” and whichhe considered “sufficiently encouraging” toinduce him to ontinue the business. This wassometime between June 29 and July 8 1862,since which time nothing has been heard fromhim. Said 'laylor was darkabout 5 feet 9 in' bey high, and ol slender fig-ire. and was supposed to have from $l2OO to

$l5OO in his possession. It is feared that he hashr n murdered. Any information respectinghim whetherhe be dead or living, will be grate-fully received by hisafflicted mother and rela-tives, w. oreside in Boston, Blass. Please ad-dress WOOD A‘ WEST, Cor. Washingtonand uVu.sonaats San Francisco. 61-4 l i

William H iStowcll,COMMISSION MEltCHANT,

Front street, near California. San Francisco.N. R. W. H S. makes no purchases ofany

descriptionol propertyon his own nocoant. but‘■enernlly has a large assort mrnt of merchandizefor sale on consignment. He ?esp*ctfullj len-ders hi« services to any parties who may wishto employ an agent for the sale of merchandizeor other property, or for making investments


To Contractors.SEALED PROPOSALS are now open at

• he County ClerA's Office of Nevada Coun-ty, for the building and construction of a fire-proof Vault, for the better security of the pub-licrecords from fire. Said Vault is to be builtof such material and dimensions us hereinafterdescribed, to wit: The walls and coiling tobo built ol Stone two feet thlcA*. and laid in

1fire-proof to be supported bystrong iron bars or ribs, mdde clear 8 feet deep,6 tort w id** and 8 feet in height ; double on In-•sdc and out ide heavy Wrought Iron Doors,with good substantial c raught ironframe wori■ hinges, haniles and loeta. Proposals to befib d, with the county clerA, and contract awar-ded in the discretion of the Court of Sessions.

By ordtr of the Courtof Sessions of Nevada I(county. Attest KsuT-A. Datidok,1 II CoMtyfltr*. 1

From the American Dry Goods and Clothing StoreHaving associated with us

Dir. O. P. Blackman,(Formerly of the firmfof True* &. Blackman of this city) wo have thereby gi'uatty increas-

ed our business facilities.Mr. Blackman will remain in San Francisco,

for the purpose ef purchasing and forwarding poods to the house hero. His perfect knowlcdpc of the market, and of the business will enable us to sell goods Cheaper than anyother Store in Nevada. We shall have all the latest styles of

m« cbwaiM mb faiuHßHiHsAs soon as they appear in San Francisco, with the usual assortment of


Will be kept well supplied with dean, new poods, (no refuse auction stock.) Having alsoenlarged our Store, wo have lifted up a part as a Shoe Room, for the accommoda-tion of our LADY CUSTOMERS, which we shall keep well supplied with

A Good Assortment of Ladies' and Children's Shots.Tims being weekly in the receipt of fresh and scasoable goods, the Ladies of Nevadaand

vicinity will find it to their advantage to call; GHORGED DORNINACo

American Dry Goods and Clothin . Store, Commercialst., near Main.Mr Blackman will purchase to order any description of article that may be desired.

Persons, therefore, wishing any business transacted in San Francisco, will leave their or-ders with us and they " ill be promptly fulfilled.

Williamson & Dawley,AT THE OLD AUCTION STANDST., NEVADA.Irish WHISKEY,Scotch doMonongaheladoOld Bourbon doAcid brand doHolland Gin,Anchor brand doJamaica Rum,Port WINK,Sherry doMuderia do

Muscat WINE,Hock doClaret doSauterno doChampagne,Otard, Do pay BRANDY,Seignette doPiuet.Castillon&CodoSt. Marlin doMai tell do

Cherry BRANDY,Peach doALE in Bottles,do in half-barrels.


These brands pale k dark &o. &c. - &c.

CIGARS of all Qualities ami Brands.

Flour, Huns, Bacon, Potatoes. Beans. Boston Syrup, and a general assortment ofGroceries, and Provisions, tic. all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices.

Highest Price paid for Gold Dust.New Arrangement.

IN future there will be FOUR AMI 1.8 permonth to the Atlantic State), and Bills

of Exchange drawnoil Page, Bacon and Co.—also on Burgoyneand Plume, New York, fur-nished for each mail steamer H. DAVIS.

Aoril loth. 61-2 t

Sacramento Store.VTRS. tk Co. take greati»-L pleasure in ctiling the attention ofthe ladies, and the public generally of Neva-da and vicinity, to their well selected stockof Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consistingin part of Murenos, Alpaceaa, J/uslins. La-ce*, Gloves, Ribbons, Silks,Satins, Prints, Ginghams, Ac. &c.

BONNETS, Ac.—A complete assortmentof Millinery Goods of the latest styles, fromthe best American and French markets.—Also, French Perfumery of superior <|uality.

CiyFire Proof Brick Building, No 75 Jstreet, between 3d and 4th sts, SacramentoCitt Ladies In sending to astheir orders may rely upon having thempromptly fulfilled. 50-4 t

NOTJCKA.VV information of Charles Rcekcll, who

came tothis country in 1849, from1 Balti-more, Maryland, will be most gratefully re-ceived by addressing.

GEORGE A. JENKINS,50 3t* Ann Francisco.

Administrator’s Notice.ALL persons having claims against the

estate of H. M WESTERN, late ofNevadacounty deceased, arc hereby requiredto present them with the necessary voucherswithin ten months from the date of this no-tice, to Die undersigned administrator of saidestate ; at his residence nt French Correll,in said county. 11. M. CHADBOURN.50-3t* Administrator upon said estate.

SELLING OFF AT COST.ISI nm determined to close up my business

in Nevada, J now offer Fob .Salk ATCOSTMy Entire Stock of Fancy Dry Goods,

Clothing, Boots, Shoes , Ifc. (fc.Persons w ishing to purchase will do well tocull nml examine my slock, asI am determined to sell as Ihave adrertisedCall at Lit It's Fancy Dry Goods Alore,on

Main street, opposite Phelps’Hotel.JOHN LARK.

A Tevada city, 24th March, 1858.—48-3 t100 Barrels Crushed Sugar,

50 Bids Carolina Hire;00 dozBrooms; 20 hhls Billings Hams;

125 Jo 8-hoop Pails; 110 sacks Kio Cofl'ee;*OO Boxes iSoap; 250 do Beans;

M)ls Pork; 200 boxes Candles;50 firkins Butter; 250 do Raisins;*O,OOO IBs Peruvian Sugar, 100 casesRasp-

berry Syrup;100 eases Imperial Tea, I lb caddies;250 i s Chicken, boiled and roast Mutton,

Kcnsott’s Beef, Green Corn, Green Peas,Clysters. Fresh Strawberries, assortedPreserves, Fresh 'caches, Lobsters.

ALSO,BRANDIES—Sazerao, Martelle, Roussc,

Chaarin, Friorcs, Ac, Ac.WlNES—Sherry, Port, Madeira, Marmsley,

Teneriffc.ALSO—Whiskey, Alcohol, Ac. For sale by

VKRPLANCK A McMULLIN,50-3 m f>o Front st., near Long wharf.New Styles of Clothing.

JI.'ST lIECFIVEU a large and completeassortment of CLOTHING, of ibe lates:

styles, comprisingOvercoats, bl'k ‘and col'd doeskin, French

castor cloth, knotted beaver and Devonshirekersey.

Bl’k and col'd /Vcnch cloth frock and dresscoals;

Bl’k and col'd French cloth shooting coats,now styles;

ill’k and col’d /French doth riding coats,new styles;

HIT ind col’d Frtnch cloth sack coats, newstyles;

Bl’k doeskin, casdmere and Banjaan’sFrench fig’U cassimer pants;

Fancy doeskin and cassimer pants of everyquality and style;

New styles of tweed cassimer, pilotand ker-sey business coals;

JVc» ami elegant styles of bl’k and col’denih'd cuss, vests;

Plain and fancy Marseilles, silk, satin, case.,velvet, onsbmare, bombazine and drop’d. claof every vsriity of color and stylo.

ALSO,A full assortment of Bora’ Cr.oTHtno.The above goods are direct fiom our manu-

factory, and in quality, style or workmanshipcannot be surpassed, and will he sold at verylow rales either at wholesale or retail.

JOHNSON & CANFIELD,50-1 m 169 Clay street.

joiTprinting. ~

Dona neatly,'cheaply and expeditioualy, at theJo'Cß.'ui Ch sioa.

T W. Oolburn,Justice of Ibr Peace.

Ori id; oil Mne street, tb« t>»-malic Hall, recently occupied by John

Anderson, Esq SS,6m.

Win. J. Knox, M. D.OFFERS his services to the cidsens of inn

vadn end vicinity. He will devote him-self exclusively to (us different breaches of

Ihie profession, medicine, surgery, etc. ByI proper attention and moderate charges, be( hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage.

At the Nevada Drug store, Broad St. above.1 Pine. 12.3m*

Stoves! Stoves !! Stoves !! *

7, 8 and 9 inoli Premium', air tight.T, 8, 9 and 10 inch New World,air tight.7, 8 and 0 inch Glebe, air tight.7, 8 mid 9 inch Alloa, airtight.

Also—Tin Piute, sheet iron, and plain andjapanned tin wore, tor sale hy

ACKLEY * CO.,147 Proa* st., bet. Jackson and Pacifie,

45-2 m San JfVanclseo.COOKING STOVES— The nn-

dersigaed hare on band, and receiveregular supplies of—

U. 8. air-tight; of the West air-tightNew World do; Atlas do;Globe do; Plantation do;New England do; Hathaway do;Rhode Island da; Shawmnt do;Kdy’s do; Hot air Ventilating do;Premium do; Voce’s da;

Parlor, Box and Sheet Iron Stoves.150,000 lbs Tom Iron.

51-lm R. A KNOX A CO. 197.J street-

W, H. Brooks,OFthe Plaza Dmg store, No *OO Clay

sticct, three doors below the Post Office,,would respectfully inform the citizens of Ne-vada and vicinity, that he has nowon handand ready for sale, one of the finest assort-ment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery andFancy Articles ever exhibited in the county,ind hopes when they visit Sau Francisco,they will favor him with a call.

Orders from the country promptly filletfwith the strictest regard to the quality of thearticles, carefully and securely packed fortransportation. Opposite the Plaza.

M. BROOKS, Plaza Drug Store,50-4 t 200Clay stree

Just Received,T74X Clipper Winged Racer, n large assort-M> went of

Cotlonade pants and Denim Orernlla ;

Super plain and fancy French Drill Pant*;Satinet and Farrcst Cloth doCanton Flannel and brown drill Drawer*;Hickory, calico and flannel Snirts ;

Pilot, Pea and Monkey Jacket*;Col’d Cloth, Caeeiuicrc and Tweed Bueinesa

Gnats;Marseille*Vests, assorted colors and styles;Cotton and Merino Half Hose;20 bale* superior ‘•lndia” brown Drills; '

1500 251b. Bags.ALSO—A la-ge and complete assortment

of BOV’S CLOTHING. Merchants andTraders are Invited tocall and examine.

JOHNSON Ac CANFIELD,50-1 m 169 Clay street.

C. & D. (3. Water Co.]\TOTICK is hereby given that unlessIN the following certificates of ths Coy-ote and Ucor Creek Water Company’s stockarc not returned to the Co.’s office before (heIst day of May, 1853, the «aid certificates wiltbe declared null and void, and new ones issuedin their place, to-wit >

Nos 27 and 38 in the name of Isaac Nixon.“166 “ 233 “ •• J.J, Brant.“ 71 “ *• John Read." 72 “ •• Edward Cody

By order of the Company49 I in* J. FITZ JAMES. Soc’y.Democratic State Journal copy till May !*♦

and send bill to this office.

NOTICE,ALL persons are hereby cautioned not ts

give credit to my wife, Jane W. Lyon,un my account, as I will pay no debts of hercontracting, she having deserted my bed andboard without sufficient cause. Nevada city,March 30th, 1858. William S. Lyon.

Wyoming Q. M. 0.AT a meeting of (he board of trustee*baM

at the company’s office on ths2Sth March1853,an assessment of $25.00 on each half

share of stock was called, to bo paid in to theTreasurer on or before the lOlb April. All de-linquent share* will be advertised and sold ao*corning to law. S, C. MTN PYRE

Furniture Wareroora..*(TfRIHE underaigned have established,on Con-

-11 mercial street, near Main si., q WodQLroom for the sale ofall kinds of FURNITUtf Eand house furnishing article*.

New on Hand— Canesent porforondrocking chairs, Boston Rockets, Namingchairs, Infants chairs, Ottomans, Aitoola, Ta-bles, Looking glasses, Ruggs, &c. 4*o. . .

Our stock we shall keep constantly supplied,and person* can purchase at Marysville priooo,withoutthe danger of having theirgood* bro-ken or defaced. LOW dt FRIEND,

American Block, Commercial taear-Malii at,ft;- Carpenter ir Jobbing work attended to

with dispatch.

Blacksmithing of all kinds.(/TRUE undersigned is prepared to do all

JJL kinds ofBlaoksmttMog, in thn bestjstyle,at his shop on Pin Sn:«and Springstreets. He I J between Brood

stales timber forrepairing wagons, and ■ largo quantity of ex-cellent Iron and Steel, •whicli he can work upin a style not to be sarpawed in (be state, andat reasonable prices.

THOMAS HUGHES.March 24.—48-4 tn WKentucky Clothing Store.

CTTCHE miners and citizen* ef Nevada, are in-ii formed that the Kentucky ClothingStore has just received a superior stock ofGoods, consisting of every thins belonging toGentlemen's Clothing, which they wilt sell siprices to “as.onlsh both Jews nod Geatilea.”“Quick stiles and small profits.” Give us acall, and you willfind it mnoh to your advan-tage. Renumber the ' Kentucky Store,’ onMain street. JVcvsJh. Wholesale and retail.GRAUMAN A JOAKI’HSON, ac’u.


NEW STAGE LINE.From Sacramento to Sonora, direct,

Through In 11 hoars.

ON and after the'JOth of April, the POR-I.’EST 1.1.VK of new and splendid Cob-

| cord four horse Coaches will leave the Cres-cent City Hotel, A'acrnmcntoi every morningof four o’clock for Sonora, pasting throughand by thefollowing towns and points; loneValley, Jackson, Mokclumne Mill, Sas An-dreas, Kentucky House, Forman’s Ranch,Angel’ Camp, Carson'e creek, crossing theStanisslans river at Robinson’s Ferry; andShaw's flat and Columbia, arriving at Soneraat 6 o’clock the same day.

Returning, will leave the U- A. Hatsl, «*.nora, every morning at 4 o clock, passingthrough and by the above places,arriving at6 o’clock the same day.

This lino connects atAngel’s camp with (holine of stages from thence to Marphy’s Dir-glngnand Valleeita j tbas enabling tnreltnto re«ch tho*o town* withoutdotenUon and an(he same day.

Heat l may be leotired at the Crescent cityHotel, j atAdams ti Co.’s and IT.

'.Old, Sonora, and at James Mills 4* Co.’s,l Olunihls C. GRKENK, Proprietor

> April ? —6O-ltw 1