microsoft tag for transit make your transit stops, printed materials, and transit advertising...

Microsoft Tag for Transit Make your transit stops, printed materials, and transit advertising interactive

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Microsoft Tag for TransitMake your transit stops, printed materials, and transit advertising interactive

Microsoft Tag for Transit

Consumers consider their mobile phones to be “must-have” devices that they carry with them wherever they go. Leading transit agencies are seeking innovative ways to leverage their riders’ mobile devices.

– Improve the overall transit experience– Increase customer satisfaction– Drive ridership or program

participation– Generate new advertising revenue

Microsoft® Tag is a powerful technology that can provide a seamless link directly from your physical materials to your mobile information and experiences.

See how it works for yourself.

Scan any Tag in this presentation to see sample mobile sites

The Interactive Transit PassA Tag on the transit pass can quickly launch a mobile Web site that has information about coverage, balance, and expiration, and allow the passenger to easily extend the time-based pass or add value to a stored value pass. Tag’s ability to keep track of individual users means customers need only enter their personal or billing information once.

Make Your Transit Stops InteractiveTag can help transit agencies provide riders with fast access to near real-time arrival information, link to system-wide maps and routing tools, show detailed maps and information for the areas around your stops, educate riders about your programs and services, and entertain and engage them in new and interesting ways.

Interactive Seat-BacksThe ambitious transit agency could add Tag to seat-backs within their vehicles, to provide an experience akin to the seat-back displays becoming available on many airplanes. Available information might include the vehicle’s current location and up-to-the-minute information about their expected arrival time.

Entertain and Engage RidersWhile riding transit, people often use their mobile devices for diversion. With Tag, you can easily link riders to entertaining areas of your mobile Web site or to an online partner’s content.

Generate New Advertising Revenue Leading brands are leveraging Tag in their print-based and outdoor advertising. Companies that buy offline advertising can use Tag to help get more out of their ad-spend, turn interest into action, and more deeply engage with their potential customers (and in a measurable way).

Built-In Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

Use the analytics and reporting capabilities to understand and adjust your campaigns in real time.

Count Individual Tag: Chart the number of scans for an individual Tag within a specified timeframe

See How Tags Perform: Chart the number of scans for all the active, paused, or frozen Tags within a specified category

Scans Over a Period of Time: Chart the number of scans for the selected Tags in a category within a specified time span

Report by Individual Category: Charts the number of scans for an individual category within a specified timeframe

Compare Category Performance: Chart the number of scans for all your Tag categories

Comparative Time versus Scans for Categories: Chart the number of scans for the selected categories within a specified timeframe

Heat Map: Charts on a map the number of scans for an individual Tag within a specified timeframe

Thank YouFor more information:

The possibilities for using Tag in transit are limited only by your creativity. Tag helps you turn your transit stops, signage, ticket passes, and any object in the transit environment into interactive experiences.

Get started with Tag today, and make your campaigns more immersive, more measurable, more effective, and more fun.

Microsoft Tag for Transit

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