milos marinkovic "modular android ui"


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A visual introduction

What does it mean to have a Modular UI?

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Responsive layouts

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Adjust padding and View positions on larger screens

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Different item lists on different devices

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List presented as Grid on larger screens

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Runtime-configurable layouts

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Different list arrangement on larger screens

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Displaying the same content in different containers

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Compress layout vertically in split-screen scenario

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Different navigation on different devices

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Architecture & Layering

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Android SDK helps.. with some stuff

● Screen sizes: small, normal, large, xlarge● Screen aspect ratio: long, notlong● Device orientation: land, port● Screen densities: ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi,

xxhdpi, xxxhdpi● Density pixels (dp) instead of pixels (px)● Precise screen sizes: w__dp, h__dp, sw__dp

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Small Tablets (7”, 8”)

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Large Tablets

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Android layouts

● Less layouts; more styles● Print and slice UI on paper● Sub-layouts belong to static containers● Use phone UI in tablet containers

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● Model - SQLite, Shared prefs

● View - main_activity.xml,

● Controller -, (don’t)

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● Model - SQLite, Shared prefs

● View - main_activity.xml, ViewGroup or View,● ViewModel -

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● Model - SQLite, Shared prefs

● View - main_activity.xml, ViewGroup or View

● Presenter -

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MVP - Variations

Passive View

● View not aware of the Model● Presenter does the hard work

Supervising Controller

● View interacts directly with the Model● Presenter handles extreme cases

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Components for Android

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How we dividedAndroid components

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● Service, Activity, Fragment, Dialog, Application - all different

● Create a custom UI entity? I do it anyway● Unreliability, bugs, appcompat, gotchas● API levels…● Fragment caching mechanism…

Solution: Move away from Android APIs?

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Fragment lifecycle...

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Android Lists with RecyclerView

● Decouple!● Android: Recycler View, Adapter, Layout

Manager, Item Animator, Item Decorator, Recycled Pool, Cache, Item Decoration

Advice: Split “adapter” component (1) data provider and (2) recycler adapter

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Recycler overview

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Asynchronous work

● UI events must go to a UI thread● Long operations go on a background thread● Thread or AsyncTask or RxJava● Events? Otto or GreenRobot or others● A swarm of events

Advice: Keep it minimal for your needs

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Self-contained UI parts (Pages)

● Keep pages focused on the UI● Presenters prepare data for pages● Pages handle dialogs internally● Complex dialogs? Contain pages inside them● Persistent presenters or Presenter pool?

Advice: Instantiate in one place

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Android Activity

● Context is everywhere● Difficult to decouple● Components: LoaderManager, Cursor,

FragmentManager, Fragment backstack, Fragment caching, Content Providers, Intents, Menus, etc.

Advice: It’s worth decoupling, try to do it

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● Handle all intents in one place● Allow the IntentHandler to navigate● Use an ActivityResolver● Allow easy Activity switching

Advice: React in onResume() method if possible

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Connecting the dots

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Rules for a ‘happy’ UI

● Enumerate pages somehow (enum optimized?)● Pages need a common navigation API● Framework creates (and caches) pages● Follow the Activity lifecycle

Example of a ‘happy’ UI code:


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Show and hide pages (Page Manager)

● Static containers or dynamic containers● Watch out: component lifecycles● Decoupled mechanism for show/hide● The dark pit of FragmentManager

Advice: Small app - use FragmentManager Big app - build your own PageManager

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Layout and navigation (The Coordinator)

● Decoupled navigation & layout component● Uses the PageManager to show/hide● Handles back and “up”● Holds the IntentHandler component

Advice: Make Coordinator also a page, a ‘super-page’ that holds all other pages

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Visible UI on Phones Actual layers on Phones

The Coordinator

Content Page

Navigation drawer page

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The CoordinatorBranding barList pageDetails pageFAB

List PageToolbar & menuList - Item photo - Item name

Details PageToolbar & menuLarge titleContent

Actual layers on Tablets

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Page Modularity

External configuration causes trouble

● A lot of if-else branches in pages● Custom Views rule the app (learning curve)

Solution: Have a distinct page for each UIAdvice: Create a PageResolver component

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● A lot of decoupling and cosmetic work● A lot of method references● Difficult to switch to● Makes sense only for complex UIs● Team education● Limited support (open-source?)

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To recap...

● Self-maintained UI components (pages)● Data is always prepared (presenters)● Intent handling happens in one place● Page Resolver helps with modular UIs● Separate navigation mechanism● Wrap it all up in a Coordinator● Have a Coordinator for each screen variant

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Finally done.Modular Android UI

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@ milosmns

