microteaching reflection

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  • 7/24/2019 Microteaching Reflection


    Dana Kuehn

    MUS 175


    Microteaching Reflection

    For my microteaching project, I chose to teach the class a few basic calligraphy

    techniques to make their handwriting look more like traditional calligraphy without the quill and

    ink, or fauxlligraphy, for slang. I think that given the time limit of five minutes, I think that my

    lesson went just as well as I could have hoped that a five minute penmanship lesson could go.

    I covered a lot of material for just five short minutes, but I think that the students really grasped

    the concepts that I had addressed. From the quick glance that I did over the class, it looked like

    most of the students had really focused on the lesson and were working hard to incorporate the

    techniques that I had gone over.

    Of course I wish that I had more time to go more over connecting letters, mixing fonts, and been

    able to spend more time checking the progress of the students. I think that the thing that did not

    go as well as I was hoping was definitely my speed of speech. I wish that I had been able to slow

    down and elaborate more on each section of my lesson. However, if that is the only thing that I

    would have changed about my lesson, I am extremely pleased with the overall result of my

    microteaching project.

    I think what surprised me the most about my lesson did not even happen during my

    project. The next class after my project, Jordan showed me that he had been doodling on one of

  • 7/24/2019 Microteaching Reflection


    his worksheets from another class using the method that I had taught the class for writing. After

    that class, before Lyric Diction, Morgan texted me a picture of her Geology notes from her class

    the previous day that she had titled also using the handwriting techniques that I had demonstrated

    in class! What surprised me the most about this project was that people truly paid attention and

    started using the simple skill that I taught in their own lives outside of class. I think this was a

    true demonstration of how what you do in the classroom reflects outside the classroom even

    when you do not realize it, or think that it will. I really enjoyed watching the other students use

    the projects from this class in their own lives. Aside from my own, I heard kids talking about

    doing their laundry and refolding their clothes the way that Cameron had taught, and just other

    simple things like that are what really made the point stick with me. No matter what was taught,

    the students really took the new skill to heart and each perceived and applied the skills in their

    own unique way.

    If I taught this lesson again, I don't think that I would change anything. If I were given

    more time, I think I would have approached my lesson in an entirely different way, but I think

    that given the time and setting that I was given to deliver this lesson, I really do not think that I

    would change it. That being said, in retrospect I maybe should have considered a more simple

    lesson, but I am pleased with the lesson that I delivered for this assignment.

    My overall impression of teaching the class was a positive one! I was really impressed

    with how focused the students were, and how diligent they were in following along with the

    steps of the skill as I taught it. I was expecting the students to be respectful and listen, but I was

    not expecting everybody to be so focused on the task at hand, which made me feel so great about

    my demonstration. As I said previously, I think that what happened after my lesson outside of the

  • 7/24/2019 Microteaching Reflection


    classroom resonated with me more that what happened during the lesson, which was a very

    strong reminder that I did choose the right path for myself, and that I see satisfaction in a future

    as being an educator.