mighty empires main

Mighty Empires Home Edition INI TIAL SET UP 1 MAP CREATION Separate the tiles by type and shufe them. Create the map starting with a mountain highland tile in the middle. A blank area cannot be created while the map is being built. All rivers must be at least tiles long including the start and end tiles. A!ter the map is created make sure all Capital tiles have at least " spaces between them. #etermine a method to number or name the tiles as this can make the orders step a bit easier. 1 CREATE AN EMPIRE 1 $oll o% to det ermine pl ayer or der !rom high to l ow& ea ch player in order picks his Capital and states his race. ' A!ter the Capi tal(s hav e been determine d all p layers r oll !or what l ies in the ir initia l empir e on the )nitial Empire $ esource s Chart. *he initial empire consists o! the + tiles surrounding the Capital and the Capital itsel!. )nitial Empire $esources Chart '#+ ,owland Highland $iver -alley Coastal ' arren arren arren arren arren arren arren arren / arren arren -illage arren " -illage arren -illage arren + -illage arren -illage -illage 0 -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage 2 3ortress -illage 3ortress -illage 14 3ortress 3ortress City 3ortress 11 City 3ortress City 3ortress 1' City City City City Barren: 5othing o! note in this tile 6lace a territory marker. Village: 6lace a -illage and a territory marker on this tile. Fortress:  6lace a 3ortress and a territory marker on this tile. City: 6lace a City and a territory marker on this tile. )! the city is on a Coastal tile it comes with ships. $oll #+& 174& '871& /8"7'& +7 A!ter the player has rolled !o r all o ! the til es in hi s empir e& he may roll on the Something 9nusual Chart located on 6." !or any o! his barren tiles ' EMPIRE ARMY  CREATION 1 :nce the Empire s territ ories hav e been sorted o ut the pl ayer may now cr eate his army . $ e!er to the Empi re Mi litary Asse ts Chart. Empire Military Assets Chart 6oints Ma; anners ,ords Heroes Special $are Magic items Capital '444 ea ' per ' per / per ' per 1 per 144 per City 1444 ea 1 per 1 per ' per 1 per 1 per ' "4 per 3ortress "44 ea 1 per ' 1 per ' 1 per 1 per ' 1 per '" per -illage '"4 ea 1 per / 4 1 per / 1 per / 4 4 ' A!t er the tot al poi nt(s va lue is !o und out th e playe r may then p urc hase units. ,i mite d by the ma;i mums se t !orth ab ove. 6oints !or magic items can be divided up however the player would like. *he items are then set but they can be traded around as much as the player would like during the <inter $ecruitment step or during the End o! Month step o! a Campaign Month. )nitially no monsters& monstrous hosts& monstrous cavalry or mercenaries can be purchased. A!ter units have been purchased the player the divides the units into banners. A banner can be no less than "44 points and no more than 444. anners must !ollow all army creation rules at the beginning o! the game. #uring the campaign season it is possible !or a banner to break the creation rules. 3or e;ample more points than 444 or e;tra points in heroes etc. <hen purchasing units you may end up with a !ew points le!t over you may purchase one additional =gure !or a unit with these points. Conversely when you are re>uired to lose points the odd points will cause you to lose an additional =gure. *he po ints an d magi c items se ctio ns o! the Empir e Mili tary As sets Ch art is onl y used dur ing the i niti al empi re cr eati on. / 6lay ers th en in o rde r pla ce their b anners on t he ma p one at a ti me. Any numbe r o! a llie d ban ners may sta rt in t he sa me tile. " 6lay ers th en dete rmi ne the ir bag gage a llo wanc e. All banne rs gai n 1 bagg age. *he n the pla yer r olls ' d+ and d istri bute s the resulting baggage as he sees =t. *he ma;imum baggage a banner may have is +. + Eac h ship i s a ba nne r in i ts own ri ght . *hey do no t need baggag e. THE CAMP AI N YEAR  *he camp aign year is separa ted into the ! ollowing turns. Spring& + Campaign Months& 3 all and <inter . *hey wi ll each be detailed below. 1 SPRIN 1 $o ll ! or play er o rder . Hi gh r oll er goes =r st and so on. ' $oll !or ? ear Ev ents. Co nsult the ? ear Ev ent Cha rt. 9nle ss spec i=ed the Empire s Capita l is never a%ected by an event. '# +  ? ear Event C hart

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Mighty Empires Home Edition



Separate the tiles by type and shufe them. Create the map starting with a mountain highland tile in the middle. A blank area cannot

be created while the map is being built. All rivers must be at least tiles long including the start and end tiles. A!ter the map is

created make sure all Capital tiles have at least " spaces between them. #etermine a method to number or name the tiles as this can

make the orders step a bit easier.

1 CREATE AN EMPIRE1 $oll o% to determine player order !rom high to low& each player in order picks his Capital and states his race.' A!ter the Capital(s have been determined all players roll !or what lies in their initial empire on the )nitial Empire $esources

Chart. *he initial empire consists o! the + tiles surrounding the Capital and the Capital itsel!.

)nitial Empire $esources Chart

'#+ ,owland Highland $iver -alley Coastal

' arren arren arren arren

arren arren arren arren/ arren arren -illage arren

" -illage arren -illage arren+ -illage arren -illage -illage

0 -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage -illage

2 3ortress -illage 3ortress -illage

14 3ortress 3ortress City 3ortress11 City 3ortress City 3ortress

1' City City City CityBarren: 5othing o! note in this tile 6lace a territory marker.

Village: 6lace a -illage and a territory marker on this tile.

Fortress: 6lace a 3ortress and a territory marker on this tile.

City: 6lace a City and a territory marker on this tile. )! the city is on a Coastal tile it comes with ships. $oll #+& 174& '871& /8"7'&


A!ter the player has rolled !or all o! the tiles in his empire& he may roll on the Something 9nusual Chart located on 6." !or

any o! his barren tiles

' EMPIRE ARMY  CREATION1 :nce the Empires territories have been sorted out the player may now create his army. $e!er to the Empire Military Assets


Empire Military Assets Chart

6oints Ma;anners ,ords Heroes Special $are Magic items

Capital '444 ea ' per ' per / per ' per 1 per 144 perCity 1444 ea 1 per 1 per ' per 1 per 1 per ' "4 per

3ortress "44 ea 1 per ' 1 per ' 1 per 1 per ' 1 per '" per-illage '"4 ea 1 per / 4 1 per / 1 per / 4 4

' A!ter the total point(s value is !ound out the player may then purchase units. ,imited by the ma;imums set !orth above.

6oints !or magic items can be divided up however the player would like. *he items are then set but they can be traded

around as much as the player would like during the <inter $ecruitment step or during the End o! Month step o! a Campaign

Month. )nitially no monsters& monstrous hosts& monstrous cavalry or mercenaries can be purchased. A!ter units have been

purchased the player the divides the units into banners. A banner can be no less than "44 points and no more than 444.

anners must !ollow all army creation rules at the beginning o! the game. #uring the campaign season it is possible !or a

banner to break the creation rules. 3or e;ample more points than 444 or e;tra points in heroes etc. <hen purchasing units

you may end up with a !ew points le!t over you may purchase one additional =gure !or a unit with these points. Conversely

when you are re>uired to lose points the odd points will cause you to lose an additional =gure.

*he points and magic items sections o! the Empire Military Assets Chart is only used during the initial empire creation./ 6layers then in order place their banners on the map one at a time. Any number o! allied banners may start in the same

tile." 6layers then determine their baggage allowance. All banners gain 1 baggage. *hen the player rolls 'd+ and distributes the

resulting baggage as he sees =t. *he ma;imum baggage a banner may have is +.+ Each ship is a banner in its own right. *hey do not need baggage.

THE CAMPAIN YEAR *he campaign year is separated into the !ollowing turns. Spring& + Campaign Months& 3all and <inter. *hey will each be detailed


1 SPRIN1 $oll !or player order. High roller goes =rst and so on.' $oll !or ?ear Events. Consult the ?ear Event Chart. 9nless speci=ed the Empires Capital is never a%ected by an event.


+ ?ear Event Chart

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   C  a   t  a  s   t  r  o  p   h   i  c  e  v  e  n   t . '#+ $esult

' A plague. :ne random settlement is ra@ed. anners in tile lose #+;144.

A rebellion. :ne random settlement becomes neutral. anners in tile de!ect on a roll o! 1

on a #+.

/814 #ragon $age. See rules !or #ragon $age on 6." result 11 o! the Scouting Events Chart.11 ad Magic. All o! your spells have added to their casting cost this campaign year.

1'Spoiled crops. 3or this campaign year all o! your subsistence values are halved& rounded


All banners lose 1 baggage.

/ :n =rst Campaign Month all banners activate only on a / on a #+.

"1 random banner moves randomly& i! it has been given a move order& unless it rolls a / on a #+ !or

this campaign year.


     a   d   t  r  a   d  e  g  o  o   d  s



1 Shi!ty traders. 81 Bold Crown !rom treasury. *his can put your treasury in the negative.

' #esertion. )n a random banner one random unit loses "4 o! its men.

ad breeds. )n a random banner ' random cavalry units or chariots lose 1 move permanently.

9nless the empire pays 1 BC per unit during the recruitment phase.


6oor training. )n a random banner ' $andom units lose access to one o! their weapon choices. )!

the unit does not have weapon choices but is e>uipped with a weapon other than hand weapons

they can only use hand weapons. )! hand weapons are the only weapon choice they have they

gain 81 to hit this season. *he points spent on the lost weapons are lost.


3aulty armor. )n a random banner ' random units downgrade their armor by one step and lose

access to that armor. )! they do not have armor they are at 1 to be wounded this year. *he

points spent on the lost armor are lost.

+ 6olitical greed. 81d+ Bold Crowns !rom treasury. *his can put your treasury in the negative.


   <  e  a   t   h  e  r

'#+ $esult' 1 random settlement has no production this year. Bold crowns or subsistence

8/ 81 to all recovery checks this year."82 5o e%ect.

14811 1 to all recovery checks this year.1' 1 random settlement doubles its production. Bold crowns and subsistence.

   B  o

  o   d   t  r  a   d  e  c  r  a   !   t  s



1 6olitical boon. 1 Bold Crown !or the treasury.

'6atriotism. )n a random banner one random unit gains an additional "4 troops. E>uipped

e;actly how the original troops are.

Breat reeding. )n a random banner ' random cavalry units or chariots gain 1 move



Cross training. )n a random banner ' $andom units gain the use o! another weapon type they

normally would not have access to. *hese weapons cost ' points per troop. :r regain a

previously lost choice. *his is a !ree upgrade initially.

"etter armor. )n a random banner ' random units upgrade their armor by one step. *he cost o!

the new armor is ' per troop. :r regain a previously lost choice. *his is a !ree upgrade initially.+ *rade increase. 1d+ Bold Crowns !or the treasury.


   S  p  e  c   i  a   l   l  o  c  a   t   i  o  n  s


+$esult. ,ocation details can be !ound on the Something 9nusual Chart located on 6.".

1 ,ocationD Ancient ruins !ound. $oll a #+& 187 ruined city& /8"7 necropolis.

' Short cuts. *his year all banners gain a second movement and auto pass dicult terrain checks. 1 core unit Foins your army. '44 points. ?our race or any allied race.

/ ,ocationD )mportant site !ound. $oll a #+& 18'7 a wi@ard tower& 8/7 mine& "8+7 temple.

"3ree !ortress in a random barren tile. )! not barren tile is present you may upgrade a village !or

!ree immediately.

+,ocationD Site o! magical power. 1 to all spell casting and you may cast an e>uino; spell

without a mage in your capital.

A location result is placed in any barren tile. )! there are no barren tiles it may be placed in any tile.

14 1d+ Bold Crowns

11Bain a 1"44 point allied banner !or this campaign season. 9p to 1 lord& ' heroes& special and ' rare.

Anything goes.


   B   l  o  r   i  o  u  s   t   i   d   i  n  g  s

'#+ $esult

' ' !ree roads 9pgrade a village to a city or create a new village !or !ree immediately.

/ All settlements grant 1 Bold Crown this year

" :ne !ree monster mount already trained. 6ick type but i! a dragon must be the cheapest kind.

+ 1d+ Bold Crowns !or espionage only.0 A core unit o! your choice gains a permanent 1 <S or S permanently

9pgrade a village to a city or upgrade a city to a metropolis. A metropolis works Fust like your


2 All generals( gains either 1 ,# or command radius grows to 1G. 6ick !or each general.14 All banners gain rerolls per battle !or this year. A reroll allows you to reroll any set o! dice

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rolls. )t may also use a reroll to reroll non battle results once per month this year.


A 1"44 point banner Foins your Empire. *his can be o! your race or any allied race. *his

banner has 1 hero as its general and another hero as an army standard bearer. *his banner

and heroes do not count towards your army allowances& as it is independently =nanced.

#uring the recruitment phase it will be brought back up to its !ull strength o! 1"44 as long as

the general is alive and !ree.


   S  p  e  c   i  a   l   

  o  o  n

High ElvesA hero comes o! age. Bain 1 !ree Hero. *his does not go against unit




A huge giant Foins your army. )t has 1* and <.


9nderground e;pert. 6ick a Beneral. Any banner led by this Beneral

may skip one tile during the movement phase. A roll on the Scouting

Chart is still re>uired but no route check needs to be made. *his banner

also counts as #warves !or mine results i! the player wishes. *his

banner may also bypass walls in a siege. 3orcing an open =eld battle

every time.

9ndead Bain '44 points in magic items.

Check !or <i@ard *ower spells. $oll a #+ on a 18 no spell is cast& on a /8" a standard e>uino; spell is cast& on a roll on the

<i@ard Spell E;perimental Spell Chart

<i@ard Spell E;perimental Spell Chart#+ $esult

1 *he <i@ard *ower is destroyed. $emove it !rom the tile.

' 5othing happens

#+ e;tra baggage. #ivide it how you see =t./ Every settlement in your Empire gains a #+ baggage stockpile.

" Every banner loses 1 baggage.+ All baggage in the empire is destroyed.

5oteD All rolls !or the <i@ard *ower are made by the Empire that controls the tile the <i@ard *ower resides in. )n the case o! a standard

E>uino; spell the <i@ard *ower is in all respects treated as i! it were part o! the tile controllers Empire.

/ $oll !or e>uino; spells i! you have a banner with a mage o! at least level in your Capital. $oll on the Spring E>uino; Spell

Chart to see what spell is to be cast. )! a location is called !or you may pick a tile up to 1' !rom your capital then roll '#+

and roll e>ual to or greater than the distance !or the spell to succeed.

'd+ Spring E>uino; Spell Chart

' Abundance. *he tile will support any number o! banners this year and i! ra@ed will grant 1#+ baggage. Chaos 6ortal. *his spell is cast on any unknown tile. *here is no movement to this tile possible this year.

/ Hold $iver. Any river on this tile dries out. )t and any tile downstream are now passable.


Magical protection. Cancels the e%ect o! any magic on this tile and makes !urther magic in this tile

impossible this year. )n a battle magic items and magic cannot be used. Any creature only hurt by magic

loses this ability. 9ndead and demons are subFect to instability the whole game.


6ortents o! terror. All living banners on this tile must roll a #+& on a 18 the banner cannot move and any

allied or mercenary banners disband. :n a /8+ the banner can move normally. #emon and undead armies

are immune.

0 Iuake. 3or this season the target city or !ortress does not have walls and its de!ense value is now 4.

$aise heroes o! the past. 1d+' wraiths are created !or your use this year. *hey may be separated as you

wish and do not have to !orm a unit i! you do now wish them to. *hese heroes are immune to instability but

are otherwise undead. )! killed in a battle they are lost. #o not roll !or wounds and they do not gain E;p. 9se

the undead army list.

2 $ot. All baggage in this is destroyed. Even baggage brought in later.14 Scyre. *he owner o! any banners in this tile must give you a list o! their armies.


Storm. Any settlement on the tile does not grant subsistence. Ships in the tile are destroyed on a 18' and on

a are driven to a neighboring tile. anners in the tile are una%ected but any scouting into the tile is

driven back on a /.1' <ither shins. Any scout attempts out o! this tile are always in a random direction.


 *he !ollowing steps will be repeated each campaign month. *here are + campaign months. All steps are taken simultaneously.E;ceptions will be mentioned in the appropriate section. *he steps are <rite :rders& Check Subsistence& E;ecute :rders& 3ight

battles& $etreatJScatter and End o! Month.

1 <rite :rdersD All players write orders !or their banners. *he possible orders areD $a@e and Hold $a@e and Move& Move& hold

and 3orti!y. )! a banner has an unusual movement capability it should be noted now that they are using it. All players show

their orders and then !ollow those orders. How to resolve possible order conKicts between ' empires will be detailed in the

appropriate section' Check subsistence. A settlement can provide subsistence !or allied banners& unless it is ra@ed or under siege. *he

Subsistence -alue Chart shows subsistence values. *he settlement can also send any o! its subsistence points down a road&

river or along the coast as long as no enemy tiles& settlements or banners are in the way. )t cannot combine these modes.

3or e;ampleD a coastal city cannot ship !ood down the coast and then up a river. *he settlement can also send its

subsistence points to adFacent tiles but it deteriorates by distance. 3or e;ampleD A city can supply ' points to an adFacent

tile but only 1 to the ne;t tile. )! the banner cannot draw subsistence !rom a settlement the banner must subtract one

baggage. )! the banner does not have baggage it must roll on the Subsistence Short!all Chart.

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1 Siege Subsistence. *he de!ending banner cannot be supplied subsistence !rom an outside source. )! a check on the

Subsistence Short!all Chart is needed the sieging banner makes it roll as normal. *he besieged banner makes it at a


Subsistence -alue Chart

Settlement Capital City 3ortress -illage barren-alue ' 1 1 4

Subsistence Short!all Chart

#+ 1 ' / "8+$esult per

1444pts.8#+;"4 8#+;'4 8#+;14 8#+;" 5o e%ect

E;ecute :rders. *he di%erent order types are detailed here. All orders are considered to be simultaneous.1 $a@e. Can only be per!ormed i! there are no enemies in the tile. *he ra@e options are listed below. A ra@ed tile

provides no revenue or subsistence. )! the tile had a settlement any upgrades are destroyed. *he e;ceptions are roads

which are never ra@ed and bridges which may be [email protected] $a@e and hold. *he banner places a ra@ed marker in the tile and adds to the baggage train baggage e>ual to the

subsistence value o! the tile.' $a@e and move. As above but the banner must roll a on a #+ to make the Move action.

' Move. *he banner attempts to move to an adFacent tile.1 e!ore a banner can move it must roll on the Scouting Chart below. )! the content o! the tile is already known the

banner must still roll to check !or an event. )! there is more than one banner in the tile& each banner can scout a

di%erent tile. ut each banner still must !ollow whatever orders it was given. Events will stop the banner !rom

moving. locking terrain as described on 6. section '..'. )s never a !actor !or scouting. )! opposing empires

are moving to the same unknown tile. $oll o%& the winner rolls on the Scouting Chart to determine what is in the

tile. *he loser must still roll to see i! there is an event. )! the winner rolls an event& use the losers roll to

determine what is in the tile unless it also had an event.

' )! a banner is attempting to move into an enemy banner(s tile. *he two players roll o%. *he winner(s action willhappen =rst. *his may stop the other banners order. *he player =rst makes a roll on the Scouting Chart and

unless a or 11 are rolled they then roll on the Scouting an Enemy anner Chart. A!ter this roll the player may

opt not to move. ut the banner gets no other actions.

Scouting an Enemy anner Chart#+ 1 ' / "8+

   $  e  s  u   l   t

 ?our scouts are captured. And

they reveal the in!ormation

about your banner. Bive other

player the point value o! all

banners in your tile.


in!ormation is


Scouts are able to

gain some

in!ormation. *he

opponent must give

points value o! all

Same as . ut

opponent must

also give !ull

details o! one

banner in the

As /. ut


in!ormation on

all banners in

the tile. A ship banner never has to make a scouting check to move. And will move ' tiles along the coast& open ocean or

heading downstream. )t may only move one tile upstream. A ship banner may carry an army banner. )n which

case the army banner can scout but then the ship is restricted to normal movement practices as well. An army

banner may load and unload in the same turn as part o! their move action. An army banner may not unload intoa tile that contains an enemy banner or settlement unless the naval banner is a ship o! the line.

Scouting Chart

'#+,owland and

coastalHighland $iver valley



,owland and




' arren arren arren -illage -illage -illage Scouting Event 2 -illage City City

/ 3ortress arren 3ortress 14 City arren City

" -illage 3ortress -illage 11 Scouting Event+ -illage -illage -illage 1' arren arren arren

0 Something 9nusual5oteD *he swamp tile can never have a settlement in it. ut it may have Something 9nusual. *his may actually allow a settlement in

the tile. anners in the swamp tile will lose #+;'4 point when moving into the tile or holding on the tile.

5oteD )! the tile has already been scouted only an event is applied unless it is a barren tile and then a 0 can apply as well. 5oteD i! a

city is on the coast it gets ships as well. $oll a #+ 17 no ships& '8/7 1 ship "7' ships and a +7 ships

/ )! the terrain has a settlement then the player must check on the race o! the settlement. $oll a #+& on a 18 it iso! the same race as the banner& on a /8+ roll on the Settlement $ace Chart. 5oteD it is possible to still roll the

players race." )! the settlement is o! your race it Foins your empire. )! it is allied or neutral it will resist on a 18 and Foin on a /8

+. )! it is an enemy it will always resist. $oll on the )ndependent Settlement anner Chart to determine the

banner si@e. Any time a banner moves into the tile o! an independent settlement roll on the )ndependent

Settlement anner Chart.

Settlement $ace Chart

#+ 18' 8/ "8+

3orces o! :rder 3orces o! #estruction 5on Aligned

1 High Elves 1Chaos Lroll on Chaos 3orces


18' :gre Ningdoms

' #warves ' -ampire Counts

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<ood Elves 5ecromancer Army8/ #ogs o! <ar

/ Empire / :rcs Boblins

" retonian " #ark Elves"8+ *omb Nings

+ ,i@ardmen + Skaven

Chaos 3orces Chart

#+ 1 ' / " +


yeastmen 9ndivided Slannesh Nhorne 5urgle *@eentch

5oteD #warves consider all Elves enemies.

5oteD Chaos Armies o! the / chaos gods LSlannesh& Nhorne& 5urgle and *@eentch consider all other gods enemies.)ndependent Settlement anner Chart

'#+ -illage 3ortress City' '44 "4 /44

8/ /44 044 44"80 +44 14"4 1'44

82 44 1/44 1+44


111444 10"4 '444

1' 1'44 '144 '/44

+ )! a Scouting Event is rolled the scouting attempt has !ailed and the army cannot move this month. *he player

then rolls on the Scouting Event Chart.

'#+ Scouting Event Chart

' Mass desertion. *he banner loses #+;"4 points.

Mutiny. *he banner may not move this month and cannot move ne;t month. )! there are other banners in the

tile roll a #+ !or each banner& on a 1 the banner will not move and attacks the mutinous banner./

$ot. *he banner loses 1 baggage point. )! the banner has no baggage it rolls on the Subsistence Short!all

Chart on 6. immediately.

" Sickness. *he banner loses #+;'4 points.+ ,ocali@ed storms prevent the scouts !rom scouting.

0 *he scouts head in the wrong direction. 5umber the adFoining tiles 18+ where 1 is the original tile. *hen roll

on the scouting table above again. *he banner can then move into the new tile i! it wishes. Assuming it can.

*he scouts are killed by something and !ail to return.2 Scouts encounter a merchant caravan and divert it to the banner. *he banner gains # baggage and # BC.


 *he scouts run into some mercenaries. $oll a #+ on a 18/ they recruit a core unit !rom the dogs o! war. )t has

'4 members and a !ull command. :n a "8+ the scouts are killed. *he mercenaries will continue to =ght !or

you as long as you pay them 1 BC during the recruitment stage. *his will bring them back to !ull strength.


)! on a non highland tile the scouts =nd # tamable monsters. *hese can be o! any combination o! monsters&

monstrous hosts or monstrous cavalry. #uring the recruitment phase the empire may spend 1BC !or every

144 points or !raction o! to train the creatures.

)! on a highland tile roll a #+. :n a 18 the same as be!ore. :n /8" you =nd # adults that immediately Foinyour army. )! you chose dragons you must take the cheapest in this case. :n a + you have started a #ragon


#ragon $age

! )! the #ragon $age was caused by scouts the scouted tile is the lair tile and the strength is only

#+1. )! the #ragon $age was caused by the spring event roll& the lair tile is any !ull mountain tile

determined randomly and its strength is '#+." A!ter determining strength and lair tile nominate on adFacent tile as 1 and number the rest to + then

roll a #+. 6lace a dragon on that tile and continue this process till all dragons have been placed. )t is

possible to have more than one dragon in a tile.# $oll a #+ !or each dragon.


+1 '8/ "8+

   $  e  s  u   l   t

 *he #ragon

makes a

show and

then 3lies


 *he dragon attacks any settlements in

the tile ra@ing them. )t burns all

!orests. *hey cannot be used this year.

)t will attack all ships destroying them

on a +. Any banners lose #+;144


As '8/ e;cept ships are destroyed on a

and banners lose 'd+;144. And the

dragon moves a random direction

every month rolling on this chart. )t will

not Ky home till the winter.

0 )! Something 9nusual is rolled on the Scouting Chart the player rolls on the Something 9nusual Chart. *he tile

itsel! is barren.

Something 9nusual Chart

#++ 118+ /18/' //" /+8"1 "'8" "/"+ +18+' +8+/ +"//""


















3ind Magic

item '#+;"

3ind #+


3ind #






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$angero%s TerrainD A banner may e;plore the dangerous terrain on the turn it moves onto it and also on every turn it uses a hold


#+ #angerous *errain E;ploration Chart

1 MaFor haul. Bain #+1 BC

' 3orgotten treasures. # BC *reasure. 1 BC

/ #eserters. ,ose #+;14 troops." Monsters in the nightO ,ose #+;"4 troops and army must immediately leave the tile as i! they were de!eated

in battle.+ andit armyO A banner o! '#+;'44 attacks the bannerJs in the tile. )! it is not de!eated it gains an additional

#+;'44 and then randomly moves and attacks all villages it =nds. ypassing any !ortresses or cities it comes

across. )! it de!eats a village it raises it. 3or every victory and raised village it gains #+;'4 troops as its renowngrows. <hen it is de!eated the victor gains #+ BC.

Ne&ro'olisD an undead banner that moves onto a 5ecropolis can attempt to raise the dead to gain more recruits or search the

5ecropolis. *he banner can do this every month it uses a hold action. *he undead banner can recruit or search in a month& not both.

#+ 5ecropolis $ecruit Chart

18 5o dead awaken./8" #+;"4 points in core units.

+ 'd+;"4 points that can be anything but lords. Heroes recruited in this way can go above ma;imums.A banner can search the 5ecropolis in the turn it moves onto the tile or on any turn it uses a hold action. An undead banner that

searches can reroll any o! the 5ecropolis Search Chart results i! he wants to but the second roll stands. He cannot reroll on the

5ecromancer(s *omb Chart.

'#+ 5ecropolis Search Chart' 3abulous treasure. '#+ BC is added to the Empire.

Heroes( tomb. A magic weapon and armor each worth #+;'4 are added to the banner.

/ 5ecropolis Map. *he player may add or subtract 1 !rom this chart !rom now on.

"-ast Hoard. Add # BC to the Empire. *hen roll a #+ unless a + is rolled the banner may come here ne;t month

with a hold action.

+Cursed *reasure. Bain #+ gold crowns but each turn spent in this tile causes an inFury check on a random


0 $eturn empty handed. Massive collapse. P#+;'4 to the banner.

2 Haunting terror. *he banner retreats !rom this tile as i! it were de!eated in battle.



  e  c  r  o  m  a  n  c  e  r   (  s   t  o  m   b .



5ecromancer(s *omb Search $esult. *he searchers can continue to make rolls on this chart this

turn till a + is rolled.1 Magic weapons worth #+;"4

' Magic armors worth #+;"4 Magic standards worth #+;"4

/ Magic talismans worth #+;"4" Enchanted items worth #+;"4

+ *he 5ecromancer awakens. See 1' below

11 *omb $ats. All banners in tile lose #+;"4 points and all baggage is destroyed.


Eruption o! 9ndead. And undead banner o! /#+;'44 emerges and attacks the o%ending banner. )! not de!eated

it will move in a random direction attacking or ra@ing anything in its path. Every settlement it raises it gains

#+;'4 troops. )t gains #+;144 !or every victory against a banner and every city it raises. <hen the banner is

de!eated the victor gains a roll on the necromancers tomb chart !or every '"4 points the banner was. A + is no

result.(i)ar*+s to,erD A banner that moves into the <i@ard tower(s tile may ask the wi@ard !or an interview. )! a banner uses a hold action

while in this tile roll on the same chart but use #++ instead. :r the banner may attack the tower i! it wishes during the hold action&

in which case see 1'.

'#+ <i@ards *ower )nterview result


 Qoins army. *he wi@ard and his retinue Foin your army. He is a lord level mage and roll randomly !or race on the

settlement chart. His race does not matter. *he value o! him and his retinue is '#+';144 points. *his

includes their magic items and mounts. *hese can be taken !rom the races army list. *hey do not count

against your empire limits& but they do have to !ollow the rules !or army limits in the banner.

8/6rovides troops. *he <i@ard gives you some o! his troops totaling '#+;"4 points. *his will include at least one

hero and their magic items and mounts. $oll !or race type. *hese do not have to !ollow empire limits."8+ Bi!t. *he <i@ard gives the banner(s general a magic item worth up to 144 points.

0 Scouts. )mmediately make a scout check on a tile and move i! you want.

6rovides in!ormation. ?ou may choose a tile within 1' tiles. *he owner o! that banner must give you the point(s

value o! all banners in that tile.2814 )gnores you.


Challenge. *he wi@ard challenges a mage !rom your banner. )! you re!use or do not have a mage re!er to 1'

#+ Challenge result

1 ?our mage is slain. 5o roll on wound chart.'8 ?ou mage is banished till the recruitment phase o! this turn.

/8" ?our mage wins. *he <i@ard retreats to his tower.+ ?our mage wins. *he wi@ard is slain. *he tower is le!t open. $e!er to 1' below.

1' Attacks. *he wi@ard(s !orces are /#+;144. )! the anner is larger than his he will retreat into the tower with a

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de!ense value o! . )! the army is de!eated the victor gains #+;'4 points each o! magic weapons& armor&

enchanted items& talismans and banners. As well as # BC and #+ aggage. :nce the !orces have been

de!eated the tower is removed !rom the tile.

Mine. $oll !or the nature o! the mine when it is discovered.

#+ Mine type. #warves may reroll the chart once.


   #   i  s  u  s  e   d  m   i  n  e

#+ #isused Mine $esult

18 Minesha!t caves in on scouts. P#+;14 troops. #warves my reroll this. Mine is then closed.

/#warven hold. $oll a d+& on a 18/ the hold is destroyed and !ull o! monsters. ,ose #+;14 troops.

:n a "8+ this is counted as a #warven !ortress.

" As above but Skaven.


 *he mine is in!ested with :rcs and goblins. *hey can recruit up to #+;144 points once. All other

banners lose #+;14.

'8/ )t is a workable mine iron mine. )t generates ' BC per year.

" )t is a workable precious metals mine. )t generates BC a year.


   S  p  e  c   i  a   l   M   i  n  e

#+ Special mine result

1 Minesha!t caves in on scouts. P#+;14 troops. #warves my reroll this. Mine is then closed.

'8 Bemstones. )t generates # BC a year.

/8"Meteoric iron. Empire can create a magic item worth #+;'4 per year. #warves double this


+<arpstone mine. Skaven and chaos can create a #+;'4 magic item per year. All other races

lose #+;14 points and close the mine.

Te-'le. &o/en. lo*geD <hen the temple is encountered roll a #+ to =nd the type o! temple

#+ *ype o! *empleJ CovenJ ,odge

18   $  e   l   i  g   i  o  u  s   :  r   d  e  r




1 Some troops are converted. $oll a subsistence short!all check !or all banners in the !orce.


6ilgrims move into the countryside disrupting movement. A%ected tiles are counted as dicult

terrain. *hey block all normal routes o! travel. 9se the dragon rage to determine the locations.

 *he pilgrims will continue till winter.

CrusadeO *he temple starts =ghting any country that borders yours. All enemy empire tiles that

border yours do not give ta;es to their empire this year.

/ 5othing" 6ick a barren tile. *he monks search that tile !or you. $oll on the unusual result chart on p. +

+ *he temple gives your empire # BC

 *he empire may attack this temple. )! they do the temple generates d+;144 points and the temple itsel! is

considered a !ortress. )! the empire wins it gains '#+ BC. )! the temple success!ully de!ends itsel!. )t will Foin

generate a crusading army every spring o! d+;144 points with one o! each siege engine that will move

directly towards the o%ending capital. *his will continue until the o%ending capital is sacked.


Chaos *emple. A Chaos& Skaven or eastmen army treats this result as one o! their own temples. 3or all

others. #uring each E>uino; roll '#+. :n a roll o! ' or 1' a chaos !orce is created in #+1 tiles generated as

!or #ragon $age. Each tile gets a banner worth /#+;144 o! a random Chaos god. *hey will attack and ra@eanything they can. Each banner will move a random direction each campaign month. *he !orces will continue

to attack till they are de!eated Ldriven below "44 points or another banner o! a di%erent Chaos god comes

into contact. )n which case they both are destroyed. )! the temple itsel! is attacked the temple creates an army

o! "#+;144 to de!end itsel!. $oll !or type o! temple. :n a 18/ it is a monolith type structure. :n a "8+ it is a

!ortress with a de!ense value o! ;. )! it is de!eated remove the temple.


   $  u   i  n  e   d   *  e  m  p   l  e




1 5othing is !ound

' )nteresting relic. *he scouts come back with # BC

Collapse. anner loses #+;14 troops.

/ #esecrationO *he god o! the temple smites the !orce. ,ose #+;'4 troops" Magical Arti!actO Bain a magic item o! up to #+;14


$evelationO *he god asks the anner !or a sacri=ceO ,ose #+;"4 points. ut then you gain the

temple as one o! your own. And 1 unit in the banner is made into *emplars. *hey gain 1 to all

stats and gain a " ward save and become !earless and stubborn. *he unit always recovers as i!they had won a battle. ut i! you lose the temple all o! them are destroyedO

An empire may turn this ruined temple into a real temple by paying BC in the construction phase.Ta-a0le -onstersD *hese can be o! any combination o! monsters& monstrous hosts or monstrous cavalry. #uring the construction

phase the empire may spend 1BC !or every 144 points or !raction o! to train the creatures.

S'e&ial E/entD *he scouts have !ound something di%erent in the tile.

'#+ Special Event' *reasure HordeO '#+ BC

8/3ertile -alleyO *he !orce does not need any baggage or make a subsistence check ne;t month. *he empire can

create a village on this spot during the construction phase.


Mercenary bandO A !orce o! mercenaries o%ers to Foin your empire. '#+;"4 points !rom the #ogs o! <ar book&

no characters. *hese choices do not have to !ollow the Empire troop limits. *hese Mercenaries are considered

to be regulars in your army now and do not !ollow the rules !or mercenaries listed in the recruitment phase.

+80 Monster SkirmishO *he !orce loses #+;"4 points.

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HermitO A <i@ard o%ers to Foin your empire. $oll !or the race and then roll !or the level. 1871& /8"7'& +7.

 *his wi@ard does not go against your empire limits.


reweryO 3or the ne;t battle ' units !rom the banner are subFect to 3ren@y. :r i! it is a non table top battle the

!orce gains a 1 on its ne;t battle. A dwar! or any human empire can create a village on this spot during the

construction phase. And then they can gain this e%ect once per campaign season !or any banner. All other

empires may construct a !ortress at normal value to gain this e%ect.

14Mystic !ountainO *he !orce gains # magic healing potions. An empire can create a village on this spot during

the construction phase and then they may give a healing potion to a banner once a year.


Bood :mensO *he banner may now ignore 1 ill e%ect o! any type. *his cannot be used in a battle. )t can be

used at the end o! a battle to make recovery rolls as i! they had won the battle i! they have lost or gain a 1 to

the check i! they have won.

5oteD Any BCs !ound during the season are carried by the banner in their baggage train until the banner makes it back to their initial


A!ter making the scouting check the army may now move into the scouted tile. )! there is blocking terrain the

army must roll on the $oute Check Chart. locking terrain is listed below. :nce a blocking terrain check has

been made& the banner does not need to roll another blocking terrain check to get back across the same

blocking terrain ne;t month. )n any case the initial realm never re>uires a blocking terrain roll !or the empire.

 *he only time enemy banners may be on the same tile is in the event o! a siege or naval banners. )n the case o!

a river& lake or bay splitting the tile.1 Any tile edge that crosses a mountain edge. 9nless a city is in the tile in which case there is no blocking

terrain roll.' Any route that crosses a river. A banner must be placed so it is clear what side o! the river it is on. 9nless

a city is in the tile in which case there is no blocking terrain. Any tile that is split by a body o! water. 9nless a city is in the tile in which case there is no blocking

terrain./ *he swamp always causes a blocking terrain roll regardless o! whether a blocking terrain check has been

made the last month." :pen water. :nly ships may move across open water.

#+ $oute Check Chart.18' 3ailure. Army may not pass.


   6  e  r   i   l  o  u  s  r  o  u   t  e



6erilous route. *he banner may opt to not move instead o! rolling on this chart. ,osses are per

1444 points.

1 ,ose #+;"4 points and lose all baggage.

' ,ose #+;'4 points and lose hal! o! baggage their baggage rounded down.

,ose #+;14 points and lose 1 point o! baggage./ ,ose 1 point o! baggage.


5o losses. *he !orce makes it through =ne.

"8+ *he !orce makes it through the dicult terrain with no problems.

HoldD the banner holds its position this month. *he banner may interact with any special locations located in the tile. )t

must also use a hold action i! it is going to continue a siege./ 3orti!yD the banner spends the month creating a temporary !orti=ed position in the tile. )ncreasing the banner value by

"4 i! attacked. :nce the banner leaves the tile the temporary !orti=cation is lost. A banner may not !orti!y in a city or

!ortress tile./ 3ight attlesD on this phase all battles will be resolved whether it is by dice roll or by table top gaming. attles are broken

down into types. :pen =eld battles& Sieges and 5aval battles. <hether a siege or an open =eld battle will happen

depends on anner si@es. $oll on the )ndependent Settlement anner Chart every time an empire banner moves into the

tile. )! the de!ending independent banner is outnumbered by "4 or more it will move back into the protection o! the city

or !ortress walls and a siege will happen. :therwise an open =eld battle will happen. )n either case the battle resolution will

be used. Sieges will be addressed later. A player empire settlement will muster local !orces to resist the attackers i! there

are no banners in the tile. )! a tile is de!ended by more than one banner and the de!ender opts to go behind the walls& any

banners that cannot =t into the settlement must retreat to a !riendly tile. $e!er to the Siege Assets Chart on 6. 2 !or the

Ma;imum #e!enders a settlement can hold. )! they cannot& they are scattered as per the de=nition on 6.2.1 #ice battle SectionD :pen =eld battlesD

1 *he =rst step is to determine the combat values o! the banners involved. )! ' or more banners are attempting to

make a pincer attack !rom di%erent tiles& the attacker must roll !or the additional banners to see howcoordinated the pincer attack is. #+ 17 the banner will only give '" o! its value& '87 "4& /8"7 0" and on

a + the !ull points are used. A de!ending banner that has used the !orti!y order has its points increased by "4.

A!ter the banner combat values have been determined check the combat table !or the modi=er.

Combat *ableAttacker

   #  e   !  e  n   d  e  r
























48"44 4 1 ' / " + 0 2 14 11 1'"4181444 81 4 1 ' / " + 0 2 14 11

144181"44 8' 81 4 1 ' / " + 0 2 141"418'444 8 8' 81 4 1 ' / " + + 2

'4418'"44 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 ' / " + 0

'"418444 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 ' / " + 0

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4418"44 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 ' / " +"418/444 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 ' / "

/4418/"44 8 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 ' //"418"444 82 8 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 '

"4418""44 814 82 8 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1 '

""418+444 811 814 82 8 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4 1+444 81' 811 814 82 8 80 8+ 8" 8/ 8 8' 81 4

' *hen both sides pick a strategy secretly and then consult the !ollowing table a!ter they have been revealed.



   #  e   !  e  n   d

  e  r #irect Attack Surprise Attack 3lank Attack

Counter Attack 8' 4 1Hold 4 1 81

<ithdraw ' 81 4

*he attacker then rolls '#+ and applies the ' above modi=ers to the roll and then checks the Combat $esult


Combat $esult *able

Score $esult ,osses. 5ote. *hese losses are per 1444 points in the banner.L' #e!ender wins #7 #+;"4& A7 144#+;"4 and scattered

8" #e!ender wins #7 #+;"4& A7 "4#+;"4 and de!eated+8 #raw oth lose #+;"4

2811 Attacker wins A7 #+;"4& #7 "4#+;"4 and de!eated

1' Attacker wins A7 #+;"4& #7 144#+;"4 and scattered

$e1eate*: *he banner must retreat during the $etreatJScatter step on 6.14 section '.".

S&attere*D $e!er to the $etreatJScatter step on 6.14 section '.".

$ra,. oth banners must retreat !rom the tile. )! a banner is de!ending a tile they stay in place an only the attacker retreats. $e!er to

the $etreatJScatter step on 6.14 section '.".5oteD )! the dice roll is doubles a character has been inFured and possibly slain. )! the doubles are evens then it is the attacker that is

a%ected and i! the doubles are odd then it is the de!ender. )! a player(s character is a%ected determine which one randomly and roll

on the character inFury chart detailed in the table top section.

' #ice battle sectionD SiegesD1 *he attacking army only needs to make pincer attack rolls in the =rst month o! the siege. A!ter that he may use

the !ull value o! all his banners. As soon as the siege is declared the de!ender rolls on the Siege Assets Chart to

see how much baggage they have. 3or the duration o! the siege the tile does not generate any subsistence. *he

attacker has ' actions they can per!orm. Assault or attery. Starvation is another matter that will be detailed

later. *he de!ender can come out o! the !orti=cations and attack at any time. )n this case use the open =eld

battle rules. An independent settlement will come out and =ght once the value o! the enemy banner no longer

outnumbers them by more than "4.

Siege Assets Chart

Settlement City 3ortress

Multiplier R' RMa;imum #e!enders banners ' banners3ood stores #+'anner aggage #+anner aggage

,oot #+ #' StarvationD )! the de!ending banner took damage during the subsistence phase roll on the Starvation Chart.

#+ Starvation Chart1 etrayalO *he populace opens the gates. 3ight an open =eld battle.

' )nsurrectionO *he populace lets saboteurs over the wall. #e!ender loses #+;'4 points. Hardship. Any assault in the siege will get a 1 to its roll. *his bonus can stack.

/ 5o e%ect. AssaultD #etermine the combat strength o! the banners involved in the assault. $emember to use the multiplier

!ound on the Siege Assets Chart !or the de!ender to determine their strength. *he attacker then rolls on the

Assault Chart using the modi=er !orm the Combat *able also adding 1 !or every Breat Siege *ower and Biant

attering $am. *he attacker may make as many attempts at assault as he would like.

Assault Chart

'#+ $esult ,ossesL+


$epulsed#7#+;"4& A7'#+;"4

0814 $epulsed #7#+;"4& A7#+;"4

11 Stormed#7destroyed& A7#+;"4 Li! it is a player banner de!ending& it loses '#+;"4 and is

pushed !rom the tile

Bloo*ily Re'%lse*D *he attacker cannot continue attacking this month. ut the siege continues.

Re'%lse*D *he attacker can continue the attack this month. ut they apply a 81 to the roll. *his result can be applied multiple times.

Stor-e*D *he siege is broken and the attacker takes the settlement. *he de!ending banner keeps hal! rounded down o! any baggage


/ atteryD *he attacker spends the month attempting to knock the walls down. *he attacker rolls on the attery

Chart and adds 1 !or every Boliath Cannon and Monster Stone *hrower.

attery Chart'#+ E%ect Assault bonus

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'80 5othing 4







1 reach

 Assa%lt 0on%s: *his applies to any !uture assault checks& the results are cumulative.

" ,oot and plunderD )! the attacker is success!ul in taking the settlement& roll on the loot column o! the Siege

Assets Chart. *he banner also takes whatever baggage is le!t in the settlement.+ ,i!ting a siegeD A banner may attack the besieging bannerJs. i! they do the besieged bannerJs come out also.

3ight an open =eld battle. )! the besieging army is not !orced out the siege continues. *he attacking banner

retreats back to its originating tile and the besieged banner retreats back into the settlement. 5aval attlesD *here will be a naval battle only i! one o! the empires wants a battle. )! neither does then nothing

happens. )! one does and the other does not then both sides roll a d+. Add 1 i! you have a naval academy and 1 !or

any number o! ships o! the line. *he high roller determines whether there will be a battle. )! both sides want a =ght

there is no roll. )ndependent empires will try to !orce other navies out o! their tiles. )! there is a battle both sides roll a

#+ and add 1 !or each naval and army banner and an additional 1 !or each ship o! the line. )! you have a naval

academy you may add an additional 1. Compare the resultsD

5aval attle. #i%erence in score

47 #raw. 5o e%ect

17 lower side is driven o%. <inner may move the loser 1 tile.'7 lower side is driven o% as above. )n addition any banners lose #+;'4 points.

7lower side is driven o% and one random naval banner is destroyed. )! a banner is on the ship it is destroyed

unless there are surviving ships in the Keet. )n this case it loses #+;144. Characters take a roll on the inFury chart i! 

needed. $emember only one banner per ship./ 7 as above but one additional ship is lost !or every point in di%erence.

" $etreatJScatterD #uring this phase apply the $etreat or Scatter results do t combat.1 $etreatD A de!ending banner that is !orced to retreat will retreat to any !riendly tile. )! there are none then it is

scattered instead. An attacking banner is moved back to its starting tile. )! !or some reason the tile is no longer !riendly

then they are scattered instead.' ScatteredD Any banner that is scattered is removed !rom the map and the units are not available until the ne;t

recruitment phase. )! a banner is scattered the banner that caused the scatter gains the scattered banners baggage

and any siege train it may have.+ End o! MonthD #uring this phase the banners may reorgani@e.

1 $eorgani@ationD anners may split into smaller banners or may merge into a larger banner. 9nits may not be split and

must be moved whole. Any banner o! less than "44 points must merge with another banner unless this would cause

the larger banner to be over 444 points. )n this case the larger banner must give units to the smaller banner to raise

it above "44 points.' #istributing baggageD aggage may be split however the empire wishes. ut a banner may only have a ma;imum o! +

baggage points. StockpilesD i! there is more baggage than the banners can handle the empire may create a stockpile in the tile. )!

another empires banner moves into the tile they will gain the baggage

FALL1 $oll !or player order. High roller goes =rst and so on."  Check !or <i@ard *ower spells. $oll a #+ on a 18 no spell is cast& on a /8" a standard e>uino; spell is cast& on a + an

e;perimental spell has been cast. *o determine the e;perimental spell roll a #+.

#+ $esult

1 *he <i@ard *ower is destroyed. $emove it !rom the tile.' 5othing happens

#+ BC revenue/ Every settlement doubles its BC revenue

" 8#+ BC revenue+ *he Empire loses hal! its revenue.

5oteD All rolls !or the <i@ard *ower are made by the Empire that controls the tile the <i@ard *ower resides in. )n the case o! a standard

E>uino; spell the <i@ard *ower is in all respects treated as i! it were part o! the tile controllers Empire.

$oll !or e>uino; spells i! you have a banner with a mage o! at least level in your Capital. $oll 'd+ to see what spell is to be

cast. )! a location is called !or you may pick a tile up to 1' !rom your capital then roll '#+ and roll e>ual to or greater than

the distance !or the spell to succeed.

'd+ Autumn E>uino; Spell

' light Crop. *his spell is cast on any enemy empires tile. *he a%ected empire loses #+ $evenue. #eluge. *his spell is cast on any river tile. Any settlement in the tile is ra@ed on a #+ score o! / i! a village&

" i! a !ortress and + i! a city. Any settlement downstream is ra@ed on a +.

/ Chaos -oid. Any banner on this tile su%ers #+;14 casualties. A village is ra@ed on a /. 5o other settlement

is a%ected. *hen roll a #+& i! the void caused damage then it will move randomly on a i! it did not it will

move on a ".

" 3orge Magic. *he empire creates magic items 7'#+;'4. *his spell always works.+ )nundation o! lood. Any banners in the tile lose '#+;'4 points. Any village is destroyed Lremoved on a

#+ roll o! +. And the tile is [email protected] umper Crop. *he empire adds #+ BC in revenue. *his spell always works.

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6rosper. *his spell is cast on a ra@ed tile. *his tile and all around it that are ra@ed immediately recover and

 Foin this empire. )! there are no ra@ed tiles the empire gains 1 BC.

2 Call o! Heroes. *he empire may add one named character to their army this year. *his spell always works.14 reak Siege. *his spell will stop a siege by teleporting away all enemy banners. )! there is no siege the

empire is involved in then they may cast it at any !ortress& ra@ing the !ortress.11 *eleporting Mists. Any !riendly banners in this tile are teleported home. *hey do not need to make a winter


1' *ornado o! 6eril. -illages are automatically ra@ed. A !ortress on a #+ roll o! and a city on a /. Any

banners in the tile lose '#+;'4 troops.


<inter is broken down into ' main sections with several subsections. *hey will all be detailed below. 6lay !or this phase is considered

to be simultaneous unless it is speci=ed in the section.

1 <inter Iuarters.1 <inter retreatD All anners must retreat to their initial empire during winter& with the e;ception o! banners involved in

a siege who may decide to continue the siege through winter. anners must trace a line back to their initial empire.

 *he line must cross only known and !riendly tiles. *he banner must pay !or subsistence as normal when heading back.

)! they have to cross any blocking terrain they must make a roll on the <inter $etreat locking *errain chart !or each

instance. )! the banner cannot trace a line o! retreat through !riendly tiles then they must roll on the StrandedO Chart.

:nce the banners make it back to their initial empire they lose hal! o! their baggage rounded down and the rest is

stockpiled in the tile. Any loot gathered during the year is now trans!erred to the empires treasury.1 *he settlements can support the number o! banners e>ual to their subsistence value.' A port can only handle naval banners.

#+ <inter $etreat locking *errain Chart

18' ,ose #+;"4 points and lose all baggage. ,ose #+;'4 points and lose hal! o! baggage their baggage rounded down.

/ ,ose #+;14 points and lose 1 point o! baggage." ,ose 1 point o! baggage.

+ 5o losses. *he !orce makes it through =ne.

5oteD open sea. )! there is a ship banner in the tile the banner may board it and ride home. 9se the standard naval transportation


#+ StrandedO Chart

1 anner is destroyed. $oll !or wounds on all characters.' *he banner loses #+;1"4 points All baggage is lost. )! the roll causes the banner to be wiped out roll !or wounds on

all characters. *he banner loses '#+;'44 points/ *he banner loses '#+;1"4 points

" *he banner loses '#+;144 points+ *he banner loses '#+;"4 points

5oteD a banner may sacri=ce baggage on the roll granting them a 1 per baggage sacri=ced.

' <inter siegeD 3irst the attacker checks to see how much baggage will be needed through the winter. *he attacker. $olls

a #+. oth banners remove this amount. )! the attacking banner does not have enough it can get supplies !rom its

empire. *o do this the banner must be able to trace a line back to their empire as per the winter retreat rules. $emovethe appropriate amount o! baggage !rom the empires settlements. An empire must supply as much baggage as

possible even i! they will not be able to supply the !ull amount. )! the empire does not have enough baggage on hand to

take care o! this amount they can immediately pay 1 BC per baggage needed& the empire may provide an additional

baggage i! desired. )! the baggage amount is paid the siege continues. )! they cannot& the siege continues but the

banner makes a roll on the stranded chart. )! the banner is still in the tile the player gets to per!orm one siege round. )!

a subsistence short!all check is made both sides su%er an additional 81 to the check.' $evenueD *here are ' main sections to the revenue section.

' Collecting. )n order to collect revenue !rom a settlement the settlement must be able to trace a line to the empire as

per the winter retreat rules and must not be ra@ed or under siege. $e!er to the revenue chart below. A city with a port is

connected to the empire as long as an enemy city with a port is not within the line traced up the coast and there is a

port !urther along connected to the Empire. Ships are not needed. A city that has !allen do to winter siege does not

provide any revenue this year.

Settlement Capital City 3ortress -illage Ship in port$evenue in BC / ' 1 1 1

Spending. BC may be kept in the treasury. ?ou don(t need to spend it all i! you don(t want to.1 #iplomacy. 6layer pacts can be made at any time. ut neither party is under any obligation to keep such a

pact.' 6risoner e;change. 6layers may e;change prisoners or pay ransom to get prisoners back. A player may wish to

either keep a character imprisoned or attempt to e;ecute the prisoner. )n either case the player will roll on the

!ollowing table.



E;ecution Escape attempt


Character escapes. He can Foin the nearest banner

with his e>uipment magical or otherwise that was

captured by the enemy.

Character escapes with help. *he character

owning player rolls immediately on the saboteur

chart and the capital is a%ected. Character

reFoins his empire.

8/Character escapes. He can Foin the nearest banner

with light armor& shield and a hand weapon !or !ree.

Character escapes. He can reFoin his empire ne;t

winter phase.

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"8+Character escapes. He can reFoin his empire during the

ne;t winter phase.3ailed escape. Character is still a prisoner.

08otched e;ecution. :wning player makes a wound

check !or the character. He is still a prisoner.3ailed escape. Character is still a prisoner.


11Character is e;ecuted.

Character is wounded. :wning player rolls on the

wound chart !or the character. *he character is

still a prisoner.1' Character is e;ecuted. Character is killed trying to escape.

5oteD an e;ecution attempt may be made at any time but only once a turn per prisoner.

Alliance with independent empires. )! an independent empire borders yours you may send an emissary !or 1 BC

to that empire. )! only 1 empire sent an emissary& roll on the !ollowing chart. )! ' or more empires sent

emissaries& the players roll o% and the winner rolls on the #iplomacy chart.

#+ #iplomacy result18 5o result. *he Empire is still independent.


 *he )ndependent Empire is willing to become allies. *he player empire can now move through the

independent empires tiles and can draw 1 point o! subsistence !rom settlements. And the player empire

can now add 1 core unit !rom the empires army list !or the ne;t season.

+ *he Empire Foins the player empire. *he player may now choose !rom this races army book limited by what

the settlementsT can support.5oteD An empire will gain a 1 to the ne;t years roll i! he rolled a /8" result the previous year. *hey also gain a 1 to the roll o! i!

another empire is attempting to ally with the independent empire also.

/ $ecovery. At this time the player checks to see i! any o! his ra@ed settlements recover. $oll on the recovery


#+ $ecovery $esult


 *he settlement stays ra@ed.



)! the settlement is a village it recovers. All others are still ra@ed.

+ *he settlement recovers.5oteD a player may pay any amount o! BC to inKuence the dice roll a!ter the roll. 1 BC71 to the roll.

" Construction. *he player may now spend BC(s to improve his empire. Some o! the proFects re>uire raw

materials also. 3or every hill or mountain tile the empire gains one unit o! stone. 3or every !orest tile the

empire gains one unit o! wood.

6roFect BC cost <ood Stone

Siege Element 1 4village " 1 4

ShipJShip o! the ,ine ' 1J' 4

-illage into a !ortress " 1 1

3ortress in a barren tile 0 1J' 1J'-illage into a city 14 1J' 1J'

5aval Academy " 1 4ridge See rules 1 4

$oad See rules 4 1 *emple 14 1 1

Siege Ele-ent: A banner can only have a ma; o! / siege elements attached to it. *he di%erent siege elements areU Monster stone

thrower& Breat cannon& Biant attering $am and Siege tower. Each siege element is purchased separately. E%ects o! each siege

element are listed in the siege section on 6. 214. )! a siege train is attached to a banner that banner cannot use the bonus

movement a road gives and when =nding a sa!e route over dicult terrain that banner su%ers a 81 to the route check roll.

Village: -illages can only be created under special circumstances. *his is usually an event or special location.

S2i'.S2i' o1 t2e Line: Ships may only be built i! the empire has a coastal city. A ship o! the line can only be created i! the empire

has built a naval academy and costs and additional wood resource.

Na/al A&a*e-y: A naval academy can only be built in a coastal city. )t allows better naval combat capability and the ability to

create a ship o! the line. )! the city with the naval academy is captured it now belongs to the new empire.

Bri*ge: ridges may be built over a river section and this allows the river to be crossed without making a route check. *he cost o!

the bridge is 1BC i! within / tiles o! the river source or 'BC i! !urther down river.

Roa*: $oads can be built !rom one tile to the ne;t. $oads allow a bonus o! ' tiles to movement. <hile on a road the banner does nothave to make scouting checks. $oad movement does not cross a river unless there is a bridge. *he cost o! the road depends on where

the road starts. Capital or city costs 1BC& -illage or 3ortress cost 'BC and barren tiles cost BC.

Te-'le: A temple may be built in any tile. )! the tile has a settlement the temple is part o! that settlement. *emples di%er !rom race

to race and will be detailed in that races section. <hen a tile is occupied by an enemy empire the temple is destroyed and the new

banner gains '#+BC. *he e;ception is i! the tile is con>uered by the same race. *hey can then keep the temple. 9nless noted

otherwise the temple is counted as a !ortress !or de!ense purposes.

+ $ecruitmentD 6layers may now purchase new units& recruit replacements !or damaged units and upgrade units.

1 BC buys 144 points. *hese are purchased !rom the appropriate army book. )! the player cannot support the

units that he has because o! lost or ra@ed settlements& he may pay 1 BC per unitJcharacter to keep them

available. A player may put unitsJcharacters into reserve instead o! paying the upkeep !or them. ut i! they do

they may not purchase any new units until the units are taken out o! reserve. *he only time a player may have

units above what the empire can support is i! they have lost settlements or events. *hey cannot Fust purchase

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the units and pay the !ee. $emember also that a !ree unit above support will =ll a support slot i! it becomes

available. A player may also disband a unit or retire a character but i! they do the points value is lost. Empire

limits can be !ound on the Empire Military Assets Chart on 6.1.0 E;perienceD At this time you total up your characters e;perience and make any rolls !or advancement they may

have. )! a mage crests over the e;perience listed !or a higher mage class they can now casts spells as i! they

were mages o! that level. Also at this time you may promote a character in rank as long as it has reached the

e;perience re>uired !or the new rank. 3or e;ample you may take a hero and convert it to a lord. )! you do this

any stat changes will be added to the new pro=le and you pay the di%erence in points. 3or e;ample you have a

hero that cost "4 points with a base <S o! & the hero had gained a <S increase o! 1. A lord costs 1"4 points

and has a <S o! ". *he new character would cost you 144 points and now have a <S o! +. ?ou cannot demote

a character. ?ou are still limited to the character support limits o! your empire. MercenariesD *he player may spend 1 BC to gain 1"4 points o! mercenaries. Mercenaries will only =ght !or 1

season. Mercenaries are also very untrustworthy& any mercenary unit that routes o% the =eld will only come

back on a roll o! " on a #+. *he mercenaries are chosen !rom the dogs o! war book. *here are no limits to

what can be purchased& no matter what the empire can support. Any characters purchased may have up to "4

pts in magic items. *he empire does not get to keep these items but it is possible !or an enemy empire to take

them in a battle.2 AlliesD )! an allied race peace!ully Foined your empire you may purchase core units !rom them to add to you

army. ?ou may add 1 unit per city or !ortress. *his is only the rank and =le troops that you may purchase. Any

upgrades beyond the command elements are not allowed. 3or e;ample i! you have access to an :rc city you

may take 5ight Boblins but may not take 3anatics. *he e;ception to this rule would be in the case o! an alliance

with an independent empire. *hen you may access the special upgrades. )! the independent empire Foins your

empire you lose this bonus as they are trying to be as much like your empire as they can.14 #eploymentD *he player now !orms his units into banners and then places the banners in any o! his settlements

on the map. He is limited by the amount o! banners the empire can support. He can create a completely

mercenary banner i! he wishes and this may be above the empire ma;imum. He cannot place a banner in a tilethat is separated !rom his empire unless he can place a ship in the same tile or it is a mercenary banner.

11 aggageD Each settlement with a banner can now supply its subsistence value in baggage to the banners in it.

 *he empire may also buy baggage at cost o! 1BC7 ' baggage.1' EspionageD #uring the espionage step the players purchase operatives. A!ter all empires purchase their

operatives each player rolls o%. *he high roller places an operative !ace down in a tile and play continues in the

order rolled. A!ter all agents have been placed the players roll again. *he high roller activates an operative and

play continues !rom high to low until all operatives have been used. *he di%erent operatives and costs are

listed below.

:perative Agent Assassin Saboteur SpyCost 1BC 7 #+ 1BC 1BC 1BC

Agents: agents can be placed in any settlement or location that has an enemy operative in it. Agents can only be used once a turn

but as long as there is an enemy operative in the tile they can be used again in a later turn. <hen the agent is activated roll on the

Agents $esults chart.

#+ Agent results

1 5o e%ect& remove the agent.' *he player may look at all enemy operatives in the tile and removes one. *he agent stays in play.

 *he player may look at all enemy operatives in the tile. *hen he may remove all o! one enemy(s operatives.

 *he agent remains in play.

/ *he agent is ruthlessly e%ective. $emove all enemy operatives !rom the tile. *he agent remains in play.

" *he agent destroys all enemy operatives in the tile and is able to move to any tile that has an operative

belonging to one o! the empires he has Fust destroyed. Agent remains in play.


All enemy operatives in this tile become yours. ?ou may now place these operatives in a tile that belongs to

the previous owner. *his agent may move to any tile that belongs to one o! the turned agents and stays in

play. Also you get 1 agent !or !ree ne;t espionage phase.

Assassin: Assassins can be placed in any tile that contains an enemy banner or the capital city. <hen the assassin is activated make

a check on appropriate Assassination attempt chart.

#+ Assassination attempt against a banner Chart

1 *he assassin is captured and turned against his employer. *he intended target gets to make an assassin

check immediately against one o! the initial employer(s banners. A result o! 1 is a !ailure' *he assassin is caught and killed be!ore he can do anything

*he assassin bungles the attempt but does take some o! the troops with him. *he banner loses #+;'4 points.

/ *he assassin is success!ul in attacking an enemy character. A random character is killed on a #+ roll o! +

other wise roll on the wound chart.

" *he assassin is success!ul in an attack on the enemy general. $oll a #+ on a roll o! + the character is dead

otherwise roll on the wound chart.


Spectacular success. *he Assassin attacks the enemy general and a random character. $oll a #+ !or each. :n

a roll o! + the character is killed. :therwise roll on the wound chart. )! the general is the only character ' rolls

are made as above. And the assassin kills #+;'4 troops escaping as well.


#+ Assassination attempt against a Capital Chart

1 *he assassin is captured and turned against his employer. *he intended target gets to make an assassin

check immediately against the capital A result o! 1 is a !ailure.

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 *he assassin is captured and killed be!ore he can do anything.

/)t was a close call. :n the =rst campaign month banners must roll a #+ be!ore e;ecuting orders. :n a / they

may act. :therwise they per!orm a hold action.

"-ery close call. *he emperor was inFured but not killed. All banners per!orm a hold action on their =rst

campaign turn.


 *he emperor is killedO # random !ortresses rebel against the empire. 6ut an independent Kag on them. *hey

are o! the same race as the initial empire but are always hostile to that empire. Any banner in that tile must

roll a #+. :n a roll o! 1 the banner is converted to a andit army as per the #angerous terrain result o! + on

page. :n a ' the banner is removed !rom the table but reFoins the empire in the ne;t deployment phase. :n a

the banner is placed in the capital tile at the end o! the =rst campaign month. All other banners will do a

hold action on their =rst turn. And on the second will only move on a /.

Sa0ote%r: A saboteur may be placed in any enemy settlement. <hen the saboteur is activated roll on the Sabotage Attempt Chart.

#+ Sabotage Attempt



 *he saboteur is captured. $emove the saboteur.

)! there is a banner in the tile it su%ers #+;4 points in damage.

/ All baggage in the tile is destroyed.


 *he settlement is put to =re. )! there is a banner in the tile it cannot move ne;t turn as it puts out the =re. )!

there is not a banner the settlement will be ra@ed on a #+ roll o! . )! the settlement is a city with a harbor 1

ship is sunk.

+ *he settlement is ravaged by a magical =re. *he settlement is ra@ed. )! there are ships in the harbor roll a #+

!or each ship. :n a it is destroyed.S'y: Spies may be placed in any tile that has a banner. <hen activated roll the on the Spy Activity Chart.

#+ Spy Activity Chart18

5o e%ect. $emove the spy.

/ *he spy is able to gain some in!ormation about the banner. *he enemy must supply the point(s value o! the

banner and which orders the banner will be given on the ne;t turn.

" *he spy is able to gain detailed in!ormation about the banner. *he enemy must supply a detailed list o! the

banner and the orders the banner will be given !or the ne;t ' turns


 *he spy is able to insinuate himsel! in the banner generals sta%. *he enemy must supply a detailed list o! the

banner whenever you want it this season. And must show you the banner(s orders each turn !or this year. At

the beginning o! the ne;t espionage phase roll a #+ on a roll o! " the spy stays with this general !or the ne;t

season. :n a roll o! 1 the enemy has subverted the spy and gains !ree spy !or this espionage phase.

TABLE TOP RULES  *his section will detail any changes to the rules !or table top battles speci=cally.

! CHARACTER E3PERIENCE1 Characters gain e;perience during battle. #uring the winter phase they are able to use this e;perience to improve

themselves. *he E;perience Earned Chart shows what actions in combat grant e;perience.

E;perience Earned Chart

Action E;perienceSurviving a battle 1

<ounds caused by the character in melee and missile combat. Multiple wound items and abilitiesdo not count. )! a weapon or ability causes instant death only count the wounds that would bringthe enemy to 4.

4." per wound

Nilling a character o! your e;perience level or lower. '

Nilling a character that is a higher e;perience level than you. /Success!ully casting a spell& whether it is dispelled or not '

Success!ully dispelling a spell '

eing a victorious general /

Surviving the year without a permanent inFury "6articipating in a siege. Either side 1

6articipating in a round o! a siege assault ! perround

1.1.'. E;perience levelsD All heroes regardless o! magic level start at level 1 and all lords regardless o! magic level startat level 0.



notes ,evel



1 1 ,evel 1 mage and heroes 2 1' 11 14 21

'1 ,evel ' mage 11 141

/ 1 1' 1'1

" /1 ,evel mage and lords 1 1/1+ "1 1/ 1+1

0 +1 ,evel / mage 1" 11 01 1+ '41

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1.1.. E;perience rewardsD <hen a character gains a new level they get a roll on the E;perience $ewards Chart. *hema;imum value !or any stat is 14. )! a roll would push a stat above 14 then you may roll again on the chart.

E;perience $eward Chart'#+ $eward

' Survivor. *he ne;t time the hero would have to roll on the wound chart they roll an automatic 14811.8" 1 to )nitiative

+ 1 to Strength0 1 to either <eapon Skill or allistic Skill. ?our choice.

1 to Attack

2 1 to ,eadership14 1 to <ounds

11 1 to *oughness1' Survivor. And roll again on this chart ignoring a 1'. And you may pick a racial special ability !or thecharacter.


'.1. 9nits gain e;perience !rom combat as well. *he unit gains an e;perience point !or every battle that it survives and a point!or every enemy unit they cause to break. *he unit will gain no e;perience !or a battle where they routed o% the =eld. *heycan voluntarily leave the =eld though. 3or every ' e;perience points the unit has it may reroll and roll it is re>uired to makein a battle. *he unit is only ever allowed " rerolls no matter how many e;perience points that they may have. A unit loses 1e;perience point whenever it gets broken in combat and will lose hal! rounded up o! their e;perience points i! they everroute o% the =eld. All gains and losses o! e;perience will take e%ect at the end o! a battle.


1 <hen a character !alls in battle a roll on the Character <ound Chart is made at the end o! the battle.Character <ound Chart



'8 *he character succumbed to his inFuries and has died. )! the enemy won the battle they may roll a #+ !or

every magic item the character had. :n a roll o! + they now have that item./8" )nFured and captured. *he character makes a roll on the )nFury Chart and the character is captured&

$egardless o! who won the battle. *he captors roll a #+ !or every magic item he had. :n a roll o! + they haveit.

+ <ounded and stunned. $oll a #+& on a roll o! 18 the character rolls on the )nFury Chart. )! the battle is lostthen the character is captured on a #+ roll o! 18. :therwise he makes it back to his banner. )! captured thecaptors roll a #+ !or every magic item he had. :n a roll o! + they have it

082 <ounded. $oll a #+& on a roll o! 18' the character rolls on the )nFury Chart. *he character then reFoins hisbanner.


Slight wound. $oll a #+& on a roll o! 1 the character rolls on the )nFury Chart. *he character then reFoins hisbanner.

1' 3lesh wound. *he character makes it back to his banner and now hates the enemy that struck him down.

)nFury Chart'#+

)nFury $ecover *ime

6enalty <hile$ecovering

6ermanent E%ects

' Severe Arm <ound Season :ut o! action Amputation. May not use a shield or 'Hweapon

,ight Arm <ound 1 turn <S8& S8' 5one

/ Critical Head <ound Season :ut o! action <S8'& S8'& ,d81" Severe Head <ound turns :ut o! action <S81& S81

+ ,ight Head <ound ' turns <81& <S8'& S8'& ,d81 5one

0 Super=cial Head<ound

1 turn <81& <S81& S81 5one

,ight ody <ound ' turns S81& *81& <81 5one

2 Sever ody <ound turns :ut o! action *8114 Critical ody wound Season :ut o! action S81& *81& <81

11 ,ight ,eg <ound 1 turn M ; V 5one1' Sever ,eg <ound season :ut o! Action Crippled. M ; V

Re&o/er Ti-eD *his is how many months it will take !or the inFury to heal. Season means the rest o! the campaign season.Penalty (2ile Re&o/eringD *his is the penalty the character will take i! they =ght a battle be!ore their inFuries heal. A character

cannot =ght i! their < characteristic is 4.Per-anent E4e&tsD *his is the permanent e%ects o! the wounds. )! a characters < characteristic is reduced to 4 in this way diesduring the ne;t winter phase !rom his inFuries.

5 UNIT  RECOVERY 1 At the end o! a battle make a roll on the 9nit $ecovery Chart !or every unit that has taken damage.

9nit $ecovery Chart'#+ $ecovery Modi=ers

' 5o $ecoveryAll modi=ers are cumulative.1 !or the winning banner.

81 !or the losing banner.81 i! the unit routed o% the =eld.

$ound up !or the winner and down !or the loser

1 in / $ecover

/8+ 1 in $ecover082 1 in ' $ecover



' in $ecover

1' All $ecover

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5oteD *roopers will recover in the !ollowing orderU 9nit Champion& 9nit Standard earer& 9nit Musician and *roops.


1 A!ter the battle use victory points as described on 6. 1/ o! the <arhammer $ulebook. 3ind the di%erence between the

scores and then re!er to the *able *op attle $esults Chart. Any unit that leaves the table under its own power is not

counted as routed.

 *able *op attle $esults Chart

#i%erence in


$esult. $e!er to the $etreatJScatter step on 6.2 section './.1. !or a de=nition o! results.

48144 #raw#ouble or ,ess ,oser )s #e!eated

More than


,oser is Scattered

' 9nit Standard earersD )! a unit has a magical standard and is broken in melee the victor rolls a #+ and on a + they get the

standard. :n any other result the unit keeps the standard but may not use it !or the rest o! the battle as normal. 3orti!y :rderD )! a banner has used a !orti!y order in a turn and then been attacked the !ollowing rules apply.

1 *he #e!ender picks the set up @one. *he attacker places his whole army =rst. *hen the de!ender places his units. *he

attacker chooses who goes =rst. A!ter set up has been completed the de!ender may place #' 3orti=ed 6ositions on

the =eld.1 3orti=ed 6ositionD A !orti=ed position is an earthen berm rein!orced with sharpened wooden stakes. )t is up to +G

long. Any unit ) a !orti=ed position gains the stubborn ability& is considered to be under hard cover and gains a

/ invulnerable save to any missile =re that crosses the berm. )! the =rst turn o! a combat the unit gains always

strikes =rst and their imitative becomes 14. Any unit charging the !orti=ed unit loses any charge combat

bonuses and any cavalry or chariots that charge the unit roll a #+ !or each model. :n a 1 or ' they take a wound

with no armor saves. A chariot takes #+ wounds instead./ 3leeO ScenarioD Sometimes a banner will be !orced into a =ght it does not want. )n this case use the 3leeO Scenario !or the

battle. *he de!ender is the unit opting to Kee.1 attle=eldD Set up *errain as normal.' #eploymentD $oll o% to who gets to pick the short table edge the attacker will deploy on. 6layers then take turns

placing units using the alternating deployment rule on 6. 1/' in the <arhammer $ulebook. <ith the winner o! the roll

o% placing =rst. *he attacker set up @one is a band +G deep along one o! the short table edges. *he de!enders set up

@one is a band across the table +G wide and 1'G away !rom the attackers set up @one 3irst *urnD $oll o% to see who has the =rst turn. *he army that =nished setting up =rst gains a 1 to the roll./ Bame ,engthD the game lasts + turns." -ictory ConditionsD use the victory point(s rules on 6. 1/ o! the <arhammer $ulebook. *he only results that can be

had !or this battle are de!ender de!eated or de!ender scattered.+ Scenario Special $ulesD Any de!ending unit that is caught and brought into melee combat gains the stubborn ability. As

the try to slow the attackers down enough !or the rest o! their army to get away.

6 SIEE1 Sieges are always !ought using the siege rules !ound in section './.' on 6.2.

7 RACIAL SPECIAL RULES1 High El!  1 High El! Beneral $ules

1 Sea ElvesD High El ! naval banners gain a 1 to any naval roll.' High MagicD High Elves roll ' spells in each E>uino; Spell phase and may cast the one they pre!er.

' High El! $acial Special Abilities1 Shadow <alkerD *he Character gains the scout special ability.' Eagle EyesD Any shooting or spell casting by the el! has its range increased by +G. #odgeD *he character gains a " ward save.

High El! *emples1 High El! *emples are centers o! magical power. 5o E>uino; Spell or #ragon $age will a%ect a tile with a High El!

 *emple in it. High El! *emples only cost "BC' :rc Boblin

1 :rc Boblin Beneral $ules1 Eat the <eakD )! an :rc Boblin banner has to make subsistence short!all roll the e%ect is doubled. $emove

casualties !rom the banner in the !ollowing orderU Snotlings& S>uigs& Boblins& Allies& :rcs& *rollJ:gre and Biants.

' 3orce MarchD :rc Boblin banners may move an additional tile i! they do not interact with the =rst tile. *heymake another subsistence check and then per!orm the move as normal. A!ter the move has been =nished roll on

the 3orce March Chart.

3orce March#+ E%ect

1 ,ose #+;"4 points' ,ose #+;'4 points

,ose #+;14 points/ ,ose #+;" points



5o losses

' :rc Boblin $acial Special Abilities1 3earsome ,eaderD 5o unit within 1'G o! the character su%ers !rom animosity.' StrongmanD )! the character uses a 'H weapon they lose the always strikes last ability.

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)t #on( WurtD *he character gains / regeneration. :rc Boblin *emples

1 :rc Boblin *emples generate #+;'44 o! units in the recruitment phase. *hese troops stay till the end o! the

year. :rc Boblin *emples are not !ortresses like other temples. Skaven

1 Skaven Beneral $ules1 $at HolesD Skaven settlements a considered ra@ed to other races. ut !or the Skaven they work Fust like regular

settlements.' Eat the AshesD Skaven only draw subsistence !rom a ra@ed tile or !rom a Skaven Settlement. A Skaven

settlement is any settlement that has been ra@ed and then recovered while under the control o! the Skaven. Any

settlement that the Skaven take by !orce is automatically ra@ed during the end o! month phase. A ra@ed

settlement provides 1 point o! subsistence and 1 point o! revenue. Any non Skaven settlement controlled by theSkaven still generates revenue but does not provide subsistence.

' Skaven $acial Special Abilities1 ,ucky !or SomeD <henever this character takes a wound roll a #+ &on a " the wound is trans!erred to any

!riendly model with /G instead. *here are no armor saves allowed !or this wound' Nni!e83ighterD *he character can throw up to throwing knivesJstars in the missile phase. *his may not be

combined with Iuick Shot. *he character may now purchase throwing knivesJstars !or 1 point. *unnel 3ighterD <henever this character is =ghting within a terrain piece he gains 1<S and 1A.

Skaven *emples1 Skaven *emples generate #+;144 points o! <arlocks or Seers and #+;144 points o! regular troops. *hese units

go away at the end o! the year./ 9ndead

1 9ndead Beneral rules1 5o StomachsD *he 9ndead do not make subsistence checks and do not use baggage. 9ndead banners do need

to make instability checks though during the subsistence phase. $oll a #+ !or the banner on a roll o! 1 they must

roll on the Subsistence Short!all Chart. Subtract one !orm the roll !or every banner in the tile beyond the =rst.

)nstability checks are never made in the initial empire tiles and a tile containing a 5ecropolis.' 5o rainsD any siege assault checks against a de!ending undead banner gain a 1 to the roll. 9ndead are never

subFect to starvation in a siege.' 9ndead $acial Special Abilities

1 #eaths 3riendD *his Character gains + regeneration. And i! they do happen to XdieG roll a #+. :n a roll o! /

the character reFoins his empire during the ne;t recruitment phase.' ,i!e #rainD $oll a #+ !or every wound this character inKicts in melee combat. :n a " heal one lost wound !or

the character. )! the character has no lost wounds increase his wounds by one. *he character can only ever have

one e;tra wound. *he #ark Side is StrongD *he character generates one e;tra power dice every magic phase.

9ndead *emples1 9ndead *emples !unction as 5ecropolises. Every recruitment phase the undead empire gets a roll on the

5ecropolis $ecruit Chart !or every temple. *hese units& i! any& are permanent. *he undead cannot search their
