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  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989


    J. agric. Engng Res. (1989) 42, 135-147

    A Simulation Model o f the Spray Drift from Hydraulic Nozzles

    P. C. H.


    A mod el to predict the trajectories of droplets from agricultural flat fan nozzles is

    described. Droplet motion is considered in two phases: close to the nozzle where the

    trajectory is dominated by the conditions associate d w ith droplet form ation, particularly the

    initial velocity and entrained air conditions; and a second phas e wher e the effects of

    atmo spheric turbulence are predicted using a

    “random-walk” approach. Results from the

    model are compared with laboratory measurements of droplet size/velocity profiles beneath a

    nozzle and with field measurements of the downwind drift from boom mounted nozzles

    oper ated conventionally. Pred icted total downwind drift deposits agre ed well with mea sured

    values but the form of the vertical deposit distribution was less well predicted .

    1 ntroduction

    Previous work concerned with predicting spray droplet movem ent has used both

    dispersion and random-w alk type models. Dispersion models have been used to study the

    transport of sprays both towards and within crop canopies and have been applied

    particularly to aerial spraying where droplet movem ents through the air can be relatively

    large. Bathe and Sayer12 and Cramer (Dum bauld et a1. 3 derived exp ressions for the

    deposit distribution downw ind of a line spray source and for the airborne flux just above

    the crop canopy based on diffusion theory, and demonstrated some agreement with field

    data. Schaefer and Allsop* discuss the application of gradient diffusion theory to spray

    transport and demonstrate an improved prediction of deposit when compared with the

    linearly expanding Gaussian plume used by Bathe and Sayer and by Cramer.

    A number of authors have used Markov type simulation models to predict the

    trajectories of droplets in turbulent air flows including Thom pson and Ley,’ Picot et

    a l . 6


    et al . 7

    and Legg and Raupauch.* Such models have been show n to provide an

    acceptable description of spray deposit distributions downw ind from a defined source

    given assum ed release conditions. These m odels have been used in conjunction with both

    aerial and ground crop spraying systems and have examined the effects of operating

    parameters on downw ind spray deposits. Both diffusion and “random -walk” type models

    have been developed that account for droplet evaporation and sedimentation by

    gravitational forces. However, droplet release conditions have been assum ed and not

    related to sprayer characteristics and relatively little work has attempted to relate the

    conditions of droplet generation to their subsequent transport particularly in the region

    close to agricultu ral flat fan nozzles.

    Such an analysis w ill provide a basis for the design of spraying systems to minimise drift

    and is the subject of this paper.

    Droplet trajectories are described in two distinct phases: close to the nozzle where

    considerations of air drag and entrained air predominate, and further downw ind w here a

    random-w alk approach is used.


    Chemical Applications Group, AFRC Engineering, Silsoe, Bedford MK45 4HS, UK

    7 Formerly of above address. Current address: Flat 3, 56 Ch aucer Road, B edford MK40 2A P, UK

    Received 9 une 1988; accepted in revised form 6 November 1988.

    Paper presented at Ag Eng 88, Paris, France, 2-6 March 1988.


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    d droplet diameter, urn


    crop height, m

    0, distance downw ind of nth sam- z, boom height, m

    pling line, m

    (Y factor indicating loss of velocity

    h distance below nozzle, m correlation in successive time steps

    K1 entrained air parameter,

    y see Eqn (3)

    dimensionless 6 constant in entrained air equation


    Monin-O bukov length, m

    rr_ L agrangian time scale, s

    I, coherent length of liquid spray

    At time step, s

    sheet, m

    Ap vapour pressure difference, P a

    r see Eqn (3)



    nozzle spacing on boom, m



    random variables from Gaussian

    distribution with mean zero and

    T, Stokesian response time, s

    standard deviation of 1-O


    sheet velocity for fan nozzle, m/s p viscosity of air

    u horizontal droplet velocity, m/s

    p density of droplet, kg/m3

    24, friction velocity, m/s


    rms horizontal velocity fluctua-


    entrained air velocity, m /s tions, m/s

    v, droplet settling velocity, m/s


    rms vertical velocity fluctuations ,

    w vertical droplet velocity, m/s

    m s

    z height above ground, m

    2. Structure of the model

    The model simulates a simplified spraying situation as shown in

    Fig . 1

    in which the

    spray drift from a set of boom mounted nozzles operating above a cereal crop canopy is


    using ve al strings

    mounted at various distances down wind. In structuring the

    model the following simplifying assum ptions were made:

    (1) Trajectories were considered in two dimensions only and effects due to the forward


    W i nd d i r ec t i on


    S a m p l i n g

    l i nes

    c-----D, -



    Fig. 1. Simulated spraying conditions

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989




    movement of the sprayer and the turbulent wakes created by this forward

    movement were neglected.

    (2) The crop surface behaved as a perfect collector of spray with no movement or

    reflection of droplets from within the canopy. Ground spray deposits were

    calculated on this basis.

    (3) Spray droplets from adjacent nozzles on a boom acted independently.


    Th e random-walk model

    The random -walk model used in the simulation was based on that developed by

    Thompson and Leg in which the velocity of a droplet at any time step was related to the

    velocity in the previous time step but with an added random component due to

    turbulence . The droplet velocity in the vertical direction, w, in the i + 1 th time step is

    given by:5


    = r Wi + V si) + qj+lUw(l- 0 2)t - u s,+,


    where Q = exp(-At/r,_) and 7 is a random variable. Eqn (1) is only valid if the time step

    At is small compared with the Lagrangian time scale, rL. The effect of droplet settling

    velocity, u,, is included as a direct term in the equation, and this was considered by

    Thompson and Ley to be satisfactory for water based d roplets with diameters up to

    450 urn based on data by Smith.’ Settling velocities, IJ,~,are therefore calculated using the

    relationships given by Thompson and Ley’ as

    v,, = 4.47 x 10-3d - 0.191

    for d>lOOum



    v,, = 3.2 x 10+d2 - 6.4 x 10+d3

    for d

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989




    2 .2 . Tra jecto ry ca lcu la t io n c lose to th e nozz l e

    Trajectories were determined over a series of time steps using an integration routine

    described by Marchan t” with drag coefficients equal to those for solid spheres. March ant

    indicated that errors due to this assump tion would be less than 10% for the droplet

    conditions simulated.

    The effect of turbulence on initial droplet trajectories was simulated by includin g an

    additional vertical air velocity component term which was sampled randomly from a

    Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of a, and which was

    assum ed to persist for a period equal to the Langrangian timescale, r,_.

    The response time of a droplet in a moving air-stream is characterised by the Stokesian

    response time, T where

    Initial runs with the model indicated the droplets below a spray nozzle ha d reached

    their settling velocities after a period of approximately 4T, and so this value w as used as

    the basis for changing from the ballistic trajectory to random-w alk phases of the model.

    2.2.1. Spray cha rac te r i s t i cs

    Spray droplets were assum ed to form at a distance equal to the sheet coherent length

    below the nozzle and have an initial velocity the same as the liquid sheet. Data relating to

    coherent lengths and sheet velocities w as initially obtained from measurem ents made

    using high-speed photography.”

    Trajectory angles were sampled from a Gauss ian distribution with a mean of zero and a

    standard deviation of O-4 times the nozzle angle. This value was determined experimen-

    tally by comparing calculated volume distributions below a 110” flat fan nozzle with those

    measured in patternator experiments.

    The effect of the droplet size distribu tion wa s accounted for by simulating the

    trajectories of between 500 and 5000 droplets in each of a number of size categories

    (depending on the required accuracy and limitations of computing time) up to a maxim um

    of 25 size categories. Size categories in increments of 20 urn have been found convenient

    in applying the simulation to most agricultural flat fan nozzles. V olume distributions were

    then determined by relating the proportion of droplets d eposited or remaining airborne in

    a defined area, to the total volume of spray liquid output while travelling through the

    sample volume and the measured droplet size/volume distribution for the spray produced

    by the nozzle.


    En t r a i n ed a i r ve l o ci t i e s

    Studies of air entrainment in liquid sprays have shown that the velocity of entrained air

    along the axis of a fan jet nozzle, v,,

    can be described by the equation:12

    where u, is the sheet velocity and


    the distance below the nozzle. 8 is a constant which

    for sprays into a ir takes a value’*

    of 0.4, w hile K1 is a constant defined by the width of the

    spray fan at right angles to the spray sheet at a given distance from the nozzle. K1 was

    determined from photographic measurem ents of a number of 80 and 110” nozzles, and a

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989





    Input nozzle



    Initiate droplet


    Fig. 2. Model



  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989



    mean value of 0.14 was used as input to the simulation. The entrained air velocity was

    assum ed to be constant across the spray sheet.


    St r u c t u r e o f t h e s imu l a t i o n mode l

    A flow chart for the m odel of drift from a single nozzle is shown in Fig. 2. The drift

    from boom mounted nozzles w as simulated by calculating the drift from a single nozzle

    and overlapping that from successive nozzles off-set by the nozzle spacing distance s.

    Inputs to the model in addition to those defining the spray nozzle included a description

    of the samp ling system and parameters defining the meteorological conditions. Atmos-

    pheric stability w as defined in terms of the Mo nin-Obukov length (L), and related to a,,

    a, and tr by relationships derived in Thompson and Ley.5

    Simulation outputs gave the vertical distribution of airborne spray in 10 cm increments

    at each sampling line and the ground deposits between samp ling lines.

    The predicted trajectories of ten 100~ urn droplets released in the spray from a flat fan

    nozzle spraying at the rate of 0.6 l/min at a pressure of 3 bar are shown in Fig. 3.

    1 Nozzle

    ; . ::


    Fig. 3.

    Simulated trajectories of l I pm droplets fr om a 110” nozzle operating 0.5m above a cereal

    crop 50mm tall . . . . . . . -, from ballistic trajectory model;

    -, fr om random walk model

    3. xperimental verification of the model

    3.1. M ea su r emen t s o f d ow nw i n d d r i f t f r om a mo v i n g b o om

    Measurem ents of the drift from three boom m ounted nozzles were made using the

    techniques reported by Sharp.

    l3 The nozzles (Lurmark 110015 in Kemetal) were mounted

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    on a small boom and off-set from the axis of the tractor to minimise air disturbance and

    wak e effects. The nozzles sprayed a 1% solution of a fluorescent tracer dye at a pressu re

    of 3.0 bar in a total of 20 passes down a spray track aligned at right ang les to the mean

    wind direction so as to accumulate measurable deposits. A spraying speed of 8 km/h was

    used. Spray drift was captured using 2.5 mm diameter plastic tubing su spended in a

    3 x 6 m framework. Meteorological conditions at the time of spraying were recorded

    using a 10 m mast with four vane anemom eters, mean air temperature, relative humidity

    and temperature difference sensors. The Mo nin-Obukov length was derived from the

    Richardson number using the method described by Thompson and Ley5 for conditions

    above a cereal crop with Richardson number determined directly from weather mast

    measurem ents. The droplet size spectrum from the nozzles was determined from data

    collected from a Particle Me asuring Systems size analyser and a laboratory x-y samp ling

    arrangement. l4

    To simulate the drift from the boom arrangemen t of nozzles, the velocity of the liquid

    sheet (and hence the initial velocity of the droplets) was estimated from d ata obtained

    from high speed photography of similar nozzles operating at the same pressure and with

    the same spray liquid.”

    Fig 4

    shows measured and simulated total line deposits at distances up to 6 m

    downw ind for two different weather conditions. Simulated values were calculated using

    500 droplets in 20 size categories with a 20 urn increment between categories. The effects

    360 -


    280 -


    f 240-





    0 160-



    , , --*-*-.


    - --.-_. _

    o I

    I\ _ _,

    _ _



    2 4


    DMance d ownw md, rn

    F ig. 4. Measured and predicted downwind dri f t prof il es fr om a moving boom for two atmospheric

    conditions. -,

    measured in mean wind speed of 6*6m/s at a height of 1Om; - - - - - , predicted

    in mean wind speed of 6*6m/s at a height of 10m; - I - i - 1-, measured i n mean wind speed of

    1_9m/s at a height of 10m; - * - ’ -, predicted in mean wind speed of 1_9m/s at a height of 10m

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989




    of entrained air were not included in this initial simulation and model predictions

    significantly over-estimated drift as expected.

    3.2. D r oplet size/velocity prof i l es below a nozzle

    Meas urements of droplet size and velocity were m ade 0 .5 m below the central axis of a

    flat fan nozzle (Lurmark 110015 in Kemetal) spraying water plus 0.1% Agral (ICI plc)

    using a Particle M easuring Systems size analyser,14 and the results are plotted on F ig. 5.

    Data are for six replicated scans of the spray produced by the nozzle. A lso plotted on F ig .


    are the droplet size/velocity profiles calculated using the ballistic trajectory routine in

    the model and on the following assum ptions:

    (1) a constant entrained air velocity between nozzle and samp ling point equal to the

    mean m easured velocity of droplets in the 40-80 pm size range, and

    (2) entrained air velocities defined by Eqn (7), and with values for the constants as

    given in Section 2.2.2 (i.e d2/2K 1 = O-57).

    Velocities of the larger droplet size are more v ariable because of the relatively sm all

    number of droplets of this size in the spray sample.

    The results show that the velocities predicted using the trajectory routine in the mod el

    were some 2-5 m/s above those m easured and indicate that the initial (or liquid sheet)

    velocity used in the simulation at 17.0 m/s was too high. It was also expected that the

    theoretical plot in

    F ig. 5,

    based on a constant entrained air velocity between nozzle and

    measuring point, w ould under-predict droplet velocities, and the fact that this was not the

    case except above 450 pm also indicated that the release velocity was less than that


    Droplet size pm


    F ig. 5. Measured and predicted droplet velociti es below 110” nozzle. * , measured values; -,

    predicted using trajectory r outine in model with entrained air velocity determined from Eqn (7,);



    predicted assuming a constant entr ained air veloci ty

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989


    P c






    I I



    0 100 200

    300 400 5

    D r op l e t sue , pm

    F ig. 6. Measured and predicted droplet veloci ties below a 110” nozzle with dif ferent entr ained air

    conditions. -, 62/.2KI in Eqn (7) = O-57; * , measured values; -.

    - . -,

    Sz/2K, in Eqn

    (7) = O-95; - - - - , 6 ‘ /2K, in Eqn (7) = 1.25




    g 250-


    D 200-



    z 150-





    I I

    I I 1

    0.5 I.5 2.5 3.5

    4.5 5.5 c

    D i st a n c e d o w n w m d , m


    Fig. 7. Measured and predicted downwind dri ft profi les. * , measured;

    -, predicted as Fig. 4;


    , predicted with entrained ai r, sheet velocity = 17.0 S2/2K, = 0.57; - . - . - , predicted with

    entr ained air , sheet velocity = 15.0 6 2/2K, = 0.95

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989


  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989




    value of 6’/2K1 close to unity gave an improved agreement with both m easured

    dow nwind drift and size/velocity profiles below the nozzle. Orig inal values of the

    entrained air parameters were derived from photographic measurem ents of the spray

    section and were probably inaccurate due to the difficulty in identifying spray boundaries

    on such photographs. Further work is needed to define the effects of entrained air

    conditions for a range of nozzle types and sixes and in different parts of the spray

    structure. It can be seen from the results in

    Figs 5

    and 6 that with an entrained air

    parameter of 0.085 (i.e. S2/2K1 = O-95) the model underestimates the vertical velocities of

    droplets below 150 pm in diameter and yet it can be seen from Figs 7 and 8 that

    dow nwin d drift values are not overestim ated. The droplet size/velocity profiles were

    measured in the laboratory at a relatively low horizontal scanning speed of O-05 m/s, and

    this velocity difference may affect the trajectories of drifting drop lets. Further work needs

    to examine the interaction between the spray sheet and surrounding air movem ents and

    to improve the definition of entrained air effects.

    4.2. Change fr om trajectory to random walk rout ine

    This was examined by examining the airborne drift volumes at distances up to 6 m from

    the nozzle when simulating drift with different integer increments of the Stokesian

    response time, T, in the trajectory routine of the model, and the results are shown in Fig.


    With values of less than 4, drift values were lower indicating that droplets entered the

    random walk routine of the model w ith downw ard velocities greater than the settling


    4.3. General discussion

    The agreement between measured and predicted drift profiles from 3 boom mou nted

    nozzles was relatively good particularly in view of some of the assumptions made relating

    to nozzle movement. With entrained air, predicted downw ind profiles, show n in Fig. 7,






    ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

    I 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 IO

    Time in trqectory routine nT

    F ig. 9. Effect of increasing time in trajectov routi ne on the total airborne dri ft up to 6m from a

    boom with three 110” nozzles. -, dri f t at 6m; - . - * -, drif t at 3 m; - - - - , drif t at 2m;

    . . . . .


    dri ft at 1 m

  • 8/10/2019 Miller Hadfield 1989




    decayed more rapidly than those measured, and this is probably related to the method

    used for incorporating a settling velocity compon ent in the “random-w alk” model.

    Further work has now examined this feature of such models, e.g. Walklate,” and

    incorporating an improved description of ‘heavy’ particle trajectories downw ind should

    improve model predictions.

    Work is being conducted to compare the model predictions with measurem ents of the

    drift from single static and boom mounted nozzles to eliminate the effects of movement

    and any nozzle interactions.

    The predicted drift profiles differed from those measured directly above the

    crop/ground surface indicating that the assum ptions made regarding droplet retention and

    reflection were too simplified.

    All the calculations assum ed that droplets behaved as spherical particles. This

    assum ption was probably valid for droplets up to 350 urn in diameter, but it can be seen

    from the results in

    Figs 5

    and 6 that the velocities of larger droplets are underestimated

    because of the effects of shape distortion.

    5. Conclusions and proposals for future work

    The model provides a useful description of the spray drift from agricultural hydraulic

    nozzles, with reasonable agreement between m easured and predicted downw ind drift


    Further work is required to extend the range of conditions for which the model h as

    been validated. Work is also required to improve the description of entrained air effects,

    to include the effects of forward speed including the generation of turbulent wakes from

    the boom and spray vehicle,

    and to improve the calculation of “heavy” particle



    Thanks are d ue to Mr A. P. Chick and Mr J. E. Pottage for assistance with the field experiments

    and to Mr C. R. Tuck for assistance with the laboratory measurements of droplet size/velocity



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