microsoft word - nicholas w. bermudez - dbq analysis

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  • Daily Lesson Plan Outline

    Nicholas W. Bermudez Day One History Grade 09

    43 Minutes

    Preliminary Planning

    Topic/Focus: Document Based Question (DBQ) analysis worksheet

    Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. Analyze one primary and one secondary document

    Materials: DBQ: How did Cromwell Perceive the English Civil War (Appendix A) DBQ: Document based analysis sheet (Appendix B) DBQ: Answer Guide (Appendix C) * make enough copies so that each student gets three

    Preparation: Print Appendix A & B for every student in the class

    Classroom setting: The students will sit in desks in a U-formation, except during days when group work is extensive. The U-shape creates a democratic feeling of equality, while the group formation ranging anywhere from two to six desks pulled together will form what I call community groups. They will move their desks as directed by me when working in groups, preferably groups of four, but will return to the original arrangement when collaboration is finished. This process of moving though complicated can be done effectively if practiced. (I am assuming I wont have tables)

    Key Behavioral Reminders: Remember that when you enter this room you are in your seat and sitting quietly. The overhead is on that means your eyes are on your journal assignment and hands are writing Please put other homework away. Please listen carefully as I pass handout Please work quietly in your groups and do not disturb those around you.

    State Standards: NONE.

  • Instructional Plan

    Anticipatory Set: 1. Place a random document on the overhead and then tell the students to write down five things about the

    author based solely on their analysis of the document. 2. After five minutes elicit responses from the students. 3. Explain - Today we will be learning how to analyze documents to determine their context and bias, and then

    each of you will identify several facts and draw an equal number of inferences.

    Sequence of Learning: 1. Place Appendix A on the overhead and have a copy of Appendix C handy. After the students have read

    through Appendix A with you complete Appendix C on the overhead.

    2. Two Important Points: i. Bias is defined as how a persons background affects their perspective. ii. Inference the process of arriving at a conclusion by making logical connections between several facts

    3. These two points must be clarified during the document analysis process 4. Do the same analysis for Appendix B

    Typical Discussion Questions:

    1. Including but not limited to: What is the key question on this document? Who is the author and how do you know that? What is the source of this document? Who created this document? Is it a primary or secondary source? What evidence do you have to support your claim that it is a primary or secondary source? What is the authors perspective or bias? What is bias? List three facts and three inferences?

    Closure: 1.


    1. Students are to complete Appendix D for homework.

    Modifications: Students will choose 3 questions from each chapter to answer. The rest may be completed during the class discussion.

    Rationale: Students will have to analyze documents their whole lives. Whether they are IRS forms or job applications, students will have to use their analytical skills to accomplish everyday tasks. It is appropriate and the responsibility of the history teacher to teach such skills because they fall into his area of expertise.

  • Appendix A

  • Appendix B

  • Appendix C

  • Appendix D