mil ljt iiaily bulletin - university of hawaii · too, tiiat house, painting migut, with studv and...

f If Yoift H. JN"o. 330. H. L, 21, 1883. 60 0ENT8 6UDB0RIPTI0N PER. MONTH. ., ' v$a VV i ' fi- - . 4 V W,f If .' THtf DAILY w t WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and clrcu. luted throughout the town by carriers, nnd forwarded to Jhc other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 cents per Month. G. Caubon Kesyo Editor. All business communications to be nd. dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, Post Office Box No. 14. Telephone 250. OBIee; V : qneen Mtreet, Oppotlle West's Carrlngo Fietorr. T. O. Cleviou, Manager A SOUTHERN WOMAN'S B0LDNE88-- AN INCIDENT OF THE CIVIL WAR. There was a funeral of a womnn ticar Now Haven, Intl., recently who came near being the cause of a deal of bloodshed at one hour of her existence. It is a fact well known to old soldiers that Southern wontan were very loyal to the Southern causc,.aud that their .loyalty often led to difficulties between ,thc Federal soldiers. 'Margaret Wilson was an Alabat'nian by birth, nnd a firm believer in Southorn rights. AVhen the Union forces occupied Memphis she was to be seen at al- most all hours' of the day engaged in something which would. exasper- ate the Yankees. One day in the summer of 1SC3 many prisoners were arriving in Memphis from Arkansas, and wore being guarded on the levco by some man of the Fifty-fourt- h Ohio. Mrs. Wilson came down in sight of the prisoners and their guards, having her little Rebel flag, which she waved over (her head The prisoners saw it and began to cheer it. The Captain saw the cause of this sudden outbreak of loyalty, aiul going tip to the woman, ordered her not to display that flag again. But no sooner had be turned from her than sho, nulled, a little piece of painted muslin from her bosom, where she had thrust it when the Captain came up, and. flourished it again. The Captain turned to Iter, trembling, with excitement and anger, and told' her if sho dared to show her flagjagain lie bhould arrest ner. uyxniswme mere were pro- bably 5,000 persons on the levee, attracted by the cheering. Every- one expected bloodshed and that the few Union soldiers would be mobed and killed before assistance could come. 'The Captain bestowed some vigorous words on the offend- ing woman and .turned to leave hor. He had not goue ten steps before out came the Httlo Hag, and high above her head she flourished it. The Southerners'' cheered as if his honied majesty himself had arrived in their midst. The Captain turned oo thc.oncndimr woman, white with angcr,'and, with clenched first, Jiad so far forgotten himself asjto be about to, strikeher, and would 'avo done so had not Lieutenant A." "C.Gregory of the Thirty-secon- d Wisconsin seized his arm. I Lieutenant Gregory, who had just come, up with about thirty men, tlicn undertook to arrest' the offend- er, and she resisted with all the,tac-tic- s known to women. 'She threw herself oil- - the groundJ kicked, scratched, and yelled. T'o situa- tion was critical in the: extreme The many-thousan- ds wW one swaying mass of yelling, wigry men,f and all oym- - pthing with the woman. A sergcant;a,nd private wore tryijg to gather the woman up in borne BJmpo in oruer u carry ci, nuuo uw " was closing in. n eyery side. The Lieutenant, drawing" his revolver, stepped toward the crowd, and shouted that he would shoot the first man., who, advanced .a stop nearer, ordering his me'n 7to do the same. Thiis the angry mon-wcr- o held at bay for a moment', and then an Indiana jcgiment came hurrying forward, and, at 'the point of the bayonet, cleared their way to their comrades. Mrs. Wilson was taken to headquarters, and the next morn- ing was sent outside of the Union lines. Sho passed through many scenes during tho way, but she was never so .near to causing death as on that morning when the Memphis mob surrounded Lieutenant Gregory and his thirty .men of tho Thirty second Wisconsin. JD'ecatyr (Intl.) J)lpatch t the Cincinnati Ei' . yuirer. Gents' Silk Susnendcrs (some. thing now) will be sold during the Holi. day's at the Honolulu Clothing Einporl. uw of A.M. Mkujs, 104 Fort Bfrcct. 871 ' WST Ex Zealandia, Gents fine Tweed Suits, atCliaa, J, Fiuliel's. IiAILY BULLETIN ' mil LjT HONOLULU, "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY BULLETIN ruBhng''upyto.hcr crowdKnumbcring . IT. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the latest Novelties in Fancy Good I AM ALL UPSET On account of extending the Store, and Receiving New Goods the Coronation Ball SUCH AS FhuLhes, Brocades, Sttrrahs, Merries, Bilks, Satins, Laces, Trimmings, Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades. 3, 4, 0 nnd 12 Button nnd 5 Hook BOOSTER, KID LOTES! For Want of room, I will sell the above goods nt prices never known before in this market. Also, a few very superior Gent's Dress Sui.ts. A. M: Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium 101 Fort street, LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Survey! nc: Office, 1!) nnd 21 Merchant st, above J. W. Robertson & Co's. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly JBK4 G. H. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams TntownT 1'elephone N. G5. IS CEDAR SHINGLES I. Just Rkcbiveo ny 200 , Allen St RohlnwM. W.FBNNBLli, Practical Michanlc. Saddles and HAnxEss of all kinds on hand or made to order. No millinery or.dry goods for sale here. No steam plows or Gorham silver ware. No wines or spirits for sale. No Imported Coronation stock1 here. No' boots, shoes or Eeter Funk jewelry; But if you want satisfaction in my line call on inc at 98 Kink pit. 303 BREAKING HORSES IK OENCIKK BTVMS. WALLACE JACKSON k . the thorough experienc- ed horse breakcr.wislics ,X3kj ,,IC pilUllC IUKI1UW U1HV nc is luny prepared 10 tnkc charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch; and attend carefully to feeding and t doctoring horses. Helms now, in In charge such celebrated steeds as liincK Thorn and other thoroughbreds, and lias the exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at the PanthcomStablcs, or at the raommoth stables on Mr. Jiimcs Campbell's property at Kaplblani Park, will meet witli' promptness. 295 ly Dr. De Frlen, Veterinary Physician, Stables on Bcrctania st. near Thomas' Square. Orders sent to P. 0., Box 815 will receive prompt attention. Dr. De Fries havingftttcd upolcgant accommodations on the Plains for the doctoring and care of animals, is, fully prepared to render satisfaction. Has also a larjje pasture land and will take general good care of horses and cattle left in his charge. No cure no pay. ' 808'ly A. KRAFT, J EWELEB, OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Huwallan Gazette" build- - 44 ing, opposite tlie Bank. Chas. D. Gemsch, Practical Watchnuker. ' Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3hi international iiotei. ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to all parts of the City. Shipping supplied In quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 58. Ottice at Wilder & Co.'fl. W rJDlto Ilcvwaiinn Temperance Tear Book', For 188:1, will be published horo in January, 188a, ayearhpok, an and useful volume with tho ubovo title. A handy book of reference as well as a valuable book foi the house- hold. It will be especially devoted to the temperance cause, aim will be of much use all the year around. You will bo solicited to sMbscriho to this book, and can obtain further information by oulllna.upon 1) ,M, CROWLEY, m Honolulu, H, I. r i. it. Received by every steamer Honolulu. J. LYONS, L. J. LKVEY. & LEVEY, LYONS Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu.' Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General, Merchandise promptly at. tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro-pcu- n merchandise. 318 8. TREGLOAN, H. TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. ItoWrt Lcwem, C. M. Cooke. T EWKRS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson. Importers and'Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, llonoluln. ' 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen at:., Honolulu'. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 &, PHILLIPS, Practical Pliimbeis, GnsFitters and Copper- smiths, No. 71 King St.. Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. Importer and dcalar, in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. C3 Wilson' Brothers, 1 AZAi72 BLACKSMITHS. -- Horso GENERAL Slioeing a specialty A first-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. ' Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.204 Hawaiian Journal, " Ko THE Pak Aina," owned and edited by' Kawainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of- fice, No, 6 Merchant st. 1 THE EVILS OF PAIlfTIKG Ab4 their Remedy. "It has been said with much truth; too, tiiat House , painting migut, with studv and acquirement oi lasic, resume Ua rank as n liberal art Pain(rs Manual. Relieving tho above to be true, A. B KERR has now ro.orsanlzcd his system of working tho business In Honolulu. In the first place he has secured the scr. vices of that celebrated arfist, Mr. Max Koiin, formerly of Bun Francisco, wliohc work in the line of plain and decorative paperJumging, frescoing, &c, U up to tho present time unsurpassed, and on these Islands has never been equalled. For house painting jobs first-clas- s me- chanics only will bo employed. In future patrons cun depend upon my till, ing every order on the most scientific basis known to the trade. The Sign Painting and Lettering de- partment will bo permanently presided over by Mr, Oku, Sthatmuywi, (further comment unuceessury,) P.B, Send (or designs of frescos for ceiling and cornices. Something new; and if you want any glass put in call at "Tiger" Paint Store, 247 ly 78 King Street, rpWO OFFICKS TO LET, on the sec-- X owl floor of the building occupied byJ.W.Uotwrtson&tio m FORT STREET, Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. H. R. Macfarbtne. O. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, FlrcProof Building, 52 Queen street) Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS for The'Walkapti Sugar Plnntatlon,.Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, HucloSuirar Mill. Maui. Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheen Ranch Co., Hawaii. J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow, and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlccs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machln crj-- , Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 Clana Hfrcekvlf. Win. O, Irwin. WO. ibwin & Company, Sugar Factors and.C'ommission Agents, Honolulu. '" 1 HHaokfeld As Company, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 OLEGHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts.. Hono- lulu. 78 II. A. F. Carter. 1'. C. Jonet, Jr. BREWER Company, J. Shipping and Commission Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 THEO. H. DAVTE8 & COMPANY, Importers and Commission, Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 71 DIAS & GONSAIiES, No. J7 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Importers nnd Dealers In Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 i &c., &c, &c. ., JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., of General Mer- chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. l S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, 124 Califomiu street. Ban Francisco, Cal. i F. T. LBN EH AN &G O ., Importers and Commission Mcr- - chants, Nuiianu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cactlc. J. n. Atbcrton. CA! STLE & COOKE, and Commission Mcr- - chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. 1 W ING WO CHAN & Co. i Importers nnd General Dealers In English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea ami Genera Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract mattinr. all qualities and prices, aQTNo. 22 Nuuauu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. , 81 fiwj Honolulu Iron Works, jiHilBStcam engine.?, sugar mills, boil, ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's bhicksmltlung. Job workexc-cute- d nt short notice. 1 A. G. ELLIS, STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Atthcir market value for cash. 215 Office witli E. P. Adam. Auct'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, NO. 88 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I, Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone, and other Corporation Stock, Bonds ami Similar Securities Bought and Sold on Commission. Money loaned on Stock Securities. Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1883. 214 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o. A. I. OLEOHOKir Ic Co. Have received a largo assortment of Boots & Shoes to suit all clum'8 of purthusors, 181 '" Professionals. Q B. MANN, B. B., Q TKACItElt OF DnAWtso DnAUOItTINn AND TItK Sciencks. 287 No. 189 Fort street. lm SARAH B. PEIROE, M. D., and Children's Physician. Ofilce and residence, No. 5 School street, (between Fort nnd Emma). Ofllec hours 10 s80 to 11:30 a. m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 240 Telephone, No. 20L DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, 104$ Fort street (up stairs.) . ' Charges lower than any other danllst in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction guirantced. 805' TXO. EMERSON, J Residence and consultation rooim at No. 2Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 149. M 2m DR. Or. TROUSSEAU, begs to notlfyhls friends that he has resumed practice In Honolulu. Rent; deuce mid consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st. opposite the makal gate of the Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours from 9 a. m. to 12. ,, . Telephone No. 193. SC W. AUSTIN "WHITING, AHorncy anu counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments' 'of Instruments. Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 209 T M. MONSARRAT, ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdo bought, sold and leased, on commission. ' ' Loans negotiated, ' Legal Documents, Drawn. . "i - ,. i N,o. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette. Block), 100 Honolulu, ilawniian Islands S.a DOLE, J Lawyer and Notary Public, ' 4 11, No. 15 Kaahumanu st. T M. DAVIDSON. it tf Attorney at Law, 16 L'4 Mcreliaiit stieet' FRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney at Law. 23 iliumaiiu st JOHN RUSSELL, w . Attorney at Law, Oftlce, comer of Fort and Merchant st. (up stairs) 115 William o. Smith, Attorney at Law 7U N,o. street. RICHARD F. BICKBRTON, and Counsellor at Tmw. Money to. lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Ofilce, No. !M Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public', anil Agent for taking of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8Kaahuinuu,st., Honolulu. i O. BBRGER, KAAHtfjIANU BTJi'eET. ' H General Agent for '" The If. Yi Lire Insurance Coiiipaiiy,'"''' The City of London' Fircju. Co(limit'd( Mncncale & Urban Safcs, The Celebrated Springfcld Gas Machln Gas Fixtures of MltclieU,iYancc & Co., ' ' 2jW QHARLES T. OULICK, t4 NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to1 LnbOr Contracts, AND' GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, In Makee's Block, comer Quceii and Kaahumauu streets, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS fc Co. 120 Hbnolulti, Fort'Strcct, - - Portrait and' Landscape 180 ly AULD,' Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con. tracts for Labor for tho District of Koiia Island of Oahu, at Ilia oltlcc of the Mono, lulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu st.. 18 tf JOHN A. HASSINGER, to tako Ackiiowlc'dgmciiti to Contracts' for Labor. Interior 'Office, Honolulu. 7 ; C, AKANA, Clilnesu and Hawaiian Trans. later and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the abort languages made with accuracy ami dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 2QD II, BHUNB, Cooper ami Ganger, WatcrTanks'of any dimensions, Cooperage, No. ip Fort street, , Honolulu. Oil Casks; Bhooku lind Hoop Iron con, 291 BtanUy.PUUwduniL fur sale. ,Jy i t ' ' i M 'i jt '

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Page 1: mil LjT IiAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · too, tiiat House, painting migut, with studv and acquirement oi lasic, resume Ua rank as n liberal art Pain(rs Manual. Relieving



Yoift H. JN"o. 330. H. L, 21, 1883. 60 0ENT86UDB0RIPTI0N

PER. MONTH..,' v$a



' fi- -


4 V


If .'


WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and clrcu.luted throughout the town by carriers,nnd forwarded to Jhc other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, 50 cents per Month.

G. Caubon Kesyo Editor.All business communications to be nd.

dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, PostOffice Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

OBIee; V : qneen Mtreet,Oppotlle West's Carrlngo Fietorr.

T. O. Cleviou, Manager



There was a funeral of a womnnticar Now Haven, Intl., recentlywho came near being the cause of adeal of bloodshed at one hour of herexistence. It is a fact well knownto old soldiers that Southern wontanwere very loyal to the Southerncausc,.aud that their .loyalty oftenled to difficulties between ,thcFederal soldiers. 'Margaret Wilsonwas an Alabat'nian by birth, nnd afirm believer in Southorn rights.AVhen the Union forces occupiedMemphis she was to be seen at al-

most all hours' of the day engagedin something which would. exasper-ate the Yankees.

One day in the summer of 1SC3many prisoners were arriving inMemphis from Arkansas, and worebeing guarded on the levco by someman of the Fifty-fourt- h Ohio. Mrs.Wilson came down in sight of theprisoners and their guards, havingher little Rebel flag, which shewaved over (her head The prisonerssaw it and began to cheer it. TheCaptain saw the cause of thissudden outbreak of loyalty, aiulgoing tip to the woman, ordered hernot to display that flag again. Butno sooner had be turned from herthan sho, nulled, a little piece ofpainted muslin from her bosom,where she had thrust it when theCaptain came up, and. flourished itagain. The Captain turned to Iter,trembling, with excitement andanger, and told' her if sho dared toshow her flagjagain lie bhould arrestner. uyxniswme mere were pro-

bably 5,000 persons on the levee,attracted by the cheering. Every-one expected bloodshed and thatthe few Union soldiers would bemobed and killed before assistancecould come. 'The Captain bestowedsome vigorous words on the offend-ing woman and .turned to leave hor.He had not goue ten steps beforeout came the Httlo Hag, and highabove her head she flourished it.The Southerners'' cheered as if hishonied majesty himself had arrivedin their midst. The Captain turnedoo thc.oncndimr woman, white withangcr,'and, withclenched first, Jiad so far forgottenhimself asjto be about to, strikeher,and would 'avo done so had notLieutenant A." "C.Gregory of theThirty-secon- d Wisconsin seized hisarm.

I Lieutenant Gregory, who hadjust come, up with about thirty men,tlicn undertook to arrest' the offend-

er, and she resisted with all the,tac-tic- s

known to women. 'She threwherself oil-

- the groundJ kicked,scratched, and yelled. T'o situa-

tion was critical in the: extremeThe many-thousan-


wW one swaying mass ofyelling, wigry men,f and all oym- -

pthing with the woman. Asergcant;a,nd private wore tryijg togather the woman up in borne BJmpo

in oruer u carry ci, nuuo uw "was closing in. n eyery side. TheLieutenant, drawing" his revolver,stepped toward the crowd, andshouted that he would shoot thefirst man., who, advanced .a stopnearer, ordering his me'n 7to do thesame. Thiis the angry mon-wcr- o

held at bay for a moment', and thenan Indiana jcgiment came hurryingforward, and, at 'the point of thebayonet, cleared their way to theircomrades. Mrs. Wilson was takento headquarters, and the next morn-

ing was sent outside of the Unionlines. Sho passed through manyscenes during tho way, but she wasnever so .near to causing death ason that morning when the Memphismob surrounded Lieutenant Gregoryand his thirty .men of tho Thirtysecond Wisconsin. JD'ecatyr (Intl.)J)lpatch t the Cincinnati Ei'

. yuirer.

Gents' Silk Susnendcrs (some.thing now) will be sold during the's at the Honolulu Clothing Einporl.uw of A.M. Mkujs, 104 Fort Bfrcct. 871

'WST Ex Zealandia, Gents fine

Tweed Suits, atCliaa, J, Fiuliel's.


mil LjT





. IT. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the latest Novelties in Fancy Good

I AM ALL UPSETOn account of extending the Store, and

Receiving New Goods the Coronation BallSUCH AS

FhuLhes, Brocades, Sttrrahs, Merries, Bilks, Satins,

Laces, Trimmings, Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades.3, 4, 0 nnd 12 Button nnd 5 Hook

BOOSTER, KID LOTES!For Want of room, I will sell the above goods nt prices never known

before in this market.

Also, a few very superior Gent's Dress Sui.ts.

A. M: Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium101 Fort street,


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Survey! nc: Office, 1!) nnd 21 Merchant st,above J. W. Robertson & Co's.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly

JBK4G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

TntownT 1'elephone N. G5. IS

CEDAR SHINGLES I.Just Rkcbiveo ny

200 , Allen St RohlnwM.W.FBNNBLli,

Practical Michanlc.Saddles and HAnxEssof all kinds on hand or

made to order.No millinery or.dry goods for sale here.No steam plows or Gorham silver ware.No wines or spirits for sale.No Imported Coronation stock1 here.No' boots, shoes or Eeter Funk jewelry;

But if you want satisfaction in my linecall on inc at 98 Kink pit. 303


WALLACE JACKSONk . the thorough experienc-ed horse breakcr.wislics

,X3kj ,,IC pilUllC IUKI1UW U1HV

nc is luny prepared 10tnkc charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch;and attend carefully to feeding and

t doctoring horses. Helms now, in Incharge such celebrated steeds as liincKThorn and other thoroughbreds, and liasthe exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at the PanthcomStablcs,or at the raommoth stables on Mr. JiimcsCampbell's property at Kaplblani Park,will meet witli' promptness. 295 ly

Dr. De Frlen,Veterinary Physician,

Stables on Bcrctania st.near Thomas'

Square. Orders sent to P. 0., Box 815

will receive prompt attention.Dr. De Fries havingftttcd upolcgant

accommodations on the Plains for thedoctoring and care of animals, is, fullyprepared to render satisfaction. Hasalso a larjje pasture land and will takegeneral good care of horses and cattleleft in his charge. No cure no pay.




Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Huwallan Gazette" build- -

44 ing, opposite tlie Bank.

Chas. D. Gemsch,Practical Watchnuker.

' Hotel Street, opposite the123 3hi international iiotei.

ICE MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU to all parts of theCity. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Ottice atWilder & Co.'fl. W

rJDlto IlcvwaiinnTemperance Tear Book',

For 188:1,

will be published horo inJanuary, 188a, ayearhpok, an

and useful volume with thoubovo title. A handy book of referenceas well as a valuable book foi the house-

hold. It will be especially devoted tothe temperance cause, aim will be ofmuch use all the year around. You willbo solicited to sMbscriho to this book,and can obtain further information byoulllna.upon 1) ,M, CROWLEY,

m Honolulu, H, I.

r i. it.

Received by every steamer



& LEVEY,LYONSAuctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu.'Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate

and General, Merchandise promptly at.tended to.

Sole Agents for American and Euro-pcu- n

merchandise. 318


ItoWrt Lcwem, C. M. Cooke.

T EWKRS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.

Importers and'Dealers in Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,llonoluln. ' 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

ami Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort and Queen at:., Honolulu'. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers inLumber and all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

&,PHILLIPS, PracticalPliimbeis, GnsFitters and Copper-

smiths, No. 71 King St.. Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.Importer and dcalar, in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. C3

Wilson' Brothers,1 AZAi72


HorsoGENERAL Slioeing a specialtyA first-clas- s man being specially engaged

for that work.Ship and Wagon work faithfully

attended to. '

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.204

Hawaiian Journal, " KoTHE Pak Aina," owned andedited by' Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-fice, No, 6 Merchant st. 1

THE EVILS OF PAIlfTIKGAb4 their Remedy.

"It has been said with much truth;too, tiiat House , painting migut, withstudv and acquirement oi lasic, resumeUa rank as n liberal art Pain(rsManual.

Relieving tho above to be true, A. BKERR has now ro.orsanlzcd his systemof working tho business In Honolulu.In the first place he has secured the scr.vices of that celebrated arfist, Mr. MaxKoiin, formerly of Bun Francisco, wliohcwork in the line of plain and decorativepaperJumging, frescoing, &c, U up totho present time unsurpassed, and onthese Islands has never been equalled.For house painting jobs first-clas- s me-chanics only will bo employed. Infuture patrons cun depend upon my till,ing every order on the most scientificbasis known to the trade.

The Sign Painting and Lettering de-

partment will bo permanently presidedover by Mr, Oku, Sthatmuywi, (furthercomment unuceessury,)

P.B, Send (or designs of frescos forceiling and cornices. Something new;and if you want any glass put in call at

"Tiger" Paint Store,247 ly 78 King Street,

rpWO OFFICKS TO LET, on the sec-- X

owl floor of the building occupiedbyJ.W.Uotwrtson&tio m

FORT STREET,Commission Merchants.

Geo. W. Mncfarlanc. H. R. Macfarbtne.O. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,FlrcProof Building, 52 Queen street)

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS for

The'Walkapti Sugar Plnntatlon,.Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,HucloSuirar Mill. Maui.Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheen Ranch Co., Hawaii.J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow, and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlccs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machln

crj--, Glasgow,

Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.185

Clana Hfrcekvlf. Win. O, Irwin.

WO. ibwin & Company,Sugar Factors and.C'ommission

Agents, Honolulu. '" 1

HHaokfeld As Company,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

OLEGHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts.. Hono-lulu. 78

II. A. F. Carter. 1'. C. Jonet, Jr.BREWER Company,

J. Shipping and CommissionMerchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

THEO. H. DAVTE8 & COMPANY,Importers and Commission,

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool Underwriters, British andForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssurance Company. 71

DIAS & GONSAIiES,No. J7 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Importers nnd Dealers In Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 i &c., &c, &c. .,

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,of General Mer-

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. l

S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants, 124

Califomiu street. Ban Francisco,Cal. i

F. T. LBN EH AN & G O .,Importers and Commission Mcr- -

chants, Nuiianu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cactlc. J. n. Atbcrton.

CA!STLE & COOKE,and Commission Mcr--

chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen-eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. 1

WING WO CHAN & Co. iImporters nnd General Dealers

In English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea ami GeneraSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract mattinr. all qualities and prices,

aQTNo. 22 Nuuauu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. , 81

fiwj Honolulu Iron Works,jiHilBStcam engine.?, sugar mills, boil,ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's bhicksmltlung. Job workexc-cute- d

nt short notice. 1

A. G. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Atthcir market value for cash.215 Office witli E. P. Adam. Auct'r.


NO. 88 Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I,

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds ami Similar Securities Boughtand Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1883. 214

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

A. I. OLEOHOKir Ic Co.Have received a largo assortment of

Boots & Shoesto suit all clum'8 of purthusors, 181




DnAUOItTINn AND TItK Sciencks.287 No. 189 Fort street. lm

SARAH B. PEIROE, M. D.,and Children's Physician.

Ofilce and residence, No. 5 School street,(between Fort nnd Emma).

Ofllec hours 10 s80 to 11:30 a. m.1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

240 Telephone, No. 20L


104$ Fort street (up stairs.) . 'Charges lower than any other danllst

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guirantced.


TXO. EMERSON,J Residence and consultation rooimat No. 2Kukul st., corner of Fort.

Telephone No. 149. M 2m

DR. Or. TROUSSEAU,begs to notlfyhls friends that he

has resumed practice In Honolulu. Rent;deuce mid consulting rooms, No. 73Punchbowl st. opposite the makal gateof the Queen's Hospital. Consultinghours from 9 a. m. to 12. ,, .

Telephone No. 193. SC

W. AUSTIN "WHITING,AHorncy anu counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments' 'ofInstruments.

Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 209



AND NOTARY PUBLIC.Real Estate in any part of the Kingdo

bought, sold and leased, oncommission. ' '

Loans negotiated, '

Legal Documents, Drawn.."i - ,. i

N,o. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette. Block),100 Honolulu, ilawniian Islands


Lawyer and Notary Public, ' 4

11, No. 15 Kaahumanu st.

T M. DAVIDSON. ittf Attorney at Law,16 L'4 Mcreliaiit stieet'

FRANCIS M. HATCH,Attorney at Law.

23 iliumaiiu st


Attorney at Law,Oftlce, comer of Fort and Merchant st.(up stairs) 115

William o. Smith,Attorney at Law

7U N,o. street.

RICHARD F. BICKBRTON,and Counsellor at Tmw.

Money to. lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Ofilce, No. !M Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law,

Notary Public', anil Agent for takingof Instruments for the

Island of Oahu. No. 8Kaahuinuu,st.,Honolulu. i



General Agent for '"The If. Yi Lire Insurance Coiiipaiiy,'"'''The City of London' Fircju. Co(limit'd(Mncncale & Urban Safcs,The Celebrated Springfcld Gas MachlnGas Fixtures of MltclieU,iYancc & Co.,

' '2jW


Agent to take Acknowledgments to1


Olllce, In Makee's Block, comer Quceiiand Kaahumauu streets, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS fc Co.120 Hbnolulti,Fort'Strcct, - -

Portrait and' Landscape

180 ly

AULD,' Agent totake Acknowledgments to Con.

tracts for Labor for tho District of KoiiaIsland of Oahu, at Ilia oltlcc of the Mono,lulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu st..

18 tf

JOHN A. HASSINGER,to tako Ackiiowlc'dgmciiti to

Contracts' for Labor. Interior 'Office,Honolulu. 7

; C, AKANA,Clilnesu and Hawaiian Trans.

later and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abortlanguages made with accuracy ami dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 2QD

II, BHUNB, Cooper ami Ganger,WatcrTanks'of any dimensions,

Cooperage, No. ip Fort street, ,

Honolulu.Oil Casks; Bhooku lind Hoop Iron con,291 BtanUy.PUUwduniL fur sale. ,Jy





M'i jt


Page 2: mil LjT IiAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · too, tiiat House, painting migut, with studv and acquirement oi lasic, resume Ua rank as n liberal art Pain(rs Manual. Relieving

t.'msfwvrwfw' - ,imy?ww,' 'l&f 'WSJtyrt ' m !livS?!a!' V-- nTVf!gptr, FWW &", j" w'W?WWyS!Wf,!



T .


$,V o


7r -







jpxff e



Notice, uSTUAUT Uwhorl7cdMttfJOSfcl'H nil nccounts duo jffih:

Daily llcu'inis, on nnd nftor tliU fyiv,who'c receipt for the panic will Lc biiiTI-riin- t.

DAtl.Y BlII.LKTlN Olllce,Honolulu.Jb'eli. 10th, 1883.

$he $ lllditlWEDNESDAY, FEB. 21,


"Reception, nt the Pnlnco, from J10

to 2 p. in. , ',,EVENING.

Oaliu Lodge, No. 1 K. Ofl 7:110.Hetlic-- lhn.yor Mcetiifg, at 7:30.Fort St. Church, PrnyeiMeotjng

nt7::i0. . VXSt. Cathedral) nisunl

nt 7530. 't


It is fresh fish lias been

more abundant. in the Honolulu mar






ket timing the last month 'or twopast than for the previous fewmonths, and in response to ourquery, Why? two cliffcicnt reasonshave been assigned by two differentparties. The first is, that .the, pre-

vailing winds of the winter monthscause certain kinds of small fish toretreat to shallow ' water, liearijhcland, thus placing themselves within

icach of the fislici man's net. Tins

other reason given 'is this, that the

occupation of catching g

fish to nisukct i- - being quietly aiid

quickly monopolized by Chinamen,nud thnt these 'Chinamen being moreindustrious, patient, and persistentthan the native fishermen, succeedin filling their nets when the latterwould fail from lack of , those attri-

butes. Whether this be the true rca-bo- ii

of increased supply or not,' it is

a fact that much,' if not most, of thefish bought and sold at the fish,mar-kc- t,

is caught and brought therebyChinamen ; antVit is not improbable

that this means, of livelihood andsource of revenue to the native IlaJwaiitin will ere long be completely

controlled by the unobtrusivelyaggrcsslyc Celestial. Well-wishe- rs

of the native race nre constrained toexclaim, What .a piiy that' the right-ful occupant lof tlio soil should thustamely submit to be pushed to thowall!

SHIPPING --NOTES.Capt. Mclntyrc has kindly, lent tis

a Hull paper containing an, accountof the loss of tho Fiona, off1 tlicEnglish Coast, last December. Shewas bound from San 'Franciscoto Hull, with a cargo of' wheat. Theshoic wasisticwn with wreckngc,rc-duce- cl

to a little better than match-

wood. The captain's wife met herhusband at Falmouth, butcamcvtbHull by tiaiu, and was in the townwhen news of tjici wrcck,.of tho shipmid (he loss of all hands, includingher hubband, anived. .


"'"Wohk lias been started again onthe lower end of 'Fort Street'.

Mkssiw G. W. Macfarlanc & Co. ,

have removed to their new premiseson the corner ,of Fort and Queen


Why is the Hon Godfrey Rhodesappointed a 'member of tho Board ofImmigration ? Arc we to liavof EastIndian coolies at Inst?' ' '

Wk arc requested tq istntc, bj Mr.Cqell Brown, that ho has lcfused tohave any thing . further, to do withtho.CoronatiomKncca., , OJJ J

A i'uismo reception will tako plnco

at the Palucc y, frohi' Hi ny 2 p. m., after which the Palacewill bo thrown open for inspection. '

.- -. a. ."Wk hear lhat'tlio Ministry have

appointed Mr. P. S. Pratt to theposition of Kcgistrnv pf Public Ac-

counts, vice, Mr. G. Brown. .

W,k understand) o'fflcially,' thotytis not the intention of the new mem-

bers of (Tie Board of Education to

discharge any of tho employees

in its service. " '

Wk arc constantly hearing fnicb

stories as these : The Government is

charged $2 a day for ilnbor pi) theruadu or oilier' works,1 iiuVtlio uieh

Honly get flu. Thaloculc of thestory vanes slightly,',uut the mamifiSfefe lte4iilcJiSmnc- - vNoj!, Iftliis bo true the Government is be-

ing swindled.

Somi: one iia iiad tlie go'o'dticsLto

Stieet beyond tho soap works, liedeserves the thanks of the commit- -

Ox Sunday evening last the Rev.H,:VflWcVOl4t OilUo (bxtwnsbrokyii-opc- n, aiidT.itiJsT.l)clicvcd accrahi letter 'Wns taken, frain, it., Tliothief is suspected.

Tub prcsblit Ministry "havo showntheinsoh'es iilucky at last Pcilinps,'however, Jthcv vish it to be .said thatthc3'. died , game. If so,, we Jiopo

their wish will be gratified.

Tlio.question, was asked yesterday)referring to the Ministry, "On whatkinds of meat dpth this, Our Caesar,feed?" and the reply' given" was,'i Probably on Lanni mutton."

''Tini'Stenmcrs Iwnlani and Likclike sailed ,at ; the same hour lastevening. As both steamers havelately been cleaned and thoroughlyoverhauled, g maybe expected.

Tub, invitation to the Ball sccmrtohave been issued ' with, great discri-

mination, as man' of our best citi-

zens iaIio have never before r boonomitted from such gatherings Have

been left out this'timc.

Wk understand that that bad pieceon the Wnikikipaihisot'.thCj faultof the Bond Supervisor at all, but ofsome private person 'wlio obtainedthe necessary nuthprityrto repair itand did so.

' 0,un West Maul .correspondentwiitcs us thnt that part of 'the islandhas been visited with a very, unusualrainstorm. For more than n week itraincdicvery day and part of tlic.timethe rain fell very fast, 'for the leeside; , dt,scenicd,like Hilo., jj ,

j Otiit.attcntionis draw,n to the factthat one of the express drivers' re-

gulations is almost constantly cvnjf-cll-,,

We prefer, Jto'Jic weariiig(o'f,thcbadge on the left breast conspicu-ously. .Many, do'.notiw.cqi; it at all,wliile others)liidc it under their coat- -

lappel'or wear it on their hat'.' '.

Wi: understand that His MajestygaA'c orders to his ''staff and, otherson Saturday night to invite thoseladies and gentlemen of their friendswhom they might see in tlio groundsto come up' to the upper bnlpony.His Majesty made no distinction asto who was. to, come, up, but left thatto tlcir judgmqnt. ,An over votfi-ciou- s

person made himself still moreobnoxibtjs 'by prcvdhtii'ig' some oftliose tliusi invited from coming upand kept'them 'on 'the lower

,SavcTne'from my'fi'icndsi"

Wk have now two Boards of Fdu- -

cation in this country --This ouriousstate1 of affairs comes T

aboiit in 'tlioI ' 'following way. Late on Monday

evening a'noto" was sent by thoPremier to each member ' of w

Board stating that His Majesty hadcommanded him to ask for their re-

signations. Owing to the lateness ofthC'llourW whic'll they we're' receivedno reply ' was' forwarded. Nextmorning in tile " By Authority' col-

umns of the Hand-orga- n a noticeappeared appointing other gentle-

men Members of' the Board vice thoprevious members resigned. Nowthose gentlemen had not resigned'and wc understand they have refusedto do so. S,g, that wq have twoBoards offEduontion Ion-ou- r handsiit the present time. . .

-- -Ik there is' ono tiling more' cnleu.

latent than ,niio'tkcr to ",impircitJiopublic and foreign) capitalists withconfidence, )) the plendid misman-

agement of our Finances, after tlioretention in ofllcc for 9 months ofMi'. Kaal,' it' is tlio 'dismissal of a

trustwoithy. and rclialilcnian likeMr. GodfivyBiciwnfom Ids posi-

tion f?licgf8?raM lMiblDftocounts.

Owjng to llicwtty IqMvliicU'uthot-


'Cliicf'lfof tlio Fi'iinncV Onicc liaB

'beenrselected dtuluc the nrcscnt

Sliuistrj it required n m.inlof thatkind to run the olllce, and they hadone. Now they have dismissed himand thnt without. -- airy, reasons beingassigned. Would us no toicrnica

InatiyTJtlicr country?5C


' Cpriciiort(lencc Hsollfcltnlioii the Ion:lc4 of theMftjV dr vlirttx mny liccoitio .fl.

Wc iccivu tlic ihrlit to cxcKc nmelypeiiontil msitlei. f jJti

We do not hold on riches lcipontiblcXoV-'U-p. opinions cpi by our cor- -

" """ '"' '"'Di.

Mu. Ki)iiou:-T-- A gilat. deal iinsV

been written nbotit forming n societyfor the Picvcnlion of Cruelty to

; 4SVivnl8 H ii?k IV? mf amno one nns uccu ioiiuu fining iotake the matter in hand. At tlicprccnt time, hen the roads, aic insuch n heavy slate, owncis and dii- -

vcrsscc'm tb' have fllttld or ,no com- - J

passion for their slock drays andwagons arc piled up Aiih goods with-out'an- y

Fiecd'rof!iwciglil. On Mon-

day scvcral.bullock Renins were employed hauling stone, and it was csti-- ,mated by parties well informed nsto weights Mmt'cacQ 'cart ,3tdns of slb-iic-. .Eachrl M 1 l- -l ii I ! ILI.cait was drawn four bullocks,and it was only by, niscvcre applica-tiono- f

whips, kicks nnd pokes thntthepoor brutes were able to dingthe londiaewyauls al a tunc with-out resting. Everybody kno.w.s Hintan ox cait, empty, is a heavy vehicle,but to load one with, say, 2 tons,and (Compel 4, half-fe- d bullocks todrag it through the streets in 'theirpresent condition," is' an butrageoiftoutrage Officer Wond is doingsplendid work among hacks andhaekmen, 'and if the Authoritieswould invest this 'officer vfltli a littlemoro. power, in- - regarding to over-

loading ' drays, cruelty1 to' htiimnlswould sooivbe a thing of the past.

'Yours &c 7 ''.' VuiKsn?

EbiTon ullktin : Iu answer to'Herald' whetlicr in any country inthe world a ''SoyaF Highness ctih becreated. "I tbinkohci should applyto Col. the Hon. C. Hastings Judd.Iiord"CllnmberlMh,MwhS ialcltbj raGovernment Official aifow.daysiago,''Tli'crc is nothing appertaining to anyof tlic Courts of Europe, that I amnot thoroughly conversant ivt'ith!' J

And fiqm the' winner in which thet

Coronation ceremonies were inniiiagedf?) Iiiavc no.doubt Jicis right,and m!1 also be able to answerHerald. I Qiokuvkk.

Z--11 , -'IiONTJON GOSSIP. ,

V. (nYFI.AXEt3rJ5T&Special for tlio DallrTiiilletln.) "?$

An amusing' incidentjiasyjust oc-cu- id

in Dublin, fchowing 'how 4zeal-ou- s

nre the newly imported maripes,in discharging the duties for whichthojbjrve been broiiglitvejrr'AOnthe sccond'-day- " of entering upontheir somewhat uncomfortable 'faiprjvice, tho Archbishop grte a dinnerat the Palace in St. Stephen's Green,nnd;, as one or two 'unpopular"guests' timVbcenibJddcu to the' feast,wo of ttho ney force, inthohrojpi

detectives, were stationed 'furtivelyo;i, he watch outride. , Most ofthccompanyiad arriyed, wjici a

wrapped i afoug cloak, was scoii'jmvcilng nbouttho c'ntuc9 to tho house', Suddenlyas a carriage 9ontniniiigonef of the"unpopulars" drove to the door, tlio

cloak, wlien'Mio'vas poifncctl uponby the watchful marines, who, witha "Not so' fast, Mister," took himcaptive. '

it turned out, however, that theirprisoner .was no less a personagethan the Bishop of Ossory, who)fcaring'tlint ho might bo too cnily.hai boon waiting until lie aw n vehi-cle approach with some other guests,,and had then proceeded to feel inhis pocket to make sure that lie hadnot forgotten his latchkey, beforeascending the steps.

I mentioned before that the cashierof the Moscow Foiindling Hospitalhnd defrauded that institution, oftlic siim of 310,000 loublcs, nndbeen sent to Tomsk to spend themoney there. ' I have now before moa trustworthy Moscow paper wlcltstales that during' tp, a$t(' year ortwo, tlio defalcations ami pmbez4C'ments, $fy dzen. Jtussjai pfcialsamount to a 'gi'an'd total of twenty-seve- n

million roubles. First oil thelist is itykaw director of ,tc fjlkophi-sk- y

Bank; cvidontly. h 'financialgenius i Jw ho 'has spirited' away


I Jtongn&BAlLB c6.!sr' r


Hotto'm Ntnudni'd Scales, endorsedGovcinmcnt. Scale) for all purno -

Ancw;and c4rcfuHyrM!lcclotl


Crrlngc Lumps of most npprocd Jincrlcuupatlcins. t- -

Plows antl Agricultural Implants

on tlic ThuuHJL01)UIUt-&-STnBET-LAMP-

llOliSi: CLIl'l'EH.S,,'j firJUlllftoATiNO OILS,WIllTfi JXXi) is PAINTS. .


Something for Evcrybbdy--a new discovery,M

.nTJie vJIpga?fioiGalcito Fire Proof . Safes',Jewel Cases uidlBond Onso;.

' Al n test of the flic pioof imnlitiM of !tlie.Miigneo-tolcilereld-on-4hwid-l-

near Hie CUxgiall, Sim FWnHseo, Nov. 2TUi, n pllc.of about a.cord ofiiHch-jtiii- a

AvoodiTfl4')r!p.vrediiinnrnve ijftllonVbMnr pour6d It. Amainioncliestwitlfai;nch lining of Mngnesocalclti wn-- j pbued llnlib 'oenlrc ofHlii? pile hd the,niassijC'hflr6lo.-'Vt'V- t the chest had bccn,,kept nt a red beat for nn hour, Hwmtaken frcm the flic, cooled with water, and opened, and the contents, consisting of.

,nnners and chcubius, were found in a perfect slate of preservation, being not nt tillTlNcolorcd, only slic'liily warm, nnd having a killing snfbll of smoke. '

f Pyc, themhova test, nndaw th'c'bor opened,nml wc ccitify lo the perfect preservation (if Ucoritcnts. j Tlio.eatlrc test wnsipcr-- ifcetly satisfaqtory to us. 41. L. DonoK, (of, Dodge, Sweeney it Co,); C. H.Jjato.v,.

J " ''..A public test ot tho quality of Uiaca

pjBCiprocity. RelationsJJctwccnphc HnwHiinn Inlands nnd the United Stales, nnd ' '

' i between tho Hawaiian Islnnds nnd , ,

J 7 T '

Roal Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General "

Busihfess jflgent, . ,',, ''

Ofllcc,-STiOro- t chant slicct, ' .Ilawnilim Gn.cllo Blocki .

The only lccosiibcd Itenl'.ilsiiito Bioker in the Kinmlnm. I '

Land and properly 91-- sale in all wit Is of 110110111111' nnd thevari6us Islands.- - -

irou-c- tOieaic'niid'rent in'lloofijlu nnd'.sulnifbs. ' t' 'Booms to Tent, en siiitb oiv8lnglc,iKr6ughoiiUIfonolulii. t , -- '

IIMll Ullljl JllliiLH Mwmi jium mi.l Mj.i MJMmmmMMMmmmmjMmMmMMMmmmmtv, clvo millipuya'oubles. rf'hciii f0IJ1owsomcf'tchinovniKs1 of 0dcMnfw hohave calmly defviudod, the Govern-ment of six millions, in provender.TiiihTbh?'tli"e-lisi'.is"tli- c Cashier foftho Bank of Chcrson. .Thebnildingtook fireon'e finojeveningj.'biit theflamestwere extinguished, before nuydrfiifage was done; except of coursea trilling deficit of two or three mii-libn- s.

The' Director of the Bank atVladikavkaz, cannot' ,explaiu tlio ,ab;scnco.of 1,700,000' roubles froniithocellnrs of the Bank"; mnd thcil)irec- -'

toy 'of"the Bahkdf.Crp,nastadt is1 in, asimilar prcdlcamMiti but with d defi-

cit twice'dS'lafgc'irrl Odessa, ft fccr-ta- in

Matkovsky got , possession of amillion by means of a foiged certifi-cate apd iinliinitcdi'iH(pAxi'tf

A Cashier pf'.thc SouthVcslchrKiiilways was 'srflisficd wltli

400,0'0(i and Mclitsky with 340,000.,The i)iirveyor of quinine, during tlicrTurkisli'-wnr- , 'got! 250,000 roublesfor certain imaginaiy quantities' of'this medicine ; and the Govprnmciit,after having paid 80,000 roubles for,the light-hous- e nt Archangel, to the

,tcliinpviks of that town, have' dis-

covered that said icliinovblKs dis"1,burscd in all 20,PQP roubles for thestructure. My Moscow nuthoi ity de-

tails ,fnr$hej.,,,jinuncrous minoiv.dc-- fraudatious i , bpt'i havcgivid.etimrgh

to give yon ,n distinct'jdeafofthcuniversal corruption' in "Russia at thepresent day.'' n ir;BRO,WN & OOr,

Wine nnd'Sjiirit Mbrchnnts,(whnlcsnlo'nild ictiiiIJ,ll'No."J Mercliant

1' " ( '1 . ri r. i.. i. 1, i., A Aiucrlcnn,

ENGINEER niifl'iprnctlclit Mechanic,0110 of tho lurgot

sugar mills qfthJ Kingdom, desires toniako a clmngo' withn view of llndlngnlcasant KUiioiindinirs for wlfu Mud.J - 'IrTl .? V. .T .! inung s(jiu(iiow ,in ino;c, luestioj,i'fonolulu nnd otbcrcfeiencLs nnd tes- -

timoniult'. Address "Lnoi.nki;h," Daii,,vBui.i-i.ti- Ofllrc.' ' ' '" ",f 828 2w

.M, ftWaiitcd, '

'ANYONE having 11 copy of J. WKdiiwnlirs'k'IFdiTnBooH'1! dis

pone of, will find n purchaser by bendingworutOWJO'OW .. 7 ICOnoDTX803 tf J. W. K01IKU1SON 61 (JO.


JUfcT 'BECEIVED!jCvn-oxrttxxF-



HELMET HATS!M'o'be-.oldvery.phea- att

101 Foil ht reel 823

jtall I'rogrumiiiCM, ! '

N lcccjvcd fiomBmirFnuiclb.o. utTKK Daily Bui,


, 1 j)L- "J, jMi! J

A'otico. 'pA ' BESPECrpABK- - WOMAN) whoIx uuderstaiulH child) fii ii a goodnuixcitiul Bciinslrcs, wishes n Kiluiitionin 11 pilviito fiiniliy linhiedlntely.

Applrto J. K. WrsKfx,I2S lw Uer.eitil Business Alrcut.

t2f" A lino selection of'Lftdlfs' HatmC6ii.etS ciln bp lijul 'nt tho HonoluluClothing Kiuporluiu 'of A.'M. 'Mkixibj101 For? Btreet.'H 871

tho Unltod StalesDorniiint '



asscrtm"entdITT ,

'B i

Hnj 1 jH3gSbm

goods will be made at an early date1.'

Rather Revivifyin, t)r



A. ' - t

A SMALL BLAlCK1 AND, TASTER.'XX I5IEB DOG, answers to the nnhieof "(Diikc." ' Anyone'fcturning'cnm'o to'

liberally rewarded. ;, , !3291w.1 ' I t20 ItnwniHl.

"WILL pAlT.llic nboyc reward for,tho'rccoven'of thd n'rb'no'rlv hnd'Hic'

apprehension of tho thief who stoic 'myjpocket, iboolc and dress coat-ifro- hecabin of,tcschponcr, Dakota, on Moanday night, the ,12th ihstnnt. ,

- '" ' "j.'c. wendt:327 3t " " Mnstcr of Bclir Dakotrf.'

Situation) "Wanted, .

AiYOUNG-.GERMAN-, lately return-- t

Islands, wishcsin sltua-tio- n

nsiOversccr,, or possibly ns.HcadOverseer on' some Plantation. Iins actedin both capacities for a number of years'and is prepared toigive thoibcst of Tcfcr- -'

dices. Speaks besides his ownlangu.iage, English, Spanish nnd Hawaiian..Pmties wisliing to confer may pleasecull dr address "A.M., German, curb ofSailors1 Home," 'Honolulu. '"

Honolulu, Feb. 13, 1883. 824lw. 1 1.


'' ' .' Ill' lI H

oc , 10

d' S' 2

S CS, rl Si "r n .0 ftLi el hn. ,

AA rrt H2 o b: 00.

1 RftSfl!'!sr iihU k--J S CL&W.4S g uM b. A-


m. 2 .5 oH l--i

9nd os



A 'PBW PENTL'EJUSN bo nci'oiii.l..Mnodnlcd 'with Hoard dt Ii privatejtimaLv i n icbpccinuio ueigiiDorhood.and within 5 minutes of tho Post Office,For particulars apply at tho BulletinOlllce,

1 fJUUinTitAGER8vill,nndn''''

iCoiuf ei-tabl- Home . Vnt 118 Nuuniiu Avenue. Hooms uliiglO Or suite, u't niodernto'tliargcs.IWO-O- ' .mi KWJiVfYtUUm

W!ir'"k.--te n. - '" . jfi -- Wi- J .... l.. ifi 'inrfVHriil -- .i-J - . iri 1M wiiiiMi ' 1A111 . jiijjk,.- - wnvsyte'iftfif;--- 1

Page 3: mil LjT IiAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · too, tiiat House, painting migut, with studv and acquirement oi lasic, resume Ua rank as n liberal art Pain(rs Manual. Relieving

.r?ripwp nk& pj fWW


Dhnond HonMTiali-WaH,-' PcntoSjabip Oomp'y. n

JV StMrii Navigation Company's, CO XV ' iIHI 1



33fifflte wr r

ARRIVALS.Fob. 20 ." ' '""

Sclir Knulkcnotill from TJoiioKna

DEPARTURES ,Feb. 26--'-

"' '" ' 1'1 ' ""'Slim Likclikc for windward port,!-'-

Stinr Iwnhini ior lvojia niul JCuu .SlnnMoko1Hro,lttl1n,',,, V 'Sclir LcnlU for KoUolnliflcTSclir Mnry Foster for Kotoa

VESSELS LEAVING THIS, DAY ,Sclir Uen Scigel for Koolah"Sehr Mccfoo for l'uiiunlmi

PASSENGERS.,For vyvd.viMl.K)rtsM)er Likclike,.

Feb. Wjftllo,ilA F JuiW, Hon S G Wilder, S TAlexander, Mrs J D Arnold, C NAnold, Mra Conway, A F Cookeand son, Mrs J II Mhbyna,hctf3children, W Conway, D Toomey, HSmith, W J Urodio, W R Martin, LAholo, wife.aud cliikj, lv C nizot,Mr Von mplkoyl AllLoniBSoiJ, HA Lusconlbh-- H" YVSeveranconnddaughter, Mrs Rvcroft and 3 chil- -

,1.n W P. Vino." TM W Cnvnlhnnr.- - ' - -tail;.!, w Jin QFatbCT'Lrtmtcrrr?.-lKrr("Alr8-Nt- t"

hinu, J Goldstein, Miss JUcUowan,Miss Woodward, J Lewis,anicl, and 123 deck.

Vnr Ivniia and Kail licr Iwauini.Feb 2.04HilH lVincessjRu'thKee- -likftlani'Mrs. U Bishop Mre MMnnmkau, T Drown, L ,1? Hanson,U U iucrriman, w iu ivuigin, ira.

Davis and wife, Judge illoavii.i and2 sons, J Kalania and wife, Rey D,Keawcamalii, D H Naliinu ahd's6n,W W GoodalcdMr,

VESSELS IN PQRT;..P,aaHH. B. M. 8. Mutlnc, F. Edwards.U.8.S. WwOiuwstfacRArrpn U --,

I R JLliekanmifvv1ls6n WU 8 8French mnn-of-wa- r Limicr (

Am ship Hope,


Bark D C Murray, JenksBk HermannBark UllockBark Revere. ; .

TCilr 1?irnaf Ol1f.kll

S&S!S.uaM 'PhJ,w rAm tern JJaioKa, Vr' 1 . t 'T.rn .T O FordBgtno Consuclo, HowardBgtnc John D Snrcckcls , ,.

'111 T 'Bgtnc,MorninR Star,,. ,,, 5

Haw brig Nhilto, CameronBchr Anna, McCulloeh

VES8ELS EXPECTED.'lllg Xnmo', . iKr9in " .' ,l)ucnnr R R EhVe'nslciii. fm Bremen. MhAm tern M E Smith fm Pt Gamble, Ja.SO- -Am Iik Amy Turner from Boston, Jan aOr bk Canopus fm Bremen, b g Fo.U 7.

Jubileo from Newcasilo 6 Fcb 12

Stmr City of Sydney fin Sydney, aix laBtmr Cityr6f N.n'ork-fro- 8. i1. Feb 18

Br "slii AmUaSsaubr, fm' NewcastleUnrk'Eocli Leolfri'Newc'ustlC. Dec,Am bkt'n'o Elinor Vernon, fmN.Y.Mh 15BknTirorCctrfnTLIVErnWIl Miifcir

VEaaeCaTEXPEOTfeb'ViCltAHuiIuIJ QBkT'S Tlioinpsnn' f'ram Nftnaimo "

A Mgc'ail pltiufla aAJrlmcnt ofFfrfe- -

, Works pmi b4iud,,at,

CEO F. WELLS'Music Store, consisting of

raluF, l''.,'.-,- ' ,

Wucdls, Chini Flyers,t'CoJore'd Fires,' Bcngalna," '

5(',' " " 1R6ckctX Itonian Indies.

i ((. I c.S:c.l&c. '. ',' f105nnd'107 '. ' ' Fort street.

. nt --:. ., 814 "

Just ArrivedBy tho stror City of New York,

d prTcTTfToM TnTiTBTTTSrLadieM' Gentlemen'

'lirnliloroil nii'il nlnlnpnlV.i 1lBridles in Rnsset & Blk leather

Riding Whips and Ilnrness,

Solid Leather Portmanteaus,Carpet Bugs, Pniielifsuiid

Russet Leather Saddle Bags,



300.. Wi Hfl Kinir Ktrpl.C A

vVOrMfrt:, MosICSl SUIVUIIUII MiuiraFichuus and Collarettes of. the lutcstPatterns are to ho lfiid at.tjio HonoluluClotlilhW' EmVibrruni of A, M, Meu.ib,

Sr4000,vur,dS of Quodhoo all'Svoolflannel, .from 25ct.)ip, Rt Ql?aa, J.,f 40UV J MVW( 'him. ...

&.'' AHMuIronStoamor Suez,

- COMMANDS!OTI WllfuUn --(frX'nl'lUil 1 ' n '

FOR SAN FRANCISCO..February .in,,., ,

Tor frcliih't'oriiiitiTiihBa, having supcrlorinucoinoiinuous, nppiy to1J? '1 '

"Wm. G. IlhVitf & C6., Agents.Vl. lii i- W-- V

1'fr.VAClFJ.C, .MAIL Steam- -. .

JMi-IjI- shli .Company-,.,- ,, -FOR SAN FRANCISCO,

Thu Splendid Slcntushlp

. v I City, of Sydnoy,Dearborn Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for Sun Fianclscoon or about Mutch 13.

irFOR SVDNIiJYfwAUCLANDIK. Jt The Splendid btcnmslup

City of New York,Cobb. - coininiiiidcr.

i Feb. 18.For freight or passage apply to the

uhdursigncd agent?,

1 We are now prepared to issue ticketsto Sah'FfaacisOjandfretura for,$125,tho Eo'uid Trip.

II. IlACKKKt.D & Co.


tV The clipper bklncEureka,

Pcnhallow, -- , Mntcr,Will have ntick(lNji:itch' iof the abovep'oft.v For frclglit-'o- r pasmind sfpply to

, IL.IIackfkmi & Co., Agents.


The dinnerSchooner Anna,

iWiHfnavc'quick dl'spafeli .for-th- o aboveport. For freight or passage apply to" 'r"J"K WsrGk lnwix & Co., Agents.


dferSTSSS! Th'n Ann cUrmnr litrlnn


Ilpwnnl, ' . Master,Will 'liavc quick dispatch for tho aboveport'. ll For Irclghti'or'ilassage apply to

Wm. Gi. Iuwin & Co., Agents.

r3iiiU l'vquf Vnu THISJlX'? auit aass latAiNuitsuu.-

Tlie clippcr'bg'tne

,4 John D. Spreckels;i; -- , - - Master,

Vyill .have 'quick dispatch, for 'the 'abovejioi:,t'. Forrclghto.pitssage apply to

Wm. G1. IiiwiN & Co., Agents.


0SX2&E& The clipper bark?Og-1urra- y,

Jenks, - Master,Will have ,qu'ick dispatch fo'f Hbovc' port.For' freight or passagc.'iippiyuo' T ' "'

' F. A. SciiAKKKii '& Coj iigeiuV,


The Anicrican Tern trJ. C. Ford, .,-- u 6 .!

JLeBalHUcr; r-- . Master.Will havc.diiickdisnatch forahovenort;

,For freight or passage, apply to


S - s " ' ,

;:The Bark-Marth- a DavisWillsaiffrpni .Boston ,on nr about.ll)e15tli of Jiuid. Orders, fill,9l promptly,and ircigUt taken at.tlic lowest jates,,. 1

Apply to ,C. BREWER &Co(l .;,,010, , . , jQiiucn St., Honolulu.


iTlio. clippcr.ichooiicr'Jennie Walker,

;.33nHw$P9hWill run regularly netween Jionoiuiuniul Ililo. For frcfuht or nassaire annlvto the Captain, on hoard, or fltJft$9 A. F. CKB.Htfgcnt.


Schooner Ehukai '

wiHtuu icgularly , .--, "

iTO WAIALUA EVERY 3I0NDAY,Jiuiuiiiiiig uii iiiui.MlHj, wraiun-- .

ncrllllttlllL''v'. ; &'' For freight or passagoappljuto' thoCaptain on board, or to ""aw...'

JHl A, J!'. UOOKE, AgCllt,'?,'! i i)i)i' ! ',1 ..;.' ' ui.1 'n-Ji'-

;t. Steamer Likoliko,King, Mnster.

TjPjlVpr TTnnnliiln 'nnli TiiPHrlfiv nt4 ' nt f.nliiilnn. Mnn- -laett" 1C?.. " r V .W.iawainne, iupanotuoo auu jiiio,

oturiilDg.VAvllMfoiioll'at all tboalove ports. nrrlViiiK at Honolulueach tiuriiu.a.iu.. ...-- A M-- inrli- &zrvs JJM1! A.J gT:

'- - job J'rlntliiK -- -EVERY DESORIITION e.xceul-.e- dOF with,nualiivss and, litmtpli fV

Tun UaUiV Bulvktik Oulce, Queen stf tj

'Xoti!, 1 ,

1IANL0N will attend to liuncJAMESsick horses. Cull, at his shopon DvlUvl btruct, uu UruuV premise. UQ7



The Iwalani,iiATEPy , . . .. . . Coiutiinndcr,, Runs trc'iularlvf UjtKoflafnud'lduit nsper following time table:,I Lk.yves At 4 p.m. onbiclnyf ' MninH 20Friday, Jnu 10 Hrjday; March Sfruesday, .Ian !10 Tuesday, March 111

V..I.1. .. 'V..U 'itAIHI11J, JCUIJ 17 riuny, nircii 2JI p 'An1ity3:sA-rjHoxtUf.f- l f "SVwlncAiTiS', A17 I --AVednrsdaVf Ve'21H

naitirdavv .lau? Saturday, Mu-10- ,

AVedncsday, .Fo 7 miiiusiiay. iin iaiurny, a-- 17 Saturday, Ma Ul

qr TThej Ci R. .Bishops -- ,,;CAMKiio.v, Coinmandcr,

LciiVcs Honblillii evcry'Monday'hi S p.m., for NawlUwilljtKolOBf Elecle(hnd Walincu, Kauai. Helurulng, leavesNawillwlll cvery''FHday"fivenlhg.v ,J


The James Makee,mcdokald, . r Commander,I Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at 5 p.m.jfor Knpaiv andKilauea. Returning leaves Knpaaevery Tuesday evening.

I : wxiuiK.'coaKmictiOfllcc, corner NuuatiuniHl Queen streets,' Honolulu,:HI.r

Agent for the following Packets:WalVolo, l' JlJLs WalolQ

I Wnlehu, yK1 WaimalU.Maldlo, 'wjafiy Kaluna;'Mann, 4HK' Julia,

Ka Moi, and Elulkal. .

Red Flag, with White Ball.181 .''.' .


Plushes, Silks, Satins, Surrahs,

, " Moires, Laces'and Tftmniings

.OBtiWillbcjopcncd this dayiby "

j A. HL. HfclliM,808 . : : ' JlOiiFort Street.

For Sale,'NE DIPORTE'D'purfcurcd'1'

jrf ,, !,18 months old., 1 .' .i,- -

For particulars npiily t6T. A. DUnOlT.

I imqyllZ eAt'MitcfarlamTCo's,',824 If , .,, Knahitmanu st.I

. .k ,! tjil (i ',-- 1I ... . ,:, -- r.lji) i

' tuliftO pniJifW rti!5i3 "BtOJijnoita HI

ivni( Hilt!I.'- ' i(l aM,-1- if ir"n'.1,-ist- l iiiidi.ittj.l'l RBHi:'!

xwrf? hru rfl e'nsiWiifJ ho 'exfwi

L- tp -.' .r-i-- 'i j'l 'n!' tit

vr,i;i. .'i. ir I !Furniture

(I J f I'M ,'!., ',11" .'' '

! t T !'", ipaiiyr,

aVAiafiebM6Wfrfdr8'Iixf,l,. ,u. I .' li i I. 'i .'

QUEEN STREET. ,' " - ",



FURNITUREt j, Iii,tho kiiigdoiii, '.)" !

I - !... an- -,'. , 1 ,.ri lif'j.f. .l.ili. !- - i I 'rii

j wincUfWHi.uqj,,,, .

Solft'at' thfj 'Lfjwstj.i'EateBi1

A8Y'CHAHlS?MO tV'o-vi- -

, ,' ,'. V IV ' "I ' I.. I'i' . ,1


".. .i.'"n'--'

r,,i'. ''MXTTliESSES,;

Made to order ul short notice,

" ""1p.'adamb;.


i . in I ! I.

TelcphouolNo.,7?. 207. :

.i . i.,i' . i. l

) .. .! r'Mlji4 ,' " 'i'ill,' '. ''. Ivi u . ii, ii. I

l 4.1 iil., ''.,! , t

ll.l'"l M ' )) 'MAi JVcrViJLiot,bli 'I ;

Colonial' Candies;Just.Ucccivcd at !

' U?' A..8, Clighorii JkVo

'("""Wliito open .frohi" shiV'ts, at

Ladles'' nhd.GenW. i.Gold aiut Silver' "Wntchcs

ajMraLJS3TEvery Wnteh warrnnleds8'ifcprcnlcE y

.. ii

IB K.No !

Actikl weight,.otGoldt, , ,,.


?fi ,' ; rV:.

TOJisnmnKJUto?ttmiiiuJii8Casj I Ji VstabjeirrtifttiLlho acctmanjinai)Mili-J"--- --f "' ' 'r' hT?ClnmjiCiblttL.catTitot Mark

UKDrtanDlSllrirSJloooDlZr "v in punrantrcct A

FiinWilvcJclsAW .(2i;5)s raH

, AQHARDSOllmj Have Jnxt Itoteived. ifer Sne,"1 s s1

Ladies' White;andrB ronzerS I ippers, r,I i u Cent's Patent Leather. Pumps.

,. - Also, a Cliojcc )3elccllo:i of

FiirnisJiingQotias, Hats. Ties, Gloves. &c.


Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets;

WELLS' .MUBICST01?E,l'Oar& ior Port gjreel.

" ;!We hasp- Just received, per " Ahcranian,". fioin jGhisgow,.a; largo. iiivoice of.,

.Englith lusie Goods; Hieludlng" , J?P JOa rlT



i...i.!..i. ...1.1...1 i; -- ..:...". .''.,, ,1

bought spot-cas-

you prlW-'it'o-

iandChairs uheiipvi;

rm in

',; '(imi


i i -i






in. XU.VJ.1U;!. 11J f

fot thisN. Dcwaro of intlla

hijye discoveredsovcrall silver 'wntcUea?

the name " Wnltlinmrwhich arc of Swiss

Manufacture, and aresold asjggnuliiOi j j



( t.iji.u j ,v i.vili tuuWtJ

vei4 ohcapcsl, slock.1

other house. , ,

wnn7 VJI IUI IWU mXT wTultl

II' ' " nullA i

jibsjtQ .Qii qX.0"1,1 a r i m

W f m. I m ' tJL JL VyXJLJJi


'11- -

n i i r r. 'j ia jjij : vJ-ri- v

j Jon .y.



Pianos, Organs, ."

i .('.; -

Guitdrs, Baiiios.t

' :.;;::..

For every kind'of string liislriiments,-&c- ;, &c.u .i..

nuiun, mumi in uur muiuiisis muck mreaimou liauil, IllllKCS our Store TIIH place lo.purchnwc.'ns' wu'luiVe now in stouk goods for intilhe leadintnianufaetiirer.iof Eurt)perEigmid iiudiAiijerica. ., .I If you want the WHO ma lie df.nny kind, of rfulicnltrunicnbii we'hrtVeem

If wHili'nictRidfi ihof,..

'Japanese Fancy Goods o"f? every ueae'riptionFurniture and thuninny


ivv mawm &

iJ 'f J.t"i ATui'

J'!l.,..,-.- .






ii"!LIAtit JL





.i! 75


'l ''.-i- l ''Miff . , .viaLiberal a.icoiiit to 1:1 10 ,' ' fin ' t











'PRIpE'EdHANrCSBAZitfRCornqr, (if l?ort and Merchant Streets,

, , , ,Bog to nptlfy dicjr frlcnds.uiulWo' gcncnilpunlic tliat ? f. J.entire stock





Gpnfs y,fti'ttishiiig, lTats?'cs, " "

Boots, Slro'os, Trunks, iJags, Valisos..( ,i i ,. lias jUhUrrivca by steamer Sul'z.u!t 1 'it o'i

All the latent Xoveltie will, Tjb'xdrjtcllU!AaJaRciiiciiibci-- ,

llm pi-Ie- Is plainly nmrkcd'on each article, from which there iswo deviation. To purchasers to tho amount of $,), 6r over,' 1) per" "HI ''"r cent dik-oiinti- (No hook accounts keiit.) ,' '. '"'"".

iPnl'Wft'ft0"'01"'"1' Vo'8 p.'in, ovtiilnKrt tillio'.t1.8. W..LEBERER, Mmjtr. l





" ('.'03) i J, tv R0IEHIER0,t

, i







Page 4: mil LjT IiAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii · too, tiiat House, painting migut, with studv and acquirement oi lasic, resume Ua rank as n liberal art Pain(rs Manual. Relieving


;l s.t Km




uM;. vte,


Notice.M. CARTER & 8. F. GRAHAM

have this day formed a Co-pa- rt.

ncrship under the firm nnmc ofB. M.CARTER A Co.

((Slgnc.l) s Pi qa1um,Honolulu, Feb. 1st, 1883. 818

S. M. CARTER & hetlfv tliclr friends ard the

general. public of Honolulu, thatthey hare


Retail Dealers In Wood,F.Coal and Feed.

They will also carry on tlio

General Drayagb Businessns.lierctororc.

Orders respectfully solicited.Promptness guaranteed.

Place of Business 82 King street.


Telephone No. 805. Orders will be re.celved on and after tlio Gtli Inst.

SMOKERSWlio wish to Indulge in " A sweet whiff

of the balmy weed Nicotian," willno wen to can ni uic

BEAVER SALOONwhere they will, find the

Ckoiceat Smoking and ChewingTobaccos, Cigars, fto.


(Uncus.....Commhkciai. Havana OioaksOnn.noNYacht Ci.rjni

Vanity Fair Cigarettes,Meerschaum Pipes, &c, &c.

tS""Come and e b welcomed byH. J- - NOLTE-- -

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haut Bros., : : Proprietors.

MEALSBm ip in firat-cla- as style at all hours

Ofm from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, PipesAe., &c. Also,

Iced Iriiilf!76

If yoa want to see the

Largest Stock of Leather' In ,,

t 4 queen (Street.

If you want to sec

The BeBt duality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Urn t. qeen Htrcet.

If vou want to

Buy Leather at, the Lowest" "Prices in the Kingdom,

tim to 4 tneen Htreet

I f you want to Buy the

Best.Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4 queen Htreet.

'If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere In

the Kingdom,

Goto 42 Queen pt,1M. W. McCHE8NEY;& son.

l230 tf



At $18 per Cord.

Apply to

A. F. Cooke,215 Ura . Foot of Nuuanu street.


Apply to

S. M. CABTEn,J 87 P. M. S. 8. Wharf.

To tke liHdieM I


taken uml lessons given inChenille, Silks, and Crewel

Work to bo seen every dayfrom 10 a. m. to2 p.m., at 181 Fort street(next dopr. to n Brgdle), 'ii'i ilro.

ifpmmiamm:: &. -- $&..

O-- . WEST,Carriage fHH Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmiihihg, horse-sliocin- g,

and nil kimls.,ot repairing done., .





AND BAKERY.HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.


A Large AssortmentOV TMK


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for salc'by .


Ift. Call audcxaminc. 147



Ceiling Decoration


iTTnited States Factoriei






Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar .Coolers,Clarificrs,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber, , .

Bubbit Metal",'1 ;r '

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steels,

Hoes, Pickaxes,Cane Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand and Smith Hammers,Shovels, Axes,

Jackscrews, Vices,Steam-pip- e Brushes,

Patent Steam-pip- e Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Ralls,Sugar nnd Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

For sale by

H. HXCKFELD Co.Oct. 10th .

. ATTENTIONwho arc In possession of

large quantities of

nndwish to dispose of them, are respectfully requested to communicate, ciiucrpcrconany or l)v letter, to

F. HORN,Pioneer Staam Candy' Fnctbry.& Bakery283 Hotel Street, Honolulu. lm

, FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from S to 10 ton per day.

Alse, pulleys, belt, etc., nil In goodorder; can lie run by steam or horse 'power, Just the article for a plantation,,


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Brnn, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed lecil, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

CO LAINE Co.jSiFprtst.'jf

Water Notice.Ofllce Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 8, 1883.A LL persons having Water Privileges

are notified that their Witter' Ratesare payable in the ofllce of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuunnu street,upon the 1st day of January and July ofeach year. OlIAB. B., WlLSON,

"Sup't Water Works.S. K. Kaai, Minster'olBterlor,'; 'Wi

IIIIT't' iilHI issMBMdaBSBl I

Jutl ftcelf4,'th0M Detlrable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable bats for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. (9. letkorn Co,

LOUIS ADLER,, 13 Nuuanu street,,

Hns tTitMl KecclvcilEx stmr " Suez,"

A largo Invoice of all the latest styles of

BOOTS i SHOESIncluding a fine assortment from the

well Known ninnuiaciurcrs, juuck- -

inghnm & llcckct, who havo noequal on tho Pacific Coast.

S FINE CALFCongress, Button and Buckle


Ladies' Sandals, Ties, c. ' '

Boy's and Youth's Boots arid Shoes,

Gent's Splendid Call Boots.

Also, a fine assortment of

IfciilVbei Goodswhich will be offered at a bargain.

277 3m


"jt r " r P II J.BB1! I

Foot-wea- r of all kinds,and to Buit every purse.

F. GERTZHas just opened and is now selling a

Splendid Stockof .Boots and Shoes

of the best workmanship and neateststyles.

Embroidered Christmas Slippers

Gentlemen's Fine Wear inEnglish Walking Shoes,

Congress Gaiters, &c , &c.

The " Stronghold" English Walkjng (Saltan

that never rip.French Calfskin Dress Boots,

Riding Boots, Plantation Boots,

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoesin the latest fashions.

(3STA. large stock of French .Dressing.;F. GERTZ,

114 Fort Street,201 ly Opposite Pantheon Stables

ADDITIONS to our former&REAT ex Suez', Knlaknun, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax canvns,, mix sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, oars 8 to 24 ft; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and'thimblcs,Club blocks, snatch blocks, row-jock-

Ironistrap blocks,mast beads, shtcves,Mctalino amL'putont bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Bright and black varnishes, wire riggingMarline, seizing bouscliiic, ratlin,Spunyarn, caulking irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links,Marliu spikes, caulking mallets,Mast hoop's, hand spikes, pitch mops,

Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortmentof all kinds and colors; ,

Pacitlc Rubber Paint, n hbw'lot, includ-al- ltho various colors;

Brushes Paint, varnish, pencil, white-wash, paste, artist; shoe, scrub, andsash a cood assortment of each:

Axes anujiaicucis, wooa and uhlncHng;,Ship .lanterns' and side-light- s the Ue:gu--

liitlbh article,

Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of flue groceries, in- -

, ciutung some cnoicc varieties oicanned goods;

Table pic fruits, jams and jelllos, a newarticle, put up by n new firm, andwo can highly recommend them asbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Teas, iircludlng some supe- -

rlor 'Japan varieties;Sugar Relincd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, amoked beef, In tins,

now article,Curried fowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kits tongues nnd sounds,Codfish, cheese, Oxford snusagv, in tins;RaisliiB, in U, i and yz boxes;Raisins, in tins; currants In 4 & 71b tinsPickles, In 1 gal., gul., qts, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, dried apples, prunes, plums,

FLOUR AND BREAD.Golden Gatc.extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Graham, oat and com mealMedium bread, n'ssortod'erackers,Ginger suaps, tally, saloon pilot bread,,Boda.blscults, ,rlcd nnU.cofleoV, it T"rXJI ' JWhaloand sperm oil,Sperm candles, 4s and 0s,All of the above will be sold at the

Best Markei Jtdt'es,Buyers arc most rcspcc)fully Invited to

call and examino our stock.

3 BUU-t- b It CO."Bmh?;5imSbF

- Hfci

k J. M. OAT,Stationer mul INews IeoLlor !

" ' Have Just Received, ex SuczT



Base Balls and Bats Dieiries for 1883.Now istho tlmo to subscribe foNcwspnpcrs and Periodicals for 1888.

UTAH orders will be filled promptly.JEJ

Gazette Block, N. 25 Merchant Street,253

3- - 4, a,

12 ButtonWarranted


Established 1830.

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO,,(scccBssona to

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers, ;


Printers and Book-Binder-s, '11Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant stx'e'et, , ' ' "u '

,. .

The Oldest, Largest, and Cheapest . ;Stationery Establishment In the Kingdom. "' '

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of nil descrintions:.

Foolscap, Legal and Bill. Cap,


atten- -







will anythe &c,


and Trialarid all

inin all! adapted this climate;


and Level the useand

and Passand


our line well

have made with our as will us,keen hand full and also to, the latest

mcy are Any special orucrtion.


Made materials,the best non -- intoxicating

drink on 1

M It will themind and

J. Fisher, Street.HT may be left at Mrs.

Kin e; street. 258

Contractorniid Builder,

Honolulu Planingnaac,

Manufactures all kinds of 'Mouldings,Brackets, Frames,

and all kinds of Wood-work Turning, and Band

All kinds of andMorticing nnd

promptly attended to and workfrom the, other

'BsWaL BBa


&c., &e.


j.j ; '

8 na

Kid loV6s, .I

i I

to Wejtir, at .i, (


'. (I,

:fn. k. wniTHEr.)

' ' ' "I ft!



i !' ti) J.

1. '5H

win receive our uesi ana182

I FIRE I FIRE!perjiarkentlhe; ,pjsevrys, .

FIRE PROOF SAFESHaving been nppointed Agent for

Hawaiian Islands for

Hall's Safe Lock1 am prepared to take orders forFire Proof, Fire and Burglar' Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, Side-Boar- d

Safes,, Jewelry or, Platevauu vicior anuLocks, &c.

Mr. R. T. General Agtnt farSafe Lock Co., at,

here on his way to Australia,Information re-

garding abovc.Safcs, -

AMUKIi XOTT, 'ly ' Block.'


.balance, rapcrs, - '

Paper Envelopes, sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, quarts, pints and cones.Mucilage especially to '

Drawing-pape- r Pencils,Tracing Paper, "Cloth, '


Transit Books, 'Books, adapted forof Surveyors Engineers;-:- '

Memorandum Books, f .. ;'imiPcrforatcdCard Board, ' !l"'

Shipping Tacs, Sliipplhc Rcceipt'Books Pads; - -- - --

Note, Draft, Receipt Books, , , ,, .

numerous other articles in to befound, in a ktptMock '

MUSIC! MUSIC!We such.arrangcments Agcats,

to on n assortment, pieces apuuusucu.

CIDERfrom'the purest

Isthe Islands

thoroughly refresh jadedwearied body."- -




'4SJPSteam Mills, Espla


Window Blinds,Sashes. Doors,

ScrollSawing. Sawing Plan-ing, Tenanting.

OrdersOrders, Is-m-



& CO.

prompt .

Arrive, .

and Co.

.Chests,je.ronis, .novelty

Polk,Hall's presentstaving

gladly furnish







.Music enablehoreaftcr receive



Watchmaker and Manactur- -

ing Jeweler,Nos. lJSandfllS Fort Street, Honolulu"'1

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry,Elyant Gold and Silver Watches. -- .'- Jo8l

Sllvcr-Platc- d





iption DepartmentWE are prparc,i t0 rccelyo ftirther orders fpr any Paper or Magazinecd In Callfornlo. tho Eusicrn Stales. Caiiailn. nnrf te.,r. lm.u,



At the present time wc rccelvpby every 'mail over ono hundred and ''

As our SUbscrlDtioU list is tlafce. wn nrn ' i r...i,.i. ...' n ;

ij Magazines at iJowmoSubterrptlol; ."-.T-JfW
