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Micro Technical Features

Micro Technical Features

Stand by me

Stand By Me - Cinematography

Long shot of the four boys walking up the tracksPOV of all the boys seeing the body for the first timeStand By Me - Cinematography

Overhead shot to show both the boys and the bodyTracking shot as they walk towards the bodyHigh angle close up of the body (POV from the boys)Stand by me mise-en-scene

Time appropriate clothing

Train tracks

Trees and forest

Shoulder bags and water containers


Stand by me - editing

POV editing pattern



Stand by me - sound

Ambient sound trees rustling, the gravel being walked on

Dialogue between the four boys

Non-diegetic voice over

Non-diegetic score


None of us could breathe. Somewhere under those bushes was the rest of Ray Brower. The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds just like it had knocked the life out of his body. The kid wasn't sick. The kid wasn't sleeping. The kid was dead.Click to edit Master title style

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Fourth level

Fifth level

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Click to edit Master subtitle style

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Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

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Fourth level

Fifth level

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Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Click to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles

Edit Master text styles

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Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Edit Master text styles

Edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style


Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

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Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Edit Master text styles

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

Click icon to add picture

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Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

Click icon to add picture

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Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

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Click to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles

Edit Master text styles

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles


Click to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles

Edit Master text styles

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles

Edit Master text styles

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

Edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Celestia-R1---OverlayContentHD.pngClick to edit Master title style

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Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level