microsoft ® official course module 4 configuring and troubleshooting network connections

Microsoft ® Official Course Module 4 Configuring and Troubleshooting Network Connections

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Microsoft® Official Course

Module 4

Configuring and Troubleshooting Network


Module Overview

Configuring IPv4 Network Connectivity

Configuring IPv6 Network Connectivity

Implementing Automatic IP Address Allocation

Implementing Name Resolution•Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Lesson 1: Configuring IPv4 Network Connectivity

What Is an IPv4 Address?

What Is a Subnet Mask?

What Is the Default Gateway?

What Are Public and Private IPv4 Addresses?•Demonstration: Configuring an IPv4 Address

What Is an IPv4 Address?

An IPv4 address identifies a computer to other computers on a network

IP Address192.168.1.201

IP Address192.168.1.202

IP Address192.168.1.200

Subnet 2

IP Address192.168.2.182

IP Address192.168.2.180

IP Address192.168.2.181

Subnet 1

What Is a Subnet Mask?

A subnet mask specifies which part of an IPv4 address is the network ID and which is the host


Network IDxw y z

192 168 1 0

Subnet maskxw y z

255 255 255 0

IP addressxw y z

192 168 1 200

What Is the Default Gateway?

A default gateway is a device, usually a router, on a TCP/IP internetwork that forwards IP packets to

other subnets


Default gateway

Subnet 2

Windows 8 clients

Subnet 1

Windows 8 clients

What Are Public and Private IPv4 Addresses?

Private• Nonroutable on the

Internet• Can be assigned

locally by organization

• Must be translated to access the Internet

Public • Required by devices

and hosts that connect directly to the Internet

• Must be unique• Routable on the

Internet• Must be assigned by


Demonstration: Configuring an IPv4 Address

In this demonstration, you will see how to configure a Windows 8 computer with:

• An IPv4 address

• A subnet mask

• A default gateway

Lesson 2: Configuring IPv6 Network Connectivity

Benefits of Implementing IPv6

Windows 8 Support for IPv6• IPv6 Addresses

Benefits of Implementing IPv6

Benefits of IPv6 include:

• Large address space• Hierarchical addressing and routing infrastructure• Stateless and Stateful address configuration• Required support for IPsec• Restored end-to-end communication • Prioritized delivery• New protocol for neighboring node interaction• Extensibility

Windows 8 Support for IPv6

IPv6 is Enabled by Default

• Windows 8 uses IPv6 by default to support security needs and additional features

Windows 8 Dual Stack

• Windows 8 facilitates the dual stack to use IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously

Direct Access requires IPv6

• Windows 8 clients can use DirectAccess, which facilitates client computers connecting to the enterprise domain

Remote Desktop uses IPv6

• IPv6 supports Windows 8 File Sharing Security and Echo System features, such as Remote Access and DirectAccess

IPv6 Addresses

IPv6 Address Types• Unicast – use for one-to-one communication between hosts

• Multicast – use for one-to-many communication between computers that are defined as using the same multicast address

• Anycast – use for locating services or the nearest router

IPv6 Unicast Address Types• Global Unicast – globally routable and reachable

on the IPv6 portion of the Internet• Link-Local – use when communicating with

neighboring hosts on the same link• Unique Local Unicast – equivalent to IPv4 private

address spaces

Lesson 3: Implementing Automatic IP Address Allocation

Automatic IPv4 Configuration

Automatic IPv6 Configuration

Demonstration: Configuring a Computer to Obtain an IPv4 Configuration Automatically•Troubleshooting Client-Side IPv4 Autoconfiguration Issues

Automatic IPv4 Configuration

IPv4 Client

DHCP Server with

IPv4 Scope

IPv4 Router

IPv4 Static Configuration IPv4 Client

Automatic IPv6 Configuration

Automatic IPv6 Configuration Process

• DHCPv6 Server. Assigns Automatic IPv6 Configuration information to the client

• IPv6 Client. Uses DHCP-assigned IP Configuration to access network resources

• IPv6 Router. Provides a Gateway to the Internet or another Subnet

• IPv6 Static Client. Does not get automatic configuration from the DHCPv6 Server

Demonstration: Configuring a Computer to Obtain an IPv4 Configuration AutomaticallyIn this demonstration, you will see how to: • Automatically configure a Windows 8 computer

with an IPv4 address• Verify the IP configuration

Troubleshooting Client-Side IPv4 Autoconfiguration Issues

IPConfig is used to display IP configuration information and to release and renew


Option Description

/all Displays all IP address configuration information

/release Releases a dynamic IPv4 address lease

/renew Renews a dynamic IPv4 address lease

Lab A: Configuring a Network Connection

Exercise 1: Enabling Automatic IPv4 Configuration•Exercise 2: Configuring IPv4 Manually

Logon InformationVirtual Machines 20687B-LON-DC1

20687B-LON-CL1User Name Adatum\AdministratorPassword Pa$$w0rd

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Lab Scenario

A. Datum Corporation is introducing new laptop computers for some of the managers in A. Datum Corporation. You need to test how the IPv4 configuration will behave when the managers are away from the office and a DHCP server is unavailable.

Lab Review

How are APIPA addresses for IPv4 similar to link-local addresses in IPv6?•How can you update a Windows 8 computer to use the correct information after a host record is updated in DNS, but the Windows 8 computer is still resolving the name to the previous IP address?

Lesson 4: Implementing Name Resolution

Types of Computer Names•Methods for Resolving Computer Names

Types of Computer Names

Name Description

Host name

• Up to 255 characters in length• Can contain alphanumeric

characters, periods, and hyphens

• Part of FQDN

NetBIOS name

• Represents a single computer or group of computers

• 15 characters used for the name

• 16th character identifies service

• Flat namespace

Methods for Resolving Computer Names


Local Host Name1

Lmhosts File8

DNS Server4

WINS Server6

NetBIOS Name Cache5

Hosts file3

2 DNS Resolver Cache

Lesson 5: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Tools for Troubleshooting Network Issues

Process for Troubleshooting Network Issues•Demonstration: Troubleshooting Common Network Issues

Tools for Troubleshooting Network Issues

Tool Purpose

Event Viewer Enables you to view errors relating to network activity

Windows Network Diagnostics

Helps to diagnose and resolve network problems

IPCONFIG Displays IP configuration information and controls the DNS resolver cache


Verifies basic IP connectivity

TRACERT Verifies a routing path

NSLOOKUP Enables testing of name resolution

Windows PowerShell

Enables you to configure and troubleshoot network-related settings

Network Monitor Enables you to capture and analyze network traffic

Process for Troubleshooting Network Issues

IPConfigNslookup or


Tracert Ping

Windows Network Diagnostics

Event Viewer

Demonstration: Troubleshooting Common Network Issues

In this demonstration, you will see how to use the TCP/IP troubleshooting tools to help resolve common connectivity problems

Lab B: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Exercise 1: Creating a Simulated Network Connectivity Problem•Exercise 2: Resolving a Network Connectivity Problem

Logon InformationVirtual Machines 20687B-LON-DC1

20687B-LON-CL1User Name Adatum\AdministratorPassword Pa$$w0rd

Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

Lab Scenario

An intern has been unsuccessful in attempts to resolve a network connectivity problem on a Windows 8 computer. The changes made to the computer have not been documented. You need to restore network connectivity for the computer.

Lab Review

In the lab, what were the two problems that you encountered on the user’s computer?•How did you resolve these two problems?

Module Review and Takeaways

Review Questions

Tools•Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips