mikhail petrovich shchetinin bright tidings

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  • 8/16/2019 Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin Bright Tidings


    Bright Tidings

    On the pathway to Man

    The integrity of the child as anindividual - indeed, the integrityof the environment - this is themutual relationship of the twobasic principles underlying theconcept of the school as shared by myself and my like-mindedcolleagues. The very rst lesson

    in the school ought to touch uponthe meaning of human eistence.

    !n our world today the wholeeducational curriculum is dividedup into divergent layers, isolatedfrom each other. The world ofperception is transformed intoisolated "corridors" to such anetent that it is sometimes hardfor the pupil to believe that they


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    are all part and parcel of a singlewhole. #rt draws its very strengthfrom the fact that it synthesisesfractionalised phenomena, o$ersa holistic system of education andchild-raising, and inculcates aholistic world-view.

    But art cannot fully address this%uestion if children are notimmersed in an atmospherewhere genuine life-values area$irmed - an atmosphere ofshared labour and searchings,where every lesson is permeatedwith a sense of creativity. Then wehave something to think about.Then we have a basis on whichchildren will be able to appreciate

    art with understanding. &or ifthere is no opportunity to live andeperience this high ideal rst-hand, then the high ideal is nottruly perceived - it remains anideal in word only, and hencebegins to compromise itself.

    !n our educational process wework on the basis of a three-partharmony' (! see - ! analyse - !


    !t is not )ust that we place ourown tremendous emphasis onmusic, visual art and dance - theyshould make themselves felt inthe school on a day-by-day basis,and this is the cru of the wholething.

    *o programme, no methodology

    can in and of itself guaranteesuccess in child-raising on thewhole.

    Together with the educators ofthe +hildren"s Music chool iniliar /0aghestan1, weemphasise the direct dependenceof success in music on the level of a person"s overall development,rather than on any special,

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    isolated musical talents. !t turnsout that skill on one area ismanifest when skill is shown inmany areas of life.

    2oung people often con%uersummits simply because theyhave never been persuaded that

    these summits are unattainable.!t is our view that skill in one areaof activity is made up of skills inothers. Talent is a whole networkof di$erent gifts. 3hich meansthe task of developing one set ofskills is epanded when all ofthem are set in motion together.#nd to bring up a specialist,conse%uently, one has to bringout the overall Man - Man as a

    unied whole...

    ...2ears are behind us now. ! haveheld on to the conviction thatMan can do everything4 !t isprecisely through making sense of this saying that ourmultifunctional school, the wholeschool comple, the whole school-Man, has been developed. Ourpurpose is not "knowledge-know-how-habits". !t is not endlessdrilling and rote-learning, or thespoon-feeding of information.5ather, it is the raising of Man tolive harmoniously, to act inharmony with society - a Manwho, when he sees and analyses

    the phenomena of life whichsurround him, can feel theirinterconnection, can perceive theworld as a whole. #nd no matterwhat he becomes - an engineer,physicist, chemist, builder,teacher etc. - he will understandthat he is going out into a whole,complete, unied world4

    3e are in the process of shaping

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    Man"s ability to get along in thiswhole, unied world from a veryyoung age. 5ight from childhoodMan must be raised beginningwith his roots, with his veryessence. #nd the essence of Manis his humanity. #nd this consistsin re-uniting, one way or another,

    his life-forces in the struggleagainst the forces of chaos anddisintegration. But thedevelopment of Man"s essence isnot only the goal - it is at thesame time the means to achievingthis goal.

    #fter all, why is the idea of theharmony of the individual soattractive and so productive6

    Because it alone is capable ofappreciating the harmony of theworld as the most valuabletreasure, capable of preservingthis integrity, this very harmonythat has been in the making overmillions of years of evolution...

    !n regular schools we notice howour once attentive, wide-eyedpupils seem to fall away from us.

    3e see education graduallyturning into a two-edged lie' theyoung ones pretend to study, theolder ones pretend to teach. Themighty energy of the human spiritgets s%ueeed out by the rigidityand in7eibility of educationaltechnology. !t freees up, onlyrarely causing faint and pitifulripples of disturbance tomonotonously long and boring

    classes. But )ust look at how theschool"s energy boils overbetween classes4 0uring theselong moments of despair itreminds one of the convulsions ofa dying giant.

    #s a rule, the overwhelmingma)ority of pupils have only twoor three classes a day in whichthey are active, attentive,

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    concentrated and participate asactive creators in the learningprocess. More than two-thirds ofthe time spent in school is givenover to inactivity. !t is as thoughthe brain were asleep. But this isnot a sleep of relaation. !t is asleep that is harmful to one"s


    The activity of echanginginformation engenders theactivity of energy echange. #state of sleepiness and a sluggish7ow of thought processes isre7ected in a slowing down ofpsychophysical functions, in aretarded 7ow of energy echange.The body and its nervous system

    are literally undergoing a slowdeath. The situation of the onewho is "sleeping" is eacerbatedeven further by being in a state of aniety and tension resultingfrom an attempt to avoid beingdiscouraged by one"s inactivity...

    The result is that for most of thetime the body is in an oppressedstate. 8erhaps this is why the

    health curve on one"s educationalrecord falls from grade to grade,along with the etinguishing ofone"s mental forces. Thetraditional school is not in tunewith children"s nature. !t is notreally for them. !t does notcontribute either to the7ourishing of their talents or tothe development of their spiritual,physical and moral health. 9ike a

    knife-blade, it is aimed at a verynarrow target' knowledge-know-how-habits. The focus is not onthe child, not on the individual,not on the development of theimmeasurable range of theabilities he is endowed with, ofhis whole universal selfhood, butsimply on producing a product ofthe instructional process.

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    Mikhail 8etrovich hchetinin"On the pathway to Man"Contemporary Pedagogy 

    ( Pedagogika nashikh dnei)ed. halva #monashvili et al.

    rasnodar ' nihnoe idatel"stvo,:;? di$erentnationalities. *ew approaches tomoral and intellectual educationallow students to cover the fullschool curriculum in the space of

    a few years, and to earn one ormore academic degrees by thetime they are :-:C. Thepreservation and interfusion ofethnic traditions through folklore,song and dances of variousnationalities a$ords theopportunity for children ofdi$erent backgrounds, culturesand faiths to gain a deeperunderstanding of each other. The

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    noble ideas of service to one"sMotherland and highest moralstandards, along with mutualassistance and support, unitechildren and adults of variousnationalities in building a brightfuture together.

    The movie has been translatedinto Dnglish and subtitled. *ote,it is right now only available in*T+ system.

    Kinsman (Rodochelovek)

    Every individual Man is the Eternal Primordial.

    Both the eternal Result and the Eternal source. Iam talking about Kinsman. It is on this theory,

    concept and philosophy that our school, theRussian Kin School is ounded.

    !he very thought that Man is part o the "reat#osmos gives pause or relection on the

    thought that the human sel must be, as

    $ernadsky put it, a %cosmic something& 'hich

    guarantees his active e(istence in the 'holeunlimited cosmic river o lie. !o live in the

    #osmos means understanding and carrying its

    structure 'ithin one&s sel, it means clearly

    kno'ing the la's by 'hich it operates, themeaning o its e(istence, and to have mastered

    the techni)ues o e(isting in it.

    !he spatial dimensions o the #osmos *i.e.,ininity+, its lie in time *i.e., eternity+, the

    ininite variations taking place 'ith each o its

    component elements, all make Man realie thenecessity o not only kno'ing about everything

    taking place in the #osmic river o lie, but also

    actively participating in it, being in perect tune

    'ith its aspirations during each moment o


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    cosmic happenings. -ll o this presupposes thee(istence 'ithin the human sel o a po'er and

    ability to grasp *or %catch&+ the innumerable

    signals o the immeasurable cosmos to

     possess 'ithin one&s sel a database that 'illacilitate an accurate, instantaneous response to

    constantly changing cosmic inormation, so that

    one 'ho is inherently thinking about this 'illcome to the ollo'ing conclusions/

    *0+ !he %cosmic something& is some kind o

    matri(1like inormational structure, engendered

    and nurtured over billions o millennia o Man&slie. 2ence 'e cannot imagine this Man to be

    an entity limited to a single age, a single

    maniestation, or especially to the space o ae' years or decades. Man is a child o Eternity,

    and so he constitutes his o'n Kin *Russian/

    rod+, consisting 'ithin himsel o an ininitenumber o maniestations o his e(istence.

    *3+ Man as a Kin *Rod+, by any stretch o the

    imagination, cannot be ully accommodated

    'ithin the artiicial, impersonal stream olearning organied by our contemporary

    schools, all calculated on the basis o a

    miniscule, partial, primitive entity 'ith a singlemaniestation o e(istence. -nd so the #hild1

    "iant Kinsman rebels, protests and

    re4ects5 he comes across as the e(act opposite o 

    his social surroundings, o the society 'hichhas prepared him in such a strange manner or

    lie and 'ork. !he School o Kinsman should

     be prepared by Kinsman. !his means thechildren, 4ust like the adults, should become

    teacher1researchers and creators o the school o 

    Kinsman. By the same token the adults, 4ust likethe children, should become students in

     partnership 'ith the children o this model

    educational system.

    2ence the principles o the Kin school should be as ollo's/

    0. !he principle o nationality

    *narod+, or Kin alike image

    *Rodoobranost+. 6anguage,national songs, dances,

    handicrats, customs, traditions,

    military arts, along 'ith theculture o visual perception,

    sound and movement all


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    components o the concept onationality these are the living

    conditions or introducing the

    child 1 Kinsman into a 'orld

    developed by the Kin,represented and unolded in him

    and by him.

    3. !he principle o thesupremacy o truth or act1

    meaning correspondence. 7or 8I

    am !ruth,9 says the 6ord. !he

    signiicance o all thehappenings in the cosmos

    ultimately comes do'n to

    achieving the ull mutualharmony o all components o 

    all elements o 6ove or !ruth.

    Everything that makes up the lieo the school every la' o

     physics, chemistry, mathematics,

     biology, as discovered by the

    children together 'ith adults should serve to completely align

    their relationship to the 'orld

    and to themselves. :nly in this'ay 'ill the school correspond

    to its students& meaning o lie.

    !he aspiration or !ruth, or aharmonied, 4ust e(istence in the

    'orld and the correspondence oone&s actions to truth provide theonly atmosphere in 'hich

    healthy, moral and spiritual

    individuals can be developed.

    ;. !he principle o agelesse(istence. !he Kinsman has no

    age. !he memory o the Kin

    concentrated in us, or maniested

    *as it seems to us+ in concepts

    such as conscience, the

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    maniestation Man and hise(perience in a single1

    maniestation lie, thereby

    cutting o the memory o the

    Kin, or the #osmic kno'ledge present in Man. !he principle o

    agelessness establishes in the

    child the Pristine Man, and shitsthe emphasis a'ay rom the

    miniscule body to the "reat


    -n age1ree school populationtakes upon itsel the task o

    creating the actual system o

    education, assigns and reassignsroles among the members o the

     population in accordance 'ith

    the )uality and characteristics othe ruits o their labours,

    individuals& traits o character,

    their inclinations etc., but never

    according to age statistics. !he primogenitor did not merely play

    'ith 'ords. !he primogenitor

    used 'ords to designate theessence o each phenomenon,

    ob4ect or process he beheld.

    !he principle o agelessness is

    supported by the identiication o the Russian 'ord deti *children+ 

    'ith dedy *grandathers+. !his

    sho's us that the edges o theamily tree presented to our

    contemporary age 'ere called by

    a single name/ deti, dedy or dedi.!his points to the underlying

    unity o children *deti+ 'ith

    grandathers *dedy+. !alking

    'ith a child as one 'ould 'ith a

    grandather means talking 'ith agrandather. =e can see that

    'hat pertains to children isnothing less than immeasurable.

    !he chie distinguishing

    characteristic o children is theimmeasurability o their

    aspirations, 'hich 'e re)uently

    deine as ma(imalism. >nable toathom the depths o children&s

    thinking 'ith our imagination,


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    'e, in an eort to coverourselves, end up stiling our

    children, 'e cause them to ool

    around, 'e turn them into

     puppets, 'e minimie them.

    ?. !he principle o purity and

    clarity o inormation. !he 'orld

    is a stream o "od&s =ord. !he=ord Pantareimerem signiies

    that everything that e(ists is

    inormed and itsel inorms a

    thought 'hich lies lightly on thesoul. !he t'o a(ioms/ *0+ the

    cosmos is a system and *3+ the

    cosmos is ininite 1 'ould not be possible 'ithout a third and


    *;+ !he cosmos as a system 'ould be

    impossible 'ithout a mutual inormatione(change among its component elements.

    *?+ !he incredible e(panses o cosmic space are

     possible only under the conditions o harmony

    and mutual harmoniation o movementaccording to a =hole Meaning, according to a

    =hole image o one&s lie14ourney, accepted by

    all as an incontrovertible, indestructibleconstant.

    !he acceptance 'ithin one&s sel o a =hole

    meaning or one&s 4ourney by each component

    o that =hole provides lie to the system oelements as 'ell as each element in particular.

    !he acceptance o the meaning by each one is a

    condition o their mutual harmoniation as asystem. !his 'as the basis o the Russian veche 

    and the #ossack lava   indeed, or the

    ormation o any people as a single 'hole. It isthe basic condition o e(istence o any organism

    or body, or any micro or macro symbiosis.=hen 'e accept the meaning o the =hole

    'ithin, its image is evidently 'hat 'e discoverevery'here as our o'n likeness.

    !his likeness to all that is ound 'ithin us links

    us relates us to everyone else. -ll are

    related to us by Kno'ledge, and the a'areness'ithin himsel o the meaning o the =hole

    allo's Man not only to read the book o the

    stars but to live according to 'hat he reads in


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    the stars in a single ormation 'ith them@


    0. Man *'ith a capital M+

    an e)uivalent o the

    Russian 'ord #helovek,reerring to a human

    individual as representing

    the species, 'ithoutreerence to se( the

    human race, humankind.

    3. Kinsman *'ith a capitalK+ an e)uivalent o the

    Russian 'ord

    Rodochelovek, - man

    sharing the same racial,cultural, or national

     background as another.

    ;. Kin School *Russian/Rodovaya shkola+ like

    Rodochelovek *here

    translated %Kinsman&+.?. $ladimir Ivanovich

    $ernadsky *March 03,

    0CD; :.S. 7ebruary 3CF1 Ganuary D, 0H?+ 'as a


    mineralogist and

    geochemist 'hose ideaso noosphere 'ere an

    important contribution to

    the Russian cosmism. 2e'as a ounding ather o

    several ne' disciplines,

    including geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and


    . Kin *'ith a capital K+ an

    e)uivalent o the Russian

    'ord Rod indicateconection 'ith close and

    ar parents, right to ourirst parent the "od. King

    *initial capital letter +

    "od *Kin, ing+ Rod an ancient Slavic 'ord

    irst denoting "od as the

    source o all lie, but alsoincluding the concept o

    amily. !he root rod also


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    appears in several otherRussian 'ords, including

    *rodstvenik+ %kinolk&,

    *srodni+ %akin&, *Rodina+%Motherland& and

    *priroda+ %nature&.

    D. deti, dedy  the authortakes this a step urther

    and posits an original

    combined root dedi.

    J. veche   old Russian popular assembly, a kind

    o parliament. -ncient

    Russian orm o sel1government 'hich

     brought to lie

    understanding o truereedom o a Man and his

    sel e(pression. E(isted

    in Russia up untilappro(imately the middle

    o si(teenth century.

    C. lava   same principals

    o sel1government as inveche. #ossack

    ultimately derived rom a

    !urkic social term )aa)meaning adventurer or

    ree man. !his term is

    irst mentioned in aRuthenian chronicle

    dated 0;H.

    Mikhail Shchetinin Proessor,

  • 8/16/2019 Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin Bright Tidings


    >chitel&skaya gaeta, Lo ;0 *0HHH+ !ranslated by Gohn =oods'orth

    Presented by Kins School 1 6ycee o !ekos,

    Russia, 0HHH. :riginal article available in

    Russian on '''.!ekos.Sourceo6ie.ca  

    !hese articles come directly rom researchers

    and are passed on to everybody. !he companyassumes no liability or any content in these

