microscopic origin of the drude-smith model

Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model T. L. Cocker, 1, 2, * D. Baillie, 1 M. Buruma, 1 L. V. Titova, 3 R. D. Sydora, 1 F. Marsiglio, 1 and F. A. Hegmann 1, 1 Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1, Canada 2 Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany 3 Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609-2280, USA (Dated: October 17, 2017) The Drude-Smith model has been used extensively in fitting the THz conductivities of nano- materials with carrier confinement on the mesoscopic scale. Here, we show that the conventional ‘backscattering’ explanation for the suppression of low-frequency conductivities in the Drude-Smith model is not consistent with a confined Drude gas of classical non-interacting electrons and we derive a modified Drude-Smith conductivity formula based on a diffusive restoring current. We per- form Monte Carlo simulations of a model system and show that the modified Drude-Smith model reproduces the extracted conductivities without free parameters. This alternate route to the Drude- Smith model provides the popular formula with a more solid physical foundation and well-defined fit parameters. I. INTRODUCTION Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy is a valuable tool for studying charge carrier transport in nanomaterials. 1–6 THz pulses can act as non-contact, ultrafast probes of intraband excitations in nanoparticle ensembles and provide unique information for next generation nanoma- terial engineering. Local nanostructure is revealed via non-Drude THz conductivities, which must be modeled appropriately to gain proper physical insight. While quantum confinement of charge carriers provides an identifiable Lorentzian signature, 3 strong deviations from the Drude model even arise on the mesoscopic scale, where the size of the confining structure is comparable to the carrier mean free path. The term ‘weak confinement’ has been applied to such systems. 3 Interestingly, the appearance of weak-confinement effects in the measured THz conductivity is intrinsically tied to the volume explored by carriers while interacting with the THz pulse. A common estimate for the length scale probed by a THz pulse is the distance a carrier diffuses in one period of the probing frequency, roughly approximated as L ω p D/ω, where D is the diffusion coefficient and ω is the angular frequency. Naturally, if structure is present in a sample on a length scale L ω then it will influence the THz conductivity at a frequency f = ω/2π. The challenge is modeling this effect and extracting meaningful physical information. Over the past decade the Drude-Smith model 7,8 has been highly successful in reproducing the localization signatures observed in a wide variety of materials, 9-63 including weakly confined systems. 9-48 The Drude- Smith formula is an extension of the phenomenological Drude formula with an additional term that suppresses the conductivity at low frequencies, thereby mimicking the behavior observed in weakly confined systems, where long range carrier transport is suppressed. The Drude-Smith formula is shown in Eq. (1) in the form most commonly employed in the literature, ˜ σ(ω)= Ne 2 τ DS /m * 1 - iωτ DS 1+ c 1 - iωτ DS , (1) where e is the elementary charge, N is the charge car- rier density, m * is the carrier effective mass, τ DS is the Drude-Smith scattering time (which can differ from the Drude scattering time τ for a particular material) and c is a constant sometimes referred to as the ‘localization parameter’. This characterization of c arises because the term in the bracket distinguishes Eq. (1) from the bare Drude model formula (and its influence on the conductiv- ity is controlled by the c parameter). c can vary between 0 and -1, where the Drude model is recovered for c =0 and the DC conductivity is fully suppressed for c = -1. The low-frequency conductivity suppression for c = -1 is generally attributed to ‘carrier backscattering’, which has been described both as backwards-biased carrier scatter- ing and as a memory effect, where carriers retain some information of their previous state after scattering, for example because phase coherence is only destroyed after some number of scattering events larger than one. 22 The Drude-Smith model in the form shown in Eq. (1) was originally applied to liquid metals 7,8,49 and was later adopted for nanosystems, 9-48 where physical boundaries on the nanoscale provide a conceptually clear source of directionally biased scattering. Its use has grown in prevalence over the last few years, extending to disor- dered crystals, 50–53 molecular networks, 54–60 and high- field transport. 61–63 Despite its successes, the Drude-Smith model bears two primary criticisms: (i) no rigorous explanation has yet been provided for the assumption that backscattering persists for only one scattering event, which is essential; (ii) the meanings of its fit parameters are unknown be- yond phenomenological expressions that depend on mul- tiple physical parameters. Additionally, low-frequency conductivity suppression in some nanomaterials can be explained by alternate theories. 64–75 For example, localized surface plasmon resonances in isolated, photoexcited semiconductor nanowires arXiv:1705.10350v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 27 Oct 2017

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Page 1: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model

Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model

T. L. Cocker,1, 2, ∗ D. Baillie,1 M. Buruma,1 L. V. Titova,3 R. D. Sydora,1 F. Marsiglio,1 and F. A. Hegmann1, †

1Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1, Canada2Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany

3Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609-2280, USA(Dated: October 17, 2017)

The Drude-Smith model has been used extensively in fitting the THz conductivities of nano-materials with carrier confinement on the mesoscopic scale. Here, we show that the conventional‘backscattering’ explanation for the suppression of low-frequency conductivities in the Drude-Smithmodel is not consistent with a confined Drude gas of classical non-interacting electrons and wederive a modified Drude-Smith conductivity formula based on a diffusive restoring current. We per-form Monte Carlo simulations of a model system and show that the modified Drude-Smith modelreproduces the extracted conductivities without free parameters. This alternate route to the Drude-Smith model provides the popular formula with a more solid physical foundation and well-definedfit parameters.


Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy is a valuable tool forstudying charge carrier transport in nanomaterials.1–6

THz pulses can act as non-contact, ultrafast probes ofintraband excitations in nanoparticle ensembles andprovide unique information for next generation nanoma-terial engineering. Local nanostructure is revealed vianon-Drude THz conductivities, which must be modeledappropriately to gain proper physical insight. Whilequantum confinement of charge carriers provides anidentifiable Lorentzian signature,3 strong deviationsfrom the Drude model even arise on the mesoscopicscale, where the size of the confining structure iscomparable to the carrier mean free path. The term‘weak confinement’ has been applied to such systems.3

Interestingly, the appearance of weak-confinement effectsin the measured THz conductivity is intrinsically tied tothe volume explored by carriers while interacting withthe THz pulse.

A common estimate for the length scale probed bya THz pulse is the distance a carrier diffuses in oneperiod of the probing frequency, roughly approximatedas Lω ≈

√D/ω, where D is the diffusion coefficient

and ω is the angular frequency. Naturally, if structureis present in a sample on a length scale Lω then it willinfluence the THz conductivity at a frequency f = ω/2π.The challenge is modeling this effect and extractingmeaningful physical information.

Over the past decade the Drude-Smith model7,8 hasbeen highly successful in reproducing the localizationsignatures observed in a wide variety of materials,9−63

including weakly confined systems.9−48 The Drude-Smith formula is an extension of the phenomenologicalDrude formula with an additional term that suppressesthe conductivity at low frequencies, thereby mimickingthe behavior observed in weakly confined systems,where long range carrier transport is suppressed. TheDrude-Smith formula is shown in Eq. (1) in the formmost commonly employed in the literature,

σ(ω) =Ne2τDS/m

1− iωτDS

[1 +


1− iωτDS

], (1)

where e is the elementary charge, N is the charge car-rier density, m∗ is the carrier effective mass, τDS is theDrude-Smith scattering time (which can differ from theDrude scattering time τ for a particular material) and cis a constant sometimes referred to as the ‘localizationparameter’. This characterization of c arises because theterm in the bracket distinguishes Eq. (1) from the bareDrude model formula (and its influence on the conductiv-ity is controlled by the c parameter). c can vary between0 and -1, where the Drude model is recovered for c = 0and the DC conductivity is fully suppressed for c = −1.The low-frequency conductivity suppression for c = −1 isgenerally attributed to ‘carrier backscattering’, which hasbeen described both as backwards-biased carrier scatter-ing and as a memory effect, where carriers retain someinformation of their previous state after scattering, forexample because phase coherence is only destroyed aftersome number of scattering events larger than one.22

The Drude-Smith model in the form shown in Eq. (1)was originally applied to liquid metals7,8,49 and was lateradopted for nanosystems,9−48 where physical boundarieson the nanoscale provide a conceptually clear source ofdirectionally biased scattering. Its use has grown inprevalence over the last few years, extending to disor-dered crystals,50–53 molecular networks,54–60 and high-field transport.61–63

Despite its successes, the Drude-Smith model bearstwo primary criticisms: (i) no rigorous explanation hasyet been provided for the assumption that backscatteringpersists for only one scattering event, which is essential;(ii) the meanings of its fit parameters are unknown be-yond phenomenological expressions that depend on mul-tiple physical parameters. Additionally, low-frequencyconductivity suppression in some nanomaterials can beexplained by alternate theories.64–75

For example, localized surface plasmon resonancesin isolated, photoexcited semiconductor nanowires















Page 2: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


yield Lorentzian conductivity shapes64–67 that resembleDrude-Smith conductivities. Still, the two scenarios canbe distinguished by the curvature of the experimentalcomplex conductivity and its dependence on carrier den-sity, since this determines the resonance frequency in theplasmonic case (f◦ ∝

√N). In general, such localized

surface plasmon resonances are the result of electrostaticrestoring forces. In this scenario, an externally appliedelectric field, for example the field of a THz probe pulse,displaces charges within a nanoparticle, leading to a ‘de-polarization’ dipole field around the nanoparticle that op-poses the external field. Joyce et al. provide a thoroughdiscussion of THz localized surface plasmon resonancesin the context of semiconductor nanowires in Ref. 6.

The localized surface plasmon model accounts for de-polarization fields for the specific case of isolated nanos-tructures of a particular geometry that are composed of amaterial with a dielectric function that can be describedby the Drude model. Conversely, effective medium theo-ries (EMTs) allow for a more general treatment of the lo-cal fields around nanostructures. These approaches, suchas Maxwell-Garnett or Bruggeman EMT, model the de-polarization fields of inhomogeneous media via electro-statics. They incorporate the effects of nanostructureshape, filling fraction, and percolation, as well as the di-electric functions of the materials composing the nanos-tructure and host matrix. Within the field of THz spec-troscopy such EMTs are primarily employed to connectthe local fields applied within nanostructures to the mea-sured far-field THz waveform. In principle, this approachmakes it possible to extract the average microscopic con-ductivity of the material within the nanostructures fromthe measured effective conductivity of the inhomogeneoussample. However, the other degrees of freedom of thesystem, such as the geometry of the nanostructures andthe dielectric function of the host matrix, should be wellcharacterized by independent means, since the use of anEMT significantly increases the number of free parame-ters.

It is also important to select an appropriate EMT whenanalyzing a particular sample. Maxwell-Garnett EMTis suitable for evaluating systems where the metallic in-clusions in an insulating host matrix are well separated.In fact, as might be expected from their common ori-gin, Maxwell-Garnett EMT reduces to the localized sur-face plasmon model in the special case where the micro-scopic conductivity is defined by the Drude model. Inthis case, the geometry of the metallic inclusions, theirfilling factor, and the dielectric function of the host ma-trix contribute to the localized surface plasmon resonancefrequency and oscillator strength.6 Conversely, Brugge-man EMT is capable of tracking the effective dielectricfunction of a composite medium across the percolationtransition–from a system of isolated metallic inclusions inan insulating host matrix to a system in which long-rangecarrier pathways exist, and ultimately to a bulk metal-lic medium. However, neither Bruggeman nor Maxwell-Garnett EMT accounts for weak confinement, and hence

this effect must be embedded in the microscopic conduc-tivity of the metallic domains.

One complication is that it can be difficult to distin-guish whether low-frequency conductivity suppression ina particular sample occurs due to depolarization fields,weak confinement, or both. Varying the carrier densitycan provide some clarity by modifying the depolariza-tion response, in analogy to shifting the resonance fre-quency in the surface plasmon model. Regardless, it isevident from the literature that weak confinement is animportant (and sometimes even dominant) effect in sup-pressing low-frequency nanomaterial conductivities.9−48

One clear example of this is a system in which metallicinclusions are present at a density well above the percola-tion threshold, but in which boundaries also remain, suchas a granular film composed of metallic nanoparticles.Such a system will exhibit persistent carrier confinement,resulting in a suppression of the DC conductivity,18,26

whereas Bruggeman EMT would predict a Drude-like ef-fective conductivity if the microscopic metallic conduc-tivity were assumed to be Drude.

Since the Drude-Smith model is capable of repro-ducing the conductivity signature of weak confine-ment, it has been used as the microscopic conduc-tivity of metallic nanoparticles in EMTs to modelTHz spectroscopy data.23,29,34–36,39,71,73,76 Alternatively,the Drude-Smith model has also been used as anEMT in its own right and fit directly to the mea-sured THz conductivity.9–19,21,22,25–27,30,31,33,38,41–45,48

Each approach begins with a different physical processand leads to its own difficulties when one interprets thesubsequent fits to the data. In the former case, depo-larization fields are included explicitly and treated as in-dependent from weak confinement. This is problematicbecause the Drude-Smith formula describes the conduc-tivity of a weakly confined system, i.e. the conductivityof an entire nanoparticle, not just the material inside it.This conductivity includes the influence of boundaries,and as a result changes with nanoparticle size, an ef-fect that can be convoluted with depolarization effectsin EMTs. Conversely, in the latter approach, where theDrude-Smith model is applied directly, it is assumed thatdepolarization effects are either negligible or can be ab-sorbed into the Drude-Smith fit parameters. This resultsin significantly fewer fit parameters overall, but also con-tributes to the general uncertainty surrounding the pre-cise identities of these parameters.

Recent simulations have shown that for a percolatednanoparticle network the macroscopic conductivity is ap-proximately the microscopic conductivity multiplied bya scaling factor,71,72 indicating that the Drude-Smithmodel can be applied directly in this case. (Previ-ously, a scaling factor of this type was associated withthe metallic filling fraction.26) Nevertheless, depolariza-tion fields do play an important role in determining themacroscopic THz conductivities of some non-percolatedsystems.64–67,70–74 In these cases, the strong dependenceof depolarization-based conductivity suppression on car-

Page 3: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


rier density can be used to distinguish it from weak car-rier confinement, though it remains unclear how best tocombine the two effects. In the following we focus specif-ically on the microscopic conductivity of weakly confinedsystems and its relationship to the Drude-Smith model.

It has been demonstrated using Monte Carlo sim-ulations that the microscopic conductivity of weaklyconfined, classical electrons in the absence of depo-larization effects is very similar, though not identi-cal, to the conductivity described by the Drude-Smithformula.76,77 Fitting these simulations enabled Nemec etal. to provide approximate mathematical expressionsfor the Drude-Smith fit parameters76 that have sincebeen applied to experimental data to extract meaning-ful physical information.15,26,27,33,38 Complementary ex-perimental techniques are often also used to examinethe structure11,12,15,17–20,22,23,25,26,29,31,33–39,41–44,46,47,50

and carrier transport characteristics11,12,19,23,26,43,57 in asample to test the fidelity of the Drude-Smith fits. Nev-ertheless, in the absence of a tractable derivation thatshows how weak carrier confinement yields the Drude-Smith formula with well-understood fit parameters, itis difficult for the Drude-Smith model to be more thana convenient expression for linking the conductivities ofsimilar nanosystems to one another, and to Monte Carlosimulations.

Here, we derive an expression for the microscopic con-ductivity of a weakly confined Drude gas of electrons andcompare its predictions to Monte Carlo simulations of ourmodel system. We find that our analytical conductivityformula agrees with the simulations with no free param-eters when the reflectivity R of the nanoparticle barriersis R = 1. For 0 < R < 1 an ansatz is proposed for thetheoretical conductivity, which is found to reproduce theconductivity of the Monte Carlo simulations with one fitparameter. Interestingly, our modified conductivity for-mula is very similar to the Drude-Smith formula, but con-tains well-defined parameters. Moreover, we find that thelow-frequency conductivity suppression in weakly con-fined systems is not the result of carrier backscatteringoff nanoparticle boundaries, but rather arises due to adiffusive restoring current. This current is intrinsicallylinked to the volume explored by a carrier during oneperiod of the probing frequency and to the build-up ofan average local carrier density gradient inside an ensem-ble of nanoparticles. While this is conceptually differentfrom the conventional interpretation of the Drude-Smithformula, the essential aspect of the derivation was in-troduced by Smith: a modification to the simple Drudeimpulse response.7,8,58 We therefore label our new for-mula as a ‘modified Drude-Smith’ model.

Our approach in the following is divided into four steps.In the first part, the Monte Carlo simulations are intro-duced. These differ from the simulations performed byNemec et al. (Ref. 76) in that we directly track the re-sponse of weakly confined electrons to an applied electricfield, whereas they used the Kubo formalism. In the sec-ond part, we theoretically explore the effects of carrier

backscattering for our simulated geometry. In the thirdpart, we present an alternate explanation for the sup-pression of the low-frequency conductivities in our simu-lations and derive our modified Drude-Smith model. Fi-nally, we compare the predictions of the modified Drude-Smith model to the conductivities extracted from theMonte Carlo simulations.


Our Monte Carlo simulations are based on the mo-tion of charged, classical, noninteracting particles. Eachparticle is described by four state variables. The firstand second variables record its position in a two dimen-sional space, while the third and fourth variables trackits velocity in the x - and y-directions. At the start ofthe simulation the particles are initialized with a ther-mal distribution of velocities. For a given particle, thecomponents of velocity are assigned independently. Anumber is selected from a Gaussian distribution with 0mean and v2

th variance for each direction, so within our

simulation vth ≡√kBT/m∗. The ensemble of parti-

cles forms a Drude gas of electrons. In accordance withBrownian motion, the electrons undergo isotropic impu-rity scattering, corresponding to collisions with phononsand lattice defects. To model the scattering, a scatteringrate 1/τ is introduced, where τ is the carrier scatteringtime. Within our code the probability that a particle willscatter during a particular time step is ∆t/τ , where ∆t isthe size of a time step in the simulation. Electron scat-tering events are independent of one another, as thereare no interactions between particles. If an electron doesscatter at a particular time step, it is reinitialized with athermalized velocity at the x - and y-position that it oc-cupied when the scattering event occurred. The x and yvelocity components are selected separately, as was doneat the start of the simulation. A particle therefore hasequal probability of scattering in all directions within thex -y plane.

Weak confinement is introduced via a square box withside length L and reflective boundaries. At the start ofthe simulation the particles are initialized at random po-sitions inside the box. Whenever a particle reaches aboundary, it is either specularly reflected or transmit-ted through undisturbed. If the particle is transmittedthrough the boundary, it appears on the other side of thebox, mimicking tunneling or hopping to a new nanopar-ticle or free motion in the bulk. The probability of re-flection is defined by the parameter R, which is an inputparameter for the simulation.

To find the conductivity of the system as a functionof frequency, the conductivity at each frequency is deter-mined individually using a separate simulation. An os-cillating electric field with frequency f is applied in they-direction and each particle’s velocity is recalculated ateach time step, where the y-component of the velocity at

Page 4: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


time step n is

vy,n = vy,n-1 +eEo∆t

m∗cos (2πfn∆t) , (2)

and vy,n-1 is the y-component of the velocity at the pre-vious time step, e is the elementary charge, and Eo is theamplitude of the driving field. A mass of m∗ = 0.26me

is used for the simulations, which is the electron effectivemass in silicon.78 The velocities of the individual par-ticles are combined to find the net velocity, and hencethe net current, at each time step. In the y-direction,current oscillations are driven by the electric field, whilethe current in the x -direction provides a noise estimate.The noise is primarily determined by the thermal mo-tion. For our simulations, we use the realistic estimate ofvth = 2×105 m/s, where vth is the one-dimensional ther-

mal velocity vth=√kBT/m∗. The signal-to-noise ratio

is affected by the magnitude of the applied electric fieldthrough the size of the current response. For our simu-lations, we use a peak electric field of 1 kV/cm, which isin the linear response regime.

To avoid the transient effects that accompany the turn-on of the electric field, all time steps prior to a totalelapsed time of 5τ are discarded. A scattering time of30 fs is used in our simulations, so 5τ = 150 fs. The sim-ulation was run for 200,000 time steps for each frequency.The time step is set to 10−16 s, so the total simulationtime in each case is 20 ps. Hence, at least one periodof the driving frequency is contained in every simulationwherein f ≥ 0.05 THz. 80,000 particles are used in eachsimulation.

Each simulation provides two numbers, the real con-ductivity (σ1) and the imaginary conductivity (σ2) forthat particular simulation. In each simulation, the fre-quency of the driving field is specified, along with thephysical parameters of the electron gas and confining box.To determine the conductivity for a simulation, we makeuse of the definition of conductivity σ(ω) = J(ω)/E(ω),

where σ(ω) is the complex conductivity, J(ω) is the

Fourier transform of the current density, and E(ω) is theFourier transform of the electric field. The simulated cur-rent is recorded in the time domain and the value of theelectric field is known at all times. To obtain the conduc-tivity as a function of frequency, the current and electricfield are converted to the frequency domain via Fouriertransforms,

σ(ω) =

∫∞−∞ J (t) eiωtdt∫∞

−∞Eo cos (ωt) eiωtdt. (3)

Since the simulation is divided into discrete time steps,the integral can be evaluated as a sum. Making use ofthe identity eiωt = cos(ωt) + i sin(ωt),

σ(ω) =


J(tj) (cos(ωtj) + i sin(ωtj))


Eo cos(ωtk) (cos(ωtk) + i sin(ωtk))

. (4)



Frequency (THz)

Frequency (THz)











σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"



FIG. 1. Conductivities extracted from the Monte Carlo sim-ulations. Carriers contained in a box with a barrier reflectionprobability of R = 0 behave as an unconfined gas of electrons(a) with a Drude conductivity (b). (c) Increasing the barrierreflectivity to 100% (R=1) results in a suppression of the low-frequency conductivity qualitatively similar to that describedby the Drude-Smith model (d). Square points denote the realcomponent of the conductivity and circular points representthe imaginary component of the conductivity. Black lines arefits by the Drude model (b) and Drude-Smith model (d). Forboth simulations, τ = 30 fs, vth = 2 × 105 m/s, m∗ = 0.26me,L = 10vthτ = 60 nm, and Eo = 1 kV/cm. The scattering timeof the Drude curve in (b) is 30 fs, consistent with the sim-ulation. The parameters of the Drude-Smith fit in (d) arec= -1 and τDS = 48 fs. The scattering time τ in the axes of (b)and (d) refers to the intrinsic scattering time input into thesimulations, τ = 30 fs.

In practice, the sums extend from j = 1500, k = 1500to T = 200,000, where the starting points of the two in-dices are increased to account for initial transient effects(over the first 5τ). The fraction in Eq. (4) is brokeninto real and imaginary parts and summed separately.Each simulation has a defined driving-field frequency, soEq. (4) yields a complex number rather than a complexfunction of frequency. To build up a frequency-dependentconductivity the simulation is repeated for many frequen-cies. Once the total conductivity has been found for aparticular frequency, it is divided by Ne2τ/m∗, where τis the impurity scattering rate that is input as a parame-ter into the simulation and N is the number of electronsin the simulation. Based on this normalization, it is ex-pected that when R= 0 (Fig. 1(a)) the conductivity willbe Drude and the DC conductivity will be 1. This isindeed the case within uncertainty (defined as the scat-ter of the conductivity points), as can be seen in Fig.1(b). On the other hand, setting the barrier reflectivityto 100% (R= 1, Fig. 1(c)) produces a conductivity qual-itatively similar to that described by the Drude-Smith

Page 5: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


model, as shown in Fig. 1(d), though the Drude-Smithscattering time of τDS=48 fs in Fig. 1(d) does not matchthe simulation scattering time τ=30 fs. The connectionsbetween the simulation, the Drude-Smith model, carrierbackscattering, and carrier diffusion are discussed in de-tail in the following sections, where we also develop amodified Drude-Smith model that agrees much betterwith the Monte Carlo simulations over the entire simula-tion bandwidth, and which requires no free parameters.


A. Impulse response formalism

The impulse response formalism provides a convenientframework for our study of weakly confined systems fortwo reasons. First, we model our confined systems withdiscontinuous jumps in the potential, and this makes a so-lution of the underlying differential equation in the moretraditional method more difficult. Second, using the im-pulse formalism more directly connects our derivation tothe works by Smith,7,8,79 in which he included backscat-tering to derive the so-called Drude-Smith model. A simi-lar tact was taken by Han et al.80 to generalize this modelfor the magneto-optical conductivity.

The impulse response approach is based on the evo-lution of current after the application of an impulsivedriving force, and can be formulated as follows. The def-inition of conductivity is given by

J(ω) = σ(ω)E(ω) , (5)

where the complex notation allows us to account for thecurrent response in and out of phase with the drivingelectric field. By the convolution theorem, Eq. (5) canbe rewritten as

J(t) =

∫ ∞−∞

σ(t− t′)E(t′)dt′ . (6)

Within the impulse response formalism, an impulse ofelectric field is applied to the system such that

E(t′) = Eiδ(t′) , (7)

where it should be noted that the quantity Ei is the mag-nitude of the impulse and has units of electric field ×time, in accordance with the units of the time-dependentelectric field E(t) and delta function δ(t). Substitutingthe electric field impulse into Eq. (6),

J(t) =

∫ ∞−∞

σ(t− t′)Eiδ(t′)dt′ = σ(t)Ei . (8)

The impulse-response function is thus defined as


Ei= σ(t) ≡ j(t) . (9)

Furthermore, determining the complex conductivity σ(ω)from j(t) is straightforward, as

σ(ω) =

∫ ∞−∞

j(t) exp(iωt)dt . (10)

Therefore, provided the impulse-response function j(t)(hereafter referred to simply as the impulse response)can be determined, the conductivity of the system canbe found via the Fourier transform of j(t). Furthermore,the magnitude of the impulse response at t = 0 is givenby8

j(0) =J(0)


m∗, (11)

where N is the electron density. An added benefit of theimpulse response approach is that the Kramers-Kronigrelations are automatically satisfied because causality isintroduced at the outset.8 Finally, we note that j(t) isessentially the time-dependent current density inducedby the impulse, though lower case notation is used tomaintain proper units.

B. Drude-Smith model

The Drude model can be easily obtained via the im-pulse response approach by considering isotropic scatter-ing: for every carrier that undergoes a collision, be it witha phonon, a lattice impurity or another electron, resultingin a new velocity in the forward direction, another carrierwill undergo a collision that results in a velocity in thebackward direction. Consequently, the contribution tothe impulse response from particles that have scatteredwill be on average zero. Since only unscattered particlescontribute to the impulse response, scattering acts to de-crease the population of current-carrying particles. If thecarrier scattering rate is 1/τ , then the resulting impulseresponse is

j(t)/j(0) = exp(−t/τ)Θ(t) , (12)

where Θ(t) is the unit step function, which ensures thatno current is present prior to the impulse. Mathemati-cally, its role is to shift the limits of integration in theFourier transform connecting j(t) to σ(ω) from (−∞,∞)to [0,∞). Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. (12) givesthe well-known Drude conductivity formula given by

σ(ω) =Ne2τ/m∗

1− iωτ. (13)

In the Drude-Smith model carrier scattering is notisotropic, and hence scattering cannot be treated as asimple population decay in the impulse response formal-ism. Rather, the probability p that a carrier has under-gone n scattering events in the time interval from 0 to tis modeled using Poisson statistics, such that

pn(0, t) = (t/τ)n exp(−t/τ)/n! , (14)

Page 6: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


for a scattering rate 1/τ . To describe biased carrierbackscattering, Smith introduced the set of parameterscn. The index n represents the scattering event, wheren = 1 is the first scattering event for a given carrier, n = 2is the second scattering event, and so on. Each cn can beviewed either as a measure of the memory a carrier sus-tains of its previous velocity, or alternatively, as the prob-ability that it will backscatter (×(−1)) rather than scat-ter isotropically. The cn parameters can range from −1to 0, where complete backscattering occurs for cn = −1and isotropic scattering is recovered for cn = 0. Theimpulse response for the Drude-Smith model is


j(0)= exp(−t/τ)Θ(t)×

[1 +



]. (15)

If cn = −1 then the nth collision of a particle will resultin it scattering back in the direction it came from. Con-sequently, the contribution of said particle to the averagecurrent will change sign. Taking the Fourier transformof Eq. (15) gives

σ(ω) =Ne2τ/m∗

1− iωτ

[1 +


cn(1− iωτ)n

], (16)

which is the general form of the Drude-Smith conductiv-ity formula. However, Eq. (16) is not the conductivitymost commonly associated with the Drude-Smith model.To obtain the familiar, truncated Drude-Smith conduc-tivity formula, Smith made a key assumption, namelythat the backscattering bias exists only for the first scat-tering event. Under this approximation, cn>1 = 0 and c1is relabelled as c. The resulting series truncation yieldsthe Drude-Smith impulse response,

j(t)/j(0) = exp(−t/τ)

[1 +



]Θ(t) . (17)

The truncated Drude-Smith conductivity formula can befound via the Fourier transform of this impulse response,

σ(ω) =Ne2τ/m∗

1− iωτ

[1 +


1− iωτ

], (18)

which is the formula commonly used for fitting exper-imental conductivities9−63 that was introduced in Sec-tion I (Eq. (1) with the free fit parameter τDS set to τ).

However, Smith also noted that if the scattering eventsare independent of one another, the single-scattering ap-proximation is not valid.8 Under the alternate interpreta-tion that the scattering events are all equivalent, cn = cn

and the infinite series in the impulse response (Eq. (15))can be found exactly,

j(t)/j(0) = exp(−t/τ)




= exp(−t/τ) exp(ct/τ)Θ(t)

= exp(−t/τ ′)Θ(t) , (19)

where τ ′ = τ/(1 − c). Since evaluating the sum in theimpulse response yields an exponential decay, the Drude-Smith model collapses to the Drude model with a modi-fied scattering time,

σ(ω) =Ne2τ ′/m∗

1− iωτ ′. (20)

Reliance on the single backscattering approximationhas led to criticisms of the physicality of the truncatedDrude-Smith formula.64,68,71–73 However, we note thatthe approach introduced by Smith applies generally toany differentiable function that modifies the Drude im-pulse response, and is not specific to the case of carrierbackscattering.8,58 It is possible, therefore, that the trun-cated Drude-Smith conductivity shape observed in realsystems arises due to a somewhat different physical mech-anism than originally proposed. This is explored furtherin the following sections. Here, we predict the conduc-tivity of the weakly confined Drude gas of electrons inour Monte Carlo simulations based on the above deriva-tion of the Drude-Smith model. To describe our MonteCarlo simulations, two separate scattering mechanismsshould be included: bulk, isotropic impurity scatteringand specular boundary scattering. Impurity scattering istaken to occur at approximately the same rate as in bulk,though this is not a necessary condition. Boundary scat-tering, on the other hand, occurs at the rate that carriersencounter the nanoparticle barriers, and in contrast toimpurity scattering, the probability that a given carrierhas undergone n boundary scattering events in the timeinterval from 0 to t is unequivocally not given by Poissonstatistics. However, as a first approximation, we incorpo-rate boundary scattering as a secondary scattering eventwith a backscattering bias in the Poisson-statistics-basedDrude-Smith impulse response, such that


j(0)= exp(−t/τ) exp(−t/τB) (21)


[1 +



]Θ(t) ,

where 1/τB is the boundary scattering rate. We notethat the validity of employing Poisson statistics to de-scribe boundary scattering in our simulations is exploredin the following section. Within the current approach,scattering will always occur when a carrier reaches ananoparticle boundary. The cn parameters bias the scat-tering events between isotropic (cn = 0) and reflective(cn = −1). Furthermore, because interactions with theboundaries are equivalent within our simple model sys-tem, cn = cn. While it is possible that some unfore-seen detail could break this symmetry, we expect thatthe Drude-Smith conductivity should reduce to Eq. (20)with an effective scattering time of

τ ′ =



1− cτB


. (22)

Page 7: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


In actuality, the boundaries in our Monte Carlo simu-lations are either reflective or transmissive, and not scat-tering centers with a potential direction bias. We there-fore refine our treatment of nanoparticle barrier scatter-ing: carriers that encounter a boundary either reboundoff it or pass through it unaffected, with a probability de-fined by the reflection coefficient of the boundary. Withinour Monte Carlo simulations, only confinement in the y-direction affects the conductivity. The electric field isoriented along the y-direction, so the top and bottomwalls of the box are oriented perpendicular to the electricfield. Carriers that bounce off these walls–an event whichoccurs with a probability R–undergo collisions whereincn = (−1)n. The reflection coefficient (R), on the otherhand, changes the boundary scattering rate, so the aver-age collision time with a boundary is given by L/(Rvth).Recall that vth is defined as the root mean square speedin a single direction within our Monte Carlo simulationand L is the width of the box. Therefore, the Drude-Smith impulse response for our simulated system shouldbe


j(0)= exp(−t/τ) exp(−Rvtht/L) (23)


[1 +



]Θ(t) ,

and since the sum is again equivalent to an exponentialdecay, the conductivity of our system predicted by thefull Drude-Smith model formalism is Drude (Eq. (20))with an effective scattering time given by

τ ′ =






. (24)

While the conductivity predicted by the above formal-ism for our model system seems obvious (Eq. (20)), thisprediction is clearly incorrect. The example conductivityshown in Fig. 1(d) for a Monte Carlo simulation withR = 1 is drastically non-Drude-like, and in fact resem-bles the shape of the truncated Drude-Smith model forc = −1. The strongest argument for the series truncationis therefore that the resulting Drude-Smith conductivityresembles the simulated conductivity, and this is also of-ten the case for experimental fitting. However, we alsonote that the fit parameter τDS in Fig 1(d) does not agreewith the simulation parameters. Below, we deduce theprecise effect of carrier backscattering on the conductiv-ity of our model system to determine whether the seriestruncation can be justified in this case.

C. Carrier backscattering

Here, we reassess the effect of carrier backscatteringon the conductivity of the model system described in

Section II. In particular, the impulse response is evalu-ated explicitly for the geometry of the Monte Carlo sim-ulations. One purpose of this exercise is to determinewhether boundary scattering is accurately described byPoisson statistics or if some justification for the Drude-Smith series truncation is introduced by the regularity ofthe boundary scattering interval. Structural effects areincorporated directly into the impulse response throughan evaluation of the current evolution in the time do-main.

Our thought experiment begins with a single, clas-sical charged particle sitting in the center of a one-dimensional box of width L with boundary reflectionprobability R= 1. If an impulse to the right is providedto the particle, the resulting impulse response will be asquare wave with a period of 2L/v(0) = 2Lm∗/eEi, cor-responding to the round-trip time of the particle, wherev(0) = J(0)/(Ne) is the speed imparted to the particle.The impulse response is shown in Fig. 2(a).

If the box is alternatively filled with charged, non-interacting particles at rest, an impulse will resultin a triangle-wave impulse response with a period of2Lm∗/eEi. (A box filled with non-interacting particles isequivalent to many boxes, each containing a single par-ticle initialized at a random position.) The impulse re-sponse can be proven to be a triangle wave by simplegeometry arguments, or via an integration over phase ofsquare waves with infinitesimal amplitude. The trianglewave impulse response is shown in Fig. 2(b).

The picture of initially stationary particles does not ac-curately reflect the physics of our model system. Thus,thermal motion is introduced. As before, the one-dimensional box is filled with non-interacting particles,but they are now initialized with a background velocity.Half the particles travel right at a speed vth and half theparticles travel left at vth. Only a single speed is present,as a thermal distribution has not yet been introduced.Prior to the application of the impulse, the backgroundcurrent is zero, as shown in Fig. 2(c). The set of particlesinitially traveling right produces a triangle-wave currentwith a period 2L/vth (red curve in Fig. 2(c)). The set ofparticles initially traveling left produces a triangle wavecurrent with identical amplitude and period, but with a180◦ phase offset (blue curve in Fig. 2(c)). Therefore, thenet current is zero (black horizontal line in Fig. 2(c)).

Upon the application of an impulse to the right att = 0 a net current is produced, as shown in Fig. 2(d).The total current from the particles initially moving rightwill again be a triangle wave, but with an amplitude in-creased by the net current impulse provided to the right-moving particles. The period of the triangle wave is2L/vth − 2Lm∗/eEi. The current due to the initiallyright-moving particles is depicted by the red curve inFig. 2(d). The blue curve in Fig. 2(d) corresponds to thecurrent from the initially left-moving particles, which is atriangle wave with an amplitude reduced by the net cur-rent impulse provided to the left-moving particles and aperiod of 2L/vth + 2Lm∗/eEi. The net impulse response

Page 8: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model







(c) (d)


2L/vth 2L/vth










FIG. 2. Ballistic impulse responses of classical particles.(a) An impulse applied to a single, stationary particle at thecenter of a one-dimensional box of width L with boundaryreflection probability R= 1 will produce a square-wave im-pulse response. (b) The impulse response for a box filledwith noninteracting particles initially at rest will be a trianglewave. (c) A box filled with particles that have either v = vth orv = -vth will have zero net current because the initially right-moving and initially left-moving particles will trace out off-setting triangle wave currents (blue and red curves). (d) Animpulse applied to the system in (c) will result in a triangle-wave impulse response with a period of approximately 2L/vth

(black curve).

is the sum of the two triangle waves.If vth � eEi/m

∗, that is if the thermal speed is muchlarger than the speed provided to a particle by the im-pulse, then the two triangle waves have approximatelythe same period. This approximation is physically rea-sonable based on the characteristic free carrier velocitiesin semiconductors and metals and the peak electric fieldof a typical THz pulse used for spectroscopy. For in-stance, a THz pulse with a common peak field of 1 kV/cmwill produce a drift current in silicon on the order of103 m/s for a carrier scattering time of 30 fs, comparedto a carrier thermal velocity on the order of 105 m/s.Therefore the impulse response is approximately a trian-gle wave with a period of 2L/vth and an amplitude ofj(0). This triangle-wave impulse response is shown inblack in Fig. 2(d). Defining t◦ ≡ L/vth, the impulseresponse can be written as




Θ(t− nt◦)Θ((n + 1)t◦ − t) (25)



t◦t+ (1 + 2n)


The impulse response is labeled j◦(t) here for notationreasons that will be made clear in the following section.

Equation (25) describes the response of a ballistic sys-tem to an impulse. However, carriers contained within a

nanoparticle will experience regular impurity scattering(off lattice defects and phonons) in addition to nanos-tructure boundary scattering. In bulk, these scatter-ing events are isotropic, as discussed in the derivationof the Drude model using the impulse response formal-ism (Eqs. (12) and (13)). When nanostructure is intro-duced, though, the situation changes. Impurity scat-tering that is intrinsically isotropic becomes effectivelyanisotropic near nanostructure boundaries because par-ticles scattered towards a boundary are reflected backin the opposite direction. Therefore, accounting for im-purity scattering in a nanoparticle with an exponentialdecay in the impulse response actually models particlesthat freeze in place where they scatter, rather than par-ticles that scatter isotropically like in the Drude model.As a first approximation, however, we describe impurityscattering in our model system in this way, multiplyingthe ballistic impulse response by an exponential decay,




Θ(t− nt◦)Θ((n + 1)t◦ − t) (26)



t◦t+ (1 + 2n)

)]e−t/τ .

where τ is the impurity scattering time. In the followingsection, we improve on this approximation by introduc-ing diffusion, which allows the particle density to returnto its equilibrium distribution.

The conductivities corresponding to the impulse re-sponses in Eq. (25) and Eq. (26) are obtained by takingtheir Fourier transforms. Whereas the conductivity forthe ballistic case can be found using the Fourier series ofan infinite triangle wave (and corresponds to an infiniteseries of Dirac delta functions, each with an associateddivergence in the imaginary conductivity) impurity scat-tering makes the impulse response in Eq. (26) nonpe-riodic, so the Fourier transform must be found directly,i.e.

σ◦(ω) =Ne2



(−1)n (27)

×∫ (n+1)t◦




t◦t+ (1 + 2n)

]e(iω−1/τ)t .

The integral in Eq. (27) can be evaluated exactly, givinga geometric series that converges (only) for finite τ to

σ◦(ω) =Ne2


1− iωτ(28)

×[1 +

2τ/t◦1− iωτ

(e−t◦/τeiωt◦ − 1

e−t◦/τeiωt◦ + 1


Equation (28) has been derived based on 100% carrier re-flecting barriers, but in our Monte Carlo simulation thereis a finite probability of carrier transmission through thebarriers if R 6= 1. This mimics carrier hopping to neigh-boring nanoparticles, and is important because many

Page 9: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


nanomaterials with weak confinement will exhibit somedegree of long range, DC transport, albeit suppressed.

To introduce the added complexity of partially reflect-ing barriers, the net ballistic current that persists in thedirection of the impulse is examined as a function of time.If the nth encounter with the boundaries is defined asthe moment the last particle in the box undergoes itsnth collision, then j◦(n)/j(0) = (1 − 2R)n. This rela-tion was determined recursively, where the total currentwas calculated for a series of boundary interactions untila pattern emerged and was confirmed. Hence, the gen-eralized impulse response for barriers with a reflectionprobability of R is




Θ(t− nt◦)Θ((n + 1)t◦ − t) (29)

×[(1− 2R)n


t◦t+ (1− 2nR)

)]e−t/τ .

The Fourier transform of the impulse response can beevaluated exactly, as in the R = 1 case, giving

σ◦(ω) =Ne2


1− iωτ(30)

×[1 +

2τR/t◦1− iωτ

(e−t◦/τeiωt◦ − 1

1− (1− 2R)e−t◦/τeiωt◦


The extension of our model system to multiple dimen-sions and the generalization to a thermal distribution ofvelocities can be accomplished in a single step. In ourMonte Carlo simulation the boundaries are parallel tothe x- and y-directions, and hence boundary scatteringpreserves the speed in each direction. Since the appliedelectric field is parallel to the y-direction, confinementonly matters in this direction. Furthermore, the equipar-tition theorem ensures that the two particle velocity com-ponents are independent, and therefore a thermal distri-bution is required only in the y-direction. Furthermore,note that vth is defined to be

√kBT/m∗, independent of

dimension.To find a generalized impulse response, the impulse re-

sponse for a single speed in the y-direction is averagedover all possible y-direction speeds, weighted by a ther-mal distribution. We introduce the variable velocity inthe y-direction vy, which results in a transit time acrossthe box of L/vy, and note that vth is the variance of thethermal weighting. The integration over velocities is lim-ited to the range [0,∞) because a distinction was madebetween the forward and backward thermal velocities inthe derivation of j◦. Thus,

〈j◦(t)〉 =



∫ ∞0


thjo(vy, t)dvy . (31)

As usual, to obtain the conductivity of the model systemfrom the impulse response we take the Fourier transform,

〈σ◦(ω)〉 =



∫ ∞−∞


∫ ∞0


thdvy [j◦(vy, t)] .

(32)The order of the two integrals is interchangeable, soEq. (32) can be rewritten as

〈σ◦(ω)〉 =



∫ ∞0


thdvy [σ◦(vy, ω)] . (33)

The conductivity formula written in detail is

〈σo(ω)〉 =Ne2


1− iωτ



∫ ∞0


thdvy (34)

×[1 +


1− iωτ

(e−L/vyτeiωL/vy − 1

1− (1− 2R)e−L/vyτeiωL/vy


Note that for simplicity the integration over the magni-tude of the velocity starts at vy = 0, even though we areassuming a weak electric field. We judge this to be phys-ically reasonable because deviations from vy >> eEi/m

only occur in the low energy tail of the thermal distribu-tion.

We have directly considered the effects of boundaryscattering on the impulse response to obtain Eq. (34) andin doing so we have removed the uncertainty associatedwith the role of boundary backscattering. This shouldprovide a critical test of whether the collapsed or trun-cated Drude-Smith formula correctly describes backscat-tering in our model system of weakly confined electrons.

Equation (34) can be evaluated numerically providedthe parameters Ne2/m∗, τ, R, L, and vth are specified.Therefore, the results of our alternate derivation can becompared to the predictions based on the Drude-Smithformalism. From a mathematical standpoint the col-lapsed Drude-Smith model is expected (Eqs. (20) and(24)), while the interpretation of the Drude-Smith modeloften used in experimental fitting requires that the trun-cated form emerges (Eqs. (1) and (18)). We stress thatno fit parameters are needed for the comparison, as allthe variables are provided.

As can be seen in Fig. 3(a)-(f), the conductivities pre-dicted for a confined Drude gas of electrons by the col-lapsed Drude-Smith model (Eq. (20)) and Eq. (34) agreeover a large parameter space. Figure 3 shows the resultsof the two approaches for box widths of L = vthτ = 6 nm,L = 3vthτ = 18 nm, and L = 10vthτ = 60 nm, and bar-rier reflectivities ranging from R = 0.6 to R = 1. ForR < 0.6 the two conductivity curves are nearly identicalfor L ≥ vthτ (not shown). The only parameter set thatresults in significant discrepancy between the two theo-ries is L = vthτ , R = 1, as shown in Fig. 3(f). Whilethe difference between the curves is not large, it may in-dicate that for small boxes with highly reflective barriersthe number of boundary scattering events experienced by

Page 10: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


L = vth

R = 0.6


L = 3vth

R = 0.8

(c) L = vth

R = 0.8




1.0L = 10v


R = 1.0


0 4 8

L = 3vth

R = 1.0


0 4 8

L = vth

R = 1.0

Model systemCollapsedDrude-Smith


Frequency (THz)
















! !


! !



e2 !/m



e2 !/m


σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

FIG. 3. Conductivity of a confined Drude gas of electrons in-cluding carrier backscattering off boundaries for a selection ofbox sizes (L) and barrier reflectivities (R). Blue curves showthe complex conductivity (σ1 and σ2) of the model systemgiven by Eq. (34). Red curves show the complex conductiv-ity predicted by the Drude-Smith model, where all boundaryscattering events are taken to be equivalent and the formulacollapses to the Drude model (Eq. (20)) with a modified scat-tering time (Eq. (24)). τ = 30 fs; vth = 2 × 105 m/s.

a given particle is not well described by Poisson statis-tics.

For all sets of parameters tested we recover the Drudemodel for the conductivity of a weakly confined sys-tem based on backscattering physics, suggesting that thetruncation of the series in the derivation of the Drude-Smith model is not justified for this system. Neverthe-less, the conductivity of the Monte Carlo simulations forR 6= 0 is non-Drude and exhibits prominent conductivitysuppression at low frequencies as R approaches 1. Thephysics that is still missing is revealed by Fig. 3: the DCconductivity of electrons contained in a box with 100%reflecting barriers must be zero since long-range trans-port is impossible if a barrier is present that prevents allparticles from passing through, but this is not the casefor either Eq. (20) or Eq. (34) (see Figs. 3(a), (e), and(f)). Clearly, there is an important aspect to the systemthat has not yet been included.

The presence of a DC conductivity implies a shift in av-erage particle position due to an impulse. For our modelsystem, an initial shift due to the impulse is expected,

but afterwards the average particle position will be re-stored to the center of the box. The mechanism thatrestores the average particle position, i.e., diffusion, is ex-actly the physics that has been missing from the modelto this point. In the next section, we show how diffu-sion acts to restore the average particle position afteran impulse or to counteract the drift current induced bya continuous electric field, producing the low-frequencysuppression seen in weakly confined systems.

D. Diffusion restoring current

Consider the case of weak carrier confinement in abox with 100% reflecting boundaries. The shift in av-erage particle position induced by an impulse will re-sult in a change to the carrier density profile within thebox because the carriers are restricted from moving be-yond its walls. If a constant DC electric field were ap-plied rather than an impulse, the carrier density profilewould be exponential as a function of position in the y-direction. However, for a sufficiently small electric field(vdrift/vth � 1) the density profile can be approximatedas linear, and we assume that this is also the case for thecarrier density profile that forms following an impulse.

Figure 4 illustrates the carrier density N as a functionof position in the y-direction, parallel to the applied fieldin our Monte Carlo simulations. For a linear density pro-file, the carrier density as a function of y-position is givenby

N = N◦ + ydN

dy, (35)

whereN◦ is the average electron density in the box, and isequal to the electron density in the undisturbed system.The average particle position is

y =L2



dy, (36)

where the center of the box is defined as the origin. Theshift in average particle position due to an impulse canbe written in terms of the impulse response, since theaverage particle velocity is given by v(t) = j(t)Ei/N◦e.Thus,

y =Ei


∫ t


j(t′)dt′ . (37)

In general, if a carrier density gradient exists, a currentdue to diffusion will also be present. Diffusion requiresno electron-electron interactions or electrostatic fields; itis a consequence of probability. The diffusion current isproportional to particle density gradient, such that

Jdiff = −eDdNdy

, (38)

where D is the diffusion coefficient. Since the impulseinduces a carrier density gradient, a diffusion component

Page 11: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model



FIG. 4. Density gradient of non-interacting, classical elec-trons induced in a weakly confining nanostructure by a weakelectric field, ~E. N is the carrier density, N◦ is the averagecarrier density, y is the distance along the direction of thefield, and L is the box width.

will in turn be present within the impulse response,

jdiff(t) =−12D


∫ t


j(t′)dt′ , (39)

which is obtained by combining Eqs. (36), (37), and (38),and defining jdiff(t) ≡ Jdiff/ Ei.

The diffusion current jdiff(t) responds to the instan-taneous carrier density gradient created by the impulseand therefore will act to restore a zero gradient but gono further. If the diffusion current rate is defined as

a ≡ 12D

L2, (40)

then the total impulse response of the system for R = 1is

j(t) = j◦(t)− a∫ t


j(t′)dt′ . (41)

The rationale for labelling the impulse response in theprevious section j◦(t) is now clear, as it does not includediffusion and is consequently an incomplete impulse re-sponse for our model system. Equation (41) is valid forany position y; by taking the derivative of both sides withrespect to time, it can be rewritten as



dt− aj(t) . (42)

Furthermore, since the conductivity is obtained via theFourier transform of the impulse response, the differentialequation (Eq. (42)) need not be solved. Instead, takingthe Fourier transform directly reveals

σ(ω) = σ◦(ω)

(1− 1

1− iω/a

). (43)

Therefore, the total conductivity of our model system forR = 1 is

σ(ω) =Ne2τ ′/m∗

1− iωτ ′

(1− 1

1− iω/a

). (44)

In Eq. (44), we have made use of the equivalencebetween the collapsed Drude-Smith formula (Eq. (20)combined with Eq. (24)) and the results of our deriva-tion from the previous section (Eq. (34)). For R = 1,

τ ′ =(

1τ + 2vth


)−1, so for 100% reflecting barriers, dif-

fusion produces a conductivity that is almost identicalto the truncated Drude-Smith formula (Eqs. (1) and(18)). Equation (44) is the modified Drude-Smith modelreferred to in the Abstract that describes, without freeparameters, the conductivity of a weakly confined Drudegas of electrons inside a box with 100% reflecting bound-aries.

Recall the estimate for the length scale probed bya THz pulse given in the Introduction, Lω ≈


For comparison, the box width at which ω/a = 1 is

L =√

12D/ω. In fact, the two estimates are based onthe same physical principle, namely diffusion. If a car-rier can diffuse to a boundary during one period of theprobing electric field then its transport will be confinedover that time scale. Similarly, if an electric field is ap-plied in one direction over a sufficient time for carriers toreach the boundary and be confined, then a carrier den-sity gradient will be established, resulting in a diffusionrestoring current.

To compare our completed theoretical conductivity for-mula (Eq. (44)) with the results of the Monte Carlo sim-ulation using no free parameters, we need to identify a.The value of the diffusion coefficient depends on dimen-sionality if thermal motion is defined in multiple dimen-sions. Our thermal velocity is one-dimensional, though,so we can use the one-dimensional diffusion coefficient tomodel the Monte Carlo simulation,

D =τ ′kBT

m∗= τ ′v2

th . (45)

We note that we replace τ with τ ′ (see Eq. (24)) in thediffusion coefficient of the Drude gas when including weakconfinement, since the boundaries influence the rate ofdiffusion that would be present in an unconfined system.It was demonstrated in the previous subsection that toa good approximation, backscattering off the boundariesresults in the Drude model with a modified scatteringtime for L > vthτ . Since the conductivity of the systemin the absence of diffusion is just that of an unconfinedDrude gas with a slightly different character, we treat thediffusion coefficient in the same way. Finally, for 100%reflecting barriers,

a =12


t◦ + 2τ


where, as before, t◦ = L/vth, and we have once moremade use of Eq. (24).

In combination with Eqs. (24) and (46), Eq. (44) canbe determined for all sets of Monte Carlo parameters withR = 1. In the following section, we show that very goodagreement is obtained between our theoretical prediction

Page 12: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


and the Monte Carlo simulations. The conductivity for-mula that we have derived based on the diffusion restor-ing current is also very similar to the truncated Drude-Smith conductivity formula. The correspondence is suchthat we label Eq. (44) a modified Drude-Smith model.

The generalization of Eq. (44) to include R 6= 1 is dif-ficult and has not been completely solved here. At firstthe problem appears trivial. A fraction of the impulse re-sponse (1-R) will pass through the barrier unobstructed.The transmitted current will produce a shift in averageparticle position that does not result in a carrier densitygradient. Hence, diffusion will not counteract the shiftand the system will have a finite DC conductivity. Ofcourse, the impulse response that does not pass throughthe barrier will establish a carrier density gradient thatwill be restored to zero by diffusion. The complicationis that for R 6= 1 the carriers can also diffuse forwardthrough the partially-transmissive barrier. Forward dif-fusion will act to restore the carrier density gradient tozero because there is a difference in carrier density of LdNdyacross the barrier, but it will also produce an additionalDC conductivity. Therefore, the DC conductivity will belarger than (1 − R)Ne2τ ′/m∗ for R < 1. It is not obvi-ous to us how forward diffusion should be incorporatedinto Eq. (44). We therefore propose a phenomenologicalansatz based on the truncated Drude-Smith model:

σ(ω) =Ne2τ ′/m∗

1− iωτ ′

(1− c(R)

1− iω/a

). (47)

The parameter c(R) is expected to be less dependent onthe box size than c in the Drude-Smith model, but itsprecise dependence on R and L is not explored here.Equation (47) is the extension of the modified Drude-Smith model (Eq. (44)) promised in the Abstract thatincludes a single fit parameter to describe weakly con-fined charge carriers in a nanoscale box with boundaryreflection probability R ≤1. We explore its ability to de-scribe the results of the Monte Carlo simulations in thefollowing sections.


Here, we show the conductivities derived from theMonte Carlo simulation and the modified Drude-Smithmodel for the same input parameters. For R = 1 themodel is complete (Eqs. (24), (44), and (46)) and we cancompare the modified Drude-Smith model to the MonteCarlo simulations using no free parameters. The pa-rameters used for the Monte Carlo simulations shownin Fig. 5 were vth = 2 × 105 m/s, E◦ = 1 kV/cm,τ = 30 fs, and R = 1. These parameters allow the mod-ified Drude-Smith model given by Eq. (44) to be deter-mined exactly. The comparisons for box sizes rangingfrom L = 20vthτ = 120 nm to L = vthτ = 6 nm are shownin Fig. 5 (a)-(f).

The modified Drude-Smith model provides a remark-ably good representation of the simulation data over the

0 2 4 6 8-0.5



L = 20vth




e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)0 4 8 12 16





e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)

L = 10vth



0 8 16 24 32-0.5



L = 5vth


e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)


0 12 24 36 48-0.5



L = 3vth

! σ(N

e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)


0 20 40 60 80-0.5



L = 2vth


e2 !/m

*)Frequency (THz)


0 40 80 120 160-0.5



L = vth

! σ(N

e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)


σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

FIG. 5. Monte Carlo simulations of nanoparticles with 100%reflecting barriers for a range of nanoparticle sizes. The com-plex conductivities obtained from the Monte Carlo simulationfor (a) L = 20vthτ = 120 nm, (b) L = 10vthτ = 60 nm, (c) L =5vthτ = 30 nm, (d) L = 3vthτ = 18 nm, (e) L = 2vthτ = 12 nm,and (f) L = vthτ = 6 nm are compared to the modified Drude-Smith model with R=1 (Eq. (44)). Red squares denote thesimulated σ1, red circles denote the simulated σ2 and blacklines correspond to the modified Drude-Smith model. Nofit parameters are necessary for the modified Drude-Smithmodel because it is exactly determined by the input param-eters of the Monte Carlo simulation. For all simulations,R = 1, vth = 2 × 105 m/s, τ = 30 fs, m∗ = 0.26me, andEo = 1 kV/cm.

entire range of box sizes and over the full bandwidthof the simulations. For small box sizes (L = 2vthτ inFig. 5(e), L = vthτ in Fig. 5(f)) the modified Drude-Smith model deviates slightly from the simulation, possi-bly because the collapsed Drude-Smith model (Eqs. (20)and (24)) does not perfectly reproduce the conductiv-ity described by Eq. (34) in this regime, as shown inFig. 3(e) and Fig. 3(f). Scaling the L = vthτ conductiv-ity predicted by Eq. (44) up by a factor of about 20%,however, produces a good fit (not shown).

On the other hand, the modified Drude-Smith modelis not complete for R 6= 1, though we have proposed anansatz, shown in Eq. (47). The functional form of thenew parameter c(R) is unknown, but since all the param-eters of the Monte Carlo simulation are known, we canfit the R dependence of the simulation using only c(R).

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e2 !/m


0 4 8 12 16-0.5




e2 !/m


Frequency (THz)





e2 !/m






e2 !/m






e2 !/m






e2 !/m


R = 0


R = 0.4


R = 0.6


R = 0.8


R = 0.9


R = 1.0


0 4 8 12 16Frequency (THz)

0 4 8 12 16Frequency (THz)

0 4 8 12 16Frequency (THz)

0 4 8 12 16Frequency (THz)

0 4 8 12 16Frequency (THz)

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ1( )"

σ2( )"

FIG. 6. Monte Carlo simulations of nanoparticles of widthL = 10vthτ = 60 nm for a range of barrier reflectivities. Con-ductivities are shown for (a) R = 0, (b) R = 0.4, (c) R = 0.6,(d) R = 0.8, (e) R = 0.9, and (f) R = 1.0. Red squaresrepresent σ1 and red circles represent σ2. Black lines are fitsto the data by the modified Drude-Smith model for R ≤1(Eq. (47)). The lone fit parameter is c(R), which is shownas a function of R in Fig. 7. The simulation parameters arevth = 2×105 m/s, τ = 30 fs, m∗ = 0.26me, and Eo = 1 kV/cmfor all cases.

We note that c(R) is the only parameter that changes inthe fitting, since the incorporation of R into a is easilyaccomplished via Eq. (24), Eq. (40), and Eq. (45).

Monte Carlo simulations were run with the parametersvth = 2× 105 m/s, Eo = 1 kV/cm, τ = 30 fs, L = 10vthτ ,and R ranging from 0 to 1. The results are shown in Fig.6(a)-(f). Equation (47) provides good fits to the data forall simulations via the single fitting parameter c(R).

The functional form of c(R) was not derived in the pre-vious section, so an estimate is made here based on thefitting results in Fig. 6. The c(R) best-fit parametersused in Fig. 6(a)-(f) are shown in Fig. 7. Within error,they follow the relation

c(R) = A(eBR − 1


for L = 10vthτ . For the exponential fit in Fig. 7 (redcurve), A = 0.045 ± 0.002 and B = 3.12 ± 0.05. Theexponential dependence of c(R) on R suggests that itsidentity should be exactly solvable, but that step lies inthe realm of future work. It is also possible that c(R) has

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.0









0.0 0.5 1.00.0








FIG. 7. Fit parameters c(R) used to match the modifiedDrude-Smith model (Eq. (47)) to the Monte Carlo simula-tions in Fig. 6 (L = 10vthτ = 60 nm, R ranging from 0 to1). Navy blue points show c(R) values, while the red curveis an exponential fit to the points. Inset: Suppression of DCconductivities extracted from the Monte Carlo simulations,shown as green points with a connecting line (error bars aredefined based on the scatter of points of the Monte Carlo con-ductivity). The exponential fit to the c(R) data is shown asa red curve for comparison.

some dependence on L (e.g. as shown in Ref. 76) butthis requires further study. The inset of Fig. 7 showsthe suppression of the Monte Carlo DC conductivitiesas a function of R. This tracks c(R) and the exponen-tial fit to c(R) is shown for comparison. We note thatthe nonlinear progression of the DC conductivity with Rwas anticipated based on forward diffusion through thebarrier, since without forward diffusion the dependencewould be close to linear.


Although the truncated Drude-Smith model has beenwidely applied to experimental data, interpreting the re-sulting fits has sometimes proven challenging. Even whenit is treated as a purely phenomenological formula, prob-lems can still arise. Nemec et al. highlighted this is-sue by comparing the truncated Drude-Smith model totheir Monte Carlo simulations over the frequency range oftypical THz spectroscopy measurements.76 They demon-strated that the Drude-Smith fit parameters τDS and c(see Eq. (1)) actually exhibit a complicated dependenceon nanoparticle size, nanoparticle boundary reflectivity,and carrier mean free path. Moreover, they also foundthat the truncated Drude-Smith model was not in generalcapable of fitting their simulations over a broader spec-tral range.76 Conversely, Cooke et al. showed that thetruncated Drude-Smith model is capable of fitting theconductivities measured by ultrabroadband THz spec-troscopy of silicon nanocrystal films.16 In the following,we explain how the modified Drude-Smith model for

Page 14: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


R= 1 (Eq. (44)) resolves this apparent discrepancy. Wefurther provide recommendations for how and when touse the modified Drude-Smith model to describe experi-mental THz spectroscopy data.

We first consider the complex conductivity from ourMonte Carlo simulations for L = 10vthτ and R =1, withτ = 30 fs (Fig. 8(a), red squares and circles). The plot isdivided into two frequency regimes: (i) 0 - 1.65 THz, forcomparison with conventional THz spectroscopy experi-ments, and (ii) 1.65 - 16 THz. The modified Drude-Smithmodel (Eq. (44), solid black curves) accurately repro-duces the simulated complex conductivity with no freeparameters over the entire frequency range. In contrast,even with three free parameters (τDS, c, and NDS, whichreplaces N in Eq. (1) and acts as a scaling factor) thetruncated Drude-Smith model cannot fit the simulationresults over the same bandwidth. The green dashed linesshow a truncated Drude-Smith fit to the simulation datain frequency region (i). It not only fails to fit the simu-lation data in region (ii), but it also yields inaccurate fitparameters. Whereas the expected scattering time,

τ ′ =






, (49)

is 25 fs (for derivation see Eq. (24)), τDS for the greendashed curve is 120 fs. This is between the scatter-ing time of the simulation, τ = 30 fs, and the averageelectron transit time across the box in the simulation,t◦= 300 fs, but close to neither. Additionally, NDS = 0.4Nfor the green dashed curve rather than the correct valueof NDS =N , though c= -1 as expected. Fitting theDrude-Smith model instead to frequency range (ii) ofthe simulated conductivity gives the blue dotted curve inFig. 8(a), which clearly diverges from the simulated com-plex conductivity in region (i). In this case τDS = 48 fs(i.e. it is closer to the real value but still incorrect), c=-1, and NDS =N . Finally, if the Drude-Smith scatteringrate is set to 25 fs, the truncated Drude-Smith conduc-tivity does not fit the simulated conductivity in eitherfrequency range, as the peak of σ1 blueshifts to 6 THz.

The reason that the truncated Drude-Smith modelcannot fit the simulation data across the whole frequencyrange in Fig. 8(a) can be understood by comparing it tothe modified Drude-Smith model. For R= 1, the primarydifference between the two formulas (Eq. (1) with c= -1and Eq. (44), respectively) is that the modified Drude-Smith model contains two separate characteristic times.The first is τ ′, which is the inverse of the total scatteringrate (see Eq. (49)). The second is the diffusion time,tdiff, where

tdiff = 1/a =t◦12

(t◦ + 2τ


), (50)

so the modified Drude-Smith model for R=1 can berewritten as

σ(ω) =Ne2τ ′/m∗

1− iωτ ′

(1− 1

1− iωtdiff

). (51)

0 2 4 6 8





20 40 60

Frequency (THz)




-0.50 1 4 8 1612

Frequency (THz)




σ1( )" (b)

(a)σ1( )"

σ2( )"

σ2( )"






FIG. 8. Fitting conductivities with the modified Drude-Smithmodel vs. the truncated Drude-Smith model. (a) MonteCarlo simulation for a box with L= 10vthτ = 60 nm and R= 1(red squares: σ1; red circles: σ2). The modified Drude-Smithmodel (solid black curves) is determined from the simula-tion parameters and has no free fit parameters. Two trun-cated Drude-Smith model fits to the simulated conductiv-ity are shown: (i) one for low frequencies, below 1.65 THz(green dashed curves), and (ii) one for high frequencies, above1.65 THz (blue dotted curves). The fit parameters for thegreen dashed curves are c= -1 and τDS = 120 fs, and an addi-tional scaling factor of 0.4 has been applied (i.e. NDS = 0.4N).The fit parameters for the blue dotted lines are c= -1 andτDS = 48 fs, and no scaling factor has been applied. (b) MonteCarlo simulation for a box with L= 2vthτ = 12 nm and R= 1(red squares: σ1; red circles: σ2). The modified Drude-Smithmodel (solid black curves) is again determined completely bythe simulation parameters. Only one truncated Drude-Smithmodel curve is shown in this case (green dashed lines) becauseboth the low and high frequency regions of the conductiv-ity can be fit simultaneously, since tdiff ≈ τ ′. The truncatedDrude-Smith parameters are c= -1 and τDS = τ ′= 15 fs, andno scaling factor is applied. For both simulations, τ = 30 fs,vth = 2× 105 m/s, m∗= 0.26me, and Eo = 1 kV/cm. The scat-tering time τ in the axes refers to the intrinsic scattering timeinput into the simulations, i.e. τ = 30 fs.

The truncated Drude-Smith model is effectively a spe-cial case of the modified Drude-Smith model in whichτDS = τ ′= tdiff. Hence, the failure of the Drude-Smith model to fit the Monte Carlo conductivity inFig. 8(a) occurs because this is not a good approxi-mation for L= 10vthτ . Indeed, calculating tdiff andτ ′ for L/(vthτ) = t◦/τ = 10 reveals that tdiff =10τ andτ ′= 5τ/6. On the other hand, there is also a regime inwhich τ ′= tdiff is a good approximation, and even a par-ticular choice of t◦/τ for which it is exactly true. SettingEq. (49) equal to Eq. (50), we find that this occurs fort◦/τ ≈1.5.

Figure 8(b) shows the complex conductivity from a

Page 15: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


Monte Carlo simulation with L= 2vthτ = 12 nm, R= 1,and τ = 30 fs (red squares and circles). Here, t◦/τ = 2,tdiff = 2τ/3, and τ ′= τ/2, so the Drude-Smith approxi-mation tdiff ≈ τ ′ is more realistic. We have again splitthe dataset into two frequency regimes, but this time (i)corresponds to 0 - 8.5 THz for comparison with the ultra-broadband spectroscopy of Cooke et al.16 and (ii) cor-responds to 8.5 - 60 THz. For this dataset, the modifiedDrude-Smith model (solid black curves) again providesa good representation of the complex conductivity overthe entire frequency window with no free parameters, al-though its magnitude is ∼20% too low, as was previ-ously noted in Section IV. Additionally, in contrast tothe previous dataset, the truncated Drude-Smith modelalso matches the simulation data reasonably well with-out free parameters. The green dashed line in Fig. 8(b)is the Drude-Smith conductivity for NDS =N , c= -1, andτDS = 15 fs. These parameters are obtained from the nor-malization of the simulation data, the reflectivity of thebox in the simulation, and τDS = τ ′ (with τ ′ calculatedusing Eq. (49)), respectively. Thus, the truncated Drude-Smith model agrees with the Monte Carlo simulation forL= 2vthτ , both in terms of the conductivity shape andparameter values. This explains the excellent agreementbetween the truncated Drude-Smith model and the ex-perimental data over an ultrabroadband frequency rangein Ref. 16, where the silicon nanocrystal sizes rangedfrom vthτ to 3vthτ .

Since the modified Drude-Smith model does not sufferfrom the same limitations as the truncated Drude-Smithmodel (as evidenced by its good agreement with ourMonte Carlo simulations), we expect it to fit all appropri-ate microscopic experimental conductivities over an ul-trabroadband frequency range, not just those that satisfytdiff ≈ τ ′. The modified Drude-Smith model contains oneadditional parameter for fitting experimental data com-pared to the truncated Drude-Smith model, but as we’veshown above this is necessary to accurately describe thetwo characteristic time scales of a weakly confined Drudegas of electrons. These two time scales, represented bytdiff and τ ′ in the modified Drude-Smith model, affectthe shape of the complex conductivity in different ways.It should therefore be possible to distinguish their re-spective influences on the conductivities measured byultrabroadband THz spectroscopy. However, conven-tional THz spectroscopy encompasses a much narrowerfrequency window than that shown by Cooke et al.,16

with a typical range of ∼0.4 - 2.5 THz . We anticipatethat fitting the modified Drude-Smith model to conduc-tivity data in such a limited frequency window will lead tofit parameter ambiguities in some cases, especially thosein which the peak of σ1 is far above or below the mea-surement bandwidth. Consequently, it is imperative thatcomplementary techniques be used to independently cor-roborate the modified Drude-Smith model fit parame-ters. Experimentally, this can be done by, for example,imaging the morphology of the nanostructured sample orrecording its DC conductivity via four-point-probe mea-

surements.The context of the modified Drude-Smith model should

also be understood before applying it to experimentalTHz conductivities. We reiterate that it is a purely clas-sical formula that was derived under the assumption ofnon-interacting particles. It should not be used to de-scribe nanosystems exhibiting quantum confinement, asit is only valid when charge carriers can be approximatedas a Drude gas. This defines a lower bound for the size ofsuitable nanosystems–roughly the carrier mean free path,the boundary between the microscopic and mesoscopicscales. It is therefore unimportant that the model devi-ates from our Monte Carlo simulations for L=vthτ (Fig.5(f)), because although both the approximation that theboundary scattering rate is roughly given by Poissonstatistics (Fig. 3) and the approximation that the dif-fusion coefficient is Drude-like (Eq. (45)) break down, areal system would be quantum mechanical for L <vthτanyway. Drude-Smith-like conductivity signatures mayalso arise in some cases due to quantum confinement,tunneling, or transport effects,68,69,75 but such systemsrequire an independent theoretical treatment and are be-yond the scope of this work.

A second aspect which has not been incorporated intoour model so far is the Coulomb interaction. As we de-scribed in the Introduction, the displacement of chargecarriers in a nanoparticle by an external field results in alocal depolarization field that will act to restore the equi-librium charge distribution. For non-percolated systems,the local nanoparticle conductivity thus contains a local-ized surface plasmon resonance that depends on carrierdensity and nanoparticle geometry. In isolated nanopar-ticles this resonance can be described by a Lorentz os-cillator model,64–67 and in systems of non-percolatednanoparticles an appropriate EMT can in some cases con-nect the macroscopic conductivity of the system to themicroscopic conductivity inside the nanoparticles.70–74.However, since the modified Drude-Smith conductivityrepresents the microscopic response of an entire nanopar-ticle (or even a nanoparticle network) and not the intrin-sic conductivity of the material inside it, it is unclearwhether it can be combined with conventional EMTsto account for depolarization fields. A revised formal-ism may be required, such as the approach of Nemec etal.71 or Di Sia and Dallacasa.91 Notably, simulations inRef. 71 revealed that depolarization fields in percolatednanoparticle networks are minimal. Local-field correc-tions to the modified Drude-Smith model are thereforerelevant mainly for non-percolated systems.

Finally, it is important to point out that while the con-ductivity measured by conventional THz spectroscopycan be affected by depolarization fields, it is actually thebare microscopic conductivity that is most relevant fornext generation techniques like THz scanning tunnelingmicroscopy81–84 and THz time-domain nanoscopy.85–90

These approaches can access the local conductivity insidesingle nanoparticles81,88 and operate beyond the restric-tions of EMTs. As such, they may provide a fundamental

Page 16: Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model


test of the modified Drude-Smith model for weakly con-fined systems.


In conclusion, we have derived an expression for theconductivity of a weakly confined Drude gas of classical,non-interacting electrons. Its predictions agree remark-ably well with Monte Carlo simulations and require nofree parameters for confining structures with 100% re-flecting barriers. A generalized formula is proposed forthe case of partially transmissive barriers that also pro-vides good agreement with simulations, but which re-quires one fitting parameter. The functional form of ourmodel is very similar to the Drude-Smith formula thathas been used to fit the THz conductivities of a widevariety of nanomaterials. However, we find that for ourmodel system the characteristic conductivity shape is aconsequence of diffusion and not carrier backscattering.For low frequencies a carrier density gradient is estab-lished that results in a diffusion current in the oppositedirection of the drift current, reducing the net conduc-tivity. This effect is intrinsically related to the probing

length scale of a THz pulse–the distance a carrier diffusesin one period of the probing frequency. Our results donot negate the conventional interpretation of the Drude-Smith model in general, only for our model system, whereclassical particles are structurally confined. It is stillpossible that carrier backscattering is a valid explana-tion for the suppression of low-frequency conductivitiesin other types of systems. Nevertheless, for weakly con-fined charge carriers our modified Drude-Smith modelprovides a direct connection between THz conductivityand microscopic particle motion that will lead to newinsight in future THz spectroscopy studies.


This work was supported by funding from the Natu-ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Al-berta Science and Research Investment Program (AS-RIP), Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF),and the iCORE Centre for Interdisciplinary Nanoscience(iCiNano). The authors thank D. G. Cooke for valuablediscussions.

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