mid day 12_07_2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Mid Day 12_07_2013


    SPORTS p19

    Agar, theIncredible,saves theAussies



    100 TIMESBazzu Uzaman befriended, wooedand married the young girl, onlyto subject her to abuse; when shetried to extricate herself from themarriage, he abducted her and usedhis razor blade on her for nine days,

    leaving a mesh of surface injuries allover her body. Akela reports on P2

    FRIDAY12.07.2013, R3


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  • 7/27/2019 Mid Day 12_07_2013



    [email protected]

    ILEmany faceless, namelessmen are sure to have beenough the torment that thisyear-old girl was subjectedew havelivedto tell thehor-ng tales of their ordeal.ta Sharma (name changed)

    ne ofthe few luckysurvivorso havebeen to hell and back;

    r being tortured, abused,ucted by her husband, she

    slashed with a blade allr her body, continuously, for

    e long days.endship request

    ording to the police, theused in the case Bazzuman Akbar Badshah aliasa alias Pasha (23) is a resi-t of Adamjee Jivajee Chawlewri, while Sarita lives inund (West). Their ill-fatedance began in the virtualld, when Pasha befriendedta on Facebook in February,

    wooed her aggressively. young girl fell for his

    rms, and took a hasty deci-that would cost her dearly.

    eks after their onlineance had begun, they wed

    h other at the Bandra familyrt.

    oubled timestas conjugal bliss was

    rt-lived. Soon, Pasha bareduglier, more real side to hise. She felt the first tremorsinrelationship when he start-tormenting her over her

    gion. Her suspicions of hav-be en c hea te d we re

    firmed when she discoveredhis claims of owning an

    ort-export business were

    elaborate fabrications. He hadalso lied about being a gradu-ate, having dropped out ofschool in Std IX.

    Pashas menacing behaviourwas soon extended to Saritasfamily, whom he started threat-ening and abusing. On April 14,a traumatised Sarita finallydecided to turn things around,and lodged her first complaint a non-cognisable (NC) one in Mulund police station.Discord erupted between thecouple, and on May 29, the twodivorced, in the presence of a

    qazi and several relatives.However,the divorce was yettobe formalised in a court of law,and Pashas abusive ways con-t in ue d. On Jun e 16, a nincreasingly despairing Saritaregistered her second NC in thepolice station.

    AbductedFindingit difficult to accept thatthe two hadparted ways, Pashastarted making desperateattempts to meet her. Saritaignored his overtures. Outragedat the slight, Pasha plottedrevenge. On June 17, whileSarita was onher way toNirmalLifestyle, Pasha ambushed herand took her to his residence inSewri, where he held the girl

    captive for days.Having ensnared his victim,the diabolical man gave freerein to his sadistic urges,assaulting her with kicks andpunches. Anyattempts made bySarita todefendherself infuriat-ed him, and soon he found anew weapon of torment arazor blade. Over the next ninedays, the fiendish man subject-ed Sarita to unspeakabletorment, slashing her all over

    her body, slashing her face,neck and arms with the blade,leaving a mesh of about 100surface injuries on her skin. Heragonised screams frightened

    Pasha, who tookher toa privateclinic in his vehicle but notbefore trying to stage Saritassuicide.

    En route to the clinic, Pashaclicked pictures of Saritas

    wounds using his cameraphone, and forwarded them toSaritas sister. He sent anaccompanying message, mak-ing it sound like Sarita had

    written it. The SMS givesa clearpicture of hisintentions, saying:

    Listen dont ever call on thisnumber. Dont show these pic-tures to jiju [brother-in-law] as

    well. But show mom and dad. Ilove youall. Giving my life now.

    Bye forever. Dont lodge anycomplaint against anyone. Ilove youall. Cops investigatingthe case suspect that this wasPashas first step in staging his

    wifes suicide.Sarita received treatment at

    the clinic, after which Pashatook her back home to subjecth er to more vio len ce.Surprisingly, not a single mem-ber of the attending staff reported Saritas tell-all injuries

    at a police station.Saritas ordeal continued.

    Thinking of new ways of tor-menting his partner, Pashathreatened to falsely implicateh er in a c ase un de r t heMaharashtra Control ofOrganised Crime Act(MCOCA). Her spirits flagging,Sarita started contemplatingsuicide at this point. Pasha alsobullied her into telling her par-ents not to lodge a complaintagainst him.

    The great escapeAn opportunity to flee this pri-vate hell presented itself toSarita on June 26, and desper-ate for freedom, she seized it.

    Herfirst step wasto complain toseveral police authoritiesthrough her lawyer SatyamDubey. On July 3, the policeregistered an FIR against Pashaandtwo others.He wasarrestedand produced at the Mulundcourt yesterday, where he wasremanded to police custody tillJuly 14.

    We have arrested Pashaunder a slew of sections of theIPC 323 (hurt), 324 (hurt by

    dangerou(wrongful(wrongful(kidnappininducing wmarriage), in fear of dhurt, in ordtion), 5intimidatiothree and said JJ JadMulund po

    HistoryDuring inconfessed accused inblast case16criminaistered aga

    13 of thempolice starecovered him. He walending mo

    Sari ta thrashed, blade on body, said

    Sarita, from the trexperienceto commen

    > 12.07.2013 > MUMBAI, www.mid-day.com2 METRO

    ed and published by Shaikh Latif Gaffar on behalf of Mid-Day Infomedia Ltd, and printed at R/847/3, T.T.C, Industrial Area, M.I.D.C., Rabale, Navi Mumbai. Published at Peninsula Center, Dr. S.S. Rao Road, Near Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parerialand Advertising offices at PeninsulaCenter, DrS.S. Rao Road,Parel (East),Mumbai 400012; TelephoneNos: 24197171;Fax No:2415 0009,RNI Number 35667/79Postal RegistrationNo MH/MR/West/65/2012-2014.Reproductionin whole

    ssion of the publisher is prohibited. Executive Editor *Sachin Kalbag (*Responsible for selection of news under the Press and Registration of Books Act 1867)

    VINAY [email protected]

    OFFICIALSat TilakNagar policestation investigating the suicidecase of 21-year-old Tejas, son ofsenior police inspector ArvindSawant, questioned his femalefriend yesterday. Tejas shot him-self with his fathers servicerevolver on Wednesday at hisresidence in Tilak Nagar,Chembur.

    During the course of investi-gation,officials learnt that Tejas

    wanted to take admission inDadars Kirti College, where hisfriend is studying. Tejas hadcompleted his SY BSc fromRuparel College in Matunga.His family members wereopposed to it and asked him tocontinue studying in RuparelCollege for another year andsaid he could switch later, saida police officer from Tilak

    Nagar police station. However,Tejas was adamant and wanted

    admission in Kirti College start-ing this academic year and hadeven fought with his familymembers over this issue.

    We have registered an acci-dental death case and we are

    yet to take statement from hisfather Arvind, as he is still inshock after losing his only son.His statement will help us jointhe dots and close the case,said the police officer fromTilak Nagar police station.

    Several senior officials fromcrime branch reached Sawants

    residence after hearing thenews of his sons death. Tejaslast rites were conducted lateonWednesday night after complet-ing all formalities.

    LIFE CUT SHORT: Tejas committedsuicide by shooting himself with hisfathers service revolver aftersending text messages to somefriends informing them about hisintentions

    as Sawant who

    ot himself withfathers service

    volver, wantedtake admission indars Kirti College,ere a female

    end studied




