microsoft office course outline

MOS Certification Series Program Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Program Microsoft Office Suite 2007 COURSE TOPICS Word: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Excel: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced PowerPoint: Basic and Advanced Outlook: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Access: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Windows Vista: Basic and Advanced Word 2007: Basic Duration: One day What you will learn: This course covers the basic functions and features of Word 2007. Students will learn how to enter and edit text, and save and browse documents. They will learn how to enhance the appearance of a document by using various formatting options. They will also create tables, insert headers and footers, proof and print documents, and insert graphics. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Word 2007 exam (77-601). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Word 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: The Word window Topic B: New documents Topic C: Word Help Unit 2: Navigation and selection techniques Topic A: Document navigation Topic B: Selection techniques Unit 3: Editing text Topic A: Working with text Topic B: Using the Undo and Redo commands Topic C: Cutting, copying, and pasting text Unit 4: Formatting text Topic A: Character formatting Topic B: Tab settings Topic C: Paragraph formatting Topic D: Paragraph spacing and indents Topic E: Automatic formatting

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MOS Certification Series Program

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Program

Microsoft Office Suite 2007 COURSE TOPICS

Word: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Excel: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced PowerPoint: Basic and Advanced Outlook: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Access: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Windows Vista: Basic and Advanced

Word 2007: Basic Duration: One day What you will learn: This course covers the basic functions and features of Word 2007. Students will learn how to enter and edit text, and save and browse documents. They will learn how to enhance the appearance of a document by using various formatting options. They will also create tables, insert headers and footers, proof and print documents, and insert graphics. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Word 2007 exam (77-601). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Word 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: The Word window Topic B: New documents Topic C: Word Help Unit 2: Navigation and selection techniques Topic A: Document navigation Topic B: Selection techniques Unit 3: Editing text Topic A: Working with text Topic B: Using the Undo and Redo commands Topic C: Cutting, copying, and pasting text Unit 4: Formatting text Topic A: Character formatting Topic B: Tab settings Topic C: Paragraph formatting Topic D: Paragraph spacing and indents Topic E: Automatic formatting

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MOS Certification Series Program

Unit 5: Tables Topic A: Creating tables Topic B: Working with table content Topic C: Changing table structure Unit 6: Page layout Topic A: Headers and footers Topic B: Margins Topic C: Page breaks Unit 7: Proofing and printing documents Topic A: Checking spelling and grammar Topic B: Using AutoCorrect Topic C: Finding and replacing text Topic D: Printing documents Unit 8: Graphics Topic A: Adding graphics and clip art Topic B: Working with graphics Word 2007: Intermediate Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Word 2007: Basic. Students will work with styles, sections, and columns. They will format tables, print labels and envelops, and work with graphics. They will also use document templates, manage document revisions, and work with Web features. Comes with CertBlaster exam prep software (download). Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Word 2007 exam (77-601). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Word 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Styles Topic A: Examining formatting Topic B: Creating styles Topic C: Modifying styles Topic D: Outlining Topic E: Using Full Screen Reading view Unit 2: Sections and columns Topic A: Creating and formatting sections Topic B: Working with columns Unit 3: Formatting tables Topic A: Table formatting basics Topic B: Borders and shading Topic C: Table data

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Topic D: Table styles Unit 4: Printing labels and envelopes Topic A: Labels Topic B: Envelopes Unit 5: Templates and building blocks Topic A: Template basics Topic B: Building blocks Topic C: Document properties Unit 6: Graphics Topic A: Diagrams Topic B: Drawing tools Topic C: Formatting text graphically Unit 7: Managing document revisions Topic A: Tracking changes in a document Topic B: Working with comments Unit 8: Web features Topic A: Web pages Topic B: Hyperlinks Word 2007: Advanced Duration: One day Description: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Word 2007: Intermediate. Students will perform mail merges, create and use forms, and create master documents that include a table of contents, a table of figures, footnotes, endnotes, an index, bookmarks, cross-references, and Web frames. They will also create macros, customize the Quick Access toolbar and keyboard shortcuts, and work with XML documents. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Word 2007 exam (77-601). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Word 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Mail merge Topic A: Form letters Topic B: Data sources for the recipient list Topic C: Mailing labels and envelopes Unit 2: Objects and backgrounds Topic A: Objects Topic B: Document backgrounds Unit 3: Forms Topic A: Form fields

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Topic B: Form protection Topic C: Sharing and securing documents Unit 4: Macros Topic A: Recording and running macros Topic B: Modifying and deleting macros Unit 5: Toolbar and keyboard customization Topic A: Customizing the Quick Access toolbar Topic B: Customizing keyboard shortcuts Unit 6: Long documents Topic A: Master documents Topic B: Tables of contents and figures Topic C: Indexes, bibliographies, and other references Topic D: Bookmarks and cross-references Topic E: Web frames Unit 7: XML features Topic A: Working with XML Excel 2007: Basic Duration: One day What you will learn: This course teaches the basic functions and features of Excel 2007. After an introduction to spreadsheet terminology and Excel's window components, students will learn how to use the Help system and navigate worksheets and workbooks. Then they will enter and edit text, values, formulas, and pictures, and they will save workbooks in various formats. Students will also move and copy data, learn about absolute and relative references, and work with ranges, rows, and columns. This course also covers simple functions, basic formatting techniques, and printing. Finally, students will create and modify charts, and learn how to manage large workbooks. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Excel 2007 exam (77-602). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Excel 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: Spreadsheet terminology Topic B: Exploring the Excel window Topic C: Getting help Topic D: Navigating workbooks Unit 2: Entering and editing data Topic A: Entering and editing text and values Topic B: Entering and editing formulas Topic C: Working with pictures Topic D: Saving and updating workbooks Unit 3: Modifying a worksheet

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Topic A: Moving and copying data Topic B: Moving and copying formulas Topic C: Absolute and relative references Topic D: Inserting and deleting ranges, rows, and columns Unit 4: Using functions Topic A: Entering functions Topic B: AutoSum Topic C: Other useful functions Unit 5: Formatting worksheets Topic A: Formatting text Topic B: Formatting rows and columns Topic C: Formatting numbers Topic D: Conditional formatting Topic E: Copying formats and applying table formats Unit 6: Printing Topic A: Preparing to print Topic B: Page Setup options Topic C: Printing worksheets Unit 7: Creating charts Topic A: Chart basics Topic B: Modifying charts Topic C: Printing charts Unit 8: Managing large workbooks Topic A: Viewing large worksheets Topic B: Printing large worksheets Topic C: Using multiple worksheets Excel 2007: Intermediate Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Excel 2007: Basic. Students will learn how to use multiple worksheets and workbooks efficiently, and they will start working with more advanced formatting options including styles, themes, backgrounds, and watermarks. They will also learn how to create outlines and subtotals, how to create and apply cell names, and how to work with lists and tables. Students will save workbooks as Web pages, insert and edit hyperlinks, and save a workbook as a PDF file. This course also covers advanced charting techniques, worksheet auditing and protection, file sharing and merging, and workbook templates. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Excel 2007 exam (77-602). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Excel 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents:

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Unit 1: Using multiple worksheets and workbooks Topic A: Using multiple workbooks Topic B: Linking worksheets with 3-D formulas Topic C: Linking workbooks Topic D: Managing workbooks Unit 2: Advanced formatting Topic A: Using special number formats Topic B: Using functions to format text Topic C: Working with styles Topic D: Working with themes Topic E: Other advanced formatting Unit 3: Outlining and subtotals Topic A: Outlining and consolidating data Topic B: Creating subtotals Unit 4: Cell and range names Topic A: Creating and using names Topic B: Managing names Unit 5: Lists and tables Topic A: Examining lists Topic B: Sorting and filtering lists Topic C: Advanced filtering Topic D: Working with tables Unit 6: Web and Internet features Topic A: Saving workbooks as Web pages Topic B: Using hyperlinks Topic C: Distributing workbooks Unit 7: Advanced charting Topic A: Chart formatting options Topic B: Combination charts Topic C: Graphic elements Unit 8: Documenting and auditing Topic A: Auditing features Topic B: Comments in cells and workbooks Topic C: Protection Topic D: Workgroup collaboration Unit 9: Templates and settings Topic A: Application settings Topic B: Built-in templates Topic C: Creating and managing templates Excel 2007: Advanced

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Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Excel 2007: Intermediate. Students will work with advanced formulas, as well as lookup functions such as VLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX. In addition, students will learn about data validation and database functions such as DSUM. They will learn how to work with PivotTables and PivotCharts, how to import and export data, and how to query external databases. Finally, students will learn about the analytical features of Excel (such as Goal Seek and Solver), running and recording macros, and sharing Excel data via the Web. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Excel 2007 exam (77-602). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Excel 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Advanced functions Topic A: Logical functions Topic B: Math and statistical functions Topic C: Financial functions Topic D: Displaying and printing formulas Unit 2: Lookups and data tables Topic A: Using lookup functions Topic B: Using MATCH and INDEX Topic C: Creating data tables Unit 3: Advanced list management Topic A: Validating cell entries Topic B: Exploring database functions Unit 4: PivotTables and PivotCharts Topic A: Working with PivotTables Topic B: Rearranging PivotTables Topic C: Formatting PivotTables Topic D: PivotCharts Unit 5: Exporting and importing Topic A: Exporting and importing text files Topic B: Exporting and importing XML data Topic C: Querying external databases Unit 6: Analytical options Topic A: Goal Seek and Solver Topic B: The Analysis ToolPak Topic C: Scenarios Topic D: Views Unit 7: Macros and custom functions Topic A: Running and recording a macro Topic B: Working with VBA code Topic C: Creating functions Unit 8: Conditional formatting and SmartArt

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MOS Certification Series Program

Topic A: Conditional formatting with graphics Topic B: SmartArt graphics PowerPoint 2007: Basic Duration: One day What you will learn: This course covers the basic functions and features of PowerPoint 2007. Students will create new presentations that include text, graphics, WordArt, tables, charts, and diagrams. They will also edit and format slide content, and apply transition effects. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the PowerPoint 2007 exam (77-603). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete PowerPoint 2007: Basic and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: The PowerPoint window Topic B: Getting help Unit 2: New presentations Topic A: Creating new presentations Topic B: Saving presentations Topic C: Rearranging and deleting slides Topic D: Using slides from other presentations Unit 3: Formatting slides Topic A: Text formatting Topic B: Modifying text Topic C: Paragraph formatting Unit 4: Drawing objects Topic A: Shapes Topic B: Modifying objects Topic C: Text in objects Unit 5: Graphics Topic A: WordArt Topic B: Pictures Topic C: Clip art Unit 6: Tables and charts Topic A: Tables Topic B: Charts Topic C: Diagrams Unit 7: Modifying presentations Topic A: Templates and themes Topic B: Slide masters

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Topic C: Transitions and timings Topic D: Speaker notes Topic E: Setting up slide shows Unit 8: Proofing and delivering presentations Topic A: Proofing presentations Topic B: Running presentations Topic C: Printing presentations PowerPoint 2007: Advanced Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in PowerPoint 2007: Basic. Students will customize PowerPoint by modifying the Quick Access Toolbar and creating macros. They will also apply themes and templates, and they will work with SmartArt graphics and tables. Students will add multimedia content and interactive elements to slides, and they will learn about presentation distribution options including PDF and HTML. Finally, students will integrate PowerPoint with Word and Excel Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the PowerPoint 2007 exam (77-603). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete PowerPoint 2007: Basic and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Custom presentation options Topic A: Application settings Topic B: Custom themes Topic C: Custom templates Topic D: Advanced slide master techniques Unit 2: Graphic and multimedia content Topic A: Modifying clip art Topic B: Media clips Topic C: Animations Topic D: Photo albums Unit 3: Customizing SmartArt graphics and tables Topic A: Customizing SmartArt graphics Topic B: Customizing tables Unit 4: Action buttons and custom slide shows Topic A: Interactive elements Topic B: Custom slide shows Unit 5: Distributing a presentation Topic A: Comments Topic B: Finishing a presentation Topic C: Distributing a presentation

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Topic D: Publish as a Web page Unit 6: Integrating Microsoft Office files Topic A: Build slides from a Word outline Topic B: Embed and link content Topic C: Documents linked with hyperlinks Outlook 2007: Basic Duration: One day What you will learn: This course, rated 4.9/5.0 in overall quality by ProCert Labs, covers the basic functions and features of Outlook 2007. Students will create e-mail accounts and send e-mail messages using several techniques. They will also learn how to manage e-mail messages, contacts, tasks, and meeting requests. Finally, students will customize Outlook for maximum efficiency. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Outlook 2007 exam (77-604). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Outlook 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: The program window Topic B: Outlook Today Topic C: Getting help Unit 2: E-mail Topic A: E-mail accounts Topic B: Reading e-mail messages Topic C: Creating and sending e-mail messages Topic D: Working with messages Topic E: Attachments Unit 3: E-mail management Topic A: Message options Topic B: E-mail security Topic C: Junk e-mail Topic D: Search folders Topic E: Printing messages Unit 4: Contact management Topic A: Managing contacts Topic B: Distribution lists Topic C: Electronic business cards Unit 5: Tasks Topic A: Working with tasks Topic B: Managing tasks Unit 6: Appointments and events

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Topic A: Creating and sending appointments Topic B: Modifying appointments Topic C: Calendar views Topic D: Events Unit 7: Meeting requests and responses Topic A: Meeting requests Topic B: Meeting request responses Topic C: Managing meeting responses Outlook 2007: Intermediate Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Outlook 2007: Basic. Students will learn how to customize Outlook and work with address books. They will search and filter mail folders, and apply and customize categories. Students will also work with personal, public, and offline folders. Finally, students will organize folders and set rules. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Outlook 2007 exam (77-604). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Outlook 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Customizing Outlook Topic A: The Outlook environment Topic B: Groups and shortcuts Topic C: Address books Unit 2: Customizing messages Topic A: Customizing message appearance Topic B: Signatures Topic C: Voting buttons Topic D: Out-of-office messages Unit 3: Organizing items Topic A: Instant and advanced search Topic B: Filters Topic C: Categories Unit 4: Folders Topic A: Personal folders Topic B: Public folders Topic C: Offline folders Unit 5: Organizing Mail Topic A: Organizing the Inbox folders Topic B: Organizing folders Topic C: Setting rules

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Outlook 2007: Advanced Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Outlook 2007: Intermediate. Students will learn advanced techniques for managing stored e-mail messages. Students will create and work with notes and Journal entries, schedule and manage meetings, share Outlook content, and customize templates and forms. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Outlook 2007 exam (77-604). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Outlook 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Mailbox Topic A: Managing data files Topic B: Managing your mailbox Unit 2: Notes and Journal folders Topic A: The Notes folder Topic B: The Journal folder Unit 3: Calendar and Contacts Topic A: The Calendar Topic B: Group schedules Topic C: The Contacts folder Unit 4: Collaboration features Topic A: Sharing your folders Topic B: Sharing Calendars Topic C: SharePoint integration Topic D: RSS feeds Unit 5: Templates and forms Topic A: Working with templates Topic B: Working with forms Appendix A: Business Contact Manager Topic A: Using Business Contact Manager Access 2007: Basic Duration: One day

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MOS Certification Series Program

What you will learn: This course covers the basic functions and features of Access 2007. Students will learn how to design and create databases; work with tables, fields, and records; sort and filter data; and create queries, forms, and reports. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Access 2007 exam (77-605). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Access 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Getting started Topic A: Database concepts Topic B: Exploring the Access environment Topic C: Getting help Unit 2: Databases and tables Topic A: Planning and designing databases Topic B: Exploring tables Topic C: Creating tables Unit 3: Fields and records Topic A: Changing the design of a table Topic B: Finding and editing records Topic C: Organizing records Unit 4: Data entry rules Topic A: Setting field properties Topic B: Working with input masks Topic C: Setting validation rules Unit 5: Basic queries Topic A: Creating and using queries Topic B: Modifying query results and queries Topic C: Performing operations in queries Unit 6: Using forms Topic A: Creating forms Topic B: Using Design view Topic C: Sorting and filtering records Unit 7: Working with reports Topic A: Reports Topic B: Modifying and printing reports Access 2007: Intermediate Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Access 2007: Basic. Students will learn how to

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normalize data; work with Lookup fields and subdatasheets; create join queries; add objects to forms, print reports and labels; create charts; and use PivotTables and PivotCharts. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Access 2007 exam (77-605). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Access 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Relational databases Topic A: Database normalization Topic B: Relating tables Topic C: Implementing referential integrity Unit 2: Related tables Topic A: Lookup fields Topic B: Modifying lookup fields Topic C: Subdatasheets Unit 3: Complex queries Topic A: Joining tables in queries Topic B: Calculated fields Topic C: Summarizing and grouping values Unit 4: Advanced form design Topic A: Adding unbound controls Topic B: Adding Graphics Topic C: Adding calculated values Topic D: Adding combo boxes Topic E: Advanced form types Unit 5: Reports and printing Topic A: Customized headers and footers Topic B: Adding calculated values Topic C: Printing Topic D: Labels Unit 6: Charts Topic A: Charts in forms Topic B: Charts in reports Unit 7: PivotTables and PivotCharts Topic A: PivotTables Topic B: Modifying PivotTables Topic C: PivotCharts Topic D: PivotTable forms Access 2007: Advanced Duration: One day

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MOS Certification Series Program

What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Access 2007: Intermediate. Students will learn how to query with SQL; create crosstab, parameter, and action queries; create macros; import, export, and link database objects; work with XML documents; work with Windows SharePoint Services; optimize databases; password-protect and encrypt databases; set Access options and properties; create hyperlink fields; and use Outlook 2007 to update data. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Access 2007 exam (77-605). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Access 2007: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Querying with SQL Topic A: SQL and Access Topic B: Writing SQL statements Topic C: Attaching SQL queries to controls Unit 2: Advanced queries Topic A: Creating crosstab queries Topic B: Creating parameter queries Topic C: Using action queries Unit 3: Macros Topic A: Creating, running, and modifying macros Topic B: Attaching macros to the events of database objects Unit 4: Advanced macros Topic A: Creating macros to provide user interaction Topic B: Creating macros that require user input Topic C: Creating the AutoKeys and AutoExec macros Topic D: Creating macros for data transfer Unit 5: Importing, exporting, and linking Topic A: Importing objects Topic B: Exporting objects Topic C: Interacting with XML documents Topic D: Linking Access objects Topic E: Working with Windows SharePoint Services Unit 6: Database management Topic A: Optimizing resources Topic B: Protecting databases Topic C: Setting options and properties Unit 7: Internet integration Topic A: Hyperlink fields Topic B: Working with Outlook 2007 Windows Vista: Basic

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Duration: One day What you will learn: This course teaches the core features and functions of Windows Vista. Students will learn how to use the Start menu, move and resize windows, manage files and folders, and perform content searches. They will also create shortcuts, change system settings, and browse the Web with Internet Explorer 7. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Windows 2007 exam (77-600). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Windows Vista: Basic and Advanced. Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Windows Vista environment Topic A: The Windows Vista desktop Topic B: The taskbar and Start menu Topic C: Window management Topic D: Windows Help and Support Unit 2: Folders and gadgets Topic A: Folders Topic B: The Windows Sidebar and gadgets Unit 3: Content management Topic A: Files and folders Topic B: Content searches Unit 4: Customization Topic A: The desktop and Start menu Topic B: System settings Unit 5: Internet Explorer and the Web Topic A: Web browsing Topic B: Customization Topic C: Multimedia content and software Windows Vista: Advanced Duration: One day What you will learn: This course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Windows Vista: Basic, Certification Edition. Students will learn how to scan for spyware, manage user accounts, change file attributes, and create a complete PC backup. They will also learn how to manage the print queue, enable file sharing, use Windows Meeting Space, and publish a calendar. Designated as Approved Courseware for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program, this course will help students prepare for the Windows Vista exam (77-600). For comprehensive certification training, students should complete Windows Vista: Basic and Advanced.

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Table Of Contents: Unit 1: Computer management Topic A: Customization Topic B: Performance Unit 2: Security Topic A: User accounts Topic B: Windows Firewall Topic C: Automatic Updates Topic D: Malware Topic E: Internet Explorer Unit 3: Files and folders Topic A: Folders Topic B: Files Topic C: Sharing Topic D: File protection Unit 4: Software Topic A: Programs Topic B: Operating system troubleshooting Unit 5: Devices Topic A: Devices and drivers Topic B: Hard disks Topic C: Printers Unit 6: Mobile computing Topic A: Power settings Topic B: Networking Topic C: Offline files Topic D: Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop Unit 7: Collaboration Topic A: Presentations Topic B: Windows Meeting Space